Ladies Study Guide: Thomas – The man and the Apostle

I chose to do this study on the Apostle Thomas because I am intrigued by the fact that after hundreds, thousands of years even, that he is known or remembered by the term “Doubting Thomas”. What a legacy to leave behind. Yet, he was still an Apostle, one of the twelve chosen by to teach and preach the into the world as a witness after Christ was gone. I wonder how Thomas will feel about this “legacy” when he is resurrected? I wonder why this example was left for us and what we can learn from it? Doubting is now doubt a part of being human. (haha) Is there more to Thomas than this one mention of him doubting Christ’s resurrection? What other terms, feelings do we experience that cause doubt and how do we deal with them? What are your thoughts and questions about this apostle?

What does it mean to doubt?

What other words might we use that have the same meaning as “doubt”?

What is the opposite of doubting?

What can we learn about Thomas and his example from the bible and any other sources? (Commentaries, internet etc.) I have included some of the things I learned. Do you have anything to add?

-Thomas is his Hebrew name, Didymus is his Greek name and both mean twin.

-His name occurs 12 times in the bible, once in Matt, Mark, Luke and Acts and four times in John. (Matt. 10:3) (Mark 3:18)(Luke 6:15)(John 11:16, 14:5,6, 20:24-29, 21:2)(:13)

-He was chosen from the many disciples by Christ to be one of the 12 Apostles. (Matt. 10:1-3) (Mark 3:13-18)(Luke 6:12-15)

-The Apostles were going to be sent forth to preach the gospel of Christ and given power over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal sickness and diseases.

-He wrote no letters recorded in the bible.

We don’t know for sure who his twin is but early church tradition suggests Lydia of , seller of purple or Matthew because three times he is listed next to him in scripture.

-Eusebius, a Christian historian says that Thomas traveled to India preaching the gospel there until he was martyred.

-Marco Polo, 13th century explorer, visited India and met a group of Christians who said that Thomas’s tomb was on the east coast of India.

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Read John 11:1-44, comments on Vs. 16.

What does this tell us about his character? Thoughts, comments:

Thomas was present at the resurrection of Lazarus but did he fully understand it and what it meant?

Read John 14:1-7 Comments?

Read John 20:17-20, 24-29.

What is Thomas most known for and why?

Thomas believed instantly and without doubt when he saw and felt Christ, but belief is not enough, we also need faith. And remember, he did not have the holy spirit yet. While it was promised by Christ, they did not receive it until , written about in .

We must have faith in the unseen and we cannot have true faith without the holy spirit.

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Was he the only one who ever doubted? Thoughts? Examples:

Mar 16:1-15

Luke 24:1-53

Matt 28:17 (read commentary)

Other examples of unbelief or doubt:

Last mention of Thomas in the bible:

Acts 1:1-14

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Do you have a take away from the examples of Thomas?

How do you deal with doubts and fears?

What are your favorite scriptures that help you deal with doubts? Give you comfort and confidence?

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