15th OpenFOAM Workshop - June 22, 2020 - Technical Session I-D A flexible and preCICE solver coupling ecosystem Gerasimos Chourdakis, Technical University of Munich
[email protected] Benjamin Uekermann, Eindhoven University of Technology
[email protected] Find these slides on GitHub https://github.com/MakisH/ofw15-slides The Big Picture e r ic r te c e p e lv a r o d p s a lib structure fluid solver solver The Big Picture e r ic r te c e p e lv a r o d p s a lib structure fluid solver solver in-house commercial solver solver The Big Picture e r ic r te c e p e lv a r o d p s a lib structure fluid solver solver OpenFOAM CalculiX SU2 Code_Aster foam-extend FEniCS deal-ii Nutils MBDyn in-house commercial solver solver API in: C++ Python Matlab ANSYS Fluent C Fortran COMSOL The Big Picture e r ic r te c e p e lv a r o d p s a lib structure fluid solver A Coupling Library for Partitioned Multi-Physics Simulations solver OpenFOAM CalculiX SU2 Code_Aster . foam-extend FEniCS deal-ii . Nutils MBDyn communication data mapping in-house commercial solver solver coupling schemes time interpolation API in: C++ Python Matlab ANSYS Fluent C Fortran COMSOL News preCICE v2.0 Simplified config & API Better building & testing XML reference & visualizer xSDK member Faster initialization Better Python bindings Spack / Debian / AUR New Matlab bindings packages Upgrade guide in the wiki Other news deal.ii adapter new non-linear example for FSI FEniCS adapter new example for FSI code_aster adapter revived for code_aster 14 and preCICE v2 The OpenFOAM adapter