Wakaf in Malaysia: [2006] 1 ShLR Its Legal Evolution and Development 8 1 by NUARRUALHILAL BIN MDDAHLAN~ Universiti Utara Malaysia & DR ABDULRANI ~MARUDIN~ International Islamic University, Malaysia Introduction Islam came to South-East Asia in the early 13th century: particularly to the current states forming Malaysia5 as is apparent from researches and findings D of local scholars such as Ahmad Ibrahim; Syed Muhammad Naquib Al- Atta~,~and western legal scholar such as MB Ho~ker.~The spread of Islam Adapted from a paper presented at the International Legal History Conference (Mapping the Law), School of Law, University of Exeter, 3-5h April 2003 LLB(Hons), LLB(Shariah) (Hons) (HUM), LLM(UKM), ICSAm), Non- practicing Advocate & Solicitor (High Court In Malaya), Syarie Counsel(Penang), Lecturer Faculty of Public Management and Law, Universiti Utara Malaysia. LLB(Hons), MCL(IIUM), Ph.D in Law (Exeter), Non-practicing Advocate & Solicitor (High Court of Malaya), Syarie Counsel (Kuala Lumpur and Negeri Sembilan), Assistant Professor, Ahrnad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Law, International Islamic University, Malaysia. Notwithstanding that, certain scholars opined that Islam had set its foot in the Malay archipelagos since the 7th century during the reign of the guided caliphs. This is the view of Professor Dr Hamka. See H Rusydi Hamka, Hamka: Ilujangga Islam, IZebanggaan Rumpun Melayu, Menatap Peribadi dun Marabamya (Hamka: Muslim Philosopher, the Proud of the Malay Community, Looking Into His Personality and Dignityl, Pustaka Dini Sdn Bhd Shah Alam, Malaysia, 2002, p 115-1 16. These states consist of the states in the Peninsular Malaysia, namely Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Johore, Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan, and Sabah & Sarawak in Borneo.
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