Please read all of the materials in this policy packet. The packet includes important information regarding security and dismissal procedures, attendance and absence policies, absence policies, and other information that you will need to be aware of during your child’s learning experience at Bradley East. These policies have been instituted to help your child have a safe and productive learning environment in our school. Thank you for your cooperation.


When a student is released from school prior to the scheduled dismissal for that day, that student shall be discharged from school only to the student’s parent(s) or guardian or to a person designated in writing on the Pupil Emergency Information Card by the parent(s) or guardian to receive the student. A parent or legal guardian must call or send a note giving permission for anyone other than themselves to pick up their child from school before the end of the school day. If you need to pick your child up early, we cannot have the child ready in the office, the student must stay in class until the office staff verifies the photo ID of parent/guardian

The school district staff shall refuse to release a student to any person, whether related or unrelated to the student, who has not been authorized, in writing, by the legal custodial parent(s) or guardian to receive the child. Persons not known to the staff (including parents/guardians) shall be required to provide a driver’s license (with photo) or photo identification card issued by the Secretary of State to establish their identity prior to a student’s release to them. As hard as our staff tries, it is impossible to remember all of our parents and which child belongs to them, so please bring your identification into the school each time you want to sign your child out.

When a child is released, the school shall maintain a record of to whom the student was released and the date and time that the child is released. No student will be permitted to leave school grounds prior to the scheduled or announced dismissal time without being signed out in person.

In the event of a district-wide or school-wide emergency necessitating an early dismissal for all students or classes of students or the need to release groups of students to one responsible adult, instructions indicated on the Disaster Form completed by parents will take precedent over all other instructions.


IF YOUR CHILD IS GOING TO BE ABSENT, PLEASE CALL BRADLEY EAST BY 10AM AND NOTIFY THE OFFICE OF THE ABSENCE. Please leave your name, child’s name, teacher’s name, and reason for absence. If you would like, you can request homework, which will be sent to the office by 3:00 that day. The Bradley East Office phone number is 933-2233. If you call during hours that the office is not open, you may leave a message on the voice mail.

We do an attendance check on all students whom we have not heard from, because we are concerned for their safety. If we do not hear from you, two attempts will be made to check on the child's absence. If contact cannot be made, please send a note stating the reason for absence with the returning student.

Our school's attendance policy can be located in the assignment notebook issued the 1st week of school.


LISTEN TO OUR LOCAL RADIO STATIONS for information on the following: Please do not call the school for this information.

***SCHOOL CANCELLATION due to snow or ice storm, etc. The decision will be made and called in by 6:30 AM for all grades.

***EMERGENCY EARLY DISMISSAL decisions due to heat over 90 degrees, blizzard, etc., are made by 11:00 AM for all grades. No PM Pre-School if emergency early dismissal.

WKAN (1320 AM) WONU (89.7 FM) WVLI (95.1 FM)

Dear Mom & Dad,

*Please don’t send me to school if I have a fever or have vomited in the last 24 hours. I need rest to get better and I might make my teacher or my friends sick.

* Always tell the school if I have a medical problem that can affect my school day, the need to know so they call you when my teacher has a concern or I am sick.

*Please make sure the school has all the correct phone numbers. I am trying to learn a lot of new things, so I may not remember our phone numbers especially if I am feeling sick.

*Call the school every day I will be off school. There is an answering machine so you can leave a message. Also be sure to let them know the reason for my absence or my friends and teacher might worry.

*If I have a small cough or a sniffle, it is ok to send me to School. I am learning so much and I don’t want to miss a thing.

Love, Me