The Faculty of Newsletter November 2018 The world of homeopathy mourns the death of Dr Peter Fisher he has He will be greatly missed by his been inundated with messages colleagues and patients alike.” Tof condolence following the In its statement the Friends of the tragic death of its president Dr Peter RLHIM described Dr Fisher as one of Fisher, who died in August after being the world’s leaders in homeopathy involved in a traffic accident when research. “But over and above this,” cycling to work. He was 67 years old. the statement continued, “he will Dr Fisher joined the Faculty in 1977 be remembered as a kind and and became its president in March this compassionate doctor, a brilliant mind year. His long involvement with the and a good friend.” organisation included being the editor- From the world of politics the Rt in-chief of its peer-reviewed journal Hon Lord Hain of Neath, a supporter Homeopathy for 32 years. of homeopathy and president of the As soon as news of Dr Fisher’s death Friends of the RLHIM, said Dr Fisher was was announced, tributes poured in “an inspirational individual to whom from friends and colleagues from all those of us who support homeopathy over the world. While these messages will always remain indebted; he will conveyed the shock and sadness that Dr Peter Fisher 1950 - 2018 not be forgotten”. He added: “It is said people were feeling at Dr Fisher’s that none of us is indispensable but passing, they also reflected the respect, at a time when homeopathy is under admiration and affection in which He continued: “His profound assault, Dr Fisher certainly was.” he was held by the international knowledge and forthright manner Former Liberal politician and a homeopathy community, the medical were a comfort and a strength to all patron of the Friends of the RLHIM, profession and those engaged in of us who shared his endeavours: Roger Pincham CBE, echoed Lord Hain’s scientific research. to understand homeopathy in all its thoughts. “ and the whole of Irreplaceable talent simplicity and its complexity; to defend society are the poorer for his death and Leading the tributes was the Faculty’s it unstintingly against any odds; and to an embattled cause has lost its most chief executive, Greg White, who said: practise homeopathic medicine in a effective champion.” “It is no exaggeration to say that in Peter way which provides the best in care for A huge void we have lost an irreplaceable talent, our patients.” The enormous gap left by Dr Fisher’s a giant in all his fields of professional In a press statement issued by death was mentioned repeatedly. In a endeavour – as a clinician, a researcher, the NHS Trust that manages the letter to the Faculty, Dr Ronald Davey, an academic and a champion of Royal London Hospital for Integrated former physician to Her Majesty The medical homeopathy. The loss is huge Medicine (RLHIM), medical director Queen, wrote: “Peter was a very fine to his family and our community.” Dr Gill Gaskin said: “Peter was a highly doctor and researcher, and achieved so Peter Gregory, Faculty veterinary regarded colleague and friend of much in his career. There is absolutely dean, also paid a moving tribute, many at the RLHIM, where he worked no doubt his untimely loss will leave a describing Dr Fisher as “a figure of for more than 35 years. He was an huge void now in all the positions for unique stature” and that homeopathic international figure in homeopathy which he held responsibility.” veterinarians around the world were who was committed to holistic and mourning his loss. compassionate care for his patients. continued on page 3 EDITORIAL

riting this editorial will be speak volumes of the high regard in Greg White one of the most difficult which he was held. I think it fair to say Wtasks I have had to do in my the global homeopathic community professional life. has closed ranks around the Faculty On the afternoon of 15 August I and, to my mind, it is at an international took the call that informed me of level where we must look to shape Dr Peter Fisher’s tragic death in a road Peter’s legacy. accident in London earlier that day. So it was particularly fitting There seems little point going over the congress programme had that dreadful event here. We all know such a diverse array of people and the sad facts of the matter and share a organisations from all over the world. common sense of the scale of our loss. I know Peter would have been proud Peter had been elected unopposed to have opened the event. I also to the Faculty presidency only in like to think he would have been March 2018. furiously networking over the three He was director of research at days in Liverpool, hatching plans the NHS Royal London Hospital for and projects to keep the Faculty of Integrated Medicine, Europe’s largest Homeopathy in the vanguard of centre for integrative medicine, and our worldwide community. For the was previously honorary consultant As well as being a homeopathic Faculty’s international standing is a clear rheumatologist at King’s College physician, scientist and teacher, Peter competitive edge. There are still many Hospital, London. A graduate of was editor-in-chief of the Faculty’s parts of the world where homeopathy Cambridge University and a Fellow journal Homeopathy from 1986 to 2018. is deep rooted and growing. of the Royal College of Physicians As he joked, life sentences are shorter! Reaching out to healthcare and the Faculty of Homeopathy, he Peter’s contribution to the success of professionals globally is the key reason was a widely published expert in the journal – his journal, as he called it the Faculty has revised its membership rheumatology and complementary and – was immense. New publisher, Thieme eligibility criteria and developed a . Peter chaired the Verlag, has kindly offered to make a waiting list of potential members. World Health Organisation’s working donation in Peter’s memory which I Peter was active in the debate about group on homeopathy and was a hope will seed a fund many will want to membership eligibility during his member of its Expert Advisory Panel contribute to in the coming months. short time in office. He supported the on Traditional and Complementary We have lost a wonderful friend, move to grow our membership by the Medicine. He was also physician to Her colleague and leader and we are all too inclusion of healthcare and veterinary Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. aware of the enormous gap he leaves professionals eligible for statutory behind in the homeopathic world. registration in the jurisdictions/ Even at times of the greatest legislatures of their practice, who have adversity we are encouraged to be completed a course of homeopathic positive; but Peter’s death was so study. Growing our community is unexpected, random and appallingly essential if the Faculty is to survive tragic it is understandable that many and thrive. So despite our devastating loss, Editor: John Burry will find it difficult to heed that advice. business at the Faculty is continuing. Consultant Editor: Greg White Nevertheless, we must and are moving on. Peter often said he was willing Several members have stepped forward Faculty of Homeopathy to debate with detractors – anytime, to enable this to happen. In particular, CAN Mezzanine , anywhere! We have to draw on that I would like to thank Dr Gary Smyth for agreeing in the most difficult of 49-51 East Road fighting spirit of his to continue the important work he was engaged in. circumstances to be acting president London, N1 6AH By the time you read this editorial until an election can be arranged. My Tel: 020 3640 5903 the Faculty’s congress in Liverpool sincere thanks also to Dr Robert Mathie, E: [email protected] will have taken place. Always an event a long-time colleague of Peter’s and the W: to raise the spirits, I’m sure delegates journal’s deputy editor, who has taken would have left inspired by the on the role of editor-in-chief for the All the material in this publication is copyright presentations and Peter’s memory. time being. and may not be reproduced without permission. We all know Peter was a staunch I’m sure Peter would be delighted The publishers do not necessarily identify with that the organisation he was so proud or hold themselves responsible for contributors’, internationalist in outlook. Barely correspondents’ or advertisers’ opinions. a month would pass without him to lead and the publication he loved attending a significant speaking were both in such good hands. Design, print and mail fulfilment by HMCA engagement, conference or meeting Services Ltd on one continent or another. The Tel: 01423 866985 tributes I have received from our Email: [email protected] Greg White international friends in recent weeks Chief Executive

2 NEWS simile • November 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Dr Peter Fisher (continued) of homeopathic physicians in Italy, modern times and an inspiration to The British Association of Dr Alberto Laffranchi described him as others. “Whilst it will be impossible for Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons “a guide and constant reference point anybody to step into his shoes, I am described his contributions as in this world so hostile to homeopathy”. consoled by the thought that he has “immeasurable” and that they will And in his message, Dr Don Dushkin, inspired many, including myself, to be his legacy; while Mark Taylor, president of the American Institute continue investigating and improving chief executive of the Society of of Homeopathy, adopted a sporting homeopathy with unrelenting fervour.” Homeopaths, spoke of Dr Fisher’s analogy when he referred to Dr Fisher As the homeopathic world “unceasing energy, academic credibility as a “world champion of homeopathy”. struggled to come to terms with losing and passion for homeopathy”. such an inspirational and important Critical thinker The tragic news brought messages figure, close colleagues who had Fellow researcher and director of the of sympathy from many countries, worked with Dr Fisher for many years International Institute for Integrated including Italy, Greece, Spain, South were mourning the loss of a dear Medicine, Dr Robbert van Haselen, Africa, India, America, Argentina and friend. Their sorrow and sadness were recalled working with Dr Fisher over Japan. summed up in a post on social media many years. He said: “Peter was always From the US, Dr Kamau B Kokayi, by former Faculty chief executive Cristal open for new ideas and suggestions, president of the Homeopathic Medical Sumner, who wrote: “Peter has been and he welcomed criticism as a Society of the State of New York, part of my life for nearly 20 years. I will means of improving homeopathy and said Dr Fisher’s research and work miss him immensely.” complementary medicine.” had “positively impacted the state A private funeral for Dr Fisher took He went on to say that Dr Fisher of homeopathy in the US and in the place in September. A memorial service was one of the most important world”. Speaking on behalf of a group will be held later. critical thinkers of homeopathy in Dr Gary Smyth becomes the Faculty’s acting president Dr Peter Fisher’s tragic death has deprived the homeopathic world of one of its greatest experts and the Faculty of Homeopathy of its leader. The Faculty will be seeking nominations for a new president at a later date. In the meantime, to enable the Faculty to continue operating efficiently and according to it rules of governance, vice president Dr Gary Smyth has agreed to become acting president. On taking up his new role Dr Smyth first paid tribute to his predecessor. “Peter was much loved, widely respected and greatly admired. He was an irreplaceable talent and has left an indelible impression upon all of us, which will endure for many years.” Dr Smyth acknowledged his elevation had come in the worst possible circumstances, but said it was still an honour to lead the organisation. “I feel deeply honoured to step into the role of acting president,” he said. “Following the initial shock, I also feel the weight of responsibility, yet I have been greatly impressed by the support of colleagues, past presidents and our excellent Faculty team.” He went on to say the stability of the organisation was his main priority and ensuring that the Faculty’s important work continues through this challenging time. “Prior to his death,” he added, “Peter was working on several important projects for the Faculty and I am determined to see these projects implemented successfully. He has left behind a tremendous heritage and an excellent example which should inspire each one of us.” Finally, Dr Smyth called on all Faculty members to move forward with “renewed strength and unity of purpose”, before expressing his belief that better times were ahead. “As we approach our 175th year,” he said, “it is my intention to build on the solid foundations that have been laid by Dr Gary Smyth previous generations and lead us all into a brighter future.”


Faculty appoints Australian research body admits new treasurer it failed to apply rigorous scientific

As no standards in its homeopathy nominations for the post review, claim campaigners of treasurer According to campaigners in Australia, the NHMRC appeared to contradict its were the country’s leading medical research earlier public assurance. In a statement received organisation has admitted it did not the research body said: “At the time from the follow recognised scientific methods in this work was underway there was no membership reviewing the evidence for homeopathy. relevant guidance or standard endorsed at the Your Health Your Choice – a group by the NHMRC, or a relevant international Faculty AGM campaigning to protect patient choice in organisation, on the development and in March, Dr Sara Eames Australia – says the National Health and content of evidence statements.” Dr Sara Medical Research Council (NHMRC) The NHMRC also disclosed the criteria Eames was subsequently nominated, made the startling admission in response used were “drafted over a number seconded and appointed by council to a question from Senator Stirling months following the completion of to serve as treasurer. Griff, who was voicing the growing the overview search for literature”. This Dr Eames will be known to many concerns of many that the review lacked included introducing an arbitrary – and of you as a former Faculty president objectivity and transparency. never been used before – lower limit and current appraisal lead. She is In 2015, the publicly funded NHMRC of 150 for the number participants in still working in the NHS at the Royal published its review of the research a trial, thus removing from the analysis London Hospital for Integrated in homeopathy in which it concluded a number of high-quality trials with Medicine, where she runs both the “there is no good quality evidence to positive results. Women’s Service and the Education support the claim that homeopathy is Your Health Your Choice says this Department. effective in treating health conditions”. reveals a “research scandal of the highest Following the announcement The report was hailed by opponents degree”, where the methodology was of her appointment she said: “I am of homeopathy around the world as manipulated well after the evidence had pleased to be returning to the Faculty definitive proof that the therapy has been assessed to produce a negative council in the role of treasurer where no therapeutic value beyond placebo. conclusion. I hope to be able to use some of my Furthermore, the Australian government Petrina Reichman, the group’s past experience to help the Faculty used the report’s findings to announce spokesperson, said: “Here we have an through these current times of change. earlier this year that the private health admission under Senate scrutiny that “Like many voluntary and niche insurance rebate for homeopathic instead of using accepted scientific membership organisations the Faculty treatment will cease from April 2019. methods, the NHMRC review team faces financial challenges, but I have However, an investigation by not only invented the methods along no doubt that with the goodwill supporters of the therapy revealed the way, they also did this well after of all members we will find a way disturbing anomalies in the methodology to emerge stronger. We’ve already adopted by the NHMRC when the evidence had been collated and established a financial working conducting its evidence review. This assessed. group – comprising chief executive has led to an investigation by the “This removed essential safeguards Greg White, Dr Gary Smyth and Mr Commonwealth Ombudsman as routinely applied to scientific review Tony Pinkus – to look at all aspects of to whether tax-payers money was processes to ensure they are conducted our finances and we look forward to misused to produce a biased report to transparently and ethically,” she reporting back to the membership mislead the public, and to Senator Griff explained. “This means there was about our progress.” raising the matter with the Australian absolutely nothing stopping the Greg White said: “I’m delighted to Department of Health. review team from manipulating the welcome Sara as our new treasurer. In publishing its controversial report methodology to get whatever answer Her knowledge and experience will the NHMRC assured the public that in they wanted.” be of great benefit as the Faculty evaluating the evidence it had used A Freedom of Information request moves forward at this important time “internationally accepted methods” and also found that the NHMRC had in in its history.” adopted “a rigorous approach that has 2012 conducted an earlier review of Dr Eames is undertaking the been developed by Australian experts in homeopathy, but despite repeated treasurer’s responsibilities on an research methods”. requests it has refused to publish the interim basis, so any member But responding to Senator Griff’s results. An online petition has been interested in the position longer question as to what impact set up calling for this first report to be term should contact Greg White at unprecedented changes “midstream” released. To sign the petition visit [email protected] to the research protocol would cause,

4 simile • November 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy Celebrations planned Another award nomination for the Faculty’s 175th anniversary in 2019 for NHS Glasgow CIC In April next year the Faculty of The NHS Centre for Integrative Care category at the Scottish Health Awards, Homeopathy will be 175 years old. (CIC) in Glasgow has been selected as and in August this year the CIC’s nursing This is a major milestone in the history a finalist in the Scottish Health Awards. team was shortlisted by the Nursing of our organisation and an opportunity Nominated in the category “Care for Times for an award for its work in to highlight its rich and colourful Long-term Illness”, the multi-disciplinary managing long-term conditions. heritage. team at the CIC is being recognised for These accolades are recognition of On the evening of 10 April 1844, the its work in helping patients manage the excellent work being carried out at inaugural meeting took place of what a range of chronic conditions such as the Glasgow CIC, which is very much in was then called the British Homeopathic arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, line with the move in Scotland towards Society (BHS). This meeting was fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Realistic Medicine, where the person held at the residence of Dr Frederick depression and anxiety. receiving health and social care is at Hervey Foster Quin in Arlington Street, Adopting a holistic patient-centred the centre of decisions made about London, with several notable doctors in approach, the CIC team use a range their care. attendance, including Dr Constantine of conventional, complementary and Similar to the approach pioneered Hering who is recognised as one of the lifestyle interventions to improve at the CIC, Realistic Medicine recognises founders of homeopathy in America. patients’ well-being, enabling them to that a “one size fits all” method to The date chosen for this momentous live more fulfilling lives. health and social care is not the most meeting was the first birthday of Samuel Dr Jacqueline Mardon, clinical effective path for the patient or the Hahnemann following his death the lead at the CIC, said: “The whole team NHS. Consequently, health and care previous year on 2 July 1843. Dr Quin are delighted and honoured to be workers are being encouraged to work became the new organisation’s first nominated for this prestigious national closely with patients to find out what president, a role he held until his death award. Caring for people with long-term matters most to them, so that the care in 1878. conditions is at the heart of what we do; provided fits their individual needs and Across the Atlantic, on exactly the delivering an innovative and person- situation. same date, a similar meeting was held in centred approach, using an integrative The winners of the Scottish Health the US at which the American Institute care model.” Awards will be announced at an awards of Homeopathy (AIH) was founded. The Last year, the same team at the CIC ceremony in Edinburgh at the beginning BHS continued for 100 years before it was were winners of the “Healthier Lifestyle” of November. renamed the Faculty of Homeopathy in 1944. Therefore the Faculty and the AIH are jointly the longest established Funding assistance is available homeopathic organisations in the world. Since then there have been 175 years of homeopathic practice; of to Faculty students colourful characters and personalities; Students studying on a Faculty of open to statutorily registrable healthcare of high points and low points; and of Homeopathy accredited course in and veterinary professionals. countless patients whose lives have London, Bristol or Northern Ireland, To download an application form been transformed as a result of who are resident in the UK or Republic and guidelines on how to apply, please homeopathic treatment. of Ireland, are eligible to apply for a visit the “Training & Exams” section The Faculty plans to mark this Barcapel bursary to help with the cost on the Faculty website or contact significant anniversary with a series of of course fees. In addition, applications events during 2019 and it is hoped as from students who will be starting their the membership and education many members as possible will join us first year in autumn 2018 or January 2019 officer Lisa Peacock at education@ to celebrate our 175th year. More details are now also being considered. for further will be published in due course. Currently all Faculty courses are only information.

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5 NEWS News in brief from around Europe Over the summer, a number of Hungarian government. Responding phytotherapeutic (the use of plants and important developments have been to a parliamentary question Mr Bence plant products for medicinal purposes) reported by the European Committee Rétvári, secretary of state of the Ministry and homeopathic products over of Homeopathy (ECH), an association of of Human Resources, stated that chemically synthesised conventional 40 organisations representing medical homeopathy is practised and used veterinary medicinal products. doctors across 25 European countries. worldwide. He went on to say that it The EU regulation stipulates these In Austria, organisers of an online is the responsibility of the individual complementary therapies must be campaign called “Understanding physician as to whether he or she effective for the species of animal and Homeopathy” announced that it has prescribes homeopathy to patients. the condition for which the treatment is reached more than 300,000 people. Mr Rétvári added that before doctors intended. The campaign was launched to inform can practise homeopathy, they have Further support for homeopathy the public about the benefits of human to gain a university qualification in the has come from the president of the and veterinary homeopathic medicine, therapy, have state licensing and be a German Medical Association, Dr Frank and was a joint initiative between two member of the Medical Council. Ulrich Montgomery. In a public of the country’s leading homeopathic One of Spain’s leading medical statement Dr Montgomery said he was medical associations. bodies has dismissed a claim by in favour of homeopathy. In the face of increasing attacks on opponents of homeopathy that “It is a fact that homeopathy helps homeopathy in Italy, the high level of its practice by doctors is unethical. many people,” he said. regulation controlling its practice and Responding to the attack on some its He did acknowledge, however, it has been highlighted at a members, the Spanish Medical Council is not always the correct approach. “It major medical conference. Addressing issued a statement saying doctors is important that those who practise the general assembly of the Italian using treatments “not scientifically homeopathy know when they can no Federation of Medical Societies, its validated” is ethical. The statement longer help and then switch to normal president, Dr Franco Vimercati, said went on to say that all complementary conventional medical procedures”. homeopathy is a medical therapy therapies needed to fulfil official safety Dr Montgomery added that regulated by the Italian government requirements and be prescribed with homeopathy should be viewed and the regional authorities. He also the informed consent of the patient. as a complementary medicine. “In stressed that homeopathic medicines The use of homeopathy in organic conjunction with good medical meet the conditions set out in an farming has received a boost from education, it makes sense,” he said. European Union (EU) directive. the EU. The publication in June of “And it would be better if trained The therapy has also been EU Regulation 2018/848 on organic medical doctors provide [homeopathic] defended by a member of the production prioritises the use of healthcare.” Doctors sought for new infant colic remedy trial Members of the Faculty of Homeopathy practising in the UK have the opportunity to take part in a trial of a new homeopathic remedy for treating infant colic. An American manufacturer of homeopathic remedies has made a registration application for the new remedy to the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) under the UK “National Rules” scheme. As part of its application the manufacturer is seeking at least two homeopathic doctors who would be willing to trial the product for about a year, then write a short report about using the remedy and its clinical results. If you would like to take part in the trial, further details can be obtained from Penny Viner, secretary of the British Association of Homeopathic Manufacturers, by emailing [email protected]

6 simile • November 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Cutting edge research to be discussed at the HRI’s London conference The Homeopathy Research Institute’s (HRI) 4th international conference will take place in London from 14-16 June 2019 and will once again feature the very latest research in homeopathy from leading scientists working in this field. The first biennial HRI conference took place in Barcelona in 2013 under the heading “Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy”. This theme has been adopted for all subsequent HRI conferences and London will once again be offering a full range of topics for discussion, including clinical research, Colin/WikimediacommonsPhoto: fundamental research, qualitative research, Integrative Medicine, UK academics, practitioners or students – laboratory-based studies, pathogenetic • Prof Vladimir Voeikov Senior Lecturer to meet, exchange ideas and discover trials and veterinary research. Lomonosov Moscow State Univ, what’s new in this rapidly developing Delegates can expect a fast-paced Russia area of scientific research. programme of the highest calibre, with • Dr Clare Relton Senior Lecturer The conference venue is the four- 30 presentations planned by speakers Queen Mary University, London, UK star Tower Hotel, next to the iconic from 20 countries. Six excellent keynote • Dr Michael Teut Medicine Tower Bridge. As the conference speakers have already confirmed they Researcher coincides with the 10th anniversary of will be attending. Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, the Homeopathy Research Institute, a • Prof Leoni Bonamin Professor Germany special Gala Dinner will be taking place Universidade Paulista – UNIP, Brazil at the world-famous Tower of London. • Prof Robert Hahn Research Director HRI conferences provide a rare Registration for the HRI’s 2019 Södertälje, Sweden opportunity for those involved in conference is now open. For more • Dr Elizabeth Thompson CEO and homeopathy around the world information and to book your place visit Lead Clinician Portland Centre for – whether as active researchers, Pharmacists vote brings strong criticism from Faculty dean The Faculty’s pharmacy dean has flow of an ignorant opinion and bias called on members of his profession against something they simply do not to find out more about homeopathy understand”. before “simply going with the flow” “It seems obvious to anyone with and criticising it. Mr Tony Pinkus made a scientific brain that, if you want to the remark in a statement he issued understand something, you study it after a debate at an international first before launching criticisms based pharmacy conference, where a current “feeling” on homeopathy on ignorance of the fundamental motion calling for pharmacies to stop among the delegates. principles.” selling homeopathic products was The spokesperson added: “The FIP is He continued: “With an AMR (anti- supported by six out of ten pharmacy aware of the debate and the result, and microbial resistance) crisis looming professionals. will take this into account in any future ever closer and pharmacy margins The debate took place at the policy work on this topic.” diminishing by the year, I would have International Pharmaceutical News of this development brought thought pharmacists would have Federation’s (FIP) Congress in Glasgow a brisk and robust response from the jumped at the chance to widen their at the beginning of September. Around Faculty’s pharmacy dean. In a statement radius of demand rather than thumb 150 to 200 delegates took part and the published on The Pharmacist website, their nose at the opportunity.” result was 63% in favour of the motion Mr Pinkus said he was obviously Mr Pinkus concluded by that pharmacists should not sell or concerned by the negative outcome encouraging those from his profession dispense homeopathic products. from the debate at the FIP congress. But who have even the slightest interest in However, a spokesperson for FIP he went on to question whether those discovering more about homeopathy was quick to stress that this was not who supported the motion actually to contact the Faculty of Homeopathy official FIP policy and that the non- knew anything about homeopathy and and inquire about the courses on offer binding vote merely reflected the were instead “simply going with the to pharmacists.

7 NEWS NHS homeopathy to end in Bristol Homeopathy’s long history of being Mrs Wyllie called on the CCG to says the PCIM remains committed to available to patients on the NHS in evaluate the impact of withdrawing providing homeopathic care to the Bristol is to end, following a decision the service on the future health of people of Bristol and surrounding areas in August by the Southwest Clinical homeopathy patients and the cost to “In the wake of the news that the Commissioning Group (CCG) to stop the NHS. NHS funding has come to an end, funding the therapy. The service the PCIM will continue to support Announcing the news, Dr Jonathan was being access to medical homeopathy with Hayes, the CCG’s clinical chair, said the provided by the help of the British Homeopathic organisation needed to be “evidence- the Portland Association and also charitable funds informed” and use resources to treat Centre for from the historic funds for the Bristol the widest range of people. “The Integrative Homeopathic Hospital.” decision on homeopathy funding today Medicine Dr Thompson launched the PCIM is a step towards this and brings us in (PCIM), which in 2015 as a social enterprise to offer line with national guidelines,” he said. is run by Dr integrative medicine, combining But Margaret Wyllie, chair of the Elizabeth conventional, lifestyle and holistic British Homeopathic Association, Thompson. Dr Elizabeth approaches to support health and Thompson said the CCG’s announcement Although of the PCIM well-being. The clinicians at the PCIM “demonstrates a lack of long-term the CCG has (soon to be NCIM, the National Centre decision-making by NHS bosses”. said referral for homeopathy will be for Integrative Medicine), along with She added: “The amount of money available under exceptional funding, the associate therapy team, provide a spent on homeopathy by the CCG is a Dr Thompson is doubtful this will range of services including craniosacral tiny fraction of the local NHS budget actually result in any patients receiving therapy, acupuncture, nutrition and but is of enormous value to the patients homeopathic treatment. homeopathy. who benefit from the treatment, many “In my experience, no one can “So even at this difficult time,” said of whom are elderly and have chronic prove they are exceptional,” she said. Dr Thompson, “I believe homeopathy health conditions.” Despite this setback, Dr Thompson and its potential to heal is unstoppable.” OBITUARY Dr Anita E Davies 1932 – 2018 Faculty Fellow Dr Anita join the Faculty’s Specialist Register, and then started to supervise other doctors Davies died in July on their path to becoming a specialist aged 85. Dr Susanne in homeopathy. therapy being practised by those After Dr Blackie’s retirement in 1979, without a recognised medical qualification, Dreher-Brogan Dr Davies established successful private a view she held throughout her career. homeopathic practices in London remembers the life and Eastbourne. She treated many Charity work of her colleague and notable people including The Queen, Dr Davies believed that regular exercise The Queen Mother and Princess Alice, was essential to good health and could friend. Duchess of Gloucester. often be found striding along Regent’s Park Canal or around local parks. Even at r Anita Davies was born in A commitment to teaching 80, friends who were years younger found London in 1932, the second I first met Dr Davies in 1995 and it difficult to keep up with her brisk pace. daughter of her British father, D learned the art of constitutional and Away from medicine, she enjoyed music who was a university lecturer, miasmatic homeopathic prescribing and would relax by playing the violin or theologian and philosopher, and by observing her homeopathic piano. She was also a keen gardener. American psychologist mother. During consultations. She had a great depth A lifelong Christian she joined World War II she was twice evacuated of medical knowledge, with excellent the Christian Medical Fellowship as a from the family home to escape the diagnostic skills and was a very good bombing raids over London. After student and later became a council communicator. She later helped me member of the Medical Service attending Tiffin Girls’ School in Surrey, set up my first homeopathic clinic in she studied medicine at the Royal Free Ministries, which trains people abroad an NHS GP practice and became my in primary healthcare so they can serve Hospital, graduating in 1959. teacher and mentor. their local communities. Inspired by her Her first post-registration For 19 years, from 1997, together we faith, Dr Davies dedicated much of her appointment was at the Royal organised postgraduate CPD meetings free time to helping others; working London Homeopathic Hospital. This of the London Homeopathic Group for was followed by hospital posts in with children’s groups at London’s All Faculty members and associates. Dr obstetrics, gynaecology, paediatrics, Souls Church and with ASLAN (All Souls Davies provided the venue and helped rheumatology, geriatrics, as well as part- Local Action Network), providing help successive chairs with the planning, time appointments in research at the to the homeless and disadvantaged. thus demonstrating how a good leader homeopathic hospital. She was also a volunteer for Premier can serve, help and inspire others. After attending one of Dr Margery Radio’s Lifeline phone-in service, where She was a trustee of the Blackie Blackie’s early homeopathic courses in she was known as a non-judgemental Foundation Trust, a charity set up 1966, Dr Davies joined the renowned and compassionate listener. in memory of her late friend and homeopathic physician’s practice Dr Davies died on 17 July 2018. Her colleague to provide scholarships to as her assistant, gaining the MRCP attitude to life could be summed up homeopathic students and promote and MFHom in 1968. In 1977, she was by a favourite quotation of hers from homeopathic research. And in her later awarded the FFHom following the the Welsh Christian minister Selwyn years, Dr Davies also helped fund and publication of Homeopathy in the Hughes: “Worship, be thankful, forgive, teach a student course on homeopathy Treatment of Hyperventilation, a thesis help others, persevere, cultivate your at Queen’s University Belfast. she wrote after studying with Dr Claude soul and stay close to God.” Her commitment to teaching even Lum, an expert in the field. With Dr Davies’s passing we extended to providing accommodation During a long association with the have lost an exceptionally talented to students, including the Faculty’s Faculty she served on its governing homeopathic physician and teacher. acting president, Dr Gary Smyth, who council and was an important member She is greatly missed by her family, stayed in the apartment on the top of its teaching staff, taking on the role friends, patients and colleagues. of sub-dean from 1975-78. She was floor of her house for four months A memorial service for Dr Davies is a founding member of the British while he completed the Fast Track taking place at 2pm on 24 November at Homeopathy Research Group and course at the Royal London Hospital All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. edited 25 issues of its newsletter for Integrated Medicine. However, her Communications between 1979 and passion for education was matched Dr Susanne Dreher-Brogan MRCGP 1999. In 1999, she was one of the first to by her unyielding opposition to the MFHom

9 A TRIBUTE Remembering Peter Colleagues who knew and worked with Dr Peter Fisher over many years remember the man they were proud to call a friend.

s Peter’s successor as clinical director at the Royal London AHospital of Integrated Medicine (RLHIM), I will miss his reassuring and blithely optimistic presence. On the many occasions when the hospital’s future seemed in doubt he would simply say, “Ah, don’t worry, I’ve seen it all before” or even “You think this is bad – in the 1990s I actually had my suitcase packed. We’re not going anywhere.” I admire the way he stood up to opponents of homeopathy, always maintaining his dignity and basing his arguments on the available scientific evidence rather than stooping to personal attacks or scoring cheap points. This enabled him to trounce them repeatedly, such that they eventually refused to debate with him face-to-face. There’s no doubt that he had his eccentricities. His office was legendarily messy, so that if we were forced to host a meeting in it, we’d all have to spend eter was catapulted at an early never detected in Peter any thought of time finding the table and chairs under age into a major international role. stepping away from the responsibilities piles of paper. He claimed he had some PAlthough his skills and intelligence that came to him as a consequence sort of a system, and indeed always enabled him to seemingly carry of it. I have benefited many times seemed able to miraculously retrieve out his responsibilities with ease, he from advice and guidance from my anything important. His appearance naturally faced a number of challenges in experienced homeopathic colleagues, at our Christmas parties was always operating including Peter. Following the air eagerly anticipated for his colourful and and contributing at this high level over disaster, Peter had to almost single- poorly co-ordinated dress sense, and several decades. I believe that how we handedly develop an international in particular his Elton John-style red meet life’s challenges define us so much band of peers to continue the work of feather jacket will remain seared in the more than those things that come to us those who died. This feat is remarkable memories of those who witnessed it. with comparative ease, and so I’d like to for many reasons, not least that we Peter knew every part of our talk briefly about how Peter rose to two homeopaths are a diverse lot! But hospital and history so well. He was of the challenges that I know he faced. the tribute I offer is that despite the our heart. His presence is so strong, it’s His early rise to prominence was challenges he faced by being propelled palpable. It’s as though he’s woven into in part due to an air crash, where a on to the world stage at such a young the fabric of the building. Our most generation of homeopathic physicians age, he embraced them: commenting, effective tribute will be to continue of international repute were lost, many writing and researching at an his legacy, combining the best of of whom would have mentored and international level. complementary and conventional supported Peter. The shock to the I also admired the fortitude with medicine for the benefit of NHS homeopathic community was still which he faced the implied and at times patients with chronic conditions. being felt by those, like myself, coming overt criticism of him. I am sure I’m not Dr Saul Berkovitz to homeopathy a decade later. alone in rehearsing a heartfelt and Clinical Director, RLHIM While saddened by that tragic loss, I searing rebuttal in response to the latest

10 simile • November 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy critical study, comment or media report. Interest Group of the British Pain a treasure that none of us would miss. While I sat stewing, however, Peter was Society, which has led to regular and What a privilege it was to learn from him. out there responding. I would hear or fruitful participation in the work of Peter was a global figure but also read his balanced and sensible reply this unusual and truly holistic group of good at offering support in small and marvel at his composure and clarity mixed healthcare professionals. things, something I greatly appreciated. of thought. His ability to graciously I mention these personal Once he joined a sponsored walk defend our community against often experiences to shed a perhaps in Richmond to raise funds for the irrational but coordinated onslaughts unfamiliar light on the breadth of hospital. And when was mightily impressive. Peter’s mind. And to underline his value we created a terrace garden at On a personal note, I remember to me as a colleague and a friend. the hospital, which we filled with a conversation with Peter before I homeopathic and medicinal plants, stood for election as president of the Revd Dr Jeremy Swayne he brought in three plants from his Faculty. He was very supportive. But Dean of the Faculty, 1997-2003 own garden: a Helleborus, a Bryonia while others helped me reflect on and a Paeonie. The latter flowered my strengths and weaknesses, and to wonderfully this summer, the best it consider what could be achieved and has ever done. These plants will always how to achieve it, Peter’s support was have a special place in our hearts. As more direct: “It’s there, it needs doing will his plant photographs that are – do it!” It was also clear that at some Peter was a great and part of the hospital signage and which time he too would like to be president always remind us of him. and when he achieved that ambition wonderful presence in earlier this year, I was really pleased for Dr Andrea Wiessner him. What a sadness not to have his the homeopathic world Associate Specialist, RLHIM guidance for longer, but so much more for many years. We were the sadness of his family and loved ones. But let us not forget to celebrate all aware of this before, eter was a great and wonderful all he achieved. but it has become even presence in the homeopathic world Pfor many years. We were all aware Dr David Owen more apparent since his of this before, but it has become even Physician of Integrated Medicine, more apparent since his untimely death. The Natural Practice untimely death. I was always impressed by his endless energy, ability to keep so many eter’s passion for homeopathy, his projects on the go, his extraordinary knowledge and intelligence, his intelligence and his refusal to be commitment and courage, and silenced by critics. I would often P wonder how he managed to keep his sheer hard work were an inspiration eter was my first ever contact with going with his many clinical and to me. And many people around the what was then called the Royal research commitments. He was in great world will echo all of that. But my London Homeopathic Hospital. P demand as an international speaker, admiration and affection for Peter have I’d applied for a post at the hospital in but somehow managed to fit in all his a personal dimension. 1998 and, as I was living in Germany, clinics and media appearances as well. We shared a desire for a more Peter interviewed me over the phone. I Homeopathy has lost its leading vigorous and imaginative approach to can still remember the conversation we spokesperson and now we owe it both championing the role of homeopathy had. One of the things that struck me to his memory and the future of our in the evolution of clinical practice and most was Peter’s evident passion for community to step into the sizeable homeopathy being available on the NHS. medical science that encouraged me breach we are now confronted with. in my writing and my work. As did his Some years ago at the hospital This will inevitably require others to perceptive editing of my contributions we had monthly clinical meetings to volunteer to continue Peter’s work to Homeopathy. And he understood enable us to learn from one another. within and outside the Faculty. the place of homeopathic medicine We all presented cases of patients we Many of us owe so much to Peter; within my broader philosophy of were working with, difficult ones and his enthusiasm and commitment inspired healthcare and healing. those that were doing well. When it us and learning from his knowledge, He arranged my participation was Peter’s turn to present, I made sure skill and experience made us all better in a symposium on The Ethics and that I was there and was always amazed homeopaths. What better way is there of Health at the Vatican that by his clarity about, and knowledge of, to say thank you than getting involved in helped me to develop my thinking in our homeopathic remedies. We always the work to which he dedicated his life? a paper on The Concept of Healing. learnt something new about different And he proposed me as a speaker at remedies and also from the kinds Dr Sara Eames an annual conference of the splendidly of questions that Peter would ask to Director of Women’s Services and named Philosophy and Ethics Special confirm the choice of a remedy. It was Education, RLHIM

11 mong my many memories of Only recently, I was sitting on Peter’s Peter, the most endearing was table at the House of Lords dinner Awhen, for the umpteenth time, celebrating the New Horizons in Water services at the Royal London Hospital Research Conference. If I had known for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) were then what would happen only a few under threat and it looked as if we Peter and I bonded weeks later, I would have hugged him would lose it totally. Peter calmly said: more tightly as I left and thanked him “Not on my watch!” And his quiet over defending and more deeply for his keen intellect and determination and position of world tireless energy. standing stood us in good stead, and promoting homeopathy. On a lighter note, I will always the hospital still continues to offer its He never shied away remember his PowerPoint unique service to patients. presentations, where he’d attempt to Peter’s truest memorial following from taking on jobs and present more slides than one could his tragic death would be to keep the opportunities to do the possibly deliver in a ten-minute slot. RLHIM open, with it receiving wider I guess that reflected Peter’s brain, respect for all that goes on within its walls. best for homeopathy. bursting with knowledge which he Enid Segall He took on those roles was keen to share. Even as we urgently Chair, Friends of the RLHIM sought people to take over some of that required work, time Peter’s roles, it was difficult to fill the gaps of everything he did. He will be first met Peter nearly 19 years ago at and, more often than truly missed. my first Faculty council meeting. He not, very little reward. Dr Elizabeth Thompson showed up a bit late with rumpled I CEO and Lead Clinician, Portland hair, and then sat quietly for a while Without hesitation he until the pull of a tech gadget – or the Centre Integrative Medicine lack of interesting topics in the meeting put his name, face and – saw Peter tip-tapping away on his reputation forward y personal memories of Peter device, dipping in and out of the go way back to when I was meeting to add his opinions when in the most public of Mnine years old and meeting required. He was multi-tasking or at arenas to promote him for the first time at what was then least trying. called the Royal London Homeopathic Speaking to him at the end of the the truth about Hospital. My father, a podiatrist at meeting he said with a little resignation the hospital, had taken me to sit in that he was the vice president, a post homeopathy. No greater on a conference being held there. he had held for a good number of gift could have been Then through the 1980s, Peter would years, and that one day he probably lecture on the homeopathic part should become the Faculty’s president. given to our cause. of the podiatry courses I was taking It was clear from how he spoke that and I would help with videoing and he saw the role as a responsibility and preparing booklets for the course. He duty; not for glory did he seek the would always come up and have a chat presidency, but to respect those who and ask how my studies were going. had gone before him and those who Since 1993, I have had the privilege would follow. of working closely with Peter, both as a Peter and I bonded over defending ike so many I could not believe the colleague and friend. We have shared and promoting homeopathy. He news of Peter’s tragic and untimely conference stages around the world never shied away from taking on jobs Ldeath. As is often the way, we only and a glass – or bottle – of wine too. and opportunities to do the best for fully appreciate the impact of a life He was always approachable and homeopathy. He took on those roles when it is withdrawn. I have just come supported professions like podiatry, that required work, time and, more back from the European Congress of through lecturing and research, and often than not, very little reward. Integrative Medicine where many of us was recognised for his contribution by Without hesitation he put his name, wept openly during a short memorial being made an honorary fellow of the face and reputation forward in the most for Peter. The congress organiser, a College of Podiatry. I have lost a dear public of arenas to promote the truth friend of Peter’s, was deeply affected friend and will truly miss him. about homeopathy. No greater gift by his death and I started to realise could have been given to our cause. how global Peter’s vision was. Just Dr Tariq Khan Cristal Sumner how many people he had reached and Consultant Podiatrist, RLHIM Chief Executive, British touched and supported in the quest for Homeopathic Association homeopathy to be accepted clinically An obituary for Dr Peter Fisher will appear Former Faculty Chief Executive and scientifically. in the November issue of Homeopathy.

12 EVENT simile • November 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy Richard Hughes’ Memorial Lecture Podiatrist Lesley Surgeons’ revised policy on the use is, and how amazing Hahnemann was of complementary medicine, which and that homeopathy is the original Peatfield reports on effectively bans vets from using individualised medicine.” homeopathy as a first line of treatment. The genius of Hahnemann the Faculty’s annual This resonated with his audience Later in the lecture Geoff talked about as every profession is facing similar lecture. how modern medical science was pressures. Geoff admitted that the his year’s Richard Hughes’ catching up with homeopathic theory naked hostility towards veterinary Memorial Lecture was delivered and practice, first by highlighting the homeopaths from others within the by homeopathic vet Geoff link between stress and chronic disease, T profession and the effort it took to Johnson. Geoff trained in veterinary a connection Hahnemann made 200 defend his clinical competence, let medicine at Cambridge University years ago. Also, how epigenetics was alone homeopathy, from continuous and practised conventionally for eight the equivalent of the Miasm theory in attacks had left him feeling pessimistic, years before realising that, except for homeopathy. He then predicted that anxious, raging, depressed and simple problems, he was treating very the future discovery of the Vital Force suffering from insomnia. few patients satisfactorily. He felt the by medical science will be the greatest drugs he was prescribing were often Periodic table advance in medicine in the 21st century. only effective in merely controlling his Then, in the midst of all this conflict, he Geoff explained these ideas in detail patients’ symptoms without providing visited his friend Jackie McTaggart, who in his excellent article “Homeopathy a cure. he says is probably the UK’s greatest – unsound science or hundreds years He then experienced one of those expert on the Periodic Table. She’d ahead of its time?” which appeared in moments in life that in retrospect recently moved into a new property, the May 2018 issue of simile. often looks to have been ordained by which was a converted chapel. On He then highlighted how fate but is usually down to little more entering, Geoff noticed there were Hahnemann’s philosophical outlook than chance, despite it resulting in words stuck on all the walls and he is appropriate to the troubled times a fundamental and lasting change. soon realised the whole chapel was in which we live. In his preface to Attending a weekend music festival designed to represent the columns Chronic Disease (1828), Hahnemann Geoff realised he had forgotten the of the Periodic Table. He recognised suggests that should he deliberate on anti-histamine drugs he needed to Column 12 with the words “buckling” the purpose of his existence he would treat his hay fever. A homeopath at the and “gripping”, and in Column 13 conclude it was “… to become better festival offered Geoff some little white “clenching” and “yielding”. However myself as far as possible and to make pills that he obligingly took, more to there were new words there too. better everything around me, that is humour the homeopath than in any In Column 12 he read “turn”, “face” within my power to improve”. real expectation they would provide and “trust”; and in Column 13 “trust”, Geoff concluded his lecture with relief from his allergy symptoms. But “loosen”, “relax” and “ease”. This was a case history that highlighted the not only was Geoff able to enjoy a the first time he had seen the word slumbering psora in chronic disease, symptom-free weekend, he never “trust” listed in the columns, and it where grief and vexation are the most suffered from hay fever again. appeared to Geoff to offer a solution frequent aggravators. This remarkable Trials and tribulations to the situation in which he and case of a horse with a melanoma on Although his veterinary training had many homeopaths currently find its neck and with only months to live themselves. taught him this homeopathic cure was demonstrated the genius of Samuel “The situation of Column 12 is not possible, he was intrigued by his Hahnemann. Geoff quoted aphorisms fighting desperately with your back personal experience of the therapy from the Organon to show how this against the wall, which seems to apply and investigated it further; and the case expanded his knowledge of to the homeopathic community at this more he found out about homeopathy, homeopathy and restored the horse to time in the UK,” he said. “However, to the more he wanted to become a health. (The case follows this report.) trust is the answer. Trust, relax, loosen homeopath. He says it has been an In the best traditions of the Richard and turn – and all will be well.” enormously satisfying journey of study Hughes’ Memorial Lecture, this year’s This realisation – and a prescription and practice, leading to him running a offering was informative and thought for Agaricus from his homeopath – busy practice and becoming a teacher provoking; but it was also a very of homeopathy for veterinary surgeons, quelled “the Berserker” or fury raging personal discourse and the audience other homeopaths, doctors and farmers. within Geoff and restored his health were most appreciative of Geoff for He then went to discuss the and faith. his knowledge, experience and his trials and tribulations suffered by He said he’s in a much better place honesty. homeopathic vets over the last few now and reminded his audience of the years, culminating with the publication need to look much deeper. “We have to Lesley Peatfield of the Royal College of Veterinary remember how fantastic homeopathy Faculty Communications Co-ordinator

13 CASE STUDY Cancer, insanity and the genius of Hahnemann Veterinary homeopath pawing of the ground, agitation and other horses. This was all very strange. fidgeting were obvious from 50 yards I could not see Silver being a Geoff Johnson away. The horse’s owner said she had Lachesis case – everything was too always been “loyal, genuine, honest, acute, and there was none of the recalls how he learned gentle and kind”. snake energy of betrayal, jealousy and from the genius of “She was so perfect we called her revenge. What was interesting were the the Unicorn, and all she wanted to do two Solanaceae in the analysis (see fig: Hahnemann and clinical was please us,” the owner added. “She 1). The energy Silver emanated was fear, experience to save a was quietly powerful and beautiful. She flight or fight, as is common to all this had excellent manners at an event, and family. very sick horse. adjusted well to whoever rode her.” However, this was a cancer case and n January 2017 I was called to a In November 2016 the melanoma surely needed a deep acting cancer 12-year-old Connemara mare called had started to grow and ulcerate, remedy. What to do? Use Tabacum, ISilver who had been diagnosed with and then the lymph glands swelled. which is the Solanaceae from the metastasised melanoma. The owner In December, Silver started putting cancer miasm? Find another remedy? was offered steroids for the short term her ears back, refused to co-operate, Fortunately I had witnessed this rare and euthanasia when appropriate. She became spooky, tense, panicky, and homeopathic scenario some 20 years declined and sought homeopathy. The had a desperate desire to get back to before, when Tom, a seven-year-old melanoma had been on the neck for her stable. She started shaking and cat, was brought to me for euthanasia. two years, and had appeared benign. over-reacting to any noise, and would For the two previous months he had However, it had recently increased in suddenly start jumping and bucking been jumping up onto the TV, spraying size, and both sub-mandibular glands and whirling around. She would charge urine across the room and then licking and the left pre-scapular gland were at strangers, kicking out, and became his genitals while sitting in full view. grossly enlarged. freaked out by dogs. She would At that time I was two years into my As I approached the stable my first threaten anyone approaching and had homeopathic studies, and of course impression of Silver was fear – hers become too dangerous to ride. was very keen to prescribe and save and mine. I had primarily been a cow “Out the blue she became a this cat’s life. The owners agreed, and vet, and although I’ve seen hundreds bucking bronco,” said her owner. naturally I handed out Hyoscamus 10M of horses for homeopathy, I’m not She looked out of her stable all Success! In two days the cat had comfortable with crazy ones. Silver was the time and was hyper-alert. She was stopped this crazy behaviour. How tied to a fence, and the restlessness, indifferent to commands and to the wonderful was homeopathy and.

Fig. 1

14 simile • November 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy what a great homeopath I was! You by means of apsoric medicines should This was Tom. Hahnemann must have can imagine my shock – and also my never be regarded as cured. On the seen so many cases to understand and complete loss of trust for homeopathic contrary, once the acute outbreak has write Tom’s story so accurately. I had philosophy – when I heard three passed, the patient should be given, suppressed the acute insanity, but not months later that my colleague had as soon as possible, a continued anti- dealt with the underlying psora. His put this cat to sleep because it had psoric (and possibly anti-syphilitic) Hyoscamus state was the Vital Force’s extensive cancer of the intestines. treatment in order to entirely free him desperate attempt to save his life from a This was against the rules. The mental from the chronic miasm, from the fatal disease, which had then continued symptoms were paramount; I had psora. unabated after my prescription. addressed these and the cat was cured. Hence I knew what to do with Silver. Hahnemann was wrong. I prescribed Stramonium M twice daily However, the following Autumn for two days. Within nine days she was I was in a Greek taverna reading calm and grazing with the other horses, The Organon in preparation for and had behaved perfectly with the my VetMFHom exam. It was then, farrier two days before. “The craziness reading the following aphorisms, that I has gone and our Unicorn is back – personally confirmed the utter genius happy days!” said the owner. and vast experience of Hahnemann. Three weeks later she was calm, not fidgeting, and all the lumps had Aphorism 215 reduced significantly, including the Almost all so-called mental and original melanoma. A further two emotional diseases are nothing other weeks later, the melanoma was as it than somatic diseases in which the had been six months before and the symptom of mental and emotional glands were not palpable. Silver was as mistunement heightens itself, as the she had always been. somatic symptoms diminish, right up to So what to do now? Once bitten, the most striking one-sidedness, until twice shy was how I felt, and hence finally the disease transfers itself (almost proceeded with anti-psoric treatment. like a local malady) to the invisibly I was delighted to see that Calcarea subtle mental and emotional organs. carbonica was in the rubrics “honest” Aphorism 216 and “melanoma”. Calc is the chronic The cases are not rare in which a so- of Belladonna, but actually all of the called somatic disease that threatens to Solanaceae. I prescribed Calc-c 200c be fatal degenerates by rapid ascent of twice daily for three days. Eighteen the hitherto emotional symptom into months from her first Stramonium, an insanity, a kind of melancholia or a Silver continues well and happy. frenzy, thereby making all deadly peril Datura stramonium Geoff Johnson of the somatic symptoms vanish. Aphorism 221 An insanity or frenzy that suddenly breaks out as an acute disease from the patient’s usually quiet state almost without exception springs from internal psora that, as it were, flares up like a flame. Such a case cannot be treated straight away, in its acute onset, with anti-psoric medicines. Rather, it must first be treated with medicines such as aconite, belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, mercury, etc. These should be given in order to dispatch the acute flare-up to such an extent that the psora returns from the present to its previous, almost latent state, whereupon the patient appears to recover. Aphorism 222 However, a patient who recovers from A Connemara mare like Silver an acute mental and emotional disease



New Horizons in Water Science: Evidence for Homeopathy?

Leading researchers in water. This topic is particularly pertinent exciting potential implications for novel to homeopathy as it indicates a possible diagnostic techniques. water science present structuring of water, as yet unexplained Professor Josephson – the youngest their work in London. by conventional research, which could ever winner of the Nobel Prize for be fundamental in explaining how Physics in 1973 – gave a thought- he latest research in the properties differ from pure provoking lecture on the linguistics of water was discussed at the water and control solutions. underlying the current scientific TRoyal Society of Medicine in Prof Pollack’s lecture on EZ water paradigm. He also proposed that the July. A packed auditorium heard from research was reinforced by Prof current lock and key model of chemical an international line-up of eminent Voiekov’s presentation of the work of interactions might need to be revised in scientists who are leaders in this field his colleague Prof Alexander Konovalov, light of more recent scientific findings, of scientific study, including two Nobel which showed the presence of water- including quantum theory. laureates – Prof Luc Montagnier and based nanostructures in homeopathic Finally, Prof Bellare presented an Prof Brian Josephson. Among the other dilutions using a variety of conventional additional theory of homeopathy’s speakers were Prof Jerry Pollack, Prof experimental techniques, along with mode of action which centred around Vladimir Voiekov and Prof Jayesh Bellare. demonstrating that persistence of the presence of nanoparticles (i.e. Under the heading of “New nano-doses of the starting material) in these nanostructures required ambient Horizons in Water Science: Evidence for homeopathic dilutions. electromagnetic radiation. Homeopathy?” the scientists delivered Delegates who had previously detailed and thought-provoking Nobel Prize winners attended the annual Water Research presentations, raising awareness of the Since being jointly awarded the Nobel Conference in Bulgaria (a forum for high-quality research that directly or Prize for Medicine in 2008 for his work collaboration between specialist indirectly related to homeopathy. in discovering HIV, Prof Luc Montagnier researchers in the field) or the A major contribution came from has spent a decade conducting Homeopathy Research Institute’s Prof Pollack, who presented over 20 experimental work suggesting that biennial conference may have been years’ worth of research on “Exclusion the molecular machinery responsible familiar with some of the material Zone” (EZ) water – a phenomenon for copying DNA did not require the covered. Nevertheless, it was at the boundary between water and presence of physical DNA, but could heartening to see these highly regarded hydrophilic materials, those tending to also work from an “imprinted” water scientists given such a prestigious dissolve in, mix with, or be wetted by template. He said this possibility has platform to discuss this challenging

16 similesimile • November • August 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy topic, particularly in the UK. But it is important to remember, meticulous repetition of the studies featured at the seminar, along with publication in reputable peer- reviewed journals, will be required to see these ideas embraced by mainstream science. New collaboration To complement the scientific discussions, Dr Robert Verkerk presented the valuable work of the Alliance for Natural Health in creating a new framework for discussing, assessing and integrating CAM modalities Prof Brian Josephson with conventional medical treatment. Dr Menachem Oberbaum announced the newly formed homeopathy research collaboration between Israel and India, while Dr Raj Manchanda – Director General of the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy – presented an insight into the current status of homeopathy in India, where it has full government support as part of their successful integrated healthcare model. All the speakers were extremely well received by the audience, many of whom may not have heard presentations on these topics by such eminent scientists before. This event – along with the previous evening’s welcoming dinner at the House of Lords for the scientists, sponsors and specially invited guests – was organised by Faculty licensed associate Ken Ward-Atherton. Prof Jerry Pollack

Prof Vladimir Voeikov

This topic is particularly pertinent to homeopathy as it indicates a possible structuring of water, as yet unexplained by conventional research, which could be fundamental in explaining how homeopathic dilutions differ from pure water and control solutions.

The Faculty’s acting president, Dr Gary Smyth, said: “On behalf of the Faculty I would like to thank and congratulate Ken and his team for organising such an excellent event. It was heartening to see such an impressive array of international scientists and colleagues gathered together to discuss their work in such a prestigious forum. The presentations were of the highest quality and demonstrated that serious research is taking place that could eventually answer the scientific questions around the high dilutions of homeopathic medicines and their method of action.” The majority of this report was supplied by the Homeopathy Research Institute. Dr Robert Verkerk

17 A date for your diary in 2019 Viewpoint The Faculty of Homeopathy’s Do you have something to say? Annual General Meeting will take place in London on Do you want to get something off your chest? Thursday 21 March 2019 Then why not share your news, The venue will be announced nearer the time. views and ideas with Faculty All members are welcome. members through simile’s

For further information contact Viewpoint feature. Lisa Peacock at [email protected] Contact the editor at or call 020 3640 5903 [email protected] Ext: 1003

Vacancy – Faculty of Homeopathy Medical Dean The Faculty of Homeopathy is rcruiting a new medical dean to start in post from 1 September 2019. The vacancy has arisen following Dr Julie Geraghty’s decision to step down from the role in August 2019. The post requires two sessions per month Applicants must be a doctor, hold the MFHom (plus expenses) for attending Faculty meetings. qualification and would ideally be a current or The medical dean is chair of the Faculty’s former teacher on Faculty accredited courses. academic board and will be expected to Experience of being a Faculty examiner or attend Faculty council meetings three times involvement with the Faculty through other a year, as well as chair the examination panel committees would also be an advantage. which convenes by telephone once or twice Applications from MFHom doctors with a a year. background in academia are also welcome. The new medical dean will be required to attend The successful applicant will take the lead academic board and council meetings in June 2019 on academic matters relating to the training for the best possible induction to the post. and practice of homeopathy by doctors, and be an active member of the Faculty’s council. For more information about the post and to apply, An international perspective and/or experience please contact chief executive Greg White at of driving international teaching partnerships is [email protected] or on particularly relevant. 07401 443580. WHAT’S ON simile • November 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Regular meetings Manchester-Liverpool Homeopathic Group Meetings for discussing homeopathic cases and other W Surrey & W Sussex Homeopathic Group matters relevant to homeopathy. Open to doctors, vets, Event Time: 20:00 until 22:00 nurses, pharmacists of all levels. Members include doctors, vets, dentists, and pharmacists. The aim of the group is to act as a forum for Location varies, so contact in advance for details: ongoing learning and support, covering all aspects Dr Eftihia Metallidou on 0161 4747301 of homeopathy and medical practice. weekdays 12-4.00pm or email: [email protected] The Scarlett Arms, Walliswood, Ockley, Northern Ireland Homeopathic Group Surrey, RH5 5RD. Meetings take place for CPD, discussion of clinical cases, For dates please contact Charles Forsyth 01737 226338 and other matters related to Homeopathic practice. Open (office) 01737 248605 (home) 07802 293006 (mobile). to all Faculty affiliated healthcare professionals, regardless Leeds Homeopathic Group of experience. Location varies. For more information, please contact: Mrs Anne Smyth at [email protected] or Regular meetings at the Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Adel, north Leeds call 07734 053780. Jutta Prekow on 0113 203 7329 or at The SW Scotland Homeopathic Group [email protected] The group usually meets the first Wednesday of the month Irish Homeopathic Group in October, November December and also February, March, Regular meetings take place in Trim, Co. Meath. April, May and June. For further information contact Dr Jaume Costa at Meetings are held from 7.30-9pm in the NHS Centre for [email protected] Integrative Care at the Gartnavel Campus, 1053 Great London Homeopathic Group Western Road, Glasgow. For further information contact For more information contact Stephen Caulfield at Stephen. Dr Susanne Dreher-Brogan at [email protected] [email protected]

ECH and IAVH Homeopathic We invite you to join this growing community in Phone: +49–(0)341–3199642 Symposium our mission to promote safe, effective, evidence- Fax: +49–(0)3496–3033–597 15 November 2018 based, holistic, patient-centered health care. Glasgow Masterclass Homeopathy in the 21st Century – Integrating 24 – 25 November 2018 homeopathy in human, dental and veterinary Tools for Successful Prescriptions Lanthanides and Actinides with Geoff Johnson medical practice 17 – 18 November 2018 Geoff Johnson will explore the unique issues Clinical research workshop in human and veterinary of the Lanthanides and Actinides in cases of London homeopathy. How to get things started? Dos and serious physical and mental pathology. Geoff Key Speaker: Erik Van Woensel Don’ts! Specially tailored to those who are new to Johnson has extensive experience of using research in homeopathy! This workshop aims to In this seminar Erik will demonstrate the logical these remedies in clinical practice. Geoff studied inform new researchers on how to get their projects path of analysis that he has developed, taking veterinary medicine at Cambridge University and started and to raise awareness of common pitfalls in students step-by-step through the selection of is qualified in both veterinary homeopathy and homeopathy research that can lead to studies having symptoms, repertorisation, differential analysis of as a homeopath to treat people. less impact upon publication than anticipated. remedies, selection of potency and assessment Venue: Glasgow Centre for Integrative Care, Organised by the European Committee for of reaction to the medicine. He will pay particular Gartnavel Hospital Complex, 1053 Great Western Homeopathy and the International Association of attention to identifying the distinctive symptoms Road, Glasgow, G12 0XQ. Veterinary Homeopathy. of the case. This is an ability that was well Fee: £160 per weekend including lunch tea and Venue: Hilton Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria developed in all successful homeopaths from refreshments. For further details visit the past, and is one of the most important things Announcement-Research-Workshop-2018.pdf that the student of homeopathy has to learn. For more information, please email education@ Celebrating 100 Years of Mistletoe Therapy Wisshom-Congress ICE Bristol GEMS Seminars 17 November 2018 – Time: 10am to 5pm. 22 – 24 November 2018 11 January 2019, 15 March 2019 and 17 May 2019 Speaker: Dr Michael Evans The International Coethen Exchange of These one-day seminars and masterclasses take Cost: £30 (including lunch and refreshments) Experiences (Internationaler Coethener place on a Friday from 9am to 5pm at the Penny Venue: SENSE Therapy Advice, Education and Erfahrungsaustausch – ICE) is an international Brohn Centre, Pill, Bristol, BS20 0HH. Health Centre, Temeside House, Teme Street, homeopathic research forum enabling Tenbury. WR15 8AA. The cost of a GEMS seminar or Bristol Masterclass colleagues to exchange ideas. Written as in Contact: Cathie Green at cathiegreen@outlook. is £80. For more details on multi-booking Hahnemann’s times, “Coethen” is intended to act com or call 01584 881197 or 07974 390197. discounts and to book a place email education@ as a pointer to the historic roots of homeopathy. 2nd Southern African Congress of Since 2001, the International Coethen Exchange Homeopathy Research Institute Integrative Medicine (SACIM 2018) of Experiences (ICE) has been held once a year Conference 17 – 18 November 2018 in Köthen (Anhalt). The first ten ICE congresses 14 – 16 June 2019 Cape Town, South Africa took place under the umbrella of the former Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy SACIM2018 provides a platform for like-minded European Institute of Homeopathy. Since ICE 11 health care providers to share knowledge, the congress has been taking place under the Venue: The Tower Hotel, London. Registration for research and best-practices. The objective is auspices of WissHom. the HRI’s 2019 conference is now open. For more to facilitate the advancement of science and For further information contact Frau Bettina Atteln. information and to book your place visit www. research and providing advice on new policy. Email: [email protected]


Who to contact at the Faculty


• Gary Smyth, Acting President • Patricia Ridsdale, Members’ Committee Convener [email protected] [email protected] • Helen Beaumont, Immediate Past-President • Jacqueline Mardon, NHS Secondary Care [email protected] Representative [email protected] • Julie Geraghty, Medical Dean [email protected] • Jonathan Hardy, Independent Practice • Peter Gregory, Veterinary Dean Representative [email protected] [email protected] • Tony Pinkus, Pharmacy Dean • Gabriella Day, NHS Primary Care Representative [email protected] • Lesley Peatfield, Communications Co-ordinator • Sara Eames, Treasurer [email protected] [email protected]


Greg White – Chief Executive Officer • [email protected] Faculty of Homeopathy 07401 443580 CAN Mezzanine, • Lisa Peacock – Membership and 49-51 East Road Education Officer/Quality Officer London, [email protected] N1 6AH 020 3640 5903 – Ext. 1003 Tel: 020 3640 5903 Email: [email protected] • Alison Davies Digital Communications Officer [email protected]

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