Routine Pathologic Evaluation of Plastic Specimens: Are We Wasting Time and Money?

Mark Fisher, M.D. Background: Recent health care changes have encouraged efforts to decrease Brandon Alba, B.A. costs. In , an area of potential cost savings includes appropri- Tawfiqul Bhuiya, M.D. ate use of pathologic examination. Specimens are frequently sent because of Armen K. Kasabian, M.D. hospital policy, insurance request, or habit, even when clinically unnecessary. Charles H. Thorne, M.D. This is an area where evidence-based guidelines are lacking and significant Neil Tanna, M.D., M.B.A. cost-savings can be achieved. Hempstead and New York, N.Y. Methods: All specimen submitted for pathologic examination at two hospitals between January and December of 2015 were queried for tissue expanders, breast implants, fat, skin, abdominal pannus, implant capsule, hardware, rib, bone, cartilage, scar, and keloid. Specimens not related to plastic surgery pro- cedures were excluded. Pathologic diagnosis and cost data were obtained. Results: A total of 759 specimens were identified. Of these, 161 were sent with a specific request for gross examination only. There were no clinically significant findings in any of the specimens. There was one incidental finding of a sebor- rheic keratosis on breast skin. The total amount billed in 2015 was $430,095. Conclusions: The infrequency of clinically significant pathologic examination results does not support routine pathologic examination of all plastic surgery specimens. Instead, the authors justify select submission only when there is clinical suspicion or medical history that warrants evaluation. By eliminating unnecessary histologic or macroscopic examination, significant cost savings may be achieved. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 141: 812, 2018.)

s health care spending in the United States surgeon,4,5 many specimens are sent for evalu- continues to rise,1 physicians are being ation simply because of hospital policy or insur- Afaced with increased pressure to cut costs. ance request, even when clinically unnecessary. All physicians, including plastic surgeons, must Although processing and interpreting these speci- critically assess their practices and apply evidence- mens generate revenue for the hospital, they are based principles to decrease costs without compro- an additional financial burden to patients, insur- mising patient care.2 Limited data exist regarding ance companies, and taxpayers. In addition, the cost of sending surgical specimens for routine many of the specimens that are commonly sent pathologic evaluation.3 This represents an area for testing, such as nasal cartilage from a routine where evidence-based guidelines are lacking and or fat from a lipectomy, have a low significant cost-savings can be achieved. index of suspicion for pathologic findings and Although specific practices may vary by insti- are ultimately benign. Of course, macroscopi- tutional guidelines or by the discretion of the cally abnormal samples warrant examination by a pathologist. Other specimens, such as breast tis- From the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and sue removed during a breast reduction, should the Department of , Hofstra Northwell School of be sent for pathologic evaluation because of the Medicine; and the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive potential for pathologic findings in breast tissue Surgery, Northwell Health. with no radiologic findings.6,7 Received for publication May 29, 2017; accepted October 4, 2017. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, in Austin, Disclosure: None of the authors has a financial Texas, March 25 through 28, 2017. ­interest in any of the products, devices, or drugs Copyright © 2017 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons ­mentioned in this article. DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000004129

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In the United Kingdom, where health care breast implants, fat, skin, abdominal pannus, cost is a major factor in decision-making, the implant capsule, hardware, rib, bone, cartilage, Royal College of Pathologists has released guide- scar, and keloid. A total of 1318 unique entries were lines regarding the use of pathologic examina- identified. Specimens not related to plastic surgery tion; however, they conclude that “relatively few procedures were excluded, resulting in 759 unique departments have attempted to implement these specimens. Preoperative and final pathologic diag- guidelines.”8 In the United States, the College of noses were reviewed and recorded. American Pathologists’ “Policy on surgical speci- Hospital billing records were queried to mens to be submitted to pathology for examina- obtain the amount billed for processing and pro- tion” recommends pathologic examination of fessional interpretation of each specimen. The some plastic and reconstructive surgery samples, total amount collected for professional interpreta- but ultimately leaves the decision to the discre- tion of each specimen was also obtained. In addi- tion of individual institutions and provides no tion, the annual volumes of select plastic surgery evidence-based guidelines.9 Neither organization procedures were obtained. comments on the cost of pathologic examination or any potential cost-saving measures. RESULTS Other surgical specialties have investigated A total of 759 unique specimens were iden- the utility of routine pathologic evaluation. Rou- tified (Table 1). There were 353 cartilage speci- tine examination of tonsillectomy and adenoid- mens, 166 rib specimens, and 86 scar specimens, ectomy specimens was found to be not cost of which 19 were breast scars. There were 60 breast effective, with the average cost necessary to detect implants and 31 skin specimens, of which 21 were one case of potentially significant disease totaling breast skin. There were 30 implant capsules, 21 $64,718.10 Likewise, a retrospective chart review of tissue expanders, eight panni, and four keloids. total joint arthroplasties over a 2-year period at a A total of 132 unique patients generated 151 single institution found no cases in which patient breast specimens (i.e., breast skin, scar, capsule, care was altered by routine pathologic examina- 11 implant, or expander). Of these patients, 91 tion. Multiple studies of proce- (68.9 percent) had a preoperative diagnosis of dures have shown that pathologic examination of breast cancer or BRCA genetic mutation. Thir- low-risk specimens, such as hernia sacs and gall- teen patients (9.9 percent) were cosmetic. Of the bladders, rarely results in a diagnosis that affects 12–17 94 patients who generated 166 rib specimens, 93 patient care. To date, no large-scale studies (98.9 percent) had a preoperative diagnosis of have been performed that investigate the utility breast cancer or BRCA. Cartilage specimens were of pathologic examination of common plastic sur- all from unique patients (353 patients), of whom gery specimens. 269 (76.2 percent) had a preoperative diagnosis The authors believe that a majority of low-risk of deviated septum or septoplasty. Sinusitis was a specimens sent by plastic surgeons do not need preoperative diagnosis in 62 patients (17.6 per- to undergo pathologic analysis and instead add cent), and airway obstruction was a diagnosis in 18,19 a considerable cost to the patient’s care. Evi- 18 patients (5.1 percent). dence-based guidelines on the use of pathologic examination by plastic surgeons are lacking and, if introduced and implemented, may result in a sig- Table 1. Plastic Surgery Specimens Submitted for nificant cost-saving without compromising quality Pathologic Examination in 2015 at Two Tertiary-Care of care. The authors determined to investigate Hospitals the incidence of clinically significant pathologic Specimen Type No. Findings findings in plastic surgery pathologic examination Nonbreast scar 67 0 specimens at two tertiary care hospitals to help Breast scar 19 0 develop evidence-based guidelines. Nonbreast skin 10 0 Breast skin 21 1* Keloid 4 0 Implant 60 0 METHODS Expander 21 0 A 12-month (January to December of 2015) Capsule 30 0 review of all specimen submissions for pathologic Pannus 8 0 Cartilage 353 0 examination at two large tertiary care hospitals was Rib 166 0 performed. A database of specimens was queried Total 759 1 for submissions labeled as follows: tissue expanders, *Seborrheic keratosis.

813 Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • March 2018

Table 2. Cost of Processing and Examination of examination, the authors have found no evidence Plastic Surgery Specimens that routine submission of all surgical specimens is indicated. This is especially true of nonbiologi- Specimen Type No. Findings Cost cal specimens such as tissue expanders and breast Nonbreast scar 67 0 $38,570.26 Breast scar 19 0 $9682.62 implants, where sending for pathologic exami- Nonbreast skin 10 0 $6433.40 nation offers no clinically significant informa- Breast skin 21 1 $8490.29 tion that cannot be documented in the operative Keloid 4 0 $3050.83 Implant 60 0 $13,981.87 report. Expander 21 0 $4350.45 In 2015, there were 77,218 tissue expanders Capsule 30 0 $13,669.92 placed (and subsequently removed) and 42,553 Pannus 8 0 $4024.93 20 Cartilage 353 0 $223,625.23 breast implants removed in the United States. Rib 166 0 $104,215.50 If throughout the United States these devices are Total 759 1 $430,095.30 sent for pathologic examination at the same rate as in our institution, their processing and interpre- tation may annually cost as much as $10.6 million. Gross only examination was performed of 161 Considering that these two specimens accounted specimens (21.2 percent). Of all 759 specimens for only 4 percent of the cost of processing and submitted for pathologic analysis, there were no examination of all specimens reviewed in this clinically significant findings (0.0 percent). There series, the overall national cost for routine pro- was a single clinically nonsignificant finding of a cessing of plastic surgery specimens may reach as seborrheic keratosis on breast skin (0.13 percent). high as $265 million annually. The total amount billed for processing and There were also no significant findings pathologic examination of 759 specimens was found in our review of 353 submitted cartilage $430,095. Of this, $366,118 (85 percent) was for specimens and 166 rib specimens. Ribs are often pathologists’ interpretation and $63,977 was for removed solely to gain surgical access to vessels, tissue processing. The total amount billed was and although some hospitals may not require $223,625 for cartilage, $104,216 for rib speci- submission of these specimens unless clinically mens, $63,177 for scars and skin, $18,332 for indicated, some physicians still routinely submit breast implants and expanders, and $20,745 for them. Because there were no significant clinical all other specimens (Table 2). findings in this study, the authors cannot justify During the data collection period (2015), routine submission of these specimens. Likewise, 88 percent of all breast implants and 12 percent no pathologic findings were found in the 10 non- of all tissue expanders removed were sent for breast skin, 67 nonbreast scar, and eight panni pathologic examination. Of the breast implants specimens that were sent. As such, routine submis- and tissue expanders that were sent for patho- sion of these specimens cannot be justified. logic examination, 93 percent were sent for gross The authors also did not find any pathologic examination only. The average amount billed findings in their breast scar, breast skin, or breast for those specimens was $262, and the average capsule specimens. One would expect the yield to amount billed for specimens not sent for gross be low in finding any abnormality in these speci- examination only was $673. mens. For example, the incidence of anaplastic The total amount collected was obtained for large-cell lymphoma is estimated to be between pathologic examination of specimens but not for one in 10,000 and one in 30,000 in breast cap- tissue processing. The reimbursement rate for sules, and most of these would have positive clini- pathologists’ examination was 26 percent of the cal findings. Although we have no evidence that amount billed and totaled $95,191. routine submission of these specimens is indi- cated, one may argue that for the potential risk of a significant finding, these should be submitted. DISCUSSION Overall, a clinically significant pathologic diag- Appropriate use of pathologic examination nosis was present in 0.0 percent of all specimens can result in significant savings in health care in this cohort. As such, the authors conclude that spending. Given the significant financial impact routinely sending low-risk specimens is not justi- of sending routine specimens for pathologic fied because of the high cost and low impact on examination, the need to submit these speci- patient care. To guide the decision of what to send mens must be justified. Although some hospitals for pathologic examination, we group specimens require submission of all specimens for pathologic into three categories: may be excluded (relatively

814 Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Volume 141, Number 3 • Pathology Examination in Plastic Surgery

Table 3. Recommendations for Use of Routine room staff. The authors hypothesize that with no Pathologic Examination policy to explicitly permit the exclusion of certain specimens from examination, many surgeons err May be excluded Implant on the side of submitting specimens. Expander Also, without knowing the base rate of posi- Pannus tive findings in each of the specimen categories Send if there is a clinical suspicion Skin studied, it is possible that the lack of clinically Scar significant findings is purely the result of chance. Cartilage For this reason, any specimens that have the poten- Rib Keloid tial for a significant finding (human tissue) are Capsule grouped into the “always send” or “send if there is Always send a clinical suspicion” category. Skin (from breast with cancer history) Scar (from breast with cancer history) In addition, we were able to obtain actual amounts collected only for the professional inter- pretation portion of the cost of specimen process- low risk), send if there is a clinical suspicion, and ing and interpretation. As a result, the actual cost always send (relatively high risk) (Table 3). Speci- of specimen processing was estimated based on mens that may be excluded are nonbiological spec- the reimbursement rate for professional interpre- imens that are explanted (i.e., breast implants). tation. However, specimen processing accounted The largest category is “send if there is a clinical for only 15 percent of the total billed for all speci- suspicion,” because we believe that the surgeon is mens; thus, underestimation or overestimation of the best judge of what requires pathologic analy- the amount collected for this portion is unlikely to sis and interpretation. Lastly, there are specimens have a significant impact on overall cost. that should likely always be sent for pathologic Lastly, liberating surgeons from sending rou- examination because of the relatively high inci- tine specimens for pathologic evaluation may dence of findings that may affect patient care. Any increase the risk that a specimen that should be sent specimens that contain breast tissue or that contain is inadvertently thrown out—a problem that is less breast skin from a breast with a history of cancer likely to occur if specimens are always sent. As such, should be evaluated to rule out malignancy. adopting these changes mandates close communi- One alternative to pathologic examination is cation between surgeon and operating room staff, sending specimens for gross examination only. This especially in complex, multiteam procedures. is often used to justify sending specimens that have no need for pathologic examination, and may be CONCLUSIONS viewed as a way to decrease the cost associated with their processing. Indeed, our data support that A 1-year review of all plastic surgery specimens gross examination is less expensive than pathologic submitted for pathologic analysis at two large tertiary examination, averaging $262 per specimen versus care medical centers demonstrates the infrequency $673, respectively. These specimens may be sent to of clinically significant results and the significant document and record information about explanted cost burden. These data do not support routine materials, both for surveillance and for documenta- pathologic examination of all plastic surgery speci- tion in the medical record. However, this informa- mens. Instead, the authors justify select submission tion may be recorded by operating room staff and only when there is a clinical suspicion or medical should be dictated into the operative report. history that warrants evaluation. By eliminating This study has several weaknesses. Policies and unnecessary histologic or macroscopic examina- procedures vary by institution, as does culture, and tion, significant cost savings may be obtained. this study reflects the practices at only two institu- Neil Tanna, M.D., M.B.A. tions. There are likely some institutions that do 130 East 77th Street, 10th Floor not routinely send plastic surgery specimens for New York, N.Y. 11042 pathologic examination; there are others where [email protected] every specimen removed from a patient must be sent for pathologic examination. In the hospitals REFERENCES where these data were collected, no policy existed 1. Thoma A, Ignacy TA, Ziolkowski N, Voineskos S. The per- at the time of data collection regarding what must formance and publication of cost-utility analyses in plastic be sent for pathologic examination. As such, the surgery: Making our specialty relevant. Can J Plast Surg. decision was left to the surgeon and operating 2012;20:187–193.

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