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House of Commons Health Committee Public Health Twelfth Report of Session 2010–12 Volume II Oral and written evidence Additional written evidence is contained in Volume III, available on the Committee website at Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 19 October 2011 HC 1048-II Published on 2 November 2011 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £18.50 The Health Committee The Health Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department of Health and its associated bodies. Membership Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell MP (Conservative, Charnwood) (Chair)1 Rosie Cooper MP (Labour, West Lancashire) Yvonne Fovargue MP (Labour, Makerfield) Andrew George MP (Liberal Democrat, St Ives) Grahame M. Morris MP (Labour, Easington) Dr Daniel Poulter MP (Conservative, Central Suffolk and North Ipswich) Mr Virendra Sharma MP (Labour, Ealing Southall) Chris Skidmore MP (Conservative, Kingswood) David Tredinnick MP (Conservative, Bosworth) Valerie Vaz MP (Labour, Walsall South) Dr Sarah Wollaston MP (Conservative, Totnes) Powers The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via Publications The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the Internet at The Reports of the Committee, the formal minutes relating to that report, oral evidence taken and some or all written evidence are available in printed volume(s). Additional written evidence may be published on the internet only. Committee staff The staff of the Committee are David Lloyd (Clerk), Sara Howe (Second Clerk), David Turner (Committee Specialist), Steve Clarke (Committee Specialist), Frances Allingham (Senior Committee Assistant), and Ronnie Jefferson (Committee Assistant). Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Health Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 5466. The Committee’s email address is [email protected]. 1 Mr Stephen Dorrell was elected as the Chair of the Committee on 9 June 2010, in accordance with Standing Order No. 122B (see House of Commons Votes and Proceedings, 10 June 2010). Witnesses Tuesday 17 May 2011 Page Professor David Hunter, Director, Centre for Public Policy and Health, Durham University, Professor Lindsey Davies, President, Faculty of Public Health, Angela Mawle, Chief Executive, UK Public Health Association, and Dr Fiona Sim, Vice Ev 1 Chair, Royal Society for Public Health. Tuesday 7 June 2011 Professor David Heymann CBE, Chair of the Board, Health Protection Agency, Baroness Doreen Massey, Chair of the Board, National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, Professor Brian Ferguson, National Transition Director for Public Health Observatories, and David Meechan, Executive Committee member, Ev 20 UK Association of Cancer Registries. Councillor David Rogers OBE, Chair of the Community Wellbeing Programme Board, Local Government Group, Jo Webber, Deputy Policy Director, NHS Confederation, Dr Frank Atherton, President, Association of Directors of Public Health, and Dr Keith Reid, Co-Chair, Public Health Medicine Committee, British Ev 31 Medical Association. Tuesday 21 June 2011 Professor Peter Goldblatt, Senior Research Fellow, Marmot Review Team, Dr Jessica Allen, Project Director, Marmot Review Team, and Professor Stephen Ev 41 Morris, Professor of Health Economics, University College London. Dr David Halpern, Head, Behavioural Insights Team, Cabinet Office, Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, Chair, Alcohol Health Alliance, Mark Baird, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Diageo Great Britain Limited, and Chris Arnold, Creative Ev 51 Partner, Creative Orchestra. Tuesday 12 July 2011 Professor Dame Sally C Davies DBE, Chief Medical Officer, Anita Marsland MBE, Transition Managing Director, Public Health England, Professor David R Harper CBE, Director General, Health Improvement and Protection, Department of Health, and Professor John Newton, Chair, Department of Health Working Group on Information and Intelligence for Public Health, South Central Strategic Ev 64 Health Authority. Professor Alan Maryon-Davis, Honorary Professor of Public Health, King’s College London, and Dr Gabriel Scally, South West Regional Director, Public Ev 76 Health, South West Strategic Health Authority. Tuesday 19 July 2011 Anne Milton MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Public Health, and Professor David R Harper CBE, Director General, Health Improvement and Ev 85 Protection, Department of Health. List of printed written evidence Page 1 Department of Health Ev 105 2 Association of Directors of Public Health Ev 111 3 Professor Brian Ferguson Ev 117 4 National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse Ev 122 5 National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse supplementary Ev 126 6 NHS Confederation Ev 126 7 Health Protection Agency Ev 132 8 Health Protection Agency supplementary Ev 135 9 Local Government Group Ev 136 10 UK Faculty of Public Health Ev 140 11 Royal Society for Public Health Ev 145 12 United Kingdom Association of Cancer Registries Ev 148 13 United Kingdom Association of Cancer Registries supplementary Ev 150 14 Marmot Review Team Ev 151 15 British Medical Association Ev 155 16 British Medical Association supplementary Ev 160 17 UK Public Health Association Ev 163 18 Professor John Newton Ev 166 19 Department of Health supplementary Ev 167 List of additional written evidence (published in Volume III on the Committee’s website 1 Professor Hilary Pickles Ev w1 2 Sustrans Ev w4 3 Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Ev w9 4 Sport and Recreation Alliance Ev w11 5 NHS Alliance Ev w14 6 Dr Bruce Laurence Ev w18 7 Dr Alison Talbot-Smith Ev w21 8 Mr Matthew Ashton Ev w24 9 Centre for Public Scrutiny Ev w25 10 NHS Knowsley Public Health Directorate Ev w29 11 Dr Fiona Day Ev w32 12 UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies Ev w34 13 Public Health Directorate of NHS Lincolnshire Ev w35 14 S Peckham, A Hann, A Wallace, S Gillam, S Kendall, K Nanchahal and R Rogers Ev w38 Lancashire Public Health Network and Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Network Ev w42 15 Lynn Emslie Ev w44 16 Dr Stephen Watkins and Dr Vicci Owen-Smith Ev w45 17 Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountability Ev w51 18 Food Standards Agency Ev w53 19 LighterLife Ev w57 20 Academy of Medical Sciences Ev w60 21 The King’s Fund Ev w63 22 Staffordshire County Council Ev w67 23 Medical Research Council and Economic and Social Research Council Ev w72 24 Nuffield Trust Ev w77 25 Centre for Mental Health Ev w79 26 Weight Watchers UK Ltd Ev w83 27 Association of Convenience Stores Ev w86 28 Royal College of Midwives Ev w88 29 School Food Trust Ev w90 30 Yorkshire and Humber Health Trainer Hub Team Ev w92 31 The Bow Group Health & Education Policy Committee Ev w94 32 The Wellcome Trust Ev w99 33 Dr Ann Hoskins Ev w101 34 Family Planning Association Ev w109 35 Brook Ev w111 36 NHS Ashton, Leigh and Wigan Ev w113 37 Lindley Owen Ev w116 38 NHS Sheffield Directorate of Public Health Ev w118 39 Royal National Institute of Blind People Ev w119 40 Mr James Douglas Ev w123 41 Dr Giri Rajaratnam Ev w126 42 Royal College of Psychiatrists Ev w129 43 Health Professions Council Ev w132 44 Intelligence for Healthy Lancashire Group Ev w133 45 Action on Smoking and Health Ev w134 46 Dr Anne Brunton Ev w139 47 Alyson Learmonth Ev w139 48 British Association for Adoption and Fostering Ev w144 49 Women’s Health and Equality Consortium Ev w146 50 Yorkshire and the Humber Public Health Specialty Registrars Ev w150 51 Socialist Health Association Ev w153 52 Stockport Shadow Health and Well Being Board Ev w157 53 Fresh – Smoke Free North East Ev w159 54 BD Ltd Ev w162 55 Men's Health Forum Ev w164 56 Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee Ev w165 57 Beating Bowel Cancer Ev w167 58 Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence Ev w171 59 The Prostate Cancer Charity Ev w173 60 University College London’s Division of Population Health Ev w177 61 Child Accident Prevention Trust Ev w182 62 Office for Sexual Health, NHS South West Ev w184 63 Durham County Council Ev w185 64 Barbara James Ev w188 65 National Children’s Bureau Ev w190 66 NHS Sefton’s Public Health Directorate and Sefton Council Ev w194 67 Heart of Mersey Ev w198 68 British Heart Foundation Ev w202 69 Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Ev w207 70 Age UK Ev w210 71 Sense Ev w214 72 Dr Sue Gordon, Executive Director of Public Health, NHS North of Tyne Ev w216 73 The College of Occupational Therapists Ev w221 74 National Heart Forum Ev w224 75 British Retail Consortium Ev w227 76 Dr John Tomlinson Ev w229 77 UK Public Health Register Ev w233 78 Homeless Link Ev w235 79 Pharmacy Voice Ev w238 80 UK Drug Policy Commission Ev w242 81 Action on Hearing Loss Ev w246 82 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Ev w249 83 MEND Ev w252 84 Anna Lynch Ev w254 85 Middlesbrough Health Scrutiny Panel Ev w259 86 Ajinomoto Ev w262 87 NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care Ev w263 88 The Centre for History in Public Health Ev w266 89 Unite the Union Ev w270 90 Living Streets Ev w272 91 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Ev w276 92 Bristol-Myers Squibb Ev w280 93 Turning Point