The Times-Recorder
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APRIL 21, 1912 THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER. PAGE THREE LIFE’S DISAPPOINTMENTS VINCENT ASTOR UNDERWOOD TO GET SUCCESSOR TO 80 PER CENT. OF VOTE Prominent South Georgian Gives His JjlS FATHER Views. Hon. A. T. Woodward, one of the most prominent lawyers in south WILL SHIRE GREAT WEALTH Georgia, who is well known and liked by a host of friends, writes from Valdosta to the Underwood headquar- ters in Atlanta: With the Bride-Widower of “Underwood will get whatever vote is polled in Echols county. He has Astor the support of such men as Judge T. Colonel C. Ham, Hon. W. C. Howell, Hon, J. F. Nall, Hon. Bryant Corbett and oth- ers there and in that, section. I am New York, April 20.—William Vin- not exaggerating, but it is my opinion cent Astor, who will become head of and the opinion of others that the American branch of the Astor fam- Lowndes county will go for Under- ily, is not yet 21 years old. He was wood if a full vole is polled by at born on November 15, 1891, in the old least 400 or 500 majority, it looks to like almost every William Astor mansion, at Fifth ave- me man l see is for Underwood. The judge of the supe- Thirty-fourth street, nue and New rior court, the judge of " the city court, ork, where the Waldorf-Astoria now clerk, ordinary, tax receiver, sheriff, stands, and from which his parents about three-fourths of the lawyers, moved shortly after his birth to the nearly every prominent business man Cash and Cupid are very good friends. When then new Astor residence at Fifth av- in town (Valdosta) and in the coun- enue and Sixty-sixth street. ty; every bank president, three out Cash leaves, so does Cupid, often. At any rate, He was a delicate child, and until of four cashiers of the banks, all the providing for and doctors, it is the way wife children is a DUTY. Be- he entered Harvard last autumn he and same from every section of the counties I can sides, PLEASURES to you spent about six months of each year can come and yours hear from. It looks to me like we at his father’s country house, at Fern- in number, if, will get 75 per cent. l heard a greater as you journey throgh cliff, on Hudson, the three months at prominent man say on the street that life, you always spend less than you make and Newport and three months at the town he had just returned from Thomas bank house. He was always somewhat tall, county, that Judge Charles Hansell the rest. Your money will grow rapidly with dark, straight hair and dark- said, in his opinion, Thomas county in our bank. Let OUR Bank be YOUR Bank. would vote 75 per cent, of her votes . biue eyes, resembling his father, es- - for Underwood. I heard gentleman iWWIEIt'AWai .... pecially as to the lower part of the a Capital . $100,000.00 <Copyrlght, llllz.) from Berrien county say that Under- face. He is fond of yachting and au- wood would carry that county and Stockholders Liability (under l). S. Laws) $100,060.00 tomobiling. would also carry Tift and Clinch.” He accompanied his father on the Security to Depositors $200,000.00 A woman never gets so indignant Nobody will listen to advice for trip to the West Indies two years ago anybody which he doesn have pay profes- DIET AND HEALTH with in an argument that to as in Astor yacht, Nourmahal, Spanish-American opinion. which the War served in Cu- she cant much sional HINTS get more indignant was not heard from for several weeks. ba and went through the siege of Americus National Bank with a peace-maker who steps By D*. T. 1. ALLEN in. John Jacob Astor and his son Vincent Santiago de Cuba. He bore the offic- Nobody forgets to drive a nail n I.E PAY INTEaERT ON TIME DEPOSITS. Food Specialist were believed to have been drowned ial terms of the capitulation the his own coffin lid ever so often, but to When the average man’s ship and their vessel wrecked at that Secvretary of fin- nobody remembers there is only so time. War. ally comes in the silent boatman is in Vincent Astor has been thrown has SARDINES RECOMMENDED. much room for them. He invented several mechanical charge. particularly into his father’s com- devices, one of which, a pneumatic pany mother, Tho "Lancet” aays that sar- ARE YOU GUILTY since his Mrs. Avi machine for aiding in road construc- dines are to be recommended Some men look for trouble so that Willing Astor, obtained her divorce tion, received first prize at the World’s If only for the oil which they they may be ready to dodge it when Do You Smoke too Much, Drink too from John Jacob Astor, in November Columbian Exposition in 1893. He al- LAWN MOWERS LAWN MOWERS contain, even if the sardines are comes. Much, Eat too Much? 1909. Under the divorce decree which so invented a practical tubic engine. herring and the oil peanut or was granted by Supreme Court Jus- He wrote “A Journey in Other Cotton and Sprinkling oil. people, Robber Hose cottonseed Most It takes a mighty good stomach to tice Mills in Rockland county, New Worlds” and “A Romance of Fu- says this eminent authority, neg- A man can’t sympathize with any the feel ready for a good breakfast the York, the papers being sealed, John ture,” published in 1894, lect to take sufficient oil, which one who has the toothache unless he All Kinds Best Tools morning after the banquet or social Jacob Astor was to have custody ot Grade Garden offsets the injurious effects of has had it himself. session. excessive proteid ingestion, and “What do you want for breakfast?” Vincent and Mrs. Astor of the only No acident policy can help a man Is otherwise beneficial. It Is inquired Brown’s good other child of the marriage, Muriel, when he falls in love. WARC-EVER ALUMINUM WARE About the only way a man can con- wife. not to be supposed that the ad- “Jnst a pleasant smile and a breath now 10 years old. At the time of the vince his wife that her opinion is dition of uncleaned herring or of fresh air,” answered Brown the the amount John Jacob As- People objections agree meeting divorce of who raise are al- On Display at Our Store sprats or even of genuine wrong is to wr ith her. morning after an important the at the lodge. tor’s settlement on his wife was not ways sure of a bountiful crop. sardine of Sardinia Improves If you eat, smoke or drink too muci made public, but it was said to be the nil. Olive or peanut oil can rule a man tells his As a when always remember that two little MI. $10,000,000 in cash, on the provision Next to investing in gold mines Olin A. Williams Co. be obtained more easily than wife he is sorry about anything he O-NA stomach tablets taken just be- that this sum would later revert to starting an amateur garden loses the sardines and with less liability means that he is sorry she got next. fore you go to bed will destroy all of substitution. poisonous gases and leave you with a Muriel most money. Lamar Street Opposite 0. Building sweet, clean stomach in the morning. Vincent Astor’s rumored engagement P. metaphors at Indigestion stomach ICopyrigiit, 1911, Bowles.) All the classes and For and all to various young society girls, nota- by Joseph B. distress MI-O-NA is the best prescrip- the command of a female school teach bly Miss Margaret Andrews, the ?»#############################»< tion in the world, Murray & Hooks will prevent her from jumping daughter All things come to those who wait er not i'narmacy sell it on money back plan. of Paul Andrews, of New- but we can't all be waiters. at the sight of a mouse. Large box only 50 cents. port, has been made the subject of gossip for the last year or two. The ii G. T. Porter young man, just before going to Har- :; CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER vard last autumn, however, said he Money Loaned wasn’t engaged to anyone and that his Brick, and Wood Concrete W« make farm loans at • per eemt Interest sad glva tbs borrower Alt Randolph Rose Addresses only interest was in his studies. Mr privilege paying part principal any year, stopping Andrews last autumn also denied his i: Work. Alt Work Guaranteed. of of at end ot int*r<*st oa amounts paid, but no annual paimsnt of principal regulrod.. daughter’s engagement. | Residence, 221 Jackson Street. We make city loans. A Estimate Made of Fortune. His Friends in the South The John Jacob Astor fortune, whicn Vincent Astor would share with his ii Phone 583 G. R. Ellis or G. C. Webb. step-mother and perhaps with his sis- IMKIOU4, GEOKGLA. ter Muriel, has been estimated at “Quality” $100,000,000. John Jacobin Astor’a real property holdings in New York R. M. Rose Company alone were stated authoritatively last autumn to be worth more than $41,- ROSE, PRESIDENT RANDOLPH 000,000. The Thirty-fourth street C. MANASSE. Sect. aTreas. half of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Distillers part of his estate, is assessed'at more than $8,300,000. Chattanooga, Tenn. At the time that Mrs.