National Aeronautics and Space Administration

AOSP Newsletter Airspace Operations and Safety Program (AOSP)

JUL-SEP 2020 | Quarter 4

ATM-X Completes TAM 2 Demonstration Flights on EcoDemonstrator

Testbed Training Exercise 8 2 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


ATM-X Completes TAM to Charleston, SC and examined TAM is an increasingly autonomous Demonstration Flights the use of increasingly autonomous air-ground trajectory management on ecoDemonstrator ground-based air traffic technology, system for arrivals that computes POC: ARWA AWEISS AND evaluating the effectiveness of TAM flight paths based on fuel efficient RICHARD COPPENBARGER solutions in real-world operations. optimized-profile descents while The test went according to plan and simultaneously satisfying schedule The Air Traffic Management – the TAM advisories were acceptable constraints and resolving conflicts. eXploration (ATM-X) project to the pilots. As prescribed in the test It transmits a new route via digital successfully completed two plan, the advisories were autoloaded communications that seamlessly EcoDemonstrator (ecoD) flight but not flown. Using NASA’s integrates with existing avionics. trials of NASA’s Tailored Arrival AutoResolver as its algorithmic For ecoD, the TAM user sets a Manager (TAM) this past quarter engine and testbed for managing flight delay and turn direction to in partnership with and the data interfaces with Boeing and mimic meeting a traffic scheduling William J. Hughes Federal Aviation FAA systems, TAM computed fuel- constraint, and then TAM computes Administration Technical Center efficient solutions, speed, and path for the new flight path. The user also has (FAATC). The first test, completed metering to an arrival fix on approach a more autonomous option which on Aug. 14, was from Glasgow, MT to Glasgow Industrial . lets TAM determine the solution

TAM user interface and testbed traffic viewer AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020 3


Boeing 787-10 ecoDemonstrator aircraft on tarmac at Glasgow Industrial Airport, Montana. Upon completion of the flight demonstration program on Sept. 9, the aircraft was scheduled for delivery to Boeing customer Etihad Airways. (Photo courtesy of Boeing)

without prescribing a turn direction. flight deck, the crew auto-loaded flyable had the pilots chosen to The TAM test was part of a 10-hour TAM solutions into the Flight execute them. After the three TAM maiden flight for the ecoD Boeing Management System (FMS) and solution tests were completed, the 787-10 Dreamliner aircraft from made photographic observations of 787 performed a near idle thrust Charleston, SC to Boeing Field, uplinked messages and associated descent to the meter fix using FMS WA. TAM trajectory predictions route modifications on the avionics Vertical Navigation (VNAV) at a and solutions used wind forecasts displays. In this first step of TAM descent speed advised by TAM. The with flight track and intent data evaluations, no TAM advisories VNAV descent to the meter fix was transmitted by the aircraft. Solutions were executed in accordance with performed automatically with only meeting user-prescribed flight delay the test plan for 2020. A total of minor speed brake inputs required by times were sent digitally to the FAA three sequential TAM solutions were pilots. The flown trajectory together Data Comm Avionics Lab (DCAL) delivered to the flight deck. Pilots with downlinked top-of-descent and through the TAM user interface. commented that all solutions were meter-fix arrival time estimates from The DCAL instantly translated the received in a timely manner and the FMS will be compared against TAM solutions into Controller Pilot were loaded into the FMS with no corresponding TAM predictions Datalink Communications (CPDLC) route discontinuities. Comments in post-flight analysis. The timing messages and uplinked them to the from Boeing indicated that each associated with message delivery and flight deck. Once received on the TAM solution would have been pilot review will also be examined 4 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


based on time-stamped CPDLC had the pilots been authorized to functions of the ATD-2 system. downlink messages. execute them. The testbed managed The videos can be utilized both as the data interfaces between the an on the spot training resource by The second flight trial conducted different systems. The ecoD 2020 active, operational personnel or in a on Sept. 9 successfully completed test activity demonstrated the TAM more formal training environment, the 2020 ecoD flight test activity. concept for a single commercial and have been placed on web sites For this test, the Boeing 787-10 flight, though the TAM concept that are specific to each field user. test aircraft executed arrivals into and automation is designed to For instance, the flight operator Knoxville, TN and Charleston, deconflict and optimize “all” arrivals videos were made with examples SC that again showcased into a metropolitan area–where related to that individual TAM. Following on the heels of the the value proposition is most to further enhance the learning initial flight demonstration into compelling. EcoD 2020 represents a experiences with real-world cases. Glasgow Industrial Airport, this successful first step in that direction. The following link provides an latest test further illustrated the example of one of the partner potential for NASA’s increasingly NASA ATD-2 Phase 3 2020 operator’s training content: autonomous ground-based air Stormy Season Training traffic technology to leverage the Videos and Presentations https://aviationsystems.arc.nasa. avionics already onboard today’s POC: GREG JURO gov/research/atd2/phase3-training/ commercial aircraft fleet, ushering aa9928985861/index.shtml in dramatically more efficient The COVID-19 pandemic management of the arrival airspace created new training challenges This training material delivery at our nation’s most congested for the Airspace Technology approach has the added benefit airports. During the course of three Demonstration-2 (ATD-2) team. of allowing later updates with arrival descents (Glasgow, Knoxville, Prior to COVID-19, the plan was new training resources or other and Charleston), eight scenarios to provide face-to-face, hands-on modifications as user capability were executed, each prompting a training at each of the seven field changes. Feedback from the field TAM path and/or speed solution demonstration sites in the North users regarding the website training to solve a simulated traffic and Texas area which included both materials has been very positive. metering conflict. TAM advisories flight operator and were again relayed to the ecoD facilities. However, visitors to these Study Examines Causes aircraft flight deck via existing facilities were prohibited beginning of Failure to Comply FAA digital data communication in March. The restrictions, still During Commercial protocols. Per the test plan, the in place at present, eliminate the Airline Operations advisories were autoloaded into the capacity to provide face-to-face POC: LANCE PRINZEL, JON HOLBROOK, FMS but not flown. The flight crew training. To successfully continue MICHAEL STEWART AND MISTY DAVIES reported that all eight solutions the training mission for each of were received in a timely manner the field demonstration sites, the At the Applied Human Factors and were loaded into the FMS ATD-2 team created a large number & Ergonomics 2020 Conference with no route discontinuities, with of YouTube training videos and held July 16-20, NASA researchers Boeing indicating that each TAM slide presentations with embedded presented research outcomes from solution would have been flyable audio designed to explain specific an initial study that examined the AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020 5


causes of failures to comply with data analytics approaches. The team ATAC Corp. Testbed Transition procedures during commercial includes researchers from NASA’s Model and Trade-off Study airline operations. The presen- Langley Research Center in Vir- POC: KEE PALOPO tation included a discussion of ginia and Ames Flight Research planned subsequent research efforts Center in California, and formal TATAC Corporation completed focused on (a) in-time system- and informal collaborations with an analysis on the Testbed wide safety assurance and in-time American , Boeing, FAA, Transition Model Trade-off Study safety management systems; and LOSA Collaborative, Volpe, and and provided a final briefing (b) autonomous systems design for academia. The study was sponsored to line and project managers Part 121 commercial flight opera- by the System-Wide Safety project, at NASA’s Langley Research tions and Advanced Air Mobility’s with cross-project coordination and Center in Hampton, Virginia and concepts of operations. The current support from the Transformational NASA’s Ames Research Center in human-contribution-to-safety effort Tools & Technologies Autonomous Silicon Valley, California on July consists of a diverse portfolio of Systems subproject within the 10. The analysis looked at three research and development efforts Transformative Aeronautics Con- support models for future testbed including an ongoing high-fidelity cepts Program. The NASA report operations: entirely managed by Boeing 737-800 simulation study, was published as a chapter in the NASA, completely external to planned m:N remote supervisory book, “Advances in Safety Manage- NASA, and a hybrid of the two. operations research scheduled for ment and Human Performance.” The briefing focused on an example fiscal year 2021, and pioneering hybrid case, assuming certain

Proposed support structure functional areas and organization 6 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


percentages of resources provided items for a follow-on meeting to in three industry workshops in by NASA and external parties. A be held in about a month. which the outcomes were presented, spreadsheet for calculating an and industry representatives gave estimate of the required resources ATM-X Insight Assessment feedback and identified areas of can be customized to allow NASA Closeout Briefing particular need to them. This to perform further analysis. POC: BARRY BARMORE process was summarized in a report currently going through the NASA System-Wide Safety On July 28, Booz Allen Hamilton review process to be published as Research Transition Team - (BAH) presented the outcome of a NASA Contractor Report. The Human Factors Meeting their System Insight Assessment insights gained from this assessment POC: JESSICA NOWINSKI, JON HOLBROOK, Report to both Airspace Operations are helping refine and focus the AND MISTY DAVIES and Safety Program management ATM-X Phase 2 portfolio. and Air Traffic Management – On July 21, the NASA/FAA eXploration (ATM-X) project ATD-2 Conducts Phase 3 System-Wide Safety Research management. They highlighted the Stormy Season 2021 Transition Team human factors approach used to extract insights Training for Envoy Air sub-group held a virtual meeting from the ATM-X research team and POC: GREG JURO to refocus the group’s efforts on industry stakeholders, including key human factors needs for Urban findings and gaps that were used to The Airspace Technology Air Mobility (UAM)/Advanced refine and focus technical content Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) team Air Mobility (AAM). The last for the ATM-X Continuation provided two sessions of virtual time that the group met was in Assessment Review (held July 14), training to air traffic coordinators 2017. About 60 NASA and FAA and the transition to Phase 2 of at Envoy Air during the last week of civil servants met to discuss the the project. Jackson Floum and July. Envoy Air will be a new flight new team goals and objectives and Christian McGillan from BAH operator participant during Stormy share information about the UAM provided the closeout briefing 2021 and accounts for approximately and AAM human factors work and led an open discussion with 20 percent of daily operations at currently underway at each agency. program and project management. Dallas/Fort Worth International Six FAA representatives and three The system insight assessment was Airport. The site and equipment NASA civil servants, representing recommended during ATM-X surveys have been completed to place both NASA’s Langley Research formulation in fiscal year 2018 as the ATD-2 equipment inside the Center in Virginia and Ames Flight an additional way to engage with Envoy Air operations center, but due Research Center in California, the growing aviation community to the COVID-19 pandemic and provided brief overviews of beyond typical academic conferences. associated visitation restrictions, the relevant work for the purpose of In calendar year 2018 and 2019, equipment has not yet been installed. considering potential opportunities BAH reviewed ATM-X publications The placement of the equipment is for collaboration. Discussions after and interviewed researchers from the scheduled to occur as soon as the the presentations were centered ATM-X team, and what is now the capability to visit the Envoy Air on developing shared goals with Advanced Air Mobility project, to operations center is resumed. The regard to research needs and collect and synthesize findings and virtual training covered all aspects approaches, as well as high priority insights. This review culminated of the ATD-2 Metroplex client AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020 7


with emphasis on how to evaluate and validation (V&V) of aviation with Uber. The next planned Annex and submit Trajectory Options Set systems can be a difficult, yet under the Space Act Agreement will opportunities that are beneficial necessary, task for the safety of include table-top exercises, part task for Envoy. Envoy has identified five flying the current generation of simulations, human-in-the-loop subject matter experts who will be the airplanes. NASA Ames entered into simulations, and culminate with focal points for use of ATD-2 during a Space Act Agreement (#403098) using data collected by Uber in the Stormy Season 2021. Additionally, in 2016 with GE Global Research Dallas area. The presentations at the after the training was completed, Center, allowing GE to try V&V kickoff meeting included discussions the ATD-2 team provided Envoy tools developed by Ames researchers on FAA’s Concept of Operations, with their own training web site link on some of the systems they are previous research at NASA for UAM that contains multiple videos and developing and gauge if they are operations, Uber’s timeline and slide shows that provide thorough ready for infusion in various GE operations, and a review of the FAA’s explanations on various components business units. AdaStress uses safety risk management process. This of the ATD-2 client. The ATD-2 artificial intelligence techniques workshop also formulated a smaller team also has plans to provide face- to perform “smarter” testing and focus group that will meet twice- to-face on-site training at Envoy once discover subtle errors in complex monthly and start preparing for the visitor restrictions are lifted. applications. The research and activities planned under the new results have been submitted for upcoming Annex. This focus group GE Aviation Adopts publication at the 2020 Digital will meet every 3-4 months to update AdaStress—an Adaptive Avionics Systems Conference. the larger working group on progress Stress Testing Tool— made during the previous months. with Great Success UAM Operations and POC: GUILLAUME BRAT AND MISTY DAVIES Procedures Focus Report on Strategic Airborne Group Workshop Trajectory Management Study In early August, Robert Moss, an POC: SAVVY VERMA POC: ROSA OSEGUERA-LOHR AND engineer with General Electric MATT UNDERWOOD (GE) Aviation, conducted a study An Urban Air Mobility (UAM) using AdaStress, an adaptive stress operations and procedures focus On Aug. 17, the Air Traffic testing tool developed by Dr. group workshop kicked off on Management – eXploration (ATM- Ritchie Lee in the System-Wide Aug. 6. The workshop had more X) project’s Integrated Diverse Safety project at NASA’s Ames than 60 attendees from different Operations (IDO) subproject Research Center in Silicon Valley, FAA organizations including briefed the ATM-X management California. GE has reported that NextGen, Air Traffic Organization, team on a significant achievement AdaStress discovered “rare errors in AUV and AJI; Uber; NASA; and toward IDO’s Batch Study 1 FMS (Flight Management System) Dallas-Fort Worth International milestone–the exploration of software” and that “GE Aviation Airport. The objective of the ATM-X Services Prototype Tool was very impressed with the work workshop was to investigate near- and Simulation Environment. The and the results [they] got and term UAM operations in the Dallas batch study’s objectives were to they intend to continue to use the and Los Angeles areas under the develop a prototype implementation AdaStress capability as part of their Space Act Agreement that Air Traffic of a Strategic Airborne Trajectory FMS testing strategy.” Verification Management – eXploration has Management (SATM) tool and 8 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


representatives from NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, California, NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, FAA Headquarters, FAA Technical Center, Boeing, MITRE, and the École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (French Civil Aviation University). The testbed training exercise was well- received as a potentially synergistic ecosystem for the community collaboration. Participants suggested extensions to its capabilities–specifically being able to use the Testbed TrafficViewer for human-in-the-loop experiments, such as the NextGen Integration and Evaluation Capability and the Notification of optimized route Optimized Trajectory Solutions shown on multi- Florida NextGen Testbed, being purpose control and display unit autonomous opera- tions planner page pursued at FAA facilities.

to create a set of representative team is working on two future ATD-2 Phase 3 Stormy Trajectory Based Operations publications: “Simulation of a 21 Kickoff Meeting with scenarios. Accomplishing these Representative Future Trajectory- Field Demo Partners objectives supported creating Based Operations Environment” POC: GREG JURO the simulation environment and and “Design and Implementation documenting the processes for of a Scenario Creation Process for The Airspace Technology future batch studies to evaluate 2040 Trajectory-Based Operations Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) team SATM concepts and technologies. Simulation.” kicked off a virtual planning The final outcomes were a meeting with field demo partners methodology and automated Testbed Training Exercise in the North Texas area on scripts to create scenarios that POC: KEE PALOPO Aug. 26. Participants included significantly expand high-density representatives from American, airspace simulation capabilities, The Air Traffic Management Southwest and Envoy Airlines, which were completed at the end – eXploration testbed team the National Business Aircraft of June. The results indicated conducted a two-day online Association, Dallas Love Field that the use of SATM in a high- training exercise for 20 Tower, Dallas-Fort Worth Terminal density traffic environment with participants organized by the Radar Approach Control, Fort digital communications could FAA Technical Center on Aug. Worth Center, and the National lead to flight benefits. The IDO 18-19. The participants included Air Traffic Controllers Association. AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020 9


The convective weather storm SWS Research Transition Virginia and Ames Research Center season in which the ATD-2 Team Verification & in California, as well as several other Phase 3 evaluation will take place Validation Subgroup FAA team members, with the goal is referred to as “Stormy 21.” Sponsors Informational of introducing aircraft certification During the evaluation, the ATD-2 Seminars by FAA Experts to a wider NASA audience. The Integrated Arrival, Departure, POC: AARON DUTLE, EVAN DILL, presentation covered the basic FAA and Surface prototype system AND MISTY DAVIES organizational structure, the main will issue alternative routes in kinds of FAA certification, and dove the form of Trajectory Option The System-Wide Safety Research deeply into type certification and Sets (TOS), for departing flights Transition Team verification & the specifics of how new aircraft in the North Texas terminal area. validation subgroup sponsored two designs are certified, how updates The participants began discussing virtual informational seminars this to existing aircraft designs are collaborations on the process past quarter. The first took place certified, and how experimental for achieving successful TOS on Aug. 4, when Wes Ryan, an aircraft obtain their certification. submissions during the next several FAA aircraft certification expert, The presentation also covered how months and discussed the field presented a virtual “Certification the certification process at the FAA demo partners readiness to submit 101” tutorial to a group of more has evolved over the years, and what and approve TOS submissions, than 60 NASA researchers from the FAA envisions certification training needs, and information NASA’s Langley Research Center in may look like for future aviation exchange to compensate for staffing resource availability. The groups also discussed potential enhancements to the ATD-2 system and methods to adapt them. There was unanimous agreement for the continuation of making TOS submissions available to the field demo partners during the next few months, and collaboration with the field demo partners will continue in order to finalize a specific time parameter for the formal phase of testing and data collection associated with Stormy 2021. Data and reports that will assist field demo partners in analyzing TOS opportunities and ATD-2 benefits will continue to be disseminated in upcoming virtual meetings. Screenshot of Virtual NASA-FAA Certification Bootcamp 101, attended by over 60 participants from NASA Ames, NASA Langley, and the FAA 10 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


concepts involving autonomy and ASHWG “Low Energy Alerting” crew alerting systems for airplanes artificial intelligence. Report Published Based on engaged in commercial operations. NASA SWS TASA Research During the second seminar held POC: MICHAEL FEARY AND MISTY DAVIES ATD-2 Stormy 2021 Briefing Sept. 3, George Romanski, the FAA’s to the SCT and FAA Flow chief scientific and technical advi- The FAA’s Avionics Systems Evaluation Team sor for aircraft computer software, Harmonization Working Group POC: GREG JURO provided a briefing to a multi-center (ASHWG) published a report NASA audience on aircraft software (Sept. 4) on “Low Energy Alerting” On Sept. 14, representatives certification. Romanski focused on informed by System-Wide Safety from the Airspace Technology a software certification package for project research on Technologies for Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) team a platform that supports the ground Airplane State Awareness (TASA) conducted a briefing during portion of the Wide Area Augmenta- Safety Enhancement 210 (SE- a joint meeting of the Surface tion System for the Global Position- 210). The report was prepared for Collaborative Decision Making ing System. Topics also included the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Team (SCT) and the FAA’s Flow software design assurance levels, soft- Committee. In response to National Evaluation Team on plans for ware development and verification Transportation Safety Board Safety ATD-2 Phase 3 Trajectory Option plans and processes, requirements Recommendation A-14-043, the Sets Stormy 2021 testing. The traceability, coverage verification, FAA was asked to task a panel of SCT consists of representatives test procedures and test cases, data- human factors, aviation operations, from the major U.S. passenger and coupling analysis, and many others. and aircraft design specialists, cargo airlines, general aviation, the Actual certification life-cycle data such as the ASHWG, to develop FAA, and NATCA. The briefing was shown and discussed. After the design requirements for context- was a subsequent presentation to technical presentation, questions dependent low energy alerting a high-level overview of Stormy on the software certification process systems for airplanes engaged in 2021 that was provided to this in general and the FAA’s approach commercial operations. The effort group in July, and provided more to certification also were discussed. was motivated by the Asiana 214 details regarding various elements The presentation was the second in accident for context dependent of the plan that the ATD-2 team a series of certification discussions alerting, and recommends changes has developed. The focus of the with the FAA to cultivate awareness to AC25-7D, §25.1303 (c) briefing was to outline operational within NASA of how certification existing alerting standards and plans and enhancements that the works, and to stimulate discussion all references to those regulations. ATD 2 team will be making to with the FAA on what NASA has to The recommendation updates the system to increase Trajectory offer. The presentations were hosted existing fixed alert times with Option Sets (TOS) opportunities by Aaron Dutle from NASA Langley times aligned with alert category, during the coming months. Specific and were designed to bring together timeliness, nomenclature, etc. topics covered included the researchers from NASA and the FAA without requiring exceptional skill, platforms designed to accomplish to collaborate on how verification alertness, or workload. The “Low training for field users such as and validation research can be used Energy Alerting” ASHWG report tutorial videos, additional use case to provide safety assurance in the proposes new requirements for scenarios that could generate more National Airspace System. context-dependent low energy flight TOS opportunities, and various AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020 11


methods to accurately calculate of the work conducted under this from industry, including from five reroute benefit savings. The briefing research activity. This work was the major airlines, multiple avionics was received well, and numerous culmination of a year and a half of manufacturers, media, and the FAA. questions were answered regarding planning and execution, supporting The objective for the Exploration the implementation plan. one of the milestone deliverables of ATM Services was to define planned for the Integrated Diverse initial concepts for dynamic, intel- Exploration of Air Traffic Operations subproject conducted ligent trajectory optimization and Management Services under ATM-X Phase 1. Deliver- negotiation that enable increased Final Demonstration able products of this area of work user operational autonomy and POC: MATT UNDERWOOD AND include seven publications, Strategic leverage existing or soon-to-exist ROSA OSEGUERA-LOHR Airborne Trajectory Management FAA NextGen and avionics capabili- (SATM) technology prototypes, ties. Work conducted included On Sept. 14, the Integrated Diverse and internal documentation. development of requirements and Operations subproject in the Air Scenario development software and development of a prototype reference Traffic Management – eXploration scenario files are also available and implementation of a strategic trajec- (ATM-X) project provided an end- documented for future use. Impacts tory management service, which was of-year overview and demonstration of this effort are outreach and pull demonstrated in operation.

Demonstration of SATM Service Prototype had two parts that highlighted two options: a Strategic Trajectory Optimization demo (KLGA to KDEN), and a Time- Compliant Optimization (KLGA to KORD) 12 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


This map shows the physical locations of NTX, Envoy mounting the network dish to the roof of their building. DFW, and Envoy’s headquarters. The blue line is the datalink path which connects Envoy to NTX.

ATD-2 Hardware and Displays will significantly increase the training and familiarization with Fully Deployed at Envoy Air number of data points collected the tool before spring storms arrive. POC: KEENAN ROACH during the test and allow analysis of how the advisory tools impact NASA Participates at In support of the Airspace the operations of regional carriers. Virtual Air Traffic Controller Technology Demonstration 2 Under normal conditions, the Association Technical (ATD-2) subproject Phase 3 NTX team would have installed Symposium activity, personnel at NASA’s the ATD-2 equipment at Envoy, POC: IAN LEVITT AND BARRY SULLIVAN North Texas Research Station but given COVID-19 operating (NTX) deployed an ATD-2 system conditions, the NTX team instead NASA’s Air Traffic Management at the headquarters of Envoy Air created a set of instructions and (ATM) research and development on Sept. 16. Envoy operates the a kit with the hardware Envoy was once again highlighted as part regional aircraft fleet for American personnel needed to make a secure, of the annual Air Traffic Controller Airlines—about 22% of the total wireless network connection to the Association (ATCA) technical presence and NTX facility via another NASA- symposium. Scheduled to take place 17% of overall operations at Dallas- managed secure connection at May 12-14, the symposium was Fort Worth DFW. Envoy verified that their postponed due to the COVID-19 (DFW). The addition of Envoy to ATD-2 displays are operating pandemic and held as a completely the ATD-2 Phase 3 data collection properly. Envoy will complete virtual conference from Sept. 14-18. AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020 13


This included modifying the aviation fields from over 45 different constructive environment for traditional “Tech Center Tuesday” projects, programs, and organiza- Emerging Operational Concepts event into a virtual “Tech Center tions. NASA had two virtual exhibits and Technologies. A direct link Week.” The symposium’s theme was showcasing the program’s research to the video is below, best viewed “Advancing Aviation into the next portfolio. As part of the virtual inter- in Chrome. Decade and Beyond.” NASA was active exhibit, the FAA included an well represented during many of eight-minute video on collaborative the plenary sessions with the initiatives in Emerging Operational subPages/emergingOperations/ following presentations: Concepts and Technologies high- Concepts_Technologies.html lighting some of their collaborative • Akbar Sultan, director of work in the area of Advanced Air Data Analysis Support for AAL Airspace Operations and Safety Mobility (AAM), including recent Learning and Improvement Program (AOSP), presented and planned collaboration with Team Flight Observations the “Laying the Groundwork to NASA’s Langley Research Center in POC: JON HOLBROOK AND MISTY DAVIES Enable Future Technology” panel. Hampton, Virginia. In the second • Vince Schultz of NASA’s Langley half of the video, the viewer is taken Members of System-Wide Safety Research Center in Virginia on a narrated virtual electric Vertical (SWS)’s human contributions presented “X-57 Maxwell and Take-Off and Landing flight from to safety team held a working Electric Propulsion Tech Talk.” Atlantic City International Airport meeting with American Airlines • Parimal Kopardekar, director of to downtown Atlantic City, NJ. The on Sept. 21 to discuss analysis NASA’s Aeronautics Research In- flight was simulated using the Urban of data from approximately 100 stitute, presented on the “Evolv- Air Mobility (UAM) vehicle simula- airline flight-line observations of ing NAS Services for Emerging tion capability, also known as the resilient pilot performance. This Aircraft Operations” panel. UAM Flyer. The reference trajec- data represents the first systematic • John Koelling, project manager tory flown by the Flyer and other observations of operational flight of System-Wide Safety, presented neighboring flights was provided by focused explicitly on capturing on the “Safety in an Ever- the UAM mission planner capability, “desired” crew behaviors. The Evolving Airspace System” panel. all located in NASA Langley’s Air goal of this collaboration is to • Barry Sullivan, technical Traffic Operations Laboratory. These identify a language and approach integration manager of AOSP, are two technologies that have been for observation-based learning presented on the “ATCA developed by the Crew Systems from resilient performance that Technical Symposium Recap and Aviation Operations Branch could be shared broadly with the and Look Forward Roundtable in support of the ATM-X UAM aviation community. To date, most Discussion.” sub-project as part of the research systematic learning in aviation • Shawn Engelland, project to define requirements for air traffic has focused on learning from manager of Airspace Technology management systems for UAM undesired behaviors (e.g. failures, Demonstrations, also presented. and AAM. Future collaborations errors) that are operationally rare, between the FAA Technical Center yielding limited data to conduct In addition, Tech Center Week fea- and Langley include developing safety analyses. This collaboration tured virtual technical tours, demon- and accrediting joint simulation represents a unique opportunity strations, and exhibits in a variety of capabilities as part of a live, virtual, to extend SWS project research 14 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


and promote an American Airlines initiative, both designed to examine the efficacy and value of flight crew observed resilience behavior for enhancing . This working meeting included multi- center collaboration from both NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia and Ames Research Center in California. In attendance from NASA Langley were Kathryn Ballard, Jon Holbrook, Lance Prinzel, and Chad Stephens. Representatives from NASA Ames included Immanuel Barshi, Dorrit Billman, Jolene Feldman, Alan Hobbs, Joel Lachter, Bryan Matthews, Randy NASA ATM Testbed and ICAROUS Connectivity Test Mumaw, and Brian Smith. as Independent and Configurable sharing of aircraft data. As shown Testbed Connectivity Architecture for Reliable Operations in the figure below, the UAM Flyer with ICAROUS of Unmanned Systems (ICAROUS), traveled from Foster City, CA POC: KEE PALOPO is an onboard software system that towards South San Francisco, CA enables the modular integration and an ICAROUS detect-and-avoid The Air Traffic Management – of mission-specific logic, sensor algorithm generated a path deviation eXploration project is developing technologies, and a collection for the Flyer to avoid another flying Testbed, an interconnected air of core applications. The core aircraft (not shown). The successful traffic simulation capability, to applications implement capabilities connectivity demonstrated in this help accelerate the introduction such as detect and avoid, keep-in test will enable the ICAROUS of advanced technologies into the and keep-out geofencing, path team to participate in future UAM National Airspace System. Testbed planning, return to mission, and experiments that leverage Testbed. provides easy-to-use and easy- merging and spacing. ICAROUS to-connect support for various is publicly available under NASA’s X-3 Highlight Scenario applications as plug-ins. Teams from Open Source Agreement at https:// 2 Testing Commences NASA’s Ames Research Center in During Sept. 30, 2020 California and Langley Research the connectivity test, ICAROUS, POC: SAVVY VERMA Center in Virginia successfully an air-taxi-vehicle simulator called completed a connectivity test of a the “UAM Flyer,” and a traffic On Sept. 30, the Urban Air Mobility safety-centric system for Unmanned simulator and mission planner (UAM) sub-project within Air Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations, called Toolkit for Integrated Ground Traffic Management – eXploration as a plugin to Testbed, on Sept. 28. and Air Research were connected (ATM-X) will start its second phase This safety-centric system, known to Testbed, which enabled the of testing in a series of lab tests AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020 15


called “X-3” with airspace partners architecture and partnering with a healthy technical exchange and to prepare them for the National industry airspace service providers discussion on how to coordinate the Campaign (NC) scheduled to run and the NC sub-project in Advanced increasing level of effort on both in 2022. This phase of testing will Air Mobility to collaboratively sides. Both NASA and the FAA focus on NC’s Scenario 2 that develop, test, and evaluate this recognized that the NASA/FAA involves a re-route for a UAM system in the field with aircraft. Executive Board Working Groups flight due to a constraint similar to ATM-X UAM is collaborating with are the best way to stay coordinated. a temporary restriction posed on a group of 11 airspace industry the airspace. X-3 is scheduled to partners to ensure they are ready end in mid-December 2020. The by integrating their technologies third phase of the test will focus on and testing them in the lab prior to Scenario 3 data collection. In total, deploying the system into the field. the three scenarios include UAM flight following nominal trajectory, FAA/NASA Quarterly Review: re-route of a UAM flight due to a Urban Air Mobility temporary flight restriction, and POC: IAN LEVITT AND KEVIN WITZBERGER operations dealing with off-nominal situations like go-arounds. Eight The Air Traffic Management – partners have successfully completed eXploration Urban Air Mobility at least one of the three connectivity (UAM) sub-project met with the tests that include testing with FAA NextGen organization for the credentials and connecting with virtual NASA/FAA quarterly review data collection tools. Recently, on Sept. 30. The FAA briefed the four partners started validation progress on the NextGen UAM tests and three have successfully ConOps. Plans to mature the completed them, demonstrating concept include initial systems their systems meet the requirements engineering work and coordination to complete the Scenario 1 test across other FAA lines of business, for X-3. Five partners have started as well as the National Air Traffic Scenario 1 connectivity and data Controller’s Association. NASA collection and one has successfully provided an update on the UAM completed it. Several partners sub-project planning, including are scheduled to start Scenario 2 changes within the sub-project tests in the near future, in which management team. NASA also ATM-X is working with industry provided technical briefings to and the FAA to develop an airspace the FAA covering the status of management system for vehicles developing the UAM Airspace expected to operate in urban areas. Roadmap towards the UAM A key characteristic of this system Maturity Level-4 (UML-4), past and is leveraging the innovative UAS upcoming UAM simulations, and Traffic Management (UTM) system partnership with Uber. There was 16 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


Unmanned Aerial System interfaces and protocols. More He also highlighted how the NASA Traffic Management information on NASA UTM is investment in this research and (UTM) Awarded 2020 at technology has accelerated a growing NASA Government industry and enabled many novel Invention of the Year UTM Chief Engineer Presents roles in this emerging ecosystem, POC: RON JOHNSON at ARMD Technical Seminar and showcased NASA’s capstone POC: JOEY RIOS UTM demonstration involving A NASA patent for traffic manage- flight tests in urban environments ment of unmanned aircraft system On July 7, the Unmanned Aircraft with more than 30 external partners. (UAS) vehicles was awarded the System Traffic Management (UTM) 2020 Government Invention of project chief engineer, Joseph ATCA’s Blue Skies Initiative the Year. This technology, called Rios, conducted an online virtual Launches Platform for “Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Aeronautics Research Mission Industry Engagement Traffic Management (UTM) to Directorate technical seminar titled POC: PARIMAL KOPARDEKAR Enable Civilian Low Altitude Goods “Commercial Drone Operations at and Service Delivery by UAS,” Scale: Testing NASA’s UAS Traffic On Aug. 5, the Air Traffic Control allows UAS to maintain safe and Management Concept in the Association (ATCA) formally efficient operations for goods and Urban Environment.” The seminar launched an industry engagement services delivery. The invention included an audience of more than platform to inform the public transforms traditional, human- 250 people. Rios presented the and seek stakeholder inputs, from centric air traffic management into a potential use of unmanned aircraft traditional aviation (airlines, air modern, machine-centric, federated systems (UAS), or drones, for traffic controllers, Department of approach. In traditional air traffic applications from many industries, Defense, FAA) and new entrants management, a centralized authority including package delivery, (commercial space companies, the provides services to keep the airspace agriculture, mapping, security, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) safe and accessible. In UTM, the inspection, public safety, and and UAS Traffic Management FAA delegates some of that author- others. He also spoked about why communities, Advanced Air ity to other entities to provide UTM is the key to enable safe and Mobility innovators, and high similar services to directly support efficient operations of the drones altitude operators), as well as the operators. In addition, those at scale. One aspect of UTM that aviation ports (airports, spaceports, operators may receive services from was discussed is that it does not rely and vertiports) on ATCA’s Blue different service suppliers. These on a centralized system to provide Skies Initiative. The Blue Skies additional services may include management services, as have been Initiative is an industry-government low-altitude weather information, traditionally provided in commercial collaborative effort that will deliver congestion management, terrain aviation. Rios described how the a future-ready framework for avoidance, route planning, re- UTM ecosystem leverages UAS modernizing the National Airspace rerouting, separation management, Service Suppliers to interoperate and System that defines a short-, mid-, and contingency management. This support operators in sharing their and long-term vision for aviation novel ecosystem requires a federation intents, strategically deconflicting, while ensuring optimization of services that are interconnected providing appropriate airspace of resources for all Air Traffic and communicating via well-defined updates, and other key functions. Management stakeholders and AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020 17


users; is economically sustainable startups have received over $3 last few years will be critical in deliv- and scalable; educates the aviation billion in external funding for UTM ering on the aforementioned Execu- community, flying public, and and UAS related work. Drones are tive Order. Continued integration new users; and implements new paving the way for the Urban Air with this community is expected entrant technology without Mobility ecosystem which in itself to be very beneficial to continuing sacrificing security and safety. could be a $1.5 trillion market efforts in System-Wide Safety. Parimal Kopardekar, director of by 2040.” The date and time of a NASA’s Aeronautics Research virtual award ceremony and banquet ATD-2 Machine Learning Institute, represents NASA on will be scheduled in the near future. Services Featured at NASA the Blue Skies Initiative executive Data Science Month committee. Visit the industry NIST Invites NASA Researcher POC: JEREMY COUPE engagement platform at https:// Dr. Evan Dill - Panelist on the Use of PNT NASA Data Science Month is POC: EVAN DILL AND MISTY DAVIES structured as a multi-day, virtual UTM Wins 2020 AIAA San mini-conference hosted by the Francisco Section Engineering On Sept. 15, Evan Dill of NASA’s NASA Headquarters Information Team of the Year Award Langley Research Center in Technology and Communications POC: RON JOHNSON Hampton, Virginia was invited Division and the Information to participate on a public panel Resources Directorate at NASA’s On Sept. 8, the Unmanned Aircraft of representatives from the federal Johnson Space Center in Houston. Systems Traffic Management (UTM) government on strengthening The primary goal is to share and project was awarded the prestigious national resilience through the inform the Agency’s data community 2020 AIAA San Francisco Section responsible use of Positioning, of current and future activities in Engineering Team of the Year Award. Navigation, and Timing services. the field of data science. September The UTM team receiving this award This panel was organized by the 2020 topics included COVID-19, also includes the FAA and the team’s National Institute of Standards and artificial intelligence, and machine industry partners. The award is in Technology to initiate the national learning. Dr. Jeremy Coupe of recognition of “The UTM system directive laid out in Executive Order NASA’s Ames Research Center in being the key enabler to manage, 1395. Dr. Dill was invited to be the California presented at the Sept. integrate and expand the scope, NASA panel representative along 17 meeting on “ATD-2 Real-time scale and speed of the existing ATM with other government officials Machine Learning Services Powered system by allowing drones to safely including Jim Platt, chief of strategic by SWIM.” The modern-day participate in our airspace and help defense initiatives at the Department National Airspace System (NAS) is unlock an estimated $100 billion of Homeland Security; and Karen powered by System Wide Informa- drone industry. UTM research, its Van Dyke, director of positioning tion Management (SWIM), a digital successful field demonstrations, and navigation and timing and spectrum data-sharing infrastructure that initial operational capabilities have management for the Department provides a high-fidelity view of the empowered an ecosystem and stimu- of Transportation. The Alternative lifecycle of a flight. The real-time lated investments from Fortune 500 Positioning, Navigation and Timing data feeds within SWIM can be companies like Amazon, Alphabet, testing that NASA’s System-Wide leveraged to help drive efficiencies FedEx, Uber and UPS. In addition, Safety project has hosted during the in the NAS. In his talk, Dr. Coupe 18 AOSP NEWSLETTER // JUL-SEP 2020


showed examples of different Learning from All Operations of briefings from each of the four machine learning services being webinar. The goals of this virtual invited speakers, followed by a developed by Airspace Technology webinar were to globally promote question-and-answer panel discus- Demonstration 2 to model airport the practical implementation of the sion with the audience. The event surface operations. The machine concepts of system safety think- was attended by an international learning services will form the ing, resilience, and safety artificial audience of over 440 participants. building blocks of a predictive intelligence and to discuss what the The Flight Safety Foundation and engine that alerts flight operators aviation industry can collectively do event panelists plan to write a white to delay savings opportunities to advance these safety concepts. In paper, based on the outcomes of the within the terminal airspace. his briefing, Dr. Holbrook described event that can be shared with the his System-Wide Safety project international aviation community. System-Wide Safety team’s work, focused on systemati- Participates at Flight Safety cally collecting and analyzing data Foundation’s Learning from on safety-producing behaviors to All Operations Webinar support development of in-time POC: JON HOLBROOK AND MISTY DAVIES safety assurance applications. Erik Hollnagel (University of Jönköping, On Sept. 29, Jon Holbrook from the Sweden), Max Butter (Lufthansa), System-Wide Safety (SWS) project and Dana Schulze (National participated as an invited panelist Transportation Safety Board) also in the Flight Safety Foundation’s appeared. The event comprised National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters 300 E. Street, SW Washington, DC 20024