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Recommended Citation Southern Missionary College, "Southern Accent August 1965 - August 1966" (1965). Southern Accent - Student Newspaper. 43.

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Acceptances Reach New High; Freshman Class Largest Ever -535

Southern Missionary College fund-raising drive, netting al- will have its highest enrollment in history when students register on September 13-15, according the pool cost approximately to Dr. C. F. W. Futcher, director $30,000. Construction of this The complex will ha of admissions and records. building was made possible by a for three basketball

had accepted 1227 students as of exercise rooms and all the latest as compared with The Board of Trustees and the faciUties for a gymnasium to ac- 1020 Committee of 100 wiU be pres- accepted at the same time commodate 1500 students. last year— a gain of 207. Connected to the gymnasiiun September 30, at which time a Dr. Futcher said that about is the new Olympic-sized s^vim- plaque honoring tlie committee 15 per cent of those accepted do ming pool, financed last year wll be placed in the foyer of not come; therefore, SMC's the Physical Education Center.

slighdy over 1050. Acceptances by classes are as Thurmon, Petty and Marley follows; freshmen, 535; sopho- mores, 297; juniors, 241; sen- Speakers for Graduation ISMC Gets $2000 in Gifts iors, 144; and specials, 10. Acceptances by home confer- iFrom Gulf and U. S. Steel ences are as follows: Ala-Miss., graduating classes received di- 68; Carolina, 112; , 235; plomas at Southern that Gulf distributed pulhem Missionary College 5595,500 Ga-Cumb., 337; Ky-Tenn., 130; Missionary College. ally received grants from this year as direct, unrestricted ,321. The weekend got underway Lniled States Steel Foundation grants to as many universities When studenu return to the fnd Gulf Oil Corporation to aid and colleges under its Aid-To- campus, they will find the new the consecration service starting In the development and con- EducaUon Program. Physical Education Center prac- at 8 o'clock. Pastor Roy B. n of new buildings on In addition to direct grants, tically completed. The official Thurmon of tlie Col lege dale Vthe SMC campus. the other phases of Gulf's com- opening is set for September 30, Seventh-day Advenlist Church prehensive Educational Assisl- Gulf's grant of $1,000 was according to Dr. C. N. Rees, was the speaker. me of 584 awards, totaling The baccalaureate address was given by Pastor F. C. Petty of tlie Standifer Gap Seventh- Telephone Survey matching to colleges, depart- day Adventist Church at 11 mental assistance grants, gradu- a.m. Saturday. iisb fellowships facidty sup- ate and Summer School Elder E. L. Marley, president Ishows WSMC-FM plementation grants. of the -Tennessee Con- B for direct Enrollment Hits ference of Seventh -day Adven- ; pri- Popular Station were awarded to Frances Ait- I 357, Record High lisls, addressed the degree can- vately operated and controlled, ken, Pamela didates at the commencement Emma Avery, Allen Steele, general manager por- and which obtain a major Cross, William Nesbitt, Mary at for WSMC-FM, recenUy re- financial support service, beginning Saturday tion of their Petty, Fay Scoggins and Mar- ported that the radio station I has sha Watson, elementary educa- 1 completed a telephone survey on to The check was presented tion; Gwen Maples and Molly I lislenership of WSMC-FM. presi- A Dr. C. N. Rees, SMC's Vigil, nursing; Barbara Botls, I total of 270 persons were con- dent, and Elder L. J. Leiske, Receiving bachelor of arts de- physical education; and Jack I tacted, of which 150 hstened to chairman of SMC's Board, by grees were Cecil Petty and Combs, secondary education. WSMC-FM. Of the total 32 I Douglas Walker, English; Cecil Petty, laude Eng- have cum I FM sets but don't listen post-session class press. This George Miller, history; Lewis lish major, was president of the 1 to WSMC, and 88 do not have begins in late August at Orlando. Hame, Jr., William Swafford III August graduating class. I FM sets. grant of $1,000 from The Under the direction of Dr. J. United States Steel was pre- W. Cassell, Jr., the summer Rees by R. C. sented to Dr. school program not only in- Rhoadcs, manager of sales for |o[ the total who have FM cluded the regular classes and NSff McDonnell Sponsor Division, and John _... .0 WSMC. the Approximately 31 had no M. Long, ChatUnooga sales I % FM Dr. Hefferlin representative. Study by Ray A study by Dr. Ray Hefferlin Of those who listen to WSMC has been published recently in on a regular basis, they indi- cated that they listen approxi- SpcclroscopY and Radiative Tnin-.jer by Pergamon Press.

His article in the Journal is entitled "Seven Density De- Lynn Wood Hall temiinalions in an Atmospheric SMC Professors No Longer Manganese Arc." The National Attend Meeting Site Science Foundation also spon- For Men's Worship sored, along with the McDonnell At La Sierra Aircraft Corporation, the work Librarian Stanley Broivn, Dr. Lynn Wood Hall, Cyril Dean, associate professor An abstract of the article in- of physical education. Dr. K. M. dicated that a total of 10 differ- Kennedy, professor of education, ent methods, of 7 basically dif- Miss Carolyn Luce, instructor ferent types—ranging from hon- in English, and Miss Ohve Westphal, associate professor of mcasurements—were employed Spanish, represented SMC at icrtain the density of spe- the quadrennial teachers' de- meetings at La Slat ll the pUisma of an atmos- partmental Wood c manganese arc, using Sierra College. f are husineS^a^ ,.„- r on Some of the problems dis- and history department 3nly spec trograp hie and source- 'OiltJ- nW and oilier te.chers ,vho offiM space not provided meir deparlmemai territories. 1

SA Chairmen Tell Plans Challenge of Education COMMITTEE I nalurally SCHOLARSHIP B^ I work away from Ihe campus tliis summer. school year. Whal kind oi a year wiU : ahead to the coming many famUior ? What kind oi people will be ihere? How :eplion to this gen- The Public Relations Com- faces wUl be back? asked, "The Scl

activities will be Jean Starape shall cides who also a PE major. The othi receive schol- members are as follows: Sus arships. This nd the right place for themselves within Ihe framework oi their church and oi their country e yet to be added. It's voui ore usually the ones that will stay by and iinish. mitlee, and they will bt king for and seri'ing you. nothing else con. One begins dents and faculty. The better | video his informed the students are more they feel that be com- they i ol Ihe rest ol the track and field ^v^ll mis and philosophy part of the college During the spring of this year functioning at the and that they thin ?ls om lent on Ihe bined and magazine published an es- really do belong. Where me same time. Each Sunday a there the new age of are fewer misunderstandings Y dealing «-iUi irack meet will be held, Tmisliing intellectual. Perhaps many between students and faculty, e off with a complete afternoon of track and field. Flagball will ious student in academy. country. Here one sees Ihe ellect oi Ihest be organized a little differently But hi ire in college (if not be- oblems a church jlaci «th t The Public Relai "grades" are handle ,ve find that The ladies will not be The 3 problem ol how lo important! oups. Are the claims and dsmonds oi Ihe Negro left out. Some sort of intramural It was slightly over a year ago How should we deal with this quesUon ol "rights"? acti%ity vnll be organized for that Parade pointed out that the igi, policy Ihe nolion faces a terrible dilemma. What of the idolized high do in Asia? Have we any business there? U so, how heyday football star has paired uld we gel involved? This question oi war directly school Now it is the day of the egghead r SA 1 scholar.

It i' ation of each student Uial is en in a complex age, and perhaps rolled at SMC. When the stu today it is hackneyed to say that activities will and good old fim dents actively get out i e.xcellei our I requires an In be tried The swimming pool port their SA, the SA : prepar r before \m11 be put lo use (or organized places, but when the but I do behe\e we competi- '^vmimuig periods and don t support their i need to remind ourselves of the ganization ™ll lanp demands we must meet Manj small projects will be Public Relations Com Your Scholarship Committee done instead of only a few large realizes the value of the college ones Scoreboards will be built si many questions that will hai education gained outside the for flagball and Softball. Some classroom. Yes, this age is one sort of public address system is solve oi \ perhaps help some of specialization, but it is essen hoped to be used at every major tial that a broad education come game Many other projects will bejore specialization. Our aim be developed as the year pro- this year is lo increase greatly gresses SA Projection "'65-*'66 our general knowledge of the world around us. Much plan The 19G5-66 Sludenl Association vrill be in operc ning has been made, and many PROGRAM COMMITTEE purposes. The main reason ior its existence, howe By Robert Bolton standing speakers in prepara lion for our lecture senes One of the most diflicuU as- The Social Affairs Week wnll ts that the Student As- deal with problems and de m ^ This year the emphasis ol the Sludenl Asso- mands of today's world A look ,'T dation will be on trybg lo run a smoolh pro- ^ ^ t the two-party system in the ^^ gram. It is hoped thai each iunclion oi Ihe SA, Inited States will be taken up

3 the Political Affairs Week A ^ ' ciency. Sure, there will be problems. Bui I have ^^V complete conJidence that when these problems Vcek we plan to place our povi

the Sen opinion is voiced in Education °" through the Social program under the fine I ° | Scholarship Committee article ing the college Committee chairman. I am already looking ft in each issue of the Southern \ear for the student body, fac- lure series, Saturday i commii ulty and guests who may be The goals of this And. for all of the: coming to visit the college. are the following:

These programs must be of a far as possible, can(Jc- I know what your SA is RECREATION COMMIHEE 1. As *'' high caliber; they must be crea- light hour will be ^ jM By Tehhy Snyder a " ti\e and imaginative in content announced J" Bill Wood. The Studei (unction and

ith i The warm, sunny and fre. superior talent involved order inding participa- 2. Active student funcuoiir "' ' tion in various It IS with a gi vf candlelight hour with -riU be one oi the mosl "far short programs. Miss Cour- 3. A "Mr. and once a mo tesy" lo be selected and pf* by the student body SOUTHERN Acam uns tliat will be a credit to sented at a joint worship- je and that will be en- pape-- 4. A "Chit-Chal" P"J taining and cultural in their keep 5m lishcd once a month to so«^ dents posted on latest The Program Committee is always looking for new talent and new ideas, and I would ap- cai.-- preciate your coming forward on the college ,^ devoie"^^ Culture Week and shape. One thing that tertairmient (or the coming col- campustithSpSriafcb)-" education- exnert on social Lyceum - Fine Arts Series

The 1965-1966 Lyceum ai

' Arts Series for Soullie i Alts Series lionary College includes i Die Kamniermusiker, a group luch in lilting pas sags Is programs Fames MetcoU—February Switzerland, including su-ings, Individual admission 12 price harpsichord James Metcalf's motion pic- and flute, perform S75 for adults and $.35 for chil- in "The Mighty ," a manner that has modern dren. Lyceum Season tickets , ve received are S5.00 for 10 adult houseboat voyage through admis- much acclaim locks and dams from the Missis- from the public sions, 52.50 for children. Fine and sippi's Minnesota headwaters the press on the c Arts Season tickets are $2.50 past majestic scenery, stopping for 5 adult admissions, 51.25 for along the way to view sites of interest at Burlington, St. Louis, Memphis, Vicksburg and " Baton Tlie trip is climaxed upon reaching New Orleans and " * French Qu! Gold Rush of '98. Don and brother's laugh-l

tnres take them to many {

Skagway, Whilehorse, Atlin and Dawson City. Don Cooper has " person allJ' created by Mar- captured with I ion Dix, who has been a foreign

far north. John Biddle—March 12 "Racing Windjammers"

ships racing from Nor- 'ay to Belgiiroi. After a fim-

filled visit to simny Nassau, it's

nual Nassau Out-Island Ref Alirio Diaz—March 19

zuela, AUrio Diaz, combines [lawless technique with captivat- ing interpretations of great clas- and contemporary Consultants Give Aids, Dean's List Taps 34 Top Scholars Points at Art Worlcstiop To be on the Dean's Li.t, student must , mamtain a 31 gpa for two consecutive t and craft edu- seniK ters, carrying a de available for minimum «tl2lof hours. The list is as follows. Velda Jean ;nded by over fifty Bloodworth Herbert teachers and students, July 5-16. ing Mrs. Dean : the Everett Coolidge Mrs Frank Joseph The workshop, planned and workshop Coslerisan Zoerb, Mrs. Virginia Tayl< directed by Mrs. Olivia Dean, Marilyn Mary Crooker Mrs. Mary Wisniewski. head of the Art Department at Joyce Anne Cunningham the conferences SMC, offered two-hours college Representing Becky Anne Dixon meeting five hours each of the Southern Union were: credit, Elva Adeline Dreos day for ten days. -Mississippi — Clark Glenna Faye Acker, Annetta Boyles, Frances Foster On July 7, 8, and 9 Mrs. Jane Koch, Sadie Liles, Isia Padgett, Jerry Allen Gladson Zona Strawder, Dianne Ten- Minon A, Hamm Registrars Meet at SMC nant; Carolina — Harold Cur- Laura Josanna Hayes Marie Knott, Dee Lang- ran. David Ue Holland ford, Edna Peel, Jean Smith; Methods, Ideas Jean C. James To Discuss Georgia-Cumberland — Emiaia Janet Faye Lauterhahn A workshop for registrars Avery. Richard Carter, Doris Jack Earle Leilner from the Seventh-day AdvenU5l Clayton, Lenni Clements, Jack academies in the soulheastem Combs, John Cooper, Robe-rt Dean Ellis Maddock secUon of ihe United States was Evans, Carol Hughes, Gen^e- Marie Elizabeth Malmedf conducted July 26-30 at South- vieve Lee, Margaret Mensin^j, Patricia Lea Mooney in the Southern Un- 1 Missionary Collie. academies Virginia Oslman, Thelma Wil- WiUiam Steen Nelson ion presented prior to ihe work- son, Violet Wolff, Linda Wood.; Sponsoring the workshop was Carol Jean shop agenda topics and prob- Kentucky-Tennessee — Eva Nivison the educational department of lems to be discussed. The group Adams, John Bridges, Joyce Sanford Neil Peck Ihe Southern Union Conference decided on a uniform permanent Htinderson, Gin- Mary Ruth Petty Sevenlh-doy AdventisI Bridges, Anna of various student record for their ger Kenyon, The^lma Levering, Robert Leslie Potts and modeling, let academies in order to standard- Marvin McColpiji, Alta Philo, tering, and printing processes Harry Arthur Rhodes ize and expedite the admissions EveljTi Simmons, Betty Wil- the workshop ex also Participants in Arthur Richert work for SMC, The group liams, Izora Wood, Emma plored twenty-five different ar Marion Susan Rozel! discussed the various duties of a Wortham; Florida — Beulah Myers, Lyda Oliver. Sharon Kathleen Smith methods and ideas presented. Others attending SMC or Sylvia Diane Stanford teaching oulsidle the Southern Douglas Allen Walker McKee Baking James W. Walters College Market Larry Walter WiUiams selections of fresh fruits Hasel, Ruth Hayes, Ronald Mal- Company Offers William Harris Willis il.te Singleton, Judy and vegetables plus a /ariety of groceries. Beverly Winsled ir-sha Watson, Mary Diane Ruth Annelta Zoerb

Debbie Little LEONARD'S Having a AMOCO SERVICE Helping over 150 Road Service get-together? students to earn their Auto Repairs

way through college.

Co/legedale Cabinets, Inc.

pizza villa

try this qulclt and easy treat

So deliciousi So quick and easy to prepare. Everyone goes for the hearty flavor of Loma Linda VegeBurgers. Serve them often with the relishes you like and Collegedale Insurance Agency, Inc. you'll have a sandwich treat that can't be beat!

Phone 39i.20i2, Collegedale, Tenn,

"C.ll U. for All Yo.r ln,»ra„ts N.«di." pnn^nn^^^^R^

CO'' Southern ACCENT

, September 16. 1965 Faculty Talks Annual ^Handshake' include 'The Starts Social Whirl Morality' iNew The annual President's Re- "Seventh-day Adventist Prin- ception and Handshake ".vitl be gress along the line, meeting ples in the Light of the New the center of campus social in- each faculty member and shak- Morahty" was the subject of pa terest, Saturday night, Septem- ing hands as the occasion de- I discussions by guest ber 18, at the Tabernacle Audi- i and ikers and faculty members Following the Reception, a SMC campus variety program will be pre- I Sept. 7-9 on the sented in the Tab. The Faculty CoUoqujum, un- C. N. Rees, president of Refreshments, another tradi- Ider the du-ection of Dr J W the Coi- tional feature of this event, will ICassell, academic dean, was l.ey The 3 irlye be served. Punch and cookies Inoted by Dr. Earle Hilgert, dean dilionally held the first Saturday night of the new academic year. will be this year's fare, accord- Jof the Seventh-day Adventist ing to Miss Lucille While, mem- Ixheological Seminary at An- The faculty of the College will ber of the Faculty Social Com- ~J n i V e r s i t y, Berrien form a receiving line, headed by mittee, planning agency for the Mich. Dr. Hilgert's Dr. and Mrs. Rees. Other fac- Reception. Table dec as "Relativism or Ab- ulty %vill be arranged by de-

Elder Roy B. Thurmon, pas- The Student Association, un- r of the Collegedale Seventh- der the leadership of senior Adventist Church, and Enrollr nent Doubles That y theology major Lloyd Erickson, Elder Bruce Johnston, chairman will supply the coo" SMC's Division of Religion, Jjf Of the 1960-61 College punch, in the style of worship talks. Year e morning followed by panel dis- Papers, More than twee as n: Business manager Charles Each person at the program dents registered Septen Fleming Jr. told the SMC staff Saturday night vril! be given an . Gordon Hyde, chairman of 15 than registered during Orien- C. N. Rees, identification badge, which he ] at the orientation meeting that ! Communications Division, 1 of 1960-61 at will wear in the hope of expedit- Week SMC. SMC has received approval from Ln "Academic Dishonesty"; Dr. Dr. J. W. Cassell Jr., aca- ing his identification during the Initial enrollment that year the General Conference of Sev- \. Clark, professor of historj', L. demic dean, said some of the was 583. This year, only five enth-day Adventists, Washing- Ion "Intellectual Mediocrity"; lack of space for classrooms and years later, opening enrollment ton, D. C, to proceed with a offices has been alleviated by re- modelling the chapel in Lynn id that the annual I "Pseudo- Sophistication"; Elder and a new dormitory. "These J Wood Hall. That facility now and Handshake lends an air of IVemon Becker, superintendent has two large classrooms and 10 "tradition and Southern Hospi- education. lof Southern Union teachers' offices. Convocation started as soon as plans are (Conference of Seventh-day Ad- exercises will be held in the of the school program." ventists, Atlanta, Ga., on "Con- ng figure of 950. SMC's yearly Tabernacle Auditorium this help solve much of our over- The Presidential Program, formity"; and Miss Evaline ;ains have been averaging be- year since SMC now has a new with Stewart Crook as its co- West, SMC's dean of women, ween 10 and 20 percent since I physical education center. ordinator, ^vill be presented fol- and place- "Social Freshman aptitude Standards," Dean of students Gordon lowing the greeting to the stu- Madg\vick reports that dormi- dents from the faculty. This Monday and Tuesday by Dr. J. tory space is at a premium for program also is a tradition here M. Ackerman, [New Counseling Program on the Southern Missionary Orientation talks were de- College campus. According to llnitiated During livered by Dr. E. T. Watrous of Mr. Crook, this program will Registration has been made to house the SMC's coimseling ser^dce; Elder be short for lack of time but Johnston, chah-man of the very entertaining and interest- new planned counseling ert Francis, Carolyn Luce, overflow of women students in Bruce the recreation room of their Division of Religion; and Dr. T. ing especially for tlie freshmen program designed to help each Douglas Bennett, Cecil Rolfe, dormitory. C. Sw s physi and new students. freshman make a better adjust- Tlie program for this year

: to college life and thus ill include a male quartet, a 1 dropout status has been Bolton Accepts girl's trio, and Dr. Hyde's tradi- tional Presidential Reception Position reading. The theme of the pro- lass, according to Dr. J. W. Teaching gram will trace the student's I Cassell, Academic Dean. On Highland Staff first entry into the world of col- Under lege life on through and will in- this plan, freshmen no Mr. Robert Bolton, SMC stu- clude a glimpse of the finished I longer "choose" their coimselors, dent and chairman -elect of the product at the end of tlie college assigned SA Programs Committee for the to one of the 13 program. selected counselors. 1965-66 school year, has ac- cepted a position with Highland Academy, Portland, Tenn. At Highland, Mr. Bolton wll

students as well "We want to insure that each includes the old as the new students, the fresh- student gets a good general edu- men as well as the seniors. Mr. cation the first year, at least," Mr. Bolton %vas president ol Announces Dean Cassell Crook feels that this program said Dr. Cassell. the SMC Concert Band last year. Freshmen will sets the tone for the new school no His opponent for Chairman of longer be able to become the Two Departmental Majors year and that anyone who the SA Programs Committee for counselees of department heads, V of the culture misses tiiis event will regret it. this academic year was Margie At the beginning of the social Md wiU be encouraged to I avoid Liltell. season in Collegedale, the Presi- lecialization scheduled for the begin- the first year. WTiile working at Highland, study dential Reception is an absolute ning of the 1965-66 school year, sionary in the Middle East, em- ' Mr. Bolton plans to take class- '^'^ program is based on the according to Dr. J. W. Cassell, phasizes that the study of for- I I, work toward finishing his bach- I belief that the dropout of fresh- elor's degree in music at one of men is a definite asset in helping one I largely attributable to the schools in the Nashville, Deparfment of Modern Language] develop a sympathetic imder- ton, head of the department. The diffinilty in making adjustment In addition to a Spanish ma- foreign peoples and a choice be- to standing of student now has college life—they often have I cultures as a prerequisite to for- tween the 54 -hour, two-year "0 one to feel a close lie -ivith," terminal degree and the four- ^oted Dr. Cassell. year B.S. program. In order to fill Mr. Bolton's The In the new 4-year program Counselors are; Kenneth place on the Student Senate as student choose two out a-^ke, chines, and new faculty mem- the may Bruce Gerhart, chairman of the Programs Com- John combine to enable the of the tluee areas of emphasis: mittee, tvill be \ussner was bom and educated bers now Uunchek, E. a special election 0. Grundsel, Frank Department to Woods, Metals, or Mechanics. necessary. Plans will be an- n Germany. Industrial Arts Holbrook, Stewart The department last year Cn>ok, John nounced by the SA executive The major consists of a study ^lerry, John Durichek. Thelma Cushman, Rob- added Mr. £dito/tia% Spcaleing

Lovely Lobby Ho Chi Minh

r lovely new lobby. I

IS ol ma "Yeah." ^ "WeU. at leasl you remembered. I didn't Ihink yo" I've been thinking about this all day. Have you?" "Yeah." "Remember how the President suddenly announced that Thursday, anyone who got married ^ after midnight on Kudos for Counseling not be deferred from the draft?" "Yeah." at the "Il WOE Bo romantic the way you showed up weeping and babbling that we should go ahead in spite ol

"Yeah." "And how you drove your father's car—120 miles on —all the way to Las Vegas for the ceremony. My. you pers; nervous. 1 remember how I giggled the way you were ond mumbling about Ho Chi Miah."

Freshmen Afraid?

"Pass the meal loaf. And when we were finaUy pronoui It 1 and wUb, remember how relieved you were? was minute before midnight," people cenlly visite_ Yeah." IS the first time he remem- fon« H|^'Vcpiy°^hdp b^^^^^^ kissing the justice bered the groom bursting into tears and then ^^^"„ to^^gnt j^cTthin''gs '(oi

"Yeah." ?"' alil-!;Sl"'''ne'i"'''' Tmw ^tf

go through the indignitie3 of Uaining rec imen ation. liP, md all of those thin APPLICATIONS INVITED 'Yeah." "Here ' The soap flakes are in Ihe ACCENT cabinet. Rinse ihem goc d this time. Yo jlett sudao the m last for positions with SOUTHERN night. I've old you abo ul that befo e." "Yeah.'

"You w ere such a sensitive b >y. I re oembe ho\V YOU worried abo ul the terrible physical and men n of Army


"When dried and pul away I've g t a auple of bundles n the poreh. 'ake Ihem c ver o Ih.


"Do yo u remember the first Ih nq you s aid wl en ve left the courtho use after lb wedding? 11 bet you [o got, didn't you? Huh? "Yeah.' "I didn't, You said: alls gon,g to push me my o^ n OT."^ ReL eTe" "Yeah. "By the way, did y u ask the o bly ine fore man about Swimming Pool Schedule | thai raise t day? I'll bel you chicker rH Yeah. 1965-1966 "You s louldn'l lot lim bully y u- Ask him N ondo y. Ill Sunday

1 caU you .:h. :noed 9:00-11:00 a.m. Elementary boys some new clothes with that money 11:00-12:00 a.m. Adull males "Yeah. 2:30- 4:30 p.m. Elementary girls 4:30- 6:30 p.m. Adult females •It's h rd to believ e that il is two years alroadT. jjn't it, 7:45- 8:45 p.m. All males it has gone so fasti- 8:45- 9:45 p.m. All females "Yeah. Monday "You'd be getting discharged , bu I'U b '" would have seem Blemity." 4:30- 6:30 p-m. Adult females "Yeah 7:45- 9:45 p.m. College and staff males

"A liie time." Tuesday

"Yeah 4:30- 6:30 p.m. Adull males , , fema « 7:4S- 8:45 p.m. Adull non-student commumtj' WSN maJes 8:45- 9:45 p.m. Adult non-student community Wednesday 4:30- 6:30 p.m. Adult females SOUTHERN Acam Thursday 4:30- 5:30 p.m. All females 5:30- 6:30 p.m. All males 7:45- 9:45 p.m. CoUege and staff females Friday 2:00 to ^S hour before Adult males Lay-oul Editor turdly law speed) < sundown Saturday hour after sur - (Period one college and staff majf^, Vi feinolo^ staff doivn to 9:45 (Period I.VO . collie and (Time to he armounced weekly (Adult Males and Females = Academy age and over) J ^pp"""""' ' aournarn Accent Associate Science Degree^Claude' JOHCS Lobbv Gets Program Fills Special Need . ,.,,*.' The Associate of Science De- somen's residence or on cam- "•""''TQCC Littlna. rUmitlll'l me program is planned for the pus at the Madison Extension "1»|/ WIIIIIUll

' contact It is planned i miles from SMC. 1 learning the "how" and The Associate Degree pro- "why" of nursing care. If you would hke to assist in the plan- the follovring reasons: ning of nursing care and want It prepares you to function as the satisfaction of functioning a registered nurse as a registered nurse in assisting The program is the patient in his return to phys- only two years in length ical and mental well-being, you will lind this program is Enrolhnent is open to men and I planned for you. women of all age groups The opportunities to gain ex- The program is erience ™ih patients begin academically planned and equaled arly in the first semester of the on the freshman freshman year. Several hos- and sophomore levels of college. pitals and clinics in the Chatta- ea have been contacted No prenursing is required. ide exceptional expe- You have opportunity to 1 observing and caring participate in all major col- for patients. The college pro- lege functions during both I j transportation and well years. ared college nursing faculty mpany you to hospitals and I clinics and guide learning ex-

You live in the college resi- iences or near the campus at fied college faculty. Southern Missionary College Loan funds up to 31,200.00 during the entire freshman year per calendar I year and All hospitals and scholarships are available to those who have made satis- D commuting distance from the New Look [ college. You hve in the new And We Welcome You at Jones— to Collegedale Spanish

T W Communications Expands H f Staff, Course 1 1- Offerings C M ule coiu'ses in the fields of public £ f,y relations and editorial writing. The increased staff will make "Scitre possible a wide range of courses in the Commimi cations Depart- ment, giving the Commimica- tions major freedom to elect either a Speech emphasis or a \vilh a choice Journalism emphasis within tiie between a Speech emphasis and a Journalism emphasis.

At the present time Mr. Yost menis of 18 hours i is a candidate for the Ph.D. de- Joumahsm, Public Relations, gree in Journalism at Syracuse and Commimi cations theory University. He is speciaHzing with the remaining 12 hours be- in religious magazine editing ing selected in either Speech or and production. Elder Yost Journalism. hrings with him a broad back- ground of exfjerience in the publishing work of the denomi- His supreme is ™"'^ ""-","3"^ goal to Oral and Written Communica- nSr"1 find a ipro- tions; Photography in Commu- nications; Article Writing; Re- ligious Writing; Editing and 1 of Jesus. Production of Publications; In addition to the services of Public Relations Campaigns; Mr. Yost, the CommunicaHons Introduction to Speech Correc- Department will be adding those of Mr. James Hannum, a specialist in the radio/TV/fihn Com areas. hrings to hear on his He mber of hoi teaching assignments 10 years which will be in the of practical experience undertaken in connection with broadcasting and film industries. WSMC-FM (the coUege radio Meanwhile, Professor Wil- station), or the Pubhc Relations liam H. Taylor, director of Col- Office of the college, or the stu- dent publications of the college. Such work will he undertaken Louisville Crusade Results In 55 Decisions for Christ large qua Fifty-five persons made deci- „,s., ,-^-o tities of food at members' homes. sions to join lie Seventh-day cam- Johnston. Othe.^ Following the Louisville Adventist Church during the Elder g, e, Evangehst paign, two teams of SMC Field Evangelistic Crusade lectmes were Singing Louisville conducted evan- Elder J. A. Crews, School Students 19July 11, highlighting Ben Glanzer; June in other parts of the Louisville Fourth gelistic crusades the SMC Religion Division's pastor C. of the Southern Union. Marvin School in Evan- Street church; and Elder W. Summer Field Willfried Ko- Hinton, pastor of the Pewee Lowman and gelism. Fla., district warsch went to , Elder Bruce Johnston, chair- Valley-St. Matthews and Claude Steen and Bill Ful- man of the division of rehgion Student preachers from SMC ton went to Murray, Ky, and speaker for the Louisville attended the different churches June 21 the Field School Crusade, was director of the in the area each of the five Sab- On ipanied Elder John- Field School in Louisville, Ky, baths they were in Louisville, Local pastor J. A, Crews, W. teaching the Sabbath School les- sons, preaching, assisting >vith church services in other ways, presenting sacred moling the evangi Seventh-day Adventists during future baptisms connected \vith the Crusade. Martz Promises Madgwick Tells Staff Members Seven theologj' majors Editor About Citizens' Rejoin Faculty Early Student Directory Band Radio Kathryn Wooley and Marj- Editor Paul Martz the holders of overdue hbrarj^ A citizen's band radio has Joker Waldren, SMC Nursmg Staff that this year's joke- been installed in the Women's promises members, i.vill be returning in "record Residence Hall, and will be used less Joker vnM be out Brad Davis, sophomore hu- from graduate study to resume Fulton, "tII fealm-e in conjtmction with a special iolan. Bill time", and that it manities student, is phologra- teaching here at the Florida Marvin innovations and ideas emergency phone line into that Willfned Kowarsch, many Sanitarium and Hospital in Reynolds, Claude conceived by the dorm, according to Dean of Stu- Lowman, Bob never before September, according to Dr. Whitsett were people residing in ihe dents Gordon Madg^vick. Sleen, and Tom minds of Harriet Reeves, SMC Di\-jsJon the SMC sttidents who worked Collegedale Valley. The radio, a Sonar FS-23 chauTnan. Louis- with Elder Johnston in As the Memories office is model, is an all-channel trans- Miss Waldren has reuently mo\'ing to a new location, under First Senate mitter-receiver. It is mstalled Former SMC theology gradu- the steps of Lynn Wood Hall in Assistant Dean Mary Mooy's completed her M. S. degree in Crusade ates assisting wlh the adjacent to the Southern Ac- office in the WRH and will be medical surgical nursing at and sitting in on classes were cent office, the 3oker staff, ac- operated by desk hostesses. Loma linda University. Terry McComb, recently ap- Meeting cording to a staff member, In addition to the standard pointed to ihe Dyersburg, Tenn., Miss Wooley has been study- should be very busy watching Sheriff's radio in the campus ' "' district; James King, year at Emory the construction work on the patrol car, another unit has been ing for the past Elizabethto\vn, Ky., a Sunday new office and pasting together installed there, a Pace II 12- University, Atlanta, Georgia, Jerry Gladson, miinsterial the greatest Joker ever. channel transmitter-receiver. toward her M.S. degree for tern at Louisville. A Polaroid camera was used 19 September This unit ivill be primarily nursing. Tlie daily schedule for the maternal obstetrical to photograph the students this five-week program consisted of year, according to a Joker 7:30 p.m. spokesman. This system has officer, Pla Adventist homes and in the security WiUiam advantages, another or one of his assistants, can oe homes of interested non-Adven- many spokesman indicated, as it al- tists in the afternoon; prepara- lows the student to spend several of tion of tlie meeting hall, which emergency. McKee Baking picture minutes looking at his The Green Room The emergency phone line is immediately after been it has only for emergency calls, em- Company p h a s i z e d Dean Madgwick. The Joker, SMC student-fac- Emergency calls into the WRH ulty directory, is often con- on this phone line will either be relayed to the patrol car via the radio or take] phone at the WRH, Little Debbie Lynn Wood Hall Chapel Remodeled location of a doctor. Extensively into Offices, Classrooms Helping over 150 students to earn their

should ' J, way through college. levels in the classrooms, and per- haps save money over a period of years, as carpels do not have

done by the college Buildii and Grounds department. 1 larger lecture room has at pi LEONARD'S ent a capacity of 108 perso AMOCO SERVICE the smaller 80. Wall-to-waU c peting in all rooms and air-Ci Auto Repairs Road Service

attempt li COLLEGEDALE PHONE 396-2714

Collegedale Insurance Agency. Inc.

larger general education Auto - Life - Fire - Boats - Homeowners The two large lectm-e rooms were once the chapel proper. Phone 3M.2062, Collegedale, Tenn. The stage has been made into four offices vv-ith outside win- "C.ll Us for All Your Iniursre. N.ods." dows. Below the now defunct balcony three offices have been I PE Center Ceremonies Honor Committee of 100

J and individuals ^..g^g^v related fields formed foi I purposes of furthering profe'? sional development of broad casting for improving stand lards of broadcasting and for promoUng the welfare of the th additional reading and in community of which each affih weekend sUgaUon IS wellas tobtoaden ated station is a part." WSMC-FJVI's m en general educational Membership in this _ profes- Steele, does not Manager voting seat on the Senate, since New Mobile Home Park the radio station last year re- papeiback books will be prima quested to sever its child-par- Rapidly Nears Completion III) Lillei suggcsltd bj the ent relationship with the Stu- facultj Se\eral persons have By GwTNN Ca] been appointed to handle stlec atop Rees Ridge ar run-down Hillside trailer park iverlook ig the student park. behind tlie Collegedalc Acad- a level which would carry the emy building. J station's musical-educational ligher - powered WSMC-FM inished Fifty trailers can be accom- I broadcastmg as far as Atlanta ould be "one of tlie greatest ng need for Lebensraum for modated by the new facilities. 'vangelistic projects in the his- tudenls and employees of the Innovations in SMC trailer-park ollege. The new trailer court is living will include such features 3 take the place of tlie old and Theology Group I'Youth Arise' Is and a separate sewerage syslem Hears Spongier, Theme for to delete the problem of septic I MV Leiske of Retreat As Plans Another problem that will be I Shown 'oulh Arise" was the Ihenie hgion Retreat for SMC's '« 1965 Missionaiy Volun- ology students and their weekend. Ocl. 1 and 2, on hes This ye held SMC campus. Weekend >eek Falls State Park near Pikeviile, Tenn. I Uni'F'"','''"""' ""^Southern Guest speakers for the retreat *'«'"''- I JavXlv J"""" °' were Elder J. R. SpangJer, as- sociate ministerial secretary of the General Conference of Sev- enth-day Adventists; and Elder LeRoy J. Leiske, president of the Soutliern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. ' college MV omcei '"ference MV se introduced at the 'B meeting, Eltl . "

SENATE SENSE By Rod„ey Brya„t lyptically indecipherable. SA leadership: e meeting . 1965-66 administration h gditoftiaiy Speafcmg year Sunday n ght. Sept, of the herited an additional counted-for deficit lo the ai waded into th prospects chinery of S+50. —and problems—of a new dale Academy to refrain from irobably there," ;nted advertising in its publications. Tre

the amount was not 't find i yet." what thei on oblems— Somehow The consider stress will be p books paid last year, although details are stiU being hopefull number of people ci money problems. Lloyd Enclison, s "We hope that with thi It 13 also inlere year's unprecedented enrolhnen lo jail or risk security our budget vAW cover our plans," said Erickson. "But it may not Many of the extra things we had

consider newspaper and the annual, of Ihe students did not for It would seem thai most feeb strongly example, " implications of the word 'cause.- 11 one the Are enough about a cause, won't he do almost anylhmg? die for a cause? there, perhaps, people who would School Name Change ^^^ ^^^^_^^

the word "Missionary-"

m*^ "' to pursue, andm an , edge possibles, gain™--;,, cation is found nc>tn.e^^PJ^^„,

„d lo offer a-"' as I_a= Is man to be left

in empty space? What is the ar--

riddle? ^. you kno«-, ' -

Sabbath Schools Start, Using 3 Foreign Languages The Modem Language De- is conducted by students in tlie partment this year is sponsoring Spanish Department. ' " '_ mguage Sabbath This past Sabbath the Ger- Schools. Mrs. Catherine Lebe- man Sabbath School organized doff, ihe new French ii in the music rcrom of the Acad- the additio emy Building. This year there are four superintendents: Hilda The Spanish Sabbath School Hasel, a senior English- German organize in the near future in major; Bill Kramer, a junior regular pla of the Women's Residence

According to Miss Olive Westphal, sponsor of the Span- All four of these individuals ish SabbatJi School and a former have lived or attended school in resident of Argentina, a regular German -speaking coimtries and feature of the Spanish Sabbath have an intimate knowledge School program for the year is of the German language and the an entire Sabbalh Day spent out culture of Germany. Elder R. R. the spring. A pic- Aussner, sponsor of ihe Sabbath School and himself a na

Germany, emphasizes that i practical contact with a Ian guage greatly facilitates dent's ability in that language He strongly urges every student of German and any others in- terested to attend who wsh worship in the German h guage. These Sabbath Schools in the different tongues afford the slu-

opportunity to immerse himself

1 I called the Pattei in the language of his choice, iHotel, and they assured ando Icha

1 this Ibecause I had feared Neil Douglas |of S300. ACCENT: What makes you Returns Again Itbink so many people will be For Norway Film Saturday night, Sept. 25, Neil Douglas presented the first pro- this gram in the SMC 1965-66 Ly- Amateur Radio academic year, to ceum this but this year the and Madison academies," Por Series. The series year ladies will land, Tenn., and Madison, Tenn. includes a wide variety of en- I be asking the men. Club Awarded tally results in better The band's first concert will be Dec. II participation because the ladies Citation for Help Mrs. Steiner is a student of on campus. There is I also The film Sattu'day night was n less inhibited about asking. Dr. Morris Taylor. the possibility of a concert This is the text of a Public at Little in color and is Neil Douglas' Then too, many of the men don't Creek Academy, Con- I Service Citation awarded Award newest film. 'en ask, but cord, Tenn., Mr. Young said. action The name all of the ladies do. Radio Club: curs every foiuth year. the SMC Amateur of the film was "The Living ACCENT: Oh. Elected president of the band On April 3, 1965, "The Sea- Nonvay." The fibn included a MISS WHITMAM: This year way" got into difficulty off Mag- Stewart, first trombonist. Vice trip on a sailing vessel to Ber- le ladies will pick dal'ena Bay. Radio Station up the tab. Concert Sand gen, one of the larger cities of hat is, the men will only be WA4NTD was one of a number ophonist Terry Snyder; and Norway and port for the fishing tquired to buy their date a cor- Announces Plans Ralph Ruckle, junior pre-med fleet ' \ they will be assisted in the rescue of the Sea- baritonist, is pastor. Scenes from the festival days way making it possible for her Elects Officers Carol Chatlerton, sophomore vrith a colorful parade of 50,000 to be eventually towed into port. The SMC Concert Band, now percussionist, was elected secre- students, along with the pag- of having the As a result of this participation, recepti tarj', for her second year in a eantry of the Palace Guards new gjTnnasium? the club was awarded the row, David Silverstein is treas- were shown. Then there were e Public MISS WHITMAN: Yes. Per- urer, a sophomore pre-dent scenes of the fjords and sea coast Service Award. sonally I think it would be nice clarinetist. Publicity officer is of Nonvay and also picliu-es of This Public Service Award is to have it there because we could Rodney Bryant, an English not specifically worked for, have more elaborate decorations, The tabernacle - auditorium asked for, or expected. and we would not was filled to cai)acity for this [ have to ride i spontaneoui many in the cramped yellow school special program, and -ng wor people were forced to stand in I buses all that way downtown. during

very proud to hs

College Market Campus Kitchen Bev Steiner Wins

Offers $300 Scholarship Selections See our In Piano Contest of fresh fruits Beverly Babcock Steiner, jun ior music performance major COMPLETE MENU was presented in chajiel and recently vegetables with the Elizabeth Wmdsor Scholze Award for outstanding of vegeta Ian items plus a variety musical ability. The award is made every year by the Chattanooga Music Club Order - Enjoy of groceries Last spring Mrs. Steiner partiii pated in the keyboard compeii Uon at Cadek HaU at the Urn versity of Chattanooga, and on the basis of her performance Dr. Penner Joins SMC's Communications Area

Joining SMC's tions department this year is Dr. J. G. "Jon" Penner, who comes to SMC from Walla WaUa CoUege, Walla Walla, Dr. Pet nbes himself and famil> campers. Hi- lal hohbj IS photography- Anne Penner, his daughter, is a nursing studenl at SMC, and College Here at SMC he succeeds Dave Penner attends John Moffat, instructor in c dale Academy as a sophomore 5 pursuing h His t^vin daughters, Kame and Sherrie, are lune, and students at the Arthur Spalding Ele mentarj' School The addition of Dr Penner led his bachelor boosts the number of Ph D 's m of science degree in theologj-, the burgcorung c graduating in 1944. The next

At the end of thii he Mr. William H. Tayloi began graduate study in speech at Purdue University, Lafayette, IncL At Purdue he acquired in 1958 his master of science de- gree in public address. 1 of WSMC-FM, the c Continuing his graduate edu- cation at Purdue, Dr. Penner worked for and received tlie Ph.D. degree in ]>ublic address Coming Events in 1961, -writing his dissertation on "The Speakers of the Health 9 Oct.—Lyceum- Reform Movement." Antarctic Challenge Three years later at Andrews 13 Oct—Bible Conference University Dr. Penner

SA School Picnic Religious Liberty Slated for Area At Harrison Boy know? . . , Frandi CarJinal SpcUmon said it is n p on'l October 6 is the new date set ",™;°S'fcrty nnd other roejor statements. for the traditional, all-school fall picnic. SMC students mil board

i-noiv7 . . . The Soviets are incrbaring religious jierse utJon. rented yellow school buses for

l:^L religion, on the upswing tor nearly a decade, is

for the day's festivities. Track and field events, or- know? . . . Fr. John Murray, S. J., professor at ganized by Terry Snyder, "ill Slock (Md.) College, «ho is an ofriciol Munril consullant and p incipal include (if public opinion does not alter the situation) a sack race, wheelbarrow race, three- cepled legged race, and softball throw public morality or public health, or third, o for men and women; shotput, f ihe public peace." 100-yard dash, 440-yard relay, 440-yard dash, mile run for men 220- and the 50-yard dash and yard relay for women. Individual sports will include badminton, ping-pong, tentus,

COLLEGE more SERVICE CENTER events are designed to give fun for everyone. McKee Baking SMC? Mr. Ransom Luce, be m food service director, will picrnc Major and charge of the traditional Company sho lunch and supper. A Minor Tune-ups by^a evening worship followed campus vaU film hack on the mern Phone 396-2302 climax the day's round of Little Debbie

Collegedale Insurance Agency, Inc-

way through college. Phone 396-2062, Collegedale. Tenn.

"Call Us for All Your Insuronco Needs." 1

IN THIS ISSUE — I Cliapel P<"3e 2 | School Song page 2 R SOUTHERN Meet page 3 ACCENT Alumni g

Clubs Organize page 4 v„|, xxi

Literary {Faculty Selects Paper SMC Candidates 'n Plans Stage, I Says Ellis For Scholarships Adams I For the first time in the his- SMC depi torj' of the college, serious plans have been announced for a

of student poetry, prose and art

The project, imder the spon- sorship of the Senate Scholarship Committee, is now in its early stages, but work is going steadily ahead, according to Ellis Adams, editor of the pubhcalion. Adams, a senior theology ma- jor, has announced that student writing will be welcome, and should be submitted to himself SMC graduates have warded Woodrow Wilson "We are looking for high- fellowships I quality wTiting of all types," "We would like to encourage commented Adams. "Short, 5 10 think seri- artistic, devolional poems and Bousiy about the promising stu- thoughts; humorous essays and " > fields who might le graduate school material, with Dpics—we are looking for " e purpose of nominating these ])ersons for honorary fellowships said Adams, >r encouraging tliem to apply," One-Day Drive Nets $13,000 eis have been contacted aid Dr. J. W. Cassell, academic s on the project, needed, according to For Ingathering Campaign are good quality pholo- ; Woodrow Wilson and the Danforlh awards. In the \m11 \ niport, . If I e of National Science The total raised this year persons gave Of the approximately si\t\ Foun- deemed suitable, original p Idalion awards and Fulbright the annual Missions Promodi part of their four bands which went out dur ings and sculptures can be Day at is tlie highest SMC ing the day, the group of fifteen logiaphed for inclusion ir the college's history. The gain over last year's bands soliciting Atlanta, Ga,, At the end of the "Longest field day of Stl,685 was $1,- Willi the helj) of Elder Jack Day," Oct, 12, $13,090.44 had 409.44. Nine hundred dollars taff positions on the pubU- been turned in by the faculty, was turned in from student students, of SMC and College- labor during the day. . Depai dale Academy, and industrial Approximately 75 per cent of Election ir abler sludenls to make ap- personnel who worked along the student body of the college for SA Senators :ation. Students are urged to TOth members of the commu- and 90 per cent of the acadcmj- nity, striving to reach the $19,- participated in the Missions Pro- lact their department heads " Comes on Oct. 25 and 26 le)' are interested. 000 goal set b> " After several delai s ^nd hold Tiip i^nurcn. otlier. Senate met in closed lecent recipients of tlie Wood- seventn-aay Aoventisi Scores of persons wt tips, tlie Senate Special elections sion Sunday mght, Oct 17 . Wilson Fellowship who The total for the church is now rolled in Bible Correspor of used I 'e graduated from SMC are-^ over$16,000. ' 'rograms Committee Chai hst the of did ting, and approximately names any who - Bruce Gerhart, presently Four hundred and fiflj per ^"'^ Senate Chaplain wi not choose to file before the the college Engli flets'dis' " ''^'^ ^5 and deadhne of Oct 3 Programs I staff, and Mr. Cecil Petty, Jr. and foL The Aca"demy doubled ^^f-, Candidates v year, going Hand for election for Progi S800 00 Chairman are: Tom McDonald, Elders Excellent support was re- Barron and Turner Neil Peck, and Rollin Mallernee, cel^ed from CoUegedale Cabi- For Senate Chaplain, candidates nets, Sanborn Spring Co., Mc- Conduct Week of Prayer are: Dave Taylor, Woody Whid- Kee Baking Co , and Starkey Language Society Dick den, John Newbern, Rex Ward, Barron and Ray pit." It is the story uf Ins f Prmting Co Mr Charles Flem- ind Gerry Cabalo. Turn, Jr Francis Coster- States Purposes, t drug addiction and y ing, and Mr -vatigelistic Team are the guests dieted lifelong isan iohcited the college sup- Tells Officers ere at SMC for the Fall Week bed rest, f Founded in 1931, Alplia Spintual Emphasis, Oct. 15- Mu Gamma is the national colle- ^1 This is the official Texas giate foreign language honor ^""^"SeUsiic -Team Sih h^"'"' society of the United Stales. Elder Barron hst of candidates. The primary purpose of this [ and Elder Turner working society is to honor students for Elder Bai United Fund

»ver twenty years. Elder Tumei Total Hits $1,680 slarled his career in 1936 as th< The United Fund has now gone over its SI,485 goal by ap- study of foreign languages ' proximately S200 V ' The emphasis of the W total now of $1,680, orduig to the Public Relations onice. SMC will not qualify foi an Gamma Alpha; honor award, hi too Rudolf R. Aussne I help youth see the ad' the admi ion, German deparUni of a closer I walk with Chri. 1 slaff ha VI asiwd that there lan, Spanish, history major

iresidenl, Hilda Hasel, i r German and English ma

s youth pi secretary, Dolhe Rolls, i

J^^;8hlight of this week h McKeo Baking Company, Col- legedale Cabinels and Sanbori] "'y- From Deathbed to Pi Spring Company. £c(ito/tia% SpGofcmg . .

/J 6Uapel Bolutia4>t

a mmoc, but. neverlheless. persislenUy paiidul of our school program here at SMC. As the iealure slory on page four

mplain that 7:30 a.m. is ju

[ully ii

I this.:

chapi ediiicc

1 the comph chapel Ihal every slept in. .„ .„_ ^ ^ glance who they Ihink Still others have the simple honesty to admit that n h de IT And ho f merely served to poin up h Obviously, "chape!" is problematic (or those who attend, fact that SMC is U e f e and for those who enlorce altend- gro\vmg Seventh-day Ad n mgs College in the United S o idi ation of Ho T night be I America, perhaps in tl e o d e SMC acceptable solution? tempo of ampu fe This year the new M K e In he Firat ol all. an increas eptiblj vi h tl e dustrial Arts building n u .en mp be salutary. Even loyal of ano he n Temie ee and this physical f } p programs are literally not \vorth use, matched by the acaden fo hofii be buUl into the program. Arts. Third, a more convent nt or 1 Industrial of life i physical de- Aaden the honzons for oU. Also pacing the his campus. 'What is it? e the elopmont program, the Physi- Who knows? al Education department has Progress has many forms. pel c

the Physical Education center. But progress at SMC is not m 1 r ence is indicated by something intangible, but nevertheless real, and in the busy crosscurrents of

icripls as "PubUc Prog,

is one possible solutio chai for the coming school year.

is a sophomore SMC, Pushes RoUin at Senate majoring in theology and his- For "Individual" tory. He has tho distinction of Grapeshof being perhaps the only person I In New Regime in CoUegedale who subscribes to tlie Congressional Record and The Ingathering total raised this year is the highest knows the books of Ex-Senator obtained by a Seventh-day Advenlist college. We believe it Barry Goldwater by heart, ac- fine example and a splendid precedent. cortUng to one witness of his political opinions. Judging from the number of persons we saw sauntering past -the total e the Accent office door on the day of the Annual, Traditional, All- vill be The Accent staff congratu- School Picnic, we were forced to conclude that many students did bered in later life. lates Rollin and the other per- Or not lake advantage ol this opportunity for rest and relaxation. tal purpose of the SA is to make sons yet to be elected in Senate students were their individual did they? Perhaps the who stayed in college life interesting, to pro- Special Elections. We hope this Ways relaxing even more than many of those who went- There vide many opportimities for the year's Student Senate irlicular class which would raise student liimself. to enjoy 1 of its members abili- lany who stayed simply felt re- With this goal in mind, Lloyd juvenated by a day full of absent responsibilities. Erickson armounces that the We would like to see, if feasible and possible, several such benefit of the individual student "dead" days during the school year. Many universities have "dead" \vill be the SA's primary objec- days just before semester exams, but actually they would be nice "COLLEGEDALE FORE 'ER

mey-r, added financial burden wiM he Southern Missionary Co g Glory in your gr ng m Instead, the emphasis ".vill be on Draw and hold us S h helping the individual student Standards," by v h n b to advance—socially, culturallj', physically, and spiritually. SOUTHERN Acam Nestled snuggly in th h Through the work and plan- Pierced by lanes d d nmg of ihe several standi ,nge

activities is being planned ti elude every need in these a Already this year noticeablt Blend provemenls have been mac , iering angels" \\ing

ji our cherished S h Standards" Trulj

well-planned pic CHORUS: few accomplislm Southern fricndsh p deepest, Southern k The effective i 200 Alumni Gather SMC Delegates Attend Meet For Annual Homecoming At Indian night, Creek Southern Missionary CoUe Elder Chester Damron, hsld "« ™^- '57, also on furlough from 1 CoUegedale, Weekend Thailand, spoke to the as- the I Alumni Homecoirmig wiiich 8 and 9. sembled alumni and students of I October the the Southern Classes which were honored college. Union Bible Con- According to Elder J. Don ference held at Indian Creek camp from Soseof 1955and 1940. Crook, class of '53 and president October 13 to 16. Under Speaker for the Saturday of the Alumni Association of the direction of Elder E. S. Reile, Southern worship service at the College- the college, this year's home- Union Mis- Adventist coming sionary Volunteer Secretarj', da le Seventh-day was the largest in over 200 delegates Church was Elder John F. Har- SMC's history. convened. The annual business meeting Featured speakers for the con- Friday of the Alumni Association ference were Elders io'iigh from Thailand. was L. M. Nel- conducted Saturday evening in son, Associate MV Secretary of the College Cafeteria. It fol- the General Conference of Sev- enth-day Adventists; C. E. I Mrs. Williams Another featured guest of the Wittschiebe, professor of pas- Wins MA Degree Homecoming was Miss Bessie toral care, Andrews University; During Summer Mount, '15, -with the Ellen G. and LeRoy J. Lejske, President I White estates in Takoma Park, of the Southern Union Conier- Mrs, Nellie Jo Williams, as- Md,, and a graduate of the ence of Seventh-day Adventists. Gra3''sviUe Academy, Graysville, The Bible conference staff also awarded her M.A. degree in Tenn., the institution which be- included SMC's president, C. N. I painting this past summer from came Southern Missionary Col- Marchie Edgmon Wins Rees and religion professors the University of Michigan. lege. Bruce Johnston and Frank Hol- Mrs. Williams has been on Also participating in the pro- Symphony Award for SMC tlie faculty of Southern Mis- gram were Floyd Greenleaf, '55, The conference was attended The Chattanooga Symphony also sionary' College since 1960. of Bass Memorial Academy, plays in the municipal or- by students from the t^vo col- Mrs, Williams has sold sev- Lumberton, Miss.; Charles L. chestra, as ^-iolinst leges and twelve academies of eral of her paintings, and has Pierce, '51, of the music depart- Tickets for this year's series the Southern Union in addition Southern Missionary participated in exhibitions at the ment of Columbia Union Col- ColleL of concert programs can still he representative SDA the outstanding attendance Hunter Art Gallery in Chatta- lege, Takoma Park, Md.; Elder of its obtained from the SjTnphony I students and faculty at the con- Douglas Bennett, '51, of the certs of the '64-'65 Many of her students have SMC Religion Department; and school year. tlso won prices and recognition. Miss Mary Elam, '51, of the possible by the work I John Seaman s, of the stu- Whidden says dent representative. Miss Mar- rt Gallery for his chie Edgmon who organized and Seminar to Stress constructed A-frame Communications promoted the ticket sales on Practical Work Indian Creek. The cai^ip is Holds Workshop owned and operated by the Ministerial Seminar h a s lompetition held at Jubilee Mr. Gary Shinbaum, the man- ftentucky -Tennessee Conference launched its program for this For Academies ager of the Chattanooga Sym- year with the theme, "Collegi- phony Orchestra, presented the ate Christianity." The officers trophy to Dr. C. N. Rees diuing are Chuck Scarb rough, presi- Fire Department WSMC-FM die chapel program on Oct. 5. dent; Chuck Williams, vice The other three colleges en- Elects Officers, Tells Officers president; Ken Gamer, secre- tered in the attendance competi- tary-treasurer; Don Watson, Plans Meeting 1 For tion were New Year Covenant College, chorister; and Libby Holmes, Executive officers of WSMC- Tennessee Temple College, and The Tri- Community Fire lations staff FiVI, the college radio station, the University of Chattanooga. Department elected officers for were introduced academy pubU cations will at- the coming fiscal year on Sept. in a recent Several SMC students per- chapel tend two days of lectures and program presented by form in the Chattanooga Sym- |the station. discussions. It is planned to phony. Pat Cobos, SMC student. have a series of general Officers for the 1963-66 year meetings followed by smaller Allen Steele, manager; Chief Stephen Hayes. The discussion groups. is other officers are Richard Hannum, director of Pat's brother Jacinto Win- Dr. Gordon M. Hyde, Wil- md dcasting and fihn; Priscilla ters, assistant chief; Jim Rob- liam Taylor and Elder Don Yost [Phillips, secretary; Wayne erts, captain; Jerry Bartram \yi\\ he in charge of the work- JBolan, programs director; Jack ^Zooming Zoos' Featured and Robert Swafford, lieuten- |K. Boyson, head announcer; ants; Steve VanBuren, secretary Gary Anderson, chief engineer; Among the basic topics that RoUin Mallernee, head news- will be offered are newspaper At Dix's Upcoming Lyceum aster; layout John Leach, promotions and design; yearbook new plan this year is to Rom Drld vie the (hriljf A iirector; Marilyn Crooker, head layout and design; careers in hold every other meeting in m tains and n 9 of Lynn Wood Hall. author, photographer and lec- Room There are appro.\imately 50 mg; and newswntuig. This will provide desks and turer, presented before a well- students working with the sta- "We hope that the workshop blackboards to be used during filled tabernacle -auditorum his observations during drifting on this year. will be the first of prac- training meetings. many adventure film "Antarctic Chal- snowstorms, of conquering the "Citizens for WSMC," an ad- tical aids to the youth and their lenge." The lyceiun was Oct. 9. greatest obstacles to ships' oavi- Meetings wll be held at 6;30 advisors carry publicad who gallon as they penetrate into the every Wednesday. ' Finn Ronne, in the forefront called by Dr. responsibility,'" .ed' Eldei"' C.~n" exploration for more heart of the "Unknown Conli- "ees, of polar president of the college, Yost. thirty presented in nent." I ""el than years, recently. The group, 30 Freshmen which Next in the current lyceum ^vill soon organize into a ; I Dix 'Badio Mari. Visit Orlando Advisory Board for the I Zoos of siation, her fihn "The Zooming IS made up of college America." Scheduled for Oct. 30 For Orientation officers and other prominent in the tabernacle -auditorium, Thirty freshman nursing stu- men of this an:a. production will be photog- Topics the dents were welcomed to the under discussion in- I life in Ameri- cluded raphy of animal Orlando campus for a weekend the evangelistic poten- of getting acquaintedatthe place •al of WSMC-FM, and the be spending three i^eel for Marion Dix, holding a degree tliey wll high-quality FM pro- ioumalism from the Uni- semesters of their training. . ammmg m ihis geographical ty of Washington, is often Florida Sanitarium and Hos- red to as "one of the leading pital, located in the lake country American authorities on Asian of Florida, provides part of the Culture." She was sent to South- clinical learning envirorunenl to help cated east Asia by the UN for tlie SMC student nurse earn- where Dr. Everett Wat- organize and administer a UN ing a B. S. degree. "°'' ''' '-^'^ being aonedon' f"^ The 350-bed institution offers by Engineer Gary Ander , , Burma, Ceylon, experience in medical -surgical Malaya. She has spent five nursing, pediatrics, surgery, and "mpus dom,s"'eLbli'ng"\M and years living and working in maternal- child nursing. ^'8"^'^' ^"dThe'l''"^"' ^^? Asia before starting independ- Plans for the weekend were ently in the film-lecture field to shared by the faculty and Or- produce her unique color movies. lando students. Season Flagball Clubs Organize Gets Underway PE On OcL 5 ihe professional sideni At New Area clubs of Southern Missionary By The Staff • organized. Many Treasiu-er: Marie The banging of heads, shoul- Public Relations Di- ders, Malmede; and other pans of the of- rector; Ruth Couch. anatomy can be heard resound- ing through the ficers or informatic The president of the Foreign campus even- \vill re- evening as the flagball obtainable. These dubs Language Club is Neil Peck. season ceive coverage at a later date. Vice-president: David Cooke; got Tinder way. The president of the Oflice Secretary-treasurer: Kathy This year the entire flagball was planned AdminLstralion Club is Don Gunter. The mascot is Barbara program by a flag- Plait. Vice-president: Gladys ball intramural council. This Lawless; Secretary: Georgene The president of the Phys council, set up by Terry Snyder, Gantz; Treasurer: Kay Cherry; Club is W. Bradford Davis. and the pastor is Mary Louise Vice-president: Jim Minesinger; mittee, was composed of 2 mem- Secretary- treasurer: Marilyn bers from each class. The chairman of this group f the Nursing was ette Camilh. esident of the Indus- 'at Mooney; Club is Nolan Darnell, Secre Pat Vice-p ident: Ricjiard McKee; Evelyn Erickson; Parlia- ere SV mentarian: Ruby Ryckman; Hayes; Public Relations Direc- Historian: Etennie Vance; Chap- tor: Tom Myers. Albright lain: Judy Martin. The president of Ihe Chemis- Watson Tlie president of the Student try Club is Jack Leitner. Vice- WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE? Woicott National Education Association president: Ted Ahl; Secretary-: Belly Green; Treasure

Pumphre : Paul Mui. It's not my fault," bew. distressed student. Students Will The president of the English Club is Cheryl Tharpe. Vice- checker by a fill girl and the Solomon 1 C Select Royalty president: Barbara Brooks; Sec- retary-treasurer; Glenda Jan- Berg 1 1 Lawless, secretary soul good i. intions 1 For Courtesy sen; Public Relations Director; One had Academy 1 mic dean, has re- but was detained by a in. It Graham 1 -cent years. The seems ihat he was wai' on a 1 The president of the Business g Caviness taken directly from Administration and Accounting long, long, long train I jass so Pleasants 1 ;s and Club is James Williams. Vice- Terry Snyder wshes ti chapel but would nounced Slurley Bremson, chnii president: Janice Lee; Secrelary- get to press his sincere thanks to have it the Irair ist too man of Uie Social Educolio Ireasurer: Jean Nivison; Public Chemistry Area Delmar Lovejoy of the P.I Relations Director: John Dykes; long and slow ; didn't pnrtment for ihe fine job of Receives Grant officiating he is doing at Ihe ergelic games. Mr. Lovejoy has rea" For Research m his enabled the (lagball program is Claude Sleen. Vice-f Dr. Jol Chri; seal of speed along smoothly. dpnl: Marvin Lowman; Secre- the SMC div tary-. Elva Dreos; Treasurer ences and professor of chei Ron Benizinger; Public Rela- tions Director: Art Lesko. der a grant from ihe Amei Some think that they a of students all year The president of the Fine Arts minds the :an Ch cal Society. long." Guild is Faye Foster. Vice-presi- Dr. :hapel violates their cons McKee Baking dent: Paula Walker; Pastor: During courtesy week, Feb- n that they don't believ John Fox; Public Belations Di- Company ruary H-18, there will be a they should have to go runoff among all the princes and rector: Jim Woods. The grant for facully i The president of ihe Biology research in the The last but Little Debbie ClubisHon Lambeth. Vice-presi- " provides Sl,833 least was the fas over 150 winner will be honored dent; James Roberts; Secretary; Helping cro^vned at the St. Valonli Lynn Root; Public Relations students to earn their nty. Day Banquet. Secretary': Ann Grotheer. way tlirouqh college. and a Departmental Supple- ment, the "ACS-PRF" gram College Press Installs comes to S2.200. Stewart Crook Announces The litle of the research proj- New Color Offset Press ect being carried out by the SMC department of chemistry Plans for Faculty Parties

The Herrell slated. they are to attend. o'clock, iiies will end at 10 jryone will be back lo ihe

pk'led by October II or 12. i by 10:30. ! number

ir. There wil purchased from a firm thai was going out of business. social year. Although not purchased from Religious Liberty point of the that a social b> ihem, Ihe manufacturers. Miller It is felt Group Chooses faculty and sluder Printing Co. of Pittsburg, Pa., between best ways to pro) provided a week of free press New Officers one of the instruction at tlieir factory for Tl,e local cl,»|,ler of Ihe Be- head pressman Jerre Conerly. ligioiis Liberty Society recently valuable ti organized, electing officers for ilso -- point and uuii«™" . [ school yeai oc boili Miics i)[ ,1 [ilieel of paper and the student, | themselves 'The Heralds of faculty.ity by student by the faculty- LEONARD'S

: Libby Hohnes; Treas- SERVICE handled at AMOCO Tom Evans. Public Re- needed to finish the s Coordinator; Tom Light- Repairs printmg pi icess started bv the Auto new press. While in Chicago Road Service Jack Boyson. Representative Herrell found a COLLEGEDALE folder for sale that just filled PHONE 396-271 + Twenty Seniors Make Who's Who

department head then the "batlot" with numbers from Lloyd Erickson, Lj-nda Whit- one to twenty, in ihe order each man, Kennelh Spears, Bill Nel- feels the Who's Who honor to son, Jan Lee, Shirley Bremson, Philip Wilson, Judy Woodruff, Martha Woodruff, Dolores Rolls, Arnold Clapp, James SNEA Holds " " id Taylor, Hiide Annuol Meeting; us Chu, Gerry Ca- u «. balo, Cheryl Chlsholm, Ellis Howe Speaks Adams and Rex Ward. The Southern Missionary Col- lege chapter of the Student Na-

met Thursday evening, Nov. 1 1, persons for Who's Who i spec Ted by the W/o's Departments Choose corporatio t SMC the method s based for secondary educat Wilson Award Nominees i aluat on of to the SNILA group a the S udent Senate 5 college quet Educational SMC department heads a of the academic depai each of the mdi ^dual confer- the academic dean met Octo; ences of tl e Southern Union 26 in the College Cafeteria a

: the gatl e. special dinner for the purpose __ nominating and discussing stu- dents eligible for the Woodro\v Wilson Fellowship Award and the National Science Foundation Award. The faculty nominates candidates for the Woodrow Wilson Award and encourages quahfied science students to ap- ply for consideration in the case of National Science Foundation

dents whose record and poten- tial would qualify them for the Woodrow Wilson Award wer«

Those selected were: Paul to Henry Gebert, a chemistry ma- jor; Dolores Rolls, a Gem; and Spanish major; Minon ISMC UF Drive Hamm, an English major; Wil- Exceeds Goal liam Nelson, a German, Span- ish, and history major; Lynda |0f $1680 by $264 Whitman, a music major; Susi ionarj' CoUegi Mundy, an English major; and has again received the United Marlh Woodruff, a music ma- Fund award and has netted )or. Sl,680miu 1965 UF campaign. The Wilson Woodrow Fel- and Daryl Andersen, both elf The College Relations office lowshi Foundation was estab- mentarj' education majors. Student Elections Held oordinated the drive, lished which encourage gifted young Paid Gebert, of the science d( ras carried on without :o high- enter the profession of parlment will also apply for f^sure campaign For Vacated SA Offices tactics. teaching. Those who grant from the National Scienc the total turned in are for this a\ arded these fellowships Tiie Student Association Sen- Miss Bremson, who completes e IS m the process of filling her college work in December, college teaclung career for Woodro>\ \\ilson ^a liich is lo be married to former SMC Nommations for the Danforth :his IS an av\ard chiefly for foi essi- student Randall Crowson, now Administration, I faculty, staff, Award were made Those taled or will necessitate elections at Loma Linda University, Budptii! and community partic- nominated were Susan Rozell to fill a total of five Senate seats. Loma Linda, Cafif., studying In a lecent Special Election, dentistry. Miss Bremson's re- Bilt Wood and Lloyd Erick- under the supervision of Steve placement, therefore, ivill not Jn were in charge of dormitory president and the take office until second semester. oliatation, and they had each :er in charge of Robert Potts, recently elected Mm canvassed I for the UF. One seals of Senate president of the senior class, is acet of the campaign was that udent contributions lo the Jn.led Fund drive more tlian multaneously. ^3st year's figure. IS!?"" "'"ticipating in the cam- - -o- ". d "substantial manner" Films, Campfires ^ere McKee Baking Co Col- Mark Activities |^^daleCabine,s,InLandSan- pniSpnngCo. At Class Parties "" 'he past three academic Films and campfires were the activities of the academic class ^ss'onary organization at their Iftis College annual ^"^'^^ ^"'"i two. class parties, Saturday night, |aiva,?"TL ^^ ~ the agenda of Senate Nov. ' Sen Called the Fine Arts chapel. Juniors r the avoided celluoid sickness and J-^irs ~ ellort. hiked into the woods to their I C?S"n°/'^^ College Re- party. Sophomores thrilled lo "Young Tom Edison," and the link fr'?'^'^*^"^°E"'^'''' " support nirJ^TT j^*^ of ;'"'* Thirty-five "^XIwnefit from UF gifts. "You can mulfle the drum, and you can Ioosbo Ihe stringi sing?" of the lyre, bui who shall command Ihe skylark nol to In this excerpt Irom his essay on Law, Kahlil 'The Prophet," used lyrical langi

vocal demand for an ^end j to that participation, wo discouraging to a soldier thi- field. I can only say the field ing been a soldier in | demo- myself, ihat I believe my si|l cratic principles would advisabil- make clear to me the debate m It li Po»Ible7 ity of continued - ---'ioninSouln I

robably thai Who's Who, Under 5'|"J;*'"j,j^J[,^''"j" 'r".Dlirs?^'thlt ideralion are several meas- orself v^uiim «— 1 what grounds il wUl send in names to the comp believe that Hed membership/ very high scholastic hurdles leading to Ihe "hoi te vole from the respective be admitted to UN managers of no g.p.a. requirements at all. At SMC. Ihe Presid campus believe that Rfd Dr. A/.- Yes, I publi editor. 5 decided Ihal any aenior "in good slanding" yearbook lo should be admitted '"^ tSAs To UNshould te UN. I think the fill this gap and i daily so in hghl oi Ihe fact student repn pre^eo" irraSonalVhavTthe f lection of precinct representa- one W of the , evel, instead ol in Iho "C" m the UIN, munist coimtry A signing of specific du- not Communist China. s and objectiv China is obviou^J Communist | a iwtential ' Under Er^^^J^^f^cern- all nauons, the existing policy, the chairmen ing^'the "Quality of anj are pretty much left their own any lasting peace and i""^' designs as to what they mil ac- versa! disarmament . an^^^^^^ complish. pend upon the support Great the ^ , The necessary revisions, if ticipation of moneymaking moosuie." .mon6 passed by tlie senate and student For U,e,= reasons, /e bolicvQ CluM s"°5 the ihal preceding Ic body, will not go into effect un- I would say stood by many on the c NaUons. SMC til next year. be in the Umtad 1

Academic Classes Organize Oct. 28

SENIORS ham. AJa., as treasurer, Richard McKee, industrial arts major Tlic Uventy-first graduating from Collegedale, was selected class of Soutliem Missionary for pastor; and Benny Mixon, College elected Robert Potts, of Oallegedale, was chosen par- history and business administra- liamentaiian. tion major from . Ala., Dr. John W. Cassell, aca- as president of the 1965-66 dass. demic dean of SMC, is sponsor

: him, Dollie Rolls of of the class. Wayne E. Vande-

1 business administra- Senii r from Collegedale, as semesd

Buddy Fisher, ac- and tli

M SOPHOMORES was elected for the Ron Bentzinger, a theology najor from Orlando, Fla., will :e™ as class paslor. "".athy Sin Selected for the post of public elations director is art major ly McDonald from Pin-

ville, N. C, president of the 1965-66 junior class at Southern Missionary College. Don, who is a theology and English major, is Theology major Mc a student here at the college for Tommy Farland of Montgomery, Ala the first time. He spent this past will he pastor of the class. year at Newbold College in England. Mr. Charles Fleming, busi John Leach, theology major ness manager of SMC, has from Loma Linda, Calif., was selected as vice-president. sponsor.

RESHMAN Pastor of the class

David Wood f; The largest freshman your be class Fla^ who is a , . . when you look 'er to enroll at Southern Mis- onary College, which numbers /or 500 students, recently se- lected their class ofTicers. I Collegedale Chosen president of the class

I — |«t:-ia>Y studentsiuaeni Barryoarry Mroliman, of St. Petersburg, Barber Shop


Monday 8:30-6:30

Sandra Simmons, a stuaer Tuesday 8:30-4:30 I irom I Summerville, S, C, and a I accounting major Wednesday 8:30-6:30 secretary- \ of the cl Thursday 8:30-6:30 ShanynHugh, Friday 8:30-one hour before sundown ^"^ '^'^"len'afT eduoiti. I ma- Ireasurer. I WHO'S WHO--- 1965-1966

the Colporteur Club. .

Concert Band Makes I SMC Campus Debut on Dec. 11

The Southern Missionary can Revolutionary War march- College Band wH play its first ng song, was too difficult for concert of the year Saturday ast year's hand, which re- hearsed the piece at the end of

Selections to be performed at Another of the concert range from such performance note avoriles as the march "With \vill be the "Clarinet Concerto' by Flags Unfurled," to the con- Carl Von Weber. Mr. James Schoepflin, eniporarj' composition, "Ritual instructor in music fe Judith, at SMC, will be the clarinet and violinist Cobos in the first of this numbers included on oloist. Other faculty exchange he program for the concert are 'Serenade for a Picket Fence," Dr. Taylor received his doctor eaturing three marimbists; se- Coming Events of musical arts from Uni- ections from "The Sound of 20 Nov.—Educational versity, while his xvife obtained Vlusic"; and the Latin "Eslre- Films a master of arts degree from Teacher's College, Columbia 21 Nov.—Women's Re- "This year's band is sounding Sigma Theta Chi Holds University. ception at Phys- wice as well already," said Di- Schoepflin, a member of Phi ical Education Fashion Show for Women Kappa Phi, studied at the Uni- sounded at the end of Ihe band versity of Idaho for his master 23-28 Nov.—Thanksgiving A fashion show sponsored bj' modeled by Liz Frederick, Bobbi the Sigma Theta Chi was held Sue Graves, Ruby Ryckman and A featured performance on November 9 in the Tabernacle Cheryl Tharpe. The Pint he program for the first concert 4 Dec—Christmas Tree Auditoriimi. Cloud, Lighting women's apparel store in s the overture "Chester." This Fashions from casual and Chattanooga, provided fashions oniposition, based on an Ameri- date-wear to The Andrews faculty, touring formal gowns were for tlie showing. Organ i by Albert Di" tlie evening. Warren ^"^y Ryckman, sophon Dr. C. Becker, Vocahst Hoaqies Draw raid Fe guson, e Pro- ^ nursmg major, was in charge of Faculty Group fessor of Mus lan Krog- stad, and Assistant Professor of For Social Event Music Charles Davis. The AU musicians wiU be a The faculty and administra part of SMC's fine arts scries. tion of the college met Sunda'^ evening Nov 7 for the purpose of engaging in a Hoagie Feed A ' hoagie is by usage defi nition an elongated sandwich made up of cheese tomatoes let tuce, pickles and omons ap proximateh The facull-> and administration met in the Tab emacle Auditoi

)agie5 and ,

College Gjmna: The faculty- has a social once

1 month. The social this month Agency vas under tiie direction of Mrs, |Cultural Exchange rt'alter Herrell, who is chair- Announces Plans for 1966 nan of the faculty social com- — Feature — York, i a novel and exciting transportation from New pend next summer in Part scholarships are available ial. Tlie food included, in McKee, Taylor Voted First the hoagies, a hot Last summer students to suitable students with a "B" addition to and pecan pie. colleges in 2! states plus average. drink Courtesy Royalty Nominees r further details Recreation in the new gym- was accomphshed in Selection for tlte honor was lense satis- to: Ian A. Lowson, Association nasium made on basis of the blanks Dgy "digs" for Cultural Exchange, 539 soft-soled shoes. which were passed out in chapel, West 112th Street, New York, The purpose of the faculty sc on which each person was al- s for 1966. Closing . lowed to nominate the persons pected to 1 January, 1966. s of a Roi nge hill fort o - Anglo-Saxon caihedral before they disappear,

. >gram is 675 dol- including round-trip air SA Completes Schedule Of Suhrie Lecture Series Shadel, a former commentai for ABC and CBS and curre professor of communications tlie University of Washington!

md George Connor, English Department chairman at the University of Chatta-

of his insights into the s a result of his years reporter. "The Red Menace" was pre- expensive," she con- nted by Dr. Kermit McKen- gives ihe Mia nued, "having it here Lake and Greater e. The problem of Commu- included i Academies will be main theme of the prepare—ihey won't be tired their tour set for Spring Vaca lecture. out that night from having George Connor spoke on "The worked all day Sunday." Dec- orations are being handled by Gcorgene Gam 'Physics Chapter Plans and Paula 'alker. This lecture series was named Thet! Research/ Says Davis Young, PR secretary-; Sharo Cassada, librarian; and Be one of the foremost scholars and "Research is the main theme proposals lor grants fron Dickinson, robe custodian. educators of our time. of the SMC Chapter of the he Bendix Corporation ai ATS Telephone American Institute of Physics Tennessee Academy of Sci Plan Gives Aid this year," says Brad Davis, The project wiE require ;300 and the use of the physics To Area Smokers lepartment's laser and \vi\\ take photography) which is the very nost of the school year. "In new process of projecting a act," said Davis, "we could three dimensional picture from vork with this project full time :iety has announced that a dimensional negative by ;veral years and still only smoker's Dial has been made a two the use of the coherent Ught ratch the surfat ivailable in tlie Chattanooga from a laser." (The laser is a beam of The Smoker's Dial enables a device for producing a Robinson Shows light that slays together in a lerson desiring to stop smoking o dial a special phone number '' Film In Lyceum Series

Karl Robinson i person the notable ning film story, "Hong Kong' on Nov. 6 at 8:00 p.n ' ' Marilyn Crooker, cretary- Tabernacle.

n eight "Hong Kong," the s writing travelogue prwlui isight in g of ov Cassell First Speaker three million Chine Colporteur Club Re-elects Dr. Hong Kong. Mr. Robinson, with 25 years Barry Ulloth, Makes Plans For SA's ^Sages Session' in the travelogue field, has ap- James M. Ackerman. of peared in such auditoriums as the Hall in New City, Other officers elected by on Town York | vice- Orchestra Hall in Chicago, Con- club were: Dale Thomas, president; Jane UUoth, secre- ethical "Relativism." Washington, of Richard McKee, ; of SMC students to sell re- tary-treasurer; rela- ious literature during the pastor; Bob Ontko, pubhc ming summer. The club or- tions secretary. nized October 28 under the Drding to Dr. Ackerman

reclion of its sponsor, Dr, each officer i President Ul- ! the club. rent ethical and intellectual is- loth. sues was Dr. J. W. Cassell, aca- demic dean of the college. sununers and plans to enter full- Dr. Cassoll's topic was "The time colporteur work uf^n New Morality." graduation next summer. He club Meeting at 6;00 p.m., the has previously served the dur- group ran competition with a as public relations secretary year neighboring senior class mect- ing the 1963-1964 school | and as president last year. ^hal proximately 50 persons, all stu- Ulloth expressed hope dents, but Dr. Cassell. last year's record of over Bobbi Sue Graves, a member SMC student literature evange- coming of the Scholarship Conunitlee, lists vrill be broken this club introduced Dr. Cassell. summer. Accordingly, the series o Dr. Cassell emphasized thai is planning a lecture sec- be (riven by the publishing soutlieaswm discussion group, and that, ac- retaries of the to help cordingly, he would make his Slates and drill teams sales students learn and perfect Heading several published stolemenls of outstanding cur- planned. col rent psychologisU and philoso- Currently serving the Ac phers. Dr. Cassell demonstrated as director of testing. Dr. iiow the idea of ethical "Abso- brings to the club i man ^^_ lutism" is almost defunct in years of experience as a P"''"ly as incr corrMarv in Canada, Although sex is only one area of etliical consideration. Dr. Cas- SOUTHERN ACCENT

Services This Sabbath Will Open New Church

according to Mr. Among tliose taking part in building for its church, the Crook, director of the opening ceremonies i,vill be the Collegedale Collegedale Elder H. H, Schmidt, president church. The program will in- of the Southi lude numbers by the Collegiate ence of Seventh-day Adventist^ Chorale, the Encomiu sident of the Georgia-Cui land, and berland Confer ; Elder S. I

, -Crook Will, Home M ^ noted nday that the am ivill Sahbath School secretary of the near-per- Southern Union Conference; Dr. .V church C, N. Rees, president of the col- (Continued on page 4)

Contemporary Politics services Sabbath Is include a rendition Theme of Suhrie 'Let All the Nations Praise t Series Lord, lUy by The Student Assc Scholarship r of 1 ; than 160 Committee r rntly legislate prosperity." Gant, a presented Composed of five different the second phas )f its conservative, is persormel di- rector of the Dixie Yams, Inc. Attorney General Flowers Politics," featuring Alabami has been called "perhaps the the choir loft and the n tomey General Richmond M. most intriguing pohtician in the the balcony. Flowers among the speakers. coiuitry this fall." The Friday evening The three speakers of the se- beginning at 7:45, will 2rs, who spoke

Dec. 16; . Chapin, who spoke Dec. 14; and Grady E, Cant, who spoke Dec, 4. Chapin is president of Rock City Gar- dens, and a RepubUcan. He has Coming Events Prayer Week by Students run for Congress from Georgia's seventh district. "Ed" Chapin, 18 Dec—SA Christmas Emphasizes Tive Senses' who graduated cui Program economics from Princeton Uni- 19 Dec,—Faculty Social "Perceiving God Through the versity, spoke on the "Repubh- Five Senses" was the theme for can Party and the New South." the Student Week of Prayer Senior theology major B Cant spoke on the "Myths of sponsored by the MV Society on Fulton spoke on the sense Modem Man." The "myth" the SMC campus Dec, 5 through smell. He compared the effec

hysics Club SMC's Concert Band Plays, ets Grant Ginny Hoknes, sophomor '., the spiritual to th which clutters Makes or Research nursing student, spoke on Debut on Campus sense of hearing. She relate bodies separate; The Southern Missionary College Concert Band made its firs The Physics Club of the col- ^ physical deafness to spiritut appearance of the year Saturday night, Dec, 11, in the tabernacl lege has recently received a , presenting a of standard and contemporar •ant of $150 for research to be nted by Gerry Cabolo, inducted by the club in con- Mr. William F. Yom ivith the college physics sight 1 the college band, conducted the iented by Chff Vickery, sopho- The Bendix Corporation was re theology major. Ctiff em- " the grant, through The 50 -member band pre- isized that 90 percent of whai can Institute of sented the 90-minute program we learn comes through

Professional Clubs w with the Southern Hold Traditional ding to Davis, a sopho- student, the Christmas Parties plans to apply to the numbers included "Sere Academy of Science a Picket Fence," which featured conduct the

ion of tl pectrum. The money from the Bendix "Chester," an overture based B American Revolutionary Wi marching song, was also

featured on the ( lecting apparatus, A reception for band mem- Davis commenu that the bers, their parents and friends, project which the club has under music faculty members, and col-

immcdiately follow" the Home Econt Southern Accent WSMC-FM Feature • rrr^"lT1 ficftto/ttaiy Speafeing . . : BABEL i , , r...... i Ah Zddo.>ud We lUlJi 3L;Cri*..H.„, you, WiU £iU

On January 3!, WSMC-FM i'_ \m11 begin what promises to be its mos slation began lull broadcasting in 1962. " e days in the early 50's when e: wires around the campus to estabhsh ? castinR on the SMC campus,' WSMC.

ion, licensed by the FCC, was not

intil late 1961, the Student Association had i eluded radio station officials in its yearly election ballot for sever years before that time.

It was found, however, that the FCC would not grant a broad- cast license to the Student Association; therefore, SMC r plication for this hcense, thereby assuming responsibility for the operation of the infant station. With responsibility thus clariried, the FCC granted a construction permit, and by early 1962 the Those Awful Boyi vith 10 regularly serving students ind the Collegedal. ihcrc it one >4iich. oi a young lady. Some student leaders, recognizing fact that the SA co of a radio station, fell iha a 'station could be started, its potential and value would by administrator and layman alik

With the recent increase in the sale of FM radios, and the subsequent increase in powerful FM radio stations in the South, it has been urged tliat SMC must move quickly to secure a licen for high power operation before all educational FM channels a taken. Thus, during the past year much attention has been givi by student leaders of WSMC-FM, by the communications depart- ment, and the college administration to the feasibility of quickly developing WSMC.

On September 18. President Rees called a meeting of "ciiiii for WSMC-FM." It was unanimously voted by this group t WSMC should apply for a license for high power and should nn toward this objective as quickly as possible.

Since that meeting, concrete plans for the developm (de- been laid as follows: A five or te thousand V r pending on the fluids available) nil be housed L made structure and located atop Whi Oak Ridge on property available by Dr. Dewitt Bowen. Ad This a 200-foot guyed tower ^vill support bay i 0,000 tenna will give the station an operating pi r of b. WSMC-FM and 80,000 watts. With such an increasi ,f power would become the second largest broadcai

Chattanooga, covering s distant as Atlanta.

sta- With expansion will come increased responsibility to the it » tion and ihe nwnprs. Southern Missionary College. Inc., and ( hoped that the ( r WSMC might

singly 1

responsibihty with the si iractical and acadcm"

that element of

Kl.^ present, ii siaies that WSMC is operated by the SA a"'*,"'^~K[ body. '»" M^l'^K R c" B am tiie election of the manager of by the student WSMC "' creates the possibility that this elected position could be fillfa special^ca^J^_ one who might not be tiie best qualified to fill this sponsibility. In order to maintain continuity of qj^^hiy F -- Jim ming on a large station, this positi SlCSK Gl"""^ci'''nSr^b'xSfe has academic and practical train and who can devote a great deal of timt .~' longer i "''-'.!, !i'", 'i --'-'^^»"a.S S'SrS"

louslyt. B.,l..„H.»lln.,W.B r.dI.,,^MSW.r S|U Idally i

^''""'' - - ~ Willinm H. Taylor B, Inc.. Senat ^ _^^ ^. ..„...„ . e its po^^ "Untie the apron strings" permitting WSMC to achieve the lulU'"" Ual. Such action, it ™s suggested, %vould lead to of the dreams of the students who pioneered WSMC. ' Language Society SA Meets, Inducts Elections Will Fill New Members Three Vacant Positions nma Alpha, local chapter The Studeni Those vying for the I or Alpha Mu Garnma, the na- business ite is in the process of filling igersbip of the 1 Foreign Language Honor Southern " 'acancies " ' in its structure, which Acci NT are Karen Fleming, ty. met in one of a

lal convocaUons on I The purpose of the mee

hand of frii ;xlend ihe Next on the agenda of Senate Williams, a junior accou Special Elections will be a con- student; and PauU Dix< test to fill the places of Social sophomore theology major as a new member Initiated Education Committee chairman. 15 Elva Dreos, a senior religion Southern Accent business ~ Miss Dreos is minoring ijor. manager, and Southern Mem- in Greek. Also initiated as a I ories business manager. These Flag chapter faculty member Football posts have been Mrs. Victor Lehedoff, or will be va- cated Season Ends, SMC's new instructor in the by, respectively, Shirlej- Bremson, Iprench language. Robert Potis, and Wil- Volleyball Next liam Wade, Albert Dittes, a junior major- ng in history and religion, began Miss whoo her college ^ 'Essentially Christmas' 1 December, The flagball season has closed tilled. is to be n irried to former SMC leaving only Jeff Albright's student Randall Cro' team undefiled with a loss. This Theme of Annual at Event Loma Linda University, sets Albright firmly in posses- studying dentistry. Miss Brem. sion of first place, thus giving son's replacement, therefore, him the coveted trophy. will not take office until second "We've attempted to express semester. Robert Potts, recently mas," Dec. 18, at 8:00 p.m. in elected president of the tabernacle auditorimn. the senior 'gning from the the fmal day of th. Christmas vAW be depicted in full costume from medieval way to a victory over Solomon PR Groups Plan times to the modernity of 1965. tional The non-traditional aspects of event at Southern Mis- Running for the post of Social sionary iTrips, GCA Is the universal Christmas ^vi^ be College. The program Education Committee chair With ilagball season ended, is conducted for stressed ivith comedy and satire. the purpose of are Ina Dium, a senior elei I First the SA recreation committee Academy bringing the spirit of Christmas tary The Collegiate Chorale education major; will machine rolled into action and On the weekend of October 29- to bear on the faculty, staff and Cherry^ a senior office adm I immediately 1 30 the Public Relations Com- students of the college, before tration major; instigated the vol- followed by the Encomium and Joya i of the Student Associa- they leave the campus for the Berkey, a sophomore nur Singers, SMC's men's choral n conjunction with tlie PR ^^^ long Christmas holiday. student. group. Folk 1 --,. _. „.f the„.. .„„.^^college, spon,j.„„- — Edgewoodjvtjgewood Trio,I no, consisting of _ n^i'T r A^S '" ^^'r^^ Je"^ Hoyie, Bob Suimnerour an7DonVow^.dubefea- ^ovemmenTGovemmenf MpptovesAnorov^c Student't:t'^'liJ:^^r'L.J±lAssociat 3 Ways to Aid Students I SMC student talent. Lloyd munications department is the |Erickson had the Sabbath ser- The Federal Go' nt has The College Work-Study pro- coordinator. The script was approved three ni igrams gram provides for the distribut- written by Don Vollmer, junior iety program was presented. for providing fina ing of grani theology major. college students. emplojTnent That night Bill Wood and Rollin MaUemee, SA Pro- Government scholarships will 1< Lloyd Erickson met vrith the grams Chairman, and the be granted to needy and worthy t' wly formed Student Associa- prograi students. r; 1 of the new academy. smoothnes Guaranteed loans can be ob- a tained from a local bank. The government guarantees the loan, Andrews Reciprocates will pay all the interest on tlie loan while the student is in col- nth Art, Music at SMC lege, and for nine months after Southern Missionary College id "Kleine Intermezzi, Nos. 4 participated in a cultural ex- and by Schroeder. change program with Andrews Also included on the program University which began -with an "Conce Op. 77' I SMC program on the AU cam- Tri-Community ahms, performed by Charles s and concluded with a pro- 's; a series of three German Firefighters Stop im of classical and contem- WRH Fire Quiclcly ; a group of baritone horn solos, including "Rondi WTiat could have been an ex- ^'i^y" Bemst, played by tensively damaging fire in the IWrium. The progr™ ^s-pre- >>y '^°"'" '^Ss""'' smad as pan of SMCs Fine Arts Series. I lity Fire Department The Andrews faculty in- Tree Lights Blinlc, residence hall girls last moi eluded Piamst I Dr. Hans-Jorgen The blaze apparently Holman, Organist Dr. C. War- Songsters Sing spontaneously ignited because ren Becker, Vocalist Gerald Jcrguson, Carols on the Mall Associate Professor of electrical wall heating unit. Music Norman.__ Krogstad,^ ^^ ^^^^-J The annual Christmas tree Professor "of ^Music ''Shting ceremony was held " " Charles D; ' night, Dec. 4, at the I Also featured in the cultiu-al "change programs was an an "Forethought and "hibit of the from the AU art faculty. (ion on the part g along way to prevent n Featured i LEONARD'S position for vio]in7 I - SERVICE by Dr. Blythe Ov isident AMOCO used the wall °' "^"^'i^ the shivering students in carol- "They ntr."" an"! a graduaic I ot hastman ^ ers and had the flan- irviee Auto Repairs 1^ School of Music. Rodney Bryant, Leon Peek most drowned when lh( Warren Becker, professor and Rick Stewart accompanied Tri-Community trucks ar 'isic, COLIEGEDALE performed three organ the students. The Soulhenietles And they did a remarkable ^""positions, , "Comest Thou to sang "Winter Wonderland," she continued humorousl] PHONE 396-2?H by f^r Bach, Lo. How a and a quartet joined in to sing getting out of the way s "o^i^E re I Bloometh" by Brahms, "He Laid His Head Down." firemen could take over." Futcher Reports 1 Admissions Facts lody The Depar according to their classes nd Records has been mak- md also between the sexes: ing a series of studies concerning The freshman men and the registration of students and how well each student is doing this year. This report has been n study. Evidently, the freshman the Southern men have not settled doivn ic by Dr. C. F. W, Fut- study, and the senior women

jrs have the highest gpa. The verall gpa for Southern Mis- ionary College is 2,40. and 74

Study.- SMC of- Ladies' Reception Major Fields of 3 Professors 24 different majors; and Professianal Wedding Consultants fers Program Includes those areas with the greatest Hold Academy number of Students are: nursing Singers and Film with 192, religion with 146, ele- Prayer Weeks EILEEN'S mentary education with 91, The University of Tennessee Three SMC professors of re- business and accounting with 107 E. 6lh St. Chat ligion were guest speakers for 83, office administration with 76. the Weelcs of Prayer at three Drop-outs: For many years one Southern Union Academies this Annual Won of the major problems in col- fall. Nov. 21 in llie leges has been the number of Visiting Little Creelr Acad- ; Furnish Everj-lhing but the Groom The singers. young people who have dropped emy Nov. 30 to Dec. 4 was Eider their course work before the end Douglas Bennett, who spoke on

1 the "Sound of of the semester. SMC over the "Life at Its Best." The theme, last several years has had a low emphasizing the importance and drop-out percentage, being some- joy of Christianity, was based Inc. Line," provided the Collegedale Insurance Agency, Long Grey where around 5-6 percent. This on John lOtlO.

of the 1135 students, 36 ial . presentmg Oct^24 tlirough 30, Elder Rob house of the Harvest Moon" in- - Life - Fire - Boats - Homeown =rs Auto cluded an oriental garden. of Being a Saint," His The main dish on the menu stressed the reality ol was "Beef Stroganoff" over Examination Results: One of the Phone 396-2062, Collegedale, Tenn. Calvary and the Chri; "Steamed Rice." The serving studies recently undertaken was and included practical ,-ays H was done by some of the a summary "Call Ui for All Your Iniuranca Neatfi." strengthen faith. Married Couples' Club. i'vidi^g"~'thr"student Bruce Johnston told Greater Miami Academy stu- dents that "Christ Is the An- Several Departments Get swer." He says of his visit to the academy, "I enjoyed becoming Equipment for Progress acquainted with the students. At the meetings the students gave support. I was very Fine Arls building, a new re- nearly $2000 and will alloi excellent impressed with the spirit- corder and darkroom equipment dents to dial one of foi chan- much ual leadership m the student for the communications depL, nels carrying varying ti and an improved stenography body there." Southern Mis- laboratory are the results of The Fine Arts lister Every year the Religion De- recent equipment purchases by has a retail value of ovi $1000, sionary College various raem- I sends SMC, but "this cost was cut t aroimd partment conduct Weeks of Spint- The listening the Fine $600 by using kits and i istalUng hers to the >5," said ual Emphasis Jn "^^fj"^

mo- Mr, James laid that

} time with the Ampex i .upphed by the best made and that WSMC's well worth the Union AU and SMC "Dyna" ampfifiei Art Departments The jOT lahsm dark- being outfitted by the Exchange Exhibits Kirkham Accepts Position McKee Baking WSMC now has a model 354 Ampex~ stereo recorder and rack. In Dalton School System Jgraphy laboratory iry College hav Company V has four Norelco t participated in a cultural ex- mg I ; Lucile White %vill live change program in the fine arts, a Bachelor of Mr. Kirkham Dalton and including the plastic arts. January, has accepted a teach- apartment in NEW CHURCH ing position with Dasvnville ele- tiie University of Ch; abstract and modem, were (Continued from page J) mentary school in Dalton, Geor- Little Debbie sho^vn in the halls of the Lynn lege; and Elder Roy B. Thur- gia, starting February 1, 1966. Wood Hall during the months mon, pastor of the Collegedale Kirkham, who will retiuu to

The Collegedale church first in May next year, will be teach- professors Greg Cons tan tine and met in 1916 in the original col- ing reading, social sciences and Helping over 180 Irvin Althage, were hung in lege administration building mathematics in the sixth, sev- the newly reconstructed portion enth and eighth grades- ince then the congre- While teaching in Dalton, students to earn their According to one observer, worshiped in various take gradua the paintings were "different" campus, including irk at the University of Chat-

and "unusual," and the ex- ii housed tanooga Supposed way througt) college. change program was a "progres- ;ls will be biology and edu- step toward improving cul- the college chapel, and its last tion, leading to the master of meeting place in the Tabernacle ts degree in teaching (MAT). which has served as college The MAT degree qualifies a gymnasium and chapel for a id ^vill expedite Kirfcham's de- SOUTHERN ACCENT

Hepatitis Cases Decline, Reports Health Service

The epidemic of infectioi nany weeks, because a di:

: like this is very hard I

She explained that i1 Fever, malaise, f but symptoms and j the clinic mortality- is low. Complete bed , that it is impossible Mrs. Kubbnan said, "Gamma rest and isolation for two weeks globulin, a protein blood frac- is required after the first symp- tion, is very effective in pre- venting the disease if taken with n wthin a week of exposure. The six to eight weeks to regain LLU Accepts full strength and for the to again function normally. 3 SMC Students For Med School Southern Missionary Bryant Resigns College students—Paul C. Boj-n- ton, Gerry Cabalo, and Ronald Editorial Position L. Servoss—have been accepted for study at Loma Linda Uni- of On Accent Staff ' versity School of Medicine next Student Affairs, said that the Rodney Bryant, year. managing origin of the disease is still un- ar of the Southern Accent, The tliree are among 85 stu- kno^vn. "The Hamilton County resign his iiosition on tlie dents who will enter the medical Health Department checked Ihe 'spaper staff as of Feb, 1. school's 1966-67 freshman class, food, milk, and water supplies announces LLU's Director of and foimd no contamination.

]or i Admissions Walter B. Clark. They gave us a clean bill of nunonng not specific as to bis plans for Paul Boynton, after four years health." the second semester. He lists at SMC, will graduate this Dr. Hans Lobel, an epidem- among his reasons for resigning sjjring with a major in chemis- oligist from the Communicable the second post on the student trj'. Paul is from Ooltewah Diseatp Center in Atlanta is on ACE Urges Selective Service Tenn. campus track mg down the predilections." Gerry Cabalo from Paia According to Editor-in-Chief iReinstate Korean Criteria Maui, Hawaii, is graduating this Students that are unable William S. Nelson ilie Accent spring after three lears at return to school befoi final The American Council on During the de- Southern Missionary College w ill operate for the remainder of lion (ACE) has urged ihe and two years at Pacific Union possible con ideia ve Service System (SSS) denls' rank in their class or spe- College. Gerry wdl graduate mediately reinstate the cific score on the Selective Ser\'- a used during the Korean ice Qualification lest, mtliout Ronald Servoss graduated Cassell Acadei JVar for determining which stu- regard to their field of study. from SMC in w ihould be deferred from In response to an earlier ACE a major in physics Ronald shortlj after the neii emesler request. General Hershey issued presently empiojed in ph^sl( begins the limit for making up a statement, dated December 23, ogy and bio-pliysical the incompletes will be extended which outlines current policy. Loma Linda Univ sity. Sandy Lewis Dies "The deferment of a student is based on a determination that lAfter Being Hurt |ln Auto Accident al Sanford Lewis, former cation number of hours required for Southern Missionary College full-time standing," T student, and acting trislate e£- with The Chattanooga Tennessee draft boards are

>, died Sunday, January 9, for two semesters or 12 hours per semester plus 8 hours of stunmer school for student de- I Wednesday i ferment. I "Sandy," as he was Imown to his friends, was fatally injured Dr. C. F. W. Futcher, SMC I when his director of admissions, reminds [ convertible went out of control, draft-eligible students that this I as rain was falling, at day. d Greenwood ave- policy may be changed any Dr. Fulcher also pointed out ll . - — Itanooga. He was ministerial sludei taken to Erianger hospital in medical and I only if tlie)' are fti I Chattanooga where in the inten- are exempt sive satisfactory students. care unit ho died at 1:05 time, f-unday Futcher says that [ afternoon. He never Dr. SMC-s 50? full-time male si dents took less than 15 The son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 247 P. Lewis of Decatur, Ga., Sandy ^"^ved by his wife, Mrs. I ^1 Myrlene Lewis; liis I parents, a laughter, Julie; a sister, Kathy, ;^bo is a student at Pacific Un- jon College, Ang\vin, Calif.; and lake 15 hours and, i nis maternal grandmother, Mrs, L^ura Moyers, of GraysviUe, 1

Constitution Revision Poll Suggests Compromises For SA Set for Feb. 15 We welcome Mr. Bruce Freeramx assistant de On Radio Control to the pages of the SOUTHERN ACCENT. Dean Fre The uated from SMC in I9G2 with a major in biology, oi S.A. Senate's actior time has been dean ol men at Jones HaU. ted committee has had the December 5, 1965, severinj; er under careful study for WSMC-FM :al %veeks but no clear solu-

considered the student body is Feb. 15. The proposal being

station ov. . work %vill first have to be con- luraing the big FM ,,,^^, sidered and passed by the senate to the school administration and the General Assembly of Setne'iten, i*i (leim^^iect and president's council before it is raised for a student-body vote. AMs ated by the SA. Details of the Nothing rarely influences Ihe feasibility and value of such an quiet and student interest in not been the operation have yel issue lacking until December 19 worked out. when The Backlash, a miliiant The senate has tabled the pro- private publication, stoutly ob- posed SA student-missionary jected to transfer of \^'SMC-FM project, at least for the time be- | from the Student Associati ing. The main hold-up has been the Communic Depar the difficulty in reaching the ""'^ will be greatly reduced. Under General Conference executives

^, present the program. Another , this type of system a closer stu- to '""^ "' dent-senate relaUonship will be project under consideration is IS ears es(ai,iis|ie(J. The student body the erection of a fountain in the 'The Student '" mall. No definite decision is Voice for Un- "'" ^^'^^ '* ^°^^ ^^^^ ™''^ atio^' mitigated expected in the near future on Truth," first began to j ' trickle into the residence NVd^atehafye "ha Us. I h-aU^n ing The Backlash as being .Tones ^::,:^nL^M=myw:m^in ionary and an example of I ""yellow journalism." The Whiplash represented tliose fav- BABEL ^ C oring the transfer. Curious as to the student | opinion on these two inde ent newspapers and the islorled. or vilriolically I s

transfer question, a spot poll I walnut desks in conjunction with high production expeclcmc: of the residents of Talge, Jor on Ihe part ol Uncle Madgwick and Uncle Sam have deemec and Amici Halls was taken. cooperation a sought (or virtue. The questions dealt with the 01 equal significance hove been Ihe spiritual paradoxes per | two controversial public,

the station transfer issui There has been less talk and enthusiasm about Chiisl and more the concern over denominational leadership and supposed politics proposed establishmei I Surprismgly. another paradox is making its unprecedented debut Student Association campus AM theology major from the multitudinous other ma radio station. In its Januarj- 9 picking out the | jors has become increasingly dilflcull in spite ol their swellinc session, the Student Senate s ranks. Dralt-dodgers, parenl-pleasers, misplaced social workers up a committee to make a de- and altruistic do-gooders infiltrate the respected ranks of a dedi tailed report on the possibiliti cated few and attempt to share Ihe manUe of distinguished of establishing such an ATi'I slu- I service and responsibility. Only the mantle doesn't fit. Oi dent radio station.

liihe Although the poll «'as noi statistically valid enough to be a

i Chat suflicient base for certainty, il Phone Servio Reasons? Who knows. Perhaps directly related to such la- did seem to suggest the follo\v- mentable lackingsarolhe following observations: (1) Student-body ing attitudes and trends among luraover; more greenhorns starting oul the college career in the the sample surveyed. The typical, scared. Ircsbman manner—tackling Christ under a basket Whiplash and the Backlash, I vilh no roommate and the door locked; (2) lack both read by a large percentage I enthuc i,- (3) e of those questioned, cami

to cancelling each oihei Backlash maini and complexity to color it bright "right," resulting in a tailor- with the ) Two phones for the dormilo made, sbc-lone freeway to solvation. a slight edge, in the sani 2) one ohonelor an onswerine The results? Everyone should know. A future semester holds „,?iiil;'.,'!,""" those influenced. Most sV little value if such trends continue. Reams of degrees will be 3) one phone for emergency ca questioned did not feel two phones for ihe denns passed out in June, but rather than graduating teams of indi- 4) publications, should be roi viduals 5) one shorl-wave radio dedicated to the promulgation of Christ's righteousness, banned from campus c one will only recognize a long line of knights in shining academic honor brilliantly equipped with the long lance of knowledge, the shimmering shield ol logic, impressively mounted upon the proud, fa> snorting stallion ol progressive education. Thus it is that these the sample would be in proud Percivols strike out in enthusiastic eflorl and sanctimonious the I search ol the silver chahce of life, only to make the solemn dis- Ihe'stuTem Association and covery that a search without direction, direction without dedi- VVSiMC-FM; b"' ^ radio station | cation and dedication without Christ brings inevitable disappoint- appro smaller majority would ment. Knowledge, logic and education beyond aU expeclaLon as a compromise the estabh; many oJ''^'honef"vaibb"e^Qr ' fcu7a' may have, but yet these three things many will lack: AssQCiaUon ment of a Student WSMC-AM station for l)»* I„s only, thus relinquish>nE | With Spirits High SA ; FM ; leAMs dual purposes of a "feeder' d liigher-quaiuy

Dgramming, ; ard" for studen Alnio thisis campus alone.aione. -— 3 SOUTHERN ACCENT < m " your bedside. of the students questioned ^vouW" We leel that we sense poll indicated that they "<" s t a listen to such an AM subsian were it established. A that the) UTly ll^-'e^ ''"""he m^ndrof dSVl» tial majority signined ^-"«" wou7be interested in stauoi on the staff of the Student Affairs Potts Outlines Orders Vehicle Senior Plans For Emergencies For Rest of Year

The Office of Student Affairs has announced the purchase of a Dodge Coronet Emergency Ihe class activities for the re- Wagon to replace the 1964 mainder of the school year. Ford sedan which now patrols Governor Carl Sanders of the campus. Georgia has accepted an invita- Dean of Students Gordon A, tion to speak at Senior Presenta- Madgwick said that the station tion Feb. 17. Social activities will include tlie Ij-aditional junior-senior pic- nic and tlie senior retreat in Mr. Madgwick also noted May. The possibilities of a that the car, equipped with a Tennessee River boat ride are Dodge 230-horsepower, 318 cu- being invesligalcd. bic inch V-8 engine, vAW expand Several leaders from the Gen- the services of the campus safely eral Conference are being con- officer, who now drives the sidered as speakers for gradua- black Ford wilh its special In- tion Meekend in May. V-8 terceptor engine. In a recent class meeting, it The station wagon will he equipped, for example, with a Chattanooga Symphony George Wallace of Alabama lo speak at tlic Senior Commence- Has Five SMC Students ment Exercises.

Norman Bernal him prepare for the auditi

In his spare time, Jacinto ; lan Bernal, freshman plays with the Oak Ridge ; uajor at Southern Mis- Hainesville Symphony. sionary College, is a member of Wedding Consultants econd violin section in the Santiago, , [anooga SjTnphony. f Jacinio for 20

.enty-y e a r-old Norman, He enjoys playing I from Chiclayo, , has played EILEEN'S ttolin for 11 years. He [studied for four years in. the Na- ional Conservatory in Lima, ind played for three and a half Trujollo Sym- I years with the I phony. In Oct. 1964, Norman joined Kay Cherry, Reifsnyder I the Chattanooga Symphny. He conductor in authority and i says that "music is part of my sponsible for the technicalities Elected to Senate Posts I life and I am sure I cannot live ,ber special Stu- Seleclcd for the post of Social Originally from Santiaj in election three Committee chairman The 52-piecG orchestra, di- Education gives ere selected. The was Kay Cherry, a senior office I reeled by Charles Gorhor, held to fill the adminislraUon student. Elected !als held by the ^^^ ,1,^ business managership of ;ion Comrmitee Palri. had ^^^ SoUTiiEnN Accent was Ed iTHERN Accent formal violin Rgif^^^g^, a junior accounting Slate University and was Chile '"^i^'"' R^^-elccted as business Chile lino! S-na er first violinist -with the "'an^ger of the Southern Mcm- ^!c*^been"'vaM^ted Philharmonic Orchestra for five Rites Honor years. He also played one year Nursing Students with tlie Atlanta Symphony. Jack looks upon his experience At Dedication 1 the symphony as a "momen- Joddy Socol opporlunit}'," a "vilal, al- Joddy Socol, one oE the second indJspensable, prepara- Chalt ion" for his future career. Mu- Symphony Orchestra, came to SA Considers

. challenge; he Missionary College Southern Soulhcm Missionary College in Mission Project I feels that "the composer has a from Highland Academy. !sage, and only %vhen the December. Bom in Hot Springs, Ark., For Americas isicians do their part correctly Cummings, spent eight and one-half Elder Desmond I does the audience respond wilh Joddy McKee Baking years in Peru, where his parents president of the Georgia-Cum- ; feeling as that of the composer." berland Conference, challenged I ( I life Company In addition to playing in tlie his father, who Mem- orches encouraged by crated Christian work. pWys the saxophone. bers of the nursing staf? who consulting with the General The orchestra concertmastcr, participated in the program Conference in Washington. I heavy contacted Joddy and responsibihty of both jobs Pat Cobos, were Harriet Smith Beeves, D.C., is preparing a report for for the wth the emphatic comment, invited him to audition as- consideration before the I chairman and Del Watson, senate easy Little Debbie if you love your go-ahead is given. If the SA Joddy devotes tivo hours daily and the senate decide in favor

; wiU : mis- practicing for concerts. The of the project, "the student school through the summer. At sionary will probably bo sent lo finishes his study at When he said of the '66-'67 school Mexico or Latin America," SiVIC, Joddy plans to study engi- the first SA President Lloyd Erickson. over year they will go to the Madison Helping 180 The senate discussed a budget of campus. The class will return around SI.200 to cover travel lo end of training lo to SMC at the and from Uie mission station and students to earn their led first chair in the violin stu- section. receive tlieir degree. a small scholarship for the I began actual bed-side Jacinto has They studied violin 13 of Uie way through college. afler school Don Watson, chairman years at the NaUonal Conserva- care three weeks committee, predicted llie report tory of Music at the University started. They ^vill continue should be ready by the first of of Chile. After labs through arriving in Col- wilh their clinical February. C L legedale in 1964 he decided lo their entire program. "They |ry for the position of first chair. floor train- His \A\\ have excellent brother, Pat Cobos, concert- Mrs. Watson stated. Walters, and L>-nda \ nasier for the orchestra, helped ing," 600 Students Travel, Helped by Jobs Abroad f schol- At die end of last lerm, six was on a special grant or to hundred intrepid students and arship. Yet each was able %l^ meaningful, teachers (ranging in age from afford a fabulous, cultural siunmer abroad. These students wer^ participants in '' the JOBS ABROAD program /^^v / by the International Mm ^t Cassell, Futcher, Most of the jobs are for un l^s Fleming Visit skilled workers in construction Academies on farms, in factories, hospitals Union hotels and restaurants, as molh er's helpers and camp counsel Dr. J. W. Cassell, academic '^^^Kj^slt lors. Salaries ranee frc S50 ^Mpl dean, Dr. C. F. W. Futcher, di- and rector of admissions and records, „ a month. Aver- and Mr. Charles Fleming, Jr., board) lo S200 Kl month and al- business manager of the college age pay is SlOO a American wage have been spending this last though low by usually more week in Florida on the first leg standards, it is to pay living ex- of their annual tour of the Sev- than enough Europe. The Violinist Cobos enth-day Advenlist academies in penses while in salaries are the same as those SNEA Hears Lecture Via Plays Senior local employees doing The purpose of the trip, ac- paid lo the same job. Recital Jan. 8 cording to Dr. Futcher, is to bet- Bell Tele-Lecture Method ter acquaint the faculty and stu- of dents of the academies \vilh the Elder Arthur While, head Trustees, operating on tlie Direct Distance college and to recruit academy White Estate Board of Dialing System, was made pos- seniors to attend next year. counselled with Student Na- SMC the participant acquires knowl- Association sible free of cost through the This is the second year that tional Education edge while he is earning ... not of Bell Telephone. officers from the Club members via long-distance courtesy administrative spending. The student-worker visited the acad- telephone at the recent SNEA college have has the unique advantage of students in laying assembly. emies to help getting a sharp, clear picture of Included in the progran plans for a college education. In Sonata No. I in G Minor for a country and its culture for he From his office in Washing- Johnston Speaks previous years one faculty miaccompanied violin by Bach I sees it through the eyes of its ton, Elder White answered ques- At New England member had been assigned lo tourist generally and Trio in E-ilat Major for people. The isked him by ! v-isit each academy. Piano. Clarinet and Viola, K 498 gels a hazy and somewhat dis- four while the others in the club Conference Meet The three administrators are by Mozart. torted picture, for he sees it listened in through special am- visiting Forest Lake Academy through the glass of a bus win- plifying-loudspeafcer equipment. Elder Bruce Johnston, head of in Orlando, Greater Miami the religion department at Academy, and Bass Memorial SMC, will be the guest speaker Audio-Visual Academy in Lumberton, Miss. at the Southern New England Buys Projector The other aciidemies will be Conference workers* meeting, Des -, before .„ .^.^, ,-. Rue Hotel Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 and 2. Belgium. For Better Light Monnaies, Bruxelles 6, size for a college, and athletics will speak to the workers He Depart- i in the Christian school. "We The Audio-Visual for two hours each daj' on the are to make all our decisions by subject of evangelism. His talks principle," he said, "look for the chased a new Eiki 16 mm. movie will deal not only ^vith tlie The following is a list of our friends who hove lies behind the projector. This projector costs principle that | will methods of evangelism, but also It had or are still having infectious hepatitis. We question." approximately §2,500.00.

the spiritual resources and the capacity ' keep them in mind as we take our final tests. has a 2000 foot film dynamics needed to accomplish The main reason for the pur- a greater work for God. projector is its I Dick Siebenlist Larry Bogar chase of this This I Newton Zanes Elder Don Crook LEONARD'S Xenon projection bulb. the Wayne English Leslie Kmght SERVICE bulb is 4 times as bright as AMOCO Dept- Gary Hartman Carol Schneider growth of the field school which 1200 watt bulb the A.D. pure while Richard Worley Sylvia Stewart Auto Repairs was held in that conference last now uses. It gives a fihn Jim Kennedy Ellen Mauldin summer. The field school re- light, and brightens dark Service Larry Tribble Dorothy Hooper Road sulted not only in souls saved considerably. I enhance Daryl Meyers for God, but also in a renewal This will greatly which John W. Robinson of the dedication of the workers some of the lyceum films for good Albert Dittes Kathy Bellware there who have begun an accel- tend 10 he too dark Jimmy Wilson Wanda Branch erated evangelism program. Mary Sohaski NelP k Candy Cullum BillW d Beth Johnson

Paul M t Sharon DeRosia Tin Manmng Kay Cherry Ge g Sm th rman Faye Dyer Ed St ng Cari Martin L>nnnkm Kay Gunler H rold Elk ns Lmda Umlauf Glenn Cavanaugh Patsy Player Tommy McDonald Janet McCandless Warner Swarner Marg Brovvn Ted Bloomfield Sherry Fortner Floyd White Andrea Nelson Leonard Keppler Reba Hall James Jones Brenda Dewey Roherl Roberts Linda Sutton Lorry Hovel srud Karl Larson Beveriy Lauback Harry Silvers Marilyn McLarty Ivan Whidden Eamona Uvely Steve Wallace Nancy Leiske Mark Heinz Linda Youngs Wade Ijovelace Delma Holt Garj- Williams Elizabeth Larson Dale Solomon JoAnn Mohr Doug Brown Kathleen Johnson SOUTHERN ACCENT

|l4 Sophomore Nurses [capped at Annual Event

at 8:30, signified that the girls, sophomores pursuing the hac-

ready to begin their training I the clinical area of nursing. -. Jon Penner, professor

I the class the "Challenge"

I Phyllis Chu lEIected to Lead Linda Williams and Dorothy IWomen's Club Hooper. Phyllis Chu, a pre-med stu- Southern Miss ion a ly College, Little Creek major in chemistry, Academy I dent wth a which has one of the most e.\-

; been elected the president Coming Events Chi, the Hosts SMC Concert I of Sigma Theta Wom- denomination, has three cam- Band

en's Residence Hall club, in Tl S 1 puse which t n M- CI The Little Creek Aci 19 Feb.—Amateur Hour which she has formerly been g B d m d It culty and staff served ih Ihe parliamentarian. L C Ad C n pper al the school, 26 Feb.—"The Klondike" Miss Chu will also serve on d h The programs were perf I the student senate. She will re- the academy's studying in Orland new c Lynda ditorium. this :apacily Editor Nichol of Review

I ditional event on the Southern proper and their ionarj' College campus, and Talks on Healthful Living of the social highlights of ville, Tenn., wli Elder F. D. Nichol, editor of Picket Fence" with three ma- the Review and Herald, the of- rimbists, "March for the Slide ficial journal of the Seventh-day Trombone" which siiotlighted Adventist Church, was on the Zhamber Musicians Are lus Feb. 4, 5 and 6. "Chester", and "Spi irtists for Arts Series "Symphonic Songs for Band, by Bennett.

[ The Southern Missionary' Col- Members of the group

; Arts Series presented Brenlon Langbein (leader of

^ Kammermusiker ("The group), violin; Carlos Villa, numbers performed by the Musii the lin; Angelo Maccabiani, violin; members of the band. Elder pbemacle auditorium Luise Schlatter, violin; Ottavio Don Crook, who emceed the Corti, Viola; Raffaele Altwegg, evening I The group is composed of four 'cello; and Willi Gohl, harpsi- a viola, a cello, and a Jharpsichord. They have been hailed throughout Europe and proper perspective but yet not (America as "a joy to listen to", doubt the veracity of these ;nsemble-playing of almost prophecies. I unsurpassable perfection", and superb example of

of die SDA They performed at SMC Church. He emphasized that )n their debut lour of the United health was not something to be Slates, highlight engagements of ashamed of or make jokes about. I which will be in New York, Elder Nichol menUoned that Philadelphia, and Boston. modern science and nationally I recognized authorities on health Each member of the "Krim I raermusiker" is from a different country and J background, the blending of their various "mu- sical personahties" creates an iually rich I of quah Their ograi iduded "Suite in D M;.,-. I for Strings" by J A BaenU, '^uo for Violin and Viola m G ajor K. V. 423" by Mozart, «ncerto for Harpsichord and „ nngs in A Major" by Ditters- dorf, and "Cor I I Strings, and 'Missionary" Project Vetoed by Senate : BABEL

Gordon Madgwick. SA R.elcUia*U Vl. 5 (lace sor, presented to the se t troversial "s I uden -missionary" what he called "SMC Niet ^ RelaiuxH^. project by o 10-6 vole. The de- Ihe Tivoli." cMutnoK feat of Senator Don Watson's "With the many fine n groups on canipm a top.not^h the Hoviov, Ihal Sl,000 would be needed for Whib tending a teceni isauo (Nov. 4, 19S5) ol program could be presc being allocated Herald, we came across an interesting ilem in the "A Letler 1 ihe project, S300 he continued. Our President" section. This article, by General Confer for (raveling expenses, tlie re- also signihcance for r serve as a schol- He cited Ihal such President R. K Figuhr, may have special maining S700 to ,-,oene. lar-reaching el fit program would do people here at SMC ond will perhops hove arship. Waison included In his much to- ward creating good will

The article is only e of the Inter- American Division, proceeds from Advt Church Elder David H. Baasch, in an- sale of hlkcs iundernta could be donated to swer lo an inquiry sent by Wat- child-on's o\ race. hospital," he son's committee to the General concluded. Conference. The letter presented the Nicaragua Mission Hospital the ideal location

1 Ihe Uniled States. service, offering the wde ; Humcoi Relations experiencE oneepis of race by Watchfully Youri ely of mission value of the project \v Emharraiscd Young Lody. by the e Untied Slal irill perhaps be a slighUy Dcnr cussed at length me here al SMC. 1 rood wiih forhearine lolei

jest guide "Ihal coo be found anywhere." "All nlli^gL-dly lakes plac The Educated Christ's Objei pro] 1 the

mary I r-eled ex- Man eligion of Ihe E tensively, show

;. Vol. 9, p. 223. relating his experiences. Ihe The is, educated man first i If the who t discussion bogged do\\Ti in Ihe all. well D the Bible be conelonlly quibbling about Iho different sha( financial area of the project, read. The icmling is ( with the MV department being a wide scope, yet at the sarr Among the recommendolions proposed by ths Committee mentioned, discussed, and then time well selected. He i^ .i. the preparation o "\ Human Relations was one which suggested rejected as a potential money quainted wiih the pulse mr lamphlet explaining how sc k.-.-nl source. At this point the crucial temporary society ami While i 75 c ., ^au' m slup race was newly out of slavery, had a ago at the lime the Negro a man whose quest for kmn^ application for that lime and lor conditions then obtaining. special OlIliT > DiinR vvom

classroom and is rarely f.iliiik progress made by lbs Negro race. On this poinl Sister White sl,..,,j by books, discussion, lhmii;h says, 'Rogaiding the testimonies, nothing is ignored; nothing b and debate. The cravinc; !< cast aside; but lime and place must be considered. Nothing conliiiufni- must be done untimely, — Selected Messaaes, book I, p. 57, or stra ec animo self-betlerment is s ni up you To Though very open niiiiJi brotherhood ol Ed Reifsnyder pre- stood lor the universal fatherhood of God and the (yet not so objective he d'"'C> n Herald states. man." Ihe Review and bk- wl take a stand for anythinci I isn't gullible, but quile analyl Th. 1 t. iiii.rJi radio it this high and exalted plane. As President when wo view on cal in approach to issues. H Figuhr wrote, we are "dedicated ... to ihe proclamation of God s pur] station would be tif lln- h nothing less (than ihe brotherhood of man). We would hope ihal left by the takeover of WSMC- sidera concerning this subjecl on this campus can be lilted our alliludes \"'t "v r' "rma FM by the college administra- and molded by ihis grander perspective. ng for ihc tion- With the power increase, Hisn or WSN that station's programming can ..Ktbook, paper-back, no longer be aimed at the Col- magazine (though by all n legedale area alone, and par- he reads more than the and is ticularly the students of SMC. age), but he enjoys conver.s. To compensate for this, the sting campus AM station would be Hei 1 able c /\/euA Spatil ZdiioA, geared to ihe interests of the student body exclusively. Hav- ing an output of only 10 milli- wandering aimlessly m ' watts, the station would need no has a well-reasoned. license or o^icial registration, philosophy of life, H'' ; but would include the entire campus in its range. Reifsnyder included in his report a detailed financial with llounieii statement each in life is not

expenditure itemized. 1 Total others, but is discreetly initial cost for a high quality set-up came to §1000. Proposed uk This is the cducaler! yearly operating costs amounled to S350. The senate unani- SOUTHfRW yiccEwr mously carried his motion to es- tabfish such a station and later

adopted it as an official SA project. The measure will be presented to Ihe student body for a final vole when the fund- 26 March CPuartet Fal+h for Today

with their

secular concert

president, Lloyd Erick- i.innunrod that 'the Faith your ..

Student Assoclatio Coldest Weather of the Century

- By G' The campus of Southern Mi lonary College recently was ll :ene of 8 inches of a pure whi precipitatiDn, commonly know mow. Although SMC h;

I impassable p; lOme students, ind Although almost the entire sunny beaches of Florida school system of Tennessee was as a happening never be closed for a week, the "daunt- 'xperienced. Some un- less" faculty of SMC braved Ihe idoubtedly thought the boilers elements and not one day of ispended. They

(leashed their full

Thes: videdr s for students ind faculty alike. The bitter stopped all but the brave of •t and ihe heavily garbed, (rlheless, the Collegedale

led 01

; bank \ lich r i aloi Jacob's Laddei be one of the most populat lis on campus during the perl-

|od of confmenient. The stii-

dents of SMC were thankful Ic I I the Coca Cola Company for the



READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY! Cordovans Lead "A" Leaguer- Harrison High Point Man

By "Sam Jones"

Donnit T.ykr ol^c^ TwUt! w.. Hm John™ wta^stal^.nd miorf, b« Th> Cordovans

!"'3:'''i,I?nittii}t iFlilJ^iSr^ i^^l^lSrti EHfilSSls

' Sharorocks .600 p'aypJ Kuard, but is bandicapiiid by 3 2 ],g^3 ^^j ^ „g„t over ibo rb f?'*^:^? "o"i^-h''has hWn

" predicled Harrison's Cordovans Shamrocks caaglil "|,,Hinc'"a oun"v Of all tho candidales Lee is probably As Bill Rasnir of ihe and are midefcotod immediately tiro besl iuitod. He has a good outside lead the leagne the ball and was fouled

Cutie Pie Jonble llgor Contest

\ SfrO'U^ S^MtA \ James Metcalf Presents 'The Mighty Mississippi'

In "The Mighty Mississippi", his first fiill-lenglh domeslir and lore of ihe historic Missis- travel film, Metcalf visit , sippi River, was presented at Eomidii, the first town found SMC by Mr. James Metcalf, along the river's banks traveling south from ihe headwaters. He travels on through Minneapolis. Malting the trip down the Redwing, Muscatine, Burling- Mississippi in his specially ton, Cape Girardeau, Vicksburg, Natchez, equipped houseboat, the "Lil' Baton Rouge, New River Queen", Metcalf traveled Orleans and the French Quarter, from the river's headwaters deep and finally out into the Gulf of in Minnesota's "Land of 10,000 Lakes" to picturesque Ni

leans, and o J the Gulf c Mexi Eloine English Plays Organ

in chemistry at the Univer At Senior Recital of Michigan, later studied Mathematics Club and IRC c Indiana. During World War IT Semester Officers McKee Baking he traveled extensively tor the Elect army ordinance corps, produc- Company ing technical manuals and train-

He is presently a member of the Chicago Geographical So- dent participation in extra-class ciety, and many of his illustra- Little Debbie I Club is Billy Strong; activities are unusually rich and

; Steve Powers; Secretary- varied at SMC. The college fos- hooks by Doubleday Publishing surer: Linda Farinola. ters activity which stimulates Company and Rand McNally. over club is Mr. C. student participation as a means Helping 185 Sjiousor for the Metcalf started lectui-ing in of developing leadership and ex- students to earn their 1954 and he has produced six -oup cooperation feature travelogues. He esti- way through college. Elaine English, senior music e that students shoulc student at SMC, performed her by senior organ recital Sunday. pare the student to render a Jan. 6, m partial fulfillment of definite and effective service to [Men Sponsor the requirements for the Bache- lor of Music degree at the col- class activity is in- I Ski Outing program an Gov. Clement Appoints lege. tegral, indispensable phase of Gatlinburg She was presented by the At student life and offers a means I Miss Hogerman to Post Brainerd Artists Series and the development Upsilon Delia Phi, the men's of self- of personal SMC Division of Fine Arts in esidence liall clitb. sponsored a initiative, perseverance, and Miss Zerita Hagennan, asso- i) surveying of schools of the Brainei-d Melhodisl Church, their group leadership." SMC and ; for accredilalion of ting Miss English was conduci- You, Student Handbook, p. 36. Southern Missionary College, l program; (3) The professional clubs are a Collegedale, Tenn., has been~ ap- part of this extra-class activity pointed to the Tennessee and are a part of the student's of Nursing by Gi

i Clement, ;Ha£ thes ! (4)

educatii ; iepart comes one of the eleven-member ing i for Prauludien und InteiT >vish to board of which four a) schools and agencies who Hermann Schroder, "C istered nurses, one a practical estabhsh schools. Lilanie" by Marcel Di Also, during the course of the nurse, and the others are hos Miss Hagerman was chosen "Sj-mphonv No. 5— 'ear, the clubs hold individual pital administrators, and doc- because of her personal filness, by Charles-Marie \^'idi preparation, The educational and Miss English will gc. the board is a registered nurse. adlh of experi Hefferlin Talks sludpul to acquaint himself ™th The functions of the Tennes- Hager I charge c egr psychia th ficulty members in his de- see Board of Nursing are as fol- _ . ^ To Barnard Group Southern Missionary College. , Lrlment,"not only on a business bachelor of science lOn 'Scientism' developing philosophy and poli- She holds ihc tanooga schools, and has been degree from Union College, Lin- organist for ihe Pilgrim Congre- coln, Nebraska, and the master gational Church in Chattanooga. of science degree in psychology Miss English has taken choral from the University of Colorado. workshop at the University of ical Sfciety on the subjec She won a Sacramento Nurses' rf Club scholarship in 1957 and her of Sigma Beta Phi, Se\eral tilk-; at the Observi given a ti-aineeship gr " lor> have been given during United recent > ears m «hich Di Hef ferhn has e\plamed various She has scientific laws underlying the and assistant professor at Uni WSMC-FM enorgj hberauon in stars the College, LJncoln, Nebraska, a Programs Tests On AM Band »d the ripe, i ties of light and

TliL iddu s Dn Scicniism proposed camp us -limited AM "illcmsidet \\liclherlhest and 'Ihur transmission system. WSMC scienlifiL 1 i«s ha^c fu. l''Gr Engineer Gary Anderson said implications rclnted to the dibco^er^ f irulh and the soh Patronize Your ing of «oild problems COLLEGE LIBRARY The speaker has demoted ten >cars 10 the Phjsics department With over 45,565 books of Souihern Missionary College, and around 200 .ing CI periodicals, complete with courteous hile Ihe Encomium Singers Tour Carolinas for Promotion

perience Those who w..._ SMCs male chorus under tlie perfect their skill in the .—. field of direction of Mr Stewart Crook imt . gy participate pprfomied in North and Siuth the olina dunng semester break an 27 31 take part in becular concerl'? mcluded order that he las=;ical works fpaturmg Handel nd lighler fipular selections

thL first } ear for llie 11 Singers but the

iS received m^n> le Pearl L. Rees, programs The presi 'Dean of Deans/ Phil Wilson pubhi. , Dies in Lincoln _jtions, David Siherstem pas

r, Gordon Relzer Of the 34 member group only denominational 4^a*6 Plan. ZnaJdai. thi-; will enable Ifatdk Director Crook died Jan. 11, in Lincoln, Neb. the grey-blazered smgers to re Miss Rees was known as tlit and Dean's Dean" among college administrations. For Vc years touring early in the fall. chaise of dom At SMC there are many o itudenls. Of these, 25 w portunities for the student College a develop musically as he pr gresses through his college e


After graduating from Unioi Je Yo k N Y. College in 1898, Miss Rees be 3 Colporteurs gan her distinguished career b; Amencan Aubnes Receive Stipends organizing and teaching in th first church school in Denvei need d T ad Of $300 Each Col. She edited periodicab guided the lives of thousands o Three SMC students receive! :oller S300 scholarships at early morn- 12, Miss Rees taught Vi ing chapel exercises on Jan. 20. college class. RiLhard McKee, an industrial Dr. C. N. Rees, president of education major from College- SMC, is the nephev dr tl of o ege dale, Charles Williams, a theol- travel age e ogy major from Atlanta, and Barr-v UUotli, a community k Ne \ service major from Fletcher,

In N C , received tlie awards in recognition their leadership Uia m of a hund ed of o eg ad urn and ability in sales of denomina- throughout the country. literature during the past gihlo age bra versitics tional

5. The Youth Fare plan will The naUo not be in effect on a few days of chains— the S dby basis. He or she llie year when heavy passe boarded after regular loads wiU ailability c assengers and military 3a ts for ndbys, The give card 1 d April (Tliursday before Easter - The two managers, I. H. College Laundry

day) ; Nov. 23 and 27 (Wednes- Ihrig, and Eric Ristau, respec- day before and Simdaj' after tively, made the presentations WSMC-FM Joins New Thanksgiving Day), and Doc, 15 through 21. SDA Radio Network

b erri Calif., undei n of KSDA's Genera M r Don D ck. Othei

\\SIMCrM Sou hem Mission a College KGTS FM, \Valb \\Bl]a College ^\alla Walla Wash KANG-FM, Pacific Un ion College, Angwin, Cnhf. KVUC Union College. I Neb WGTS-FM, Columbi Union College. Washingtoi


Serving College dale

tr^en of the Radio T\

nrm [ the GcnLra) Con of J>ooiithdij Ad\rn Ralph Ruckle

221 Talge '

Georgia's Gov. Sanders Addresses SMC Seniors 1966 The governor challenged I members of the the

r class of Southern class members to face up to and

\ &)ll^e look part in accept responsibility for solving the many complex problems facing their country. Gov. Sanders said, "The 1 Center. Speaker for the Senior Recog- dangers that confront us nitiM/^was Governor Carl E, every side. Sanders, of Georgia, who ad- "If such a society is to dressed the class following its vive, it needs intelligent forma! acceptance by Dr. C. N. Rees, president of the college.

Dr. J. W. Cassell, academic and sponsor f the college a hving and supporting thei class, pre- of the graduating President sented the group to "It also needs citizens who the class is Rees. Co-sponsor of recognize the importance of God VandeVere, Professor Wayne in their lives and who are toler- Admin- head of SMC's Business ant of the sometimes differing n Department, beliefs of others. invocation, following the "I challenge each senior here ional chords of "Pomp tonight to keep an open mind ^d Circumstance," played by toward the political and civic Miss J. Mabel Wood, was problems of his state, his com- offered by Elder Gerhard Hasel, associate professor of rehgion at SMC. The Encomium Silvers, a male choral group directed by daily faced with difficult deci- Crook, performed. Sharon Cassada, a member of mit the resources of the people the freshman class, sang "Serv- to a course where a satisfactory

' by Cadmon, to close the result is far from guaranteed." program. Sanders addressed

group c

's history, i > of the recognition cere-

s. Sanders, a graduate of the University of Georgia Law School, has served in both the Georgia House of Representa- Alumnus Crews Speaks s and Senate. He was floor leader of the state senate in nd was elected governor For Spring Prayer Week late m 1963. He served Elder Joe Crews presents March 4-12. His theme is being held in a church There- in the United States Air Force in Week of Prayer in "Youth at the Crossroads." ligious atmosphere \vill greatly World War II, and is a member l Collegedale church benefit each person during this of the Baptist Church. Elder Crews has held pastor-

I Florida, Alabama, Mi sissippi, Texas, and Kentucky. He presently holds the position Jim Woods and Doug Mowery Win ^120 peake Conference. It is his de- Sabbath School young \\ Annual SA Benefit Talent Hour sire "to help fortify the Policy Changed, conquer the templations of the The Annual SA Benefit Tal- The judges for the Says Council Mrs. W. C. Starkey ever increasing tempo of mod- tt Hour took place here Satur- i Printing em hfe." The President's Council of iay evening, Feb. 19. arkey Com- For the first time m the his- panel of judges chose tory of Southerr :enUy iecond, and third pli CoUege, the Week of Prayer 1 •s from the

. ize of S45 -v Woods and Douglas Mowery for

. entitled "Mediterranean cenl," noted that "it has been Pianos." The second prize of the policy of the college lo allow 5 was awarded lo Ray Ruckle couples to sit together during the his rendition of Chopin's lesson study period of the Sab- "Scherzo in B Flat Minor." The bath School." $25 third prize was carried away The change in pohcy regard- by Don VoUmer and Jerry ing association during the Sab- Hoyle who did a novelty rhythm bath School program proper was ct, "The Blue and the Gray made in light of the fact that 1 Black." All other entries re- ceived $5.

The audience was asked to nouncement. Therefore, "; of the evening. This $75 felt it could add to the reven ze was won by James Woods of the meeting if couples

place "Mediterranean Pianos."

. That i

vith . Cobos, Curtis Carl: friend of the opposite sex during mpson, Joie Davis, Donald the Sabbalh School service, he Jner, Robert Summerour, and his friend should sit in the Jerry Hoyle, Ray Ruckle, Don approximate location of their Watson, David Stecn, James class al the beginning of tho Woods, Douglas Mowery, John program. Neff, Gary Ford, and Vivian (Continued on page 3} —

\ BABEL \ place, 0^ QiAiicii^m

Just where ia (he Ihin-etched lin

friend, we Are we never (o be critical? Like Candide'a ore D„ lo beUeve thai this is the best oi aU possib e worlds? reaction, we suggest

Calholic priest. And George Washington Th'

Some persons leaUy never uller a w rd of criticism simply because Ihey don'1 care one way or the o her what happens, as

Have you ever noticed thai the peraon or group that "criti- he object of criticism?

The person who really doesn't care about t e school (or company. or country) won t say a thing. in the management e-ilitv IP thi!^I hn . conuc, Ipns lower crime rate and more coll long as he gets paid. race Nbrto than anywhere in thl The stockholders feel involved—and ar e involved—w]lh the

during Ihc niglilly where there are four Neuro colleRes Is criticism bad, then? Too many subtleties and considera- im nr.t gi#cl tions wail to be explored—too many loi a categorical yea or no. filing, bui "one^sfllTa^ o'lh^whoinubjeci Bui Sam Raybum left us somelhing to think about: "When """i/T^'' nn chaiBe T two men agree on everything, one of them is doing all the Mmeiimes with people ewinc thp fitnis mcr.^ for be with simUar back- h« jiTfinrs "ErB-rtSyrvA archives have culled EdhoTi Note: From the Southern Accent we ^^^^^^'l^' »hy warn-? this editorial wisdom which, il would seem, is applicable even in n^« i,ui I v..,„«. d^f^nt' hack^i^.™!!) ° at"m\. Salycrs

MC M ddle Ages? /7 Weeko^ and allowine for them iJiniueli natural vwhySouihern


" rul foLfVcLtZ The Staff of the Souther '" .d £'^n^"4^[ No Texfbooks. No Study igion nnd poli- D M" t Ed't r s somehow different from the many other humdr nh old by Ihem in tranee phenom- BS. work, and rush. We appreciate the privilec heI^iironmrh'c^«S'andff«!

ok set aaido in which one can spend more time cnough to turn

read, 1 am glad lo voice myself here- «t suggested that in each class students and teach

le campus. We thank Elder Crews for the woi doing OB a tool in the hand ol God while he is

Alike. BA &lectl04

aoon the students of SMC wiU c

1 up a platform and give 1: e some of his Ideas. These and we hope thai many w

Z.Lt'L 'LSI ™'"fj2"'!!EH'°*itoiJ" to°S»" I SOUTHERN ACCfWr Oak Ridge Institute Gives Physics Class on Campus

Sixteen SMC students and jor influence in helping sciei

teachers . physics course being held here in an Oak Ridge Institute of produce and lend hundreds of Nuclear Studies mobile labora- fibns and send out many lec- tory-. turers. SMC's physics depart-

This organization is dedicated to the purpose of helping the both of these services this year Oak Ridge laboratory cooperate and in previous years." with education. Their three Of these mobile laboratories, laboratories travel one travels near Oak Ridge, an- throughout the U. S. and ove other natiomvide, and the third seas, visiting small collegi "making them aware of the pose of " atomic age," Dr. Ray Hefferii faculty members and secondly, professor of physics, remark' students. that he asked them to cor The tivo-week course will meet five days a week for a 90- %vriting letters ever since. minute lecture and a 2-hoiir lab. The course is divided into three clear instruments started m the parts: radio physics, radio chem- large white trailer-truck Febru- istry, and radio biology. To pre- ary 2], Conducting the course are Father James J, Ruddick, the first week lecturer; Dr. George Padron, the second week lec-

Flack. Since the government oRers this ser^-ice to colleges free, the college is not charging the students for the one hour of upper- division credit.

"The Oak Ridge Institute of Southern Union Nuclear Studies b Has Photo Meet; Yost Lectures CoUegedale


Agency SMC.

The two-day course was di- Inc. vided into sections of basic pho- tography and advanced photog- raphy.

Under the direction of Elder Oscar Heinrich, PubUc Relations director for the Southern Union; and F. Donald Yost, assistant professor of journalism, the program contained field work in taking pictures, lectures on theory, and actual dark-room work. iJudy Woodruff Tri-Community LEONARD'S Encomium Singers "The 1 ; of this work- |ln Senior Recital ; the SERVICE Fire Department On Feb. 27, Judy Woodruff AMOCO Tape Selections I of CoUegedale, presented her Has Busy Week Auto Repairs For WDEF-TV Recital at the Fine Arts Cues Auditorium, Oliphant, I in partial fulfill- Road Service associate book lesides weekend of Feb. it of the requirements for the editor - the Southern Publish- fire alarms during the week, the to^^i^u, me cjicomium bmgers, ing Association and Charles members Tri-Community s of the SMC men chorus, made a first Cook, artist for the Southern Fire Department attended a lec- appearance on TV and also Publishing Association, ture here on fire prevention by made a smging tour to Nashville George Spencer, acting engineer State Pri; of Stat SS Policy Smoker's Dial WDEF-TV video-taped sev- Indudedintheprogramwere- eral secular selections for Betty (Continued from page 1) I Gets Hundreds Engineer Spencer uses part of I French Suite VI by Bach, Prole Mack's Morning Show. These do his spare time to enlighten mem- I Bebe by Villa-Lobos, and Of Calls Daily bers of rural and private fire movement vrill be further re- Tlwme duced, thus increasmg the rever- I b}- Haw^l, by Brahms. Several hundred telephone calls a day have been pouring fire prevention. His suggestions into the Smoker's Dial telephone rector, Mr. Stewart Crook. However, the announcement concluded, "this change MacNaughton —892-4332—from persons who fires faster, but also gain better in Sab- in learning how bath School policy does not formed at all the local churches: To habit. change any other policy relating Be Spealcer ; Inspection Bureau. Many insur- Hordeaux, Nashville First, Mad- TheNm sFon of ison Boulevard, and Madison Soulh- Sabbath." Couples were in- Miss mary College Temperance Society, the tele- formed by the i nounces that on March phone service, with messages on I tgular meeting. Dr. Mac- tape, gives information and a ion, Associate Clinical few simple rules on breaking tlie T of Moccasm Bend Hos- habit. P'tat walls by the request of the pri- I in Chattanooga, ^viU be on motel between CoUegedale £ e Tapes are usually changed son's personnel. After passing campus to speak. Chattanooga and in a house weekly, and different informa- through the many gates and His su_,, > ;twillci CoUegedale. Both fires were tion is given on tape. In- i walking full CoUegedale tal each the length of the health i lety terested persons can also get inner court yard the singers Barber pecial probler reached the prison's newly con- "I dealbig with this type of sick- Office Box 8322, Brainerd Post structed chapel for the sacred Shop OfRce, Chattanooga. Cordovan Perfect Record *B' Teams Go For Downs Nets 'A' League 1st Half Title

resemble toolball learns more closely

Brrt H.lf final Standing!

, (62), and Fly (5-3).

/"tl'e'y 'pl.y'oHen""'"'

&r^a"ns ahca^d to slay (*M3)^"

Vetter's Team

Leads League I S^a^cft^ 0^ Sfr^it^

By "Sam Jones"


nelirLyUs. Doris" Sm^la'T'Na™, £dr°oJ

O.I_!_ R.. Fools, and Y.o'r.

>bo are alien sby, quiet -[l,, ;^^^ p|„"

loudniS! laughter, enthusiasm and Boh Biggs Sham. 10 blft''jlTeliBibie ^^^^ P'"?*'* ,,"c''Sr I

fronts S^tt4- I S I

o All "A" League Pidtc* toTW BeMc | BO™'- \ TeamI eOm , time with riiD female ''Culie Pie" Jim Vollmcr Cord. 7 „ ^^a,^^-^ the loss oE surting Due to cemer P'"^*"'"* ""^ .^^" '^'j'' ™r Jo")^™. ''^heirVuBd h'os b^n ^"=?S= A= „^^ n?i'l Y«m rm-r rn^ i^ "'*^l ''^'i. ^^W^rJ^^'^^. Tom Lighlhall the Cordovans are now "ounces the "BabydoU" conlesL The DILL WOLCOTT CORD. 12 be chosen by Uie jP's^^'^iii cwl..^ ?ediu:ed to^ men. wi?"no of jT^ _

given ihem more speed and mobility, "" ^"^^ '^>- k"V pWer [ouls out of the name boOiered to si^" thcS" n^^ (they ^^8",=, 17?..'^'"^^' secuf^^on""^' but LighthaU's rebounding wiU be for All "A Leoguc w ^^^ ^^ j^'ij ^^^ ^^j, ^ ^^^^ ^yj^jj ^^ ^^^j^ pj^^^j ^^^^^ j^ [^^^^ f^j^ ^^^^ ^g^.g^ forpve themselves), in ^^^^^^.^ Over 200 Students Make « [Honor Roll First Semester

1 hundred students have made the honor roll for 53 0ki ;ster of the 19fi5-66 school year, according to Dr, Futcher, Director of Admissions and Records, ;. F. W. i Students who made the honor roll had at least a 3.00 grade int average on at least twelve hours of college work iviih no lO^^^ ^ f^m.. Many more students would have made the honor roll had ' ;n ill, according to Dr. Futcher, and it is anticipated /^ ^^^ ^-^z vai^Sfl 0m ^^iF^mJi|,

Ahl, Ernest Theodor iier, George Stephen Allen, Audrey Louise itcher, Carol N. Anderson, Daryl Thora irey, Clyde Richard i_ Andrus, Marietta Kenneth Lloyd ^I^B4 A Anthem, Michael Geb. Paul Henry Bartram, Marj' Christine Gelsinger, Carol Lee Bata, Rudolph Andrew Graham, Alvan Leon, Jr. Benlzinger, Ronald Bruce Green, Betty Cathryn Bernard, Vivian Jean Greene, James Arthur Leadercraft Course Draws Bic knell, Linda Lee Gullett, Flint ComeUus Bloodworth, V. Jean Hagan, Jerry Lewis Bogar, Larry Paul Hall, Stephen Anthony 146 for 10 Hours of Classes Bolan, Wayne The leader L, Damaris This course is one of the re- Bolton,.Ruth Rose ;en, Dixie Lee here at SMC Feb. 11-13 closed quirements for the Master Guide as Bremson, Shirley Ann Ham, Glenda Kay 146 people completed the 10- Club. It was open to the people Brenneman, James B. Hamilton, Thomas Edward L. Litten Brooks, Edwin Gene Hamm, Minon Elder and Miss Mil- as the student body. It was Craig Bryant, Rodney Hamrick, Brenna Lee dred Johnson of the General sponsored by our MV Society Burris, Linda Jo Harris, Barbara Ann Conference were here to con- and the Master Guide Club. George Powell, president of Byrd, Barbara Harris, Betty Elizabeth duct the course. Elder Litten is the Master Guide Club, helped Caldwell, Otho Richard Hasel, Hilda the editor of the MV Kit and make arrangements for the Campbell, Linda Rae Hauck, Hazel Alice Miss Johnson was the origi- meetings which lasted two days. Carruth, Jeannette Gayle Hedrick, Evelyn Earlene Elder Holbrook, sponsor of \he Cass ad a, Nancy Sharon Hendershot, Hoyt Lew' Elder MV MV Society, stated, "This was Center, Richard P. Hender I Yorfc a new streamlined coui Chisholm, Cherj'le Ann Herman, Ronald Wayne Chris ten sen, Caroline B. Holland, Da^-id L. eluded the five local MV secre- Chu, Phyllis Holt, Evelyn Elaine Lalborg, Elder Clapp, WillJard Junior Holt, B. RusseU Clark, Sharon Leah Horwath, Mary Patricia Clausen, Judith Ann Cobos, Franklin Cochran, Frank Edwin Merchant, Judy Kay Cockrell, Van Dudley Miller, Donald Herbert Swanson, Carol Rulh Colson, Harry James Miller, Peggy Iva Swinson. H. Arthur Costerisan, Frank Joseph McCutchen, Charles Arthur Moore, Parha Sykes, Maureen Beth Couch, Ruth Marie n Hasson McDerraott, Joseph Michael Muderspach, I. Bernhardt Taylor, David Charies Crooker, Marilyn Mary Kallam, Constance Marie McFarland, Thomas Roy Murphy, George Joseph Taylor, Doris McGinnis Cuilla, Bettj' Joyce Kanna, Art Allen McKeo, Richard LaVerne Neidigh, Carol Louise Tewis, Diane Irene Darnell, Nolan Bryant Kessinger, Dorothy Joan McMuUen, Robert E. Neu, Ronald Frank Thompson, Linda Claire Davis, Laura Faye Kirkham, Kenneth Alan McNeal, Mary Sue Newell, Ronald Leon Thomson, Janice Lee Dixon, PauU Evrett Knight, Carolyn Louise McRae, WiUiam Anderson Nivison, Carol Jean Thornton, Gayle K Dreos, Elva Adeline Knight, Edson Andrews Maddock, Dean Ellis Oakes, Eleanor D. Tindall, Donald Jay DuPuy, Barbara Ann Kopp, Clyde G. Maestas, Maxine Louise Pabn, Annette Marie ToUerton, George Wendell DuPuy, Robert Karl Kovener, Brenda Ann Matlemee, Rollin E. Parker, Linda Jeanne Tripp, Glenda Gale Edgmon, Linda Alene Krammer, William Sjoerd Mai loch, Ronald Glenn Peek, Marvin Leon Elliott, Pat Ann Malmede, Marie Penner, Anne Elliston, Er^vin Bruce lonald K ineth Philips, Margaret Erickson, Melvin Lloyd La fever, JoAnne Wassell Potts, Robert Leshe Erskine, Janilyn Kathryn Lee, Paul Allen Marsh, Nancy Ann Powers, Stephen Earte Erwin, James Edward Lee, Sarah Janice Martin, Judie Arlene Pry or, Wanda Jeannette Fleming, Karen Lou Leitner, Jack Earle Martone, Arlene Rae Pumpbrey, Edward Allen Foster, Glenna Faye Lenke, Cathie Ann Maxey, Lynda Sue Ramsey, Jolm Dean Wallers, Jim V. Lester, Vivian Faye Randolph, Kathy Eloise Ward, Rex Michael Rascon, LuciaJane Watson, Donald Regal, Austin Garth Weaver, Leshe ElMont WendeU, Patricia 1. Whidden, Woodrow Whitley, Martha Judon

Robertson, Earl Lewellyn Rolls, Dolores Wiik, Ula Rose, Maigarete Joyce Williams, James R. Rowell, Joan EUen Wilson, Phihp Rozell, Marion Susan Sammer, Meredith RuUi Sample, Ann Louvenia Woodruff, Judy Rene Schmehl, Rolland Malcolm Woodruff, Martha Allie Shacklelt, Margery Sue Worthy, Harold Doyce Sievert, Sandra Gayle Wright, Fred Simmons, Sandra Christine Solomon, Dale Edward Sowder, Steve Ray Speaker, Eleanor Gail Steele, Janet F. VOTE Steen, Alton Marshall Stevens, Defia Marie in your Stowell, Nancy Marie Strawn, James Lowell SA Strickler, Larry Cbaries Strong, William Luke Elections Sue, John Philip e

Student Labor Surpasses $500,000 for Fiscal Year

wrote one young man in a note to Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. McKee "I shall be in debt to you all my life," he concluded, expre ing the thanks still e that many SMC way towards defraying the ex- students have felt for the penses of higher education. ployment available by the Mc- According lo a report released Kee Baking Company. for the last fiscal year by the Student employmen of $576,- college, a grand total bakery has grown from 130 students dur- 495.52 was paid to young people during the 1963- ing the year by SMC, its 64 school year, to 160 during affihates. subsidiaries, and the last year, to the present level A breakdowTi of the student of student employment, 185. labor report revealed that stu- So it is that while SI e young dents working at and for the men are being forced t proper received Sf95,- college school under pressure of the 15 Cites Industries, Band Will Play Cassell 467.35. CoUegedale U. S. Navy Inc., paid $135,277.09 for stu- 14 Students while others drop out for les dent labor during tlie year. compelling reasons, student em March 20 CoUegedale Mercantile Enter- Two Concerts on List plojinent at Southern Mission For Dean's Distribu- Concert Tour -v prises and CoUegedale The world famous United i Spring ary College is still level students at Souther tors paid respectively $27,123.22 States Navy Band, personally a tour of 48 dales, and the band Fourteen which would tend to justify thi and $3,128.97. conducted by Lieutenant Com- ]>layed concerts in New Jersej Missionarj' College have mad epithet, "College with thi mander Anthony A. Mitchell. ConnecUcut, New York, Maim the Dean's List for high scholai The total for SMC and its Built-in Pocketbook." Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohi( subsidiaries was $360,996.63. Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minni Affiliated industries also hired sola, Michigan and Wisconsii many SMC students, paying out All reserved seat tickets for for the year $215,498.89. The the evening performance will be Cabinet Shop and Sanborn Registration tickets Company paid to stu- §2.00. General admission had leas Spring Passes 1000 are SI -25 for adults and 75^t hours and he must have dents of the college $31,135.00 children. Students may at- and $23,963.00. for achieved this record over two Second Semester tend the evening program with semesters with no incompletes The McKee Baking Company their cards plus 50?, or United Sta Band ; Lyceum in any subjects. was the largest source of student In spite of hepatitis, sen elf-s ling. 1 Those who qualified are as labor credit, after the college tests, and draft boards, 1018 follows: itself. McKee's paid to students students have filed through the United of the President of these Elva Adeline Dreos a total of $160,400.89. A break- registrar's office to become se concert tour rved shows Slates, When on Erwin Bruce Elhslon doivn of this total that ond semester SMC students. dormitory students earned at Glenna Faye Foster According to Dr. C. F. W. 'clock. Adult ment, the band is presented in McKee's $128,320.71, and vil- Minon Hamm Futcher, director of adniissior personal appearances by civic, Ickets are 75f, and children's lage and commimity students Sarah Janice Lee and records, the current enrol charitable, school organizations ickels are 33(1. Students may at- earned an estimated $32,080.18. Jack Earle Leituer ment is 130 more than lai and similar groups, with all snd the matinee \vilh their ly- Marie Maimed During the past few years year's second semester, but 119 eum cards, but then they ".vill Carol Jean Nivison McKee Baking Company has less than first semester thi; lot be able to use the card for Marvin Leon Peek been slowly but surely increas- school year. This enrollment he evening performance. Robert Leslie Potts ing the number of students from drop is just about par, said Dr. Mr. Gib Sandefer, who has Ramona Kathleen Reiber SMC employed. "I directed tlie national tours of the Margarete Joyce Rose thank you for the some United States Navy Band for the Due to the fact that Freshmen Elect being 18 years, has completed ar- hepatitis victims are still past and hundreds of other studer rangements with SMC officials Weaver; Annual registered as they return incomplete for the Band's appearance in the most of them vrith has new PE Center on the 20th day Without Editor work, the registrar's office complete its rec- of March. CoUegedale is indeed Elder Bruce Johnston Sets been unable to J have the Lyceum- ords for the past semester. decrease changes to a senate which this A breakdown of the for for drop; year has undergone an unprece- Crusade Cleveland in enrollment shows 170 ,*orld famous band to appear dented turnover in personnel. Elder Bruce Johnston, Profes- Assisting Elder Johnston will outs between first and i wi Albert Dittes, former editor of sor of Religion, will hold an be Elder Clarence Bracebridge, semesters' registration the Soutlwrn Memories, SMC's evangehstic campaign April 16 pastor of the Bowman Hills addition of 58 new studer yearbook, was forced to with- through May 8. The meetings draw from school because of ill Tivill be held nightly except during the spring of 1964. The health stemming from a bout Thursday at the Bo^vman Hills tour was for 56 personal appear- vtilii infectious hepatitis during Seventh- day Adventist Church ances through 18 states. The the month of January'. in Cleveland, Tenn. students and friends pray that Always ihese meetings will make an been announced, but Ed Shafer, Talge Residents approach because of the Ecu- impact on the people of Cleve- Ask menical Movement and trend is fiUing the vacancy Start Voluntary student, toward reunion with the Pope, For until the yearbook has been the 'God is dead' theory, and Prayer Group the Presbyterian Confession of Barry Strohman h; :d DEBBIE A voluntary prayer group was 1967. We ^vilI be sitmg e LITTLE from his post as freshman class president for personal reasons. 26 March and has given birth to a new ex- Les Weaver of Louisville, Ky., a Cakes perience to many of the men. chemistry major, was elected on Starting with a basic core of Faith for Today Quartet Feb. 28 at a special class meet- and only six, the group has at times ing, lo replace Strohman. Three states Elder Johnslor attracted as many as 18 persons. ballots were required lo break a The church members are pre- Pies tie between Weaver and Bob with their the end of study period in one paring the people of Cleveland DuPuy, a combination rehgi on- of the dormitory rooms. There for the meetings by sponsoring Baking Company is a short discussion concerning a Bible-in-the-hand program in McKee secular concert spiritual problems encountered which enroUees in the Bible stu



3ent Sleplien A. of the Southern Accent are: Hall, junior class president Don Rodney Bryant, a junior major- Vollmer. and junior biology ma- ing in English; Jim Walters, a jor Bob Summerour have de- sophomore majoring in ihoologi' clared themselves candidates for the ofnce of president of the Stu-

. Hallismajor- Lg in iheoloT and physical Candidates for Southern Ac- nd\ Urn heol cent business manager are Tom h II f kI H m Evans, junior accounting major; and Steve Patrick, a sophomore history major.

Candidates for the office of choiarship committee chairman

man pre-med student, and nB Id g If 1 David Silverslein, n sophomore d h t>oll 11 b

h I hbj Th S d S cial education c man are Mariellen Davis, a jun- ] t R 11 Ml

1 m h Ig and Warner Swamer, a fresh- R Iph R U man pre-med s Indent. of Prayer Results Candidates for chaplain of the Week SA are: Billy Peeke, sophomore In 19 Students Rebaptlzed On Sabbath morning, March

12, 19 students were rebaptized

IS a result of the of Spir- Week office for the of i' iluol hold on the cam- J pus March 4-12. I Elder Crews, a graduate of SMC and president of its first I dental student. nior college graduating class SMC students offce admin'stration major. Candidates for the chairman- in 19+(5, spoke to ihe students For the first lime in the 1 ship of the programs committee I and faculty of the college during tory of Southern Mission; Tie SA treasurer contest is are Charlene Sublett a sopho I the week on the subject of bet ee J n Purdham, a fresh- " more elementary eduication ma- Lh at the Crossroads." ma cl e try major, and Ed jor; Doug Mowery, a rning meelincs were held Reifsnjder a junior accounting Faith for Today Group pre-med major; and Tom Mc- Donald, a sophomore arl major. Cand dates for ihe editorship Appears Here on Weekend Candidates for edi tor of the

it Church. Southern Memories are Ted Elder Crews is currently an Ahl, sophomore chennistry ma- e Chesapeake jor; Ed Shafer, sophomorecom- ^ March 25, Conference of Seventh-day Ad- nd Carol I the college gymna; Neidigh, junior English-liome to America" will be the title of , and he speaks daily the program. of busi- Members of the quartet, Don Running for the office the Southern Siebenlisl, bass; Jim Ripley, ]w-- manager of Caldwell, baritone; Larry FiUinghi Mrnwrics are Richard administra- ind Stan Schh fiL'^lmian business President Rees tion major; Paull Dixon, sopho- major; and John Reports Actions companied on Ihe piano and more theology organ by Van Knanss. Of Board Meet The four-part secular concert will feature selections ranging The actions from the recent 1 in variety from the "Rigoli- Board of Trustees cov- f meeting QiiarKlto" by Verdi ered several areas and resulted Rock Island Line", an America in some changes in faculty and railroad ballad. staff for the coming year, ac- The Faith for Today quarti cording to Dr. C. N. fiees, presi- appears weekly on the nation- dent of Southern Missionary ally televised religious program College and secretary of the "Faith for Today." For each weekly telecast, hours are spent practicing, recording,

ferlin, Mr. Bruce Gerhart, Elder Gerhard Hasel, and Mr. Ken- I neth Burke.

It was voted also to give studj' '0 a possible extension division n Orlando.

(Continued on page 5) /Inlwe^ Gan Re ^aund

One ol the mosi fiequenUy asked questions concerning 1 editorial pohcy ol the Southern Accent is the question of he religion and religious emphasis be handled. Since this is Missionary" college and a school which is founded upon relit

activities, both students cmd faculty, feel that each and cue


since Ih °ri™"n TJ.TIX. h. religion de "EtE3? ng lo '^{*'j helhe e Bible workers, phyaic ieochJr" 'El

Thol ia true bul one m usl alio -dmil Ih M Ihes olhor depart-

the Souther

here < I Mis: ICC the sonally and therefore the newspaper does have no real BABEL "news.- In this sense, we admit the Southern Accent is nol primarily for the sludorls but is a public relations sheet written chiefly (or people in the Southern Union interested in SMC but nol directly

if thee

^6, tk& GoHdUdaiei A^ie Selected


A "sportsman- is: (1) 'a man who is interested in or lakes rl in sports. (2) a person who can take loss or defeat withou' mplainl, or victory wilhoul gloating, and who treats hia op- lents with fai "ONE MAN'S OPINION" ^^ An ancient axiom oi '' ''' sports used to be: "It matters not whelher ' I "...]. 1. r, 1 Difference i 1

A more popular version of this highminded statemeni in some i' '

circles scorns ',' lo be; "it mailers not how you play the game, bul ,'/, ,


"He is Ihal slow to anger is belter than the mighly: and he """


PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES Platform for President Steve Holl Once again Ihe forlorn cry goes forth—Why isn't "our" Stu- As sociation an active student body? Is il a moving and pro- •;ive body doing lis best to help the "individual" or has it this present and participate. n a taint glow on the honzon of student action instead o£ ng torch? If so, why? It

ipr cl such student feeling as exists—and it is in the office of mdimdual s udent representa on. ide It thai such steps of leadership can and must be taken The elected for e ery fifty people i 1 the (0 Ml g are points that I feel will help in building the school unity set up numbenn 5 three to make a progressive and efficient Student Association. 1 To help revitalize the spiritual condition of this college campus shall be one of the main objectives in developing a better SA. 2 To keep aware at all limes what my fellow students are thinking and in what areas ihey would like to see im- provements made %vithin the SA. ixchisive of class presidents and busines: i We need a that not only sit man can back and create good HERN Accent and Southern Memorie: ideas, but one that will create them and follow them ! individual voice of student opinion am through; a man that will get the job done. 4 Tlie SA needs leadership, especially in the area of creativ- members making up the Senate e ity and originality that seems to be lacking in certain areas ive of the busim is managers of the two publicaiio nentioned above. \ campus newsleltei mportant happeninj

rice for the Orlando and an possessing abilitie; requisiti 1 a TV for both campuses his aim, nd purposes. to help give them good t give the SA be here at SMC, needs and develop its direction and purpose to help the — 10. To keep the colli individual student as well as the student as whole. body a the SA plans and endi facilitate afore To the mentioned points, I would like for you would be :onsider hoiv the following steps will bring the SA to higher personal inlervi necessary. 1. Construction of a fountain i,vith changing colored lights It has been said by various and different varieties of fountain scenes constructed in p be abandoned. But I would like ihe mall, have a defmi ; theme 2. An interchange of talent from the other SDA and non- SDA colleges, especially those of Tennessee—like Vander- bilt. University of Tennessee, and University of Chatta- nooga, definite theme to create unity, FAITH FOR TODAY 3. theme helps to develop creativity originality \\'hich 3. Talent groups frt)m our SA to tour non-SDA colleges in A and the SA greatly needs. this stale, thus promoting good public relations for our SA. 4. To create more enthusiasm and interest on this campus in The theme, I believe, that needs to be stressed and developed Ihe University of Nebraska. vithin the SA, I propose to set up an SA Presidential Press Con- the objectives of the SA next year is Tire IndUndual Vnliwd. ~ ivcl with Pastor W. A. Fagal eryP•londay and have questions asked in order rhus the individual, combined with fellow individuals will form of Ihe "Faith for Today" tele- cting our aims and purposes as a united in active and participating team—individuality combined lo form takes up three to four odv, Also, in this way students will be able to il of making our SA one of creativity and vhati e SA plans to do or not to do and why. The i]i makes a West Coast tour, t leas one inlercsting SA chapel a month gearei If elected to this office I will, to the best of my abi weeks of spiritual emphasis est and to have at that time various reports hard as one can lo promote the student body and llieir ^dventist colleges, extended ors on what ihey are or are not doing am make our college the best spiritually and scholai rally. pmeeting trips and many socially in the educational system, a student body ^ oilier Sabballi appointments. vidual student—and faculty, too—will be proud of. isionally the group on sjiecial request takes time out from their usual work to give the secular progiam such as the Platform for President Bob Summerour

1 the history of the Student next year we ^liould a the first number, followed in the rst si?clion by "Shenandoah"

the students and the faculty of this college, to de Section two will be composed whether or not this SA. ever will or can be a vital and essei incipally of Hawaiian selec- element on our campus. The decision must be made. Why a' ts such as "Song of the Is- the issues? Why ignore the complaints of those who feel that :estions will help us reach our goals. ids". "Love Song of Kalua", Student Association does nothing to support student opinions 1. A valuable medium through which the Student Assodalion nnd "ficyond the Reef. ideas? Why continue the misunderstandings between ihe studi faster better communication between tlw faculty find student nierican West will be and faculty concerning campus problems? Is the Studei and be of a greater service to ils constituency would be a s|iirit with such favor- mply a leadership training ground for "Tumbling Tumble "Night Herding Song" vity, and engulfing the

e merely a sounding board for > tive medium through which

I four of the secular of i :ully alike—can express iV leaders from other college

The S.A. is important to both students be the medium through which the faculty communicate— in both directions, ft is a S[>onsibilily of and educational

the Student Association, and primarily of il

I local talent, such as a personal relationship be maintained with the faculty : LEONARD'S so that the opinions and reasonings of each may be efl positively made known to the other. In this way, mi 3, Efficient coverage o AMOCO SERVICE ings may be' kept am and general co-opera good sports covera( held a 4. Speeches by leader involvi Next year's Student Associat, ? which will i comedies elude every student in its program . St udent- produced m Road Service pis. but as a member with respi Ministers 6, Suitable dramatic works worry when 50% of their church members are C. Even ihough the station would of lality of programming it could, at the sai faculty member has estimated that only 20% t student body. . _ . _ are actively involved in S.A. sponsored programs this year. I VVSMC-FM by providing more experienced p definitely feel thai this is a weakness, and I firmly believe that (Continued on page 4) F. An Continued fn page 3) active communicniin SUMMEROUR I ^th the Orlando and Sr^" a voluntary basis, student: landing in .their campuses should A. On be maintain^] ' formulate a tutoring service made available Every fields, will be used lo effort should be madr^ to those are experiencing special scholastic problems. mclude them who m the active ^"" Suhrie Memorial Lecture Series will continue to pro- gram of B. The the Student Associaf vide interesting and controversial speakers. The Student Association that does little C. Student Association will encourage the Administration e-fourlii of lis annual budget lo a pubticalion The ^^^^^y^a"">'.'>e be con- either the Association. to develop a "student- summer- abroad- program" which wiU h to meet the needs of the Student ;tthis Public Relations Department ducted as a class in a selected field for college credit. B. With financial aid from the If bookstore selling used books and reputable pa- college, Southehn Accent may continue under the same D. A campus of the the successful S,A., _ developed. ^villnoibeW-„„, system as now employed, but exclusively as a public relations pub- perbacks should be cause we have good idea- realize ils rcsporisibilities to college. V. The Student Association must lication lor the tentions, (every S.A. positive action in the follo^ving has had entirely separate paper, should be issued fort- neighboring communities and take C. A new, these) but it wll be because we nightly and should include: have maintained from the faculty Evangelistic efforts should be focused on the college and be 1. Essays by students and A. gimiing to the end of ihe scliofll literary efforts high school campuses. SMC must become more than a name to 2. Local )-opei opportunities to express and 3. Results from frequent opinion polk concerning campus these young people. We must seek frank „ „^,,^,^^ convictions with interested individuals on the ideas and world issues discuss our religious the faculty and student body 4. Up-lo-dale reportage of sporU events campuses in the Tri-State area, We must expect the faculty our campus and in produced by the S.A. and consisting of the to 5. Coverage of events taking place on B. A variety show recognize the S.A. as an im- the Chattanooga area. best talent SMC has to offer could be initiated as an annual event portant element on this campus Tliis paper should be objective and free from radical state- to be presented at the Tivoli Theater in Chattanooga. A charitable be chosen ments. It should primarily sen-e to keep students jnlormed on organization, such as The Childrens" Hospital, would S.A. activities, lo stimulate new ideas, and to insure good com- each year as the recipient of all profits from ticket sales. munication between faculty and student factions. VL Greater interest and participation in the Student Associ- Ill, We must wage an all-out war on college dropouts. ation vnW be encouraged by a wider variety of activities and pro- A, Next year Freshman Orientation and registration will begin several daj-s before the arrival of older students. The S.A. should be there ; their programs and g off to a good si

. After classes have been in session for a few new friendships have been made, each older student should be encouraged to select a new student for whom he will exercise a special interest. The faculty ^vill, of course, have a guidance pro- gram in lull operation, but there are some scholastic, social and religious problems which can more easily be worked out between 1. Pizza feeds in the cafeteria 2. Access to the gym and the student lounge

. Tl.i' on dropouts" should be i program D. Continued emphasis should be placed on a strong intra- iral sports program in co-operation with the Physical Education

sed frankly with students and faculty alike.

Platform for President Don Vollmer

Historically, groups with common int Is have organized S.A„ and should be of interest lo all studenU. These improve- As a candidal more effectively further those particular ments in the present program are suggested; I believe that o students—a special group with special interests. The Student A. A Freshman Orientation program improved and broadened put back on ils A.ssocialion was created to help fulfill the needs of the Students, to in scope so as to put more emphasis on the incoming stu- , the task wil provide those services for the student that would make his college dent's preparation scholastically for college. For instance, existence more enjoyable and complete—spiritually, intellectually, idy programs could be offered dur- leadership, Effective and and physically. Tlierofore, the S,A. must be more than a warm and sentimental, rather theoretical and disjointed organization sting "Sages Session" program, sential. I fully reahze that u spieling happy phrases about brotherhood Pres- and unity. It must be ission groups and book clubs, year's Student i rather an active, dynamic all i force on the campus, an efficient and D. The encouragement of the "Ambrc ident, if he is to meet responsibje organi iding a visible service lo the students. responsibihties, will be bars!

in mind, please consider fi the following practical E. The availa ilir>- of S.A. appointed, responsible upper divi- rilicized by students and sion students who could offer counsel and guidance to inter- ested freshmen. These advisors could be appointed one to each floor in each dormitory. IV. The Health and Recreation Committee program could he in- vigorated by the initiation of the following points: A. Publishment of intra-mural league standings and advertise- ment of league games in the Campus Accent. B, A ticket and transiiortation agency for Atlanta Falcons football and Atlanta Braves baseball games. C, Encouragement and organization of week-end camping and skiing trips for small interested groups. c. In Ihc nola self-perpelualing student missionary D. Encouragement and organization of track and swim meets. prograr B^in.liail funds could be raised through a V. In the area of Public Relations I offer these suggestions. bcnclit A. Inter-collegiate exchange programs with other SDA schools. sional j Jrship where programs of special in- B. A promotion program for Chattanooga area civic clubs. Kr""ould be °p°a,™ C. Continuation and broadening of PR trips to academies. FAITH FOR TODAY E. In Ihc iiniualio nola' D. Twee-monthly, regularly scheduled press conferences imp in where S.A. executive officers and senators could be quizzed QUARTET 11. In llie area of socio/ educ,aifofi I ofTer these foUowiing practical concerning their activities. Reporters from the Southern programs , IS: Accent and the projected radio station WSA would ques- with their tion as well as other interested siudenis. This would make students much more aware of the activities of their S.A. Concert E. Wide advertisement of Senate meetings and activities. Secular These points are submitted with full assurance Ihat they can wertisement of upcoming programs in Campus Accent be carried out and put into practice within the framework of the vo weeks ahead of ihe program dale. Student Association, and that they can benent the student body in •ailability of ticket reservations through the S,A, of- a practical way. But an active, functional S.A. is dependent upon cc which would have a hook-up wilh the Tivoli and student interest and cooperation. Thus it would be that the success of these programs would depend on the studenU—students express- "Chaperon agency" which would provide a hst of en- ing themselves by word and action in the S.A. executive commit- iged ladies with off-campus fiances or other ladies or tee, on the senate, and by participating in the programs themselves. larried couples who would be willing to serve as chap- If elected, I promise to do all in my power lo effect a creative, A Gift frc Tins. This would alleviate an awkward problem on purposeful executive committee resiwndcnt to the desires and needs of the student body; Student As expression and opinion. I pledge myself ti esls to the administration and faculty, lo e tween students and faculty, lo do all in m programs that %vill best serve tlie students. COMING EVENTS

26 Mar.—Faith for Todav Weekend Platform for Editor 27-29 Mar.—Mid-term Rodney Bryant 30 Mar. - The ideal c wpaper carefully considered and implemented. (1) One color will oc- 4 Apr. —Spring wspaper editor. Both are abstractions—hut both casionally he added to black-and-white, to liven up the formal; e definite characteristics. The ideal college newspaper should perhaps the College Days issue could be headlined in school colors. :haracterized by three things, responsibility^ high journalistic (2) Quality photography will be stressed, with emphasis on action liiv and liveliness reflecting college life. On the otiier hand,

ir of a college newspaper should have (1) strong and /ffidVig which leads 3 the editor and also \vhicii leads to (3) thorough knowledge of joumalis and theorj'. If the editor is lacking in any of these a the feasibility and desirability of changing (a) the type iroduce a paper approaching the ideals of r on which the Accent is printed, (b) the size of paper, or Isponsibility, quality, and livelir^— Better quality paper would perhaps give belter I If elected editor of t"--

in both news and feature nialerial of r aspecis of college life will be given proper space. This is a Seven h-day Adventisl col- lege, and this newspaper should perfo -m the journalistic fimclion ing and cl njymg the and of the campus n and around Southern Missionary College. Hltle-known y. (8} Th yea :oi!ege life which will make interesting featun sue, slud photograph po "i;; comment, and

Wri vill h "by-lined" .ith ll humor v^ 11 be used. (9) Reporte 11 bee ed to seek oul truly unL eresling "ne vs on campus, in an attempt to C. Editorial opinion will be confined to the editorial page. In sible of SMC life lition, the views published on that page will be balanced; one activiUes. (10) AN INNOVATION: An "on-campus" middle in- predominate lo the exclusion of others. Believing sert page will be published as often possible, [ outlook will not as perhaps each issue =aders of the paper are intelligent enough lo make up their if interest and material warrant. This page will be composed to riinds, the Accent will present many sides of a question in be strictly of campus interest. Space will be made available to the the articles, letters, and editorials on the editorial page. One other chairmen of the various senate committees, and tlie reviving of point: there are three basic types of editorials—the critical, the "personals" and "dorm columns" will be invesligaled. Controver- commendatory, and the "perspective" or resume. A balance of editorial approach will be maintained. Though the; and ^vill regular coverage. This page will be edited strictly with the student

be many things to < i about SMC, there will also be many :nd and encourage; and there is always need tor more perspective on c

rlarg lould be solidly backed by a large and A large staff has two major advantages. First, it means a division of labor, and therefore more eRiciency and belter quality. Second, DIRECT EXPERIENCE: Si iPJT reporter, colimmist,

1 large and representatively selected staff will more truly he the ilor, feature editor, layout editor, associate editor, manag-

1 real effort will he made er. Editor, academy "paper. RELATED EXPERIENCE: nent with Public Relations Department of the college; 1 writing, English, and communications. Platform for Editor Bob DuPuy An undeniable rage mg college iludents for freedonr Wen reyes or blindly react against which this desire for free

speech and expression has been carried. We must rather realize 1 be reported as they pertain

that there are rightful grounds for this, and the expression of , national news will not take student opinion, when channeled in the proper direction can be a lace of student news, ijpr wi it be used to the offense of powerful, positive force for goo3. aiid can actually hold back the lembers of the student THidy. advances of extremism. The Southern Accent can and should . Strict standards of quality ill be applied to all copy for

the Southern Accent is also the most potent pub- that Southern Missionary College possesses. And BOARD MEETING uld be to please the nearly two-thirds of the Ac- (Continued from page t) cent's subscribe; outside of the CoUegedale valley. But material personnel of ; public relations value requires so much copy spat The following were that student md viewpoint are often crowded out. In addi promoted lo assistant professor; lion, much good npus news and views are of a local natur Mr. William Yoimg, Miss Mary ijoyed or understood by off-campus subscr Waldron, Mr. Stewart Crook, ceive cash rewards, Any interested students may apply for an challenge. And the Southern Accent Mr, Rudolf Aussner, Mr. John Accent staff position. Durichek, and Miss Carolyn 9. Rigid deadlines will be enforced lo insure the publication n I propose ic of every Accent issue, and its publication on lime. llenge. Please consider it The following personnel were 10. layout of ihe Accent will be varied to attract interest 1. The Accent should « i pages each i The r four pages v and to assure easy readabilily. However, good style will not TuHinglon, Dr. Cecil be sacrificed for widely varied, showy loyoul patterns that Rolfe, Elder Douglas Bennett, lower the quality of the paper. Also, headlines will be mod- and Mrs. Elfa Edmister. ernized and streamlined; new and uniform style of type that Two men were promoted to makes for easy reading will be used. Arrangement and con- full professor: Mr. Wayn_e Van- tent of headlines will be upgraded also. leVere md Dr. C. F. W. body. Th( 11. Foreditorialunity and quality, a revised stylesheet will be Futcher prepared and carefully used on all copy. Several teachers will be 12. Careful copy editing and "pulling a proof" for each issue traveling this summer: Elder will be applied to, so far as possible, free the Accent from Douglas Bennett to the Holy Miss Evlyn Lindbei^ to If elected, I will v typographical errors. Land, Each year a national organization, the A.C.P., rales college Europe, and Dr. Jonathan Pen- newspapers according to journalistic style and editorial quality with church and school standards a and makes awards to outstanding papers. Their top award is J faithful representation of student views. "ALL-AMERICAN." Recently as I talked with the editor of of the lis is a Christian college, and the "Accent" should b Andrews University's paper, he said, "With the resources of your ^ m " " talent Jn your creative writing Charles Fleming, Jr.. ' ^hgious news, current religious issues joumahsm department and the pertinent editorial expressio department, there's no reason why the Accent shouldn't be "ALL- manager, AMERICAN." *- Detailed support, is even more essential sports coverage II hold a prime place i I agree. And ivith your which year's Accent, both in the 1 ihe inner than all the talent anc campus section. Sports reporting mil of Ihe outstanding public GO "ALL-AMERICAN 'I "

Platform for Editor Jim Walters atliludes. mlerest. and projccis st ehicle of sludenl tlin„i.|n C. THE SA TRENDS, nuch; one of ihs ])a|ier'^ be evaluated regularly. siiould be printed v iiiplis and failures. If D. A REGULAR SMALL FEATURE

s should be fully explained and

lis opinion. Also, the editor should fncully and student "Chrii be equnltj' ready i ; and applaud ind "Scholastic Competition" should the vital This, I believe ke the Southebn Accent throughout the year. in campus. Il is not merely a con- 111. LAYOUT el) but a icfiool (campus) paper. PAPER PAGES SHOULD BE THE REGULAR LENGTH of «( thai all news is reported straight A. SIX " '^' occasionally it should be eigb niiitcrinl jirinled is represcnialive of the paper, and miplished bv 11 arranpin] f Chalt. jusiness advertising with the So, ilightly larger SA budget appropj k 3) trimming the e College Days editi IN ORDER TO GIVE Ihe Southern Accent n MOM_ I'KATURE STORIES dealing v sonalily and individuality in format, the slaff of n

' I'ci-i'ii.iljiy skelchci on leading senators or prominent 4. Continue occasional use of skyline stories and pictures. C. THE PHOTOGRAPHS AVAILABLE next year should he B. ADEQUATE AND CONSISTENT SPORTS COVERAGE of high quality because of this year's photography class. The photographer's name should appear beneath his pic- r THE CURRENT FULL NEWS COVERAGE should be conlinued since 3 5(10 japer^ are sent off camj us (The college buj D An\ oust should be r


A This IS I belieic Ihe most important page of thf Il can do much to build school morale (school spirit) cliarh pre enl campus issues and their solutions

: I J iigc should s !adilj be

--Southern Memories-- Platform for Editor

difficult everything w of photographs which they con- typographical excellence. sider high points of the year's Souili- nically and a With this staff in operation, activilies in their respective the carefully selected literary Physically the annual must ie- of the devote ii have larger portraits, all color y iiiltaneously full time and effort to the crea- pictures reproduced from high es of noslal- tion of an annual of polish and quality 4x5 transparencies cou- rilv exist in pled witli creative use of spot Employed in an ad\Tson ca color and duotone screens, and less journalistic photography, each "department and^phas'e' An active technical slafT work- physical spiritual and men ing closely with the Foole and activity aiding m the selecli Platform for Editor Carol Neidigh

life of a student. should in- nier edition or late publication, vith these goals gious, and Photography should maintain will serve the sludenl I a well or- the best quality. With careful editor of the Southern . theme of jilanning and organization, an Memories. mhitious staff, and close coop- Tied throughout. The school th the SA and faculty, Qualificat Ihes ings be depict the common, everyday beginning to end; either by s Platform for Editor Eddie Shofer I„.dm„B»y=.rb„ks,,cl,., While a, Highknd Academy. ™, .p|„in,„d 1„ ,1,. po,. „r in planning and cditi.,,, , ho I9fi7 hcSo„,„r„Ate„„r,„. I™11 had fc pr,v,lcg„ of sdmng U,f managing cdi.on Sollher,, Mcmrws. Iry my best lo prodnce an an- 1964 Chimes. Not only did I Through the past If elected, will nual that is both original and bave the res])onsibility of gelling Iwo years I I do my best to fortunate creative. 1 would ''^^ wot^ in. but I was permitted ™ ^" to be al- put out a yearbook of svbich you hire to use '' ' rork for the public re- will long be proud. ially pos- lalions department sible. Also, ting. Duri..„ as a photog- I would 1 m„^, „, ,,|^ j „.„ „^j ,|,^ worked undei t only in actual . CDi;t:ras"°;,7og™°her",;, ^t^heT';: b'a 7a"m 0"^ ;v,ng, but also ^ mcS pL,'u''i''a„™ inlH' .n photogra- the ,966 W,.„, '!,,eLr,„. mnn.cations „.jo.. with empba- ^^CZ^ZTTZ ' '""" "" ""'' »' >«:P»lilis. I 5,s m journalism, will help me volved in this task GET OUT AND VOTE! SoumRN Accent

{ecord Voter Turnout Elects Construction Under Way IVollmer, Mallernee, Bryant, Shafer On New Ad Building

Don Vollmer, junior iheology- include the accounting office, ad- nglish major from Asheville. missions and records, the testing selected presi- Southern Missionary College office, and a student lounge sec- !, C, has been —i-nt of the Student Association was made by SMC's Board of If Southern Missionary College Trustees at lis annual meeting Dr. C. N. Rees. SMC's presi- Hor the year 1966-67. The elec- dent, said that construction ions, held during the week of is now under%vay with comple- great- |March2I-25, attracted Ihe by Elder H. H. Schmidt, chair- tion scheduled for December, participation in student man of the board and president 1966, if all goes well. of the Southern Union Confer- SMC's board heard reports by

Selected for the office of vice- . Plans, being prepared by Dr. Rees, Dr. J. W. Cassell, j>residenl was Rollin Mallernee, academic dean; and Mr. Charles theology-hi story Fleming, business manager. ii sophomore ninjor from Atlanta, Ga. Other action included aca- For the editorship of the ISouTHEHN Accent, the student faculiy and staff, employing 1 newspaper, the students elected new teachers, an increase in Bryant, a junior English ager, dean of student affairs and I Rodney major from Woodburj', Tenn, director of college relations. in faculty salaries and allow- Other areas to be provided for For the editorship of the Southern Memories, the SMC yearbook, Eddie Shafer, sopho-

I from Covington, Ky„ was Clark, History Majors Attend IRS Meetings

major from Clark, professor of I junior accounting Dr. J. L. Collegedale. history at SMC, and a group of I eight students, recendy repre- Chosen as secretary was Sue senled Southern Missionarj- Col- McNeal, a sophomore English major from Tazewell, Va. the Tennessee Association of 1 by faculty members of The students selected Prissy Relations Clubs at Iniernauonal tlie social science department of I Philip?;, a freshman pre-physical Middle Tennessee State Univer- MTSU. In the evening the rapy student from Wythe- sity. The group, consisting banquet ville. Va., as their SA a chiefly of history majors, in- secretary. Jelter, Jan Ar- I cluded; Cheryl For the office of busi iress, Wilber Grilfilh, David

on "The Rule of Law and Sur-

Stan Midgley, Mr. Douglas believes that sur- vival in a world where more and Film Lecturer, more nations are getting the selected for the office possible j of business atomic bomb is only lanager of the Southern Mem- Here on April 9 through a rule of law. He feels 1 post he will be holding Stan Midglcy, nationally kno«-n -Mark Twain of the will be coming to this Camera," the U. N., the InternaUonal

< present his personally Court of Justice, and the various I Warner Swarner, a Treshman groups. medical student from oliier peace-keeping Memphis, Tenn. Justice Douglas began his talk questions: ger Gardner, a junior iheol- by asking several 1) "My California," which will ogy student from Henderson- Is tlie U. S. going to continue to I presented by Midgley at be entire world? ville, N. C„ is trv to police die the newly elected Missionary College, Southern continue -hairman of the Public 2) Is the U. S. going to . Relations Collegedale, on Saturday night,

I Committee. April 9 is billed as "California quo? 3) Is the U. S. going to Don Per\'is of Forest City, filmed bv a Califomtan—in all Fla.. a sophomore- in physics. four sef sons." I ; of I ilecied the chairman of the Midyley, a graduate of Prince- 4) Are lake 1 ton University with an A.B. Commimisls the champions of in Chemistry, offered his first freedom and reform? Mr. Doug- las feels thai we cannot and must not fight Communism with

ChTef Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "Univer- sal distrust creates universal in-

I dents elected appear Tom McDonald, i black and white, "Our goal should be the pre- of All Specializing in Amerl

(Continued on page 3) " 1

NBC's 'Emphasis' Carries Report on Five-Day Plan WUai'l 9k a Noma? Editors A olc Nancy DicUr .on on her daily NBC radio t having your after-din urogram Emphasis reccnlh

\ou may have bona fide with- drawal symptoms, the voice ^^'''^"*"" b^ ""''od*^"!*' I ^liable percenlage who feel Ihal the mallei should bo studied T^Tb feel sleepy or dull, ,re corefuUy and in greater detail. headaches, cramps. These LasI year the Southern AccenI conducted a poll ol all lour and get slomach the groups mentioned above and found that most folk favored will usually disappear after ihe sludenls change in Ihe name of the school. A majorily of the first few terrible days. Ihal dropping Ihe word '"Missionory wever. did seem lo feel The voice goes on lo suggest non smoking smokers should a\oid Ihe cocktail circuit. The voice reminds that alcohol goes

reason and judgment and makes

il possible to resist ever>'lhing but templalion. Alcohol can be people wani lo change the name? Aro you a real booby trap, says the voice, 'Why do you iiipio. D quil. ig cold spiritually?" and lull you into smoking. and E ice by After this devastating sugges- H you re ashamed to say Southern Missionary College', dialing a local telephone num- ber. This service is sponsored by of a local hospital. a local Sevenlh-day Advenlisl and number 'Tl isn't that

yourself to e It's been months since I quit :all the smoking myself, but the urge is chaplain's office at this hospital and after hearing of of the fence there ore those who preseni still there; On Ihe other side rrange to attend a five-day

rusheJ 10 ihe phone. I dia'led. That Was SMC misflionary' indicaloB a 1. Ihe usual sense o( the word, "In The tine was busy. It was the person who is leaving his homeland for Iho purpose ol spreading That Was; In first day of the ser%'ice. so I Tha nol planning to leave my homeland." his reUgion. Im area wailed a while and dialed. p . „ _ Retrospect, 1965 school is nol only lo train dialing a number. The 2. People are being misled. This And ug; „ and a phone Iheological sludents." nerv- are dialing 24 hours a day—but 1. Lights out at 11:00 p.m. , busy. I got so mis- that the urge I had to smoke no one knows yet if all capital- 3. Il's embarrassing lo loll people you're going lo a ous 2. Dr. Futcher explains ihe iles will slop smoking. One clue sionary college and then have lo explain how il really Un't a Selective Service missionary Irainmg center but a liberal arts college." cigarette desperately, but I sel- people at tliose 5. Dean Davis at desk and pul- lletl for dialing. The line was s Wa: In the year 19G1. Washington Missionary College changed ils pit always busy. parlies push back their chairs and stand up immediately after 4. Map of Viet Nam in the I found out later that 10.000 eating. That would be enough registrar's office people had gollen answers that charged by some? lo make our leading hostesses dJdsiVns? Is Ihero a lack ol spiritualily as first day from the new service. 5. "SiVlC And You" school loculed lake smoking. Is Ihe problem one of flhame? Why would a one knows how many other up No George Powell taking record Advonliam ilsoll lake the 'Missionary 6. so cloBo lo Iho hearl ol people called and got a busy This is Nancy Dickerson. oul ol its name? signal. NBC News. Emphasis — Wash- door I stall weni lo work and lound ington^ 7. Miss West locking the The Soulhom Accent research The 5 up a Hammill, now Iho president to Ihe WRH at 10:30 Ihe answer. In an article by Richard and crept to the phoi ol Andrews Univorsily, the locolion of our iheological seminary, I dialed 737-8800. There was a 8. Dr. Cassell, leader of Ihe | the back page of the March 30. 19E1 issue ol tho Review on salisifj-ing clicking of wheels, "all wise" lovoaling the truth. and Herald, is a long-lorgollon slalemont - and a 9. Dean Madg^vick, prose- The Soulhom Accent would liko lo quote a part ol Ihifl on mtl recorded si cutor of "all unwise" -englhening youi Collegedale Collegedale Pohce De- power by repeating, 'I choose lo E 10. The give up smoking.' Then the voice gave some 11. The "extra girl" I hints on surviving the >viih- 12. Mrs. Goggins at the cafe-| drawal period when the body is reiicling physically a any chongo in tho b prDfil" 1 y "Only 2f per meal , Take lots of

> advi

Iho word "Missionai >go would perhaps ,e Seventh-day Ad- venlisl Church ralhet than help Ihem. DBUflBUUB^ ol Could il be Ihal in on ago ol technology, ol change, and

becomo a alumbli ing lo do in these last daya?

^gh Ihe fad WSN


r..,,,..™ ..

":;'::;,;'i',!:;' "'"""S.i? S;, j;|«;£|j-;i''"-' , ;,!;;"1„!1™ r-^ C'™"i'j '•

Wrighl ""'-:

"'Ilni^di ™»siUy ....pi to ..cU™ ..d <,m..l.r .il^during ,h. Midgley Late Additions Complete Dean's List, Honor Roll

The following students, be

Dr. J. L. Clark Will Direct LEONARD'S

Summer European Tour SERVICE -ilonc if possible on t bi AMOCO ,ccp likinB n< much lir Dr. J. L. CInrk, Associate Pro- mtdb to obtain the bes lessor of History at Soulliern Dunn Ina l^ ae Missionary College, ™11 leach a Auto Repair Jophn \ Ram na class enlitleil "Euroiican Back- Moon Road Servici V Patr Walla e, Stei len Lo« Ihe Ga. -Climb. Conference Eur- opean tour for teachers lo be COLLEGEDALE Lewis lilnrin Carol College Parke (Jlori oiarily for ele- Diane Platl, .larion Naomi Sinclair. Alle Lamar Days Sincla r, Sara 1 Elizahe .ecks. Dr. Clark v

places of interest on the air- April 17-19 Local Artist ditioned bus lliat \vill be I Sp£.

The rhavi heing exhibited al SMC. Mrs. Nell Williams, b Justice Douglas feels that the SMC depai within five years the U. S. will

i is 1 be interested in the "Troika" iga idea forwarded by Khrushchev 1959 Mrs Oliv years ago and spurned by ;. S. It will be impossible for the West to retain a Secre- I d H G iry-General indefinitely that is ^vorable to all Western posi- h d g h H G

Jim VV n Th p ion fear of the nuclcE lust, sit down and agree to ilernational rule law, of SMC s Chapter |is the atomic bomb will Of SNEA Hosts Area Students

" hE

t , Di.Oe ge p I Senior High School ,";.;, !.; of Brainerd and the newly -elected vice presi- Tennessee Education , Caplai dent ol the

t-righl. U Wm.'sT ,'a'. presided over by Mrs, Collier. Gooilgc. Cw."' *n, Dudd Ui Religious Liberty Club Sends Delegates to Conference

George Powell and BobDuPuy The delegates stated thai al nf the "Heralds of Liberty", the though the 150 delegates of'ihp Collegcdalc Religious Liberty POAU-s 175,000 supporters Lliib uere delegates to the 18th National Conference on Church and Slite relations held at Nash- \ille Tenn., on February 22 and

Dr J L. Clark, associate Pro- fe'^sor of History at SMC, also Miss Whitman attended as a delegate from the Collegedale Church. He re- Gives Rectial lumed to report on the proceed- For Senior ings at a Wednesday night Status Prayer Meeting. Miss Lynda Whitman, so- The conference was sponsored prano, presented her Senior Re- b\ the POAU {Protestants and cital Sunday, March 13, in the Other Americans United for Fine_ Arts Chapel at Southern separation of Church and State) Missionary College.

| lu e\change inforn Included among the selections how the presented by Miss Whitman lands s separate. were "Aus Liebe Will Mein Featured in the dii | Heiland Sterben," from Si. Group and addresses were Sen. Sam J. Mexico Marimba Matlheui's Passion, by Bach; McKee Baking Ervin (D,, N.C.), the recognized "When I am Laid in Earth," ouUtanding authority on consti- Plays Concert on April 2 from Dido and Aeneas, by Pur- tutional law in the United Slates cell; "Pace, Pace, mio Dio," Company Senate; Leo Pfeffer, special counsel for the American Jewish Dr. Stanley tional and Professional College Congress; and C. Arthur. " of Montomorelos, Nuevo Leon. Lowell, " The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I :nted a specia Little Debbie s United. George Whitman, of Atlanta, I forr J of I Lynda presented the recital i c Saturday night (April 2) partial fulfillment of the it at Southern Missionary College. Attention! quirements for the degree of I The four members of the Bachelor of Arts with a maji marimba group played selec- music at SMC. She is minonng I tions ranging in variety from Helping over 185 in German. the Indian songs of the Yucalan Miss Whitman was acconi area to songs of the border. They students to earn their Arlene oi also performed for sacred pro- paniedby Mrs. Ward grams during the weekend at the piano. way through college. Iho SMC campus. 1 Sample accompan- The Seventh-day Advenlisl Vocational and Professional Col- lege of Montemorelos, or the "Colegio Vocational y

UNITED MEDICAL LABORATORIES, Mexico's orange-grow dis-

The members of the marimba group, Haroldo Caslellanos, INCORPORATED Eniesto Cortes, Francisco Flores and Oseas Fernandez, are among the 500 students at the NEEDS Mexican students can to three years of colle Registered Medical Technologists

Technologist Trainees (B.A. or B.S. in Sciei

Technicians CAMP 009i 1. Minimum of two years College in science 2. Bachelor of Arts Degree (non-science major) NATIONAL MEDICAL CADET CORPS TRAINING CAMP UML ALSO NEEDS Gran a Udgo, Michigan Interpreter accountant southeast Asia M=, 31-Jan. 12 — Interpreter accountant — western Europe (i 0; Field Service Representatives Physician Service Representatives Secretaries r:C: Etc. Excellent working conditions, wages, educational benefits, and fringe benefits


L. Davis Michel, Executive Vice President 6060 Northeast U2th Ave., P. 0. Box 3932 Portland, Oregon 97208 (Phone 503—255-1220) SOUTHERN ACCENT

MC WELCOMES 450 SENIORS Secondary School Seniors Participate in College Days Soiilhcrn Missionarj- College host for three days to approxi- lately 450 high school and The sjMjtlight fell on repre- :ademy seniors who began ar- sentatives of the senior classes iving on campus this weekend in the evening as SMC's SA of- ind throughout the afternoon ficers interviewed iliem. The or SMC's annual College Days. program also included a pro- The academy students were gram by the SMC Concert Band, scorted along a two-mile parade directed by W. F, Young. sign- Highlight of the Monday ored by S :ha pel, at which SMC's onal and

; life, presentation of glOO scholarship awards to selected seniors by the college and local SDA confer-

college buildings and indust followed the chapel exercise Monday afternoon was gi lEastern Colleges Richard McLeod Captures Ipian SA Meet and the instructors in iJic field College First in ATS Orations Further recreational activities |At Union College Richard McLeod captured ceived S25 each as they tied for year's Seventh-day Ad- Days first place in the finals of the fourth place. "Easlem InlercoUegiate Southern Missionar>- College judges were: Dr. T. C. The The visiting students Workshop \vil! be held at Union Temperance Oratorical Contest Swinyar, Southern Missionary B College, located in Lincoln, Edition held in the Tabernacle Audito- College physician; Dr. Cj-ril |Neb„ April 20-23. rium at 7:00 on April 7. He Dean, Professor of Physical Education; Mr. Carl Miller, Those representing Southern ivill receive ^76 and an expense Associate Professor of Nursing; tV'Iissionary College are Lloyd paid trip to La Sierra College in ivening a program ot Dr. Jon Penner. Associate Pro- ricks on, Student Association California for the national con- provided by fessor of Speech; and Mrs. Don sident; Don Volbner, SA Fairs Creek Falls test to be held April 16. Each the Programs Committee of the Yost, Instniclor in English, Student Association headed by sident-elect; Bill Nelson, Edi- Will Be Scene Sevenlh-day Adventist college The Collegedale Chapter of in the North American Division the American Temperance So> Of Senior Outing will be represented at this meet- Southern Accent Editor-elect. ciety has been very active The annual senior outing " Ed Shafer, through the years and Chorale Tours Editor-elect of the will be held at Fall's Creek Falls mSoulhern George Powell placed second Memoriesi Albert State Park on the weekend of Florida During |Diltes, ex-Editor of the ind was awarded $50. John Memor- April 29-May 1. The seniors Bill slewhern received $35 for ; Wood, Chairman, SA will leave Southern Missionary Spring Vacation irtha plaque for the seventh year College on Friday and \ The Collegiate Chorale left Roger Gardner, PR Chairman- Whitley and Billy Peefce I rly Sunday. SMC March 30 lo begin its ict; Mr. Gordon Madgwick, week-long torn- of Florida. The jan of Student Affairs; and students gave up tlieir semester I Mr. William H. Taylor, Direc- tor of College Belations. two academies and different Mr. Taylor has consented to churches in Florida. Mrs. Dor- be one of the guest lecturers at featuring a softball game and othy Ackemian, chorale direc- the conference on college news- swimming. Friday evening ves- papers and public relations. pers and the Sabbath morning Fore religioi Greater Miami Academy were The Workshoj) meets once visited along with the churches each year with the SA presi- in Macon, Ga.; Tallahassee, Fla.; deals, the PR chairmen, and edi- I Clearwater; Orlando, West ; of publications in attend- Palm Beach, and Avon Park. :e. The delegates exchange The Chorale also sang for the as and discuss problems en- patients at the Sevenlh-day Ad- thei will be shown. hospital in Avon Park. schools. Each ventist for The students will leave Points of interest visited on after Sunday SMC breakfast trip were Miami Beach and I the different student organiza- the morning. Weeki Wachee Springs. *ions represented and better stu- Fall's Creek Falls State Park, lem associaUons result. (given; five which is about 70 miles from Attempts are also made to SMC, contains housing facilities prog promote cooperation among the as well as recreational areas. oGod, student I associaUons from the Dr. J. W. Cassell, academic and songs of Christ's death and IS Seventh-day Adventist dean, and Mr. Wayne Vande- resurrection. The secular pro- ^s_ east of the Rocky Vere, head of the division of gram contained a variety of songs including Madrigals and co-sponsors of the 130-member folk songs. :

Welcome • • • Sc(ito/tia% Speafcing . . Welcome Seniors

... to a progressive campus ... to a deeply spiritual atmospliere beautiful valley ki ^• . . . lo a

. . . lo all night study sessions Wholldnd ol plac is college, onyy7ay? to ... to true Southern hospitality is College Days Well first 11, ber ot deceived: Col ego not discussions and classes on, a bait—and the slu ^ ... to interesting onary College h ... to active student organizations of lime at its best scl OI d academies . . spring a\ the high oob ^ . lo

. . enduring friendships *««* . lo against exploring the jungles o you decide ^ . . . lo exciting flagball, basketball and softball U you do_il games suaUy hobbhng DUrseli by 'taking a job . . eariy morning chapels ^a . to ^ ... to concerts, lyceums and talent programs °' work and b ... to quiet music in the student lounge "rrtrr, ar^oyerTomVcnd™, ki ki time, and you 11 probably ... to campaigns, debates and press conferences s° b you. toe u, ofe'ttentocelTlhi'da'r ^ to ... to picnics and partitas coUege is tha confidenlial talks with faculty members But one ol the mo t encouraging things about ... to Uege is a complex idea

This is Southern Missionary College! constantly shilling, in lo ople. e Lloyd Erickson

Ih your spea esl-ability combu President, Sludent Association ccent stah? Drop by the °" °''° oiob ief u lopassthflltTra y lest, and talk with any nl this year', stoil-yo U probably be lnducted on the spot. Bu " \ 'Xn*" sTeet YOuToai find him), the Studen n ,sociation org nnirnti on proper (you night be elected Senalo m one ol th orm precincts n informal i". .sionol clubs (™Tth prolessiona! and

bs) . . . The ditlere probably more numeroii. E years will be abl to explore.

But give it otry.

m Ace nl stall hopes tha ; something you see her ring College Days uriosity, will indicate tc place might be in tho c We hope y the bail! RCB

6U Ifl^ a /Vame!

Iding whUe the girls are time a suitabl. the new dorm luld be completed

old—leaving Ihem with . (2) the ; BABEL others say Ihat the m a! solu ould f, be lo supply merely laUy. Th'er

;ould 1 r ther

uth i ike a New Dec seeing those in

. the whole na

able and haUowe

lide John Tolge.

p,r»n.lly 1 SOUTHERN kCCim . Mly and then I

More on SMC

ItbMH- Iniling! lelTphone \V,;l,„ni H. Taylor Nagro hjii been drpn^ Th.optta»;ctl;'; Holds Spring Banquet SA TV network officL At Hamilton Bank Area

C, and met wjlh personnel of CUC's radio station WGTS-FM, While in New York Uiey stayed

found time !o visit ihe Faith for Today television sludios on Long Island. Cost of the trip

Wedding Considtai


jU probably calch" Chair BATCHING: Southern Missionary College a full-length feature film, "Her were Social Educalio and I students disregarded the 45 de- Twelve Men," followed a can- man Kay Cherry gree weather of April 10 and dlehghl spaghetti dinner. Jim ofTicially welcomed spring with After an evening o candle with the Student Association Spring a charmmg atmosphere light, the nocturnal v ew of Banquet. The banquet was lield piano and accordion dinner music— at tlie Hamilton County Park music. 300 students understo od mort assembly haU. Responsible for the banquet fully the traditional cliche The highlight of the evening. plans and the work involved —

John Jay Relates Allen Steele Reappointed Lyceum Lecture, WSMC Station Manager 'Once Upon an Alp'

John Jay, -America's bassador of Skiing" am' lo his election i lager nounced Soulhem Missionary Colh executive commiitee has WSMC April 30 lo personally pr plans for next voied thai Allen Steele, current Commenling on manager. conUnue as year, Mr. Steele said, "We are station his exciting new for style, the Fall academic now receiving apphcations manager in film "Once Upon an Alp. positions on our staR and plans n of 1966, program will lake place nl l for the year are running cele will be the first legedale's Tabernacle Audi smoothly. Next year will not of WSMC at 70.000 only be a banner year for lovely Olympic ski WSMC but for SDA college Starring Putzi Frandl of , ai America's ouUtanding ski come dian, Don Powers, Jay's ne\i production tells the gay ant V of a Vermom

Selective Service Sets Dates for College Tests

By Clark Smith, Director National Service Organization

The Selective Service System A man from General Her- has announced the dates shey's office staled emphatically Saturday, May 14; Saturday, that in his opinion counsel for a May 21; and Friday, June 3, 1966—for the College Qualifica- was bad counsel lo give lo a tion Test. All men expecting to student. He reminded thai a stu- apply for deferment as a college dent does not know how much student for the 196667 school emphasis his hoard will place on year should take this test.

Mr ]

i:i S«ii/crl,mdin 1948. i quarters of the Selective Service He further slated that "ould System are familiar with Sev- opinion the bright student lose iif enth-day Adventists and their certainly have notlung to the pooi habits of Sabbath observance. taking the test, whereas

McKee Baking Company Every man who will he in col- lege next school year and who is registered for Selective Service or will register before June 3, Little Debbie Sophomores Give COLLEGEDALE Helping over 185 students to earn This Is Your Life' their way through college. PHONE 396-27M- For Classmates

A "This is Your Life" l"' HoBmiii gram featuring Melva sponsotei and Cliff Vicker)- "as Slates on those dates, or other )e' by the sophomore class in a valid reason), he should write worship, March 25. to his board and explain why he lite Roger Gardner, emcee for md declare his intention of tak-

Md.a while some of their^Wj- a scr pictures were shown on astronomer, M Chfl, who is an service dedicated his hfe to of Mel''' tninister. The stor)' .I, itiB Ice Foili" experience with tne ilc To apply lo lake the test a reg- ^^ and her conversion to istrant should go to any local Ch'irch^^^ enth-day Adventisi draft board office, a college or a of "^r s lold with the help high school, and obtain {1) a [Xv^m^S^virren-

106, (3) a ticket of admission— SSS Form 107, and (4) a mail- ing envelope. Forms must be plan, ^,P<"'^''^^5^''';hfSir^ction filled out and mailed according more ^^^^^ :^^^^^l^^r.^ Donnie of . relaiw"* ''^'"'*J"'boiier and postmarked no later than dent, to promote Saturday, April 23, 1966. among the students. SOUTHERN ACCENT

Annual Art-in' the-Round 15 Biologists Show Attracts Over 500 Take Florida More than 500 persons viewed Field Trip he annual Art in the Round Counts, a designer and pot ihow held Sunday, April 1 7 on from Rising Fawn, Ga. he Mall of the College Plaza. featured in the prograi sj^ecial guests Featured were ornithology students. Mr. and Mrs. George Little of The purpose of the trip was I the Little Art Shop in Chatta- see as many birds as possibl nooga, Tenn, Mr. LitUe is es- (over 150 species were ot pecially kno%vn for his pictures served) endnote ihe dislribulio: of birds according to the variou Bennett Directs habitat groups, according to Mi Field School E 0. Grundset, associate profcf 'liology. Directing mo=

vote of the For Religion Area ,vas chosen by '62 1 SMC graduate and ig public and went lo Raul teache t Fore medical technol- Silva, a junior Lake Academy. student from Peru. He was under the leadership of Elder H chosen for his oil painting "Blos- D. Bennett, Assistant Professoi The Cape Kennedy mud flats, Everglades National Park, rees", a scene depicting of Religion, will be held the Knoxville, Tenn., June 19 and ihe Florida Keys were of special interest lo the bird- July 16. The meetings will mphas watchers. Mr. Grundset also mentioned the appeal of the ex- intal Mia 1 the md Miami Beach. Financial Aid < Ignore Government lated with Elder Bei At the Gainesville marshes By ^vill be Elder Don Crook, Min the students observed a wood Assists Students ister of Music, the Southern a ire: nlyslorkin Ihe United male quartet and twelve of thi

ministerial students fi

ams are available lo SMC stu- work, nts wth a fifth one exclu- SA Sponsored Literary !e\y for nursing students. he held from 9:00 These programs varj' in amount lo 12:00 each day. The stu- Magazine Available May 12 lal event for the ind type of financial help. dents will then spend the after- visiting \vith the people Price per copy ivill be Only First, there are Educational noon S.50.

I evening 1 been or- Opportunity Grants. These the dent-v limited printing has vill he ready for distribu- dered for the first year, but Edi- especially needy and well quali- tion on May 12, according lo El- Religion Club fied college students. Such lis Adams, editor of the new Yost Surveys Changes Name Media Attitudes facet of SMC life." For Accuracy On Federal Aid lan 5200 and not more than Adams. In addition to poetry Mrs. Watson S800 per year and are lo com* federal aid to private schools and prose works, student photog- 10 more than one half of was the subject of en article by raphy and drawings are in- Attends Meet the student's school expenses. Professor Don Yost appearing in cluded to give a "more complete In Daytona ly unanimous vote reflected the artistic activity at picture" of feeling that the new name more SMC. Mrs. Del Watson, assi accurately describes the organi- Southern Mission- Yost is assistant professor of The publication is being spon- chairman of ivemment Guaranteed joiUTialism at Southern Mission- sored by several sources, includ- ary College's Division o! Nurs- Louise Standridge, Ixian Program is the next type ing the Student As ing, and Mrs. Parents' Class of available aid. This program The article, "Attitude Scaling Scholarship Committee, Instructor of the of Magazine Statements," re- ;haired by Senalor-of-lhe-Year for the maternity department of attended sulted from his research into the rim Wallers. Memorial Hospital, measurement of attitudes, and a Workshop in Maternity lent backing. Furthermore, "The Legacy" will go on sale he employed the Thurstone Niir It the Business Office and other scale, a measuring device used than 6% interest. This pro- ;elected distribution points by psychologists. Magazine articles and editor- College Buys ials, Yost found, have "atti- tudes" just as measurable as the Johnston Works lal Education B Resuscitator financi lade while the borrower is in udes of people. Oni Council with the Armed Forces or the Peace On Field School ance of a Children's For Emergencies Corps. Such loans may be paid For Idaho Area off early without penalty. The purpose of the workshop

sent both sides of the i: Elder Johnston recently made lo strengthen leaching in as- SMC students may also avail was Editorials from a con lo Pocalello, Idaho, to lay sociate degree nursing programs themselves of funds in the Col- a trip i red groundwork for a field school clinical nurs- be placed in tlie CoUegedale lege Work-Study Program. The religious magazine the by increasing the "very favorable" toward federal be held there this ing skill of inslruclors and key Mr. advantage of this type of work „ Patrol Car, according to aid. school will be held in an nursing service personnel in hos- program over the usual college The Gordon Madg\vick, Dean of pilot pitals used by these programs program is that it provides for a "This was a small Student Affairs. Catholic, wage of S1.50 per hour. To be study," Yost states. "But it does 60% Mormon, 25% for student experience. Protestant. attend were eligible for such aid, a student open the way for furtlier re- and 15% Those eligible to of col- must establish his family's status the opinion function Elder Johnston also visited in members of the faculty Southern Region as low-income. This is done Salt Lake City, Utah, whore he leges in the South- through the CSS. Provided that participated in a rally preparing who are accredited by tlie all students from low-income mgsl ern Association of Colleges and Elder Robert Whits Schools. (Continued on page 5J held by —

Barron Puts Out Books On Draft Test About a million sludenls— qaaen*ime*U Aid at SMG? current high school graduates, college and postgraduate stu- dents—will soon be facing the Selective Service College Quali flcaUon Test. High sc this tesl may spell the di: between the opportunity le, Inie nol only al SMC bi glem.—Except in foreign coud lor 1 Church accepts cdd from

Many are afraid that

he double job of prep

he tests along with tl- ar college work. St The U. S. Federal Govomment is pouring more n the educational system of our country now than at ot of half-forgotten material vithout their original textbooks, io they doubly need a book like

r Horn ior the Student Draft lerment Test (Selective Ser College Qualification Test).

in on wjedge cne multiplying It focusses right Verbal and Math areas tc tested by these exams. 1 practical-

In pre ntmg t

itudenis n ^iMX Wcuf. 2>n.a^ ^e^e^imeni had lathematics b ields other than science and mathematics. Con- versely, the science and mathe- matics majors may have neg- lected vocabulary building. By

through college i laliy ing the answer section, students sot forth by General Hei may quickly accomplish self- di gnosis and evaluation so that a BABEL \ they will know what to review


word lists with definitions and by UT students, by I students, by Yole atu. study guides; exercises in sen- tence completion, word relation- iding comprehen-

UT and CoUegedale. II'b prelty hard up here!" MATHEMATICS SECTION I said that these tests ore weighted in lovor ol gives complete review of subject . math students. What about the rest of us «rho matter from arithmetic funda- mentals to the advanced con-

1 SMC man faUs the deferment tesl but his class cepts of algebra and geometry. ^factory. It is conceivable that some draft boards. Thorough drill is provided in interpreting graphs and statLsti-

In all, there are thousands of questions wth answers for drill „pkle , PIU! model Verbal Aptitude Tests and 10 complete model Mathe- matics Aptitude Tests with

SOUTHfRN ACCENT As reported in the NEW YORK TIMES recently, Lewis B, Hershey, Director of Selective ists had changed >U aamc Id Service, said that these test re- inda Unive«ily. He =xpresse_d Final that group of pmple dedi- -d,a B«l.«y C, Br,.„l sulu combined with the stu- dent's class standing, could in- Exams dicate whether the student would retain student deferment IrSp^iHa 22-26 May or be reclassified 1-A. — T^ Eva Stokcly. Cheryl Here is a book that will be arch,e Edgmon, Cheryl '"3?S ^""""'- welcomed by thousands upon Pholograpber J^ Graduation thousands of students and their iSlS'EHr*'^'

anxious families. It will help lu"'cL,„ L. J.ri.„. Weekend them to be prepared and con- fident when they walk into a test 'N,,i",;s°ifs™.i,° 27-29 May that may change the course of their lives. " .


winter nighh . . Ihn Wtf

,b™t Ik. ,


miles from Fifp liitp Beulah, a' Lula is the Bea World—or it the Midwest. archs say. WHl, vay, they (or In fhe dark>n«

echelon of the Farm Bureau). They run the stores, ihe fire truck, the schoolboard, the Bean Elevator (community skyscraper), nn annual Blackface Minstrel Show, and furnish the local

potluck supperinR and committee creating. This year my father Decame chairman of the Com- munity Education Committee, because ho sent his

r tlie Norlliwood I c of Secretarial Science.

I'm father's status sym bol. I make up for the 320 acres of beans he doesn't have. About o week there's a suppertime monologue like this:

"Saw Cash Verl at the Elevator today. He

anything. I had to tell him that he knew out as much about your college hfc as y

•n family did. . , Everybody in town is in

ed . . . so why don't you tell us a little al:

lege now . . . mat's why we sent you to coll

TYRANNY CAN NEVER HAPPEN HERE Arc the teachers nice?

Ray Hefferlin (A pause—but a short one) Come to think about il—you never talk to us

. you think learning has made you t A peaceful, warm, and Autumn day is slipping fast and do West away

And by the serang sun we say o the university e kids gel away they si nfcing they're too "Maybe winter really isn't near." g i too good for Lula.

"There's no place The summer leaves turn crisp and browned, and, falling covet sky and ground But still old-timers hopeful sound

like Hy paper. . "Might not have hard times this year. All these people who are conceit Who teen here. Though snowflakes fall from tree and cloud, we march when Who marry here. orders echo loud

And murmur still with faces bowed "Tyranny can never happen here." " —

These I Have Hated If There's Anything

. . . I have hated these: Someone's grandmother diriy sinks It all started very simply, one afternoon in late November. smoking cjgaretles; and

"Pardon me ..." I began tentatively, corroborating my watch by the clock in the lobby of the library of the small Southern school. One of the "girls," as librarians and embryo The monotony of rock and roll—like ihe drone of a lone fly in a hoL, librarians like to call themselves, was frenetically discussing stuffy attic: plans with another "girl" for a picnic a group of the "girls" would perhaps be staging come spring. "Girls," I later learned, are strongly in favor of group activities, those being usually the only type available. I love ya, I've been workin' like a do[ I stood at the desk, having not a lot mote than three weeks' hackwork to press me, and took a lively interest in iving of back road5 their conversation. "It's sure to rain!" I said loudly.

One of them turned her head a full twenty-five degrees, and blue s\\-fi acknowledged rude interruption, and said, "Oh, I'm so my I deplore sorry. If there's anything wc can do for you, just let us crude child-molher who cuffs and shakes her childrei a field She liled. msgressing of fresh snow; the fann bureau

Before I could fully assimilate the meaning of her offer, however, she had cranked up her idling conversation and I chafe under the powe was off again. "—and it's always so nice there in the spring-

She turned to me: "What did you say about rain?" : goes without the look of fabrii ' Jt- always -rains- there- every -year- wi thou t-f—ail," I said, straightening for action. "Could you tell me Stripes and checks together for the lack of

. . "Oh don't be silly," she littered. "Isn't he sHly, Joanie.'" anything new , and mtle boy's lams , . YOU dare—the topless evening sU-ap. Joanie, the Other One, tittered concurrence, looking primly eOicient. "Silly boy!" she said. Uncerlainly—that feai How often I have neei ssly anguished for the future, beciii "I'm sorry" I said quickly. "Actually that's a very nice have snubbed faith a

." place for a picnic. However, I was just wondering if you . . .

The First One had disappeared. I put my elbows on the desk, leaned forward, and looked curiously over the edge. There she was, squatting on the floor, opening drawers. "Need a pencil," she said quietly to herself, and continued moving things from one drawer to another, looking carefully By Donald Vollmer at broken pencils, and muttering.

Suddenly she surfaced violently: "Did you want ." some- "Where are you going? . , thin

Who, instead of stopping to answer. Continued on his way.

"Well, why in the world didn't you say so! If there's He did not answer (I imagine) aHyt\\\ng at all we can ever do for you, why just let us know." Because he had business in town— A man to see, or feed to buy for chickens; "I will, thank you. Now, then, I would like to use—" Or ?aaybe his wife or mother— "just a minute." she whispered, looking around con- Vor he was about that age spiratorially. When he might be subject yet to both—

"Let me put this box back," she said, holding up a small round thumbtack box she had grasped somewhere "down there" behind the desk. In her great haste to see exactly But it seemed to i what it was 1 wanted, she had forgotten to replace the box. That on his mind t It was very important. I think I saw it i>

Several minutes later, she was still down there, crawling around on the floor behind the desk, a perplexed look spread thickly over her face, fifteen or twenty tiny library drawers Where he could sit an '!"„'fL hanging half-open. In Spring's prst loveVu "Which otie . . .? she said to herself "Which one was it?" Perhaps I'll catch up I left quietly. And walk on with him hi silence.


sh.d»« Fleming ivings of silent

Rising slowly into light Da^vn drinks deeply, deeply. deeply.

.rd disl.»t call, ir of stars.

R«y Heft.r _R. BryJi ™™"-™™™^"-™;r'™™™™| LLU Accepts Students Finance Kerstin's Two From SMC Sp^oAin^ 0^ S^lt^ \ Return Trip From Sweden 'n Dental Hygiene

Calkins Award for Seniors of

5150 at ihe Senior Presentation

program March 1 on the Col- SMC Graduates Plan Advanced School Work

Marilyn Mary G be the first girl to gra SMC mth a physics She has completed ihe course Austria, and his junior in radio Isotopes offered here for lior years back here. He the first lime by the Oak Ridge editor of the Southern Energy Accent this year. search assistanlship al the Uni- ^' Van Dudley Cockrell, physics Paul Henry Geberl, ch Conin shy of Te. She (Sides the Rice fellowship, major, has been accepted by also complet- accepted the U. T. offer and will Miss Crooker is las had offers from the Uni- Loma Linda University School ship from the Uni ing a mathematics major. She entrance in receive §2700 next year for her ty of Tennessee and the of Dentistry for spectroscopy. is one of a few studenU who has work in infared 'ersity of Missouri. The followng year she \vill re- attended school here in College- Fifty-eight students have re- will work ; ceive a fellowship. dale from the first grade through Rill bef sues a Ph.D. m chemistry. The c e i V e d acceptances to the Uce this fall. college. assistanlship is renewable every I Miss Crooker plans lo receive school's class of 1970. Sixty year with increased stipends. her master's degree at U. T. and It I then go on to complete her doc-

phase of the dental field.

The day foUowng SMCZ grad- Auto Repair Lynda Collegedale has been Paul's residence for the last eight years. Road Service SMC was his college choice for three years. He spent his junior COLLEGEDALE year at the University oE Mary- land. Van, from Mobile, Ala,, has PHONE 3%-2714 In addition lo his chemistry * attended SMC smce graduating major, Paul has a mathenia from Highland Academy, Port- minor. He will begin his gra land, Tenn. SNEA Meet Attracts Five From Campus

The Tennessee Student Na- tional Education Association Convention was attended by five representatives of the SMC chapter of SNEA. The Con- McKee Baking Company vention was held April 15 at the Tennessee Polytechnic Institute *nCookeviUe,Tenn. Little Debbie

Helping over 185 students to earn their way through college.

Elder Johnston Senior Class Directs Meetings Profcssional Plans Excursion Wedding Consultants In Cleveland For Final Social

president, R- I Senior class }^^

of May 15. op" I tvill provide

-J.W.CassellandWay}^ VandeVere families "iH beJj ,, arrangements sident; Robbie Wiggins, Elder Johnston has presented charge of the food j secreury; each for 1966-67, and ly messages as "Dead ente Ihe sponsor, Mrs. Olivia Dean, in Do Tell Tales!", "On the Musical and other Associate Professor of Educa- e of Armageddon", and "Cre-

I .„. .„ Kb announced. Ceremony Graduates 109 Seniors

Union Conference of Seventh- day Adventists, Dr. Gordon Hyde, chairman of the Lan- guage Arts Division of SMC, and Elder J. A, Crews, radio and TV secretary of tlie Chesapeake Conference.

Elder Becker to deliver the com-

monics. Elder Becker is a mcm^ ber of the Board of Trustees of the college and is vitally inter-

•The Highest of the Lowest" SOUTHERN ACCENT \vas the tide of Dr. Hyde's baccalaureate sermon at the Sab- hath morning church service. Dr, Hyde has been on the fac- ultj' of SMC for the past ten tor. Rees Announces . and has served as pastor Faculty for '66-'67 in England and the United Changes Stales. He holds a Ph.D. degree Several changes in faculty Coming to SMC as ind staff have recently been an- of ihe fine arts divisii Universily. nounced by Dr. C. N. Rees, pres- vin L. Robertson, whc SMC alumnus Elder J. A. ident of Soulhem Missionary u-ith Walla Walla College, Col Crews spoke at the Friday

Robertson is presently a ca Dr. Morris Taylor, chairman which the class was chal- date for ihe Ph.D. in ^usic . I of the fine arts division at SMC, lenged to dedicate cation at Florida State Uni ind his wife Elaine Myers Tay- of Jesus Chris The sily, Tallahassee, and e

lable 1 rado Slate College, Greeli preacher conducted the spring Robertson is a member of Pi Week of Prayer at SMC earlier At PUC Dr. Taylor %vill be head Kappa Lambda, Phi Mu Alpha this year. I of the piano department, and his Sinfonia, and the International All of the graduation cere- Society for Music Education. I TaylorsJiave been at SMC since monies were held in the new Presently a candidate for the . Taylor received his Collcgedale Seventh -day Ad- |Ph.D. in piano and musicology doctorate in educational psy- and David Charlotte McKee vends t Church. Ifrom Boslon University, and chology at the University of Steen are the newly elected Candidates for the degrees are in England on ex- Southern California, Los Ai presidents of the Sigma Theta Clydi follows: oNew- geles Miss Aim Chi and the Upsilon Delta Phi. Berk- Each semester new officers are (Continued on page 4) chosen for tlie women's club, the Sigma Theta Chi. The Upsilon Larry Bogar Delta Phi elects ofTicers once a Will Edit Joker sociate at USC. Her doctoral For Next Year Eleven Students dissertation was entitled 'The Charlotte McKee. a junior of- Ministerial Group Receive Merit Physiological and Psychological fice administration major from Measurements of Anxiety and Portland, Tenn., was elected to Chooses Theme: Their Consequence on Mental majority vote. As- I Awards for Work the office by Test Performance." sisting her are: Joie Davis, fresh- Tower Pattern' Eleven German students have man nursing major as general leen designated by Elder R. R. (Continued on page 4) vice-president; Ruth Couch, sophomore elementary major, Jerman, to receive the Certifi- religious vice president; Jean ^te of Merit for outstanding Hagan, freshman communica- achievement in the study Ron Bentzinger of the tions major, secretary; Mary ierman language. This award Will Head MV Louise Holmes, freshman medi- ; presented by the American LSsocialion of Teachers of Ger- For 1966-67 Year Carol Baker, jimior music major, organist; and Jackie Salyers,

break the de between Marilyn McLarty, and JoeAim Newman Cecil Petty for social vice president and Crooker and Robert Potts in the Connie Arnold and Kay Hart- Awarded Grant For Assistantship Other students to receive the lavid Steen, a sophomore pre- award are: Neil Peck for three Cecil Petty, 1965 SMC sum- l major from Asheville. N. C, years of study and Sylvia Crook, also elected by majority

business adminis' e plans «il[ include lugh 1

The students have had to freshman P. E. major, Gerald VanHoy,junioi in physical chemistry this fall. German courses. According to standards set by the Association, This past year Petty has been only the lop five students from on the faculty of Weslside Ele- one academic class arc fidito/tiof L) Speoieing .

^^/Jaafie 04- £fUtlu44fUa.

the religion oi Jesus, as expounded in Scrip as olwa, Byslem ol elhics of any major religion. But today, whii Ihere aie some so-called exponents oi ChriBtion moralily su would cast Christian morality into the turbulent walers of

One such insidious excuse for Christian morality which h Tiealed deeply into conlemporary thinking is what

d the ethic system oi morahly of this phUosophy propound a highly subieclive determined by which holds that the moralily of any acl is not individucd revealed, objective moral slandords, but by each

It pretends to the "old" idea of every man a law unto himseU. operate under the noble principle ol agape (Gr.: love), but in

thcE arkly Chisholm and Fisher in Graduates Biblic Lead 1966

rality i nlhret

First, the Bible teaches that morahly is not determined by objective, re- the leelinga. whims, or emotions oi man, but by in vealed moral laws (absolutes, if you please) as revealed s %vill lead the God's Ten Commandments and as magnified by Christ and His m Uie aisle lo- will be working in the busii apostles and prophets. department of the Tappat Secondly, not only does the Bible ieach that laws ol morality long-anlicipated nock Memorial Hospital, a n will be many are objective and obsolule, but that sin-daproved humanity b sols what dity an omniscient God who knows best lor His erring sealed by Cheryle Ann Chisholm and nock, Virginia. ildien. Lloyd Herbert Fisher. Il was only a few short years Paul, in Romans 7:7 declares, "I had not known sin, but by measure the influence of these ago that the smiling face now so two wheel chair graduates upon students was familiar to SMC the student body of SMC. Yet Christianity nationally recognized as the e last point tha lade is thai o who can deny thai tliese uvo of morality. Easter Seal symbol of the fight a grave injustice il it b viewed as simply a system e had their effect? Their against cerebral palsy. Thai Although Jesus spoke much about law and morality, Christianity achieve, their desire to was in 1950 when Cherj'le back leir faith in God, tlieir wnssix. Her schedule that year included everything from tele- conclusion sounds contradictory considering points one and two. appea rage herein lies the genius of Christianity; its aim is salvalion, and Ma. ' 1 Alben through the regenerating power of God on ihe mind ol man

he is enabled to be righteous; lo state it plainly, morality and the keecina of law are the results ol salvation. redherielf teach other young people the m tricacies of English and Spanish Never one to let her physical handicap Cher

yle .11 have compietpd hi

piemen ted her Spanis! with t^vo sununer trips to Mex-

Cheryle plans to begin her leaching career next fall with a full load of five classes a day- three sections of English and Spanish I and II—at Madison Academy, Madison, Tenn. "Buddy" Fisher (also known to close friends as "Fish") has become a famiHar part of the campus as liis wheel chair has rolled to classes and cafeteria lines during the last four years.

perienced pain and disappoint- •nt himself, his contribution in help in j

;ase the suffering of i" rorld. Fisher, whose field ing, hopes to use his talents 1 I Cop "Fast pitch" Title

l^w^Br^ i^H

1 (Conlinuei on page 4) IH ^vj '''Ql^l ^^«|Mil^B^y.«m| ^^^g^

sojiJiiim iccim 1 ^ LEONARD'S AMOCO SERVICE ^=^'— ^iS Auto Repairs Road Service 3fHH?=S:?£J~3 COLLEGEDALE

PHONE 39fi-2714 ~t~:Ei=;:t.'r.~;s-fS 1

Spor+s Senior Placements (Conlltiued from page 31

I Unofficial Pltch:n9 R„crd,

To be teaching iii the sp area of S.MC's communical

Mrs. Genevieve McConi presently at Walla Walla Co!^ | lege. Mrs. McCormick receivec

her master's in speech from iht Universily of Washington, Seal

correction and public addi V/s%nd Academy, Highlan her graduate study. To join the mathemati

Hanson, presently nearing pletion of the Ph.D. in mathe-l malics education al Florida State | Universily, Tallahassee, son, who took his master fjree in Mathematics froi

Uni versity of California, ] of I taught at the University " Oregon, California Slate Poly- technic College, and Floridi Slate Universily. To teach in the music depart-

,' menl at SMC is William has completed McGee. McGee | the course work for the

Bloc lington. lauglit : theory, and has music theory for two years ol lU. He has been elected to Pi Kappa Lambda. Teaching in the physical edu- cation area at SMC "'ill be Mrs. Kraig Kroschel, presently cm- ployed by the Walla Walla Val- "'-"= ' ley Academy, Walla Walla, Wash, Mrs. Kroschel is

Atlantic Union calion division at | College, Souih Lancaster, I

Mis ondaiy I • Ph.I _..., the Un of Nebraska. Lincoln, a"'' ': Arncn listed in Who's Who in can Education and Directory 1 'i'^-'ican Philosophers. Hamel, pr«' . Carrol E. ently SMC, will I

of food i

Battle Creek Sanitarium . Hospital, BatUe Creek'^S^S

staff appointme"ls ^V SOUTHtRN ACCENT

SMC Prepares for Largest Enrollment \pplicafions College Starts New High ^^each New Ad Building calions for ihe 1966-6

readied e ive Southern Missionary College developed final plans for the / administration building a slight in .„,ording lo W.Fulcher, director of ; F ons, 1,206 students 1 accepted (as of July 42 ) a gain ol last year. Tlii Designed by Biancidli losed of 428 fresl Tyler nil be jmores, 240 juniors, Georgian Colonial match Again to the present architectural design of the campus, and it will domi- nate the new mall on which the new women's residence hall has -mer students—601 been constructed and where re males and 605 plans call for another residence

. 273 will live in

illage, 29 on the Orlando * at Madison, 413 _esidcnce halls,

in the WRH,

} conferences; Dr. Gordon Across the hall from Dr. Rees will be M Hyde, Florida; Elder J. Don the oflice of Dr. J. W. ook and Roy Battle, Georgia- Cassell, Jr., academic dean.

The busbiesE suite on the first floor will include die offices of Charles Fleming, Jr., business manager; Kennetli Spears, di- ATS Racks Up Pastor Potts Wins New Associate 57.690 Points Scholarship To Direct Youth Activities Toward Award For Law Study niimeograph Eldtr R II \Aentland. Jr., Mr. Wentland ser%ed as prt as totaled vaults for si< Robert Leslie Potts a hisli the new a ociate pislor of ihe ideiit of the Viet Nam Missioi Dver twice putor busines as pastor of the college churc iarded a scholarship Cj|let,edale be^enlh-day Ad- P"' }^ Also on die \enlist renewed ac- in , and as >outK leat " tudj ,n lau Church the offices of die director of ad- quiintances with friends and er in Saigon during Im tour i missions and records. Dr. C. F. duty in the Far East Ht colleagues fiom Viet Nam at tlie W. Fulcher, and his assistant. ;arted the Seventh dn> Ad\eni ord Schoul of La\% in I sOth World Conference of Miss Mary Elam. iham Aid or the Unn Seventh daj Ad^endsts held in is! Seminary in Saigon phunc Inn. and has been help of Aldbama Tusciloc fui to an unknown number of Second-Hoor Offices Chaltanoogans The ri\eDay The lecentlj appointed asso- 'bert has He has also served as pastor Phn a piactical method forget On the second floor will be the spent three -ve ciate -will assist Elder Roy B. I SMC his freshman of the Auburn, N Y cimich ling lid of llie cra\e to smoke office of the dean of students, iiin: Thumion pastor Mr Wentland nd s chaplain of Union Is olT lo a good stall under the Gordon Madgwick, and the *ipent almo 10 n 1 T Sp s A<,ukm> Union dirLCtion of Dr J M Ackemian counsehng senice along with East lid \\1 1 Sr g N Y Hcis a gpduate and Phihp Wliar\ and will be Dr J M Ackerman s testing there hu d 1 Ij I k Berrii greath expanded ii

t had a total stu !. S\\edish \mI The areas of public relations |) 761 about cciMng his . Ml Wentland det of h development and alumni vnll be will beg)n pi a udetil bodj It on the second (looi also where Wilham H Taylor du-eclor of college relations and liis assist essn> prot,rim and a speech ant Elder J Don Crook wdl contest It prL ented Temper Elder have their offices Nam Report ancc Week featuring Scully and Elder Rede At the time of movuig into In an iiilerMcw Mi Weni new administration build ) Church Vi the land iaid ihnL South Viet Nan^ ing which will probablj come paiiicularlj the Saigon are i ATS \nsited s ? Ihir m Februar) of 1967, churches presenUng a pro m January or IS crowded Refugees fiom Nor'' SDA temperance all Viet Nam number o' mil gram of spmUial over Southern Union. Also liilo A the visited high schools in the olal 260,000. He reports Uiat were Hamillon, Bradley, he 45-bed Advcntisl hospital is counties of iperaling at capacity with ap- Whitfield, i It Recently the local iroximately 150 out-patients. recent lo be started in SMC's hospital in s the only American S5 million, 10-year development program. Mr. Wentland and his family propaganda put out by cigarette "Split The next building, a new irrived in Collegedale July 1. idvertisers, and Second," get way 1 film bj' the North Carolina dormitory, will imder ^e is assuming llie position va- lighway Department showing sometime this summer, accord- ;ated by Elder W. G. Ambler, ing to Mr. Fleming, SMC's ho accepted a pastorate in Al- lanta SA Committee 8c(ito/tia^% Speaibing . Will Present New Constitution!

ConstiluiJonal Revi The far-sighted develop; ttee of the Student Askj-b this college in a position of >n has announced that the I light of currently emerging

Over 200 Students Make Honor Roll In holh of areas, th tions sldlls ont the devel Second Semester, Miss Elam Reports in the vrngiinr 1- Over 200 students have made Grotheer, Virginia Anne Peck, Sanford Neil SMC/'Zotro p°e"cop"«' the honor roll for ihe second se- Hake, Ruth Ann Peeke, Mari^in Leon mesler of the 1965-66 school Hall, Stephen Antliony Philips, Margaret Priscilla year, according to Miss Mary Halvorsen, Damans Piatt, Marian Naomi to lure much talent." Elam, Assistant Director of Ad- Halvorsen, Dixie Lee Pons, Dora Matilda This inadequate situation is only now being realized as missions and Records. Ham, Glenda Kay Potts. Robert Leslie an acute problem in many colleges: the problem of "lalent" which To be eligible for the honor Hamilton, Thomas Edward Powell, Floyd Herman con-t eflectively is indeed a serious one. BUT communicate roll, a student must have a 3.00 Hamm, Minon Powers, Stephen Earle IV WHEREAS MA.KY SCHOOLS WIU JUST NOW BEGIN TO BUILD t,Taile point average on al least Harris, Belly Elizabeth Pryor, Wanda Jeannette IN TfflS AREA, HAS A WELL-ESTAB- THEIR PROGRAMS SMC \velve hours of college work Harwell, Gail Annette Randolph, Kathy Eloise LISHED, BALANCED AND VALUABLE ASSET IN THE DEPART- Hedrick, Evelyn Earlene Rascon, Lucia Jean MENT OF COMMUNICAnONS. Those who qualified are as Holland, David L. Regal, Austin Garth The technical and construction work being done this summer ollowst Holt, Benjamin Russel Reiber, Ramona Kathleen to boost WSMC-FM's broadcasting power lo 70,000 watts is an Allen, Audrey Louise Hoh, Eveb-n Elaine Reifsnyder, Edward Filbert indication of spirit of cooperation and progress exceUonI the Andrus, Marielta Hooper, Dorothy June Rhodes, Harn,- Arthur facilitated the development our "communicalions which has of Anthes, Michael Oliver Hughes, Sharryn Rose Richardson, Paul Lee Barto, Leonard Jackson, George Allen, 11 Rolls, Dolores (Geneva We commend the program, both to its designers and builders Bata, Rudolph Andrew. Jr. Jackson, Janice Anne Rozell, Marion Susan Bentzinger, Ronald Bruce Jansen, Glenda Mae Rowell, Joan Ellen communicalo to an increasingly complex world. R.B. Bernal. Normal Eriis Jewelt, David George Sammer, Meredith Rutii Bernard, Vivian Jean Johnson, Mary Kathleen FRANCIS DAVID NICHOL Bicknell. Linda Lee Johnston, William Hasson Shafer,"Edwin Michael Bloodworth, V. Jean Kanna, Art Allen Shoemaker. John Ronald 1897 - 19GG Bolan, Waj-ne Knighl. Edson Andrew Sievert, Sandra Gayle w mo im the passing of a great man. Boyson. Jack KeiUi Knight, Rela Mae Simmons. Sandra Christine B. Th life and work o[ Francis David Nicl ol sp mning Brenneman, James Kobbs. David Carl Sinclair, Allen Lamar Brooks. Kopp, Clyde Elizabeth Iho irs Iwn birds ol the tv/ontiolh century had many acots Edwin Gene C. Sinclair, Sarah all of \vhich are tragically emphasized by his deatl His Brown. Kenneth Wayne Kuhhnan, Charles Sowder, Steve Ray role OS a CO nmunicator was surely primary. Brvaiit. Rodney Craig Une, Bruce William Speaker, E. Gail An d now his death has brought into imutta neous Burris, Linda Jo l^uterhahn. Janel Kaye Steele, Dennis Franklin pro mmonce both the importance of and n ed fo out- Byrd. Barbara Anne Lee, Paul Allen Steele, Marian Anna i,lu Caldwell, Olho Richard Lee, Sarah Janice Steiner, Beverly Babcock M nwh o possess the technical and odilorio I'skilh which Campbell, Linda Rae Leilner, Jack Earle Strickland, Henry Wayne Capps, Irene Alberta Elc or Nicho possessed and exercised during tiis 33 Leitner, Judith Susan Strong, WilUam Luke as odi or o the "Review and Herald" are are e ough Carlson. Curlis Keilh Lemke, Cathie Ann Sue, John Philhp w f ca only hope that the coramumca ons-o Camilh, Jeanelte Gayle Lewis, Gloria Carol Swanson, Carol Rutli Cassada, Nancy Sharon Lewis, William Warner Blake ,pl It this college will in some capo city p Vernon Swarner, m"^ "£p Center. Richard P. McDermott, Joseph Michael Swayze, Anne Jensen Bn Clausen. Judith Ann McFarland. Thomas Roy Swmson, H. Arthur 1- avid Nichol was an outstanding n Cobos. Palricio McKee, Charlotte Elaine Taylor, David Charles Cockrell. Van Dudley McNeal, Mary McGhinnis o fhe" grealcst the church has seen in hii ?e i^ Sue Taylor, Doris Colson, No OI y w s his character the local point lo much Harry James Maddock, Dean Ellis Tewis, Diane Irene Coslerisan, Iha soundly Adventist, but in hb writing and e Frank Joseph Madson, Bonnie Sue Tewds, Huey Duane Crookcr, Marilyn Janice Lee ho e-r adiat d that peculiar quality in clear, si ady cc unsel. Mary Maeslas, Maxine Louise Thompson, Darnell, Nolan Bryant Mallernee. RoUin E. Thornton, Gayle E. Davis, James Wayland Maples, Donald Kenneth Tindall, Donald Jay Davis, Laura Faye Weiidall 1 Marcum. George only h vo le professional competence but th e deep er di- James Lewis Tollerton, true ability, the broad cultural Dilles, Frances Linda Marina, Cora Ann Tribble, Cheryl Ann Dreos, Elva Wesley hies, Ihe koorj and carolul mind. One acully Adeline Marsh, Nancy Ann Turner, Charles s ol Ihe time, when bringing Elde Nicho DuPiiv, Barbara Anne Martin, Judith Arlene Vance, Donnie Gay Te portl DuPuy, Robert Karl Marlon, Arlene Rae Paul EMs € ate one nighl, they loll lo discussing. Ihon Viar, Edgnion, Linda Alene They linished the ride from the ai Marl/. J Paul Viar, Polly Dunn Efhvnrds, Anne ma oly radise Lost" Sandra Lytm (Mduldi,!) Hei-man Vining, Judith Do agrca man Etkins Harold E, Wallers, Jim W. Hyp Eliioii, Pat Ann Walker, Paula Nelle

EliiMo,,. 1 Ray Erwin Bruce 1 1 Watson, Donald Lamoni ^ Eiskiii, Janilyn Kalhryn ^1 ill Weaver, Leslie ^ Erwin, James Vl Marlene Mary Edward IJ I Lli-. " . l\, Weigle, Fcagiri, Dorothy Wiggins \hllM D [,ald Ikrbeit Welch, Daisy Inms SOUTHERN Kiim Patricia L II Miller, Patricia Kdy Wendell, fub iJ»n- Th. Student Aiuciadon. Seultiern Ktiuto ury College Fowler. Palricia Sue Miller. Peggy ha Wliidden,WoodrowWdson II C.l,.,.d.,.. ,„,„„. Frcy. Clyir Arthur Minesinge.,' James H Whitley, Martha Judon L== 1| Fri. -fii, B,^rbara Kay Moone\ Palncia Lea Whitman, Judy G- IV- lit!:, Marj- Ruth Muderspach lb Bamhardt Wiik. Lila Ann I'dll.'i („.„rgc Stephen Murph\ Giorgc Joseph Williams, James Russel ''.11' Vo^^^ ^ I Iv'le Richard Myeis ka.enbue Williamson, Mary Wilham 'Toh<-M. l^iul Henry Neu Ronald Frank Winters, Richard Gcisingcr. Carol l,ee Newell, Ronald Leon Woodruff, Judy Bene Goodbrad, John Davis Ni\ Mar>- France* Worthy, Harold Doycc Gwendolj-n Goodge, Gram Warren Owen, Gerald M Young, Frances Graham, Alvan Leon, Jr. Palm, Annette Mane Young, Marva Jean Green, Belty Calhryna Parker, Gloria Dianna Youngberg, Aileen Yvonne Greene, James Arthur Parker, Linda Jeanne Zollinger, Ellen Colleges Plan Intercollegiate Southern Missionary Coliege Magazine-Yost LYCEUM-FINE ARTS SERIES 1966-1967

t professor of journalism. The major force behind the pro-

' r theology major and

Students raised the money to send Gray- btll to Washington, D. C, "to

ing of the Adventist college deans of students. Slopping at Soutliem Mission- ary College on the Washington

almost identical plan for a mag- azine on that campus. Wallers and Graybill sal down

king closely «-ith Yost on the plan. Yost, a former assistant editor of the

Ph.D. in journalism ivitli spe- cial emphasis on religious WTit- ing. The agaz mid provide for exchange of ideas and plans among the col- leges, giving a composite picture

nationally, and providing a uni- fying factor among the colleges. Griybill who Uius far has ardina ing ihe project.

d articles o the issues and problems tha confront college tudents — a chool at home and tie Drld other amoved purpose of le magazme ould be to pro loteaspirlof nvolvement and ;tter mders and ng an o g the ud nls as far as the church is

> cerned Asked ho 1 th s magaz ne ould differ from the ioutks ictor GraybUl sa d In

il vajs Oiu- target aud s the SDA college stude it

o r art cles viU be n ore

Ihe 1 nc of nei s features

'. ne arucles popular es sajs and pi oto features rather

than 1 : de volional articles the magazue nil be n ore secular i ap proach thin the 1 oull s In Ir c o m ant part cularly for eckda^ ead ng altl ough ve would certainly want sohd re- ligious articles." •'We've tallied this project over ™ih Elder Waller Cran- dall. Youth's Inslruclor editor, and feel we will not be in con- nict with his magazine. The Youths Instructor is a Hne jour- we feel we can add to what 39 Are nal, Honored it is already doing and fiil a real On Dean's List need," says Graybill. While in Washington, Gray- Thirty-nine students at Bala, Rudolph Andrei ^Whem bill discussed the project with MUsionary Colleee Byrd, Barbara Anne 3VC made the Dean's List for Dreos, Elva Adeline DuPuy, Robert Karl nieDeai^'s™ Edgmon, Linda Alen. igh , John Hancock and Theo- scholarship, includes Foster, Glenna Faye dore Lucas, associate and secre- iludents who have a 3.5 Friesen, Barbara Kay respectively, of the MV JJoint average on a 4.0 Ham, Glenda Kay tary, Hamilton, Thomas Donald Herbert »»12ho™sotv°ork~to Hamni, Minon Peek, Marvin Leon Holt, Evelyn Elaine Piiilips, Margaret I Bumiller Gives Arts Series (Continued) SMC -Lyceum-Fine Color Film Tour, 'Summer in Italy* "A Summer in Italy," an aU color film tour, was presented I Saturday night, June 25, at Southern Missionary College Collegedale, by Ted Bumiller' world traveller and architect. The personally narrated ly. ceum included slops in northern Italy at such places as the lovely lakes Como and Maggiore, the Ilalian Rii-iera, and continued south \vith visits to the foun- tains of Ville d'Este, ilie lemon groves above the Gulf of Saler- no, Isle of Capri, the Bay of Naples and Cortino.

Bumiller, a graduate of the University of Cincinnati with a degree in architecture, began traveling in his high school PHIL WALKER \ when he and a friend a bon. The Sjiice Islands, lost their lives on a 60i. Sukarno,' the Sultan's Palace, the Great Bromo, the ! mile canoe trip into Canada. Djakarla Region, Bogor, Bandung, Kawah Batuh, Since then he has worked as an architect, married and raised a four-daughter family, and made several travel motion pic- tures. His first film was shot as he travelled around the world by jeep, soon after leaving col- lege. On tliat odyssey MISSIONARY COLLEGE BAND he met SOUTHERN his future wife, Gunhild, in Aa!- borg, . Other Bumiller productions include "A Journey

MUSICAL ARTS QUINTET " Editor-in-Chief. ItJ Ball liller, Southern Accent, RoH Legli. ndi™dlrine St; and Bo horn. Attends Harvard Their 1 ivilh aeslhc ic ajipeai and beauty Rodney Bryant, editor of the Southern Accent, is studying this summer at Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, IVIass. |

July 5 till , Rodney

is taking work in psychology and history. He plans to return to College- Southern Missionary Collet dale "as soon after the end of Lyceum-Fine Arts Series the session as possible," lo begin

* College Auditorium XXII of the Accent. Collegedale, Tennessee Several students on campus, directed by Rodney via air mail 1966-1967 School Year letters, are putting out this edi- Accent TEXAS BOYS' CHOIR tion of the Southern \rith the help of the editorial Admission Prices ?rrection are adviser. See masthead for those ^idual admission price is $75 for who worked on this issue. for children. Lyceum Season tick Tip'ricnn'folk ) for 10 adult admissions, S2.! Nurses Complete adult admissior _ ceum - Fine Art: Requirements adults, S3. 75 for children. For First Aid COLUMBIA UNION COLLEGE in coloi Students enrolled in the As- CHOIR Pro- sociate of Science Degree Southern Paul Hill, Director gram in Nursing at Missionary College recently completed a ten-hour standard American Red Cross First-Aia Co""- Course, sponsored hy^tlie

I Disast Dis Ten Colleges Plan Intercollegiate Magazine (Continued) R.N- jnal uffiLL ^^^,u\d JiL^d bu ial area that Mrs. Armena AbernaUiy, jp on one of ihe collcgp ne inslrucio. . ., probablj at Andrews Firsl-Aid man of the District 4 comnulte^J employed^ Mrs. Abernathy is tlie Emergena 1 anj way. Needed Head Nurse of Hospital^ photographers, artists, promo- Room at Memorial srned, four possible plans are eluding Ray Greenly. MV lead- tion salesmen and "lots of good Chattanooga. eing er at the college, who, strangely worked out, but these received spirit ' The reports will also be Students who enough was eed further sludj and depend as ft also alicady work- re presen tali \ es. a\ailable to college faculty and Aid Certificates are Barefoot, M^none \ ^ Susa Walk«^ Mary Whitten, Paula Greenly and Gravbill, e Nin?Fenderson, MarcaA^r \rilh Ron Geral>-, nc^^ly el. proposed readership. nathy, Ann ,McClure,__M^O Negley, Virginia Joyce Jasper. 74 3-'^'