South Africa Official Title: Republic of General Information: Capital Tshwane (Pretoria) Population (million) 5n7/.a726 Total Area 1,221,038 km² Currency 1 CAN$=10.21 Rands (ZAR) (2018 - Annual average) National Holiday 27 April, Freedom Day Language(s) Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu Political Information: Type of State Parliamentary Republic Type of Government Executive: President elected by the National Assembly for a 5-year term (eligible for a second term). Legislative: Bicameral Parliament – National Assembly (400 members) and National Council of Bilateral Product trade Provinces (90 members). Canada - South Africa 2000

1500 Balance

1000 Head of State Head of Government s Can. n Exports

o 500 i

President President l l Can. i Imports Cyril Ramaphosa M 0 Total -500 Trade

Ministers: International Relations and Cooperation: -1000 Trade & Industry: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Finance: Tito Titus Mboweni Statistics Canada

Main Political Parties Canadian Imports African National Congress (ANC), Democratic Alliance (DA), Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), (IFP), (NFP), United Democratic from: South Africa Movement (UDM), (FFP), Congress of the People (COPE). Precious M et als/ st o nes V eg . Pro d .

C hemical Pro d .

M ach. M ech. Elec. Prod . B ase M et al Pro d .

Elections: Lans/at: 2019 (legislative-lower and upper house). Next: 2024 (legislative-lower and Foo d Pro d . upper house). 2019 M ineral Pro d . Statistics Canada Economic Information: (2018) IMF South Africa Canada GDP: (billion) $478n.1/a0 $2,222.58 Canadian Exports GDP per capita: $8,282n.2/a0 $60,078.85 to: South Africa GDP Growth rate: (%) 0n.7/a9 1.83 M ach. M ech. Elec. Pro d. Inflation: (%) 4n.6/a2 2.24 C hemical Pro d . Unemployment: (%) 27n.1/a3 5.83 V ehicles and Eq uip . Product Trade and Investment: (2019) Statistics Canada B ase M et al Pro d .

Canadian Exports: $354,830,3n6/a9 V eg. Pro d . Canadian Imports : $1,028,578,4n8/a2 A nimal & Pro d . Foreign Direct Investment in Canada (2018) $7n5/a4 (million) 2019 Sp ecialized Inst . Canadian Direct Investment to country (2018) $1,6n2/a2 (million) Statistics Canada Representation: Sources: Statistics/Industry Canada Foreign Representation in Canada High Commissioner Sibongiseni Dlamini-Mntambo IMF Canadian Representation Abroad Vacant

February 2020

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