Volume8, No. 9 Publishedat UCSD 16th~ear of publication Feb.1 - Feb.14th 198"3 High SchoolDistrict Censors Anti-DraftGroup Ad In a blatantact of censorship,San CARD has responded to the Diego Grossmont Union High School censorshipby filingan administrative Districtofficials have forbidden student claimagainst the district as thefirst step journaliststo printa CommitteeAgainst towardpossible litigation should the Registrationand the Draft (CARD) districtrefuse to rescindthe directive. displayad thatencourages students to Schooldistrict officials have 45 days knowtheir rights and optionsregarding registrationand the draft. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ActingAssistant Superintendent Bob Historyof ,Kulture, FOIA, King issuedthe directiveto school Music, Middle East, Blasphem]f, principalsordering them to disallow Krishnas,Funky La Jolla,and more... publicationof thead "onthe basis that we would be contributing to the solicitationof an illegalact by our fromfiling to reconsidertheir position. students."I-he directive also states that As theyare not expected to changetheir the ad had gone directlyto journalism decision,CARD has securedthe aid of advisersand studenteditors rather than National l,awyers Guild attorney schoolprincipals. RaphaelLevens and intendsto bringa lawsuitagainst the Grossmontdistrict StudentsMarch, January 20th, from Revelle Plaza to the Chancellor’s Obviously.district officials are whenthe 45 dayselapse for being denied office to present demands for an end to University of California unaware of the 1969 Supreme Court an equal opportunityto communicate weapons involvement,and to funding of militaryresearch. The rally decision(Tinker vs. the Des Moines withstudents. Military recruitment and and march were sponsored by San Diego Alliance for Survival. SchoolSystem) which upholds students’ SelectiveService ads areallowed to be First AmendmentConstitutional Rights publishedin highschool newspapers. to free expression,providing that AdministrationUrged to Set Up expressionis notlibelous, obscene, or While districtofficials have been materiallyor substantiallydisruptive to quotedas statingthat the nameof the organization (Committee Against school operations.In other words. PoliceRelations Committee schoolprincipals do nothave the right to Registrationandthe Draft) is a sufficient continuedon p~,ge9 A letterurging the administration to FinancialManagement is "less than censoror prohibitstudent publications. establisha permanentStudent-Police desirable."Although the Task Force CommunityNews: Pro-Choice picnic, Weapons testing protested RelationsCommittee is beingaddressed madeits report almost two years ago, the to AssistantVice-Chancellor, Joyce Student-PoliceRelations Committee Justus,it was disclosedto the new has, to date, not been seated, due 600 ProtestU.S. Intervention in indicatorlate last week. primarilyto stiff oppositionby the The letter,sent by AS Commissioner Policedepartment. Thus. despitethe El Salvador of Student Welfare Amanda White, Chancellor’sacceptance of the Task with peoplein San Ysidroand several seeks to implementthe recommenda- Force recommendations, the On Tuesday,January 19, the Peace Administration has conveniently Resource Center, along with other hundred people demonstrating in tionsmade by theChancellor-appointe5 shelvedthe planto appeasethe Chief of prc, gressivecommunity organizations. Tijuana,drew some 600 participants. committee--the Task Force en Police and others who opposed an sponsoreda talkand slideshow on the University Procedures Regarding The PeaceResource Center’s Nuclear Demonstrations---whichpublished its independentcommittee influencing the KwadjelianIslands (missile landing site FreePacific event pulledout diverse reportin June1981. campuspolice operations. for most Vandenberg faunches, elementsin San Diego’sprogressive including the propsed MX missile The recommendationsof the Task community to hear about US The letter by AS Comissioner launch)and the NuclearFree Pacific Colonialism and militarism in Force.chaired by JoyceJustus, included Movementthat filledthe WesleyChurch the establishmentof a permanent AmandaWhite calls for the immediate Micronesia.The Centerrelied on its implementationof the TaskForce report with 200 to 250 people.The California extensivegrassroots support in the Student-PoliceRelations Committee by seatingthe Student-PoliceRelations Abortion Rights Acton League, and communityand the active supportof with"reporting responsibilities to the Committee. The Committee was numerousother organizations, drew 150 severalcommunity environmental and Chancelloror his designee."According to 200 peopleto a Pro-Choicepicnic at to the Task Forcereport, the existing recommended to be composed of 2 peaceorganizatons to makethe eventa faculty reps, 2 staff reps, 3 BalboaPark’s 6th and Laurelsite at success. organizationalstructure which calls for Ilam Saturday, January 22. It was the PoliceDepartment to reportto the January22 was theanniversary of the continuedon pageI I followedby a marchand rally of some Vice Chancellor of Business and Roe vs. Wade US Supreme Court 600 people,many of them familiesand decisionthat made abortionlegal. To church groups,in the downtown/City saythe issue is hotis an understatement. Concourse against "abortion upon Third CollegeViolates Due ThePro-Choice "celebration." with full demand,"sponsored by the ’pro-life’ page Readerand LA Times ads and the Catholic Diocese Peace and Justice ProcessRights of StudentRep. Commission.And 250 to 300 people-- like.did notdraw a thirdof the crowd poseda threatto "the factionin the contingentsfrom San Francisco.Los ralliedby the’pro-life’ forces, who relied Caught in the cross-firebetween ThirdCollege Dean’s Office attempting Angeles, San Diego and Phoenix met upon an extensive anti-abortion competing interests within the network,in partthe work of theCatholic Administrationfighting for control over to underminethe role of(Assistant Vice- at BalboaPark to caravandown to San Chancellor)Ray Dye",interim Director Ysidro on January 22 for a rally Peaceand JusticeParish Commisssions. the StudentCenter, David King, Third Pro-Choice has powerful, well- CollegeRepresentative to the Student of the StudentCenter. While we must protestingUS involvementin Central supportthe right of studentsto control America sponsored by the US/Mexico organizedfoes in SanDiego. Center Board,found himselfremoved continuedon page3 theirfees, we cannotsupport the use of Border ConferenceCommittee which. fromhis position, left with a bittertaste of participation as a "student students as pawns in inter- representative.’" administrativesquabbles. Circumstancespoint to the Third Accordingto new indicatorsources, CollegeCouncil being overly influenced the Third College Dean’s Office is by the Dean’sOffice in King’sremoval. involvedin a politicalconflict with Ray Askedto pin-pointa motivationfor the Dyeand there is no evidencethat I)avid Dean’sOffice to influencehis removal, Kingsupported either faction: it is clear, Kingis reluctantto offerone. However, though,that King raised questions accordingto sourcesclose to theStudent regardingthe decisionto boycottRay Center Board who wish to remain Dye.That was sufficient to justify a well- anonymous, King had to be removed orchestratedplan to removehim from pecause through his voting and hispost. Thus, thi~ i~ ,~n,,,,r .h~ ,,,,,st continuedon page9 9articipationat Hoard meetings,he Non.ProfitOrg. New Indicator U. S. Postage StudentOrganizations PAID UC San Diego,11-023 La dollarCalif. Lo Jolla,Ca. 92093 "*traitNO. 256

Some of the 200 demonstrators at the recent U.C. Regents meeting in San Francisco are confronted by heavily armed police. The demonstrators were protesting against the recently implemented fee hikes. 2 continuedfrom page ! Nuggetsfrom the left... FunkyLa Jolla thething, though?... ConferenceCommittee--comprised of S.C.U.files FOIA request Speakingof payingfor things, it seems the Communist Workers Party- with NationalSecurity Agency the administrationis in the processof Community News dominatedFederation for Progress,the In the AlternativePress by RamblingRosie off-loadinga lot of administrativecosts Socialist Workers Party-dominated ontoto studentregistration fees right Lastyear at thistime, and in response Committee In Solidarity with l’hi~i~ tit(’lirst apl,earance t?/a new Canada) What betterplace to startthan from now. My sourcesreport that Reg Fees to Reagan’sHuman Rights Certification Nicarauguaand the Trotsky/stTijuana co/limit."hi the ..lllernativePress." the top...Accordingto my sourcesthe are beingasked to pickup a largeshare for El Salvador,tens of thousands CISPES chapters-andblessed by the Whois MAD?lhe latest t"Uth f,:~tate Freedom of new U.C. Presidentis expectedto be whichu illappear ill r/If new indicator ,n 1Winter1982-83) features a front-page of the costs of Financial Aids, marched in Washington DC, and World Front in solidaritywith the tilt (J(l(lal~ilJttal t~asis./’lit’ column L~ named soon. Unlessshe declinesthe Admissionsand the Registrar;which thousandsrallied in SanFrancisco. San Peopleof El Salvador,the rally call was articleon therecent saga in Washington Information post,the searchcommittee looking for ittlt’tldt’dtodirt’¢l tt’ath’rs dll¢’nliott to D.C. where Norman Mayer threatened willinevitably lead to eitherreduced Diegoitself drew between300 and 500 made for all of the US southwestand itctt,s¢Hmtcrest itt the alterttative I>res.~. David Saxon’sreplacement is set to servicesor higherfees. At thesame time, peoplefor separateevents in December Mexico’snorthwest. Yet onlysome 600 ,t]l~,/ the ]ottrttalsmentioned are to destroytheWashington Monument in nominatethe currentpresident of the an attemptto force a "’dialogueon Act Under they’re consideringcutting back on 1981,and Februaryand March of 1982 peopleturned out for this "historic" availahh’thr~Jto,,h the new indicator Universityof Chicago,a womanwhom ! Student Legal Services, and other againstUS interventionin El Salvador. event. nuclearweapons." The articlequestions willknow more about by the nextissue. oilier:i~,urttal.~ /oIh,wed t, r thenotatiott servicesinitiated in responseto student What has happened,in the intervening Clearly, had a lot to do with the logic of those v+ho term Mayer Althoughthis report has beenconfirmed ((i1! ’) arealso avatlahh" at Grouttdwork Attack demands... year, to virtually kill the anti- why only about350 demonstratedon the "mad", pointing to the "’contrast by high level administrators,the interventionistmovement in SanDiego’? U.S. side of the border. But more betweenone little man with a dummy Regentalsearch committee has yet to As ! wasputting the finishingtouches NuclearWeapons: Radical America’s For350 peoplein San Ysidroand 250in importantly,the US/MexicanBorder bomb threateningall the Big Men ~ith announceto the Universitycommunity on the column,1 noticedan interesting latestissue(Volume 16, No.s4&5)hasa Tijuanaon January22 is a farcry from ConferenceCommittee, despite its claim their thousands of Big Bombs, who the majorcontenders are, let alone exchangein the Disreguardian.They groupot ~cryinteresting articles offering threateningto blo~ up a worthless lastyear’s demonstrations, and themass of working toward building a mass givingstudents a chanceto haveany sort printeda letter(written by a memberof a thoughtfulcritique of the nuclear obeliskitself resembling a missilein the Hiatus--whichappears as an insert nature of local Central American movementagaist US interventionin of meaningfulinput into the process. lrcezccampaign, arguing ior"discussion orderto gainthe attentionof all the to the Guardianever.v week)protesting solidaritywork, such as it is, is in CentralAmerica, failed to broadenthe The announcement is due within a aboutthe social systems that create the millionsthreatened b~ the genuine jeopardy. rally’sleadership. In prefer/rig to seek a monthat thelatest... thatlibelous story they printed last [’all nt,kcs...’" lhat article is followedbyone, missilesof theState." [he article, in a aboutone new indicator staffer. Sources First, Reagan has not committed limitedlist of endorsers,the Committee "l.ct’st+akc a Deal".which discusses the lengthyanalysis, questions the valueof probablythe letter,of the Freedomof Sources also indicate that UCSD closeto theGuarddog have revealed that Americantroops in CentralAmerica, limitedthe rally’s credibility with the histor~of armscontrol negotiations. ChancellorRichard Atkinsonwas not and his reliance on Honduran and many peopleregionally who do oppose learningto livewith the threat of nuclear The Reaganadministration has .just Information Act, encouraging the letterwas submittedsometime in Ihc section ends with an article among the top contenders. Some Guatemalanproxies in the regionhas US interventionin CentralAmerica. The destruction,suggesting that perhaps it is promulgatednew regulationsdesigned departmentheads to hide behind the Novemberbut the Guarddogdecided to comparingand analyzingthe American pundits claim that "his publically diffused immediate fears of US d/sinaiturnout at SanYsidro on January thoseof us who have’adjusted" to this to restrictthe flow of informationto the shieldot highfees which tew individuals siton it tillnow... Anyway the letter was and Europeanpeace movements.Also in exposedlong-distance sex life" may have intervention.Second, the Democrats 22 indicatesthat CISPEShasa long way threatwho are,in fact,crazy. It’s an public under the Freedom of or organizationsoutside the corporate followedwith an editorialresponse the issueare articlesabout the fight hurthis chances... have jumped on the issues of El to go towardrecapturing the ~itality of importnatarticle, one that everyone InformationAct. The ne~ guidelines, sectorcan affordto pay. Eventhe New wherethey admitted libelling our staffer againstunion busting offering a detailed Sah’ador, Nicaragua and Central the anti-interventionistmovement of shouldread. The issue also has articles issuedby theJustice Dept., arc aimed at York Times (in a February 14th l,et’sgive credit where it’s due.., i,ast on one count(at least)and attributed analysisof resurgentunion busting, and America,further diluting the anti- justa yearago. on the ongoing resistanceto draft tighteningthe conditionsunder which editorial)argues that "The Reagan rules issueI reportedthe sellingof thescab theireditor-in-chieFs failure to interview a briefdiscussion on the politicsof interventionist movement. Third, registration,the l, ittonbombing, and feescan be waived. makeit easierto evadethe law." Coors product,Killian’s , at our anyone from the New Indicator in other community-relatednews, welfare. (38 Union Square No. 14, theEvolution of thestate. Single issues Tritonpub. Well, it appearsthat after I Collectiveabout their allegations to their Lenin/st-led popular front style CEAN (Community Energy Action In 1974, after Governmentagencies In the laceof thesenew restrictions, SomervilleMA 02143) (GW) throughthe mail,$1 (4403Second Ave., revealedthe news several students lack of experiencein "journalistic coalitionshave been activelycourting Network)did a modestjob of mobilizing were caughtcharging enormously large the UCSI) StudentCoorperative Union the CommitteeIn Solidaritywith the Breakingout of prison:A perennially Detroit, 48201). approached the owner to register ethics."If their head honchoisn’t for the VandenbergMX rally January fees to search for and reproduce is continuing to press Freedom of interestingoccasional publication by complaints;you were convincingenough familiarwith such things, who is’?... People of El Salvadorsince January 23. The effortto mobilizepeople to documentslespeciallythose which might InformationAct requests with a variety anti-prisonactivists, Bulldozer, has just Twilightof the NuclearAge: And,to thatthe owners opted to pullthe Coors 1982: first the WorkersWorld Party- attend this out-of-townrally was be embasrrassing)Congress ordered of federalagencies. Yesterday, S.C.U. Those of you wondering why the dominatedAll Peoples Congressand broughtout anotherissue. Featuring closethis column, the latestDollars & activistsfiled a FOIA requestwith productfrom the shell... For those of you hamperedby the on again off again Sense(January1983) has two articleson waiverof thosefees whenever furnishing who stayed away. fear no more. the StudentCenter looks like it’s never Peoples Anti-War Mobilizationand natureof the event,as wellas by local articlesand poetry by inmates,this issue NationalSecurity Agency, asking for the impendingdeath of the nuclearage. the information"can be consideredas cleaned,wonder no more...Sourccsha~e no~ the Communist Workers Party- alsopresents copies of thestatements put disclosureot" all documentsregarding Tritonis safeonce again... machinations from the Communist Onearticle discusses the sea of redink primarilybenefitting the general public." revealedthat the yearly money allocated dominatedFederation for Progress WorkersParty-initiated t-ederaton for outby ’DirectAction’ concerning their tiesbetween the NSAand the University In the meantimethe A.S., abouttwo bombingof the LittonSystems plant in into which the industry is rapidly Under the new guidelines, that forbuilding maintenance is runningdry none of which are broad, grassroots Progress. CEAN should be of California. weeks back. votedto give $260 to the fast.In factseveral student workers have coalitions.And CISPES,in permitting Canadawhere the guidancesystems for sinking, despite the billions of standard (which remains U.S. law) SpartacistLeague a small,violence- congratulatedfor the work it didaround wouldbe replacedby a reducedstandard The NationalSecurity Agency is the been laid off most of them with no its energies to be used by such the CruiseMissile nuclear weapons are governmentdollars spent to subsidize pronesect noted for its frequent attacks the Vandenbergrally, despite all the that peopleseeking information must U.S.’slargest intelligence agency; and noticeat allas cleanlinessand upkeep vanguard/stformations, has lostsupport being built. Bulhh,zer providesan theindustry, while the other looks at the on demonstrationsand eventsorganized obstacles.And, of course,the Pacific important forum for prisoners to growingpublic resistance to footingthe paythe feesunless the agencyinvolved availableinformation shows that the is sacrificedin orderto stay within withliberal and churchconstituencies Peacemaker remains docked in San NSA maintains contractual and by progressivegroups. Interestingly budget...Thenafter severalstudent who also oppose US intervention,a communicateto themselvesand to the bill for these technologicalwhite decidesthat there is "legitimatepublic enough,the Councilmembers who voted DiegoHarbor and is availablefor Whale interestin thesubject matter" and that consultingrelationships with a number organizationsmade complaintsabout fourthpoint in the movement’sdecline. outsideworld about the injusticesthat elephants.The issuealso has a brief for this allocationto a group,mind Watching tours. The AFL-CIO article examining the role of the information "’rneaningfully of academics and universities,in not having their trash emptied, confrontthem, and abouttheir view of you,that banters about such slogans as Locally,the San Ysidro rally suffered controlled Community ’ Labor the world.Its free to prisoners,and undocumentedworkers in the economy, contributesto thepublic development or additionto monitoringcorrespondence, maintenance people in an act of becauseit was clearlynot a grassroots SolidarityCoalition in SanDiego is once telephonecalls and other communica- "Hail Red Army in "were retaliation, proceeded to remove they’llsend copies to anyonewho sends andrefuting a varietyof mythsthat have understandingof the subject"and that among the most conservativeon the effort based in the communmity. more on a food drive for the the requestingparty is qualifiedto tions. everythingthat was not in filecabinets- them $2.00 or more to cover costs. been put forward in the media. (38 AS... Initiated by the US/Mexico Border unemployed. (P.S.C. Publishers, PO Box 5052, Union Square.No. 14, SomervilleMA handle the information. These For years, the NSA operated even thoughthe materialwere clearly We may be lookingat a new fee, if Station A, Toronto, Ont. M5W I W4 02143) (GW) regulationsclearly violate the spirit, and continuedon page4 notidentifiable as trash... Atkinson’sremarks to thelast’Academic Senatemeeting had any truthto them. Noticed in the last issue of the 1983/84 OrientationMeeting and new slideshow At that meeting,Atkinson talked of a Cafi/orniaRearview that they dedicated proposal under consideration in a wholecolumn to "prove"that the New FINANCIAL AID/SCHOLARSHIPS presentation.Natural H/story M useum, SUN. FEB. 6 Systemwideto establisha new $50 (or IndicatorCollective were a bunch of BalboaPark. 690-1149, 233-7144. so) fee for buildingmaintenance and "right-wingfanatics in disguise." All currentfinancial aid recipientswere 3 PM: San Diego Black Writersand construction,a "capitalmaintenance" Interestingstatement coming from a Artistsmeeting. Black Federation. 4291 mailed1983-84 financial aid applications. SAT. FEB. 5 fee.This is one of a few optionsbeing magthat advocates a nationalholiday to MarketStreet. 448-6179, 225-5594. considered,including one to floatbonds honorFederick Douglas and assertthat All continuingstudents with a 3.30 4 PM: E~h,’ation and the Black to the state (whichwould have to be a nationalholiday for MartinLuther 10 AM and 7:30 PM: Creating Our Woman."Past atul Present with Dorothy redeemedin the future)to meettoday’s King "is an act of unhealthy cumulativeGPA were mailedscholarship Future: ttow to Conversewith High Smith.Villa MontezumaMuseum. 1925 operating costs. Real sound fiscal desperation."The Rearview:~ historians applications. management,that... may not be awarethat Federick Douglas SchoolStudents about Nuch, ar IVar. K Street.286-7503. wasfar to theleft of Martinl.uther King 4:30 PM: UCSD New Writing Series Churchbuilding at 4190 FrontStreet. Speakingof feehikes, "’your" student or maybe theyare...what do youexpect TUES. FEB. 1 presentsErnie Larson, progressive Physiciansfor SocialResponsibility. regent- one Linda Sabo voted in MON. FEB. 7 fromleft-wing fanatics in disguise? lecturerand authorof Not A Through 483-7774. favor of the latest $100 fee hike, APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY Street.UCSD Revelle FormalLounge. 4 PM: Independent Communist~ accordingto my sources.On a voice Speakingof disguises,the Koalain a FEBRUARY 9, 1983 6 PM: New Indicator Collective 452-6766. AnarchistDialogue No. 1: Perwective.~ 7 PM: SUPPORT YOUR LOCAl, vote, only one Regentobjected to the a desperateattempt to passitself off as a meeting. New volunteers welcome! 6:30 PM: Trainingfor rape crisis on SocialChange/or the ’80:~. An open DRAFT RESISTERS!Draft Resisters higherfees, and it wasn’tthe one selected worthwhilemedium--came out at the UCSD StudentCenter, Room 209. 452- counselorsbegins. Center for Women’s discussionfor local anarchistsand DefenseFund generalmeeting. Funds to "represent"student interests. With beginningof the quarterafter holding 2016. Studiesand Services.233-8984. independentcommunists (not party are urgentlyneeded to overturnBen friendslike these... lengthydiscussions on how to fill a If you do not receivean applicationpacket in 6 PM: San Diego Tenants Union members or sympathizers) on 6 PM: Free, confidential draft Sasway’s conviction. Please send Mentioned a few issues back the measlyfimr-page issue. In its second the mail,please request one fromyour college l,egaIClinic, walk-in. 2220 Broadway. counselingwith professionalNational progressive/revolutionarysocial change donations to the DRDF, P.O. Box proposalsfloating about to expandthe issuethe paperdecided to get ambitious 239-3247. financialaid office. LawyersGuild legal workers.3000 E in the U.S. SDSU Aztec Center,Room 33544,San Diego,CA 92103.753-7518, StudentCenter--into a shoppingmall and cameout withan eight-pager.There Quaker discussiongroup on draft Street.233-1701. K. Red and Black Action. P.O. Box 233-1701.283-6878. (and,of course,student center fees)... was one problem though--at least resistance,conscientious objection, etc. 90312,San Diego,CA 92109. 7 PM: Sons and Daughtersfilm about Well,the administrationhas set up a accordingto severalcalls I received--the WORKSHOPS La JollaFriends Meeting. 456-1020. 4 PM: CommitteeIn Solidaritywith conscriptionin U.S. SDSU AH 2108. committee to consider the various eight-pageractually had h, ss content alternativesand comeup witha proposal Workshopsfor completingthe financialaid Whale-watchingexcursions through THURS. FEB. 3 the Peopleof El Salvadormeeting. Join By appointment.Free, confidential thantheir four-pager. That one is going for the expansion.Not suprisingly, February15. PacificPeacemaker. 280- CISPES’Peoph, to Peoph’campaignfor draft counseling at the Wesley to takesome talent to match... and/orscholarship applications will be heldin 8817,475-2427. medicalaid. Church building at 5380El Foundationon Campanile,near SDSU. hardly any students are on the 7:30 PM: San Diego Lesbian Cajon Blvd. committee,which is composedprimarily That’sit fornow... Keep those tips and the North ConferenceRoom in the Student Images."Central America in Turmoil. 583-0772. letterscoming in... And as alwaysyour Organizationmeeting. 224-7530. continuedon pageI I of administratorsfrom Undergraduate Centerat the timeslisted below. Bring your Local photographer Don Bartlett/ Affairs.How muchyou want to bet they tipswill be keptconfidential even if the exhibitsworks depictingcauses and 8 PM: I (’an Fh’: A Tribute to don’task the administrationto pay for Koalathinks that my columnis fiction! applicationforms along with you to the effectsof revolutionarymovements in Langston Hughes. Choral-poem Central America. Runs through celebrationsponsored by BlackWriters thenew indicator collective/UCSDB-023/La Jol/a, CA workshop. February 13. Grass Roots Cultural and Artists. Grass Roots Cultural is officiallyrecognized as a campus 92093.Ph: (619) 452-2016 Center.1947 30th at Grape,Golden Hill. Center.1947 30th at Grape,Golden Hill. newspaper.The. views do notrepresent the new indicatoris a memberof the Tuesday,February 1, 1983: 10 am, 11 am 232-5009. 232-5009. thoseof theCommunications Board, the AIternativePress Sl’ndicate (APS). Chancelloror theRegents. Wednesday,February 2, 1983: The Earth First/ Sierra Club coprwhi~.h i.~ printed without a hrline mar Walk n ng Mon-Fri 9-2 9 am, 18 am roadshow.233-7144, 690-1149. thenew indicator is a collectiveh,produced he assumedto represent the position ofthe Thursday,February 3, 1983: 12 noon, 1 pm NewIndicator Collective. contributors II .~~o~ ava,,_ i ab_le t~rough FDA study FRI. FEB. 4 universit.l’-communitl,newspaper, Friday,February 4, 1983: 10 am, 11 am distributedto San Diego County college andworkers., kevin, ./on. mont.r, lee, /or.]. II WED. FEB. 2 campusesand selectedcommunit.r pauLmike. robin, k.vr, case.v, coll, harrr, Monday,February 7, 1983: 9am, 10 am, 11 am, 7 PM: UCSD PoliticalFilm Series. action/humanservices organizations and nanc.v,reggie, ira], lisa. daniel mark, paul 12 noon, lpm greg,susan, antone, karen, stu-art, karl. Mah.omX, BlackPanther, For Personal othersites. II .VVO.MANC RE Tuesday,February 8, 1983: 10am, 11 am, 12 noon, steve,shirhan, laura, randall, robin, 6 PM: Committee for World Reasons and Blood Ago Run. Free articlesand letters are weh’omed. Plea.w A tWomen’sHeolthCenter I lpm, 2pm, 3pro admission.UCSD TLH 107. Committee typethem double-spaced, on a 55-space mar.v6’nn,robin, penny, jay/e, rick, david, II Democracy meeting. Help plan the v/c,victor, beth, charles, charlie, dtshirley. II III ~, San Diego, CA 92103 I Wednesday,February 9, 1983: 9 am, 10am, 2pro, for World Democracy.452-2016. line and send to: new indicator m (619) 298-9352 UCSD Political Film Series! UCSD thanxa lot. OpenSix DaysA Week 3pro StudentCenter, Room 209. 452-2016. 7:30 PM: Sierra Club New Member I..- 4 Good food, bland conversation... Dinnerwith the Krishnas 5 between 1967 and 1982. 103 Jewish settlementswere built in the WestBank. lheother night I finallygot around to West Bank: A Homeland Absorbed I finishedmy food,which wax actually By mid-1983,6000 new housingunits doingsomething that l’d been meaning will be completed,and approximately to do t or a longtime. l wentto theHare prettyta:+ty. Every one else had finished by Laura Drake eatingand was talkingwith someone 35,000 Israeliswill be moving in, KrishnaVisitor (’enter to takeup their In the midst of troop withdrawal from the Center, but no one had bringing the new Jewish West Bank in,.itatmnto dinefree. I happento like negotiationsbetween Israel, Lebanon, approachedme yet. so I got up and populationto 60,000.And there is a th~,tkind el Itmd.curr.,,, rice fixed in and the U.S., many people are Our Roots Are Still Alive walkedmet to tilethrone with the life- deadline.By 1987,there will be a total dilterent ~,ayM etc.: I wasalso CllliOus wondering why new obstacles to a JewishWest Bankpopulation of 100,000 ,, si/c modelof ttis l)ivmeGrace A. ithOtlI the Kli~,hna lhcmsel\es. solutionkeep arising just after old ones if thingsgo accordingto Israeliplans. Bhakti~endantaS~aami Prabht.pada, areresolved. I’lll ’,tlre ~.otl’\e seen the Kli~,hnils tin whois tilefoundcr, spirlual guidt" and Whenthis goal is met.it willnot matter The first problemcame about when who is in powerin Israel,because with le, c~cIIcPIa/a. the\ ha~c goldpalm lllastel el tile InternationalSocict\ ItH dt_lo’-.s lhclF IlO’,Cs. ~AeLIr Olallge lobcs. K ri’,hna(’onsciousness. 1 hc lnodcl thelsraelis said that they would not do this percentageof JewishWest Bank ~.ut their hair In an unusual st,,]c, chant, looks~el~ Iilelike and nlut.’tlcaFe anythingabout their own withdrawal residentsit willbe politicallyimpossible until all remaining troops of the forany Israeli government to everagree ~llld }land Otlt literature, Krishna ob~ iOlisI~, had been iakeu to make it thal l itcratulc,el ~llichlarge quantities ~ av.A ~ idcscrecu I\ and~, ideomachine PalestineLiberation Organization were to giveup theWest Bank, even for peace. c\t,tthe’, ,,I,,o pass out hluecalling sitsm thecorner, nc.\t to theentrance. ¥ out of the Bekaa Valley in Eastern Evenif Israeldoes not formally annex cald,printed ’aith a standingin~itation oppositelilc ~ail with the altar. All ot l,ebanon.Unfortunately, since the theWest Bank, it willstill be a &, lb,’to l~ia licedinncl. ’,ix o’chwk nightl3 all theKrishllaS also Vlear sinai] bl:it.’k I.(l) lsraelisrefuse to recognizethe people partof Israelby 1987,because no Israeli againstwhom they have been fighting, I()~()(i~aud .X~c ~Aalchcs. governmentwill be ableto giveit up. lhc,,t,,itor center itscll looks like ~, namely the PLO freedomfighters, no One verysad realityis that the labor it.’ligmu,",ilnctuar~ el some kind, ~hich A Krishnacanle oxer to inc. and ~e talksregarding such a withdrawalcould force involvedin settlementsis not itis. Inside one ~,its on a lilt.’lhnuandeats, begantalking in generalabout this and takeplace. Israel still demands that the the Israeli; it is Palestinian.These Item papc~plates brought b’, cordial that.I askedhim whythe,, gaxe av, ay PIO withdrawfirst, to be followedby Palestinians are being forced by theSyrians and the Israelis. Krishna,~.I he; make sure \Otl"~,e calcn lrcefood, and he toldme thatit ix more Palestinian economicmeans to do thislabor for the ailddrallk your fill. too. Chandeliers thanlood: it ix theleaxings of theI.ord The second stumbling block came Israelis,another blatant example of hangllom the ceiling and e~cnl.v spaced afterthe food has been offered to Himon whenthe two sidescould not decideon People Israelicruelty to Palestinians:in this Indian-s%learches run dm~nthe length thealtar behind the curtains. Eating the Picturedis "BrotherJed," a travellingpreacher who recentlyreturned to whereto talkto eachother. The Israelis case,it is mentalcruelty. Of course,the el thebig opcn hall. against the walls. At fooditself is a purifyingexperience. Of UCSD to preach hellfire and damnation.His annual assault upon the insistedon holdingsome of thetalks in inspectorsand chief techniciansare the end of the room large curtains course the subject soon turned to patience,dignity and moral fiber of UCSD studentswent withoutincident Jerusalem,the east side of whichwas Israelis. periodicall.,,part and expose an altar,in religion,a subject ! usuallytry to keep thisyear, unlike earlier years where "Brother Jed" was greetedwith barrages stolenfrom the WestBank in 1967,and Palestinianhopes of theirnational viev