Canadian Football Legend Bernie Custis, the First Black Pro Quarterback in North America, Is Profiled in Unique Film Project
Canadian Football Legend Berni e Custis , th e Firs t Black Pr o Quarterback in North America , i s Profiled in Uniqu e Film Projec t tha t eam s Up "oung and #ld to Celebrate $eniors’ Lives The Revera and Reel Youth Age is More Film Project promotes intergenerational understanding TORONTO, Canada, December 2, 2013 – Bernie Custis refused to give up on is dream. " en t e National $ootba#l %eague denied im t e quarterback position because of t e co#our of his s'in, e pac'ed up and moved to Canada. T e Hami#ton Tiger Cats signed im and, in 1)*1, e became t e first b#ack &uarterback in North +merican professional footba##, t e kick off to a great career and a berth in t e Canadian $ootba#l %eague Ha#l of Fame. No,, Bernie is e#ping to break anot er barrier. +geism is Canada-s most ,ide#y to#erated form of social discrimination,i according to researc . A uni&ue new program bet,een Revera, Canada-s #eading provider of seniors’ care and services, and Reel /out , a not0for-profit , ich empo,ers .outh to create engaging fi#ms about important social issues, is bringing toget er .oung and o#d in a fi#m pro1ect t at promotes intergenerational #earning and ce#ebrates age#ess spirit. 2$ar too often peop#e are judged,” sa.s 4r. Bernie Custis, resident at +pp#eby 5#ace Retirement Residence. 26n my #ife I have been fortunate enough to break some of t ese social barriers, , ich is , y I was 'een to participate in ma'ing t is fi#m!” Ca##ed The Revera and Reel Youth Age Is More Film Project, t e program brings t,o generations toget er to bui#d understandin g t roug h t e creatio n of a serie s of s ort fi#m s t a t profi#e t e lives of 25 o#de r adu#ts .
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