vfw-YOHK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1900. 12 «S City Property for Sale. City Property for Sale. } TRADING Auction Sales of Real Estate. Auction Sales ofßeal Estate. INCREASE IX REALTY : /I f\ PIONEER OF ORIGINATOR LL, Aj fiji CONCENTRATED Apartment Ownership IMPROVED PROP- SPECIAL 'QjUJ&WXAJr'(Xju£fcjT**SJUt- LARGER NUMBER OF BUYERS FOR Vb^^^ IADVERTISINGADVEKTISINO SALES DATS EXEOmYE OFFICES. 31HfISSAUST W.YCnT ______—_—— ERTIES IN CENTRAL DISTRICTS. Rent 44 west 77th st. Trustees' & Devisees* Sale. Saves Facing Square. Opposite the Museum of Natural History. Estate of DR. WILLARD PARKER. Deceased. Some PM Manhattan Pared* Twenty Years Ago—Upper A FIREPROOF RENAISSANCE BUILDING Price* for Feet, AND CHARLES A. LJXDLEY. DEVISEES. with a Frontage of 100 About 81,000 a Foot Front. exclusive Fifth Avenue Lots Th n Sold at Auction for Located in the most aristocratic and HOUSE residential section of th« upper west side. ASHLAND creation In house Aye. 24th St. This building Is a unique, artistic apartment construction and represent* last experts, who were considered to be among the S. E. Cor. Fourth and the highest Ideal of arcnltectural beauty combined with convenience of arrangement and eiesaac* A volume of business \u25a0*\u25a0 transacted L 1909. eood market. Even some of the best known SIZE OF PLOT 98.9x100. POSSESSION MAY of appointments. estate market. Builders and in- ablest in the \u25a0week in the real had a '.caning toward the same prominent as buyers In many central optimistic traders Suites of 9 Rooms a.nd 3 Berths. vestors -were view, may taken as a many uptown Some feat- if the real estate records be 16, 1909 Suites of 10 Rooms a.nd 3 Baths. tections and in CJstricts. Tuesday, March Studio broaden- guide to their opinions on the market in those day?. SALESROOM. 14-16 Vesoy St.. . \u25a0\u25a0 buuaesa of the «^fk were a at 12 o'clock coon. EXCHANGE $3,300 to $4,800 per Annum. ures the now in the heart of the great "West mortgage Rentals. d-mand for choice residential prop- This cite is CCkfV may remain on bond and Ins of/tIM zone, Side, in twenty years has been prac- 2or 3 year* at j-.. OWNERSHIP In a metropolis -where Individual houses are becoming lmpp—:>l« the Fifth avenue which the last OU7O for"1. , APARTMENT erties, tainifulailyin ur?er presents an opportunity for homes. It Is economical, prac- larper tically rebuilt from a series of snv-iii flathouse areas BUTLER & RICE and undesirable ideal Individual an market for a number of MS MESSRS. WHITRIDGE. a, end a quicker zones Into one of the most and 59 Wall St.. V City. plan. in successful operation, and answers completely demand not previously under- may IfO early to predict and little residential Attorney* for Trustees I>evlsf>e«. >. tical -*iini.rovo3 i-aict-I*. It !*• and one of the - save the cost of an apartment in a few years occupancy. real alluring, one of the most valuable stood. Purchasers That really conditions indicate that the local NOTE mest progressive apartment house and high class SPECIAL gg* I^^^^y^£B££%Z estate fields are entering upon a new era <>r ac- and Open for Inspection dwelling districts of flic greater" city. In Now Completed, tivity, unusually larpe b-j;!dins and house notable for fact, as regards natural and artificial charms it is Apartments may be selected for occupancy now or October 1. XMirchasing operations. There arc many Hens. Wall St., N. Y. City. considersd to excel any other similar class of resi- MESSRS. LORD. DAY & LORD. Att'ys, 49 purchasing or renting may from however, which sO.ow that tlie money channels «if- Full particulars for cither b» had greater dential zone in any other country in the world. "SEND FOR BOOKLET." . fecting i-eal est.ite operations in the c*7 FRED'K SOUTHACK &ALWYNBALL,JR., Irave recently tjnderp.-ne a marked change for the VALUES NEAR MANHATTAN SQUARE. LL letter, these Fipns is the placing of 1,135 , corner 26th St. and one «»f the great "West Side, of Auc'r, gU? c.™ per «n well located prop- The section of which DAY, ™«K many 4' 2 cent mnrttcacf-s avenue, which, by the way, P. which are especially attractive to investors. Tfith street ami Ninth JOSEPH *irtie*. as Columbus avenue, was easily ac- financial depression of 1907. which checked is now known sfrThe most the principal districts of the realty process for a lons . tod. naturally in- cessible from of years ago. apparently low cost the lumber persons with pessimistic city twenty so the creased of be said to have fjwws regarding realty trading, and some of those of land there in those days cannot FRONT Real Estate. rapid transit lines. OAKDALE WATER Real Estate. "persons occupy the hiph places In the great real been due to lemoteness from every easterly avenue, ON GRFAT SOUTH BAY FOR. \u2666state jot greater city. In nearly On the block front in Columbus field the two large apart- 'season since the real estate brokerage business on between 75th and 76th streets, are A MARKET WAS FOUND LAST WEEK FOR THESE HOUSES.

">l5O AT AUCTION BUNGALOW SITES Vc«y Street. MoM)\y MARCn Isth. 12 oolork. 14 GOOD ANCHORAGE; GOOD SPORTING. ROODGOOD ELEVATIONtl.t\.\ '„\u25a0'-.,.*, « TITLE GIAn.VNTEED. STATION TO AVATKK 10 MXNVTES. " GO% ON MORTGAGE EARS 4^. FIOTS CARRY WATER RIGHTS IN PERPETUITT. INTERIOR IM Broadway. BRYAN 1. KKXNKIJA'. Au<-»ler. tween 112th and 113th Bou.cht t>> the City as in.licated by this auction sal* with tIM one an.l two story brick and frame buildings % J FVledlander through Parish, Fisher & Co. $SOJ ; in the city, the recent prices paid for land there is rom thereon Size of lot. 75.3*1106. 0 Iri the most beautifully located and appointed Apartment House 0 * Park; to about $9,000 a front foot. Decker, Allen & Storm, facing Manhattan Square and overlooking Central consisting of Eleven profitable railing there ment oases, the one at the northeast corner b^ins: cor- j Manhattan Island \u25a0me a The city appraises the plot at the northeast Broadway. holding pesFirr.lstlo high and the one at the southeast avenue, was Attorneys, 100 \ all outside rooms and three baths. -Jiave b*-<-n many persons views eleven stories ner of SSth street and Fifth which many seven high. The size of each plot is Ireland J^ as to the future of the city, and of them corner stories disposed at this auction sale to John ii. There being one Apartment on a floor makes it most exclusive and de- « valuation that city places of Sale j) have lewd expressed such opinions in public 1*2.2x112 fett. The the $29,000. at $175,000. and. with the buildinff. at Receivers' pirable. leasing elsewhere. They are ready idea the large in- for By orrier of JOHN V DINOEE. CHARLES A. DECKER # Do not fail to see them before f . planes. The real estate records show that there upon the land will furnish an of values the adjoining plot, with a front- in this choice sretion fcST.OOo' It $170.10). and v. M K. UFTEGIiOVE. Receivers. V occupancy most favorable leases granted. sssra larg*» numbers of such persons identified with creases in values residential age cf 30 feet and a depth of 127 feet, at for immediate and years ago. city The city places a valua- Union Aye. , the Manhattan realty market twenty of th<* since- 1889. and with the building, at iMh*»>. It values the West Side For further particulars apply to A. P. COBURN. on the premises. 0 active in t3>e real estate market, tion <\u25a0: $150,000 on each plot, which is a little less with frontages in the avo- Abt. 26 Feet N. East 168th St., % — . Some «re still two abutting parcels, 4 $ " opera- than (1.500 front foot. The sale price in I "*'.< a depth Telephone 6377 River. either as 'brokers, speculators, investors or a nue of a little over 20 feet each, and with Bronx Borough, acknowledge that if they could was at less than $:" a front foot. Here Is an which sire ..w.^.i ' tors, ani they all of a little over.127 f*et. both of Choice riot, tiaa MsM light years ago increase $600 foot, as by the Fuller, $120.0 have seen tilings in their true they of a front estimated Hubert B. Dula and W. W. at Same Day. from valuations are usually con- by buill.ngsM . would Ung ago have l>een able to have retired city experts. The city each, and plaocs the total valuation of Estate. City Property Sale. - the market as large hoiaers of well paying invest- sidered to be from 70 to SO per cent of the price adjoining plot,35x100 feet, it values Real for \\ ordinary at $445,000. An 153-5-7 E. 77 St. within the boundaries of the that property would bring under circum- r ment properties at $4^i.Ooo. Adjoining Lexington Ay. not a most of the -, greater city. stances. There is doubt that Regarding the auction sale, the following ac- The thr^fl 3 story basement «nl cellar brown atone DWELLING FOR SALE --'- easy to snany well leaving would consider themselves fortu- days aft*r auc- dwellings. Hze <^f r'M WxWl ! 67th I It was an task find In MB investors count \wis printed a few the —st.--. Madison an's Broadway. B CRAFTSMANHOUSE dwelling, with a frontage for Boolunsp* <*ie at Auctioneer*! 6flsc*< #A butler's pantry extension. j <-iiy rfgardp fiathoi:s^s city having of 102.2 feet about Dun- J that the v-as overbuilt as following were present: David and John I*. N«.v York City. v.ere assuming $200,000. o. MiFROM CORNLRSTOnL PRICE REASONABLE I and that buyers of such Etructnrea can George F. Johnson. Henry Brash, John Brother sold thf- four Story AC. CO., 'a very hazardous risk. Scnit* persons also said In In IS? S3 Martin & Wendel, Amos R. Eno. William Lawlor. M. POT RENWICK C. HURRY & « Nassau street, on a plot Furnished Houses to Let—Country. "PCHIMNLY- CURIOUSLY Tel. SC36 Madison. WEST :«th ST. those days that the growth of the business dis- building. No. 61 Levy B. Sire's Sons. John Donovan. Morris S«ln- « tricts '•: the city had been far greater than the de- 23.2x<7 f*-oX for $70,000 to D. J. Warren. Tbe hardt, Oppenheimer. Sarautl McMHlan .SUGGESTS THL CHARACTER many Edward A.--A.— mar,: for office structurr-s warranted, and that It records show that there were Investors in the Cowcn." 15% INVESTMENT firmly to the opinion and Newman "TITS INTERIOR Fine arartment house; permanent llgrht be a long period before the area occupied field at that time who held large of choice down- PETERBOROUGH UNIQUL rent OOP; S18O.0OO; on thr*» would the same day a number 'Ides: KB. price reasonable terms. r zones was considerably .11- that this section of Nassau street would be In On auction, h. b. POCHKB &. 12* West 34th St. Jby the great business town properties .hanged hands at CO.. larged. properties great demand In years to come, and that as a re- biuMlnc NO. NEW HAMPSHIRE Since then the taxabk- of the Ransom bousht the live stem store "DROADWAY. NORTHWEsT CORNER OF READS ST ; by sult of that demand much higher values would and Ist, the Summer Year BUILDEKS^CKAFTSMZM -*-* sale; "(!t-eater city have been increased the addition 121 Liberty street. 25x1«U0 feet, for *»S.OO. To Rent from May for or O>.fixl2s. for «r:larfrement wav 24 9xMO3 for J2II.CDO. water; only or ?45,000 . ire than the sum paid for \u0084 . . of i'ur.< xiirii.K 55WEST STREET NEW YORK way not many times greater than purcbaaed the south- \u25a0 .. tiiat it Is 1115.000. to 'the sale Messrs. Duncan - \u25a0a; tele) ti..ns. - E rises record heights. the land and building in 1883 With the building and Broadway. 16.10 Country Property Sale. * it.was in18S3. but to corner of Fulton street > for city valuation is $120,000. The city flgun-s west $138 square X . il.. \>luon I'urk. Newton irnlrr. Ma<«. INVESTIGATE. OUPv the for $226,500. or at the rale of £ a WHAT THE RECORDS REVEAL. that No. 63 Nassau street, which have ST feet the premises Colonel Bhepard also bought BUILDinGHLTHOD COUNTRY HOME •: clearly large frontage, being 22.0xi5.4 feet, an worth foot. ulton \ -The real estate records show what a smaller 1 three store properties. No.aUh.a^n154-168 /''//rnishcd 110u »i\s Wanted. place last $86.000 building, and with the building sale the A HOME "increases in value have taken in the .without the feet, for $151,000. ,_ CRAFTSMAN SUBURBAN [ —twenty Bars, a per which forms one. of the $50,000. The city estimates •!, value of No. 65 street; t0.Cx77.4 l-> VITANTED, 'Hit; BCXMsIR, FURNISHED COT- a of comfort anl ccmomy. includ- SHORE FRONT PROPERTY the other transactions reported ' FOR - Is combination art. We •Some of » containing six bedroom*, b««ld< several ing fireproof features ana handicraft interiors. Artistic house, were as follows: taK«< fHcllitles for anywhere, give boni .>f completion new electric H«ht and brokers in the week of this sale rfioms: all modern conveniences, lmludlr.n bulli them ana running splendid community: street and h'-iiilnc; and TO pel cent. If desired. We Invite \u25a0water' N«. 31 and Chambers must t..- near e:th<-r frs-Kh or salt water, lend from SO to Very accessible IX TWO REAL ESTATE DISTRICTS The premiss 93 (rround to prtvacy; rent not tO exrre.i your inspection of many attractive bonaea built In last restricted property. ACTIVE street, by William Crulk- riiouirh secure York, North Shore of Kos -3 '"\u25a0' "•"\u25a0 Reade J4."<». Address "COTTAGE," Postofllce liox 138, New few yiars. also numerous rttetehes at -n \u25a0 onrea. from New on $255,000; the four Oty. * S3 West 32J I^oiijf Is!3rid. I'or.veir.ent scl^c* Bhank for R T. Auchmuty. for York UCIL.OER3 CRAFTSMEN COMPANY. — to and St., New York. country clvb golf, tennis, yacht an- lots at the southeast corner of -th street chorale, £ $26,300. and the private dock.— avenue to Justice Dugro for taken in part payment for the block front on the Price reasonable terms liberal. Ninth of feet at the southeast corner west l*4th and 165th C. D. MAGEE. plot 105.9x«7x95Jii25 Robert side of roadway, between jffth street and Broadway for -\u25a0-•\u25a0 streets. 25(»xlO larse rooms acdSALLattic; it acres; rlr.e oM abadi $100,000. Crimmlns FOR ported price of John I the four story dwelling house. No. 624 » the estate of William Tllden trees; all-conveniences. 3 baths: hour from New Yorfc fifty-three lots from Fifth avenue, southwest corner of 60th street, ZSxIM New Haven road: station within one mi'.e: trolley «=" - convenient; large rums* avenue, between Li mid 133 dstreets. their STORES goif course sun parlor, fight large on Twelfth feet 1 which they wife] erect a buUdtog for ADIC H. owner has lived In house SO years. Mis. of the late Charles T. Barney sold four own use. .M & 1, Hess sold to the Realty Holding on first floor: The estate CHAPELS 11. SEELY. 23 West ;cnt! it. lots on the south side of 103dstreet. 100 feet east of Company No. US to K.i West :'7th street, covertasj AGILE — the side OPPORTUNITY. IDEAL Ninth avenue, for $36,000; four lota on north a plot •. OO Which Will bC built a twelve COC3TBP* of Tenth avenue, for FREE IIFETIME\u25a0J Horn«". one hour on Erie, commutation 14 cents. of 79th street, 10G foet east story loft buildinsj: CATALOGUES minutes from station of beautiful. rapiJty gruwini; tu«C 'i lots on the south side of i:street. Two sales of plots in th.' \, nox Library plot, hlsh. dry. hralthy: schools, churches, arc. :47 acre*.* SiO.COu: seven v.-ood!ard pasture: fine runriir.^strets avenue, for $115,500, and six 7"t;i cultivated, balance east of Ninth ! i>y and 71*t Streets, Fifth unil Madl- GOMPAHY S room house. barn, finest stone il:.VO'i pooltff . 100 feet feet east lnr*e Heia the south side of SSth street, 175 BOn avenues, were also reported by Henry D. BILLINGS-S7EVEMS house In State; Horses, Cows. H'>sr3. tJuats. laving . lots on (ITV very lor £>4,<>jo. YOUR Farm Implements. Ac. : price Sli«*»: reasons^ of Ninth avenue, Wloans & May. X. A. B 1 \\ in Co. Bold for a 4-6 EAST 421> STREET. NEW J. T. CO). IS Dugro terms; no agents. Particulais L. . Boon Morris B. Beer & Co. sold for Justice No. client to A. Filmore H\i< No. Ml to 112 K;:st 27th Montague St.. Brooklyn. . _ :S.«x£) feet, $47,000. ''-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 prop- — 163 Duane street. for street, adjoining a parcel which tlu: buyer pur- , XORWALK. DAEISX. by the Jones ' lONNECTICUT SHORE. erty was bought the seller at Joshua chased through the same brokers over a va» a^o. Kuwayton. Westport and vicinity: farms. :"^ Academy i »» \u25a0» estate sale held in 1889 for $45,000. The On iii>- combined parcels a sixteen story othve and Incorporated 1302. fronts country homes, etc. AP.CHir.AT.D «\ FOSS. • Established ISS7. 4"Jd New York City, 2* North Main *- Bellamy WinaJis building East St.. or of Medicine bought through loft v.ni be built. Conn. 43d street, South Norwalk. a plot V'»:)"- \u25a0\u25a0 feel on the north side of CO, west of Fifth avenue, for $120,000. &WHITING frontage of »» mile, nn xCK*~; about -.40 feet RULAND barns, frait; to-day IN THE BROKERAGE MARKET.- -L^LAKE-:house, cottns*. spring woodlar..ls. Most of these .properties are worth con- ESTATE located County. Conn.: price I»iiff f Convent ST. years ago, and m some instances the ave- 5 BEEKMAN them twenty au« and U9tb street, a pk>l imixioo feet. Tjl*AlXr7El.i>r~N. J.—MODE DWeTIJNGS TOS cltv books reveal an increase of valuation many J_ sal*> or for rent. High class farminir ;"'Vrt \u25a0 Klrby have sokl for the Falcon Realty DOAN'E, Real Estate Broker. .•)»•\u25a0»JJJ times greater than the purchase price twenty years sale. JOHN H. Company a plot OOx7". ft-ft at the southwest corner A't'tL Jersey Heal Estate. aye. nsisium N. J. ____— ago. of 175th street and Pt Nicholas avenue, to Gus- AVENUE, SUBWAY. : N. J -TEX BOOM COMPARE THIS HOUSR A PITS STORY APARTMENT HOUSE- NO. 624 FIFTH SOUTHWEST COR- PLANNED A BROADWAY ta\ us 1.. Lawrent c. TXK^rTX^. $12 000 with others and see Its superiority a J^TT£77. from at baths; '**J" 7T;h street and Co!umbus NER OF 50TH STREET. Hell Ac Stern said yesterday that Nus. i>3 and 25 'I house; a!', mortem tmprovementa: 16 aaitea exterior: 13 rooms. 2 billiard room; ***\u25a0 At northwist c m-r of the time of the auction sale referred to a cement \u25a0 by I^. for story and . by At to Central depot by trollei wood- parquet floors: electricity: steam heat: «— P~;™- Sold M. Smith Charles A four basement house. Bought (Vest Juth city hours Grand . avtnu^. Company had street had not been so)d. 14 B. .restricted). * l»l. Ga.'iren to (> anrt t-p. Also Furnished anS I> most and one cf the -3ii street and Broadway a branch under '.'3d built hoi.se 14 room., with billiard r.>..m: solid W. V*- course, from it* feet, cespeetively. Byrne .lA cost $15,000; cJrcum- «ity of rfurnlshed Cottages for rent. Geo. ment eras in the history of the city. Of the building, and with the building at $550,000. up Madison avenue Arnold iUauina.nn toor»t and tv-n: large plot: Bldg , T«l Mr Veraoa. street to Madison avenue and to nut oor» T' quick buyer; easy tenna.fCL.USS. Home*. City Hall 340. VI; z N. J. the Grand Central \j. Co. for the 23 Sussex st.. Harkensutk. tically in period, the reasons 100 feel, at the northwest corner of SSth street and wis at Tanenbaum, Strauss & have sold stood still that and by June 1, IS9I. A company also that time ACRES; WITH growth with most Fifth avenue, to John B. Ireland for $29,000. It also A^ati estate a Bye .story building. No. sc.{ West "—" POUITKY FARMS. EACH 10 TO CO that they have cot kept pace in considering the erection Of .1 bridge ever the East outbuildings near Lei 7,"x:\u25a0>> FTsbei I>evy. flnn -to S room houses and on each: Property Sale or to ether rccions of the city are not hard to discover sold on the same day an adjoining plot, Feet, k street, Island, Long Broadway, to & wholesale ltnuor on« farm 30. r: r M Country for • from 3SUi ... to • and milroads. lla.-kensack: .": Bird;»-\u25a0 terms. plot block, Inland Egan Kallecy \u0084; X. .1. & Co. cold the old brick dwellinghouse. No. 30 other m the same with a Fifth avenue company was printed in 1889 was part A bave resold "tirt three story and Sti'-sex . HackinKiik. ''• feet, the which In dwelling iiouse 519 W'e^i utreet, L*.!ght street, and Mo. \u25a0 Vestry street, on a plat frontage of feet and a depth of 100 to Mr. '"The efforts which are being made by basement No. H2d MtTKist^oTßedford • Sage it as follows: 17x'J9.11 feet, to a _\lr. Btosjer. • 27x17* feet, for $3"-._ That parcel is part of the Stevenson for Mr. for SCO.OOQ. And also sold company has the Ls>ng Island bridge 011 lot The sellers Apartment Ilot Sage the buyer plot 25.8x100 feet, the which recently acquired the property in a trade for the \u25a0Hock bounded by Lalgbt. Vestry, Va^lck. and for Mr. to same a way have been redoubled recently, and street plan under corner of Katonah Hudson streets, and la withii: about a half block at the southeast corner of 89th and a possibility thai the northeast Summit avenue and 161st street h»aJth- for Evidently the $75 was there *eems at this moment has bought, through Hell Beins the pioneers in this most cf St. John's Chapel. The dwelling house on the Fifth avenue, J27.075. quickly Randolph Jacobs & 1 scheme may ripen more than was at first Stern, street, HOTEL ABERDEEN ' ful and picturesque section of W>3tchestef site was long ago torn dawn and replaced by a thrown in as an extra good measure of value. No. Ui to ISO West Mtb old buildings. S2D STREET. from Grand student, supposed. The application which has Just been WEST County, sixty-fire minutes modern storage warehouse, being one of a row of These prices surprise the estate when Supreme ou plot BMxtt.9 feet. Between 3tli At*. & Brondwv. Depot. Harlem Railroad, we hay« made Jjy the company to the Court for complete » Central similar structures occupying the larger part he compares them with the prevailing front foot Reginald Bteel has sold to l>. Jurgs No. 12S West F.xclusivt) »urroundlni»'3. with i property that is for sal* now powers to acquire title \u25a0\u25a0' tliat piece of property on all details. Attractive, Suit*. every desirable Is in this section of Fifth avenue to-day. SOt li street, a story ilatliuusc, on lot ..rvice in -«f this plot. This parcel the district which is valuations in required to ti\o superior accommodations for 1.-an- or to rent. valuation, as revealed by this 81.-ickweirs [eland for towers support feet. «nd Apartments one room by .'.known as the Lover West Side wholesale business The Id front foot sients. Spacious bath*, will make no mistake ( then the bridge In it.- span over the East River, together and to eirbt rooms and four Purchasers There Trinity Corporation has vast holdings. auction sale of twenty years ago, was a little Theodore w 1-: le LeoMM ta repotted to bay« bath on lease. consulting us going elsewhere. •one efforts: made to Induce the Board of Street •furnishedurnlknea or unfurnished before there has been little buildingactiv- over $1,000 for coiner parcels and less than $930 with the cold No. 63 West BSd street, a tl-.rce story dwelllnij p p. HATHAWAY. Managtr In comparison, give them the power needed so that they L.OUXSBERY & THARP. the section In the last twenty years. a front foot for Inside lots. Opening to bouse, on lot feet. ity 'n may be able to proceed with the work shows that 7 East 42d St.. New York. •'- : on That higher prices were not obtained at the auc- Shapiro, Portaan »t Henry have resold, through The style cf ire structure the site Is the char- company some backing which makes its Apartments to Let \u25a0 suited for the zone, tion sale-s for the properties which chapged hands tin has Horowitz Brothers, No. 351 Madison street, a live Furnished of the building best and especially Us representative. ' - may have been partly due to the views then held ofiiceis. and Dr. story tenement house, feet, the entire section is likely to be in the near future on lot "4.6x97.6 to Meyer- DHOREUNDS. SOUND BEACH. CONNECTICCT in brokerage offices as to the future of Thomas Jlniney, confident of bring able financially -^^~-~~~ ALPINE Ml™ th« BOBBt of many big building operations, which various son Brothers Moderate priced summer homes and bulldinr carry the J^ Bo* *• Viill in the transformation of large areas of the upper Fifth avenue section. At that time it to out scheme." John K. iOscar L. Koley have sold for John F. 55 West 33d St. for sale or to rent, furnished or unfurnished. result- days of long ago the stability of Sound Beach. Conn. , intp a big warehouse centre. The city was thought by many real estate experts that Since those Kaiser the plot ot four lota at the cor- *^"^J^T^**-^^^ 11 .^-^—^^* an there placed upon a northeast B V m Superintendent. centres, Riverside Drive was realty values has been firmer foun- of Aqueduct Lane, "**JSLA a^^^^^fc^ - — many more such and there destined to be the chief resi- ner avenue am! Featherbed Is In need c? building of the subway, the Williams- ||i^ tsl 1 38th. to be other retrlon of vhe c!ty so su- dential district of the city, because of its richness dation by the t/larenee True is drawing plans U»S appears no Island bridges, the for a six story Country.Property Wanted. _ perbly located as this one for the carrying out of in natural charms and the unobstructed view to be burg and Blackwell's and link- elevator apartment house to be erected on the site. of the Long Island, Manhattan and batb. heat ah- , iacter\u25a0rarh projects. In frit*- of the small amount of had of the North River from nearly every plot ing together Jacob Lrfitner has sold for the Fo.wale Realty iLM 4' network tunnels. nts comfortable furnished co has taken place in this of tftc fronting on the drive. Many experts figured Jersey shor?s with a of rlwr «,-rvflInin room* Ifif ''<\u25a0"fleslred. #1^ r£* WANTED—To rent bul'dlng which area then (Company two apartment houses Ua course of con- rooroa 1^«^ A? Trading the Park avenue district north of 59th Tel. ineach suite. *330 to (1,200. ' Vi# tage or house with grounds for summer city In the Inst twenty years, values are higher that the northerly limits of the Fifth avenue zone In strin tion on the weat side of Fox street, between -* of the leading b*^ 'to-day than in188». would be in or near the Plaza, and that the upper street continues to be one features [jOßgwood and Intervale avenues. ALPINL tween Port Chester and Stamford. Must Spencer Fifth avenue In which are now of the real estate market. A number of properties, Address, giving particulars. M.C "*» rrlt wm i.. 1881 that J. H. Hunt cold lor district. the homes Frederick Zitt.l has sold to clients two lota. 50x 4 APARTMENT. 5 ROOMS AND water. full Gerry. many frontages in the avenue, were sold last week TTRA''TIVK AMrfch a plot. 127.2x100 feet, at the northeast cor- of Commodore Colonel Aster and other with 12G feet, ..11 the west side or Trinity avenue, 100 -»\ liath. overlookinic Central Park: elevator: fur- Tribune Office. avenue, Van- persons prominent in social, business to Investors and builders. In the West Side dis- plah«d unfurnished. ARCHIBALD C FOSS, :;•» ner of 7»th street and Ninth to J. E. or profes- feet south of IHod street. or -*• GOO - JSO.OOO. If such a plot was to sional circles, was likely to be built up by modern trict several large properties were disposed of at East -J2d st. . IVANTEI>.—INFORMATION' REGARDING \u25a0iMUr for offend Phillips for not partlcjlar about location. """^ figure, to pur- buildings used for club purposes and large private J. & Co. and Ferdinand apartment, W farm sale: buyer, I eiy investor now at that a contract also with sale. L. FIRNIBHED k hear only, who will nell to - City Company A TALK ON TITLE INSURANCE. st six rooms, light: elevator; from owner direct °" t^ : cKase the property would ba immediately signed. apartment houses similar in character and as Nagel sold for the Real Estate No. Vri'KAiTIVKI.VKaft 7i'>tli : all until price, description and state when possession can „ five Dean, the Lawyers' nc.ol.f-r 1 at special price. Apply to lanltr>r. DARBYSHIREw Box 11*01 D. Btui«- Some of th© brokers who were active in this part costly as many of the modern structures which 334 Riverside Drive, a and a half story Ameri- Philip S. of Title Insurance Address L. • Company, speaker N. Y. , \u25a0 city twenty year* ago say they o{ten, had to have been erected in recent years in the great can basement house. 25x100 feet. Bernard Smyth & and Trust will be the on Tues- «f the real estate t C3 plead with the big buyers to take over such sites West Side. Many brokers even tried to urge Sons sold to 'the Waunegan Realty Company the day night at the class of the West Side Unfurnished Apartments to Let. ' WANTED.—EITHER SINGLE r^S of • dwelling No. 113 to West Young; Men's topic XJ. bous*. to r«nt th« y«tr round. »*«,>\u25a0*' IL^ '\u25a0 „. prices. It w&» looked upon as a big sum many prospective buyers fine horn? sites to four four story houses. 119 Christian Association. His will HS psr *••—.«W*. kt^uch be, OUi'tES OF 10 ROOMS.— WEST TTTH «!»«••. »utia» pries meats tad sarUau^ri. • '\u25a0\u25a0 upper district street, a plot 74x100.S feet. The were \u25a0'Title VaND Vl. • tot the property in tcoee days by nieny real estate overlook the Fifth avei and to SSth un houses insurance." >O Now cpea (or laapecUea. Znsuas Offlna . . '. ; -\u25a0 i