Increase Ix Realty Trading

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Increase Ix Realty Trading vfw-YOHK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1900. 12 «S City Property for Sale. City Property for Sale. } TRADING Auction Sales of Real Estate. Auction Sales ofßeal Estate. INCREASE IX REALTY : /I f\ PIONEER OF ORIGINATOR LL, Aj fiji CONCENTRATED Apartment Ownership IMPROVED PROP- SPECIAL 'QjUJ&WXAJr'(Xju£fcjT**SJUt- LARGER NUMBER OF BUYERS FOR Vb^^^ IADVERTISINGADVEKTISINO SALES DATS EXEOmYE OFFICES. 31HfISSAUST W.YCnT ______—_—— ERTIES IN CENTRAL DISTRICTS. Rent 44 west 77th st. Trustees' & Devisees* Sale. Saves Facing Square. Opposite the Museum of Natural History. Estate of DR. WILLARD PARKER. Deceased. Manhattan Some PM Manhattan Pared* Twenty Years Ago—Upper A FIREPROOF RENAISSANCE BUILDING Price* for Feet, AND CHARLES A. LJXDLEY. DEVISEES. with a Frontage of 100 About 81,000 a Foot Front. exclusive Fifth Avenue Lots Th n Sold at Auction for Located in the most aristocratic and HOUSE residential section of th« upper west side. ASHLAND creation In house Aye. 24th St. This building Is a unique, artistic apartment construction and represent* last experts, who were considered to be among the S. E. Cor. Fourth and the highest Ideal of arcnltectural beauty combined with convenience of arrangement and eiesaac* A volume of business \u25a0*\u25a0 transacted L 1909. eood market. Even some of the best known SIZE OF PLOT 98.9x100. POSSESSION MAY of appointments. estate market. Builders and in- ablest in the \u25a0week in the real had a '.caning toward the same prominent as buyers In many central optimistic traders Suites of 9 Rooms a.nd 3 Berths. vestors -were view, may taken as a many uptown Some feat- if the real estate records be 16, 1909 Suites of 10 Rooms a.nd 3 Baths. tections and in CJstricts. Tuesday, March Studio broaden- guide to their opinions on the market in those day?. SALESROOM. 14-16 Vesoy St.. New York City. \u25a0\u25a0 buuaesa of the «^fk were a at 12 o'clock coon. EXCHANGE $3,300 to $4,800 per Annum. ures the now in the heart of the great "West mortgage Rentals. d-mand for choice residential prop- This cite is CCkfV may remain on bond and Ins of/tIM zone, Side, in twenty years has been prac- 2or 3 year* at j-.. OWNERSHIP In a metropolis -where Individual houses are becoming lmpp—:>l« the Fifth avenue which the last OU7O for"1. , APARTMENT erties, tainifulailyin ur?er presents an opportunity for homes. It Is economical, prac- larper tically rebuilt from a series of snv-iii flathouse areas BUTLER & RICE and undesirable ideal Individual an market for a number of MS MESSRS. WHITRIDGE. a, end a quicker zones Into one of the most and 59 Wall St.. V City. plan. in successful operation, and answers completely demand not previously under- may IfO early to predict and little residential Attorney* for Trustees I>evlsf>e«. >. tical -*iini.rovo3 i-aict-I*. It !*• and one of the - save the cost of an apartment in a few years occupancy. real alluring, one of the most valuable stood. Purchasers That really conditions indicate that the local NOTE mest progressive apartment house and high class SPECIAL gg* I^^^^y^£B££%Z estate fields are entering upon a new era <>r ac- and Open for Inspection dwelling districts of flic greater" city. In Now Completed, tivity, unusually larpe b-j;!dins and house notable for fact, as regards natural and artificial charms it is Apartments may be selected for occupancy now or October 1. XMirchasing operations. There arc many Hens. Wall St., N. Y. City. considersd to excel any other similar class of resi- MESSRS. LORD. DAY & LORD. Att'ys, 49 purchasing or renting may from however, which sO.ow that tlie money channels «if- Full particulars for cither b» had greater dential zone in any other country in the world. "SEND FOR BOOKLET." . fecting i-eal est.ite operations in the c*7 FRED'K SOUTHACK &ALWYNBALL,JR., Irave recently tjnderp.-ne a marked change for the VALUES NEAR MANHATTAN SQUARE. LL letter, these Fipns is the placing of 1,135 Broadway, corner 26th St. and one «»f the great "West Side, of Auc'r, gU? c.™ per «n well located prop- The section of which DAY, ™«K many 4' 2 cent mnrttcacf-s avenue, which, by the way, P. which are especially attractive to investors. Tfith street ami Ninth JOSEPH *irtie*. as Columbus avenue, was easily ac- financial depression of 1907. which checked is now known sfrThe most the principal districts of the realty process for a lons . tod. naturally in- cessible from of years ago. apparently low cost the lumber persons with pessimistic city twenty so the creased of be said to have fjwws regarding realty trading, and some of those of land there in those days cannot FRONT Real Estate. rapid transit lines. OAKDALE WATER Real Estate. "persons occupy the hiph places In the great real been due to lemoteness from every easterly avenue, ON GRFAT SOUTH BAY FOR. \u2666state jot greater city. In nearly On the block front in Columbus field the two large apart- 'season since the real estate brokerage business on between 75th and 76th streets, are A MARKET WAS FOUND LAST WEEK FOR THESE HOUSES. ">l5O AT AUCTION BUNGALOW SITES Vc«y Street. MoM)\y MARCn Isth. 12 oolork. 14 GOOD ANCHORAGE; GOOD SPORTING. ROODGOOD ELEVATIONtl.t\.\ '„\u25a0'-.,.*, « TITLE GIAn.VNTEED. STATION TO AVATKK 10 MXNVTES. " GO% ON MORTGAGE EARS 4^. FIOTS CARRY WATER RIGHTS IN PERPETUITT. INTERIOR IM Broadway. BRYAN 1. KKXNKIJA'. Au<-»l<fii.-<r. Auct'r, centres, so Bryan L. Kennelly, buy in or somewhere near the drive will sell at auction sura were they that the development of the two 10, the lines which they Wednesday, March districts would be along Salesroom, many homes occupied bs at. 11: o'clock nron at the Kxchanse picture.!. To-day there are 14 Is Vesey st. veil-known society men and women, with lar?e resi- Apartments to frontages on the drive. But the choicest Sale Unfurnished Apartments to Let. I Unfurnished Let. dential district of the city is that region of the Executor's upper Fifth aventfe. Estate of city formed by central and H. HILDEBRAND. Dec'd, ZONE. T. G. IN THE UPPER FIFTH AVENUE The plot of land with a frpntajte of ". feet and for $CO,OOO 700=702=704 a depth of 100 feet, which Mr Sas<? sold "THE. BOWNLTTL" to-dny. F It twenty years ago. could not be bought Ay. the c SIHT STREET. THE VERSAILLES ANT) FONTAINEBLEAtT. Is thou for much ess than J700.0U0. Thus Eleventh | Number 11 West 81st Street. HO 5 TO EAST In this section '" J Boupht'by the Stockton Realty Company from Two apartment advance in front foot valuations Cor. 50th St., streets. Isidorb^ and by Southeast A FEW APARTMENTS LEFT VUlliamW'l'iim F.X a**tmHaveir.fver>er. tween 112th and 113th Bou.cht t>> the City as in.licated by this auction sal* with tIM one an.l two story brick and frame buildings % J FVledlander through Parish, Fisher & Co. $SOJ ; in the city, the recent prices paid for land there is rom thereon Size of lot. 75.3*1106. 0 Iri the most beautifully located and appointed Apartment House 0 * Park; to about $9,000 a front foot. Decker, Allen & Storm, facing Manhattan Square and overlooking Central consisting of Eleven profitable railing there ment oases, the one at the northeast corner b^ins: cor- j Manhattan Island \u25a0me a The city appraises the plot at the northeast Broadway. holding pesFirr.lstlo high and the one at the southeast avenue, was Attorneys, 100 \ all outside rooms and three baths. -Jiave b*-<-n many persons views eleven stories ner of SSth street and Fifth which many seven high. The size of each plot is Ireland J^ as to the future of the city, and of them corner stories disposed at this auction sale to John ii. There being one Apartment on a floor makes it most exclusive and de- « valuation that city places of Sale j) have lewd expressed such opinions in public 1*2.2x112 fett. The the $29,000. at $175,000. and. with the buildinff. at Receivers' pirable. leasing elsewhere. They are ready idea the large in- for By orrier of JOHN V DINOEE. CHARLES A. DECKER # Do not fail to see them before f . planes. The real estate records show that there upon the land will furnish an of values the adjoining plot, with a front- in this choice sretion fcST.OOo' It $170.10). and v. M K. UFTEGIiOVE. Receivers. V occupancy most favorable leases granted. sssra larg*» numbers of such persons identified with creases in values residential age cf 30 feet and a depth of 127 feet, at for immediate and years ago. city The city places a valua- Union Aye. , the Manhattan realty market twenty of th<* since- 1889. and with the building, at iMh*»>. It values the West Side For further particulars apply to A. P. COBURN. on the premises. 0 active in t3>e real estate market, tion <\u25a0: $150,000 on each plot, which is a little less with frontages in the avo- Abt. 26 Feet N. East 168th St., % — . Some «re still two abutting parcels, 4 $ " opera- than (1.500 front foot. The sale price in I "*'.< a depth Telephone 6377 River. either as 'brokers, speculators, investors or a nue of a little over 20 feet each, and with Bronx Borough, acknowledge that if they could was at less than $:<i">" a front foot. Here Is an which sire ..w.^.i ' tors, ani they all of a little over.127 f*et.
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