Polymers Made by Inverse Vulcanization for Use As Mercury Sorbents

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Polymers Made by Inverse Vulcanization for Use As Mercury Sorbents Published online: 2021-05-06 362 Organic Materials J. M. Chalker et al. Short Review Polymers Made by Inverse Vulcanization for Use as Mercury Sorbents Justin M. Chalker*a Maximilian Manna Max J. H. Worthingtona Louisa J. Esdaile*a,b a Flinders University, Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Sturt Road, Bedford Park, South Australia, 5035, Australia b Clean Earth Technologies, 112 Robinson Road, #05-04, Singapore 068902 justin.chalker@flinders.edu.au; [email protected] 3 Received: 22.03.2021 compounds, and mercury metal. These different forms of Accepted after revision: 05.05.2021 mercury influence its mobility in the environment, neces- DOI: 10.1055/a-1502-2611; Art ID: om-21-0028sr sitating sorbents that can remove mercury from solid License terms: mixtures, fluids, and gases.5,6 © 2021. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the Mercury sorbents must be cost-effective for uptake in terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, industry. For this reason, relatively low-cost materials such permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate 7 credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, as activated carbon have been widely used. Nevertheless, transformed or built upon. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) there remains a need to develop complementary or superior mercury sorbents to address the many challenges encoun- Abstract Inverse vulcanization is a process in which highly abundant tered in mercury remediation and emission control. For and low-cost elemental sulfur is copolymerized with an unsaturated organic molecule such as a polyene. This process has provided a variety instance, it is useful if the sorbent is effective against the 5 of useful materials with high sulfur content—typically 50% or greater in different forms of mercury. The rate and capacity of sulfur by mass. These materials have garnered increasing interest in mercury sorption should also be high for general use, fi research as sorbents for mercury, due to the high af nity of sulfur for without any leaching of bound mercury.5 mercury. In this review, the features of mercury sorbents made by Sulfur has long been known to form strong bonds with inverse vulcanization are presented. Additionally, case studies are 6 provided to illustrate the variety of polymer architectures accessible heavy metals such as mercury. Accordingly, extensive with this chemistry, the versatility of these materials in mercury research has been carried out to develop mercury sorbents remediation, and prospects for industrial use. functionalized with sulfur.8 Recently, polymers made from elemental sulfur have garnered much attention as mercury 1 Introduction 9–12 2 Sulfur Polymers by Inverse Vulcanization sorbents. These polymeric mercury sorbents are espe- 3 Sulfur Polymers as Mercury Sorbents cially interesting because they are made directly from low- 4 Increasing Surface Area to Improve Mercury Uptake cost and highly abundant elemental sulfur.13 In this review, 5 Crosslinker Considerations we focus on mercury sorbents made by the process of 6 Sorption of Different Forms of Mercury inverse vulcanization—a bulk copolymerization of elemental 7 Life-Cycle Management 14 fi 8 Conclusions and Outlook sulfur and an unsaturated organic crosslinker. We rst provide a brief overview of this reaction and then highlight Key words inverse vulcanization, mercury, polysulfides, sulfur, sulfur some features that make the materials intriguing and useful polymers candidates as mercury sorbents. Our focus will be placed on polysulfide polymers (macromolecules containing S–S bonds in the polymer backbone), so other mercury-binding polymers made from sulfur that do not contain polysulfides will not be discussed in this review.15,16 Likewise, this 1. Introduction review is not intended to be a comprehensive account of mercury remediation or inverse vulcanization, but rather a Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that is encountered in a focused discussion on the unique ways in which poly- variety of industrial activities such as mining, oil and gas sulfides made by inverse vulcanization can be made and refining, and coal combustion.1–3 To prevent emissions and used in versatile ways to trap mercury. To this end, we exposure to mercury, it is essential to have materials that discuss methods to make these materials higher in surface trap and immobilize this element.4,5 Mercury is challenging area, crosslinker effects in mercury sorption, the effect of in this regard because of the many forms in which it mercury speciation, and life-cycle management of the can be found, including inorganic salts, organomercury sorbents. © 2021. The Author(s). Organic Materials 2021, 3, 362–373 Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany ! ~ 363 Organic Materials J. M. Chalker et al. Short Review Biosketches Dr. Justin Chalker was trained in Justin then started his independent include sustainable materials and organic synthesis at the University of career at The University of Tulsa in green chemistry, with a focus on Pittsburgh before completing his D. 2012 and in 2015 he moved to Flinders translating these interests to commer- Phil. in Organic Chemistry at the University in Adelaide, Australia where cial products and processes. In 2020, University of Oxford in 2011 as a heiscurrentlyanAssociateProfessorin Justin was awarded the Prime Minis- Rhodes Scholar and National Science theInstitutefor Nanoscale Science and ter’s Prize for New Innovators—one of Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. Technology. Justin’s research interests the top science prizes in Australia. Maximilian Mann is a Ph.D. candi- applications of polymers made from waste. Max is also studying various date at Flinders University working sulfur. This research spans precision mechanistic aspects and design under the supervision of Associate fertilizers, mercury sorbents, and principles for controlling the proper- Professor Justin Chalker. Max’sre- novel methods for gold extraction ties of polymers made by inverse search focuses on the synthesis and and recovery from ore and electronic vulcanization. Dr.Max Worthingtoncompleted his on innovative applications of sulfur ders University in collaboration with Ph.D. at Flinders University in 2020, polymers including their use as Clean Earth Technologies on multiple working under the supervision of mercury sorbents and materials for commercial products that involve Associate Professor Justin Chalker. oil spill clean-up. Max is currently a sulfur polymers. Max has publisheda numberof studies Research Associate, working at Flin- Dr.Louisa EsdailecompletedherPh. at NorthwesternUniversity in2009. In Esdaile is a Project Manager with D. at Queensland University of Tech- these roles Louisa investigated por- Clean Earth Technologies, with a joint nology (QUT) in 2007 before moving phyrin chemistry, molecular electron- academic appointment at Flinders to post-doctoral research positions ics, and self-assembly. Louisa then University. Louisa directs commercial with Prof. Harry Anderson at the took an industrial position with Dow projects on mercury remediation, University of Oxford in 2007 and Electronic Materials before returning sustainable materials, and electronic then with Prof. Sir J. Fraser Stoddart to Australia in 2015. Currently, Dr. waste recycling. 2. Sulfur Polymers by Inverse Vulcanization elemental sulfur is used to cross-link organic polymers such as natural rubber, while inverse vulcanization is the process While the polymerization of sulfur has a long history in by which organic molecules are used to cross-link sulfur both industry and the chemical sciences,17–19 renewed polymers.14 In this way, inverse vulcanization provides interest in this area was prompted by the publication of a polysulfide-rich materials that are distinct from other landmark study by Pyun and collaborators in Nature classes of carbon-based polymers in their chemical reactiv- Chemistry in 2013.14 In this report, the authors introduced ity and their physical and optical properties (Figure 1).20–23 “inverse vulcanization” as a process to prepare polymeric The mechanism of the inverse vulcanization reaction has materials with high sulfur content (typically >50% by mass). not been fully elucidated and it may vary depending on the Conceptually, classic vulcanization is the process by which reaction conditions, the organic crosslinker,24–26 or the use © 2021. The Author(s). Organic Materials 2021, 3, 362–373 ! ~ 364 Organic Materials J. M. Chalker et al. Short Review resulting polymer can also change on the specific protocol used in the polymerization.26 For instance, the sulfur can be added at the same time to the reaction vessel as the crosslinker, or the sulfur pre-polymer can be formed before the addition of the organic crosslinker.26 Curing the polymer also may result in different crosslinking density and material properties of the final polymer.26 Materials made by inverse vulcanization can also vary widely in their physical properties, which are determined by the amount of sulfur in the polymer, the average length of the polysulfide chains (the sulfur rank), and the structure of the organic crosslinker.26,32 Low-molecular-weight waxes, soft and hard rubber, and brittle glasses are all accessible with this chemistry.32 Glass transition temperatures for these materials can vary from À20 to 130 °C.32,33 Some degree of control can be exerted by varying these Figure
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