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Is mod refpectfully infcribed

T O The Right Hon. THOMAS ELDER of forfi, Lord Provost. BAILLIES. Niel M

John Gloag, Efq; Dean of Guild. James Jackfon, E(q; Treafurer. Donald Smith, Efq; Old Pvovoft. OLD BAILLIES. Dickfon, Efq; James Dewar, E'q; Francis Sharp, Efq; John White, Eiq;

William Gillefpie. Efq; Old Dean of Guild. James Carfrae, Efq; Old Trea/urer

Merchant Counfel'ors. Trades Counfellor;*

Mtff. William Capt. MefT. John Young, Orancjp colours. AND William Dalrymple, Thomas Hay. George Spankie, ( 4 ) ORDINARY COUNCIL DEACONS.

Thomas Wood Snrpr. .Conv. Adam Dalmahoy, Furriers, Piter Mathie, Goldfmiths, M'Dnff Hart, Cordtners,

Alex. Boog, Hammerment Patrick Fairlie, Weavers.


Thoma? Millar, Skinners, Henry Hardie, Bakers,

Alexander Clark, JVrighis t Andrew Plumber, Fiefliers* Robert 'Barns, Mafons, James Dtnholm Wankers* William Bep;bie, Tailors* John Crombie, Be7inet-mak.

By their most obedient

And humble servant,



• 'Hay* "Campbell, Lord Prefident, Park-p'aee Robert M' Queen of Braxfkld, Lord Juftice Clerk, George's fquare James Erlkine of Alva, Drnmiheugh John Campbell of ^tonefield, George's fquare James Burnet of Monboddo, No 13. St Johns ftreet David^Jlofs of Ankerville, No 3- St Andrew's fquare David Rae of Efkgrove, No 10. St John's iireet John Swinton of Swinton, Dean-houfe i ' nder Murray of Henderland, Brown's fquare Sir William Nairn bf Dunfi.inan, Arpyle's fquare John M'Laurin of Dreghorn, No 7. St Andrew's fquare

• • 1 der Abercrdmby of brrcromby, Argyle's fquare ra! df Ciaig, Brown's fquare

illie Wi I am B of Polkcmmet, No 26. George's ftreet, foul h fide

I Smyth of Meth'vciij No 23. St Andrew's fquare

Bitffifl -m—m ( 5 ) MACERS.

John Small, at Mifs M'Lean's, Cant's clofe John Graham, Mi rRofe ftreet, fouih fide Robert Moffat, B'jcclcngh ftreet Thomas Biodie, Fountain clofe


Lord Prefident'-s, Walter Lockhart, houfe Heriot's entryj Grafs-market Lord Juftice Clerk'sj William Lockhart, Briffo ftreet Lord Alva's, Robert Au'd, Back-flairs Lord Stonefield's, Arch. Campbell, Carruber's clofe

Lord Monboddo's, Kirkpatrick Williamfon, N6 1 3. St, John's ftreet Lord Ankerville's, John Chalmers, P?o 29»'Geo. fr. f. fide Lord Eikgrove's Robert Brown at Egypt, two miles fouth from Lord Swinton's, Patrick M'Vicar, No £>8. fouth Hanover flej. Lord Header land's, James Cunningham, St. John's ftreet, Canong2'.e Lord Duiifinnan's, Patrick Murray, at the commiffary office* parliament clofe Lord Dreghcrn's, John Balvaird, No 6. north St Dav. ftreet Lord Abercromby's, James Hay, Charles's- ftreet

Lurd Craig's, Robert Hedderick, at J. Barclay's, No 42. Rofe ftreet Lord Polkcmmet's, John Renton, Gosford's clofe Lord Mtthven's, James Johniton, at Mrs M* Kin iron's-, No 5. fouth Fredrick's ftreet


William Finlayfon, Merchant ftreet James ?vlercer, Bucckugh place James Kerr, William Scott, St James's fquare James Glafs, eaft LochenuV olofe, Canoncate ?S3K"-VX .*--• :-

( 6 )


Right lion. James Montgomery, Lord Chief Bnron, Ques ns« berry's houfe, Canongate Honourable Fletcher i\orton, Abbay-hill Sir John Da'rymfle, Bart. Argyle's fquare Cofmo Gordon Efq; No 4. St Andrew's I'quare Archibald Cockburn, Efq; Hope-park

REGISTER OFFICE,' fronting north end ofnorth bridge,., general record room in the front, William and Alexander Robertforw, deputy-keepers.

1 eajl end. Offices in the nvejl (ml. Offices in the Fir/1jteti,

' T. ill chamber Fiijlfmtt. Teind office Extracting office Regiicer of homings K 'giiuation office Reg titer of la fun Record room Tallies and record room ]\lr Kirkpatrick'3 room Extracting office Mr Mitchelfcn's room Rr niitf action office Mr Menzie s room Mr Sinclair's room Mr Bruce's room Mr Home's room Second ji ate. Mr Jeffrey's room Judiciary office Mr Stevenfen's room J x tracking offi-e Regiil ration office Second fate. Record room Sir James Colquhoun's room Chancery office Charles Gordon's room Ft ivy feal office Mr Rofe'fl room Receiver General's office Mr Dunbar's room OTHER PUBLIC OFFICES.

Admiralty office, Paterfon's back court General poft office, north bridge Lyon's offi:c, No 13. St Andrew's fquarfi Stamp office, old (hip clofe, HighAreet Signetoffiee, Writer's court Excile office, St Andrew's fquare Cuftom boufc, Royal Exchange 7 )

ComrnfGT.ivy office, Parliament clofe Cels office, Parliament clofe Chamberlain's office, Turk's clofe Town clerks office, Creams Sheriff clerk's office, Little's clofe, Lawn market Trultees office, Writer'3 court Minifters widows fund olTict, No 13. Queen's flreet

Kirk treafurer's 1 ffice, Exchange Kirkfeffion clerks office, old Church ifJe Friendly infurance office, head of back llaira Sun lire office, Writers court Fhcenix tire infuraqce office, Hunter's fquare


Bank of Scotland, middle of Lawn market^ fouth fide Royal bank of Scotland, oppofite the Crofs, fouth fide Britiili linen Co. office, Nether-bow, fouth fide


Allan Robert, Writer's court

Allan Alexander and Co, High flreet ' Bertram, Gardner and Co. Exchange

Forbes Sir William, Sir James blunter Blair and Cr. Parliament clofe Kinnear Thomas and fons, Exchange Mansfield, Ramfay and Co. Exchange Scott William, Exchange Seton, Wallace and Co. Exchange Smith Donald andCo. Exchange


Sir William Forbes Bart. Chairman, No 39 Geo. flreet Thomas vVilliamfon, C-aitic itreet, Lcith ) n • a , t> I? u f lJ?P'[ Chairmen. Andrew Bonnar, Exchange \ Kinnear, No 32. Queen's fireet, George ireajurert William Creech, Craig's clofe, Secretary; ^^——n

Auditors of Accounts*

J->hn Hay, No 34. George's ftreet, fouth fide William Simpfon. Parfon '-.-knows ! David Ramfay, No 3. St James's fquare if David Paterfon, No 5. St Andrew's ftreet William Ramfay, jun. Exchange


Archibald Ge.ddes, glafs-houfe, Leith William Caddel, Richmond ftreet lAkxander Somervile, St, Gi'iles's ftreet, Leith, James Donaldfon, Cattle-hill John Scougal, Charlotte ftreet, Leitli John Horner, Park-place IFrancis Sharp, No 20, fouth bridge, well fide Charles Kr.rr, George's fquare John Robertfon, Lauiitfton George Sinclair, head of Quality ftreet, Leith David Stewart, Kirkbrae-head Robert Young, No 78 Queen's ftreet John Ltarmonth, St John's ftreet Thomas Gladfton, King's ftreet, Leith llobcrt Anderfon, Exchange William Ramfay, Exchange Niel M'Vicar, Potter row James Renniq,/«a. Quality ftreet, Leith Walter Hogg, Tweddal's clofe Adam Keir, Laurifton Queen's ftreet Sir J Stirling. No 69. Robert Allan, Writer's court Elphinfton Balfour, oppofite crof3-well Patrick Crichton, Canongate John Sligo, conftitution ftreet, Leith Andrew Caffils, foot of Leith walk Alexander Sheriff, Charlotte's ftreet, Leith Walter Biggar, Sciennes Hugh Bell Pkafance jam-- Maus'ield, No 37 George's ftreet, north fide Robert Walk-ejr» Canongate, Chaplain Robert Cameron, James's court, Clerk. ^w

Pgfl. Town? in Scotland, with the Poflage and Didance of the principal Places from Ldiiiburgh.

THE general hour tfdeparlu 't is Eight o'clock tit hight»

Poji. Difi l>oJ.\Dijl, /rbrn.-uh § 4 5* Dumbarton § I Aberdeen § 5 121 Ditnlcrniline a 1 1 ri<-s c Ab'-T'. . >ur c. 3 io Dumi Abeil'eldy d 4 76 Dunbar b

1 Achnacruig d 6 Dunbc itli d Alloa a 3 3° Dundee § 1 A n a a n c 4 89 1) nnk eld a Aniti u tber a 3 35 Dunfe £ Appin d 5 Dun vegan ?« Arol's d 6 Dylart «

Auchterarder i 3 55 Ecilci'echan c Ayr § 4 76 Elgin (i io9 Elton ./ Ballantrae § 5 Banff d 6 165 Falkirk $ Beauly d c 165 Falkland rt BjEJld c 3 35 F ochabers d Beitli / Forfar 4 Bei-vie § 5 S3 Forres Hawick d pttpar-Fife a 29 Howgate c

Crail a 3 39 Huntly d Crien a 4 56 Inveiary § Cromarty d «5 175 Invergordon d Culen d 6 Invernefs d Culrofs a s 21 L''itto, Coaft Road 60 In verkeitlmig Cumnock d 4 1 $ Dingwall d t 175 Irvine § Dornoch d 2 [O d Douglas § 40 Keith 4 ^™ A

Paf.ADiJi | Ptf- Kelfo k 3] 4-2 Oban d

Kilmarnock § 4 6s Ol 1 Meldrum d 138 Kflfytb § 3j 35 Oil Rain d Kfnc * rdine a 3 25 l-aiilev § 5r Kkighorn a 3 9 Parkhill d Kiflrofs $ 3! 25 ./ 22 5]lj8 Kin tore d Perth & 40 Ki-; kcajdie a 31 1 2 [Peterhead d 154 Kil'kl udbi ight C 5-joO IPittenween a 33 Kirkwall / 4> — ;Port -Glafgow § 02 Kirriemuir d 5! 54 Portfoy d 172 Kirkintilloch § 3' 4o Portpatrickc *32 Lanat k f 5 32 Pi efs b 43 Langl r,.'me e 4! 70 Renfrew 5 49 Langtown c 4 Si Rothf.y d Largs d 5' 76 Ruth ven m Lauder d 2! 25 St Andrew's a Leadbills n 3 —40 Sanquhar d 5 5 Lerwick (Zell) q hi Sconier m Leven-fj 2] 21 S:lkirk d 35 16 Linlithgow § 2! stagehall d 2 : 62 Linton g 16 Stewarton §' Locbcarron « 6 — Stirling a 35 107 Lochmabeu jf 4 65 Stoneheaven § Lockefby c 4! 67 Stornoway m Mauchline d /1* 68 Stramaer d 6 5' ?.I.i%i)ole § 84 Strichen d ioo Melrofe d 3: 33 Stromhefs Orkney I Middle ton d 2; 12 Strontian d Mid Calder A 2 13 Tain d 200 Moffat c 3 A 9 Tarbert d 5 140 Moniaive » 4] 66 riiornhill d Montrofc J Thurfo d 6 290 Muird rum a 4y-— Tobermory d Mnirkirk /> 4. Tongue d i=z

Nairn d 6220 Turriff" d 6 1 55 New Galloway n 5 79 Whitburn d 3 20 KeWton Steward c Whithorn/ 5 1 16 Noblchoufc c 16 Wick a! 5270 N. Qjieeusfcrry § Wigtun c 5 i.o3 EXPLANATION.

f Departs every night at «££/, and arrives every morning. a Departs every night (Sundays excepted), arrives every morn. ( w

Fnglifli mill. b Departs and arrives every day with the every morning* e Departs every <1 iy at upon, and arrives and Saturday, night, and , (/ Departs on Monday, Tbu flay, ar rive;, Came days in the morning. < Departs Aif««4>»> Tburflay, and Saturday, a! noon. / Departs everj day (Su idays excepted) at noun. £ Departs Tucfiat and Fri l ; ry, ai t.urday, i Departs Moniaj, dS k Departs M id. Tap fi &c Satui '. ., by tiie Fngli/h mail, and

ariivts A' ' GP>

a Difpatched on Saturday after the i _, / - ffYrfw (day of every month (Dice/fiber and January excepted J

Thursday ex- The LOSDON M til is difpatched every day, Arrives cepted, *_/? Hrcv afternoon, Pcitage 7tT— every nioriwng, except U'eJncf.l.iy. — Letters tu and from any part on the London road, ihort of London, every day. %d. The Iriih Mail is difp itched ever y day at noon. — Poft. Muffelburgh, Dalkeith, and Prcflonpans, depart e\en day, ath.ilf pait ten o'clock forenoon. Letters to the L> e'ward Iflands are lent on Saturday before l!ie )iio!\l:i and North. 1 7?. and 3/ /;\'//.vy7.jy ofevtry , Jamaica \s. id. America onS.iturday before the ift Weincfdtty — Pottage Mails to Tucf.Lp and Sat irdays are the days Cot J il patching the Continent of Europe-, and arrivals Mondays and IburfdaySt

etters, There muPc be paid at Edinburgh with all ' To Ho] and, France, Flanders, and Fait Indies, id. To Spain, Portugal, Gibralter, is id; To Italy, .v.cily, Tnrky, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, is. yd. Sweden, Hnflia, an 1 North America,

Merchants Accounts not exceeding one flieet of paper, and all bills of exchange, invoices, and ruils of l.idmg, to or from any parts or piaces, not within his Majefty's dominions : and the covers of letters to or from Turkey, not exceeding one quarter of a meet of paper, are allowed to pals without pay- ment of the foreign poftage, but are 10 pay ike full inland pof- tage to and from London. All double, treble, and other fetters and packets whatever (except byjrhe penny poll), pay in proportion to the.ii reipec- tive rates of fingle letters before fpecified. Packets charge- able by weight pay niter the rate of four fingle .(.tiers lor every ounce weight and upwards. ( 12 ) LIST cf the- CARRIERS, and where they put up, with the days of their Arrival and Departure.

Frovt whence. Where Lolgel A rl ,Dcf Aberdour, Duncan's] bead of Guard cfofe ' tie Wed AbMady, Oarlifte'sj-head of Canongate W.o. Berwick North, Keppey's, Canongate head, ruefjWed Ditto, '-fay's, ditto, Wed Thu Btggai-, A- c bibaM's, Candlemaker-row. iJo, Do. Ditto, rlil.'s, Grafs-marketr ruef Wed Ditto, Campbell's, ditto, Va- cert. Blirgdn, Paterfon's, ditto, I'uef Thu Blairdrummond, >gg's, bead of Hovfe wynd, \Ved rbu Blac kburn, ico'trler's, Grafs market, Un- cert. Borthwick, f.andel's, Cowgate head, Sat k at

Bon owftoimefs Clark's j Grals market, " tw a week' Bothertur., Archibald's, Candlcmaker row, .Frid Sat BrecJien, Duncan's, h<;ad of the Guard clofe. #ed Frid Broughton, Bvowi % Grafs market, Tu-f We d BFOckfburn, Clark's, ditto, Un cert. Burntifland, I'cr.rl nul's, bead of Bell's wynd, Wed Thu Caimmoor, Peddie's, Grafs market, Do. Do. • Carliflc, Kendel's Manch. Leeds, Shelf Birm Wed T in- Lond. by Carlifle, &e. Hog's Bri. ftr tjaridel's, Coirgate head, Wed Thu Car,'uke, Clark's Grafs market, Oo Do. Go nwath, Purdie's, diito, IJo. Do. Ditto, mpbeilV, ditto, Do Do. Ditto, [iflop's Cowgate head, ruef Wed Carftairs, >it'o, ditto, I'uef Wed '

Cai i irtgwork, Paterfon's, Grafs-market, Sat Mon Carron, yi'Pherfon's, ditto; on. a week'

; • 'ilia I ('n law, I H ip'si ( owg itc head, i"i>u Thu

C-lac km innan !,;.W Oil's, did o, I f ; u Thu I -in. Campbell's, Grafs market, Man jTurf Hill's, ditto, Do. Do. ( '3 )

'Fro'*: "whence'. Where Lo fged, j4rri. Dcp. Coldttream, H'dop's, Cowgate head, Wed |Tlm Ditto, f.awfon's, ditto, Wed Wed Grafs market, I Cnmloik, Brown's, TikI" Wed Coulter, Archibald's, Candle maker row, VI ed\ Mm Covington, Beddie's, Grafs market, Tuef Wed Crail, Rodger's, Blair llreet, W

From whence* Where Longed. Arri D.-p. Falkirk, M'Pherfon's> Grafs-market Tue Wed Hill's ditto, twic. week Ditto, li ead Wed Ditto, Lawfon's, Cowgate Thu r.fton's, rafs-mai kc t Tuef Ditto, Joh G Wed ditto Fncf Wed Ditto, Knight's one Fewcls, M-Farlane's ciitro 2 Week Forgendeny, Buddie's, Grafs-market ore 2 week Fort William, TVTPherfor.'s, ditto an- cert. I.andeFs, Cowgate head Tuef Gnlailiiels, Wed Archibald's, Candk-maker row Do. Do. Ditto, Cowgate head one Galloway, Lawfon's, 3 week Canongate head Wed Garelton, Cartifle, Thu ditto Do. Do. Giffordhall, Ditto, Keppey'sj ditto Tuef Wed Ditto, Wed Gilmerton. Garlifle's, ditto Thtt evry Glafgow, MT'Pherfon's, Grafs market day Do. D'nto, Proudfoot's, di to Do. Dnncah's, head of Guard clofe Wed Frid G Hi j's, Grafs market Tuef Wed Glaffart, head Greenlaw, Hiflop's, Cowgate Thu Frid head IWed Gallon, Cnrlifle's, Canongate Thu Kerrey's, ditto Tuef Wed Ditto, Tuef K^f'flington, Carlifle'.s, ditto Wed Keppe\'s, ditto Do. Do. Ditto, Campbell's, Grafs market Tuef Wed Hamilton, Wed Hawick, Fifher's, Candlemaker-rcw Thu Archibald's, ditto Do.. Do Ditto, the Crofs Sat Sat Iioptni, Campbell's, at Grafs market u M cert- Houfton, Clark's, Candlemaker-row Thu Howgace, Archibald's, Frid Jnvrrmay, Brown's, Grafs-market Wed Ihu ^ ditto Do. D.. lnverkeitlririg, Paterfori's, Candlemaker-ro-.v InverletfhffH, Archibald's, Tuef Wed head 6 Inverness, Kennedy's Canbngate o n c week Kiriloch s clofe Do. Ditto, Frafer's, liead mi- cert. Irvine, Lawfon's, Cowgate •colt's, inrllemakcr r«\v Tun Frid Jedburgh, C head Wed '1 hll Johnftoa's burn Hiflop'j, C'owjiate

I.awfor.'s , ditto Tu< Wed k. fo, D"t». Hiflnp'fl ditio Do* Do Grais market [Wed Kipeti MF.irlan's Thu ' • head I'h it Hnmbie, Hifln Cowgate [ Wed Keith S: Irick'swy im's, headofTo | hn Frid Kennoway, [Cimninoh ; head of Guard lofe Wed Kinghai a, Buncatrs Tuef head of Bell's wynd Tint Ditt", Pentland's Wed •!!'•., Grafs-market ll'i- rert. Ki'.rmr ir'ck, 't .!nto Wcci Ditto. Dm Ditt ditto llll- cert. I^ilbucko, JL ,

( i5 )

Frcwwher.ce, Where Lo^a). Jirri: ZV/>. Kinrofs, Brown's, Grafs market Thii Frid Kirkcudbright Patetfon's ditto Wed Phil iKirklilton, Purdie's, ditto Tw. a veek Kirk of Ihotts Brown's, ditto Tuef Wed Kirkcaldy, Morrifon's, liead of Dirkfon'y clofe Tuef rhu Pitro, [Cunniiagham'Sjhead of Todrick's wv. Do. Do. Kirkuny, iMOallum's. Grafs market Wed ' Dui Kirkmichael, pftrown's, ditto Tuef Wed Kirriemuir, Brown's, dilto Wed Thu Lanark, Puritan's head of Guard clofe Do. Do, Ditto, Campbell's & Brown's Grafs-market Do Do Langie, [Duncan's, head of Guard clofe Tuef Wed Lsngholm, Hogg's, Brifto Tw a week Lawder, Landel's, Cowgate head Un. cert Ditto, Archibald's, Candlemaker-row Mon Tuif Leadhills, Hill's Grafs market Tuef Wed Largo, Stewart's, head of Skinner's clofe Wed Thvt Lefnvebagoe, 'Hill's, Grafs market Wed Thu Ditto, Brown's, ditto Do. Do.

Lellie, M'lntoih's, Blair's ftreet Thu i Frid Leven, Ditro, Tuef Wed Lillieileaf, Scott's, Candlemaker-row Wed Thu Linton, Hay's, Canongate head Tuef Wed Dittos Gowan's, fouth back of Canongate Wed Thu Ditto, Brown's, Grafs-market D... Do. Linlithgow, Ditto, ditto. Tw a week Ditto, Johnfton's ditto Do Do. Livingfton, Scolder's, ditto Tuef Tuef L^anhead, Landel's. Cowgate head Sat Sac Lochmabeii, Paterfon's, Grafs-market Oftc 2 week Lockerby, Ditto, ditto We d Thu Long Niddry, Cunningham's, head Todrick's wynd Sat Sat London and New Caftle waggon, M'Pberf>n's, Grafs m Tw a week Markinch, Morrifon's, bead of Di> k foil's clofe Th u Sat iVIauchlinej Campbe'.l's, Grafs-market Onci week "Melrofe, OgjA, head ofhorfe wynd Tuc Wed Mellefton, Scott's, Cat.dlernakerrow Wd Wed Melvil, Stewart's, head of Skinner's clofe Wed Thu "Methill. M'Callum's, Grafs market Do. Dr. "Mid Calder, Scolder's and Proiidfoot's, ditto Tw. 2 [week head Sat Middleton, Landel's, Cowgate | Sat Moffat, Scott's, Candlemaker-row Wed (Thu Muckar. Proudtoot's, Grafs- market Tuef Wed Murdefton, B.:ddie's, ditto Do. Do. "Mufielburgh, Hay's, Canongate head ev.da\, "Newton, Iciark's, Grafs market Tw ! we* k "New Polio Archibald's. Candlemaker-row Frid 'Siit B m m ( 16 ) Trov: -whence. Where Lodged. drri. Dep.

Xtw Galloway, 'Patcrfon's Grafs-market . un- cert New .Mills, Knight's, ditto un cert New Beath, Gowan's, fouth back of Canongite Wed Tim Ormilton, Gilchritt's. head of Canongate T\v a week Palfley, Knight's, Grafs-mirket Wed Wed Penilon- Cunningham's head Todrick's wyncl Sat Sat Pencaitland, Gilcbrift's, Canongate head Sat Sat Pennycuick, Landel's head of Cowgate Frid Frid JJitto. Hill's, Grafs market Do, Do. Peebles, Archibald's, Candlemaker-row Thu Frid Menzie'«, 3)1 1 to, ditto Wed Thu Perth, Duucan's, head of Guard clofe Wed Frid Ditto, Pentland's, head of Bell's wynd Thu Frid JPittenweem, M-Intofh's, B'air ftreet Wed Thu Pitferon. Lawfon's, Cowgate head Tuel Thu -Preftonpans, Cuuninghatn's, head Todrick's wynd Sat Sat Pioberton, Clark's, Grafs-market iWed Thu

Romana, Brown's, ditto i Do. Do. St Andrew's, McDonald's, head Flefh market clofe Thu Frid Saltern Gowan's, fouth back of Canongate Sat Sat Sanquhar, Hill's, Grafs- market Sat Man Ditto, Proirctfoofs, ditto Wed Thu Selkirk, Landel's, Cowgate head Tuef Wed Ditto, Scott's, Candlemaker-raw Tuef' Wed Ditto, Archibald's, ditto Wed Thu Scotllan, Beddie's, Grafs market Do Do. St Gerr.nin, Cunningham's, head Todrick's wynd Thu Frid Skirling, Hill's, Grafs market We Thu Spot, K-"ppr;y's, Canongue head Tuef Wed Springkellj Brown's, Grafs-market un cert 5 tirling, Lawfon's, Cowgate head Wed Thu StrathavenJ Beddie's Ik Campbell'*, Grafs market.iTuef Wed Symington, Beddic's and Hill's, d' to Wed Thu Temple, Landei' 1!, Cowgate head Sat Sat T'n.-uhiil, Patcrfon's, Graf* market Wed Thu Diet 5, Scott's, Candiemaker-rriw Do. Do,, M'Calluni's Grafs market Frid Frid Toirybun, Brown's, ditto Tnel" Thu Traquair, jArcllibald's, Candlemtker-row Tuef Wed , jMorrifon's, head of Dickfon's clofe Sat Sat Wed Calder, [Archibald's Sc Scott's, Candlemak^'r r Frid Sat Wefton, [Campbell's, Grafs market one .1 week Wesfield, Archibald's, ii^nr'lem^ker-row Frid Sat Wetter Dudding f. Clark\ Grafs market T\v h week White bank, Landel's, Cowg te iead Tuef Wed Whiteburn, Brown's, Grafs-market Wed rim White Cdlilf, I * it to, cfitto Tuef vVed Weymfi, Mori ifon'a head of Dkkfoa'4 c!ofc Do Do. Wood hall, Campbell's, Gr ifs market Do Do. Wilton, Brown's, ditto l)o Do. La* die's Cowglte head Tuef Wei 1 61 . J



I. To Jedburgh, VI IT. To Ayr. Dalkeith 6 Carnwath, Ko 7. 2?

Ula. klhiels 8 14 Duugjas-Mill 1 ] 38. Lauder ji 25 Douglas 2 40 2 Co' Flyboat 9 34 Cnnmock o Jedburgh 1 45 Ayr 15 11 By another Road IX. TV Port-p.itrul- Mu'dleton 12 Ayr, as above, 75 Eankh illfe 9 21 Maybolc 8 &3 M- Irof'e M 35 Girvan Ia Jidburgb 1 46 Balliiurae I0

111. To Dumfries. Stranrier 14 1 17 Linton- 1 Port p.trhk 5 122. Crook Inn )6 32 X 7"o ^>r another Road. Eie'd Inn i 33 Mid Calder W Moffat 15 48 \Vh"ueburn 9 LocVtiaben * j6 6* New Inn 10 Dumfries lO 74 Hoivtoim Inn 2 3-f IV. By another Road. Hamilton, 5 38 St rat haven 45 Moffat No 3- 43 7 New mills 13 5^ Uunitries, b y Jabnfion- tnuir 24 72 A,r 17 75 XL TnGlafgo-ii V. By another Hot \. Holytown, 10. Hawgate No. 33 10 GA//Vs7t/ 11 Peebles XI 22 XII By another Road. Pield-Inn 16 33 Bathgate .18 Moffat 15 53 Airdi ie 14 3^ Dnnfrhs, No 4.' 24 77 Glufgovi 'ii 43' VI. Wigton andWbltb'urn. Xii!. By mother Road. Bridge houl e Inn 16 Kirklifton, 8 2" Bigo;.ir ii Linlithgow 8 16 Le.idhills 13 45 Falkirk 8 24 Penpont 15 60 Kilfyth 12 3« 65 Monyhive 5 Kirkintilloch 5 78 New Galloway i3 Cl.Jgoru 7 4S Newton Ste \v art 18 96 XIV. To Ii-verary. Wigton 7 i°3 Glafgow, No 11 44

Whithorn H i'4 . Dim barton 1 59 VII. To Lanark. Lufs 13 72 little Vantage ii Tarbet 8 80 Carnwath 25 14 Cairndow J 4 94 Lanark 6 31 l.iVtrary 9 1 1

( 1.8 ) XV. By another 1 Miryburgh, ir 2r Tvndrum, No. 18. *87 K nrofs 4 25 Daknaly 12 99 Perth 1? 40 j .VJr.iry 16 115 Iuvi5r-Inn l J 5 5 XVI. 7"» Greenock. Rla'ir 20 75

Glafjjow, No. 1 1. 44 Dalnacardoch 10 fcs Renfrew 6 5° DalvMiiuny 13 98 Port -Glafgow 13 6g Pitmain 14 1 12 66 Creemch 3 \viemorc h i2S Dalmag irrie 18 XVII. Tu Stirling. 143.. laveinefs. 12 155 FsrVkirk, A«. 1 3- 24 Beauly 10 165 Stirlhtg u 35 Dingwall 9 1 74 XViU.ToFertWiHia «. 1 nvergordoit 14 1 83 Stirling, No. 17. 35 Tain 12 200 8 43 r>ow.n Dornoch 9 209 8 5i Callciuler Golfpie Kirk 8 217 14 65 J^oChearn head Helmidale 1-7 234 Tyndrjipn 22 87 Dim Death 14 243 18 105 King's lioufe-Inn Poakmaft 9 257 Fart Wtlliam 22 U7 Wick 12 269 XIX To Buna. Ihurfo 20 289 Pilmaly, No 15. 99 XXIII. ToKt rkwall, kn:y 1x2 £j»/;j 13 Wick, No Z2, 269 XX To Campbeltown. [nhnny Grot's houfe 17 286 -*- 1=3 Invera'-y- ^ J Burwich, by H \itcr, 18 304 2: l-ochgilp li=ad 125 Qarra 9 3i3 Tdrbet 15 140 'We-It Waterfound 1 3'4 }5 in* 24 164 Hamfound 5 3*<» Campbeltown 1 2 176 ICjrkw.ill 8. 3*8 XXI.2VFo« Aug. & Burn Tl. XX. IV. To Fort Gcot P 43 Stirling, KT? 17. 35 Pc: th, No. 2 l. Dumb lain 6 4i Cupar in Anji us *3 53 Crieff il 55 Blairgowrie 4 57 Ambleree 11 66 Spittal of'Glei (hee 18 5 V/ccm> Kirk n 77 Caftle of Braemar 15 90 2 1 Tumme! -Bridge 12 89 Corkbridgc 1 IO 121 Dalnacardoch )S> 99 Camdelmore Gran town J2 i3J Ij il whinny 13 112 Garvieinore 13 125 Belevaird Inn I 134 147 Fort Anu;u{lus 18 143 Bridge of Dulfie '3 16 '63 tfnach liin 9 152 Fort Gcotge Raatachan 26 178 XXV. To Fochabers. 22. 40 Hernera 9 187 Pei th, No. To Thurft Cupar in Aug IS J 3 53 XXII. 1 Mciglc 5 58 Queen' l Fei ry 9 1 65 Npi th Qpeen,'* Ferry I 10 Glaininis 7, _ ^^ ' 281 To Frtzcrslwgh. Orhj. Wtv/ljle, 2 miles I p. XXIX. Forfar Aberdeen, Ko. 23. 1^6 Brechin I 3 S2 Ellon 16 1 IO 92 Fettcrcairn Peterhead 16 1 12 104 Cattlefliilloi k Frfcrsburgh 1 7 » Kincardine-o-niel 7 i ii XXX. T» C-.^./r in Fife. Boat of Forbes 72 123 12 Hnnfcly 16 '39 Kirkcaldy, Ko 28. Ksiih' JO 149 Kennoway 8 Fochabers 8 157 Cup -IT • o XXVI. To Old R.nn. XX XI. 7> SK Andrews. 2 Kennoway, TV;?. 3°. 20 Fettercaii 1:, -Vs. -5- 9 Cohleheu<;h-Buat jrf) Sf Andrew's 1 IvIoii\ niulk JS 1 24 XXXI I. To Crall. Old R.iiii II 135 Kirkcaldy, No. 28. 12 XXVII. Dyfart 2

To Abet hen, Banff Invernrfs, i. after i Wemyfs 3 > I.even Brechin T\o. 2j. u - 4 Laurencekuk :I Pittemveem 12 \nftruther 1 Stoneh-avea. 1 4 Aberdeen, Kilrenny 1 Crall Old Me! (I Mini 3 XXXII I. To Dunfermline. Cliapel of Segate «« Vorth O u'eensierry 10 Tureff 5 D 'infirm line 6 Banff 3 o Perth. Portfoy 6 XXXIV- To New Inn, X"o 28. 21 Cullen 5 P.w/j Fochabers l2 1 Elgin 9 XXXV. T.a.Borpefs. Queensferry Forres I2 9 B r: Nairn I0 -wfi-o unnefs 9 XXXVI. To Clackmannan

Ph car harboury water, 6 Clackmannan • 7 Kingdom I Alloa 2 Kirkcaldy Stirling 7 Ke« 7 Inn xxx vi i r< North Berwic, Cupar in Fife prelton pans 8

'Woodhaven Cockenzie - 2

!ce, by water 1 Aberlady Dun } 5 Ab^rbr' thock | North Berwhk 7 Montrofe XXXVIII. To £>*«/?. 1 nverbervie Haddington 17 Stonehaven Longformacus 16 33 Aberdeen Dutift 7 4o: { 20- )

Frc->, XXXIX. XLVI Perth to K\ll:,yy Fro"i Gl.-,fgov> to D:i»:fries. d) Kcnmore.,

; K nj:fwe'.l J4 Dunkeld 14 G-ailtou 8 22 Loggierajt S 22 Marhiin Ken 7 29 more I 5 37 O.ri Cumnock 7 36 Kdiin 16 53 •New Cumnock-- 5 41 XL VI. FromGreenoc. to Ayr. Sanquhar ii 53 Lar^s Pelipont 13 66 15 Saltcoats 2S Du"ifries IJ 81 13 Irvine 7 35 XL. By nnoth'.r Rood, Ajr r 1 ' ------46 ' Elvanfoot, No.. 41. 42 1 Thornhill 16 ,g XL VIII- From Invernefs to Dumfries 16 - , Fort William, General s Hut 18 From Clafg. to "irlifle. XLI . Fort Auguftus M 3*. Hamilton 11 Letter/inlay 14 46 Douglas-Mills 18 29 Fort William 15 61 Kl vsnioot »5 f; xlix. Moffat 13 55 b _ JLockerby 16 71 ' From Berwick to H. Tvick. Ecclefcchan 6 77 Corn hill J3 Lou 2 town. 14 9i CoUlftream 1 14 Cirlifle 9 ieo Kelfo 9 2 3 tiaivick 20 43 XLII. From GUfgtrw to Ayr. 1 fi to Xingfwells 14 1 L. From Po-t Patri Kilmarnock 8 -22' Carlijle. Ay 12 34 Stranraer 6 Xltii- Glen luce 10 16 From Perth to Stir ling. Newtonftewart 16 32 Gatehonfe of Fleet 17 Crieff H 1 49 Carlingwork 13 62 Dunblain 15 32 I Stirling 6 £8 Dumfries 17 79

! Annan 17 96 XLIV. From Perth to Dundee. ! I,ongtown. 13 109 jlaic 10 1 Cariijle 118 Dundee 12 a2 9 ,]LI. From Edinburgh to. 7Vca>- From Perth to Absr* XLV- cajile. by Kcljo. detn h-j J/lor.trofe. Kewtylc 17 hJlacklliiels or Haugh. 14 Crlajnaiis 6 23 Lauder 11 2; 16 41 Forfar 5 28 Kelfo Mitirirum-inill :i2 40 9 55 jVioiUrofe. 48 Wooller Id 60 61 Rimiidc Moorlioufe 16 6 J Tiicrbervie »3 7 9 •jo Morpeth 14 9^ Stonehaven 1 vjcr.jllc S4 , 14 104 ssi rl:en 14 . N: { 21 j


To ABERDEEN by Perth and Bred 'n from RobertfoVfj Black-bull, head. of Leith walk, every Tuef. Thurf ar.ti .Sat, at half paft Ten forenoon, and from Aberdeen every Mod.

Wed. and Frid. at Four in the morning;, tickets L. 2 : :s. To CARLISLE from Robert-ion's, Black-bull, every. Mon. Wed. and Frid. at Four in the morning, and from Carlifle the fame days, at the fame hour, tickets L 1. ios. From DALKEITH every morning (Sunday excepted) at Nine, two coaches, and leave Edin. one from Sutherland's at the Crofsat E.even, the other from Bell's, oppoiite '1 ron kirk,

comes back at. Four afternoon, and returns at Seven in the evening-, tickets is. 6d.

To DUMFRIES from Cameron's hotell. No 2 . Prince's Greet, every Turf. Thutf. and Sat. at Six in the morning, and from M'Vittie's, Dumfries fame days and hour, ticketa L 1. 4s. To GLASGOW every day (Sundays excepted) from Cuddie's, Grafs marketp at Nine in the morning, tickets 10s. One ditto, from M Kay's, Grafs-market, at Ten, tickets IOS. One ditto, from Lawon's, Cowgate head, at Ten, tickets ids. One ditto, Kobcrtfon's Black-bull by J alkirk, Nine, tick* IC8. One coach at Ten, from Cameron's Prince's ftrset, tickets ios One diligence, at Twelve noun, dittotickets ?;s. Two diligence** from Dryfdal's, the one at Ten the other at Eleven forenoon, and arrives at Eight at night every day, tickets 13. JMercartill corch from Cameron's Crofs, gets at Eleven noon. To HADDINGTON, one every, day (Sundays excepted) from Sutherland's at the Crofs, at Ten forenoon, and from Fairbairn e at Haddington, tickets 4s. To JEDBURGH from MFarlane's head of Canongate, every VV ednefday, aod Saturday,, at Six in the morning, from Jedburgh -fame .days, tickets 13s. To KELSO from M'Farlanc's every Tuefday, Thurfday, and Saturday, at Eight in the morning, returns Mondaji Wednesday, and Friday, tickets j.os. 6d.

wm ( 21 )

To LANARK from Law-fan's, Cowgate head, every Monday arid Friday^ at Eight in ihe morning, and from La n ai k next day To LEI I'H, three coaches goes from Bell's oppofite the Tron-kirk, and two fom CLrk's, Exchange, to the {hare of Eeith every half hour, tickets 6d Fiom LINLITHGOW and FALKIRK every day at Twelve noon, at Mrs Warden's, Grafs- mat ket, and returns at Four afternoon, tickets to Linlithgrw gs. 6d. to Faikiik 53. LONDON -by Berwick and Ncwcaftle, the mail coach from D ysdale's Ttirff coflee-houfe, No I. St AndrewS, ftreet,. at half paft Three afternoon, but on Sunday at Three, tickets to Berwick L|. to Newcahle L 1. 165 toYo;kL 3.33. to London L 6. 6s. To LONDON by Comhill and Ncwcaftle, the Royal Charlotte, light poll coach, from Robertfon's, Black-bull, head of Leith walk,- every day at Three in the morning, tickets to Ncwcaftle, L . 16s. from Ncwcaftle to London, L

From PRE'i I ONPANS every morning at Nine, and returns from Stewart's, head of Carruber's clofe, at Four afternoon, tickets is. 8d. To STIRLING from M'Kay's, Grafs-market, every Tuefday, Thurfday. and Saturday, at Eight in the morning, fetsout from Monro's, Stirling every Monday, Wednefday, and Friday, fame hour, ttckete 8s. 6d. ( 2 3 )

To STIRLING from M'Pherfon's, Grafs- marker, every Monday, VYednefday, andFiiJay, at tight in the morning,, fets out from W ingate's, Stirling, every Fuefday, Fhuiiday,. and Saturday, fame hour, tickets 8s. 6d, QUEENSFEKRY to and from it, everyday at Nine in the morning, and Four afternoon, at Bell's, oppoftte. Trou- kirk, tickets 28.


Four receiving Offices in Edinburgh, which fend the letters twice every day to the General Pod-office, at Three ia. the afternoon, and btven in the morning,. VIZ,

One at Jo reprt Archibald's, feedfmsn, Chaple ftreet One at John Reid's, grocer near Heriot's ent. Grafs-market One at Mis Gordon's, grocer, No 43. fouth Hanover ttr. One at John M* Donald's, Jpirit dealer, head of St John's- itreet, Canongate

Departuresfrom ILclin. toLeith. 'Departures fram LettA to Edits.

Eight in the morn, fummer, Eleven forenoon and Nine in the winter, One afternoon Eleven forenoon Three afternoon,. Oiie afternoon AND Half pad Three afternoon Seven in the evening. Eight in the evening.

An additional Penny-poft to all places within the delivery of Edinburgh, at One in. the afternoon.

CONSTABLES, with their respective bounds.

James Burnet grocer, head of Jackfon's clofc, bounds from Bull's clofe, to Halkerlton'8 wynd, including north bridge ftreet, Prefes.. ( 24 )

Daniel Forreft merch. No 7. Shakefpcar's fquare, bounds" new extended royalty, Treafurcr. Peter Lavvfon merchant, Blair's ftreet, from St Mary's wynd up the fouth (ide of the high ftreet to Blackfriars. wynd. Secretary. Edward Thomfon, Grafs-market, from the north fide of the weft port, to the head of the weft bow, weft fide. John Howden merchant, from the head of the weft bow to the caftle-hillj fouth and north fide, down to Nairn's cl< fe= David Finlay feairdfeffe'r, Lawnmarketj from Nairn's clofe, including eaft fide, to Gladfton's clofe. Jaaus Goldie merchant, head of the anchor clofe, from GJadfton's clofe to the uudermoft Baxter's clofe. John Forrefi haberdafher, oppofite poft office, from the un- d^rraofl Baxter's clofe to Byree's clofe. John Muir ironmonger, Exchange, from Byres's clofe to Allen's. clofe John :eel confectioner, Prince's flreet, from Allen's clofe to Gedles's clofe. Thomas Keif haberdafher, fouth brid, ; from Geddes's clofe. to Bull's clo'e George Murray confectioner, nether bow. from Hatkerflon's wynd to Morrifon'a clofe.

1 James Ban fleiher, Canuber's clofe, from Morrifon's clofe

f> Clialmc-i - 'dole.

George Brunton merchant. Exchange, f m Chalmsr's clofe to Leith w yud.

James Maion merchant, fou f h bridge, from the Cowgate

port, up to Black friar3 wynd, and high fchool wynd, in- cluding.both fidev Ahxander Scot grocer, head of Bull's clofe, from the high fchool gate, including the weft file of the wynd to Rbbertfon's clofe, including a!fo Cant and Dicklon's clofe. John Grieve merchant, head of the flefh market clofe, from Blackf'iars wynd, to Nidlry's ftreet, including the weft fide of Robert foil's clofe. John Swandon grocer, h

21 ( *5 )

George Tod, merchant north bridge, from Borthwick's clofe to the parliament c!ofe, and up the north fide of the Cow- gate to the kirk heueh. William Stark combmaker, Creams, from the weft fide of the fifh market, including the parliament clofe and Lucken- booths. James Denhohn hatter, north bridge, from Haftic's clofe to the hoife wynd, including the college to the Potter-row port. William Martin book-feller, No 46. fouth bridge, weft fide, from the laigh council houfe door to Liberton's wynd, and from the kirk heugh to Liberton's wynd, Cowgate. George Anderfon haberdafher, north bridge, from Liberton'3 wynd, high ftreet. to the head of the welt bow. Alexander Watt cabinet-maker, head of the weft bow, from the head of the weft bow down the fame, and down the Cowgate to Liberton's wynd, including the clofes. Jam

The following five are added to the old Town.

William Richardfen merchant, Exchange. Robert Tweddie grocer, No 70 futh bridge, weft fide. Ttiomas Hamilton wright, Brodie's clofe, Lawn-maiket. John Murray baker, head of Halkeriton's wynd. Thomas Smith tin-plate-worker, No 4. Blair s ftreet.

Alexander Frazer grocer ; N. R Cheyne boikfeller, St

Andrew's ftreet : Daniel Foreft merchant, oppufite thetron

church ; Alexiroer Dalmahoy fhoemaker St Andrew's ftreet, John Carmichatl baker No 7. fouth Hanover ftreet, Alexander R?innie flater, No 12- mid Rofe ftreet. James Bruce giocer, No '4. George's ftreet, fouth fide, conjunclly for the new extended royalty. 1 1

( * )

Stump duty on Bills of Exchttffge and Receipts.

above 5I. 5s. 3i abovr 50I. not above Tool rs 4os- and not j t above iool 1 above 5 . 5s. to «$ol. 6 not above aool. 6d

abo\e 30I. not above 50I. 9 j above 200I. as

Foreign Bills af Exchange in Sets.

Anyfum not above rool. Cd above aool. is. 20 3l. Above iool. below gd. I

RcijJ'uaL'le where f.rft ijjaed, or at any other place.

1 2 1. not exceeding . 5s. 6d 5I. 5s. not exceeding 5 J 30I. is.

Orders on bankers within ten miles of the p'.a-ce of drawing, payable to the bearer on demand, duty free.

'Payable otherii-ife than upon demand.

2l. not above 30?. 6d. ionl not above 200I, Is. 6d, I 30I. not above


40s. and below 231. ad 50I. or upward 6d aol. and be low sol. 4d

Duty on TVitidoius, with the Old Ihttfe Duty of is.

V. 1. s. d. W. I. s. d. W. I. s. d. w. 1. S.

8 2 18 6 1 7 3 '3 29 i9 40 9 I

O 6 1 ?, 13 19 3 19 30 7 41 9 T 3 20 9 17 6 4 7 8 3i 7 '3 42 9 15 i'j 1 2 a 21 4 16 32 7 15 43 9 17 1 6 22 6 1 7 5 4 33 7 17 4; 9 '9 1 3 12 1.3 .1 5 13 3 34 7 '9 45 10 11 6 '3 1 19 4 24 2 35 8 ir 46 TO 13 14 2 7 25 6 1 I 3* 8 '3 47 lO '5 6 26 6 15 a '3 i3 c 37 8 ' s . 48 TO »7 6 16 3 ( 27 '5 38 8 17 49 IO '9

6 6 , 6 '7 3 28 '7 , 39 8 19 5<5 II j 1 1 ( 2 7 )



1 ^7* 'HE figures dire& to the number of each honfe, Merch. flands for merchant, — Co. for court, — la, for lane.—fqu. for fquare,—fir for ftreet, — Co. for company,— e. for eat], — iv for nuej},~f. for font h, — and n. for north.

A BERCROMEY Gen. Ralph, Nj 66. Queen's ftreet ** Abercromby Lieut. Colonel James, George's fquare Abercromby Alexander writ, fig. No 1. iouth Fredrick's ftreet, eaft fide Abercromby Charles writer, No 12. St James's fquare Abercromby Alexander fpirit dealer, foot Weit bow Abercromby Mifs, Wind-mill ftreet Abercromby Mifs, Sommervill's clofe, Canongste Aberdour James founder, Magdalen chapel Aboyne Earl of, No 2. St Andrew's fquare Adair Thomas writ. fig. No 55 Prince's ftreet Adair Dr Mrs. Tiviot-row Adair Mifs, No 43. fouth Hanover ftreet Adair Mifs, mid Rofe ftreet Adams Dr Alexander, George's fquare Adams George furnifhed lodgings, No 18. Thiftle ftreet Adams Andrew tailor, No 2. eaft regifter ftreet Adams John tin-plate worker, oppolite linen-hall, CanongatS Adams Mrs. eaft Rofe ftreet Adams John lint drefier, Fountain bridge C c D I A— ( 28 ) A—

Adams Alex, tailor, N07. Shakefpear's fcjuare Adams David ihoemaker, cad Richmond ftreet Adamfuii John writer, No 10?. weft Nicolfon's ftreet Adamfon Mrs. furnifiied lodgings, Simon's fquare Adarr.fon Andrew, foot of the fifh market clofe Addifon Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, Gibb's entry Addiion John grocer, Brifto ftreet Adingfton Mr?, fouth Fredrick's ftreet Adie Campbell -writ. fig. No 10. George's ftreet, fouth fide Adie James riding agent and auctioneer, Potter-row Adie James fiioe-maker, Weft port

Adie Mrs. No :>. eaft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Agnew Lady, Bucclengh place Agnew Mifs G. No 8. fouth St David's ftreet Agnew Mifs N. No 1. Thiftle ftreet Aikman Matthew hairdreffer, Bow-head Aikman George merchant, Luckenbooths Aikman John currier, head fouth back of Canongate Ainflie Sir Philip, No 72. Prince's ftreet Ainflie John land furveyor. No 8. fouth Hanover ftreet Ainflie William fiddler, No 5. Prince's ftreet Ainflie Mrs. ceffee houfe, No r. St James's fquare Ainflie Mrs. No If. ealt Rofe ftreet Air flic Mr3. No 2. Rofe ftreet Aii.flie Mr?, fpirit dealer, Calton Ainflie Al«H*8(ier wine merchant, college ftreet, oppofite infirmary Ainflie Robert writ. fig. north caftle ftreet Aiofllie M-s. bookfeJler, eaft Rofe ftreet Ainflie Mrs. No 2. P.ofe court Aire Mrs. Anchor clofe Aire John of the navy, Leith walk, weft fide Aitchifon William baker, Chapel ftreet Aitchifon John builder, Weft port

Aitchifon vVexander ftudent of phyfic, fecretary to Sir J. Sinclair, 2d ftair below Crichton's entry, Canongate Aitchifon Mig. head of Stevenlaw's clofe Aitchifon John baker, No 5. caft Regifttr ftreet Aitchifon Thomas, Craig's clofe, feleclor of this directory Aitken James ilay-rm,ker, foot of Canongate, north fide I

A— ( =9 )

Aitken Archibald meafiircr and felTion clerk, oppofite Canongate kirk Aitken James printer, Middleton's entry, Potter-row Aitken Mrs. corn dealer, head of Well: port Aitken David (hoc-maker, King's ftables Aitken Mrs. beef and ham fhop, foot of Liberton's wyn.l Aitken John auctioneer, foot of Niddry's ftreet Aitken Hugh wn'ght, oppofite bughts, Grafs-market Aitken James clerk to Glafgow waggon, oppolke welt end of the Corn market, fouth fide Aitken Mrs. fpirit dealer, foot of Liberton's wynd Aitken William fmith, Pleafance Aitken Alexander cabinet maker, No 4. Shakefpear's fquare Aitken Mrs. fpirit dealer, Carubbers clofe Aldridge Samuel teacher of dancing, No S. Shake fpear's fquare Alexander Alexander wright, Lochend's clofe, Canongate Alexander George cabinet maker, oppofite Canongate kirk Alexander David painter, oppofite Canongate kirk Alexander William upholflerer and cabinet maker, Brill o flr. Alexander James fpirit dealer horfe wynd, Canongate Alexander John writer, extracting oSte, houfe CowvMie head ° Alexander Mrs. furnilhed lodgings, fouth Richmond ftreet Alexander Robert tailor, head of Pleafance Alexander James fpiiit dealer high ftreet fouth fide Alexander Mrs. furnilhed lodgings, Brillo ftreet Alexander John writer, Weft bow, weft fide Alexander Mrs. rook tatern, Advocate's clofe Alexander Mifs f - Galloway's entry, Canongate Alexander Forrcft Yorklhire flioe ware-houfe, No 16. Leith ftreet, houfe Jolly's land, Leith walk Alexander Nicol Saddle-tree maker, head of Leith walk A exander David ftioemaker, oppofite the weigh houfe A exander Walter cabinet maker, head of Leith walk A exander J- grocer, head of Campbell's clofe, Canongate A exander Mrs. No 24 mid Rofe ftreet, fouth fide AhfonMrs. Cheffel's buiWing, Canongate Alifuu Robert book-binder, prefident flairs, parliament ciofi- A hion Alexander writer, No 3. north St James's ftreet Aiifon Alexander archittd, north St Tamer's fquare N

( 30 ) A—

Allan Robert banker and agent for the fun fire office, writers court, and printer of the Caledonian Mercury, old fifh market clofe, ho-jfe No 20. George's ilreet, fouth fide Allan William Laberdafher, No 7. fouth bridge, eaft fide Allan Alexander and Co. woollen drapers, 2d ihop above the Tron-kirk Allan John dept. clerk for the miniilers widows funda^ Scot's clofe A'lan Andrew flefher, fiefh market clofe Allan Charles book-binder, parliament clofe Allan John- of Errol, No &. St Andrew's fquare Allan Francis cabinet maker, upholfterer and undertaker, No =5. fouth bridge, eaft fide Allan William tailor oppofite, the foot old AfTembly clofe Allan John wheel wrig-ht Simon's fquare Allan Charles fhoemaker, north corner of Charles's ftreet Allan Alexander head of Leith walk Allan William teacher, (cale flairs, flefh market clofe Allan David djawing acadamy, Sandiland's clofe Allan Robert writer, No 13. terrace, Ltiih ftreet Al'an rev. Alex. Chrffel's buildings, Canongate A.lan David, head of Dickfon's clofe Allan David plumber, Nicolfon't. ftreet Allan D

Allan Rcbert furnifhed lodgings, terrace, Leith ftrt-et- Allan William of exchequer, Abbey hill Allan rev. John, Hyndford's clofe Allan J feph. hair drtffer, mnfe-well, Grafs market Aliton Mifs, Charles's ftreet Alllon James fhoemaker, No 7. eaft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide- iilves Mrs Dr. No 76. Prince's ftreet Alves Thomas folicitor at law, back of bughts, Graf* market Amos Jofeph fp^rit dealer Caflle-hill Anderfon Thomas, Efq; Antigua ftreet Anderfon Patrick writ. fig. No 71. Prince's ftreet Andtifon Samuel hanker, No 41. George's ftreet fouth fide Anderfon Dr RoSert, Hcuot'a entry, Grafs market Aidcrfon Dr James, Springfield, Leith walk ;»uderfou John writ. fig. No 2.8. Gtoigr.'s ft leet, north fide

sa : N N' A— ( 3' ) A—

Anderfon Robert and Co. bankers, Exchange Anderfon Leflie and Co feedf;n>m, oppofite crofs Anderfun George haherdafher, Mo 12. north bridge. Anderfon Francis writ. fig. nzvs ftreet, Canongate Anderfon Mrs. north back of Canongate

Anderfon John clerk to Neiveallie waggon, Grafs market , f. fiJc Anderfon James merchant, Lucktnbooths Anderfon Dr James, bee office, meal market flairs Atiderfon David examiner of cudoms, Buccleugh Arret Anderfon Alexander merchant, No 36. north Hanover's ftree*; Anderfon William w. fig. Prefsdent Hairs, Parliament clofc Anderfon David grocer, Park ftreet, Brifto Anderfon William upholder, Brifto ftreet

Anderfon Robert, No 14. fonth Fred, ftreet - Anderfon William builder, Charles's ftreet

Anderfon Mrs. Nicholfon'3 ftreet, wtft fid.? Anderfon James fpirit dealer, Buccleugh ft:eet Anderfon James hair-drefTcr middle of the Weft-port J Anderfon Daniel fpirit dealer, Grafs market, fouih fide Anderfon John hair-dreffcr, Cowg-ate head

Anderfon Charles flioe-maker, middle of Pleafance . Anderfon Thoma3 fpirit dealer, foot of Canongate

Anderfon 11 James brewer, oppofite foot of Niddry's ftres ; Anderfon John, Paterfon's court Anderfon Mrs. midwife, head of Niddry's ftreet Anderfon David tailor, St Ann's ftreet Anderfon John grocer, weft bow Anderfon William currier, back ofihecaftle Anderfon Mrs. cabinet maker, mid Rofc ftreet Anderfon Mrs. Cant's cJofe

Anderfon porter dealer, caftle hill Anderfon James lint and yarn ihop, Blair's (IreeL Anderfon Wiliiam iron monger, Weft-bow Anderfon Mis. north Richmond ftreet Anderfon Mifs, boarding fcheol, Charles's ftreet . Anderfon James, weft Nicolfon's ftreet Anderfon Thomas baker, potter-row Anderfon Mrs. No 2. St David's ftreet Acderfon James ftay maker, Simon's fquare Andes fon John flocking maker, mid eaft Potter- row • Anderfon James fpirit dealer, Goosford's clofe C 3 ( 3* ) A—ft

Anderfon Alexander and William upholfterers and' cabinet makers, No 46 Prince's ftreet

Anderfon Adam tin fmith, No 5 1 . fouth bridge, eail fide Anderfon Daniel grocer, Brill o ftreet Anderfon Mifs, oppofite the Corn market />iderfon George baker, No .9. m'd Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Anderfon Thomas fmith, Paul's work. Anderfon William weaver, Piccardy Anderfon James hairdreffer, Leith wynd Anderfon James teacher of book keeping, Advocate's clofe: Anderfon David hair dreffer, head of Barringer'a- clofe Anderfon David tailor, head' of Canongate Anderfon George hair dreffer, Caflle hill Anderfon Mifs, Donaldfon's clofe, Caftle hill Anderfon Henry grocer, Brifto ftreet. Anderfon Mrs. Cant's clofe .Anderfon James (lay-maker, Leith wynd' Anderfon Mrs vintner, Ghaple ftreet Andcr-fon Robert whip thong maker, head of Cowgate^ Anderfon John mtffenger, Libberton's wynd Anderfon Daniel Chimney-peace maker, No t8» mid R-bfe- ftreet % Andrew George writer, old affembly clofe, fcale ftaira Andrew John merchant, Bow head Andrew Alexander wright, middle Leith walk, earl fide Angelo Trernamando roya! accademy. houfe Hay's ftreet Angus John fpirit dealer, Leith walk, weft fide Angus Mrs. mid wife, Richmond place Annandale Geo:ge fhoe-maker, toll crofs Annarulale Mrs. grocer, Louriflon Annan K,bene

&B&&tai ' ; , U

A—R ( 33 J A—

Archibald John of the weigh honfe, bow head Archibald Thomas ftabler, Candlemak er-row Archibald William tailor, Thiftle ftreet Archibald Mrs. grocer, middle welt port Archer James engraver, anchor clofe Atcher Andrew brewer, Abbey Archer James brewer, Abbey ArgyJe John Duke of, palace of Holyroodhoufe- Arkley James cooper, Brifto ftreet, fouthtnd Armour John woollen draper, Luckenbooths Armftrong Francis merchant, Luckenbooths Armftrong Alexander, Leith walk Armftrong and Co. brafs founders Niddry flreet> Armftrong Thomas copper fmith, Niddry ftreet. Armftrong Mrs. merchant, Luckenbooths Armftrong Mr9. weft Regifter ftreet Arnot Mrs. ofBalcromie, No 5. north St David's ftreet Arnot William grocer, Ponton ftreet of .clofe Arnot Thomas cabinet maker, oppofitefoot Burnet's s Cowgate Arnot James baker, head of weft port Arnot William baker, head of Falconer's clofe, Canongate Arnous Peter teacher of French, Baillie T yte's clofe

Ar rat..a ad Thomfon furgeons, Gray's clofe Arthur Fredrick apothecary, Potter-row Arthur Mrs. Tobago ftreet Arthur David edge tool maker, foot of Leith wynd Arthur, and Peddie teachers, Thiftle ftreet Arthur Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, St Anne's .ftreet Attwell William. La/kit maker, foot of Libtrton'6 wynd. Auchinleck Lady, No 20. St Andrew's fquare Auchinleck John Smith, Calton Auchinleck Mifs, Gosfords clofe, Lawn market Auchinleck George mufician, weft port Auchinleck Mrs. Caxrubber's clofe

Auchterlony John fills dyer, College ftreet Auld William Goldfmith. No 9. Parliament clofe Auld Robert writer, back flairs Auld .Williairij Trunk, clofe A J^^hiT A—V ( 34 ) B—

Auld Robert pattern maker to the Edinburgh foundry, houfe Milne's fquare

Ah (Ion George (later, Warrifton's clofe ; Auftin Mifs, Brown's fquare Aytone Major Roger, No 9. Queen's ftreet

Aytone Roger writ, fig Brifto, oppofite Charles's ftreet r Aytone Mrs of Kinaldy, James's court Aytone Robert founder, Calton, houfe flefh market clofe Aytone Mrs- Bilhop's land


Babptie William cabinet maker, Brifto ftreet Bach James fpirit dealer, caftle bank. Baillie Mrs. No 4..Thiftie ftreet Baillie James of the ftamp office, oppofite Milton's houfe, Canongate Baillie Dr James, No 33. Prince's ftreet Baillie Mrs. of Rofehall, No 19. Prince's ftreet of Baillie Alexander Dochfour, No 11. George's ftreet, . fouth fide Baillie John upholfterer, foot of Forrtfter's wynd Baillie George, No 10. noith Fredrick's ftreet Baillie Mfs. writers court Baillie Mathew ftabler, oppofite boughts, Grafs market Baillie Mrs. head of north G. ay's clofe Baillie Mrs. Goos-dub Baillie Thomas grocer, Ponton ftreet Baillie William writ. fig. No 2. north St David's ftreet

Bailie Mrs fountain clofe • • Bailie William tailor, Currie' clofe, Grafs-market Baillie John writer, Cheird's court, Canongate Baillie John mafon, Hctiot's entry, Grafs- market Bain William holler, Nicolfon'3 ftreet Bain James fltflicr, foot of Carruber's clofe Bain Arch, cabinet maker, Crofscaufway

Bain J'>hn, No. 1 1, Prince's ftreet Bain Mr*, vintner, fifh market clofe Bain Mrs. Buccleugh ilreet Bain John vvright, iouth end of Potter- row Bain Angus barber, Gjwfiedr-row a&Si Bain John tailor, Caftle bank Bain David ihoemaker, Calton Bain George grocer, oppofite foot of College wynd Bain Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, Richmond ftrcej Bain William, oppofite meal market Bain Wittiam hater. Canongate Bain Nicolfon, Hope parkend fide Bain John tailor, and tea dealer, Leith walk, well Bain George, head of Burnet's clofe Bain Mrs. grocer, foot of RobertfouV clofe Bain- Walter broker, Potter-row Bain William tailor, Chalmers's clofe Bain Andrew tailor, Canal ftreet 6. St Baird rev. Dr. George principal of the college, No. James's fquare Baird Thomas Efq; advocate, No 3- north St James's ftreet Baird Mifs millintr, No 8. fouth bridge, eaft fide Baird Mifs, Jack's U»nd, Canongate Baird James terrace, Leith ftreet Baird James of exchequer, No 3. fouth bridge eaft fide Baird John drawing mafter Ctofscafway Baird Andrew fmith Pleafance Baird David ftabler, foot of weft bow Bai-f James {hoe-anaker, Potter-row Balcarras Earl, No 53- George's ftreet, north fide f. fide Balcarra? Counefs Dowager, No 5.1. George's ftreet Bald Jurats flefher, Goosdub Balderflon William writ. fig. George's fquare Balfour James writ. fig. George's fquare Balfour John and Son'paper ware houfe foot of weft, bow- Balfour James accompt. head Byers's clofe Bdifour Mr?. No 32. George's ftreet, fouth fide Balfour ElphingHon book feller oppofite crofs well, north fide

Balfour Andrew Efq; advocate, No J 4. St John's ftreet Balfour Mrs. head of Byer's clofe

Balfour John Efq; No 2 6. George's ftreet north fide Balfour Mifs, Leith walk, weft fide Balfour James accompt. of the bank of Scotland,Chav!&3'8 ftr. Balfour Mrs Springfield, Leith walk Balfour David writ. fig. No 6. fouth Hanover ftreet Balfour M^fs Wind mill ftreet

1 Balfour Alexander architect , Thiftle'6 ftreet *. Balfour Mrs. No 32. George's flreet Balfour John merchant, St Ann's flreet Balfour James accompt. old Toll houfe clofe Balfour Mrs. Carubber's clofe Balgonie Lord, Nicolfon's fquare Balhary John cleric for CarlifU waggon Briflo flreet Ballintine Andrew writer, Caiton hill Ballintine William clock and watch maker, head Canongate Ballintine Alexander copper fmith, head well bow Ballintine John wool merchant, bow head Ballantine William flioe- maker, No u. St James's fquare, north fide B .diamine James fpirk dealer, Fountain bridge BaHantyne Peter builder, Rofe llreet Ballaniyne Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, head of Cowgate B'allingail John hair drefTer, No 13. Prince's flreet Balmain Mrs new flreet Canongate

Balmain Jame3 glazier of linen, No 6. mid Rofe fir. n. fide Balmain Mrs. Briilo flreet

Balvaird John writer, No 6. north St David's flreet Balvaird James general exam, of excife,!eugh place Bamboury Thomas, head Dunbar's clofe Lawn market Band Henry baker, Luckenbooths

BaHnatine • M'Leod Efq; advocate, No 52. George's flreet nor'h fide Bannatine James writer, Society Bannatine Richard woollen draper, No 7. fouth bridge, w. fide Bannerman Mrs Dsummond flreet Bannerman William, Heron's court Cowgate Bannerman William Cabinet maker, Kincaid's court, Cowgate Bannerman Srrachen's clofe Bank Francis fpirit dealer, oppofite Cant's clofe, Cowgate Banks William tailor, M'Dougal 9 flreet, Lekh wynd Barclay Anthony writ. fig. Jamts'a court Barclay rev. John, Caiton hill Biuclay Mifs Grace boarding fchool, No 16. north Fredrick's flreet Barclay Mrs mantua maker, head St Mary's wynd Barclay Mrs. Robertfon, No 15. St John's flreet Baiclay Capt. Stewart, Tobago flreet Barclay William tailor, No 2 ?. fouth bridge Barclay J. furnilbcd lootings, No 42. Rofe flreet B-A ( 37 ) B-E

Barclay Alexander haberdafher, No 41. north bridge Barclay Mrs. No 4. Rofe ftreet Barclay William Robcrtfon writ. fig. No ic St John's ftreet Barclay Mif« haberdafher. No 27. fouth bridge, call fide Barr Robert apothecary, Brifto ftreet Barr Allan filk weaver, Seller's court, Potter-row Barr Robert copper fmith, head of Lcith wynd Barr Robeit grocer, head of Cowgate Bartram John writer, No 6 weft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Barth William fpirit dealer, Canongate, fouth fide Barry Alexander teacher, writer's court Bartlet Mrs, wid-wife, Bull turnpike Bartlet Capt. Fredrick of Drumaikil, Fredrick's ftreet Bartlet Mrs. doftrefs, park-fide, near Gibet toil Bsrrowman Mrs. Crichton's ftreet Barrowman William teacher of dancing, Blyth's clofe Earron Robert ftabler, general's entry, Potter-row Barron Mifs, No 2. Leith terrace Battye Thomas horfe milliner, haberdafher, whale-bone cutter, and Manchelter ware houfe man, Richmond place Batchelor Thomas apothecary, crofs caufeway Bathgate Mrs. grocer, weftend of bruntsfield links Bathgate William baker, No 4. mid Rofe ftreet, north fide Baxter John confectioner, No 49. fouth bridge, eaft fide Baxter John Hater and glazier, No 1. eaft Regifter ftreet Baxter James vintner, head of Blackfriars wynd Baxter John vintner, weft Regifter ftreet Baxter Mrs. Miln's fquare Baxter Alexander iron founder, middle of Leith walk Bayle John French tavern, No 1. Shakefpear's fquare Beatfon Andrew, upper Baxter's clofe, Lawn market Beatfon Alexander writ. fig. No 4 fouth Fredrick ftrset Beatfon William cabinet maker, Watergate Beatfon David fefiion clerk of Edinburgh, houfe Erifto ftreet Beatfon Mrs. Buccleugh ftreet Beatfon David writer, Richmond ftreet

I Beatfon Henry fpitit dealer, head of Cowgate Bedie William ttabler, Grafs-market, north fide Begbie Adam tailor, Potter-row r E B—

Begbie William tailor, covenant clofe Begrie John faddler, No 116. Nicolfon's ftreet Begrie Mrs. fpirit deader, head of Befs wynd Begg William grocer, corner of Richmond ftreet Belfches Sir John, Nicolfon's iquare BeHches Robert of Green-yards, No 14. Queen's ftreet Bell and Bradfoot book-fellers, No 32. Parliament clofe Bell, Kerr and Co. brewers, Pleafance Bell Hamilton writ fig. oppofite linen hall, Canongate Bell Mrs, furnifhed lodgings, Briilo ftreet Bell Mrs. Foulis'a clofe Bell Mrs. merchant, Gosford's clofe

Bell Daniel cabinet maker, No 1^8. Nicolfon's ftreet, f. fide Bell Robert writ. fig. No 59. queen's ftreet Bell Mrs. No 30. Prince's ftreet Bell John furgeon, No 9. George's ftreet, fouth fide Bell Geo. Jofeph Efq; advocate, No 9. Geo. ftreet, fouth fide Bell John merchant, Lawn market, fouth fide Bell Andrew engraver, Lourifton Bell Benjamin furgeon, No Nicolfon's ftreet Bell John grocer, Nicolfon's ftreet Bell Alexander tobacconift, head of plain ftone clofe, Canon, Bell James tailor, Chaple ftreet Bell William land forveyrr, Read's court, Canongate Bell Thomas comedian, terrace, Leith ftreet Bell rev. Dr Robert, Lourifton Bell Andrew hairdrefier, oppofite Meal-market Bell William grocer, oppofite Tron-kirk, livery ftabes in Drummond ftreet Bell MrB vintner, head of Canongate Bell David foreman to the king's ftationary ware houfe, his houfe Potter-row Bently Mrs. Springfield, Leith walk Bently Gordon, Leith walk, weft fide Bcnnet Mrs. Calton hill Bennet Mrs. tobacconift, foot of Haftie's clofe Bennet James fmith, Calton Bennet Robert fpirit dealer, No 3. St James's fqnare Bennet John vintner, Milne's fquare Bennet John furgeon Nicolfon'B ftreet, oppo. royal accademy B-E ( 39 ) B-L

Berry Mil's, Calton-Kifl Kerry Walter book-feller, No 39. fouth bridge, well fide Bertram William, Fountain bridge Bertram John writer, weft Rofe rtrcet Bethunc William writer, No 46. George's ftreet, north fide Betts George manufacturer, Dtumfheugh Beveridge William writ. fig. No 23. Prince's ftreet Beveridsr James writer, No 24. Prince's ftreet Beverly Alexander upholfterer, Sime'o couit, Leith terrace flairs Beugo John engraver, head of Black friars wynd Beugo Gavin painter, weft Regiller ftreet Biggar Robert fen. manufacturer, Bnccleugh place Biggar Robert jun. manufacturer, Bnccleugh place Biggar Mrs. of Woolmot, Drumdryden Biggar Walter and Co. lint and yarn fhop, foot of Steven- law's clofe B'gg"r John and Walter linen warehonfe, Nicolfon's ftreet Binny Archibald letter founder, head of horfe wynd Binny Stewart painter, Heron's court, Cowgate Binning Mrs. Nicolfon's fquare Bifhop James grafier, Gibbet toll Bifliop James watch and clock maker, Pleafance Bifhop Alexander fpirit dealer, No 1. St Ann's ftreet Bifhop Arthur hairdrtffcr, No 1. St Ninian's ftreet Biffet Andrew writer, Riddle's land, Lawn market Black John woollen draper, Luckenbooths Black Dr Jofeph, Nicolfon's ftreet, eaft fide Black Alexander chymift, druggilt and apothecary, No 15. Piince's ftreet Black John grocer, head of Elackfriars wynd Black Mrs grocer, Rofe ftreet

Black Andrew fhoe-makcr, No r. St James's ftreet Black Charles grocer, Brifto ftreet Black William glnzer cf linen, Scot's clofe Black Daniel breeches maker, Brifto fteeet Black Hugh tailor, No 14. Thiftle ftreet Blackie Alexander, Alifon's fquare Blackadder Mifs, north Fredrick's ftreet D iA L O *

B— ( 40 ) E—

Blackadder Mrs. No 24. queen's ftreet Blackburn Mrs. No 22. north Hanover ftreet Blacklock Mrs. Crichton ftreet Blackball Mrs. Fountainbiidge Blac!.hail Thomas writer, No 2. St Ann's ftreet Blackwood Alexander (hoc-maker, Calton Blackwood Mrs. furniftied lodgings, Thiftle ftreet Blackwood. Samuel fpirit dealer, near Archer's hall Bhckftock John, Lochend's clofe, Canongatc Blair Mrs. No 3 north St David's ftreet Bhir Francis merchant, -Wind-mill ftreet Blnir Lady Hunter, No 10. queen's ftreet Bluir Mrs. cf- Bakhayock, No 62. queen's -ftreet Blair Alexander writ. fig. No 34. George's ftreet, n. fide Blair rev. Dr Hugh, Argyle's fquare Blair Thomas of the (lamp office, No 5. eaft Rofe ftreet Blair Robert Efq; folicitor general, Brown's fquare Bbir Mrs. -of Bothaick, Drumfheugh Biair Mils, No 35. north Hanover ftreet Biair Mrs. Brodie's land, foot of Canongate Blair William writ. fig. No 31. north Hanover ftreet Blair Mifs, Lourifton Blair Alexander brufii maker, Chalmer's clofe Blair Philip flefiier, Jackfon's clofe Biair James wright, Cowfeeder-row Blane Andrew writ. fig. No 4.7. fouth Hanover ftreet Blsw Dr James No 7 queen's ftreet Blyth Alexander breeches-maker, upper Baxter's clofe, Lawn

. riKukttt Blyth Colin, Leith walk, weft fide Blyth James hairdrcfier, Leith wynJ Blyth Mr9- New ftreet, Canongate Blyth Andrew fpirit dealer, mid Rofe ftreet Blyth Mifs merchant, Luckenbooths Boak Alexander currier, Weft port Bogie Jimes carver and gilder, head of Calton Bogie William, Caufway fide Boide Andrew of the royal bank, St Ann's yards Bogle Mr9. St Ann's yards B'jgle Lauchlin baker, head of St John's ftreet, Canongate

»-*• - ^ " —— O

B— ( 41 ) B—

Bogue John writ. fig. No 2, St James's fqnare Boog Andrew and Alexander cutlers, Nether-bow, hotfe Leith wynd Boog Ja me- ihoe-maker, Lrbcrton's wynd

Boog John wrighr, No 1 7. vied Ro'ft llreet, fouth fide Boog Alexander fhoe-maker, head of Canongate, foath fide Boog Thomas apothecary; head of Canongate Bo^g George toyman, Creams Bookies John wright, No 7. Weft R.ofe fireet, fouth fide

BonalleyMr . No*, eaft R6feftreet; fouth tide Bonnar Andrew banker, Exchange and Watrifton" Bonnar Alexander banker, No 2. Stjanies's quare, eaft fide Bonnar John folic'tor of excife, No !. Prince's fireet Bonnar James clerk to folicitor of excife, No 2. St James's fir. Bonnar John painter, head north bridge, houfe No 6. fouth

St David s fireet Bonnar Jofeph, No 17. Thiftle fireet Bonnar Thomas, Tiviot-row Bonlhrom James builder, Baccleugh place Borthwick Archibald banker, No 19. St Andrew's fquare Borth.vick George wire worker Nether bow

Borthwick James, No 7 Shakefpear's fquare Borthwick Andrew fmith, Calton

Borthwick Mrs -furnifhed lodgings, No 6. f. St David's fireet" Bor.hwick Alexander merchant head of under Baxter's cloie Lawn market Bort,hwickMrs. Hay's fireet, Nicclfon \ fqnare Borthwick F.ancis flocking maker, foot of new fir. Canov,* Borthwick George fifb hook maker, Leith wynd B.> rowman James writer, Gabriel's road Borrowman William grocer, weft pott

• Boi'wtll Robert writ. fig. No 1.3. Sf Andrew's fquare B< fweli Claud Efq; advocate, No g. fouth Hanovcrs fireet Bofwell Mrs. No 30. Queen's ftreet Bofwell Mi fs grocer, middle weft bow Bofwell Mifs Baillie Fyfe's clofe Bofwell Alexander of Blackadder, No 27. St Andrew's fquare Bofton Walter carron ware-houfe, No- 5 I. fouth bridge e. fids Bowers David fpirit dealer, King's ftables Bower Mrs. fpirit dealer, Leith wynd Bowes jofeph architect, Calton hill R.. I—o ( 42 ) E—

Bowie Mrs. Forreftcr's wynd Bowie Mifs gold lace manufacturer, Luckenbooths Bowie Mrs. P. Argyle's fquare Bowie John vintner, No 12. fouth bridge, weft fide Bowie Mrs. auctioneer, Fiftier's clofe, Lawn market V Bow John vintner, Hunter S fquare Bow Pcier baker, Bucclcngh ttrcet Bow Robert linen draper, No 33. north bridge Bowman Charles dep. clerk of the horn office, Ni col fon's ftreet Bowman Robert gohll'mith, No 14. Parliament fquare Bowman William officer cf excife, head of Lochend'e clofe, Canongate Boyd Cathcart of the cuftoms, foot cf (hocmakers clofe Canon. 1 Boyd Robert, middle ' of, Weil bow, waft iide Bdyd Walter, Brillo (beet Boyd M^s head of Canongate Boyd Mrs. No 14. north Hanover ftreet Boyd James tailor, St Mary's wynd Boyle Alexander hairdieifer, No 3. St Ann's ftreet Brcid David ftabler, oppoiite the corn market Braid Andrew fmith, Pleafance Brand John baker, oppofke M'iddictor/s entry, Brifto ftreet BranJ John baker, Tobago ftreet Braieivvood and Bruce upliolftery warehaufe No 4. fouth bridge, weft fide Bra.idvvood William carron ware houfe, No 6. Hunter's fquara Braid wood** William w.ight, Gifford's park Braidwood John fpirit eiealer, Weft poit Braid wood Andrew fmith, head of Pleafance

liraih James tailor, No 3. Shakelpeai's fquare Breadalbine Earl of palace of Htdyroad, aoufe Break James brewer, Pieafance Breakenrig Robert tea and fpirit dealer, head of Canongats Breakenrig John clock and watch maker, weft port Bremncr Mrs. M'Dougal's ftreet foot of Leith wynd Bremner Mrs. furaifhed lodgings Calton

Bremner Hugh accomptant, No j. fouth St David's ftreet Bremner Charles writ, hg. Merchant ftreet Bremner James writer, Merchant Itreet Bremner Alexander looking olafs maker, foot of Stevenlaw'a clofe R R

B— ( 43 ) B—

Eremner Mrs. M Dbwgal's ftreet, foot of Leah wynd Bremner Peter fpiric dealer, near the Cunongate kirk Bremner James, meal market (lairs Bremner Colin tailor, Canal flreet Bremner William Jpiiit dealer, head of Barringer'd clofi Bridges Thomas, St. Leonard's hill

Bridges David woolen draper, No 2 g. Parliament clofe Briggs Robert apothecary, Candltmaker-row Brodie Mrs. Drumfheugh Brodie Mifs, No 8. fouth St David's flreet Brodie Francis writer,. Leith terrace Brodie William writer, No i. queen's flreet " Brodie Mrs. St Patrick's fquare Brodie Mifs of Letham, No So. Prince's flreet " Brodie William glafs-grinder, foot of Cakon Brodie Thomas, fountain clcfe Brodie Andrew tailor, No ng. N'colfon's flreet Brooks John baker, foot of Lady Lawfon's wynd, weft pore Brooks Adam merchant, Lawn market, houfe Wight's land oppofite foot of Forrefler's wynd, Cow-gate Erotherlton John upholfterer, GifFord's park Brotherflon and Anderfon uphclfterers, No 7. north bridge

Broti;erfton Mr6. furnifhed lodcrinps- - No 2 c. north bridee-,b eaft fide

Brough John cork cutter oppofite foot of 3'air's ftreet Brough John fhoemaker, No x 1. Thillle ftreet

Brough John cabinet maker, weft Regifter ftreet ' Brough Thomas plaifterer, No 19. T hi (tie ftreet Erough John wright. M'Dougal's ftreet, foot of Leith wynd Eroughain Henry Efo; No 7. George s ftreet, fouth fide Brcughton Edward accomptant of excife, Fountainbridge Broughton Mrs. Crofs caufway Brown Robert writ. fig. No 42. queen's ftreet Brown Capt. Peter, No 52. queen's ftreet Erown James architect, George's fquare

Brown Charles Efq; advocate,' No 20. George's ftreet, '• north fide Erown Mifs mantua maker, No 23. fouth bridge, eaft fide Erown Thomas and Co. merchants, No 44. north bridge Brown William bookbinder, oppcihe the new ftairs, CowsateS X> 3 . R

£— c B_K

Brown Robert Efq; No 22. north Hanover ft re-el: .

Brown J. St Patrick's fquare Brown The mas ftatfoner, head of north bridge Brown David merchant, Lourifton lane Brown James day maker, No 16. fouth bridge, eaft fide Brown Mifs milliner, head of Gray's clofe Brown Alexander advocates library, houfe back meal market [lairs Brown John furniffiied lodgings, Dunbar's clofe Brown Mrs flefher, ftefti market clofe Brown Mrs. St Patrick's fquare Brown James whipmaker, fountain we!! Brown Mifs mantua maker, No r. St James's ftreet Brown Alexander hairdreffer, meufe lane, St Andrew's ftr*. Brown John tobacconifl, corner of Sc Patrick's fquare Brown Mifs teacher cfmnfic, No 3. St James's ilrcet Brown Mrs wright, Paul's work Brown Hugh -furniihed lodgings, No 2. north St David's Ai\ Brown P.obert weaver, ThilHe itreet

Brown John wright, No. 13. Thiitle ftreet I Brown Alexander wright, No 1. wett Rod ftreet, north fide Brown Mrs mid-wife, Brown's clofe Brown Robert grocer, oppofire- Heron's court, Cowgate Brown William flefher, ham, {hop, head of Stevenlaw's clofe, houfe Bull turnpike Brown William fmith, Goofe dub Brown William grocer, head of Skinner's clofe Brown James butter and cheefe warehoufe, head of Weft bow Brown Rjobert ironmonger and founder, Lawn market Brown Alexander wine merchant, Craig's clofe Brown William furniihed lodgings, Ghaileu's ftreet Biown John cabinet maker, back of the weigh houfe Brown William teacher, No 15. north Fredrick's itreet Brown James ihoe-rnaker, head of Befs wynd Brown George coinniifihmer of excife, No 3, St Janiea's fquare,. weft fida Brown Capt. Peter, fouth Caflle flreet Brown Thomas tailor, Brifto tireet Brown William, oppolite gen. entry, Brifto Brown Alexander of excife, Gird's park B-R ( «f ) 3--

Ercwn Mifs, Buccleugh ftreet Brown William wright, Potter-row Brown James merchant, head of Weft port Brown Mrs. mantua maker. Bull turnpike Brown John printer, Simon's fquare Erown Thomas grocer, Richmond ftreet Brown Andrew grocer, fouth Richmond (I reel Brown John printer, St Patrick's fquare Brown Robert porter dealer, Caftie hill Brown William tailor, St Mary's wynd Brown Thomas, Kirkbraehead Brown Walter fpirit dealer, meal market flairs Brown James ft.iy-maker, htad of Canongate Brown Tofeph baker, head cf Cancngate, north fide Brown Mrs. Todrick's wyr.d Brown David grocer, Grafs market, fouth fide Brown John fhoe-maker, welt Rofe ilreet Brown James grocer, Thiftle ilreet Brown George watch-maker, fouth end of Nicolfon's* ftreet Brown Alexander overfeer of public roads, Founiaiiibridgs Biown Charles wright, Fountainbridge Brown John wright, Toll crofs Brown Thomas fleiher, fltfh-market clofe Brown James cabinet maker, Chaple ltreet" Brown Robert grocer, Caftle hi'l Brown Robert wright, Potter-row Brown Thomas baker, Goofe-dub Brown Thomas grocer, weft Nicolfon's ftreet Brown James ftabler, back of boughts, Grafs-market Brown Hugh ftabler, White-houfe toll Brown Beiijamin hairdreiler, Luckenbooths Brown Mrs. oppolite the bughts, Grafs-market Brown James baker, oppofite Caftle wynd, Grafs-market Bro'vn John p-rocer, foot of- Heriot's entry, Grafs-market Brown John grocer, Society, oppofite Brown's fquare Brown Andrew coilee-room, fouth Richmond ftreet Brown Mrs. poulterer, oppofite Heron's court, CowgatC Brown Robert baker, foot cf Alifon's clofe, Cowgaie; Brown Mrs. Warld'send clefe Brown John builder, Paik ilreet, Eriiio a R

B— ( 46 ) B—

Brown Mrs. middle meal market ftair Brown James fpirit (hop, oppofite Linen hall, Canongate Brown Archibald (hoc-maker, No. 3. Leith ftreet Brown Mrs. furniftied lodgings, terrace Leith ftreet Browning James grocer, Thiftle ftreet Brownlee Gtorge, horfe-hyrer, back of boughtB, Grafs mark. Brownlee James lint -d re ffer, Crofg caufvvay Brownlee Mrs. Grafs market, north fide Bruce Edward writ fig. No 3. queen's ftreet Bruce Mrs. No 42. Prince's ftreet Bruce John and Andrew jewelers, No 10. Prince's ftreet Bruce Mrs. of Kinloch, No 49. George's ftreet, north fide Bruce Mifs, No 33, George's ftreet, north fide Bruce James accompk of exciie, Merchant ftreet Bruce Robert writer, Richmond ftreet Bruce Mifs of Kennet, Park ftreet Bruce Adam writer, fouth Caitle ftreet Bruce George dept. clerk of ftffion, No «. n. Fredrick fir. Bruce William writer, No 3. St James's ftreet Bruce Mrs.- oppofite Archers hall Bruce Francis fadler, head of high fchool clofe, Canongate Bruce Alexander hairdreffer and perfumer, No 5. fouth Fredrick ftreet Bruce and NicoJl leather merchants, No 13. Leith ftreet Bruce and fon upholfterers, No 37 north bridge Bruce Bui net Efq; advocate, Park ftreet Bruce Dr Williamfon, Lothian lodge, foot of the Canongate Bruce and Colvii leather merchants, oppofite Bow-head Bruce Alexander wright, Morrifon's clofe Bruce Mifs, oppofite Linen hall, Canongate Bruce John, Calton hdl Bruce Mrs. fpirit dealer, middle of weft port Bruce Andrew jeweller, oppofite water houfe, Caftlehill Bruce Lady Rachel!, Union place, oppofite St Andrew's church Bruce William grocer, Weft port Bruce Thomas cloag maker, St Ninian's row Bruce William tailor, oppofite Heron's court, Cowgate Bruce Mrs. of Tillycoultry, Buccleugh place R U

B— ( 47 ) B—

Bruce Capt William, near foot of Leiih walk, weft fide Bruce Mils, No 26. north Hanover itrcet Bruce Mrs. No 7. north Fredrick drect Bruce Charles vintner, No 24. fouth bridge, weft fide Bruce Mifs, Hope park end Bruct William Gibb's entry, Nicolfon's ftreet Bruce |ames grocer, No 14 George's Itrcet, fouth fide Bruce James fadiiler, Brill© ftreet Bruce David flater.. Foulis's clofe Brunton Walter faddler, head of Buillie Fyfe's clofe Brunton George merchant, Richmond place Brunton George and Co. merchants, front of Exchange Brunton John might, head of weft port Brunton James- broker, .opposite Heroa's court, Cdwgatefc Biur.tcn George wright, Caftle bank B;yce Mrs. Shiel's land, oppofite foot of Blair's ftreet- Bryce James paiater, No 12. T-hiiile llrtet Bryce Mrs. No 6. eaft Rofe ftreet Bryce Mifs, No 4. fouth Fredrick ftreet Bryce David Efq; oppofite Cinongate kirk Bryce Ciiarlea grocer, head of Forrefter's wynd Bryce James corkemter, foot of Con's clofe, Cowgate Brydie Mifs, No 6. St Andrew's ftreet BryJen John wright, Brillo ftreet Biyfon Robert baker, head of Paterfon's court, Lawn market Bryfon John mufic -feller, oppofite Crofs-well

Buchan James writ. fig. No 1 3 St James's fquara Buchan John writ. fig. James's court Buchan Mifs, welt Regifter ftreet Buchan John accompt. poft office. St Patrick's fquare Buchan Hugh city Charnberlaiue, houfe head of Links Buchan Hunter and Co. merchants, front of Exchange Buchan Robert painter, Xetherbow Buchan Thomas wright, Blackfricr's wynd Buchan Frances of Sideferf, No 34. queen's ftreet Buchan Mifs, No 21. north Fredrick ftreet Buchan William clerk to bank of Scotland, Gilford's park Buchan George wright, oppefite foot of Blackfriai's wynd Buchanan Mis. Bucclcuch placs U

B— f 48 ) B—U.

Buchanan rev. Walter, Reid's court, Canongate Buchanan Mrs. Milne's court Buchanan Mrs. No 33. George's ftreet, fouth fide Each a nan Mrs No 23. George's ftreet, fouth fide Buchanan Heftar M'Donald writ. fig. No 61. George's ftr.

Buchanan Robert Ffq; No 4 north St Andiew-s ftreet . Buchanan Mifs, weft Regiller ftreet Buchanan James flefher, Pieafance Buchanan William, Gifford'a park Buchanan A'Janiace weaver, Nether bow Buchanan William bower, Hupe park Buchanan John fhoemaker, Galtoa Buchanan David hairdrcfier, foot of Bell's wynd Buchanan John baker, head of St John's clofe, Canongate Budge's John porter dealer, mid Rufe ftreet Burdon James h&ardreffer, No i. mid R.cfe ftreet Bui ley James officer of excife, Wardrop's court Burline Francis drawing mailer, No 18. Geo. ftr. fouth fide. Burret George furveyor of excife, St Patrick's fquare Bu-net ArchibaldEfq; No 12 north Fredrick ftreet Burnet James Efq; oi earns, No 41. Prince's ftreet

Burnet John baker, N 1 1. Leith ftreet Burnet J*mes grocer, he-ad of flsfh market clofe Burnet J hn Efq; advocate, No 7. St James's fquare Burnet ;ohn. Canal ftreet Burnet Alexander grocer, G angc toll Burnet Thomas fhoe maker, Calton Burns James, No 41. Prince's ftreet Burns Robert ordinary every day, mid Rofe ft-eet Burns John feed merchant. Davidfon's clofe. Canongate Burns Robert and David marble cutters, Leith walk, e. fide. Burns R /bcrt grocer, head of Skinner's clofe Burns Thomas writ. fig. at Mrs Ponton's, Crofs caufway Burns James haberuafher. No -34 fouth bridge, eult fide Burns Gt >rge grocer, Simon's fquare Burns John builder, weft Rofe ftreet Burns merchant, head of Liberton's wynd Bums Mr?, ftoue ware-hou'e, St Mark's wynd Bunns John grocer, foot of the college wynd Burt John ladies flipper maker, No j3. Leith ftreet


B-U ( 49 ) C—

Burt Robert apothecary, head of Patcrfon's court Burt Mr3. furniflied lodgings, Riddle's land, Bow-head Burt John fpirit dealer, foot of Canongate, fouth fide

Burt John of the riding accademy, No i i 7. Nicolion's ftreet Burton John wright, King's (tables, Weft-port Burton William (pirit dealer, back of boughts, Grafs-market Button Robert fpirit dealer, Caufwayfide Button William meal dealer, head of Well port Burton Mifs grocer, Abbey Bunel Henry builder, place Burrel William tailor, below Milton's houfe, Canongate Burrel David calico-glazer, Niddry ftreet Burrel William perfumer, weft Regifter ftreet Burrel Mrs. auctioneer, head of back (lairs Burrel George (hoe-maker, eaft Rofe ftreet Burrel John baker, middle of Pleafance Buttler James (hoemaker, Calton Buttler Mrs. grocer, Goofe-dub Butter William architect, foot of Carruber's clofe Butter John bcok-biniier, head of Lady Stair's clofe

• C

Cadell William Efq; of Carron park, Richmond ftreet Cadell Mrs. Paterfon's court, Broughton Cadell George, Dowie's land, Richmond ftreet Cadell Mrs. Drummond ftieet Cairncrofs George writer and agent for the church, fouth Caftle ftreet Cairns George fpirit dealer Spiulefield Cairns Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 2. James's ftreet Cairns Peter bookfeller, head of Gray s clofe Cairns Robert of the cuftom houfe, Nicolion's ftreet Cairnton Robert fmith, Allan's clofe Caitchen John carver oppohte foot of fifh market clofe Calder Robert builder, fouth Fredrick's ftreet, fouth fide Calder Peter tei and fpbit dealer, Cowgate head Calder John ironmonger, Grafs market, north fide Calder William vintner, head of Leith wyi,d Calder Mrs Anchor clofe Calder tailor, flefh clofe James market ; Canongate A

C— ( 53 ) C-A

-Calder William tea andfpint dealer, Well-port Calder Mrs. fpirit dealder, Caftlebarns Calder Thomas, Caltoii hill Calder Hugh cart v.Might, Pleafance Caldwall Mrs. merchant, Luckenbooths Caldwa'l John miniature painter, Blackfriar's wynd Callander Capt. No 3. Rofe ftreet Callander John writer, Alexander's land, Brifto ftreet Callander Mr3. of Craigforth, foot of flu>emakers clofe, Canon. Callander George meafurer, No 7. Shakefpear's fquare Callander William writer, at ditto Callander Mifs mantua maker, Cowgate head Callander Mifs of Wtfterton, No 22. north Fredrick ftreet eaft fide Callander Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, Gofsford's clofe Callander Jbhn, merchant ftreet Callander Andrew hairdrtlTer, Cowgate head Callum Ge> rge ftioemaker, Brifto ftreet Cameron Robert writer, weft ftair, St James's court Cameron Hugh vintner and coffee hoilfe, genteel furnifned lodgirgs, fcal ftairsoppofite Crofs, fouth fide Cameron Alexander writer, Covenant clofe Cameron Peter, fpirit dealer, Eurnel's clofe Cameron Mrs. grocer, head of Blyth's clofe, Caftle hill Cameron Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, St Mary's wynd Cameron He£tor ftudent of divinity, Grant's cl. Weft bow Cameron Alexander ftioemaker, St Anne's ftreet Cameron James ftioemaker, Calton Cameron John hotel, No 3. Prince's ftreet Cameron Archibald painter, head of Leith wynd Cameron Geo. and Allan engravers, Covenant clofe Cameron John hatter, No 29. fouth bridge, weft fide Cameron Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 9. Prince's ftreet Cameron John tailor, No 4. St Anne's ftreet Cameron Mrs. merchant, within the foot of Bell's wynd Campbell William Efq; Broughton Campbell John Efq; receiver gen. No 38. George's ftreet, north fide Campbell John writ. fig. No 37. queen's ftreet Campbell Mifs of Shirvan, No 40. queen's ftreet A \

C— ( 5i ) C—

Campbell Mifs of Blyfwoo.l, No 45. George's ftreet, f. fide Campbell Archibald Efq; advocate, No 54. George's ftrett, fjuth fide Campbell Thomas merchant, head of Burnet's clofe Ompbell Mrs. Gayfield place C impbell Lady of Ardkinlafs, No {. n. Fredrick ftr. w. fide Campbell rev. Archibald, Baillie Fyfe'e clofe Campbell Mrs. of Monzie, George's fquare Campbell Archibald writer, Carruber's clofe Campbell Mrs. Thomas, A<-gy)e\s fquare Campbell Archibald brewer, eaft Campbell's c'ofe, Cowgate Campbell Alexander, weft Campbell s clofe, Cowgate Campbell Colin of Glenfalloch, Park ftreet Campbell Mifs, Park place Campbell John writ. fig. north Caftle ftreet Campbell Archibald writer, No 3. Rofe ftreft Campbell John iron-monger, foot of the Weft bow Campbell Calton hill Campbell John lint-dreffer, Baillie Fyfe's clofe Campbell Ebenezer, teacher, Pleafance Campbell Mrs. Capt. No 3. St James's fquare, fouth fide

Campbell Mrs. of Blandfield, No 6. weft Rofe ftr. f. fide Campbell Mrs No 7. St James's Square Campbell Mrs. of Saddle, No 38. St Andrew's fquare Campbell Major, No 12. Hill's ftreet Campbell Mifs of Newfield, No 6. fonth St David's ftreet Campbell of Comby, No 3. Hill's ftreet Campbell Mifs, No 5. Tbiftle ftreet Campbell James writ. fig. No 10. St Andrew's fquare Campbell Lady, No 3. Thiftle ftreet Campbell Mrs, of Balimore, No it. St Andrew's fquare Campbell Mrs. William, No 18. Geo. ftreet, north fide Campbell Mrs. of Fairfield, No 2$. north Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide Campbell Mifs of Eoarhills, north Caftie ftreet Campbell Mrs. No 3. eaft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Campbell Mrs. No 1. St James's fquare, weft fide Campbell John haberdafher, No 12. fonth bridge, weft fide Campbell Mrs. Mungo, No 45. Prince's ftreet Campbell and Heudry grocers, head of ChaUel's court Canon.

fii^l A

C- ( p ) C—

Campbell Will, liatt warefloufe, fouth St David's ftreet Campbeil John fpirit dealer, oppoiite Crofs well, fouth fide Campbell Malcom fpirit dealer, Grafs-market, north fide Campbell George fltlher, fielh market clofe Campbell Mrs. Alexander, Paterfon's court Bronghton Campbell Mrs. Antigua ftreet Campbell Peter teller royal bank, Chiton hill Campbell James merchant, Riddle's land, Land market Catnpbe'l Martin infpeftor of cuftoms, Alifon s fquare Campbell Mrs. John furnifhed lodgings, head of Pieafance Campbell John, No 10 St James's fquare, north fide Campbell Mrs. fen. No 3. St James's llreet Campbell Alexander brocker, foot of Robertfon's clofe Campbell Charles teacher of Irilh pipes, foot Blackf. wynd Campbell Mrs. golf houfe, eaft end of bruntf. Links Campbell John grccer, head of Jack's clofe, Canongate Campbell James lint (hop, Weft bow Campbell John ftabler, foot o£ Heriot's entry, Grafs-market Campbell Duncan fpirit dealer, Cowgate head Campbell Alexander hairdrefier, No 1 1. weft Rofe ftr. f. fide Campbell James wright, Canal ftreet Campbell Mrs Weft bow Campbell Mifs tambour worker, Milne's conrt Campbell John writer, back of Meufe-wcll, Grafs-market Campbell James (hoe-maker, No 3. Rofe ftreet, north fide Campbell Robert watch maker, Canal ftreet Campbell Hector, Bhckfriai's wynd Campbell William club maker, weft end of Bruntsfield Links Campbell Gilbert fpirit dealer, No 15. George's ftr. f. fide Cam;, bell Archibald, No 2. Leith ftreet Campbell James (hoe-maker, No 3. Rofe ftreet Cannan Horat ions writ. fig. No 6. George's ftreet, fouth fide Mil's. Jollic's clofe, Cattle hill Carfrae James woolen diaper, Exchange, houfe No 4. St James's ftreet Carfrae William oppofite mint, Cowgate Catfrae Mrs. furniflied lodgings, Canal ftreet Carfrae Mrs. Morrifon's clofe Catfrae James coach maker, fouth back of Canongate Cargil Mrs. milliner, head of Jackfon's clofe Cargil James, No 7. Leith ftreet A

C— ( 53 ) w

C-ir^il Daniel cuttlcr, head of Leith wynd Carlyle James tea and/pint dealer, lawn market) fouth fide Carl) le Mrs. Stabler, GuMon's clqfc, Canongate Carlier and Tweedie linen manufacturers, haberdalnera and hofiers, No 43. north bridge Carmichad William writer, op polite linen ball, Canongate

Carmiehael Mis. No .15. George's (licet, fouthfide Carmichael Andrew writer, No 4. mid Jameses lucet Carmichael James writer, Milne's court Carmichael John candle maker, Venter gate Carmichael Walter uilor, weft Richmond ftreet Carmichael John baker, No 7 fouth Hanover ftreet. Carmichael porter,. dealer, Byre's cL;e C.umichael Daniel paton maker, C' earns Carmichael Thomas merchant, Exchange Carmichael James grocer and n.ailer, Weftport Carmichad James baker, Nico'.fon's dreet, weft fide Carnegie Lady Mary, Baillie Fyfe's clofe Carnegie L-=d) Mary, Ann Ramfay's garden Carnegie Mils mantua maker, head of Wardrop's court Car;.:gie James. L Efq; advocate, No 50. fouth Fredrick fir, Carnegie Mrs of Craigo, George's iquare Cam achat! Mrs. No 2. St Andrew's ftreet C. bin George folicitorat law, Milne' court Cant.ars William comb-maker, Leith walk, eaft fide CaHtuirs John furgeon, head of Canongate Garftair's Mifc Chnftian, foct of r.e.v ftreet, Canongate Carftairs Mifs. foot of new ftreet, Canongate Carres Mrs George's Square Carres Mifs of N:fbet, George's fquare

Carruthers James of Warnumby, No 4.6. fouth Hanover ftr. Garruthers John of Holmains, gen forveyor of window lights No 2 fouth Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide Cathcart John Efq; advocate, No 33 queen's ftreet Cathcart Lady, No 35. Pi ince's ftreet Cathcart David Efq; advocate, No 26. north Fredrick ftreet. eaft fide Cathcart Mrs north Caftle ftreet Cathtrwood Henry, Grafs-market, fouth fide Cauvin Jofeph fig. writ. No 33. George's ftreet, north fide . ^^W^BHA r A H C— ( J4 ) C—

Cauvin Lewis teacher of French, head of Craig's clofe Cavih John grocer, head of hoife wynd Caverhill Archibald grocer, foot of Candlemaker-rov/, Caw George printer, Liberton's wynd Caw John grocer, head of Lady Stair's clofe Cay Robert Hodfon advocate, No I. George's ftreet Cay Mrs.. St Patrick's fqtiare Chalmers George merchant, Milne's court Chalmers James folicitor at law, foot of Chalrrver'a clofe Chalmers Capt. Charles, Chape) ftreet Chalmers John writer, No 29- George's ftreet, fouth fids Chalmers John fpirit dealer, Caftle barns. Chalmers M^s. old meal market (lairs Chalmers Jsmes lint and yarn fhup, Weft-port- Cnalmcrs John writer, Paterfon's court Chalmers Robert gen accompt: of excife, Adam'3 fquare Chalmers Mrs. tin fmith, head of Liberton's wyad. Chalmers Mrs plumber, Canongate Chalmers Andrew grocer, Candlemaker-row Chalmers John wright, weft Rofe ftreet Chalmers Thomas fmith, Potter-row Chalmers Mrs. No 14. north Fredrick (tree;- Chalmers Alexander, Goole-dbb Chahnerg M r s. Gardener's hall Chancellor Mifs, Witt's clofe, Canongate Chancellor John of Shieldhill, Park ftreet Charlote Charles weaver, Piccardy Charlote James weaver, I'iccardy Charteris Ladies of St John's ftreet, weft fide Chatteris William, No 1. George'3 ftreet, fouth fide Charteris Mifs, Charles's ftreet Charteris Charles comedian and vintner, No 1. Prince's ftreet- Charles John candlemaker, head of Halkerftcn's wynd and Hamilton's folly Chark3 James hofier, next (hop to gen. poft office, n. bridge Charlea Thomas grocer, Broughton. Charles William candlemaker, foot of Wight's clofe, Cowgate 1 Chataney Anthony French accademy, head of Bell * wynd ChejUTC Mrs. No JO. George's ftreet, fouth fide Cheape James of Strathiyrum, No 4.;. George's fir* north fide Chcape William linen damafli ware-houfe, Hyndford's clofe, c—L C—II ( 55 )

Cheap Mr?, of Rett.?, No 16. north Hanover ftreet Cheap Chifholm Robert, end of Potter-row Chefholm Mrs. Thiftle Rreet Chefholm Mrs of Chifholm, No 50. George's ftreet, fouth fi It Chefholm William grocer, No 1. James's ilteet Chiiholm Adam grocer. Weft port Chi (holm William grocer, Cdwgate-port

C hi (for Mfft mfrntua maker, head of Canongate' Cheyiie N. R. bookfeller, No 4. St Andrew's ftreei Chcyne Stuart ftatiorief, No 16. Thittle ftreet Chieflie Mrs. No 3. north St James's ftreet Chriftie Mrs furniftied lodgings, No 16. Thiftle ftree£ Chriftie Adam writer, Morri'on's clofe Chriftie Mrs. ofDurie, No 28 queen's ftreet Chriftie's writing fchool, No 5 fouth bridge, weft fide Chriftie Mrs. head of Canongate, north fide Chriitie George jeweler aud filver fmith, No. 1. Parliament c?» Chriftie Mrs midwifr, Richmond ftreet Chriftie -Peter grocer, head of Weft-port Chriftie W-iliam haibdreffer, middle of Canongate Chriftie William and Robert fhoemakers, No 17. George's ftreet, fouth fide Chriftie Capt. James cf the city guard, foot of fiih market cL Chriftie John weaver, back of the cattle

Chriitie William bookbinder, back flairs \ Chriftie Mifs, head of St John's ftreet Chriftie James cork cutter, oppofite foot of Forrefter's wynrl Chriftie David malt mill maker, Pleafance Chriftie Alexander" laft maker, Giafs-market, north fide Chrilticj'on Alexander grocer, Richmond place

Chriftie fori Alexander teacher, high fchool, houfe Alexander's laud, Brifto. ftreet Chryftal Mrs. Canongate head Chryftal William fhoemaker, Nicolfon's ftreet, eaft fids - Clmrchill Mrs. head of Leith walk, eaft fide Churnfide Mifs, No 4. middle of St James's ftreet " Clapperton George writ fig. Fifher'd clofe, Lawn market ' Clapper on Mrs.- furniftied lodgings, No 5, George's flreei>" north fide Clapperton Mrs, vintner, fiefh market clofe . ,

( 56 ) C-

Clapperton Mrs. ffiraifhed lodging?, trunk clofe Clark J r>hu of Elden, No 70. Prince',} ttreet C ark William Efq; i.dvoc3te N<> 7c Prince's (treet Clark Sir John of Pennycaick, No 37* Prince's itreet Cark James Eiq: advocate fhenfF dept. for the county of Edinburgh G;o:gt's fquare Clark Allan wiit. fig. foot of Weftbow Clark David falicitor at law, No 5. Nieolfon's fireet Clark Mr.-;. Advocates clofe Clark John clerk to the mail cnaeh, Thiftle ftreet Clark. Alexander painter, back of weigh h-oafe Clark Mrs. Fountain bridge Clark James furgeon, Strichen's clofe Clark Mrs. Leith wynd- Cark Andrew of Ci-mry, No 20. fouth Fredrick (If. w. fide Clark John optician, No; 3. Parliament clofe Clark James* coach liyrer, fouth back of Canongate, houfe. Coral y garden Chirk James tanner, eaft end of Cfofs caufway Clark John glazier, head of Dickfon's clofe Clark David leathtr box maker, Brifto Itreet

Clark Mifa, Tobago lit stt Ciirk Sutherland grocer, fouth end of Nicolion's ftreet' Cark Thomas meal dealer, Goofe-dud Clark Mif«, Toll -croft Clark Mrs, grocer, No 6. mid Rofe flreet, north fids Clark Peter vintner, A'ifon's fquare Clark Robert tailor, St Mary's wynd Clark Robert, oppofite head of Bell's wynd Clark iindrew Haymaker, Callle-barns Clark Hubert cabinet maker, foot of the Candlemaker-row Clark Alexander Habit r, oppofjte Heriot's entry, Grafs-mar. Cark Robert tailor, Fountain clofe

Clark jo'.i-.i hjlider, No 54. St James's fquare Clark Archibald rufh bottom chair-maker, Leith walk, e. fide- Clark John Wwcd'oof, corat-d'aii, No- 6. Shakcfpear's fquare Clark James glazier, head ofthe Canongate. north fide C*ark Alexander writer, Kincaid's land, Cowgute C'ark William rufh bottom chair-maker, No 39. Prince's ftr. Clark Robert bookbinder, Kincaid's land, Cowgate. Clark. Francis v/right,1 Chalmer.'s clofe C---I ( 51 ) C- o

Clark Alexander hair-merchar.t, Chalmer's clofe Clark David parcel waggoner to and from Leith, houfe fiont of the Exchange Clarkfon James tailor, Parkfide, near Gibbet -toll Clarkfon James baker, head of Canongate Clarkfon Thomas grocer, Pountainbridge Clarkfon John Hail's qnarr/ Clayton Mrs. Thomas, Douglas's entry, Leith wynd Clayton Mrs. furniihed lodgings, Richmond ilreet Cleghorn. Mrs. Bull turnpike Cleghorn Thomas coach maker, No 27. Prince's Ilreet Cleghorn Thomas of the cultom-houfe, Heriot's entry) Grafs-market Cleghorn Mifs, Brown's fquare Cleghorn. Mr?, boarding fchool, Mo 5. Nicolfon's (treet Cleghorn Mifs mantua-maker, IMiddleton's ent. Potter-row Cleghorn David brewer, Welt-port Cleghorn Mifs, Goole-dub Cleghorn Alexander tailor, eaft Rofe ilreet

Cleland Robert goidfmith and jeweller, No 17. Prince's A r> G'eland Daniel lock-fmith, Gallowa-y's clofe Cleland Mrs. John watchmaker, head of the new affembly clofe Clephen Jame3 cab-in et-rnaker, Shoem-akar's clofe, Canougate Clephan IVIrs. Douglas, Ramfay garden Cleeve rev. Leith walk, welt fide.. Cleugh Mils, James's court Clidfdale Mrs. Broughton Clidfdale Mifs, Liberton's wynd Clunie Robert brewer, Caufewayfide Cochran Mrs. of Newton, No 13. north Hanover ilreet Cochran John commiffioner of cultoms, Geo. fquare, w. fide Cochran and Tod woollen drapers, No 23. north bridge Cochran Mrs of Kirkfield, fouth end of Potter-row Cochran James writer, George's fquare. Cochran Mrs. poultry and ham (hop, Candlemaker-row Gochrao Robert, Piccardy Cochran Peter, oppofite corn market Cock Richard wright. No 9 Rofe ftreei Cock Charles brewer, Drumdryen Cock David Ihoemaker, Caiton o o

c— ( 58 ) c—

Gock Charles builder, Richmond ftreet Cockhurn M--s. St Patrick ftreet Cockburn Thomas merchant, head of old bank clofe

Cock 1, urn Mifs, No 77. queen's ftreet Cockburn Archibald builder, Kirkbraehend Cockburn Alexander mnibn, weft Thiftle ftreet Cockburn Mrs. Patrick, Cvichton's ftreet Cockburn James of linen hall, Canongate, houfe oppofite Cockhurn John baktr, No 6 St Andrew's ftreet Cockburn Mrs grocer, foot of the old aiftmbly clofe Cockburn William baker, No 3. St- Andrew's ftreet

Cockbur-n James clerk to Sir William Forbes, No 7. Sbaksf- pear's Lmare Cockburn Mifs mantu^maktr, Charles's ftreet Cockhurn William traveling chapman, Grafs-market Cockburn Andrew fpirit dealer, Putter-row Cockburn Mifs, Crichton ftreet Cockfon and Jardin ftone and china warehoufe, No 42* fouth bridge, eaft lide Coldftrtam John commiiTary clerk, James's court Colquhoun Sir James principal clerk of feffion, No 33. St Andrew's fquare Colqohoun William weaver, Back-row Colquhoun Lady, No 5. St James's ftreet Colquhoun Mrs. Canal ftreet Colquhoun Angus grocer, No ri. Prince's ftreet Colquhoun William tailor, Weft-port Colquhoun Capt. No 39 fouth bridge, eaft fide Colquhoun Mifs, No 39. fouth bridge, eaft fide

Colfton John writer, Advocate's clofe, Luckeubooths - Colt hon. Mrs. No 71. queen's ftreet Colt Robert Efq: No 14. George's ftreet, north fide Collier James merchant, head of Liberton's wynd Coliis Edward Efq, cf Bajro, head of Pleafance Collis William fpirit dealer, head of Pleafance Colvil Lady, Druir fhtugh Colvil and Bruce leather merchants, oppofite head of Well-bow Colvil Alexander fup< rvifor of exeife, Chaple ftreet Col vi n John candltmaker, Weft-port Colvin Mrs. Watergate

•- C-O ( so ) w Comb George brewer, Livingfton's yards Comb Thomas, welt end of B*untsfield links Comb Thomas, Hamilton's folly Comb Alexander fpirit dealer, foot of Leith walk Conachar James engineer, Leitli walk, eait fide Conga It qh Dr Charles, No 47. George's ftreet, fouth fide. Coniicl Mrs. Laurifton lane Cook John writer, Chaple ftreet Cook Johu gardener, Leith walk, eaft fide Cooper and Barker Edinburgh fcundry, Leith walk, eaft fide. Cooper William upholftertr, oppofite the head of Black= friars wynd Cooper James jeweller and hardware ihop, No 1. fouth bridge, eaft iide Cooper John fpirit dealer, Canongatr, eaft fide. Cooper William, St Leonard's hill Cooper, James furuiihed lodgings, Advocate's clofe Copland William of Collillon, fouth Caftle ilreet, eaft fide Corbet John, George's fquare Corbet Robert Efq; advocate, Miln's court Corbet William gen. lupervifor of excife, Britifh linen court, C.anoagate Corbet James fhoemaker, F.otter row Core James weaver, Piccardy Cormack Will, fhoemaker and leather warehoufe, No 37= Chaple ilreet Cormie George hairdrefTer, Grafs-market, fouth fide Corrie Hugh writ. fig. No 10. fouth Hanover ftreet Corrie John and Co. mufic-fellers, No 37. north bridge. Corrie Natal teacher of mufic, Thiilie ftreet Corttorphin Peter ihoernaker, Calton Collar Simon painter and fpirit dealer, Wefi>port CofTar David (tabler, head of the Well-port Collar. Robert grocer, Caufwayfide Cotteral George Leith walk, weft fide Cotton George tobbacccnift, Crofs caufway Coulter William-, holier, oppofite the Crofs, manufactory ia Selby's court, Baillie Fyfe's elofe Couper James fpirit dealer, St NinianVrow. Couis William. Ptwurer, Caiton Coventry Dr. Andrew, Farkplace Cowan William ironmonger and founder, head of ChalmerV clofe, houfe Caufway fide Cowan James candlemaker, Grafs-market Cowan Mrs thread maker, head of B!ackfria>-s wynd Cowan Charles tea and paper waie.-houfe, Britilh linen court Ganongate Cowan James Candlemaker, Well -port Cowan Alexander fmith, eaft Rofe ftreet Cowan James grocer, Crofs caufway Cowe Joim Capt. No 4K. George's ftreet, fouth fids C:?wie Thomas fpirit dealer, head of Cowgate Cowie George founder, head of Leiih walk Cow.te Alexander grocer, Goofe-dub C^x Mrs. No 14. north Fredrick ftreet, well fide Crah WiUiam, No tq. Thifl'e ftreet Craig Mrs. baker, oppofite fountain well, Nether-bow Craig of Ricarton, No 52. Prince's ftreet Craig James architect, foot of Weftbow Caig and Butter reed makers, Grafs market, north fide Craig Thomas tailor and habit maker, Milne', fquare Craig Malcom printer, Fiflier's clofe, Lawn market Crciig Mrs. viftual dea^r, F( untain bridge Craigie Mrs Ge tge's fq i;re Craigie Mr.. Hay's ftreet Nicol'on'3 fquare Craigie Robert Efq; advocate No 14. north Hanover fireet C aigie Mrs Richmond ftreet Craigie Mrs. ? Halket of Hallhiil, No 3 . fouth Fredrick ftr. wefl fide Craigie Thomas tailor, Rae's land Canongate Craigie Thomas (lay and habefr maker, Jpllie's land Canon, Cramond Mr«. Richmond place Cranfton Thomas writ. fig. north Cvtflle ftreet Craullon George Efq: advocate, No 12. fouth Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide Cranfton Mifs, Charles's ftreet Cfaflftmi Francis fpirit dealer, Simon's fquare Craw Mifs, Cn.f& caufway

Craw J' hii grocer, Colgate head Craw Arthur officer of ixcife, fecond flair, below Chrichton'a

< 1 y, Canor»(?ate Craw Mf8. No 5. tail Rofc flreet, fouth fide _ J R R

C— ( 61 ) C—

Craw John writer, No 5. cad Rofe fireet, fouth. fide Crawford Mifs, No 7. north St David's ftreet Crawford Mife, No 22. fouth Fredrick ftreet, weft fids Crawford Mrs. vintner, Shakefpears fqunre Crawford Mifs boarding, Clifford's park Crawford William tailor, Nicolfon'a Itreet Crawford James of the ft.imp office, Calton hi'l Crawford Mrs. furnifbed lodgings, No 17. Thi tile ftreet Crawford Charles tin fmith, No 4. fouth bridge, eaft fide Crawford William reed maker, foot of Leith wynd Crawford John baker, oppose foot of horfe wynd, Cowgate

Crawford William ft abler, back of blights, Crawford William fmith Candlemaker-row Crawford John gardener, Leith v.-alk Cree John fhoemaker, St Ninian's row Creech William bookfeller, Luckenbooths, houfe Craig's cl. Crichton Alexander Efq; near Grange-toll Crichton Capt. Patrick, middle of Canongate, fouth fide Crichton and Field coach makers, to his royal highncfa the Prince of Wales, Canongate Crichton Alexander grocer, and tobacconill, head of Warld's end clofe C-ichton James engraver, Reid's court, Canongate Crichton ihoemaker, Potter-row Crichton James mafon, head cf new Affembly clofe Crircar Daniel fpirit dealer, Leiih wynd C r ombie William merchant, St Patrick fquare Crombie Andrew folicitor at law, oppolite foot of lady Sair's clofe Crombie John filk dyer, Hume's clcfv, Cowgate Crombie Charles hairdreffer, head of Canongate Crombie John builder, No 76. Prince's ftieet Crcfbie Robert coach maker, James's fireet Crofbie Hugh tea and fpirit dealer, Main point Crofs Grieve hairdreffer, Cafile-hill Crofs Pvlrs. furnifbed lodgings, north Richmond fireet Crooks William baker. Grafs-market, north fide Crooks John builder, No 17. mid Rofe fireet, forith fiJe Crooks John bafket maker, oppofite back ftfirs Cowgite Cruickfhank Alexander hofier, Nicolfon's fireet R u

C— ( 62 ) c—

Cruickftnnk and Bogle wine and fpirit dealers, head of Niddry's ftreet Cruickftiank George writer, Riddle's clofe, Lawn market

Cruickfhank William teacher in high fchool, houfc No 2 C St James's fquare, well fide Cruickfhank James officer of excife, head of Pleafance Cruichfhnnk Allan grocer, Broughton Cuddie George ftabler, Grafs-market, oppofite Caftle wynd Culbert James fadler, No 1. St Andrew's ftreet Colbert William wright, mid Rofe ftreet Culbert Mrs grocer, Calton Cullen Mrs. of Park head No 15. St Andrew's fquare Cullen Robert Efq; advocate, A rgyle's fquare Cumin George writ fig. No 36 Prince's ftreet Cuming Lady George's fquare, weft fide Cuming Mrs. Prefident flairs Parliament ciofe Cuming John meflenger, Gavinlock's land, Lawn market Camming Robert carver and gilder, No 23 fouth bridge e. fide Gumraing Mifs, Bucclsugh (Ireet Cumming fhoe warehoufe, Charles's ftreet Cumrtring V\ r illiam (hoemaker, weft end of Luckenbooths Cumming Robert ftay maker, Potte-row Cumming William hairdreffer, Leith wynd Cumming John weaver, foot of Leith walk Cumming Peter whip maker, Exchange Cumming Mifs milliner, head of old Alfembly clofe Cumming John (ilk dyer, oppofite foot of Blair's ftreet Cumming Alexander, teacher, Brodie's clofe Cumying Mrs. James, Skinner's clofe

Cunningham Col. George, No 10. George's ftreet, f. fide

Cunningham Alexander writer, No 37. George's ftr. f. fide Cunningham George, Buccleugh place Cunningham Mrs. of Bandalloch, Society Cunningham Mrs. of Enterkin, Society Cunningham rev. Robert of Balgownie, merchant ftreet Cunningham Lady Betty, No. 9. St Andrew's fquare Cunningham James writer, head of St John's ftreet Canon. Cunningham Alexander baker, head of Bull's clofe

Cunningham Mrs. grocer, foot of fifli market clofe Cunningham Airs, foot of Leith walk Cunningham Mrs. Living'fon's yards Cunningham William and Peter filvcr fmiths Lady Sair'6 el. mm* c-u ' C

Cunningham John tailor, Candlemnker-TPW Cunningham George wright, Miln's dofe, Canongate Cunningham William, No 16 ionth Fredrick ftreet Cunningham Capt. John of the city guard, meal market Hairs baker, oppofite blights Grafn-mavket ! Cunningham Mrs. Cunningham and Simpfon lilver platers, Blyth's clofe, caftlc hill Cunningham and Dick woollen drapers, third fliop below the old affembly clofe, high ftreet Cunningham John wright, Crois caufway Cunningham Mifs, No 7. Shakefpears fquare Cunningham Mrs. of Bonington, No 79. queen's flreet Cunningham Alexander writer, new ftreet Canongate Cunningham James baker, No 24. Parliament clofe Cunningham Thomas dyer, Fountain bridge Cunningham Alexander fhoemaker, Weft-port Cunningham Thomas painter, head ot Cowgate Cunningham James fpirit dealer, foot of fifh market clofe Cunningham David fhoemaker, head of Blackfriars wynj Currie Mis. welt end of Bruntsficld links Currie Thomas clock maker, Cattle wynd Currie and Fitullo milliners, next to the general poll office Currie Thomas of Ormifion, No 73. queen's ftrett Currie George Efq; north Cillle ftreet Currie William bookbinder, oppofite meal maiket Currie Mrs. No 14. mid Rofe ftreet Currie Mrs. rope maker, Leith walk, eaft fide Currie Alexander, tailor, Tailor's hall, Cowgate Curtis Charles druggift, Candlemaker-row Cuthbert Robert auctioneer, St Mary's wynd Cuthbertfon William faddler, Nether bow D

Dale Mrs. midwife, Goofe-dub Dalgleifh and Forrtft auctioneers, Potter-row Dalgleiih and Dickie watchmakers, No 18. north "bridge Drlgl-ifh William of Scott's Craig, new ftreet, Canongate Puigleifh James writer, No 34, north bridge, weft iidc ^AttS. 13 -A ( 64 )

Dalhoufie Earl of, No 34. St Andrew's fquarc Dalkers John grocer, oppofite hack, ll airs, Cowgate Dalroahoy Adam glover and furrier, fonth bridge, weft fide Dalmahoy and fon fhoewarehoufe, No 28. St Andrew's itr. Dalrymple diaries Efq; No 51. queen's ftreet Dairy mple William merchant, Exchange, houfe No iS, ^Prince's ftreet Dalrymple Sir John, Argyle's fqnare Dalrymple Mrs. of Rofe-bank, No 15. north Fredrick ftreet Dalrymple Sir Hugh of North Eerwick, Chaple ftreet DalTympIe Mrs. No 7. north Fredrick ftreet, weft fide Dalrymple Mrs.' William of Fordel, No 30. George'a ftreet, north fide D.alyell Lady, Chaple or weft Nicolfon's ftreet Dalziel Andrew proftfior of Greek, and clerk to the general dfembly, houfe college Dalziel William, writ. fig. No 23. north Fiedtick ftr. e. fide Dalziel John baker, Chaple ftreet Dail Mils,' Liberton's wynd Dallas William writ. %. No 58. Prince's ftreet Dallas Mrs. No 58. Prince's ftreet

I. lias lames writ. fig. meal market ftairs Dallas Alexander of North Newton, Blackfriars wynd Dallas William, Dickfon'a clofe Dallas Mrs. Leith wynd Dallaway and fon japanne-rs of wood and iron, north back of Canongate Daniel Henry glaft-cutter, Canongate Darg Mifs milliner, Pirrie's clofe, Canongate Darling William flioemaker, Crofs caufway Darling Rupert mathematician, head of Warrifton's clofe .Darling William primer. Advocate's clofe Daffauvill James weaver, Piccardy Davie and Hutton chymifts, No 17 r. Nicolfon's ftreet Davie John of Gavicfide, No 171. Nicolfon's ftreet George grocer, Potter-row fade Davie and Gardiner haberdamers. No 29. fouth bridge, e. (*rcet Davie Mrs, furriifhed lodgings, Nicolfon's tobacconift, Weft-port Davie William grocer and iUoc watehoufe, Leith Davies Samuel London and Yorkfliire ftreet «_ A D- E D— ( 65- )

Davies Lyort umbrella and hat cover maker, Falconer's land, Canongate Davidfon John of Revelrig, Society Davidfon John writ fig. Cafile lull Davidfon Mrs. Wind-mill ftreet Davidfon Robert K(q; advocate, No 2. St Jameb's ftrcet DaVidfon James writ. fig. north Caftle ftreet Davidfon Daniel Ipirit dealer. Bull's clofe Davidfon James writer well Nicolfen's (treet

Davidfon Harry writ. lig. No 1 1. fontb Hanover ftreet Davidfon Alexander grocer, hlad of Canongate, north fide

Davi ! fon and Dick malt-mill makeis, Crofs caufway Davidfon and Porteons fmiths, Canal ftreet Davidfon Walter fhoemakcr, foot cf the Calton Davidfon Richard fmith, Crofs-caufvvay Davidfem Alexander grocer, head of Canongate, north fids Davidfon Mrs. No 14. Thiftle ftreet Davidfon Robert grocer, Lawn market, north fide Davidfon William ba fleet maker, foot ofLibetton's wynd Davidfon Mis. middle of Leith walk Davidfon Mrs. fpirit dealer. Crofs caufway Davidfon Mis. fuo'c of the Canongate, north fide Davidfon Mrs. fpirit dealer, foot of Candlemaktr-row Davidfon Mrs. grocer, head cf Seller's clofe Dawfon -William tailor, P.eafance Diwfon David fhoemaker, Crofs caufway Dawfon William, head of Lady Stair's clofe

Dean Mrs. No 1 north Fredrick ftreet, weft fide Dean James (labler, Cowgate head

Deans Alexander wright and grocer, corner of Charles's ftr. Dcas Mrs. No 2. St James's ftreet

Deas William painter. No 7. Shakefpear's fquare

Deas Mrs. furniihed lodginga, No 10. George's ftr f. fide Deas William dyer, mid Rofe ftreet Deas David baker, head of the Cowgate Delachpelle Anthony teacher, of French, B. Maul's clofe Ddlett Mrs. Picardy

Demonti H. mafter of mufic, No 23 n. Fredrick' fir. e. fids Dcmpfter Robert apothecary head of Kyndfoord'a clofe Dempfter John grocer, Richmond ftreet ^ E I

D— ( 66 ) D—

Dempller Robert and John druggifts, Grafs-market n. fidu Dempfter, Mrs. Buccleugh place Denham Thomas writer, No 4 Sr Ann's flreet

Dciiham John baker, oppofite weigh , north fide Denholm James hat maker, No 15. north bridge Denholm Mis. vintner, Paul's work

Dennifton painter, No 7. fouth Hanove ' .et X)cnovan Campbell printer, Brodie's clofe, Lawn m ilket Denovan l)r Cuufway fide Deuchar David fcal engraver, oppofite Crofs, fouih fide

Deuchar Alexander fcal engraver, < ppofite C-ofs, fotuh lide De Ville .-Agu-itus teacher of French No 3. mid St Jamea'd

ft rest Dewar George linen dr?.per. Lead of Gosfoord's cl. Lawn m. Dewar Robert glazier, foot of Forrefters wyr; l.Cuwgate Dtwar James an<: Co. merchants, oppofite Crofs, heme St Ninian's ftreet 3~>ewar Alexander hairdrtffer, YWfi-port Dewar Terrell furg-jon, Hunter's f uiare JLXewar mils, St Ratrick's fquare Dewar Capr. No 4. north St Andrew's ftreet Dewar James fmith, Qalton Dewar Duncan fpirit dealer, Dickfon'6 clofe Dewar James mafon, Tobago ftreet Dewar Robe« ftablei, high fchool clofe, Canongr.ts Dewar Daniel mufician, middle of Todrtck's wyud

Dewar John fhoe warehoufe, No 1 <;. north bridge Dewar teacher, Earringer's clofe Dewar- George linen draper, above the head of Liberton'a wynd, Lawn maiket Dewar Daniel fpirit dealer, St Ninian's row Dick Robert profcfTor of civil law, George's fqoare Dick Mrs. corner or Lothan road Dick Douglas tambour manufacturer new ftreet, Canongate Dick Robert writ. fig. No 4,3. Hanover fatet Di ck and Dewar merchants, GraL-market Dick Mrs. north CaitL ftreet Dick Alexander of examiners office (xcife, houfe Leith walk Dick Thomas baker, ead Richmond litest

Di :k John hairdrtffer, fipft ftair below linen ball, Canongate Mrs. furnilhcd lodgings, No 7. Rufe ftreet I O

D— ( 67 ) D—

Dick John merchant, No 3. mid James's ftreet Dickie rev. John, Brown's fquare Dickie Thomas wright, Gibb sentry- Dickie Alexander watch maker, No 1. queen's ftreet Dickfon John Efq; advocate, Merchant court Dickfon John writ, fig. No 32. George's (licet. f(.uth fi'de Dickfon James book feller, front of Exchange, houfe Wardrop'a court r Dick on Charles ma fort, Bn'fto ftreet Dickfon Robert plumber, head of Ltithwalk Dickfon John grocer, Fountain bridge Dickfon Tames writer dept. clerk of admiralty office, Paterfou'i) back court Dickfon Adam engraver, No 7. Parliament fquare Dickfon and Co. feedsmen, No 2. Shakefpear's fquare, nur- fery, Leith walk

Dickfon Alexander fupervifior of excife, No 147. Nicalf. ftr, Dickfon Mifs of Carberry, No 10 eaft Rofe ftreet

Dickfon James carvcrand gilder, No 14. eaft Ro is fir. f, fids Dickfon Alexander fmith, weft. Rofe ftreet Dickfon James upholilerer, Carrubtrs clofe Dickfon Mrs No 7. terrace Leith ftreet Dickfon Alexander glazier, north No 3. St Andrew's ftreet : Dickfon'Mrs. vintner, Stivenlaw's clofe Dickfon William fpirit dealer, foot of Scot's clofe, Cowgate Dickfon Mrs. Murdoch's clofe Dickfon Alexander wright, foot of Leitli walk Dillon John writer, No 20. north Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide

Ding Laur. muilc feller and ftationer, No 19. Parliament cl. Dingwalljohn writer fherriff cleik's effice,houfe upperBaxier's clofe, Lawn-market

Dingwall John fpirit dealer, Grafs-market, fouth. fide Dirom Mrs of Muirefk, fouth Caftle ftreet Dither John fpirit dealer, fouth Cattle ftreet

Doak Mrs. furnifiied lodgings, No 158 Nicolfon's ftreet Dobie Thomas grocer, No 18. Thiitle ftreet Dobie Mrs St Patrick fquare Dods Mrs. of Chapel, Weft-bow Dods Irs. fewing fchool, New ftreet, Canongate Doig Fredrick tea and fpirit dealer, Lawn market, fouth fide F 3 uy O O

D— ( 63 ) D—

DoigMifs, PirrieV clofe, Canongate D >i^ David brewer, Campbell's clofe, Onongate Doig William, head of Billie Fyfe\ dole Doig Selveftor hookfeller, Exchange Don Lady, George's fquare Donald Major Alexander, No 28. fouth Fredrick ftreet Donald Cspt. A'exander of Invalids, foot of New itr. Canon,. Donaldfon Jame-t publifher of the advertifer, oppofite the Crofs, fouth fide, printing office Cattle hill Donaldfon John painter, foot of hoife wynd, houfe No 2S» fouth bridge, eaft fide Dona'dfon James printer, No 53. Prince's ftreet Donaldfon Robert writ fig. No 46. Prince's llreet

Donaldfun Mr . foot of New ftreet, Canongate

Donaldfon Thomas and Co confectioners, No 6. Leith ft'r. D.inaldfon John heelmaker, Paul's work Donaldfon William carpenter to the theatre royal, No 6, Shakefpear'a fquaie Donaldfon Charles Efq; Broughton Donaldfon Simon, oppofite ratal market Dott Thomas wrighr, Richmond ftreet D-jtt Robert reed maker, Callle wynd, Grafs-market Doutjall John wright, Crofs caufway Douglas, David Elq; advocate, No 76 Prince's ftreet Douglas Archibald writer, No 2. Charlote ftreet Douglas Mrs. No 3I. Prince's tlreet Douglas Mr3. of Cavers, George's fquare, eaft fide Douglas George Efq. Calton hill Douglas Capt. Richard, Buccleu h place

Douglas Mifs of Dornock, No <

Douglas Jam :s fil ve r fuiih, Advocate's clofe, Iioufe St John's 'led,-, Canongate Douglas Mrs. vintner, Anchor clofe Mi^M O R

D— ( 69 ) D—

Douglas Alexander candlemaker, Lawn market Douglas William bleacher, Dalhoufe, houfe1 Halkerfton';!

w y n d Douglas Mrs. No 7J. queen's ft rcet Douglas Charles, Richmond ltrtcc Douglas Mrs. General No 26. foutli Frcdiick ftreet Douglas William grocer. Caltun Douglas James Charles's ftreet Douglas Robert Cfhing tackle maker, Cowgate head Douglas Andrew wricer, No 17. Rofe ftreet Douglas John hatter, Moiueith's c'ofe Douglas iSholto fpiiit dealer, Laurilton Douglas William giocer, Cowgate head Douglas David fpirit dealer, filh market clofe Douglas John ftone warehoufe, No 3. St David's ftreet Dougias David ftabier, Gibbet toll Douglas James broker, Canongate, fouth fide, below kirk Douglas John fboemaker, Ricumond ftreet, fouth fide Dougias John fpirit dealer, filh market clofe Duuglas James mufician middle of Todrick's wynd Dow and Co toy (hop, No 34. north bridge, weft fide Dow John cork cutter, oppofite foot of "Forrefter's wynd D iw Peter hofier, head of Todrick's wynd Dow Colin grocer, cppoli'e fooot of Nidry's ftreet Djwie W'illiam vintner, No 3. eaft Regifter ftreet Dowie John vintner, Liberton's wynd Dowie William grocer, fouth Richmond ftreet Dowie Mifs grocer, opp<;fite concert hall, Cowgate Dowie William tohacconift, head of Welt-poit Dowie M r b. midwife, Potter-row port Dowie Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, head of Pleafance Downie David guldfmith and optitian, No 13. Parliament fquare Downie Mrs. Park p^ce Downie J.imes Ihoemaker, Richmond ftreet

i Downie Lewis grocer, oppofne Heron's court, Cowgate Drummond Dr Aberrefhy, St John's hill D-ummond Mifs, Wardrop's court Dru omond Ms. St Ann's yards Drummond John linen manufacturer, No 2. eaft Regifter Rr. D.ummond Jaaiis Lfqj advocate, north Caftle ft.cet U

D—II ( 7o ) D—

Drummond James writ. fig. north Caftle ftreet Drummond Mrs. Capt No 23- George's ftreet, north fide Drummond Mrs. of B!air Drummond, houfe new ftreet, Canongate Drummond Mrs. north Caftle ftreet, eaft fide Drummond Mrs. St Anne's ftreet Diummond Thomas tailor, foot of Blackfriara wynd Drummond Peter weaver, Piccatdy Drummond Gregor flefher. Canal ftreet Drummond Dr Colin, No 6 St Andrew's fquare Drtimmond Mrs. No 74. queen's ftreet Diummond Mifs of Logiealmond, No 46. George's ftreet, iouth iide Drummond William merchant tailor, No 56. Prince's ftreet Drummond Alexander teacher of French, Carruber's clofe Drummond John watchmaker, mid Rofe ftreet Diyburgh James brewer north back of Canongate Dryden Adam teacher, Chalmer's clofe Dryden William hairdrefiVr, Canongate head, north fide

Dryfdale William turf-coffee-houfe, No 1. St Andrew's ftr. Dryfdale Mrs. Nicoifon's ftreet Dryfdale William ftay and habit-maker, Morocco's clofe, Canongate Dryfdale William watchmaker, Potter-row Dryfdale Mifs, No 30. St Andrew^ fquare Dryfdale Thomas baker, Abbey

Dryfdale Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 15. north Fred. ftr. Dudgeon Alexander glazier, oppofite Alifon's fquare, Potter-row Dudgeon Alexander baker, head of Fi flier's clofe, Lawn-m. Dudgeon Robert baker, back of mufe-well, Grafb-market Dufrane Mr. F. terrace, Leith ftreet Duff and Robertfon mantua-maker?, No 13. George's ftreet, f-mth fide Duff Lady Aune, George's fquare, weft fide

Duft'Lau'-hlan writ, fig No 6. north Fredrick ftr. weft fide Duff Jolm fpirit dealer, Bell's wynd Duff Peter flioemaker, fouth Caftle ftreet Duff Peter wright, Turk's dole Duff Peter broker, oppofue foot of Blair'a ftreet

hSm U

D— C 71 ) D-U

Duff Alexander Hater, oppofirc foot of Todtiek's wynd Duff Robert fpirit dealer, Pieafance Duirtis L.idy, Campbell's clofe Canongate Robert vvright, head of plcafaiice Dugnid James grocer, oppofite crofs well Dugnid James vintner, head of Don's clofe Dumfries Dowager Cuuntefs of, No 64. queen's flrect ics Ear! .'f, No 33. St Andrew's fquare Dumlircck William hotel, No 36. and 39 St Andrew's fqr» Dun John fpirit dealer, No 6 Role drett. Dun JaYnes (hoefnaker, Gihb'b entry Dun John grocer, Laurilt >a D"..! J--m,'s No 1. Georges ftreet, north fide Dau Mrs. fnroifhed lodgings, oppofite meal market Dun Thomas fpi pit dealer, Toot of Liberton's wynd Dubar Lady of Hernpri^gs, Merchant court Duabar Keith dept. elei k of itffion, St John's hill Dunbar Mrs. Hamilton's folly

Dunbar William writ, fig No 7. fouth St David's ftreet Dunbar Mife, Fount aiia cL.c Du:>bar John grocer, foot of Di.kfon's clofe

Du'ibar William grocer, opp>. . tolbooth wynd, Canongate Duncan Alexander, writ. fig. No 11. queen's ftreet Duncan vice admiral. George'* fquare, north fide Duncan George comptroller of damp duties, houfe fiamp office Duncan Mifs and Eilfman, boarding fchool, Brown's fquare Duncan l)r Andrew proftiTor of medicine, Adam's fquare Du ican Mrs- Thiitle ftreet Duncan Mil's, Crichton's ttrect Duncan Thomas bookfeiler, No 15. fouth bridge, eaft fide Duncan J(.hn teacher of mathematics, Liherton's wynd Uuncan Thomas writer, Prefidcnt Hairs, Parliament clofe Duncan James officer of excife, Campbell's clofe, Canongate Duncan james worded merchant, head of Dunbar's clofe, houfe and giavel pit Stock bridge Duncan Henry merchant Luckcnbooths Duncan Alexander flabler, fielh market clofe, Canongate Duncan William fruit merchant, head of Stonelaw's clofe Duncan Mrs fnrnifhed lodgings, eaft Richmond ftreet Dancan Mrs. furnifbed-lodgingsj head cf Baillie Fyfc's clefs U

D— ( 72 ) E—C

Duncan Andrew hairdrdTer, Lawn market) north fide Duncan Robert tailor, foot of Leith walk Duncan Mrs. fpirit dealer, head of guard clofe Duncan John haiiortfler. Richmond ftreet Duncanfon Mils, No 3. north St James's llreet Dundas Robert Efq; of Arnifton Lord advocate, George'a fquare, ealt fide Dundas M.'j or Thomas No 35 Prince's ftreet Dunuas John writ. fig. Society Dundas James writ. \\g. Nicolfon's ftreet Dundas Lady Janet, No 1. north Fredrick ftreet, weft fide Djndas Mrs, of Arnifton, No 29. George's ftreet. weft fids Dundas Robert writ fig. No 4. north St James's ftreet Dundas Mifs, Ciiehton's ftreet Dur.daa Mrs. No 3. north St James's ftreet Dundas Mifs, Warld's end clofe Dundas Alexander fpirit dealer, Canongate, north fide Dundas Mrs. Wind mill ftreet Dundas Mrs. John, Chapel ftreet Dundas Mifs, north Caftle ftreet Dunfmuir Mrs. St Patrick's fquare Dur.fiT.uir John and Co. met chants, oppofite Forrefter'3 wynd well Dunfmuir Mrs. Lindfay's clofe, Caftle hill Durham Mifs No 18. north Hanover ftreet Durham Calderwood, Georae's fquare, north fide Durham Mifs No 42. f*mh Hanover ftreet Durham John mar.ufa&urer, Cow^ate Durie Capt. Chares, corner of Lothain road Durie Mrs. coiner of Lothain road Durroch James flefher, houfe Jacklon's clofe Durward Jofeph clock and watch maker, No 2. Lcith ftreet Dutailles and Co. ftay makt-rs, Shakefpear's fquare Dyde and Co. furr ware houfe, head of Stiveniaw's clofe

Lagle M'8. and Co. feed merchants, oppofite the head of Todrick 8 wynd Eaves John fpirit dealer, head of new bank clofe Lckfuid Walter ivory turner, oppofite head of Blackfriar'a wynd dUi D

E— ( 73 ) B—L

Edgar John writ. fig. Baillie Fyft's clofe Ed^ar James coramiff of cuftoms, Tiviot row Edgar James of the excife, Swinton row, St James's fquare]] Edgar John meal dealer, middle of Welt-port Edie Robert of the cuftoms, north Fredrick ftreet Edgington Mrs. Fountain bridge Edington James hairdrefier and hair merchant, head of old affembiy clofe Edington Mrs Heriot's entry, Grafs-market Edmonfton James Efq; advocate, No 28. north Hanover dr. Edmonfton Mifs, Buccleugh place Edmonfton Mrs. of Newton, No 28, north Hanover ftreet Edmonfton Mifs, oppofne new ftreet Canongate Edmonfton gov Campbell, No io. George's ftreet north fide Edmonfton Thomas iron monger, Brifto ftreet Edward Mifs, millener, Nether bow Eifton John folicitor at law, Allan's court, foot of Allan's cl. Eilton John wright, toll crofs Elbeck William lapidary, Br.ll turnpike eaft Elbeck John feal engraver, No 31. fouth bridge, fide 1 Elbeck Archibald feal engraver, head of Borthwick's clofe Elder, Thomas Efq; of Forneth, No 5. Prince's ftreet Elder James fadler, No 3. Prince's ftreet Eider John writer, No 46 fouth Hanover ftreet Elder Archibald and Co. wine merchants, oppofite tron kirk Elder John bookfeller, fhop No 9. and houfe middle of Black- friar's wynd Elder Hugh tailor, Richmond ftre-et Elder Pe-ter ft.oemaker, Calton Elder Adam baker, Potter-row Elder Andrew, Thiftle ftreet Elder Mrs. Currie's clofe, Caftlehill Eltbank Lady Dowager, No 61. Princes ftreet E'phingfton Lady. George's fquare, eaft fide Elphingfton Alexander Efq; advocate, No 14. north Fred- rick ftreet Ellice Alexander tailor, weft Regifter ftreet Ellice William writer, Chapel ftreet Elliot Mrs. of Borthwickbrae, George's fquare, fouth fide

^*m Y

( 74 ) E—

Elliot 2,ov. Andrew of Greenwalls. George'* fquare, fouth fide Elliot Corn, bookfeller, No 31. Parliament clofe El/iot Mifs, Brown's fquare Elliot Cornelius writ. fig. No 65 queen's ftreet Elliot Mrs. No 32. George s frrcet, fouth fide Elliot Mrs No 48. George's ftreet, north fide Elliot Capt. William. Richmond ftreet Elliot Br Mrs. Nether-bow Elliot M« milliner, Morrifon's clofe Elliot Mrs. fpirit dealer, Nicolfon's ftreet, weft fide Elliot Mrs. grocer, Wrights houfes Emflie Francis writer. St Patrick fquare Er/kine lion. Henry dean of faculty, No 68. Prince's ftreet Erfldoe Mrs of TCirkbuddo, Charles's ftreet Erfkine William Efq; -advocate, No 47. Prince'3 ftreet Erflcine Major. George's fquare, fouth fide EVffcine Mrs Alifon's iquare Erflcine rev. John, Launlton line Eifkine of Marr, Gayfitld place Erflcine Mrs. Goofe-dub Efikme Mrs. R. Brifto ftreet Erflcine Mrs. Alifon's fquare Efplin Mrs. leather merchant, Weft-port Efplin, Forbes and Co. paper ftaineis, head of old affembly clofe Efplin Robert, late brewer Grafs market, fouth fide EiTex John fhoemakcr, above the head of Dr Young'* ftreet, Canongate Evan's le&ure library, Gibb'e entry, Nicolfon's ftreet Evans Mr6. furnifhed lodgings, Jackfon's clofe Ewan James of the poll office, No 5. St James's ftreet Ewan William (later, Hamilton's clofe, Grafs-maiket Ewaii8 Capt. Alexander of the navy, No 49 fouth Hanover ftreet Ewarc David writer, head of St John's ftreet, Canongate, fcale flairs Ewart Peter horfe dealer, Cowgate head Ewing John grocer, No 44. fouth Hanover ftreet Ewing Alexander teacher of mathematics, Bilhop's land Eyre James porter brewer, Canon-mills F-A ( 7$ ) F-E F

Fail bairn John bookfeller, No 9. Hunters fquare Fairbairn James fhoemaker, No 96. welt Nitolfon's flreet, Fairbairn Adam baker, George's ftreet, St Andrew's church Fairbairn David fpirit dealer, Lawn market, north fide Fairfouel Hedor fhoemaker to the P. of W. No. 6. St Andrew's ftreet Fairgrieve James watch maker, No 18. north bridge Feirgrieve John, Leith walk, eaft fide Fairholm George of Greenknow, George's fquate Fairholm Mifs, Bow head Fairholm James hairdrefier, head of north Gray's clofe Fairly William grocer font of Canongate Fairly Patrick weaver, Broughton Fairly Alexander wright, Broughton Fairly John fhoemaker, Caftle hill Fairnie William baker, St Patrick's fquare Fairnie Mrs. north St James's ftreet Fairnie John baker, Fountain bridge Falconer Mrs. of Morkton, Miln's fquare Falconer William cabinet maker and upholfterer head of Niddry's ftreet Falls Mifs, Nicolfon's ftreet Farmer Thomas tailor, eaft Richmond ftreet

Farquhar James Efq; No 1 j. Prince's ftreet Farquhar and M'Pherfon tailors and woollen drapers, No 2. St Andrew's ftreet

Farquhar George writer, No 2. fouth Fredrick ftreet, e. fide Farquhar William No 20. mid Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Farquharfon Dr. William Warld's end clcfe Farquharfon Thomas Efq; No 56. Prince's ftreet Farquharfon Mifs, No 78. Prince's ftreet Farquharfon Henry carver andgilder,No 3, f.Prince's ftreet Farquharfon Alexander clock maker, Potter-row port Farquharfon Mrs. Craig's clofe Farquharfon James fpirit dealer, head of Morocco's clofe Farquharfon Duncan fpirit dealer, Fountain bridge

Fearon Mrs. No 1 6. St James's fquare Feggana James folicitor at law, Turks clofe Fell Mrs. St John'a ftreet, Canongate G S^HUiA Fenton William baker, Stockbridgc

Fenwick Robert Efq; No i 8. Prince's ftreet Fenwick rev. Robert, Fyfe's place Eeith walk Ferdinand Daniel hairdreffer, St Andrew's ftreet Fergus Mils No 14. norih Hanover ftreet Fergus Mifs, No 26. queen's nreet Fergufon James of Pitfour Efq, advocate, Luckenbooths Fergufon James Efq; advocate, No 13. Hill s ftreet Fergufon George Eiq; advocate No 60 George's ftreet, fouth fide

FergufonNeil Efq; advocate, No 43. George's ftr. n. fide Fergufon Walter writer, Buchanan's court, Lawn matket Fergufon William of Raith Efq: No 25. St Andrew's fqu. Fergufon Alexander of Cisigdarroch Efq; advocate, No 16. north Planover ftreet Fergufon Adam profeffor, fouth Caftle ftreet Fergufon James writer, Weft bow Fergufon Alexander, mirl Rofe ftreet Fergufon Mis. furnifhed lodgings, weft Rofe ftreet Fergufon Mrs. foirit dealer, Thiftle ftrtet Fergufon Mrs. furnifhed loggings, head of Leith walk Fergufon Mrs. grocer, foot of Back flairs F-rcrufon Mrs. midwife, Covenant clofe Feigufon Thomas coper fmith, Weft how Fergufon William tailor, Cowgate port Fergufon John fhoemaker, king's (tables Fergufon Alexander filk dyer, Fdher's clofe, Lawn-market Fergufon William taylor, No 3 5.,north Hanover ftreet Fergufon Walter can^lemaker, Fountain bridge Fergufon Mrs. Crichton's ftreet

FcTgufon I inlay chair mafter, No 10. George's fir. f. fide Ferrie Alexander w iter, head of St John's ftreet, Canon. Fcrrier Col. Ifloy, Gayfield place, Leith walk

Ferrler James writ fig- No i 1. George's ftreet, north fide FerrJer Mrs. Fyfe's place, Leith walk Ferrier Jobn, No 24. mid Rofe ftreet. fouth fide Fnrier and Wattcrfton wax and waffer ware houfe, bead cf Paterfon's court, houfe St John's hill Ferrier Airs, furnifhed lodgings, weft Nicolfon's ftreet Fertter John grocer, Brilto ftreet Fett:s William wine merchant, head of Baillie Fyfe's clofe, houfe, No 37 Prince's ftreet Field Peter wright, mid Rofe ftreet I

F— ( 17 ) F-0

.Fir.d'tay Mrs. of Wailyf re], No 4. ftlUth Fredrick ftrcet Findlay James writer, Clnpel jt» t-tt Fii'diay William baker, foot of Calton

Funilay Jobn fpii it dealer, qppofrte foot of B'air'a ftieet Findlay William late brewer, Biilto itrctt F dlay Robert, Cellar's clofe Fjndlay Mrs. furniftled lodgings, Pirrie's clofe, Cancngate F ndlay-Adam fpirit dealer, Caul way fide Findlay John Ray maker. Bull turpike Findlay David hiir dreffer and perfumer, head of Jama's court Findlay Hugh haberdafber, High ftreet, fouth fidf Findlay Robert baker, Leith ftreet Eindlayfon rev James, St Patri k Iquare Findlayfon William writer, Merchant ftreet F:iher Duncan taylor, old Aifembly clofe

Fisher Mr 3. George'6 fquare, fouth fide Fiiher John cabinet maker, eafl Richmond flreet' Fiiher James ftabler, Candlemaker-row Fiiher Alexander fpirit dealer, Candlemaker-row Fither Andrew fpirit dealer, foot of Back itaits Fitch Alexander book-binder, Potter-row Fitzgerald Mrs Pirrie's clofe, Canongate Fitzfymons rev. William, ChclRls court Fleeming Dclkford, head of Canongate, north fide Fleeming William foap boiler, north back of Canongate Fleeming Will, cork cutter, oppofite foot of Stevcnlaw's cl. Fletcher gen. Henry, Milton's houfe, Canongate Fletcher Archibald Efq; advocate, No 20. queen's fcreet Fletcher Archibal plumher, College wynd Fletcher Mrs. gingerbread baker, Crofacaufway Flint Mrs. north Caftle ftreet Flockhart Mifs, Leith terrace Flockhart Andrew at Mr Durward's clock and watch maker; Leith terrace Flockhart John wright, Canongate Fogo James writer, Carruber't, clofe Fogo Mrs. Chapel of eafe

Forbes Alexander of Kirkpottie, No 4. fouth Fredrick fir.

Forbes Sir Will. bart. banker, No 35. George's ftreet f. fids iiBBA O O

F— ( 78 ) F—

Forbes Mrs. No 2'. St Andrew's fquare Forbes Mrs. mid Rofe ftreet Forbes Mrs. No 14. north Hanover ftreet

Forbes Daniel beef ttake (hup, No J I. fouth Hanover ftreet Forbes Capt. John, Sc John's hill Forbes William writer, Calton hill Forbes Pvlifs mantua maker, Burnet's- clofe Forbes Mrs. grocer, oppofite foot of Stevenlaw's clofe Forbes Walter grocer, Can ongate head Forbes George writer, oppofite linen hall, Canonoate Forbes William fhoemaker, Paul's ftreet, Simon's fquare Forbes Charles wright, Cellars's court, Potter-row Fordyce M-s. Capt. No 7 fouth St David'3 ftreet ForJyce Mrs. No 1. eaft Thittle flreft Forman James writ*, fig- mid 1 hiftle ftreet Fflrman Mrs. mid Rofe ftreet Forman Robert fhoemake, Canongate head Fonyth Robert Efq; advocate, Biihop's land Forfyth William taylor St Mary's wynd Forfyth Thomas gardener, Rnfe bank Forfyth James book binder, oppofite meal market Forfyth Robert fhoemaker, middle of Weil port Forfyth Nifbet fhoemaker, St Ninian's ro Fortune Mifs mantua maker, Abbey hill Fortune Mrs vintner, old Ship clofe Fortune Thomas tobacconift,oppo. Chriphton's entry, Canon. Fortune James leather merchant, head of New ftreet, CanoH. Fortune Hedlor livery (tables, weft Nicolfon's, ftreet Fortune Andrew fpirit dealer, Crofs caufwsy Forreft John accountant, No 32. Prince's ftreet For reft James writ, fig Laurifton lane Forreft Divid writer, Laurifton Forreft John writer, No 3?. Prince's ftreet Forreft Alexander grocer, Buccleugh ftreet Forreft Thomas grocer, Grafs market, north fide Forreft Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 123. Nicol foil's ftreet Forreft Daniel merchant, No 7. Shakefpear'a fquare Forreft William, Grafsmarket, north fide Forreft James merchant, Warld's end clofe Forreft Mrs. met chant, Crofscanfway

Forreft John haberdalher, oppofite poll ofTice } ° north bridge :

F_0 ( 7 9 ) F-R

Forreft Allan grocer, foot of fiftl market clofe Forreft Richard fmith, head of Plea fa nee Forreft David coupar, middle of Canongate Forreftcr Robett banker George's fquire, weft fide Forrcfttr Piter and Co. jewtlery and hardware ftiop, Grofff/. north fide Forrefter James fpirit dealer, c imon's fqtare Forrefter Mrs. fpirit dealer, Weft port Fort efter Mrs. William filk and mufiih manufacturer, head of Dickfon's clofe, houfe Milne's fquare Forrefter Mrs. Nicolfon'j ftreet Fofter Richard compofition ornament mzker, M«it Fotheringham Mrs. of Powrie, No 41. George's ftr. n. fide-

Fotheringham Fredrick writ. fig. No 9. north Fredrick ft reefy weft fide Fotheringham Henry writer, Weft bow Fotheringham Mifs, Nicolfbn-s Itreet, weft fide- Fowler James grocer, Richmond ftteet Fowler ftationer bookfe'ler, James and No |. Blair's ftree; : Fcwler Reevs ftudent of phytic, Hay's ftreet FowJis Mrs. Simon's fquare Fowlis Mrs. furniihed lodgings, No 137. Nicolfon/s ftreet Fowlis James baker, Nicolfun's ftteet Foy Mifs, ^kinners clofe

Foyar Jamer hair merchant, oppofite foot of Stevetilaw's ciof* Fraferthe Hon. Archibald of Lovat,fouth Fredrick ftreet Frafer James writ. fig. No 16. George's ftreet, notth fids Frafer John writ. fig. Miln's court Frafer Alexander writer, Park place Frafer Francis writer, Carrubeis clofe Frafer Alexander writer, Park ftreet Frafer Alexander writer, fiefh marxet dole, fcal Hairs Frafer William tin fmith to his royal highuefs the Prince of Wales, No 4. St Andrew's ftreet Frafer jo.m teacher, Carrubers clofe Frafer Luke teacher high fchool, Hay's ftreet Fiafir Archibald trunk maker, Luckenbooths Frafer John leather merchant, Grafsmarket, north fuz jFrafer Johq lafl maker, Potter-row Frafer Jonathan grbcer, Bictghton Frafei Mr«. tutoiihed lodgings, Gibb's entrj R Y

F— ( 3o ) F—

Frafer Patrick St Patrick's fquare Frsfer William feal engraver, No 21. fouth bridge, eaft fide Frafer James engraver, No 5. fouth bridge Frafer P. jewelery and hardware (hop, No 12. fouth bridge^ weft fide Frafer Mrs. Crofs caufvvay Frafer William grocer, fecond (hop above New ftreet, Canon* Frafer Simon tailor, Forrefter's wynd Frafer Alexander golf houfe, weft end of bruntfrield links Frafer William taylor, Crofs, fouth fide Frafer Charles manufacturer, middle of Leith walk. Frafer Mrs. No 2. St James's fquare Frafer Mrs. paftry fchool, flefh market clofe, feale flairs Frafer Mrs. regifter office for fervants, back of Fountain well Frafer Alexander grocer, No 10. St Andrew's ftreet Frafer Alexander vintner, No 14. Shakefpear's fquare Frafer John chair mafter, Brown's fquare Frafer Thomas (locking maker, Galloway's clofe Freer David writ. fig. Merchant ftreet Freer Dr David, No 7. George's ftreet, north fide Freer George grocer.. Bucletigh ftreet French Major, fouth Cailk ftreet, eaft fide French James fhoemaker, head of Weft-port French Mrs. Samuel, Merchant ftreet Fulham Dr Thomas, Bn'fto ftreet Fulton George teecher, James's court houfe No 21. north Hanover flreet Fulton Mifs, fouth Fredrick flreet Fullerton William of Caiftairs, Nicclfon's ftreet Fullerton Robert Efq; No 76. Prince's ftreet Fullerton Mrs. furnifhed lodgings No 4. Shakefpear's fquare Fuller.on Mifs, fouth Hanover ftreet Funfton David fhotmaker, Nether-bow Fyers Mrs. 25. Prince's ftreet Fyfe Dr. Fift'a place, Leith walk

] yfe Capt. David, Nicolfon's ftreet, oppofite to Gibb'a meeting houfe Fyfe Robert merchant, Luckenbooths F>fe Alexander umbrella wareroom, No 5. north bridge, houfe head- of Leith walk Y A

F— ( 81 ) G—

Fyfe John hanker, No 2. St James's ftreet Fyfe James ftabler, Pleafance

Fyfe's cotton manufa&ory, Fountainbridge .


Galhraith James flater, Pleafance Gall Mrs. auctioneer Horfe wynd Gall James auctioneer, Cowgate-port Gall William fnoemaker head of Weft-port < Galloway William tailor, Luckenbooths Galloway William merchant, Lucher.booths Galloway William, Drummond ftreet Galloway Mrs. Paterfon's court Garden Mrs. Park ftreet Garden Mrs Bonnington Gardner Alexander goldfmith, No r. Parliament clofe, houfs Old Bank clofe Gardner Campbell writer, No 3. fouth St. David's ftreet Gardner and fon manufactory, venal, Weft-port, warehoufe No II. fouth bridge, weft fide Gardner James fpirit dealer, Crofs caufway Gardner Andrew mnfician, Todrick's wynd Gardner George brewer, Atcher's hall Gardner Richard of the cuftoms, Broughton Gardner Peter flocking maker, Heron's court, Cowgate Gardner Mrs. Chapleorweft Nicolfon's ftreet Gardner James apothecary, head of Paterfon's court, Lawn= market Gardner Mifs, Fountain clofe Gardner James teacher, Lady Lawfon's wynd, Weft-port Gardner Mrs. boarding fchool, No 3. fouth St David's ftreet Gardner John pewterer, head of fountain clofe Garoch Robert writer, Paterfon's court Garthfhore James of the mint, north Richmond ftreet Garvie Mrs, furnifhed lodgings, No 3. St Ann's ftreet Gavin Heftor engraver, No 2 5. Parliament clofe, houfe Craft -angry Gavin Mifs, Toll crofs ^USMHM .

Gavin Mrs. GifFord's park Gaw Mis. Wind-mil! ftreet Geddes David of the excife, Boccleugh place Geddes Harry vintner, No S. fouth bridge, eaft fide Geddes Dr. Blackfriars wynd Geddes Alexander fpirit dealer, Crofs caufway Geigie John hairdrefler and merchant, Potter-tow. Gtigie Archibald hairdiefler, Charles's ftreet 1 Gentle James writer, Baillie Fyft's clofe Gibfon Dewar Mali, of Pentland, advocate, Buccleugh place Gibfon James writer, No 15 Thittle ftreet Gibfon Mrs. of Clifton-hall, No 44. Prince's ftreet Gibfon James writ. fig. No -22. Prince's ftreet Gibfon Robert carver and gilder, No 1. terrace, Leith ftreet Gibfon Robert flocking manufacturer, head of Calton Gibfon Archibald writ. fig. Merchant ftreet Gibfon David, eaft Rofe ftreet Gibfon William and fun merchants, firft (hop fouth from the arch, fouth bridge, weft fide Gibfon Mifs grocer, Grafb-market, fouth fide Gibfon James porter dealer, No 2- St Anne's ftreet Gibfon Malcolm ftabler, No 17. mid Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Gibfon Mifs, No 9. St James's fquare Gibfon James fpirit dealer, Leith wynd Gibfon Mifs merchant, Gavinlock's land Gibfon David, oppofite back (lairs, Cowgate Gibfon Peter haberdafher, No 9. fouth bridge, weft fide Gibfon Andrew fmith, Crofs caufway Gibfon William jun. merchant, oppofite Forrefter's wynd well Gibfon William tailor, Pctter-row Gibfon Mifs grocer, Crammond's land, Bow-head Gibfon tailor, fouth end of Nicolfon's ftreet Gibfon James furgeon, Jack's land, Canongate Gibfon Mifs, Al.'fon's fqnare Gibfon Walter fu-geon, foot of Leith walk, weft fide Gibfon James Riddle's land, Lawn market Gibfon Widiam bather box-maker, Weft-port Gibfon Mrs. Park ftreet Gibb Mrs. Gray's court, Nicolfon's ftreet Gibb John cf the theatre royal, St Ann's ftreet 8 G-r ( 3 )

Gibb Alexander teacher of dancing, Skinner's clofe Gibb William bookfeller, Parlidmcnt houfe Gibb writer, meal-rnarket ftairs Gifford Adam leather box-maker, Canongate head Gi'bert James grocer, Potter-row Gilbert William china and glafs warehoufe, No ir. PrinceV. ftreet Gilbert Mrs. Leith walk, weft fide b-ilchrjfl Fames writ. fig. No 23. George's ftreet, fouth fide Gilchrili Mifs milliner," Bias's ftreet, weft fide Gilchrift Archibald and Co. habetdafhers, corner fliop aboye the Tron-kirk of Leith walk Gilchrili James builder, mud ifknd, head . Gilchrifl John grocer, Potter-row Gtichrilt David fpirit dealer, Caftle hill Gilchrili William glover, Creams Giichrift Mrp ftabb-r, high Bchool clofe, Canongate Gilchrirl Mrs. ham (hop, No 4?. fouth Hanover ftteet Gilei Arthur wr-ght, College wynd queen ftr* G-ilfillan and Co carpet manufa&urers, eaft end of . Gilmor Robert Little, writ fig fouth end of Potter-row Gilmor Robert ropn maker, middle, of Weft bow Gilmor Samuel rop maker, Grafsmarket, fouth fide, houfe Park houfe, b • Drumdyen G Imor Robert per timer, welt end of Luckenbooths G Imor John porter dealer, Cowgate G lmor Thomas grocer, weft Richmond ftreet G ilefpie Dr Thomas, No 13. Gecrge's ftreet, north fide G llefpie Mrs Gibb's entry G ilefpie and Fyfe merchants, Luckenbooths G llefpie James and Co. tobacconifts, head of Burnet's clofe G lies Adam Efq; advocate No 24 George's ftreet, n. fids G lies William mefienger, head of Befs wynd G lies John wright Crofs canfway G lies John fpirit dealer, head of Cowgate G lies Mrs. Calton hill G lies Gilbert, Thiftle ftreet G lies Thomas trunk maker, head of New ftreet, Canongate G lliland Mrs. Nicol foil's ftreet G Hon John grocer, head of Lochend's clofe, Canongate north fide L O

;— t ) G—

Glafs James derk in the bill chamber, houfe Lochend's clofe, Onongate r G'a s William fhnemaker, No 4. weft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Glafi James fpirit de.der, St Ninian's row Glafs Hugh grocer, oppofite meal mirket G'af*focrd Duncan fiirgcon, No 4. Shakefpear'a fquare Glen Robert grocer, Grange toll Glen Archibald baker, King's {tables, Weft port Glendaini John Earl of, Coats Glcag John and Co. fiik mercers, No 8. Hunter's fquare> houfe merchant ftreet Gloag Thomas writ, fig. Merchant ftreet Gloag rev William clerk to gen. alTcmbly, Park ftreet Glover James merchant, foot of Ltith walk Goddart and Paterfon merchants head of Ste^enlaw's clofe Goldie Leut. Col. Thomas, No 43. Prince's ftreet Goldie and Robeufon iron mongers, oppoiite Crofs wellj north fide Goorllet Gtorge fadler, Grafsmarket. fouth fide Goodfman John holier, foot of Liberton's wynd Goodfman Mrs. merchant head of Forrefter's wynd Gordon John of Carleton writ fig. No 79. Prince's ftreet Gordon Charles Efq; of Braid prin. clerk of feffion, No 62. Prince's ftreet Gordon Mrs. of Whitehall. No 40 Prince's ftreet Gordon Thomas wrt. fig. No 3. George's ftreet, fouth fide Gordon Mrj^Wilham, No ;. George'3 ftreet, fouth fide Gordon LaJyV&f Ltffmoir, No 18. George's ftreet. four h fide Gordon John writ. fig. No 32. George's ftreet, fouth fide Cordon Lord Adam comandcr in chief. H'dyroodhoufe Goidon Duke keeper of the colkge library houfe, Potter-r. Gordon Sir John, No 2. Thiftle ftreet Gotdon Mrs. of Pit urg, No 5. James's ftreet Gordon Capt. George of the city guard, houfe Fountain clofo Gordon William bookftller, No 30. Parliament clofe

Gordo. 1 James Efq; advocate, No 4. fouth St Andrew's ftr. Gordon John writ, fig No 24. north Fredrick ftr. eaft fide Gordon Mrs. No 3. north James's ftreet Gordon William writ. fig. No 1'i. St Andrew's ftreet O H

Oj! G— ( 85- ) G—

Gordon James Farquhsr, No 22. St Andrew'6 fquare Gordon Mifs head of Liberton's wynd Gordon Adam Efq: advocate, No 18. St Andrew's flreet Gordon Hon Mrs. No 35. St Andrew's fquare Gordon Robert writer, Montcith's clofe Gordon James brewer, Heriot's entry, Grafs market Gordon Colonel George, Reid's clofe Canongate Gordon Alexander keeper of the court of feflions minuet book, houfe Wilfon's court, Canongate Gordon Francis fpirit dealer, oppofite the weigh houfe, n. fide Goidon rev. Alexander, Hodge's clofe, Blackfriar's wynd. Gordon Dav-id wright, oppofite Fountain well, fouth fide Gordon William teacher, Carruber's clofe Gordon Archibald cooper, Main point Gordon James of the Britifh linen Comp. houfe Lauriftori Gordon David grocer, Canal ftrtet Gordon Mrs. furnilhed lodgings, Tod's clofe, Cadre hill Goidon Mifs grocer, Calton Goidon Charles furveyor of excife, Leith walk, weft fide Gordon Mrs grocer, No 43 fouth Hanover ftreet Gordon Lewis clerk to the Highland fociety, No 5. eaft Role ftreet Gordon Mrs. John vintner, head of Borthvvick's clofe Gordon John weaver, middle of Leith walk, weit fide Gordon Mrs. Aliion's fquare Gordon Mifs, St John's itreet, Canongate Gordon Mrs. Brilto ftreet Gordon Mrs. Canal ftrtet Gorrie Thomas mufician, Skinner's clofe Gourlay Douglas golf ball maker, weft end of b. field links GouilayMrs. fpirit dealer, Calton Govan William glazier', Lawn market, fouth fide Gow John wright and hobby horfe maker, Weft bow Gow Nath. mulician, Bailiie Fyfe's clofe Gowans and fon marble cutters, Leith walk and Abbey hill Gowans architect, head of St Juhn's ftreet Gowans William grocer, foot of Steven'iavv's clofe Gowie Alexander tailor, Simon's fquare Graeme Gen. David, No 40. G.-orge's ftreet, north fiic Giasme John writ, fig Nicolfon's iquare Grssme Capt. Alexander, No 48, Prince's ftreet 1 R

G— ( 86 ) €—

Graeme Mrs. No ic, St Andrew's fquare Graeme Mrs. Nicolfon's ftreet, welt fide Graeme Mifs, Charles's ftreet Graham Robert Efq; of Fintry, commilfioner of excife, No 27. George's ftreet, fouth fide Graham Mifs of Gartmore, No 12. George's ftreet, f fide Graham Lady Chriftian, No 38. George's ftreet, fouth fide

Graham Robert of Gartmore, No 58. George's ftr. i. fide Graham Robert writer, north Cafile ftreet Graham Andrew late from Hudfon's bay, Chapel, or weft Nicolfon's ftreet Graham writer, weft Rofe ftreet Graham John fhoemaker, Calton G~aham Mifs, north Richmond ilreet Graham Peter ipirit dealer, Brifto ftreet Graham Mifs, head of Canongate, north fide Graham Mifs furnifhed lodgings, Simon's fquare Graham Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 8. fouth St Andrew's ftreet Graham Mifs, fouth Richmond ftreet Graham James meflenger, Nether bow Graham Peter fpirit dealer, oppofite Magdalene's chapel, Cowgate Graham Thomas vintner, weft end of Bruntsfield links Grainger Mrs. Calton hill Grant James writ. fig. No 6. St James's fquare Grant Ifaac writ. fig. Brown's fquare

Grant James Efq; advocate, No 29. George's ftreet, f. fide Grant Mrs. of Kilgrafton, No 44 George's ftr. fouth fide Gr2nt Sir Jamea of Grant, M. P. Callander's entry, Canon. Grant Mrs. George's fquare Giant William Efq; Potter-row Grant Alexander writ. fig. Argyle's fquare Grant l)r Gregory, James's court Grant Sir Archibald of Moneymufk, horfe wynd Grant Mrs. No 11. Thiftle ftreet Grant Alexander writer, Morroco's clofe, Lawn market Grant Mrs. No 3. Antigua ftreet, Leith walk Grant Chatles writer, Blackfriar's wynd Grant Mrs. broker, oppofite foot of Cant's clofe Grant John grocer, and tobacconift, Crofs, fouth fide G-H ( b; ) G-R

Grant Mifs rrnntua maker, foot of terrace, Leith fticet Grant Mrs. No 50. George'3 ftiect, fouth fide, late of Chailelton in Fife Grant Li'd. window tax office, No 9 north St David's dr. Grant Allan meffenger, entry to Wardrop's court Grant Mrs. No 20. Rofe ftrcet, fouth fide Grant Nath. writer. Gavinlock's land, Lawnmarket Grant Hinry, Rofe court C> ant Alexander furgeon. New ftreet Canongatc Grant A'exander writer, En'lto (treet Grant William wire worker, Caitle bill Grant Mrs. No 48. fouth Hannver ftreet, weft fide Grant Peter porter dealer, Niddry's Itreet

Grant Rohe v t bow^r fifhing rod maker and 3y drifter head of Blackfriars wynd Grant John tailor, Potter-rcw Grant William auctioneer, Blackfriars wynd Grant Mifs mantua maker James's court Grant Mrs. Re'gMler office for fervants, Nether bow G r ant Duncan tailor, St Mary's wynd

Grant Mrs. No 1 . Rofe court Grant Mifs, Leith wynd Gray Mrs. of Dalmarnock. Bnccleugh place Gray hon. Mifs, Nicolfon's ftreet Gray James fen. writer, Buccleugh place Gray h^n Mifs, Rrmfay o-2rden Gray Alexander tailor to his royal blghnefs the Prince of Wales, No 3. St Andrew's Itreet

Gray John folicitor at law, No 46. fouth Hanover ftr. w. fide Gray Alexander ftamp mafter for linen, Pleafance Gray Capt- Charles, No 1. St James's fquare, fouth fide Gray David tea and fpirit deakr, Grafsmarket, north fide Gray Robert Efq; No 3 north James's Itreet Gray James writer, head of flefh market clofe, fcale ftaira Gray John writ. fig. Cheffcles building, Cbiiongate Gray Robert officer of excife, Crofscaufway Gray John ladies hairdrtfier, No 2. fouth St David's ftreet Gray Mrs. No 37.- St Andrew's fquare Gray James cabinet maker, Robertfon's clofe H .B ( H )

Gray "William builder, Thiftle ftreet Gray David grocer, opprfne Canongate kirk Gray Mrs. grocer, Thiftle ftreet Gcay Mrs. vintner, old Aflembly clofe Gr?.y G'.orge, head of Well port Gray William ftone warehouse, Leith flrect Gray Abraham fhoemaker, Laurillon Gray George toy fhop, No 4. north bridge G r;J7 James fhoemaker, NicnUon's ftreet, weft fide Gray James clock and watch maker, No 25 .Parliament cl. Griy Mils grocer,' Covgrue head Gray Mifs and Co. milliners, No 34. north bridge Gray George fhoemaker, Fottet-tovv

ra ) ' a 1 1 b r a , fr o n t of E xt ha nge G r y Gray.Altxa-nrkr tailor, head of the Well port Gray Andrew fpirit dealer, back of boughts, Crafamarket G^y Tames grocer, head of Weft port Gray George ftabler, Grafsmarket Gray Mrs. f.irnifhed lodgings, Richmond ilreet Gray John baker, Grafsmarket, north fide Gray Mrs. north Richmond ftreet Gray Alexander fmith and ferrier, P'eafance Gray Mils mantuamaker, old cuft. houfe flair;?.. Parliament cl. f j.-egory Thomas fpirit dealer, Canongate, fouth fide

-' ! 'egory Dr James, No 7. St John's /treet, Canor.gate Gregory 'George tinfmhh, No 28. fouth bridge, eafl fit's G-egory John fhoemaker, Cahon Gregory Thomas fhoemaker, No 17. Prince's ftreet Greig John teacher, Briflo ftreet Grcig William flocking maker, Cattle hill Greig Mrs. midwife, head of Galloway's clofe, Lawn market Greig John carron and ironmongery fhep, No 51. fouth bridge, eift fide Greig Alexander baker, Crofscaufway Greig John flelher, flefh market clofe Greig James wiiter, Chcffele's building, Pirrie's clofe, Canon. Greig Thoma3 baker, Abbey Grcig Alexander fkflier, houfe north bridge Greig Andrew grocer, St Patrick's fquare Greig John merchant, Lawn market, fonth fide Greig George fpirit dealer, Crofscaufway " G-l' G--R ( S 9 }

Greig James fpirit dealer, head of the Cbwgate Green Robert watch maker, Na 4. Parliament cLfe Green William h3irdrcffer, eaft Refe flreet n Greenfield rc

Grieve J 'din fnoemaker, No 22. Prince's llreet Griffith C3pt. Chapel of eafc Grindlay John rectifier, Graftmarket, fouth f,de Grindlay G-eerge and C.J. leather merchants, foot ofWeft bow Giindlay Peter woollen draper, oppotite Luckenbooths Grindlay Thomas fhipmafter, middle of Leiih walk, w. fida Grindlay Alexander hairdreffer, head of Plcafance Groat Mifs, Chrichton's ftreet Groat Charles fpirit dealer, Caafwayfids Grub Thomas hairdreiTer to his royal highnefs the Prince of Wales, head of Chalmer's clofe Gullen Charles fhoemaker, Weil port Gullen John viftualers, No 4. mid Rofe ftreet, north fii^ Gullen Robert filver fmith, Parliament clofe hMI A

C—U C 90 ) H—

Gun William .fpliit dealer, Weft bow Gun Datitl grocer, Si moil's fquare Gun William au&ioneer, below Milton's houfe, Canongate Gu;hrie Henry writer, Argyle'a fquare Guthrie Charles wright, Mint Guthrie Mrs. Goofedub Guthrie William mafon, Trunk clofe Guthrie Alexander bookfeiler. No 25 fouth bridge, eaft fide Guthrie Mrs. Rejid'a dole, Canongate Guthrie Mrs. oppofite the well, foot of Canongate Guthrie John boukfcilcr, No 2. Nigojfba's ftreet H

Hackitt Mrs. No 5. George's ftreet, fouth fide j-iadiagton Earl, No 42. George's ftreet, north fide .Haggari Joha Efqj advocate Merchant ftreet J-f aggart Mrs. vintner, head of Halketfton's wynd liaig James difliller, hcufe White, houie toll

Haig William baker, foot of Lei ill wyud Haig John difttLer, Lothrin Kaig Peter grocer, head of Canongate tlaig George fpirit dealer, oppofite Campbell's clofe, Canon. Mifs, Buccleugh place Haldane James tailor,! idler's clofe, Lawn market, fouth fide Haldane John writer, No 4. James's ftree.1 lialdane Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, NicoJfon's ftreet iialdane Mrs. Pirrie's clofe, Canongate, fouth fide Haliburton John Gordon of Munhouklaw, Fountain bridge Haliburton William of the cuftom houfe, Antigua ft'reet Haliburton Campbell of the cicife, No 5. George's Greet*. north fide j Ink wall Robert tailor, St Ninian's row 3 I'tlkct Mifs boarding fchool, Drummoud ftreet Halket Sir Joha, No 46 George's ftreet, north fide Halke,r(lon Peter writer, No 7. St Jarneo's fquare Hall .Sir James bait- No 60. George's ftreet, north fide ] hill Mifs of Dunglais, George's (quart, veil fide

} i. 11 William, oppofite meal market Iiuil Hugh grocer, head of Canongate, fouth fide A

3I-f If- ( 9! )

Hall A. hacfrd^.'her ard child bedlinen warchoufe No 41. fouth bridge, weft fide Hall William wine merchant, head of Patesfon's court, Lawn market, houfe Gaftle hill Hall tev James, Rofe llreet, north fide Hal! Alexander wright.No 12. l'hiHk' tlreet Hall George tailor, vennal, W*ft poit Hall John grocer, No 32- fouth bridge, r-ft fide Hall James fpirit dealer, Chaptl, or weft Nicolfon/s Rrerf Hall John hairdreffer, oppof.te- head of Niddry's flreet Hall Mrs hamifhed lodging*,- Ntcolfon's Greet Hailion John tavern welt RegiMer itreet Harden, Erandenand Scctt milliners, Milne's fquare Hamilton Mrs. No 71. Prince's Itreet Hamilton hon. Mrs. Nn 64. Prince's flreet Hamilton hon. Charles, Holy rood noufe Hamilton Robert Efq; advocate, George's fquur~ Hamilton Daniel writ, fi^. George's fquare Hamilton Dr James, No c NicolfbnYftreet Hamilton Mils, St Patrick's fquare Hamilton Mrs. No 5.~Nicoi fun's ftrect e Hamilton William turner, Welt port Hamilton Wiiiiami writ. fig. Tiviot row Hamilton Capt. of Brcomhill, James"s court

Hamilton Mifs Rachies. No 6, eaft Pvofe tlreet, north fi fe Hamilton William wright, Toll crefs Hamiifon Dr Alexander, BoiiV£l3 clofe, Caftle hill Hamilton Andrew dep. compt. of excife. Buccleugh place Hamilton Mrs. No 6. north St David's ltrcet Hamilton Mrs. of Spitlchaugh, Buccleugh place Hamilton Andrew writ. fig. Buccleugh place Hamilton Mrs. Tobago ftreet

' Halmilton Mrs. of Fairhslm, Buccleugh place Hamilton Jsmes, No c. fouth Prince's ftreet Hamilton Mrs. of Belli, Nan. St rindrew's fquare^ ; William. weight, middle of Pleafancs I Hamilton Hamilton James teacher of mufic, Simon^s fquare - Hamilton John fpirit dealer, head of Cowgate Hamihoa cf Balgirieai Bxuntsheld caale

Hamilton William barr-keeper, Parliament houfe ; hi fcak (lairs, Old Affcimbly clofe KLg TW1 ?.—A Hamilton Robert brewer, Water of Leith Hamilton Mrs ipirit dcaltr, oppofite foot of Ubertor/s Wjr« Hamilton William piaiitcrer aiid paun brocker, Niddry ftr, Hamiito/i Thomas tailor, Chapel llrcet Hamilton Thomas wrighi Ergdit's clofe, houfe head of old <.fferr.LIy clofe Hamilton James t.'ilor, Richmond fireet Hamilton A'cxaiukr merchant, Brillo Itreet

Hamilton Mrs furniihed lodgings, head of Brodie's c!ofe3 Lawn market Hamilton John chimney fweeper, Well port Hamilton Robeit flabler, Grafsmarkct, north fide Hamilton M*s. midwife old Aflembly clofe, Hale flairs Hamdton Mrs. P.Iiln's fnnare Hamilton Peter biker, head of Pleafance ilaaiihon Joha fpirii dealtr, oppofite Magdalanes Chapel;, CoV>\ Hamilton Mrs. grocer, head of Canengate

Hamilton Wiibarn, Giffovd's park . H&ndyfide Hu^h ironmonger, front of the Exchange

- Handyfide David bake-jNicoKon's firee , near Gibb's entry Hand} file William writ. fig. No 46. fouth Hanover tlreet Handyfide David foot of Suvenlaw'i; clofe Handyfide Geotge,, St Leonard's hill Johnftcn Efq; No 2. St John's (tree?, Chnongate Hardie James Writer, Semple's clofe, Caftle hill Hardie Peter brewer, head of Welt pert Hardie rev.. Dr John, Richmond place Hardie ?*Irs. baker, h:ad of Forrefter's wynd Hardie Mrs. ftor.e warehoufe^ head of Pleafance Hardie Mifs mantua maker, No 1. eaft reghler ftreet Hardie William ftioemaker, head of the Pieafance Hardie George tailor, Richmond ftreel Hardie Juhn brewer, Abbay Hardie Matthew mufital inftrunient maker, Carrubbers clofe Hardie George wright, Ijeith walk Hardie F-i'ph baker, foot of the back flairs, Coivgate Hardie James bookbinder, Gosford's clofe, Lawnma'ket Hardie Robert tobacconid, St. Patrick's fquare Hat die John merchant, oppofite the head of Forrefter's wynd

Wt.^j H A

A- H— ( V5 ) II—

Hardie Robert fptrit dealer, Leith wyrd Hardie and Crcmbie merchant?, No 38. fouth bridge, e. fide Hardie James baker, eppofite Forrefter's wynd well Hardie Robert weaver, L>ei.ih walk Hardie Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, weft Rpfe ftreet Hardie James cabinet maker, Baxter's clofe, Cowgate Harknefs "Walter furgeon, head of Stevenlaw'a clofe Harknefs John grocer, oppofite Milton houfe, Canongate

Harold Diuibar hairdreflef, No 1 7. Thiftle ftreet Harper James mafon, Twqedale's clofe Hart Mrs No 5. George's ftreet, north fide Hart Mrs. No 9. north St David ftreet Hart M Duff boot and fhoemaker, No 1 2. fouth bridge^ weft fide

Harvey John writ, fig No 6. eaft Rofe ftreet, north fide _ Harvey Mrs. No 6. eaft Rofe ftreet Harvey Thomas cabinet maker, Leith walk, eaft fide Harris Thomas grpcer, head of Todrick's wynd

Harris Miis, GnTord s park : Harrtfon Henry buckle-maker, St Leonard's bill

Harrifon Richard, fpirit dealer, No jo. fouth Fredrick ftreei. Haftie James baker, Gilford spark Kaftie Robert apoth. No 15- .mid Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Plaftie James grocer, foot ot the Candlemaker-row Hathorn Vans wri'.. fig. No 12- George's ftreet, north fide Flatten Robert writer, foot of Fifh maiket clofe Hay Charles Kfq; advocate, No 37. north Hanover ftreet Hay Mrs. of Seggieden, No 18. north Hanover ftreet Hay Mrs. of Leys, No 62. George's ftreet, north fide Hay John banker, No 54. George's ftreet, fouth fide Hay Mrs. No 22. Prince's ftreet Hay Mrs. No 23 George's ftreet, fouth fide Flay Dr. James No 40. George's ftreet, forth, fide

[Hay William writ; fig. No 86. Chaple or weft Nicoifon flr» [Hay John builder, north Caftle ftreet Hay James writ. fig. Not. fouth Hanover ftreet Hay Mrs. Maior, Nicqlfon's ftreet Hay James writer, Charles ftreet [Flay and Bucban milliners, No 8. fouth bridge, eaft fide [Flay John ccach-'nyrer, foot of Pleafance Hay andfon merchants, Canal ftreet, warehoufe, Leith. Hay Thomas futgeon, Elair ftreet, welt fide Hay Robert and ibu vendue, No 7. north bridge, houfe Ad-' vocates clofe Hay Alexander grocer, Gihb':J entry-

Hay James ibblcr, Gibb'a clofe, head of Canongate, f. fide Hay Mrs. fpitit dealer, Calton II -y Mifs, Ghcflfel's court, Canongate Hay Margaret and Co. grocers, Hay's land, Grafs-market Hay David builder, No 44. fouth bridge, eaft fide Hay Mrs. of Pitfour, Campbell's clofe, Canongate H>y Mrs. of Mortoiuon, No 4.7. Prince's (tree!: Hay John chairtriafter, Charles's ftreet Hay James ftabler, Grafs-market, back of boughts Hay Mm. of Montblahy, Cn'chton's entry, Canongate Hay J"hn teacher of mnfrc, Milne's court Hay Newton of Newton, No p. George's ftreet, north fids Hay Mifp, No 104. Chaple or weft Nicolfon's ftreet Heath John veal Hefner, houle Jackfon's clofe Heath Benjamin practitioner of midwifery, Calton Kfggie James cleik to accompt, to the royal bank, Carru*. leer's clofe Henderfcn Archibald, Charles's ftreet Hendetfon Lady, Laurifton Henderfon William of the Britiih linen Co. Pirric's clofe, Canongate Henderfon Mrs. clear Marcher, No 42. fouth Hanover ftree£ Henderfon Francis watch maker, Weft port Henderfon Alexander jeweler, Nicolfon's ftreet, weft fide Henderfon Alexander wright, eaft Richmond Itreet Henderfon Thomas Ruffia warehoufe, head of old aiTimbly clofe Henderfon Charles tailor, Seller's land, Potter- row Henderfon Mifs fewing fchool, Richmond place Henderfon W.lliam grocer, head of Barringer's clofe Henderfon Peter tailor mid Rofe ftreet Henderfon Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, north Richmond ftreet Henderfon William erocet, fouth end of Potter-row

id< rfon Mr« furnifhetl )odging3, welt Richmond ftrtet Hendetfon William writer, Weft bow H-S ( 9* ) H-2

Henderfon John reed maker, Piccardy . Heodcrfon Mifs milliner, No 3. fouih Prince's ftreet •

Henderfon George ft a) maker, north Fredrick ftreet Ton Jarnea builder, No 7. Rofe ftteet Henderfon William grocer, oppofue foot Burnett clofe piendeifon John tailor, oppofitt linen hall, Canongate Henderfon Peter tailor, mid Rofe ftreet Henderfon Peter paton Jailand heel m-akrr, foot ofCalton Henderfon Robert 3nd Co. grocers, oppoike head of Black- friar's wynd Hendry Alexander grocer, third fhop above the head of St Mary's wynd Hcnd:y Mifs, Cam's clofe Hendry Riarry fpi-rit dealer, Canongate Hendry John officer of c.x:ife, Lady Lawfon's wynd Hendry John garde cer, middle of Leith v.'alk Hendty Mrs- Richmond ftreet Hendry Mrs. Thiftle ftreet Hendij Mrs. No j5» St James's fquare Hendry Peter teacher, Piccardy Henneker Wiilism Haymaker, No 6. George's ftreet, n. fide Hepburn col. Rich. No 58 .queen's ftreet Hepburn Euchan Efq; No 35. George's ftreet, fouth fide Hepburn Robert cf Clerkinton commiiT. of c-uftoms, Tiyiot=> row Hepburn Mrs Buccleugh ftreet Hepburn Mxe Allifon's fquare Hepburn Mifs.. Campbell's clofe Canongate Hepburn James grocer, weft Rofe ftreet Hepburn Mrs. head of Weft bow Hepburn John accompt. of excife, Milne's court Hepburn Mrs. John No 5 fouth Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide Hepburn Mrs. St John's clofe, Canongate Hepburn George writer and keeper of the Parliament houfi rollg, Caftie hill Hepburn Mifs milliner, head, of Writers court Heron Mifs boarding fchool for young ladies> Blair's ftreet,

weft fide . Heron Lauch. bookbinder, Forre tier's wynd Heron Patrick of Heron,, George's fquare E

}[— ( 9* ) II—Ol

Heron Patrick furnifhed lodgings, No 2. fouth fide Prince's ftreet Herriot Mrs. Cra'gs clofe Harriot Thomas merchant, Lawn market, fouth fide Herriot Mrs. No 3. Shakefpear's fqu-are Her; tot and Gardner Cundlcniakers, above head of Carruber'3 clofe Herriot Mrs fpirit dealer, weft Rofe ftreet He wan capt. Thomas St Patrick'* fqr.are H;wit Thomas meiTenger, No 8. eaft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Hewit Hugh fhoemaker. Potter-row lie wit Dr Alexander, Geo gc's ftreet Hiwit James goldlmith, Abbey Hewit Paer baker, No 15. George's (Ireet, fouth fide Hewit Robert, No 19. Thiltle ftreet, north fide Higgin9 John Alexander writ. fig. No 36. queen's ftreet Highland royal focietys hall, No 38. fouth bridge, call fids Hill Thomas Architect, No 15 terrace, Liith fireet Hill Robert writ. fig. No 20. north Hanover ftreet Hill George lilk dyer, Barringer's do-fe

Hill D-tvid ft abler, Graft-marker, north fide Hill Mifs milliner, NV jg; ?mu'i Street Hill John fmiih, Weft port Hill William grocer, No 4. mid Rofe firect, fouth fide Hill Peter bookfeller, oppofile the Crofs, fouth fide, houfe Ramfay's garden Hill Dr John prof, of humanity, Brown's fquarc Hill Robert auctioneer, Cowgate port

Hifl >p James it abler, Grafs-market, oppofite bow foot Hifl >p Alexander ftabler, head of Cowgate Hodge Anthony baker, oppofite mtal market Hodge Mrs. vintner, Ciofscaufway f 1 vi'gc John engraver, Fountain well baker, Water of Leith Hodge fohn manufacturer, Piccardy Hog Walter manager for the Bfitifh linen Co. Twccdall's cl T • n:. AUifon'a Square ; : g Daniel vintner, No 4. Shakefpeara fquare indcr baker, head of Pleafanct O O

II— ( 97 ) IT—

Hog Robert baker. No To, fouth Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide Hog James fmith, Brifto ftreet H^g Mrs. Brifto ftreet H°g David painter, Crofscanfway Hog Robert ftabler, Brifto ftreet Hog Alexander grorer, at the new inn, Grafs-marktt Hog Mifs milliner, No [. eaft Rtgilter-ftrett

Hogg Mrs. No i I. fouth Fredrick Hogg Mrs. midwife, Milne's fqnare Hogg Mrs grocer, Canongate Hogg Mifs, No 254. Nicolfon's ftreet

Hogg ard M'Donald habtrdafhers. No 1 . fouth bridge, w. fids Hogg George merchant. Milne's court Hogg Thomas of Newlifton, Laurifton Home Sir George, No 51. Prince's ftrcct Home Dr Jofeph, middle of Leith wa;k, weft fide H'-me Mrs of Arguty, No 75. queen's ftreet Home John coach maker, No 3. Prince's flreet Home Mrs Alexander, No 3. fouth Prince's ftreet Heme M r s. No 19. George's ftreet, fouth fide Home John writer, fub. keeper of the fignet, No l§. George's ftreet, foutii fide Home H^nry writ. f:g. George's fquare Home John writ. fig. No 6. St David's ftreet Home Andrew fpirit dealer, No c. fouth Fredrick ftreet Heme John land furveyor, Maryfield, near quarrey hols Home Cleghorn and Wilfon coach makers, No 3. fouth Prince's ftreet Home John writ. fig. No 17, weft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Home Mrs. of Whitefield, foot of Leith walk Home Archibald of the poftoffice, foot of New ftreet Canon* Home Alexander Efq; Reid's court, Canorgate Home Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, Richmond ftreet oppofite difpenfary Home Dr Francis, Foulis's ciofe Home William grocer, oppofite Chrichton's entry, Canon. Home James writ. fig. Merchant ftreet Home David Efq; advocate, No 1. St David's flreet, e. fide Home George of Branxton, Society Home John of Kilduff, No 37. north Kanover flreet o O

II— ( 53 ) H—

Home and Co. wine merchants, Blair's ftreet, eaft fide Home Mrs. Grafs-market, fourh fide Home William, mid Rofe ftreet Home Edward brewer, Potter-row Home Mrs. weft Rofe ftreet Home John reed maker, Grafs-market, north fide Honneyman William Efq, advocate, Park place Hope Mrs Tiviot-mw Hope Mrs. No 2 i. St Andrew's fquare Hope Mife, No 60. Queen's ftreet

Hope Charles Efq; advocate, No 35. George's, ftr. n. fide Hope Mrs.- Dr No 50. George's ftreet, north fide H >pe Mifs, Parkrow, Bi ifto ftreet Rope Mrs. No 31. St Andrew's fquare Hope Mifs milliner, No 20. fouth bridge, eaft fide Hope Lady, No 35. George's ftreet, norfh fide Hope Mifs, Hope park Horn James writ. fig. Lucfeenbooths

Horn John wright and brufh maker, foot of Caalmer's cl. Horn James wright, Calton hill Horn Andrew writer, Watergate, foot of Canongate Horn Mrs. fpirit dealer, Watergate Horner John, Park ftreet Horfburgh Edwin upholfterer, No 51. Nicolfon's ftreet Horfburgh J*.hn fhoemaker, No 9. north St David's ftreet Horfburgh Alexander tailor, high-ftreet, fouth fide Horfburgh Alexander of Horfburgh, Nicolfon's ftreet Horfburgh Richard mufical inlirument maker, head of Todri' k's wynd Horfburgh MrB. No 356- Nicolfon's ftreet Hofack Alexander tailor, St Anne's ftreet Hofack William grocer, head of Gibb's clofe, Canongate Hbtlhkia Richard writ, fig. No 21. Fredrick ftreet, vv. fide Hutchkio Mrs. Merchant ftreet Hotchkis Thomas porter brewer, Lawrie's land, Grafs-mar. Houghton Mrs. head of the Pleafance Houghton and Bruce profile painters, head of Anchor clofe Houfton Mrs. Brifto ftreet Houfton Andrew of Jordon-hill, No 36. George's ftreet, fouth fide Houfton Alexander of Edinglaffie, No 57. George's ftreet, north fide U

H--0 ( 99 } H—

HouHon Mrs General, Gosford's clofe, Lawn-market

Hon ft on Lauran-ce, auctioneer, oppofuc the Englifh chapel* Colgate port Houston Peter tailor, oppofite font of Gray's clofe, Cowgate Howard Thomas ham and poultery (hop, Brifto ftreet Howden jjohn woollen draper, No 41. north bridge, houfc Calton hill Howden Charles writer and general collector of road money Potter-row well Howden James watchmaker, No 3. Hunter's fquare Kowden John builder, Brifto ftreet Howden Francis golufmitn and jeweller, No 3. Hunters fqi Howden J"hn idler, oppofite noughts, Gials-mai ket Howden John. Blackfriais wynd Howie John holier, head of Fountain clofe Howifon Archibald carver and gilder, foot of Roxburgh's clofe, Luckerbooths Howifon Wir] jun. writer, Alifon's forme, back court Howifon William writer Milne's fquare Howifon Charles tailor, Ponton ftreet, Fountainbridge Howifon William fptrit dealer, Galloway's dole, Lawn-mark* Howifon George watchmaker, Crofs caufway Howifon Mifs merchant, Lawn-market, fouth fide Howifon James grocer, Grange-toll Howifon Mrs. foot of Leith walk Howifon Nicol fiioemaker, foot of Leith wynd Humble Wi ham fadler, No 3. fouth Prince's flreet Hunter Mrs. John, north back of Canongate Hunter Mifs mantua-maker, Paterfon's court Hunter Mifs, Milne's court Hunter Mrs. cf Thirfton, No 6. queen's flreet Hunter James Mrs. No 2 5. queen's flreet Hunter Capt. Patrick, No 22. queen V flreet Hunter Mifs, No 23. queen's flreet Hunter John writ- fig. No 26. queen's ftreet Hunter Walter, Efq; of Polmood, No 59. Princes ftreet Hunter Mrs. of Mountfort, No 4. George's ftreet, fouth fide Hunter David of Blacknefs, No 21. George's ftreet, fouth fids Hunter rev Dr Andrew, No 26. St Andrew's fquare Hunter Mifs, Calton hill u n— ( ioo )

Hunter William No 24. George's ftreet, north fide

I : iter Peter watch maker, fouth end of Nicol foil's ftreet Hunter James fhoemaker, Hamilton's entry, Brillo (beet Hunter James bbokfeller, Kintors clofe, Luektabooths Hunter David fpirit dealers Hopepnrk end .Hunter James hardware merchant, Parliament houfe Hunter Thomas ftablrr, GraTs- market, north lid-; Hunter Alexander tailor, foot of Calton Hunter William and Co. grocers, head of Cowgate Hunter Thomas under keeper of Edin. tolbcoth, houfe oppo-

ii e corn market Hunter Hamilton baker, head of Eiackfi iars wynd Hunter James flater, Milne's clofe Canongate

' tunter William fhocmaker, fouth end of Potter-row Hunter James fpirit dealer, Tobago ftreet Hunter Robert writer, Brown's clofe, Canongate Hunter James baker, foot of Well bow Hunter Mrs. head Hunter John book-binder, oppofite Magdalana chapel, Cow, Hunter J f, hn brewer, north back of Canongate Hunter MrS. fpirit dealer, Richmond flveet Hunter James vintner, ftar and garter, Writer's court Hunter Richard turner, Richmond phce Hunter Peter frnith, Calton Hunter Thomas tailor, head of Leith wynd Hunter Archibald hairchefler, Calton Hunter David grocer, No 3. mid Rofe ftreet Bufband, Elder and Co. oppofitc Tronkirk Hufband Thomas Lyon herald, head of Canongate Hutcheon Andrew fhoe ware houfe, Leith ftreet Hutcheon William fhoe maker, No 19. mid Rofe ftreet, n. fide hifon Gilbert Ef

J [utchtfoti Andrew fkfher, houfe Canal ftreet Hutchifon John glazier, head of Well-port Hutchifon John merchant, oppofitehead of Blackfriars wy.

J iitih'.fon William grocer, fouth end of Potter-row u

I II— ( 101 )

Hutchifon, O'iphant and Co. wine merchants, Blaii ftr« l,

nws baker, head nf Bull's. clofe lifoc William gardener, htorfc * yud, Canongate Canongate J Van Haymaker, hen;] of , the Englilh chapel, rs i oppofite to

i, !owgaie-port Huttojp Jobn furvjyor of public works, oppofite Foot cf L?.dy Stair's clofe Button Mrs. furbiftied lodgings, No 2. St James's fquaie, weft fide Hatton Dr. Jarr.^s, St John's lull Huttoo Andrew fhoemaker and fptrii deafer, oppofite foot of S.eveclaw's clofe


Jmlach George writ, fig. Fou^tsin clofe Irary ilobert. grocer, oppolke foot of Liberton's wynd clofe Inderwick Jam ; s cabinet warehouse, foot of R^bwtfoa's Inderwick Mrs. No it. eaft Rofe ftreet Ihduftrious companvs porter cellars, New bank clofe bridge, fide It ;, Horner and Co. fiik mercers, No fouth w. Inglis Peter merchant, George '6 :'qu-re, north fule Inglis Henry David Efq; advocate, Caftie bill Inglis Alexander, Calton hill Inglis Mrs George's foiia^e, fouth fide Inglis Audrey furgeon, old port office ftairs, Parliament cl. Inglis and Anderfon haberda(her?,.No Q. foqih bridge, e. lids Ingiis Sir John, No 2i. George's ltreet Inglis Alexander woollen draper, next flsop to genera] p l office Inglis John fhoemaker, oppofite Charles's ftre^t Inglis William writ. fig. north Richmond ftrept Ingljs j?mes tailor, Park fide, near Gibbet toll Inglis Hugh printer, Weft port Inglis George fmith, Calton Inglis Robert mafon, Drum mono ftreet Irjglia John foil it dealer, Grafs-market, fouth fide N

I— (102 ) I—R

Irgles Mrs. Merchant ft reel- Ingles George fhoe andlcadier (hop, Richmond fired Ingram Alexander, letter carrier, Middletbn's entry, potter-r. Ingram Akxauder wright and grocer, No 3, mid R^ie flrect, north fide Innes Charles writ. fig. No 50. Prince's. ftreet Innes Mrs. Park fide, near Gibbet toll Iftrres John writ. fig. Panmiiirs clofe, Cino^gate Innes Mifs, Richmond (beet Ir.nes Gilbert of Slow, No 34- St Andrew/3 fquare Innes James fee* to the royal bank) No 28. fouth Fredrick ftreet, weft Fide Innes Thomas vtrker, Gavin'ock'a land, Lawn maiket Innes M'S. furni'hed lodgingo, St Patrick fquare Innes Mrs. grocer, head Sanddands clofe

Innes Mi s. grocer, Plcafance Innes William fpiiit dealer, Grafs-marker, Couth fids Innes James gun fmith, head of Cowgate

1 inss Mrs. of Urra! No io. St Andrew's fquare

2nr; e9 James, oppofite foot of fiftl market clofs Innes George writer, No 3, eaS -Ini'c ftreet lanes Edward confectioner. No 4 Blair ftreet Inr.ts and Murray bakers, head of Halkerftcn's wynd; Innes George cabinet maker, head of T mes -M.8 No 12. fouth Fredrick ftre.t, eaft fide Innes Eliz. grocer, Fountain well

Innes Mrs. No 2 8- fouth Fredrick ftreet, weft fide

•:: 15 Mrs. Sciences Inverarity David wright, Canal ftreet Ireland Michal cabinet maker, weft Campbell's clofe, Covv\>, Ireland James baker, foot of Plcafance, weft fide

1 Irvine John engraver, foot of Fcrreftei 8 v ynd Irvine Mrs. No 9. St James's fquare I: vine James Lfq; No 19. Nicolfon's ftreet Iivine Andrew builder, oppofite pen 'entry-, Btiflo fticet Iivine Duncan grocer, No 4. Leith ftreet Irvine Jamca tailor, St Ann's ilicct Iivine Mifa, north Richmond (lrcet

IfVjq'C Donald wheel wright, foul of fifh market dofi. R

10' I— ( ) J-A

Irving Mrs. ofBonfhaw, No/jz. queen's flrcct Irving John Efq; advocate, No 62. queen's ftt eet Irving Alexander Efq; advocate. Alexand" r s land, Br! to fir, Irving Dr Thomas Milne's court oppofite bow Leal Irving Mrs. BIyth's clofe, Caftle hill Ifbiller, and Thomfon groceeB, head of Strichan'a clofe clofe I Ives John fpirit dealer, head of New bank Iziet Chalmers hat warehoufe, oppofite general poft office^ houfe P-a^'a clofe, Canongau

jack George, Buchanan's court, Lawnmarket Jack :Mrs. milliner, head of horfe wynd Jack William furnifned lodgings, No 5. forth bridge Jack I\lrs. furnifhed lodgings. Mo 7. Rofe ftreet Jack Charles fpirit dealer, cppofite foot of Steverdaw'g clof; Jackfon James merchant, No 20. fouth, bridge, weft fide

Jackfon and Davie ribbon met chants. No 5. fouth bridge, , eaft fide Jackfon Mrs. Rofe ftreet Jackfon Thomas fmith, Leith walk, eaft fide Jackfon John of the theatre royal, No 4. Shakefpear*3 fquarc Jackfon John hat warehoufe, No 4. fouth bridge, eaft fide Jackfon William of the fignet office, foot cf Warrifton's clofe Jackfon and Co. manufacturers, No 20. fouth bridge, w. fide Jackfon Richard vintner, oppofite Alifon'si'quare, Potter-row jackfon John, weft Rofe ftreet Jackfon Mrs. porter dealer, Nether-bow, fouth fide James Jjhn fhoemaker, oppo New ftreet. Canongate Jamiefon Mrs. No r. Antigua ftreet, Leith walk

Jamie fon Robert, writ. fisr. V/ardroo's court Jamiefon William mafon, Trunk clofe Jamiefon Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, weft Rofe ftreet Jamiefon William writer, Mufe-lane Jamiefon John fupervifor of txcife, No re. fouth bridges eaft fide Jamiefon Mrs. Dunbar's clofe jamiefon George tailor, Eroughton Jamiefon Gilbert porter dealer, Grafsmarket, north fide -

1 -3. _ io r-A c 4 ) j-o

Jamiefon George fpitit dealer, Mufe-lane- Jjrrutfon Mrs. fuot of licith walk Jamiefon V» i'liam fkinoer, Br.liop's land ftreet, Jardine Henry, writ. fig. fouth Caftie well fide ; Jardine MilV, Gibb's entry Jardine Sir William, George's fquare Jardiae John officer of excife, Candlemaker-row Jarvie Mrs. fpirit deaJer, foot of Leith wa'k Jives Anthony manufacturer, temple ftreet, Caftlebama Jeffrey John wiiter, No 32. Prince's ftreet

Jeffrey George dep clerk of f. .'Hon, Buchanan's court Jeffrey James haiidrcficr, Faterfon's ceurt Jenifon Mrs foot of Leith walk Jinks Samuel fpirit dealer, veil regifter ftreet

Jinkinfon Robeit fl abler, head of Pleafar.ce J hnlton David of Lathtifk, No 70. queens ftreet Johnfton Capt,. BuccLngh ftreet Johjiftan James Efq; of Straiton, No 9. foti'.h St David ftreei- John ft on Mils, Cfichton ftreet Johnfton John wine merchant, Fdulis's clofe

John ft on M'S. or Banks No 1. fouth Hanover ftreet Jphnfton- Major Jamep, No 85 Chapel, or weft Nico'.fon'a ftr» Johnfton Dr Lewis, No 29. north Hanover ftreet Johnfton George writ. fig. No 2- north James's ftreet Johnfton rev. [ofeph, Drummond ftreet- Johnft'>n William writer, Chalmer's clofe Johnfton Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, Erifto ftreet, weft fide Johnfton M:«. midwife, Anchor clofe Johnfton James fhoemaker, potter-row Johnfton and Co. mufic fellers head of Lady Stair's clofe Johnfton 'ames grocer, head of Strichan's clofe Johnfton John writer, Nither bow, north fide

Johnfton M. s. midwife, James's court Johnfton Thomas baker, Park fide, near Gibbet toll

1 nflpn James ft;ymaktr, St Mary's wynd. Johnfton Jofeph writer, head of Pleafance r dinfton Mrs. Antigua ftreet, Leith walk Johnfton Walter taksman of meal market Johnfton -John meal dealer, Mc;d maiket Johnfton Andrew furgeon, No :3. fouth bridge, weft fide

3D ' 09 g engraver, Lead of Warriftoa's clufc JM> ( i°s ) K-A

Johnfton Peter linker, oppol'te Afltmbly hall, Rofe ftreet- Johiillon Mrs fumifhed lodgings, Crofccaufway Johnfton Robert and fon groceis, No 42 north bridge Johnfton William fhoemaker, mid Rofe ttreet Johnfton Andrew fpirit dealer, back of noughts, Graf,market johnfton Mrs. broker, foot of the Candiemaker-i o\v John Hon Thomas grocer, middle of Leith walk, weft, fide Johnlton Robert grocer and hairdreffer, No 6. Shaktf. Iquare Johnlton Alexander ftabler, Gmsmarket, fouth fide. Johnfiofl Alexander horfehyrer, Bri!lo port Johnllon Mrs. No 2. north St David's ftreet Johnlton William teacher, Warillon's clofe Johnlton William^ King's {tables Johnlton John fhoemaker, Calton Johntton John engraver, Luckenbooths Johnfton Luvrence gardenei, near Grange-toll Johnfton John gardener, neat Gibbet-toll Johnfton Thomas fhoemaker, Goofe-dub Johnfton John teacher, Richmond place Johnfton Mrs. Charles's ftreet Johnfton William groctr* Weft-bow

Johnfton George glazier, fouth end of Nicolfon's ftreet • Johnfton Mrs. fpirit dealer, Elackfriars wynd Johnlton William tea and fpint dealer, St Leonard's hill

Johnfton xi'lexandtr glazier, Grafsmarket, fouth Jolly George, his heirs, tailors, head of old AiTembly clofe Jolly James writ fig. Gayfield place, Lei'.h walk Jolly Mis. Buecleugb' place Jolly Mrs. fumifhed lodgings, Crofscaufway Jolly John, Gilford's park, Caufwa^fide

Jones rev. Thomas, No 17. north Hanover ftreet, ea ft fide Julia* Mrs. Society Juftice Mrs. fpirit dealer, fouth end of Potter-row

K. Kay Andrew and Co. glaziers and painters, Luckenbootbs^ Mr Kay's houfe, No !. fouth Caftle ftreet Kay Robert architect, Not. Huntei's fquare Kay William meal dealer, Fountain bridge Kay John engraver and minuure painter, Bull turnpike A E

K— ( ?od' ) K—

Kay John tailor, eaft Richmond ftreet K .y William grocer. No 23. George's ftreet, fouth fide Kay 'I homas fhocmaker, Richmond ftreet Keals Richard merchant, Baillie Fyfe's clufe Keay James writ. fig. No F3. Prince's ftreet

Keay Alexander accomptant, No 5. George's ftreet, f. fids Ktay Duncan cabinet maker, New ftreet, Canongate Ktay Patrick grocer, Brifto ftreet Keay Thomas ipirit dealer, St Ninian's row Keddie David tailor, next Peddie's kirk, Brifto flreet Keddie Mrs. Simon's fquare Ktddie James writer, Richmond place Keddie Andrew gardener, Livingfton's yards Keddie John candle-maker head of old fifn market clofe Keddie Mifs merchant, head of Writers court Keddie Mrs. candle-maker, head of Liberton's wynd Keddie Mrs. Chaple, or weft Ncollon's ftreet Keggie John flocking maker, back of boughts, Grafsmarkrt Keggie John Leiih parcel waggon, head of New bank clofe Keggie James vintner, Milne's fquare Keith George Marifchall, St Patrick's fquare Keith William merchant, N04. north bridge Keith Alexander writ, fig No 43. Queen's ftreet Keith Mrs. Ann, No 51. George's ftreet, fouth fide Keith William accomptant, No 6. St Andrew'* ftreet Keith Mifs, middle of Pleafance Keith and Creafe ftaymakers, Nicolfon's flreet Keich Andrew fpirit dealer, head of Weft port Keith Mrs. No 2- Shake/pear's fquare Keltic Mifs milliner, No 14. fouth St Andrew's ftreet Keltic John perfumer, No 15. fouth St Andrew's ftreet Kemp rev. John, Ramfay garden, or Society hall, Baron MaulVclofe Kemp Mrs. Gilmour's clofe, Grafi-market Kemp Robert baker, No 4. north Hanover ftrcet Kemp Ivfrs. Canal ftreet Kemptie Mrs. Brown's fquare Kcmyfh Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, Drummond ftreet Ken ion James hfq; Broughton end of queen's ftrcet Kumedy Mrs. No I. queen's ftrcet E

K--E ( io;/ ) K—

Kennedy James and Alexander haberdafiicr3, No 23. louth bridge, well fide Kennedy Mil's, Buccleugh place Kennedy Mrs grocer, foot of Wight's clofe, Colgate

Kennedy Mifs, No j. luorth St David.'* llreet Kennedy James man' faclurer, high fchoo), Canongale

(.. Piiuce'.s llreet Kennedy Mrs. No 7 Kennedy Alexander, vintner, Byeresckfe X nnedy Thomas glover, Creams Kennedy Donald (pint dealer, Canongato Kennedy Mils roi.liner, Laillie Fyfe'a dole Kennedy Angus tailor, St Mary's wy.nd Kennedy John nvuSciarij Tsdrkk 3 wynd Kennedy R.obert cooperj Seller's court, Potter-row? Kennedy Mr3 accademy Potter-row Kennel Thomas fmith, Crofkcaufway Keppel George tailor, Richmond ftreet Kerr Jobu Efq; of Cr.vers, Antigua ftreet, Leiih walk Knr James efq; of Elackfhicla, No 8. Gucen's ftreet Kerr William Efq; the gen. pofL-ofHce, hcufe in the cfike Ken* Thomas liners draper and habetdafher, No i\ fouih bridge, eaft fide Kerr Robert furrecn, Nicolfcn's flreet Kerr Mrs. Cap; ain Reid's clofe Canongate Kerr Mrs. No 4. George's fquare Kerr William weaver, Nicolfcn's ilreet Kerr George dyer, Canon-mills Kerr Mrs. oppofite Archer's hall Kerr Mifs, fouth caitle Itreet, weft fide r -Vcr-r Walter ordained meafurer, oot of Horle-wynd Kerr William fhoemaker, foot of Scott's clofe Kerr Samuel filveifraith, foot of Mary King's clofe Kerr Mrs under Meal market flairs Kerr John fpirit dealer, Niddrys ftreet fquars Kerr Alexandir rr\anufaSurer, No J. Shakefpear's Kerr M>-s. grocer, head of Reid's clofe, Canongate Kerr Daniel old Exchange coffee houfe, oppufiU Crcfs, north' fide

'^w I

ic8 ) K—

Kerr Stephen gingerbread baker, Lcith walk Kerr Mrs. Gallon hill Kerr Mrs of Abbetrulh. No 38. Couth bridge, eaft fide Kerr Robert haberdasher, No 2. fouth bridge, well fid$ Kerr Mrf. ofChatto, Su'-geons fqnare Kerr wriglit, Crofs caufway Keir FraTici?, Merchant ftrcet Keir Adam baker, r.ppofjte tne Crofs, houfe Laurifton K

Kermack John writer, No 1, St Jamea'a fquare, fouth fide Ktflbn Jg'm coscb, can and plough manufacturer, Mud- iflandj head oF Leitb walk Kettle James writer, Buchanan'* court, Lawnmarket, f, fide Kettle John auctioneer, oppofitc Euglifu chapel, foot of Cow. Kidd Alexander, writer, No 5. Georgia slreet, fouth fide Kidd John wine merchant, bead of the Cov/gnte Ki-; d Robert baker, 3* Anne's ftreet Kidd Jarres iearher merchant, foot of the Cullers wynd

Kilgour J"'ri'» rope maker, head "of mid com. ck Caaorgate Kilgour George vintner, entry to Parliament clofe Kilgour James baker, Nii 4. fouth St David's ftreet Kilgour brewer End baker, Watergate f. of Canrw. Kincaid Alexander printtra ink maker, well end of Fountain-. bridge, houfe Aliion'a fquare King Thomas apothecary head of the flefli market clofe King John acepmptant No 9 north St David's ftreet King Patrick hairdreffer, middle of PJeafanc* King Charles engraver and sopperplate printer, Fprreftei'fl

v. ynd King John wrigbt, Lcith walk, weft fide King Edward, Kincaid'a land, Cowgate Kinloch Robert glove, C tea ma

Kin loch J j hn tinplate worker, oppoi'ite the head of Liber- ton'g wynd Kinloch John fpirit dealer, Grafsmarket Kinloch Jamca grocer, north Richmond ftreet I

:-.— IC— ( J09 ) IK

Kinnaird William chyroift, Abbeyhill Kinnaird William writing-noafter, Murdoch's clofe Kinnear George banker, No 31. queen's ftieet Kinnear and fons bankers, within the Fxohange Kinnear Alexander banker, No 8. north M David's flreet "Kinnear Mifs, No 7. mid Rofie ftrert Kinnear Jarr.cs ftioemaker, No 5. George's ftteet. fouth fide Kinnear Andrew pewterer, head of Ward; op's court, Lawn- market Kinnear Mrs. No 5. fouth St David's flreet Kinnear George fpirit dealer, foot of the Cowgate Kinnear Mrs. Thomas, Carrubei 's clofe Kinniburgh and Scott newtherers, foot of Weftbow Kinniborgh Robert glazier, head of fouth Gray's clofe Kirk William fpirit dealer, Niddry flreet Kirk John baker, Chaple llreet Kirkcaldy David Haymaker, Todrick's wynd Kirkpatrick George dep. clerk of feflion, Caufwayfide Kirkpatrick Mifs, Buccleugh llreet Kirkpatrick Mrs. Brier, oppofite Springfield, Leith walk,

eaft. fide Kirkpatrick David meal-maker, Toll-crofs Kirkwood James engraver, Parliament clofe, houfe Borth- wick'8 clofe Ki'kwood Wiiliam vrright, Calton Kitchea Wiiliam grocer, head of the Cowgate Kitchen John grocer, foct of the Car.dltmaker-row Knee Bahhazer weather-glafsmaker, oppofite Forrefter's wynd well Knight John ftabler, oppofite Cornmarket Knox Robert mathematician, Baxter's clofe, Lawnmarket, houfe north Richmond flreet Knox John writer, Alifon's fquare Knox Alexander baker, No ji. north Fredrick flreet, e. fide Knox Robert grocer, fouth end of Potter-row Knox William grocer, oppofite Tiviot-row, Briilo llreet Knox William glazier, Broughton Kaowles John grocer, well Rcfe flreet A

L— ( no ) -L— A! L

Lackic Robert tailor, St Ninian's row Lackie Robert baker, St Ninian's row Laidlaw Alexander n'nplare worker, No 3. north bridge Laidlaw James writ, fig Callle hill Laidlaw Mrs midwife Liberty court, oppo. foot Blair's Mr, Laidlaw William teacher of mathematics, head of Steven* law's clofe

Laidlaw Mrs. firnifhed lodgings, ol 1 poft houfe clofe J^aidlaw Alexander baker, Candlemaker row Laidlaw* Thomas merchant, Lurkenbootbs Laing Malcolm Efq; advocate, N> 24. George's fir. n. fide Laing Mrs. Dr Carubber's clofe Laing John fadler, No 4. St Andrew's flreet Laing Philip baker, No 8. mid Rofe flreet, fouth fide Laing Mifs milliner, No 22 Prince's flreet Laing James writer and dept. city clerk, fcale flairs, head of flefh market clofe, country houfe up firft entry weft from the Meadow cage Laing William teacher, No 10. eaft Rofe flreet

La ; ng William merchant tailor, head of Canongate, n. fide Laing George writer, Lochend's clofe, Canongate Laing John taiior, head of Pleafance Laing James fhoemaker, Crofs caulway Laing Thomas edge tool maker, No 6. Shakefpear's fquare, houfe No 4. James's flreet Laing Wiiliam bookfeller, head of ChefiePs court, Canon. Laing Robert fadler, No 39. fouth bridge, eaft fide Laing Alexander architect, No II, St James's fquare Laing John baker, Netherbow Laing James merchant, oppofite Luckenbooths Laing John cabinet warehoufe, Nicolfon's flreet Lamb William upholfterny and cabinet warehoufe, No 2. fouth bridge, eall fide, houfe Gayfield place Lamb Robert grocer, oppofite Crofa, fouth fide f.jimb David wright, No 24- mid Rofe flreet, fouth fide Lamb John hairdrefler, St Mary's wynd Lamb Andrew fmith, Crofs caufvvay Lamond John of Latnond, No 69 Prince's flreet A

L—A ( in ) L—

1 Lnmond John furgeon, Strichen * clofe Lamond John wright, Ns 39. fouth bridge, eafl fide, fhop f eait fide No 1 44. Nicolfari 8 ftreet, Lamond Patrick manufacturer, Canongate Lamond Daniel fpirit dealer, fouth Richmond ftreet Landlans Jchn ftabler, foot of the Ctiidlema,ker-row Latimor Chriftophcr collector of excife, Galloway's entry, Canongate Latta James furgeon. furgeons fqnare, high fchool yards Lauder James Efo at Reidbraes near Bonnington Lauder Francis writer, fou h Richmond itreet Lauder Mifs of Fountainhail, o'd Afletnbjy clofe Lauder Samuel Hone v/arehoufe, Welt bow Laurie Robert furveyor of eircife, foot of Weft bow Lauiie Samuel grocer, oppofite Milton houfe, CsnongatC Laurie J >hn ftabler, No 6. Thiftk ftreet Laurie Mifs, No 16. Queen's ftreet Laurie David tailor, No 5. well Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Laurie Robert grocer, No i. w. Rofe ftreet, north iide r Laurie \\ 1 1 1 i a m writer, Trunk clofe Laun'e David fpirit dealer, Potter-row Laurie Andrew baker oppofite gen. entry, Brifto ftreet Laurie Andiew grccer, Chaple Itreet Laurie Thomas Middleton's entry, Potter-row Laurie William auctioneer, foot of Niddry's ftreet Lau'ie "William tool-maker, middle of Potter-row Laurie Andrew writing matter, eaft Campbell's clofe, cows Laurie William fpirit dealer, mid. of Potter-row Laurie Peter fpirit dealer, foot cf Pleafance Laurie John fmith and farrier, head of Weft port Laurie William fhoemaker, Richmond ftreet Laurie Wiilliam fhoemaker, St Mary's wynd Lauie James tailor, oppofite back Hairs, Cowgate

LauieMrs No f 5. north Hanover ftreet Laurie George flelher, houfe flefh market clofe

Laun'e Andrew cabinet wsreroom, No 2. Drummond flreet Laurie William fiefhtr, houfe ficfh market clofe K h— A (in ) L—K

Laurie Alexander Edinburgh circulating library, No 2?. -parliament clofe houfe St Patrick fqoa^e Lavaux Thomas furnifhed lodgings, SellerA court Potter r. Law John mrffengff and Admiral Macer, htad of Brodie's clofei Lawn market Law Ja-n?s (urgeon. No i? fcuthbiidge, weft f:de Law [ohn printer, Richmond (Lett Law Alexander meffenger, Exchange flairs, Parliament cl.

Law-Thomas writer, Exchange flai s, Parliament clofe Law J !in fp'rit dealer, middle of the Canongate Law Robert grocer, Stcven'aw's elefc: Law .Mifs. No iS Prince's street Law John Ipirit dealer, head of Boyd's clofe, Canongate Law Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, .Potter-row Law;Thomas baker. Crols caufway law Mifs, Gavinlock e land. Lawnnvarket Lawfon Peter, feed merchant B'air's llreetj eafl fide Lawfon Edward, "pring-field, Leith. walk Lawfon Da /id platfteter, Gibb's enrry Lawfon Roben fur^eon. Surgeon's fquare Lawfon James (hoe maker, Brillo llrcet Lawfm Andrew hake*-, head of Pleafance Lawfon William plailterer, miildle ot Foirtfter's wynd Lawfon R"b rt ilabler, head of Cowo-ateo Lawfon Mrs. Charles's ftreet Lav, lb-' James and Will am leather merchants, head of Pater- tibn' curt, Lawn markrt Lawfon Andrew g ocer, hr-ad cf Moroco's clofe, Lawnmarket Lawfon V/ilbam fpirit dcdir, opp< file tol booth. Canongate

Law'on Alexander furnifhed lodging-, No 8. 1 hiflle ltrcet Lawfon John marble cutter, Watergate. Canongate Leadhoufe Mrs. No 3 George's (Ireet, fouth fide Learmon h (Alexander merchant, Springfield, Lcith walk Learmon'h lames and Juhn tanners St Mary's wynd Learmonth Walter, St Mary's wynd

Learmonth J - h 11 St John's fLeet, Canongate Learmonth Mr?. No 3/ Pence's Itreet L>armonth John grr cer, corner of Meichant flreet

Learmon h M't> furnifhed lodgings St Ami's it reet J-ebum Alexander pi rfumer and hairduffcr, No 16, St A drew's ftrtet Xctkie Jarntti, Niculfot/* ftreet I

L—E f-'"9") L—

Lee Pairick vintner, at the Bhck -bull inn, h. of Lcuh walk Lee George coach hyrer, Binon Grant's clofe Lee Alexander furnifhed lodgings, head of Ward rep '.& court L e R btrt tta lef, head of the Cowgate 1 ees VH illiam orjocer, north Richmond ftreet

Leech nan f tines b >ok-binder, head of A'tft bow Leech man Mrs. No 19 Thiftle ftreet Leechman Joho'teacherj toot of ihe rev Bank clofe

Leggi t J imes oyfter tavern arid ham (bop, N j 5. Shake fpestfs Iq'.iare Legget Thomas hairdreffer, St Ninian's row Leith M's Gcoige's fquhre Lenain Nicolas grocer and pa-iycook, No 41 fonih Ha- nover (licet

L- fl e J -hri writ fig? Rofe conrt back of St Andrew's church J.i fli William writ, fig High fch< ol yards

. J - die Lirut Gtn Alexander, No 4:. fouth Hanover ftreet

L flu- Mrs B - i it o ttitet T.'flie Andrew fhnemiker, Chapel, or wtft Nicolfo'n's ftreet

L fl'.e Alexander lint (hop, Campbell's clofe, Cowgate Leflie Andrew feedsmah, pppufne Crok, north fidey houfc- Broughton pai k Lifiie James, James's ftfeet

Lifhe Mrs 1 p 1 rit dealer. College wyrrrl Leflie Peter vintner, oppolite Crofs well, north fide

Lefiie Mrs. Nj 2. queen s ftreet

Leflie Mrs ipii it dealer Leflie Alexander victual deader, Tollcrofs

Letter David writer, No 1 3. Thiftle ftreet Leven Ead uf, Nicolfon'a fquare ;L vtn John furveyor of cxeife, Lothian hutt, foot of Canon. Lewi6 PvT r s James's court Lewis Cisaibs limner, No 5. eaft R.ofi ftreet Lewis Mifs No 2. Jime-; > ftreet Liberton Robert hairdreffer, Grafs-market, north fide Liddle Dr Andrew, firft iiair below Milton's houfe, Canon, I iddle Mrs. foot of Meal market ftairs Liddle William frxith, Fountain bridge Liddle James carver and gilde*r Tivioi-row I I

L— ( 114 ) L—

Liddle John coach hyrer, Davidfon's clofe, Canongate Lightbody James writer, Buccletigh place Lightbody David (hoe maker, Calton Li^hton book-binder, head of Horfe vvynd lAnd George agent for foreign merchants, No 3. St James'a fqn ire Lindfay Mrs. George. Brifto ftreet ftreet Lindfay Thomas Efq; No 1 . Antigua Lindfay Patrick Efq; of Egliscsirnie, No 3- St John's ftreet, Canongate Lindfay David fen. wooll merchant, head of Wed bow Lindfay William Efq; Chapel ftreet Lindfay Jofiah earner, fouth end of Potter-row, fhop foot of Blair's ftreet Lindfay James grocer, head of Pieafance L'tidiay Mrs Martin, Buccleugh ftreet Lindfay John grocer, Buccleugh ftreet Lindfay of Spynie, No 8. Shakefpear's fquars Lindfay William tailor, eaft Richmond ilreet Lindfay Mjfs, Calton hill Lir.dfay Alexander glover, Lamb's land, Potter-row Lindfay David jun. wooll merchant, Bow head Lindfay John coach hyrer, oppofite Crofs, lomh fide Lillon Edward upholfcerer and cabinet wareroom, No 25. north bridge Liflon James fpirit dealer, Bifhop'a land Lifton Mil's milliner, north bridge Litter David writer, fouth' Ca.ftta ftreet Lithgow Thomas Efq; from Granada, terrace Leith ftreet Eithgi'W John fpirit (baler, Brillo port market Little John grocer, head of Brodic s clofe, Lawn I Little John baker, No 7. Leith ftreet eaft fide. Little Mithew grocer^ No 5. fouth Fredrick ftreet, Little David knife cafe mafci r, Calton fide Little M grocer, head of Canongate, north Livingfton Lieut. Gol Adam, No :8 queen's ftreet Livingfton Charles writer, north Nicolfmi'a ilreet Livingfton Mrs. habcrdaflier, No 44 fouth bridge, weft fide* Livingfton and Co. grocer?, corner of St Patrick ftreet Livil gllon Richard organ budder, Carruher's clofe Livingfton Alexander grocer, Oofs caufway T ° l—r ( ur L—

L'vinqfton James merchant, Richmond piace ' Living &bn Mrs. fumiihc-l lodgings, Milne's Livingfton and Ci. dealer in fnufF, foot of Lady Stair's clofc Lizars John (hoemaker, head of weft port Ltzare Daniel erpraver, back Hairs Loch Mrs. No 36- George'* ftreet, r.orth fide

f jLiOckhart Cap . of Royal Na-vy, No 12. George's fqu. f. fide Lockhart Lady, No 6- George'* iquare, fouth fide Lockhart Mil*, Park ftreet Lockhart J »u n tin fmiih", Weft bow, eaft fide Lockhart William writer, Briilo ftreet Lockhart Will writer and dep. clerk of the juftice of peace effice, houfe Newhaven Lockha.-t Waller writer, Herfot'sentry, Grafs-market Logan Alexander baker, bead of Liberton's wynd, Lawn nit Logsn James mufical ir.ftrument maker, Riddle's landLmn market L^gan William furnifhed lodgings, Nicolfon's ftreet L >gan Mrs. midwife, Forrefter's wynd Logic Mrs Gabrial's road, weft Rc-gifter ftreet Lonamoor James fpirit dealer, Grafs-market, fuuth fide Longmocr Adam of the exchequer, Net.herbow

Lorimer Arthur grocer, No 13. fouth Fredrick ftr. e. fide Lorimer Jo}m of the excife, Lmngfton's yards- Loili Thomas breeches maker in general, No 3. fouth St Andrew's ilreet Lothian Mrs. north Fredrick ftreet '

Lothian Walker linen draper, No 1 3. fouth bridge, eaft. fide Lothian Mrs. Rofe ftreet

is, Lothian M Riddle's elofe . Lawnrmrket Loudan Forreft merchant, No 21. fouth bridge, eaft fide Lourifton Mrs. P.ccardy Love Ninian nyfter tavern, No II. fouth bridge, eaft fide Lovat Lady, head of Blackfriars wynd Low Mrs. fpirit dealer, George's ftreet Low's printing office, hfh market clofe Low David. No 1. Thiille court Low James wri'er, fltfh market clofe. Canongate Low William from America, head ofjackfon's clofe Low Robert fpi'it dealer, foot of Sttvenlaw's clofe Low Charles hairdreffer, No 14. Thiille ftreet Low John grocer, head of Murdoch's clofe, High-ftree£ K 2 A

L---0 ( n6 ) M—

Low Carnegie bookbinder, weft R ife ftreet Lowndes William, No 6. well Rofe ftreet, fouth £idz Luke J-imes manufacturer, Driimfheugb Luke Aoam weaver, Wrights h ufes Lumfdeti Mrs. No 4 ?• fouth Kanover ftreet Lumfden Mrs New ftreet. Canongate

Lumfden J lines cart and plough wright, middle of Leith walk, weft fide Lunrndtn Mrs. Thii'lle ftreet Luii Cherles grocer, oppofite IMiUon's houfe, Canongate . Lun Mrs. furnifhed lodging?, weft Rofe ftreet Lundie Archibald writ fig nonh Cattle ftreet

Lundie rev Henry, N° ' James, 'a ftreet Lui-die Mifs, No 17. mid Role lireer, fouth fide Lundie James fhoe-warchoufe eaft Thiftle ftreet Lundie Mifs, C nper'g land. Canongate

Lutti: Mrs. ft wing fchool; 'liunk clofe Lyall Alexander tailor No 3. St Anne's ftreet

Lyle James printer, foot of Brown s clofe Lyon peter fargeon, College ftreet Lyon Oft nel Andrew, Tiviot-row Lyon William fmith and grocer, foot of High-fchoo] wynd Lyon D*vid cabinet maker and upholfterei, Colvin's laud^ Watergate Lyon Peter* Bull turnpike Lyon H'Unter optician and compounder, Cvofsc^ufway

Lyon H^rm dtruift and cum. operat. uppofite Linen-h 11, C mong ite

Lypn P tcr drugeift . Blair ft>vef, pad fide Lynn James meffenger at Mr, Williamfon'a, Prefident flairs

Lyan Mr>. fuwiifhcd lodgii gs fi u h Richmond llrett .Lyon Mif| liuitlrelo, C -lle^e ttiCvt

WE' Mick Jrifeph writer, C>flle wvnd

n< Mai Patrick a I C>. puinterfl, Bro lie's clofe, Lawnwiarket Main Mrh fur nifht.d lodging n Potier-roW Mair I'h >n^i furrier,, foot of St; vmlaw's ch fe

Mair Gil ert writer) N> . S.t J.mes's fquare, weft fide Mair Miii mtrclwnt, LujcJunboothfl A A

M— ( n; ) 1VI—

Mair Mr?, grocer, oppofite back llairs, Cowgatc Major John fpirit dealer, Galton Maitland htm. Patrick, N« 7 Prince's ftreet MaitlanJ M'S of Suutra, No 28 George s ilreet, f.>uth iide Maitland Mil's milliner, N» 44. fouth bridge, eatt fide Maitland John Efq; advocate, No 15 Imith Fred. ftreet Maitland A exandei grocer, middle ot Weftbow Maitland Capt. or Peiliam, Ramlay garden Maitland Mifs, Pubago lirtec Maitland John fupervifor, and general of the excife, Gay- field place Maitland, Pdham and Co. back of Milne's court Malcom William writ, iig noi th Caftle ftreet Malcom Lady, No 16. north Fiedi ick ftreet, eaft fids Malcom and Forbes, No 30. Prince's Hrett Malcom George fhoemaktr, head of mid common clofe. Can on gate Malcom Mrs. Garfield place

t ear Malcom 1 homas fhoemaktr, the old excife office. Cowg;, middle Ma'com John cahinet waieroom or Lcnh walk t. fids Malcom Mrs. of Gauge, fouth Richmond ftrtet Malcom Jame^ gardener, Ltith well fide Mailoch William wright, middle of Leith wa.k Mann John mnchanr. head of Luckenbuoths Mandeifon John apothecary, mid Rofe ftreet, north fide Mandcrfon Mrs Cnchton s ftret.t

Manford's miiflin ware-room, No 51. fouth bridge, t. fide Man-tic'd Mr> N0.55.. queen's ftreet

Mai.sheld J> -6 north Hanover ftreet Man Ton George tailor, Ttuk's clofe Man wall Mrs. painter, Crofs.. caufway Manneisand Milat bouk.fel'1 rs. N> 23. Parliament cl-ife Manners 'I homas writ-.- fig. No 8 1'oui.h Ha.i;uvcr Itreet M.> nr.ers M. s Merchant ftieet' March M.t. Leiih walk «tli fide

Ma cii Mrs rind • ife, Libert on* »y d March M;s formfeed lodgings. Sr Andrew's ftreei B h \im?~ fTiJ'emaker foot of. eith Wynd K h William fhbt maker, (not of tit Cal'on March Waltei handrv.fftr, No ic. St Andrew's Greet A

A- rV,— ( riB ) M—

Maijaribank«:Mr8. Majdr, Dindfon's land foot of Canon. Marjuri banks Andrew rurnifhed lodgings, Writer's court Marj iribanks Mrs. R. plain&ODe clofe, Canongate Marjoribankg Mrs. furniib.edloJg.ings, Gabrial's road Marnoch John carver and gilder, No 17. Prince's ftreet Plarr Robert piano force maker, head of north bridge Marshall James writ f:g. Mdn's fqjare Marfiiall lames fhoemaker, foot of the Calton Marfhall Ebenezer or Hillcairny, No i. St James's fqjare Marfhdl Mrs. No 4. mid James's ftreet Llai fhsll a^id Armitrong plumbers, weft Regifter ftreet

Marfhall David tador, back of the noughts, Grafs-market- : I'Jarfhall Peter painter, No 2. eaft Rofe (Ireet, north fide Marihall James cabinet maker, Abbey Marfnall Mrs. furniftied lodgings, Nicolfin's flreet Ivlarfnall Francis and fon haid ware merchants, head of. Covenatit clofe, houfe Advocates clofe Mar (hall James builder, Tobago (Ireet Marfhidi Robert grocer, back of Fountain Well MarfliaH Andrew leather merchant, Crofs caufway Maifhall Mrs. ftabler, oppofitt foot of AHfon's clofe, Cowg, Marshall James writer, B >fwal*s clofe, Caftle hill J,!arfhall and Morrifon milliners, No 14. George's dr. f. fide Ma'Pnall John tailor, Calton hill Mania William, bookftller, No 46. fouth bridge, weft fide Martin John merchant oppofite Peddit's kirk, Briilo ftreet ' MaJtin John cutler, middle of Wejft port Martin Robert tailor, fouth Richmond ftreet Martin 1). painter, Ninian's ilreet Martin John writer. No 76. Chapel ftreet

Mar»m Mrs grocer. Cowfieder 1 o\v Martin William baker, middle of Leith w?dk Martin David portrait painter, No 4. St jamea's fquare tin David w.iier, No 11 fouth Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide Martin Jajnes fhoemaker. midd'e of Weft port Martin Mat hew founder, Paul's work Martin Etlxring'on herald painter, at Mrs. Cummyngj, Skinner's clofe Martin Mrs. vintner, Covenant clofe Martin George fcfq.; Milne's court Martin Peter cabinet maker, Gray's court, Nicolfon'g flreet A

M- ( xr 9 - ) M—

Martin Mrs. grocer, middle of Canongate, fouth fide

Mafon John writer, Gosford b clofe Mafon Mrs, merchant, head of old hank clofe, Lawnmarket

1 . fon James grocer, head of ClielfiTs building, Canongate

Mafon |.)hn whale hone merchant, head oi 1 back of Canon. Mafon Mrs. vintner head of LJbertorr-'s wynd Mafon K'H'otiei and Thomfun linen ware lloufe, NU35. north hi idge Mafon William writer, foot of ten nee, Leith ftreet Mafon Jolin llioe maker, Nicolfon's iqware M; fori John jnnr. writer, Cooper's land, Canongate M fon Ivi.n. JLoehcrid's cbfe, Canongate- Ma (Ton John wiiter, Milne's court Mv-afon Gilbert Efq; No 36. St Andrew's fquare Mafon James china merchant, No 10. fouth bridge, e. fide Mafterton Alexander writing mailer, Garruber's clole Mafterton Dougal writing matter, High fchool yards Mailerton Robert accompt. No 50. George's ftreet, 1* fide Mathers James vintner, No 39. foulh bridge, eaft fide Mai her David tailor, St Maty's wynd Mathie John cabinet maker and upholijphalflerer, head of horfe wynd Mathie James grocer, Goofe dub Mathie Peter jeweler, No 7. Parliament clofe Matthew and Hunter grocers and haberdafiiers, head of Carruher's clole Matthew Thomas grocer and baker, oppofite Baxter's clofej Cowgate Mathiefon John type founder, Hamilton's folly, eaft end of Grofs caufway Mathiefon Alexander teacher, Merchant court Mathiefon Thomas ipirit dealer, High Ichool wyndU Mathiefon Adam of the cuftoms, Richmond place Maule James writ. fig. Milne's fquare, fecond llair, right hand

Ma tile Mr . Bticcleugh place Maxton Jofeph fadler, No ?o. north bridge Maxwell Col. Criftopher, No 72. queen's ftreet

Maxwell Col. William, No 5 c George's ftreet, north fide Maxwell Mrs. of Cabdmfs, north Cattle ftreet Maxwell W illiam of Ardwall No t. north James's ftreet Maxwell John fpirit dealer, Grafs market, north fide \

M— ( i*P ) M'—-C

M xwe'i Cha-lt*!; op C whill, bead of Serenes- M ix'w. II Mif- of Calderwood north C dlle ftreet 3M xv.'-'' (iror^c, head of Ne^v Rreft Cattoneate M k*c]{ L dy of O cherton, Nu 6 fouth St D:vid's ftrtet

I '. ixwcll Lsdy of R fi-mounr. White houh N> 9 f .nth-Hanover fir.

1 1M X' I A'<--vatidrr mufician, middli of Bell's wynd ]VT.v Pcr-r No .4 St'8 fqua e. fouth f:de M vliftot Mrs. j:;rorer, head of H >efe wyi d M y all Ms. fumi/hed lodgjngs, Midleton'^ ent Porter-rovr MdZ7onie Pjllegrinu hairJrtfT.r and perfumex, No 8. fouth Hanover ftfeet M A drew R tdYick fpirit dealer, T-iWrooth wynd, Canon, MAthu'- Djtican fpirit dealer, Niddry ftieet M Arthur -tt-wart, Bofwal stlofe, Cltlehiil f M Arthur Pur grocer, St A"rt 3 liieet M A'.J ay Mil- mantna maker, No 7 terrace. Le! ; b ftr^et MT'Aulay iamesdrugi>ift and chymift, oppofite Luckenbouths

M Biyru Joh'i wju ligj. .N'o 3. north JameaSTftreet

M B in George and ;;!r'z er, Blackfria. 's wynd M B an William fpirit d-aler, Mo 34. north Hanover itrcet

M Beath ] >hn wt-aver, Baxte 's c'ofe, Cowj»aie M'Callum Mr? Holyroodboufe M C^'-iiin Mdlcom fpirit dealer, middle of Wed port

]M 0a II urn Thomas officer of

M Ca 1 tm rev Duncan, Lehli wynd M C tiochie Allan Efq: advocate, N> 33. north Hanover df. 1.1-C inqphie Alexander Efq, c<>mmi (Toner of cultoms, N032. George s Itreet, n rth lide M'Coutifi] Hi h baker, oppolite foot of Liberton's wynd M Cormack William Efq; T'o 3 Antigua Ureet. Leitb walk

hi (.1 .r-n^ck Edward Elty advocate, No 40. f. Hanover dr. ?.T, M Coull . fl fhroarket clofe

M Coull Am hit aid iami!<.m kf r and foapboilcr, north back of C t'ion./ate, ll.uoa, Neiher-bow and No 42. fouth Hanover ftrcet C e D

M c — ( 121 ; M'—

M'Credit Kenneth, paflry and cook, mid Rtfe Artel M C'f i< Mifs, C ichton flreet M'CuHoch Mr« of Barho m Niclfon's fquare M Cuilooh-vMift, Reid's clofe, Ganongate M C')l!och Dvid hairdnfj. r, fool

M'Dnmond Ms broker, foot i f Forrefle>'s wynd M Donald Mrs Col. nald Archibald E-ftj; advocate, No 52 George's llrtet fouth fid*

-M'Dona'd [am< s auctioneer. Biair flreet MDo-alJ Co! writ fig No 12 fouth Fredrick ftr. e. fide M- Donald Daniel, No 5. Thiitle firett M Donald Mrs. Simcn fquare M'Donald Mrs. of Clanronald. N>» 15 Gcorve's flr. n. fide M'Donald J >hn fpint dea'c, head of St John's cl. Canong. M'Dmald H £tor writ. fig. No 6 St James's fquare, w. fide M'Donald Mrs. auctioneer, Leth walk, weft fide M'Donald Angus haberdafher, No 7. fouth bridge, well fide M'Donald Mrs. fpirii dealer, oppoii e Oofs, fouth fid

M Donald Mrs. C pt. 1 obago it'eet M'Donali Mrs- No 3. north H mover flreet M'Donald Ms fpirit dealer, NieoHori^s flreet M'Donald Ronal.1 fpirit dealer, L berton's wynd M'Donald Mrs. broker, opp'.fitr Heron's court, Cowgate M'Donald James iiUiftionecr foot of Stevenlaw's clofe M Dondd Andrew grocer, head of Canongate, north fide M-Don-dd John lint-flu p. Dickfon's clofe M'Donald Hetlor fhoemaker, fouth Fredrick flreet Tvl Donald Donald breeches maUr, Chahs's flreet

M'Don dd •* iiliam writ, fi . No 56 Prince's flreet M'Donald John linr-drr fil-r, Ho fe wynd M Donald Maleom, Cooper, Calton M'Donald Gilbert teacher Warrifton's clofe M Dor.ald James fpirit dealer Leith wynd M'Donald John fpirit dealer, oppofrte foot of old AfTem. cl. M Donald and Co meichints, head cf Paterfon\> court, Lawnmarktt. north fide M'Donald Ah sander fmkh, Dickfon' clofe M Donald Angus Ipirit dealer, cppifit foot of College wy» M'Donald Peter grocer, Stcveulaw'3 clofe F

M ! —D ( 122 ) M'—

M Donald Alexander fpirit dealer, Potter- row M Donald Archibald te?cher of mu fie, foot of Libert, wynd M'Donald James fpirit dealer, head of Flefhmarket cU>fe M'Donald Donald chair mailer No 12. ThiiUe ftreet M Donald Donald fhoernakcr, Crofscanfway M'Donald janes fpirit dealer, Niddry ftreet M'Donald Donald officer to the Highland Society, Dunbar's clofe M'Donald James writer, north Gray's rlofe M'Donald William fhoerr.aker, head of Covvgatc M'Donald Mrs. CurriVs chile, Caitle hil! MODowall Mr?, of Caftlefemple, fouth Caflle flreet M'Dowall Alexander Rocking maker, Gadoway's clofe, Lawn market

1 M'Dowgall Allan writ. fig. No 20. St Andrew * fquare M'Dowgall ]\lifs mantua maker, Carruber's clofe M'Dowgall Pauick.Efq; No 13. north Fredrick ftreet, w. fide M'Dowgall Alexander Haymaker, No 18. mid Rofe ftreet, north fide M'Dowgall Peter painter, Thiftle ftreet M'Dowgall Kneh advocates gown keeper, Paterfon's court M'Dowgall Wiliiam vintner, Anchor dole M'Dowgall Mrs- Blackfriars wynd M'Dougall Mr- No 50. George's ftreet, fouth fide M-D'.>fFcy Mrs. Fountain clofe M'Ewari Mrs. .Skinner's clofe, Caflle hill TvI'Ewan William gun fmirh-, neiher bow, north fide M'Ewan Wdliam writer, No 27. George's ftreet, north fide M'Ewan Jvlrs. Elphingfton'fl court, foot of Gray's clofe M'Farlar.c MTs Hay's ftreet, Nicolfon's fquare

M'Failane John Kfq; advi cate No 50. George's ftr. f. fide M*Fariane William writ, fig James's court M'Farlanr John fpirit dealer, head of Pleafanre M'Farlnne Peter grocer, oppofite foot of Fifh market clofe

M'Farlane James chair mallei, No • o. St Andiew' ft.eet M'Farlane Mifs Coopers land, C inont^ate M'Forlinc Duncan haii dr< fhr, Grafs market, fouth fide M'Far'ane Mi>. Duncan inn-keeper, head rf Canongate M'Farlane Walter, writer, No j. Thiillc ftreet G

M'—F c !*j ; M<—

M'Fiivlanc Mrs. tnil'inrr, No 58. fotith bridge, weft fide M'Farlane Miff, north Hanover ftreet M'Farlane Andrew E q; No 41. queen's ftrert M'Farlane Robert hairdreffer. head ofCalton M'Farlane William weaver, Tods defe, Caftle hill M'Faiquhar's printing office, foot of ihe Anchor clofe M'Farquhar George Efq; Mo 4. Jameb'a ftreet M'Farquhar Hugh Euth fide M'Gacan Robert tea and fugar ware houfe, No 2. Hunter's fquare, houfe No 3 James's ftreet M'Gahan John plaifterer and furnilhed lodgings, No 5. fouth Fredrick ftreet.. eaft fide M'George Thomas grocer and baker, Fountain well M'George John button maker. St Leonard's hill MGhie Mrs. No 18. north Hanover ftreet M'G'nie Jonathan foot of Canongate M'Gilvray James teacher of Englifti, Nether bow M Gill hon Mrs. Maitland No 32. queen's ftreet M'Gill Alexander fhoemaker, No u. Prince's ftreet, houfe No 1. St Ann's ftreet M Gill James (hoemaker, Potter-row M'Gill Mrs. Hamilcon of Faia, weft Nicolfon's ftreet M Glaftian Mrs. No -. Leith ftreet M'Glafhan John writer, head of New bank clofe M'Glafhan Alexander mufician, head of Skinner's clofe M'Glafhan Alexander fpirit dealer, head of Covenant clofe M'Govan William grocer, Canal ftrtet M'Govan William grocer, Thiftle ftreet M'Gowan John Efq; No 82. Prince's ftreet MGowan John writer, Luckenbooths M Gregor Capt. Daniel, No 47. queen's ftreet

M Gregor John teacher of mathematics, Dickfon's cIofe3 fcale flairs M'Gregor rev Jofeph, Ramfay Garden, Caftle hill M'Gregor John teller of Britifh linen Co. bank, houfe, No 7. tenace. Leith ftreet M'Gregor William wright No 14. mid Rofe ftr. fouth fide G1 K

( M — ( 124 ) M<—

M'G^ejrot Alexander hab-drelTer. No r ?. Prince's ftrect 3M Gregor James flater, Leith wynd 31 Gregor John fpirit dealer, foot of old fifh market clofe M Gregor J -hn tailor, St Ann's ilrcet M'Gregor Col gardener, Scierenes M'GriJffar Thomas hiq; a

IV I Grugar Thomas grocer,; Lawn maiket, Tide >! H,rr Mrs. Chapel ft reel M Rtatiie Alexander grorer, nppnfi f ? New llreet, Canongate II mtom John writer, No 8. George's llreet north fide fquarc i" ] [ntofh Robert Efq; advocate, Arg«yles M rntofh Chir'es writ. fig. No 9. north M David's ftreet

1 1 Intofli James tailor. Mint M.'Intofh Mrs furmfhed lodgings, weft Rofe fired M Fntofh June?, chair matter, mid Role ftreet M Intofh Mrs. beef ftaik hotde, weft Rofe itreet rev. Donald, Chalmers's clofe M I itofh M Intofh Mrs. Nvy. Sh ik< fpearVfquare M Intofh Mrs milliner, Crofs caufway M' Intofli Daniel grocer, Potter»»ow M fntolh David fhoemaker, Crofs caufway |\S Ir.t fh Rooert mufician head of Skinner's clofe M'intofh John grocer corner of James's ftreet JVT'Intofh David hard ware and flax merchant, foot of Cant's clofe M' : ntofh Robert fpirit dealer, opp' fre Crols fouth fide M Intofh Abraham mulician, Tod-rick's wynd M-Intofh Ms fpirft dealer No |l. mid 'Rofe fir. n. fide

IVJ Intofh Mrs vintner, Hunters fq.nre

M'l-ntfifh Robert fp ; rit dealer. BlairVftreet ipint dealer of. Caivongate M Inolli J hn head corner fireet M I m ofh Mrs mati-na maker of St Patrick

tyre Job 1 leacher of Ian 'liages, head of College wynd M .11 yre A chibabl en r»ver, No *. eatt R >fe ttr fouth hde M Intyre Alexander merchant. tailor, St Mary's wynd In ye -lni fpirit d.ale-, C ofs Cfrllfw y M I MIi ty e Duncan fpirit deakr, oppoflte fooL of Liberton's

1 v y . M Intyre Mrs groc

l IM<— f «** ) M —

I\I Kain Alexander writingmafter, No ?j. fouth bridg, ci.ft

l c!e

Mackie William flc Iher, houfe fl;fh nia-ket clofe IVI^ck c James g.Ufs grindor; licud of Earingcr's clofe M K-\ Jyhu a;.u Co. hardware merchants, l^ad oi Todrick's w y ud M Kay Mrs. of Rea, No «6 qneen's ftreet M Is. \ Col A'txdiidcr at jut gen < fficc, Holyrocdhoufc

]\i li y Mils n amua maker, Riclimoiid place

]• K v H«n MTs, Tivrot-rovv

M Kay Wi :iam writer, E i ft.o» ftreet M IC.y janus goldfmith Hrne's court, Potter-rcw 3\ I Kay joliii Ipirit dealer weft Rofe flreet M Kay Mrs. head of the Cow^ate,. oppofi Magdalai/s chape}." M Kay William* Patetfon & court, Eroughton

M K. t y Donald fpirit dealer, Elacktriar? wynd. M'Kay William leather foot, of theWtfl port Li Kay Mis. grocer. Simple flreet, Caftlebai n3 M Kay Fhomaifhoemaker., Richmond ftreet M Kay Donald fpirit dealer, middle of V, eft bow M Kay Willia.ii ipirit dealer, College wyid MK, y Francis hairfirr lTer. No 5. Gecge's flreet, fouth fide

M'Kay David clerk,, we It Richmond ftreet M-Kay James Giver fmithj oppofite Tiviot-row, Briflo fir.

M'Kay Hugh fpirit dealer. Cattle hi 1 M'Kay Hugh copper fmilh, head of Weft bov^ M Kay John inn-keeper, Grafsmarket, north fide

M'Kell Datnel vintner, Nicolfon s ftreet M'Kell Robert tailor, Hair met mens clofe. Canongate M Kcllor Alexander vintner, No 55 Prince's flreet M Kenzie Sii Alexander, No 81 Prince's flreet M'Kenzie Hcmy of exchequer, George's fqii^re, eafl fide M Kenzie Kenneth writ. fig. north Gatlle ftreet M'Kenzie Capt. ;imon, No 1. Antigua ft:eet, Leith walk-, M'Kenzie William of excife, Pleafance M'Kenzie Mr John, Mo 5. north St Andrew's flreet

M'Kenzie Lady Jean. No 7. Leith ftreet

M'Kenzie James of Fonet Efq: No 5 1 Price's ftreet M'Kenzie Alexander writ fig. No 14. Prince's Intel

IVi'Kenzis Collin writ. fiej. No 14. Prince t ftreet K

M<— ( 126 ) M'—L

M'Kenzie D' Jofluia, head of theCowgnte M'Kenzie Mifs, No 14. north Fredrick ftreet M'Kenzie Lady, Gardeners hall M'Kenzie Mrs. of Straihgolf, oppofilc linen halt Cinon, M'Kenzic Kenneth laboratory, head of Dickfbn's dole M'Kenzie Charles writer, Strichen's clofe M'Kenzie George painter, No 7. Le'uh (beet M'Kenzie Mrs. fonth Caftle ftreet M'Kenzie Jamefc filver fmith No '6. Parliament clofe M'Kenzie Donald confectioner, No 4. eaft Pegifter ftreet M'Kenzie John confectioner, head of Canongats, north fide M'Kenzie John tailor, fklh market clofe, Canongale M'Kenzie Alexander grocer, middle of Abbey hill M Kenzie Kenneth pcnlt:) fnop, mid Rote ftrett M Kenzie } 3. fouth bridge, eaft fide M'Kiul.'e I\lrs No 40 fouth Hanover ftreet M Kinnc-s Thomas mafon and meafurer, Callander'6 entry, Canongate M Kinnon Mrs. No 5. fouth Fredrick flrcet M'Kinnon Angus upholllery and cabinet warehcufe, Adam'3 fquare, fouth bridge M'Kinnon Donald hairdrtfier, ln-ad of Cludmer's clofe M Kinr.on George tailor, Ch-ilmer'a clofe M Knight rev. Dr Jamtf, Nicolfon's llreet M 'Knight Samuel writ. fig. Dtummond ftreet M'Knight John writer, Gavinlock'e land, Lawnmarket M Knight Alexander fhoemaker, No 11. fouth Fred. ftreet- i.I Laggan Peter hairdrtfiVr, foot of Campbell's clofe, C'»wg. Li Laggan Mis. fiirnifhtd lodgings and boarding, Gavin- lock's land, Lawnmarket M Laggan Mr». Nicolfon's ftreet L

M< ( 127 ) M<—

M'Laggan Mrs. Swinton-row, James's flreet M'Laggsn Mrs. Potter-row M'Latchie George grocer, foot of P'eafance M'Lauchlan George tailor, tall Rule flreet M'Lauchlan John tobaeconift, oppofite Crofs, Couth fide M'Lauchlan John Ipirit dealer, Ciicliton (licet M'Lauchlan Alexander tailor, Barringer's clofe M'Latirin William, llreet M' Lam in Mift, Richmond place M'Lauria Alexander llabler, Cowgate-port M'Laurin Mrs. Park, itreet

M'Laren Mr?. James, Fountainbridge : M'Laren David writer, Caltonhill M'Laren Piter fpirit dealer, head of the Cabora M'Laren Robert fpirit dealer, Richmond ilrcet M'Laren John tailor, Charles's llreet M'Laren Alexander turner, head of Barringer's clofe M'Laren John tailor, Ltith wynd M'Lean Alexander of Culi, No 3 fouth Fredrick ftreet M'Lean Mi-fs, Chapel U-eet M'Lean William woollen-drapers, No 37. fouth bridge,

weft ii de M'Ltan Alexander grocer, Chapel flreet M'Lean Donald Efq; of Dimnir, No I C. north ITanover ftr» M Lean Mrs. grocer, Charles's itreet M'Lean (arnes hardware merchant, fouth bridge, well fi^e

M Lean-Robert cf excife , Gosford's clofe, Lawnmarket M LeanDr John, College flreet, eaft fide

M'Lean George bowt- an' iifningrcd maker^ Miln's fquare s head of north bridge McLean Mrs. north le fireet M'Lean Mrs. nfhing tackle- maker head of Lefth wynd M Lean Mrs. grocer, Tbiftle>ftreet M'Lean J. and R. hardware meichants, vviihin the Exchange M'Lean Archibald eider of the AnabapliUs meeting, f uth R chmSnd rtreet

M'L"an Mis- fWnifhed lodging*, P,rrie's cltrfe, Cannnoate arid 1 M Lean Bel hairdreffos, Lawomar-ket, north fide . M'Lean Mrs. fiirnifhed lodgings, Cant's clofe

M'Lean Peer fpirit dealer, hebd &f Niddry itreet . L 3 ( t*3 ) .r

M-'Lean Mrs grocer at Crichton's entry, Canongate M Lean Donald merchant, head of the Anchor ciot'e li'Ltan Rodrick grocer, Forrefter's wynd M Lean M.r3 Neal, St John's ftreet, Canon gate M'Lean Mrs. John, Park ftreet M Leay Kenneth druggift. N.icolfon's ftreet M'JLeay Thomas writer, Nicolton's Ilreet M'Lay Mrs. Calton hill M'Leifh James bockfeller, No i2. fouth Fredrick ftreet M'Leifh William printer, Couth end of Nicolfon's ftreet M Leifh James glaaier, middle of Potter-row M'Leod Col. Normond M'Lcod, No 45. George's ftreet,,

i >uth fide M'Leod Ms. fen. of M'Leod, No 50. Geo. ftreet, fcuth fidfi M Leod Ladj? Dowg. Shoemakers elofe. Canong.ue M Leod. J.imes merchant, head of F

M Leod A'ciander groc jj, ThifUe ftreet M Le'>d William fpnit dealer, St Patrick's fquare M L -od Mrs fu miled- lodgings, terrace, Ltnh ftreet McMillan Duncan writer, Simple'9 clofo, Caftle-hill

..! Milian James S. flier, Chapel, cr weft Nicoifon'.i ftreet n William macer in the exchequer, oppofite Linen- hall. Canongat:^ M'Mdlan Robert paper ftainer, Milne's fquare, houfc middle nf Lchh vvalk

il an Walter pap.r flaincr, Nether-bow

i an Nicol cbair-mafter, north St David ftreet [.Uai jam j,la£< worker, No |3 Leith Itreet [ilka Ajcluoald tailor, head of Coiiongats M

3M>— ( 129 ) M'-Q,

M'Millan TtiotBSB fte4)fer« green market M*Nab John writ fig No ?3- George's ftreet, fouth fide M'Nab Alexander t-ii plate worker, PotTtr-row M'Nab Francis fpirit dealer, Summer's hall, eaft end of Hope-park M'Nab James tailor and habit-maker, Mint M'Naught Mrs. ingrafttr of (ilk ftockings, DobiVs land, Richmond ilieet M'Naught James confectioner, oppo. foot of old Affem. cl. M'Naughton James merchant, No 15. St James's fquare M'Naughton Malcom fword tavern Brown s clofe M'Naught n Peter, fpirit dealer, G;afsmarket, fouth fide M'Nanght n John fpirit dealer* hs.-d St Mary's wynd M Neil rev. Dr. Jame6, Leith walk, weft dde M'Neil Mrs. fumiflied lodgings, Cn'chton'a- ftreet M'Niven and Co. paper warehouse, Blair's ftreet, weft fids M Niven ]ohn grocer. Blair's ftreet, weft fide M'Phail Mile3 vintner, head ot J ckfon's clofe M'Pherfon William writ. fig. Kincaid's land, oppofite foot of Fiifimarkct clofe M'Pherfon Mrs of piichity fcuth Richmond ftreet M'Phtrfon Edward of ditto ditto M'Pherfon Mrs. grocer, mid Rofe ftreet- M Pherfon James. Charles's ftreet M'Pherfon Mifs, No 6. George's ftreet, north fide M'Pherfon M'S, grocer. Simon's fquare

M Pherfon John confectioner, No , 5 mid Rufe ftreet, f. fids M Pherfon Mife, fouth end of Brill o ftreet M'Pt.trfon Daniel ftabler, [nglista land, Weft-port M Pherfon Evan ftabler. Gtafi-market, fouth fide M Pherfon Will -am tailor, Ltith wynd

M'Pherfon atewa t fpirit dealer; Blytfe's clofe, Caftlt-hill M Pherfon Willianj hairdruTer, Nkolfon's ftreet M Pherfon Murdoch tailor, touth en.' of Potter-row M'Pherfoc Mrs. furiiiftied lodgings, D ckfon'F clofe M'Queeo M s. f;roc

M'-QL ( no ) M—

M'Queen Mrs. fpirit dealer, head of Cowgate M'Oueen Mrs. tinplate-worker, Nether-bow, north fide M'Rabie Mrs. ham-fhop, Gibb's entry M'Redie William fhoemaker, St Ninian's row

M'Ritchie Alexander confectioner, No i. Leith flreet M Ritchie John writer, Wardrop's court M'Robin and Walker mantuamnkers, No 46. fouth Hanover flreet M'Tavilh Lauchlan aflft. general of window duties, JameiV couvt M'Tavilh John waiter, Swinton-row, near James's flreet M'Vicar Patrick writer, No 38. fouth Hanover ftieet M'Vicar Neil and Co. linen mansjfa6.u'_ era, Po.ter-row M'Vicar Mr8. Jack's clofe, Canongate M'Vicar Alexander hairdrefftr, head of Halkerfton's wynd M'Vicar John fpirit dealer, Grafs market, f.nith fide M'Whinnie Andrew writer, No 14. iouth Fredrick flreet, weft fide Mead Mifs mantuamaker, head of New flreet, Canongate M.dina John painter, Warld'* end clofe Megget John tanner and leal her merchant, foot of the Plea- fance Megget Mrs grocer, foot of the Plea farce Meikle Robert writer, Parliament clofe, old cuftom-houfe flairs

Meikle M s. tailor and h?,bit maker, head of Canongate

7,1, i lc Andicw tailor, M D -u;;al's ftreet, foot Leiih wynd Meikltj )bn Mrs ftablrr, oppofrte Mint, Cowgate Mem K bcrt ginger bread liakcr, oj pofite old cxcife, Cowg. Mein Mrs. Young's land P<»tter-row Meldrnm |ohn fpirit dealer, Pieafance Meldriifli M'rii Windmill ftreet Meldrum David perfumer, Nicolfon'B flreet

Melrof Richa d tailor Ci 1 caufway Mclvil Mj.i John N'.. 2 Ge rge'fl (lied fouth fide Melvil John fpirit driUr. old excifr. ipo.wgate IYI-'v. Thomas mcemai&ei head of Cauonqate

• fu nifhed lodgings No :. eai\ Regifter flreet >"•'>. I irit < :J\ ! dealer N R, f lliftt, fauth fide

Mt ho M.s. Gdbiul 3 toiX^ } weit Re 'i.ici fluct E i

M— ( '3* > M—

Mellis John flefiier, houfe, No 19. Piince's Greet

Mel 1 is George flefiier, houfe flefliermarket clofe Mellis Peter ten. flefiier, houfc n\fh market clofe Mtl'is Mrs. vintner, fldh market dole, oppose miikct gate Mel Hon Mrs. middle of Lei h walk, weft line Menzies John of Culdawrs, No 154. P.incc's lirect Menzies Robert of the cufloms, No 12. queen's ftrcet Menaies Mrs No Jo foulh bridge, call fide Menzies Robert, bo'anio garden, L«*Hh walk ?Jenzie8 Alexander of fiamp (fiue. No 12 St James's fquare Menzies and Anderfon merchant. Huntep's fquare Menzies Mifs, Alexander's lane, Canongate Menzies Douglas (hotmaker, gen. mtiy Potcer-row Menzies Mrs furrdfhed lodgings, N>-> to. Thiiile Itrtct Menzies Chailes writer. Gandlemaker-row

Menzies Alexsndu* i\ abler, Candlemaker-row Menzies Duncan grocer, loot tf Canongate Mercer Mrs Bucc eu^h place Mcicer Hugh Smyth writ fig. Hay's (beet, Nicolfon's fquare Mercer Archibald merchant. Calton hill Mercer Mifs, head of Biackfiiais- wynd Mercer James writer clerk in the bill chain, houfe Euccleugh place Merchants hall, Hunter's fquare Merrylees Mrs. head of the Gowgate Methvcn James, Mill's cloft, Canongate Meek John wiit i\g No 1. James's itrcet Aieek William. Gorgie m.ills Meek Robert Itockiugmaker, Blackfriars wynd Meek Thomas, Crofs caufway Michie Mifs merchant. Lawnroarket

Michic Henry fhoemaker. No 10. Prince's ft reet- Miller Daniel merchant, Millar's clofe, Canongats Miller Julia Efq; advocate, No 2. north Fredrick llreci Miller And-ew writet, No 3. feuih James's lirett Miller Sir William advocate, Brown's fquare Miller Mrs. Capt. Swinton row, St James's fanars

Miller Archiba d writ. fie. No 1. James's ftreet Miller Alexander haiidrdi-r, near Archers hall I

M- ( 132 ) M—

Miller Jimes j'mr. writer. No 1 |. Rofe frreet Miller William grocer Loch in

Mi'lerM'S. 1 f JXalmain No g George's ftreet, north fjrlc Miller Ml Ni ?. Xliidie tfreet M

Miller • > h Itrcel J n bak-r N> 4; fomh. Hanover Millar M s Windmill ftreet Miller 1'homas writer Chalmers's clofe

Mdlei George mnO'ie warehoufe. No r NicoKon'*'* ftreet Miner James and f>n glovers, head of CirruLer 8 clofe; houfc Strichen's rlbfe

M'ltr Wnl ; am Haymaker, Chapil ft-rer Mdltfr itv Jamts, chaplin to the maidens hofuital, Carruber'a clofe Mi'ler Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, Richmond ftreet Mller Robert merchant, advocate's clofe

Mi lei Mrs. furniftud lodgings, H-imermen 1 * clofe, Canojigate Mi'ler James writer, Fifher's Crufe La.wn market

M ler John mathematical in I rumen t maker, No 7. Par.- clofe- Mi'ler John turner. Merchant court. M'll'.r Th .mas gardener. Abbey Miller George tailor, Brpughton

M i it Willi m n ercliant, Lucke nhooths Miller John Reikie's court, Nicolfou's ftreet Miller William Mo 3 R-.fett.eet Miller James grocer, Abbiy

Mi er Mils minia'ur.e painter, No 1 {• James's fquare Mil er Robert fl^ymaker, $• M.oy'h wynd

MJIer Divid tisscljer of mulic, No 1 north James's ftrcet Mdler Muliew fhoemaker, Brown's clofe Miller Charles turner. Turk", cl fe, Lawnmarktt Miller Thomas dyer foot cf Leith wynd

Miller Sophia and C >. merchants, Lujkenbooths

Miller IIemakc0j foot of the Calton Miller William hat maker, head of Blackfriar's wynd Miller Robcrifoa dyer No 4. Ninian'e ftreet I M— M— f )

Miller Mrs. c'.nfeft loner. Monteith'- clofe M Her William accomp ant head u» Black fiiar's wynd M Her James cabinet maker, St Mary's wyi cJ Mil -r William tearher of English, Fountain clofe Miller William weaver, Crofs raufway M'ller William ftavmakc , 'Chapel or weft Nicolfou's (Ireet Miller Jame9 maion, Toll crofe MilKr Daniel cailor, N> 51. Prince's ftreet Milne Thomas leather merchant, head of New ftreet, Canon, houfr Broughton Mime Thomas baker, oppofite head of Black friars wynd Milne David merchant, No 5 Hume's iquare, houfe No 54, queen's itreet oppofrte foot of Niddry's flreet Milne J 'lin builder, Milne John and fon founders, and iron mongeis, Bifhop's land, houfe Chalmcib's clofe Mime Archibald writ fig No 16. north Hanover ftreet Milne Robert cabinet maker. Briftoport Milne Mrs. furnilhed lodgings. Br'fto ftreet M 'ne and fon fhoeniaktr;-, No 9. Rofe ftieet M : ue James tanner, St Mary's wynd houfe Barringer's clofe M'lne pain'er, Morrfforj's clofe Milne James whrel wright, Leith wynd

Mi'ne John (hoc maker S ! Ninian'srow Milne John furnifhed lodgings middl. entry, Potter-row Milne John quill drefier; Wa dr

Mi iu> Mi's midwif , middle of loonck's wynd

Mnt'e Mfs. Wind mi 1 Ireet Mitcalf Franc** vint er, Seller's cl' fe. h'.ad of Lucktnbooths Mitchel Di Hugh, No 3. mid James s ftreet I

M— ( 134 ) M-

Mitchel Charles w. fig. No ?. mid James's ftreet Mitchel J"hn grocer, foot of Bell s wynd IMitchtl James grocer, Leith wynd

M'tchel ladies hairdrcffcr, h. of north bridge n. -fide Miichei John fpirit dealer, Wardrop^s court Mitchel William grocer, head of Calton Mitch el A'ex. Wright, hesd of Lothian road Mitchel A'ex. baker, oppo. Linen-hall, Cannngate Mitchel John glafs cutter, middle of Well-bow Mitchel William. C ami he r's clofe

Mitchel Edward hairdreffer, Nicol Ton's ft reet Mitchel George grocer, middle of Potter row Mitchell Mrs/ Gilford's park Mitchel Robert hairdreffer, Ahfon's fquare Mitchel George fhoemaker, Morrifon's clofe

Mitchel and Brown fpirit dealer?, head of Forrefter 's wynd Mitchell's punch houfc, Wardiop's court Mitchel John merchant, north Richmond ftreet Mitchel John teacher of dancing, Carruher's clofe Mitchel Mifs teacher and artificial flower maker, No 13, ten ace, Leith ftreet Mitchel Mifo boarding fchool, Buccleugh place Mitchel John wright, Fountain bridge Mitchelfon Mrs. No 32. George's (treet, (outh fide Mifchelfon Mifs, Ahfon's fquare MoftV Abram grocer, head of Borthwick'3 clofe Moffat Robert macer before the court of flfllon, Buccleugh place M'ffat John vintner, oppo. Toolbooth kirk Moffat William apothecary, No 56. Nicolfon'a ftreet M ffat John French teacher, C'arruber's clofe Moffat James (tone warchoufe, mid. of Meal market flairs Moffat James baker, Richmond ftreet Moir John writ, fig No 63. Prince's ftreet M'it Mrs. Surgeons fqnave Moir Robert No 8. north St David's ftreet Moo J printei, Pateifon s court Molifnn J;,rneb fhoemak r Dongal's ffrect, foot of Leith wynd M-.lif..,. Mrs fames'- court Molle William writ. fig. north Callle ftreet, weft fide

- O

-O ( >3r ) M— faoncrieff Mrs. of Coffargie, Gibb'fl entry, Nicolfon's ftreet Moricrieff John apothecary, No 17. north bridge, houfe No 56. queen's llreet Moncrieff IMifs, No 22. north Kanover ftreet MoncriefF Mifs. Park ftreet Moncrieff Mrs. head of Pleafance Moncmff Mrs. No 1. James's ftreet Moncur Mrs. fhocmaker, Grafsmavket, fouth fids Moneylaws Thomas vintner, foot of Weft-how Moneypenney Colonel, Brown's fquare Monro Mrs Dr. Argyle's fquare Monro Dr. Alexander ppofeflor of anatomy, Nlcolfon's fticet Monro Mrs. Buccleugh place Monro Alexander circulating library, Nlcolfon's llreet Monro Donald tartan and bonnet fhop, Luckenbooths Monro James hairdreffer, No 37." north Hanover llreet Monro David tailor, St Mary's wynd Monro Mrs. Allan's clofe Monro Nicol fhoemaker, middle of the Weft-port Monro rev. Dr. Tobago ftreet Monro Grorge watchmaker, Lochend's clofe, Canongate Monteith William gingerbread baker, Croft caufway Monteith Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 1. St James's fquare Monteith John baker, head of Pleafancc Montgomery Alexander and Co. manfafturers, No 13. fouth. bridge, weft fide Montgomery Mrs. No 2- Leilh ftreet Montgomery Mathew writ. fig. No 33. George's ftreet, north fide Montgomery and Steel confectioners, No 6. and furnifhed lodgings, No 7. Prince's ftreet Montgomery William writer, No 2. Leith ftreet Montgomery Francis folicitor at law, Warrifton's clofe Montgomery Mrs. of Newton, St John's ftreet Montgomery James baker, Chrichton ftreet

Moodie Stuart Efq; advocate, No 31. George's ftr. f. fide Moodie Mr9. Summer hall Moodie rev. William, No 7. George's ftreet, north fide Moodie fames cabinet maker, Middleton's entry, Potter-row Moodie Peter fmi;h aad fpirit dealer, foot of Canoneatc M O O

"M— { 136 ) "M—

Moodie Div'd mill Wright, Caufwayfule Moodie Heury ftay maker, oppofite linen hall, Canongate Moodie Mrs of Melfter Lochend's clofe, Canonq;ate More Jamt-s teacher of languages, Liherton'a wynd .More G forge baker, fouth Richmond flrcet More Mrs. weft Rofe ftreet More Jiifhua teacher, St Ninian's row More james optician, No 15 Parliament clofe More Mrs Gck-nurfe, Robertfon's clofe, Cowgate More Mifs. Windmill ftreet More rev. George Nicolfon's ftreet More Charles accomptant to the royal bank, Scienne* Ho'e Mrs. muflin merchant, Nicolfon's ftreet More James bookbinder, foot of Allan's clofe More John painter, foot of Brown's clofe Moretn Alexander grocer, Luckenbooths Morgan Thomas watch maker, No 30 fouth bridge, e. fide Morgan Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, head of Baillie Fyfe'a clofe Moiham George flelher, houfe Jackfon's clofe Morham Robert flefher, houfe flelh market clofe Morifon Mrs. Leith walk, weft fide Moiifon William writer, No 79. Piince's ftreet Morifon William Maxwell Elq: advocate, Buccleugh place Morifon Major David, No a. north St David's ftreet Motifon Mifs milliner, fouth bridge weft fide Morifon John writ. fig. No 40. fouth Hanover ftreet Morifon John perfumer, No 3 Leith ftreet Morilon Mifs, milliner, head of flefh market clofe

Morifon John of txcife, No 3 Shakefpear's fquare Morifon George fh flier, veal market, houfe head of flefh market clofe Morifon Ahxa der fpirit dealer, head of Dickfon's clofe Motifon JEnta> wntfr, north Caftle ftreet Morifon Archibald fkfher, head of Pleafance Morifon Mrs. Calton hill Morifon Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 8. St James's fquare Morif n John merchant, north Richmond ftreet Morifon Mrs. embroiderer, Mdrocfo'n clofe. Canongate Morifon John writer, Falconer's land, Canongate O U

M— ( 137 ) M—

Morifon M-s. fewing fchool, hear! of Galloway's clofe Morifon William, No 17. weft Rwfe (Wet, futh lidc Mo Hon William grocer, head of Boyd's cl

Moyee Sadrach of the cuftoms, No 21. Prince 8 ftreet Moyes John cutler and furgeons inllrumtnt maker, Nicol- fon's ftreet

Mudie George bookfeller, No 52. fouth bridge, eaft fide Muir John ironmonger, front of the Exchange, houfe terracc 3 Leith ftreet Muir Mrs. Buccleugh place Muir Adam grocer, Gabon Muir George tailor, St Mary's wynd Muir George baker, No 8. fouth- Fredrick ftreet, eaft fid«

-^. U U

M— ( ) M—

IB'.' Mair James porter dealer, Halkerftcn's wynd [an Mrs. No 53. George's llreet, fouth fide Inn Muir William tailor, oppofite Mcalmarket [m Muuhead Mrs. Riddle's clofe, Lawnmarktt lot Muirhead George fiik and woollen dyer, Paul's work L. Muiihead James printer, No 14 mid Rofe Itreet, fuuih fide fan rvluirhead Wiiiiam fmith, Calton h Muirhead Henry fmith, Calton \ [m Mundell Mrs. and fon printers, Heron's court, Cowgate,. fam houfe, No 4 north Fredrick llreet lie • Murdoch Mrs. Tiviot row fan! Murdoch William plllol maker, Leith walk, weft fi Is In Murdoch William fhoemaker, fouth end of Nicolfon s ftreet ti Murdoch Charles fpirit dealer, Brilto llreet fain Murdoch Alexander, No 8. ealt Rofe llreet, fouth fide Itr! Murdoch Mrs No 19. queen's (treet Murdoch Mrs. furnished lodgings, eaft R.ofe flreet linn Murdoch John builder, Gibh's entry, Nicolfon't ftreet \l Murdoch Mrs. threed and toy (hop, w. end of Lukenbootltt) dept. kirk ftlfion clerk, houfe Gosfvml's clofe, Lljrdoch John ha office old kirkiile, attendance from n. to 2 o'clock, aad 'm.

r>. to.. t> o'clock from km MurifoH Patrick brewer, north back of Canongate, oppofite urra New ftreet km Murifon Andrew writer and judiciary macer, No 40. fouth 1 Hanover llreet irc Moray Earl of, houfe Drumiheugh i|ii Murray Lieut. Col. Alexander, No 53. George's flr. n. fid* jirn ..ray Wolfe Efq: advocate, No 5C0 queen's Itreet !imi Murray Lady Elizabeth, Holyroodhoule urr; Charles of Abercairny, St John's ftreet, wcfl fide Murray . Sji Murray Mrs. No 34. north Fredrick ftieet, eall fide [urn Murray |ames folicitor at law, Ccfs office ftairs, Pariia. clofe Ifdn Murray John, Laurilton lane Run Murray James toy filOp, No 2S. fouth bridge, well fi le Murray William Chrichton's llreet Morn Murray George writer, oppofite fpring"garderi, near Archeri Mum hall Murray Mr«. furni

Murray Corneiius hairdreffer, No 5. Shakefpear's fquare Murray Patrick baker, head of Liberton's wynd Murray Mr«. furnifhed lodgings, old pofthoufe clofe Mutray William fpirit dealer, head of new bank clofe " Murray and Co. porter dealers, heller's clofe, Lawnmarket Murray Andrew hairdreffir, Luckenbooths Murray John teller of the bank of Scotland/ Summer's hal! ;> oppofite eaft end of Hope-park Murray Duncan merchant, Calton-hill Murray John fpirit dealer, College wynd Murray J-itnes tailor, head of Lcith wynd Murray Mrs. brewer, north back of Canongate'

M 3 -

nr "' ^i- 1\/T. ( M° ) AN- £Z

Murray James cabinet maker, Canuter's clofe Murray Miff, Caftlc-hill Murray Adam and Co. diftillers, Hunter's clcfe, Grafsmarket Murray Mifs, mantua maker, Fotrelter 8 wynd Murray Mifs, Fountain clofe Mu'chet Mifs, Turk's clofe Mufchet George mufician, No 5. Shakefpears fquarfi My.les Mrs. Gabriel's road, weft Regifter's ftreet N

Naefmith Sir James, George's fquare Naefmith Mrs. Capt. Lockhart, Park ftreet Naefmith Lady Succleugh ftreet Naefmith William flioema-ker, St Ninian's row Naefmith Alexander limner, No 7. Hill's ftreet Naefmiih Charles habhmaker, No 11, fouth bridge, eaft f«ie- Naefmith Mrs. grocer, head of Cowgate Naefmith Mifs, Gray's clofe Nairne Mrs. No 4. George's ftreet, north fide Nairne Alexander accomptant, Duff-houfe, Potter-row port Nairne Mrs. merchant, head of Turk's clofe, Nairne William lace weaver, Fleihmarket clofe Nairne Mrs. furdfhed lodgings, Fountainwell Nairne Adam hairdreffer, head of Morrocco's clofe, Canong. Napier hon. Mifs, No 17. queen ftreet Napier hon. Major Gen Mark, No 4. James's ftreet Napier hen, Capt. Charles, G'enrges's fquare Napier Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 19. Thiftle ftreet Napier Archibald d; uggiit, head of Forrefter's wynd. Napier George writer, Paterfon's court

Hapier Alexander mufician, No j. James's ftreet Napier William mufician, Both wick's clcfe Napier Alexander mufician, at Mrs. Jack's, head of Hoife wf, Neil Mrs. merchant, Luckenbooths Ntil Adam and Co. printers, Old Fifhmarket clofe Neil William teacher, high-fcool, Canongate Neil Tliumas tinfmith, fouth Fredrick ftreetj eaft fide. Neil John merchant, Stevenlaw's clofe S&itjohn copperplate, head o£W.

Neil Jnme9 flclher, oppoflte Queen berry- houfe, Cinongatc

Neil Andrew n i 13 L'hiftlc ftreet Neilfon George, No i. call Rofe ftreet Neilfon Mifs boarding fchool, Windmill Hurt Neilfon John g*ocer, oppo&te boughtB, Gialsmarket Neilfon Mrs broker Netherbow JNeilfon James fhoemaker, Tobago (lr<*ct

Neilfon J rhn fhoemaker, Grafsmarket Neilfon Thomas, Richmond ftreet Neilfon Andrew tailor, No -3- fouth Fredrick ftreet N< Ifon James writer, B-own's clofe Neilfon James brewer, weft Campbell's clofe, Cowgate Nciifon Mils mnntuamaker, BUir's firtet Neilfon Gilbert loapboder, Watergate, Canongate Neilfon Mifs boarding fchool, Blackfriars wynd Neilfon Mis wntner, Skinncr'o clofe Neilfon Miffes milliners, fonth bridge, weft fide Nelfon William hat-manufa&ory, foot of Leith walk, eaft fide Newbigging William fpirit dealer, head of Weft port Newbigging James prin. fheriff clerk, V\ hitthoufe, fouth from BruntsBeld links Newlands John wright, Cunie's clofe, Grafsmarket Newton Abraham tea and fpirit dealer, head of new Afrrm. clofe Newton Richard of Newton hall, Campbell's elofe, Canon.

Ne • ;on Andrew, St Patrick's fquarc Newton David mafon, Crofscaufway Newton James baker, Grafsmarket, north fide Newton George ftioemaker, Crofscaufway Nico! William teaeher of the high fchool, Buccleugh place Nicol John Ihoemaker, mid Rofe ftreet Nicol John fpirit dealer, head of New ftreet, Canongate Nicol William hairdreffer, No 11. taft Rofe ftreet, f. fida Nicol Alexander grocer, middle of Pleafance Nicol John baker, Fountain bridge Nickel Robert glover. and breeches maker, Nicolfon's ftreet w 142'

Nlehol John breeches maker, Grafsraarket, north- fide - Nicholfon Miff, No. 70. fouth bridge Nicholfon Mifs mantua maker, Blair's ftreet NicoHon James wig maker, St Ninian's row

Nicolfon William • hairdrefler, head of Cowgate Nicolfon James gardener, Cauf\*-ayfide Nimmo Mrs. Charles's ftreet Nimmo William furveyor of excife, Alifon's fquare Nimmo Hugh baker, head of Canongate Nimmo Jamea barber, Grafsmarket, fouth fide Nimmo Andrew and fon wheel Wrights to her Majefty foot ' of College wynd Nimmo Jnmes flax drtfTer, Simon's fquare Nimmo George fpitit dealer, Candlemaker-row* Nimmo James flax drefler, Potter row Nimmo Mifs mantua maker, old Affcmbly clofe Nimmo John fpirit dealer, Lochrin Nifbet Lady, Buccleugh place Nifbet Dr James practitioner of midwifery, Pvlainpoint Nifbet Scott Mrs. No 46 queen's ftreet Nifbet James pilafterer, No 15. George's ftreet, fouth fide Nifbet William and fon linen manufacturers, Potter-row port Nifoet Dr William, horfe wynd Nifbet John hairdrefler, Crofs caufway Nifbet John furgeon, foot of Canongate Nifbet Walter writer, Riddle's land, Lawn market

Nifbet M'Niven and Co, paper ware houfe, Blair's ftr. w. fide Niven Archibald baker, oppofhc linen ball, Canongate Niven Darid teacher, of Englifh, Baillie Grant's clofe

1 Noble John cooper oppofite GifFord s park, near Archer's hall Noble James cooper, caufwayfide Noble William teacher of languages, Potter-row Norie and Taylor paimers, head of Carruber's clofe, and weft Regiller ftreet

Norrie Jofeph dept. jufticary clerk, No 32. north Hanover ftr. Normond Mrs. clearftarcher, No 4. Rofe ftreet A

O— ( M3 ) ht o

0;ik?y John hairdreffcr, oppofice foot of Blair's ftrerrt Oates Chailes fhoewarchoufe, No 21. Qortb bridge, houfe,

N.> 6. Sh a kefpear 'a fquare Outti Henry cabinet and upholftery wareioom, foot of Allan's clofc hotife Canal ftreet Oz [ \~ John bookfcllcr, No ?o. Parliament clofe Ogliejohn writer, town clerks office, houfe Wind mill ilreet Oglie Allan umbrella maker, Luckenbooths Ogilvie Mrs of Iflsabank foot of New ftreet, Cnnongntc Ogilvie James of the cultom houfe, back of Hope park Ogilvie jimes tailor, head of mid common dofe, CanongatO Ogilvie Mrs. fornifhed lodgings. No 12. Tbiftle ftreet Ovilvie James writer, Rakics court, Nicolfou's llrett Ogilvie Thomas writer, Milne's court

Ogilvie Mrs No 5 Nicolfon'-s ftreet Ogilvie'Mtfs maiitua maker, Weft bow Ogilvie David chimney fweeper, foot of old Affembly clofe Ogfton John broker, oppofuc Magdalanc'8 chapel, Cowgate

( • John Itabler, hcadofborfe wynd iph'ant Robert of Rufie pelt mailer gen. No 6. Prince's ftt» Oliph-ant Charles writer, Bailiie Fyfe's clofe Oliphant and Co. perfumers oppoiue head o£3Iackfriars wy. Olipaau* Mrs, Buccleugh ilreet Oliphant Laura nee cf Gafk St John'3 ftreet Oliver William Efq; Society oppfiote Brown's fquare

Oliver hai-dreffer, No 2 . tail Rofc tlrect, north fide Oliver Ms ftabler,back of Mufe well, Crafamarket Oliver Walter fpirit dealer, Caufway iide Oliver J hn gFOcer, head of Libel ton's wynd Oliver i'homas grocer, Richmond ilreet Oliver Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, north Richmond ftreet Orcherton William meffenger, Dunbar's clofe, Lawu market

Dr 1 Mils, No 30. George's ftreet, north tide OimeMrs. weft Rofe ftreet Orme- George grocer, Lauriilon Ormiilon John folicitor at law, under meal market ilairt Ormillon John fpirit dealer, Grafsmarket, louth fide Qwuiftoia Mils, Nicolfua's ftreet, eaft fide. o—r c m ) p-a Ormifton James porter cellars, head of Warrifton's clofe Ormifton Alexander fhoemakc-r, St Ninian's row Orr Mr* Riddle's land, Livcnmarket Orr John baker, foot nf Cant'- clofe O r r Alexander wright, foot of Canuber\s clofe Orrock Alexander (pi: it dealer, foot of Forrefter's wynd

Olwa'd Mrs Larimer furnifh d lodgings, S ; mon fqtiare Ouchterlony Mrs. No io- north Fredrick (Ireet, weft fide Ovenlton Thomas labinet and upholftery warehoufe, No 6. terrace., Leith ftreet

Page Michael heelmaker. St Ninian's row Pagen George ftabler, fouth bridge, eaft fide Pii-'ey Mrs No 5. qu:ea's ftreet Baifley Thomas oft lie bank, of Scotland, No 5. north Su David's ftreet Palmer Alex, cabinet-maker CKape! ftreet Palmer Mrs Erown's clofe, Canorgate Palmer Mrs meal-dealer, meal-market Panton William haberdafher, No 33. fouth bridge, eaft fide Park. William mafon, No 5. mid Rufc ftreet, fouth fide Patk Mifs College wynd Parlane Mrs Buccleugh place

Parfons John profefior of mufic, No 33-. Prince's ftreet Parf mage A. and M. milliners. Alifon's fquare Paterfon George of Caftlehuntly, George's fquare Pateifon Alexander, writer, No 19. Thiftle ftreet Paterfon Mifs milliner, Stevenlaw's clofe Paterfon Walter builder, opp. gen. entry, Erifto ftreet Paterfon Andrew fhoemaker, C.rofscaufway Paterfon James grocer^ fouth end of Erifto ftreet Paterfon Samuel merchant, Luckenbooths Paterfon James porter cellars Niddry's ftreet, houfe Foun= tainbridge Paterfon John printer, Riddle's clofe Lawnmarket Paterfon William coach fpring maker, Plea fa nee . Paterfon Andrew. tailor, tall Richmond ftreet- A

1'— X U5- ) r— a ratei fnn 'George fpirit dialer, No 8. wefl Rdfie ft fouth fiJc Paterfon Richard fpirit dealer, head of Pkaiance Paterfon John architect. No i. north bridge Pattrfon James imith, Pleafance Paterfon Mis No i. tail Regifter ftrect Paterfon Mrs. inn-keeper, foot of Pleafance

Paterfon David infurance-broker, Miln 8 fquarc, houfe Nt 5. bt Andrew s ftrect F-'evfon Mifs mantua-maktr, Carrubcr's clofe Paterfon Daniel fmiih, Calton Paterfon Robert fadler, No 5. fouth bridge Paterfon |ohn tailor, head nf Burnet s clofe Paterfon Nathan glover, Dickfon's clofe Paierfon John trunk-maker, Fountain well Paterfon Alexander ftabler, Grafs-market, north fide Paterfon David fhoemaker, Nicolfon's ftreet Paterfon David wright, Richmond ftteet Paterfon James grocer, oppofite New ftreet, Canono-ate Paterfon John fpirit dealer, foot of Canongate Paton George of the cullom houfe, Lady Stair'e clnfe Paton John wright. No :$ n. Fredrick s ftreet, eaft fide Paton David mafon. Grafs-market, n. fide, oppo corn mark. Paton George writing mafter and accomptant to the high- fchool, re6V^r of -he commercial accademy, Sec houfe No 50. fouth bridge, eaft fide Paton fames fpirit dealer, Caufwayfide Paton Daniel fmith, Calton Paton Mifs, Paterlon's court, Broughton Paton John fhoemaker, I'hiftle court Paton James miniature painter Cowgate, oppofite concert hall Paton Neil goldfmith, No 52 Nicolfon's ftreet

>A/ Iig. Patrick i 1 1 j a m writ. No I. James's ftreet Pattifon John E(q advocate, No 27 George's ftrect, 0. fide Pattifon David fpirit dealer, Lcith walk, eaft fide Pattullo Mrs Morrifon's clofe Ptttullo and Biair milliners, Alifon'6 fquare Pattullo Ms. No 13 George'* rtreet, fouth fide PaaulloMrs Warld'a end olofe Paul Robert vintner, Forrefter'a wynd A

P— ( 146 ) P—-E

Paul rev. William of St Cutbbert's, Caftlebarns, oppofite Tobago ftreet Peacock William tobacconift, head of Canorgate Peacock Mrs fpirit dealer, Wright's houfes Peacock Mrs. fumifhed lodgings, College ftreet Pearfon Mifs, park row, Brifto ftreet Pearfon John fhoemaker, No 49. Nicolfon's ftreet Pearfon Adam of

Peddie James tea and fpirit dealer, head of Canongate, f. fide Peddie William grocer, foot of Liberton's wynd Pender Thomas dept.coll. damp office, head of Pleafance Pendreieth Alexander furnifhed lodgings, No 32. Geoige's ftreet, fouth fide Penrieth Mrs. clear ftarcher, N055. Prince's ftreet Pentland James fpirit dealer, oppofite Crofs well, fouth fide Pentland John wheel wright, middle of Weft bow, eaft fide Peterie Alexander, weaver, fooi of Forrefter's wynd Peterie William Zhoemaker, Weft port Peterie John engraver, No 3 Parliament clofe Peterie William tailor, No 3. weft Rofe ftreet, weft fide

Peters furni/hed lodgings, No 1 St James'. fquare. f. fide Peterkin Mrs. tailor, No 3. weft Rule ftreet, fouth fide 1 T=] r- ( M? )

Peterkin IMr9 grocer, Oofscaufway Pettegrew John watch maker, and vintner, No 3. Shakef- pcar's fqnare "Pew M-3. Callander's entry, Canongate Phal M»ft milliner, No 6. eaft Rofe ftreel, fouth fide -Philip Richard fee. of the culloms No 4 St Johns ilieet Philip Alexander baker, Park-row, Brittc ftreet Philip Mrs. No 32. Prince's ftreet Philip Time? cooper, middle ofWeft port Philip Mrs. broker, oppotite Heron's court, Cowgate Philip William fhnemaker, No r 2 . (Wen's ftreet, Philip Wiliam wheelwright, foot of M Conachic's clofe Philip William teacher, -Cakon Phin'Ch.uhs haberdaftier, No 4b. north bridge Phfn and'Pattifon haberdaftiers, No 6. fdufh bridge, e. fide Pliin William filk dyer, Paul's work, foot of Leich wynd Pickens Tho. manufacturer, Paul's work, foot of Leitli wy. Piccard Charles ipirit, dealer, oppofite H^y's ftr. Potter-row Fillant Charles fpirit dealer, middle of-Fleafance Fillans James printer, foath end of Nicblfon'a Itrset PiHans M- and E. milliners and habcrdafhus, headofDick- fon's clofe Pillans Mrs Warrifton's clofe Piokerton Sommervail weaver, Picardy Pinkerton James, foot of Leitli walk Pirnie William architect, No 40. fouth Hanover flreet Pirrie J.-.mes writer, head of James's court Pirrie William cabinet maker, head of fiefh market clofe Pirrie Alexander hairdreHVr, No 18. St Andrew's ftreet Pirrie William fpirit dealer, Niddry's ftreet Pirrie John grocer, foot of Con's clofe, Ccwgate Pirrie William Haymaker, Gosford's clofe Pitcairn Alexander infurance broker, cuftom houfe (lairs, Parliament clofe, houfe, No 30. north Hanover ftreet Pitcairn John clerk to the king's fiationary ware houfe, Kin^ caid's court, Cowgate Pitcairn Robert writer m Durie's office, houfe No 46. fctith Hanover ftreet Pitcairn Andrew writer, Bull turnpike Pitcairn Mrs. Campbell'* clofe, Canongate N L

P— C MS ) p—:l

"plnyfair John profeffbr of mathematics, Wind mill ftreet j'Playfafr -Robei t foot of Libertoi's wynd

• Plendcjleith Mrs. G-abrial's road, welt Rcgitter ftreet .Piendeileith Mifs, No 2!. fou;h Fredrick ilrcet, well fide Plenderleith Robert linen -manufacturer and draper, No 22, north bridge IPlumer Andrew; flefher, houfe- fiefh market clofe PiumerMifs, St Patrick fquate Ponton Mrs furnifhed lodgings, Crofscaufway Ponton Alexander- folicitor at law. Cana! ftreet Ponton Alexander wright and meafurer, Canal ftreet Ponton James wright, Caufwayfiie ronton Robert writer, foot of Robertfon's clofe

Pool Mathew hotel No 1 Prince's ftreet Pollock Lady, No 12. queen's ftreet Pollock .David filk dyer, Nicolfon's ftreet Pollock Mrs. froth and ferricr, middle Potter-row

Pollock David filk. dyer, head of horfe wynd Portcoui George grocer, St Mary's wynd Porteous John leather merchant... foot of Calton Porteous Mrs. grocer, Chapel ftreet porteous and D'.vidlon fmiihs, back of Cana! ftreet porteou; John liairdrtffer, Grafs-market fouth fide

Porteous Alexander mafon, No in. weft Rife ftreet, f. fide Porteous Alexander flefher, houfe 'fltfh market clofe Porteous William eating houfe, foot of College wynd Porteous David wright, iouth Richmond ftreet Porteous John fpirit dealer, head of old AfTembiy clofe Porteous Mrs. Hope park end Porterrield Mils George'6 fq-:are Porterfield Boyd E;q: north Fredrick ftreet Porter John vintner, Mule lane, St Andrew's ftreet Potter John fpirit dealer, head of Weft port Porter Lewis fpirit dealer, head of Pleafance Potter John fpirit dealer, Mam point

Potter J din porter dealer Lawnmasket, fouth fide Potts Thomas grocer, Brifto poit Pratt Robert weaver, Panmuir's cl>fe Canongate Pratt Peter grocer, oppefite Fountain well, uurlh fide »Y 1 — K ( 149 ) P—

Prentice Thomas plaiuerer, eafl Richmond (Ireet p. entire Richard folieitor at law, Lack ol Milr,< '$ ci urt call P.tfton Alexander f;-i:it dealer, Lent, walk, fide ,t David's ftreet No i north makcr«, No 4-5- nerih bridge, weft fidcj P i ies an.' Co. hat liomV Gentle s cK fe, C.moiioiic

: Piidi '' ; reet

'• : wag, • ftreet Primrof* lames

Prin le j, r i writer, terrace, Ltitii ftreet Pcingle Mifc No I. north St Andrew's ftreet

' le William writer, terrace, Leith ftreet PringleDavid tailor,, well Thiftlc Breet Pi ingle Mifs milliner, front of Exchange Pringle Thomas cabinet marter, Thlrlle tlreet 7 ."' Pringle . Society Pringle Mifs, Bsifto ftreet Pringle Robert dealer in ftrong ale. Play houfe clofe, Canon, Pringle Adam watch maker,. Brifto ftreec P'irgle Mrs. St John's ftreet Pringle Mrs Park ftreet Pringle Mr«. grocer, head of Pleafance Pringle "William tailor, St Mary's wynd Pringle Mrs of Bowland. George's fquare Proudfood John ftabler, Grafsnuirket, forth fide Pi oven Chrilt glafs and ftone wareheufe, Candlemaker-ro^jl Proven James and Co. callico warehoufe, No 46. fou'.h. bridge, weft, ftde Proye Simon weaver, Piccardy Purdie James ftabler, hack of tlie bought", Graffrr.arket Purdie Alexander builder, No 3 north James's ftreet Purves James bookftller, St Patrick's fcjuare Parves Mrs. fumifhed lodgings, Gibb's entry -• Pyme Mrs. furniftied lodgings, No 7. foouth bridge, w

tS^i R—h. ( t^e ): R~A R

Rae William Efq; advocate, No 47. Prince's ftreet 1 Rae John furgcon and dentin , oppofite croh, fouth fide Rae William writer, Hume's entry, Potter row Rae Mifs mantuamaker, No 23. fouth bridge, eait fids Rae Matthew wright, eaft Rofe iTreet Rae Peter tea and porter dealer, Home's entry, Potter- row, Rae Mrs. i:ek-nuife, near Archers hall Rae Mrs. James's itreet Rae George wircworker, Leith wynd, and candle fhop, Nether bow Raeburn William perfumer to Ins royal h-i^hntfs the. prince of Wales, No 13. north bridge Raeburn Peter furnifhed lodgings. No 29. f. Fred. ftr w. fide

Raeburn Henry portrait painter, No 1 o. George'"* ftre.etJ fouth lide Raeburn yarn boiler, Stockbridge Rait Mrs. of Raithalr, No 24. north Hanover ftreet Ralfton Gavin of Ralfton, No 14. HijPs ftreet Ralftoij James glever, Leith Itreet Ralfton James glover, Drummond ftreet Ramage Alexander Lilron, writer, No 2. eaft Rofe ftreet Ramage John merchant, Luckenbooths Ramage Mrs. No 2. eaft.Rqfe Ibeet Ramage Mrs. fpirit dealer, head of the Cowgate Ramage Thomas copperfmith, Weft-port Ramage James merchant, head of Riddle's- clofe, LawntoatkeJ: R image Alexander merchant. Lucket.booUm Ramage Jofeph fhoemaker, Tobago ftreet Ramage James pewthercr, Brifto ftreet Ramfay Sir Alexander, No 34. Prince's ftreet Ramiay.Willjam Efq; of Barnton, No 56. George's ftreet,-. north fide Ramfay Mrs George's fquare, eaft fide Ramfay Sir William, north eaft corner of St Andrew's fquare Ramfay David printer of the Edinburgh evening cnuraat, old

Fifhmarket clofe, houle No .9. St James's fquare Ramfay James writ. fig. New ftreet, Canongate Ramfay James painter, Anchor clofe Ranifoy Mifs, No 2. Antigua ftreet, Ltith walk. A A

R— c in ) R—

Ramfay Capt. David, Antigua ftreet, Leu!) Walk

Ramfay Andrew, w^ It Role ftreet Ramfay David, No 7 Shakefpear's fqiiare ifay Ms No ~. jamts's ftreet

Wright, M'DongallVi flrc< t, foot of Lcith \ Ramfay John ; Ramfay George of the poft-office, No 1. jann.^'6 ftreet Ramf.iy David grocer, Drnmmond ftreet Ramfay Andrew, Jones's; coffee-houfe, Parliament clofefc! furnifhed lodgings, head of old Affembly ciofe, Ramfay Mifs mantuampker, mid Rofe ilreet Ramfay Andrew Hater, Foulis'e clofe Ramfay Alexander, middle cf Canongate Ramfay Mifs, New Ureet, Canongate Ramfay Donald grocer, fouth Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide Ramfay Mifs, oppofite linen hall, Canongate Ramfay James Hater, New (treet, Canongate Ramfay painter. Caufwayfide Ramfay Walter officer of excife Fountain bridge Ramfckn poll hoife tax raafter, Calton hill Randal rev. Thomas, No- 4. St James's fqiiare Randolph, Arrol and Co. merchants, No 48. fouth bridgfe

Ranker) William tailor to his Majelty, old cufiom houfe itaii 5 a Parliament clofe Ranken Robert folicitor at law, Fouls's clofe R&nken William baker, No 13. eft Rufe ftreet, fouth fid* Ranken Mifs and Co. milliners. No 18. St Andrew'* ftrt Ranken James wrigbt, head of Dickfon's cluie. Rar.ken William flelher, Caufwayfide

P.anken Mrs. PIunter'6 clofe, Grafsmarket -

v Ranken James wright, Ponton's ! rect

Ranken James (tone ware houfe, bio 26. fouth bridge, eaft ' fide, houfe Foulis's clofe

* Ranken Mrs. No 1 north James's ftreet Ranken James tailor, fouth end of Nicolfon's ftrea, w. fide

Ranken Mifs threed maker, Rofe ftreet, opposite Affemblv ' hall Ranken John fpirit dealer, oppofite new inn, Grafsmirkc: Raanie David fpirit dealer hole of the wall, Brifto port

' Rannie J. and A flaters and glaziers, No 12. mid Rofe flice?.

north fide N ?, .

^ ^ A- R— ( i si ) R—E;

Rannie Alexander Gibb's entry, N-icolfoji's ftreet - Ranm't John baker. Abbey-. Rannie Henry w right, Leiih walk Kauri y Thomas wjit. fig. No 8» north 3t David's fbeefc

Rattray Thojms writer, Carruher's clofe3 welt fide Rattray-M*f», St Patrick fqnare

Rattray Mr-. Biu-cleugn place - Rattray M*s. furndhcd lodgings, Crofscaufway- RaUr.ay Mrp grocer, Abbey Rattray Mrs. Ki&caid's land, Cpwgate

Reay !aoy, Argyte's tquare . Reddle John mercnant. No 3 eaft Regifter flreet Redpath Alexander cabinet and upholttery ware houfe, head,- otiiyerVclofe Reid Demd cnraroff. of cuftoms, No 49. Prince's ftreet

Reid Mrs No 6. north St David's flreet 1 Reid William holier, N*' 27. fouih bridge Reid Robert ftabler, George inn, Brilto ftreet * Reid Geo*ge printer, head of Weft bow Reid Alexander builder, No 1. fouth Caftle flreet j Reid James writer, Tlmlle dreet

1 Rtid Mr*, of Gurgle, .No 1 1. fmith Fredrick ftreet t

Reid James baker, Charles's ftreet •

Rrid William hairdct iTr, Caufway fid« - Rsid'George wright. Hnmmermcna clofe, head of Cowgate Reid Thomas watchmaker*, No 8. parliament clofe Reid Robert fpirit dealer, foot of Caftle wynd, Grafsmaiket'- Rcid grocer, head of Pleafance James 1 Reid J'hn grocer, Grafsmarket, houte flcm market clofe Ri d.Mifs few in g fchoo.1. FJ-ncaid's land, Cowgate Reid Joftph. (toae<. warehouie, head of Baillie Fyfe's clofe r Reid Mrs William grocer, head of .D-ic&Lii's clofe Reid John builder, No 7. terrace -

Reid James greet r, Luckenbooths .

Pvttd Mrs. Divid, Coopers land,, Ganongate • Reid Phillis merchant, head of Gosford's c!. Lawn market : Reid John haiidrefft of Rlackfriai's wynd Reid Jame6 of exchequer, Newington,. Caufwayhds Reid apoth-.cary, ot Panick's fquare

Reid Mrs. ironmonger, iogt Lyon'tj clttffi i

C in ) R— i

Reid Mrs. chill bed lint,} iiiiiur, head i.f Colgate Reid Ciuil-o kikcr, oppoliie t'rois. lomh tide

o a, tJE K c i < 1 wiiter, head ofDjckfon Reid Angii? fpirit dealer, htad ot Canohgau, north fide

Kcid John turniihed lodging*, No 3 Shakcfpcar'., I }oa*fl Rrid wiight, Abbey hill Rruton Robert wider, Gun ford's dole Rrnton John writer, Gosford's chue Renton James nf excite Callander's1 entry, Cenongate Retitoul Andrew fpirit dealer, middle Well Low

R ntoul Mrs. well Rofe ft rest • Ronton] James fpirit dealer, foot of Caft'e wynd, Gralsmarkei RciHoul John, Buccleugh place

Renwick |. grocer, Simon's Iq'iare Reoch George fmith and ferrier, Broughton Reoch M r s. No 2. James's ftrett Reynold Mrs. JJy-> 7* welt Rofetftrtet

Rttind I mil writer, Hay':, ftreet, Nicolfon's fquare Rhind Charles writer, Riddle's land, Lawn market Rhind Jame-F fpirit dealer, oppofne tolboolh, Canongate Rliind James m-iiuLdturtr, Goofedub Rhind Mrs furniflicd lodgings, head of Leilh. v/ynd Richardfon R.dpii merchant, foot ot Welt bow Richardfon William watch maker, coiner, of Charles's ftreet Ricbardfon vVilliam; No 24. north Hanover llrect Richardfon Thomas folicitor at law, Cahle.hill Richardfon John merchant, mid lie ot Welt po.t Richardfon William folicilor at law, Borthwitk's clofe Richardi^n Mrs grocer, fi>ot of Cant s elofe-j Cowgate Richardfon John tailor-, bead ot borthwick's cLufe Richaidion Adam br< ker,. opp< fite Engliih chapel, Cowgate. Richardfon William flax dufftr. Chalmet's clofe Richardfon Robert fee. to the Britiih linen bank, Nether b. Richardfon Richard treafurer to th«j. kijk.and. chaii'.y woik he ufe, huufe ro) al Exchange Richirdlci. George tidy maker, Charles's lireet Richardfoii Mrs. fwmifhed Jodgiogs, Gjbb.'s entry, Nicolfun'3 fireet

Richmond George, manufacturer • of (hawk and veils, Ealllie Fyfe's clofe Richmond John feed merchant, foot of Weft bow I

R— ( ijf4 ) R—O.

Richmond Mathew nurferyrnan, middle of Leith walk w. fide, Richmond James feed merchant, Grafsmarket, fouth fide Riddel Mrs. N> ir. Prince's ftreet Riddel} Mrs. George's fquare, fouth fide

Riddel William of Comifton writ; fig, George's fquare, f. fide Riddel Mrs. No 3. James's itrect Riddel Gol. James, Laurifton Riddel John teacher, No ?6 fouth bridge, eafi fide Ivifldtl Mrs. Shoemakers clofe, Canongate

Riddel Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 5.. eaft Rofe ftreet, fouth. fide Ridde-i Walter writer, weft Nicol fan's ftreet Riddel Mrs. -Leith walk, weft fide Riddel Mrs. Buccleugb place Riddel Michael Efq. No 34. north Hanover ftreet Riddel Mifs, Charle's ftreec Riddoch David impoft matter, porter and fpirit dealer, Stevenlaw's cliie Riddoch John, Cattle hill Riddly Mrs Jack's land, Canongate

Ritchie David fhoemaker, foot of the Calton 1 Ritchie Wdliam brewer, Pleafance

Ritchie William Efq; No 2 s . fouth Fredrick, Mr. weft fide Ritchie Alexander writer Riddle's land Lawnmarket : Ritchie William cloth merchant, Lawnmarket, north fide Ritchie George meal dealer, meal market, fmith fhop Caufe* wayfide - Ritchie George grocer, foot of Pleafance Ritchie William teacher of dancing, Writers court

Ritchie Charles iron monger, head of Bell's wynd . Ritchie John {later, Merchant court Roberts John pin manufacturer, Toll crofs, head ofWeftport Roberts Mrs milliner. College ilreet Robertlon William Efq. advocate procat. for the church, No 45. Qaeen's Ilreet Robertfon William keeper of records, No 8. Prince's ftreet Pvobertfon Hugh writ fig. George's fquare, eaft fide Robertfon William writ fig No 15. St John'3 ftreet, Canon. R'lhertfon James printer and bookfeller, No 4 horfc wynd Robertfon John account No 13. George's ftreet, fouth fide K.obeitfon Mifl mantua maker, head cf Cowgate O It— R— C w )

Ilpbertfon William, BuccWgh place _ waU, Robertfon Jamia proff, of I^tbccw, middle of Leith welt Tide Bfobertffin Mffs, Chapel ftreet Robertfon Mrs Nf» 17 north Frcdh'efc ftreet, eaft-fid« Robertfon Alexander (lacking muker, middle of Roller-raw Robert fan Patrick writer, Rnccleugh p!tv.e RoS:rcf >n Duncan-, Qfichtoo'8 llrtrt Robertfon Patrick writ, fig. Caftic bill Robeitfon John Efqi Lamiiion Robertfon IVl/s Alexander's Ur.d, Briftr, ftrect

Robert (on re r. Jim.cs, Gaodlen»ker-row R 'bertfon John cabinet maker, Walton hill Robertfon Alexander of Prendergueft, Buccleugh place RebertfonWiliirmgoldipji-h arid jeweler, No 3. fo«h buJ~e. and No 6. Parliament clofe Robert fon Dr Jofeph, No 6. St John's ftreet Robertfon William, old AflVmbly clofe Robert fon Alexander tailor, Richmond ftreet Robcrifon William ftirniilied lodgings, Gosford-'a elofo Robertfon Mrs. grocer, Crofcc-ouiway Robert fou and Co. grocers, Charlc's ftreet Robertfon John writer, mid meal market ftrir Robeitfon Alexander printer, foot of Horfe wynd Robertfon Daniel furni&ed Ldgingfi, pult-houfe flair*, Parlia^ n>ent clofe Robertfoiv John, No 8. Tbiftle ftreet Robertfon H'S. Gibb'a entry, NeolfonVftreet Robertfon pfiigh i.ory-turncr and bagpipe-maker, Giafttejull Robertfjn Opt. of T-clbooth, E&rrelier'fl wynd Robertfoa Peter hairdrefftr, Luckenboothtf Robertfon J ohflL mercantile,, No 31. fouth bridge, eaft fide Robertlon writer, James's court

Robertfon Mifs, No 3 1 . George's ftreet* north fide Robertfon I\kf. Cbaries hardware merchant, rppofite to lli2. bead of Forreflfcr's wynd RoLtrtfon Peter of the -tro&ee office, Gavudock's land. Robeitfon James hajiditfftr, No 24. north bridge Rohm fori Johnrpaiater, head of Biackhia; 3 wyua R—0 ( 156 ) R-^\ Robert-Ton Mifs, oppofite linen-hall Camngate

r -"' . Robertfon |.hn frlfrerfmith. htad oi C-.o-mgale, north fide Robertfon Mrs, Galtdnhdl k Robertfon William watchmaker, bead of Croion^ate

Roberfcfon John ftaymaker head of C'auongate . It )!>•-' *tf on Andrew fpirit dealer, mid common clofe, Canorrrr, Robertfon James |aftmaker CaJton

Robertfon G'a'pt David. R ha t feu's ciofe Robertfon John tailor, M -Dow jail's flreet, fe>t of Leith wy,

Robertfon Art!: v.r of inches, St Leonard's" hill !

Roberifon Charles fpirit dealer. No ' g.. Prince's ftreet

" Rohertfon Jsrmes painter and fptrit dealer head of Wtflportv|' !

f Robertfon C*.p . Thomis, N • 74. Q>j 's itreet

RobrrVfo'n Charles painter, No- t . Prince's ftreet Rob-rtfon Duncan hairdreffer and perfumer, No 2» Prince V> flreet, fouth fide Robertiun Thomas hairdrefiSr, oppofi'e foot of Blair's flreet

Robertfon Mrs. fumifhed lodgings, fouth Richrhi ad ibee t RobertXon John fpirit dealer, oppUite foofc^of College wyndj R)berifi'n Adam baker, head of Eieafancc

Robertfon James B'ackhull-inn, foot d L ;

Robertfon Robert fhoemaker, head of P'.c- •)

Roberifon R< bert fpirit dealer, fo >t of Leith wa'k-« Robertfon John ftocki-ng-maker, head oi Co'wgate I Robertfon James founder, MeaSmarket flairs

Rbbertfbh David fpuit dealer, Shoemakers clofe", CanongaK . ;

Robertfon Duncan fifrntfhcd ledjjings, No 1 J«imtVs flreet Robertfon William fpiric dealer, fouth end of Nicoifon's dr. Robertfon Jaimes tailor, Nicoifon's ibeet Roberifon Andrew glazier and glafs-bender, Non mid Rofe flreet, fouth fide Robertfon James weaver, head rrfthe -Weft-port Rohertfon Mrs. No 3 mid James's flreet Robertfon Ms. Todrick'- wynd

Robertfon William fumifhed lodgings, No 2. north St ' Davifi'r, flreet

Robertfon M .-. No iS. Thiftle flreet Robertfon Mifs, Buccleugh flreet Robeufon Wiliiam auctioneer, back cf Fountain well R.obertfoa Alexander fpirit dealer, oppqfite Crofs, fouth fids I O

R— ( U7 ) R-O

R ih rtfon Peter tailor Bailfte Fyfe's clofe 1«'.. . tfftn M-3. furnifhed lodging*, No r6 ThflHe Greet

K b i fo . J imea furnifhed lodgings, Brifto Itreet Kobertfon John Ihoemaker, P. iRo Unit Ritbertfun rev. Jofrph. Bail) c Fvfe-'-a clofe Robertfon Mrs. No 16 north Fredrick ftreet, eafi fide

•Rd union Peter merchant, front of i ht- Exchange

R >bertfo*n Alexander grocery ware houfe, corner of Gray '3 court, Nicolfon's ftreet Rober kin II; wry fmith Robertfon's clofe Robinfon Mrs No 73. Prince's ftreet Robmlon George Eiq; writ. Gg No 63. Queen's flreet Robinfon |ohn prof, ofnat. philos. Buccleogh place Rob!) Andrew quill dreffer, head of the Pl.alai.ce Rcbb Andrew vintner, No ;0 fouth bridge, tart fide Rodger John fpirit dealer, Grafsmarket, fouth fide

R.o iger John. No 5. Nicolfon's ftreet Rodger James gardener and fiimiftied lodg Richmond eeurt Rodger Mrs. Blair's ftreet Rodger George fen. cork cutter, foot of Canongate Rodger George jun. co;k cutler, Head of Canongate Rodger Hugh cork cutter, St Ninian's row ^Lodgers Thomas of Rofebank, Tobago ftreet Rodgers Mrs. furnifhed lodgings. No 15. tall Rofe ftreet Rodgerfon Anthony teacher of fencing, Brodie*s clofe, Lawn market

RoilaudAdam Efq; advocate, No 15. Queen's ftreet RoHarrd Adam writ, fig No 25. Qneen's ftreet R0M0 Lady No 32. north Hanover iircct Rollo Mifs, Crichton's fireet Rollo Thomas gardener, Broughtori Rollo Capt. Robert, Toll crofs Rullo Mrs. grocer, feet of the C.

Ronald M I Wind mill i'reet Ronaldfon Mrs ofBlairhatl, No 79 Prince's fireet R< naldfon Mrs. hc^.d of St John's 'ireet Ronaldfon |ohn baker rr.:dJ!e of Forrefter's wynd Ronaldfon John merchant, Foulis'a clofe o O

H— ( irs ) R—

RonaMfon Francis of the pod office. Calton hill Ronddlon William baker, head of Bank clofe, L:nvnrr.arket Rofe James writer, head of Scot's clofe Role John grocer, oppofue R.eid's clofe, Canongate Rofs Mathew Efq; advocate, No 4. Queen's ftrt-et Rofs A'exander dept. clerk, ot fefhon, i«o jg. Queen's ftreet Rofs Robert writ. fig. No 3. George's ftreet, fou.h fide Rofs Mifs, No 33- George's ftreet, north fide Rofs John writer, Gavinlock's land, Lawnmarket Rols John writer, eaft Thi (tie ftreet Rofs Mrs. eaft Thiftle ftreet Rofs Caarles furnifhed lodgings, Canal ftreet Rofs Jchn painter, Caftle hill Rofs John copperfmith, foot of the Weft bow Rofs James fpirit dealtr, Caftle hill Rrds John fpirit dealer,.Blair's ftreet Rofs Colin macer of Excbeq. Abbey hill Rofs-and M' Lean tailors, Caftle hill Rofs Alexander grocer, head of Weft port Rofs Alexander quill manufacturer, Grafsmarket, north fide Rofs Robert irnjfic fhop, Carruber's cloie Rofs Robert ftationer, weft end of .Luckenbootbs Rofs Alexander fpirit dealer, foot cf Leith wa;k, weft fide Rofs Waiter fpirit dealer, No 10. Prince's ftreet Rofs Mifs milliner, No 41. fouth bridge, weft fide Rofs Alexander glazier, Richmond ftreet Rofs George auftioneer, oppoftte Cuwgste port Rofs fpirit dealer, head of Currie's clofe, Caftleh:!! Rofs James haiidrefkr, Richmond Jbeet Rofs John fmiih, Pleafance Rofs James, mid Rofe ftreet Rrifs lohn tailor, Nether bow, norlh fide Rofs Robert fhoemaktr, Potter row Rof« Charles flax dreflVt Weft port Roffignoli Sip. teacher of dancing, Gray's clofe PvOtheram John M. D. Chapel or welt Nicolfou's ftreet Reuch John fmirh, Gra'smarket Rouch William fhoemakirr Weft port Roucht-ad Andrew mufical inftxuiiKr.t maker, back of the We:eho houfe f-ff iy3 wm

Rowley Mifs O. ouftom houfe, Exchange Roxburgh William fpirit dealer. No 37. north Hanover ft: ect Roxburgh Alexander docking maker, head ofPleafi n Roy James wrightj fpring garden, oppolitec?il end cf IIoj park Roy James flioemaker, No 7. ShakeTptar's fqunre Roy John grocer, No 2. weit Rofe (Ireet, font h fidcr Ruuyerd Capt. Henry of Engineers, No 1. Charlotte flrr et Rudd rev. DrNo 19. noTth Hanover Ureet Rnddiman Thomas printer, Forrefter's wynd Ruddiman John, No 12 St JamesV fquare Rule Mrs. baker, front of Exchange Rule Thomas writer, Covenant clofe RufTel George writer, No 7. James's ftreet Ruffe! James furgeon, Society Ruffel John writ. fig. Argylc's fquare.

Ruffe 1 Patrick writer, Argyle's fquare RufTel Mrs. No 30. Queen's ftreet f RufTel James upholfterer, Baillie Fyfe .> clofe Ruffel David fhoemaker, fouth end of Potter-rovr Ruffvl Walter fhoemaker, foot of Canongate Ruffel Mrs. No 20. north Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide

Ruffe 1 Thomas plaifterer, No 44. fouth bridge ealt fiJc Ruffel Walter merchant, oppniite Luckeobooths Ruffel Caud accomptant, Argyle'^ fquare Ruffl David accomptant, Argyle's fquare Ruffel Thomas cart wright, Caftle wynd, Grafs-market Ruffel Mrs. Buccleugh place Ruffel David tailor, No 43. fouth Hanover ftreet Ruffel Mrs. fifh monger, foot of Pielident flairs, Parliamen clofe

Rutherford William. No 16 fouth Fredrick Rreet, weft fid Ruthet ford Dr Daniel proff of botany Hyndford's clofe Rutherford Mifs. No 5. George's ilrcetj north fide Rutherford Mrs George's fquare Rutherford M^jor John, Geoige's fquare, fouth fide Rutherford Mrs fouth Fredrick ftreet Rutherford Robert fhoemaker. Calton Rutherford Mrs. Ciichton's ftreet Ruiherford Mrs. grocer, Ca-.oneate, north fide O

mm Rutherford John grocer, foot of Leith wynd Rutherford Mrs. Simon's fquare Ruthven Robert hofier, and haberdafher, head of Warid'seod clofe Ruthven James andfons printing office, Merchant court Rymer James engraver, No 1 1. Parliament clofe

Salifbury James architect, Leith walk, eaft fide Salt Peter, fugar houfe Canongate Salter Ifaac brewer, Roberton's clofe Salter Charles brewer, College wynd Salton Lady dowager, Argyle's -fquare Salton Robert glazier, opp. borfe wynd, Cowgate Samuel James glover, No i. Leith ftreet Sands Mrs major, No 4?, George's ftreet, fouth fide Sands Mifs, Tiviot-row Sanders James writ. fig. Blaii's clofe CaHlc-hill Senders James tailor, Canal llreet Sanders Robert baker, No 16. mid Rofe ftreet Sanders James (hoe warehoufe, No %. eaft Regifter ftreet Sanders John fhoemaker, No 5. Leith ftreet Sanders Mrs, foot of Grant's clofe Sanderfon. Rob« and -co. drapers, Luckenbooths Sanderfon Tho. and co. merchants, front of the Exchange Sanderfon James wright, head of the wtft port Sanderfon Patrick, Galloway's entry Canongate Sanderfon James grocer, Brilto ftreet Sanderfon Robert fhoemaker, St Ninian's-row Sanderfon James tailor, Canal ilreet Sandford rev. Daniel No 22. fouth Fredrick ftreet

Sandilands Matriew writ, fig No 6 north St Andrew's fir. oandilanda John upholfterer Hay's ftreet, Nicolfon's fquare Sandilands Mrs. No 7 north Fredrick Ilreet Sandiiand3 Mrs. Lindfay'c clofe, Caftle hill Sandy George writer. Back (lairs Sangfter Peter bookbinder, Saudiland's clofe Sanfon James grocer, oppo. Milton's houfe, Canongate Sanfon Mrs Gifford'p park Sanfon Alex, dealer in victual, head of Weft port Sanfon Jjmes tea and fpirit dealer, Brifto ftreet Savage Robert wigmaktr, Alifon's fquare A G

S— ( ifa ) S—

Savage Robert fhoemakcr, middle of Wefl port Savage Archibald tailor, head oi Leith wynd Sawcrs James and co. G!*fgow and i'aiiley muflln Ware) No :44. Nicolfon'a ftc*et SawersMrs. meixbint, litad of TarV» clofo SawerS Wiliixoi grocer, Grafs-market, faoth tide Schwt ze Fred. Itay e«:d babitmaker, Nlo tf. Ltith Arret fquare tic itr M s fuindhed lodging.-. No 6. St JanW* Sclater William coach-maker, Simon's fquare Sclandeis Alex uphulfterrr Simon's fquare Scott Mrs ofBtlvitw, Broughton Scott W illiam backer. Exchange

Scott Francis Efq ; No 27. Queen's ftreet Scott Capt. James No 55. P ince'a flrttt Scott Mifi No -9. Prince s ilreet Scott John dock and watchmaker, No 13. Prince's flreet Scott Mrs. of Sinton, No 5 George's ftreet, fouth fide Scott Geo. Robcrtfon Efq; advocate, No 44. George's Ilreet north fide Scott Walter writ fig. George's fquare, wd fide Scott and Smith's lottery, north eaft cor. of Exchange Scott John writ fig. president tlairs, Parliament clofc Scott William folicitorat law, Merchant ltieet Scott Mrs. back of the Calile Scott John of the excife, mid Rofe flreet Scott William plumber, No 10. Shakfpear's fqnsre Scott Mrs of Roffie, No 25. fouth Fiedrick ilreet Scott Alexander, O.rruber'fr clofe Scott Thomss writ, ng No 24. fouth Hanover ftreet Scctt William writer, James's court Scott John chymift, College wynd Scott William gardener, Fountain bridge Scctt Robert apothecary, No 8. fouth bridge, weft CJi Scott Charles, Tull-crofs Scott William grccer, middle of Potter-row Scott Mifs, Charles ftreet Scott James merchant, foot of the Weft bow Scott Mrs. Wind-mill ftreet Scott John Hone warehoufe, head of We !V bow C

S— ( 162 ) s—c

Scott Archibald duliiier, Potter-row Jicott Walter and co. ilioernakers, middle of Potter-row Scott Alexander brewer, weft end of Fountain bridge v Scott Andrew King's conrtable of excife, james s court Scott David gun-fmiih, Middleton's entry, Potter-row. Scott Peter Kincaid's land,. Cowgate Scott Charles fhoemaker, Crichton s ftrett Scott David ceac.h byrer, No 26. St James's fquars. Scott Robert, Chrichton's ftrett Scott Mrs fpirit dealer, Ikifto ftreet Scott William fpint dealer No 6. north St David ilrcet Scott John tailor, call Rofe ftreet, north fide Scott William flioemaker, mid Role ilrcet Scott Alexander grocer, head of Flefa-market clofe Scott William, Meal-market ftair3 Scott Walter upholRertr, Leithwynd Scott William teacher of dancing, skinner's clofe Scott Robert of excife, Callander's entry, Canongate Scott William teacher of Englifh, Strichen's cloie Scott Jamea Efq; ChcfTcl's court, Canungats Scott Charles hair-draTsr, Luckenbooths Scott James glafs and ftone warehouie, Blair's ilr. eaft fid-3 Scott Mifs, Bcrthwick's clcfe Scott Mifs, Hotchkia's land, Grafs-market Scott Mrs. Richmond place Scott John clock and watchmaker, mid. of WeR-port Scott Mrs. ftabler, foot cf the Candle-maker-row. Scott James grocer, Grafs market, north lids Scott John ftabler, Grafs market, north fide Scott Mif» mantua-maker, Milne's fquars Scjtt Mifs of Harden, Tiviot-row Scott Mifs of Thirltllon, George's fquare fecott George teacher, fouth Richmond ftreet Scott James candlemaker, oppofite Charle's ftreet, Brifto Scott James mafon, Tobago ftreet Scott William vintner, No 3 Queen's ftreet Scotland John writ. bg. No 29. north Hanover ftreet -II c ( 163 )

Scotland Laurence fpirit dealer, Gos-ford's clofe,Lawnmarke* Scotland Mrs, Laurillon lane Scoular John leather merchant, Ramfay garden

Scoular Thomas ft abler, Graf* market, fouth (ide Secular Thomas tanner, middle of the well port

Scrymgeour Henry Elq; No 20. Queen's It ret: Scry mgt our Mrs. vim. within the foot of fifh market clofe: Sealey Joieph teacher of dancing, Foulis'&clufe Selkirk Earl of, No 44. Queen's ftreet Selkrig Charles accomptant, No 19. n. Fred, ftreet. call fide Sellers peter tailor, head of Leilh wypd Sempk Mils Maria Ann, No 6. St Andrew's ilree"

Sample Lndy Dowager, No j 7. Queen's ftreet Semple Mifs, north Callle ftreet Scmple Mils No 5. Thiftle ftreet Semple Thomas goldfmith, No 2. parliament clofe Semplt Robert brewer, Caft'ebarns Semple William tailor, Weft port Seton Mifs, No 7. George's ftieet, north fide Seton, Wallace and co. bankers, nor. eaft co;r,erof Exchange Seton James cart and plough Wright, Leilh walk, eaft fide Seton Alexander, Brifto ftreet Shand John baker, Potter-row

Shand and Nealfon woollen drapers, No '9. f. bridge, -e. fide*- - Shand Mrftgroccr, No 2- St Ann's ftreet Shankic J ;hn fiioemaker, middle of the Weftport Sharp Alexander Ffq; Surgeons fqr.are

Sharp Jofcph thoemaker, oppofite the chapel of Eafe : Sharp William fpirit dealer, hill market clofe Sharp John fpfrit dealer, Leith wynd Shaw Mrs CaJtonhill Shaw Samuel writer, Curtis's lands Broughton Shaw Alex, upholftery warehoufe, No 8. terrace, Leith firett Shaw Mrs eaft Rofe ftreet Shaw Mrs, Brown's clofe, Cafllchill

Shaw George wine merchant, Prefideot flairs- Shaw Mrs vintner, Warrifton's clofe Shaw Alexander, Ciille hill

Shaw Daniel printer, Currie's clofe, Cufth fail] O 3

t3F 5—II ( *o4 )

Shaw Petfi> glazier and painter, No I. eaft Rofe fir. n. fide Shean Chriitian mnfieal inftrument maker, new Itr. Canon. Shearer Mifs, Huntct's clofe, Grafsmarket Slicarer Michael wood clock maker, oppofiteForreftsr's wynd well Shearer Ptfrs No 2. north Frederick' ftreet, weft fide Shearer Jamea of the poft office, Paterfon's court B rough ton- Shepherd Robert tea and fpirit dealer, No 22. fouih bridge, eaft tide Shepherd William mnfician, Hamilton's entry, Briilo dreet

Shepherd James Hone warehoufe, No 7. fouth Fred. ft. e- fide' Sherrirf Mathew cabinet maker, Little's clofe, Lawn market SherrifF Ales, printer, weft Campbell's clofe, Cowgate Sherriff George fpirit dealer, Cowgate port Sherriff Mrs, CaltonhiU

ShirrefF and Dudgeon haberd tftiers, No 36. f. bridge, e. fide- Slue's Jsmes writer, Carrubers clofe Mtiels John fargeon, No 3?. Nicolfon's ftreet Shiels James fhoemaker and ham faop, No 8. fouth St Da= vid's ftreet Shiels Francis baker, head of Cant's clofe Shier John fmith, middle of Leith walk, weft fide Shillinglaw Andrew tool-maker, Caftie-wyi'd, Grafsmarket Shillinglaw John baker and vintner, Shakefpear fquare Shillinglaw Andrew porter dealer, Skinners clofe Shillinglaw Jofeph fpirit dealer, fouih back of Canongate Shirrilaw James grocery Nether-bow, north fide Shitkey John mufician, Fouli.'s clofe and Broughton Shoit James cooper, oppofite foot of fiih market, clofe Sibba'd James merchant, new ftreet Canongate, eaft fide Sibbald John fmith, College wynd, warehoufe No 4J. fouth bridge, eaft fide Sibbald Mrs furnifhed lodgings, Bn'fto ftreet Sibbald William architect and fuperintendant of public works, No 18. mid Rofe fireet, north fide Sibbald William head of Brodie's clofe, Lawn market {-.ibbald Thomas fmith. old Baxters clofe. Lawn market Sibbald James fhoemaker, opp. Alifon's fquare, Potter-row Sime John painter, No 7. Leith ftreet Sime John coope-, Crofsc;mf\>'ay Sime Alexander painter, Grafsmarket, fouth fide Sitae Mrs meal dealer; Weftport I

S— ( 10- ;

Sime Join fhoe maker, King's (rabies, Wtftport Simon Peter fpirit dealer, foot of Candlcmakcr row Simpfon David, Buccleugn place Simpfon S'm Alex new itrcet, Canongat?

Sim; ! i 1 !. mas writer, Flefhmarket uufe Simpfon rev. William, No z George's fquare, foutli fide Simpfon Alexander tailor, foot of the Pltalar.ce

Simpfon Mrs, jjrilto-ilr. t. Simpfon J'uires bn ok&ller, front of Exchange) houfe within the Exchange Simpfon James tailor, middle of Weftport Simpfon William folicitor at law, Crawford's clofe, foot of the Weil-bow Simpfon John Alifcn's fquare, Potter row Simpfon Altx. teller in the royal bank, Nicolfon's ftreet Simplon furnifhed lodgings, head of the afiVmbly clofe Simpfon John fmitb, Abbeyhill Simpfon Thomas apothecary, Grafsmarkflt, north fide Simpfon James baker, foot of the fifhmaiket clofe, and No 13. foutli Fredrick ilreet, taft kdz Simfon John builder, fouth end of Potter-row Simplon Edward ladies hair dreffer, No 24, north bridge Simpfon Mrs midwife-, oppofite the ccrnmarket Simplon J£r8 fpirit dealer, well Rofe ftreet Simplon James lpirit dealer, Libettf n's w.ynd Simplon James gardener, middle ofLeith walk Simpfon Adam hairdrdllr, No 4. Shakefpear'g fquare Simpfon William banker, Parfon^s green

Sinclair Lady of Murkle, No 25. Georgt^ ftreet, f. fide Sinclair Alex, of Barrcek, St John's ftreet, weft fide Sinclair John iron merchant, foot of Weft bow Sinclair Ledy Janet, I'ppofite Canongate kirk Sinclair Sir John, oppciite Canongate kirk Sinclair William wiit. fig. St John's ftreet, weft fide Sinclair Robert of Frefwick, north Caftleftreet, eaft fide Sinclair Robert, Efq; advocate principal clerk of ftfEon, Argyle's fquare Sinclair Mrs. No 12 fouth Fredrick, eaft fide Sinclair William brewer, St Leonard's hill Sinclair William of the Cuftomhoufe, Scot's clofe Sinclair Hugh pint dealer, foot of.Stevenlaw's clofe Sinclair Donald tailor, foot cf new ftrset, Canongate 1 M

- S=— ( 166 } S—

Sinclair John glover. No r i. weft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide Sinclair D?vid tobaccopip^maker, Broughton Sinclair Will, furnifhed lodging?, Brifto ftteet Sinclair Thomas ftvqemaker, welt end of Bruntsfield links Sinclair Mrs, foot of Blackfriats wynd StClain Mrs, Bucdeugh place

Sivewright Tho. of South houfe, Fountainbridge - Sivewright Mrs, Laurifton Sivewright. Alex, combmaker, opp bead of Niddry's ftreet Sivewright Andrew writer, No II. Thiftle ftreet Sivcwright George gardener, near the middle of Leith walk Sivswrirrht Mrs, head of the Covvgate Skae David merchant, within the Fxchange Skeof Jofeph quilldreffer, near the foot of Liberton's wynd Skeil Mrs, north back of Canongate Skeil Alexander lapidary, No 9. Parliament clofe Skene Mrs of Rubflaw, No 49. George's ftreet, fouth fide Skelton Geo. clock and watch maker, Ma 2. Hunter's fquire Skinner Mrs, Jolly's entry, head of Canongate Skinner writer, Prefident ftairs, Parliament clofe Skinner John coach h.rer Mufe lane, next St David's ftreet Skirvine Mrs merchant, Luckenbooths Skirving Mifs mantuamaker, Carrubers clofe Slider Mrs furnifhed lodgings, weft Rofe ftreet Slider John tailor, Potter row Sligo Wiiliam merchant, No 4. Fyfc's place, Leith walk Slorach John tailor, oppofite the Potter-row well

Small George confectioner. No 8. fouth Hanover ftreet . Small William filver plater, head of Blackfriars wynd Small John fpirit dealer, foot of Scot's clofe Small Charles bairdrefler, head of Strichen's clofe Smart Robert fmith, Calton Smeall John glazier, Liberton's wynd Smellie Wi'liam printing office foot of Anchor clofe, houfe 1 Gosford'e dole Smellie David fpirit dealer, Home's entry, Porter row Smeiton Walter painter, head of New ftreet, Canongate Smeiton aid Miller bookbinders, Forrefter's wynd Smeiton Mrs, grocer, Wrights houfes Smeiton John fpirit dealer, Richmond place Smith Thomaa banker, north Fredrick's itrcet M M

S— ( 167 ) S—

Smith Thomas, writer, 3oci ty Small D maid banker, front of Exchange, houfc Chapel fir. Smith John cabinetmaker, middle of Pleafance Smith Robert painter) north St Andrew's ftreet Smith Jamee ftjockingmakcr^ north Richmond ilreet Smith George (hipm-afterj middle of Leith walk

1 dgings, No j 2. Thiftle Ilreet

Smith Mif*, No 31 Qneen's fl Smith Wil iam Phyfieians hall. George's ftreet

Smith e rit. Gg;. old poft-honfe ftairs. Parliament cl. Smith ph iith and ferrier, corner of "Lothian road Smith Mrs, of Forreti Ntcolfon'a Ilreet Smith Jo 4. Thiftle ftreet

Smith D: . of L-idy Lawfon's wynd, Weft port | omt'tli Al< sa ! r auctioneer, weft Nicolfou's ftreet raft ftreet Smi lh Joh i rabinetmakerj Richmond Sm th and Mjilfie tea and fpirit dealers, Grafs>market, n. fidff

1 • Srau ! "it grocer, head of Cowgate Sm! th Divid corkcutter, Stevenlaw'n clofe Smi th John fmith, ilinking clofe. Weft bow Smith Airs, broker, oppofite foot cf Blair's ftreet Smi th John barber, head of Cowgate Smi iii Mrs. midwtfe, toot ot Hi-gh-fchool wynd Smi th vintner, No M. fouth bridge, eaft fide Smi th Mrs. Gabriel's road, weft Reg'fter ftreet Smi tit Archibald furniuicd lodgings, No 14. fouth Fredrick ftreet, weft fide Smi th GilbeM founder) St Nir.ian's row Smi th James Haymaker, below the Canongate kirk Smi th John grocer, middle of Potter-row Smi th John wrigbt, Canongate, north fide Smi ta Vfrs. Gationgate, fouth -fide Smi th James tailor, under meal market (lair Smi th iYIilo ma ntua maker, Milne's court Smi th James ihoemaker, Canongate, north fide

Smi th Peter recorder of deaths, center of Merchant ftreet 3 Smi th J? mes founder, Paul's work Smi th John weaver, Lothian road Smi th Thomas tinplate worker, No 4. Blair's ftreei M c_

S— ( 168 ) S—0

Smith James watchmaker, No 15. terrace, Leith ftreet Smith William livery ftables and poll matter, Pkafance, houfe weft Regifter ftreet Smith Afldiew perfumer. No 38 north bridge Smith John fpirit dealer, Blah's ftreet Smith Mrs furoifacd lodgings ssd boarding) No 5. eaff Rofe ftreet, fuuth fide Smith Alexander bs.ker, head of Riddle's elcfe, Liwomarkct, Smith MifS) Cooper's bird, C--tu--r;gsLe Smith Thomas, terrace. Lei' n ftreet Smith Robert potter dewier HyndfonPs e'ufe

Smith tf ilHam wright, G fforcl'a park,neai Archer's hall Smiih William No 4. Tbiftle ftreet Smith James glover. Cream*, houfe Don's ciofa Smith Mrs. vintner, Milne's fcjusre Smith Robert baker, neai Archers Lai! Smith Davii baker, Potter-row Smith Robert wrtghtand au&ioaeer, Lady St* r r"f clofe

Smith William fpirit dealer. Grai&m&rket, nor b fi i.e Symth Mrs. o{ Methven. No 23 St AndrewV iqure

Symth J>hn wrir. fig. No 4. St James's fquare, foath fide

Smoile t Mrs- Bucckugh place

Snipe John, fpirit dc-ale 1-, back of the boughts, Grafcmarket Somerville Samuel wodLn-draper, oppofite Luckeubooths Somerville Mifs, No 9. George's ftreet, north tide Somerviile James lilkdyer, Chdmer's clofe Somerviile Mrs furnifhed lodgings, mid Rofe ftreet Somerville David ttbacconift, Giafsmarket, houfe Linlith gow's land, fouih fide Somerville George, near Archer's hall Somerville and Hay painters, Niddry ftreet Somerville John writer, No 67. Princes ftreet Somerville Samut.1 baker, head of Welt-bow Somerville Jamc grocer, Ponton's ftreet Somerville Patrick flaxd'effir, oppofite Crofs, fouth fids Somerville John wheelwright, Well-port Somerville Mrs. Somerville's Canongate Somervil e J >hn tanner, middle of Weft-port Somerville James merchant, Eow-head Somerviile Walter baker, foot of Blair's ftreet O

S— 169 ) S—P

Somerville M:f3 milliner, No 2$- north bridge S<>mervde Alexander furveyor. foot of Mary's clofe Somervile William fifh hookmaker, Leith vvyuJ Somervile Jihti baker, north Richmond ftreet Somervile James merchant, head of Canongate, north fide Sommers James writer, No 30. George's iheet, fouth fide Summers Thomas and William vintners, weft Regifter ftreet

» Sommers Thomas glazier, new Afiembly clofe Sommer3 Robert (hoemaker, St Ninians row -Sommers Mrs Todrick'c wynd .Souter James ftaymaker, Mint Spalden Mrs. grocer, head of Weft port Spalden John grocer, head of Weftport Spalden Mrs. James grocer, oppofue head of Elair's ftreet Spalding Mrs. confectioner, front of Exchange, and Mint Spalding James, Welt Rofe ftreet Spalding Robert, Simon's fquare Spankie George merchant, -uppofite Tron kirk, houfe St Patrick's fquare Spears Mrs No 10. north St David's ftreet .Spcari Mrs. .f Elderflie, No 59. George's ftreet, north fide Speid Robert writ, fig No 13. terrace, Leith ilreet Spence Mifs, Euccltugh ilreet Spence Mrs. of Alveskirkton, Park ftreet

Spence Mifs, No 1. north James's ftreet Spence James hairdrefier and perfumer, No 12. fouth bridge eaft fide Spence Alexander goMfmith, No ic. Parliament clofe Spence Robert dentift, James's court Spence John wright, Thill le ftreet Spence James writer, Wardrop's court Spence Mifs, near Archer's hall Spence J"hn painter. Weft bow Spence Thomas grocer, corner of Park row, Bn'fto ftreet Spence Thomas tea and bpirit dealer, head of Weft bow Spen^ Dr Nathan, Horfe wynd Spittle Mrs. Springfield, Leith walk Spottifwood John iionmonger and carron warehou.'e, A iam's fquare

*mmmm^*^^,*mm*yrrsA w&?- P

S— ( no ) T^f

Spottifwood David writ, fig. No 40. fouth Fredrick ftreet Spottifwood Mrs, of Dunipace, No 49 fouth Hanover Bui Spottifwood James hardware merchant, Luckenbooths Spottifwood Ann ironmonger, Grafsmarket north fide Spottifwood James writer, Wandd's end clofe Springfield paper warehoufe, old fi(h market clofe Sprott Wiiliam folicitor, at law, Morroco's clofe, Canon. & Sprott Alexander tanner, Elphingilon's court, foot of Gray's clofe Sprott Mrs. Argyle's fquare Sprott Robert candlemaker, head of Flefhmarket clofe Square John fleiher, houfe fkfhmarket clofe 5a Stalker James teacher of Engllfh, No 13. George's ftreet, ioirth fide Stalker Ebenezer fpirit dealer, foot of fifh market clofe Stark William combmaker. Creams Stark }ohn tobacconift, foot of Don's clofe Stark William grocer, Paul's ftreet, Simon's fquare Stead David cardmaker, Leith walk, weft fide fteadman Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, No 1. eaft Rofeftr. n. fide* Steadrnan James joiner, Calton hill Steadman Andrew co.kcucter, head of St Mary's wynd Steel James chymift, Tobago ftreet Steel Alexander coach hyrer, Crichton ftreet Steel David baker, oppofite College wynd Steele John fpirit dealer, oppofite St John's ftr. Canongate Steele James writer, College wynd Steele Andrew writ. fig. Laurifton Steele Alexander dinen-warehoufe, No 17. fouth bridge, eail fide Steele William coachmaker, oppofite Caftlebank Steele John, weft Regilter ftreet Steele John broker, oppofite foot of Cant's clofe Steele John fadkf, oppofite head of Niddry's ftreet Steele David hairdrcfjer, Nicolfon's flrect Steele George fmith. High-s.hool dole, Canongate Steele John hairdreffer, No 22 Prince's ftreet Steele William turner, oppofite loot of High-fcliool wynd StGeorge John weaver, middle of Leith walk Stenhoulc Capt No 9. St James's fquare Stephens Capt. Andrew, No 4. Ftft's place, Leith walk T T

S— ( Hi ) S—

Stephens David trnnkmaker, in the co-ner to the earthen round, houfe foot of Anchor clofc Stephens William lloneware \\ou\<:, head of Baxter's clofc, Bawnmarkot Stephens George ironfor.nder, Tolbooth tvynd, Canongate Stephens Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, head of Cowgate Stevens David flioemakcr, Corwfeederrow Stevens Alexander brewer, Water of Leilh Stevens Chriftopher barber, foot of Canongate, h:uth fide Stevens Robert teacher, Pleafance Stevenlon Alexander dtp. clerk of ftflion, No zr. north Hanover ftrect Stevenfon Patrick writer, Nairn's clofe, Caftlehill Stevenfon Mrs. poulterer, oppolite Heron's court, Gcwgate Stevenfon William glazier, AHfon's fquare Stevenfon George or. the window tax-office, Bilhop'e land Stevenfons pump-wights, head of Weftport Stevenfon |ames ^rccer, Crcfscaufway Stevenfon Mils, Bucc'.eugh place Stevenfon Mrs Springfield, iLeith walk Stevenfon John, Paul's ttreet, Simon's fquare Stevenfon Robert painter and colourman. head of Morrocco'o clofe, Lawnmarket Stevenfon William baker, head of Pleafance Stevenfon James fpirit dealer, a* Queerifoerry's houfe, Canon.

Stevenfon Mrs. ftabler, back of the bought s, Grafsmarket Stevenlon Thomas fhoemaiser, head of Cab on Stewart Major gen. Alexander, No t. St Andrew's fquare Stewart Adam writer, No Q. St James's fquare Stewart William writer, Curtie's land, Broughton Stewart Malcom tailor and habitm liter, Aliiou's fquare Stewart James writer, No 17 St Andrew's fquare Stewart Charles writer, No 17. St Andrew's fquare Siewart Charles writ. (ig. No 14. St Andrew's fquare Stewart Andrew writ, fig Sociery Stewart David writ. fig. No 19. north Hanover Arret Stewart John giocer, oppofite head of Blackfriars wynd Stewart Lady Bar. of Traquair, Joby's entry, luad of the Canongate ( 1

Stewart Charles printer of the Herald Forrefier s wynd,) :

houfe No ?(,. Hinov 2. James's ftreet e? Stewart Dav?d merchant, Kirkbraehead Stewart John meffenger, foot of Brown's clofe, Luckenbooth? Stewart VVilium Efq; advocate, north CaiUe flreet Stewart John vintner, Flefhmarket clote r

Stewart Mrs. grocer, middle of Potter-row A Stewart Mrs. fpitit deakr, Oofscaufway Stewart Anthony miniature painter. No 3. eaft Regifter flreet Stewart Mrs mid Rofe .ftreet Andrew hairdrefler, ' Stewart, Crofscaufway :<

Stewart Mansfield merchant, head of Advocate's clofe <:

Stewart Alexander fhoemaker, Simon's fquare In Stewart J->hn Efq; No 39. fouth Hanover ftreet Stf-wart William fhoemaker, eaft Richmond ftreet Stewart James fpirit dealer, Richmond ftreet Stewart N and M. mufic fellers, No 37. fouth bridge, e. fide Stewart Mrs. grocer, Bn'tto ftreet Stewart Alexander grocer and gown keeper to the writ, fig, "Buccieugh ttre^t Stewart Mrs ftjruifhed lodgings fouth bridge, weft fide Stewart apd Ronaldfon hardware merchants, Lawnmarket Stewart Mrs. Jack's clofe, Canongate Stewart Mrs. No 259. Nicoilon's ftreet Stewart Mifs, milliner, No it. fouth bridge, eaft fide Stewart Mrs. of Binny, Merchant ftreet Stewart David tailor, St Mary^s wynd Stewart Mrs. boarding fchool, back of mealmarket ftairs Stewart Thomas ftabicr, head of Horfe wynd .Stewart Danitl fruit merchant, oppolite foot of Fortefter'a wynd Stewart David glover, Creams S'ewart John cabinet-maker, weft Rofe ftreet Stewart Mifs, Caltonhill Stewart Robert grocer, head of Ha'kerfton's wynd Stewart Thomas vintner, head of the old affembly clofe Stewart John fpirit dealer, weft Rofe ftreet T

S— )

Stewart Mifi No 5. Thiftle ftreet St«.wart J •on merchant, Luckenbooths Stewart Jsmes liabler, head of Cowgate Stewart Jo n muffin weaver, Caulewayfide Stewart Aiex ihoemaker, Nw8. fouth Hanover ftreet Sttw?rt Aicl'ibak! glover, No .4. notth bridge Stewart James woolkn draper, Luckenbooths

S'e--varr Robert fli'oemater, No 1 17- Nicolfon's ftree?- Ste-Wr.rt mufic matler, LeUh wynd Stewart James taitor, No 6. ..hakefpear's fqimre Stewart Lewis fpirit dealer, Buccleugh ftreet Stewart Andrew gardener, Wrightr-hc-ufes Stewart Jiintfe vintner, new bank ci.ifc' Stewart Andrew, Efq; mem pari George's (quart Stewart Dougal prof of moral philofof hy, A'gyle's fquare Stewart Alex macer of exchequer. Windmill iirctt Stewart John fpint dealer, hend of Waiufton's clofe Stewar"- Djnaid beef tiake and ham (hop, head of Lady Stair's clofe, Lawnm3rket Stewart Will, brufbmaker, Riddle's clofe, Lawnmarket Stewart James tobacconiit and fpirit dealer, head of Cant's d. S'ewart John wrjght and plane maker, No 39. Nicolf. ftreet Stewart Arch, chair matter, mid James's ftreet Stewart of Torance, No 61. Queen's ftreet

Stuart George writ. fig. No 5. St James's iqi.are Stuart John of the txcife. No 4 J. Queen's ftreet S uart James Elq; No 4Q Queen's tireet Siuart Dr Charles No 18. Nkolfon's fquare Stuart Mrs- James, Kirkbrachead Sticks Henry tailor, King't ftables, Wellport Still I\Irs haberdafher, head of Canongate Still Altx. cutler, college ftreet, oppofite the infirmary Stirling Sir James, No 69- Queen's (Ireet Stirling Lady Dowgtr of Gloart, Chapel, cr weft Ncolfcn's ftreet

Stirling and Allan milliners, No 2". fcoth bridge, esfl fid-s Stirling Mrs. No 9 fouth St David s ftreet Stirling Mifs grocer, Netherbow Stilling James fpirit dealer, weft Thiftle ftreet Stobie Mrs. Reid's court, Canontrate

**-"*> ' T U

S — ( z 74 ; S—

Stodart and M'Kell filk mercers aad wcallen drapers, No 36. north bridge

Stodart James Efq; coram iff. of excife, north Caftle ftreet weft fide Stodart James barr keeper, parliament houfe, Chriehton's ftreet.,

Stodart George watch maker* near Archer's hall Stodart Robert fmith, back, of the Caftle Stodart William cork cutter, near Magdalen chapel, CowgatS Storm Mrs. William tailor, No 2. eaft. Regifter flreet, Stormorith James writer, No 9. St James's iquare Storrie Mrs. perfumer, No 38. fquth bridge, weft fide Storrie John grocer, oppofite booghts, Grafsrnarket, n. fide Storrie Francis fmith and ferrier, No 1 1 weft Rjofe ftrest Storrie Alexander candlemaker, James's court Strachan Francis writ, fig St James's fouare Strachan Mrs. Brifto il'reet Strachan Mrs. Gi'mor s clofe, Grafsrnarket Strachan ja-mesgrccer, oppofite weigh houfe

Strachan William No 152. Nicoifon s ftreec Strachan George grocer, Tollcrcfis Strachan Mrs. furniibed lodgings, Nicolfon'a fquare Straiton William fmith, Pleafance Strange David teacher of Dancing, Toduck's wynd Stroak Alexander fini h, middle of For re iter's, wynd Stronach John fhoemaker and fpirij dealer, oppofite Queens- berry houfe, Canongate Sutherland Mrs Col. No 28 fouth Fredrick ftreet Sutherland John mtiLnger, head of Liberton's wynd Sutherland Mrs. No 11. Thiftle ftreet Sutherland Thomas haberdaiher. No 7. north bridge Sutherland Wiliiam fifli bookmaker, Liberton's wynd Sutherland Thomas flefher, Charles's lircet Sutherland William grocer, oppofite Crof3 well, fouth fide

Suterhlapd John vintner and flWher, flc fli market clofe Sutherland Alexander fpirit dealer, Simon'o fquare Sutherland Patrick grocer, oppofite linen hall, Canonp-ate, Sutherland John grocer, north PJchmond ftieet Sutherland John baker, Brifto ftreet

Sutherland i George fp ; it dealer, head of Canongate Sutherland John (hoenaaker, Caltoa hill U A

S— ( r-77 ) T—

Sutherland l\Trs. head of Cowgate Sutherland Daniel builder, north James's ftreet Sutherland Mrs. grocer, Leith walk, welt fide Sutter Alexander hairdrelbr, Kintores clofe, Luckenbooths Sutter David grocer, head of Halkeriion'fi wyiul Suttie Lady, No 9. St John's ftreet, Canongate Suttie Mrs. New ltrcet, Cm-ongdte Suttie James apothecary, head of Canongate, north fid: Suttie Robert Imith, St Ninian*3 row Swau James bairdrefier, under meal market (lairs Swan Alexander flahler, Grafsmarktt, fuuth Ode

Swan and Ewart hardware mei-cfants, head of Canongate ' Swan Robert goldfmith, No 12. Parliament ckde Swan William trunk maker, head of Cartubei's clofe Swan Mrs. vintner, Advocates clofe Swan George furnilhed lodgings, Carir.ber's clofe Swan Samuel horfe dealer, No 6. notlh St Andrew's ftrtei Swanfton David fpirit dealer, I.uckeubooths Swan {Ion William writing mailer, Ngw bank clofe

Swanfton John grocer, corner fhop, head of Niddry's ftreet t Swinton Archibald writ. fig. No 2. Queen's fireet Swinton Archibald of Kimmergham, George's fquare Swinton Mrs. grocer, fouth Richmond fireet Swinton John cart and plough w right, Abbey hill Swindall Capt. Crofbie, No 20. Prince's ftreet SydfevfF Buchan merchant, E;;chEnge, houie No 34. Queen-3 ftreet

Syeth Mrs. foot of New ftreet, Canongate : Syme Mifs, Richmond court

Syme James Elq; of Northtfeid, foot of Chalmer'a clefs : Syme William fpirit dealer, heed of Weft-port Syme John writ. fig. No 3. fouth St Diivid's ftreet Syme Robert writ. fig. Society Syme Thomas mufical inftiument maker, Chapel ftreet Sjme Mrs. fnmifhed lodgings. Charles's ftrect Syme W ifHam fhotmaker, caft Rofc ftreet

Symington James bookfel'er, front of Exchange . T Tait William Efq; No 67. Qu fen's ftreet

Tait 1 John janr. writ, fig, Kfo ;j. Prince's ftrc: : Taii. Juhu writ?,-. Society P 2 -

T— k ( 1 76 ) T—H;

Tait John writ, fig Park {beet

Tait Robert ftioemaker, head of Canongate.- 1 Tait Alexander writer, old pod houfe clofe Tait James architect, No 2. Charlotte ftreet?. Tait James, MorriCon's clofe. Tait James cabinet maker and brufh manufsdl. Cant's elofs- Tait James writer. Peacock's land, Canongate.

Tawfe John writer, No 3. St James's fquare Taylor John writ fig. No 55. George's Itreet, fouth fids. Taylor Peter baker, Buccleugh place Taylor Mrs. grocer, No 18. north Hanover ftreet Taylar Mifs. No 2. fouth Hanover ftreet

Taylor Mrs. furniilud lodgings r fouth Hanover ftreet Taylor Archibald tailor, head of the Canongate Taylor Mifs merchant, Luckenbooths Taylor George and' fun ftone and glafs warehoufe, Adam's, fquare,. and. borfe wynd Taylor Mrs. boarding houfe, m-id Rofe ftreet Taylor James lapidary, I^ttcr-iow well Taylor Mrs. furmfned lodgings, fouth Richmond ftreet: Taylcr William ftabler, head of Cowgate Taylor Daniel fnoemaktr, St Ninian'srow Taylor Robert founder, St Ninian'srow Tay'or James grocer, Simon's fquare Taylor and Co. fpirit dealers* No 21. Leith ftreet Taylor Mrs., painter, Murdoch's clofe Taylor John fhotmaker, Sc Ninian's row Taylor James flater, No 5. St Ann's ftreet Taylor David venitian window blind maker» Gibb's entry,

Nicolfon's ft recti Taylor Mrs. brewer. Abbey hill Taylor Patrick, fmuh, Scott's clofe Taylor Jame3 bookbinder, Gosford's clofe Temple John grocet, head of Weft port Ttmpletoii Mrs. furnifhed lodging3, No 4. St Andrew^ ftreet-, Tenacr.t Robert, folicitor at law, James's court, caft entry Tennent John painter, fouth end of Nicolfon's ftreet Ten tie nt Mr6. boarding and lodging, Brifto ftreet Thin Janus wright, Nicolfon's lquare M'lioa. ipirit dealer, ISincjucTs land, Cowgate to—h: ( 177 ) T—H

Thomas Mrs. vmtner, Advocate's cldfe Thomlon and Lothian merchants, end of Luckenbooths, fronting the Crofs Thomfon Djvid .-merchant, No 15. St. Andrew's fquare Thomfon David writ fig. No 24 fouth Fredrick flreet Thomfon John, oppofile aiTcmbly hall, Roft Itreet

Thomfon John, No 18. noith Hanover flreet . T homfon James writ. fig. north Gallic flreet Thomfon Mils, No 8. north Fredrick flrtct, weft fide Thomfon Mx». of Charleton, No 9. weft Rofe flreet, eaft fids. Thomfon Alexander grocer, liead of Jaoklon't clufe, high ftr. Thomfon William vright, Skinner's clofe, CaLlls-hill

Thomfon James and fon's lotter) t fftce and infurance brokers No 3. fouth bridge, tall fide, houfe No 1. taft Rofe flreet, fouth fide. Thomfon R.obert linen warehoufe, head of Libberton's wynd

Thornton < John watchmaker, No 4. Nicolfon's flreet Thomfon Mrs. weft Rofe flreet Thomfon John, Crichton flreet Thomfon John v/iighr,. Rofe ftreet Thomfon Thomas cabinetmaker, Potter-row Thomfon Peter grocer, No 8. weft Rofe flreet, fouth fide- Thomfon John fpirit dealer, Canal itreet Thomfon Ro'.rrt builder, Potter-row port Thomfon A'exsndev Gayheld place, Leith walk T homfon John fmith, Caufewayfide Thomfon Wihiam barber and bookfcller, head of the Wefl bow Thomfon Peter grocer, corner of Sc Patrick's flreet, Crofs- caufeway

Thomfon Archibald watchmaker, oppo. foot of Blair '3 flreet Thomfon James Leith waik. weft fide Thomfon Robert teacher, Simon's fquare Thomfon Robert, foot cf-Leirh waU, weft fide Thijmfon Alexander grocer, foot of Horfe-wynd Thomfon Ahxander tea warehoufe, Diummond flreet 1 Thomfon David baker, foot of Fcnefier's wynd Thomfon James grocer, weft port Xhorufon John carver, Magdalen's chapel, head of Cowgate

jLium T—ll- ( 178- ) T— I

Thomfon John baker, St Leonard's hill Thomfon Adam coach hyrer, middle of Pleafance Thomfon Mrs head of Cowgate Thomfon William weaver, foot of Leith wynd Thomfon Charles, Calton hill Thomfon Alex. Wright, M'Dougal's ftr. foot of Leith wynd Thomfon George writer, Blair's ftreet Thomfon Alexander wright, Brifto ftreet baker, Thomfon James head of Liberton's wynd, Lawn-m. . Thomfon Morrice ftarch maker, Robcrtfor.'s ciofe Thomfon Mrs. Calton hill Thomfon James iace weaver, Hyndford's clofe Thomfon Daniel grocer, foot of Cant's clofe Thomfm James fpirit dealer, north Caftle ftreet

Thomfon Mifs, No 2. fctith St Andrew's ftreet - Thomfon James grocer, Richmond ftreet Thomfon James brafs founder, Hunter's clofe, Grafsmarket Thomfon No 21. St Andrew's fquare Thomfon Edward ironmonger, Grafsmarket, north fide Thomfon John muiical instrument maker, fouth bridge Thomfon PArs. No 7 St James's fquare Thomfon Robert meffengrr, and n. p. Paterfon's court, id ftair right hand Thomfon Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, Bifhop's land Thomfon John toy {hop, No 10. fouth Fredrick ftreet Thomfon Peter grocer, No 8. weft Rofe ftreet Thomfon James hairdreffer, No 9. fouth Fredrick ftreet Thomfon Alexander accompt, of excife, Potter-row Thomfon Mr». Tobago ftrtet Thomfon Mrs. milliner, RLhmond place Thomfon James manufacturer, Drumfheugh Thorburn John tailor, Potter-row Thort urn jof*ph gtucer, No 45. fouth Hanover ftreet Thorburn William tea warehoufe, head of Burnet's clofe

Thcrburn J imes poultry (hop, No 3. George's (treet, f. fide Thorburn Walter uphclfteter, No 55. Prince's ftreet Trtipland Murray Efq; advocate, Buccleugh place Tibbets Thomas hatmaker, opprfitethe Crofs, fouth fide Tinto Wilihm grocer, No 105. Nicolfon'? ftreet

Tiviotdale James fpii it dealer, head of old AfTembly clofe O U

T— ( 179 ) T—

Tod George writer, No 2t» north Hanover llreet Tod Cape. AWx.n.dei, Park place Tod George woollen draper, No 23. north bridge Tod Thomas wi it. fig. Gfiprge's fquare Tod Archibald writ tig. GcurgcV fquare TuJ. Mifs, Lauri.b.u

1 od Thomas merchant and treasurer to orphant hofplta^ . Ramfay garden Tod James cabinet maker, High fchoo! yards

Tod Ms?. No, l 2 .St John's ftreet Tud Daniel grccer, Old Eank clofe

ToJ Henry uplioiiterer, cabin t m;,ker, and undertaker, foot of New ftrett Canongate, houfe head of ditto, oppo.fide Tod James grocer, Simon's fquare To ranee P.Irs. Bucoieugh itrect Torbet William grocer fouth end of Potter-row Torbet William fpirit dealer, oppufite loot of Forrefler's wy«

Torry Mrs. No 4.8. George's ftrett 3 north fide Touch rev. Dr John, Allilon's fquare Touch George bell hanger, Gavinlock's land Forrefter's wj» Tourner Abbe teacher of French, terrace, Leith ftreet

Trail Mrs No 2 1 . St Andrew's, fquare Trail Mifs, Society Trail Thomas cabinet maker and -auctioneer, No' I. St James's fquare Trotter Major Alexander, George's fquare Trotter Mrs. fen. of Bufh, George's fquare Trot'er Robert writ. -fig. Gorge's fquare Trotter Thomas writ. fig. George Yfquare Trotter Thomas merchant, No 7. George's ftreet, north fide Trotter Maxton and Co coiifecUoners, njrth bridge Trotter John glazier, Pleafance Trotter Mrs. of Morton hail, No 57. St John's Ureet Tudhope Mr?. No 3. mid James's ftreet Turbct Peter officer of txcii'e, Potter- low Turnbull William printing office, foot of New Eank clofe, houfe cuftom houfe flairs, Parliament clofe Turnbull Wiiliam woollen draper, oppofite Crofs, north fide

Turnbull James Efq; advocate, No 5. north St David's ftr, Turnbull Robert upholfterer, Carruber's cfofe. Turnbull John of e^cife, Canal ftreet U- T— ( 180 ) V— ft

Turubiill Thomas riding 3gcnt, No r. Antugiia ffreet, Leith walk Turnbull William teacher of drawing. No 3. north St David's ftreet, weft fide. Tu Bbull James wright, Gibbet toll Tuitier Mrs. midwife, head of Eaillie Fyfe's clofe Tur/ier Peter fpirit dealer, No 4. north St David's ftreet

Turner M-s. No y.eaft Rofe ft'reet, fouih fide Turner Mis fhirra bur.ier,-head of old Affembly clofe Tweddle George grocer, Weftport Tweddle Gco:ge cardleim.ker. Water of Lei'th Twcedie Alexander furveyor of cuftoms, Middleton's entry,, Briftoftseec Tweedie Mifs linen draper, Paik*row,, Btifto ftreet Tweedie Robert No 1, St James s fquare Tweedie Robut grocer, Nio 70 fouth bridge, weft fide T"*ec(iie Jame- of exciie north Richmond iireer. Tweedie Mrs. Buecleugb ftreet Tytler Frafer ETq, advocate. No 6>. Prince's fttect Tytlcr Major Peter, No 73, Q2" ?li » ftreet

IJ- Upfdale John copper plate printer, Writer's court

Urban i Peter muiicioner, toot of Can uber'a clofe Urquhait David of Br.aelang.well, No 49. George's flreet, fouth fide U quhart William leather and fhoe warehonfe, head Canon. Uq ihart William fhoe warchoufe No 12- fouth Hanover ftn U' quhart Davi.l horfe hyier, head of Cowgate Uiher Andrew iboemaker, Piealance V Vair and Cleryhengh hairdrtfiVrs, head of Covenant clofe, high flreet Vair Wil'iam hairdrefftr, Chapel flreet Valentine Alexander auftione^r, who pays the roup roll when afcertained deducting his fees, 5 h door fcale ftairs, Qick'foii'i clofe Villance George frinner. No 7. Thiftle flreet Vailance William glover, welt Regifter flreet A A

V— ( 181 ) W—

Vaucdian Edward miniature painter, No 7. Terrace, Leith ' ftreet V. itch George merchant, St Patrick fquare Witch John builder. No 11. Thiftle ftreet Veitch Andrew grocer, head of Weft port Veitch Mr*. furn:lhe

Walker Robert Prince's ftreet coffee houfe, No 1 Prince's

ftrett, an:! furnifhed lodgings, N > 2. fouth Piiiue's ftr. Walker Mrs. Paik ftreet Walker William clerk, Leith walk, weft fide Walker J-»mci grocer, No 43. Thiftle ftreet Walker Thomas writer, Jack's land, Canongate

•***B£ t^m. < A

\V— ( fo2 ) W—A.

Walker James grocer, park ft ie, near Gibbet toll Walker Alexander Efq; No ji Queen's ftreet Walker Charles fpfrit dealer, head of Weftport Walker John raenhant, head of Cowjjate Walker Jame6 grocer, fifft ftair within Jackfon's clofe Walker Mifs, playhoofe clofe,~Canongate Walker Alexander trunk maker, front of Exchange Walker Mifs, Weir's clofe, CaneA-

W— ( 183 ) W—

Wallace Mrs vintner, Buchanan's court. Lawn market Wallace Alexander fhoemaker, No 7. Role flrect Warden Mrs. ttabler, oppofite Cornmarket Warden Archibald writer, Leith wynd Ward'.aw Thomas ftockingmakcr, oppo. Mealmarkct Wardlaw Mrs. No 7. George's ftreet, north fide Wardlavv Mrs. No 3. Queen's llrcet Wardlaw James fpirit dealer, Canongate Wardlaw grocer, head of Wcttbow Wardropc James Efq; No I. weft Rofe ftreet Wardrope Andrew furgeon, No 4. fouth Hanover (Ircct Wardropc Mr?. No 76. Prince's ftreet Wardrope Thomas fklher, Caftle wynd Wardrope James, No t8. north Caftle ftreet Wardrope William fecretary of the baak of Scotland, north Caftle ftreet Wardrope Mrs Calton-hiil Wardrope Mrs. playhoufe clofe, Canongate Wardrope Mrs. Charles's ftreet Wardrope Mifs, Fuccleugh ftreet Warrender Mifs, Warrendtr's lodge, hack of Hope-park Warrender Hugh writer, ftair6, Parliament clofe, chambers, Caftle-hil! Watkinfon Mifs milliner, Leith wynd Watterfton David fpirit dealer, head of the Pleafance Watlen John muiic warehoufe, north bridge Watfon Mifs, Drummond's ftreet Watfon Robert, Park (beet Watfon Thomas lath-fplitter, Laurilton Watfon William fpirit dealer, Pleafance Watfon James writ. fig. No 77. Prince's ftreet Watfon George Writer, No 76. Queen's ftreet Watfon Capt. George's fquare Watfon James tobaccoaift, head of the Pleafance Watfon Mrs. Capt. No 6. St Andiew's ftreet Watfon Charles cabinetmaker and upholfterer, ealt end of Drummond ftreet Watfon and Co. grocers and confectioners, Nicolfon/s ftreet Watfon Arthur fpirit dealer, near Archers-hall Q

T~ W— A ( r3 4 ) W— A

Watfon Samuel folicitor at law, Milne's court Wat fori George fhoemaker, R'chmond ftreet Watfon Andrew gardener, Somrnerhall, eaft end of Hope patk Watfcn George writer, Milne's court Watfon George wood merchant, head of Weft how Watfon Henry hardware merchant, No 43. fouth bridge Watfon James bookbinder, Weil bow, Grant's clofe Watfon James and Co. ftationers, No 40. fouth bridge, eaft fide Wstfon Mango, Society hall Watfon John piano-forte maker, fouth bridge Watfon Mrs. Hyndford'ts dole Watfon William cabinet and upholfterer ware-room, oppofite head of New ltreet v Canongate *Wa.tfon Mrs. grocer, Nether bow, north fide Watfon George portrait painter, within the Exchange 'Watfon Thomas budder, G'ftord's park, near Archers hall Watfon Mrs. Boyd's clofe, Canongate Watfon John and Archibald piano- forte makers, terrace, Leith ftreet Watfon John writer, Candlemaker-row Watfon Mifs mantua maker, Monteith's clofe Watfon Thomas glazier, Libertohs wynd Watfon James painter, head of B«rringer's clofe Watt Alexander cabinet maker, Todnck's wynd, ware houfe No sr. fouth bridge, eaft fide Watt John ivory turner, Nether bow Watt John tobacconift, corner of Charleys ftreet Watt James bookbinder, Anchor clofe Watt John grocer, foot of Wtftbow Watt John painter, corner of Nicolfon's fquare Watt Mrs. grocer, No 10. Leith ftreet

Watt Jr»hn fl our merchant, Weftport Watt John auctioneer, foot of Blair's ftreet Watt Robert merchant, north Gray's ciofe Watt founder, St Niniar/s row Watt Mifs mantua maker, Calton

Wauchope John of Edmonfton, No 3 George's ftr. n. fide Wauchope John writ fig No 2Q Prince's ftreet Wauchope Andrew of Niddry, Bucclciigh v'lace Wauchope Andrew ivory turner, No 18. fouth bridge, c. fide A

lS \V- 8 W— C ; )

Wauohnpp Mrfs, No 91. fouth Fredrick flrcet,wefl fide Waugfa William Writer, Canal ftreet Waugh Jamts baktr, Water of Leitli Wiugh Mif3. Alifm's (quare Weblter rev Dr CharrCf, Chapel ftreet Wcbfter Miff, St Patrick's fqaftre Webfter Mungo fpirit dealer, weft Regifter fireet Wtbller rev. John, Spittle field, near Gibbet toll Weddetburn Mrs Scicanea Wcdderburn Mif*, foot of Le ith walk, ea!l fide Wrir Thomas writer, Hope park end Weir Alexander painter, Todiick's wynd Weir's iMufetim, No r6. Prince's, ftrttt Weir John grocer, well Rofe Urcet Weir Mrs. Tolleroffl Weir Robert mafon, Tolbocth wynd, Canongate Weir Mrs* James's court Weir John builder, No i. weft Rofe fired, north fid:) Weir John writer, Charles's ltreet Weir Daniel, Gilford's park, near Archers hall Weir Mifs, ea!t Richmond ltreet Welfh George furveyor of the roads, St Patrick's fquare Welfll Henry writ. fig. Brifto ftreet Welfh John teacher, head of Jarkfon's clofa Welfh James baker, head of Weftbow Welfh Mr3. Crofscaufway Welfh John tool-maker, Dickfon's clofe

Wellwood Mrs. No I. Queen's ftreet Wellwood Sir H3rry Muncrief, No 13. Queen's ftreet Wemyfs Lady E!iz. No 11. St John's ftreet Wemyfs William writ fig. Baillie Fyfe's clofe Wemyf8 Thomas wiiter, meal market flairs Wemyfs Robert fpirit dealer, oppo foot of Blackfriai's wynd Wemyfs William baker, No 44. fouth Hanover ftreet Wemyfs David writ. fig. mid James's ftreet Wemyfs Robot filk dyer, head of Welt bow Welt Mrs. No 56. Queen's ftreet Weil Morrie of the cuftoms, No 56- Oucen's flreet Welt Capt. William No 56. Q^een's^ftreet Weft James fhoemaker, Nether bow Wethcihead Robert baker, hcad-of Canor.oate, north fide i^^^KJEkL H w

W— ( m ) W—H Wttherfpoon Edward grocer, Weft port Wharton Thom*s commill. ot'excife, Lauriftoo lane Whillis James porter dealer. Mtln's court* White from India, No S. north St Divid's ftreet

White John Efq; advocate, No ; 8. north Fredrick ftreet White John and Co. merchants, (late lottery ofSce, oppo. Tron-kirk. White Wiliiara writer, No 16. St James's fquare White Bain writ fig. No 50. fouth bridge, earl fide White Gilbert tailor No I. St James's fquare

White William and J. painters, Baihie Fyfe's clofe White William baker, Cuuiwa-ylide White William fmhh, foot of Warriftoo's clofe White John candlemsker, corner of weft Nicolfon's ftreet White David merchant, middle of Canongate White George tanner, Plesfance White John j.weller, No 6. ft>uth bridge, weft fide White John corn-merchant, head of Cowgate White Thomas baker, head of Calton White Patrick bookbinder, Fifbmarket clofe White Jamts druggift, head of Gcsford's clofe, Lawnmarket White James bookbinder, Weftport Wtiite John grocer, No 16. north Hanover ftreet

White Archibald h* ft: monger, Fifhmavket clofe White James hairdrciTer, head of Morocco's clofe, Lawn- market White Robert cabinet maker, Monteith's clofe White James tailor, Crofscaufw3y White Mif?, Biinfield White Mrs. grocer, middle of Leithwalk, weft fide White ironfounder, foot of Leith walk, eaftfide Whiteford Sir John, Gallaway's entry, foot of Canongate Whitehead Robert plaillcrer, M'Dowgall's ftreet, foot of Leith wynd Whitehead Robert wright, New ftreet, Canongate Whitelaw Davui brewer, Hcriot'S entry, Grafsmarket Whitelaw Mve. grocer, Richmond ftrett Whitelaw Mrs. iurniihed lodgings, A'ifon's Square VVhitelock dentift, terrace, Leith ftreet Whitfon James cabinet maker, mid common clofe, houfe Firrie a clufe, Canongate I I

W— ( 1*7 ) \V—

Wight Dr William, caft Rcgifter ftreet Wight Mrs. No I. James's ftreet Wight Alexander writ fig No 23. north Hanover flveet Wight George cabinet and upholilcry wareroom, No 4,. terrace, Leith ftreet Wight Mrs. Chapel ftreet Wight Mrs. midwife, Todn'ck's wynd Wight Alexander baker, head of New Bank clofe Wight M's. furnni filed lodgings, No 75 Chapel ilr<:it Wight William cutler, BUir's ftreet, ealt fide Wight Mifs, head of Plealance Wight Mifs worlted (hop, Luckenbooths Wightman's charity fchool, CafUe-hill Wightman George hairdrefler, mid Rofe ftreet Wilkie Mrs of Foulden, No 7. Prince's ftreet Wilkie Mr8. No 15. St Andrew's fquare Wilkie William tailor, No I, James's fquare, fouth fide Wilkie Peter coach and harnefs-maker, Pleafance

Wilkie James cabinet and chair-maker, eafl Mufe lane* • George's fquare, houfe Buccleugh ibeet Wilkie James builder, fouth CaSle ftreet, weft fide Wilkinfon Anthony gunmaker, oppo. Fountain we!!, n. fide Wilkinfon James baker, No 14. weft Rofe ftreet, fouth fide < Wilkinfon James, BmHo ftreet Wilfon IVIrs. No 5 fouth Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide Wilfon Thomas £fq; advocate, No 5. iouth Fredrick ftreet, eaft fide

Wilfon William Efq; of Wilfonton, back of Hope park - Wiifon John baker, No 24. Nicobon's ftreet Wilfon David fhoemaker, Middleton's eiitry, Potter-row

Wilfon Robert cabinet wareroom> eaft ?»Iufe lar.e of George'd : fquare Wilfon William-baker, fouth end of Ntcolfon's flreet Wilfon John coach- maker, No 4. Prince's ftreet, fouth fi.!? -

Wilfon John.filk-wcaver, Sime's court, Calton-hill . Wilfon Henry tailor, Pleafa ce Wilfon Andrew brewer, head of Weftport Wilfon George fkfher, St Patrick's fquare Wilfon Mrs. grocer, near the Archers hall Wilfon David grocer, Brifto ftreet

L2C2fc4_ I I

W— ( t83 ) W—

Wilfon John grocer, middle of Weftport Wilfpn Thorns writer, Old AiTembly clofe Wilfon Thomas fhoemaker, King's tlablea, Weftport Wilfon John teacher, Grant's clofe, Well bow Wilfon John fhipmafier, near foot of Leith walk Wilfon David grocer, oppofite head of Blackfriar's wynd. Wilfon Adam writer, foot of terrace, Leith ftreet Wilfon John baker, Croffcaufway Wilfon Mrs. foot of Leith walk

Wilfon Thomas tailor, No 4. St Ann's ftreet Wilfon John fpirit dealer, head of Cowgate Wilfon Mrs. broker, foot of Back flairs Wilfon Stanhope teacher of dancing, Alifon's fquare Wilfon John builder, Calton Wilfon Mrs Dr Society Wilfon Robert ttacher, No 35 fouth bridge, eaft fide Wilfon Andrew fpirit dealer, oppofite foot of Forrellsr's wy„ Wilfon John bookfeller, No 17. Parliament clofe Wilfon Adam fpirit dealer, Baxtets clofe, Canongate Wilfon Mrs furnifhed lodgings', Brifto ftreet Wilfon William of the excife, eaft Rofe ftreet Wilfon Richard hairdreffcr, opp. Englifh chapel, Cowgate port Wilfon Daniel grocer, middle of Weftport Wilfon Mifs milliner, No 28. fouth bridge, weft fide Wilfon Dougal ba-irdreffer, Bull turnpike

Wilfon Robert printer, Hume's clofe, houfe No 7. n. bridge Wilfon Mrs. Andrew flefher, fiefii market clofe, or foot of Canongate Wilfon Dr. No 2&. Prince's flreet Wilfon Mrs. merchant, Luckcnbooths Wilfon Alexander gardener, Leith walk Wilfon Thomas por

Wilfon i hortrat tailor, Goofedub Wilfon R< bert cabinet maker, Alifon's clofe, head of Cowg. Wilfon John turner, oppyGte head of New flreet, Canongite

~ -^ I

W— ( 189 ) w—o

Wiifon Archibald painter, head of Niddry's flrtet Wilfoa Robert ftabler, Soraervill's clofe, Canongate WHfon James merchant, Milne's court Wiifon Alexander (hoc-maker, High fcheol yards Williamfon D;vid Efqs advocate, Alifon's Iquare Williamfon Jofeph Eiq; advocate, Leven ludg; Williamfon M'P. Richmond place Williamfon M»s. George's fquare Williamfon Alexander Efq; of Lawhill, Alifon'3 fquare Williamfon rev. John, Nicolion's ftreet glafs warehouie, Williamfon Alcxandet Mo 43. fouth bridge9 welt fide Williamfon George meflenger, prefident flairs, Parlia. clofe Williamfon Charles teacher, oppofite linen hall, Canongate Williamfon Miff, No 35. Queen's ftreet Williamfon Robert, middle of Leith walk Williamfon Alexander fherriff officer, prefident flairs, Parlia* meat clofe Williamfon James grocer, Nicolfon's ftreet Williamfon Robert mafon and fpirit dealer, Abbey Williamfon John, Potter-row

Williamfon William fadlcr, No 1. Drummond flreet Williamfon John wright, Richmond ftreet Williamfon Peter vintner, Gaviniock's land, Lawnmarket Williamfon James mafon, Hyndf aid's clofe William fonDavd and Mrs/poulterers, houfe Fifhmarket clofe W illiamfcn James merchant, St Patrick fquare WiT'iarofon Mrs. fumifhed lodgings, No t. St James's fquare Williamfon Findlay fhoemaker, Weil port W'illiamfcn John teacher of languages, Nicolfon's ftreet Williamfon Mrs. vintner, Advocate's clofe Willifon George Efq; No 8. George's ftreet, fouth fide Willifon David printer, Craig's clofe Winter William officer pfescife, Livingfton's yards Winton George builder, fouth Cattle ftreet Wife Robert grocer, fouth St David's ftreet Wilhart Mrs. No 59. George's ftreet, fouth fide With art William iolicitor at law, prefident flairs, Par* clofe WitchellJohn grocer, No 1. terrace, Leirji ftreet Wordie Mrs. Chefitl'o court, Canongate

IHBHH9ni o R w— ( J90 ) \V—

Wordfwoith Samuel ftabler, anil coffee rooms, foot of terrace, Leitrr ftreet Wood Walter, No 6. St James's fquare Wood John folicitor at law and futveyor of window duties, for. the county of Edinburgh, foot of Allan's clofe

Wood Alexander furgeon college ftreet, oppofite high fchool J wynd Wood Andrew furgeon, foot of Horfe wynd Wood George furgeon, No 7. Hunter's fquare Wood Thomas furgeon, Nicolfon's fquare, north fide- Wood John leather merchant, Pieaiance

Wood Alexander meal dealer, St Ninian's rov? - Wood Alexander cork-cutter, Cr' fscaufway • Wood James fpirit dealer, St Ninian's row Wood Mrs. Gifford's park, Rear Archers hall Wood fhoe and lairing (hop, St Mary's wynd Wrjod William bookfeller, Luckenbooths Wood John ftaymaker, St Mary's wynd

Woods William of the theatre royal, No 3. eaft Regifler fir, Woodhead Anthony folicitor at law. Richmond ftreet Wrigh John Eiq; advocate, New Affembly clofe Wrigh Thomas of Greenhill, George's fquare, weft fide Wrigh Malcolm merchant, head of Warrifton's clofe Wrigh Alexander wine merchant foot of Weft bow Wrigh Dr William phyfician, No 2. eait Regifter ftreet Wrigh Mrs. fpirit dealer, Pleafance Wri^h Mrs. Hone waielioufe, No 42. fouth Hanover Jfret Wrigh John w<;ol!tn draper, head of Stevenlaws clofe Wrigh Robert builder, Tobago ftreet Wrigh James car-, and plough wright. Caftle wynd Wrigh William fool maker, Nicolfon's ftreet Wrigh Mrs. Tobago ftreet Wrigh George flay maker, Potter-row Wrigh George. auctioneer, foot of meal market ila!r3 Wrigh Peter fpiric dealer, Milne'j fquare Wrigh James pewetherer head of Cowgate Wrigh William cabinet maker, Leith wynd Wrigh D.iriiel flater, Somervill's clofe, Canongate Wrigh Mrs. Crofs, fouth fide

Wrigh James tailor, Hamilton's entry, Brifto ftreet ' Wri&h William tailor, N.o$, Shakefpcar's fquare

'- R

\V— (191 ) Y-0

Wright David tailor, No 7. Shukefuear't? f^uare Wright Mra Cauiwajfide \\ yld John h!q; advocate, north Caft'e ftreet

\, yld John tobacconift, lu a i bi Elelhcnarkel clofe Wyld Join, dealer, foot of the k¥eftbow Wyllic H;:ny Johullon writer^ north Gallic ftreet

\v •) Hie James Writer, Dunbar's dole Wjdlk Edward ckrk to the boughta, Grafmiarkct

Yaii Mrs. milliner, Writer's court Yellowleea Job* cart and plough wright, Abbey Xellowlees John painter, Chapel ftreet Yetts WiHiam cabinet wareroom, No 1$. fouth bridge, eait fide, boufe and iiiup Canal ftreet Young Alexander writ, fig No ^8. Queen's ftreet Young Robert merchant, No 78. Queen's tlreet. Young, Trotter and Hamilton uph.uifl.eurs, No 5 fouth Piirce's ftreet Young William writer, No 29. George's ftreet, fouth fide Young Henry vintner, Edin. golf houfe, w. end Brunt, links Young Charles writ, fig No 5. James's ilreet Young James writer, Panmuh's houfe, Canongate Young John tailor, Boyd's clofe, head of Canongate, f. fide Young John writ. fig. No 7. fouth Hanover ftreet Young Mifs, No 38. fouth Hanover fircet Young Robert Haymaker. No 55 Pi ince's ftreet Young Mrs New ftreet, Canongate Young Pvobert Efq; No 12. louth Fredrick ftreet Young Mrs. Col. head of St John's ftreet Young Edward folicitor at law, Met chant ftreet Young Mifs, fouth Cattle ftreet Young Robert wiiter, Crichton ftreet Young Colin vintner, Ai.ber's hall Young Thomas teacher, No 15. tall Rofs ftreet, fouth fids Ycung Mitchcl painter, Horfe wynd Young Mrs. confectioner and grocer, f. St Andrew's ftreet Young John merchant^ Richmond ilreet Young jamts teacher, Rofe (licet, oppufite affembly hall Young Mrs. Richmond court Young John fen. architect, No 18. north Hanover flieet i E

Y— ( *$>* ) Z—

Young Joho jun. architect, No 3. TKiftle ftreet Young John phcenix fire office writer, Hunter's fquare Young Charles grocer, foot of Weft port Young Mifs mantuamaker, James's ftreet Young Mts. midwife, Milae'> court Young William baker, head of Skinner's clofe Young John hairdrtffer, and perfumer, Charles's ftreet "Young James beef fteak houfe, oppofite foot of Bail's ftreet- Young William cabinet maker, Reikit's court, Nicolfon'a ftr. Young Robert fmith. Potter-row Young Mils teacher of mufic, No 1. James's ftreet Young Mi fa, Canal ilreet Young Mrs. Leith walk, weft fide Young Thomas Painter, M'Conochie's clofe, bead Cowgate Young William corkcutter, foot of Scot's clofe, Cowgate Young Robert flater, Croftcaufvvay Yourjg John fmith and ferrier, Paul's work Young Thomas writer, Crofscaufway Younger's vaults for porter and ale, Blair's ftreet, eaft fide Younger and Somerviile brewers, head of north back of Canongate Younger Richard brewer, Bmughton

Youngfon Alexander writer No 23, George's ftreet, f, fide Younfon Thomas fpirit dealer, Grafsmarket, north- fide Youl John meal-dealer, CafHebatns Yule Dr John, No 50. fouth bridge, cafl fide Yule Benjamin baker, oppofite weft Bow head Yule George writer, Kincaid's land, Cowgate Yule William, Springheid, Ltith walk Yule James flefher, houfe green market Yule John baker, head of Chalmer's clofe

Zeigler Miff, Lindfay's land, Caftlehill Zeigler Alexander jeweller, Alifon's fquare Z.eigler George writer, middle of Old Afferably clofe ' ,7, ~ L\lk ira til MajM

I exv - 0\

o Vfi.

i h

'7 frtfir


\ h*/ fee

y p


\\1 " • I N


Adam George, middle of Kirkgate Adamfon Hiflop of Excife, Yardheads Adie John wireworker, near the foot of Queen's ftreet Ainfli'e William tea and fpirit dealer, head of Broad wynd Aitchifon rev. Thomas, oppofite the church, Kirkgate Aitchifon John merchant, head of Quality ftreet Aitken R-sbert ftioemaker, foot of the Shore Aitken Thoma6, Horfe wynd Airken Alexander tailor, Coalhill Aitken Robert fpirit dealer, near foot of Shore A'exander Forreft fhoe warehoufe, New Quay Alexander Robert clock and watch maker, middle of Shore Alexander John meal dealer, Horfe wynd A'exander James rope manufacturer, head of Kirkgate Alexander James fpirit dealer. Rotten row Alexander Peter fhoemaker, St Andrew's ftreet Alifon Andrew rope and fail cloth manufacturer, oppofite Glafs houfe Alifon Alexander Mrs. near golf houfe, Links Alfton John clock and watch maker, Tollbooth wynd Allan David furveyor of excife, foot of the Kirkgate Allan William and Co. merchants, Tolbooth wynd Allan Thom-aa and Co. merchants, New Quay Allan Mrs fpirit dealer, end of draw bridge, north Leitfa Allan John fpirit dealer, head of the Kirkgate Allan Thomas, end of the draw bridge, north Leith Amos James fpirit 4ea!cr, Sheephtad wynd Anderfoo Thomas furgeon, Broad wynd Anderfon Ebenezer grocer, Bernard's (Ireet Anderfon Peter cork cutter Rotten row Anderfou M'S head of Brwrie*s ftreet Anderfon John fhoeauker. bud of Kukgate

-*nm* v*-^ffc/^™u N 1

A— ( 194 ) B—

Anderfon John merchant, CoatEeid lane, Kirkgate Anderfon David tobaceonift and candlemaker, foot of the Kirkgate Anderfon Alexander Mocking maker, St Andrew's ftreet Anderfon Peter fpirit dealer, Coalhill Anderfon John fhipmailer, Sheephead wynd Anderfon Mrs. Younger brewer, Yardheads Anderfon William porter dealer, Parliament fqnarr? 7 Anderfon and Peacock candlemakers, head of St Giles s ftr> Antkrfoa Mrs. grocer, St Giles's ftreet Ande'fon James fen. cooper P.otten row Anderfon Gilbert officer of excife, Rotten row Anderfon Thomas fhipmailer, New Quay Angu« John broker, middle of the Kirkgate Angus Mrs. pawn broker, foot of the Shore Archibald John wine merchant, Coatfield lane, Kirkgat Arkley John hairdteffer, St Andrew's ftreet B

Bain Robert grocer, New Quay Bain Peter merchant, Balic ftreet Beird Mrs. St Andrew's ftreet Baldwin Henry fhip-caq^enter, Citadel, houfe back of the kirk, north Leith Baleny William corn-merchant, Kirkgate Ballintine John. Rotten-row Balfour John dairdreffer, St Andrew's ftreet Balmain Andrew fpirit dealer, St Andrew's ftreet Bannerman James wine merchant, end of St Giles'* ftreet, next the Sherriff-brae Barker and Chriftie grocers, middle of St Andrew's ftreet Barker Rcbtrt brewer, Yardheads Barr Charles fhipmafter, uorth Leith Baxter Mrs furnifhed lodgings, Coalhill Bcadie John merchant. Sher. iff-brae Btatfon Mrs. William on the Shore Beatfon Mifs, ..orth Leith Begbie Mrs. glazier, Tolbooth wynd Beghir fpirit dtaier, foot of the Kiikgate Begbk William and At xaiido plumbers and ghrziers, oppo- hte head of CuattuuUoo P.reet E R

B— ( IPS' ) B—

Begg Mrs William, Iviikgats BcilBcil William wine merchant} QuiQuality flreet Bell Charles wine merchant, end of Baltic flreet Belt Mrs. north Leith

Yi<-.l Jofiah turner, Tolbooth wynd Bell Nicol copper and tiufmith, foot of the Tolbooth wynd Bell Mrs. Quality ftreet Bell Thomas fhoemaker, St Giles's ftreet Bell Nicol fpint dealer middle of St Andrew's ftreet Bell James of the Britifh linen Co. cfrice. end of drawbridge^ north Leith Bennet Alexander wright, St Andrew's flreet Berney Jdm grocer, Greentree, St Giles's fireet Beveridge D. grocer, head of Broad wynd Black John ftabkr, foot of the Shore Black James fen. tea and fpirit dealer, Coalhill Black James jnn. foot of the Kitkgate Black Archibald baker, Sherriff-brae Black Alexander wright, Yardheads BUck David and James tobacconilfs, middle of the: Suord Blackball Mrs. vintner, new Afferfibly rooms Blackie James cooper, Sf Giles's flreet Blackwood Archibald grocer, Greentree, St Giles's flreet Blair Mrs. Lees quarter, St Giles's ftreet Bolton Edward flefher, houfe Flefhmarket clofe Bonner James painter, Milne's land, Shore Boiwcll Mrs Yardheads

; 1 Dav d teaclier of dancing, north Leitij Bowie Mis furnifhed lodgings on the Shore Boyd John thipmafter, Broad wynd Boog John hairdrefler, Kirkgate Bookiefs James lintdreffer, St Andrew's Pcreet Boon Alexander none warehouse, St Andrew's ftret Braid Robert fpirit dealer, foot of the Shore Brand John dyer, Leith-mills Bridge* Mrs. Broad wynd

Brodie Jofeph fhipmafter, Todhole's clofe, St Andrew's fireet Brodie Jsmes and Co. Bernard's ftreet B r ough David grocer, Rotten-row Brown Robert ibipmafttr, St Andrew's flreet Brown John fmith and femer head of Kirkgate R

-^g- i « i nwn-sar?-^ R

3— ( 196 ) C—A

Brown Ge-arge merchant, middle of St Andrew's ftreet Brown Edward fhipmatter, end of old bridge Brown John nail manufacturer, middle of Khkgate Brown Robert fpirit dealer, Burges's clofe Brown George ihipmaiter, head of Korfe wynd, St Giles's dr. Brown Robert fhipmailer, New Qnay Bruce James wine merchant, onrth Leith Bruce Walter cabinet maker, Coatneld's land

Brunton Robert cooper and grocer. Greentree, St Giles's ftr. Brunton Robert carron warehoufe, foot of Tolbooth wynd Buchan3n William manager of New glafshoufe Bull Mifs, Liddle's clofe. St Andrew's ftreet Bulloch Andrew fhoewarehoufe, foot of Tolbooth wynd Eurntrt Mrs. vintner, Willie Water's clofe Burnet Alexander haird' tiler, Tolbooth wynd Burrel -cooper, old Filhmarket clofe Butler Philip ihipmaiter, Broad wyad

-Cairns James wright, Yardheads Cairns William ihipmaiter, New Quay Ci.tchsn Daniel ihipmaiter, back of north leith kirk Calderwood John corn and meal dealer, Coalhill Cameron John bulker, middle of the Kirkgate Cameron Murdoch grocer, foot of Qneen's ftreet Campbell Alexander fmith, Yardheads Campbell John fpirit dealer, north Leith Campbells Mifs milliners, middle of the Shore Campbell Thomas fpirit dealer, foot of Kirkgale Campbell William grocer, Bernard's ftreet Campbell William ihcemaker, foot of the walk Campbell Mrs. furnifhed lodgings, for fea bathing, Citadel Campell Jamts fhipmafter, Rotten-row Carfrae William, Horfe wynd Carfae Mrs. broker, Tolbooth wynd Carfrae John fphit dealer, Tolbooth wynd Carmichael P«tcr fpirit dealer, Coalhill Carnegie John tea and fpirit dealer, head of the Kirkgate .Carnegie John fpirit dealer, St Andrew's ftreet C- Q C—A ( Iv7 ) hopfe middle of Garrick Robert permit office, old bridge, L ith walk, eaft fide Cbarteris Mrs. Tolbooth wynd _ } c Cheap George wine merchant, accompting houie, bead o\ Quality ftreet Cheap James ofWillfield, Conftitution ftreet Chtyne J6hn furgeon, middle of the Shore Chryne John fhipmafter, St Andrew'a ftreet Cheyne Mrs. north Leivh Chifholm Mrs. vintner, m ; r!aie of llie Shore Chiiftie William wheelwright, Kirkgate, corner cf St Giles'* ftreet Chriflie William meafurer, Dub-row, or St Andrew's ftreet Chiiilie Mrs. Tolbooth wynd Clark Thomas fhipmafter, Broad wynd Clark Mrs. furnifhed lodgings. St Bernard's ftreet Cleghorn Robert and Alexander bakers, Tolbooth wynd Cleghorn Archibald corn merchant, north Leith Cleghorn Alexander fhipmafter, Tolbooth wynd Cleugh Alexander fplit peafe manufa&urer, Creentree, St Giles's theet Cochran Thomas fail cloth manufi-'cltirer, middle ofKirkgate Cochran John, foot of the Kirkgate Coke VY illiam bookfeller, Shore, next flmp toot Eernard's few Coldftream Robert grocer, Tolbooth wynd, near the pips Co'ie Mrs. fpirit dealer, Tolbooth wynd Golquhoitn rev, John, Conflitution ftreet Coifton John wigmakcr, Broad wynd Comb Alexander fhipmafter, Tolbooth wynd Comb Mathew fen. brewer, Kirkgate Comb Mathew jun. brewer, Yardheada Con die David fpirit dealer, St Giles's ftreet Cormick John tobacconift, Coalhill CofTir Simon club maker, Golf-houfe, Links Cofiar David grocer, north Leith CofTar William baker, CoaihiH Cou per Peter fhipmafter, back of north Leith kirk Couper John painter, foot of Tolbooth wynd Cowan Charles and Co. merchants, Tolbooth wynd

_m^_ o I

c— ( 193 ) D—

Cowie Ifaac, St Gile's ftreet Craig James merchant, St Bernards ftreet Craigie David (hoemaker, end of dr3\v bridge, north Leith. Craigie Mrs. fpirit dealer, Baltic ftrett Crawford William and John merchants, Baltic ftreet Crawford Peter mipmafter, north Leith Crawford John merchant on the Shore Crawford James fhipbuilder, north Leith Cree Mrs. flabler, opp.;fite he?d pf Quality ftreet Creir Jamrs ftiipmafter, old fugar houie clofe Crichton Mrs. midwife, B.otten-row Crichtjon. John watch and clockmaker, middle of the Shors Cririe James teacher, High Lhcol Crocket John ftabler, Kirkgate Crombie Alexander grocer, Rotten-row Cummins: William vintner nn the Shore Cundis John brewer, Sherriff-brae Cundle William cafheer to the bank, houfe CoatHtld lattg Cunningham Alexander weaver, Citadel Cunningham Ninian weaver, Citadel Cunningham David weaver, Citadel Carrie Alexander, Broad wynd Currie John vintner, Coalhill Cuthbertfon John tea dealer, Kirkgate D Dalgliih Mrs. furniflred lodgings, north Leith Dakiel Thomas ftiipmafter, Citadel Danlkine Robert fpirit dealer, north Leith Davidfon William fpirit dealer, Kirkgate Davidfon Mrs; Tolbouth wynd Dcnoon Daniel fhipmaiter, St Bernard's ftreet Dcnnifon William lhoemaker, oppofite Horfe wynd, St GilesV ftreet Dennifon James lhoemaker, oppofite Horfe wynd, St Giles's ftreet Dewar Mrs^fpirit dealer, head of the Kirkgate Dickman John clock and watch maker, Kirkgate Dickfon rev. Robert* Conilitution ftreet Dickfon Robert auctionec?, Qneen's ftreet Dickfon Mifs mantnamaker, end of draw-bridge, north Leith Dickfon Mrs. mercnant on the Shore Dickfon Anthony tidewaiter, middle of Tolbooth wynd I

D— ( 199 )' r-o pick Ton A

"Elder Capt Charles, Morton's land, head of the Links Elder William glover, oppofite the pip?, Kiikgate Elder Alexander grocer, To'booth wynd

Eli tt John fhoemaker, Horfe wynd Erikine John hatmaker, middle of St Andrew's ftreet

Farquhar James fpirit dealer, Coalhill Fenwick Mrs. ftablcr, Kirkg-ute Fergufon John fpirit dealer, it Andrew's ftreet Fergufcn Daniel tailor, middle of the Eirkgate Furrier Andrew ffipmafter, Sheephead wynd Findlay Capt. John, north Leith Findlay and Gavint {hip-chandlers on the Shore. Findlay Mrs. north Leilh Findlay Robert viotner on the Shore Findlay George fhipmafter, Rotter.-row Floyd Mt8. foot cf the walk Forbes Mrs, Lowrie's ftreet Fjrfyth Andjew fhipmafter, Yardheads Forfyth Alexander grocer, Parliament fquan: L

i—i i 2©0 ) G—

Forfyth Henry confectioner, end of the draw bridge, north Leith Forfyth Mrs. Yardheads Forrtfter P. and F. merchants, Baltic ftreet France William fpirit dealer, Kirkgate Frafer James grocer, Kitkgate Frafer Mrs. Queen's ftreet Ffeebairn David merchant, St Bernard's ftreet Fulton Mrs. grocer, middle of St Andrew's ftreet Fulton Joh/i fpirit dealer, Greentree, St Giles's ftreet Fife Lady, Hermitage Fyfe George copperfmith, Queen'6 ftreet Fife John merchant, Kirkgate Fyfe Barclay merchant, oppoiite excife office, Kirkgate G Gaibraith Andrew grocer, head of Horfe wynd, St Giles's ftreet Gallitry Mrs. Yardheads Gardner Richard fhipmafter, Broad wyr.d Gardner Harry merchant, St Bernard's ftreet Gardner William, Broad, wynd Garrcck Mrs. foot of the Kirkgate Garrock Robert fpirit dealer, foot of Queen's ftreet Gavin William fhipmafter, north Leith Gavin Ptter (hipmafter,- north Leith Geddes Archil aid of the Edinburgh comp. Glafs-houfe Geddes John fpirit dealer, Links Gibfon George grocer, and wharSnger on the Shore, near St Bernard's ftreet Gibfon and Herdman furgeons, Kirkgate, oppofite pipes Gibfon John tailor, head of the Kirkgate Gibb Mrs, George vintner on the Shore Gibb Alexander candlemaker, New Quay Gibb John fpirit dealer, Quality ftreet Gdbett Mifs milliner on the Shore, foot of Queen's ftreet Giles William brewer, St Giles's ftreet GiHefpie William fhipmafter, north Leith Gillefpie James gardener, Bowling green Gilltfpie George baker, Tolbooth wynd Glac'ftones James teacher of Englifh, Sec. north Leith Gladstones Thomas merchant, Coalhill, houfe King's itreet 2 31 :i-.\ I, (

G'afs Ms grocev, middle of the Kirkgate Glafs Mts. head of the Kirkgate Glover W Hi* n ;md fames grocers on the Shore Glover W>lliam merchant on the Shore Gordon Mifa merchanti Coalbill Gordon Mis. habcrdaflxr on the (here, foot of (Queen's ftreeJ north Ltith Gordon Capt J hn, Gordon Alexander fnipmafter, head of the Bro*d wynd Gordon William cudlvui woik, St Anthony's lirect Goodfman Alex&ader fpirti dealer, head of Queen's ftreet Gourlay Di»vid fhipmaiter, north Leith Gowan John wood merchant, Coiulitution ftreet Graham Mifs, Quality llrtec Grant Duncan ihipmatler, erd of the old bridge Grant Mrs. grocer, head of the Kirkgate Grant Ev-ans wharfinger, Tolbooth wynd Grant John merchani Baltic ftreet Giant Colquhoun bulker. Tolbooth wynd Grant John bulker,- Tollbooth wynd Gray teacher, head of the Kirkgate Gray Mife milliner on the Shore Gray George fpirit dealer, Kirkgate, near the pipe3 Gray Mts. lpirit dealer,- head of the Kirkgate Gray James fpirit dealer on the Shore Gricrfon Gilbert comfaclor, Bell's court, Quality ftreet Grieve Robert merchant on the Shore, houfe Willie Waters's clofe Grindiay William merchant, bulkers office Precious's clofe, on the Shore

Gul'on John haberdafner, Kirkgate, oppo. St Andrew's ftr. Gull >n Wlater fhipbui'der, north Leith Gun Mrs. meal dealer, St Andrew's ftreet H

Hackeney John (mich, Rotten-row Hadaway Baiilie Patrick brewer, Yar;dheads Hadaway Thomas merchant, Yardheads Hadaway John merchant, Yardheads Haggart Mrs. north Leith Haggart William wine merchant, north Leiib

.c^at-s^* A

H— 202 ) -E L.

Haggart Henry wine merchant, north Leith I:- Haig James merchant, Ba tic (treet Hal'oett William tamboutworker, Greentree, St Giles's ftreet Haldane "William fpirit dealer, Broad wynd Haldane George wrigbt, Buchanan's land, head Bioad wynd: Haldane William, King's ftreet Hall James merchant, on the Shore Hall John, middle of the K'rkgate Hal! John fhoemaker and grocer, back of vaults, St Andrew's ftreet Hall Alexander fhoemaker, Kirkgate Hall Archibald hairdrefftr on the Shore Kail William broker, middle of the Kirkgate-- Hall Archibald hairdreffer, Tolbooth wynd Hamilton James, middle of St Andrew's ftreet Handy fide Archibald grocer, Yardheads Hannah Henry officer of excife, Kirkgate Hardie Mrs, vinager clofe, St Andrew's ftreet Hardie George baker, Horfe wynd Hardie George baker, Timbeibufs Harley John vintner on the Shore Harley J'">hn ftocking maker, Kirkgate - Harley Hugh carpenter, north Leith Hart Thomas merchant, Lowrie's ftreet Hart Alexander fpirit dealer, north Leith Haftie James fpirii dealer, head of Kirkgate- Hay Thomas weaver, King's ftreet Kay Charles, r.orth Leith Hay Robert fpirit dealer on the Shore Hay John fhipmsfbr on trte Shore Hay John fpiiit dealer, head of the Sheepheatl wynd Henderfon Colin merchant and fhipmafter, Tolbooth wynd Henderion Andrew haberdaftier, Kirkgate Hsnderion Alexander fmith, old fugar houfe clofe, St An- drew's Itreet Her.deifon Alexander flaxdreffer, foot of St Andrew's ftreet Hendtrfon Mrs. ftabler, head of the Kirkgate Henderfon Mrs. King'* ftreet Henderfon John tailor, north Leith Heijdcrfyn John fhipmafter, Coalhill 1-3 IT—F, C 20: J

HendfcrfonD. Haymaker, Foot of the Kirkgaje Hcndcrfon John miller of Zetland packet] Coalhill Heriot iohn grocer, north Leith Hill Alexander (hipbuilder, Sturriff brae Hudje Mrs gi(M-.r, head of the Kirkgate HoggThornaa treafurw ti> th<. Trinity houfe, Kirkgate Home Peter fplrit dealer, foot of the Shore Home aiivl Qo, wine merchants, B.ejl's court, Quality llrcet Home Mils, St Berqard'i ftreet Hume Archibald grocer* ShtrrilF-brae Hopton Eail of Leithmount Hopkins William middle of St Andrew's ftreet Horn Mr* fpirit dealer, Coaftitntios ttreet Hofick James officer of excile, Tolbaoth wyud, oppofite cu'lom houfe Htjfie John tailor on the Shore, foot of Willie Water's clofc

Hot: ft on Mts. merchant, middle of the ihorc Houfton Mrs. fpirit dealer* Qoeen'i Itrett HouJcn John fadler, Kirkgate Hunter WilHaqa fhipmalter, Sheephead wynd

Hunter Richard fpirit dealer, head of the Kirkgate • Hunter Robert grocer, middle of St Andrew's ftreet Hunter Andrew jaerchant, Confthution ilreet, houfe on th; Shore Hutchifon John woollen draper on the Shore Hutchifon Mrs. midwife, St Andrew's flreet Hutchifon William flefher, houfe St Andrew's flreet Hutton David tailor on the Shore Hat ton John ro$e and faiimaker, Kirkgate


Irvglis David SherrilT brae Inglis David cart v right, foot of the walk Ingram Alexander teacher of mathematics, Khkgate- Innes Mrs. head of the Kirkgate

Innes William grocer on the Shore . Ireland Mis middle of the Kirkgate Ireland Thomas fhoemaker, Greentree StGiles's flreet Irvine John fpirit dealer, St Andrew's llreet Ifdale George fpirk dealer, St Andrew's itreet J-< 204

J Jack Mrs. merchant, middle of St Andrew's Greet Jackfon Mrs. eating-houfe, middle of Kirkgate Jamiefon and Crawford merchants, comp, houfe Timberbufj-i^ Jamiefon MtfT. and Paton ioapnvaaufaclory, SherriiF-brae Jamiefon John jnn. merchant, Qualify flreet Jamiefon John fen. Charlotte ftreer, Links jarvis James wood merchant, Links Johnftor John baker, hrad of Rotten-row Johnilon rev. David, north Leith Johnflon.J. flvipmafter, north Leith Johnfton Robert cooper, Greentree St Giles's ftreet Johnfton James (hoemaker, Kirkgate Jnhnfton Thomas hairdreiTrr on the more Johnfton Laurence cooper, head of the Rotten-row Johnfton George wrightj bead of Kirkgate John (Ion Adam fmith, north Leith Jop Robert merchant, Kirkgate oppo. Escifc K

Kay John fhtpmader on the more K:y Mrs. furniihed lodgings, Queen's ftreet Kay James merchant, head of the Kirkgate Kelman John fpirit dealer, head of the Kirkgate Keliy George firgeon, St Bernard's ftreet Kelly James fpirit dealer, St Giles's ftreet Kemp Mrs. foot of the walk Kent Lieut. William of the Navy, Kirkgate Kenned James grocer, head of the Broad wynd Keir Stephen fpirit dealer, Yardheads Kerr Robert merchant, St Brnard'3 ftreet Kerr Mrs. auctioneer on the more Kerr Mrs. grocer, Baltic ftreet

Kerr Beaumont fhcernaker, Willie Water's clofe • Kerr William merchant, St Bernard's ftreet Kerr William poftmafter on the Shore Kidd Mrs. hainfhop, Kirkgate Kidd Robert fhipmafter, north Leith Kinnaird James vintner, foot of the Shore

-_ A A

L— ( 205 ) M—

Laidlaw John merchant and auctioneer, New Quay Laing William baker, foot of Tolbooth wynd Lamb Francis Rtoemaker, Kirkgate Lamb Mrs. Tolbooth wynd Lamb Joho merchant, St Andrew's ftreet Lamb John tailor, tail end of St Giles's ftreet jLandels Andrew (hipmafter, north Leith Lang; and Anderfon candlemakers, Rotten-row Laurence Alexander painter, Kirkgate Laverock Mrs. vintner on the Shore Law Alexander (hipmafter on the Shore Lav Hugh woodmerchant, Conftilution ftreet Law Mrs. fpirit dealer on the Shore Lawric John fen. ftiipmafter, er.d of old bridge Lawrie John jun. fhipmafter, end of old bridge Lawfon James groctr, SherriiT-brae Leith bank, foot of Quality ftreet Lee James tailor, midole of St Andrew's ftreet Lethain David barber, Tolbooth wynd Liddle Robert fnipmafter, oppofue the end of draw^bridgs, north Leith Liddle James (hipmafter, north Leith Liddle William grocer, Horfe wynd Lighton James fpirit dealer, Sawmills Lillie Mrs. ipirit dealer, and eating-houfe, Broad wynd Lind David ropmaker, Tolbooth wynd

Lindfay James and fon wine merchants, foot of Qrnlity ftr. Lincifay Mrs. Gray, villager clofe, St Giles's itreet Lindfay John teacher, Coalfield lane Linoiuy Alexander, teacher, foot of the walk Lizars William fhoemaker, head of the Rotten-row Lockhart Peter" fhipmafter, Coalhill L">ckha~t L^jhraim Lnd*aitei, Kirkgate Logan John auftioueer, St Giles's ftreet

Lowrie R' ~>c t ladies hairdreffer, B^oad wynd Lumfden James (hipmafter, MShcrriff-brae Mackie James and Co. corn-merchants, St Afdrew's ftreet jMtackie James grocer, middlr of St Andrew t> Afreet Mackie joiin fpirit dealer, St Giles's ftreet Ml *m \ A

M— M l —ll f

Mackie David fmith, Yardheads Mackie John turner, St Andrew's ftreet Main James foapboficr, Lee's quarter Maitland Mrs. fpirit dealer, head of the Kitkgate Mann Mrs. vintner on the Shore Marlhall Andrew fhipmafter, Sherriff-brae Marlhall Robert weaver, St Andrew's ftreet Marfhal! Divul- goldfmith and jeweller, foot of Toibooth pi wynd Marfiial! John corn-merchant, St Giles's ftreet Martin Ellis merchant St Bernard's ftreet Mathiefon Mrs. haberdafher, St Bernard's ftreet Matthew Alexander tailor, north Leith Maule Dr Charles, Conftitiuion ftreet M'Alhaton John Wright,' St Andrew's ftreet M'Aipin JohnHeftier, houfe Flsfhmarket M'Andrew Mrs. fpirit dealer, Toibooth wynd M'Arthur A.ngus tailor, Yardheads M'Callum John gardener, Yardheads M'Donald George fpint dealer, St Giles's ftreet M'Dowall Patrick pump and blockmaker on the Shore M'Dowail Archibald landwaiter, head of Kirkgate iVl'Farlane James fpirit dealer, Sheephcad wynd MFarlane Duncan, Rotten-row M'Glafban James fpirit dealer, St Andrew's ftreet M'Hardy Mrs. vintner, Burges's clofe M'Jntyre James merchant, Citadel M'Intyre Mrs. grocer, north Leiih M'lver, Mrs St Andrew's ftreet M'Kay Donald grocer, Yardheads M'Kt-llop David ihoemaker, foot of the Toibooth wynd M*Kenz,e Mrs. procer, St Andrew's itreet M'Kenzie Kenneth officer of txcife, Liddle's clofe, St Andrew's (treet M'Kerras Audrew merchant, Baltic ftreet M'Laren Archibald tailor, St Giles's ftreet M'Laren Peter ihoemaker, Kirkgate M'Laren John corn-merchant, Kirkgate M'Laren john fmi'h, north Leith M'Lran Mr*. Horfe wynd M'Lean John merchant, Bailie ftreet L O

; M — C 2^7 ) M—

M'Lean IIu^li fpirit dealer, I »ol of the KirkgatG M'Lean Jamea hairdrefler St Bernard's tlreet M'Leod John fpirit dca' r, St Andrew's ftreet M Leod iis lv>tten-Miv. M'Nab Daniel rope and i.ulmaker, Charlotte's ftreet, Linka M Nicol Joha, Yardheada

M'Pr.adzcn Gavin i) uggitt, Ktrkgate, oppofil • to the p'p"ea

M'Phail Alexander mercbai t, north end of Co. Iticutioa ftrtct, houfe foot of the wa'lc M'Target Vr3. middle of the Kirkgate M'Vicat William vintner on the Shore Mein William wine-merchant, Quality ftreet

Menzies Robert Jh pi u 1 lerj n< vl Lath :iea John grocer, St B rnard\- Ipecrl Middleton George comptroller of c6ft,oni« S Be'nard a ftreet Milne James fhipmattt"-, W IKe Ws er « cl 'e Millar Ardiihaid corn mercl it, bead offing's ftr.-et Mil'-r Daniel i.flWr cf excifc, Yardbeada MHlar Peter aid Co. corn merchants, Sherriff-brac Millar John fhoemaker, Sc Andrew's ftreet Millar Mrs. vintner, north Leith Mil'ar Willnrm giocer, St Andrew's ftreet Millar William fnoemaker, Faclory wynd Mitchell William merchant, Charlotte's ftreet, Links Mi'rhtll David fpirit dealer, Sherriff-brae Mi*chell James merchant, Charlotte's ftreet, Links Moffat P.Irs. Conllitution ftreet M flat Wiffiam droggiftj St Bernard's ftreet

Monro J. hn drnggift, Tolbooth wynd, oppolite cuRota-boiifc Monro Mrs. vintner, Coalhill Monro Mrs. Tolbooth wynd Morrifon Robert merchant, Tolbooth wynd Morr fou William fhipmafter, St Giles's llreet

Morrifon William maion, back of the vaults, St Andr. ftreet Morrifon James corn merchant, St Bernard's ftreet Morrifon Robert grocer on the Shore Morton Hugh wright head of the Links Moody Mrs. Broad wytid S

*»sr U y L

M— ( ; O—

Muckle Jafper, Greentree, St Giles's ftreet Muckle \V"i;l?am on the Shore Mjicklejohn John wright, middle of St Andrew's ftreet Mudie Capt. Robert, head of the Kirkgate r Mil? 'John tailor, head ofibe Kirkgate Muir Mrs. fpirit dealer, Longnte-fide Muir Mrs. fpirit dealer, head of the Kirkgate Muir james fpirit dealer, King's ftreet Muldrup Thomas Danilh conful, head of Kirkgate Murphy Edward fpirit dealer, foot of the Shore Murray James of the Princefs Royal critter, St Andrew's ftr. Murray Mrs. meafdealer, middle of Kirkgate Murray Mrs. middle of the Shore Murchall, Mm ray, and Wilfon grocers, St Andrew's ftreet N Naefmith Gavinwright, Conftilut'on ftreet Nairn Mrs. manluamaker, Broad wynd Nairn Stewart vintner, north Lcith Napier Walter grocer, Kirkgate Neal Mrs. grocer, Queen's ftreet Neilfon Alexander folicitor at law, Tolbooth wynd Neilfon Robert painter, Conititution ftreet Neilfon Erown fhipmaftcr, St Andrew's ftreet Nicolfan Edward flefher, houfe Flefhmarket Nicclfon Mvs. St Giles's ftieet Niddry James tailor, Tolbooth wynd Nimmo William edge too ; maker, Si Andrew's ftreet Nimmo John baker, Coalhiil Niven Alexander, head of Links Noble Robert, foot of the Kirkgate Norrie David clock and watchmaker, New Qui Norrie George merchant, foot of Broad wynd, on the Slioie Norn's Geerge fnipmafter, back of north Leith kirk Nc'tman Mrs. vintner, Queen's ftreet o Qgilvle Robert merchant, St Bernard's ftreet Ogilvie Cap*. John, Charlotte's ftreet, Links O^ilvie Mrsi. foot of Tolbooth wynd Oliphant Wllifim colIefHr of ciiftoms, houfe in the cuftcm houfe, Tolbooth v*y:d O—L ( 2.C9- )

O phant John grocer, Grecr.tree Oi-aa James fhoemaker, Broad wynd

( .:: an John fpirit dealer, Queen's ftreet Onr David boat-builder, nouh Leith Orr John meal-dealer, St Andrew's ftreet Orr Mrs. merchant on the Shore P Partridge Samuel merchant* St Bernards ftreet Paterfon James merchant, Moateith's land, Kirkgate Paterfon Hugh merchant, SherrifT-brae Paterfon Robert painter on the Shore, houfe end of draw? bridge, north Leith Paterfon James jun. merchant, Kii legate, oppoflte the pipa Paterfon John pilot, Tolbooth wynd Paton Plenry cooper, head of Tolbooth wynd Paten Dav.d grocer, Longateftde Paton Tr.omas-iope and fail-maker, St Bernard's ftreet Paton Robert fpirit dealer on the Shore Paton William hatter, foot of Kirk?2te

Paton Alexander fhipmafler, Burgct'j e'e fe Pdttifon John writer and town clerk oi Leith, houfe Char- lotte's ftreet, Links Peacock Alexander at Leith candle accompling hcufe, St Giles's ftreet Pearfon John ftiipmsfter, St Andrew's ftreet Pearfon Robert fpirit dealer, Queen's ftreet Peat James cooper, St Andrew's ftreet Peat William fhoemaker, head of Kirkgate Peattie George bookfeller on the >hore, near the New Quay Peddie William tailor, Yardheads Pew Alexander pump and block maker, Queen's ilreet Philip John tailor on the Shore Pniiip Robert fpirit dealer, St Andrew's ftreet Philip Charles merchant on the hWe

, Philip Robert fpirit and porter dealer, Coalhill

\ Philip Peter ftabler, St Bernard's ftreet Phillans William fhipmafter, Willie Waters's clofe Phiilar.s James merchant, St Bernard's ftreet

In kerton 2 £' r't viftualer, Kirkgate Pitkcathly Mrs* end of ike draw- bridge, n-jrth. Leitlx.

=__ o

P— ( 10 R~0

Pool William fh'pmafier, Coalhill

Porteous Robci i fpirit dealer, Coa'l.ill Prentice James grocer, Coalhill Pre (ton John (tone ai>d glafs warehoufe, St Bernard's ftrcet Pnmroie James of the en ioms, Tolbooth wynd Pringle Andrew baker, Tolbooth wynd Fringle and Baillie corn merchant*, Queen's fbrect I'icdor Alexander fpirit dealer Rotten-row R

Rat-burn George tailor, head of the Kirkgate Ramage Alexander Shore-m after, houfe middle of the Shore Ramfay, Williamfcn and Co. St Bernard's jlreet Ramfay M'Natighton (hipmafter, head of the Kirkgate Ramfay Robert Efq; end of Baltic iireet Ramfay M>s. Links Ranken Mrs. head of the Kirkgate Rankin William vintner, Willie Waters'? cJofe

Rannie James Efq; wine merchant, Quality ftraefe Ratline James jun. wine merchant, at the pipes

Reid Alexander coa it- waiter. St Giles's ftrett Reid William bookfellcr, foot of Tolbooth wynd Reid Kirs vintner, corner of St Bernard's ftuet R.tia Robert wright, St Andrew's ft-reet Reid David fpirit dealer, Laurie's fleet Reid John gardener,, Yardheads Reid Alexander cloth merchant, New Qnay Reid ford John meffenger, foot of St A> drew's ftreefc Rnhardfon Mrs head of the Kirkgate

Riddoch Alexander' cooper ] Kirkgate Ritchie Charles ironmonger, New Ouay Ritchie James, hairdrcfler, end of dras*-bridge, north Leith Ritchie George ihiprn-.dler, Broad wynd Ritchie William dfuggift on the Shore Ritchie James firpmaller on the Shore Ritchie William fpirit dealer, Litt>< Csrroa Ritchley Plenry New Quay Robe.rtfon James gx'ccr, Tolbooth wynd

? R b r fon Thomas Qiipmajxer, S , Andrew's ftreei Robertfon Robert fpirit dealer, Tolbooth wynd Rubtrtfon David baker, middle of St Andrew's flreet

imm O •

R— C 21 I )

Robertfon Alexander fail mamifa&n-rer, Links Robertfon George writer, Shore foot of Queen's ftreet Robertfon Robert ftlipmafter, Bernard's ftreet Robertfon Thomas baker, foot of the RoUen rev Robertfon Thomas, St Bernard's ftreet Robertfon David fhipmaller, north Leith Robertfon James golf bail-maker, Golf-houfe, Linkfl

Robert fi.-n Tobert grocer, St Andrew's ftreet Rotb George merchant Sherriff-brae Rt;bb Peter carpenter, Kirkgaie Roger Mis. tea and fpirit dealer, Coalr.ill Rol'o Peter vintner, Golf houfe Rollo James hairdrefTcr. head of Tolbooth wynd RonahJfon Archibald flefher, Flefti market Rofs George grocer, St Andrew's ilrtet. Rofs David land-wairer, Baltic ftreet. Rufs ?.Irs. Baltic ftreet Rofs Mrs. head of Sherrifr brae Rofs Mis. fpirit dealer, foot of the Broad wynd Rofs Robert candlemake-, Tolbocth wynd Rofs Daniel fpirit dealer, Tolbooth wynd Rofs Wiiiiam fpirit dealer, end of old bridge

Roy I Irs. fornifiied lodgings, Precious's clofe. Ruffe! John fpirit dealer, Kirkgata

Ssmfon John fhfpmaft'er, St Bernard's ftreet Sands Mrs. vintner, Burges's clofe on the Shore Sandeis Mifs, tambour-worker, Yardheads Sarsficld B Pnipmafter, and vintner on the Shore Scales Adolph. rope and fail maker, Charlotie ftreet, Link*' Scalea Andrew rope and fail maker, Charlotte ftreet, Links Scott Andrew baker, head of Ki'kgate Seott James clock end watth mnktr, middle of the Shore S:utt William brewer', Kirk^ace Scott fhipmafter, New Quay Scott James- wood merchant, Morton's land, Links Scott ar.d Re id wood merchants, Co'nftitUtion firtei

S 3 c s— ( 212 )

Sougal John merchant, Charlotte ftreet", Lr>ks Shdde Thomas tobaccoiiifl, Co;l hid Shaod Alexander fpirit dealer* back of the vaults, 3t And«

rtw' 1 ftrejt • Sharp David, foot of th< Ro:ten-row Shaw Mf«. merchant Kirkgate Shaw John heckle maker, head.of King's ftreet- Shaw Airs, head o£ the Toibooth wynd Sheills Jofeph wntnkr, Flcih market Sheiriff Robert and Alexander wood merchants, oppofitethe GlaiV-houle, houfes Charlotte ftreet, Links SherriiT Thoma3 glazier, Toibooth wynd Sherriff David fpirit dealer, foot of the Tolbcoth wynd Snore dues office, foot of the Toibooth wynd Snortrfid Mrs. end of draw-bridge, north Leith Sibbald Leflie fhipmafter? nprth Leith

Sibbald William and Co. merchant , Kirkgate Sihbald Wiiliam merchant, opppfite excife office, Kirkgate Simpfon John merchant, Toibooth wynd Simpfon. E, and G tobacconifts on the Shore Siinpfori James fpirit dealer, Wil ! ie W.^ers'a cJofe Sjmpfon Janus wheelwright, foot of the Kirkgate SjmpfoQ George fhipmafter, Citadel Sinclair George merchant, head of Quality ftreet Sinclair and Willi a mfera merchants, Willie Waters's clcfe

Sinclair Alexander auclioneei-j head of the Kirkgate, • Sinclair Mrs, King's ftreet Sinclair Bi nj imin fhipmafter, St Andrew's ftreet. Sinclair'Andrew weaver. Citadel ait R( bert wjight, King's ftreet SI inner George, bead of the Bread wynd Skirving Gforee'fliipmafleci north Leith Si go jphn ine'rohant, Bread wynd, houfe Conflitution ftreet Sjni h lames Liiih glafehqufs company

! h [ohn lii t drfffer, middle of St Andrew's Creet

; J.;ivid fpirit dealer, middle of the Kiikgate Smith Capt. William lodging? for fea bathing, Citadel

h Frazer fhipri a ler« weft end of St Gilles's ftreet. Smith James (pint dealer, middle of the Kirkgate Smith James, Hprfe wynd 'imiih &abertaailar3 Queen',} fires!; 2(3 ;

,v '"-' ( Smi A .J 1 irit dealer on the Shore

Smith ja a Tierchajit, Confii ition ftreet St ..-• V. : Ralnc (trea

S'-'. me vjlle A^iJrew merchant and fnipmalcr on the Shore S<>,x.m iv lie and Co. merchants, StBe'rnatd's ftreet

potn.rniiv It A'» x«

S. . it rlc James ihip.yi -iter, north Lehh

\ Steuhvii- Mr . Willie Waters'* tloie

I Stevens Alexander architect, end of draw bridge, north Ltith Bcevenfon James ih'pmaiter, Sherriff- rse

BtevenfonMrs. vimner, Willie Waters s clofe

i Stevenfon John fpirit dealer, head of Kirkgate iStevenfon Capt. middle of the Kukgate IStevenfon J hn, middle of the Shore S ewart David and Go. merchants, Greentree, Gikfl's ftreet- Stewart Archibald grocer, Uolbooth wynd DtewartJVIrs fait office, Todholes^s clofe Stewart fhomas fpirit dealer, foot of the Kirkgaje Stewart James and William hofiers, New Qua-y Stewart James fpirit dealer on the 6hore Stewart Robert fhcemaker, Citadel Stewart Robert nietfier, St Andrew's ftreet Stewart Mrs. fpirit dealer, Lee's quarter Stewart Mrs grocer, St Andrew's ftreet Stodart and fen wood merchants, Saw-mills S rachan William writer, Queen'd ttrcet

Straiton \\ ilUam i Si er of excife, Kirkgate Strong Robert fen. andjun. merchants, old bridge, houfe Conftitution ftreet Strong Capt. James, Kirkgate ners Tjlomas fufigeonj end of draw bridge, north Lekb Sutherland Mr?. King's ftrtet

[Sutherland Walter tailor, Greentree. St Giles's fireet [S'.van Wi liam ftoae warelmulV, middle of Kirkgate Swan Laurance b^ker. foot of the Hode wynd ISyme John ftn'pbuilder, north Ltith

Syme Andrew fhipmaiter, Queen t> itrest

-^9^- *^^m**t***~>- ^m* ^ »U O

T~-A ( 2i.\ ) V— T

T»it John land furveyorj Bel] s court, Quality fireet

• ; Taylor Qec >n ftone an : china warehoufe, on Shore

Tayrr)) Franc :i '.,•.::.- c, Prectous's cLfs

• and Gedd coopers, Queen's ftreet Tt tc; Stewart clerk to the g^fs houfe, ecJ of draw bridge^

in r: h Leah Thornton James wine merchant^ Quality ftreet Thomfon J >hn merchant, Conilitution ftr'eet Thomfon Jchn Navii-officer, St Bernards ftreet

Thorn(on James teacher of Englifh and mufic mafter 9 Mor- ton's land, Kirkgate Thomfon Capt. William, Greentree, St Giles's ftreet Thomfon Mrs. broker, St Giles's- ftreet Thomion l\Irs. James, Kirkgate 1 "'hohvfon Jcimes builder, Laurie's ftreet Thomfon George, Broad wynd Thomfon and okeen grocers, end of drawbridge, north Leith Thomfon Robert grocer, Kirkgate Thomfon Thomas grocer, T.ibouth wynd Tr.cmfon John wright, Kirkgate Thorburn William tea and ipirit dealer, corner of Laurie's ftreet, Ki/kgate Top Thomas lhipmailer, old bridge ': rop MrSi merchant ov. the Shore T o'er J'imcs vintner, New Quay T inzie Mrs. north Leith Turnbull fames fhipmafter on the Shore TurotiiiU Cornelius, head of Horfe wynd, St Giles's ftreet Turnbull John facking-rnanufaclurer, St Giles's Pueet Turner George tea and ipiiit dealer, Lad of Horfe wynd, St Giies's ftreet Turner James fpirit dealer. Rotten-row Tweedie Andiew baker, Kirkgate u U.quhart Mre. auctioneer, Kirkgate V :'' V h Mrs. corkcu ter, St Andrew's ftrcei. m Francis curkcuttu, Rotten-row A

W— ( to ) w Waddcll Alexander tide Purveyor, houfe on the Shore

Walker J nomas merchant) Si Bernards ftreet Walker J«bn> wharfinger.- and lhipbroker, Baltic ftrcct, ac» compting houfc, St Bernard's ttrect Waters Benjamin merchant, head of Quality ftreet Waters, Moubray and L'athcart mercharits, Sibbald'6 build-

ing 8, head of Quality itiect Watfon John cooper and met chant, New Quay Watfon Alexander grocer, Kirk gate Watfon Mrs. north Leith Watfon Nicol falt-orficc, oppofite vaults, St Andrew's ftreet Watt John writer and notary public, Bioau wynd Waugh and Co corflctioners and grocers, Kiikgats Weir James baker, Knkejate White Adam merchant, Careen's ftreet White Thomas tai'o-, Tolbooth wynd Wight Claud landw^iiter, houfe on the Shore Wilkie David, tailor, Yur^heads Wilfon John grocer, bead of Sheepher.d wynd Wilfon Wiiiam tailor. Coalbill Wilfon Wiiiam tea and fpirit d-aler, old bridge WilKamfoo Thomas merchant, Conititution ftreet V\ illii R and R. g-octrs on the Shore Wifliart Andrew Ihipmafter, foot of ShfrrifF-brns Wiftiart Dj viT fhipmaftcr, back cf north Lcith kiik VWfii .rt J .mes fhipnaafter, CoaUull Wo-id Ctuiftopher merchant St .Bernard's [treet Wood Peter merchant, St Bernard's flreet

Wood William Ihoemsker, iv t of the Toibooth wynd * James (hoemalter, K:> feWynd Wright William uiferyman, foot of the walk Wrigh James faith', Greentrse S Gileses ftreet

^ right Robert :I. pel ,. on be Si o ; y Y • W '- ealer, Cables's wynd You :r, >r itb

Y_. north 1


- a— i ( 216 ) c—•: MUSSELBURGH DIRECTORY. A AiteKifon George fiefher, High ftreet MuffelburgH A r cKen Robert re&ifier and fpirit dealer, Fifher-row: Aitken Mifs merchant, MuffJburgh. Alexander Mr Fifher-row, eaft end Anderfon Franois Efq; btonty-hill B Ballantine Thomas vintner, Muffelburgh-. carl er.d Bayle G.apt. Robert MiH-hill Muffelburgh Begg Martin merchant, Muffelburghj eaft end B:cjg William merchant, Fifher-row Black rev Mr. Nevybigging Blyth Mr- Cjslin, Fifher-row, eaft end Bourhill George baker, Muffelburgh, weft end Bourhill James and Tons bakers, Newhigging B;ovvn Pvirs merchant, MufltflBtfrgh, weft end Brown Thomas feirgeon, Muffelburgh, vvtft end Brooks James weaver and merchant, Muffelburgh, weft end Bruce Alexander furgeon, Muffelburgh, eaft end Bruce Mrs. Muffelburgh, eaft end Burnet Captain, Inverefk Burns rev. John, Muffelburgh, weft end- Barns William taker, Muffelburgh, weft end C Caddie John Iand-wakerj Fifher-row Cameron Mifs, Fifher-row, eaft: end Campbell Captain, Inver&fk Carlyle rev- Dr. Alexander, Manfe, Muff-lburgh Garmichfcel Andrew fhoemaker, Muffcibnrgh, weft end Cathie Peter merchant, Muffelburgh, eaft end Chalmers Robert, Rofebank Chalmers John flater, Filhcr-row Chriftie Archibald, Inverefk Clark Alex baker, Muffelburgh, weft end Cochran Archibald, Efq; Muffelburgh, eaft end Cachran Mrs vintner, Muflelburgb, eaft end C'»chian'nnd Brown wood merchants, Muflelburgh, eaft eni^ Colt Robert, Efq; inverefk Cowan Tnomas fiefher, Muffelburgh, weft end Crawford Ca^t. Muffelburgh, eaft end Cree John fpirit dealer, Muflclburgh, cart end Crichton William, Efq; M He burgh, c ft end Cumming Card, painter, Muflelburghj weft end

Dairy mple Lady Helen, Whitchoufc Dairy mple Mrs Col. Invtrtlk Dickfon Robert clothier, Muflclburgh, wefl end Douglas David ccbinet maker, Fifacr row, eaft end Douglas Mrs merchant Muflelburgh, will end Duuglas John wright, MulL-ihurgh, eaft end Dudgeon john flcllur, Muflclburgh, eail end E Elder James faddler, Mufielburgb, eail end F Fifher Mrs. Lorreto Fulton Cumberland vintner, Pinkie G Gardner Pat. fupervifor of excife, Muflelburgh, veil end Gdlefpie and Moir iilk and cotton manuf. Filher-row, e. end Gillcs Henry, Fifher-row, eaft end

Graham Robert Efq; com iff. of excife, Stoney-bank Grant Mifa boarding fchool, Links Gray Mathtw baker, Muflelburgh, eaft end day Mrs. Fiflier-row, eaft end Gtinton George ftuckingmaker, Muflclburgh, well end Guild William coach and chaife hyrer, Muflelburgh, e. end Guilon John and David cabinet makers, Ncwbiggfng 11 Hall and Mitchell wood merchants, Fifher-row Hart and Moir ftarch manufacturers, Muflclburgh, eafl end Hendtrfon Colonel, Campie M nderfon Richard flater, Muflclburgb, eall end Flome Cept. Rodam, Invereflc Horfbrou^h Capt In vert fk Hunter Alexander tobaccomft, Filher-row Hunter John Adam merchant, Filher-row

J . Johnflon Alexander merchant, Fifher-row Johr.fton Mrs. Filher-row K Keiller John teacher of Engjlifh, Muflelburgh, eaft end Kemp Archibald merchant, Muflelburgh call nd Kiigoui Martin fursreon. Mail Iburgh, eaft end A M

L— ( 21 S ) ' -S— L Lamb ]\Irs. Fiflietvrbw Laurie John road furvtyor, Newbigging Legget Thomas tanner, Mill bifl Liiidfcy Mrs. Col. Mill hill Invereflc L . kart Mrs. of Lee, Lon'mer John officer, of excrfe, Fifh'ev-row Lumlden John cooper, Muffelburgh, weft end M Martin John brewer, Muffel burgh, weft end eaft M'Kachnay rev William, Fifher-row ; end M'Millian Thomas Eq; Shorthope M'Nab Mrs. vintner^ Links Inn Meggat Alexander ftarch maker, MnfTc-lburgh, weft end Mein fohn tailor and merchant, Muffelbuigh, eaft end Miine Bail He Thomas merchant, FtfTier-row, tall end Moffat Alexander watch maker, Muffelburgh, eaft end M> ffat and Hart ftarch makers, Mill hill Mori Robert fen manu'a&urer, Fifher-row Moix Robert jurr. vintner, coach and chaife hyrer, Muffel- burgh, weft end Monro Robert cabinet maker, FilheF-row \

Neilfon Mi fa boarding fchool, Muffelbtirgb, weft end Neiljfon Archibald rtitlflin warehSoufe, Miffelburgh, eaft end P Primrofe Mife boarding fthool, Muffeiburgh, weft end Princlc James baker, Muffelburgh, call end R Rae David-, Efq; of Efltgroyff, Invereflc Rae Capt. David, Invereflc - Ramfoy Michael, Efq; Newbigping Roger John foap rnanufa&urer, Fifher-row, bridge end

Salmon Tho, teacher of dancing, Muffelburgh, eaft end Scott Mrs. MuflUbiKgh, ealt end ?cott Peter brewer, Fifher-row Scott Mrs grocer, Fifher-row Simpfon John mafon, Fifher-rew Smart Captain, Fiflier-row Smart William flioemaker, Fifher-row .^mart Vernor flio'tmaker, Muffelburgh, weft end Smart W illiam (hoc-maker, poft-ymce, Muffelburgh, weft end S--M [ 2!9 ]

Smith re** William, Epifcopal minifter, Muflclb, eaft end

Spence William farmer, Newbiggtng . Stewart Chailea baker. MuflVlburgh, weft end Stewart George clothier, Muffslburgb, well end

Stewart fohn furgeon, Mul • welt end Stewart tin hon. general, Mill-hill Stewart Mrs of 1'. -. [nvereJk Steel David baker, Fifher-row

l Taylor John teacher of. Latin, MttiTelbnrgh, call end Thorafoii John fee. ofejecife, Fifher- ow, eafl end Thomfon -{Thomas writer and town clerk, MufFelb. eaft end Thomfon Henry tobacco nifl, MufTclburgh, wtlt end Thomfon John gardener, Fifher-row bridge end V Veitih James farmer, Newbigghtg Veraor Robert bre,wer, Fifher-row,W Weft er.d Watfon Samuel £ licitnr at law, Links Watt Baillie William fmiih, MufMbirrgh, eaft end Wedderjburn James Efqj Inverelk Wilfon Alex. oand!en:-ker a-:d tobacconift, Mufftlb, ead end Y You t«» baillie Georre, Fifher-row o o - DALKEITH DIRECTORY.

Dalkeith is divided into Lur quarters, viz. north weft, iou'li weit, north eaft, and foutd tad quarters.

Aitchifon Jame3 grocer and hater, fouth ead quarter Ai sen Robert grocer, fouth weft quarter Aithen J.unta ~ ocer, north weft qu-uiec -din Aitken J b.'ker, north eaft quarter Alves Jolv) Efq, north ead quarter Anderion Daniel g;ocer, norui tad quarter Armflrong James orewer, fouth eait quarter Armftroog Carittopher foapboiler, Lugton, north weft quart. Bell Ebei 'Z:- rettor of" the grammar fchool, north ealt quar. BennetRcbert L :n-r, fouth eall quarter Berr;, John merchant, fouth eaft quarter Bud Mehiie/horfe-ilcalerj foi in iveft quartet J3— ( no ) G-M

Bold Waltef ft abler and fkinner, north weft quarter Borihwick Arch, c'othier, bridge end, north wet quarter Brigs;s 2nd Co. wine merchants, high ftreet, north w. quarts Brown Jdh» merchant, fouth eaft quarter Brown William at walk mill, north weft quarter Brunton James wright, bridge end, north weft quarter Burns Thomas ftabler, north weft quarter Caldwail John grocer, north weft quarter Carfrae John grocer, north eaft quarter Carfrae William brewer, fouth eaft quarter Chalmers David fleiher, fouth eaft quarter Gla*k Abram ftabler, Lugton, north weft quartep- Glarkfone furgeon, fcuth weft quarter CJeghorn Jsjnes Efq; north eaft quarter Cochran Efq; from Amerca, north eaft quarter Graig William merchant, fouth weft quarter Craig Robert commiifary of Edir.Lug'on, north weft quarier Crichton Mrs. grocer, north weft quarter Crichton Dmiel candlcmaker, fouth weft quarter Crichton William glazier and painter, fout.h weft quarter Crombie Andrew maffon, bridge end nottii welt quarter Dalziel John conftclioner, fouth weft quaiter Davidfon Robert vintner, foutbeaft quarter Dawfon Jameb leather and fhoe-fhop, north weft quarter D iwfon Andrew merchant, north weft quarter Dick J"hn tflbacconift. north weft quarter Dick William fpirit dealer, fouth eaft q.iarter DickThoma3 candle maker, foulh eaft quarter Di-. kfon conveener William, pum;i-makcr, fouch weit quarte Dickfon Ei>.ctor merchant, fojjch w<-ft quaiter Dud' James brewer, north Cu'l quarter Duncan Peter fhoepjaker, fouth eaft quarter Falconer John baker,, fouth taft quarter Foggau Thomas gro:er, fouth weft quarier Gibfon John bake/, north well quarter G'bfon Archibald baker, fourJ w " quartet Gibfoa [ames hotter., fouth weft quartet1 G fford Thomas fmith and ferricr, fou:h weft quarter Graham And ew furgeon, foil h eaft quarter Gray Laker, fouth ".eft quarter CJp.'y A.c\anda grocej and fmiib, north eaft quarter G—R ( «l ) K-t

Gray John grocer, -north eafl quarter

Greenfield Andrew grocer, nor'h n I quarter Hannay Adam baker, north weft quarter Hard re fames com merchant limit well quarter Harley William itocki g maker, north well quartet

Hepburn Peter merchant, 1 utii-eatl quarter Henot Walter furgeon, foulh wcil quarter ][ (lop George hater f uih welt quarter Hogc; fohn baker, fouth raft quarter Hood Thoma fern er, fv-uih well quarter Hutchifon rev Robert, north welt quarter J ffery George grocer, fouth \"-il quarter well J ihndon J 'Iwt writer, fduth qua'tcr J-.hnilon Mrs. »i*n ner (ouch weft quarter Jm.kifon Jxhn ilablei, north veil quarter Kemp Robert»brewer and tanner, north vv^il quarter- King A.' merchai t, fouth wtii quarter Luv Mathew mafon, (outb weft quarter Lyden Peter baker, north eau quarter" Lyle James baktr, fouth weft quarter Lyle Robert baker, f ulfa weft quarter IMackie furgeon, north eait quarter

Mat hew George breeches-maker, north t aft quarter Maihifo'urDavid candlemaker, north' eaft quarter grocer and I\I Con'achie John lobarconift fouth weft quarter • M'Donald Alexander tiuimkh; fouth eatfc quirter Meggat Alexander bookfeller and ftationcr, north e. quarter Middleton Peur gardener, ft uth eait quaiter Mitchell James coikcutter, north eait quarter Moff*i William grocer, north weft quarter Ne lans William baker, fouth eaft quarter

O^g fijpervifor of exGtfe* high ftreet, north v/. quarter Pafcrfon Miffc fpirit dealer, fiuih welt quaittr Fitt Robe t tailor, foith ealt quarter Piirgle Thomas watchmaker, fouth weft quarter Pringle Samuel m^fon ami grocer, north tail quarter Pringle John merchant-, fouth eaft quarter R;id David j-jicer, noithweil quarter Reid '.Villiam baker, fouth weft quarter Ri< hardf. r John confectioner, nonh weft quartet Richardfou Andrew grocer, north eait quarter, 1

K— ( 222 ) •o

Ritchie Thomas tailor, north t:.ft- quarter . Robenfon William ftabler, fouih wfcft quarter Ronaldfou James msfom north eaft quarter Rofs Capt Hubert of the Jamaica rangers fouth weft quartetl Rufiicie Lewis tambour manufacturer, fouth welt quarter Scott rev. Wiiliarn, north eaft quarter Scott Walter teacher of Englifh, north eaft quarter Scott Eherrezer furgeon, fouth eaft quarter Scott George flater, noith call quarter Shells Archibald nurftry and fsedlmjn, fouth eaft quarter Shefriff John 5p'e$.rs tobacconi'tUand grocer, north well quar.

Simpfon Archibald brewer, fouth weft quarter . Si npfou Benjamin grocer, fouth eatt quarter

>. Sirapfon J ' h n fargeon, fouth earl quarter Srxnpfon George baker, north weft quarter Styes Peter merchant tailor, north weft quarter Sked Alcxa dcr fra-kh aad fcrricr, fouth weft quarter Skeden William druggiftj fouth weft quarter Slight James foap boiler, Lugton. north weft quarter Smith Walter ffcdler, fouth weft quarter Stevenfon and Taylor Wrights, fouth weft quarter Stirling James clothier, north eaft quarter -Tav'or Peter baker, fouth weft quarter Taylor Tlio.maa merchant tailor, fouth weft quarter Taylor Mrs. merchant, fouth eaft qua>ttr

Thomfpn Alexander ft' flu r, north taft quarter

Thon . 'if; grocer, north weft quarter Tweddie Alexander merchant, fouth eaft quarter Wands William fpirit dealer, iouth weft quarter

r Watfon Robert ti > < and merchant, fouth call quarter Wai

Wilfon aid El!i >t merchants. fo*th wcH quarter S $^M / Wordlaw and Co merchant", fou.h eaH quarter ^r , Youn^ Adam m.fTm and brewer, fouih fall quarter;, |tfQ HN1S, \m% i 1

*»v .:.