Dissection of the Celiac Artery

Jason Arthur, MD, MPH; Eric Iheme, MD; Stephen Topp, MD; Petra Duran, MD

A 41-year-old man presented to the ED with a 4-day history of epigastric pain.

Case tension, for which he was prescribed iso- A 41-year-old man presented to our ED sorbide dinitrite 30 mg four times per day; with a 4-day history of epigastric pain ra- however, he reported that he did not regu- diating to the bilateral flanks and back. His larly take this medication. medical history was significant for hyper- The patient had visited our ED 3 days earlier with the same complaint. Since his blood pressure (BP) reading at the first ED presentation was 213/141 mm Hg, he had been admitted for hypertensive urgency. The patient’s BP was controlled with anti- hypertensive agents during his stay, but he continued to experience epigastric pain. A basic work-up for abdominal pain was or- dered, the results of which were normal. Based on these findings, the patient’s pain was attributed to gastritis, and he was dis- charged home with instructions to return to the ED if his pain became worse or per- sisted. At both ED presentations, the patient de- nied experiencing any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or chest pain. At the second pre- sentation, his triage BP was 158/106 mm Hg. A chest X-ray, complete blood count (CBC), basic metabolic profile (BMP), he- patic panel, and lipase evaluation were all unremarkable, with the exception of a mild increase in creatinine to 1.38 mg/dL. Figure 1. Computed of the patient’s abdomen showing the A point-of-care (POC) study of celiac artery with the dissection flap white( arrow). the aorta was normal. Given the patient’s

Dr Arthur is a postgraduate year 2 resident, department of , University of Florida, College of Medicine–Jacksonville. Dr Iheme is a postgraduate year 3 resident, department of emergency medicine, University of Florida, College of Medicine–Jacksonville. Dr Topp is an assistant professor, department of emergency medicine, University of Florida, College of Medicine–Jacksonville. Dr Duran is an assistant professor, department of emergency medicine, University of Florida, College of Medicine–Jacksonville. Authors’ Disclosure Statement: The authors report no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this article. DOI: 10.12788/emed.2017.0001

28 EMERGENCY MEDICINE I JANUARY 2017 Figure 2. Ultrasound image of the patient’s aorta showing the celiac artery but no visualization of the dissection flap white( arrow). recent hypertensive episode, a computed sitioned to oral antihypertensive medica- tomography angiography (CTA) of the tions. He was also started on a heparin chest and abdomen was also obtained, infusion at the recommendation of vascu- which revealed an isolated 4.5-cm dissec- lar surgery services. tion of the celiac artery (DCA) with filling A repeat CTA of the abdomen taken on defect in the hepatic artery (Figure 1). hospital day 3 showed an unchanged dis- Based on the CTA findings, a nicardip- section in the celiac axis extending into ine infusion was immediately started, and the hepatic artery. The vascular surgeon the patient was admitted to the medical in- recommended strict BP control, antico- tensive care unit (MICU). Because his heart agulation therapy, and a vascular surgery rate was in the range of 60 beats/min, an follow-up with a repeat CTA of the abdo- esmolol infusion was not required. Prior men in 6 months. to transferring the patient to MICU, a sec- On hospital day 6, repeat serial CBC, ond ultrasound study of the aorta was per- BMP, and hepatic panels revealed only formed by our fellowship-trained director slight increases in aspartate transaminase of emergency medicine ultrasound. De- to 88 U/L and alanine aminotransferase to spite the excellent views taken of the aorta, 117 U/L. The patient was transitioned to celiac trunk, and hepatic and splenic arter- enoxaparin and discharged home on hos- ies (Figure 2), the dissection was not visi- pital day 6, and instructed to follow-up ble on either of the two ultrasound images. with his primary care physician for tran- In the MICU, the patient’s BP was stabi- sition to warfarin. Unfortunately, this pa- lized on hospital day 2, and he was tran- tient was lost to follow-up. JANUARY 2017 I EMERGENCY MEDICINE 29 DISSECTION OF THE CELIAC ARTERY

Discussion medical management, operative repair, Isolated DCA is a rare cause of abdominal and endovascular embolization. Medical pain. The first documented case of isolated management is reserved for stable patients DCA is often incorrectly attributed to Bau- without signs of end organ dysfunction. ersfeld’s1 1947 case series on dissections, Typical management involves anticoagula- but that report described superior mesen- tion with warfarin for 3 to 6 months and teric artery dissection rather than a celiac strict BP control accompanied by close artery dissection. Watson’s2 1956 dissec- surveillance for progression.10,13 Some cli- tion series is also incorrectly cited as the nicians have argued that anticoagulation first DCA, but that series described a dis- therapy may be unnecessary and that risk section of the splenic artery, which is a factor modification and BP control alone branch of the celiac artery. In a 1959 series, may be sufficient.5,6 Others have advocated Foord and Lewis3 described what is most that surgical management should be fa- likely the first report of DCA as an inciden- vored in cases of persistent pain, develop- tal finding at autopsy. More frequent de- ment of aneurysm, or threatened or com- scriptions in recent years are thought to be promised flow to end organs.7 due to the routine use of abdominal CTA.4 Dissection of the celiac artery is a rare Point-of-Care Ultrasound occurrence, with less than 100 cases re- The American College of Emergency Phy- ported, and little evidence exists to guide sicians considers ultrasound of the ab- its management.5 These dissections rep- dominal aorta a core application of emer- resent 36.8% of all visceral artery dissec- gency ultrasound.16 While sensitivity and tions,6 which themselves are less common specificity of emergency ultrasound for than renal, carotid, and vertebral artery abdominal aortic aneurysm are well estab- dissections.7 Dissection of visceral arteries lished, data supporting its use for screen- occurs predominantly in men and more of- ing for dissections are less definitive. With ten in middle-aged patients.8 Risk factors a sensitivity of 67% to 80% and a speci- for DCA are thought to mirror risk factors ficity of 99% to 100% with visualization for dissection of other arteries, including of an intimal flap, screen- atherosclerotic disease, hypertension, con- ing using ultrasound is less reliable than nective tissue disorders, trauma, vasculi- most emergency physicians (EPs) would tis, and .9-11 prefer.17,18 There are no published data reporting the sensitivity or specificity of Signs and Symptoms emergency ultrasound for DCA. However, Patients with DCA typically present with the vascular surgery literature encour- sudden onset of epigastric, flank, and/or ages color Doppler ultrasound as part of chest pain, though 50% of patients may be the initial diagnostic work-up for this rare asymptomatic.12 This pain is easily over- entity.19 While this may seem like an area looked because the physical examination ripe for emergency ultrasound, it is impor- and laboratory studies are typically unre- tant to note—as seen in our case—that the markable.13 Fortunately, DCA is rarely ac- site of the dissection is not often seen. In- companied by fatal organ dysfunction due stead, the use of Doppler allows a screen- to collateral flow from other vessels.14 ing for an abnormal flow pattern suggestive of dissection.20 Diagnosis and Management While CTA with contrast is considered Conclusion the mainstay of diagnosis of DCA,15 opti- In our case, both resident EPs and an ex- mal treatment for DCA has not been well pert fellowship-trained emergency ultra- established. Management options include sound attending physician were unable to

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