VICTORIA WELCOMES the GOOD ROADS ADVOCATES ' ■ • —Ü — I"1»------>------——J———————— ------; ------:------.-A, =%B¥£Jationalistsmatinnal ISTS I TV I T ZV , I
♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Loyal—The Ten Dollar Raise. For 36 hours éndlng 5 p. m, Tuesday: Columbia—Boy Oasy. Dominion—The Ordeal. Victoria and vicinity—Westerly winds, ; Capitol—Beyond the Rocks. generally fair add cool. xtixtff v PRICE FIVE CENTS VOJj. 60. NO. 138 VICTORIA, B. C., MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1922 ==sss VICTORIA WELCOMES THE GOOD ROADS ADVOCATES ' ■ • —ü — i"1»- --------------------------------------------- >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------——j———————— -------------------------------------- ; _ ---------- :---------------------- -.-a, =%B¥£JATIONALISTSMATinNAl ISTS I TV I t ZV , I,.. Entertained FATTY ARBUCKLE , irsotmi! tCHARGE OF Delegates Gather Interest Continues IN SECLUSION ON WERE ARRESTED GOOD ROADS by Motorists CONVENTION VANCOUVER ISLAND? London. June 12.—(Canadian Press Cable)—As the result of evidence at Luncheon Here (By Times Special Correspondent) For Discussion of to Centre in the New given before special treason courts, Courtenay, B. C„ June 12,— Roscoe C. (Fatty) Arbuckle, who which were established as an out faded from public limelight after come of the Johannesburg revolt, five hUr final acquittal of the charge in Commons Situation connection with the death of prominent Nationalists have been Good Roads Plans Virginia Rappe. has been located arrested under the common law here. He is said to be seeking charged with high treason, according seclusion in the wooded fastnesses to a Reuter dispatch from Pretoria. Effect of Budget Vote at Ottawa To morrow Evening of Vancouver Island, near Camp bell River, where trout fishing is They include Editor Cost, of the Formal Welcome Is Extended to Great Gathering of Subject of Speculation; Majority of M.P.’s Are a diverting pastime. Dutch paper Vaderland; Genera! Arbuckle la believed to have Pienaar und-AtJV'Moll, the last nafned Highway Enthusiasts Here; Membership Repre Averse to General Election.
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