February 6, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1237 Those who fail to learn the lessons of add. Running back re- tleman from California (Mr. DREIER) is history are doomed to repeat them. ceived 10 passes for 66 yards and ran recognized for 5 minutes. The President is doing today exactly the ball for 77 more yards in that driv- (Mr. DREIER addressed the House. what happened in Vietnam. On Sep- ing rain. His remarks will appear hereafter in tember 1, 1970, George McGovern spoke And the Colts did a tremendous job the Extensions of Remarks.) eloquently on the floor of the other on defense. Kelvin Hayden intercepted f body where he introduced the McGov- one of the ’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ern-Hatfield amendment. passes and ran it back 56 yards for a previous order of the House, the gentle- He said, ‘‘It does not take any cour- Colts touchdown, and the Colts scored woman from New York (Mrs. MCCAR- age at all for a Congressman or a Sen- in every single quarter in all four play- THY) is recognized for 5 minutes. ator or a President to wrap himself in off games for the first time in playoff (Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York ad- the flag and say we are staying in Viet- history. dressed the House. Her remarks will So I would just like to congratulate nam, because it is not our blood that is appear hereafter in the Extensions of , the coach of the Colts, being shed. But we are responsible for Remarks.) those young men’’ and now young one of the most popular people in foot- women ‘‘and their lives and their ball and especially in Indianapolis; and f hopes. And if we do not end this dam- we think he is one of the nicest guys The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a nable war, those young men will some- you will ever meet. He is only the third previous order of the House, the gen- day curse us for our pitiful willingness person in football history to win a tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is recog- to let the Executive carry the burden both as a coach and a play- nized for 5 minutes. that the Constitution places on us.’’ er. (Mr. POE addressed the House. His I believe we must apply the lessons of I want to congratulate my friend Bill remarks will appear hereafter in the history, and I urge my colleagues to Polian, the president of the Indianap- Extensions of Remarks.) approve that amendment when it olis Colts, who put this team together f comes up so that we can begin to end a over the past several years and did an The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a damnable war that never should have outstanding job. Bill, we are very previous order of the House, the gen- been brought in the first place. proud of you. tleman from Kansas (Mr. TIAHRT) is f And I want to congratulate the CEO recognized for 5 minutes. and owner of the Colts, Jim Irsay, who COLTS SUPER BOWL XLI VICTORY (Mr. TIAHRT addressed the House. took control of the team in 1997 and His remarks will appear hereafter in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a dedicated himself to making us a Super the Extensions of Remarks.) previous order of the House, the gen- Bowl champion. f tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is It was a great day for Indianapolis. recognized for 5 minutes. We are very, very proud of the Colts. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- On behalf of all Hoosiers, we want to previous order of the House, the gen- er, I would like to respond to my col- say to the , you are tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) is leagues who have just spoken here on the world champions, and we are very recognized for 5 minutes. the floor, but today I am here on some proud of each and every one of you. (Mr. DEFAZIO addressed the House. happy news, so I will confine my re- One more thing I want to mention. His remarks will appear hereafter in marks to what I consider to be a real The Colts defense was maligned the Extensions of Remarks.) celebratory event. throughout the season. Later in the f Sunday, the day before yesterday, I season, they said the Colts defense was The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a sat in the rain with 75,000 other Ameri- one of the worst in football. In the previous order of the House, the gen- cans cheering the Indianapolis Colts to playoff games, they took on everybody tleman from Georgia (Mr. GINGREY) is victory in the Super Bowl, and I want and held them to very, very low recognized for 5 minutes. to tell you that it was one of the great- yardage. So congratulations to the (Mr. GINGREY addressed the House. est football games that I have ever Colts defense as well as our offense. His remarks will appear hereafter in seen. You did a great job. the Extensions of Remarks.) We were very much in favor of the f f Colts, as you might imagine, and when The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the kickoff came to the Bears, and previous order of the House, the gen- previous order of the House, the gentle- Devin Hester ran 92 years for a touch- tleman from California (Mr. GEORGE woman from the District of Columbia down, everybody’s heart went down to MILLER) is recognized for 5 minutes. (Ms. NORTON) is recognized for 5 min- their feet because we thought it was (Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California utes. going to be a real letdown for us. addressed the House. His remarks will (Ms. NORTON addressed the House. But and the Colts appear hereafter in the Extensions of Her remarks will appear hereafter in came roaring back and won a very con- Remarks.) the Extensions of Remarks.) vincing victory in the Super Bowl. And f after that they had a parade in down- f town Indianapolis for the Colts in 8-de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a gree weather. Can you imagine people previous order of the House, the gen- previous order of the House, the gentle- tleman from Oregon (Mr. WALDEN) is going out in 8-degree weather to be in woman from Florida (Ms. CORRINE recognized for 5 minutes. a parade? I can’t. But the streets were BROWN) is recognized for 5 minutes. (Mr. WALDEN of Oregon addressed filled by Hoosiers who were celebrating (Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida ad- the House. His remarks will appear the victory and giving tremendous ac- dressed the House. Her remarks will hereafter in the Extensions of Re- colades to the Colts and the coach and appear hereafter in the Extensions of marks.) Manning and everybody else that made Remarks.) f this victory possible. f I would like to just make a couple of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a comments on what happened. The Colts previous order of the House, the gen- PUBLICATION OF THE RULES OF gained 430 yards in that game against tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) THE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND the third strongest defense in the Na- is recognized for 5 minutes. MEANS, 110TH CONGRESS tional Football League. Peyton Man- (Mr. PALLONE addressed the House. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ning completed 25 of 38 passes for 247 His remarks will appear hereafter in previous order of the House, the gen- yards and was named the Most Valu- the Extensions of Remarks.) tleman from New York (Mr. RANGEL) is able Player. Running back Dominic f recognized for 5 minutes. Rhodes ran for 113 yards against that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to Bears defense, in driving rain, I might previous order of the House, the gen- submit for printing in the CONGRESSIONAL

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