Stephen Hunter | 461 pages | 25 Nov 2008 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9780743458009 | English | New York, NY, United States The 47th Samurai (Bob Lee Swagger, #4) by Stephen Hunter

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. The 47th Samurai to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge The 47th Samurai. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — The 47th Samurai by Stephen Hunter. Bob Lee Swagger and Philip Yano are bound together by a single moment at Iwo Jima,when their fathers, two brave fighters on opposite sides, met in the bloody and chaotic ba In "The 47th Samurai," Bob Lee Swagger, the gritty hero of Stephen Hunter's bestselling novels "" and "Time to Hunt, " returns in Hunter's most intense and exotic thriller to The 47th Samurai. Bob Lee Swagger and Philip Yano are bound together by The 47th Samurai single moment at Iwo Jima,when their fathers, two brave fighters on opposite sides, met in the bloody and chaotic battle for the island. Only Earl Swagger survived. More than sixty years later, Yano comes to America to honor the legacy of his heroic father by recovering the sword he used in the battle. His search has led him to Crazy Horse, Idaho, where Bob The 47th Samurai, ex-marine and Vietnam veteran, has settled into a restless retirement and immediately pledges himself to Yano's quest. Bob Lee finds the sword and delivers it to Yano in Tokyo. On inspection, they discover that it The 47th Samurai not a standard WWII blade, but a legendary shin-shinto katana, an artifact of the nation. It is priceless but worth killing for. Suddenly Bob is at the center of a series of terrible crimes he barely understands but vows to avenge. And to do so, he throws himself into the world of the samurai, Tokyo's dark, criminal yakuza underworld, and the unwritten rules of Japanese culture. Swagger's allies, hard-as-nails, American-born Susan Okada and the brave, cocaine-dealing tabloid journalist Nick Yamamoto, help him move through this strange, glittering, and ominous world from the shady bosses of the seamy Kabukicho district to officials in the highest The 47th Samurai of the Japanese government, but in the end, he is on his own and will succeed only if he can learn that to survive samurai, you must become samurai. As the plot races and the violence escalates, it becomes clear that a ruthless conspiracy is in place, and the only thing that can be taken for granted is that money, power, and sex can drive men of all nationalities to gruesome extremes. If Swagger hopes to stop them, he must be willing not only to die but also to kill. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Bob Lee Swagger 4. Bob Lee Swagger. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please The 47th Samurai up. To ask other readers questions about The 47th Samuraiplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. I'm sure that some will read this book and rate it lower than The 47th Samurai have I'll say this I like the Bob Lee Swagger character pretty well. However the Bob here isn't quite the Bob we've met before. There's not a huge difference The 47th Samurai anyone who's followed the series will probably see the differences. This however The 47th Samurai not the eye roll factor. I'll have to discuss that un I'm sure that some will read this book The 47th Samurai rate it lower than I have I'll have The 47th Samurai discuss that under a spoiler warning I don't want to "spoil" anything for anyone. Many if not most of you will The 47th Samurai catch the reference made in the title. Again details under a spoiler warning later. The 47th Samurai the book has some flaws There is The 47th Samurai section of slow plot building that leads to a slam bang finish. So, an action book that sets up a I'll give it four stars as it claims to be an action book and that's what it is. What is so eye rolling about this book? Please, let me explain. Are you aware of The 47th Samurai story referenced above of the 47 Samurai, or more properly the 47 Ronin? It's iconic in Japan like the Alamo here. The story is also well known in many places as there are endless movies, books, stories and TV shows based on it. In short and please don't be offended as I'm just giving a quick imprecise version here a young lord is tricked into doing something that offends the Shogun by an unscrupulous and cowardly court member. The young lord is ordered to commit seppuku. This left his retainers as masterless samurai. Of The 47th Samurai retainers 47 refused to allow their lord to go unavenged. For 2 years they built a reputation as shameful ronin, drunk debauched masterless warriors. Then they brought off an unexpected attack on the castle or The 47th Samurai of the one who'd brought about their lord's shame and caused his death. After this when the Shogun ordered them they to committed seppuku. Alright here Bob meets a Japanese man who's father knew Bob's father This man has come to Bob searching for his father's sword. Bob feeling an obligation sets out to help him. He finds that his father Earl Swagger had handed the sword off to his young captain. The story proceeds through tragic happenings to The 47th Samurai vendetta that leads Bob to the Yakuza See the really bad, nasty, evil dangerous Yakuza hit man uses a sword. The Sword Bob tracked down is of course a famous antique samurai around which blood and horror spin. Of course to do this, Bob the Nailer, Bob Lee Swagger supreme at 60 years old learns to apparently master use the Katana, from a master of course the Wakizashi and the tanto In the end Bob beats just barely of course the samurai master. Not only this however Of course when you The 47th Samurai them it turns out that Bob Lee makes the The sword Bob had recovered had belonged to the original 47th Samurai. Now aside from the fact that this could never happen, it leads to a pretty good fight scene directly introducing Bob's duel with the hit man. View all 13 comments. Mar 21, Carol Storm rated it did not like it. Bob Lee Swagger becomes a Samurai. I mean, really? I thought he was a rifleman! So what's next? Bob Lee Swagger is a surfer. And he pals around with Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys, and together they break up a murderous hippie cult. I mean it! Audiobook - listened to 4 of The narrator was OK, but the story - it just went everywhere and nowhere for me. After a couple of hours of thinking "umm A couple of hours later I went back to the GR reviews and found that I had tilted way towards agreeing with the one and two star reviews, figured Bobby Lee wasn't going to get Audiobook - listened to 4 The 47th Samurai A couple of hours later I went back to the GR reviews and found that I had tilted way towards agreeing with the one and two star reviews, figured Bobby Lee wasn't going to get any better and kicked him to the DNF shelf. View all 4 comments. Jun 22, Nate rated it it was ok. All the more so, really, because Stephen Hunter has been one of my recent favorite thriller writers. The 47th Samurai - Wikipedia

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Audio MP3 The 47th Samurai CD. Dust drifted from the ceiling. The burnt-egg stench of sulfur lingered everywhere. There had been so many names. Does this mean they're coming? The blockhouse was low and smelled of sulfur and shit because the men all had dysentery from the tainted water. It The 47th Samurai typical Imperial Army fortification, a low bunker of concrete, reinforced over many long months, with oak tree trunks from what had been but was no longer the island's only oak forest, the sand heaped over The 47th Samurai. It had three firing slits and behind each slit sat a Type 96 gun on a tripod, a gunner, and a couple of loaders. Each field of fire fanned away for hundreds of yards across an almost featureless landscape of black sand ridges and marginal vegetation. The blockhouse was divided into three chambers, like a nautilus shell, so that even if one or two were wiped out, the last gun could continue to fire until the very end. The 47th Samurai was festooned everywhere with the latest imperative from General Kuribayashi's headquarters, a document called "Courageous Battle Vows," which summed up everyone's responsibilities to The 47th Samurai Sphere. Above all else, we shall dedicate ourselves to the defense of this island. We shall grasp bombs, charge the enemy tanks and destroy them. We shall infiltrate into the midst of the enemy and annihilate them. With every salvo we will, without fail, kill the enemy. Each man will make it his duty to kill ten of the enemy before dying. Outside, the captain's small empire continued. Six pits with Nambu The 47th Samurai in each, each gun supported by gunner, loader, and two or three riflemen flanked the empire to left and right. In further spider holes were martyrs with rifles. No escape for them; they knew The 47th Samurai were dead already. They lived only to kill those ten Americans before they gave their lives up in sacrifice. Those men had it the worst. In here, no shell could penetrate. The concrete was four feet thick, riven with steel rods. Out there a naval shell from the offshore fleet could turn a man to shreds in a second. If the shell landed precisely, no one would have time for a death poem. Now that the attack was upon them, the captain became energized. He shook off the months of torpor, the despair, the terrible food, the endless shitting, the worries. Now, at last, glory approached. Except of course he no longer believed in glory. That was for fools. He believed only in duty. He was not a speech maker. But now he ran from position to position, making sure each gun was properly cocked and aimed, the loaders stood ready with fresh ammunition strips, the riflemen crouched to pick off the errant demon American. The 47th Samurai could not remember this one either. But these were all good boys, Kagoshima boys, as the th was drawn from Kyushu, the home of Japan's best soldiers. I am eager to die for the emperor," said the boy, The 47th Samurai superior private. You and I, we are The 47th Samurai. Our duty is all. I am so afraid of the flames. Will you shoot me if I am engulfed in fire? The hairy beasts were dishonorable. How could a warrior die honorably in flames? I beg you. If I burn, behead me. Sudo from Kyushu. You will not die The 47th Samurai flames. The 47th Samurai I promise you. We are samurai! It was pride, it was honor, it was sacrifice. It was worth more than life. It was what a man needed to be and would die to be. He had known it his whole life; he had yearned for it, as he yearned for a son who would live up to it. Able Company caught primary assault. It was simply Able's turn, and Charlie and Item and Hotel would offer suppressive fire and flanking maneuvers and handle artillery coordination, but it was Able's turn to go first. Lead the way. Semper fi, all that fine bullshit. There was a problem, however. There was always a problem, this was today's: Able's CO was shaky. He was new to the The 47th Samurai and rumors had it that a connected father had gotten his son the command. His name was Culpepper and he was a college boy from some fancy place who talked a little like a woman. It wasn't anything anybody could put a finger on, not homo or anything, he just wasn't somehow like The 47th Samurai other officers. He was fancy, somehow, from fancy places, fancy houses, fancy parents. Was Culpepper up to it? Nobody knew, but the blockhouse had to go or Battalion would be hung up all day here and the big guns on Suribachi would continue to shatter the beachhead. So Colonel Hobbs assigned his battalion's first sergeant, Earl The 47th Samurai, to go along with Captain Culpepper that morning. He's old breed. He's been around. He's hit a lot of beaches. He's the best combat leader I have, you understand. The colonel drew Earl aside. The 47th Samurai let him freeze, keep his boys moving. I hate to do this to you, but someone's got to get them boys up the hill and you're the best I've got. They said nobody could shoot a Thompson gun like the first sergeant. He'd fought the Japs in China before the war, it was The 47th Samurai. Swagger was from nowhere. He had no hometown, no memories he shared, no stories of the good old days, as if he had no good old days. It was said he'd married a gal last time home, on some The 47th Samurai of bond tour for the citizens back there, and everybody said she's a looker, but he never pulled pictures or talked much about it. He was all guile, energy, and focus, seemingly indestructible but one of those professionals with what some would call a gleam in his eye who could talk any boy or green lieutenant through anything. He was a prince of war, and if he was doomed, he didn't know it, or much care about it. Culpepper had a plan. Swagger didn't like it. You'll The 47th Samurai up with your people all running around not sure of what to do while the Japs sit there and shoot. I wouldn't break Able down The 47th Samurai squads but by platoons, I'd keep a good base of The 47th Samurai going, and I'd get my flamethrowers off on the right, try and work 'em in close that way. The flamethrowers, sir, those are the key. They are tough little bastards, and believe you me, they know what they are doing. If you expect men to remember maneuver patterns keyed to landmarks, you The 47th Samurai be disappointed. It has to be simple, hard, basic, and not much to remember, or the Japs will shoot your boys down like toads on a The 47th Samurai rock. The important goddamn thing is to get them flamethrowers in close. I'd hold your other team The 47th Samurai. Meanwhile, you pound away from your base of fire. Get the bazookas involved. Them gun slits is tiny but a bazooka rocket through one is something the Japs will notice. The 47th Samurai (Bob Lee Swagger Series #4) by Stephen Hunter, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

Become a member to get exclusive early access to our latest reviews too! Browse our magazines. Submit your novel for review. Our features are original articles from our print The 47th Samurai these will say where The 47th Samurai were originally published or original articles commissioned for this site. It is also where our staff first look for news and features for the site. The 47th Samurai membership is worldwide, but we still like to meet up - The 47th Samurai many members travel thousands of miles to do so. Here you can find out about our conferences and chapter meetings, and can check the important dates for our Awards and magazine. Two characters with the quintessentially American names of Earl and Bob Lee Swagger occupy center stage in this latest view of the father and son adventure series. This one begins in the unlikely setting of battle-ravaged Iwo Jima in the hellish fighting of Once the story moves to The 47th Samurai, the account changes in suspense as the true meaning of the blade and the central role this particular sword plays in Japanese culture brings in characters as diverse as a Japanese pornography kingpin, Yakuza gangsters, a beautiful and cunning Japanese-American CIA agent, and paratroopers from the Japanese Self Defense Forces what would be termed the Army in any other country. While the reader may be a bit doubtful that a middle-aged foreigner could have so much success operating as an action hero in a cultural setting so radically different from his own, the writer manages to sway you over to his thinking as only a talented veteran The 47th Samurai is able. Those unfamiliar with the saga of the 47 Ronin will certainly find this an arresting introduction to how Japan defines honor, family, and tradition. Toggle navigation. Browse our magazines Submit your novel for The 47th Samurai. All articles Browse by Tag Browse Guides. Vallely Two characters with the quintessentially American names of Earl and Bob Lee Swagger occupy center stage in this latest view of the father and son adventure series. Browse articles by tag Choose a tag Rochester Mrs.