John) Peters 1675—1766 Hampshire Co Va.,( Now W.Va

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John) Peters 1675—1766 Hampshire Co Va.,( Now W.Va PART I JOHN PARKER THE VIRGINIAN AND HIS DESCENDANTS 1749—1980 PART II JOHANNAS (JOHN) PETERS 1675—1766 HAMPSHIRE CO VA.,( NOW W.VA) Compiled by Kathryn Hutcherson Campbell Dallas Texas 1980 Gty ,<.<••• V7/ 0/C-.;WYn<y, 0 «.<& i> A * ^\^\p3- ^ 7 "> ^v. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN and ELIZABETH PARKER PART I JOHANNAS and CATHERINE PETERS PART II OF THE VIRGINIA COLONY IN AMERICA PROPRIETOR LORD FAIRDAX OF ENGLAND UNDER KING CHARLES II OF RNGLAND COMPILED BY KATHRYN HUTCHERSON CAMPBELL DALLAS TEXAS 1980 DEDICATED TO A GRACIOUS SOUTHERN UDY MY MOTHER LEEANNAH THOMPSON HUTCHERSON I860- i958 - <_ f **| . ; > ;._ •. - -•,-; Kc_-Cr> S^-^iCKHt) CTf^v^&<>vv^ (__rKvr_4J_cfe-V •; •gf^jg^!-^ L __j__a___a________>_j *i.^_-- Leeaimah Thompson Hutcherson 1860-1958 MY MOTHER Jo__n I'vlor Hutchersor. 1825-1926 PREFACE "It is wise for us to recur to the History of Our Ancestors,Those who do not look upon themselves as a link connecting the past with the future,do not perform their duty to the world" Daniel Webster. As a firm believer of this admonishment of Daniel Webster and at this time being in the 85th year of a good life it is with justifiable pride that this Compilation connecting the present with the past is given to posterity, Yes a life time of rewarding research;traveling many jouous miles in the anticipation of learning more about our ' Procenitor and his descendants,gathering a little here and a little there in the Archives, County Court House Records, Historical Libraries, Family Burial Grounds,Family Bibles, and Family Memoirs. All this has been a most pleasant and rewarding experience.therefore it is with judicious pride this Compilation is submitted for your perusal Kathryn Hutcherson Campbell Compiler June 1979 Explanatory Note; Since John Parker and Johannes (John) Peters are closely connected thru their offsprings and since researching the Peters Family and finding a small amount of data, it seems most advisable to include this sparse amount of data on this Peters Family as Part II of this Compilation. KHC CONTENTS Part I Each Child of John Parker is presented as a Chapter * Chapter I. .Robert Parker M..(I) Hannah Peters p..12 (2) Margaret Chapter II.„Richard Parker Lvg I765 Chapter III. .Nathaniel Parker M..(l) Ann Clayton P--HO (2) Mrs^Mary (Ramey)Bledsoe Chapter IV.oAaron Parker lvg/765 *~ p»»I7_t_ Chapter V..Catherine Parker M._Capt Wm Forman p..17 % Chapter VI. .Elizabeth Parker M..John Nall(Nalle) P..I7-J Part II p..I?5 Children of Peter Parker s/o Johannas (John) Peters (on) Chapter I.oMary Peters M..Peter Rambow P..179 Chapter II«.Susan Peters M._Richard Williams p..I_?.<' *Chapter III Hannah Peters M..Robert Parker p..I SO Chapter IV..Son died infant. p..12/ SUPPLEMENTALS p..163 PeniKo »p«.183 Shannon, .p. .19^ Cleaver._p.•I84 Waddell..p..196 Hutcherson..p ..I8fc Dimmitts..p..200 Adams..p •«IS9 Thompson, .p. «20tj- McCune..p..190 Tapley.op ..20| Reading._p ..192 Biggs..p..20 0 EARLY PARKER FAMILY REFERENCES Refj(I) Americana 4th Quarter I93I,Vol XXV #4,pp592-l66 (2) Historical Sumner Co Tenn (1909) By Jay Guy Cisco (KHC Library) (3) Encylipedia Vol II (1953) Compiled by Columbia University. (4) Nathaniel Parker (2) & His Descendants (1966) p 3 By Hazel Parker Jones (KHC Library) (5) Parker Genealogy (I893) By Theodore Parker (the generation from Thos Parker (KHC Library) (6) Colonial Families of Southern States of America p 409 By Hardy (7) Research by Frederick Dorman, Washington D.C. for Mrs Virginia Knight deed 1977 (She gave this research to KHC Mar 20 1975) A Quote from Ref;(4) "Among those early Colonial Settler s were Abraham Parker settled in Chelmsford.Mass and the br others; Joseph,Nathan, Parker settled first at Newbury,Mass,late r Andover Mass. Where Joseph was one of the founders of the Congregational Church in 1645 The semilareties in the Parker Family Coats of Arms of Abraham Parker and our #1 Thos Parker and the similarity of names such as Joseph,Stephen, Thomas Samuel, John.James.Robert and Peter. among the children of Abraham, Joseph,Rev Thos Parker and o ur #1 Thos Parker make it seem very probable that these men were closely related". END OF QUOTE NOTE: The above underscored given names are prevalent in the Hampshire Co, Va (now W Va) Parker Family,also in the Ralls Co, Mo Parker Family * Ref;(6) Colonial Families of Southern States of America PARKER FAMILY Quote.."Parkers are of Norman Origin and one of the oldest and most distinguished families of England.._.the names wa__ originally De Parker" unquote 4 PARKER Ref;(I) Americana 4th Quarter Quote "The Name Parker carnes to us from the occupation of "Parker" or Keeper of the forests and game preserves, when the Kings and Nobles were able to own mnlimited stretches of forest land and games preserve,the position of the Forrester or Parker was highly honorable and lucative profession.... In the Reign of King Edward I, a Geogrey Parker is mentioned even before the common use of surnames in England" unquote Ibid p 166 Quote: "Abraham Parker was born in Marlborough, Wiltshire, Eng ca 1612-died Chelnisford, Middlesex Co, Mass Aug 12 I685, He was one of five brothers name.y: James. Joseph, John and Jacob all settled in New England and a cousin Thomas Parker was among the early settlers" unquote * _• * Ref(2) Historical Sumner Co Tenn By Cisco Quote; "The first of the Parker Family came to America in about the second ship after the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock. Thos Parker espoused the cause of Roger Williams and went with him to Harford Plantation,one of his descendants emigrated to Penn and afterwards he or one of his descendants removed to Hampshire Co, W Va. from this line sprang John Parker , Hampshire Co W Va and the father of Nathaniel Parker b ca 1730 in Hampshire Co Va (Now W Va) " unquote * * * Ref; (3) Encylopedia Quote; "Roger Williams born ca l603;died I683.Clergyman advocate of religious freedom, Founder of Rhode Island, born in Emgland,banished from Mass and founded Providence R.I. in I636" unquote Thus Thomas Parker b ca 1600 in England was in America at Harford Plantation before I636 and one of his descendants emigrated to Penn, later this descendant moved to Hampshire Co Va ( now W Va) and from this line line sprang our John Parker the father of Nathaniel Parker the bro of our Robert Parker, Therefore,consideringThomas Parker as the Progenitor and Generation 1600 and our John the late 1600s, we would have at least three genrations to prove the connection with the foregoing data,allowing 30yrs to a generation, Consequently,this Compilation begins with our Progenitor John Parker leaving further research of these missing links to posterity KHC EXCERPTS Ref (4) Nathaniel Parker and His Descendants p 3 By Hazel Parker Jones Quote; "Thos Parker made a Freeman May 17 I637 at Lynn Mass and reed an allotment of 40 A at Lynn Mass in I638 called "Great Dividend" grant I658 of 200A on No Side of Ipswich River" ub quote Ibid p II Quote; "Thos Parker the Immigrant (I) The Lynn Mass Annals a very small saved portion of the Old Lynn Records which were destroyed by and early fire quote"l635 came this year Thos Parker farmer,who embarked at Landon Eng Marr II 1635°°»»•»• I635 Passengers which sailed from ye Port of Landon in l635»«« In the Susan and Ellen, Edward Payne, Master, for New England, These partieshere under expressed have brought certificates from the minister and Justice of their conformetie and that they are subsudy (Meaning notconnected with the English Army) »._.._,,. The name Thomas Parker age 30 (b I605) immigrant and ancestor of the Parker family appears 17th on that list and since his name appears alone without wife or family it would seemthat he was an unmarried man when he sailed from from London in l635and it appears he met and married Amy d/o an early settler (surnsme not given) * _• _• Ibid...pp 14-15 Among the early settlers were Abraham Parker settled Chelmsford Mass and his bros Joseph and Nathan Parker .settled at New bury Mass later went to Andover Mass. Ibid ..p 14 Roger Williams "When our Immigrant forefathers reached the Young Colony of Mass in the summer and fall of l635,a Congregationalis or Puritan settler at Lynn Mass.he very probably heard much talk of Roger Williams, that famous Pastor of Salem,only 6 miles north of the Parker home at Lynn Mass * * * Ibid..Excerpt (3) EPITAH ,First Parish Congregational Church, Wakefield Mass Cametery: Tombstone of Thomas Parker "Here lyeth within this arched place the body of Deacon Thomas Parker who was won (one) of the foundation (Charter Members) of the Church,who died ye 12 of Aug I683...aged ca 74 (B 1609) Ibid ExEerpt (4) Vital Records to 1850 Wakefield Mass p 310 Quote; Parker, Thos Deacon died Aug 12 I683 aged ca 74 " unquote * * -* Ref; Compendium of American Genealogy "Thos Parker (I609-I683)from England in the Ship Susan & Ellen l635»««a Freeman at Lunn Mass in I637, one o_t the settlers of Reading Mass ca 1638, Selectman 1661.Deacon I645-I683 I635 to Amy d I69O _• * * Reg;(5) Parker Genealogy By Theodore Patker WILL OF DEACON THOS PARKER Abstract Written Aug 3 I683 Proven Dec 18 I683 Wf..Amy Sons;0.JohnjThos;Nathaniel;Hannaniah Daus;..Maxey;Martha; Gr chn;Samuel;Sarah Parker Exec' Son, Hannaniah Parker JOHN PARKER THE PROGENITOR OF HAMPSHIRE CO VA LINEAGE The Parker Family was established in Hampshire Co Va by John Parker, who settled there while this area was a part of Frederick Co, Va, which was before 1753 as Hampshire Co was formed from Frederick Co in 1753 ....He received two Land Grants in 1749 in Frederick Co Va.
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