‘BELLADONNA’ Amaryllis ‘Belladonna’

Characteristics  Type: Perennial  Sun: Full sun to partial shade  Native Range:  Water: Xeriscapic  Zone: 7 to 10  Maintenance: Low  Height: 24” to 36”  Suggested use: Will naturalize  Spread: 24” to 36”  Toxicity: & roots are  Bloom time: Late summer/early fall poisonous  Bloom: Pink, red, white. Showy.  Resistances: Deer resistant Fragrant Culture

Amaryllis belladonna performs best in climates with warm, dry summers. A location with a protected southern exposure is ideal. the in well-drained soil, about 6 to 12 inches apart. Site the bulbs just below the surface of the soil if you live in a cold winter climate. If you live in a climate where temps remain above 15 F. (-9 C.), plant the bulbs so the tops are level with the surface of the soil, or slightly above. For spectacular impact, plant bulbs in groups of three or more. Don’t confuse Amaryllis belladonna with its tamer cousin, also know as amaryllis, which blooms indoors during the holiday season – same plant family, different .

Noteworthy Characteristics

Amaryllis belladonna is an amazing plant that produces clumps of bold, strappy leaves in fall and winter. The showy foliage dies down by early summer and bare stalks emerge after six weeks – a surprising development because the leafless stalk appears to grow directly from the soil. These bare stalks are why the plant is often known as “naked lady”. It is also known as ‘surprise lily’ for its proclivity to pop up seemingly out of nowhere. Each stalk is topped with a cluster of up to 12 sweet-smelling, trumpet-shaped blooms in shades of rosy pink. Amaryllis belladonna has naturalized along the coastline. It is a plant that thrives on neglect.


All parts of this plant are toxic if ingested

Garden Uses

Xeriscape. Naturalize. Fragrant. Cut garden. Rock garden. Container.