Description of Landscape Features, Summary of Existing Hydrologic Data, and Identification of Data Gaps for the Osage Nation, Northeastern Oklahoma, 1890–2012
PreparedPrepared inin cooperationcooperation withwith thethe OsageOsage NationNation DescriptionDescription ofof LandscapeLandscape Features,Features, SummarySummary ofof ExistingExisting HydrologicHydrologic Data,Data, andand IdentificationIdentification ofof DataData GapsGaps forfor thethe OsageOsage Nation,Nation, NortheasternNortheastern Oklahoma,Oklahoma, 1890–20121890–2012 ScientificScientific InvestigationsInvestigations ReportReport 2014–51342014–5134 U.S.U.S. DepartmentDepartment ofof thethe InteriorInterior U.S.U.S. GeologicalGeological SurveySurvey Front cover: Background, Sand Creek in Osage Hills State Park, Oklahoma, 2013; photograph by Stan Paxton. Top, Unnamed tributary of the Arkansas River near Cleveland, Okla., 2013; photograph by Stan Paxton. Bottom, Bird Creek near Pawhuska, Okla., 2013; photograph by Stan Paxton. Back cover: Left, Arkansas River near Cleveland, Okla., 2013; photograph by Stan Paxton. Right, Arkansas River near Ralston, Okla., 2013; photograph by Stan Paxton. Bottom, U.S. Geological Survey drilling rig near Hominy, Okla., 2013; photograph by Stan Paxton. Description of Landscape Features, Summary of Existing Hydrologic Data, and Identification of Data Gaps for the Osage Nation, Northeastern Oklahoma, 1890–2012 By William J. Andrews and S. Jerrod Smith Prepared in cooperation with the Osage Nation Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5134 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior SALLY JEWELL, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey Suzette M. Kimball, Acting Director
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