Stories, Reviews, Poems, Articles
a quarterly review price one dollar registered at gpo perth for transmission by post as a periodical - Category '8' STORIES, POEMS, REVIEWS, ARTICLES westerly a quarterly review• EDITORS: Bruce Bennett and Peter Cowan EDITORIAL COMMI'ITEE: Bruce Bennett, Peter Cowan, Patrick Hutchings, Leonard Jolley, Margot Luke Westerly is published quarterly by the English Department, University of Western Australia, with assistance from the Literature Board of the Australia Council. The opinions expressed in Westerly are those of individual contributors and not of any member of the above Committee. Correspondence should be addressed to the Editorial Committee, Westerly, Department of English, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009 (telephone 80 3838). Unsolicited manuscripts not accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope will not be returned. All manuscripts must show the name and address of the sender and should he typed (double-spaced) on one side of the paper only. Whilst every care is taken of manu scripts, the Editorial Committee can take no final responsibility for their return; contributors are consequently urged to retain copies of all work submitted. Minimum rates for contributions -poems $7.00; prose pieces $7.00; reviews, articles $15.00; short stories $30.00. It is stressed that these are minimum rates, based on the fact that very brief contributions in any field are acceptable. In practice the Committee aims to pay more, and will discuss payment where required. Subscriptions: $4.00 per annum, plus postage (Australasia 80c per annum, Overseas $1.60 per annum); $7.00 for 2 years (postage Australasia $1.60, Overseas $3.20).
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