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May 16,2019 Ref : NIACL/lnvl2Ol9-2O

To, The Manager The Manager Listing Department Listing Department Stock Exchange of India Ltd' BSE Limited The N;io;ai sth F1oor,Plot C/ l, Phiroze JeejeebhoYTower Exchange Plaza, Baldra-I(urla ComPlex Dalal Street G B1ock, Mumbai 400 001 Mumbai 400 051

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Dear Sir/Madam

Sub:Corrigendum:ExtractoftheauditedFinancialResults{standalone}forthe Newspapers. yJar ended 31st March 2o1g published in lnv dated 15052019 This has reference to our letter bearing ref no NIACL/ l2ol9-2O. where we ha-ve published the whereby we had submitted the cutting o1 th" N"-sptpers Financial year ended 31"t ..Extract of the audited Financial Resilts (Standalonei for the March 2OI9". in the "Extract of the audited There was a typographica-l error in the date mentioned 31st March, 2019" published in Financial Results (stanaaonel for the Financial year ended variousdailiesonlSthMay,2olg.Thedatementronedas..l3thMarc]n2o|g"istoberead as " 13th MaY,2079".

PleasefrndenclosedtheNewspapercuttingoftheCorrigendumpublishedinvariousdailies on 16.05.2019.

Kindly take the same on record

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ÚUæÁÙèçÌ·¤ ß MUMBAI | THURSDAY, 16 MAY 2019 ECONOMY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS 5

. < ‘The narrative of joblessness at its India had world’s highest child mortality rate in 2015: Study

PRESS TRUST OF INDIA highest in decades is misinformed’ Washington, 15 May states, great disparities dren under five in 25 states. remained: The highest mor- United Nations India had more deaths among tality rate in Assam was more Millennium Development Chief Economic Advisor KRISHNAMURTHYSUBRAMANIAN tells Arup Roychoudhury & affects only the level of GDP. Growth children under five than any than seven times that in Goa. Goals (MDG) set in the year Indivjal Dhasmana that even if there is a slight overestimation or underestimation rate is about change. Even if there is a other country in 2015, with Although most under- 2000 was to reduce the under- of the level of GDP, it does not necessarily affect the growth rate. Edited excerpts: slight overestimation or underestima- large disparities in the child five deaths were due to five mortality rate in 2015 to tion of the level of GDP, it does not nec- mortality rate between richer preterm complications, pre- one-third of the 1990 figure. What can the government do to boost and the going is good, there is no prob- essarily translate into the growth rate. and poorer states, a Lancet ventable infectious diseases For India that would have the economy? lem. Whenever the situation becomes On the job data as well, the narrative study has found. The featured prominently as meant reducing the under-five I will focus on the long term again. The tough, the rolling over of liabilities of unemployment being at its highest in researchers at the Johns causes of death in higher- mortality rate to 39 deaths per government should work on the three becomes more difficult. What is impor- decades is misinformed. You have the Hopkins Bloomberg School of mortality states. 1,000 live births. factors of production, which are capi- tant is to monitor the mismatches very unemployment survey and periodic Public Health in the US "India can accelerate its The analysis showed, how- tal, land and labour. We need to be carefully so that there is monitoring of labour force survey. The sampling pro- analysed state-level Indian reduction of under-five mor- ever, that despite great progress working on long-term competitiveness, liquidity. cedure in the former was based on data on the causes of death tality rates by scaling up vac- since 1990 — and even since and these three factors become household expenditure. In the labour among children under five for cine coverage and improving 2000 when the under-five mor- important in that context. The Questions have been raised force survey, the sampling was based the years 2000-2015. childbirth and neonatal care, tality rate was 90.5 deaths per real cost of capital, which is again on the GDP data since an on level of education, particularly indi- They found that India especially in states where mor- 1,000 live births — India in 2015 high, needs to come down. My official report said a number of viduals who have passed class 10. About made great progress during tality rates remain high," said was still well above the MDG emphasis would be a lot more companies under the MCA 21 75 per cent households have at least one the period, reducing annual Li Liu, PhD, assistant professor target, at 47.8 deaths per 1,000 on credit spread. We have to work on database could not be traced. individual who has passed class 10. If mortality among children at the Bloomberg School. live births. reducing the cost of acquiring land, On the employment data as well as the somebody has passed class 10 that indi- under five from 2.5 million in Using data sources from Most (57.9 per cent) of both directly and indirectly. GDP data, I have a few points to make. vidual will not go and work as a daily 2000 to 1.2 million in 2015 — Indian government health sur- deaths among Indian children Having been in the government for four wage labourer. If you look at the Census, which was still the highest in veys, the team assessed total under five in 2015 occurred in Are we headed towards a liquidity months now and having looked at a vey of services, not of the economy. and at the number of households which the world. mortality, mortality rates and the first four weeks of life — crisis, given what has happened in the number of touchpoints, I can say that in There may be firms found to be not in has at least one person who has passed However, among India's causes of mortality for chil- the neonatal period. NBFC sector? a democracy like ours, it is very hard to services but they definitely count in the class 10, the unemployment rate will be What a lot of market participants call develop a narrative that is different economy. Therefore, we have to careful higher. If you put a 75 per cent weight on liquidity is actually related to solvency. from the truth. There is this NSSO in comparing apples and oranges. The a higher number and a 25 per cent You have NBFCs which have long-dat- (National Sample Survey Office) survey blow-up factor, which is used to account weight on a lower number, you will ed assets and their liabilities are short of the services sector. They have taken for those companies which have not indeed get a higher number. But that term, which they roll over. Whenever the sample frame from MCA 21 and given the data, is only 12-15 per cent. It has nothing to do with fundamentals. It you have this asset-liability mismatch then have gone and checked. It is a sur- is not a large number. Secondly, this is just about sampling.

COAI supports minimum broadband speed of up to 2 Mbps for4G network

PRESS TRUST OF INDIA was in favour of minimum facto already providing more and on a 3G network you New Delhi, 15 May broadband speed being pre- than 2 mbps on an average should expect this speed, scribed at 2 Mbps, especially and "at peaks a lot more", and on a 4G network you Industry body COAI on given the proliferation of 4G which is borne out by the should expect this speed... Wednesday said it favours services in India, Cellular data speed test results of var- when we talk about our sub- minimum broadband speed Operators' Association of ious firms. mission we said up to, of up to 2 Mbps (megabits India (COAI) Director "The problem is in basi- because no operator any- per second) for 4G networks. General Rajan Mathews told cally saying you are giving where in the world absolute- Currently, the minimum reporters: "Yes, we have sup- one measure for your whole ly says they can guarantee broadband speed is 512 ported this, on a 4G net- network...If you are saying you a certain amount of Kbps. work." Mathews said most of on my 2G network, you speed on the network," Asked if the association the telecom operators are de should expect this speed, Mathews said.

‘Dead lizard’ found Grenade blastin in food at Haldiram’s Guwahati hurts 12

Aman allegedly found a dead lizard in a food At least 12 people, including two SSB personnel, item served at the snacks major Haldiram's were injured in a grenade blast, reportedly carried outlet here, a Food and Drugs Administration out by ULFA(I) militants, in front of a shopping (FDA) official said on Wednesday. mall in the heart of the city on Wednesday The incident took place at the outlet locat- evening, officials said. ed at Ajani square on Tuesday morning. The Guwahati Police Commissioner Deepak picture of the dead lizard found in 'vada sam- Kumar told PTI that two persons riding a motor- bar' went viral on the social media. cycle hurled the grenade in front of the shopping "The man and a woman accompanying mall located at arterial R G Baruah Road just oppo- him, both from Wardha, had ordered vada site the state zoo around 8 pm. sambar at the outlet. But while eating, the "As per our information, 12 persons were man found a dead lizard in the food. They injured in the explosion. Out of them, five are brought this to the notice of the outlet's super- (undergoing treatment) at Gauhati Medical visor, who later on threw it away," assistant College and Hospital. The condition of one of commissioner of FDA (Nagpur) Milind them is serious. Five others with minor injuries Deshpande told PTI. were admitted to a private hospital. The state will "They were later admitted to a private hos- bear expenses of their treatment," Minister of State pital and discharged on Wednesday," he ads- for Health Pijush Hazarika said. Hazarika visited ded. "The FDA was informed about it in the the hospital. Two others suffered eye injuries and evening, after which we immediately visited they were taken to an eye hospital, Kamrup the the Haldiram's outlet and conducted an Metropolitan Disaster Management Authority inspection,” Deshpande said. PTI CEO Bidyut Bikash Bhagawati said. PTI

SHYAMKAMAL APPOINTMENTS INVESTMENTS LIMITED Regd. Office: -501, Plot No. 5/B, Raj Kailash Building, 5th Floor,V.P Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai, 400058. CIN: L65990MH1982PLC028554 E-mail id: [email protected]. Website: Tel: 022 -26206720. Fax: 022 -26206720 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on 28th May,2019, Tuesday at the Registered Office of the Company to consider and take on record the Audited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter and year ended 31st March, 2019. For Shyamkamal Investments Limited Sd/- Sanjay Talati Place:Mumbai Director Date: 15/05/2019 DIN: 06927261 CHENNAI BusinessLine 3 THURSDAY • MAY 16 • 2019 NEWS

Asahi Glass workers on strike demanding , the reinstatement of dismissed colleagues

TE RAJA SIMHAN WX unconditional reinstatement of new giant in the FMCG sector Chennai, May 15 ‘In the absence of all 28 workmen. With no head­ Over 200 permanent workers of permanent employees, way, on March 5 the union issued All of Tata’s consumer brands will be towards creating new categor­ Asahi India Glass have been on the plant is run by a notice warning of indefinite ies and adding new product strike from March 25, seeking re­ strike from March 25. under one roof, creating a strong contract workers and lines. The company is planning instatement of 28 employees ter­ apprentices with only The Assistant Commissioner of to launch a detergent brand minated from work. Labour (ACL), Kanchipuram, sug­ player in the ₹5­lakh crore market 80 per cent utilisation’ soon. In the absence of permanent gested bilateral discussions OUR BUREAU Misra will lead the new entity. “Tata Consumer Products employees, the plant is run by between the striking workers and Mumbai, May 15 About 300 employees from consolidates our current pres­ contract workers and appren­ over a month. According to Ku­ the management, but CITU failed As part of the ongoing effort to TCL will join TGBL, the owner of ence in the food and beverages tices with only 80 per cent utilisa­ mar, the company incurred an to attend and went ahead with simplify its organisational brands such as and Tata segment of the fast­growing tion, KS Ravi Kumar, Head, Legal initial loss of around ₹80 lakh. the strike, Kumar added. structure, has de­ Coffee. consumer sector. Through this and Industrial Relations, Asahi In­ Asahi approached the Madras S Kannan, Kanchipuram State cided to merge the consumer Tata Consumer Products has Tata Group plans to strengthen its product pipeline with the combination, we have created a dia told BusinessLine. High Court, which restrained em­ District Secretary, CITU, said: businesses of its two listed en­ been formed through a Na­ merged entity GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO strong growth platform to meet The automobile glass maker ployees from obstructing work. “Though labour issues have been tities — Tata Global Beverages tional Company Law Tribunal ­ the growing aspirations of In­ company supplies products to On July 6, 2017, employees halted resolved with many companies, Limited (TGBL) and Tata Chem­ approved scheme, following the ₹5­lakh crore Indian FMCG substantial revenue and cost dian consumers,” said N auto majors such as Hyundai, work, prompting the manage­ we have failed to reach an under­ icals Limited (TCL). which TCL shareholders will get market, which has giants such synergies, which will add value Chandrasekaran, Chairman, Ford, Nissan, Maruti and Daimler. ment to suspend and later ter­ standing by mutual agreement at With this, TCL’s consumer 1.14 new shares of TGBL for each as Hindustan Unilever, ITC, and to its shareholders. . It has a 77 per cent market share in minate 28 workers. Asahi. We went to the Labour De­ business, which comprises Tata share held in TCL. Godrej. “The new entity will have a Chandrasekharan, who took the segment. The employees, who were part partment but nothing has been Salt and other packaged foods, With the new consumer en­ combined turnover of ₹9,099 charge of the $103­billion com­ The trouble started in June of an informal workers group, resolved yet, ultimately leading will now be a part of a new en­ ‘Under one roof’ tity in place, Tata Group plans to crore and an EBITDA of ₹1,154 pany in 2017, has also consolid­ 2017, with workers demanding 14­ joined with the Centre of Indian to the strike,” he said. tity called Tata Consumer At a conference call here, Harish strengthen its product pipeline crore. It is expected to be EPS ac­ ated the defence and aerospace gramme gold coins as a gift on Trade Unions (CITU), affiliated to On Tuesday, the ACL urged the Products Limited. Bhat, Brand Custodian of Tata and reach out to over 20 crore cretive from the day itself,” Bhat business into Tata Aerospace the plant’s 10th anniversary. The the Communist Party of India. workers and the management to TCL will continue to operate Sons, said that the objective of households in India through a said. and Defence. management declined the re­ However, the Asahi management sit for negotiations, to be held on its scientific research and chem­ this merger was to bring all the stronger supply chain and dis­ The transaction is expected to quest butoffered a lesser sum as declined to recognise CITU­led May 19. “We are open for negoti­ icals business under the leader­ consumer brands under one tribution network. New launches be completed by the fourth cash incentive.Unhappy with the union, and opted to resolve issues ations, but there will be no com­ ship of its CEO, R Mukandan, roof to create a strong con­ In addition, the new con­ Bhat also hinted that going for­ quarter of FY20, or the first decision, workers resorted to a through the Works Committee. promise in reinstating the ter­ while TGBL’s CEO and MD Ajoy sumer products company in sumer entity expects to achieve ward, the new entity will work quarter of FY21. “go slow”, from June 1, 2017, for CITU on February 5demanded an minated employees,” said Kumar. Aditya Birla Fashion’s Q4 net up 79% UrbanClap’s revenue jumps 2.5 times to₹116 cr OUR BUREAU crore (₹1,015 crore). pany had acquired from Fu­ OUR BUREAU crore, nearly three timesmore and at least one more interna­ Mumbai, May 15 The fast fashion segment ture Group, posted a mar­ Mumbai, May 15 than in FY18’s ₹130 crore. tional market. Aditya Birla Fashion and Re­ continued to deliver steady ginal decline in revenues at Online home cleaning ser­ Beauty services at home “Our vision is to empower tail Limited (ABFRL) has performance, with EBITDA ₹633 crore in Q4 as against vices provider UrbanClap has continued to be the largest millions of professionals to posted a strong 79 per cent losses for the quarter flat at ₹641 crore in the year­ago witnessed a 2.5x jump in rev­ vertical for the company, deliver services at home like growth in profit after tax at ₹5 crore. period. enues at ₹116 crore in FY19, within which UrbanClap of­ never experienced before. In ₹203 crore during the Other businesses wit­ The company said in a compared with ₹46 crore in fers skin­care, hair­care, the last financial year, we im­ quarter ended March 31, nessed a strong 65 per cent statement that Pantaloons the previous fiscal. makeup, spa and men’s proved our capabilities in se­ against a profit of ₹113 crore growth in revenues during will continue to grow by fo­ UrbanClap is among the grooming services. lection, on boarding, training, a year ago. the quarter, with losses at cussing on improving its few start­ups to have started The second largest vertical and certification of service The company reported a Pantaloons posted a marginal ₹24 crore. value proposition and tar­ reporting its unaudited earn­ UrbanClap served over was appliance and basic home professionals. Additionally, 9 per cent growth in rev­ decline in revenues BLOOMBERG geting newer markets to ex­ ings as a good governance 3.3 million orders in FY19 repairs. we also invested in areas such enue at ₹1,915 crore during Points of focus pand its footprint. policy, its founder Abhiraj The company also made in­ as product procurement, the quarter as compared brands such as Louis Phil­ The company’s innerwear Lifestyle brands will focus Singh Bhal said. that we have been investing roads in new verticals, such as technology, and financing, es­ with ₹1,754 crore in the ippe, Van Heusen, along business continues to scale on brand strengthening, The company is targeting a heavily in product innovation cleaning, pest control and tablishing our market leader­ year­ago period, on the with fast fashion brands at a rapid pace, expanding category extensions, store net revenue of ₹250­300 crore and expansion of services into painting. ship,” Bhal said. back of a healthy perform­ Forever 21 and People — has its footprint to around network expansion and cus­ in FY20. newer markets,” Bhal said. “Today, approximately ance of its lifestyle and fast recorded 14 per cent growth 14,000 outlets across the tomer centricity, the com­ While the revenues grew He added that in FY19, Urb­ Tracking growth 20,000 trained professionals fashion business. in revenue in the quarter at country. pany added. substantially, the losses also anClap served over 3.3 million The company also expanded make their livelihood The Kumar Mangalam ₹1,320 crore. Global brands continued “Overall, ABFRL is well po­ grew. It reported a loss of ₹72 service orders, and plans to in the UAE in the last financial through the UrbanClap plat­ Birla­promoted retail com­ While EBITDA for the life­ to gain scale, with the first sitioned to surge ahead in crore in FY19, as compared touch about 10 million orders year, as well as select Tier­II In­ form. We are committed to pany has two business divi­ style brands witnessed a Ralph Lauren store the billion­dollar market with ₹57 crore loss in FY18 and in the next few years. The dian cities. growing that number to one sions — Madura and Panta­ marginal increase at ₹169 launched at Delhi . and build on its current ₹67 crore in FY17. gross transaction value (GTV) In the coming financial million­plus service profes­ loons. crore (₹ 166 crore), revenue The value retail chain momentum,” the statement “We have been able to con­ of all orders served by Urban­ year, the company hopes to sionals over the next five Madura — with lifestyle grew by 12 per cent ₹1,132 Pantaloons, which the com­ added. tain our losses despite the fact Clap in FY19 stood at ₹400 launch in more Tier­II cities, years,” Bhal added.

Amara Raja Batteries records ₹119­crore profit in Q4 TajGVK Hotels Q4 net up at ₹10 crore OUR BUREAU March 31, 2019, the hospitality V RISHI KUMAR (₹1,604.44 crore) . For the each, subject to approval of are tracking our growth the automotive segment turing,” he added. Hyderabad, May 15 company posted a profit of Hyderabad, May 15 full year ended March 31, the shareholders. The total plans with significant in­ and demand for industrial During the last year, as per TajGVK Hotels & Resorts has ₹24.32 crore on an income of Amara Raja Batteries Lim­ 2019, the company logged a dividend for the year works vestments into capacity and batteries picking up in inter­ the agreements, the Galla posted a profit of ₹10.13 crore ₹324.09 crore as against ₹21 ited has posted a profit of profit of ₹483.23 crore on in­ out to ₹7.08 a share, includ­ capability building across national markets, we have family, promoters of the Am­ for the fourth quarter ended crore profit on income of ₹119.34 crore for the fourth come of ₹6,839.88 crore. ing interim dividend an­ various products and pro­ strengthened our opera­ ara Raja group, had acquired March 31, as against a profit of ₹290.88 crore in the previous quarter ended March 31, as It had posted a profit of nounced earlier. In the pre­ cess technologies, to meet tions by opening up our first a 2 per cent stake in the com­ ₹7.29 crore in the correspond­ fiscal. against a profit of ₹109.80 ₹471.32 crore and income of vious fiscal it had themarket demand. We will overseas subsidiary in the pany from Johnson Controls ing quarter of the previous The board of directors re­ crore in the corresponding ₹6,299.35 crore for the previ­ distributed ₹4.15 as continue to pursue oppor­ UAE. International Plc. However, year. commended a dividend of quarter previously. ous fiscal. dividend. tunities for strategic “We have also commis­ various other agreements Total revenue during the ₹0.60, (30 per cent per equity The batteries major The board of directors re­ Jayadev Galla, Vice­Chair­ partnerships.” sioned the stamped grid between the promoters and quarter was ₹93.51 crore share of ₹2 each) for the fiscal, logged marginally lower commended a dividend of man and MD, Amara Raja S Vijayanand, CEO, said: technology facility for two­ Johnson Controls were later (₹85.33 crore). subject to shareholders’ revenues at ₹1,573 crore ₹5.08 per equity share of ₹1 Batteries Limited, said: “We “With continuous growth in wheeler battery manufac­ terminated. For the financial year ended approval. Business intelligence start­up Veratech raises funds from angel investors

OUR BUREAU points. Mohit Yadav said: Mumbai, May 15 “These funds will help us fur­ Business intelligence start­ ther strengthen the techno­ up Veratech Intelligence has logy to improve our analysis raised an undisclosed even further with high stand­ amount from a group of an­ ards of accuracy.” gel investors. Mayank Sharma, added , The round was led by “The funds will be deployed Chandrashekar Kupperi, to diversify offerings catering Founder of ANOVA Corporate to start­ups and MSMEs. Our Services, an investment bank­ mission is to democrati se ing and advisory firm. data­driven decision­making Kupperi also joins the com­ process by equipping busi­ pany as CFO, the company nesses with the ability to do said in a statement. the same.” The funds will be used to Veratech presently offers enhance technology and for an AI­driven engine ‘Se­ team­building, it added. mantic’ that builds the risk Founded by lawyer Mohit profiles. Yadav and Mayank Sharma, The output can be used for an NIT alumnus, Veratech is a credit disbursement by data analytics firm that banks, due diligence by law­ builds in­depth risk profiles yers and consultants, risk of Indian companies, by us­ analysis by compliance pro­ ing varied reliable data fessionals and VC/PE firms.

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