
Do you want your group to be featured in Vision - ‘what we want to see’: of practical benefit to interface InterfacePromoting social and economic regeneration in 's interface areas Interface? Our overall vision is of a Belfast in which communities; Send us an article about the work you’re interface communities: • Developing, supporting, consulting 1743-9531 doing, or about an issue affecting • Are free of intercommunity tension, with and lobbying on behalf of our Issue No. 1 May 2004 ISSN interface areas that needs to be talked intimidation and violence; membership. about. • Have come to terms with the legacies of Alternatively, BIP can write an article in the past; Values - ‘the key principles by which we THIS ISSUE Welcome to the first issue of “Interface” - consultation with you. Or maybe you have • Are socially and economically vibrant, will do this work’ some photos of a project you’re working within an attractive physical Through promoting: the news-sheet of Belfast Interface Project on that you’d like published. environment; - understanding; Ballynafeigh Belfast Interface Project (BIP) was formed Contact Paul Donnelly at • Enjoy freedom of movement in - the acquisition and dissemination of As young people see it [email protected] accessing facilities and services. new knowledge; in 1995 with a remit to seek to identify or 9024 2828. - respect and tolerance; ------and assist in addressing issues of concern Mission - ‘our part in bringing this about’: - shared ownership of common issues, Groundwork NI in inner to nationalist and unionist interface Interested in joining? Belfast Interface Project is a membership concerns, resources and opportunities; East Belfast communities in Belfast. BIP became a democratically accountable membership Belfast Interface Project has three organisation which aims to engage in the - creativity and innovation; ------categories of membership: development of creative approaches - equity and accountability; organisation in 2000 and we currently Community group towards the regeneration of Belfast’s - self-help and mutual support. The changing nature of the have a membership of about 30 Associate interface areas, through: interfaces community groups operating in Individual • Identifying good practice with which to ------nationalist and unionist interface communities of Belfast, as well as a If you support our vision, mission and inform and create effective regeneration Intercomm’s Peace values statements and wish to join BIP, strategies for interface areas; smaller membership of associate please get in touch. We will send you an • Enhancing and developing the Building programme agencies and individuals. information pack or our Development knowledge-base regarding Belfast’s ------We aim to promote creative approaches Given the levels of disadvantage across Worker, Paul Donnelly, can come out to interface areas; Member’s profile towards the regeneration of Belfast’s Belfast’s interface communities, we know meet with you. • Influencing and effecting change that is interface areas and our overall vision is of Muriel Bowyer that this vision will not be realised a Belfast in which interface communities: ------overnight. With this in mind and at the Interface is the news-sheet of Belfast Interface Project and reflects the views and diversity of our membership groups. Response to racism from • Are free of intercommunity tension, suggestion of one of our members Interface seeks to promote good practice around interface community issues and increased communication between groups across the city. intimidation and violence; (thanks, Anne), we have launched this The editor reserves the right to amend articles where appropriate with the consent of the author. West Belfast The views expressed in Interface do not necessarily represent those of the management committee. • Have come to terms with the legacies of news-sheet in the hope that this will ------the past; provide a platform for our members and Belfast Interface Project • Are socially and economically vibrant, others to promote information-sharing first annual conference within an attractive physical environment; about the good practice that already • Enjoy freedom of movement in exists across the interface community accessing facilities and services. sector in Belfast. continued p2 Belfast Interface Project Award-winning project escapes closure by Paul Donnelly How to contact Belfast Interface Project 2nd floor, Glendinning House Inset left - Stewartstown Road frontage before demolition, circa Suffolk Community Forum strive to regenerate 6 Murray Street 2000. Belfast (SCF), based in outer West communities and build Below - The new SRRP building as Belfast, has undergone 18 positive futures. BT1 6DN it looks today. months of notable success as t (028) 9024 2828 After many years of part of a ground-breaking and f (028) 9031 4829 polarisation, SCF and award-winning regeneration e [email protected] Lenadoon Community Forum project. At the same time, the BIP staff: Paul Donnelly, Development Worker, Marnie Kennedy, Support Worker and Chris O’Halloran, Director. took the courageous step of Forum has been under engaging in dialogue. One of imminent threat of the positive outcomes of this Belfast Interface Project is funded by redundancy and closure in a was the development of an the Community Relations Council, the European Programme for Peace and Reconciliation Measure 2.1 and the International Fund for Ireland Community Bridges Programme. set of circumstances that economic regeneration project clearly highlight the many based around derelict and funding difficulties facing vandalised maisonettes and groups across the city as they shop premises on the continued p3 Interface

‘Welcome’ continued from p1 ‘Award-winning project’ continued from p1 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS AND YOUTH PROJECTS Stewartstown Road with four directors from “It wasn’t just about We hope you like the news-sheet interface between unionist each community forum money though. For and find it useful and informative. FOR EAST BELFAST INTERFACES Suffolk and nationalist and four independents, Suffolk, SRRP had brought We see the news-sheet as a work By Paul Donnelly Lenadoon. Physically and totalling twelve is other positive changes to economically blighted, the structured in such a way the area. Confidence as a in progress and we are open to Since June 2002, Groundwork NI has area had often been the that the dissolution of any community had increased, making changes to the format employed two workers, Patsy Laverty and setting for sectarian component bloc leads to civic pride in the and content to be most useful for Sean Montgomery on their Youth and conflict. After a challenge the demise of the whole community was better and our readers. So, if you have any Environment Project based in Inner East by the Housing Executive company, as agreed by all an interface had been suggestions about how to Belfast. The project has sought to work in to community within it. Thus there was a physically improved and improve it, or if you have three key thematic areas and has representatives to develop very real possibility that violence massively information about a particular established itself as an important and an innovative scheme to the award-winning SRRP reduced.” project operating in your area that innovative piece of work, seeking to change the area, the could cease to function! is contributing toward the vision improve the quality of life for those living Jean does, however, Stewartstown Road So serious was the above, then please let us know and working at the interface in the East. Security fencing, Lower Newtownards Road acknowledge the 12 session roll on/roll off personal 2003. Frankie Quinn Regeneration Project situation that Jean Brown, about it for future issues. We aim Focusing on young people, the project difficulties facing BRO: development programme addressing Company Limited (SRRP) community worker for SCF, to produce three issues per year. seeks to connect them with issues around over the same period they areas including mental health, conflict was formed in late 1999. had been placed on notice mental health and the environment they Beyond this there are other were undergoing major transformation and social awareness for of redundancy as of On a different subject entirely, it’s live in. It also seeks to support them to environmental improvement proposals With a mandate from both upheaval with the as many as 24 young people from the September 26th 2003. On coming up to that time of year develop skills and knowledge that they which are at an advanced planning communities achieved Neighbourhood Renewal interface areas who have been identified the threatened day of again and already we’re starting can use for themselves, for their broader stage and await planning permission in through public meetings, process and dealing with as potential peer leaders. closure the Forum at last to hear murmurings about the community or that they can transfer to the next two months. Included in these SRRP successfully secured the funding legacies of received word from BRO possibility of a difficult summer their peers. proposals are: a small welcome funding from the other projects in the area. the project has that they would be funded ahead. It’s almost as if we can’t archway at Cluan Place possibly International Fund for This slowed progress in SKILLING OUR YOUNG PEOPLE until March 2004. believe that we could be established itself as an drawing inspiration from the ‘Samson Ireland, Belfast European addressing SCF’s needs. It is the view of those involved that a beginning to reverse the spiral of and Goliath’ cranes in the shipyard. Partnership Board and Commenting on the On a positive note, Suffolk previously-neglected area of work has important and violence that has been inflicted Also the far end of Cluan may have a Belfast Regeneration situation and the issues, have now an assurance of been the legacy of the conflict and its upon our interface communities communal garden constructed either Office to demolish the Jean Brown said: interim funding until impact upon young people. innovative piece of over so many summers here. For with murals or with wooden grids with existing properties and March 2005 and there is a “It was a crazy situation to what it’s worth, our experience work. climbing plants as an alternative to develop new structures. sense that goodwill exists This is particularly relevant given that be in. We were receiving a here at BIP is that local murals. Complementing this are plans Open since February 2002 from BRO combined with a young people are often cited as the prestigious award on one community groups and activists IMPROVING THE ENVIRONMENT to improve the entry from with access for both recognition that groups starting point for trouble. This project has hand, we had built a in a range of interface areas, The interfaces in East Belfast received a Mountpottinger into Clandeboye with communities, the site is such as Suffolk taken another angle and looked at the serious working together with others, worked lot of publicity following the sustained the likelihood that Gerry Doyle (founder refurbished and attractive Community Forum need mental health impacts of kids witnessing relationship with extremely hard to make last disturbances that occurred in 2002 at of the Doyle Youth Club) and Sean with office both funding and conflict, with discussion groups Lenadoon and brought our summer relatively violence-free. various flashpoints. Since then much Martin (who founded the local GAA club accommodation, a post reassurances from addressing issues around stigmas own community with us These have been described as our relationship building has been in ) will be remembered for office, various retailers government about their attached to the topic and examining the and it all was under threat ordinary heroes and we owe them undertaken and complementing this have their input to youth provision in the and a chemist serving the future security. legacy of sustained inter-communal because of confusion and a huge debt. All we have spoken been proposals through the Groundwork district. On the main Short Strand and areas. In 2003 the project rioting. uncertainty with our own As Jean concludes: with so far have said that they team to develop an environmental Lower Newtownards Road there are was nominated by the funding. We were all under “We feel more confident hope to achieve the same again improvement scheme on either side of the plans to redefine existing fences with Housing Executive for a a lot of stress created by about the future now but this year. At the same time, we interface. This has again involved young new painting and decoration or have British Urban a previously-neglected the uncertainty about we have to be very clear hear the common refrain: ‘We’re people in a joint arts project producing new fencing redeveloped in more Regeneration Award survival. Perhaps the about this: we don’t want not going to start it, but we’re area of work has been GAA and Loyal Order murals on boards attractive styles. This would further (BURA) which was greatest irony was that and can’t go through all worried that they are’. We have a within a neutral environment. The enhance the area and build upon accepted and awarded to the legacy of the SRRP generates income that we went through, all long way to go before we can proposal is for the appropriate boards to existing improvement efforts such as the Project in London in via commercial rental over again in March trust each other, but if we can put be placed in their respective the Madrid Street paintings depicting December 2003. conflict and its impact charges to support 2005.” our own houses in order this will communities. Whilst some might question views of the street on the interface gate Herein lies an absurd community work in the help to build confidence for the upon young people. this outcome, Patsy and Sean have there. Suffolk Community Forum situation. While area. It was on the verge future. Regardless of how the emphasised that the production was can be contacted at As the project progresses Interface will representatives from of becoming a profit- summer goes, we’ll all still be As a result of these talks and after inter-community and supported by suffolkcommunityforum@ keep you updated on the developments Suffolk and Lenadoon making organisation in an here to pick up the pieces meeting Health and Social Services facilitated discussion seminars and or 9030 8198 afterwards. ‘Better to light a workers, those involved produced youth- education classes regarding the particularly in relation to the travelled to London to era when funders talk candle than curse the darkness’, friendly leaflets aimed at their peers. A organisations depicted. Furthermore, environmental changes to the area. receive the BURA award, about the need for as somebody once said. Best training pack has been designed for peer young gaelic and soccer players from Finally, good luck to Sean, Patsy and all SCF was facing closure as sustainability! Here we wishes for a quiet summer. education amongst young people. This both communities have taken part in the young people in the area. We hope its funding from BRO had were about to lose a work has been headed up by a steering mutual understanding programmes based the work you have put into the project run out in March 2003. sustainable project due to Chris O’Halloran group of five young people from each on the issues arising from these activities. and your communities helps to create The composition of the a funding issue.” Director, Belfast Interface Project community. There are now plans to run a stability in the following months and Project’s company board 2 beyond. 3 5 Interface yndham Street 2003. yndham Street ankie Quinn W Fr er recent years, unfortunately years, er recent new types of tores complex on the was complex on the Crumlin Road tores generate disorder in interface areas and that in interface areas disorder generate the tensions and violence can all too easily as to what may be otherwise perceived spread spaces such as shopping centres. neutral sites also has of brownfield The redevelopment a potential to impact upon interface violence. In has of redevelopment the strategy some areas to keep people further been used, arguably, apart, while at the same time providing But this is not inevitably common resources. The opening of the new Dunnes the case. S a new potential some as creating by perceived perceived interface on a site that was already been concerns have Similarly, as problematic. about the impact of housing expressed stadium site in on the Dunmore development North community Belfast on the still fragile tensions in the area. These brief examples indicate that interfaces complex perhaps more are and interface areas than has hitherto been explicitly defined and a affected by analysed, that such changes are number of factors including demographic It is change, lifestyle shifts and redevelopment. also worth noting that attempts to reduce may only violence in established interface areas serve to displace the violence other locations, which may be less easy to manage. and segregated Belfast is an extensively polarised city in which all forms of territory a potential to become contested and have an important Interfaces are fought over. and while some element of that segregation, been made less volatile interfaces may have ov interfaces can and do emerge. of the Institute Neil Jarman is Acting Director for Conflict Research on 9074 2682 or Contact ICR their football strips, in and around the Park their football strips, in and around ad area of North locally ad area Belfast is perceived

ung people from rival communities, identified rival ung people from ariety of interfaces cognised as a problematic interface of the cognised as a problematic oad/West Link area over the summer of 2003, over Link area oad/West there is a much wider there v than those that exist at the boundaries of working segregated areas class residential focus of community and police The increased and reduce attention in trying to maintain order interfaces may also violence at problematic shifting to other nearby led to trouble have monitored perhaps less readily sites, which are neutral theoretically As a result and controlled. spaces may become sites of conflict for rival people. young in particular, of, groups the Donegall out around broke When trouble R that had been this was not in an area re model. In this case the trouble traditional of been linked to the presence seems to have yo by area. Centre of young This example indicates both the role people in helping to sustain tensions and also include a class element to local tensions. in the Rosetta incidents of disorder Sporadic been linked to the of South Belfast have area as middle class, and gentrification of the area to nearer in this case, Catholic, families move estate. Similarly the Deerpark the Cregagh Ro with a high number middle class area as a more was both houses and there of owner-occupied out broke surprise and concern when trouble was some suggestion that There last August. the violence was associated with area but equally mixed, residentially becoming more was was speculation that this disorder there at of CCTV cameras also linked to the presence Alliance interface, which merely the nearby displaced the violence to a neighbouring area. are still working with a fairly basic model of are

o houses in Glenbryn 2003. ankie Quinn esidential areas. Demographic change is still Demographic esidential areas. been due to upward ecent changes have Tw Fr Demography, Development and Disorder: Changing Patterns of Interface Areas Changing Patterns and Disorder: Development Demography, By Neil Jarman quiet in The summer of 2003 was relatively were but there years, comparison with previous nevertheless tensions in a number of interface and a number of violent incidents were areas the summer months. Some of across scattered in one of the many these incidents occurred established interface flashpoints, but some of out in areas and violence broke the disorder as an that either had not been considered that had or in an interface area interface area years. quiet in previous been relatively We This model tends to largely interface areas. as the intersection of focus on interface areas which identify zones working class residential with opposing ethnic/political communities is growing and, although there often that interfaces are acknowledgement invisible to all but the finely tuned local eye, that is still something of a perception there synonymous and interfaces and peacelines are exclusive. is a much it is also clear that there However, of interfaces than those that exist wider variety working class at the boundaries of segregated r occurring in Belfast, although many of the r out of rented mobility as people move bought their own accommodation and have have middle class areas houses. Some more become more while others have become mixed In terms of the polarised in their identity. categories of interfaces this involves traditional but such changes changes to the ‘buffer zones’, 9049 1161 Ballynafeigh Community Association Development can be contacted at or Sinéad and Grace from the from Sinéad and Grace . get along no matter what our religion or get along no matter what our religion name is Grace Jones and I am a 14 year old Jones and I am a 14 year name is Grace point of view as a Protestant is Ballynafeigh not point of view as a Protestant

otestant living in the Ballynafeigh area of Belfast. otestant living in the Ballynafeigh area outh clubs. There are a number of youth clubs and a number of youth are There outh clubs. eligion. The other thing I don’t like is that the youth The other thing I don’t eligion. eligions as at the end of the day we are all people are eligions as at the end of day we My Pr The things I like all my life. in the area lived I have They the people in it. are about living in this area happy, because they are make it a good place to live The other thing I like is the cheerful and friendly. y which both sides of the community can projects attend. like about living in Ballynafeigh are The things I don’t not like me or my friends. people are that some young We which people can’t, is but some young background with agree can end up in . I don’t violence or not liking someone because of their r When they night. not on every are clubs or projects entertainment to find our own on have closed we are don’t We corners or the main Ormeau Road. the street people usually like doing this because some young is not There the area. end up fighting or vandalising here. people to do round much for kids and young to me. I enjoy community is great Living in a mixed both communities can talk and where living in an area I met my best friend, get along with each other. being able to run about with by Sinéad Napier here, both religions. My an area that people would call a ‘dream’an area place to live the as I enjoy to me is a pleasure but living here with violence between agree I don’t company I have. r see any difference. and I don’t Grace describing their feelings

two local youth workers from two local youth Ballynafeigh Community Association (BCDA), Development people suggested that two young write an article the area from for Interface are We they live. about where and Sinéad from to Grace grateful Ballynafeigh for taking the time to write this article. their contributions you If having read your people from would like young to undertake or group area a similar at piece of work, please let us know BIP.


Ireland are changing every day. every changing are Ireland hang about in crowds at street corners or outside shops. outside or corners street at crowds in about hang

my boyfriend. We are proof the problems in Northern in problems the proof are We boyfriend. my

both communities, including my best friend Grace and Grace friend best my including communities, both

together without hatred and violence. I have friends from friends have I violence. and hatred without together

than bad. It is a mixed area which shows we can live can we shows which area mixed a is It bad. than

Overall my area, the Ormeau Road, has more good things good more has Road, Ormeau the area, my Overall

and can turn to vandalism and disorderly behaviour. disorderly and vandalism to turn can and

Some young people hanging around street corners get bored get corners street around hanging people young Some oung people sometimes get annoyed at the lack of activities of lack the at annoyed get sometimes people oung


for them. The youth club is not open every night which means which night every open not is club youth The them. for


changing them. changing

and make more problems for rather than rather Ireland Northern for problems more make and

this causes problems. I feel that these arguments are pointless are arguments these that feel I problems. causes this

Sometimes trouble can start between the two communities and communities two the between start can trouble Sometimes

There are however some things that aren’t nice about the area. the about nice aren’t that things some however are There oung people. There is the Community House, Rosario Youth Rosario House, Community the is There people. oung

Club and two parks and many shops, bars and restaurants. and bars shops, many and parks two and Club


a number of good points such as the entertainment provided for provided entertainment the as such points good of number a

both Catholics and Protestants living side by side. The area has area The side. by side living Protestants and Catholics both

other parts of Belfast. The Ormeau Road is a mixed area with area mixed a is Road Ormeau The Belfast. of parts other

bigotry does not seem to be an issue in the area, compared to compared area, the in issue an be to seem not does bigotry

socialise together, regardless of religion or culture. Sectarian culture. or religion of regardless together, socialise The Ormeau Road is a nice place to live as the people here people the as live to place nice a is Road Ormeau The osetta. Historically a mixed

epresented in its composition. epresented Catholic who lives in the Ballynafeigh area of Belfast. Belfast. of area Ballynafeigh the in lives who Catholic Hi, my name is Sinéad Napier and I am a 14 year old Roman old year 14 a am I and Napier Sinéad is name my Hi, Sinéad and Grace the Ormeau Bridge Situated above the River and partially by bordered Lagan, Ballynafeigh runs southward the city towards leave as you R community in political and religious has experienced terms, the area violence in the last thirty years, five gentrification of its housing stock and the associated challenges that Despite brings to any community. a this, Ballynafeigh has remained community with all aspects diverse of identity in our society being r Whyte and Gerry McCaffery, Philip 4 Interface

Roden Street Community Challenges Racism ‘Moving on at the Interface?’

At a time when racist attacks are on the Chairperson, Belle Black, provides the programme. Belfast Interface Project’s first annual conference will take place on Thursday 24th June increase in Belfast it was heartening to housing and education advice. The centre The aim is to bring member groups and interface communities? The conference will be held in the Holiday meet Tina Black, Centre Manager at the also provides free childcare to support the As awareness develops about the levels of others together to meet and discuss the What more needs to be done? Inn on Ormeau Avenue in the city centre Grosvenor Community Centre in West group and mention must be made of racial abuse and intimidation in Belfast, most important issues affecting Belfast’s and will be followed by our Annual Belfast, to learn about the relationships Patricia Mills, the Creche Coordinator, who new networks are forming in response. BIP will present the findings of a survey of interface communities. General Meeting. Further details will be developing between Roden Street is the main provider of this care. As RSCDG has actively participated in the its membership needs currently being sent out shortly. Please put this date in Community Development Group (RSCDG) relationships have grown, Filipino children West Against Racism Network (WARN), an How have the needs of interface carried out by our Development Worker. your diary! and Belfast’s Filipino community. I also have joined the Roden Street playgroup umbrella body formed to confront racism communities changed? There will also be a presentation of the learned about inter and intra community and it is hoped that older Filipino children and work with minority communities in Has your area stood still? Are things results from a new scoping study of key For more information contact relations training for young people in the will be involved in the summer scheme. the west of the city. Similar bodies, many better? Worse? How have other interface issues for statutory agencies who promote Marnie Kennedy on 9024 2828 or at Roden Street estate and the growing linked to the Anti-Racism Network, exist in communities changed? social and economic regeneration within [email protected] network confronting racism in our In addition to these developments RSCDG other parts of Belfast. At the time of going How has your work been supported? interface areas. These findings will be communities. supports 17 young people aged 15 to 18 to print, Springfield Charitable Association How have statutory agencies changed compared with similar work carried out in through the ‘Moving On’ initiative that are planning an anti-racism conference on their policies to address the needs of 1996. On Saturdays over the last 18 months the combines employment skills training with Saturday 24th April and WARN will be Grosvenor site has become a focal point cross community and cultural awareness staging a cultural awareness day with the for the Filipino community living in the training. This initiative is funded by the Filipino, Travellers and Spanish Falls Road area and for those who come Prince’s Trust and has included three communities on Saturday 15th May at the from as far afield as Dundonald in East residentials to Ballycastle and visits to Grosvenor Community Centre. Intercomm’s Peace Building Programme Belfast, and Craigavon. With the emphasis and Dublin. A particular emphasis is By Pauline Kersten on socialising and sports, a group of placed on human rights and the Northern RSCDG can be contacted at 9031 0701 ‘That was a down to earth within the community for conflicts The current series of events Martin Snodden, Director from the around 60 to 70 attend the centre each Ireland Human Rights Commission has Contact the Anti-racism Network at presentation on the workings of to be managed and resolved with organised under the peace Conflict Trauma Centre in Belfast, week from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm. Grosvenor liaised with the group to implement [email protected] the Assembly, we need more of justice and without violence in building programme are focused explored how dealing with the that’, ‘I absolutely don’t agree with accordance with universally on dealing with the legacy of the past could lead to a positive future what was presented, but it was a agreed standards and practices. conflict. and emphasised the need to great discussion’, ‘I had heard examine the contribution of wider Interface about the Tribunal, The Peace Building Programme, as On Saturday, 27 March we had society to our conflict and not but it was something else to be a means of community organised a panel discussion on simply investigate the actions of Profile there at the proceedings’. empowerment, is a pioneering the issue with excellent speakers. combatants alone. programme which intends to The following is a short overview Each issue of Interface will profile an been physically reduced to five streets. LOW POINTS: I wouldn’t call them that! These are some of the comments enhance peace building skills of of what was said. Paul O’Connor, from the Pat individual or team from Belfast. In our The biggest issues facing Torrens are Sometimes we need to get information expressed by community workers community workers through Finucane Centre in Derry, focused first edition we meet Muriel Bowyer, a the practical ones as an enclave about opportunities through to people. and activists that have been informed discussion and debate, Prof. Bill Rolston from the on how the law and indeed public member of Belfast Interface Project’s community, accessing facilities such as People don’t come forward because participating in workshops, assessment of good practice and University of Ulster spoke about inquiries and truth commissions, management committee, working in shops and the local primary school. they don’t know what’s available. There seminars and field trips organised international experience of conflict the Eolas document on Truth and are being used as a weapon by Intercomm under its Peace resolution. Justice. This document has been instead of being used to deal with North Belfast. is no lack of will in our communities for YOUR DAY: As of January this year I’ve Building Programme. put together by a number of the issues and argued this was people to progress. been developing the CEP in lower North The programme hopes to give community organisations and fundamentally antagonistic to which came from the John Dunlop GOOD PRACTICE: The mobile phone Intercomm - the Intercommunity participants the tools and skills to discusses models of truth dealing with the past in a just Development Project - was understand and influence policy recovery. manner. initiative. We have been establishing networks and much of the work that founded in 1995 as a direct development on an all-Ireland training programmes, organising developed from the North Belfast response to grassroots community basis and to engage in processes The truth recovery process A full report of the panel advisory panel elections and Community Development Centre around concerns about interface violence of peace and nation building. It envisaged by the Eolas document discussion will be available from undertaking a community consultation. 1997. and social and economic aims to tie participants into the looks at the setting up of a panel Intercomm in the next couple of The programmes include First Aid, deprivation in North Belfast. It debates on the ‘bigger picture’, on with local and international weeks. WAYS AHEAD: We had a pretty good forklift training, IT, and general delivers a number of services to policing, equality legislation, members which would call for summer last year and I think the less capacity-building. the local community, from a human rights legislation, submissions from the public The following series of workshops violence we have, the greater the women’s business project and structures of devolved governance, regarding questions they wish will be looking at issues of The actual delivery of the programmes potential for even less violence so money management course, to international experiences of answered and issues they wish to equality and human rights in started 6 weeks ago and 70 people are POST: Director and Treasurer of Torr hopefully this summer will be peaceful. ‘work track’ and a conflict conflict resolution, processes of be investigated in relation to the community development work. already on board. After condensing that Heath Community Centre and Co- People have worked hard on youth intervention programme which is nation building. It also wants to conflict from all parties involved. We will also be organising into my average day I volunteer three active at the interfaces and works explore practical ways of using this Paula McBride, a human rights discussions on the state of the ordinator of Lower North Belfast programmes and when young people nights a week in Torr Heath with the with the local community. legislation in community work, activist from South Africa spoke peace process, and how Community Empowerment Partnership are motivated by programmes they stay kids’ disco etc! Intercomm’s Peace Building learning from international critically about the South African community activists can play their (CEP). away from conflict. Programme is relatively new and experiences and dealing with and Truth and Reconciliation part in this period of transition. HIGH POINTS: Seeing people achieve, funded by IFI, CRC and the making use of structures of Commission that provided a YOUR COMMUNITY: Torrens was once a HOBBIES: Late night TV shopping on finishing a course that they were unsure Voluntary and Community Unit. government on an all-Ireland fascinating insight into the nature For more information, please call thriving community in the Ideal World or QVC accompanied by a of at the start. Or people getting jobs as The Peace Building programme is basis. of power relationships in South Conor Maskey or Pauline Kersten Oldpark/Cliftonville area. We had relaxing drink or two. Yes, seriously! a result of a training programme. a rolling programme of workshops Africa and the impact of the T&RC at Intercomm, tel 9074 0741. hundreds of families but now we have with a vision to build capacity upon these relationships. 6 7