Tsgp. J f-'f MAHASKA COUNTY. IOWA THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1898. ¦p| RALD: OSKALOOSA M 1 NEWJOOKS. Recent Additions to the Oskaloosa : Pnblie Library. IT JUST - OF— "¦ THINK Following is a listof more new books I '¦ ¦ ' —..rj=:..-. ...-.-T ¦ 1-= ' 1 11 Over CAREFULLY reoenti y added to the Oskaloosa Public READ THIS Library: HISTOBT. II Spain, by E. E, and Susan Hale. Spain In the XIXthCentury, Latimer. | ..A Selling Out Sale In Town.. t-, ... ' Are Bomae Immortally beautifully fc illustrated, written by F. Marian Craw- f ford. And yet we have just had the best November—in fact, largest V’ ' YOU! E~ the month s IT’S A. MONEY-SAVER FOR Story of Scotland, Dr. John Mackin- tosh. business we ever had, and willtry to do even more in December. In the American Commonwealth Se ries were added three volumes, Oregon, PRICE BULLETIN OF Ohio a id New York. BIOOBAPHY. Gladstone, Work, WHY? The Man and His by Or. Frank Gunsaulus. , 4 1 Leo Tolstoi, the Grand Mujlk, G. H. Perris. BECAUSE WE FRANKEL’S Charles Dickens, Gissing. TRAVEL. 1 Yesterdays In the Philippines, by Joseph Earle Stevens, an ex-resident oi f « these islands. Well Worn Roads in Spain, Holland and Italy, by the well known writer F. r*« Hopkinson GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE Smith. W Furnishing Cheaper than ever Goods BBLieiON. UNDERSELL EVERYBODY! a for you to buy high grade Clothing and I Here's chance Tae Ideal Life, Henry [Drummond. Compare these Few Prices , which are a Sample of the way we Undersell Them, L out of business and must turn our stock into CA Y . before. We are going Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Clothing, also anything you uiay is your opportunity to lay in your winter supply of This is considered authority, and Is . g now while our stock is complete in assortme written b/ the Jewish scholar, Alfred gH -I[]| HOLIDAY PRESENTS—Buy them MEN’S fine all wool Black Clay Wor BOY’S blue Chinchilla Reefers, bi aided every dollar’s worth you buy of us Elershelm. /|% to SAVE YOU 33 to 50 PER CENT oh SOCIOLOGY. sted Saits, in round or cut yaaat reefer cellars, ages 3 to 8 years, w The Workers of The West, Walter frocks and 3 button cutaways, frocks J I worth 12.00, I Wyckoff. worth $12.50 — Our price now only .. Jj Our price now only M. # —"*** The Control or the Tropios, Benjamin FEW OF OUR BARGAINS* Kidd. Women and Economics, Charlotte P. MEN’S all wool black and blue Kersey S | MEN’S and BOYS’ Heavy Wool Hats, Stiff now $2.00 is C $3.00 Men’s Guaranteed Soft or Stanton. Mrs. Stanton known as a made, good linings, ioc Rockford Socks .aow 7 Overcoats, well Mittens. jmgg pe- Guaranteed Hats, Soft or Stiff now SI.OO brilliant leoturer and writer, and be- now C $2.00 Men's _ worth $lO 00, worth 10c a A 10c Celluloid Collars 3 ¦M mS | pair, [JT Pair Laundiied Shirts now 79 c longs to a family of writers, being a now Qur ... Men’s White Cutis .now 9C $:.oo Our price only | price now only 25c Celluloid White Laundried Shirts now 58° alece of Dr. Lyman Abbott. ... now C 75c Men’s Celluloid Collars 0 c The Wonderful Century. Alfred Bus I _L 15c soc White Unlaundricd Shirts now 33 ... C Men's 15c Four Ply L-'nen Collars .now 9 c sell Wallaoe, a book of unusual inter- 00 Colored Dress Shirts now 48 .. $1 Men’s Four Piy Linen Cuffs .now 19c est, teiling of the successes and fall 25c Men’s and Beys’ Work Shirts .....now 39® Fleeced ..now 50c ires of this last century. 75c Men's Underwear 39c °°w c c 25c Men’s Woolen Htsiery 17 Scientific Demontratlon of the Fu- —— Men s Fleeced Underwear ..now 29 50c r Stockings now c ..now 2 c Boys' Long 17 ture Life, a Sequel to the Law of Psy GOLDEN EAGLE Wool THE Men’s Sanitary Underwear 79c now | SI.OO tsc Men’s Buck-faced Mitts or Gloves 39c ¦hie Phenomena, Hudson. 25c Boys Leathtr Mifts and Gloves ..now 19c c ,5c Swe*t, Orr ft Co’s. Guaranteed Overalls now 63 KSBAYB. Boys’ Fleeced Underwear ... now 23c 50c White Overalls now 59° What All the Word’s a Seeking, .. **so Miners’ 50c Men’s and Boys’ Overalls .now 39c lialph Waldo Trine, pronounced by 00 Wool and R ibber Lined Duck Coats now $1 .33 .. $2 Men’3 • .now —CLOTHING HOUSE Caps 13c ome the successor of 25c Miners' Pater- Neckwear, the New Shapes now c critics B. W. I Men’s AL 39 si.oo Mens lined Dutk Coats ~ .now 79c 50c Emerson. Yollr Christmas Presents, while our The Great Poets and their stock is complete—We have the Theology, jr mmyes finest line of Clothing, Hats, ')r. Strong. /Ol4r«* Caps, Gloves, Underwear and Neckwear ever shown in Oskaloosa. A FEW OF OUR CLOTHING BARGAINS Treasures of the Hnmble, Maeter- Ink. $2.00 Boys Knei Pant Suits now $1.13 $750 Men’s Overcoats and Ulsters now $4.98 POBTBY. $2.50 Boys' Fmt Suits now $1 .63 §iuiumiuiututuuimmtummtuuiiuuuuuiiuuitmituuiiuuuumuuuuiiuiiimmmiimimiiii|t)t now Comes One with a Stan- SIO.OO Men’s Suits $7.35 now Song, Frank now 75c 80. s’ Knee 43 on Juvenal. $15.00 M«.n’s Ovrcoats and Ulsters $9.98 now $b oo Boys’ Overcoats and Ulsters $3.48 Story of Marco Brooks. s now $9.63 Polo, Noah Ldghton. $13.50 Men Suits now Capt. ?4.00 Boys’ Suits $2.95 Mas terman Beady, Marry at. bq S2O oc Men’s Overcoats now $14.75 COUNCIL TO DES MOINES. DISTRICT COURT. After tbuoce from home o' more than 80/s’ Suits now $3.38 Little Girl in Old Boston, Amanda MEETING. three weeks as juryman In tha Federal A PIONEER DRUGGIST $20.00 Men s Suits now $14.65 >5.00 coart at Des Moines, I find myself this $15.00 Men’s Black Gay Worsted Suits now $9.63 Douglas. cold, erisp Deoember s »Jay Suits now Monthly Meeting of the lowa Central to Remove Its Head- morning at home try- G. $17.50 Men Black Worsted $12.25 Uncrowning a King, Edward Ellis. Regular Routine Business Occupies the ing to pen a few Items to the G. O. H. N. Beechler Tells Old Time FICTION Dads—High Avenue quarters from Marshalltown, (grand old Hsbald.) City Attention of the Court. Wall Paper Prices. His The Day’s Work, B. Kipling. Our local coal mines cannot supply the Paving Assessed Up. demand for coal. New Store. The Heart of Toll, Ootave Thanet. The Leader this morning rajs: “The Other Matters. T. W. fiarhydt A Go. vs. S. L. Spain Basel Shoemaker, was sick for The Big Bow Mystery, I Zangvlll. general offloea of the lowa Central rail- who quite A Go. et al, attachment. Motion to several weeks with fever, is recovering Opportunity==Don’t Miss It. A Cathedral Courtship and Penelo- road are to be removed from Marshall- quite rapidly. “Wall paper la not what it used to This is Your regular dissolve sustatacd. bf," said Doctor e s English Experiences, Kate Dong- The oity fathers held their town to Dm Moines. The change may Some eneak thief has commenced his G. N. Beechler to a T. J. Shipley vs. Frost, damages. as Wlggln. monthly meeting last night, and consid- be unde as early as January 15, bat It G. J. regular winter voeatlon here,—stealing Hkrald reprMentatlve who dropped Settled by agreement. robes and baggy whips. into his new store the other • w Afterwards and Other Stories, lan erable business was transacted. Is certain that It will not be later than day. Tha Id Joseph Shaw vs. Harriet Ann Smith, We very much with Mr. and Doctor Oclaren. THOSE OATES. Jane 1, when the new Des Moines line sympathise was in the midst of his new for quiet title. Continued by agreement. Mrs. B. B. Bedman in the loss they have and Heattr Stanley’s Friends, Harriet George W. $severs, attorney the of the lowa Central will be opened be- contained in the death of their baby boy. ¦took, the remarks about his large the As also was the oase of 0. J. Frost vs. t’reecott Spc fiord. lowa Central, appeared before tween this olty and Word was hero invoices suggested the remark. “Why,” Oskaloota. Ar- Board of Review, appeal. reoeived that George Stories of the Cherokee Hills, Man- council and asked that a committee be rangements are completed for the re- Shultz, oldest sou of J. H. Shultz,of Madi- ¦aid the Doctor, “white blanks that to- Sheesley A McAuley vs. son county, was married on the same even- ice Thompson. If Mr. Thompson’s appointed from the oouncll to meet moval, quarters engaged and the details Ghaa Shields day sell for ten cents a roll, in the old et al, attachment. Settled and costs ing as Joe Bed man George formerly Used day sold Tories have the oharm of his essays he with lowa Central officials and locate have been concluded without letting in this vicinity and he and Joe were chums. for fifty oents, and if the pa- to be paid. per of vlll prove a great favorite. the base of the gates that are the public Into the plan. The greatest event of the season in this hid a bit gilt on it, it sold for as tarsi First avenues, and PROBATE. vicinity was the last Wednes- high as per The Uncalled, Paul L&wrenoo Dun- placed on High snd The general will be In marriage on £4.00 single roll. We are FIJUMU miw Open offices located of negro put In a flagman Is Guardianship of J. B. Myers. Peti- day evening Mr. Joe C. Bedman and handling the same Fixtures oar. Mr. Dan bar is the only until the gates are the new union passenger station erect- Miss Mattie Bryan at the Bedman home paper to-day for Evenings tion to sell real estate. flfey yoet and novelist. to be pi iced at the High avenue cross- by the road, near here. May they have a long and cents.” 'The reporter remarked For ed Dm Moines Union and prosperous till 9 Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, ing which is now The life and may the ehoieest bless- that the gentleman had been In the Sale QSKALQOSA, nearing completion. Dr. ’s Norway Syrup ings be meted out to them. IOWA. Jerome K Jerome. Mayor has the assuranoe of Central will occupy the drug and wall paper business and facts Seevers lowa nine seems especially adapted to the needs Huntington that the J. Klinendorst had his big toe cut very devoloped tha Mr. The Man Who Outlived Himself, Superintendent rooms on the second fl >or of the build of the children. Pleasant to take; badly while shoeing a horse last Saturday. Beechler had been Tourgee. gates have been ordered and are now lug east of the main entrance and ex soothing In its The horse pushed his foot to the ground the busiueM at his several bnsinees very suddenly and sharp The Bed , Crockett. being ma?e for the road and they will tending to Fifth street, of allremedies for every form of throat the cork struck places for twenty eix years. He Is to- and probably and long disease. his toe. He is unsble to work, and his ser- Adventures of be set as they arrive. The two the of vices are needed now day the oldest drngglst aqd wall paper A Big: Work. Francois. Dr. 8. Weir np as soon one or rooms on first floor very much, as these Y.H.C. A. RECEPTION. Mltohell. committee Is Moore, Miller and Geneva, the east wing. A lease of the rooms smooth roads oall for lots of horse-shoeing man in the city. He has been and Is to Mahlon agent of the HART'S CHURCH West Harrison. Z.Kirk, general IT IS A FARE. ST. The Battle of the Strong, Gilbert to act with Mayor Seevers. has been made, and If it is so desired, Dr. ?. J. Nosseman has sold out here day, suooeMf ul, because he understands Amerioan Friend, Philadelphia, has Mrs. Beiner visited Mrs, Camercu last and will move to Pella the first of the year the In Parker. CLAIMS ALLOWED. the lowa Central can have possession resume his practice basinets all Its many details. been in the elty daring the past few Secretary Lacy Given a Formal Monday. and there. He sold to Speaking Extensive Repairs Made—Fresco- Life on the Mississippi, Mark Twain. The monthly claims list was audited January 15. The rooms have been ar- Dr, Paine, whose parents live in Albia. of his new location on the day* visiting among his many friends. The Dee Moines Leader’s Story Daisy Cameron ie taking mueic leeeons He has been practicing about two at opposite Painting and New Light- Welcome to His New Position. Master Man, Leo Tolstoi. and allowed. ranged especially for the accommoda- of Mr*. Seevere. vears oorner from his old drag Mr. Kirk daring the past four years by Officials. ing, Middletown, near Burlington. He is at store, Denied NEW LIGHTS tion of the offices of this company, and present a single man, but expects to settle and in the north half of the for- has been In an exhaustive ing Greatly Improve the The W. C. T. U. met with Mm. B. W.Dye engaged Councilman Seibert, of the light com- It Is claimed for them that they will week before last. here a married man. mer Molntyre and Colby AMartin lo- work upon the family record of the A public reoeptlon was tendered A Marehalltown Tlmes-Bepublican Property. mittee, reported upon the locating of In Buekler and Tuilis sport December IS. Not H. Gibl, cation, he said: “Yes, Ihave now the Whlnnery family. was first Secretary Laoy, of the Y. M. C. A., at make the finest railroad offioes the Harvey .Blmer Mahlon the Des Moines Leader Thought Death Had Him following lights: at the Intersection state new ewell bed cutters. best location I have ever had I think p reporter showed the association rooms on High avenue the given an incentive for the work by e lowa Harry Davis, of Oskalooea, was out at Ladles’ Fine Shoes at Neagle’s. SOwl none can gainsay assertion that I to Vice President Morse, of tae St. Mary’ church, corner Ist avenue Monday evening. affair was nnder of K street and A avenue; The entire system, extending from the paring an address which he delivered at The the farm Friday of last week. have the flnMt wall paper Central, at Marshalltown, and he said md Brd street,has been greatly Improv- the auspices of the ladles’ auxiliary. 7th street and Bth avenne. Peoria, Ills., to Oskalooea, and thenoe show room the Whlnnery family reunion held In It Joseph N. Chenet, of Syracuse, John Love will live in the house f Interior, & W. B’y crossing. occupied In the city. You see there is nothing In regard to the rumoi of the removal ed by he frescoing of the the was largely attended and was very suc- C street and B to Mason City, Centerville and Des by Tost Bitchie after March 1. Marshall county In 1896. He began Tells of a Terrible Experience, A FINE SIDEBOARD. else but wall paper here, opening, of headquarters to Dee Moines: “The Inlshlng of the altar, new carpets and in every way. Following the D street and 8d avenue. Moines, together with the branoh lines i and following his line of work bick In mak- cessful fle Was light Falrview school is in sesslou with Mise I DESK as It does, with a south absurdity of the rumor is apparent on a»w light fixtures. Servloee were held program which Is given below, refresh- flow Saved. To change the Montgomery to Beimond, Montezuma, Story City Jennie Linderman, of Bddyville,in charge. or DRESSING TABLE, front, glvM ing np the reoords of the lowa branch north of the every advantage light the faoe of it, when the dates are con- the churoh Sunday for the first time ments of ooffee and cake served from the south to side and other points will be operated from There is considerable corn in the fields nsk»t a fine present. See them at where Is neoes- of toe family. The work grew In vol- n were sary.” sidered. Onoe the line of the lowa ilnce the completion of the repairs and street the city. Only to shnek and people are offering three cents * until present t>y the ladies. SYBACUSE, . Joseph N. Chenet office* lu this the officials STULL McOREGOR’S. ants from year to year at subjeot of by A. N. Hambleton per bushel for hands to erlb it. “My drag store otherwise a Central Is in Des Moines the the great Improvements were noted PROGRAM. of this olty,tells a experience. The petition of F. of the mechanical department wl|l re- is model Mr.K