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10908 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24m AUGUST 1981 BURGESS, Ronald Henry, COMPANY DIRECTOR, of WEBSTER, Michael, residing at 18 Lydbrook Covert, 26 Buckingham Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham 36 Hawkesley Farm Estate, Kings Norton, Birmingham in in the 'metropolitan county of West Midlands; Court— the metropolitan county of West Midlands, previously BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter-^91 of 1976. Date residing at 6 Fairfax Road, West Heath, Birmingham Fixed for Hearing—14th October 1981. 10.15 a.m: Place aforesaid, formerly residing at 238 Highfield Road, Hall —The Court House, Corner of Corporation Street and Green, .Birmingham aforesaid, MILKMAN. Court— Newton Street, 4 Newton Street, Birmingham B46PY. BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—128 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—7th October 1981. 10.15 a.m. Place —The Court House, corner of Corporation and Newton Streets, 4 Newton Street, Birmingham 4. COOKE, Ivan Paul, unemployed, residing at 7 Washford Lane, Redditch in the county of Worcester, lately carry- ing on business at 101 Daimler House, Paradise Street, YUSUF, Irene Hellen (feme" sole), residing at Flat 2, Birmingham Bl 2BJ and formerly from Western House, 180 Redditch Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham B38 Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham BS 4HQ both in the 8QE in the metropolitan county of West Midlands, metropolitan county of West Midlands and previously lately residing at 9 Windsor Court, Kings Norton, Bir- irom 10A Marble Alley, Studley in the county of Worces- mingham B38 8QU aforesaid, carrying on business under ter, all in the style of "Silverline Travel Service" as a the style of The Gem Cafe at 40 The Bull Ring, Bir- TRAVEL AGENT. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of mingham B5 5DB in the aforesaid county on her own Matter—159 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—7th account and previously carrying on business at the same October 1981. 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, address in partnership with another under the same corner of Corporation and Newton Street, 4 Newton style as a CAFE PROPRIETOR. Court—BIRMING- Street, Birmingham B4 6PY. HAM. No. of Matter—149 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—30th September 1981. 10.15 a.m. Place— The Court House, corner of Corporation and Newton ELWELL, Derek Frederick, unemployed, of 112 Eathorpe Streets, 4 Newton Street, Birmingham 4. Close, Matchborough West, Redditch in the county of Worcester. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter— 72 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—7th October 1981. PRATT, Reginald George (described in the Receiving 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, corner of Corpora- Order as Reginald G. Pratt) residing at 72 Hawthorndon tion Street and Newton Street, 4 Newton Street, Birming- Avenue, Uttoxeter in the county of Stafford and carry- ham B46PY. ing on business from 99 High Street and 94A Davies Drive, Uttoxeter aforesaid, NEWSAGENT, TOBAC- CONIST, CONFECTIONER and SUPERMARKET GRIEVE, Leslie Hugh, residing at 71/1 Mapledene Road, PROPRIETOR. Court—BURTON-UPON-TRENT. No. Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3XE in the metropolitan of Matter—11 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—15th county of West Midlands, carrying on business under the September 1981. 10. a.m. Place—The County Court, style of L H Grieve at 169 Bordesley Green, Birming- 165 Station Street, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffs DEI4 1NP. ham B95EP in the aforesaid county, lately carrying on business under the same style at the same address in partnership with another and previously carrying on AYRES, Geoffrey James William, Company Director re- business on his own account at the same address, all as a siding at 19 Bakers Caravan Park, Ely Road, Water- .RETAIL GROCER. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of beach in the county of Cambridgeshire and lately re- Matter—156 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—7th siding at 16 Ferris Way, 9 Carlton Way and Windrush October 1981. 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, Caravan Park, Fulboum Old Drift, all in the city and corner of Corporation Street and Newton Street, 4 New- county of Cambridge and at 47 Denny End, Water- ton Street, Birmingham B46PY. beach aforesaid and formerly residing at and carrying on business as an ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR at 49 Cambridge Road, Milton in the county of Cambridge- MASON, Arnold Edward, Salesman, residing at 8 Bos- shire and previously carrying on business in partnership worth Court, 1961 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham with another at that address as HAIRDRESSERS under in the metropolitan county of West Midlands, formerly the name or style of Valeries, Hairdressers. Court— residing at 4 Nuthurst, Walmley, Sutton Coldfield in the CAMBRIDGE. No. of Matter—10 of 1976. Date aforesaid county and previously carrying on business Fixed for Hearing—16th September 1981. 10 a.m. from 20 Blake Lane, Bordesley Green, Birmingham Place—The Law Courts, 72-80 Hills Road, Cambridge. aforesaid as a RETAILER of STEREO, RADIO and HI-FI EQUIPMENT. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—94 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—14th HUNNS, John Michael, Decorating Manager of 34 Station October 1981. 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, Road, Isleham, Ely in the county of Cambridgeshire and corner of Corporation Street and Newton Street, 4 New- formerly trading at that address as a PAINTER and ton Street, Birmingham B4 6PY. DECORATOR. Court—CAMBRIDGE. No. of Matter —12 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—16th September 1981. 10 a.m. Place—The Law Courts, 72-80 Hills Road, Cambridge. PRICE, John Richard Henry (described in the Receiving Order as John R H Price) unemployed, residing at 4 Netherdale Road, Hollywood, Birmingham in the metro- politan county of West Midlands, lately a COMPANY KERR, Patrick John, Company Director at present unem- DIRECTOR. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter ployed, and KERR, Theresa Ann (married woman), Com- —36 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—7th October pany Secretary and Shop Manageress, both of 6 Lans- 1981. 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, corner of downe Road, Cambridge, formerly of 59 Avenue Road, Corporation Street and Newton Street, 4 Newton Street, St. Neots and previously residing at Northurst, St. Birmingham B4 6PY. Neote Road, Eaton Ford, St. Neots, lately carrying on business in partnership as CLOTHES RETAILERS at 18 Cambridge Street, St. Neots all in the county of Cambridge under the style of " Over the Rainbow" VENNER, Jonathan Alexander also known as Vennor, (described in the Receiving Order as Over the Rainbow John, Motor Mechanic of 32 Stirling Road, Edgbaston, (a firm)). (Separate estate of Patrick John Kerr.) Birmingham in the metropolitan county of West Mid- Court-^AM BRIDGE. No. of Matter—15A of 1976. lands, lately carrying on business as a GARAGE PRO- Date Fixed for Hearing—16th September 1981. 10 a.m. PRIETOR of 203A Wells Road, London W. 12, previously Place—The Law Courts, 72-80 Hills Road, Cambridge. residing at 34 Rosebank Road, London W.7. Court— BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—109 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—14th October 1981. 10.15 a.m. KERR, Theresa Ann (separate Estate of). Court—CAM- Place—The Court House, corner of Corporation Street BRIDGE. No. of Matter—ISA of 1976. Date Fixed for and Newton Street, 4 Newton Street, Birmingham Hearing—16th'September 1981. 10a.m. Place—The Law B4 6PY. Courts, 72-80 Hills Road, Cambridge..