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For the Year 1909.










To the Honorable Governor a11d Executive Council of JJ1 aine: The Trustees of the University of Maine submit their forty-first annual report, with reports of the President and Treasurer. Full information in regard to the general and financial condition of the University will be found in the reports of President Fellows and Treasurer Stetson. The past year, as in former years, has seen a steady and constant growth in the number of students and in the work done at the Univer­ sity. I am pleased to state that there have been no changes in the Board of Trustees during the past year. This year Prof. Aubert has followed Prof. Fernald on the retired list, and both, through the earnest efforts of President Fellows, ha-ve been put on the pension list of the Carnegie Foundation. Prof. Fernald's retirement was spoken of in our last report. Prof. Aubert gave to the University many years in the chemical depart­ ment. He bore an international reputation in this subject and his de­ partment boasts of many graduates high in their profession. With the undergraduates he was eyer fair and had the respect and esteem of all, and brought his department to a very high degree of efficiency. During thr period covered by this report there have been many changes in the faculty, which have had a tendency to strengthen the instructing force. A full account of these changes \Yill be found in Pres. Fellows' report. The sudden death of Prof. J. 'vV. Carr was a severe blow not only to the department of German of which he was the head, but to the Uni­ versity as a whole. Although not one of the oldest professors in the institution, he had, during his stay, endeared himself in the hearts of all, and by his work had raised his department to a state of efficiency that was second to none in the country. Since last year the agricultural building has been completed, and that department has now taken up its work in the new building. The in­ creased facilities for handling this work came none too soon, as this field of work has broadened to an almost unlooked-for degree. The in­ creased interest in agriculture throughout this state cannot be too closely connected with the work of this institution, and with these added facili­ ties we feel that we can give to the farmer the privileges that are right­ fully his by support given the University. To be able to do this and show the state an adequate return for the money appropriated, is another stride toward the goal for which we are working. The last legislature made an appropriation for a new dormitory, for which the plans have been completed and contracts let. The work will 4 UNI\'ERSlTY OF :\L\INE. be begun at once and rushed to completion at the earliest possible mo­ ment. This new building will accommodate many students, besides hav­ ing increased dining accommodations and club-rooms. This will fill a long-felt want, as many of the men have been obliged in the past to live in Orono and wa:lk to and from their recitations. 'Ne feel that this ad­ dition to the University will bring the students closer together and make their relations and work much more successful than in the past. vVhile during the past few years we have had many improvements on the campus, there are still many pressing needs. Among the most im­ perative are new barns for the stock, greenhouses for the horticultural dtpartment and a new chemical laboratory. The need of these new buildings is fully explained in President Fellows' report. The law school in its new quarters has had another of its successful years. Under Dean Walz this branch has grown rapidly both in prestige ar,d numbers. The attendance of the college has kept up its phenomenal growth, and this year there is a greater number of students than in any previous year. The health of both the faculty and students has been excellent. In previous years special attention has been given to beautifying the campus, and this work should be continued as fast as funds will warrant in order to make it as attractive and pleasing to the students and com­ munity as possible. The Board of Trustees, in reviewing the wonderful growth of the l'niversity, cannot nrge too strongly the importance of providing for its future growth, with sufficient appropriation to make this institution what it should be, a credit to our state, and to rank with the strongest of the land grant colleges. EDWARD B. WINSLOW, Pres., Board of Trustees. REPORT OF THE TREASURER

To the Trustees of the University of Maine: The Treasurer has the honor to submit the following report concern­ ing the financial condition of the University, July 1, 1909.

INCOME OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE fROM JULY I, 1908, TO JULY 1, 1909. Coburn Fund ...... $4,000 oo Land Grant Fund ...... 5,915 oo Morrill Fund ...... 35,000 oo State ...... 52,500 oo Student receipts ...... 38,976 87

Total ...... $136,391 87

To the Trustees of the University of Maine: The Treasurer has the honor to submit the following report concern­ ing the financial condition of the University, July 1, 1909.

ToTAL RECEIPTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE FROM ALL SOURCES FROM JULY 1, 1908, TO JULY 1, 1909. Cash Balance, July 1, 1908 ...... $1,568 82 Bills Payable ...... $41,000 00 Bills Receivable ...... 327 28 Biology ...... 162 71 Commons ...... 163 71 Diplomas ...... 250 19 Electrical Engineering ...... II6 12 Endowment Funds ...... 9,915 00 ".\Iorrill Fund ...... 35,000 00 Pharmacy ...... 18 85 Physics ...... 446 48 Rents ...... 1,376 06 State ...... 52,500 00 Summer Board Account ...... 38 85 Tuition, Incidentals and Registration ...... 38,976 87 Agricultural Building ...... 30,000 00 Sales, Farm Produce, etc...... 12,317 39 222,009 51 6 l'XffERSITY OF ::\IAIXE.

NET EXPEKSES OF THE -CKIYERSITY OF J'vIAIKE FROl\I }ULY I, 1908, TO JULY I, 1909. Current Expenses: Salary, Administration and Instruction ...

Departments: Bacteriology and Veterinary Science ...... $314 75 Biology Equipment ...... 430 75 College of Agriculture ...... II .295 75 Chemistry ...... 529 63 Civil Engineering ...... -tOO 71 Electrical Engineering Eq...... 25 00 "'.\Iathematics and Astronomy ...... 19 66 M cchanical Engineering ...... 235 7-+ :\Iilitary Science ...... 588 67 Physics Eq...... 648 63 Physical Training ...... 178 58 Forestry ...... 244 84 . \gricultural and Biological Chemistry ..•. 300 77 :\Icchanics and Drawing IO 57 15,22-t 05

Adyertising ...... $929 35 Care of Buildings ...... 4,209 56 Carpenter Shop ...... 866 90 Commencement ...... 370 IO Freight and Express ...... 515 28 Fnrniture and Fixtnres ...... 823 42 Grounds (Equipment and :\Iaintenance) .. 2,304 IO Interest and Discount ...... 887 70 Incidentals ...... IOS 53 Insurance ...... 626 22 Library ...... 2,486 83 Law Library ...... 426 68 l\Iiscellaneous ...... 2,150 57 Office ...... 536 53 Postage, Printing and Stationery ...... 1,18g 02 Prizes ...... 120 00 Po\Ver, Heat and Light...... 16,029 09 Repairs ...... ~,745 73 Shop ...... 303 15 School Inspection ...... 150 8g Summer Term ...... 66 43 Athletic Field ...... 370 70 Treasury ...... 143 97 Trustees' Expense ...... 50 00 \\Tater Supply ...... 2,251 66 ;\f useum ...... 236 23 Rr'.POR1' OF THE TREASURER. 7

Lectures ...... 262 57 Summer Term (1909) ...... 72 65 Scholarships ...... 30 00 Charges, Farm Produce, etc ...... II,694 27 55,955 I3 Sundry Exprnsc s: Heating Plant ...... $3,515 SI Agricultural Building ...... 40,885 93 Poultry Houses ...... 3,938 94 Stock Judging Pa Yi lion ...... 3,892 46 New Bnilclings (Faculty Houses) ...... 8oo 00 53,032 84 Cash Balance ...... 888 16

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) I. K. STETSON, Treasurer.

I hereby certify that I haYe examined the accounts of the Treasurer and tind them correctly kept and properly Youched. (Signed) S. W. GOULD, Auditor. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT

To the Board of Trustees of the University of Maine: The President of the University has the honor to present his eighth annual report, covering the years 1908-1909.

PUBLIC RESPONSllllLITY FOR EDUCATION The State of Maine is particularly fortunate above the other New England states in having directly under her control the various pieces of an organization for public education which need only to be coordinated to result in such an educational system as is unsurpassed in any of the states in the Union. The history of education in the United States shows nry clearly that the public has recognized the necessity of a liberal and practical education for every one of its citizens and this not merely for the welfare of the individual citizen, but for the collective welfare of the whole body. Naturally, this recognition has not come all at once. First, the simplest rudiments of an education only were re­ garded as essential, the higher training being left for individual effort. As it progressed, public sentiment became as favorable to secondary education as it had been formerly to primary education and public l11gh schools for several decades have been as firmly established as were the primary schools before them. Within the last half century, the people of the United States, with the exception of New England, have become as firmly attached to higher education by the public as to primary and secondary education and for the same reasons exactly-the protection of the public against the evils resulting from ignorance and incompetence. A very interesting study of the growth of public sentiment toward the management of higher education by the State may be made in following the history of Cornell University in the State of . When the first Federal Land Grant was made to the states for the establishment of colleges "for the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes," it was made use of by the Middle, Southern and Western States to enlarge the work of already established state univer­ sities, or to found new ones. But for the public spirit and generosity of Ezra Cornell, the benefit of the land grant would have been lost to the state of New York. The great amount of land which was offered for sale at the same time because so many states had received the Morrill Land Grant, seemed likely to reduce the price of all such land so low that little benefit would REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 9 be received by the new institution. Mr. Cornell purchased the land given to New York and held it until it could be sold at a good price, then devoted the proceeds to the foundation of Cornell University. Although this institution has always been intended to be of a public nature, the peculiar method by which it received its endowment, gave it a semi­ private organization. Nevertheless, the College of Agriculture of Cor­ nell University has always been a purely public institution. From time to time, the authorities of Cornell University have made efforts to make it more fully a public institution. About a year ago, Andrew S. Draper, Commissioner of Education of the State of New York, called attention to the fact that Cornell Uninrsity does not and cannot sustain the same relation to the state of New York that the West­ ern state universities sustain to their respective states because the people do not feel a sense of entire proprietorship in it and further said that tbis condition could "never be cured until the university became the real instrument of the state." The opinions of Commissioner Draper are supported and emphasized by President Schurman in his last annual report. He further calls attention to the increased influence of the state in the government of the university and points out a method whereby Cornell University may becomt: a state university in the fullest sense of the word. I have called particular attention to the peculiarities of Cornell Uni­ versity because comparison is frequently made between Cornell and other real state universities. This comparison is always made to the advan­ tage of the state universities, that is, it seems that the trend of opinion is toward the recognition of the duty of the public for general and higher education in every state. If so great an institution as Cornell feels that it should be wholly a state university rather than partly so, it is because otl{er institutions which have the advantage of the Morrill Land Grant and which have become preeminent in the field of education are state universities and wholly so. The yearnings of Cornell to become a real state university should be an encouragement to the people of l\faine ,drn already have a state university in form and legality. The University of J\Iaine is in no sense a private institution, but is the property and servant of the public. The legal title to the property rests in the State of :\Iaine and thus l\Taine has a vast advantage over any other New England state in that she has the organization already perfect for the building up of a public university on the same lines exactly as those which have become so distinguished in the -:\Iiddle West. The fact that New York is striving for this ideal and that Massachu­ setts is making great efforts toward establishing some kind of a general public educational institution should inspire the people of Maine to take advantage of their unique position in N cw England and keep ahead of the mm·ement, which is universal, in setting the pace of supporting and managing a university which shall benefit the people of all classes in their everyday life. To do this, little is needed but to continue the moral and financial support of the uniYersity, in proportion to its needs, that has been giYen for the past three or four years. 10 li.'.\I\TRSlTY OF :\L\T:'\E.

IDEALS OF Sl'HOL\PSHIP No one is likely to dispute the statement that a college or university is primarily an educational institution. There may be differences of opinion as to ,,hat influences arc educational. :.\Iany would claim, and justly, that some social gatherings, musical and other entertainments, athletic training and contests arc educational. :\Iost people would agree in this Yic,,· up to a certain point. The great difficulty lies in determin­ ing how much of such affairs should be permitted in connection with tht usual curriculum of studies as laid do,yn Ly the Faculty. It is not in the l 1niycrsity of ::\Iaine alone that too much attention is ginn to the so-called student activities. This complaint is made in a great number of colleges and tmiycrsities in the country. It is a prob­ lem the consideration of which may ,wll engage the attention of the clearest thinkers and ablest administrators. It appears to many of those ,,ho ha,-e discussed the subject that there has, \Yith the gro,,th of these outside student acti,-ities, been a distinct decline in scholarship. The prominence giycn to teams and clubs has eclipsed the prominence for­ merly given to diligent and distinguished schobrs. I feel that this tend­ e1~cy has de,-eloped itself too strongly in our o,,-n uniyersity. The clanger in achocating a restriction of student actiYities is that in tbe too rapid mO\-emcnt in this line irritation may be so denlopecl as to ,1-ork against the reforms desired. Yet many of the more earnest stu­ dents undoubtedly feel that there are too many social engagements in ,,hich they are expected to participate. There is undoubtedly an edu­ cational Yalue in tliese social engagements, but their occurrence on even­ i11gs other than Friday and Saturday cannot fail to seriously interfere with the preparation for classes. Athletic contests away from our own grounds are already reduced as far as possible to Saturdays. In 1py opinion, the first step ,,ould be to insist that all ''house parties" should be helcl on Friday and Saturday nights only and that the meetings of the students on other than these nights should be confined to such as are of a distinctly educational nature, such as debating clubs and literary and scientific societies. Since writing the aboYe some of the fraternities ha1-e at their own initiatin begun to restrict their O\Yn social affairs to Friday and Sat­ urday.

CO~D!ITTEE O:\' DfDliSTRIAL EDliCATION The Trustees will recall that in the Report of the President last year there was a recommendation that the Board of Trustees take the initia­ tive in an investigation of the subject of "Industrial and Practical Edu­ cation in Connection with the Public School System." A conference between the President of the University and the State Superintendent oi Schools disclosed the fact that the Superintendent intended to ask the Legislature for an appropriation to begin a similar investigation. As the purposes of the two investigations were identical and the sug­ gested members of a future committee \Yere essentially the same, no further action was taken by the President of the Uniyersity at that time. REPORT OF' THE PRESIDENT. II

The Legislature made an appropriation to be expended under the author­ ity of the State Superintendent of Schools. An investigation is to be conducted by a committee consisting of the State Superintendent, the President of the University, the principal of a large preparatory school, the Master of the State Grange, the Secretary of the State Board of Trade, the principal of a large high school and a representative of a labor organization. The committee as organized is composed of the f~llowing gentlemen: Payson Smith, George E. Fellows, W. E. Sargent, Francis R. North, C. S. Stetson, E. M. Blanding and Charles 0. Beals. It is the intention of this committee to visit the important industries of the State, consult with the managers and superintendents of the chief enterprises and hold public meetings where practicable in the interest of industrial education. As a result of these meetings and investigations, a report and recom­ mendation will be presented to the next Legislature embodying some plan for the encouragement of industrial education. vVhile this commit­ tee is not acting under the direction of the University, its work is one to which the President of the University should give all possible attention.

THE RELATION OF THE UNIVERSITY TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS The President of the University has uniformly laid emphasis in public and in private on the close relation that should exist between the high schools and the University, as well as between the primary schools and the high schools. I should regard it as highly satisfactory if the work of the high schools in the state were such that we could receive gradu­ ates from them directly into the University. This at present is impos­ sible, owing to the lack of uniformity of instruction in the high schools. A plan, however, has been drawn up by the State Superintendent of Schools for ·the classification of the high schools of the state into three divisions, A, B, and C, so that by thorough inspection the Class A high schools shall be able to grant certificates which shall entitle the holders to admission into any of the colleges of the state. This I regard as a highly desirable end. It cannot be put into effect within a year and perhaps more, but if it can ultimately become effective, it will have a powerful influence in unifying the public educational system of the state from the lowest primary to the University.

RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS In the year 1904, by the bequest of Mr. Cecil Rhodes, the state of Maine as well as all other states of the Union received the privilege of sending to Oxford University representatives from the colleges of the state. The President of the State University has been ex-officio chair­ man of the Committee of Appointment. Fou·r scholars have been sent, one from each of the colleges. The colleges, for the first appointment, were permitted to name candidates in the order of the founding of the institutions, Bowdoin, Colby, Bates, University of Maine. The repre­ sentative from the University of Maine is now entering upon his second year at Oxford. 12 UNIVERSITY OF l\L\INE.

The agent of the Rhodes Trustees now suggests that appointments hereafter be made from the total number of eligible candidates rather than from the colleges in rotation. While the question has not been settled, it is probable that such an arrangement will be agreed upon, it being understood that the state should have the best representative pos­ sible rather than that the institutions should be individually represented.

COOPERATION WITH DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The usefulness of our College of Agriculture has for several years been greatly increased because of the hearty cooperation of the State Department of Agriculture. The work of our Experiment Station bear­ ing upon potato growing has been ably supported by the Commissioner of Agriculture and great encouragement given to farmers, in all parts ot the state, who are interested in growing this crop. The dairy industry of the state has also been de,-eloped by the plans of the Commissioner and in this development two young men from the University of l\Iaine are regularly employed as inspector and instructor, while our Dairy Department is closely connected with all movements for the development of this industry. Additional plans are under consideration for the cooperation of our Department of Horticulture with the Commissioner to develop a greater interest in fruit growing. The exhibit of l\Iaine apples at the New England Fruit Show this fall was made conspicuous because of the ex­ cellent work of our students in Horticulture \Yho did the packing for the exhibition. Too much cannot be said in favor of the close alliance between the State Department of Agriculture and of our own College of Agriculture.

DOMESTIC SCIENCE The Department of Domestic Science, which was authorized by the Trustees several years ago and which had been unable to give more than a short course in connection \Yith Farmer"s \Veek, has been fully organ­ ized. \Vork has begun in the present semester in charge of Miss Laura Comstock, Assistant Professor in charge of the department. The large room, originally intended for a museum in the Hall of Agriculture, has been fitted up as kitchen and dining room and with such laboratory equipment as is essential. The appreciation of the work in this depart­ ment may be noted from the number of students who have voluntarily registered for full courses and in the general approval by the public. Miss Comstock not only gives the work to the regular students at the University, but in connection with the Extension Department goes to all parts of the state at the request of various organizations to give demon­ strations and encourageme~1t to local movements for establishment of work in this line. Too much cannot be said in favor of a vigorous maintenance of the Domestic Science Department. Next to our work in Agriculture, this department offers more opportunities to be of direct assistance to the people of the state than any other department of the University. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 13

POULTRY INDUSTRY The Department of Poultry Industry has been, during the past year under the able management of Professor W. A. Brown, very thoroughly organized and developed. Two short poultry courses have been given during the year with an attendance of about eighty. A poultry show was held in connection with each. There is no doubt whatever that this particular branch of instruction will be able to develop profitable invest­ ment in the poultry industry, especially throughout the southern portion

FACULTY HOUSES Owing to the scarcity of suitable dwellings which could be rented by the professors of the University, the Trustees have caused to be con­ structed during the summer of 1909 three dwelling houses on the cam­ pus. These houses have greatly relieved the pressure for the housing of the Faculty. Another act authorized by the Trustees has also greatly contributed to the comfort and convenience of several members of the Faculty and many students. The Orono House which had been conducted for many years as a hotel has been leased for a period of ten years by the Trus­ and refitted as a University Inn. The building now is in excellent condition, well finished, convenient, well lighted and heated and serves as an excellent home for several unmarried members of the Faculty, for a considerable number of students and as a convenient place to entertain visitors to the University.

NEW DORMITORY For some· years the dormitory accommodations have been totally in­ adequate for the housing of students who were unable to obtain board in the village or who were not members of fraternities. Accordingly the Trustees received from various architects competitive designs for a new dormitory. After careful consideration, the plan offered by Mr. William Hart Taylor of was adopted. The architect is at present draw­ ing the complete plans and specifications which will be offered to bidders i11. the near future. It is the intention to have the dormitory constructed just north of Oak Hall and it is hoped that it may be ready for occu­ pancy in the fall of r9ro.

CHANGES IN THE FACULTY In addition to the usual changes in the Faculty caused by the resigna­ tions of the younger instructors to go into practical business or to accept positions in other institutions, the loss of a. professor who was at the head of his department should be specially noted. Professor J. W. Carr, head of the Department of German, died sud­ denly as he was ascending the steps of Coburn Hall to attend one of his classes. He had had the misfortune to sprain his ankle some weeks before and was walking on crutches. The cause of his death was stated to be fatty degeneration of the heart. Whether the sudden attack was 14 l'XI\TRc"ITY OF :\L\IXE. brought on by the unusual exertion of walking on crutches is of course unknown. Professor Carr ranked high as a scholar and was a member of several learned societies. He had been specially prominent as a writer and an officer in the American Dialect Society. His death causes a serious loss not only to the Lniversity of l\Iaine, with which he \vas immediately connected, but to the \rnrld of scholarship. Roland P. Gray, B. A., has been appointed Professor of English. He is a graduate of Columbia l-niwrsity in the class of 1893. \Vhile an undergraduate he carried graduate courses in Comparative Literature under Professor George E. \V oodbury and in American Literature under Professor Brander :.\Iatthews. He \rnn a first prize in oratory and at graduation was class orator. He has carried on graduate work at Har­ vard, Yale, and Oxford, and conducted special investigations in the Brit­ ish :.\1uscum. He \vas head of the English Department at the .:\Ianna­ dnke 1\Iilitary Academy, 1893-189-J.: Instructor in English. Uni\·ersity of Nebraska, 1894-1893; Instructor in English, 1893-1902, and Assistant Pro­ fessor of English, 1902-1903, l:ni\·ersity of Rochester; Professor of Eng­ lish, Acadia l:ninrsity, 1903-1908; and Assistant Professor of English, Indiana l"ni,·ersity, 1908-1909. For fi,·e years, he conducted Saturday conference for teachers of English in Rochester and surrounding towns. Be ,\"as editor of the Nebraska Literary Quarterly, is the author of "Some Helps in Sentence Analysis," and published a series of theme tablets that \\·ere the pioneer in this field and have had a wide vogue. At present he i, editing a translation of Beowulf, with introduction and critical notes. He has been in demand as a lecturer, and among the lectures which he has been called upon to gh·e most frequently arc those on Shakspere, Browning, and the E,·angeline country. Ralph IT . .:\IcKee, Ph. D., has been appointed Professor of Chemistry. Doctor J\IcKce ,Yas graduated from \Vooster University in 1895 and dur­ ing his senior year was assistai1t in chemistry. He was Professor of Chemistry in Carthage College, 1893-1898, and a graduate student at the Vniversity of for three years, during one of which he held a teaching fello,yship. He receind his degree of Doctor of Philosophy ir: chemistry in 1901; since that time he has taught at Lake Forest Col­ lege, having been Instructor in Chemistry during 1901-1902 and Profes­ sor of Chemistry since 1902. He is a fellow of the American Associa­ tion for the Advancement of Science, and a member of the Academy of Science, American Chemical Society, Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft, etc. He is vice chairman and secretary of the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. He has contri­ buted extensively to the American Chemical Journal, Science, Chemical Abstracts, Berichte der Deutsche Gesellschift, Popular Science Monthly, etc. Dr. McKee is the discoverer of a process for obtaining soluble potassium compounds which renders it unnecessary to import them from Germany. Charles \V. Easley, Ph. D., has been appointed Associate Professor of Chemistry. Dr. Easley was graduated from Dickinson College in 1897 and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Clark University in REPORT OF 'THE PRESIDENT. 15

1908, for work in Chemistry and Physics. He taught science at the Troy Conference Seminary, 1897-1899, and Do\·er Academy, 1899-1901. He was awarded a scholarship at Clark Uni\·ersity in 1901 and a fellowship i11 1902, and held an honorary fellowship, 1903-1908. He was Instructor i,i Chemistry in Clark College, 1903-1908, and Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1908-1909. At a recent meeting of the American Chemical Society in Baltimore a paper on vapor pressures of liquid mixtmes by Professor Rosanoff and .Jc:asley created much interest. He has designed improved apparatus ,vhich gives increased accuracy in analytical work. Benjamin E. Kraybill, ).I. S., has been appointed Instructor in Indus­ trial Chemistry. ).fr. Kraybill, after graduation at the Millersville (Pennsylvania) State Normal School, taught successfully for four years in the public schools of Pennsylvania. He then entered Franklin and J\Tarshall College, from ,vhich he was graduated in 1908, during his senior year holding the position of Assistant in Chemistry. During the past year he has held a scholarship in chemistry at the University of Penn­ sylvania where he specialized in Industrial Chemistry. For five summers he has acted as inspector for the Pennsylvania Steel Company. Garrett W. Thompson, Ph. D .. has been appointed Professor of Ger­ manic Languages. He is a gradnale of Amherst College in 1888, was two years a student at the University of Berlin, and receiyed his Doc­ torate at the 'Cniyersity of Pennsyh-ania in 1908 for work in Germanics. He taught for some years in the Friends IIi6·h School of Philadelphia and \\'as Assistant Principal. For the last two years he has been Pro­ fessor of German in Franklin and ).Iarshall College. Professor Thomp­ son is the author of a novel, has published some charming verse. and is a talented musician. Robert R. Drummond, B. S., has been appointed Instructor in Ger­ manic Languages. :\fr. Drummond was graduated from the University oi Maine in the class of 1905, with a major in German, and entered the University of Pennsylvania for graduate work. He was University Scholar in Gcrmanics, 1905-1907, and Harrison Fellow in Germanics, 1907-1909. In addition to his graduate work, he taught German in St. J oscph's College and the l'ennsylvania :!\Iilitary College, and also had classes in the University of Pennsylnnia. He \\·ill receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in December. Laura Comstock has been appointed Assistant Professor of Domestic Science. Miss Comstock is a graduate of the Buffalo, N. Y., State Nor­ mal School and taught successfully for some years in the normal schools of Oswego, N. Y., and Stevens Point, \Visconsin. In order to prepare herself properly to teach domestic science :\1iss Comstock has studied at Pratt Institute and is a graduate of that institution. It will interest many people in the State of Maine to know that among those who recom­ mended Miss Comstock highly was 1Iiss :!\1ary B. Snow, formerly Super­ intendent of Schools in Bangor, late Supervisor of Practice Teaching at Pratt Institute, and recently elected to a position in Chicago in which she has charge of all \\·ork in Domestic Science in the Chicago Public Schools. 16 UNI\'ERSITY OF :\L\INE.

Henry G. Bell, B. S., has been appointed Professor of Agronomy to succeed Professor \Nilliam D. Hurd, resigned. Professor Hurd by his energy and affability has brought the College of Agriculture of the Uni­ versity into close touch \\·ith the agricultural societies of the state and with the farmers. He leaves us to take charge of the short course work at the JVIassachusetts Agricultural College. Professor Bell comes to us from the Iowa Agricultural College at Ames, Iowa, where he held the position of Assistant Professor of Farm Crops. Professor Bell is thor­ oughly trained practically, having been brought up on a farm. He ob­ tained his bachelor's degree at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, Canada, in 1905, and remained there as assistant for the next year. The last three years he has been at the Iowa State College, the first t\Y0 years as instructor and the last year as assistant professor. No t\yo institutions are preparing better men for leadership in agricultural work than those at Guelph and Ames. We are therefore fortunate in securing the sen-ices of one who had studied and worked at both insti­ tutions. 1Ielvin Ernest Sherwin, B. S., has been appointed Assistant Professor of Agronomy to succeed Professor Ernest David \Vaid who resigned to engage in extension \YOrk in Ohio State University. Professor Sherwin was graduated from the University of l\Iissouri with the degree of Bach­ elor of Science in Agriculture in 1908. Besides assisting in the teaching work at lVIissouri before his graduation, Professor Shenvin was engaged during the year 1908-1909 at the University of California as instructor and investigator in farm crops. George E. Simmons, B. S., has been appointed Assistant Professor in charge of the extension \York to succeed Professor James Earl McClin­ tock who resigned to accept a position in the United States Bureau of Education. Professor Simmons was a college graduate before he took up the study of agriculture at the Ohio State University, having received the degree of Bachelor of Science at the Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio, 1902. He had been a teacher for several years, then entered the Ohio State University and was graduated in tl1e agricultural course in 1909. James R. Dice, B. S., has been appointed Instructor in Animal Indus­ try. He is a graduate of the Michigan Agricultural College in the class of 1908, and while a student won the Michigan sweepstakes in stock judging. During the last year he has been having practical experience in farm management. Wintha R. Palmer, B. S., has been appointed Instructor in Horticul­ ture. He is a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural College in the class of 1909, and has had a valuable and varied experience in the great fruit regions of the Northwest. Truman L. Hamlin, M. A., has been appointed Instructor in Mathe­ matics. He is a graduate of Western Reserve University in the class of 1899. He was teacher of Latin in Benedict College, Columbia, S. C., 1899-1900, and Teaching Fellow in Mathematics at the University of Missouri, 1900-1902. He received the degree of M. A. from Missouri REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 17 lil 1902. From 1902-1908 he was Superintendent of the Jackson, Mis­ scuri, Military Institute. During the summer of 1909 lie has been a stu­ dent at Teachers' College, Columbia University. Sherman D. Chambers, B. S., has been appointed Instructor in Mathe­ matics. He is a graduate of Baldwin University in 1904. After teach­ ing mathematics for a year in the Eaton, Ohio, High School and two years in the Wyoming Seminary at Kingston, Pa., he held a fellowship iu mathematics at the Ohio State University for 1907-19o8. Last year he accepted a position as Instructor in Mathematics at the North Dakota Agricultural College, and during the year was promoted to an assistant professorship, but has resigned that position in order to come east. Walter Edmund Wilbur, B. S., has been appointed Instructor in Math­ ematics. He is a graduate of the University of Maine in the class of 1908. During the last year he has taught in the Orono High School and carried on graduate work in Mathematics at the University. Walter Elwood Farnham was appointed temporarily to take the place of James Pitt Farnsworth whose illness in the month of January com­ pelled his resignation. Mr. Farnham's services were satisfactory and he has been continued as instructor in Drawing. Ernest Conant Cheswell has been appointed Instructor in the labora­ tories of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Departments. Mr. Cheswell has had practical experience in the General Electrical Works at Schenectady, N. Y. Albert Theodore Childs has been appointed Instructor in Electrical Engineering. He received the degree of Bachelor of Science at W or­ cester Polytechnic Institute in 1906 and in Electrical Engineering at the same in 1908. He remained there for the year 1908-1909 as instructor. George A. Scott, B. S., has been appointed Instructor in Physics. Mr. Scott was graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 1902, and during the following years, as well as for the Summer Session of 1903, he was Instructor in Electrical Engineering there. After six years practical experience he has decided to return to teaching. Ernest Claude Drew, B. S., University of Vermont 1909, has been appointed Instructor in Physics. Alice Middleton Boring, M. A., has been appointed Instructor in Zoology to succeed Miss Edith Maynard Wallace who has accepted a position in Columbia University. Miss Boring took her Bachelor'~ De­ gree in 1904 at Bryn Mawr and Master's Degree at the same institution in 1905. Her record is: Assistant in the Biological Laboratory, Bryn Mawr, 1904-1905; Fellow in Zoology, University of Pennsylvania, 1905- 1900; Fellow in Biology, Bryn Mawr, 1906-1907; Instructor in Zoology, Vassar College, 1907-1908; student at University of Wiirtzburg and Zoological Station at Naples, 1908-1909. Norman Haskell Mayo, a graduate of the University of Maine in the class of 1909, has been appointed Tutor in Civil Engineering. Warren Edward Conner, who was graduated from the University of Maine in 1909, has been appointed Tutor in Civil Engineering. 2 18 C:-:J\'ER:il'J'Y OF ~L\IXE.

Captain \Valter S. Bro11·11 was forced through ill health to ask for retirement from the Anny last spring. The War Department has sent to us as ::\Iilitary Instructor, Lieutenant Colonel Charles A. Varnum, who reached Orono about the middle of October and has already begun active ,rnrk with the cadets.


COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE George Thomas Carlisle, Jr., B. S. in Forestry ...... North Edgecomb Bernard Albert Chandler, B. S. in Forestry ...... New Gloucester Winfield Alfred Kimball, B. S. in Forestry ...... N orn·ay Edward \V'atts ::\Iorton, D.S. in Agriculture ...... Kennebunk Lewis Freeman Pike, B. S. in Forestry ...... Milton, N. H. Benjamin Lewis Roberts, D. S. in Forestry ...... Bangor Thomas Franklin Shatney, B. S. in Forestry ...... Orono Harry Woodbury Smith, B. S. in Agriculture ...... Sangen·ille Everett Frost Southwick, B. S. in Agriculture ...... Peabody, J\Iass.

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES DaCosta FitzJ\faurice Bennet, B. A. (Economics) ...... Lubec Edgar Frederick Callahan, B. A. (Education) ...... Orono Florence Polleys Chase, B. A. (Romance Languages) ...... Baring Mary Ella Chase. B. A. (History) ...... Blue Hill Cecil C. Farrar, B. A. (Latin) ...... Guilford Frederick V/illiam Foote, B. A. (Philosophy) ...... Milbridge Joe 'Warren Gerrity, B. S. (Economics) ...... Bangor \Villiam Henry Gilbert, B. A. (Economics) .... South Glastonbury, Conn. Merton Taylor Goodrich, B. S. (Mathematics) ...... Bingham \V'illis Nathan Haines, B. A. (Romance Languages) ...... Dexter Mattie Groyer Knight, B. S. (Biology) ...... Deer Isle Chase :'If cArtlrnr, B. S. ( Germanic Languages) ...... Milltown George Valentine Nauman, B. S. ( Econonics) ...... Portland Frederick Palladino. B. A. (Philosophy) [ Ph. D., Taylor Uni,·ersity, 1897] ...... Bangor Irene Clara Richc1rdson, B. A. (Romance :..anguages) ...... Old TO\vn Kenneth Albert Rollins, B. A. (Economic:;) ...... Farmington Christine :\Iyrtle Sha,,·, B. A. (Latin) ...... Orono Cora ::\Iay Shaw, B. A. (J\Iathematics) ...... Orono Dexter Southworth Johnson Smith, B. S. (Economics) ...... Bangor Harry Ech1arcl Sutton, B. S. (History) ...... Orono George Roy Sweetser. B. S. (Economics) ...... Hampden Deane Stanley Thomas. B. S. (Economics) ...... Y armouthville James vVooclbury Tripp, B. A. (Philosophy) ...... Orrington Francis George vVads1rnrth. B. S. (Education) ...... Sanford Dwight Woodbury, B. S. ( ::\Iathematics) ...... Beverly, 1Iass. Harry :\[organ \Voods. B. A. (::\Iathematics) ...... Orono REPORT OF 'l'HE PRESIDENT.

COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Edward Earle Gardner, B. S. in Pharmacy ...... East Machias Lester Alonzo Barker, Ph. C...... l; Falls Adrian Fitzgerald Kelleher, Ph. C ...... Orono Orrin Linwood Miller, Ph. C...... Carmel Roy Edward l\Iann, Ph. C...... Van Buren Howard Newton Sewall, Ph. C...... York Village

COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY \Vil)iatn l\Iilgate Black, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Belfast Harold l\Ieh·ille Bowman, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, Salmon Falls, N. H. Bertrand French Brann, B. S. in Chemistry ..... : ...... Bangor vVarren Alfred Carter, B. S. in Chemistry ...... Nobleboro Warren Edward Conner, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Auburn Preston Lle11ellyn Corson, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Wilton Frederick Sutherland Cram, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Brunswick Cyrus Hersey Davis, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... \Voodfords George Percy Deering, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Winslow's l\Iills Harold Frederick Eddy, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Bangor \Valter Lee Emerson, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Lewiston Chester Arthur Estey, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Lisbon Falls Howard Lovering Farwell, B. S. in :\Iechanical Engineering, Dorchester, Mass. Ech1ard Joseph Finnigan, B. S. in Civil Engineering, ...... Bangor William Andrew Fogler, B. S. in Electrical Engineering .. West Rockport Harold Daniel Haggett, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Bath Earle \Vilmer Hall, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Farmington Philip \Vinthrop Harn. B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Livermore Falls \\!alter Ora Harvey, B. S. in l\fcchanical Engineering ...... Kenduskeag Ralph }\[orton Henry, B. S. in Electrical Engineering .. Cumberland ?dills Tlarrison Parker fTiggins, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, Somerville, l\Iass. Carl Russell Holton, B. S. in Cfril Engineering ...... Boothbay Harbor Ralph Lysander Jackson, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Jefferson H owarcl Rich Johnson, B. ::i. in Electrical Engineering ... South Portland Edmund Bernard Keating, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Salem, ":\Iass. Frederick Daniel Knight, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Limerick Joseph Philip Littlefield, B. S. in Electrical Eng·inecring ...... Ogunquit Joseph \Valtcr 1IcElroy, B. S. in :\Iechanical Engineering, Manchester, N. H. Daniel \Vallace l\IacLean, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Eastport Jesse Ham :\Iason, B. S. in Chemistry ...... Beverly, Mass. Norman Haskell Mayo, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Bluehill Merle Eli l\Ierriman, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering ...... Portland Harold Redmere l\Iiller, B. S. in Electrical Engineering .. South Berwick Percy Patrick l\Iooney, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Bangor Irving Hartwell Moore, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Readfield 20 F:\"IVERSITY OF l\L\I.N"E.

Harry Edwin Morrell, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Lewiston Robley Howe Morrison, B. S. in Chemistry ...... Norway Henry Leighton Nash, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Cherryfield Arthur Francisco Neal, B. S. in CiYil Engineering ...... North Berwick Charles Brooks Paine, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Eastport Horace Albion Parker, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Livermore Falls Alfred Bassett Patterson, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering ...... Winslow Herbert Tracey Pettigrew, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... East Machias Howard Grenville Philbrook, B. S. in Electrical Engineering, Shelturne, N, H. Clinton Alley Plumly, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Lincoln Elmer Onsville Pray, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Kittery James William Ran'dall, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Freeport Harold Arthur Rich, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering ...... Bangor Frank Cummings Richardson, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Jefferson Reginald Elton Robinson, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering ...... Oxford George Lewis Smith, B. S. in :Mechanical Engineering ...... Long Cove Wilbur Olin Smith, B. S. in Electrical Engineering ...... Peabody, Mass. Guy Ellicott Torrey, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Deer Isle Elton LaForrest Towle, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering ...... Portland Thomas Cary Westcott, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Patten Harry Alfred White, B. S. in Civil Engineering ...... Lynn, Mass. Guy Herbert Williams, B. S. in Civil Engineering .... ::VIanchester, N. H.

COLLEGE OF LAW Albert Edward Andersen, LL. B ...... Portland Hiram John Archer, LL. B ...... Boston, Mass. Edward William Bridgham, LL. B...... Bridgton Arthur Jeon Baptiste Cartier, LL. B ...... Biddeford Harry Robertson Elder, LL. B ...... Chicopee Falls, Mass. Reginald Fitz-Randolph, LL. B ...... , ...... Boulder, Colo. William Clayton Fraser, LL. B, ...... Taunton, Mass. Thomas Francis Gallagher, LL. B ...... Bangor Harold Isaac Goss, LL. B ...... Berwick Frank Wade Halliday, LL. B. [B. A., M. A., Dartmouth College, 1901, 1903] ...... Monmouth James Francis Kiernan, LL. B ...... Wareham, Mass. Seth May, LL. B ...... Auburn James Blenn Perkins, LL. B. [B. A., Bowdoin College, 1903], Boothbay Harbor Thomas Andrew Sanders, LL. B...... Sangerville Cyrus Fremont Small, LL. B...... Caribou Forrest Belmont Snow, LL. B ...... Bluehill William Marston Weeks, LL. B. [B. D., Yale University, 1896; LL. B., Cumberland University, 1908] ...... Lebanon, Tenn REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 2I


HONORARY Charles Hamlin, LL. D ...... Bangor Prescott Keyes, M. S ...... Westbrook Ora Willis Knight, Sc. D ...... Bangor

IN COURSE Master of Arts Ethel Godfrey, B. L. [Smith College], 1901 (English) ...... Bangor Warren :\Iorse, B. A., 1907 (English) ...... Brewer Frances l\Iay Pol, B. A. [Smith College], 1906 (English) ...... Bangor

Master of Science Robert Edmund Clayton, B. S., 1907 (Chemistry) ...... Bangor Joanna Carver Colcord, B. S., 19o6 (Chemistry) ...... Searsport Albert Guy Durgin, B. S., 1908 (Chemistry) ...... Orono Albert William Stevens, B. S. in Electrical Engineering, 1907 (Elec- trical Engineering) ...... Belfast Willis Flye Washburn, B. S., 1907 (Chemistry) ...... Orono

Master of La·ws Harry McDonald Nolan, LL. B., 1908 ...... Haverhill, Mass.

Civil Engineer Oscar Lewis Grover, B. C. E., 1897 ...... Richmond, Va. Robert Frankli1' Olds, B. S. in Civil Engineering, 1go6 ...... Portland John Herman Quimby, B. S. in Civil Engineering, 1904 .. New York, N. Y.

Electrical Engineer Herbert Walter Bachelder, B. S. in Electrical Engineering, 1905, Schenectady, N. Y.

1\1 echanical E11gi11ccr Caleb Hartwell Johnson, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, 1906, Nahant, l\Iass.

CERTIFICATES IN THE SCHOOL COCRSE IN ;\GRICUL'I'URE 1rving Willard Bates ...... Biddeford John Ho,yard Dow ...... Castle Hill Robert Burton Harris ...... Portland Ernest Cousins Leach ...... East Eddington Harry :\Ionroe Look ...... Jonesboro 22 U.',IVERSITY OF :\L\INE.

HO:-!ORS A WARDED General Honors Bertrand French Brann Howard Rich Johnson Walter Lee Emerson f:-;:derick Daniel Knight William Andrew Fogler Harold Arthur Rich :'derton Taylor Goodrich Cora J\fay Shaw Elton LaForrest Towle

General Honors i11 the College of Law James Blenn Perkins Forrest Belmont Snow


An asterisk ( *) indicates deceased, and a dagger ( t) indicates not heard from.

1872 Gould, Benjamin Flint, C. E., Hollister, Calif., Trrigation Engineer. Hammond, George Everett, C. E., Eliot, Chief Clerk, Department of Yards and Docks, U. S. NaYy Yard, Portsmouth N. H. I-Iaskell, Edwin James, B. S., \Vest brook, Silk Manufacturer. Hilliard, Heddie, C. E., Old Town, Civil Engineer Thomas Eber DaYis, B. S., R. F. D. 9, Box l..\, Grand Rapids, l\Iich., Farmer and Fruit Agent. \\Teston, George Omer, B. S., R. F. D. No. 2, l\ladi.son, Farmer.

1873 Eaton, Rl1'3sell \Villiam, C. E., Brunswick, Agent, Cabot l\lanufactnring Company. Hamlin, George Herbert, C. E., Orono, Hydraulic Engineer. Holt, Fred \Villiam. C. E., Room 42, Pugsley Building, St. John, N. B., Ci\·il and Hydraulic Engineer. Arbitration and Legal Cases. Oak, John Marshall, B. S., Bangor, Postmaster, Bangor Postoffice. * Reed, Charles Emery, C. E. Scribner, Frank Lamson, D. S., \V ashington. D. C. Special Agent and Agrostologist, United State-; Department of Agriculture. Thayer, Han·ey Bates, B. S., 195 Park AYe., \\'orccs;cr, :',Iass. Real Estate.

1874 * Allen, William Albert, C. E. * Balentine, \Valter, l\I. S. * Gerrish, \Villiam Herbert, B. S., M. D. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Gurney, John Irvine, B. S., Highland St., Dorchester, Mass., Florist. Hunter, Rodney David, B. S., 535 25th St., Oakland, Calif., Miner. Ramsdell, Louise Hammond, B. .:,., R. F. D. No. r, Sebec Station. (Mrs. Milton D. Noyes.)

1875 Bates, Solomon Wheaton, C. E., First National Bank Building, Portland, Patent Lawyer. Bumps, Wilbur Allerd, C. E., l\I. D., J\I. S., Dexter, , Physician. * Clapp, Samuel Hervey, C. E. Coburn, Lewis Farrin, C. E., Yreka, Calif., Lawyer; City Attorney; President Elk Creek ;\lining Co. Coles,,·orthy, Charles Franklin, B. S., Pendleton, Oregon, Grain Dealer. * Durham, Charles Frederick, C. E. * Goodale, Alfred Montgomery, B. S. Hitchings, Edson Forbes, C. E., M. S., Waten-ille, State Entomologist. Jordan, vVhitman Howard, M. S., Sc. D., LL. D., Geneva, )J. Y., Director, New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Mayo, Edward Dolliver, M. E., 28o8 S. Fremont Ave., :Minneapolis, Minn., c'hief Engineer, Barnett & Record Company. Mitchell, Albert Eliphalet, l\I. E., Strawberry Hill, Stamford, Conn., Vice President and Secretary, The \Vyckoff Pipe & Creosoting Co. Mitchell, Allen Gilmore, C. E., Pittsburg, Pa., Superintendent (l\J onongahela Division), Pennsyh·ania R. R. * Moore, Fred Lamson, B. S. Rogers, Luther \Voodman, B. S., 27-29 Garnett St., Atlanta, Ga., President, L. \V. Rogers Co., ·wholesale and Retail Grocers. Se,rall, l\Iinott Wheehnight, l\I. E., 6oo W. q-ith St., N. Y., \Vith the Babcock and \Vilcox Co., 85 Liberty St., ?( ew York City, N. Y. Sha,Y, George ::\[oore, C. E., 9r3-9r5 Union Sa,·ings Bank Building, Oak­ land, Calif., Lawyer, firm of Johnson & Shaw. Southard, Louis Caffer, l\I. S., LL. D., 6or Tremont Building, Boston, l\Tass., Lawyer; Lecturer Uninrsity of J\Taine College of Law. Webb, Wesley, l\L S., Do,·er, Del., Secrct;iry of the State Board of Agriculture. * vVork, Edgar Alexander, C. E. CATALOG OF GRADUATES.

1876 Abbott, Edmund, B. S., M. D., 148 Broadway, Providence, R. I., and West Kingston, R. I., Physician. Allen, Charles Plummer, B. S., Presque Isle, Lawyer. Bacon, Francis Henry, B. S., 2A Park St., Boston, Mass., Interior Decorator. * Beckler, Elbridge Harlow, C. E. Bisbee, Fred Milton, C. E., La Junta, Colorado, Engineer, Western Lines, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail­ way Company. Blanding, Edward Mitchell, B. S., Bangor, Editor and Publisher, Maine Industrial Journal. * Brainerd, Charles M., B. S. * Buker, George Haskell, B. S. Cowan, Florence Helen, B. S., 28 Pond St., Lynn, Mass. Crosby, Oliver, :M. E., St. Paul, l\linn., President and Engineer, American Hoist & Derrick Co. * Cyr, Veta!, B. S. * Dike, James Edward, C. E. * Dike, Willis Oliver, B. S. * Estabrooke, Horace Melvyn, M. S., M. A. Farrington, Arthur Manly, B. S., D. V. l\I., 1436 Chapin St., Washington, D. C., Veterinarian, Assistant Chief, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Foss, George Obed, C. E., Halliday Hotel, Spokane, Wash., Railway Contractor, Firm of G. 0. Foss & Co. Haines, William Thomas, B. S., LL. B., LL. D., Waterville, La,Yyer. Hamilton, Harry Fairfield, B. S., D. l\I. D., 125 :Marlboro St., Boston, :\lass., Dentist. * Haskell, Newell Prince, B. S. How, Edward Stevens, l\I. E., Baltimore, l\Id., Chief Clerk, Light House Inspector's Office. Hubbard, Philip Wadsworth, B. S., 438 West 33rd St., Los Angeles, Calif., :\Tail Carrier. Jones, Samuel l\Iesser, ?II. E., R. F. D. Ko. r, Box 42. Springfield, Mass., Real Estate and Farming. Le,yis, Albert August, B. S., Ogunquit. Pastor l\I. E. Church arid Superintendent of Schools, Town of Wells. * Long, Herbert Augustine, M. E. Lothrop, Luther Ramsdell, C. E., 895 .\rrm, head Ave., San Bernardino, Calif., 26 GXI\'ERSlTY OF :\L\IXE,

Superintendent of Streets. l\Iartin, Nelson Hussey, B. S., Fort Fairfield, Merchant. Oak, Charles Edson, l\L E., Bangor, President, American Realty Co., Vice President and General ::VIanager of Meramichi Lumber Co. Parks, George Daniel, C. E., Lafayette, Indiana, La\\'yer. Peirce, Hayward, B. S., Frankfort, General Granite Business, Proprietor. Pillsbury, Edward Butler. I3. S., 253 Broadway, New York, ::-;- . Y., General Superintendent, Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. Reed, Frank Radford, C. E .. 6o Franklin St., Rumford, Assistant Engineer, Rumford Falls Po1ycr Company. Reynolds, Henry Jones, B. S., Ridlonville, Pharmacist. Rogers, Charles \Vilson, }f. E., 25th Place and Ste\\'art A \'C., Chicago, Ill., Secretary, New York Blower Company. Steyens, \Villiam Lewis, :\l. E., 827 Guaranty Loan Huilding, }linne­ apolis, Minn., 1 Exporter of Flour. \Villiams, John Howard, B. S., 516 14th Aye., S. E., :\Iinneapolis, :\Iinn., Surveyor.

1877 I3lackinton, Alvah DeOrville, C. E., 330 V,' ashington An., Scranton. Pa., Secretary and Treasurer, Consumers' Ice Company; Vice Presi­ dent Scranton \Vhetstone and Abrasine Wheel Co. * Burns, Robert Bruce, C. E. Dakin, Eugene Herbert, B. S., r86 Exchange St., Bangor, General l\Ianager, The S. L. Crosby Co. Danforth. Edward Franklin, B. S., LL. B., Skmd1cgan, La\\'yer. Elkins, Augustus Jerome, B. l\I. E., 105..i Chamber of Commerce, :\Iinne­ apolis, 1\linn., Bookkeeper, Minnesota & \Vestcrn Grain Company. Emery, Alicia Towne, B. S., Orono. Gould, Samuel \Vads\rnrth. B. S., Skowhegan, La\vyer. * Lunt, Joseph Cony, B. C. E. Phillips. Freel Foster, B. S .. 5 l\Iabel St., Portland. "' Shaw, Samuel, B. ::'IL E. Stevens, Thomas Jefferson, B. :\f. E., 22 L,:ke St., Auburn, Druggist. Stone, Frank Pierce. B. S., 143 :\Iain St., ~ orn·ay, Druggist. t Sturgis, George Eugene, B. C. E. CATALOG OF GRADUATES.

Towne, Charles Elmer, B. C. E., Pine, Elmore Co., Idaho, Mining and Stock Grower; U. S. Deputy 2\/Iineral Surveyor. t Webster, Ivan Eldorus, B. S. Weeks, Nellie Estelle, B. S., Orono. (Mrs. Llewellyn Spencer.) Weeks, James \Valter, B. M. E., Castine, Contracting Architect.

* Brown, Emma, B. S. (J\Irs. Charles Gilman.) * Caldwell, Andrew James, B. M. E. Chamberlain, Cecil Culvert, B. S., Enderlin, N. D., Lumber Dealer. Fernald, George Everett, B. C. E., Wilmette, Ill., Commercial Salesman. Heald, James, B. S., Orono. Locke, John, B. S., 238 St. John St., Portland, Chief Clerk, General Freight Dept., Maine Central R. R. Oakes, Frank Judson, B. C. E., 53 Pine~pple St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Mechanical Engineer. · Patterson, John Cameron, B. C. E., care of G. N. Ry. Co., St. Paul, :Minn., Asst. Chief Engineer, Great Northern Railway Co. Tripp, Winfield Eastman, B. C. E., LL. B., Iron River, Wis., Attorney-at-Law. Walker, Edward Colby, B. S., Bridgton, Lawyer. vYebster, Otis Colby, E. S., Bowditch, vVebster Co., Augusta, Drnggist.

1879 Bean, Harry Percy, C. E., Campbell, Calif., ::\1anager of Prune Orchards. * Blake, Ed 1yard Josiah, C. E. Crosby, Simon Percy, B. S., Braham, l\1inn., Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Cutter, John Dana, B. S., M. D., Tomahawk, Wis., Physician and Surgeon. Decker, \Vilbur Fisk, ::\I. E., Andrus Building, Minneapolis, Minn., Vice President, St. Anthony Falls Bank. Decrow, David Augustus, B. C. E., Member American Society of Me­ chanical Engineers. Member Engineers' Society of Western New York, Buffalo, N. Y., Secretary and Chief Engineer, Holly l\Ianufacturing Co.; Chief Engineer, Snow Steam Pump Works, Buffalo, N. Y. t Ferguson, Willis Edwin, B. S. Gibbs, Charles Wingate, C. E., Applegate, Calif., 28 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Superintendent for the Utah Construction Co. Gould, Annie May, B. S., 362 Calle San Marcelino, Manila, P. I. (Mrs. Loomis F. Goodale.) * Holt, Nellie Maud, B. S. * Kidder, Frank Eugene, C. E., Ph. D. Libby, 1Iark Dunnell, B. C. E., El Reno, Oklahoma, Lawyer. * Loring, Charles Sewall, B. M. E. Merrill, George Perkins, M. S., Ph. D., U. S. National Museum, Wash­ ington, D. C., Head Curator, Department of Geology. t l\Iesen·e, John \,\'illiam, B. ).I. E. t J\Ioore, Arthur Lee, B. S. l\Iorse, Charles Adelbert, C. E .. ro2r Van Buren St., Topeka, Kansas, Chief Engineer, A. T. & S. F. Ry. System. Potter, Frederick David, B. M. E., 39 Cortlandt St., New York, N. Y., Engineer, National Super heater Co. * Shaw, Alton Jhacellous, B. M. E. Vinal, Percia Ann, M. S., Orono, (Mrs. Albert White.) Insurance Agent and Broker. ¥/arren, George Otis, B. S., Fryeburg, :Merchant. \Vebster, Herbert, B. S., Jackson P. 0., Howkan, Alaska.

r88o * Atwood, Horace Ward, B. S. Bartlett, James Monroe, M. S., Orono, Chief Chemist. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Brown, Albert Hinckley, B. S., Old Town, Editor and Publisher of The Old Town Enterprise. Davis, Marcia, B. S., 337 South Fifteenth St., Denver, Colo. (Mrs. Joseph D. Stevens.) t Elliott, Fred Burton, B. S. * Farrington, Sarah Perkins, B. S. (Mrs. George P. Merrill.) Fernald, Charles Wilbur, B. S., South Levant, Merchant. Fickett, Fred Wildon, 11. S., Galveston, Texas, Lawyer. Lufkin, George William, C. E., Parkesburg, Pa., CiYil and Mechanical Engineer, Parkesburg Iron Co., Parkes­ burg, Pa. l\Iansfield, Frank Albert, ).I. S., B. D., Camden, Clergyman. l\fatthcws, Anna Amelia, B. S., Stillwater, Teacher. Murray, Henry Wilson, B. C. E., Napa, Calif., F. V. Road. Patten, Franklin Robert, C. E., Hampden Highlands, CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 29

Constructing and Consulting Civil Engineer. Pease, Charles Truman, B. S., LL. B., Montrose, Colo., Project Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. * Purinton, James Frank, B. S. 1881 Andrews, Henry Harris, M. E., Calla,vay, Neb. Brown, Henry William, B. S., M. S., New Hampton Literary Institu­ tion, New Hampton, N. H., Vice Principal, and Department of Science. Buck, Clara Louise, B. S., Eureka, Calif. (Mrs. Thomas W. Hine.) Colburn, Fanny Eliza, B. S., 2404 Capitol Ave., Omaha, Neb. (Mrs. Arthur L. Fernald.) Farrington, Edward Holyoke, M. S., 315 N. Mills St., Madison, Wis., Professor of Dairy Husbandry, University of Wisconsin. Farrington, Oliver Cummings, ;\I, S., Ph. D., Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Ill., Curator of Geology, Field 11Iuseum of Natural History. Fogg, Charles Henry, B. C. E., Greensburg, Pa., Civil and Mining Engineer. Ingalls, Aldana Theodore, B. C. E., 418-420 Overland Building, Boise, Idaho, Hydraulic Engineer; Consulting Engineer, Clinton Hurst & Co. Irrigation. * Johnson, Robert John, B. C. E. Libby, Clara Alice, B. S., 221 Water St., Augusta. McIntyre, Horace Flanders, M. E., Waldoboro, Pension and Claim Agent; Chairman, Board of Selectmen. Moor, Charles Lincoln, B. C. E., Hartland, Bookkeeper, Linn Woolen Company. * Murray, Benjamin Franklin, B. C. E. Osborn, Edwin Winthrop, B. C. E., care Northern Pacific Railway Company, St. Paul, J\linn., Insurance Agent. Pease, Oscar Leroy, B. S., Tucson, Ariz., Train Dispatcher, S. P. R. R. Plaisted, Harold Mason, M. E., 2156 C St., Granite City, Ill., Attorney-at-Law. Ring, Alice Isabel, B. S., Orono. ( Mrs. C. J. Dunn.) Ring, Mary Lillian, B. S., Callaway, Neb. (Mrs. H. H. Andrews.) * Smith, Roscoe Loring, B. S. Sturtevant, George Washington, B. C. E., 307 Fisher Building, Chicago, Ill., Consulting Engineer. Wade, Frank Swan, B. S., M. D., New Richmond, Wis., Physician and Surgeon; Attending Physician to the St. Croix CXi\TRSITY OF :,rAl;\E.

County Asylum for the Insane. * White, Walter Adelbert, TI. C. E. * Wilson, John Barrows, B. S. ·wyman, Levi Augustus. B. C. E., 924 l\Iission St., South Pasadena, Calif., Attorney-at-Law: Real Estate Agent.

1882 Bickford, Charles Swan, B. S., Belfast, Secretary, The Swan and Sibley Company, Jobbers of Grain and Groceries. Boynton, Jacob Leighton, B. S., 12 Uni\·ersity Terrace, Lynn, l\fass. Browne, Charles \Veston Hopkins, B. M. E., Takoma Park, D. C., U. S. Patent Office, \Vashington, D. C. Bnzzell, Stephen Jennings, B. C. E., Box 70, Old Town. Civil Engineer: Superintendent Penobscot Lumbering Associ­ ation. Dunton, Oscar Ho\vard, :.\[. E., :.\f. D., Circleville, Ohio, Physician and Surgeon. Flint, Walter, l\L E .. \Vest Baldwin, :.\fc., Farmer; )Iember American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fuller, George Ripley, B. S., South West Harbor. Lawyer. Garland, Charles Clinton. B. S., Old Town, Broker. Gould, Joseph French, B. S., Old Tomi, Lawyer. Hine, Thomas \1/alton, B. S., Eureka, Calif., Lumber l\lanufacturer. Howard, \Vil! Russell, B. S., Farmington, K. H., Principal, I-1 igh School. Hurd, Alonzo L., B. S .. M. D., Somers, Conn., Physician and Surgeon. Keith, Alfred Justin, B. C. E., Old To\\n, Boot and Shoe Dealer. Kimball, Frank I ssacher. C. E., InYin, Pa., Civil Engineer. Patten, James Herbert. B. S .. l\I. D., Bar Harbor, Physician. Recd, Frederick :.\Iartin. B. :\I. E., M. T. D. & J\f. Co., New Bedford, :'.\fass., l\Tcchanical Engineer, Morse Twist Drill & l\Iachine Co. Snow, Gleason Cyprian. B. S., with Cornell Steamboat Co., K ewburg, N. Y. Starrett, Avery Palmer, B. S., \\'arren, l\Iarket Gardener. Todd, Frank Herbert, B. C. E., 1017 Munby Ave., El Paso, Texas, City Engineer. * \Vebster, Eben Cro,\ell, B. S. CATALOG OIi GRADUATES. 3r

\Night, \Villard Alberto, B. C. E., Las Animas, Colorado, Box 207, Stock Raiser. V,'oodward, Daniel Carr, M. E., 79 Vine St., Saugus, l\Iass., \Vith General Electric Company.

1883 Cain, James Henry, B. S., Orono, Supt. of Construction, Dams and Bridges, Great Northern Paper Co. Cilley, Jonathan Vernet, B. C. E., Dr. Eng'g, Cruz clel Eji, Prov. of Cerdoba, Argentina, S. A., General l\Ianager, Ferro-Carril Argentine de! Norte. Emery, Frank Edwin, B. S., l\I. S., Room 500, 41 Park Rm,·, New York City, N. Y ... Manager, School Agency. Fernald, Arthur Liddell, B. S., 2404 Capitol Ave., Omaha, Neb., Agent, The American Thread Company of I\ ew York and Chicago. * Kelleher, Bartholomew Patrick, B. S., l\I. D. l\Ierrill, Lucius Herbert, B. S., Sc. D., 14 Bennoch St., Orono, Professor of Biological and Agricultural Chemistry, University of i\Iainc. l\Iichaels, Janie Chase, :\I. S., Rumford. l\lullen, Charles \Vard, B. C. E., Bangor, :\Ianufacturer. Patten, Truman l\fi!ler, B. C. E., Glasgo,Y, ::\lont., Register of V. S. Land Office. Powers, Harry \Vilson, B. S., 928 Broadway, Everett, Mass., Real Estate Agent. Putnam, Charles Edgar, B. C. E., Franklin Park, Jamaica Plain, ]\Jass., Engineer, Park Dept., Boston, :\lass. Robinson, Lewis, Jr., B. l\I. E., l\L D., Carmel, Physician. Sutton, George Arthur, B. C. E., Orono, Farmer. Taylor, Levi \Villiam, B. S., :\I. S., 1302 East St., Grinnell, Iowa, Head Bookkeeper for Thompson Bros. Mfg. Co.

1884 Allan, George Herman, B. S., 191 Middle St., Portland, Lawyer; U. S. Appraiser, District of Portland and Falmouth. * Burleigh, Will Hall, B. C. E. * Conroy, l\Iary Frances, B. S. (l\Irs. A. R. Saunders.) Cutter, Leslie \Villard, B. C. E., Bangor, Contractor and Builder. Fernald, Harriet Conyerse, 11. S., Orono, l\le. (l\lrs. John A. Pierce.) 32 c_:,,;1vERSITY OF :\L\IXE.

* Hatch, Elmer Ellsworth, B. S. Hill, John Edward, C. E., 124 So. 4th St., i\Iinncapolis, Minn., Partner firm of Corr & Hill, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Kelley, Joseph Grant, C. E., Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, Hydraulic Engineer. Ladd, Edwin Fremont, B. S., Agricultural College, Fargo, N. Dak., Professor of Chemistry, North Dakota Agricultural College; Chemist in Experiment Station; Food Commissioner for North Dakota; Editor of the North Dakota Farmer and Sani­ tary Home; President of Association of State and National Food and Dairy Departments. Lunt, Clarence Sumner, B. C. E., Rochester, N. Y., C. S. Lunt & Co., Bankers and Brokers; Farmer. Stevens, Freel Leroy, B. S., V. S., 34 vVinter St., Bangor, Veterinary Inspector, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Webber, William, M. E., 3443 Harold Ave., Berwyn, Ill., Designer and Inventor, at McCormick Works, Intl. Harv. Co., Chicago, Ill.

1885 Chamberlain, George Walter, 111. S., 29 Hillside Ave., Malden, Mass., Member New England Historic Genealogical Society; Book Editor and Collaborator in History and Genealogy. Dole, Asher, B. C. E., Suffolk, Va., Resident Engineer, Tidewater Railway. t Dutton, Orion Jesse, B. S. Fernald, Henry Torsey, M. S., Ph. D., Amherst, 1fass., Professor of Entomology, Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Associate Entomologist, Massachusetts Experiment Sta­ tion. Goodridge, Elmer Orlando, 111. E., 148 E. Foster St., Melrose, Mass., Master Mechanic, Boston Rubber Shoe Co., Malden, Mass. Hanscom, George Loring, B. S., 222 West Church St., Jacksonville, Fla., Pastor of Union Congregational Church. Hart, James Norris, C. E., M. S., Sc. D., Orono, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy; Dean of the Univer­ sity, University of Maine. * Hull, Frank Eugene, C. E., \Varren. Keyes, Austin Herbert, B. C. E., Ph. D., Dover, N. H., Superintendent of Schools. Morey, William, Jr., B. C. .t.., Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa., Editor, Publication Department, \Vestinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Moulton, Joseph Perkins, B. S., East Greenbush, N. Y., Superintendent of Green Croft Farm. Paine, Leonard Gregory, M. E., 1220 So. 58th St., Philadelphia, Pa., Manufacturers' Agent, Land Title Bldg. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 33 t Pennell, Elmer Ellsworth, B. M. E. Riggs, Louis Warner, B. M. E., Ph. D., Loomis Laboratory, 414 E. 26th St., New Yc!rk City, N. Y., Chemist, and Instructor in Chemistry, Cornell University Medi­ cal College. Russell, Fremont Lincoln, B. S., V. S., Orono, Professor of Bacteriology and Veterinary Science, University of Maine.

1886 Allan, Bert John, B. C. E .. l\licldleboro, l\Iass., La\Yyer. Ayer, Josiah Murch, C. E., Hotel Hamlet, Somerville, Mass., Assistant Engineer, Boston Elevated Railway. Barker. George Greenleaf, B. M. E., 219 Forest Ave., Springfield, Ohio, Mechanical Engineer, The Foos Mfg. Co. Black, George Fuller, C. E., Portland, Engineer, Maintenance of 'Way, M. C. R. R. Blagden, John Decker, B. C. E., Weather Bureau, Memphis, Tenn., Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau. French, Heywood Sanford, C. E .. 211 Crafte St., Newtonville, Mass., Vice President, J. W. Bishop Co., Essex Bldg., 683 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Graves, Edwin Dwight, C. E. Jones, Ralph Kneeland, B. S., Orono, Librarian, l'.niversity of Maine. Lenfest, Elmer, B. C. E., Snohomish, vVash., CiYil Engineer and SurYcyor; U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor; Deputy County Engineer. Lockwood, James Frederick, M. E., 126 vVest 18th St., New York City, N. Y., Manager, Security Elevator Safety Company. Lull, George Frederick, M. S., Randolph, N. Y., Socia and Sulphite Fiber Expert. Merriam, Willis Henry, B. C. E., South 358 Coeur d'Alene St., Spokane, Wash., Lawyer, 505 Paulson Bldg. Merritt, Elmer Ellsworth, M. E., Dover, Colo., Postmaster, and Ranching. Page, Arthur Dean, C. E., 7200 Princeton Ave., Chicago, Ill., Consulting Engineer. Ray, Irving Burton, B. C. E., Res. 31 Lynd St., Boston, Mass., Grocer, 167 Cambridge St., Boston, Mass. Twombly, Sidney Smith, B. S., D. V. ::i., San Luis Obispo, Calif., Instructor in Chemistry and Agriculture, California Polytechnic School. 3 34

1887 Burleigh, John Henry, B. C. E., 93 l\f ain St., Waterville, Civil Engineer. Cilley, Luis Bernet Prince, B. C. E., Suncal 1378, Buenos Aires, Prov. of Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. A .. Civil Engineer. Clark, Bertrand Elmer, l\I. S., Bar Harbor, Lawyer. Coffin, Edwin Voranus, B. C. E., Harrington, Salesman. Colby, David Wilder, B. S., Sanford, Superintendent of Schools. Hicks, Alice Albur, l\I. S., Portland, (Mrs. George F. Black.) * Lazell, James Draper, B. M. E. * McN ally, Henry Allan, B. C. .t:. Mason, Charles Ayres, B. C. E., Tncson, Ariz. Merrill, Fenton, B. C. E., Acme, V/ash., Lumberman. Saunders, Addison Roberts, l\I. E., 362 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass., Insurance and Real Estate. t Sears, Cassius Almon, B. C. E. Stevens, Charles Hildreth, B. l\I. E., r 1 Urban St., East Lynn, Mass., Commercial Dept., Lynn Gas and Electric Co. Sturtevant, Charles Fremont. C. E., Holdrege, N' eb., Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. Trask, Frank Ellsworth, C. E .. 42r-_j.25 Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif., Consulting Engineer. Vose, Charles Thatcher, B. C. E., 238 St. John St., Portland, Assistant Civil Engineer, Maine Central R. R. * Webb, Howard Scott, l\I. E., E. E. Williams, John Sumner. B. S .. LL. B., Guilford, Lawyer.

r888 Andrews, Hiram Bertrand, B. C. E., 166 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass., Member American Society Civil Engineers, Engineer for Simp­ son Bros. Corporation. * Batchelder, George Stetson, B. M. E. Blanchard, Charles DeWitt, B. C. E., Nutley, N. J., With International Paper Co. Boardman, John Russell, B. S., r24 East 28th St., New York City, N. Y., County vVork Secretary International Committee, Young Men's Christian Association. Brick, Francis Stephen, M. S., Maynard, Mass., Superintendent of Schools for Maynard and Stow. * Butler, Harry, B. S., M. D. • CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 35

Campbell, Dudley E., C. E., 7 Gardiner St., Newport, R. I., Principal of Coddington School. Eastman, Fred Langdon, M. E., 316 Beale St., Wollaston, Mass., Electrical Assistant to Inspector of Equipment, Fore River Ship­ building Co. * Elwell, Edward Henry, B. S. Hancock, William Jerome, }I. S., Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn, N. Y., Teacher of Chemistry, Erasmus Hall High School. Hatch, John Wood, }f. S., 30 Fifteenth St., Bangor, Clergyman, Superintendent of Bangor District, East Maine ·con­ ference. Howes, Claude Lorraine, ::\T. E., 414 Atlantic AYe., Boston, l\fass., New England Agent for Benj. F. Kelley & Son, Hussey McCann & Co.; Treas., Franklin Howes l\Iedicine Co. Lincoln, Harry Foster, B. S., i\I. E., Bishop Falls, Newfoundland, Superintendent Construction for Albert E. Reed Co., Lmtd., of London. Lord, Thomas George, M. S., Skowhegan, Undertaker and Manufacturer of Caskets. Marsh, Ralph Hemenway, B. S., M. D., Guilford, Physician. * Miller, Seymour Farrington, B. C. E. Philbrook, William, B. C. E., Greene, Farmer. * Rogers, Seymour Everett, B. l\I. E. Sargent, Abram \Voodard, B. S., Pier r9, North River, New York, N. Y., Commissary, New England N aYigation Co. Seabury, George Edwin, B. 1I. E., 96 Sherman Ave., New Haven, Conn., Installation of Steam Turbines, Construction Engineer for Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Small, Frank Llewellyn, B. M. E., 177 Linden Ave., Hampton, Va., Contracting Engineer. * Smith, Frank Adelbert, C. E. Wilson, Nathaniel Estes, M. S., 123 Maple St., Reno, Nevada, President of Dalton, Clifford and Wilson Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Analytical Chemists.

1889 * Briggs, Fred Percy, B. S. Cushman, Charles Granville, B. M. E., North Bridgton, Engineer. Edgerly, Joseph Willard, B. C. E., Princeton, Farmer; County Commissioner. Ferguson, Jeremiah Sweetser, l\I. S., ::\L D., 330 West 28th St., New York City, N. Y., Physician; Ass't Prof. of Histology and Secretary of the Fac­ ulty, Cornell University Medical College. [ UXIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Freeman, George Gifford, 13. S., Cherryfield, · Attorney at Law, and Insurance Agent; Clerk of Courts of Washington County. Gay, George l\Ielville, B. S., ST Windsor St., Springfield, Mass., Traveling Salesman. Haggett, hben Raymond, B. S., 1101-1102 American Building, Baltimore, Mel., Secretary and General Manager, J. S. Hoskins Lumber Co. Leavitt, Nellie Louise, B. S., Skowhegan. ( Mrs. Freel R. Hill.) Reed," John, B. C. E., Permanent Address, Benton Falls, Me., Engineer and Contractor. * Reed, Nellie Waterhouse, B. S. (Mrs. Edwin R. Jordan.) * Stevens, Freel, B. M. E. Vickery, Gilbert Scovil, B. C. E., 405 South 13th St., Harrisburg, Pa., Asst. Engineer, Frog & Switch Dept., Pennsylvania Steel Co., Steelton, Pa. * White, Mark Elmer, B. C. E. Wilson, Mott Frank, B. S., Essex St., Bangor, Market Gardener.

1890 Andrews, Franklin Orris, B. M. E., Willoughby, Ohio, Mechanical Engii1eer, The Acme Machinery Co., Cleveland, 0. Babb, George Herbert, B. M. E., 79 Concord St., Wooclforcls, Principal of Walker Manual Training School, Portland. Bird, John, B. M. E., Camden, General Manager, Camden Anchor, Rockland Machine Co. * Blackington, Ralph Harvey, B. S. Bowden, George Irving, B. C. E., Hingham, Mass., Master, Benjamin G. Brown School, Somerville, Mass. Clark, Hugo, C. E., Suite 9, Columbia Bldg., Bangor, Lawyer. * Coffin, Alphonso John, B. S. Croxford, Walter Everett, B. M. E., 170 Van Vranken Ave., Schenectady, N. Y., Draftsman for General Electric Company. Dow, Freel Todd, B. }VI. E., Bangor, Consulting and Designing Engineer. Drew, Albert Wilson, B. l\I. E., West Collingswood, N. J., Secretary, \Vest Collingswood Improvement Company, Local Agent for same; Leading Draftsman with N. Y. Shipbuilding Co. of Camden, N. ]. Dunton, Harris Drummond, B. M. E., 46 Robinson St., Schenectady, N. Y., Draftsman, General Electric Company. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 37

Farrington, Horace Parker, B. M. E., 1473 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Engineering. Gould, George Pendleton, B. S., 9 Poplar St., Bangor, Railway Postal Clerk, Bangor and Boston R. P. 0. Grover, Nathan Clifford, B. S., C. E., 88 North 19th St., East Orange, N. ]., Construction Department, J. G. White & Co., 43-49 Exchange Place, New York City. Hardison, Allen Crosby, C. E., Santa Paula, Calif., Civil and Mining Engineer. Harvey, Chandler Cushman, C. E., Fort Fairfield, Editor and Proprietor, Fort Fairfield Review. Hayes; Samuel Henry Tewksbury, M. S., 421 North Charles St., Balti­ more Md., Manager, The Walker-Gordon Laboratory. Heath, Everett Fenno, B. M. E., 222 48th St., Newport News, Va., Leading Hull Draftsman, Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. Kelley, Edward Havener, J:l. S., 164 Wilson St., Brewer, Managing Editor, Bangor Daily Commercial. · * Keyes, George Edwin, B. M. E. Leavitt, Hannah Ellis, B. S., West Baldwin, Me. (Mrs. Walter Flint.) Morey, Elmer Lake, B. C. E., r6 Baillie St., Colombo, Ceylon, Partner in the firm of Morey, Pieris & Co. Morrill, Edmund Needham, B. S., Warren, N. H., Chemist, vVarren Separating Company. Owen, John Wesley, B. C. E., IOI Milk St., Boston, Mass., Civil Engineer, Boston Elevated Railway Company. * Peirce, Varna John, B. M. E. Peirce, William Bridgham, B. M. E., 49 Hammond St., Bangor, Lawyer; Judge of Probate, Penobscot County. Pierce, William Barron, B. M. E., 7 Clifford Ave., Beverly, Mass., Draftsman, United Shoe :tviachinery Company. Pillsbury, George Melville, B. S., 216 24th Ave., Seattle, Wash., Factory l\Ianager of the Pacific Board and Ropes Co. Quincy, Frederick Grant, B. M. E., 499 State St., Bangor, Agent for timber lands in Maine and Province of Quebec, Canada. Rackliffe, Joseph Riley, B. C. E., 54-56 Commercial Block, St. Joseph, l\Iissouri, President of Rackliffe-Gilson Construction Co., Engineering and Contracting. t Reed, Fullerton Paul, B. C. E. Sawyer, Frank Wade, B. S., M. D., Paso Robles Hot Springs, Paso Robles, Calif., Director Paso Robles Hot Springs. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Swan, Clarence Buzzell, B. M. E., Old Town, Automobiles and Supplies, Old Town and Bangor. Wallace, Chester Jay, B. C. E., Town Hall, Brookline, Mass., Principal Assistant Engineer to the Town Engineer of Brook­ line, Mass. Webb, Winfield Scott, C. E., Caribou, Speculator in Real Estate. * Wight, Ralph Holbrook, C. E. Williams, Charles Sampson, }I. S., The Travelers Inspection Dept., Hartford, Conn., Chemist for Inspection Dept., Travelers Insurance Co.

1891 Arey, Ralph Jesse, C. E., 796 G. St., San Bernardino, Calif., Division Engineer with A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., Los Angeles Division. Bailey, William Meh-in, B. C. E., 29 Auburn St., Malden, Mass., Chief Engineer, Eastern Concrete Construction Co. Clark, Edmund, J\I. S., 37 Warren St., West Medford Mass., Food Inspection Chemist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Appraisers Stores, Boston, Mass. Clayton, Charles, B. S., Taopi, Minn., Farmer. Farrington, \Vallace Rider, B. S., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Managing Editor, Evening Bulletin; President Bulletin Publish­ ing Co., Ltd. Farrington, William Rowe, C. E., 17 \Vebster St., J\Iiddleboro, Mass., Division Engineer, Massachusetts Highway Commission. Flanagan, John Henry, B. M. E., Rockland, }failing Clerk. Graves, Joseph Colburn, M. E., II3 Cedar St., New York City, N. Y., Vice President, American Elevator Company. Hall. Herbert Austin, C. E., Kennebunkport, Treasurer and Engineer, Kennebunk Electric Light and Power Company. Hamlin, Cyrus, B. S., }I. D., 102 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Physician. Keyes, Prescott, Jr., C. E., :!\I. A., Westbrook, Me., Superintendent of Schools, Westbrook-Gorham District. Kilbourne, Charles Herbert, B. S., 556 West 186th St., New York City, Supervising Inspector of Foods, In charge of City Milk Inspec­ tion. Lord, Robert William, B. M. E., Skowhegan, Saw 11ill Owner, President. Menges, Hugo Gusta,·, B. M. E., 24 Holton Place, Lynn, Mass., With General Electric Co., Lynn. Merrill, True Leander, B. M. E., Acme, \Vashington, Lumberman. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 39

Moulton, Fred Charles, M. S., Wallstreet, Colo., Mining, Assaying. Patten, William Nickels, C. E., 147 Milk St., Boston, :Mass., Assistant Construction Manager, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. Starrett, Henry Vaill, B. S., vVarren, Market Gardener, and Traveling Salesman for Maine Register. Steward, John White, B. J\I. E., Skowhegan, Miller. Taylor, Charles Norton, C. E., 1 \Vaban St., \Vellesley, Mass., Contracting Engineer. Thompson, George Edward, B. C. E., Orono. Lawyer; County Attorney, Penobscot County. Valentine, William Alton, M. E., 1933 Parrish St., Philadelphia, Pa., Draftsman with Hale Kilburn l\Ietal Co.

1892 * Atherton, George Frederick. B. M. E. Atkinson, William Hacker, B. C. E., 14 Melrose St., South Framingham, Mass., Superintendent of Construction. Bristol, Mortimer Lucius, B. M. E., West Hartford, Conn., Assistant Superintendent, Colt's Patent Fire Arms ::\lanufac­ turing Company. Butterfield, \Villiam Rowe, B. C. E., 102 Border St., East Boston, :\lass., Engineering Supt. for H. I. Crandall & Son Co. Clark, Roscoe Conkling, B. M. E., 92 Vine St., Saugus, Mass., Draftsman with Charles T. l\Iain, Engineer, 45 l\Iilk St., Boston, Mass. Danforth, Ernest Wilbur, B. C. E., 468 Medford St., Somen·ille, :'\lass., Assistant City Engineer in charge of sewers. Doolittle, Herbert Edward, B. C. E., Tamaroa, Ill., Piano Tuner. Farrington, Mellen Edward, B. l\I. E., 65 Holyoke St., Bre,Yer, President and Manager, Penobscot Machinery Co. Fernald, Robert Hey,yood, B. M. E., :\I. E., A. l\L, Ph. D., Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio, Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Engineer in charge of Technologic Branch, U. S. Geological Suncy. Gibbs, John Clinton, B. M. E., 263 Union St., Lynn, l\Jass., Florist. Gronr, Arthur Curtis, B. C. E., Rutland, Vt., City Engineer. Healey, Vv'arren EYans, B. M. E., 24 Milk St., Boston, :\lass., Boston Manager, Rockland-Rockport Lime Co. Holden, William Cross, M. E., Public High School, Hartford, Conn., Director of Manual Training and Instructor in ::\Iathematics. 40 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Maguire, George, C. E., 667 Main St., Worcester, Mass., General Manager, Worcester Broken Steel Co. Randlette, Charles Maurice, B. S., M. D., Monmouth, Physician. Timberlake, Stanley Milton, C. E., Mill Mutual Building, Indianapolis, Ind., Manager of the Inspection Department of the National Asso­ ciation Factory Mutual Insurance Companies. Tolman, Frank Stevens, B. C. E., 12 14th St., South, Flushing, N. Y., Chemical Engineer, 2 Rector St., New York City. Tyler, Joseph Albert, B. C. E., II Upland Road, Everett, Mass., First Assistant Resident Engineer, B. & A. R. R.

1893 Buck, Hosea Ballou, C. E., Room r, Columbia Bldg., Bangor, :\Ianager of Timberlands, Coe & Pingree. Crosby, 1i\!alter Wilson, C. E., Care Johns Hopkins University, Balti­ more, :\Id., State Highway Engineer, Chief Engineer to the State Roads Commission and to the l\faryland Geological and Economic Survey. French, Charles Frederick, B. M. E., Appleton Building, Wallis St., Beverly, l\fass., With United Shoe Machine Company. Gannett, Charles Henry, B. C. E., 7 Academy St., Arlington, Mass., Civil Engineer. Gould, Harris Perley, :\I. S., Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., Pomologist in charge of Fruit District Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Hutchinson, George Weymouth, B. C. E., Greensburg, Pa., Mining Engineer, Keystone Coal & Coke Co. Jack, Walter DO\vs, B. S., 575 Westfield Ave., Elizabeth, N. ]., Supt., Warner Chemical Company and International Phos. Co. Jordan, Alva Thomas, B. S., Adelaide Ave., H. P., New Brunswick, N. J., Proprietor of New Brunswick Hygienic l\!ilk Co., 169-175 Church St., New Brunswick, N. J. t Kittri

Smith, Harry Meaubec, B. M. E., 23 Second St., Bangor, Representative for Eastern Maine for Bradstreet Co. Webster, John Milton, B. S., 3364 F. St., San Diego, Calif., Real Estate. Whitney, George Ansel, B. M. E., 235 Main St., Lewiston, Hardware Merchant. Williams, Hiram, B. S., M. D., 154 Monroe St., Passaic, N. J., Physician and Surgeon; Health Officer of the City of Passaic; Director of the Hospital for Contagious Diseases; Visiting Surgeon, Passaic General Hospital.

1894 Bowler, Frank Colburn, B. M. E., Millinocket, Assistant Engineer with H. S. Ferguson, Chief Engineer for Great Northern Paper Co. Cowan, Edward Henry, C. E., Luverne, Io,va. Cowan, George Parker, B. C. E., 252 Essex St., Bangor ( Permanent Address). Vigan, Iloso ~ur, Philippine Islands (Present Address). Engineer in charge Second Engineering District, P. 1. * Durham, Leroy Tolford, B. C. E. Gilbert, Charles Edward, B. lVf. E., Bangor, Lumberman. Gould, Frank Gilman, B. C. E., Orono, :Mc., Vice President, The Rines Co., Bangor, Me. Gray, Jesse Alexander, B. S., 256 Kenduskeag Ave., Bangor, Me., Bond Salesman for Tyler, Fogg & Co., Bangor, Me. Hall, George Henry, l\[. E., care Sprague Electric Co., 527 West 34th St., New York, N. Y. Harvey, James Elmore, B. l\L E., Oakland, Agent and Treasurer, Brown Woolen Company, Treasurer Di­ rigo Salt and Soda Company. Hayes, Augustus Daniel, B. C. E., 185 High St., Belfast, Principal Grammar Department City Schools. Jose, vVallace Hight, B. S., 125 vVest Kinzie St., Chicago, Ill., Attorney with American Glue Co. * Kimball, James l\I ayberry, B. C. E. Murray, Herbert, B. S., Haileybury, Ontario, Box 48, Mining Engineer and Manager of Cobalt Silver Properties. Norwood, Leon Orlando, B. C. E., Union, Me., Civil Engineer. Rumball, George Washington, Jr., B. M. E., 56 Enon St., Beverly, Mass., Foreman for United Shoe Machinery Co. vVood, Edward Butler. B. l\I. E., Danville, Va., Engineer, Riverside and Dan River Cotton Mills and l\Ifg. Co. 42 "CXffERSITY OF l\1AIXE.

1895 Atwood, Gustarns Gilbert, B. C. E., care Holbrook Cabot & Rollins Corporation, Chain Bridge, Newburyport, l\Iass., Bookkeeper. Boardman, Harold Sherburne, C. E., Orono, Professor of Civil Engineering, Uninrsity of Maine. Buck, Alfred Ho,yard, E. E., Perry Ave., Cor. 205th St., New York City, N. Y, Wire Chief with New York Telephone Co. Calderwood, Isaac Glidden, B. C. E., l\Iassena, N. Y., Superintendent of Dredging, St. Lawrence River Power Co. Chase, \Vendell \V., C. E., Permanent Address, Care of Stone & Web­ ster, 147 :\Iilk St., Boston, Commercial Engineer. Damon, Frank Hardy, B. S., Lexington, l\Iass., Superintendent of Schools. Ellis, l\Ierton Eugene, B. l\I. E., 25 Peabody Ave., Beverly, Mass., Foreman, United Shoe ::\Iachinery Co. Folsom, LeRoy Rowell, LL ::\f., X orridge,yock, Lawyer. Frost, Charles Albert, B. C. E., 40 Grant St., So. Framingham, Mass., Ci\'il Engineer, Metropolitan \Vater Board. Gro\'er, Oscar Llewellyn, B. l\I. E., B. C. E., 3II N. Sycamore St., Rich­ mond, Va., Assistant Engineer, in charge of bridge design, Chesapeake and Ohio RaihYay Company; and Bridge Engineer, Virginia State Highway Commission. deHasetl1, Gerard Andries, B. C. E., Seattle, \Vash., Road :\laster, Seattle Electric Company. Knight, Ora "Willis, ]\J. S., Sc. D., 84 Forest Ave., Bangor, State Assayer. Analytical and Consulting Chemist and :\ficro­ scopist. l\Iartin, James \Villiam, C. E., 522 Burmiller Building, Los Angeles, Calif., Irrigation Engineer, U. S. Indian Service. Merrill, Earl Clinton, B. C. E., East Eddington, Spool l\Ianufacturer. l\Ioulton, Albion, B. :\I. E., 252 Erie Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., Superintendent for Allen Iron & Steel Co. Murphy, Walter l\Iarshall, B. C. E., Old Capitol Building, St. Paul, Minn., Transitman ,vith U. S. Geological Survey. Pattee, Clifford J arnes, B. C. E., Belfast, Insurance Agent, firm of James Pattee & Son. Robinson, Halbert Gardner, B. C. E., Patten, Civil Engineer. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 43

Rollins, Melville Frederick, B. C. E., care of A. G. Baker, Miles City, Mont., Resident Engineer, C. M. & St. P. Ry. Thomas, Charles Dura, B. C. E., 547 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Assistant Civil Engineer, Public Service Commission for the First District, 154 Nassau St., New York, N. Y.

1896 Farrell, Harry Clifford, B. 1\1. E., 48 Grant Road, Swampscott, Mass., Master Mechanic United Shoe ::VIachinery Co., Beverly, Mass. * Fernald, Roy Lynde, B. C. E. Gibbs, Edward Everett, B. C. E., 1005 Korth Charles St., Baltimore, Md., President, Southern Can Company, 2303 Boston St., Baltimore, Md. Glidden, Everett Gray, B. M. E., 34 Elder St., Schenectady, N. Y., Foreman of Drafting Dept., General Electric Co. Hobbs, Frederick Andrews, B. S., South Berwick, Lawyer. Jeffery, George Wesley, B. C. E., 417 E. 32nd St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Estimator \Yith Lord Electric Co., 213 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Kidder, Elmer Elwood, B. C. E., Spencerport, N. Y., Asst. Engineer, New York State Dept. of Highways, Rochester, N. Y. Libby, Frank Joshua. B. M. E., Richmond, Farming. ]Vlanter, Ralph Barton, B. C. E., Cali, Colombia, S. A., Locating Engineer, Ferrocaril de! Canca. Marston, Frank Leonard, B. C. E., Stockton Springs, Civil Engineer. Martin, Hermann, Stephen, B. C. E., Twin Falls, Idaho, Ci,·il and Hydraulic Engineer, Office Boyd Building. t Niles, Herbert Lester, B. C. E. Page, Warren Robbins, B. C. E., Hampden Highlands, R. F. D. 1, Farmer. Palmer, Perley Burnham, B. C. E., Orono, General Superintendent, Orono Pulp & Paper Company. Pride, Frank Perley, B. S., Westbrook, Lawyer; Judge of Municipal Court. Randlette, J ose,ph William, B. l\I. E., Richmond, Me., Superintendent Richmond \Yater Works. Rogers, Lore Alford, B. S., 3735 Oliver St., Washington, D. C., Bacteriologist, in charge Dairy Products Investigations, Dairy Division Bureau Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. Sargent, Paul Dudley, B. C. E., State House, Augusta, State Commissioner of Highways. 44 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Simpson, Erastus Roland, B. M. E., Associate Member American Society of Civil Engineers, 590 North St., Pittsfield, Mass., Construction Engineer with General Electric Co. Starr, John Alvar, B. C. E., 54 Irving St., Watertown, Mass., Engineer and Supt. for Coleman Bros., Contractors. Steward, Stanley John, TVI. E., 865 Elm St., New Haven, Conn., Instructor, Manual Training, Boardman Manual Training School. Tolman, Gilbert, B. M. E., M. A., 36 Burleigh St., Waterville, Professor of Physics, Colby College. Walker, Perley F., M. E., M. l\L E., 1301 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kansas, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of Fowler Shop, University of Kansas. Weston, Charles Partridge, C. E., A. M., Orono, Professor of Mechanics and Drawing, University of Maine. Weymouth, Frank Elwin, C. E., U. S. Reclamation Service, Boise, Idaho, Civil Engineer, Supervising Engineer for U. S. Reclamation Service; in charge of work in Snake River Drainage in West­ ern \Vyoming, Idaho and Eastern Oregon. Whitcomb, Beecher Davis, B. M. E., Shawomet Beach, R. I., Electrician with the Rhode Island Company. Wilkins, Gardiner Benson, B. ::\f. E., 2100 Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa., Draftsman, Department of Yards and Docks, U. S. Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa.

1897 Atwood, Edward Moseley, B. S., Seymour, Conn., Chief Chemist for the Seymour Mfg. Co. Brastow, \Villiam Thomas, C. E., Box 94, Ambridge, Pa., Engineer with American Bridge Company. Brown, William Bourne, B. S., Livermore Falls, Farmer. Bryer, Charles Sidney, B. C. E., 236 Auburndale Ave., Auburndale, Mass., Assistant Engineer, ::\Iassachusetts Harbor and Land Commis­ s10n. Bunker, Stephen Sans, B. C. E., P. 0. Box 304, Manaos, Brazil, South America, Div. Engineer l\Iadeira-i\Iamore Ry. Railroad Construction. Chase, John Parks, B. l\I. E., ::\fo. Edgecomb, Structural and Mechanical Draftsman. Clary, Justin Robert, B. C. E., Home address 34 Chatterton Ave., \Vhite Plains, N. Y., Estimator for Ben venue Granite Co., 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Cosmey, Stanwood Hill, B. C. E., C. E., 4308 Parker St., Omaha, Neb., Structural Engineer and Draftsman, Chief Engineer's Office, Bridge Dept., Vnion Pacific R. R. Duncan, Lindsay, B. S., McGill, Nevada, l\Iechanical Engineer, Steptoe Valley Smelting & Mining Co. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 45

Farnham, Charles Henry, B. C. E., Philippine Railways, Manila, P. I., Civil Engineer; Resident Engineer. Goodridge, Perley Francis, B. M. E., Morris Ave., Englewood, N. J., Mechanical Engineer with Consolidated Gas Co., 4 Irving Place, New York, N. Y. Gould, Vernon Kimball, B. 1\1. E., 532 Hammond St., Bangor, Manager, Bangor Gas Light Company. Gorham, Frank Edward, B. l\I. E., Round Pond, Postmaster. Grover, Oscar Llewellyn, B. :VI. E .. B. C. E., 3II N. Sycamore St., Rich­ moncl, Va., Assistant Engineer, in charge of Bridge Design, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company; and Bridge Engineer, Virginia State Highway Commission. Heath, Stanley Jacob, 39 James St., Bangor, Chief Clerk, M. C. R. R. co: Holyoke, William Lawrence, B. M. E., 318 l\Iain St., Springfield, Mass., Inspector of Buildings and Machinery, American Thread Co. Macloon, Ernest Henry, B. M. E., Groveton, N. H., Superintendent, Lyman Falls Power Co. Patten, Andrew Jarvis, B. S., East Lansing, Mich., Chemist, Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. Porter, Byron Frank, B. S., M. D., Lincoln, Physician and Surgeon. Porter, Joseph White Humphrey, B. S., M. D., Caribou, Physician. Rogers, Allen, B. S., M. S., Ph. D., 184 Emerson Place., Brooklyn, N. Y., In charge of Industrial Chemistry, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Russell, Myron Roswell, B. S., Bar Harbor, Postal Clerk. Stevens, Howard Eveleth, B. C. E., St. Paul, 2\linn., Engineer of Bridges, N orthcrn Pacific Ry. Upton, Edwin Carleton, B. S., A. l\I., St. Stephen's College, Annandale, N. Y., Professor of English. Urann, Marcus Libby, B. S., 110 State St., Boston, Mass., Lawyer.

1898 Bailey, Fred Wesley, 13. S., Belfast, Drug Clerk, City Drug Store, Belfast. Brann, Louis Jefferson, B. S., Lewiston, Lawyer; Register of Probate, Androscoggin County. Crowell, Charles Parker, B. M. E., Graham Building, 82 Central St., Bangor, Architect. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE. t Davis, Edward Harmon, B. M. E. Dearborn, John Washington, B. M. E., New Haven, Conn., Engineer, Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Dillingham, Samuel Clark, B. C. E., Piecefield, N. Y., Superintendent Piecefield Mill, International Paper Co. t Dolley, Walter, B. S. · Dow, Leroy Eugene, B. M. E., 276 State St., Portland, Junior Engineer, U. S. Engineer Office, 537 Congress St., Port­ land. Dunn, Rena Ethel, B. S., Shawomet Beach, R. I. (lVfrs. Beecher D. Whitcomb.) Dunn, Rossell Olin, B. C. E., Passadumkeag, Foreman with R. G. Leonard. Edwards, Llewellyn Nathaniel, C. E., General Office, Grand Trunk Ry., Montreal, Quebec, Bridge Engineer, Grand Trunk Ry. Ellis, Walter Lincoln, B. M. E., II Mt..Pleasant St., Nashua, N. H., Superintendent with White Mountain Freezer Co. Farrar, Lottie <;;ertrude, B. S., Laurel, Miss. (Mrs. Charles N. Buffum.) Fernandez, Gracia Lillian, B. S., Box 402, Tempe, Arizona, Instructor in Spanish, Tempe Normal School of Arizona. Frost, George Sherman, B. C. E., 4 Court Sq., Brooklyn, N. Y., Associate Member American Society of Civil Engineers; Assist­ ant Engineer, Public Service Commission, First District, State of New York. Gibbs, Bernard, B. Ph., LL. B., Madison, Lawyer. Hamlin, Ralph, B. C. E., 7rr Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul, Minn., Assistant Engineer, Corrugated Bar Co. Higgins, Harry Alston, B. M. E., Care Michigan Copper and Brass Co., Detroit, Mich., Master Mechanic. Johnson, Bertrand Randall, B. S., 1473 Congress St., Portland, Salesman. Lawrence, George vVarren, B. M. E., Greenfield, Mass., Superintendent and Treasurer, Greenfield Electric Light and Power Company. Libby, Albion Dana Topliff, E. E., 1216 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio, Engineer and Patent Expert with Dean Electric Co. Libby, Herbert Ivory, B. M. E., 26 Oak St., Biddeford, Master Mechanic, Saco & Pettee Machine Shops. Lincoln, Harry Matthew, B. C. E., Lincoln's Mi1ls, Corinna, Lumber Manufacturer. Manson, Ray Herbert, E. E., Elyria, Ohio, Engineer in Charge of Sales, The Dean Electric Company. Merrill, Dana True, B. S., Care War Dept., Washington, D. C. Captain of 28th U. S. Infantry, Fort Snelling, Minn. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 47

Merrill. Elmer Drew, :;\L S., Bureau of Science, Manila, Philippine Islands, Botanist, Bureau of Science. Merrill, Harrison Pratt, B. J\L E., 'vVarrington, Florida, Junior Engineer, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Pearce, Charles Abram, B. S., Fort Fairfield, Merchant. Ryther, Leon Edwin, B. S., Concord, J\Iass., Principal of Concord School. Sawtelle, Fred William, C. E., Horicon, Wis., Roadmaster, C. }J. & St. P. Ry. Small, Albert Clifford, B. i\1. E., 7 Sewall St., :Marblehead, Mass. Smith, George Albert, B. M. E., 3a Clifford Ave., Beverly, i\Iass., Assistant Foreman of Screw Machine Dept., U. S. M. Company. Sprague, Alden Percy, B. M. E., 130 West 15th St., l\Iinneapolis, Minn., Secretary, The Strong-Scott J\Ifg. Co., 415 So . .3rd St., Minne­ apolis, Minn. Starbird, Alfred Andrews, B. S., Fort Wm. McKinley, Rizal, P. I., Captain, 5th Regiment Field Artillery, 'C. S. A. Stevens, Ray Parker, B. i\I. E., Allcnto,rn National Bank Bldg., Allen­ town, Pa., President and General Manager, Lehigh Valley Transit Co. Sturgis, Edwin Albert, B. J\I. E., r6r Stoneland Road, Worcester, Mass., Supt., M. P. & :\I., Worcester Con. Street Ry. Co. Tarr, Roderick Desmond, B. i\I. E., 6z Adams St., Biddeford, Foreman, Saco & Pettee i\Iachine Shops. Tplman, Wilford Reuben, I3. C. E., Long Island, Ala., Route r, Teacher. Webster, Charles Staples, B. S., r7 Exchange St., Portland, Insurance, Firm of Norton, Hall & Webster. \Velch, \Varner Edwin, B. ":\1. E., 122 West 20th St., New York, N. Y., Traveling for James G. Wilson Mfg. Co. White, Horace Loring, B. S., :vI. A. Agricultural College, Fargo, N. D., Asst. Professor Physiological Chemistry and Assistant Chemist, Expli'.riment Station, in North Dakota Agricultural College. \Vhittemore, George Arthur, B. M. E., 49 Union St., Worcester, Mass., Chief Draftsman with George L, Brownell, Spinning and Twist­ ing Machinery. Wiswell, Carl Gardner, B. i\I. E., East J\Iachias, Hardware and Plumbing.

1899 Bassett, Eben Pierce, B. M. E., Schenectady, N. Y:, Reostat Dept. General Electric Co. Batchelder, Frank Lothrop, C. E., 184 Albion St., Houghton, Mich., Chief Engineer, Copper Range R. R. Co., Houghton, Mich. UNI\'ERSITY OF l\L\TNE.

Belcher, Wallace Edward, C. E., M. A., Care of H. l\I. Byllesby & Co., Engineers, Chicago, Ill., Engineer in charge Designing Department. Blackwell, Charles Elbert, B. l\f. E., ::VIadison, Black\, ell & Edwards. * Boynton, Alson Edwin, B. C. E. Brown, John ·Wilson, B. l\I. E., 1ro2 South Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa., Engineering Dept., Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. C 1.rlton, Rufus Houdlettc, B. l\I. E., 822 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y., In Commercial Dept., General Electric Co. Cas,,ell, Winfield Benson, B. l\I. E., Pier 34, North River, New York City, N. Y .. (Home address, 217 North 22nd St.), Hull Inspector. Southern Pacific Company's Atlantic Steamship Lines. Clark, Harold Hayward, B. l\f. E., E. E .. U. S. Geological Survey, 40th and Butler Sts., Pittsburg, Pa., Electrical Engineer, U. S. Geological Survey. t Cleaves, Daniel Lunt, B. S. Collins, George, B. C. E., Lexington, Ky., 310 Lexington City Bank Building, President Empire Bridge Company. Crockett, Cyrenius vValter. B. ::-i., Anderson Chemical Company, vValling­ ton, N. J., Superintendent, Anderson Chemical Co. Downing, Marshall Buckland, B. Ilf. E., 55 Franklin St., New York City, N. Y., :Manager, New York Telephone Company. Drew, Irving Harry, B. :\1. E., Home address 47 Morse St., Portland, Me., \;\Tith N cw York vVorld Advertising Department. Fernald, Reginald Lovejoy. B. S., 70 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y., With Ginn & Co., Publishers. Flint, Bert Whittaker, B. C. E., 34 Pearl St., New Bedford, Mass., Superintendent of Construction. Ford, Leonard Harris, B. S., M. D., East Eddington, Physician. Grover, Archer Le,yis, B. !\I. E., B. S., Orono, Assistant Professor of Drawing, University of Maine. Haney, William Wallace. B. l\I. E., 72 William St., New York City, N. Y., Fire Undenniters Electrical Bureau. Hayes, Clarence l\Iorrill. :l\I. E., r92 North St., Stamford, Conn., Elect. Dept. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co.; Field Engineer m charge Electrification Construction. Hersey, George vVoodman, B. l\1. E., Sales Dept., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 49

Heyer, Harry Sanford, B. M. E., Freeport, Teacher. Hilton, George Libby, B. S., M. D., 123 Union St., Bangor, Physician and Surgeon. Hoxie, Hall Farrington, B. M. E., 120 Broadway, New York City, N. Y., Board of Patent Control. Mansfield, Edward Raymond, B. S., l\I. D., 165 State St., Bangor, Physician. l\layo, Herbert Palmer, B. l\I. E., 1232 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., Switchboard Comm. Dept., General Electric Co. Morell, William Bradley, B. M. E .. 113 West 38th St., New York City, N. Y .. Telephone ;\Ianager. Morrill, Walter Jean, B. S., :'.\I. F., Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo., Professor of Fores try. Mosher, Edwin St. Elmo, B. l\I. E., Presque Isle, Supt. of l\laine and New Brunswick Electric Power Company, Ltd. ; Electrical Engineer Aroostook Valley Railroad. ivltirray, William Augustine, B. C. E., 2o8 Central Ave., Rochester, N. Y., Division Engineer, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Nelson. \Villiam, B. l\l. E., 20 Standish Ave., Wollaston, Mass., Engineering Dept. Fore River Shipbuilding Co. t Oswald, Herman Henry. B. :\I. E. Palmer, Edward Everett, B. 11. E., 84 State St., Boston, Mass., Commercial Engineer, General Electric Company. Powell. Maurice Henry, B. S., Orono, Agriculturist. Powell, Mildred Louise, B. S., Danvers, Mass., Teacher, Commercial Dept., Holton High School. Pretto, Henry J oscph. B. :\I. E., 109 Beach St., Boston, Mass., :\Iilh\Tight Draftsman, with American Tool and Machine Co., Boston. * Sidensparker, Stanley, B. :\I. E., B. S. Small, Clinton Leander, B. S., B. A., 342 State St., Flushing, N. Y., Supt.. Oakes l\Ifg. Co .. Long Island City, N. Y. Smith, Edwin :\Ielcl1er. B. :'.\I. E .. 40, Boulevard, \;\/estfield, N. J., Chief Draftsman, Electro Dynamic Co., Bayonne, N. J. Stephens, Allen \\'hitmorc, B. C. E., I 50 Springvale Ave., East Orange, N. J., Chief Draftsman. Turner Constrnction Co. of New York City. Stinson, Frank l\Iinott. B. :\I. E., 231 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.; Draftsman. Locomobile Company of America. Sto1·er, Oliver Otis, 1\1. S., Freeport, Farr.1er. Swain, John Henry, B. S., Westerly R. I., Principal, \Vesterly High School. 4 50 UNIVERSITY OF :\L\INE.

Swain, Pearl Clayton, B. A., Westerly, R. I., Resident Graduate Student, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass. Veazie, Marcellus Maurice, B. S., 151 Milk St., Boston, Mass., Employed in the Office of Frank G. Macomber, Insurance. Wescott, Arthur Clement, B. M. E., Residence, 500 W. 144th St., New York City; Business, Rutherford, N. J., Treasurer and Gen. Manager, Rutherford Rubber Co. Whittier, Charles Comfort, B. C. E .. rr21 The Rookery, Chicago, Illinois, Consulting Engineer.

1900 · Beedle, Harry Woodward, B. M. E., The Bell Telephone Company, of · Canada, :VIontreal, Quebec, Power Engineer, Electrical Engineering Dept. Bird, Alan Lawrence, B. M. E., Rockland, Lawyer. Bowerman, Frank Harvey, B. C. E., 49 Dix St., Dorchester, Mass., Civil Engineer. * Burgess, William Joseph, B. M. E. Burnham, Agnes Rowena, B. Ph .. 766 vVashington St., So. Braintree, Mass. (Mrs. John M. Townsend.) Cargill, Walter Neal, B. M. E., 333 'Cnion St., Lynn, Mass., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer: Superintendent of Power Station, Boston & Northern Street Ry. Co. Caswell, Wilfred Harold, B. M. E., Phillips, Me., Master Mechanic and Supt. :\fotive Power, Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad. Clark, Wilkie Collins, B. S., Skowhegan. Closson, James Edward, B. S., 355 Main St., Danbury, Conn., Chemist, with Lee-:'vfcLachlan Hat Co., Danbury, Conn. Cole, Clinton Llewellyn, B. C. E., 94 Linsley Ave., lVIeriden, Conn., Civil Engineer. Davis, Harry Ashton, B. :\I. E., IO Prospect St., Hopedale, Mass., Chief Draftsman for The Draper Company, Cotton Machinery. Drummond, Henry Frank, B. M. E., Bangor, Superintendent, Bangor Box Company. t Dunn, Julian Sturdivant, B. M. E. Eaton, Herbert Davidson, B. S., 96 Highland Ave., Bangor, Clerk. Goodwin, Philip Ross, C. E. Klamath Falls, Oregon, Care U. S. Recla­ mation Service, Civil Engineering: Junior Engineer, U. S. R. S. Gray, Charles Perley, B. S., M. D., 29 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y., Physician and Surgeon. Hamlin, George Otis, B. M. E., Lansdowne, Pa., Mechanical Engineer with Genasco Silk Works. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 51

Hart, Malcolm Cole, B. C. E., 6orr Waterman Ave., St. Louis, Mo., Assistant Engineer, Missouri Pacific Ry., M. of W. Dept. Hatch, Howard Andrew, B. C. E., Bosworth, Mo., Assistant Engineer, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Hayes, James Arthur, M. S., Upland Terrace, Bala, Pa., Assistant Gen. Manager, Martin & Wm. H. Nixon Paper Co., Manayunk, Philadelphia. Hersey, Guy Alfred, B. C. E., Bangor, Civil Engineer. Holley, Clifford Dyer, :.VI. S., Ph. D., 3215-3219 Papin St., St. Louis, Mo., General Superintendent, The Lead Products Co. Horner, Leon Herbert, B. S., vVhitinsville, l\fass., Draftsman, Whitin Machine Works. Jones, William Gouldsbrough, B. S., 39 Ward St., Hartford, Conn., Insurance Underwriter, with Orient Insurance Company. t Judge, Thomas Francis, B. l\I. E. Leathers, Harry Hewes, B. l\I. E., l\I. E., 7 Greenville Terrace, Somer­ ville, Mass., Draftsman, Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., 147 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Lombard, Charles Hutchinson, B. C. E., Havre de Grace, Md., Civil Engineer, Chief Engineer's Department, Pennsylvania R. R. * Love, Alexander, B. C. E. Lurvey, John Gardner, B. l\I. E., 132 Park Ave., Schenectady, N. Y., Complaint Dept., General Electric Company. McDonald, Frank, B. M. E., Eastport Sardine Co., Eastport, Me., President Eastport Sardine Co. Maddocks, Howard Lewis, B. C. E., 701 Trust Building, Newark, Ohio, Consulting Engineer. Mann, Edwin Jonathan, B. M. E., West Paris, Junior Partner, Firm of L. l\L Maun & Son, Manufacturers of clothespins and bail woods. Merrill, Wilbur Louis, B. M. E.. Care of General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., Power and Mining Engineering Dept. Mitchell, Fred Carleton, B. S., M. S., 75 Bartlett Ave., Arlington, Mass., Principal, Arlington High School. Mitchell, Frank Henry, l\T. S., 6428 North Park Ave., Oak Lane, Phila­ delphia, Pa., Chief Chemist, Dill and Collins Co. Murphy, George Ferguson, B. C. E., New Kensington, Pa., Draftsman with Aluminum Co. of America. Noyes, Frank Albert, B. M. E., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Electrical Engineer for Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light & Power Co. Owen, Alden Bradford, B. M. E., Ridgway, Pa., Assistant Engineer, Ridgway Dynamo & Engine Co. UNIVERSITY OF MADIE.

Page, Arthur Southwick, B. C. E., 4 Morrill Ave., Waterville, Me., Civil Engineer, Burleigh & Page, 93 Main St., Waterville. Perkins, DeForest Henry, M. A., LL. B., Skowhegan, District Superintendent of Schools, Skowhegan and Madison. Philoon, Daniel Lara, B. S., Winchester, :VIass., Pharmacist. Porter, Charles Omer, B. C. E., 38 Files St., Westbrook, Supt. of Construction, with the S. D. Warren Paper Co. Ricker, Percy Leroy, M. S., 3740 Oliver St., Chevy Chase, D. C., Assistant Botanist, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Robbins, Charles Alphonso, Ph. B., East Millinocket, Principal East Millinocket High School. * Rollins, Charles Herbert, B. M. E. Rollins, Frank Main, B. S., Waterville, Supt. Sulphite Dept., Hollingsworth & Whitney Co. Russell, Leo Bernard, B. C. E., Farmington, Wood Turner, Assistant Superintendent. Smith, Edward Henry, B. 11. E., 62 North Main St., Attleboro, Mass., Teacher of Physics and Chemistry, Attleboro High School. Smith, Freeman Ames, B. S., Palmer, Mass., Banking. Snowdeal, Adah, B. A .. Newport, (Home Address. 23 State St., Au­ gusta), Teacher in High School, Newport, Me. Stickney. Grosvenor \Vilson, B. ]\J. E., Barge Canal Office, Lyon Block, Albany, N. Y., Assistant Engineer. Strange, Edward :\loore, B. S .. 1028 Ross Ave .. Wilkinsbnrg, Pa., Per­ manent address St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, Foreman of erection, :"vicClintic Marshall Construction Co. Stowell, Clarence \Varner, Ph. B., 357 \Vestminster St., Providence, R. I., Im,trnctor, Bryant & Stratton Commercial School; Head of Dept. Physics and Chemistry, ProYidence Evening High School. Strout, 1-Ioward Clinton, B. l\f. E .. Residence 30 Pierrepont Ave., Ruther­ ford. N. J., Traveling Salesman, General Electric Company, 30 Church St., Ne,y York City, N. Y. * Tate, Edwin l\lorrell, B. C. E. t Tate. Fred Foy, B. C. E. Vose, Freel Hale, B. l\l. E., Case Scho0l of Applic>d Scic>nce, Cleve­ land, Ohio. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Webster, Frank Elijah, B. l\I. E., 23 Highland Road, Somenille, Mass., With Stone & Webster Engineering Corp'n. Western, Benjamin Thomas, B. C. E., 303 Commonwealth Bldg., Jack­ son, Mich., Construction Engineer with W. G. Fargo, Hydraulic Engineer. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 53

Weston, Wallace Augustus, B. C. E., 38o2 N. 41st Ave., Chicago, Ill., Structural Engineer with D. H. Burnham & Co., Architects. Whitcomb, Joseph Onon, B. Ph., 1006 East Adams St., Syracuse, N. Y., Department Manager, New York State, for the King-Richard­ son Co.

1901 Bartlett, Charles William, B. S., 2o6 Parkwood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y., Commercial Engineering. Bartlett, Mark Jonathan, B. Ph., LL. B., Corner Main & Common Sts., Waterville, Lawyer. * Bartlett, Wales Rogers, B. A. Bixby, John Harold, B. S., C. E., 59 Division St., Ashtabula, Ohio, Civil Engineer, L. S. & M. S. Ry. Bixby, Oscar Merrill, B. S., 6o West 128th St., New York City, N. Y., Chief Draftsman, Electric Equipment Design Force, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. Boardman, William Harris, B. S., Care of George F. Hardy, 309 Broad­ way, New York City, N. Y., Engineer in charge of Construction with G. F. Hardy. Bogart, Fred Hammond Hanson, B. S., 88 Atwood St., Hartford, Conn., Vice President and Manager of The Hartford Auto Parts Co. Buck, Thomas, B. S., 609 S. Busey Ave., Urbana, Illinois, Instructor in Mathematics, University of Illinois. Cary, Lewis Robinson, M. S., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J., Fellow in Biology. Cobb, Arthur Leroy, B. S., 03424 Lee St., Spokane, Wash., Foreman Private Exchange Installing and Central Office, Pacific Telegraph & Telephone Co. Crosby, Charles Elmer, B. S., Waterville, Railway Postal Clerk. Davis, Fred Merrill, E. E., 6120 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill., Sales Engineer, Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co., Chicago, Ill. Davis, George Harold, B. S., 305 East Jefferson St., Boise, Idaho, Assistant Superintendent of Idaho-Oregon Light & Power Com­ pany. Faunce, Benjamin Franklin, B. S., 1338 Walnut St., Edgewood Park, Pittsburg, Pa., Mechanical Engineer, Carnegie Building, Carnegie Steel Com­ pany. Fitzgerald, Elsie Eunice, B. Ph., Guilford, (Mrs. H. M. Daniels.) Folsom, Harold Morrill, B. A., Portsmouth, N. H., Rector St. John's Parish (Episcopal), Portsmouth. Fraser, Gertrude Lee, M. A., Macedon, N. Y. 54 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

French, Joseph Edward, B. S., Care of Taft-Peirce Mfg. Co., Woon­ socket, R. I., Toolmaker, with the Taft-Peirce Mfg. Co. Goodwin, George Estyn, B. S., U. S. Reclamation Service, Helena, Mont., Project Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. Hamlin, Emily, B. S., Orono. Harvey, Clifford Dawes, B. S., 2105 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa., Medical Student, Hahnemann Medical College. Harvey, LeRoy Harris, M. S., State Normal School, Kalamazoo, Mich., Professor of Biology, Western State Normal School. Howe, Ernest Judson, B. S., State Highway Commission, First Division, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Assistant Engineer. Hoyt, Henry Perez, B. S., Millinocket, Steam Expert, Great Northern Paper Co. Keller, Percy Raymond, B. S., Sewerage Commission Office, LouisYille, Ky., Inspection. Leonard, Herbert Henry, B. S., 336 Prospect St., Torrington, Conn., Asst. Superintendent, Turner & Seymour Mfg. Co. Lowell, Frank Holt, B. S., 31 Beekman Ave., No. Tarrytown, N. Y., Road Tester with Maxwell-Briscoe Motor Co. Martin, Bertrand Clifford, B. S., 163 Flower A Ye., East, Watertown, N. Y., Assistant Engineer, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., Asst. Div. Engineer. Martin, Fred Lewis, B. S., 16 vVarrenton Ave., Hartford, Conn., Sales :Manager and Secretary Hartford Auto Parts Co. Merrill, Maurice Barnaby, B. A.. Mars Hill, Principal, Aroostook Central Institute. Mitchell, Charles Augustus, B. S., New Glasgow, N. S., Canada, Engineer, Acadia Coal Co. Ltd. Pritham, Henry Charles, B. S., Bristol, Tenn., Care of J. T. vVilliams & Son, Chemist and Chemical Engineer to Bristol Barium & Zinc Works. Robinson, Alson Haven, B. S., 35 Pleasant St., Newton Center, Mass., l\Iinister of the Unitarian Society. Ross, Mowry, B. S., West Woodstock, Conn., Farmer. Thompson, Samuel Day, B. A., 701 Fourth Ave., Asbury Park, N. J., Principal, Asbury Park High School. Varney, Lewis Goodrich, B. S., 16ro State St., Harrisburg, Pa., Draftsman for the Pennsylvania Steel Co. Ward, Thomas Hale, B. S., care Chapman Valve Mfg. Co., Indian Orchard, Mass., Electrical Engineer, for Chapman Valve Co. Watson, Ernest Lauren, B. S., 1331 Berryhill St., Harrisburg, Pa., Supervisor of Signals, Philadelphia Division, Penn. R. R. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 55

Watts, Frank Ervin, B. S., 310 Pennsylvania Ave., Detroit, Mich., Western Editorial Representative of Horseless Age, and Auto­ mobile Engineer. Woodbury, Stephen Edward, E. E., M. E., 215 Belmont St., Belmont, Mass., Electrical Engineer, Simplex Electric Heating Co. Wormell, Ralph Geddes, B. S., 319 Main St., Waterville.

1902 Bacheldor, Arthur Willis, B. S., 317 Academy St., Trenton, N. J., Erecting Machinist, Trenton Shops, Pennsylvania R. R. Barrows, \i\Tilliam Edward, Jr., B. S., E. E., 3348 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Armour Institute of Technology. Bartlett, Enoch Joseph, E. E., 1347 E. 110th St., Cb·eland, Ohio, :Mechanical Engineer, with The Long Arm System Co. Boland, :Marion Genevieve, B. A., 2008 nth St., Meridian, :\Iiss., Head of Department of :\fodern Languages. Bt1ck, Henry Alfred, B. S., Bt1cksport, Orchardist. Bussell, Edith JVIae, B. Ph., Old Town, Teacher, Great Works. Bt1tman, James \Varren, B. S., Readfield, Commercial Fruit and Potato Grower. Carr, Harold Malcolm, B. S., Sangerville, Superintendent of Sangerville Woolen Co. Chadbourne, Henry Wilmott, B. S., 129 Mason St., Schenectady, N. Y., Electrical Engineer, General Electric Co. Clark, Samuel, B. S., Waten·ille, R. F. D. 39, Member of Proctor & Bowie Co., Contractors. Cole, Henry Ernest, B. S., 921 North Euclid Ave., Pittsburg. Pa., Chief Engineer, Harris Pump & Supply Co. Davis, Alfred Ricker, B. S., Horse Shoe Bend, Idaho, Care of Power Plant, Head Operator of Power Plant for Idaho-Oregon Light & Power Co. Davis, Samt1el Prince, B. S., l IO Winter St., Portland, Traveling Salesman, American Radiator Co. Delano, Edward Warren, B. S., Washburn, Me., Division Engineer, B. & A. R. R. Duren, Harry Elwood, B. S., 229 nth St., Portland, Ore., Sales Manager Portland Office, General Electric Co. t Durgan, George Washington, B. S., 92 Winthrop St., Medford, 2\Iass. Eldridge, Walter Hampton, B. S., 27 Boylston St., Jamaica Plain, "'IIass., Electrical Engineer, Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co. 56 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Elliott, Wesley Clarendon, B. S., Care of Stuart W. Cramer Co., Howard Block, Providence, R. I., Mechanical Engineer, Humidifying & Ventilating Cotton Mills. Farrington, Herbert Oscar, B. S., Box 163. Kittery, Electrical Draftsman, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H. Fessenden, Lothrop Edwin, B. S., Rockland, Mass., R. F. D. 1, Breeder of White Plymouth Rocks. Foster, Arthur Brookhouse, M. S., Patent Office, Washington, D. C., Assistant Examiner, Chemicals and Fertilizers. French, Henry Carter, B. S., Rumford Center. Gilbert, Eugene Clarence, B. S., Orono, Lumbering, with T. Gilbert. Hamilton, Andrew George, B. S., 718 Garfield Building, Cleveland, Ohio, Salesman, with Aluminum Company of America. Hamlin, Horace Parlin, B. S., RootTi 1309, 140 Cedar St., New York, N. Y., Designing Engineer, with Raymond Concrete Pile Co. Holmes, Fred Eugene, B. S., 304 Center St., Bangor, Roadmaster, Third Div., M. C. R. R., Bangor. Johnson, Elbridge Augustus, B. S., Brunswick, Roadmaster, M. C. R. R. Kallom, Frank Winthrop, B. S., r6 Berkeley St., Malden, Mass., With S. & N. St. Ry. Co., Chelsea, Mass. Kelley, Burchard Valentine, B. S., 3m Victory Ave., Schenectady, N. Y., Mechanical Draftsman, General Electric Co. Kneeland, Henry Wilton, B. S., 65 Kilby St., Boston, Mass., }Ianager Bond Department. Knight, Perley Charles, B. S., Gorham, Lumberman. Knowles, Lida :VIay, B. S., Presque Isle. ( Mrs. R. J. Smith.) Lowe, Sumner Sturdivant, B. S., Jersey Shore, Pa., Asst. Engineer, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Lyon, Alphcns Crosby, B. S., 735 Main St., Bangor, Civil Engineer; Asst. Engineer, l\I. C. R. R. McCarthy, Patrick Ed,vard, B. S., IO Ercles St., Rumford, Me., Ci,·il Engineer with International Paper Co. Mansfield, Harold Wilder, M. E., Warren, Me. i\fargesson, Charles William, B. S., 634 uth St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Computer in the Survc>y Department, Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Mosher, Percy Hildreth, B. S., 14 Beacon St., Boston, Mass., Assistant Engineer, with Metcalf & Eddy. Peck, Luther, B. S., '.\1. D., Plymouth, :Mich., Physician and Surgeon. Pressey, Frank Ethelbert, B. S., 49 Hammond St., Bangor, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 57

Rackliffe, Clinton Nathan, E. E., 426 Forsyth St., Macon, Ga., Electrical Engineer with General Electric Co. Rice, Marie Cecelia, M. S., 136 Court St., Bangor, Teacher, Bangor High School. Ross, Ed,~in Bishop, B. S., Buchanan, Mich., Asst. Mgr., Celfor Tool Co. Russell, Roy Elvert, B. S., 704 So. 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn., With W. I. Gray & Co. Sewall, Herbert Willis, B. S., Wilton, Me., With G. H. Bass & Co., Shoemakers. Silver, Arthur Elmer, B. S., 71 Broadway, N. Y., Electrical Engineer with Electric Bond & Share Co. Stephens, Charles Walter, B. S., 14 Stewart Place, Elizabeth, N. J., Structural Draftsman, with Hay, Foundry & Iron Works, New­ ark, N. J. Stilphen, Charles Augustus, 289 Chestnut Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass., Draftsman, in charge Heating and Ventilating Dept., with B. F. Sturtivant Co. Thombs, William Brackett, B. S., 6 Atlantic St., Portland, Automobile Dealer, 244 Spring St., Portland. True, Edwin Stanley, B. S., 2207 Broad11·ay, Indianapolis, Ind., Electrical Engineer. Warren, John Clifford, B. S., LL. B., 14 Pleasant St., West brook, Lawyer. Watson, Alvin Morrison, B. S., Telluride, Colo., Electrician for Mining Co. Wheeler, Allen Francis, B. S., 11 Marshall Ave., Bath, l\Ie., Engine Draftsman, Bath Iron W arks. Whittier, Ralph, B. S., 54 Forest Ave., Bangor, Asst. Treasurer, Penobscot Savings Bank, Bangor.

1903 Baker, Ernest Linwood, B. S., 36g Castle St., Geneva, N. Y., Associate Chemist, New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Benner, Archie Ray, B. S., vValdoboro, Me. Carr, Cleora l\Iay, B. Ph., Old Town. Chandler, Robert Flint, B. S., Great Falls, Mont., Draftsman with the Boston & Montana Consolidated Copper & Silver l\Iining Co. Chase, Nathan Ajalon, D. S., 15 South 3rd Ave., Ilion, N. Y., Chemist and i\Ietallurgist, Remington Arms Company. Coffin, Leroy i\Ielville, B. S., Keuka Park, N. Y., Professor of l\Iathematics, Keuka College. Collins, Fred, B. S., East Wal pole, Mass., Engineer with F. W. Bird & Son of East Walpole, Paper Makers. Conner, Ralph l\Ielvin, B. S., Oswego, Mont., Care U. S. Reclamation Serdce, Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. 58 l:::\'IYERSITY OF MAINE.

Crabtree, Leroy Bro,yn, B. S., Hancock. * Crocker, Henry Kennedy, B. S. Davis, Rodney Clinton, B. S .. 6120 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill., Draftsman, Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co. Dinsmore, Sanford Crosby, B. S., Reno, Nevada, • Chemist, Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, Reno, Nev. Dorticos, Carlos, B. S., 13n E. 51st St., Chicago, Ill., Electrical Engineer, with General Electric Co., Monaclnock Bldg., Chicago. Douglas, Frank Libby, B. S., 6626 Lexington AYe., Chicago, Ill., Draftsman for South Halsted St. Iron Works, Chicago. Dyer, William Norman, B. S., Harrington, Postmaster. Ellstrom, Victor Edwin, B. S., JOJO Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, Ill., Sales Agent, Bethlehem Steel Co. Foster, Samuel Joshua, B. S., Oakland, Pharmacist. Freeman, George Leonard, B. S., 39 Brighton Ave., \Vooclforcls, Me., Chief Draftsman for Sawyer & :\Ioulton, 120 Exchange St., Portland. Gage, Arthur \Villard, B. S., 1911 Ruckle St., Indianapolis, Incl., Chief Draftsman, Hetherington & Berner Iron \Vorks, Indian­ apolis, Incl. Gooclriclge, Oren Leslie, B. S .. Houlton, Assistant Engineer, Bangor & Aroostook R. R. Good,Yin, Burton \Voodbury, B. S., Ridlonville, :\Ierchant. Graves, Shirley Preston, B. S., I 19 Tom1sencl St., Roxbury, Mass., Lawyer. 30 Court St., Boston, Mass. Harris, Philip Howard, B. S., Switchback, \Vest Virginia, Chief Engineer, with Pocahontas Collieries Co. Inc. Hartford, Edward Goodnow, B. S., 366 South Station, Boston, Mass., Asst. Engineer on Masonry Construction. Hilliard, John Heclclle, B. A., 220 Broadway, New York City, N. Y., Lawyer. Hinchliffe, Henry John, B. S., East Hartford, Conn., Assistant Principal, South School, Hartford, Conn. Hinckley, Frances Augusta, B. Ph., 62 Robinson St., Schenectady, N. Y. (Mrs. J. W. Crowe.) Kittriclge, Claude Abbott, B. S., Old Town, Supt. of Bodwell \Vater Po,Yer Company's Plant at Milford. Libby, Arthur Stephen, B. Ph., M. A., Spartansburg, S. C., Professor of Modern Languages and Literature, Converse Col­ lege. Loud, Warren Cornelius, B. S., Hampden, Transitman. B. & A. R. R. McCready, John Hollis, B. S., 512 Albany Bldg., Boston, Mass., Attorney in Patent Matters with United Shoe Machinery Co. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 59

* Maxfield, Amy Inez, B. S. Mullaney, Roderick Edward, B. S., 37 Birch St., Bangor, Civil Engineering, 189 Exchange St., Bangor. Patrick, Stephen Edmund, B. S., Gorham, Head of Dept. Industrial Education, Westbrook High School. Porter, Ernest Albee, B. S., 25 Pemberton Sq., Boston, Mass., Junior Engineer, in U. S. Engineering Dept. Sheahan, Harold Vose, C. E., 120 Exchange St., Portland, Assistant Engineer for Sawyer & l\foulton. Simpson, Paul Dyer, B. S., Boise, Idaho, Assistant Engineer, U. S. R. S. Small, Silas Gilman, B. S., 45 Lafayette St., New York, N. Y., Salesman. Smith, Howard Ausburn, E. E., Box 180, Pittsfield, Mass., Electrical Engineering, General Electric Co., Pittsfield, Mass. Soper, Henry Melville, Milwaukee, Wis., Chief Chemist, "Cnited States Glue Co. Stone, Charles Wesley, B. S., 317 48th St., Newport Ne\vs, Va., Chief Chemist for the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. , Towse, Arthur Ray, B. S., City Engineer's Office, Pensacola, Fla., Civil Engineer, Assistant City Engineer. Treworgy, Isaac Emery, B. S., Care American \Voolen Company, 126 5th An., New York City, N. Y., Salesman, with the American \Voolen Co. White, Ralph Henry, B. S., 95 Leroy St., Binghamton, N. Y., Chief Draftsman, Georgian Mfg. Co. Whitney, Harvey David, B. S., Auburn, Chemist, Bates Mfg. Co., Lewiston. \Viley, Mellen Cleaveland, B. S., Civil Engineer, with Robert \V. Hunt & Co., II2I Rookery, Chicago.

1904 Averill, Roy Samuel, B. S., 317 \V. Pike St., Canonsburg, Pa., Draftsman with Fort Pitt Bridge Works. t Bassett, Hubert Merle, B. S. Bassett, Ralph Smith, B. S., Old Town. Bean, Paul Leonard, B. S., Orono, Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering at the University oi Maine. Bearce, Ira Mellen, B. S., 86 Lawrence St., Fitchburg, Mass., Instructor in Chemistry, Fitchburg High School. Berry, Edward Robie, B. S., M. S., 107 Cross St., Malden, Mass., Chief Chemist, Engineering Laboratory, Gen. Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. Bradford, Luther Cary, B. S., Turner. Brann, George Samuel, B. S., III Halsey St., Newark, N. J., Transitman, C. R. R. of N. J., Jersey City, N. J. 6o UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Breed, Everett l\fark, B. S., Vancouver, B. C., Canada, District Manager, Allis-Chalmers-Bullock, Ltd. Broadwell, Edwin Sherman, B. S., 1577 West 28th St., Cleveland, Ohio, Research Laboratory of the National Carbon Co. Brown, Horace Arthur, B. S., Bradley, (Permanent Address), Resident Engineer, on Railroad Construction with B. & A. R. R. Buck, Florence Emily, B. S., 416 W. 7th St., Hastings, Neb., Head of History Department, Hastings High School. Buker, Edson Bayard, B. S., Worcester City Hospital, Worcester, Mass., House Physician, Worcester City Hospital. Case, Albert Deering, B. S., 365 South Station, Boston, Mass., Draftsman, Boston and Albany R. R. Chaplin, Carroll Sherman, B. S., 125 Western Promenade, Portland, (Home address), Lawyer; Office, Room 2II, Union Mutual Bldg., 120 Exchange St., Portland. Chase, Clifford Gray, B. S., Baring, Superintendent, Granville Chase Co. Clifford, Edward Clinton, B. S., Forest Service, Missoula, Mont., Chief of Planting District I, Forest Service., Copeland, Lennie Phcebe, B. S., 263 French St., Bangor, Assistant in Bangor High School. Crowley, Elmer Bishop, B. S., Greenville, Land Surveyor for Hollingsworth & Whitney Co. t Davenport, Arthur Edward, B. S. Day, Eugene Garfield, B. S., Antigo, Wis., Draftsman, C. & N. W. Ry. Dorticos, Philip, B. S., 12 W. 18th St., East Orange, N. J., Chemist, General Electric Co., Harrison, N. J. Everett, Chester Steele, 89 North Main St., Attleboro, Mass. * Fifield, Fred Bictor, B. S. Flynt, Roy Horton, B. S., Augusta, Superintendent of Printing, Kennebec Journal. French, Harold Francis, B. S., Pushaw Road, Glenburn. Fanning. t Giles, Clyde Irving, B. S., Haley, Harry Dennett, B. S., Portland Ore., Engineering. Haskell, Roger, B. S., 234 Bridge St., Westbrook, Poultryman. Herbert, Thomas Carroll, B. S., Care of Pennsylvania R. R., Logans­ port, Ind., Assistant on Eng. Corps. Holmes, Ernest Randall, B. S., Eastport, Sardine Manufacturer. Hopkins, Ralph Thomas, B. S., Guanajuato, Mexico, Cyanide Shift Boss, Peregrina Mining & Milling Co. Jordan, Alfred Carroll, B. S., 780 Ellicott Sq., Buffalo, N. Y., Salesman for Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 61

Kimball, Charles Benjamin, B. S., 24 South Central Ave., Wollaston, Mass., Boston Office of General Electric Co., Engineering Dept. Kingsbury, Ralph Waldo Emerson, n. S., Brewer, Industrial Motor Specialist with General Electric Co. Kingsland, Earl Brush, Ph. B., B. S., 7th & Popular Sts., St. Louis, Mo., Assistant Engineer with the !\Io. Pac. R. R. Knowles, Allen Mark, B. S., 50 Church St., New York City, N. Y., Assistant Engineer of Bridges and Buildings, with Erie R. R. Co. Larrabee, Benjamin True, B. S., 17 Berkeley St., Cumberland Mills, Chemist for S. D. Warren & Co., Paper Mill, Cumberland Mills. Lawrence, Leonard Alexander, B. S., Ithaca, N. Y., Instructor in Civil Engineering, Cornell University. * Leary, Thomas Edward, B. S. Leighton, Clifford Henry, B. S., 41 Champa Ave., Newton Upper Falls, Mass., · Chief Electrician, Saco & Pettee '.\Iachine Co. Little, Leslie Eugene, B. S .. Bristol, Conn., Engineer for Joseph McCabe, Contractor on Bristol to Water­ bury Improvement, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Lord, Cecil Arthur, B. S., 121 W. 9th St., Oklahoma City, Okla., Draftsman with "i'doore & l\lcClure. Civil Engineers. McCullough, Frank. B. S., J43 Liberty St., New York, N. Y., Transitman, Central Railroad Co. of N e,v Jersey. McIntire, Walter Draper, B. S., Babcock & Wilcox Co., Stirling Dept., Barberton, Ohio, Stirling Erector. Monk, Holman \Valdron, B. S., 41-1- Hillsboro St., Raleigh, N. C., Electrician, Carolina Power & Light Co. Olivenbaum, John Em:nmel, B. S., 216o .:\lurray Hill Road, S. E., Cleve­ land, Ohio, 1nstructor in Steam Engineering, Case Scl1ool of Applied Sci­ ence. Paine, Allen Thatcher, B. S., State Higlrn·ay Dept., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., State Road Engineer. New York State Highway Commission. Parker, Edward Alton, B. S .. Skowhegan, Teacher. Suh-master. Sko,Yhegan High School. Pearson, Ralph Ho,yard, B. S., 339 Vaughn St., \Vinnipeg, Man., Electrician. * Perkins, Connor Arthur, B. S. Phinney, Ah·erdo Linwood. B. S., 564 \Vestbrook St., So. Portland, General Engineer and Contractor. Porter. Karl Byron, B. S .. Old Town. Quimby. John Herman, B. S .. Room 2018, 154 Nassau St., New York City, N. Y .. Assistant Engineer, N. Y. Public Service Commission, First Di,trict. 62 UJ\"IVERSITY OF ::VL\I;\'E,

Sampson, Charles Henry, B. S., 8_:; Fern St., Bangor, Teacher of Mechanical Drawing and :\Ianual Training, Bangor High School. Sawyer, James Herbert, B. S., Talladega, Ala., \Vholesale Business, Bottled Coca Cola. Scott, \Valter Erwin, B. S., St. Maries, Idaho, District Engineer, Chicago, ::VIilwaukee & Puget Sound Ry. t Sinclair, Karl Augustus, B. S. Small, Alvah Randall, B. S., 207 East Ohio St., Chicago, Ill., Special Agent, Underwriters' Laboratories Inc. Small, Lottie Luella, B. A., Auburn Me. Smith, Leroy Clifton, B. S .. Tangenne, Orange Co., Fla., Manager, Pine Ola Fruit and Vegetable Farm. Soderstrom. Godfrey Leonard, B. S., Hill & Edward Ave., Memphis, Tenn .. l\Ianager of Tenn. District Telegraph Co. Stewart, George Thomas, B. S., Box ro2, :\1cComb, Miss., Division Engineer, Illinois Central R. R., La. Div. Strickland, Roy Elgin, B. S., General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., Electrical Engineer, Power and Mining Dept. Talbot, James Rich, B. S., East :VIachias. Agent for Timber Lands; Farmer; Coal Dealer. Taylor, Alec Gladstone, B. S., 208 S. C St., Tacoma, Wash., Hydraulic Engineer with Fuller & Manley, Consulting Engi­ neers, Tacoma, \Vash. Taylor, Elliot Williams, B. S.. ror Beach St., W ollaston, Mass., Mechanical Engineer, French Oil Mill Machinery Co., Piqua, Ohio. Taylor, Howard Smith, B. S., Care of George F. Hardy, 309 Broadway, New York City, N. Y., Construction Engineer. Taylor, Thomas Francis, B. A .. A. M., (Home address, 44 Curve St., Bangor). Tucker, John Voden, B. S., Box 291, Sanford, Lawyer. Turner, Roland Lee, B. S., 4ro Vv. 124th St., New York, N. Y., Draftsman, Post & McCord, New York City. t Webster, Francis Howe, B. S. Whipple, Albert Lawrence, B. S., Millinocket, With H. S. Ferguson, Civil Engineer, Millinocket.

1905 Abbott, Curtis Eames, B. S., Brogan, Oregon, Resident Engineer, \Vith James G. Green, Chicago. t Alden, Carl Howard, B. S., 294 Maple St., Holyoke, Mass., Foreman in Drill Dept. of Dean Steam Pump Co. Alton, Ralph Henry, B. S., General Electric Co., Park Bldg., Pittsburg, CXf,\LOG OF GRADUATES.

Pa., Railway and Central Station Apparatus Commercial Representa­ tive. Ames, Bertram Eugene, B. S., 16 Gage St., East Lynn, Mass., Inspection Dept., Factory l\Iutual Fire Ins. Co., 31 Milk St., Boston, Mass. * Anthony, Gould Royden, B. A. Armstrong, George Otty, B. S., Care :\Iet. St. Ry. Co., 96th St. and rst Ave., New York City, Engineering Dept., :\Iet. St. Ry. Co. Bachelder, Herbert \Valter, B. S., ro4 Earl Ave., Schenectady, N. Y., Master Mechanic for Acme Engineering & Contracting Co. Bailey, Charles Lester, B. S., Headgates, Glendive, Mont., Assistant Engineer, U. S. R. S. Balentine, Florence, :\I. A., Buchanan, N. Y. (Mrs. Emory F. Hanabugh.) Beale, Harry Orlando, B. S., Permanent Address North Anson, With U. S. Reclamation Service. Blaisdell, Harry George, B. S., 277 Forest Ave., Bangor, Traveling Salesman. Bowles, Clayton \,Vass, B. S., Glendive, Mont., Rancher and Stockman. Breed, Archer Fuller, B. S., Permanent Address, Breed St., Lynn, Mass., Student, Technische Hochschule, Charlottenburg, Germany. Brown, Archer Norwood, B. S., 667 39th St., Milwaukee, Wis., Electrical Engineer, \\·ith Allis-Chalmers Co. Brown, Ernest Carroll, B. S., 456 South Olden Ave., Trenton, N. J., l\Iechanical Draftsman, Mercer Automobile Co. Carle, George Wilmot, B. S., 2u9 Ashland Ave., Toledo, Ohio, Draftsman, Toledo-:\Iassillon Bridge Co., Toledo, Ohio. Chatto, Byron Herbert, B. S., 88 Tilleston Ave., Mattapan Station, Bos­ ton, l\Tass. Electrical Engineer, B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park, Mass. Collins, Arthur Winfield, B. S., Hamakuapoko, Mani, Hawaiian Islands, Civil Engineer, Mani Agri. Co. t Cotton, Ernest Linwood, B. S. Cowan, Benjamin :\Iosher, B. S., 147 Milk St., Boston, Mass., Care of Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Superintendent of Construction. Cowles, Harry Davis, B. S., Ph. C., 26 Ella St., Bloomfield, N. J., Research Laboratory, Westinghouse Lamp Co. Crowe, Francis Trenholm, B. S., U. S. R. S., Boise, Idaho, Civil Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. Crowe, Joseph Wilkinson, B. S., 62 Robinson St., Schenectady, N. Y., With General Electric Co., Engineering Dept. Dinsmore, Ernest LeRoy, B. A., 69 Summit St., Auburn, Science Teacher, Edward Little High School. Dow, Henry Kingman, M. A., Rochester, N. H., Printer and Publisher, The Record Press., Rochester, N. H. U:',J\'ERSITY OF MAINE,

Drummond, Robert Rutherford. B. S., 36 Third St., Bangor, Instrnctor in German, I.;niversity of 1Iaine, Orono. Flanders, Frank Leroy, B. S .. Fulton, N. Y., Mechanical Eng., Dilts Machine Works, Fulton, N. Y. Foss, Howard Colburn, B. S .. Sydney, N. S., l\lgr. Sydney & Glace Bay Ry. & Cape Breton Elect. Co. Foubert, Charles Leon, R. S., Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Fowles, Raymond Arthur, B. A., l\l. A., North Attleboro, ]\,lass., Minister of Trinity Church. French, Prentiss Edwin, B. S., Tooele, Utah, International Smelting and Refining Co. Gulliver, Edward Charles, B. S., Room 45, Court Square Building, Port­ land, Civil Engineer. Dept. of Public Works, Portland. 1-l arcling, 13rydone Ellsworth. B. S., Danforth, Farming. Harlow, Clarence Burr, B. S., II6 St. Clair St., Elyria, Ohio, Telephone Engineer 1\·ith Dean Electric Co. Harvey, Bartle Trott. B. S., l\L F., U. S. Forest Service, :\led ford, Ore., Forest Assistant. Haskell. Ralph Wc-bstcr, B. S .. Westbrook, With Haskell Silk Company. Hayes, Andrew Jenkins, B. S .. Helena. :\lontana, Assistant Engineer, United States Reclamation Service. Higgins. Roy Edwin, B. S., 258 Center St .. Evanston, vVyo., :\lanager of Telephone Exchange. Hilliard. Edward Knight. B. S., 21 :\!ilk St., Boston, i\Iass .. Sak~111an, Banking 11 ouse. Hilton, llorace Alclen, B. S .. 385 Union St .. Bangor, Civil Engincn with Aroostook Construction Co. Hopkins, Leonard Otis. H. S .. Ambridge, Pa .. Draftsman. American Bridge Co. H nntington. George Kemp. B. S .. 15 Dey St., X e11 York, N. Y., \il/ith American Telephone ancl Telegraph Co. Jolmstone. Leslie Ingalls, B. S., ]\lilford, Instructor in Civil Engineering, University of i\Iaine. Kay, Frank Willrnr. B. S .. 839 Equitable Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga., Engineering Salesman. International Steam Pump Co. of New York. Learned, Frank EHrctt, B. S., Allis-Chalmers Company, l\Iilwaukee, Wis., Hydraulic Turbine & Pumping Engine Department. :\lcC!ure. James Haney, B. S .. 31 Pond St., Bangor, Special Agent for Maine of the Continental and Fidelity Fire Insurance Companies. t McDermott, John Augustine, B. S., 5750 :\ladison Ave .. Chicago, Ill., Chemical Engineer. with Armour & Company, Chicago. CA'I'ALOG OF GRADUA'I'.€S.

Maddocks, William Samuel, B. S., 730 Board of Trade Bldg., Boston, Mass., (House address) 17 Wallace St., West Somerville, Erecting Engineer, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Martin, Lloyd Arthur, B. S., 245 Winfield St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Transitman and Computer, Topographical Surveying. May, John, B. S., 667 Main St., Worcester, Mass., Rail-Bond Dept., American Steel & Wire Co. Mitchell, Lester Hale, B. S., Glendive, Mont., Care of U. S. Reclamation Service. Assistant Irrigation Mgr. Moody, Clare Joseph, B. S., Oswego, Mont., Assistant Engineer, in U. S. Reclamation Service. Moody, Percival Ray, B. S., 12 Kent St., Brookline, Mass., Sales Department, Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co., Boston, Mass. Pennell, Charles Weston, B. S., r6 Frank St., Providence, R. I., Inspector with F. P. Sheldon & Sons, Mill Engineers. Powell, :Mabel Frances, B .. S., 49 Central St., Ipswich, Mass. (Mrs. M. C. McGinley.) Ricker, William Jewett, B. S., Turner, General Agriculture and Orcharding. Rogers, Elmer George, B. S., Ridge St., Port Chester, N. Y., Civil Engineering. Sampson, Freeman Marston, B. S., Orono, :Member of Firm Sampson Brothers, University Supply Store. Sands, Roy Granville, B. S., 912 East River St., Elyria, Ohio, Engineering Dept., Dean Electric Company. Seabury, Ralph Lowe, B. S., 1448 Contant St., Lakewood, Ohio, Chemist, National Carbon Co., Assistant Director of Research Laboratory. Shaw, Walter Jefferson, B. S., 246 Summer St., Boston, Mass., Assistant in Office of A. J. Hixon, Construction Engineer. Smith, Carl David, B. S., U. S. Geological Survey, Technologic Branch, 40th & Butler Sts., Pittsburg, Pa., Assistant Engineer in charge, Gas Producer Section. t Smith, Dwight Freeman, B. S., 269 Madison Ave., Skowhegan, Field Assistant, U. S. Geological Survey, Fuel Testing Plant. Snell, Roy Martin, B. S., Jocko, Mont., Assistant Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. Sprague, Adelbert Wells, B. S., M. A., 217 Union St., Bangor. Stanley, Howard Arthur, B. S., Schenectady, N. Y., ·with General Electric Company. Sweet, Calvin Arthur, B. S., Care of Dean ElectriG Co., Elyria, Ohio, Installer of Telephone Apparatus. Sweetser, Ernest Osgood, B. S., 5865a Romaine Place, St. Louis, Mo., Instructor in Civil Engineering, Washington University, St. Louis. Talbot, Freel William, B. S., Paraiso, Canal Zone, Panama, Instrumentman. 5 66

Taylor, Roy Edmund, B. S .. 240 Campbell :\ve., \Vest Haven, Conn., Draftsman, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., New Haven, Conn. t Thatcher, Henry Da,·id Thoreau, B. S., Dexter. Thomas, Burton l\Ierrill, B. S., 30 Deering Ave., Portland, J'l'Ie., Electrician. Thomas, Herbert Arthur, B. S., Andover, Lumbering. Thomas, Lucian Alnh, B. S., 107 \Vest 123rd St., New York City, N. Y., Draftsman, ,1·ith Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. Thomes, Edward Calderwood, B. S., 1202 Palo Alto St., Alleghany, Penn., With Penn R. R. Trafton, Ernest Eugene, B. S., 713 Burke St., Wm's Bridge, New York City, N. Y., With Western Electric Co., New York City, Special Develop­ ment Laboratory. Trask, Oland Wilbur, B. S., IO Hersey St., Portland, Artesian Well Contractor. Weeks, Carl Wellington, B. S., 62r Hillsboro St., Raleigh, N. C., Electrical Engineer, ,vith Carolina Power & Light Co. Wentworth, ::VIarion Barry, B. S., 50 West Hamilton Place, Jersey City, N. J. (l\Irs. C. 0. Perkins.) White, Alphonzo, B. S., rs Brooks Axe., \Vorcester. Mass., Draftsman for Norton Grinding Co. White, Frank Osmond, D. S., Orono. l\Ie .. Engineer in Charge of Construction, with S. :!VI. Green Inc. Engineers, Springfield, ::VIass. Whittier, Arthur Craig, B. S., 239 N. Market St., Wooster, Ohio, Chemist, Nutrition Dept. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. Wood, Alphonso, B. S., Valhalla, N. Y., Care Board of Water Supply, Topographical Draftsman.

1906 Abbott, Herbert Lester, B. S., Ann Arbor, Mich., Instructor, University of Michigan. Bacon, Roy Sawtelle, B. S., R. F. D. No. r, Dover, Mass., Farm l\Ianager. Banks, Frank Arthur, B. S., U. S. Reclamation Service, Boise, Idaho, Office Engineer to Supervising Engineer of Idaho District. Bearce, Henry Walter, B. S., (Home address, Hebron, Maine), Laboratory Assistant. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Bearce, Winfield Dexter, B. S., 5243 Greenway Ave., W. Philadelphia, Pa., Instructor in Electrical Engineering at University of Pennsyl­ vama. Bennett, Arthur Guy, B. S., Middleport, N. Y., Master Mechanic, with Empire Eng. Corporation. t Bolt, Richard Arthur. B. A. C\TALOG OF GRADUATES.

Brockie, John ::\Ieikle, B. S., Holland Patent, N. Y., Clergyman. Brown, Everett Dana, B. A. Bayamon. Porto Rico, Supervising Principal of Public Schools, Bayamon. Burke, Walter Horace, B. S .. Kennebunk, Wholesale Lumber i\Ianufacturer. Butterworth, Albert Jared, B. S., 834 So. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, Ill., With \Vestern Electric Company. Campbell, Charles William, B. S., S. 308 Grant St., Spokane, Wash. Carlson, Gotthard \Vil helm, B. S., 35 Colonial Ave., Dorchester, Mass., With New England Tel and Tel. Co., Engineering Dept., Boston, Mass. Cassey, Sidney, B. S., 16 Linden A ,·c., 550 North Grove St:, East Orange, N. J., With New York Telephone Company, Engineering Dept. Churchill, Howard Lincoln, B. S., Huntington, Mass .. Lumbering, and General Forestry Work. Colcord, Joanna Carver, B. S., Searsport, Assistant in High School. de Coligny, Guerric Gaspard, B. S., 3825 Coliseum St., New Orleans, La., Assistant Chemist, Union Oil Co., New Orleans, La. Crowell, Lincoln, B. S., Forest Service. Ogden, Utah, Forest Assistant. Currier, Charles Ellsworth, B. S., 37 Grace St.. Bloomfield, N. J., Lamp Inspector for the Electrical Testing Laboratories, East End Ave. and 8th St. Dolbier, William Ray, B. S., Boonton, N. J., Strnctural Engineer, ~ orton Construction Co. Edwards, Dayton James, B. S., 524 'Nest 123rd St., New York, N. Y., Tutor in Natural History, College of City of New York. Elliott, Hallet Carroll, B. S .. J9 Buckman St., Everett, :\1ass., Draftsman, New England Structural Company, Everett, Mass. Elms, James William, B. S .. Haskells, N. J .. Chemist, with Dupont Powder Co. Emery, Harry Alvah, B. S., 54 Nassau St., Tribune Bldg., N. Y.; Resi­ dence, r6g Madison Ave., Track Appraiser, Public Service Commission. * Forbes, Clinton Fairfield. B. S. Frost, Walter Oscar, B. S., l\fonising, Michigan, State Game. Fish, and Forest \Varden for Luce, Alger and Schoolcraft Countie,, l\Iichigan. Galland, Joseph, B. S., 216 North Brooks St., Madison, Wis., Assistant in Romance Languages and in charge of Correspond­ ence Course in Romance Languages, University of Wisconsin. Glover, Philip Holden, B. S., (Home address, Harrington, Me.), Junior Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. Gray, Claude Albert, B. S., 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill., Concrete Construction Foreman. 68 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Harlow, Frederic Hall, B. S., Gorham, Me., Agriculture and Lumbering. Hews, Wellington Prescott, B. S., U. S. Reclamation Service, North Yakima, Wash., Engineering. Hill, George Herbert, B. S., Saco. Hodgdon, Carolyn Adelle, B. A., Livermore FalJs, Assistant, in Livermore FalJs High School. Howard, Lester Boynton, B. S., Box 665, Augusta, Insurance Engineer, with Granite State Fire Insurance Co. Hoxie, Harold Shepherd, B. S., 1302 N. 49th St., Seattle, Wash., With C. M. & St. P. R.R. Hoxie, Harvey 'Hamlin, B. S., 165 Second St., San Francisco, Calif., Salesman, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg: Co. Johnson, Caleb Hartwell, B. S., M. E., St. Marys, Ohio, Mechanical Engineering, with St. Marys Machine Co., Manu­ facturers of Gas Engines and Producers. Jc nes, Gertrude May, B. S., Higganum, Conn., Teaching, Room .3, Center School, Higganum, Conn. Karl, Harold Lewis, B. S., Boonton, N. J., Engineer, Westinghouse Storage Battery Co. Kittridge, Raymond Brown, B. S., Chief Engineer's Office, Portland, Assistant Engineer, M. C. R. R. Lang, Charles Libby, B. S., Salinas, Porto Rico, Supervising Principal of the Schools of Salinas and Santa Isabel. Lord, Ralph Edwin, B. S., 413 West u7th St., New York City, N. Y., Engineering Department of The Henry Maurer & Son Fire­ proofing Co. Lovett, Merton Rooks, B. S., 63 Federal St., Beverly, Mass., Traveling Salesman for Solon Lovett. t McDermott, William Lawrence. B. S., Laconia, N. H., ·with Laconia Car Works. Nichols, Leroy Cleveland, B. S., Care of Herrick & Stebbins, 14 and 16 Church St., New York, N. Y., Electrical Engineer, Testing Elect. Ry. Systems. Olds, Robert Franklin, B. S., 1577 Greenwich St., San Francisco, Calif., Civil Engineer in Office of Constructing Quartermaster, U. S. A. Owen, George Stuart, B. S., 310 Main St., Springfield, Mass., Manager for Western Mass., Prudential Insurance Co. Paige, James Lonsdale, B. S., 52 Chapin St., Southbridge, Mass., Assistant Supt., American Optical Co. Perry, EstelJe, B. S., 1016 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill., Teacher, Eighth Grade in Chicago Latin School. Porter, Roy Hiram, B. S., 703 Hodge Ave., Ames, Iowa, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State Col­ lege. Prince, Charles Edward, B. S., Kittery, Electrician at U. S. Navy Yard, Kittery. CATALOG OF GRADUATES.

Reed, Frank Radford, Jr., B. S., Van Buren, Division Engineer, B. & A. R. R. Reynolds, Thomas Harold, B. S., Turner's Falls, Mass., Banking, Teller with Crocker Institution for Savings. Richards, Earle Revere, B. S., Rupert, Idaho, Assistant Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. Richardson, Alton Willard, B. S., Bethel, Poultryman. Rogers, David Nathan, B. S., Souvra, Calif., Deputy Forest Supervisor, United Staes Forest Service. Ross, Harold Dockum, B. S., 12 Stoddard Ave., Pittsfield, Mass., Engineering Office, Transformer Dept., General Electric Co. Sawyer, Edgar John, B. S., Milbridge, Lumbering at Grand Harbor, Grand l\Ianan, N. B., and at Columbia Falls. Sherman, Raphael Simmons, B. S., 80 Camden St., Rockland, Chief Clerk, Eastern S. S. Co., Rockland. Simmons, Frederick Johnson, B. A., Pembroke, Mass., Teacher, Principal of George Francis Hatch High School. Simmons, John Percy, B. S., 171 r rth St., Long Island City, N. Y., Civil Engineer, Union Switch and Signal Co., 143 Liberty St., New York. t Smith, Ralph Seldon, B. S., 337 West 15th St., New York City, N. Y., Telephone Engineer, with Western Electric Co. Southard, Frederick Dean, B. S., Care of Harvard Forestry School, Cambridge, Mass., Student. Sparrow, Arthur Leonard, B. S., South Orleans, Mass. Stanford, Edward Arthur, B. S., Orono, U. S. Department Agriculture, Expert. Stevens, Fred Oramel, B. S., ror5 Barristers Hall, 25 Pemberton Sq., Boston, Mass., Civil Engineer, with War Department, U. S. Engineer Office. Stewart, Frank Carroll, B. S., 26 Vv est Erie St., Chicago, Ill., Erecting Engineer with Allis-Chalmers Co. Tarbox, George Rogers, B. S., 39 vVashington St., New Britain, Conn., Assistant Mechanical Engineer, American Hardware Corpora­ tion. Wallace, James Gordon, B. S .. 31--1-r Emery St., Portland, Me., Landscape Engineer. Webber, Mary Frances, B. A., Water Works, State St., Bangor. Weymouth, Arthur Pettingill, B. S., 730 Board of Trade Building, Bos­ ton, Mass., Erecting Engineer for the Boston Erecting Dept., Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. Whitmore, Albert Ames, B. S., 846 Wisconsin St., Racine, Wis., Teacher of History in Racine High School. UNIVERSITY OF MAISE.

1907 Aiken, Edith Nora, B. A., Brewer, Mc., Teacher, Brewer High School. Alexander, William Wesley Bannister, B. S., Home address 89 Francis St., Everett, Mass., Instructor in Chemistry, Middletown High School, Middletown, Conn. Alton, Francis Osgood, B. S., Mayaguer, Porto Rico, Electrical Engineer of the Mayaguer Light & Ice Co. Austin, Alton Arthur, B. S., Ridlonville, Farmer. Balentine, Marion, B. A., Orono. (Mrs. L. J. Reed.) Barrows, Arad Thompson, B. S., Vlilson's Mills, Supt. of Construction, Aziscoos Dam. Barrows, Lucius Dwelley, B. S., Office of Public Roads, Washington, D. C., Civil Engineer. Bates, John Thaxter, B. S., Box 944, Ames, Iowa, Instructor in ::\Iechanical Engineering, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Bean, Ernest Daniel, B. S., 307 West Centre St., Medina, N. Y., Civil Engineer, N. Y. State Barge Canals (Erie). Bean, Perry Ashley, B. S., East Las Vegas, New Mexico, Rodman Civil Engineering Dept., A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co. Bird, Sidney Morse, 2nd, B. S., 25 Maple St., Rockland, Traveling Salesman. Black, vValter vV right. B. S., 20 Fayette St., Beverly, Mass., Clerk with International Trust Co., Boston, l\Iass., Brann, Benjamin Erwin, B. S., 31 Kelsey St., Waterville, Engineer, Improved Paper Machinery Co. Brawn, Ehyin Dresser, B. S., II Beckman Ave., Tarrytown, N. Y., Machine Designer. Brown, Amon Benjamin, B. S., Care of U. S. Reclamation Service, Rupert, Idaho, Chief of Field Parties. Burleigh, John Holmes, B. S., Rochester, Vt., Chief Clerk, White River R. R. Burns, Caleb Edgar Slocum, B. S., Hamakuapoko, Mani, Hawaiian Is­ lands, With Mani Agr. Co. Cayting, Arno Bnrr, B. S., 129 South Main St., Brewer, Traveling Salesman for American Tobacco Co. Claflin, Francis Marsh Albee, B. S., 90 South Common St., Lynn, Mass., Assistant Chemist, with General Electric Co. Clayton, Robert Edmund, B. S., Box 47, Hanover, l\fass., Chemist, E. H. Clapp Rubber Co. Coffin, Roy Selwyn, B. S., 32 Bower St., Bangor, Mgr. Coffin Amusement Co. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 71

Connell, Bennett Robert, B. S., 32 North Ferry St., Schenectady, N. Y., Switchboard Inspection Dept., General Electric Co. Cummings, Elmer Wallace, B. S., Fair Ground, Long Island, N. Y., Surveyor and Transitman. Davis, Charles Eugene, B. S., 21 Albermarle St., Arlington, Mass., Computer and Draftsman, with The Barbour Stockwell Co., 205 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. Devereux, Rosmar Styer, B. S., Castine, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Engineer and Inspector on State Bridge Work. Druery, Edward James, B. S., South Brewer, Chemist, with the Eastern Manufacturing Co. Ellis, Harold Milton, B. A., M. A., 124 South 6th St., Allentown, Pa., Instructor in English, Muhlenberg College. Erskine, Fred Stoddard Neville, B. S., "'.\Iarinc Officers School, Port Royal, S. C., Second Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps. Fagan, James Patrick Vincent, B. S., 40 Willard St., Berlin, N. H .. Assistant Chemist, with Burgess Sulphite Fibre Co., Berlin, N. H. Galland, Joseph, B. S., 216 North Brooks St., Madison, Wis., Assistant in Romance Languages and in charge of Correspond­ ence Courses. Garland, Carl Nathaniel, B. A., 15 School St., Bar Harbor, Clergyman. Gellerson, Rex Carleton, B. S., Old Town, Clothing Salesman. Goodrich, Joe Kinsman B. S., Kirksville, Mo., Student, American School of Osteopathy. Goodwin, George Parlin, B. S., Portland, Ore. Green, Herbert Henry, B. S., Islay, Alberta, Canada, Grain Buyer with :Matheson Lindsay Grain Co., \Vinn:peg, Mani­ toba. Hall, ·William Dickson, B. S., Presque Isle, Sub-:\Iaster, Aroostook State Normal School. Hamlin, Roy Gilbert, B. S., Gorham, N. H. Harlo,v, Ed1vard Thomas, B. S., Prince Rupert, B. C., Canada, Resident Engineer on Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. Harvell, John Perham, B. S., (Permanent address, Robbinston, :'.\Ie.), 19 Exchange St., Portland, Chief Operator, New EnglJrnd Tel. & Tel. Co. Payward, Guy Edwin, B. A., 27 W. 24th St., New York, N. Y., Assistant Credit Man, Columbia Shade Cloth Co. Hodgkins, Alden E., B. S., 188 Daball St., Providence, R. I., Instructor in :'.\Iathematics, Technical High School, PrO\·idence, R. I. Hodgkins, Lincoln Hall, B. S., Bureau of Lands, "'.\1:anila. P. I., Surveyor, Bureau of Lands, Chief Survey Party No. 27. Holbrook, Franklin Pratt, B. S., Houlton, Draftsman, Chief Engineer's Office, B. & A. R. R. l' N ffERSfTY OF l\L\Il\' E.

Hooper, Elmer Guy, B. S., Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., Instructor in Civil Engineering in Washington University. Hosmer, Fred Pote, B. S., 7416 Washington Ave., Swissvale, Pa., Assistant Chemist, Carnegie Steel Co. Hussey, Envin Howard, B. S., Guilford, Civil Engineer, Erecting Steel. for the Penn. Bridge Co. of Beaver Falls, Pa. Hutchins, Wilbury Owen, B. S., Orland. Judkins, Ernest LaRoy, B. S., 244 Green St., Schenectady, N. Y., Testing Dept., with General Electric Co. Keirstead, Horton Wilmot, B. S., Las Cascadas, Canal Zone, Panama, Levelman, Eng. Dept., Isthmian Canal Commission. Knowlton, Herbert Austin, B. S., 244 Green St., Schenectady, N. Y., Testing Dept., General Electric Co. Lambe, Emerson Peavy, B. S., U. S. S. N cw Hampshire, Care of Post­ master, New York, N. Y., Electrician, U. S. Navy. Lambe, Reginald Robert, B. S., 531 Cherry St., Elizabeth, N. J., With Ball & Wood Engine Co. Lekberg, Carl Henry, B. S., 500 Granite St., \,Vorcester, l\lass., Draftsman, Crompton and Knowles Loom Works. Lisherness, Ernest, B. S., Hampden, Civil Engineer. Lord, Arthur Russell, B. S., rorr West Illinois St., Urbana, Ill., Research Fellow m Eng. Experiment Station, University of Illinois. l\IacDonald, Karl, B. S., 578 72nd Ave., \Vest Allis, \Vis., Draftsman, with Allis-Chalmers Co. l\J cKenzie, Herman J_<:llis, B. S., Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., Engineer of Timber Tests. l\Iaddocks, Frank Everett, B. S., Bluebill, Engineer. Malloy, Thomas Angelo, B. S., 12 Wood St., Lewiston, Engineer for Contractor. l\Iansfield, Mildred Charlotte, B. A., Cherryfield, l\Ie., (Permanent ad­ dress, Orono), Teacher, Cherryfield Academy. l\lartin, Charles Henry, B. S., 66 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Engineer, Asst. Engineer l\I;iintenance of Way, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. l\I atthieu, J oscph Clarence, B. S., Care Dayon Lighting Co., New Busi­ ness Dept., Dayton. Ohio, Electric Vehicle Specialist. Merrill, Joseph Farrington, B. S .. Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass., Assistant Chemist, Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. l\litchell, Robie La11ton, B. A., Home address West Newfield, Student at University of l\Iaine College of La1Y, Bangor. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 73

Morse, 'vVarren, B. A., M. A., B. D., 82 North Main St., Brewer, l\Iinister of the First Congregational Church, Brewer. N' ewman, :\fax Gibson, B. S., 8 Harward St., Schenectady, N. Y., Student Engineer, Standardizing Laboratory, Gen. Electric Co. Nickels, Herbert Lewis, B. S., R. F. D. No. 4, Arlington, N. Y., R. R. Construction Assistant on Engineering Corps. Orne, Sidney Baxter, B. S., Sans Alita, Calif., 3rd Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Revenue Cutter Service. Packard, Harry Ellsworth, B. S., 2303 Boston St., Baltimore, Md., Clerk with the Southern Can Co. Pennell, Alcot Johnson, B. S., 155 Salem St., Malden, l\Iass., Gen. Electric Co., Lynn, l\Iass. Perry, Tedcastle Bigelow, B. S., 8 Linwood St., 'vVorcester, Mass., Foreman of Electro-Galvanizing Dept., American Steel & Wire Co. t Philbrook, Earle Walter, B. S., Lynn, New Mexico, Masonry Inspector, A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co. • Pierce, Stephen Frank, B. S., 1611 Chestnut St., Harrisburg, Pa., Draftsman on special electric and steam R. R. Work, Pennsyl­ vania Steel Co: t Purington, Heber Penn., B. S., Steelton, Pa., With the PennsylYania Steel Co., Frog & Switch Dept., Calcu­ lator and Draftsman on street railway and steam railroad special track 1rnrk. Quint, Raymon Alton, B. S., 'vV est Buxton, Supt. Power Dept., Limerick Water & Electric Co. Read, Carroll Arthur, B. S., Washington, D. C. Reed, Lowell Jacob, B. S., Orono, Tnstructor in :\Iathcmatics at University of l\Iaine. Ridge, Reginald, B. S., Houlton, Draftsman, Bangor & Aroostook R. R., Chief Engineer's Office. Rollins, Dean Whittier, B. A., Stonington, Princ,ipal of Stonington High School. Rounds, Albert Prentiss, B. S., Missoula, l\Iont., Carpenter Foreman on Concrete Building. St. Onge, Walter James, B. S .. 118 Cedar St., Elyria, Ohio, Advertising l\Ianager, Dean Electric Co., Elyria, Ohio. Sampson, Arthur Haskell, B. S., 85 Fern St., Bangor, Member of Firm, Sampson Brothers, University Supply Store. Schoppe, 'vVilliam Freeman, B. S., Bozeman, l\Iont., Assistant Poultryman, Agricultural Experiment Station. Stetson, Everett Halliday, B. S., Herminie, Pa., Civil Engineer, ,vith Ocean Coal Co., Herminie, Pa. Stetson, Howard Carlton, B. S., Vale, South Dakota, Assistant Engineer, in U. S. Reclamation Service. Stevens, Albert 'vVilliam, B. S., Pioncerville, Tdaho, Superintendent with Boston and I dal10 Gold Dredging Co. Stone, William Elmer, B. S., 71 Sigourney St., Hartford, Conn., Sales Engineer with the Automatic Refrigerating Co. 74 F::-;; l\.ERSITY OF :\L\IXE.

Swift, Porter LaForrest, B. ::3 .. Hartford, Conn., Purchasing Agent for the Automatic Refrigerating Co. Talbot, Richard Foster, B. S., Andover, Farming. Tate, Edith ;\label, B. S., Jordan. l\. Y., Assistant in Jordan High School. Tebbets, Charles Bucknam, B. S., Lock's J\Iills, Managers of E. L. Tebbets' Spool Co. Toner, Ernest Leroy, B. S .. Orono, Special Agent, Census Bureau, :\Ianufactories, Mines and Quar­ nes. Totman, Arnold \Vashington, D. S., 6008 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, III., Chicago Salesman for the \Vestcrn Roofing and Supply Co. Wash burn. Willis Flye, B. S., Orono, Chemist, with National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Williams, Benjamin Franklin, 13. S., Da,yson, Y. T., Care Yukon Gold Co., • CiYil Engineering for Yukon Gold Company. Wilson, Elmer Josiah, B. S., 463 Chestnut St:, Lynn, Mass., Engineering Course, General Electric Co., ;\Iachine and Tool Designer. Wilson, Jesse Davis, B. S., Pej epscot, Night Superintendent Fulp and Paper :\Iii!. "Witham, Lester Clyde, B. S., North Anson. Wyman, Abel Percy, B. S., l\I. C. R. R. Chief Engineer's Office, Portland, Civil Engineer for Maine Central R. R. York, Verne Jerome, B. S., 137 Wilson St., Bre,yer, Draftsman, Smith Planing ]'dill Co., Brewer.

1908 Bean, Anna Coffin. B. S., R. F. D. No. 2, Hanrhill, :\Tass., Teacher, in Littleton High School, Littleton, N. H. Bean, Chester Howe, D. S., 241 \Vest 14th St., New York City, N. Y., Draftsman, with Purdy & Henderson. Consulting Engineers. Beedle, Arthur La,uence, B. S., 4925 Linden Ave., Norwood, 0., Tes ting Dept., Allis-Chalmers Co., Cincinnati \V orks. Boyle, Claude, B. S., 644 Cass St., Milwaukee, Wis., Chemist, with Patton Paint Co. Brown, Sarah Ellen, B. A., Old Town, Teacher of Greek and Latin in Orono High School. Brownell, Chester Arthur, B. S., 16 Gibbs Ave., Nrn·port, R. I., Surveyor, U. S. Engineering Dept. Chase, Daniel, B. A., Roxbmy, N. Y., Secretary of Eastern Delaware County Y. l\L C. A. Cobb, William Alfred, B. S., 141 Hampshire St., Auburn, In charge of Cement Testing Laboratory, Androscoggin Reser­ voir Co. t Collins, Bernard Ira. B. S. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 75

Cummings, Robert Lincoln, B. S., SII Lebanon St., Melrose, Mass., Teacher of Science and English in Melrose High School. t Dixon, Leon Snell, B. S. Dow, Owen Oscar, B. S., 37 Linden Place, Brookline, Mass., With S. S. Pierce Co., \Vholesale and Retail Grocers. Draper, Clifford Lester, B. S., 24 W. Erie St., Chicago, Ill., With General Electric Co. Durgin, Albert Guy, B. S., :-I. S., Orono, l\Ie., Asst. Chemist, l\Ie. Agricultural Experiment Station. • Emery, Francis Philip, B. S., 4 Commercial St., Boston, Mass., With Emery & Co., Wholesale Bakers' Specialties. Estabrooke, Elizabeth Read, B. A., Orono, Teacher of English in Orono High School. Eveleth, Harry Pope, B. S., 9 Thornley St., Dorchester, Mass. Farnsworth, Alice Belle, B. A., Canton, Principal of the Canton High School. t Farnsworth, James Pitt, B. S. Raymond Fellows, B. A., 144 Exchange St., Bangor, Lawyer. Fessenden, Thomas \Vhitmore, B. A., D. D., 172 Federal St., Salem, Mass., Pastor of Wesley :'.vI. E. Church. Fisher, Roy Haynes, B. S., Pepperell, Mass., \Vith Parker Bateman & Chase, Civil Engineers, Clinton, Mass. Resident Engineer in charge of construction of Dougfas Water \Vorks, E. Douglas, Mass. Fogler, Ben Baker, B. S., \i\'cst Ne,vbury, Mass. Home Address, Skow­ hegan, J\Ie., Assistant in Private Engineering Experimental Shops, West Newbury, Mass. Foster, Roberto Mower, B. S., 519 Grand Ave., Riverside, Calif. French, Cecil Sumner, B. S., 510 Eastern Ave., Lynn, Mass., Graduate Student Course with General Electric Co. Gannett, James Adrian, B. S., Orono, Commercial Secretary, University of Maine.• Hanscom, Arthur Snow, B. S., \Vagner, Montana, Instrumentman, U. S. R. S. Hardison, Grover 1\Ierrill, B. S., Caribou, With P. L. Hardison, Surveyor, Caribou. Harris, Bell Curry, B. A., 141 Hampshire St., Auburn. (l\Irs. W. A. Cobb.) Hill, William Andrew, B. S., Great Falls, Montana, G. F. W. P. & T. Co., Instrument man on Construction. Hilliard, Stanley Tyng, B. S., Key West, Fla., With The Key West Electric Co. Hopkins, George Jesse, B. S., 29 Spring St., Bath, Draftsman, Hyde Windlass Co. Irish, Joshua Swett, B. S., Gorham, Farmer. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

t Jacobs, Joseph, B. S. Johnson, Charles Arthur, B. S., La Tuque, P. Q., Canada, Resident Engineer, Quebec & St. Maurice Ind. Co. Kendrigan, John Thompson, B. S., Mercer, Wis., Sec. and Treas., Keewatin Camps. i" Knight, George Raymond, B. S. Lanpher, Stacy Clifford, B. A., Sebec Station, Teacher. • Libby, Paul, B. S., 198 Main St., Somersworth, N. H., With F. C. Wales, C. E., 8 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Locke, Samuel Barron, B. S., West Paris, Student, Yale Forest School. Lord, Leslie Roland, B. S., n6o3 Mayfield Road, Cleveland, 0., Sales Dept. of the Electric Storage Battery Co. of Philadelphia, Pa., Cleveland Office. McNamara, \Villiam Stephen, B. S., New Portland, Me., Principal of New Portland High School. Macomber, Carlton Hambly, B. S., 27 Park St., Providence, R. I., Gear Dept., Brown and Sharpe Mfg. Co. Matheas, Frederico \Valter, B. S., Bangor, Rodman, R. R. Eng. Merrill, Anne :\fargaret, B. A., Box 27, Port Deposit, :\f d., Teacher of French and German, Girls' High School, Jacob Tome Institute. Meserve, Claude Pitman, B. S., No. Bridgton. Milliken, Earle Linwood, B. S., Sydney, N. S., Lighting Supt., Cape Breton Electric Co. Miner, Henry LeRoy, B. S., Pompton Lakes, N. J., Chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Co., Haskell, N. J. Morrison, James Joseph, B. S., 30 Rutland Sq., Boston, Mass., With D. C. & \Vm. B. Jackson, Boston, Mass. Morton, Fred Constine, B. S., Care l\Ieter Dept., Lowell Electric Light Corporation, Lowell, :\I ass .. \Vith Stone & \Vebster of Boston. Perkins, Howard Le,yis, B. S., 1039 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., Electrical Testing. Potter, Robert Eaton, B. S., 23 ·washington St., Bath, Draftsman, Bath Iron \Vorks. Robinson, Philip Increase, B. S., Houghton County Traction Co., Hough­ ton, Mich., Asst. Elec. Eng. with the Houghton County Elec. Lt. Co. & Houghton County Traction Co. Scammon, \1/illiam Francis, B. A., Berlin Mills, N. H. Skofield, Perley Fiske, B. S., State House, Au,gusta, Agent in Charge, Investigation of Dairy Products, Maine Dept. of Agriculture. Smith, Raymond Judson, B. S., 432 Thomps.on St., Ann Arbor, Mich., Graduate Student in Forestry, University of Michigan. CATi\LOG OF GRADUATE:S. 77

Steward, Robert Kent, B. S., 701 W. Illinois St., Urbana, Ill., Instrnctor in Gen. Eng. Drawing, University of Illinois. Sturtevant, Merle Alton, B. S., Buckfield, Me., Principal, Buckfield High School. Sturtevant, Walter Linwood, B. S., 565 Western Ave., Lynn, Mass., Chemist, General Electric Company. Thomas, Searle Fowler, B. S., 630 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Conn., Purchasing Agent, The Automatic Refrigerating Co. Trask, Warren Dudley, B. S., Valier, Montana, Draftsman, Conrad Land & \Nater Co. Vickery, Earle Nelson, B. S., Pittsfield, ::\Ie., With Sebasticook Power Co. Weston, Clarence McLellan, B. S., Care U. S. Geological Survey, Wash­ ington, D. C., • Junior Topographer, U. S. Geological Survey. Wilbur, Walter Edmund, B. S., Orono, Instructor in Mathematics, UniYersity of ::\Taine. t Wood, Louis Carl, B. S.

1909 Bennet, DaCosta Fitz::\Iauricc>, B. A., vVindber, Pa., With Berwind-White Coal Mining Co. Black, William J\Iilgate, B. S., 129 West 69th St., New York City, N. Y., Tutor in '.\Iechanical Drawing and :.\Iathematics, and Athletic Director, Blake School, 537 Fifth AYe., N. Y. BO\rnian, Harold J\Iclvillc. B. S., Salmon Falls, N. H., Assistant Supt., Somersworth Foundry Co. Brann, Bertrand French, B. S .. 227 Essex St., Bangor, Instructor in Chemistry, University of J\laine. Callahan, Edgar Frederick, B. A., 122 Penobscot St., Rumford, Principal, Grammar School. Carlisle, George Thomas, Jr., n. S., N. Edgecomb, vVith Fisher & Bryant, Consulting Foresters, 141 Milk St., Bos­ ton, Mass. Carter, \Varrcn Alfred, B. S., Houlton, Sub-master, Ricker Classical Institute. Chandler, Bernard Albert. B. S .. 8 Prospect Place, New Haven, Conn., Student, Yale Forest School. Chase, Florence Polleys, B. A., Baring, Assistant, K orridgewock High School, Norridgewock. Chase, ::\Jary Ella, B. A., Hillside, Wis., Teacher of History, Hillside Home School. Conner, \i\Tarren Edward, B. S., \i\Tagner, Mont., U. S. Reclamation Sen·ice. Corson, Preston Llewellyn, B. S., 151 \;Vest 14th St., New York, N. Y., Traffic Dept., N. Y. Tel. Co. Cram, Frederick Sutherland. B. S., U. S. R. S., Oswego, Montana, Rodman, U. S. Reclamation Service. Davis, Cyrus Hersey, B. S., Phillips. Assistant Electrical Engineer. Deering, George Percy, B. S., \Vinslow·s :\[il:s, Snrvcyman, C S. Eng. Dept., Newport, R. I. Eddy, Harold Frederick, B. S., roi 5 Center ~he., Bay City, Mich., :\Iagneto and Ignition Expert, General :\Iachinery Co. Emerson, \Valter Lee, B. S .. i20 Exchange St.. Portland, Civil Engineer, \\ith Sawyer and :\foulton. Estey, Chester Arthur, B. S .. Lisbon Falls. Farrar, Cecil C., B. A., Old Tmrn. ;\f anager of Printing Dept., Old Tmn1 Enterprise. Farwell, Howard Lm·ering. B. S., 44 Harvest St., Boston, Mass., Up­ ham's Corner Station. Finnigan, Edward Joseph, B. S., 8 DeFoe Place, Providence, R. I., Rodman, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., Providence Division. Fogler, \Villiam Andrew, B. S., 321 Lake St., Oak Park, Ill., \Vith \Vestern Electric Co. Foote, Frederick \Villiam, B. A., 98 Orchard St., vV. Somerville, Mass., Clergyman, and Student in Han·ard Divinity School. Gardner, Edward Earle, B. S., 87 Harvard St., Brookline, Mass., Clerk, Bo\vker's Pharmacy, Brookline. Gerrity, Joe Warren, B. S., 95 l\Iilk St., Boston, :\Tass., Lumber business. Gilbert, \Villiam Henry, B. A., Limestone, Principal, High s·chool. Goodrich, :\Ierton Taylor, B. S., Dixfield, Principal, Dixfield High School. Haggett, Harold Daniel, B. S., ror3 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., Ass't on Eng'r Corps, Pittsburgh Div., Pa. R. R. Haines, \Villis Nathan. B. A., Caribou, Agent, American Express Co. Hall. Earle \Vilmer, B. S., Farmington. Foreman of Line Construction, Franklin Power Co. Ham, Philip Winthrop, B. S., Y. M. C. A., Newark, N. J., Draftsman, Hay Foundry and Iron Works. Harvey, Walter Ora, B. S., 81 Saunders St., La\uence, Mass., Draftsman, American Woolen Co. Henry, Ralph :'.\Iorton, B. S., 22 Berkley St., Cumberland Mills, Engineering Apprentice, General Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. Higgins, Harrison Parker, B. S., JO vValdo St., Somerville, Mass .. Engineer on Power Station Construction. Holton, Carl Russell, B. S., Box rr9, Vilas, Pa., On Engineering Corps, M. of W .. Penn. Div., N. Y. C. & H. R.R. R. Hutchinson. Arthur Nash, B. S., Y. l\I. C. A. Bldg., Newark, N. J., With General Electric Co., Harrison, N. J. Jackson, Ralph Lysander, B. S., 14 Peabody St., Newton, Mass., Draftsman, Boston & Albany R. R., Boston, Mass. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 79

Johnson, Ho,vard Rich, B. S., 6r2 Smith St., Schenectady, N. Y., Test man, Test Dept.. General Electric Co. Keating, Edmund Bernard, B. S., 231 Cumberland Ave., Portland, Civil Engineer, Peaks Island \Vater & Light Co. Kimball, Winfield Alfred, B. S., Care Endicott Hotel, :VIilford, N. H., Sub-master, l\Iilford High School. Knight, Frederick Daniel, B. S., 6or Flatiron Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas, Construction Engineer, Stone & \Vebster Eng. Corps. Knight, Martha Grover, B. S .. Dixfield. Assistant, Dixfield High School. Littlefield, Joseph Philip, B. S., Ogunquit. McArthur, Chase, B. S., ~outh Boston, Mass., Principal, Perkins Institution. t McElroy, Joseph Walter, B. S. MacLean, Daniel Wallace, B. S., Alton, X. H., Principal, Alton High School. Mason, Jesse Ham, B. S., r IO Dodge St., Beverly, Mass., Chemist, General Electric Co .. Lynn, Mass. Mayo, Norman Haskell, B. S., Orono, Tutor in Civil Engineering, Cniversity of Maine. Merriman, i\·Ierle Eli, B. S., 127 Huntington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, Instructor in :\Ianual Training in Public Schools. Miller, Harold Redmere, B. S., South Berwick. l\Iooney, Percy Patrick, B. S., 77 :\fall St., W. Lynn, Mass., \Vith General Electric Co. :!\Ioore, Irving Hartwell, B. S .. 321 Lake St., Oak Park, Ill., Sales Dept., \~Festern Electric Co. Morrell, Harry Edwin. B. S., 2.p West 14th St., New York, N. Y., \Vith U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co. Morrison, Robley Howe, B. S., Rumford, Assistant Chemist, Oxford Paper Co. Morton, Edward \Vatts, B. S., Box 3, Victor, Montana, Farmer, Bitter Root Orchards, Inc. Nash, Henry Leighton, B. S .. 321 Lake St., Oak Park, Ill., Sales Dept., \Vestern Electric Co. Nauman, George Valentine, B. S., 5 Fairmount St., Portland, Salesman, l;ndenrnod Typewriter Co. Neal, Arthur Francisco, B. S., II West 21st St., New York, N. Y., Traffic Dept., New York Telephone Co. Osgood, William Thompson, B. S., Garland. Paine, Charles Brooks, B. S., Care J\IcArtlrnr Bros. Co. & Winston & Co., Brown's Station, N. Y., Civil Engineering, Office man. Palladino, Frederick, Ph. B., B. A., r6o Essex St., Bangor, Pastor, First l\Iethodist Episcopal Church. Parker, Horace Albion, B. S., Oswego, Montana, U. S. Reclamation Service, Fort Peck Project. Patterson, Alfred Bassett, B. S., 1214 Walker Ave., Houston, Texas, Draftsman. So UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Pettigrew, Herbert Tracy, B. S., 62 Nash St., New Haven, Conn., With Engineering Corps, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co. Philbrook, Howa,rd Grenville, B. S., Woonsocket Electric Machine & Power Co., vVoonsocket, R. I., Power Salesman and Illuminating Engineer. Pike, Lewis Freeman, B. S., Milton, N. H., Forester, with R. L. Marston, Skowhegan. Plumly, Clinton Alley, B. S., Care Maine Central R. R., Portland, Engineering Dept., M. C. R. R. Pray, Elmer Onsville, B. S., Hingham, Mass., Timekeeper, Fred T. Ley _& Co. Randall, James William, B. S., Freeport, Rodman, Maine Central R. R. Rich, Harold Arthur, B. S., II West 21st St., New York, N. Y., Draftsman, Carrere & Hastings, Architects. Richardson, Frank Cummings, B. S., Southern Pines, N. C. Richardson, Irene Clara, B. A., 511 8th Ave., East Vancouver, B. C. Roberts, Benjamin Lewis, B. S., Care Fisher & Bryant, Consulting For- esters, 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass., Forester. Robinson, Reginald Elton, B. S., 120 Madison St., Dayton, Ohio, Engineering Dept., Dayton Motor Car Co. Rollins, Kenneth Albert, B. A., Farmington Falls, Law Student. Shatney, Thomas Franklin, B. S., Orono, Teacher. Shaw, Christine Myrtle, B. A., Bluebill, Assistant, George Stevens Academy. Shaw, Cora May, B. A., BluehiJI, Assistant, George Stevens Academy. Smith, Dexter Southworth Johnson, B. S., 55 4th St., Bangor, Student, Doe Business College. Smith, George Lewis, B. S., 132 Summit St., Hyde Park, Mass., Asst. l\Igr., Eastern Engineering & Supply Co., Boston, Mass. Smith, Herman Brackett, B. S., Saco. Smith, Harry Woodbury, B. S., Addison, Principal, Addison High School. Smith, Wilbur Olin, B. S., 7 Cottage St., Peabody, Mass., Assistant, D. C. & Wm. B. Jackson, Engineers, 84 State St., Boston, Mass. Southwick, Everett Frost, B. S., 208 Lowell St., Peabody, Mass., Farmer. Sutton, Harry Ed\\·ard, B. S., 95 Milk St., Boston, lVIass., Lumber business. Sweetser, George R., B. S., 36 Seventh St., Bangor, Student, University of Maine College of Law. Thomas, Deane Stanley, B. S., 44 Boutelle St., Leominster, Mass., Teacher of English, Leominster High School. CATALOG OF GRADUATES. 81

Torrey, Guy Ellicott, B. S., Bar Harbor, With Bar Harbor Banking & Trust Co. Towle, Elton La Forrest, B. S., 449 50th Ave., West Allis Station, Mil­ waukee, Wis., Engineer with Allis-Chalmers Co. Tripp, James Woodbury, B. A., Clinton, Clergyman. Wadsworth, Francis George, B. S., Ridlonville, Supt. of Schools, Mexico-Dixfield District. Wescott, Thurman Cary, B. S., Patten (home address), Care Asst. Dist. Eng'r Penna. Division, Corning, N. Y., Rodman, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. White, Harry Alfred, B. S., 33 Nahant St., Lynn, Mass., Time Clerk, Eastern Concrete Construction Co. 'vVilliams, Guy Herbert, B. S., 1480 Goodfellow Ave., St. Louis, Mo., Asst. on Eng. Corps, Missouri Pacific Ry. Systems. Woodbmy, Dwight, B. S., 5 Wilder Hall, Hanover, N. H., Assistant in Physics, Dartmouth College. Woods, Harry Morgan, B. A., Orono, Assistant to the Director, Maine Agricultural Experiment Sta­ tion.


Those marked (L. E.) completed the course in library economy; others the short pharmacy course.

1895 Hamilton, Geneva Ring, (L. E.), 49 Dix St., Dorchester, Mass., (Mrs. F. H. Bowerman.) Ring, Virginia Mary, (L. E.), Sangerville, (Mrs. D. 0. Campbell.) Sheridan, Lena Matilda, (L. E.), n8 E. 62nd St., New York, N. Y., (Mrs. A. B. Aubert.)

1896 Green, Carrie Smythe, (L. E.), 893 Brush St., Detroit, Mich., (Mrs. Wm. J. Campbell.) Vinal, Rena Pearl, (L. E.), Orono.

1897 Bartlett, Charles Simming, Cor. 18o Turner St., Auburn, Druggist. Bird, James Alfred, 571 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass., Druggist. Gardner, Hope, (L. E.), Piercefield, N. Y., (Mrs. S. C. Dillingham.) Keirstead, Alvin Willard, Wiscasset, Druggist. McCrillis, Ernest Julian, Franklin, N. H., Druggist. McCrillis, William George, Bristol, N. H., Druggist. Nute, Albert James, Ph. G., B. S., M. D., Ellis Island, New York City, N. Y., A. A. Surgeon, U. S. Marine Hospital Service. Parker, Dora Lucinda, (L. E.), Danvers, Mass., Stenographer. White, Charles Harry, Orono, Postmaster. GRADUATES OF SHORT COURSES.

t Cleaves, Daniel Lunt, B. S. Hall, Fred Elmer, Houlton, Shipping Business, (Potatoes, Baled Hay, etc.) MacDougal, Wilbur Edwin, M. D., East Millinocket, Physician and Surgeon. Mitchell, Curtis Boyce, Unity, Druggist. Walton, Russell Davenport, M. D., Frankfort, Physician.

1899 Webster, William Bryant, Ph. G., 58o Broad St., East Weymouth, Mass., Druggist, 727 Broad St.

1900 Crowell, William Henry, 254 Main St., New Britain, Conn., Druggist, Proprietor of Crowell's Drug Store. Larrabee, George Pearson, Ph. C., Presque Isle, Kerr & Larrabee, Pharmacists. Taft, DeForest Reed, Ph. C., Winchester, N. H., Chemist and Dyer.

1901 Berry, Richard Henry Ph. C., Pittsfield, Druggist. Sanford, John Foy, Ph. C., York Village, Proprietor of Drug Store.

1902 Burns, Frank Percy, Ph. C., Augusta, Druggist. Clarke, Ralph Everett, Ph. C., Kittery, Druggist. Tate, Walter Maurice, Ph. C., 36 March St., Bangor, Drug Clerk, Caldwell Sweet & Co.

1903 Cowan, Ernest Lester, Ph. C., Rumford, Druggist. Cowles, Harry Davis, Ph. C., B. S. See Class of 1905. Hoyt, Andy Laurin, Ph. C., South Windham, Druggist. Race, James Leroy, Ph. C., East Boothbay, Race & Co., Druggists. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

1904 Chandler, Mary Ruggles, Ph. C., Columbia Falls, Druggist. Derby, Frank Albert, Ph. C., Livermore Falls, Drug Clerk. Huen, Charles John, Ph. C., 41 Hampshire St., Auburn, Manager, 0. W. Jones, Branch Store. Kittridge, John Raymond, Ph. C., Rockland, Druggist. Sikes, Walter Scott, Ph. C., 827 State St., Springfield, Mass., Druggist.

1905 Bailey, Frank Linwood, Ph. C., 1205 Morton St., Mattapan, Mass., Drug Salesman with Cudahy Packing Co., Boston, Mass. Chaney, Irvin Wayne, Ph. C., 7 Hersom St., Stoneham, Mass., Analytical Chemist, E. L. Patch Laboratory. Hurd, William Bromley, Ph. C., 313 Union St., Lynn, Mass., Prescription Clerk, Ropes Drug Co. Reemie, Edgar Warren, Ph. C., Holliston, Mass., Druggist.

1906 Gordon, Harry Leon, Ph. C., Boston, l\1ass., Head of Prescription Department, Adams House Pharmacy. Marr, Leon Herbert, Ph. C., Farmington, Druggist.

1907 Beal, Arthur Nathaniel, Ph. C., Rumford, Druggist. Butterfield, Carroll Curtis, Ph. C., Dover, Pharmacist, with Larkin Drug Co., Waterville. Findlen, Thomas Miles, Ph. C., Van Buren, Druggist; Mgr. Van Buren Drug Co. Riddle, Harry Colburn, Ph. C., Rangeley, Prop. Riddle's Pharmacy. Saunders, William Houston, Ph. C., Deer Isle, Druggist, with E. M. Staples, N. E. Harbor. White, Frank Manly, Ph. C., ViI?alhaven, Druggist; Mgr. F. M. White & Co., Druggists.

1908 Bartlett, Fred Ellward, Ph. C., 147 Washington St., Boston, Mass., Drug Clerk and Salesman, Riker-Jaynes Co. Bradish, Howard Gilson, Ph. C., Calais, Druggist with P. L. Lord. GRADUATES OF SHORT COURSES. 85

Ormsby, William Herbert, Ph. C., Houlton, Druggist, with the Cochran Drug Store. Ridlon, Myron Herbert, Ph. C., Kezar Falls, Druggist.

1909 Barker, Lester Alonzo, Ph. C., Hamboldt Ave., Boston, Mass., Druggist. Kelleher, Adrian Fitzgerald, Ph. C., Ft. Fairfield, With Ft. Fairfield Drug Co. Mann, Roy Edward, Ph. C., 81 Exchange St., Bangor, Druggist with F. D. Wyman. Miller, Orrin Linwood, Ph. C., Princeton, Druggist in Johnson's Pharmacy. Sewall, Howard Newton, Ph. C., Middleboro, Mass., Druggist with Morse's Pharmacy.


1899 Fenderson, Frank Devereux, LL. B., Limerick, Lawyer. (Lord & Ferguson.) Graham, Herbert Lewis, LL. B., Bar Harbor, Lawyer. McGill, Laurence Vincent, LL. B., Rooms 10 and II, Dodge Bldg., Rochester, N. H., Lawyer and Judge of Municipal Court.

1900 Barker, Lewis Appleton, LL. B., Bangor, Lawyer. Cook, Harold Elijah, LL. B., Court House, Augusta, Judge of Probate for the County of Kennebec. Dolan, John Frederick, LL. B., Bangor, Lawyer. t Foss, Paul Frank, LL. B., 212 American Bank Building, Seattle, Wash., Lawyer. Gerrish, Hiram, LL. B., Brownville, Lawyer. Gibbs, Bernard, B. Ph., LL. B., Madison, Lawyer. Graton, Claude Dewing, M. A., LL. B., Burlington, Vt., Lawyer. Hobson, Ernest Emery, LL. B., Palmer, Mass., Lawyer. 86 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Hutchings, Ed;ward, LL. B., 31 Elm St., Springfield, Mass., Lawyer. Jones, Freeland, LL. B., Bangor, Lawyer. Ludgate, Verdi, LL. B., Sherman Mills, Lawyer. McCarthy, Matthew, LL. B., Rumford, Lawyer. Mackay, John Daniel, LL. M., Savings Bank Bldg., Quincy, Mass., Lawyer; (Mackay & Mackay). Mills, Chester Horace, LL. B., Jackman, Lawyer. Phillips, Harold John, LL. B., Skowhegan, Lawyer. Pierce, Howard, LL. B., Mars Hill, Lawyer. * Price, Arthur Wellington, LL. B. Robinson, Agnes May, LL. B., Sherman Station, (Mrs. Agnes R. Goodwin.) S2.rgent, Walter Joseph, B. A., LL. B., Brewer, Lawyer. Schwartz, Lewis Harry, LL. B., Bay State Bldg., Lawrence, Mass., Lawyer. Small, Frank Jackson, A. B., LL. B., 173 Main St., Waterville, Lawyer. Stevenson, James Bissett, LL. B., Rumford, Lawyer. Theriault, Dana Leo, LL. B., Fort Kent, Lawyer. Thompson, Frederick Everett, A. B., LL. B., Care J. R. Williston & Co., 7 Nassau St., New York, N. Y., Stock Broker. Waterhouse, William Henry, LL. B., Old Town, Lawyer. Williams, Dana Scott, LL. B., 215 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Lawyer.

1901 Butler, Ernest Clifford, LL. B., Skowhegan, Lawyer. i" Butterfield, Benjamin Franklin, LL. B. Foster, Nathan Grant, A. M., LL. B., Ridlonville, Lawyer. Plumstead, Frank, LL. B., Waterville, Lawyer. GRADUATES OF SHORT COURSES.

1902 Anderson, Thomas Alexander, LL. B., Pittsfield, Lawyer. Dunn, Patrick Henry, LL. B., 83 Chamberlain St., Brewer, Real Estate Agent and Dealer in Timber Lands. Holman, Charles Vey, LL. M., 88 Broadway, Bangor, Lawyer, offices 20 Pemberton Sq., Room 806, Boston, Mass., and • 144 Exchange St., Bangor. Kenniston, Hartley Garfield, LL. B., 85 Market St., Portland, General Agent National Casualty Company. Lord, Harry, LL. B., 79 Exchange St., Bangor, Insurance Agent. Mackay, Malcolm, LL. B., Savings Bank Bldg., Quincy, Mass., Lawyer (Mackay & Mackay). O'Halloran, James, 54 Main St., North Adams, ::viass., Lawyer. Putnam, Varney Arthur, LL. B., Danforth, Postmaster. Ritter, George William, LL. B., 243 High St., Holyoke, Mass., Lawyer. Robinson, William Henry, LL. B., Residence 27 Dillingham St., Bangor, Lawyer, 42 Hammond St. t Selkirk, Robert William, LL. B. Thurlough, Harry Harding, LL. B., Pittsfield, Lawyer. "'Weatherbee, Albert Washington, LL. B. Wilson, Frank Palmer, LL. B., 3 Broad St., New York City, N. Y., Lawyer; Firm of Bovie and Wilson.

1903 Bennett, Waldo Horace, LL. B., Newport, Lawyer. Buckley, William Wallace, LL. B., Hotel Columbia, Southbridge, Mass., Lawyer and City Clerk. Geary, Thomas Reardon,, LL. M., 437 Main., Springfield, Mass., Lawyer. Morson. James Herbert, LL. B., 18 Tremont St., Boston, :'\lass., Lawyer. l\fodgett. Ulysses Grant, LL. M., 20 Hammond St., Bangor, Lawyer. Murray, Edward Patrick, LL. B., 227 Pine St., Bangor, Lawyer. Noble, Ernest Eugene, A. B., LL. B., 85 Market St., Portland, Lawyer. Potter, Paul, B. A., LL. B., 502 State Mutual Bldg., Worcester, :'\lass., Lawyer. Reid. Charles Hickson, Jr., LL. B., 6o Lincoln St., Bangor, Lawyer, and Recorder of Municipal Court. 88 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Snow, Donald Francis, A. B., LL. M., 17 Broad St., Bangor, Lawyer. Thombs, George Warren, LL. B., Lincoln, Lawyer. Violette, Nil Louis, LL. B., South Berwick, Government Employee. Winn, George Hayes, LL. B., Lewiston, Lawyer.

1904 Bartlett, Mark Johnson, B. Ph., LL. B., Waterville, Lawyer. Blanchard, Benjamin Willis, LL. B., 126 Grant St., Lawyer. t Bryant, Glidden, LL. B., Newcastle, Lawyer. Clarke, Edward Everett, LL. B., I82 Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass., Lawyer. Clough, George Edwin, LL. B., Palmer, Mass., Lawyer. Haley, John Howard, LL. B., Hartland, Lawyer. Ham, John Chellis, M. D., LL. B., Thorndike, Physician. Hight, Clarence Bertram, LL. M., Skowhegan, Lawyer. Lang, Alfred Alexander, LL. B., 120 Main St., Gloucester, Mass., Lawyer. t Lougee, George, LL. B., Conway, N. H., Lawyer. l\Ierrill, John Bryant, LL. B., 39 Hammond St., Bangor, Lawyer. Nelson, John Edward, A. B., LL. B., 13 Appleton St., Waterville, Lawyer. Putnam, Edgar Burnham, LL. B., Danforth, Lawyer. t Sipprelle, Judson Emery, LL. B.

1905 Bridges, Ansel Harrison, LL. M., Waterville, Lawyer. Brown, Leon Gilman Carleton, LL. B., 6 Highland Ave., Milo, Lawyer. Brown, Royal Weaver, LL. B., Cutler, Clergyman. Cra\dord, Adolphus Stanley, Jr., LL. B., Room ITO, Merrill Trust Bldg., Bangor, Lawyer. GRADUATES OF SHORT COURSES. 89

Davis, Waldo Trevor, A. B., LL. B., 98 West St., Clinton, Mass., Lawyer, Office 726 State Mutual Bldg., Worcester, Mass. Doyle, Joseph Henry, LL. B., Milford, Mass., Lawyer. Foster, Walter Herbert, LL. B., 76 Tonawanda St., Dorchester, Mass., Lawyer. Office 50 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Gardner, Herbert Nelson, LL. B., 120 Exchange St., Portland, Lawyer. Johnson, William Asbury, LL. B., Great Falls, Mont., Lawyer. Keyes, Orman Leroy, LL. B., Caribou, Lawyer. Lancaster, Arthur Blaine, LL. B., 193 Brunswick Ave., Gardiner, Lumberman. Linehan, Daniel Joseph, LL. B., 50 Merrimack St., Haverhill, Mass., Lawyer. MacLean, Neil Vincent, LL. B., Merrill Trust Bldg., Bangor, Lawyer. Record, Lewis Stillman, Ph. B., LL. B., Ashland, N. H., Lawyer; Judge Ashland Police Court. Robinson, Curville Charles, LL. B., 5614 Fifth Ave., Borough Park, Brooklyn, N. Y., Lawyer. Smalley, Charles Tobias, LL. B., 407 Main St., Rockland, Lawyer. Wall, Erastus Lewis, A. B., LL. B., Evanston, Ill., Clergyman. Winslow, Joseph Towne, LL. B., Rochester, N. Y., Associate Editor, Lawyer's Co-Operative Publishing Co. Worster, George Henry, LL. M., 20 Hammond St., Bangor, Lawyer and Instructor in the University of Maine College of Law.

1906 Brooks, Gerry Lynn, LL. B., 88½ Exchange St., Portland, Lawyer. Brown, Winfield Scott, B. A., LL. B., Dexter, Lawyer. Burnham, Elmer John, LL. B., Kittery, Lawyer and Manager Lawyers Incorporation & Transfer Co. Colby, James Adams, LL. B.; Business, 518-520 Kimball Bldg., r8 Tre­ mont St., Boston, Mass.; Home, ro8 Grove St., Lynn, Mass., Lawyer. Conners, Charles Patrick, B. A., LL. B., 45 Milk St., Boston, ::\1ass., Lawyer. Cotton, Carl, B. A., LL. B., Contoocook, N. H .. Principal, Hopkinton• High School. 90 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Cowan, George Albert, LL. B., Tenant's Harbor, Lawyer. Donnelly, James Albert, LL. B., Houlton, Lawyer. Doyle, Frederick Eugene, B. A., LL. B., Millinocket, Lawyer. Dunbar, Oscar Hall, LL. B., Jonesport, Lawyer. t Fox, Lewis Ed,,·in, LL. B., Bangor, t Harris, Moses Harry, LL. B. Hasty, Percy Albert, LL. B., Dexter, Lawyer; Firm of Brown & Hasty. Laliberte, Joseph Alphonse, LL. B., Fort Kent, Lawyer. Littlefield, Eben Frank, LL. B., 3 Odd Fellows Block, Belfast, Lawyer. Pike, George William, LL. B., Lisbon, N. H., Lawyer. Roix, William Richard, LL. B., Limestone, Lawyer. Swett, Lucius Black, LL. B., Sanford, Lawyer.

1907 Archibald, Bernard, B. A., LL. B., Houlton, Lawyer; Firm of Power~ & Archibald. Bangs, Harry Edgar, LL. B., Freedom, · Lawyer. Buckley, John, LL. B., 756 Main St., Hartford, Conn., Lawyer. Clark, Jerome Borden, LL. B., Presque Isle, Lawyer. DeWolfe, Robert William, LL. B., 193 Danforth St., Portland, Lawyer, 88½ Exchange St., Portland. Keegan, John Joseph, LL. B., Lubec, Lawyer. Monroe, Edward Roy, LL. B., Portland. Moody, John Franklin, Jr., B. A., LL. B., North Bridgton, Asst. Principal, Bridgton Academy. O'Halloran, Thomas Henry, LL. B., r8r Main St., Marlboro, Mass., Lawyer. Perry, Lawrence Swift, LL B., ro5 Summer St., New Bedford, Mass., Lawyer. GRADUATES OF SHORT COURSES. 91

1908 Blossom, Charles Albert Gooding, LL. B., 40 First St., E. Cambridge, Mass., Lumber Salesman. Burgess, Frank Beaumont, LL. B., Foxcroft, Lawyer. Davidson, Edward Burleigh, LL. B., Cor. 4th and Main Sts., La Fay­ ette, Ind., Lawyer. Dudley, John Perley, LL. B., Houlton, Deputy Collector of Customs. Goss, Ralph Wentworth, LL. B., Berwick, Lawyer. Hamilton, Willard Packard, (B. A., Bates, 1895), LL. B., Caribou, Lawyer. Lewis, Charles Goodell, LL. B., 84 State St., Boston, Mass., Lawyer. Maxwell, James Davidson, LL. B., Island Falls, Lawyer. Nolan, Harry McDonald, LL. M., Hotel Savoy, Haverhill, Mass., Manager and Partner, Hotel Savoy. Purington, Frank Howard, (B. A., Bates, 1896), LL. B., 120 Exchange St., Portland, Lawyer. Rideout, Morton Howard, LL. B., 49 Hammond St., Bangor, Lawyer. Ridlon, Horace Denver, LL. B., Corinna, Lawyer. Seavey, Ernest Linwood, LL. B., Seattle, Wash., Lawyer. Skillin, Carroll Brown, LL. B., 95 Exchange St., Portland, Lawyer. Waldron, William Linscott, (B. A., Colby, 1899; M. A., Maine, 1906), LL. B., Waterville, Principal, Brewer High School, Brewer.

1909 Anderson, Albert Edward, LL. B., 272 Danforth St., Portland, Lawyer; Office, 36 Exchange St. Archer. Hiram John, LL. B., Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., Lawyer. Bridgham, Edward Williams, LL. B., Bridgton, Lawyer. C;irtier, Arthur Jean Baptiste, LL. B., 138 Main St., Biddeford, Lawyer. Elder, Harry Robertson, LL. B., Chicopee Falls, Mass. 92 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Fitz-Randolph, Reginald, LL. B., ro Tremont St., Boston, Mass., Lawyer. Fraser, William Clayton, LL. B., Gifford Block, Attleboro, Mass., Lawyer. Gallagher, Thomas Francis, LL. B., 34 Elm St., Bangor, Lawyer. Goss, Harold Isaac, LL. B., Bingham, Lawyer. Halliday, Frank Wade, (B. A., M. A., Dartmouth 1901, 1903), LL. B., Newport, Lawyer. Kiernan, James Francis, LL. B., Wareham, Mass., Lawyer. May, Seth, LL. B., 9 Laurel Ave., Auburn, Lawyer. Perkins, James Blenn, (A. B., Bowdoin, 1903), LL. B., Boothbay Harbor, Lawyer; Tupper and Perkins. Sanders, Thomas Andrew, LL. B., 95 Exchange St., Portland, Lawyer. Small, Cyrus Fremont, LL. B., Caribou, Lawyer. Snow, Forrest Belmont, LL. B., Bluehill, Lawyer. Weeks, William Marston, (B. D., Yale, 1896; LL. B., Cumberland, 1908), LL. D., Lebanon, Tenn., Graduate Student, University of Maine College of Law, Bangor.

ADVANCED DEGREES Conferred on students who did not receive the Bachelor's Degree at the University of Maine.

1902 t Beck, William Porter, (B. S., Denison University, 1900), M. S.

1903 Rautenstrauch, Walter, (B. S., University of Missouri, 1902), M. S., Columbia University, New York, N. Y., Professor of Mechanical Engineering.

1904 Cummings, l\Iarshall Baxter, (B. S., University of Vermont, 1901; Ph. D., Cornell, r909), M. S., 83 Brooks Ave., Burlington, Vt., Professor of Horticulture, University of Vermont. Hofstead, Harry Oliver, (B. A., Yale, 1903), M. A., 590 East 3rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Clergyman. GRADUATES OF SHORT COURSES. 93

1905 Bowen, Everett Harlow, (A. B., Colgate, 1903), M. S., 13 Second St., N. E., Washington, D. C., Computer, U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey. Greeley, Harold Dudley, (LL. B., New York University, 1903), LL. M., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y., Lawyer and Accountant. Wood, Clarence Ashton, (LL. B., American University, 1903; Ph. B., Illinois Wesleyan, 1904; A. M., ibid,., 1906; Ph. D., ibid., 1907; LL. M., University of Buffalo, 1908; A. B., Albany State Normal College, 1909), LL. M., 2 Court House, Syracuse, N. Y., Lawyer, and Private Secretary to Irving G. Vann, Associate Judge, New York Court of Appeals.

1906 Gerrity, Helen Veazie, (B. A., Mt. Holyoke College, 1905), M. A., Bangor. Hanson, Herman Herbert, (B. S., Pennsylvania State College, 1902), M. S., 61 Forest Ave., Orono, Associate Chemist, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Haskell, Horace Bray, (B. Ph., Taylor University, 1900), M. A., Ells­ worth, Superintendent of Bucksport District, East Maine Conference. Waldron, William Linscott, (B. A., Colby College, 1899), M. A.; LL. B., 1go8. See College of Law, Class of 19o8.

19o8 t Graham, Hugh Finlay, (B. A., Bowdoin, 1898), M.A. t Heard, Carlos Clayton, (B. A., Yale, 1896), LL. M. Moots, Elmer Earl, ( B. C. E.. Highland Park), M. S., Des Moines, Iowa. Ropes, Ellen Marion, (B. A., Bryn :\Iawr, 1902), M. A., Grossharthan, bei Dresden, Germany. ( Frau Pfarr er Gottfried Martin Horn.)

1909 Godfrey, Ethel, (B. L., Smith, 1901), M.A., Kenduskeag Ave., Bangor. (Mrs. Herbert Loud.) Pol, Frances May, (B. A., Smith, 1906), M. A., 215 French St., Bangor.


1881 Benjamin, Charles Henry, M. E., Lafayette, Indiana, 6z9 University St., Dean of the Schools of Engineering, Purdue University. 94 UNIVERSITY OF MAI:\E.

1886 Fernald, Charles Henry, (A. ::.\1.), Ph. D., Amherst, Mass., Professor of Zoology and Director of the Graduate School in the Massachusetts Agricultural College.

1888 Phillips, Charles L., (B. A.), C. E., Fort Schuyler, N. Y., Lieut. Col., Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. Army.

1889 Aubert, Alfred Bellamy, (B. S., Cornell, 1873), M. S., n8 E. 62nd St., New York, N. Y. Merrill, George Perkins, (B. S .. 1879, i\I. S.), Ph. D.

1890 * Butler, Frederick Heywood, C. E. Elwell, Charles C., C. E., New Haven, Conn., Chief Engineer, Connecticut Company.

1891 Goodale, Loomis Farrington, C. E., Intendencia Building, Manila, P. I., Supervising Railway Expert to the Government of the Philip­ pine Islands.

* Gowell, Gilbert Mottier, M. S. * Kidder, Frank Eugene, (B. C. E., 1879; C. E., 1882), Ph. D.

1896 Jordan, Whitman Howard, (B. S., 1875), (LL. D., Michigan Agricul­ tural College, 1907), Sc. D., Geneva, N. Y. Snow, Mary Sophia, M. Ph., Board of Education, Tribune Bldg., Chi­ cago, Ill., Supervisor of Household Arts, Public Schools. * Webb, Howard Scott, (B. M. E., 1887), M. E.

1897 Abbott, Edward Sewall, (M. D.), M. S., Bridgton, Physician. Greenwood, Elmer E., C. E., Skowhegan, Civil Engineer. Houghton, Austin Dinsmore, M. E., Santa Cruz, Calif., Lumber Business. * Jones, Leon Houston, C. E. Nowland, James Martin, M. S., 24 Adams Bldg., Quincy, Mass., Lawyer. GRADC"ATES OF SHORT COURSES. 95

Oleson, William Brewster, M. S., Box 489, Honolulu, Hawaii, Secretary and General Superintendent, Hawaiian Board. Pattangall, William Robinson, M. S., Waterville, Lawyer and Editor. Robinson, Walter Franklin, C. E., 15 Cliff St., Arlington, Mass., Assistant Engineer in charge of Construction of Fortifications in Boston Harbor. White, Ambrose Harding, C. E .. 30 Broad St., New York City, N. Y., Manager, Department of Construction & Maintenance, Inter­ national Paper Company. 1899 Boardman, Samuel Lane, M. S., Bangor.

1901 Harrill, Abram Winegardner, (B. A., Wesleyan, 1880; Sc. D., Bowdoin, 1894; LL. D., University of New Brunswick, 1902; LL. D., Wesleyan University, 1904), LL. D., 1745 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill., President, Northwestern University.

1903 Watts, Clarence Everett, M. E., Windber, Pa., Mechanical Engineer, Berwind-White Coal Mining Co.

1904 Holt, Erastus Eugene, (M. A., M. D.), LL. D., 723 Congress St., Port­ land, Physician. Southard, Louis Carver, (B. S., 1875), LL. D., 73 Tremont St., Boston, Mass., Lawyer; Lecturer, University of Maine College of Law.

1905 Aycock, Charles Brantley, LL. D., Raleigh, N. C., Lawyer, Firm of Aycock & Winston. Cobb, William Titcomb, (A. B., 1877, Bowdoin), LL. D., Rockland. Griggs, Edward Howard, (A. B., 1889; A. M., 1890, Indiana University), L. H. D., 77 Grove St., Montclair, N. J., Author and Lecturer. Woods, Charles Dayton, (B. S., 1880, Wesleyan University), Sc. D., Orono, Director, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station.

1908 Fernald, Merritt Caldwell, (A. M., Ph. D., LL. D., Bowdoin College), LL. D., Orono, Ex-President and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of Maine. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Gibbs, William David, (B. S., M. S.), Sc. D., Durham, N. H., President New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Me­ chanic Arts. Hart, James Norris, C. E., M. S., Sc. D., Orono, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Dean of the Uni­ versity of Maine. Lord~ John King, (A. M., 1871, Ph. D., 1893), LL. D., Hanover, N. H., Professor of Latin, Dartmouth College. Merrill, Lucius Herbert, Sc. D., Orono, Professor of Biological and Agricultural Chemistry. Noyes, Arthtir Amos., LL. D., Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., Professor of Theoretical Chemistry. Smith, Payson (A. M., Litt. D.), LL. D., Augusta, State Superintendent of Public Schools. Walsh, Louis Sebastian, (Rt. Rev.), LL. D., Portland, Bishop of Portland.

1909 Hamlin, Charles, LL. D., 9 Columbia Building, Bangor, Lawyer and United States Commissioner. Keyes, Prescott, M. A., M. S., Westbrook, Superintendent of Schools, Westbrook, Gorham District. Knight, Ora Willis, Sc. D., 84 Forest Ave., Bangor, State Assayer, Analytical and Consulting Chemist and Micro­ scopist. TERRITORIAL LIST

( Sh. Ph.) Short Pharmacy, (L. E.) Library Economy, (L.) Law, (Hon.) Honorary Degree, (Adv.) Advanced Degree. (Alabama) (California) ALABAMA San Bernardino Long Island Arey, R. J...... '9r Tolman, W. R...... '98 Lothrop, L. R...... '76 Talladega San Diego Sawyer, J. H ...... '04 Webster, J. M ...... '93 San Francisco ALASKA Hoxie, H. H ...... '06 Howkan Olds, R. F ...... '06 Webster, H ...... '79 San Luis Obispo Twombly, S. S ...... '86 ARIZONA Santa Cruz Tempe Houghton, A. D. (Hon.) .... .'97 Fernadez, G. L. (Miss) ...... '98 Santa Paula Tucson Hardison, A. C...... '90 Mason, C. A...... '87 Somsalto Pease, 0. L...... 'Sr Orne, S. B ...... '07 South Pasadena CALIFORNIA Wyman, L. A...... '81 Applegate Souvra Gibbs, C. W ...... '79 Rogers, D. N ...... '06 Campbell Yreka Bean, H. P ...... '79 Coburn, L. F ...... '75 Eureka Buck, C. L. (Mrs. T. W. Hine) '81 CANAL ZONE Hine, T. W ...... '82 Las C ascadas Hollister Kierstead, H. W ...... '07 Gould, B. F ...... '72 Paraiso Los Angeles Talbot, F. W ...... '05 Hubbard, P. W ...... '76 Martin, J. W ...... '95 COLORADO Trask, F. E ...... '87 Colorado Springs Napa Morrill, W. J ...... '99 Murray, H. W ...... '80 Denver Oakland Davis, M. (Mrs. J. D. Stevens) 'So Hunter, R. D ...... '74 Dover Shaw, G. M ...... '75 Merritt, E. E ...... '86 Paso Robles La Junta Sawyer, F. W ...... '90 Bisbee, F. M ...... '76 7 UNIVERSITY OF MAI::-l"E.

(Colorado) (Connecticut) Las Animas Stamford Wright, W. A ...... '82 Hayes, C. M ...... '99 Montrose Mitchell, A. E ...... '75 Pease, C. T .. : ...... '8o Torrington Telluride Leonard, H, H ...... 'or Watson, A. M ...... '02 West Hartford Wallstreet Bristol, M. L. .... , ...... '92 Moulton, F. C...... '91 West Haven Tayfor, R. E...... '05 CONNECTICUT Bridgeport West Woodstock .'91 Stinson, F. M ...... '99 Ross, M ...... Bristol Little, L. E...... '04 DELAWARE Danbury Dover Closson, J. E ...... 'oo Webb, W ...... '75 East Hartford Hinchliffe, H. J...... '03 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Hartford Washington Bogart, F. H. H ...... ·or Barrows, L. D ...... '07 Buckley, J. (L.) ...... '07 Bowen, E. H. (Adv.), ...... '05 Holden, W. C...... '92 Browne, C. W. H ...... '82 Jones, W. G...... 'oo Farrington, A. M ...... '76 Martin, F. L...... 'or Foster, A. B., ...... '02 Stone, W. E ...... 'oi Faubert, C. L...... '05 Swift, P. L...... 'oi Gould, H. P ...... '93 Thomas, S. F ...... '08 Merrill, D. T ...... '98 Williams, C. S ...... '90 Merrill, G. P ...... '79 Higganum Read, C. A ...... '07 Jones, G. M. (Miss) ...... '06 Ricker, P. L...... 'oo 'Meriden Rogers, L. A ...... '96 Cole. C. L ...... 'oo Scribner, F. Lamson- ...... '73 New Britain Weston, C. M ...... '08 Crowell, W. H. (Sh. Ph.) .... 'oo Tarbox, G. R ...... 'o6 FLORIDA New Haven Jacksonville Chandler, B. A ...... '09 Hanscom, G. L ...... '85 Dearborn, J. W ...... '98 Elwell, C. C. (Hon.) ...... '90 Key West Pettigrew, H. T ...... '09 Hilliard, S. T ...... '08 Seabury, G. E ...... '88 Pensacola Steward, S. J...... '96 Towse, A. R ...... '03 Seymour Tangerine Atwood, E. M ...... '97 Smith, L. C...... '04 Somers Warrington Hurd, A. L...... '82 Merrill, H. P ...... '98 'I'ERRI'I'ORIAL LIST. 99

(Georgia) (Illinois) GEORGIA Draper, C. L...... 'oS Atlanta Ellstrom, V. E...... '03 Kay, F. W ...... '05 Farrington, 0. C...... 'Sr Rogers, L. W ...... '75 Gray, C. A ...... '06 Macon Jose, W. H ...... '94 Rackliffe, C. N ...... "02 McDermott, J. A ...... '05 Page, A. D ...... '86 HAWAII Perry, E. (Miss) ...... '06 Hamakuapoko Rogers, C. W ...... '76 Burns, C. E. S ...... '07 Small, A. R...... '04 Collins, A. W ...... '05 Snow, M. S. (Miss) (Hon.) . .'96 Honolulu Stewart, F. C...... 'o6 Farrington, W. R...... 'gr Sturtevant, G. W ...... 'Sr Oleson, W. B. (Hon.) ...... '97 Totman, A. W ...... '07 Weston, Vv. A ...... 'oo IDAHO Whittier, C. C...... '99 Boise Wiley, M. C...... '03 Banks, F. A ...... '06 Evanston Crowe, F. T ...... '05 Harris, A. W. (Hon.) ...... 'or Davis, G. H ...... '03 Wall, E. L. (L.) ...... '05 Ingalls, A. T ...... 'Sr Granite City Simpson, P. D ...... '03 Plaisted, H. M...... 'Sr Weymouth, F. E ...... '96 Oak Park Horse Shoe Bend Butterworth, A. J...... 'o6 Davis, A. R ...... '02 Fogler, W. A ...... '09 Pine Moore, I. H ...... '09 Towne, C. E ...... '77 Nash, H. L...... 'og Pioneerviile Tamaroa Stevens, A. W ...... '07 Doolittle, H. E...... '92 Rupert Urbana Brown, A. B...... '07 Buck, T ...... 'oo Richards, E. R...... '06 Lord, A. R...... '07 St. Maries Steward, R. K...... '08 Scott, W. E...... '04 Willinette Twin Falls Fernald, G. S ...... '78 Martin, H. S ...... '96 INDIANA ILLINOIS I r.dianapolis Berwyn Gage, A. W ...... '03 Webber, W ...... '84 Timberlake, S. M ...... '92 Chicago True, E. L...... '02 Barrows, W. E., Jr ...... '02 Lafayette Belcher, W. E...... '99 Benjamin, C. H. (Hon.) .... .'81 Davis, F. M ...... 'or Davidson, E. B. (L.) ...... '08 Davis, R. C...... '03 Parks, G. D ...... '76 Dorticos, C...... '03 Logansport Douglass, F. L...... '03 Herbert, T. C...... '04 IOO UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

(Iowa) (Maine) lowA Flynt, R. H...... '04 Ames Howard, L. B ...... '06 Bates, J. T ...... '07 Libby, C. A. (Miss) ...... '81 Porter, R. H ...... '06 Sargent, P. D ...... 'g6 Grinnell Scofield, P. F ...... '08 Taylor, L. W ...... '83 Smith, P. (Hon.) ...... '08 Luverne Snowdeal, A. (Miss) ...... 'oo Cowan, E. H ...... •'94 Webster, 0. C...... '78 Bangor KANSAS Barker, L. A. (L.) ...... 'oo Laiurence Blaisdell, H. G...... '05 Walker, P. F ...... '96 Blanchard, B. W. (L.) ...... '04 Topeka Blanding, E. M ...... '76 Morse, C. A ...... '79 Boardman, S. L. (Hon.) ...... '97 Brann, B. F ...... '09 KENTUCKY Buck, H. B ...... '93 Le.rington Clark, H ...... '90 Collins, G...... '99 Coffin, R. S ...... '07 Louisville Copeland, L. P. (Miss) ...... '04 Keller, P. R...... 'or Cowan, G. P ...... '94 Crawford, A. S. (L.) ...... '05 LOUISIANA Crowell, C. P ...... 'g8 New Orleans Cutter, L. W ...... '84 de Coligny, G. G ...... 'o6 Dakin, E. H ...... '77 Dolan, J. F ...... 'oo MAINE Dow, F. T ...... '90 Addison Drummond, R. R...... '05 Smith, H. W ...... '09 Drummond, H. F ...... 'oo Andover Eaton, H. D ...... 'oo Talbot, R. F ...... '07 Fellows, R...... '08 Thomas, H. A ...... '05 Fox, L. E. (L.) ...... 'o6 Auburn Gallagher, T. F. (L.) ...... '09 Bartlett, C. S. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '97 Gerrity, H. V. (Miss) (Adv.) 'o6 Cobb, W. A...... '08 Gilbert, C. E ...... '94 Dinsmore, E. L...... '05 Gould, G. P ...... '90 Harris, B. C. (Mrs. W. A. Gould, V. K...... '97 Cobb) ...... 'o8 Gray, J. A ...... '94 Harris, M. H. (L.) ...... 'o6 Hatch, J. W ...... '88 Huen, C. J. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '04 Heath, S. J...... '97 May, S. (L.) ...... '09 Hersey, G. A ...... 'oo Moody, J. F. (L.) ...... '07 Hilton, G. L...... '99 Small, L. L. (Miss) ...... '04 Hilton, H. A...... '05 Stevens, T. J ...... '77 Holman, C. V. (L.) ...... '02 Whitney, H. D ...... '03 Holmes, F. E ...... '02 Augusta Jones, F. (L.) ...... 'oo Burns, F. P. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '02 Knight, 0. W ...... '95 Cook, H. E. (L.) ...... 'oo Lord, H. (L.) ...... '02 TERRITORIAL LIST. IOI

(Maine) (Maine) Lougee, G. (L.) ...... '04 Bath Lyon, A. C...... '02 Hopkins, G. J...... '08 McClure, J. H ...... '05 Potter, R. E...... '08 Maclean, N. V. (L.) ...... '05 Wheeler, A. F ...... '02 Mann, R. E. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... '09 Belfast Mansfield, E. R...... '99 Bailey, F. W ...... '98 Matheas, F. W ...... 'o8 Bickford, C. S ...... '82 Merrill, J. B. (L.) ...... '04 Hayes, A. D ...... '94 Mudgett, U. G. (L.) ...... '03 Littlefield, E. F. (L.) ...... 'o6 Mullaney, R. E ...... '03 Potter, C. J...... '95 Mullen, C. W ...... '83 Benton Falls Murray, E. P. (L.) ...... '03 Reed, J...... '89 Oak, C. E ...... '76 Ber-&ick Oak, J. M ...... '73 Goss, R. W. (L.) ...... '08 Palladino, F ...... '09 Bethel Pierce, W. B ...... '90 Richardson, A. W ...... 'o6 Pressey, F. E ...... '02 Biddeford Quincy, F. G ...... 'go Cartier, A. J. B. (L.) ...... 'og Reid, C. H. (L.) ...... '03 Libby, H. I...... 'g8 Rice, C. M. (Miss) ...... '02 Tarr, R. D ...... '98 Rideout, M. H. (L.) ...... '08 Bingham Robinson, Vf. H. (L.) ...... '02 Goss, H. I. (L.) ...... '09 Rowe, G. F ...... '93 Bluehill Sampson, A. H ...... '07 Maddocks, F. E ...... '07 Sampson, C. H ...... '04 Shaw, C. M. (Miss) ...... '09 Smith, D. $. J...... 'og Shaw, Cora M. (Miss) ...... 'og Smith, H. M ...... '93 Snow, F. B. (L.) ...... '09 Snow, D. F. (L.) ...... '03 Sprague, A. W ...... 'os Boothbay Harbor Stevens, F. L...... '84 Perkins, J. B. (L.) ...... 'og Sweetser, G. R...... 'og Bradley Tate, W. M. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '02 Brown, H. A...... _ . .'04 Taylor, T. F ...... '04 Brewer Webber, M. F. (Miss) ...... '06 Aiken, E. N. (Miss) ...... '07 Whittier, R...... '02 Cayting, A. B...... '07 Wilson, M. F ...... '89 Dunn, P. H. (L.) ...... '02 Worster, G. H. (L.) ...... '05 Farrington, M. E ...... '92 Bar Harbor Kelley, E. H ...... '90 Clark, B. E ...... '87 Kingsbury, R. W. E...... '04 Garland, C. N ...... '07 Morse, W ...... '07 Graham, H. L. (L.) ...... '99 Sargent, W. J. (L.) ...... 'oo Patten, J. H...... '82 Bridgton Russell, M. R...... '97 Abbott, E. S. (Hon.) ...... '97 Torrey, G. E ...... 'og Bridgham, E. W. (L.) ...... '09 Baring Walker, E. C...... '78 Chase, C. G...... '04 Brownville Chase, F. P. (Miss) ...... 'og Gerrish, H. (L.) ...... 'oo 102 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

(Maine) (Maine) Brunswick Dexter Eaton, R. W ...... • • .'73 Brown, W. S. (L.) ...... '06 Johnson, E. A ...... '02 Bumps, W. A ...... '75 Lewis, H. M ...... '93 Hasty, P. A. (L.) ...... '06 Buckfield Dixfield Sturtevant, M. A ...... '08 Goodrich, M. J...... 'og Knight, M. G. (Miss) ...... '09 Bucksport Dover Buck, H. A...... '02 Butterfield, C. C. (Sh. Ph.) .. .'03 Calais East Boothbay Bradish, H. G. (Sh. Ph.) ..... 'o8 Race, J. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '03 Camden East Eddington Bird, J...... '90 Ford, L. H ...... '99 Canton Merrill, E. C...... '95 Farnsworth, A. B. (Miss) ... .'08 East Machias Caribou Talbot, J. R...... '04 Haines, W. N...... '09 Wiswell, C. G...... '98 Hamilton, W. P. (L.) ...... '08 East Millinocket Hardison, G. M ...... '08 MacDougal, W. E. (Sh. Ph.) '98 Keyes, 0. L. (L.) ...... '05 Robbins, C. A...... 'oo Porter, J. W. H .. • • • • • · • · • · · .'97 Eastport Small, C. F. (L.). ·. · · · · · · · · · .'o9 Holmes, E. R ...... '04 ·webb, W. S ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .'9o McDonald, F ...... 'oo Carmel Eliot Robinson, L., Jr .. •.••••••••• .'83 Hammond, G. E ...... '72 Castine Ellsworth Deveraux, R. S ... • • • • • • • • • · • .'07 Haskell, H. B. (Adv.) ...... 'o6 Weeks, J. W .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -'77 Fairfield Cherry-field Totman, A. W ...... '07 Freeman, G. G...... '89 Farmington Mansfield, M. C...... '07 Hall, E. W ...... '09 Clinton Marr, L. H. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... '06 Tripp, J. W ...... '09 Russell, L. B...... 'oo Columbia Falls Farmington Falls Chandler, M. R. (Miss) (Sh. Rollins, K. A ...... '09 Ph.) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .'o4 Fort Fair-field Corinna Harvey, C. C...... '90 Lincoln, H. M ...... '98 Kelleher, A. F. (Sh. Ph.) .... .'og Cumberland Mills Martin, N. H ...... '76 Henry, R. M ...... '09 Pearce, C. A ...... 'g8 Larrabee, B. T ...... '04 Fort Kent Cutler Laliberte, J. A. (L.) ...... '06 Brown, R. W. (L.) ...... '05 Theriault, D. L. (L.) ...... 'oo Deer Isle Foxcroft Saunders, W. H. (Sh. Ph.) . .'07 Burgess, F. B. (L.) ...... '08 TERRITORIAL LIST. 103

(Maine) (Maine) Frankfort Hebron Peirce, H ...... '76 Bearce, H. W ...... '05 Walton, R. D. (Sh. Ph.) .... .'98 Houlton Freedom Archibald, B. (L.) ...... '07 Bangs, H. E. (L.) ...... '07 Carter, W. A ...... 'o8 Donnelly, A. (L.) ...... Freeport J. ·o6 Heyer, H. G...... '99 Dudley, J. P. (L.) ...... '08 Randall, J. W ...... '09 Goodridge, 0. L...... '03 Stover, 0. 0 ...... '9<:1 Hall, F. E. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '98 Holbrook, F. P ...... '07 Fryeburg Ormsby. W. H. (Sh. Ph.) ... .'08 Warren, G. 0 ...... '79 Ridge, R ...... '07 Gardiner Island Falls Lancaster, A. B. (L.) ...... • .'05 ::\Iax\Yell, J. D. (L.) ...... 'o8 Garland Jackman Osgood, W. T ...... • • • • .. • .'09 Mills, C. H. (L.) ...... 'oo Glenburn Jone sport French, H. F .. • • • • • • • • · • · · · · .'o4 Dunbar, 0. H. (L.) ...... 'o6 Gorham Kennebunk Irish, J. S ...... '08 Burke, W. H ...... "06 Knight, P. C...... '02 Kennebunkport Patrick, S. E ...... '03 Hall, H. A...... '91 Greene Kezar Falls Philbrook, W ...... '88 Ridlon, M. H. (Sh. Ph.) .... .'08 Greenville Kittery Crowley, E. B ...... '04 Burnham, E. J. (L.) ...... '06 Guilford Clarke, R. E. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '02 Fitzgerald, E. E. (Mrs. H. M. Farrington, H. 0 ...... '02 Daniels) ...... 'or Prince, C. E ...... '06 Hussey, E. H ...... '07 Lewiston Marsh, R. H ...... '88 Brann, J. F ...... '98 Williams, J. S ...... '87 Malloy, T. A...... '07 Hampden Whitney, G. A ...... '93 Lisherness, E ...... '07 Williams, D.S. (L.) ...... 'oo Loud, W. C...... '03 Winn, G. H. (L.) ...... '03 Hampden Highlands Limerick Page, W. R...... '96 Fenderson, F. D. (L.) ...... '99 Patten, F. R...... ' ... .'So Limestone Hancock Gilbert, W. H ...... '09 Crabtree, L. B ...... '03. Roix, W.R. (L.) ...... 'o6 Harrington Lincoln Coffin, E. V ...... '87 Porter, B. F ...... '97 Dyer, W. N ...... '03 Thombs, G. W. (L.) ...... 'o6 Glover, P. H ...... 'o6 Lisbon Falls Hartland Estey, C. A...... 'og (L.) ...... 1 Haley, J. H. .'04 Lh ermore Falls ♦ Moor, C. L...... '81 Brown, W. B ...... '97 l04 UNIVERSITY OP MAINE.

(Maine) (Maine) Derby, F. A. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '04 Norway Hodgdon, C. A. (Miss) ...... 'o6 Stone, F. P ...... • . .'77 Locke Mills Oakland Tebbets, C. B...... ·: ...... '07 Foster, S. J ...... '03 Lubec Harvey, J. E ...... • .'94 Keegan, J. J. (L.) ...... '07 Ogunquit Madison Lewis, A. A...... '76 Blackwell, C. E ...... '99 Littlefield, J. P ...... '09 Gibbs, B...... '98 Old Town Weston, G. 0 ...... '72 Bassett, R. S ...... '04 Mars Hill Brown, A. H ...... 'So Merrill, M. B ...... '01 Brown, S. E. (Miss) ...... '08 Pierce, H. (L.) ...... 'oo Buzzell, E. M. (Miss) ...... '02 Milbridge Buzzell, S. J ...... '82 Farnsworth, J. P ...... '08 Carr, C. M. (Miss) ...... '03 Sawyer, E. J...... '06 Farrar, C. C...... '09 Milford Garland, C. C...... '82 Johnstone, L. G ...... '05 Gellerson, R. C...... '07 Millinocket Gould, J. F ...... '82 Bowles, F. C...... '94 Hilliard, H ...... '72 Doyle, F. E. (L.) ...... '06 Keith, A. J ...... '82 Hoyt, H. P ...... '01 Kittredge, C. A...... '03 Whipple, A. L...... '04 Porter, K. B...... '04 Milo Swan, C. B ...... '90 Brown, L. G. C. (L.) ...... '05 Waterhouse, W. H. (L.) ..... 'oo Monmouth Orland Randlette, C. M ...... '92 Hutchins, W. 0 ...... '07 Newcastle Orono Bryant, G. (L.) ...... '04 Balentine, M. (Mrs. L. J. Newport Reed) ...... '07 Bennett, W. H. (L.) ...... '03 Bartlett, J. M ...... 'So Halliday, F. W. (L.) ...... '09 Bean, P. A...... '04 New Portland Boardman, H. S ....., ...... '95 McNamara, W. S ...... '08 Cain, J. H ...... '83 Norridgewock Dixon, L. S ...... '08 Folsom, L. R...... '95 Durgin, A. G ...... '08 North Anson Emery, A. T. (Miss) ...... '77 Beal, H. 0 ...... '05 Estabrooke, E. R. (Miss) .... .'o8 Witham, L. C...... '07 Fernald, H. C. (Mrs. J. A. North Bridgton Pierce) ...... '84 Cushman, C. G ...... '89 Gannett, J. A...... 'o8 Meserve, C. P ...... '08 Gilbert, E. C...... '02 North Edgecomb Gould, F. G...... '94 Carlisle, G. T ...... '09 Grover, A. L...... '99 Chase, J. P ...... '97 Hamlin, E. (Miss) ...... '01 North W atcrford Hamlin, G. H...... '73 Knight, G. R ...... '08 Hanson, H. H. (Adv.) .....• .'06 TERRITORIAL LIST. 105

(Maine) (Maine) Hart, J. N ...... '85 Chaplin, C. S ...... '04 Heald, J ...... '78 Davis, S. P ...... '02 Jones, R. K...... '86 DeWolfe, R. W. (L.) ...... '07 Mayo, N. H ...... '09 Dow, L. E ...... '98 Merrill, L. H ...... '83 Drew, L. H ...... '99 Palmer, P. B ...... '96 Emerson, W. L...... '09 Powell, M. H ...... '99 Gardner, H. N. (L.) ...... '05 Reed, L. J ...... '07 Giles, C. I...... '04 Ring, A. I. (Mrs. C. J. Dunn) 'Sr Gulliver, E. C...... '05 Russell, F. L...... '85 Harwell, J. P ...... '07 Sampson, F. M ...... '05 Hicks, A. A. (Mrs. G. F. Shatney, T. F ...... '09 Black) ...... '87 Stanford, E. A ...... '06 Holt, E. E. (Hon.) ...... '04 Sutton, G. A...... '83 Johnson, B. R...... '98 Thompson, G. E ...... '91 Keating, E. B ...... '04 Toner, E. L...... '07 Kenniston, H. G. (L.) ...... '02 Vinal, P. A. (Mrs. A. White) '79 Kittredge, R. B...... '06 Vinal, R. P. (Miss) (L. E.) . .'96 Locke, J...... '78 Weeks, N. E. (Mrs. L. Spen- Monroe, E. R. (L.) ...... '07 cer) ...... '77 Nauman, G. V ...... '09 Weston, C. P ...... '96 Noble, E. E. (L.) ...... '03 White, C. H. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '97 Phillips, F. F ...... '77 White, F. 0 ...... '05 Plumly, C. A ...... '09 Wilbur, W. E ...... '08 Purington, F. H. (L.) ...... '08 Woods, C. D. (Hon.) ...... '05 Sanders, T. A. (L.) ...... '09 Woods, H. M ...... '09 Sheahan, H. V ...... '03 Passadumkeag Skillin, C. B. (L.) ...... '08 Dunn, R. 0 ...... '98 Thomas, B. M ...... '05 Patten Thombs, W. B ...... '02 Trask, 0. W ...... '05 Robinson, H. G...... '95 Wescott, T. C...... '09 Vose, C. T ...... '07 Wallace, J. G...... '06 Pejepscot Walsh, L. S. (Rt. Rev.) Wilson, D ...... '07 J. (Hon.) ...... 'oS Phillips Webster, C. S ...... 'gS Caswell, W. H ...... 'oo Webster, F. H ...... '04 Davis, C. H ...... '09 Wyman, A. P ...... '07 Pittsfield Presque Isle Anderson, T. A. (L.) ...... '02 Allen, C. P ...... '76 Berry, R. H. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 'or Clark, J. B. (L.) ...... '07 Thurlough, H. H. (L.) ...... '02 Hall, W. D ...... '07 Vickery, E. N ...... '08 Knowles, L. M. (Mrs. R. J. Portland Smith) ...... '02 Allen, G. H ...... '84 Larrabee, G. P. (Sh. Ph.) ... .'oo Anderson, A. E. (L.) ...... '08 Mosher, E. S. E ...... '99 Bates, S. W ...... '75 Princeton Black, G. F ...... '86 Edgerly, J. W ...... '89 Brooks, G. L. (L.) ...... '06 Miller, 0. L. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... '09 106 UNIVERSITY OE' MAINE.

(Maine) (Maine) Rangeley Srarsport Murphy, C. C...... • • • • • • •'93 Colcord, J. C. (Miss) ...... 'o6 Riddle, H. C. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '07 Sebec Station Readfield Lanpher, S. C ...... '08 Butman, J. W ...... '02 Ramsdell, L. M. (Mrs. M. D. Richmond Noyes) ...... • • .'74 Libby, F. J...... '96 Sherman Station Randlette, J. W ...... '96 Robinson, A. R. (L.) (Mrs. Ridlonville A. R. Goodwin) ...... 'oo Austin, A. A...... '07 Sherman Mills Foster, N. G. (L.) ...... 'or Ludgate, V. (L.) ...... 'oo Goodwin, B. W ...... '03 Skowhegan Reynolds, H. J...... '76 Butler, E. C. (L.) ...... 'or Wadsworth, F. G...... '09 Clark, W. C...... 'oo Rockland Danforth, E. F ...... '77 Bird, A. L...... 'oo Gould, S. W ...... '77 Bird, S. M. 2nd ...... '07 Greenwood, E. E. (Hon.) ... .'97 Cobb, W. T. (Hon.) ...... '05 Hight, C. B...... Flanagan, J. H ...... '91 LeaYitt, N. L. (Mrs. F. R. Kittredge, J. R. (Sh. Ph.) ... .'04 Hill) ...... '89 Sherman, R. S ...... 'o6 Lord, R. W ...... '9r Smalley, C. T. (L.) ...... '05 Lord, T. G...... '88 Round Pond Parker, E. A ...... '04 Gorham, F. E ...... '97 Perkins, D. H ...... 'oo Rumford Smith, D. F ...... '05 Beal, A. N. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '07 Steward, J. W ...... '9r Callahan, E. F ...... '09 South Berwick McCarthy, P. E ...... '02 Hobbs, F. A ...... '96 :'.\fichaels, J. C. (Miss) ...... '83 Miller, H. R...... '09 Morrison, R. H ...... '09 Violette, N. L. (L.) ...... '03 Reed, F. R ...... '76 South Brewer Stennson, J. B. (L.) ...... 'oo Druery, E. J...... '07 Rumford Center South Levant French, H. C...... '02 Fernald, C. W ...... 'So Rumford Falls South Portland Cowan, E. L. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... '03 Phinney, A. L...... '04 McCarthy, M. (L.) ...... 'oo South West Harbor Saco Fuller, G. R ...... '82 Hill, G. H ...... 'o6 South Windlham Smith, H. B ...... '09 Hoyt, A. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '03 Sanford Stetson Colby, D. W ...... '87 Ridlon, H. D. (L.) ...... 'o8 Swett, L. B. (L.) ...... '06 Stillwater Tucker, J. V ...... '04 Matthews, A. A. (Miss) ..... Sangerville Stockton Springs Carr, H. M ...... '02 Marston, F. L...... 'g6 Ring, V. M. (L. E.) (Mrs. D. Stonington 0. Campbell) ...... '95 Rollins, D. W ...... '07 TERRITORIAL LIST.

(Maine) (Maine) Tenant's Harbor Pride, F. P ...... '96 Cowan, G. L. (L.) ...... '06 Warren, J. C...... '02 Union West Buxton Norwood, L. 0 ...... • .. •. • .'94 Quint, R. A ...... '07 Unity West Newfield Mitchell, C. B. (Sh. Ph.) .... .'98 Mitchell, R. L...... '07 Van Buren West Paris Findlen, T. M. (Sh. Ph.) .... .'07 :Mann, E. J...... 'oo Reed, F. R., Jr...... 'o6 Locke, S. B ...... '08 Vinalhaven Wilson's Mills White, F. M. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '07 Barrows, A. T ...... '07 Waldoboro Wilton Benner, A. R...... '03 Sewall, H. W ...... '02 McIntyre, H. F ...... '8r Winslow's Mills Warren Mansfield, H. W ...... '02 Deering, G. P ...... '09 Starrett, A. P ...... '82 T¥iscassct Starrett, H. V...... '91 Keirstead, A. W. (Sh. Ph.) . .'09 Washburn Woodfords Delano, E. W ...... '02 Babb, G. H...... '90 Waterville Freeman, G. L...... '03 Bartlett, M. J...... 'or York Village Brann, B. E ...... '07 Sanford, J. F. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 'or Bridges, A. H. (L.) ...... '05 Clark, S ...... '02 MARYLAND Cotton, E. L...... '05 Baltimore Crosby, C. E ...... 'or Crosby, W. W ...... '93 Haines, W. T ...... '76 Gibbs, E. E ...... '96 Hitchings, E. F ...... '75 Haggett, E. R...... '89 Nelson, J.E. (L.) ...... '04 Hayes, S. H. T ...... '90 Page, A. S ...... 'oo How, E. S ...... '76 Pattangall, W. R. (Hon.) .... .'97 Packard, H. E ...... '07 Plumstead, F. (L.) ...... 'or H avrc de Grace Rollins, F. M; ...... 'oo Lombard, C. H ...... 'oo Small, F. J. (L.) ...... 'oo Port Deposit Tolman, G ...... '96 Merrill, A. M. (Miss) ...... 'o8 Waldron, W. L. (L:) ...... 'o8 Worme!J, R. G ...... 'or MASSACHUSETTS West Baldwin Amherst Flint, W ...... '82 Fernald, C. H. (Hon.) ...... '86 Leavitt, H. E. (Mrs. W. Flint) '90 Fernald, H. T ...... '85 Westbrook Merrill, J. F ...... '07 Haskell, E. J...... '72 Arlington Haskell, R...... '04 Davis, C. E ...... '07 Haskell, R. W ...... '05 Gannett, C. H ...... '93 Keyes, P ...... '91 Mitchell, F. C...... 'oo Porter, C. 0 ...... 'oo Robinson, W. F. (Hon.) ...... '97 I08 UNI\TtRSITY OF MAINE.

(Massachusetts) (Massachusetts) Attleboro Owen, J. W ...... '90 Everett, C. S ...... '04 Palmer, E. E...... '99 Smith, E. H ...... 'oo Patten, W. N ...... 'gr Porter, E. A ...... '03 Auburndale Pretto, H. J...... '99 Bryer, C. S ...... '97 Ray, I. B...... '86 Belmont Roberts, B. L...... '09 Woodbury, S. E...... 'or Shaw, W. J...... '05 Beverly Southard, L. C...... '75 Black, W. W ...... '07 Stevens, F. 0 ...... '06 Ellis, M. E...... '95 Sutton, H. E ...... '09 French, C. F ...... '93 Urann, M. L...... '97 Lovett, M. R...... '06 Veazie, M. M ...... '99 Mason, J. H ...... '09 Weymouth, A. P ...... '06 Pierce, W. B...... '90 Brookline Rumball, G. W., Jr...... '94 Dow, 0. 0 ...... '08 Smith, G. A ...... '98 Gardner, E. E ...... '09 Boston Moody, P.R...... '05 Andrews, H. B...... '88 Wallace, C. .'90 Archer, H. J. (L.) ...... '09 J...... Bacon, F. H ...... '76 Cambridge Barker, L. A. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '09 Bird, J. A. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '97 Bartlett, F. E. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 'o8 Southard, F. D ...... 'o6 Butterfield, W. R...... '92 Chicopee Case, A. D ...... '04 Elder, H. R. (L.) ...... '08 Chase, W. W ...... '95 Clinton Chatto, B. H ...... '05 Davis, W. T. (L.) ...... '05 Colby, J. A. (L.) ...... 'o6 Concord Conners, C. P. (L.) ...... '06 Ryther, L. E ...... '98 Cowan, B. M ...... '05 Danvers Emery, F. P ...... '08 Parker, D. L. (Miss) (L. K) '97 Farwell, H. L...... '09 Powell, M. L. (Miss) ...... '99 Fitz-Randolph, R. (L.) ...... '09 Gerrity, J. W ...... '09 Dorchester Gordon, H. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 'o6 Bowerman, F. H ...... 'oo Hamilton, H. F ...... '76 Carlson, G. W ...... '06 Hartford, E. G...... '03 Dutton, 0. J...... '85 Healy, W. E ...... '92 Eveleth. H. P ...... '08 Hilliard, E. K...... '05 Foster, W. H. (L.) ...... '05 Howes, C. L...... '88 Gurney, J. I...... '74 Hamilton, G. R. (L. E.) (Mrs. Kneeland, H. W ...... '02 Lewis, C. G. (L.) ...... '08 F. H. Bowerman) ...... '95 McCready, J. H ...... '03 Doz•cr Maddocks, W. S ...... '05 Bacon, R. S ...... '06 Morrison, J. J...... '08 East Cambridge Morson, J. H. (L.) ...... '03 Blossom, C. A. G. (L.) ...... '08 Mosher, P. H ...... '02 East Lynn Noyes, A. A. (Hon.) ...... '08 Stevens, C. H...... '87 TERRITORIAL LIST.

(Massachusetts) (Massachusetts) East Wal pole Saunders, A. R...... '87 Collins, F ...... ·...... '03 Schwartz, L. H. (L.) ...... 'oo East Weymouth Leominster Webster, W. B. (Sh. Ph.) .... '99 Thomas, D. S ...... '09 Everett Lexington Alexander, W. W. B ...... '07 Damon, F. H ...... '95 Elliott, H. C...... '06 Lowell Powers, H. W ...... '83 Morton, F. C...... '08 Tyler, A ...... '92 J. Lynn Fitchburg Ames, B. E ...... '05 Bearce, I. M ...... '03 Boynton, J. L...... '82 Gloucester Breed, A. F ...... '05 Lang, A. A. (L.) ...... '04 Cargill, W. N ...... 'oo Greenfield Claflin, F. M ...... '07 Lawrence, G. W ...... '98 Cowan, F. E. (Miss) ...... '76 Hanover French, C. S ...... '07 Clayton, R. E ...... '07 Gibbs, J. C...... '92 Haverhill Hurd, W. B. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '05 Bean, A. C. (Miss) ...... '08 Menges, H. G ...... '91 Collins, B...... '08 Sturtevant, W. L...... '08 Linehan, D. (L.) ...... '05 J. White, H. A...... '09 Nolan, H. M. (L.) ...... '08 Wilson, E. J...... '07 Hingham Bowden, G. I...... '90 Malden Pray, E. 0 ...... '09 Bailey, W. M ...... '90 Holden Berry, E. R...... '04 Thayer, H. B...... '73 Chamberlain, G. W ...... '85 Holliston Kall om, F. W ...... '02 Reemie, E.W. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '05 Pennell, A. J...... '07 Holyoke Marblehead Alden, C. H ...... '05 Small, A. C...... '98 Ritter, G. W. (L.) ...... '02 Marlboro Hopedale 0'Halloran, T. H. (L.) ...... '07 Davis, H. A ...... 'oo Mattapan Huntington Bailey, F. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '05 Churchill, H. C...... '06 Maynard Indian Orchard Brick, F. S ...... '88 Ward, T. H ...... 'or Ipswich Medford Powell, M. F. (Mrs. M. C. Durgan, G'. W ...... '02 McGinley) ...... '05 Melrose Jamaica Plain Cummings, R. L...... '08 Eldridge, W. H ...... '02 Goodridge, E. 0 ...... '85 Putnam, C. E ...... '83 Middleboro Stilphen, C. A...... '02 Allan, B. J...... '86 Lawrence Farrington, W. R...... '91 Harvey, W. 0 ...... '09 Sewall, H. N. (Sh. Ph,) ...... '09 IIO UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

(l\T assachusetts) (Massachu,etts) Milford Saugus Doyle, J. H. (L.) ...... '05 Clark. R. C...... '92 New Bedford Woodward, D. C...... '82 Clarke, E. E. (L.) ...... '0-1- Sa mcrz,ille Flint, B. W ...... '99 Ayer, J. M ...... '86 Perry, L. S. (L.) ...... '07 Danforth, E. W ...... '92 Reed, F. M ...... '82 Higgins, H. P ...... '09 Newburyport Leathers, H. H ...... 'oo Atwood, G. G...... '95 \\! ebster, F. E...... 'oo Newton South Boston Jackson, R. L...... '09 '.\kArthur, C...... '09 Ne-.:.,ton Center Sau th Braintree Robinson, A. H ...... 'or Burnham, A. R. (Mrs. J. l\L Nrwton Upper Falls Townsend) ...... 'oo Leighton, C. H ...... '04 Southbridge N ewtonville Buckley, W. W. (L.) ...... '03 French, H. S ...... ~86 Paige, J. L...... '06 North Adams , South Framingham O'Halloran, J. (L.) ...... 02 North Attleboro Atkinson, W. H .. · · · · · · · · · · · • .'92 Fowles, R. A ...... '05 Frost, C. A ...... '95 Palmer South Orleans Clough, G. E. (L.) ...... '04 Sparrow, A. L...... '06 Hobson, E. E. (L.) ...... 'oo Springfield Smith, F. A...... 'oo Gay, G. M ...... '89 Peabody Geary, T. R. (L.) ...... '03 Smith, W. 0 ...... '09 Holyoke, W. L. ...•...... '97 Southwick, E. F ...... '09 Hutchings, E. (L.) ...... 'oo Pembroke Jones, S. M ...... '76 Simmons, F. J...... '06 Owen, G. S ...... '06 Pepperell Sikes, W. S. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '04 Fisher, R. H ...... '08 Stoneham Pittsfield Chaney, I. W. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '05 Davenport, A. E ...... '04 Swampscott Ross, H. D ...... '06 Farrell, H. C...... '96 Simpson, E. R ...... '96 Taunton Smith, H. A ...... '03 Fraser, W. C. (L.) ...... '09 Quincy Turner's Falls Mackay, J. D. (L.) ...... 'oo Reynolds, T. H ...... '06 Mackay, M. (L.) ...... '02 Wareham Nowland, J. M. (Hon.) ...... '97 Kiernan, J. F. (L.) ...... '09 Rockland Watertown Fessenden, L. E ...... '02 Starr, J. A ...... '96 Roxbury Wellesley Graves, S. P ...... '03 Taylor, C. N ...... '9r Salem West Lynn Fessen

(Massachusetts) (Michigan) West Medford Jackson Clark, E ...... '9r Weston, B. T ...... 'oo West Newbury Kalamazoo Fogler, B. B ...... '08 Harvey, L. H ...... 'or West Somerville Munising Foote, F. W ...... '09 Frost, W. 0 ...... '06 Whitensville Plymouth Homer, L. H ...... 'oo Peck. L...... '02 Winchester Philoon, D. L ...... 'oo 'MINNESOTA Wollaston Braham Eastman, F. L ...... '88 Crosby, S. P ...... · '79 Kimball, C. B ...... '04 Minneapolis Nelson, W ...... • .'99 Decker, W. F ...... • • • . • • • • '79 Taylor, E. W ...... '0--1 Elkins, A. J ...... '77 Hill, J. E ...... '84 Worcester Mayo, E. D ...... · '75 Buker, E. B ...... '04 Russell, R. E ...... '02 Lekberg, C. H ...... '07 Sprague, A. P ...... '9S Maguire, G ...... '92 Stevens, W. L...... • • '76 May, J...... · .'05 Williams, J. H ...... '76 Perry, T. B...... '07 St. Paul Potter, P. (L.) ...... '03 Crosby, 0 ...... '76 Sturgis, Ji. A...... '98 Hamlin, R...... • .. '98 White, A ...... '05 Murphy, W. M ...... · · .'95 Whittemore, G. A ...... '98 Osborn, E. W ...... 'Sr Patterson, J. C...... '78 MICHIGAN Stevens, H. E ...... • • • • • • • • · '97 Ann Arbor Taope Abbott, H. L...... '06 Clayton, C...... '91 Smith, R. J...... '08

Bay City MISSISSIPPI Eddy, H. M ...... '09 Laurel Buchanan Farrar, G. L. (Mrs. C. N. Ross, E. B ...... 'oz Buffum) ...... '98 Detroit McComb Green, C. S. (L. E.) (Mrs. Stewart, G. T ...... '04 W. J. Campbell) ...... '96 Meridian Higgins, H. A...... '98 Boland, M. G. (Miss) ...... '02 Watts, F. E ...... 'or

East Lansing MISSOURI Patten, A. J...... • .'97 Bosworth Grand Rapids Hatch, H. H ...... 'oo Thomas, E. D ...... '72 Kirkville Houghton Goodrich, J. K...... '07 Batchelder, F. L ...... '99 St. Joseph Robinson, P. I...... '08 Rackliffe, J. R ...... '90 I 12 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

(Missouri) (~ebraska) St. Louis NEBRASKA Hart, M. C...... 'oo Callaway Holley, C. D ...... 'oo Andrews, H. H ...... 'Sr Hooper, E. G...... '07 Ring, M. L. (Mrs. H. H. An- Kingsland, E. B ...... '0--1 drews) ...... 'Sr Sweetser, E. 0 ...... '05 Hastings Williams, G. H ...... '09 Buck, F. E. (Mi~s) ...... '04 Holdrege MONTANA Sturtevant, C. F ...... '87 Bo:::eman Omaha Schoppe, W. F ...... '07 Coburn, F. E. (Mrs. A. L. Fort Shaw Fernald) ...... 'Sr Beale, H. 0 ...... '05 Cosmey, S. H ...... '97 Glasgow Fernald, A. L...... '83 Patten, T. ~I...... '83 G/endi'vc N°EVADA Bailey, C. L...... '03 Goldfield Bowles, C. W ...... '03 Sears, C. A ...... '87 Mitchell, L. H ...... '05 McGill Great Falls Duncan, L...... • . '97 Reno Chandler, R. E ...... '03 Hill, W. A ...... '08 Dinsmore, S. C...... '03 N. E ...... Johnson, W. A. (L.) ...... '05 Wilson, '88 Helena NE\v HAMPSHIRE Goodwin. G. E ...... • • • • • •. •·01 Alton Hayes, J. A ...... • .. • • .. • •. • • • '05 l\JacLean, D. W ...... '09 I ocko Ashland Snell, R. M ...... '05 Record, L. S. (L.) ...... '05 Miles City Berlin Rollins, M. F ...... '95 Fagan, J. P. V ...... '07 Missoula Berlin Mills Cl1.ff or d , E . C ...... ,0--1 Scammon, W. F ...... '08 Bristol Rounds, A. P ...... '07 . (S ) , Oswego McCrilhs, W. G. h. Ph. . ... 97 Contoocook Conner, R. M ...... '03 Cotton, C. (L.) ...... '06 Cram, F. E ...... '09 Dover Moody, C. J...... '05 Keyes, A. H ...... '85 Parker, H. A ...... '09 Durham Valier Gibbs, W. D. (Hon.) ...... '08 Frank, W. D ...... '08 Farmington Victor Howard, W.R...... '82 Morton, E. W ...... '09 Gorham Wagner Hamlin, R. G...... '07 Conner, W. E ...... '09 Groveton Hanscom, A. S ...... '08 Macloon, E. H ...... '97 TERRITORIAL LIST. II3

(New Hampshire) (New Hampshire) Hanover Elizabeth Lord, J. K. (Hon.) ...... '08 Jack, M. D ...... ' ...... '93 Woodbury, D ...... 'og Lamb, R.R...... '07 Laconia Stephens, C. W ...... '02 McDermott, W. L...... '06 Englewood Lisbon Goodrich, P. F ...... '97 Pike, G. W. (L.) · · · · · · · · · · · · .'o6 Haske/ls Manchester Elms, J. W ...... '06 McElroy, J. W .. • • • • • • · · · · · · · · 'o9 Jersey City Milton Wentworth, M. B. (Mrs. C. Pike, L. F ...... • ...... · .. 'o9 O. Perkins) ...... '05 Nashua Jv! ontclair Ellis, W. L...... '98 Griggs, E. H. (Hon.) ...... '05 New Hampton Newark Brown, I-I. W ...... · .'8r Brann, G. S ...... '04 Newport Ham, P. W ...... '09 Shaw, 0. J ...... • .... '93 Hutchinson, A. N ...... '09 Portsmouth New Brunswick Folsom, H. M ...... '01 Jordan, A. T ...... '93 Rochester Nutley Dow, H. K...... • • • •'05 Blanchard, C. D ...... '88 McGill, L. V. (L.) ..... • • • • • .'99 Passaic Salmon Falls Williams, H ...... '93 Bowman, H. M ...... '08 Pompton Lakes Somersworth l\Iiner, H. L ...... '08 Libby, P ...... '08 Princeton vV arr en Cary, L. R ...... 'or Morrill, E. N ...... '90 Rutherford Winchester Strout, H. C...... 'oo Taft, D.R. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 'oo Trenton Bachelor, A. W ...... '02 NEW JERSEY Brown, E. C...... '05 Asbury Park Wallington Thompson, G. D ...... 'or Crockett, C. W ...... • .'99 Bloomfield West C ollings--&ood Cowles, H. D ...... '05 Drew, A. W ...... 'go Currier, C. E ...... '06 Westfield Boonton Smith, E. M ...... '99 Dolbier, W. R ...... '06 Wharton Karl, H. L...... '06 Thatcher, H. D. T ...... '05 Collingswood Drew, A. W ...... '90 Ni;:w MExrco East Orange Las Vegas Cassey, S ...... '06 Bean, P. A ...... '07 Dorticos, P ...... '04 Lynn Grover, N. C...... '90 Harlow, E. T ...... '07 Stephens, A. W ...... '99 Philbrook, E. W ...... '07 8 II4 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

(New York) (New York) NEW YORK Jorda11 Albany Tate, E. M. (Miss) ...... '07 Stickney, G. W ...... • • • • • • • • ,'oo Keuka Parle Annandale Coffin, L. i\I ...... '03 Upton, E. C...... '97 Long Island City Arlington Cummings, E. W ...... '07 Nickels, H. L...... '07 Simmons, J. P ...... '06 Binghamton Macedon White, R. H ...... '03 Fraser, G. L. (Miss) ...... 'or 1vlassena Brooklyn Calderwood, G...... '95 Farrington, H. P ...... '9CJ I. Frost, G. S ...... '98 Medina Bean, E. D ...... '07 Hamlin, C...... '91 Hancock, W. J...... '88 !vfiddlcport Bennett, A. G ...... '06 Hofstead, H. 0. (Adv.) ...... '04 Jeffery, G. W ...... '96 New York Armstrong, G. 0 ...... '05 Margesson, C. W ...... '02 Aubert, A. B. (Hon.) ...... '89 Martin, C. H...... 'o; Oakes, F. J ...... '7); Bean, C. H ...... '08 Bixby, 0. M ...... 'or Rogers, A ...... '97 Black. W. M ...... '09 Robinson, C. C. (L.) ...... '05 Boardman, W. H ...... 'or Thomas, C. D ...... '9:; Boardman, J. R ...... '88 Buchanan Buck, A. H ...... '95 Balentine, F. (:\frs. E. F. Cas\\·ell, \V. B ...... '99 Hanaburgh) ...... '05 Corson, P. L ...... '09 Buffalo Downing, M. B ...... '99 Decrow, D. A ...... '70 Edwards, D. J ...... '06 Jordan, A. C...... '01- Emery, F. E ...... '83 East Greenbush Emery, H. A ...... '06 Moulton, J. P ...... '85 Ferguson, J. S ...... '89 Flushing Fernald, R. L ...... '99 Small, C. L ...... '99 Graves, J. C ...... '9r Tolman, F. S ...... '92 Gray, C. P ...... 'oo Fort Schuyler Greeley, H. D. (Adv.) ...... '05 Phillips, C. (Hon.) ...... '88 Hall, G. H ...... '94 Fulton Ham, J. C. (L.) ...... '0-4 Flanders, F. L ...... '05 Hamlin, H. P ...... '02 Geneva Haney, W. W ...... '99 Baker, E. L ...... '0.3 Hayward, G. E ...... '07 Jordan, W. H ...... '75 Hersey, G. W ...... '99 Holland Patent Hilliard, J. H ...... '03 Brockie, J. M ...... '06 Hoxie, H. F ...... '99 Ilion Huntington, G. K ...... '05 Chase, N. A ...... '03 Kilbourne, C. H ...... '91 Ithaca Knowles, A. M ...... '04 Lawrence, L. A ...... '04 Lamb, E. P ...... '07 TERRITORIAL LIST. IIS

(New York) (New York) Lockwood, J: F ...... '86 Winslow, J. T. (L.) ...... '05 Lord, R. E ...... '06 Roxbury McCullough, F ...... '04 Chase, D ...... '08 Morell, W. B ...... '99 Schenectady Morrell, H. E ...... '09 Bachelder, H. W ...... '05 Neal, A. F ...... , .. '09 Bartlett, C. W ...... 'or Nichols, L. C...... '06 Bassett, E. P ...... '99 Nute, A. J. (Sh. Ph.) ...... '97 Carlton, R. H ...... '99 Paine, C. B ...... '09 Chadbourne, H. W ...... '02 Pillsbury, E. B ...... '76 Connell, B. R ...... '07 Potter, F. D ...... '79 Crowe, J. W ...... '05 Quimby, J. H ...... '0--1 Croxford, W. E...... '90 Rautenstrauch, W. (Adv.) ... .'03 Dunton, H. D ...... '90 Rich, H. A...... '09 Glidden, E. H ...... '96 Riggs, L. W ...... '85 Hinckley, F. A. (Mrs. J. W. Sargent, A. W ...... '88 Crowe) ...... '03 Sewall, M~ W ...... • .'75 Johnson, H. R ...... '09 Sheridan, L. M. (L. E.) (Mrs. Judkins, E. L...... '07 A. B. Aubert) ...... '95 Kelley, B. V ...... '02 Small, S. G ...... '03 Knowlton, H. A ...... '07 Smith, R. S ...... 'o6 Lurvey, J. G ...... 'oo Taylor, H. S ...... '04 Merrill, W. L...... 'oo Thomas, L. A ...... '05 Mayo, H. P ...... '99 Thompson, F. E. (L.) ...... 'oo Meserve, J. W ...... • • . .'79 Trafton, E. E ...... '05 Newman, M. G ...... '07 Treworgy, I. E ...... '0.1 Perkins, H. L...... '08 Turner, R. L...... 'o-t Stanley. H. A ...... '05 V\f elch, W. E ...... '98 Strickland, R. E ...... '0--1 Wescott, A. C...... • . '99 Spencerport White, A. H. (Hon.) ...... '97 Kidder, E. E ...... '96 Wilson, F. P. (L.) ...... '02 S3,racusc York, V. J ...... '07 \Vhitcomb. J. 0 ...... 'oo North Tarrytown Wood, C. A. (Adv.) ...... '05 Lowell, F. H ...... 'or Tarrytown Piercefield Brown, E. D ...... '07 Dillingham, S. C...... '98 Valhalla Gardner, H. (Mrs. S. C. Dil- Wood, A...... '05 lingham) ...... '97 Watertown Martin, B. 'or Port Chester C...... Rogers, E. G ...... '05 White Plains Clary, J. R...... '97 Poughkeepsie Howe, E. J...... 'or NORTH CAROLINA Paine, A. T ...... '04 Raleigh Randolph Aycock, C. B. (Hon.) ...... '05 Lull, G. F ...... '86 Monk, H. W ...... '04 Rochester Weeks, C. W ...... '05 Lunt, C. S ...... '84 Southern Pines Murray, W. A ...... '99 Richardson, F. C...... '09 rr6 UNIVERSITY OF MAI~E.

(North Dakota) (North Dakota) NORTH DAKOTA Toledo Enderlin Carle, G. W ...... '05 Chamberlain, C. C...... '78 Willoughby Fargo Andrews, F. 0 ...... '90 Ladd, E. F ...... '84 White, H. L...... 'g8 OKLAHOMA -El Reno Omo Libby, M. D ...... '79 Ashtabula Oklahoma City Bixby, ]. H ...... 'm Lord, C. A ...... '04 Barberton McIntire, W. D ...... '04 OREGON Cincinnati Brogan Merriman, M. E ...... '09 Abbott, C. E...... '05 Circleville Klamath Falls Dunton, 0. H ...... '82 Goodwin, P. R...... , ...... 'oo J11cdford Cleveland Harvey, B. T ...... '05 Bartlett, E. J...... '02 Pendleton Broadwell, E. S ...... '04 Colesworthy, C. F ...... '75 Fernald, R. H ...... '92 Portland Hamilton, A. G...... '02 Duren, H. E...... '02 Lord, L. R ...... '08 Haley, H. D ...... '04 Olivenbaum, J. E ...... '04 Goodwin, G. P ...... '07 Vose, F. H ...... 'oo Kelley, J. G ...... '84 Washburn, 'vV. F ...... '07 Dayton PENNSYLVANIA Matthieu, J. C...... '07 Alleghany Robinson, R. E ...... '09 Thomas, E. C...... '05 Elyria Allentown Harlow, C. B...... '05 Ellis, H. M ...... '07 Libby, A. D. T...... '98 Stevens, R. P ...... '98 Manson, R. H ...... '98 Ambridge Sands, R. W ...... '05 Brastow, W. T ...... '97 St. Onge, W. J...... '07 Hopkins, L. 0 ...... '05 Sweet, C. A ...... '05 Bala Lakewood Hayes, J. A ...... 'oo Seabury, R. L...... '05 Canonsburg Newark Fogg, C. H ...... 'Sr Maddocks, H. L...... 'oo Hutchinson, G. W ...... '93 Harrisburg Norwood Pierce, S. F ...... '07 Beedle, A. L...... '08 Varney, L. G...... 'or St. Marys Vickery, G. S ...... '89 Johnson, C. A...... '06 Watson, E. L ...... 'or Springfield Herminie Barker, G. G...... '86 Stetson, E. H ...... '07 TERRITORIAL LIST. II7

(Pennsylvania) (Philippine Island.~) Irwin Gould, A. M. (Mrs. L. F. Kimball, F. J ...... '82 Goodale) ...... '79 Jersey Shore Hodgkins, L. H ...... '07 Lowe, G. S ...... '02 Merrill, E. D ...... '98 Lansdowne Rizal Hamlin, G. 0 ...... 'oo Starbird, A. A ...... 'g8 New Kensington Murphy, G. F ... ·...... 'oo PORTO Rico Parkesburg Bayamon Lufkin, G. W ...... '80 Brown, E. D ...... '05 Philadelphia Mayaguer Bearce, W. D ...... '06 Alton, F. 0 ...... '07 Harvey, C. D ...... '01 Mitchell, F. H ...... 'oo Salinas Moulton, A ...... '95 Lang, C. L...... '06 Paine, L. G...... '85 Valentine, W. A ...... '91 RHODE ISLAND Wilkins, G. B ...... '96 Newport Pittsburg Brownell, C. A ...... '08 Alton, R. H ...... '05 Campbell, D. E ...... '88 Clark, H. H ...... '99 Providence Cole, H. E ...... '02 Abbott, E...... '76 Faunce, B. F ...... '01 Haggett, H. ·D ...... '08 Elliott, W. C...... '02 Finigan, E. J ...... '09 Mitchell, A. G...... '75 Hodgkins, A. E ...... '07 Morey, W., Jr...... '85 Macomber, C. H ...... '08 Smith, C. D ...... '05 Pennell, C. W ...... '05 Ridgeway C. Owen, A. B ...... 'oo Stowell, W ...... 'oo Scranton Shawomet Beach Blackinton, A. D ...... '77 Dunn, R. E. (Mrs. B. D. Steelton Whitcomb) ...... '98 Purington, H. P ...... '07 Whitcomb, B. D ...... '96 Swissvale Westerly Hosmer, F. P ...... '07 Swain, J. H ...... • • •'99 Vilas Swain, P. E. (Mrs. J. H. Holton, C. R...... '09 Swain) ...... '99 Wilkinsburg Woonsocket Brown, J. W ...... '99 French, J. E ...... '01 Windber Philbrook, H. G...... '09 Bennet, D. F ...... '09 Watts, C. E. (Hon.) ...... '03 SOUTH CAROLINA

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Port Royal Manila Erskine, F. S. N ...... '07 Farnham, C. H ...... '97 Spartansburg Goodale, L. F. (Hon.) ...... 'gr Libby, A. S ...... '03 II8 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

(South Dakota) (Washington) SOUTH DAKOTA WASHINGTON Vale Acme Stetson, H. C ...... '07 Merrill, F ...... '87 Merrill, T. L ...... '91 North Yakima Bristol Hews, \V. P ...... '06 Pritham, H. C...... '01 Seattle de Haseth, G. A ...... '95 Lebanon Foss, P. F. (L.) ...... 'oo Weeks, W. M. (L.) ...... '09 Hoxie, H. S ...... '06 Memphis Pillsbury, G. M ...... '90 Blagden, J. D ...... '86 Seavy, E. L. (L.) ...... '08 Soderstrom, G. L...... '04 Spokane Campbell, C. W ...... '06 TEXAS Cobb, A. L...... 'or El Paso Foss, G. 0 ...... '76 Todd, F. H ...... '82 Merriman, W. H ...... '86 Fort Worth Tacoma Knight, F. D ...... '09 Taylor, A. G ...... '04 Galveston Fickett, F. M ...... '80 \VEST VIRGINIA Houston Switchback Patterson, A. B ...... 'oJ Harris. P. H ...... '03

VERMONT \1/rsCONSIN Antigo Burlington Day, E. G ...... 'o4 Cummings, M. B. (Adv.) .... .'04 Horicon Rochester Sawtelle, F. \V ...... '98 Burleigh, J. H .. • • • · · • • · · · · · · .'07 Iron Rh·cr Rutland Tripp, W. E ...... '78 Grover, A. C ...... '92 Madison Farrington, E. H ...... 'Sr VIRGINIA Galland, J...... '06 Danville McKenzie, H. E ...... '07 Wood, E. B ...... '94 Mercer Hamp ton Kendrigan, J. T ...... '08 Small, F. L...... '88 Mifa:aukec Newport News Brown, A. N ...... '05 Heath, E. F ...... '90 Boyle, C...... 'o8 Stone, C. W ...... '03 Learned, F. E ...... '05 Palmyra Soper, H. M ...... '03 Bunker, S. S ...... '97 Towle, E. L...... '09 Richmond New Richmond Grover, 0. L...... '95 Wade, F. G ...... '81 Suffolk Racine Dole, A...... '85 Whitmore, A. A ...... '06 TERRITORIAL LIST. Il9

(Washington) (Canada) Tomahawk Sydney (N. S.) Cutter, J. D ...... '79 Foss, H. C...... '05 West Allis Milliken, E. L...... 'oS MacDonald, K ...... '07 Vancouver ( B. C.) Breed, E. M ...... '04

WYOMING Kittredge, C. P ...... '93 Evanston Winnipeg (Man.) Higgins, R. E ...... '05 Pearson, R. H ...... '04

YUKON TERRITORY CEYLON Cololilbo Dawson :'.\Iorey, E. L...... '90 Williams, B. T ...... '07

GER:\IANY Grassharthau Ropes, E. ::\I. (Adv.) (Frau FOREIGN COUNTRIES P. G. M. Horn) ...... '08 CANADA East Vancouver (B. C.) l\IExrco Richardson, I. C. (Miss) .... .'09 Guanajnato Hopkins, R. T ...... '04 Fredericton (N. B.) Bolt, T. A...... '05 N EWFOU"DLA"D H aileyburg (Ont.) Grand Falls Murray, H ...... '94 Lincoln, H. F ...... '88 Islay (Alta.) Green, H. H ...... '07 SouTH AMERICA La Tuque (Que.) Cali (Colombia) Johnson, C. A ...... 'oS Manter, R. B ...... 'g6 Mon/real (Que.) Cruz del Eji (Argentine Republic) Beedle, H. W ...... 'oo Cilley, J. V ...... '83 Edwards, L. N ...... '98 Guayaguil (Ecuador) Sinclair. K. A...... '04 New Glasgow (N. S.) Manaos (Brazil) Mitchell, C. A...... '01 Bunker, S. S ...... '97 St. John (N. B.) Rio Janeiro Holt, F. W ...... '73 Noyes, F. A ...... 'oo St. Stephen (N. B.) San Isadore (Argentine Republic) Strange, E. M ...... 'oo Cilley, L. V ...... '87 ALPHABETICAL LIST

(Sh. Ph.) Short Pharmacy, (L. E.) Library Economy, (L.) Law, (Hon.) Honorary Degree, (Adv.) Advanced Degree.

Abbott, C. E ...... 1905 Babb, G. H ...... 1890 Abbott, E ...... 1876 Bachelder, A. W ...... 1902 Abbott, E. S. (Hon.) ...... 1897 Bachelder, H. W ...... 1905 Abbott, H. L...... 1906 Bacon, F. H ...... 1876 Aiken, E. N. (Miss) ...... 1907 Bacon, R. S ...... 1906 Alden, C. H ...... 1905 Bailey, C. L...... 1905 Alexander, W. W. B ...... 1907 Bailey, F. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1905 Allan, B. J...... 1886 Bailey, F. W ...... 1898 Allan, G. H .... , ...... 1884 Bailey, W. M ...... 1891 Allen, C. P ...... 1876 Baker, E. L...... 1903 *Allen, W. A ...... 1874 Balentine, F. (Mrs. E. F. Han- Alton, F. 0 ...... 1907 aburgh) ...... 1905 Alton, R. H ...... 1905 Balentine, M. (Mrs. L. J. Ames, B. E ...... 1905 Reed) ...... 1907 Anderson, A. E. (L.) ...... 1909 *Balentine, W ...... 1874 Anderson, T. A. (L.) ...... 1902 Bangs, H. E. ( L.) ...... 1907 Andrews, F. 0 ...... 1890 Banks, F. E ...... 1906 Andrews, H. B ...... 1888 Barker, G. G...... 1886 Andrews, H. H ...... 1881 Barker, L. A. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1909 *Anthony, G. R ...... 1905 Barker, L. A. (L.) ...... 1900 Archer, J. A. (L.) ...... 1909 Barron, W. D ...... 1898 Archibald, B. (L.) ...... 1907 Barrows, A. T ...... 1907 Arey, R. J...... 1891 Barrows, L. D ...... 1907 Armstrong, G. 0 ...... 1905 Barrows, W. E., Jr...... 19a2 *Atherton, G. F ...... 1892 Bartlett, C. S. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1897 Atkinson, W. H ...... 1892 Bartlett, C. W ...... 1901 Atwood, E. M ...... 1897 Bartlett, E. J...... 1902 Atwood, G. G ...... 1895 Bartlett, F. E. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1908 * Atwood, H. W ...... 1890 Bartlett, J. M ...... 1880 Aubert, A. B. (Hon.) ...... 1889 Bartlett, M. J...... 1901 Austin, A. A...... 1907 Bartlett, M. J. (L.) ...... 1904 Averill, R. S ...... 1904 *Bartlett, W. R...... 1901 Aycock, C. B. (Hon.) ...... 1905 Bassett, E. P ...... 1899 Ayer, J. M ...... 1886 Bassett, H. M ...... 1904 ALPHABETICAL LIST. 121

Bassett, R. S ...... 1904 Blossom, C. A. (L.) ...... 1908 Batchelder, F. L...... 1899 Boardman, H. S ...... 1895 *Batchelder, G. S ...... 1888 Boardman, J. R...... 1888 Bates, J. T ...... 1907 Boardman, S. L. (Hon.) ...... 1899 Bates, S. W ...... 1875 Boardman, W. H ...... 1901 Beal, A. N. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1907 Bogart, F. H. H ...... ·..... 1901 Beale, H. 0 ...... 1905 Boland, M. G. (Miss) ...... 1902 Bean, A. C. (Miss) ...... 1908 Bolt, R. A ...... 1906 Bean, C. H ...... 1908 Bowden, G. I...... 1890 Bean, E. D ...... 1907 Bowen, E. H. (Adv.) ...... 1905 Bean, H. P ...... 1879 Bowerman, F. H ...... 1900 Bean, P. A...... 1907 Bowler, F. C...... : .. 1894 Bean, P. L ...... 1904 Bowles, C. W ...... 1905 Bearce, H. W ...... 1906 Bowman, H. M ...... 1909 Bearce, I. M ...... 1904 Boyle, C...... 1908 Bearce, W. D ...... 1906 *Boynton, A. E ...... 1899 Beck, W. P. (Adv.) ...... 1902 Boynton, J. L...... 1882 *Beckler, E. H ...... 1876 Bradford, L. C...... 1904 Beedle, A. L ...... 1908 Bradish, H. G. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1908 Beedle, H. W ...... 1900 *Brainard, C. M ...... 1876 Belcher, W. E ...... 1899 Brann, B. E ...... 1907 Benjamin, C. H. (Hon.) ...... 1881 Brann, B. F ...... 1909 Benner, A. R...... 1903 Brann, G. S ...... 1904 Bennet, D. F ...... 1909 Brann, L. J ...... 1898 Bennett, A. G...... 1906 Brastow, W. T ...... 1897 Bennett, W. H. (L.) ...... 1903 Brawn, E. D ...... 1907 Berry, E. R ...... 1904 Breed, A. F ...... 1905 Berry, R. H. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1901 Breed, E. :M ...... 1904 Bickford, C. S ...... 1882 Brick, F. S ...... 1888 Bird, A. L ...... 1900 Bridges, A. H. (L.) ...... 1905 Bird, J ...... 1890 Bridgham, E. W. (L.) ...... 1909 Bird, J. A. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1897 *Briggs, F. P ...... 1889 Bird, S. M. 2d ...... 1907 Bristol, l\I. L...... 1892 Bisbee, F. W ...... 1876 Broadwell, E. S ...... 1904 Bixby, J. H ...... 1901 Brockie, J. M ...... 1906 Bixby, 0. M ...... 1901 Brooks, G. L. (L.) ...... 1906 Black, G. F ...... 1886 Brown, A. B ...... 1907 Black, W. M ...... 1909 Brown, A. H ...... 188o Black, W. W ...... 1907 Brown, A. N ...... 1905 Blackington, A. DeO...... 1877 *Brown, E. (Mrs. C. Gilman) .. 1878 *Blackington, R. H ...... 1890 Brown, E. C...... 1905 Blackwell, C. E ...... 1899 Brown, E. D ...... 1906 Blagden, J. D ...... 1886 Brown, H. A...... 1904 Blaisdell, H. G ...... 1905 Brown, H. W ...... 1881 *Blake, E. J...... 1879 Brown, J. W ...... 1899 Blanchard, B. W. (L.) ...... 1904 Brown, L. G. C. (L.) ...... 1905 Blanchard, C. D ...... 1888 Brown, R. W. (L.) ...... 1905 Blanding, E. M ...... 1876 Brown, S. E. (Miss) ...... 1908 122 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Brown, W. B ...... 1897 Carle, G. W ...... 1905 Brown, W. S. tL.) ...... 1906 Carlisle, G. T ...... 1909 Browne, C. W. H ...... 1882 Carlson, G. W ...... 1906 Brownell, C. H ...... 1908 Carlton, R. H ...... 1899 Bryant, G ...... 1904 Carr, C. M. (Miss) ...... 1903 Bryer, C. S ...... 1897 Carr, H. M ...... 1902 Buck, A. H ...... 1895 Carter, W. A...... 1909 Buck, C. L. (Mrs. T. W. Hine). 1881 Cartier, A. J. B. (L.) ...... 1909 · Buck, F. E ...... 1904 Cary, L. R...... 1901 Buck, H. A...... 1902 Case, A. D ...... 1904 Buck, H. B ...... 1893 Cassey, S ...... 1906 Buck, T .... ·...... 1901 Caswell, W. B ...... 1899 Buckley, J. (L.) ...... 1907 Caswell, W. H ...... 1900 Buckley, W. W. (L.) ...... 1903 Cayting, A. B ...... 1907 Buker, E. B ...... 1904 Chadbourne, H. W ...... 1902 *Buker, G. H ...... 1876 Chamberlain, C. C...... 1878 Bunker, S. S ...... 1897 Chamberlain, G. W ...... ~885 Bumps, W. A ...... 1875 Chandler, B. A ...... 1909 Burgess, F. B. (L.) ...... 1908 Chandler, M. R. (Miss) (Sh. *Burgess, W. J...... 1900 Ph.) ...... 1904 Burke, W. H ...... 1906 Chandler, R. F ...... 1903 Burleigh, J. H ...... 1887 Chaney, I. W. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1905 Burleigh, J. H ...... 1907 Chaplin, C. S ...... 1904 *Burleigh, W. H ...... 1884 Chase, C. G ...... 1904 Burnham, A. R. (Mrs. J. M. Chase, D ...... 1908 Townsend) ...... 1900 Chase, F. P. (Miss) ...... 1909 Burnham, E. J. (L.) ...... 19o6 Chase, J. P ...... 1897 Burns, C. E. S ...... 1907 Chase, M. E. (Miss) ...... 1909 Burns, F. P. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1902 Chase, N. A...... 1903 *Burns, R. B ...... 1877 Chase, W. W ...... 1895 Bussell, E. M. (Miss) ...... 1902 Chatto, B. H ...... 1905 Butler, E. C. (L.) ...... 1901 Churchill, H. L...... 1906 *Butler, F. H. (Hon.) ...... 1890 Cilley, J. V ...... 1883 *Butler, H ...... 1888 Cilley, J. V. (Hon.) ...... 1900 Butman, J. W ...... 1902 Cilley, L. V. P ...... 1887 Butterfield, B. F ...... 1901 Claflin, F. M. A...... 1907 Butterfield, C. C. (Sh. Ph.) ... 1907 *Clapp, S. H ...... 1875 Butterfield, W. R...... 1892 Clark, B. E ...... 1887 Butterworth, A. J...... 1906 Clark, E ...... 1891 Buzzell, S. J ...... 1882 Clark, H ...... 1890 Clark, H. H ...... 1899 Cain, J. H ...... 1883 Clark, J. B. (L.) ...... 1907 Calqerwood, I. G ...... 1895 Clark, R. S ...... 1892 *Caldwell, A. J...... 1878 Clark, S ...... •..••...... 1902 Callahan, E. F ...... 1909 Clark, W. C...... 1900 Campbell, C. W ...... 19o6 Clarke, E. E. (L.) ...... 1904 Campbell, D. E ...... 1888 Clarke, R. E. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1902 Cargill, W. N ...... 1900 Clary, J. R...... 1897 ALPHABETICAL LIST. 123

Clayton, C...... 1891 Crabtree, L. B ...... 1903 Clayton, R. E ...... 1907 Cram, F. S ...... 1909 Cleaves, D. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1898 Crawford, A. S. (L.) ...... 1905 Cleaves, D. L...... 18g9 *Crocker, H. K...... 1903 • Clifford, E. C...... 1904 Crockett, C. W ...... 1899 Closson, J. E ...... 1900 Crosby, C. E ...... 1901 Clough, G. E. (L.) ...... 1904 Crosby, 0 .... , ...... 1876 Cobb, A. L ...... : .... 1901 Crosby, S. P ...... 1879 Cobb, W. A...... 1908 Crosby, W. W ...... 1893 Cobb, W. T. (Hon.) ...... 1905 Crowe, F. T ...... 1905 *Coffin, A. J...... 1890 Crowe, J. W ...... 1905 Coffin, E. V .... '...... 1887 Crowell, C. P ...... 1898 Coffin, L. M ...... 1903 Crowell, L...... 1906 Coffin, R. S ...... 1907 Crowell, W. H. (Sh. Ph.) ..... 1900 Colburn, F. E. (Mrs. A. L. Crowley, E. B ...... 1904 Fernald) ...... 1881 Croxford, W. E ...... 1890 Colburn, L. F ...... 1875 Cummings, E. W ...... 1907 Colby, D. W ...... 1887 Cummings, M. B. (Adv.) ..... 1904 Colby, J. A. (L.) ...... 1906 Cummings, R. L...... 1908 Colcord, J. C...... 1906 Currier, C. E ...... 1906 Cole'. C. L...... 1900 Cushman, C. G...... 1889 Cole, H. E ...... 1902 Cutter, J. D ...... 1879 Colesworthy, C. F ...... 1875 Cutter, L. W ...... 1884 DeColigny, G. G...... 1906 *Cyr, V ...... , ...... 1876 Collins, A. W ...... 1905 Collins, B. I...... 1908 Dakin, E. H ...... 1877 Collins, F ...... 1903 Damon, F. H ...... 1895 Collins, G ...... 1899 Danforth, E. F ...... 1877 Connell, B. R...... 1907 Danforth, E. W ...... 1892 Conner, W. E ...... 1909 Davenport, A. E ...... 1904 Connor, R. M ...... 1903 Davidson, E. B. (L.) ...... 1908 Conners, C. P. (L.) ...... 1906 Davis, A. R...... 1902 *Conroy, M. F. (Mrs. Saun- Davis, C. E ...... 1907 ders) ...... 1884 Davis, C. H ...... 1909 Cook, H. E. (L.) ...... 1900 Davis, E. H ...... 1898 Copeland, L. P. (Miss) ...... 1904 Davis, F. M ...... 1901 Corson, P. L ...... 1909 Davis, G. H ...... 1901 Cosmey, S. H ...... 1897 Davis, H. A...... 1900 Cotton, C. (L.) ...... 1906 Davis, M. (Mrs. J. D. Stevens). 1880 Cotton, E. L., (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1905 Davis, R. C...... 1903 Cowan, B. M ...... 1905 Davis, S. P ...... 1902 Cowan, E. H ...... 1894 Davis, W. T. (L.) ...... 1905 Cowan, E. L...... 1903 Day, E. G...... 1904 Cowan, F. H. (Miss) ...... 1876 Dearborn, J. W ...... 1898 Cowan, G. A. (L.) ...... 1906 Decker, W. F ...... 1879 Cowan, G. P ...... 18g4 Decrow, D. A...... 1879 Cowles, H. D. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1903 Deering, G. P ...... 1909 Cowles, H. D ...... 1905 Delano, E. W ...... 1902 124 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Derby, F. A. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1904 Eastman, F. L...... 1888 Devereux, R. S...... 1907 Eaton, H. D ...... 1900 De Wolfe, R. W. (L.) ...... 1907 Eaton, R. W ...... 1873 *Dike, J. E ...... 1876 Eddy, H. F ...... 1909 *Dike, W. 0 ...... 1876 Edgerly, J. W ...... 1889 Dillingham, S. C...... 1898 Edwards, D. J...... 19o6 Dinsmore, E. L...... 1905 Edwards, L. N ...... 1898 Dinsmore, S. C...... 1903 Elder, H. R. (L.) ...... 1909 Dixon, L. S...... 19o8 Eldridge, W. H ...... 1902 Dolan, J. F. (L.) ...... 1900 Elkins, A. J...... 1877 Dolbier, W. R...... 1906 Elliot, F. B...... 1880 Dole, A ...... 1885 Elliott, H. C...... 1906 Dolley, W ...... 1898 Elliott, W. C...... 1902 Donnelly, J. A. (L.) ...... 1906 Ellis, H. M ...... 1907 Doolittle, H. E ...... 1892 Ellis, W. E...... 1895 Dorticos, C...... 1903 Ellis, W. L...... 1898 Dorticos, P ...... 1904 Ellstrom, V. E ...... 1903 Douglass, F. L...... r903 Elms, J. W ...... r906 Dow, F. T ...... 1890 Elwell, C. C. (Hon.) ...... 1890 Dow, H. K...... 1905 *Elwell, E. H ...... 1888 Dow, L. E ...... 1898 Emerson, W. L...... 1909 Dow, 0. 0 ...... 1908 Emery, A. T. (Miss) ...... 1877 Downing, M. B...... 1899 Emery, F. E...... 1883 Doyle, F. E. (L.) ...... 1906 Emery, H. A...... 1906 Doyle, J. H. (L.) ...... 1905 Emery, P. E ...... 1908 Draper, C. L...... 1908· Erskine, F. S. N ...... 1907 Drew, A. W ...... 1890 Estabrooke, E. R. (Miss) ..... 1908 Drew, I. H ...... 1899 *Estabrooke, H. M ...... 1876 Druery, E. J ...... 1907 Estey, C. A...... 1909 Drummond, H. F ...... 1900 Eveleth, H. P ...... 1908 Drummond, R. R ...... 1905 Everett, C. S ...... 1904 Dudley, J. P. (L.) ...... 1908 Dunbar, 0. H. (L.) ...... 1906 Fagan, J. P. V ...... 1907 Duncan, L ...... 1897 Farnham, C. H ...... r897 Dunn, J. S ...... 1900 Farnsworth, A. M. (Miss) .... 1908 Dunn, P. H. (L.) ...... 1902 Farnswortli, J. P ...... 1908 Dunn, R. E. (Mrs. B. D. Whit- Farrar, C. C...... 1909 comb) ...... 1898 Farrar, L. G. (Mrs. C. N. Buf- Dunn, R. 0 ...... 1898 fum) ...... 1898 Dunton, H. D ...... 1890 Farrell, H. C...... 1896 Dunton, 0. H...... 1882 Farrington, A. M ...... 1876 Duren, H. E ...... 1902 Farrington, E. H ...... 1881 Durgan, G. W., Jr...... 1902 Farrington, H. 0 ...... 1902 Durgin, A. G ...... 1908 Farrington, H. P ...... 1890 *Durham, C. F ...... 1875 Farrington, H. R ...... 1891 *Durham, L. T...... 1894 Farrington, M. E ...... 1892 Dutton, 0. J...... 1885 Farrington, 0. C...... 1881 Dyer, W. N ...... 1903 *Farrington, S. B. (Mrs. Mer- ALPHABE'I'ICAL LIST.

rill) ...... 1880 Foster, N. G. (L.) ...... 1901 Farrington, Wallace R ...... 1891 Foster, R. M ...... 1908 Farrington, William R...... 189T Foster, S. J...... 1903 Farwell, H. L...... 1909 Foster, W. H. (L.) ...... 1905 Faunce, B. F ...... 1901 Faubert, C. L...... 1905 Fellows, R ...... 1908 Fowles, R. A ...... 1905 Fenderson, F. D. (L.) ...... 1899 Fox, L. E. (L.) ...... 1906 Ferguson, J. S ...... 1889 Fraser, G. L. (Miss) ...... 1901 Ferguson, W. E ...... 1879 Fraser, W. C. (L.) ...... 1909 Fernald, A. L...... 1883 Freeman, G. G ...... 1889 Fernald, C. H. (Hon.) ...... 1886 Freeman, G. L...... 1903 Fernald, C. W ...... 1880 French, C. F ...... 1893 Fernald, G. E ...... 1878 French, C. S ...... 1908 Fernald, H. C. (Mrs. J. A. French, H. C...... 1902 Pierce) ...... 188-1- ''rcnch, H. F ...... 1904 Fernald, H. T ...... 1885 French, H. S ...... 1886 Fernald, M. C. (Hon.) ...... 1908 f'rench, J. E ...... 1901 Fernald, R. H ...... 1892 French, P. E ...... 190_5 Fernald, Reginald L...... 1899 Frost, C. A...... 1895 *Fernald, Roy L...... 1896 Frost, G. S ...... 1896 Fernandez, G. L. (Miss) ...... 1898 Frost, \V. 0 ...... 1906 Fessenden, L. E ...... 1902 Fuller, G. R...... 1882 Fessenden, T. W ...... 1908 Fickett, F. W ...... 1880 Gage, A. W ...... 190.3 *Fifield, F. V ...... 190-1- Gallagher, T. F. (L.) ...... 1909 Findlen, T. M. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1907 Galland, J...... 1906 Finnigan, E. J...... 1909 Galland, J ...... 1907 Fisher, R. H ...... 1908 Gannett, C. H ...... 1893 Fitzgerald, E. E. (Mrs. H. M. Gannett, J. A ...... 1908 Daniels) ...... 1901 Gardner, E. E ...... 1909 Fitz-Randolph, R. (L.) ...... 1909 Gardner, H. (Mrs. S. C. Dil- Flanagan, J. H ...... 1891 lingham) (L. E.) ...... 18g7 Flanders, F. L...... 1905 Gardner, I-I. N. (L.) ...... 1905 Flint, B. W ...... 1899 Garland, C. C...... 1882 Flint, W ...... 1882 Garland, C. N ...... 1907 Flynt, R. I-I...... 190-1- Gay, G. M ...... 1889 Fogg, C. H ...... 1881 Geary, T. R. (L.) ...... 1903 Fogler, B. B...... 1908 Gellerson, R. C...... 1907 Fogler, W. A ...... 1909 Gerrish, H. (L.) ...... 1900 Folsom, H. M ...... 1901 *Gerrish, W. H ...... 1874 Folsom, L. R ...... 1895 Gerrity, H. V. (Miss) (Adv.). 1906 Foote, F. W ...... 1909 Gerrity, J. K...... 1909 *Forbes, C. F ...... 1906 Gibbs, B...... 1898 Ford, L. H ...... 1899 Gibbs, B. (L.) ...... 1900 Foss, G. 0 ...... 1876 Gibbs, C. W ...... 1879 Foss, I-I. C...... 1905 Gibbs, E. E...... 18g6 Foss, P. F. (L.) ...... 1900 Gibbs, J. C...... , ..... 1892 Foster, A. B...... 1902 Gibbs, W. D. (Hon.) ...... 1908 126 UNIVERSITY OF ~L\IC\E.

Gilbert, C. E ...... r89-1 Grayer. X. C...... r890 Gilbert, E. C...... 1902 GroYer, 0. L...... 1895 Gilbert, W. H ...... r909 Grayer, 0. L...... 1897 Giles, C. I...... r90-1 Gulliver, E. C ...... 1905 Glidden, E. G ...... 1899 Gurney, J. I...... 187-1 GloYer, P. H ...... 1906 Godfrey, E. (Miss) (Adv.) ... 1909 Haggett, E. R ...... r889 *Goodale, A. M ...... 1875 Haggett. H. D ...... 1909 Goodale, L. F. (Hon.) ...... 189r Haines, \\'. N ...... 1909 Goodrich, J. K ...... r907 Haines, 'vV. T ...... 1876 Goodrich, ;\f. T ...... 1909 Haines, \\T. T. (Hon.) ...... 1900 Goodridge, E. 0 ...... 1885 Haley, H. D ...... 190-1 Goodridge, 0. L...... 1903 Haley, J. H. (L.J ...... 190-1 Goodridge. P. F ...... 1897 Hall, E. W ...... 1909 Goodwin, B. W ...... 1903 Hall. F. E. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1898 Goodwin, G. E ...... 1901 Hall, G. A ...... 1894 Goodwin, G. P ...... 190;- Hall, H. A...... 1891 Good\vin, P. R...... 1900 Hall, W. D ...... r907 Gordon, H. L. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1906 Halliday, F. W. (L.) ...... 1909 Gorham, F. E ...... 189;- Ham, J.C. (L.) ...... 190-1 Goss, H. I. (L.) ...... 1909 Ham. P. \V...... 1909 Goss, R. W. (L.) ...... 1908 Hamilton, A. G ...... 1902 Gould, A. :\I. (Mrs. L. F. Good- Hamilton, G. R. (l\Irs. F. H. ale) ...... 1879 Bowerman) (L. E.) ...... 1895 Gould, B. F ...... I8i2 Hamilton, H. F ...... 1876 Gould, F. G ...... 189-1 Hamilton, W. P. (L.) ...... 1908 Gould, G. P ...... 189n Hamlin, C. (Hon.) ...... r909 Gould, H. P ...... 1893 l lamlin, C...... r891 Gould, J. F ...... 1882 Hamlin, E. (Miss) ...... 1901 Gould, S. W ...... 1877 Hamlin, G. H ...... 1873 Gould, V. K...... 1897 Hamlin, G. 0 ...... 1900 *Go,,·ell, G. J\I. (Hon.) ...... 1893 Hamlin. H. P ...... 1902 Graham, H. F. (Adv.) ...... 19o'l Hamlin. R...... 1898 Graham, H. L. (L.) ...... 1899 Hamlin, R. G ...... 1907 Graton, C. D. L...... 1900 Hammond, G. E ...... 1872 Graves, E. D ...... 1886 Rmcock, W. J...... 1888 Grayes, J. C...... 1891 Haney, W. W ...... 1899 Graves, S. P ...... 1903 Hanscom, A. S ...... 1908 Gray, C. A...... rgo6 Hanscom, G. L...... 1885 Gray, C. P ...... 1900 Hanson, H. H. (Adv.) ...... 1906 Gray, J. A ...... 1894 Harding, B. E ...... 1905 Greeley, H. D. (Adv.) ...... 1905 Hardison, A. C...... 1890 Green, C. S. (Mrs. W .J. Camp- Harlow, C. B ...... 1905 bell) (L. E.) ...... 18g6 Harlow, E. T ...... 1907 Green, H. H ...... 1907 Harlow, F. H ...... 1906 Greenwood, E. E. (Hon.) ..... 1897 Harris, A. W. (Hon.) ...... r90r Griggs, E. H. (Hon.) ...... 1905 Harris, B. C. (Mrs. W. A. Grover, A. C...... 1892 Cobb) ...... 1908 Grover, A. L...... 1899 Harris, M. H. (L.) ...... r9o6 ALPHABETICAL LIST.

Harris, P. H ...... 1903 Hilliard, H ...... 1872 Hart, J. N ...... 1885 Hilliard, J. H ...... 1903 Hart, M. C...... 1900 Hilliard, S. T ...... 1908 Hartford, E. G...... 1903 Hilton, G. L...... 1899 Harvell, J. P ...... 1907 Hilton, H. A...... 1905 Harvey, B. T ...... 1905 Hinchliffe, H. J...... 1903 Harvey, C. C...... 1890 Hinckley, F. A. (Mrs. J. W. Harvey, C. D ...... 1901 Crowe) ...... 1903 Harvey, J. E ...... 1894 Hine, T. W...... 1882 Harvey, L. H ...... 1901 Hitchings, E. F ...... 1875 Harvey, W. 0 .... , ...... 1909 Hobbs, F. A ...... 1896 Haskell, E. J...... 1872 Hobson, E. E. (L.) ...... 1900 Haskell, H. B. (Adv.) ...... 1906 Hodgdon, C. A. (Miss) ...... 1906 *Haskell, N. P ...... 1876 Hodgkins, A. E ...... 1907 Haskell, R...... 1904 Hodgkins, L. H ...... 1907 Haskell, R. W ...... 1905 Hofstead, H. 0 ...... 1904 de Haseth, G. A...... 1895 Holbrook, F. P ...... 1907 Hasty, P. A. (L.) ...... 1906 Holden, W. C...... 1892 *Hatch, E. E ...... 1884 Holley, C. D ...... 1900 Hatch, H. A...... 1900 Holman, C. V. (L.) ...... 1902 Hatch, J. W ...... 1888 Holman, C. V. (Hon.) ...... 1903 Hayes, A. D ...... 1894 Holmes, E. R...... 190,4 Hayes, A. J...... 1905 Holmes, F. E ...... 1902 Hayes, C. M ...... 1899 Holt, E. E. (Hon.) ...... 1904 Hayes, J. A ...... 190J Holt, F. W ...... 1873 Hayes, S. H. T ...... 189J "Holt, N. :i\I. (Miss) ...... 1879 Hayward, G. E...... 1907 Holton, C. R...... 1909 Heald, J...... 1878 Holyoke, W. L...... 1897 Healey, W. E ...... 1892 Hooper, E. G...... 1907 Heard, C. C. (Adv.) ...... 1908 Hopkins, G. J...... 190S Heath, E. F ...... 1890 Hopkins, L. 0 ...... 1905 Heath, S. J...... 1897 Hopkins, R. T ...... 1904 Henry, R. M ...... 1909 Horner, L. H ...... 1900 Herbert, T. C...... 1904 Hosmer, F. P ...... 1907 Hersey, G. A...... 1900 Houghton, A. D. (Hon.) ...... 18g7 Hersey, G. W ...... 1899 How, E ...... : .. 1876 Hews, W. P ...... 1906 Howard, L. B...... 1906 Heyer, H. S ...... 1899 Howard, W. R...... 1882 Hicks, A. A. (Mrs. G. F. Howe, E. J...... 1901 Black) ...... 1887 Howes, C. L...... 1888 Higgins, H. A...... 1898 Hoxie, H. F ...... 1899 Higgins, H. P ...... 1909 Hoxie, H. H ...... 1905 Higgins, R. E...... 1905 Hoxie, H. S ...... 19o6 Hight, C. B. (L.) ...... 1904 Hoyt, A. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1903 Hill, G. H ...... 1906 Hoyt, ,H_ P ...... ·7' ...... 1901 Hill, J. E ...... 1884 Hubbard, P. W ...... 1876 Hill, W. A...... 1908 Buen, C. J. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1904 Hilliard, E. K...... 1905 *Hull, F. E...... 1885 r28 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Hunter, R. D ...... 1874 Keller, P. R ...... 1901 Huntington, G. K...... • 1905 Kelley, B. V ...... 1902 Hurd, A. L...... 1882 Kelley, E. H ...... 1890 Hurd, W. B. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1905 Kelley, J. G...... 1884 Hussey, E. H ...... • • • • • 1907 Kendrigan, J. T ...... 1908 Hutchings, E. (L.) ...... • • • • 1900 Kenniston, H. G. (L.) ...... 1902 Hutchins, W. 0 ...... 1907 Keyes, A. H ...... 1885 Hutchinson, G. W ...... • • 1893 *Keyes, C. E ...... 1890 Keyes, 0. L. (L.) ...... 1905 Ingalls, A. T ...... 1881 Keyes, P., Jr...... 1891 Irish, J. S ...... 190S Kidder, E. E ...... 1896 *Kidder, F. E ...... 1879 Jack, W. D ...... 1893 Kiernan, J. F. (L.) ...... 1909 Jackson, R. L...... 1909 Kilbourne, C. H ...... 1891 Jacobs, J...... • •1908 Kimball, C. B ...... 1904 Jeffery, G. W ...... 1896 Kimball, F. I...... 1882 Johnson, B. R...... 1898· *Kimball, J. M ...... 1894 Johnson, C. A...... 1908 Kimball, W. A...... 1909 Johnson, C. H ...... 1906 Kingsbury, R. W. E ...... 1904 Johnson, E. A ...... 1902 Kingsland, E. B ...... 1904 Johnson, H. R...... 1909 Kittredge, C. A ...... 1903 *Johnson, R. J ...... 1881 Kittredge, C. P ...... 1893 Johnson, W. A. (L.) ...... 1905 Kittredge, J. R. (Sh. Ph.) ..... 1904 Johnstone, L. I...... 1905 Kittredge, R. B ...... 1906 Jones, F. (L.) ...... 1900 Kneeland, H. W ...... 1902 Jones, G. M. (Miss) ...... r906 Knight, F. D ...... 1909 *Jones, L. H. (Hon.) ...... 1897 Knight, G. R...... 1908 Jones, R. K...... 1886 Knight, M. G. (Miss) ...... 1909 Jones, S. M ...... 1876 Knight, 0. W ...... 1895 Jones, W. G ...... 1900 Knight, P. C...... 1902 Jordan, A. C...... 1904 K11owles, A. M ...... 1904 Jordan, A. T ...... 1893 Knowles, L. M. (Mrs. R. J. Jordan, W. H ...... 1875 Smith) ...... 1902 Jordan, W. H. (Hon.) ...... 1896 Knowlton, H. A ...... 1907 Jose, W. H ...... 1894 Judge, T. F ...... 1900 Ladd, E. F ...... 1884 J udgkins, E. L...... 1907 Laliberte, J. A. (L.) ...... 1906 Lambe, E. P ...... 1907 Kallam, F. W ...... 1902 Lambe, R. R...... 1907 Karl, H. L...... 1906 Lancaster, A. B. (L.) ...... 1905 Kay, F. W ...... 1905 Lang, A. A. (L.) ...... 1904 Keating, E. B ...... 1909 Lang, C. L...... 1906 Keegan, J. J. (L.) ...... 1907 Lanpher, S. C...... 1go8 Keirstead, A. W. (Sh. Ph.) .... 1897 Larrabee, B. T ...... 1904 Keirstead, H. W ...... 1907 Larrabee, G. P. (Sh. Ph.) ..... 1900 Keith, A. J...... 1882 Lawrence, G. W ...... 1898 Keith, B. F ...... 1908 Lawrence, L. A...... 1904 *Kelleher, B. P ...... 1883 *Lazell, J. D: ...... 1887 ALPHABE'l'ICAL LIST. 129

Learned, F. E ...... 1905 Lull, G. F ...... 1886 *Leary, T. E...... 1904 Lunt, C. S ...... 1884 Leathers, H. H ...... 1900 *Lunt, J. C...... •1877 Leavitt, H. E. (Mrs. W. Flint) .. 1890 Lurvey, J. G...... 1900 Leavitt, N. L. (Mrs. F. R. Hill) 1889 Lyon; A. C...... 1902 Leighton, C. H ...... 1904 Lufkin, G. W ...... 188o Lekberg, C. H ...... 1907 McArthur, C...... 1909 Lenfest, E ...... 1886 McCarthy, M. (L.) ...... 1900 Leonard, H. H ...... 1901 McCarthy, P. E ...... 1902 Lewis, A. A...... 1876 McClure, J. H...... 1905 Lewis, C. G. (L.) ...... 1908 McCready, J. H ...... ' ...... 1903 Lewis, H. M ...... 1893 McCrillis, E. J. (Sh. Ph.) ..... 1897 Libby, A. D. T ...... 1898 McCrillis, W. G. (Sh. Ph.) .... 1897 Libby, A. S ...... 1903 McCullough, F ...... 1904 Libby, C. A. (Miss) ...... 1881 McDermott, J. A ...... 1905 Libby, F. J ...... 1896 McDermott, W. L ...... 1906 Libby, H. I...... 1898 McDonald, F ...... 1900 Libby, M. D ...... 1879 McDonald, K...... 1907 Libby, P ...... 1908 MacDougal, W. E. (Sh. Ph.) .. 1898 Lincoln, H. F ...... 1888 McElroy, J. W ...... 1909 Lincoln, H. M ...... 1898 McGill, L. V. (L.) ...... 1899 Linehan, D. J. (L.) ...... 1905 McIntyre, H. F ...... 1881 Lisherness, E ...... 1907 McIntyre, W. D ...... 1904 Little, L. E ...... 1904 Mackay, J. D. (L.) ...... 1900 Littlefield, E. F. (L.) ...... 1go6 Mackay, M. (L.) ...... 1902 Littlefield, J. P ...... 1909 McKenzie, H. E ...... 1907 Locke, J., Jr...... 1878 MacLean, D. W ...... 1909 Locke, S. B ...... 1908 MacLean, N. V. (L.) ...... 1905 Lockwood, J. F ...... 1886 *McN ally, H. A...... 1887 Lombard, C. H ...... 1900 McNamara, W. S ...... 1go8 *Long, H. A...... 1876 Macloon, E. H ...... 1897 Lord, A. R ...... 1907 :'.\lacomber, C. H ...... 1908 Lord, C. A ...... 1904 Maddocks, F. E ...... 1907 Lord, H. (L.) ...... 1902 Maddocks, H. L...... 1900 Lord, J. K. (Hon.) ...... 1908 Maddocks, W. S ...... 1905 Lord, L. R...... 1908 Maguire, G ...... 1892 Lord, R. E ...... 1906 Malloy, T. A ...... 1907 Lord, R. W ...... 1891 Mann, E. J...... 1900 Lord, T. G...... 1888 Mann, R. E. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1909 *Loring, C. S ...... 1879 Mansfield, E. R...... 1899 Lothrop, L. R...... 1876 Mansfield, F. A...... 188o Loud, W. C...... 1903 Mansfield, H. W ...... 1902 Lougee, G. (L.) ...... 1904 Mansfield, M. C. (Miss) ...... 1907 *Love, A...... 1900 Manson, R. H ...... 1898 Lovett, M. R...... 1906 Manter, R. B ...... 1896 Lowe, S. S ...... 1902 Margesson, C. W ...... 1902 Lowell, F. H ...... 1901 Marr, L. H. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1900 Ludgate, V. (L.) ...... 1900 Marsh, R. H ...... 1888 9 130 U;{IVERS[TY OF MAI~E.

Marston, F. L...... 1896 l\Iitchell, A. G ...... 1875 Martin, B. C...... 1901 :\fitchell, C. A ...... 1901 Martin, C. H .. · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · 19°1 '.\Iitchell, C. B. (Sh. Ph.) ..... 1898 L...... 11 C Martin, F. 1901 ,,'I. 1tc h e , F ...... 1900 Martin, H. S ...... r 8 96 M artm,· J. W ...... •.. 139:,- '.\Iitchell, F. H ...... 1900 Martin, L. A ...... 1905 l\Iitchell, L. H ...... 1905 Martin, N. H ...... 1876 '.\Iitchell, R. L...... 1907 Mason, C. A ...... 1887 Monroe, E. ]{_ (L.) ...... 1907 Mason, J. H ...... 1909 l\Ioody, C. J...... 1905 Matheas, F. W ...... 1908 '.\Ioody, J. F., Jr. (L.) ...... 1907 Matthews, A. A ...... 1880 Moody, P. R ...... 1905 Matthieu, J. C ...... 1907 '.\Iooney, P. P ...... 1909 *Maxfield, A. I. (Miss) ...... 1903 Moor, C. L...... 188r Maxwell, J. D. (L.) ...... 1908 Moore, A. L...... 1879 May, J...... 1905 *l\Ioore, F. L...... 1875 May, S. (L.) ...... 1909 '.\foore, 1. H ...... 1909 Mayo, E. D ...... 1875 l\J oots, E. E. (Adv.) ...... 1908 Mayo, H. P ...... 1899 Monk, H. W ...... 1904 Mayo, N. H ...... 1909 Morell, W. B...... 1899 Menges, H. G...... 1891 :Morey, E. L...... 1890 Merriam, W. H ...... 1886 Morey, W., Jr...... 1885 Merrill, A. M. (Miss) ...... 1908 :Morrell, H. E ...... 1909 Merrill, D. T ...... 1898 }Iorrill, E. N ...... 1890 Merrill, E. C ...... : . . 1895 :\Iorrill, W. J...... 1899 Merrill, E. D ...... 1898 Morrison, J. J...... 1908 Merrill, F ...... 1887 Morrison, R. H ...... 1909 Merrill, G .P...... 1879 :Yiorse, C. A ...... 18;9 Merrill, G. P. (Hon.) ...... 1889 l\Iorse, W ...... 1907 Merrill, H. P ...... 1898 Morson, J. H. (L.) ...... 190.3 Merrill, J. B. (L.) ...... 1904 Morton, F. C...... 19o8 Merrill, J. F ...... 1907 l\Iorton, E. W ...... 1909 Merrill, L. H ...... 1883 ::\Iosher, E. S. E ...... 1899 Merrill, M. B ...... 1901 l\Iosher, P. H ...... 1902 Merrill, T. L ...... 1891 ·Moulton, A...... 1895 Merrill, W. L...... 1900 l\Ioulton, F. C...... 1891 Merriman, M. E ...... 1909 :'.\Ioulton, J...... 1885 Merritt, E. E ...... 1886 '.\Iudgett, U. G...... 190.3 Meserve, C. P ...... 1908 Mullaney, R. E ...... 1903 Meserve, J. W ...... 1879 Mullen, C. W ...... 1883 Michaels, J. C. (Miss) ...... 1883 Murphy, C. C...... 1893 Miller, H. R ...... 1909 Murphy, G. F ...... 1900 Miller, 0. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1909 Murphy, W. M ...... 1895 *Miller, S. F ...... r888 *'.\Iurray, B. F ...... r88r Milliken, E. L...... 1908 '.\I urray, E. P. (L.) ...... r903 Mills, C. H. (L.) ...... 1900 l\Iurray, H ...... 1894 Miner, H. L...... 1908 Murray, H. W ...... 1880 Mitchell, A. E ...... 1875 "'.\Iurray, W. A ...... 1899 ALPHABE'l'ICAL LIST. 131

Nash, H. L ...... 1909 Patrick, S. E ...... 1903 Nauman, G. V ...... 1909 Pattangall, W. R. (Hon.) ..... 1897 N ea!, A. F ...... 1909 Pattee, C. J ...... 1895 Nelson, J.E. (L.) ...... 1904 Patten, A. J...... 1897 Nelson, W ...... 1899 Patten, F. R...... 188o Newman, M. G...... 1907 Patten, J. H ...... 1882 Nichols, L. C...... 1906 Patten, T. :'IL. ... ., ...... 1883 Nickels, H. L...... 1907 Patten, W. N ...... 1891 Niles, H. L ...... 1896 Patterson, A. B ...... 1909 Noble, E. E. (L.) ...... 1903 Patterson, J. C...... 1878 Nolan, H. M. (L.) ...... 1908 Pearce, C. A ...... 1898 Norwood, L. 0 ...... 189-+ Pearson, R. H ...... 1904 Nowland, J. M. (Hon.) ...... 1897 Pease, C. T ...... 1880 Noyes, A. A. (Hon.) ...... 1908 Pease, 0. L ...... 1881 Noyes, F. A...... , ...... 1900 Peck, L...... 1902 Nute, A. J. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1897 Peirce, H ...... 1876 *Peirce, V. J ...... 1890 Oak, C. E ...... 1876 Peirce, W. B ...... 1890 Oak, J.M ...... 1873 Pennell, A. J ...... 1907 Oakes, F. J ...... 1878 Pennell, C. W ...... Jg-JS O'Halloran, J. (L.) ...... 1902 Pennell, E. E ...... 1885 O'Halloran, T. H. (L.) ...... 1907 *Perkins, C. A...... 1904 Olds, R. F...... , ..... 1906 Perkins, D. H ...... 1900 Oleson, W. B. (Hon.) ...... 1897 Perkins, H. L...... 1908 Olinnbaum, J. E ...... 1904 Perkins, J. B. (L.) ...... 1909 Ormsby, W. H. (Sh. Ph.) ..... 1908 Perry, E. (Miss) ...... 19o6 Orne, S. B ...... 1907 Perry, L. S. (L.) ...... 1907 Osborn, E. W ...... 1881 Perry, T. B...... 1907 Oswald, H. tl ...... 1899 Pettigrew, H. T ...... 1909 Owen, A. B...... 1900 Philbrook, E. W ...... 1907 Owen, G. S ...... 1906 Philbrook, H. G ...... 1909 Owen, J. W ...... 1890 Philbrook, W ...... 1888 Phillips, C. L. (Hon.) ...... r888 Packard, H. E ...... 1907 Phillips, F. F ...... 1877 Page, A. D ...... r886 Phillips, H. J. (L.) ...... 1900 Page, A. S...... 1900 Philoon, D. L ...... 1900 Page, W. R...... 1896 Phinney, A. L...... 1904 Paige, J. L...... 1906 Pierce, H. (L.) ...... 1900 Paine, A. T ...... 190-+ Pierce, S. F ...... 1907 Paine, C. B ...... 1909 Pierce, W. B ...... 18go Paine, L. G ...... 1885 Pike, G. W. (L.) ...... 1906 Palladino, F ...... 1909 Pike, L. F ...... 1909 Palmer, E. E ...... 1899 Pillsbury, E. B ...... 1876 Palmer, P. B...... 1896 Pillsbury, G. M ...... 1890 Parks, G. D ...... 1876 Plaisted, H. M ...... r88r Parker, D. L. (Miss) (L. E.) .. 1897 Plumly, C. A ...... 1909 Parker, E. A ...... 1904 Plumstead, F. (L.) ...... 1901 Parker, H. A ...... 1909 Pol, F. M. (Miss) (Adv.) .... 1909 132 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Porter, B. F ...... 1897 Feed, F. P ...... 1890 Porter, C. 0 ...... 1900 Reed, J ...... 1889 Porter, E. A ...... 1903 Reed, L. J...... 1907 Porter, J. W. H ...... 1897 *Reed, N. W. (Mrs. E. R. Jor- Porter, K. B...... 1904 dan) ...... 1889 Porter, R. H ...... 1906 Reemie, E. W. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1905 Potter, F. D ...... 1879 Reid, C. H. (L.) ...... 1903 Potter, P. (L.) ...... 1903 Reynolds, H. J...... 1876 Potter, R. E ...... 1908 Reynolds, T. H ...... 1906 Powell, M. F. (Mrs. M. C. Rice, M. C. (Miss) ...... 1902 McGinley) ...... 1905 Rich, H. A ...... 1909 Powell, M. H ...... 1899 Richards, E. R ...... 1900 Powell, M. L. (Miss) ...... 1899 Richardson, A. W ...... 1900 Powers, H. W ...... 1883 Richardson', F. C...... 1909 Pray, E. 0 ...... 1909 Richardson, I. C. (Miss) ...... 1909 Pressey, F. E ...... 1902 Ricker, P. L ...... 1900 Pretto, H. J...... 1899 Ricker, W. J...... 1905 *Price, A. W. (L.) ...... 1900 Riddle, H. C. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1907 Pride, F. P ...... 1896 Rideout. M. H. (L.) ...... 1908 Prince, C. E ...... 1906 Ridge, R...... 1907 Pritham, H. C...... 1901 Ridlon, H. D. (L.) ...... 1908 Purington, H. P ...... 1907 Ridlon, M. H. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1908 *Purington, J. F ...... 188o Riggs, L. W ...... 1885 Purinton, F. H. (L.) ...... 1908 Ring, A. I. (Mrs. C. J. Dunn). 1881 Putnam, C. E ...... 1883 Ring, M. L. (Mrs. H. H. An- Putnam, E. B. (L.) ...... 1904 drews) ...... 1881 Putnam, V. A...... 1902 Ring, V. M. (Mrs. D. 0. Campbell) (L. E.) ...... 1895 Quimby, J. H...... 1904 Ritter, G. W. (L.) ...... 1902 Quincy, F. G...... 1890 Robbins, C. A ...... 1900 Quint, R. A ...... 1907 Roberts, B. L...... 1909 Robinson, A. H ...... 1901 Race, J. L. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1903 Robinson, A. M. (Mrs. A. R. Rackliffe, C. N ...... 1902 Goodwin) (L.) ...... 1900 Rackliffe, J. R...... 1890 Robinson, C. C. (L.) ...... 1905 Ramsdell, L. H. (Mrs. M. D. Robinson, H. G ...... 1895 Noyes) ...... 1874 Robinson, L., Jr ...... 1883 Randall, J. W ...... 1909 Robinson, P. I...... 1909 Randlette, C. M ...... 1892 Robinson, W. F. (Hon.) ...... 1897 Randlette, J. W ...... 1896 Robinson, W. H. (L.) ...... 1902 Rautenstrauch, W. (Adv.) .... 1903 Rogers, A...... 1897 Ray, I. B ...... 1886 Rogers, C. W ...... 1876 Read, C. A ...... 1907 Rogers, D. N ...... 1906 Record, L. S. (L.) ...... 1905 Rogers, E. G ...... 1905 *Reed, C. E ...... 1873 Rogers, L. A...... 1896 Reed, F. R...... 1876 Rogers, L. W ...... 1875 Reed, F. R., Jr...... 1906 *Rogers, S. E ...... 1888 Reed, F. M ...... 1882 Roix, W. R. (L.) ...... 1906 ALPHABETICAL LIST. 133

*Rollins, C. H ...... 1900 *Shaw, A. J...... 1879 Rollins, D. W ...... 1907 Shaw, C. M. (Miss) ...... 1909 Rollins, F. M ...... 1900 Shaw, Cora M. (Miss) ...... 1909 Rollins, K. A ...... 1909 Shaw, G. M ...... 1875 Rollins, M. F ...... 1895 Shaw, 0. J...... 1893 Ropes, E. M .. (Adv.) ...... 1go8 *Shaw, S ...... 1877 Ross, E. B ...... 1902 Shaw, W. J...... 1905 Ross, H. D ...... 19()6 Sheahan, H. V ...... 1903 Ross, M ...... 1901 Sheridan, L. M. (Mrs. A. B. Rounds, A. P ...... 1907 Aubert) (L. E.) ...... 1895 Rowe, G. F ...... 1893 Sherman, R. S ...... 19o6 Rum ball, G. W ...... 1894 *Sidensparker, S ...... 1899 Russell, F. L...... 1885 Sikes, W. S. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1904 Russell, L. B ...... 1900 Silver, A. E ...... 1902 Russell, M. R ...... 1897 Simmons, F. J...... 1906 Russell, R. E ...... 1902 Simmons, J. P ...... 1906 Ryther, L. E ...... 1898 Simpson, E. R...... 1896 Simpson, P. D ...... 1903 St. Onge, W. J...... 1907 Sinclair, K. A ...... 1904 Sampson, A. H ...... 1907 Sipprellc, J. E. (L.) ...... 1904 Sampson, C. H ...... 1904 Skillin, C. 13. (L.) ...... 1908 Sampson, F. M ...... ' ..... 1905 Skofield, P. F ...... 1908 Sanders, T. A. (L.) ...... 1909 Small, A. C...... 1898 Sands, R. G ...... 1905 Small, A. R...... 1904 Sanford, J. F. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 19::n Small, C. F. ( L.) ...... 1909 Sargent, A. W ...... 1888 Small. C. L...... 1899 Sargent, P. D ...... 1896 Small, F. J. (L.) ...... 1900 Sargent, W. J. (L.) ...... 1900 Small, F. L...... 1888 Saunders, A. R ...... 1887 Small, L. L. (l\1iss) ...... 19cq Saunders, W. H. (Sh. Ph.) .... 1907 Small, S. G...... 1903 Sawtelle, F. W ...... 1898 Smalley, C. T. (L.) ...... 1905 Sawyer, E. J ...... 1906 Smith, C. D ...... 1905 Sawyer, F. W ...... 1890 Smith, D. F ...... 1905 Sawyer, J. H ...... 1904 Smith, D. S. J ...... 1909 Scammon, W. F ...... 1908 Smith, E. H ...... 1900 Schoppe, W. F ...... 1907 Smith, E. M ...... 1899 Schwartz, L. H. (L.) ...... 1900 Smith, F. A...... 1888 Scott, W. E ...... 1904 *Smith, F. A ...... 1900 Scribner, F. L...... 1873 Smith, G. A...... 1898 Seabury, G. E ...... 1888 Smith, G. L...... 1909 Seabury, R. L...... 1905 Smith, H. A ...... 1903 Sears, C. A...... 1887 Smith, H. M ...... 1893 Seavey, E. L. (L.) ...... 1908 Smith, H. W ...... 1909 Selkirk, R. W. (L.) ...... 1902 Smith, L. C...... ·... 1904 Sewall, H. N. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1909 Smith, P. (Hon.) ...... 1908 Sewall, H. W ...... 1902 Smith, R. J ...... 1908 Sewall, M. W ...... 1875 *Smith, R. L...... 1881 Shatney, T. F ...... 1909 Smith, R. S ...... 1906 134 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Smith, W. 0 ...... 1909 Stowell, C. M ...... 1900 Snell, R. M ...... 1905 Strange, E. M ...... 1900 Snow, D. F. (L.) ...... 1903 Strickland, R. E ...... 1904 Snow, F. B. (L.) ...... 1909 Strout, H. C...... r900 Snow, G. C...... 1882 Sturgis, E. A ...... 1898 Snow, M. S. (Miss) (Hon.) .. 1896 Sturgis, G. E ...... 1877 Snowdeal, A. (Miss) ...... 1900 Sturtevant, C. F ...... 1887 Soderstrom, G. L...... 1904 Sturtevant. G. W ...... 1881 Soper, H. M ...... 1903 Sturtevant, M. A...... 1908 Southard, F. D ...... 1906 Sturtevant, W. L ...... 1908 Southard, L. C...... 1875 Sutton, G. A...... 1883 Southard, L. C. (Hon.) ...... r904 Sutton, H. E ...... 1909 Southwick, E. F ...... 1909 Swain, J. H ...... 1899 Sparrow, A. L...... 1906 Swain, P. C. (Mrs.) ...... 1899 Sprague, A. P ...... 1898 Swan, C. B ...... 1890 Sprague, A. W ...... 1905 Sweet, C. A ...... 1905 Stanford, E. A ...... 1906 Sweetser, E. 0 ...... 1905 Stanley, H. A...... 1905 Sweetser, G. R...... 1909 Starbird, A. A ...... 1898 Swett, L. B. (L.) ...... 19o6 Starr, J. A ...... 1896 Swift, P. L...... 1907 Starrett, A. P ...... 1882 Starrett, H. V ...... 1891 Taft, D. R. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1900 Stephens, A. W ...... 1899 Talbot, F. W ...... 1905 Stephens, C. W ...... 1902 Talbot, J. R ...... 1904 Stetson, E. H ...... 1907 Talbot, R. F ...... 1907 Stetson, H. C...... , ...... 1907 Tarbox, G. R...... 1906 Stevens, A. W ...... , ...... 1907 Tarr, R. D ...... 1898 Stevens, C. H ...... 1887 Tate, E. :VI. (Miss) ...... 1907 *Stevens, F ...... 1889 *Tate, E. M ...... 1900 Stevens, F. L ...... 1884 Tate, F. F ...... 1900 Stevens, F. 0 ...... 1906 Tate, W. 11. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1902 Stevens, H. E ...... 1897 Taylor, A. G...... 1904 Stevens, R. P ...... 1898 Taylor, C. N ...... 1891 Stevens, T. J ...... 1877 Taylor, E. W ...... 1904 Stevens, W. L...... 1876 Taylor, H. S ...... 1904 Stevenson, J. B. (L.) ...... 1900 Taylor, L. W ...... 1883 Steward, J. W ...... 1891 Taylor, R. E ...... 1905 Steward, R. K...... 1908 Taylor, T. F ...... 1904 Steward, S. J ...... 1896 Tebbets, C. B ...... 1907 Stewart, F. C...... r906 Thatcher, H. D. T ...... 1905 Stewart, G. T ...... 1904 Thayer, H. B ...... 1873 Stickney, G. W ...... 1900 Theriault, D. L. (L.) ...... 1900 Stilphen, C. A...... 1902 Thomas, B. M ...... 1905 Stinson, F. M ...... 1899 Thomas, C. D ...... 1895 Stone, C. W., Jr...... 1903 Thomas, E. D ...... 1872 Stone, F. P ...... 1877 Thomas, H. A ...... 1905 Stone, W. E ...... 1907 Thomas, L. A ...... 1905 Stover, 0. 0 ...... 1899 Thomas, D. S...... 1909 ALPHABETICAL LIST. 135

Thomas, S. F ...... 1908 Waldron, W. L. (L.) ...... 1908 Thombs, G. W. (L.) ...... 1903 Waldron, W. L. (Adv.) ...... 1906 Thombs, \V. B ...... 1902 Walker, E. C...... 1878 Thomes, E. C...... • • 1905 Walker, P ...... 1896 Thompson, F. E. (L.) ...... 1900 Wall, E. L. (L.) ...... 1905 Thompson, G. E ...... 1891 Wallace, C. J...... 1890 Thompson, S. D ...... 1901 Wallace, J. G...... 19o6 Thurlough, H. H. (L.) ...... 1902 Walsh, L. S. (Hon.) ...... 1908 Timberlake, S. M ...... 1892 Walton, R. D. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1898 Todd, F. H ...... 1882 Ward, T. H ...... 1901 Tolman, F. S ...... 1892 Warren, G. 0 ...... 1879 Tolman, G...... 1896 Warren, J. C...... 1902 Tolman, W. R ...... 1898 Wash burn, W. F ...... 1907 Toner, E. L...... 1907 Waterhouse, W. H. (L.) ...... 1900 Torrey, G. E ...... 1909 Watson, A. M...... 1902 Totman, A. W ...... 1907 Watson, E. L ...... 1901 Towle, E. L ...... 1909 Watts, C. E. (Hon.) ...... 1903 Towne, C. E ...... 1877 Watts, F. E ...... 1901 Towse, A. R ...... 1903 *Weatherbee, A. W. (L.) ..... 1902 Trafton, E. E ...... 1905 *Webb, H. S ...... 1887 Trask, F. E ...... 1887 *Webb, H. S. (Hon.) ...... 1896 Trask, 0. W ...... 1905 Webb, W ...... 1875 Trask, W. D ...... 1908 Webb, W. S ...... 1890 Treworgy, I. E ...... 1903 Webber, M. F. (Miss) ...... 1906 Tripp, J. W ...... 1909 Webber, W ...... 1884 Tripp, W. E ..... '...... 1878 Webster, C. S ...... 1898 True, E. S ...... 1902 *Webster, E. C...... 1882 Tucker, J. V ...... 1904 Webster, F. E ...... 1900 Turner, R. L ...... 1904 Webster, F. H ...... 1904 Twombly, S. S ...... 1886 Webster, H ...... 1879 Tyler, J. A ...... 1892 Webster, I. E ...... 1877 Webster, J. M ...... 1893 Upton, E. C ...... 1897 Webster, 0. C...... 1878 Grann, M. L ...... 1897 Webster, W. B. (Sh. Ph.) ..... 1899 Weeks, C. W ...... 1905 Valentine, W. A ...... 1891 Weeks, J. W ...... 1877 Varney, L. G ...... 1901 Weeks, N. E. (Mrs. L. Spen- Veazie, M. M ...... 1899 cer) ...... 1877 Vickery, E. N ...... 1908 Weeks, W. M. (L.) ...... 1909 Vickery, G. S ...... 1889 Welch, W. E ...... 1898 Vinal, P. A. (l'\frs. A. White) .. 1879 Wentworth, M. B. (Mrs. C. 0. Vinal, R. P. (Miss) (L. E.) ... 1896 Perkins) ...•...... 1905 Violette, N. L. (L.) ...... 1903 Wescott, A. C...... 1899 Vose, C. T ...... 1887 Wescott, T. C...... 1909 Vose, F. H ...... 1900 Weston, B. T ...... 1900 Weston, C. M ...... 1908 Wade, F. S ...... 1881 Weston, C. P ...... 1896 Wadsworth, F. G...... 1909 Weston, G. 0 ...... 1872 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE.

Weston, W. A ...... 1900 Williams, D. S. (L.) ...... 1900 Weymouth, A. P ...... 1906 Williams, G. H ...... 1909 Weymouth, F. E ...... 1896 Williams, H ...... 1893 Wheeler, A. F ...... 1902 Williams, J. H ...... 1876 Whipple, A. L...... 1904 Williams, J. S ...... 1887 Whitcomb, B. D ...... 1896 Wilson, E. J...... 1907 Whitcomb, J. 0 ...... 1900 Wilson, F. P. (L.) ...... 1902 White, A...... 1905 *Wilson, J. B ...... 1881 White, A. H. (Hon.) ...... 1897 Wilson, J. D ...... 1907 White, C. H. ( Sh. Ph.) ...... 1897 Wilson, M. F ...... 1889 White, F. M. (Sh. Ph.) ...... 1907 Wilson, N. E ...... 1888 White, F. 0 ...... 1905 Winn, G. H. (L.) ...... 1903 White, H. A ...... 1909 Winslow, J. T. (L.) ...... 1905 White, H. L...... 1898 Wiswell, C. G...... 1898 *White, M. E ...... 1889 Witham, L. C...... 1907 White, R. H ...... 1903 Wood, A...... 1905 *White, W. A ...... 1881 Wood, C. A. (Adv.) ...... 1905 Whitmore, A. A...... 1'906 Wood, E. B ...... 1894 Whitney, G. A...... 1893 Wood, L. C...... 19o8 Whitney, H. D ...... 1903 Woodbury, D ...... 1909 Whittemore, G. A ...... 1898 Woodbury, S. E...... 1901 Whittier, A. C...... 1905 Woods, C. D. (Hon.) ...... 1905 Whittier, C. C...... 1899 Woods, H. M ...... 1909 Whittier, R...... 1902 Woodward, D. C...... 1882 *Wight, R. H ...... 1890 *Work, E. A...... 1875 Wight, W. A...... 1882 Wormell, R. G...... 1901 Wilbur, W. E ...... r908 Worster, G. H. (L.) ...... 1905 Wiley, M. C...... 1903 Wyman, A. P ...... 1907 Wilkins, G. B...... 1896 Wyman, L. A ...... 1881 Williams, B. F ...... 1907 Williams, C. S ...... 1890 York, V. J...... 1907