Maine State Legislature
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MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) PUBLIC DOCUMENTS OF MAINE 1910 Dri!NG TIIE ANNlJAL REPORTS DEPARTMENTS AND INSTITUTIONS For the Year 1909. VOLUME V. AUGUSTA KENNEBEC JOURNAL PRINT r9ro ANNUAL REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF- MAINE FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY !, !909 REPORTS OF THE TRUSTEES, PRESIDENT AND TREASURER DIRECTORY OF ALUMNI AUGUSTA KENNEBEC JOURNAL PRINT 1910 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES To the Honorable Governor a11d Executive Council of JJ1 aine: The Trustees of the University of Maine submit their forty-first annual report, with reports of the President and Treasurer. Full information in regard to the general and financial condition of the University will be found in the reports of President Fellows and Treasurer Stetson. The past year, as in former years, has seen a steady and constant growth in the number of students and in the work done at the Univer sity. I am pleased to state that there have been no changes in the Board of Trustees during the past year. This year Prof. Aubert has followed Prof. Fernald on the retired list, and both, through the earnest efforts of President Fellows, ha-ve been put on the pension list of the Carnegie Foundation. Prof. Fernald's retirement was spoken of in our last report. Prof. Aubert gave to the University many years in the chemical depart ment. He bore an international reputation in this subject and his de partment boasts of many graduates high in their profession. With the undergraduates he was eyer fair and had the respect and esteem of all, and brought his department to a very high degree of efficiency. During thr period covered by this report there have been many changes in the faculty, which have had a tendency to strengthen the instructing force. A full account of these changes \Yill be found in Pres. Fellows' report. The sudden death of Prof. J. 'vV. Carr was a severe blow not only to the department of German of which he was the head, but to the Uni versity as a whole. Although not one of the oldest professors in the institution, he had, during his stay, endeared himself in the hearts of all, and by his work had raised his department to a state of efficiency that was second to none in the country. Since last year the agricultural building has been completed, and that department has now taken up its work in the new building. The in creased facilities for handling this work came none too soon, as this field of work has broadened to an almost unlooked-for degree. The in creased interest in agriculture throughout this state cannot be too closely connected with the work of this institution, and with these added facili ties we feel that we can give to the farmer the privileges that are right fully his by support given the University. To be able to do this and show the state an adequate return for the money appropriated, is another stride toward the goal for which we are working. The last legislature made an appropriation for a new dormitory, for which the plans have been completed and contracts let. The work will 4 UNI\'ERSlTY OF :\L\INE. be begun at once and rushed to completion at the earliest possible mo ment. This new building will accommodate many students, besides hav ing increased dining accommodations and club-rooms. This will fill a long-felt want, as many of the men have been obliged in the past to live in Orono and wa:lk to and from their recitations. 'Ne feel that this ad dition to the University will bring the students closer together and make their relations and work much more successful than in the past. vVhile during the past few years we have had many improvements on the campus, there are still many pressing needs. Among the most im perative are new barns for the stock, greenhouses for the horticultural dtpartment and a new chemical laboratory. The need of these new buildings is fully explained in President Fellows' report. The law school in its new quarters has had another of its successful years. Under Dean Walz this branch has grown rapidly both in prestige ar,d numbers. The attendance of the college has kept up its phenomenal growth, and this year there is a greater number of students than in any previous year. The health of both the faculty and students has been excellent. In previous years special attention has been given to beautifying the campus, and this work should be continued as fast as funds will warrant in order to make it as attractive and pleasing to the students and com munity as possible. The Board of Trustees, in reviewing the wonderful growth of the l'niversity, cannot nrge too strongly the importance of providing for its future growth, with sufficient appropriation to make this institution what it should be, a credit to our state, and to rank with the strongest of the land grant colleges. EDWARD B. WINSLOW, Pres., Board of Trustees. REPORT OF THE TREASURER To the Trustees of the University of Maine: The Treasurer has the honor to submit the following report concern ing the financial condition of the University, July 1, 1909. INCOME OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE fROM JULY I, 1908, TO JULY 1, 1909. Coburn Fund . $4,000 oo Land Grant Fund . 5,915 oo Morrill Fund . 35,000 oo State . 52,500 oo Student receipts . 38,976 87 Total . $136,391 87 To the Trustees of the University of Maine: The Treasurer has the honor to submit the following report concern ing the financial condition of the University, July 1, 1909. ToTAL RECEIPTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE FROM ALL SOURCES FROM JULY 1, 1908, TO JULY 1, 1909. Cash Balance, July 1, 1908 ................... $1,568 82 Bills Payable .............................. $41,000 00 Bills Receivable ............................ 327 28 Biology .................................... 162 71 Commons .................................. 163 71 Diplomas .................................. 250 19 Electrical Engineering ...................... II6 12 Endowment Funds ......................... 9,915 00 ".\Iorrill Fund .............................. 35,000 00 Pharmacy .................................. 18 85 Physics .................................... 446 48 Rents ...................................... 1,376 06 State ...................................... 52,500 00 Summer Board Account .................... 38 85 Tuition, Incidentals and Registration ......... 38,976 87 Agricultural Building ....................... 30,000 00 Sales, Farm Produce, etc. ................. 12,317 39 222,009 51 6 l'XffERSITY OF ::\IAIXE. NET EXPEKSES OF THE -CKIYERSITY OF J'vIAIKE FROl\I }ULY I, 1908, TO JULY I, 1909. Current Expenses: Salary, Administration and Instruction ... Departments: Bacteriology and Veterinary Science ..... $314 75 Biology Equipment ..................... 430 75 College of Agriculture ................. II .295 75 Chemistry .............................. 529 63 Civil Engineering ...................... -tOO 71 Electrical Engineering Eq............... 25 00 "'.\Iathematics and Astronomy ............ 19 66 M cchanical Engineering ................ 235 7-+ :\Iilitary Science ........................ 588 67 Physics Eq............................. 648 63 Physical Training ...................... 178 58 Forestry ............................... 244 84 . \gricultural and Biological Chemistry ..•. 300 77 :\Icchanics and Drawing IO 57 15,22-t 05 Adyertising ............................ $929 35 Care of Buildings ...................... 4,209 56 Carpenter Shop ........................ 866 90 Commencement ........................ 370 IO Freight and Express ................... 515 28 Fnrniture and Fixtnres ................. 823 42 Grounds (Equipment and :\Iaintenance) .. 2,304 IO Interest and Discount .................. 887 70 Incidentals ............................. IOS 53 Insurance .............................. 626 22 Library ................................ 2,486 83 Law Library ........................... 426 68 l\Iiscellaneous .......................... 2,150 57 Office .................................. 536 53 Postage, Printing and Stationery ........ 1,18g 02 Prizes ................................. 120 00 Po\Ver, Heat and Light. ................. 16,029 09 Repairs ................................ ~,745 73 Shop .................................. 303 15 School Inspection ...................... 150 8g Summer Term ......................... 66 43 Athletic Field .......................... 370 70 Treasury ............................... 143 97 Trustees' Expense ...................... 50 00 \\Tater Supply ......................... 2,251 66 ;\f useum ............................... 236 23 Rr'.POR1' OF THE TREASURER. 7 Lectures ............................... 262 57 Summer Term (1909) ................... 72 65 Scholarships ........................... 30 00 Charges, Farm Produce, etc ............. II,694 27 55,955 I3 Sundry Exprnsc s: Heating Plant .......................... $3,515 SI Agricultural Building .................. 40,885 93 Poultry Houses ........................ 3,938 94 Stock Judging Pa Yi lion ................. 3,892 46 New Bnilclings (Faculty Houses) ....... 8oo 00 53,032 84 Cash Balance .............................. 888 16 Respectfully submitted, (Signed) I. K. STETSON, Treasurer. I hereby certify that I haYe examined the accounts of the Treasurer and tind them correctly kept and properly Youched. (Signed) S. W. GOULD, Auditor. REPORT