Film. C. 1.Fflfflmcll
CHICAGO' IREBUKK. jtILY. TRI-WEEIS.Y AKD WEEKLY reUowisff 1« a list of flntalttft Wkol* Otfcc IVo. 61 Clark Street* •ale Busineu Houses in CMeaga; IXEks or tee Chicago tbzsuke: ~t\ iy, dillveied in cliy, per year , delivered In city, per week Dry Goods, Notions, &o. rtg'.ly, to mall Bcbßcrlbere, per year pcrCmcclhe.. COOLET, FAEWELL & CO., il, UK d 46 W*- I'aily, lom&ll enbecribere, f»vJJ avenne. fri-*ockly, per year. ••Vr haeh jFoetJy, einpic eubhcribert (6 xao'e fi.Oj) - BOWEN BROTHERS, 73,74 and 70lake afreet. ** 4 copies v22 Lake street. « 1 HARMON, GALE A CO., 53 10 copies •: M SO copice, and Ito getter np ol • dab gyMoncy inRegisteredLetters maybe sentat Boots and Shoes. flat. DOQGBTT, BASSETT A HILLS, 39 and SS Lake street. jy remittance ldrclebe must, inall cues, C. Ji.HENDERSON CO., Lakestreet, cornet * at A S3 made owr Uni®. of Wabash avenue. yy-There will be so deviation from tie foie* 53. F. C. A M.D. WELLS, SS Lake street. \ scale of rate®, CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1868. NUMBER VOLUME XVII. GILLETTE, WHITNEY A CO., Salesrooms fedfireie ,l CHICAGO TRTBuKE,” Chicago, IQ, 4fl Lake street; Factory, 53S North Clark street.. lion of thesevisits, and the weather prove to command thl« Department: that we regard the aimertmmtntf, Ntro SUuurfistmmta; the it is THE VIRGINIA. Prceldent'b Proclamation of Jannary,lSG3. irrevo- FBSM KANSAS. 3Nhd THE LATE FROST. auspicious the balance of season, WAR IN cable, and we Senators Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing quite likely that com and potatoes mayprove request our Legislature, Chicago end Representatives In Congress to usotbelr ut- E W FOR tribune.
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