2019 for Personal Use Only Use Personal For
Annual Report 2019 For personal use only TRANSMETRO CORPORATION LIMITED ABN 45 001 809 043 METRO HOTELS Metro Hospitality Group operates a network of Having formed in 1997, Metro Hospitality Group’s pub accommodation hotels and pubs in key locations division is now in its twenty second year of operation. and major cities across Australia including Sydney, The flexibility and diversity of the Metro Hospitality Melbourne, Perth, Gladstone, Darwin and Groote Group, incorporating Metro Hotels and Pubs, Eylandt (NT). gives Transmetro Corporation a high degree of Year on year, the chain’s national portfolio of hotels confidence in its capacity to confront the present and apartments continues to attract a broadening and future challenges of a dynamic and ever- range of corporate and leisure guests, whilst the changing marketplace. group’s Palace Hotel Sydney and The Elephant The company is dedicated to building client British pub, continue to host tens of thousands of relationships and offers a unique range of long- Australians and visiting tourists annually. established and well recognised brands. Metro Hotels attracts guests from both the domestic and international markets for corporate and leisure stays as well as in select locations, conferences and As part of a strategic alliance, Argyle Hotel functions. The Metro Hotels group offers a unique Group (AHG) has been a gateway for Transmetro range of hospitality from fully serviced hotels to Corporation into the Asian market since 2007. AHG spacious self-contained CBD located apartments. is the premier Australian exporter of hotel and For personal use only resort services in Asia, with 3.4 billion USD in assets In addition to its accommodation hotels network, the under management and 140 hotels in all segments Metro Hospitality Group has interests in theme pubs of the market from 5-star hotels and resorts, mid- in Sydney and Adelaide.
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