RoyalRoyal TunbridgeTunbridge WellsWells CivicCivic SocietySociety ChairmanChairman’’ss ReportReport 20052005 -- 20062006

Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society

Our 2005-2006 year has been marked by:

The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Wells, the celebration of which was first proposed by RTWCS to TWBC in 2002; and in which the Society has been particularly active.

The production of a number of suitable and very successful Souvenirs to mark the event.

1 The Fourth Centenary – the official logo

The Fourth Centenary – the Society’s logo

2 The major Souvenir of the Fourth Centenary, selling over 1,500 copies

Fourth Centenary Souvenirs produced by the Society


Bone China Mug

3 Civic Society Our 2005-2006 year has also been marked by:

™ The growing consultation between TWBC and other local bodies as a result of the damning Audit Commission Report of 2004, which has lead to the formation of a Town Forum, in which the Society takes an active part.

™ The much-improved relations between RTWCS and TWBC, which has lead to regular four-monthly meetings between the Executive Committee and the ‘Cabinet’ and senior Officers.

™ The more pro-active approach by the Executive Committee has also led to regular four-monthly meetings with our local MP, Greg Clark.

Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society

„ The Society has attended conferences organised by TWBC on Community Involvement, the Community Plan, Housing and the Local Development Framework. „ It has also discussed and submitted comments on TWBC strategy documents on the Local Development Framework, the Community Plan and Leisure Strategy 2006-2012. „ Its Scrutiny Sub-committee has examined 304 Planning Applications and made representations to TWBC about 63 of them. „ It has worked with TWBC in developing the ‘Magenta Plaques’ scheme commemorating famous people associated with specific buildings in TW and by the end of 2006, there should be 24 in place. It has also worked with TWBC on what will be an expanding number of Heritage Trails in the Town.

4 Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society

The first two Heritage Trails April 2006

5 Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society „ Many interesting meetings, including the Conservation Awards presented by Lord ‘ Sandy’ Bru ce -Lockhart and a talk by our MP, Greg Clark and an interesting update on Pembury Hospital. „ The creation of a new category in our Conservation Awards for ‘ Contributions to the Community ’ „ The organisation of Heritage Open Days in September „ The revision of the Society’s Constitution, last amended in 1985 „ The Fourth Centenary Garden Party in July, attended by the Marquess of Abergavenny, Greg Clark MP, the Mayor and Mayoress, many TWBC ‘Cabinet’ members and officers, the Managing Editor of the Courier, as well as many members of the Society.

October 2006 – Conservation Awards

6 October 2006 – Conservation Awards

Greg Cla rk, MP, talking to the Society – February 2006

7 Laurence Bunnett - Progress update Pembury Hospital – May 2006

Tunbridge Wells - Heritage Open Days 2006 Press Launch

8 Tunbridge Wells - Heritage Open Days 2006 – distributing leaflets at the Central Railway Station

September 2006 - Tunbridge Wells Heritage Open Days

9 RTWCS Garden Party July 2006

RTWCS Garden Party 2006 Presentation to Jenny Paulson-Ellis

10 Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society

„ The Society has served on the Committee for the renovation of the Victoria Cross Grove in Dunorlan „ It provided a contingent at the Remembrance Day Service and laid a wreath on the War Memorial „ It took a new initiative in taking part in Cricket Week, sharing a marquee with the TW Cricket Club. „ Its website, devised by Daniel Bech, has had over 17,000 ‘hits’ in a year – nearly 50 a day – and our website for Heritage Open Days has had nearly 17,000 in just three months, with nearly 5,000 in just ten days – 1st-10th September. „ Last but not least, the Society’s finances are in good order, as you will be told shortly.

Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society

11 Cricket Week May 2006: RTWCS’s participation for the first time

Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society

„ That completes my Report to the Society, but not my Address as there are several issues which ought to be raised with you. „ First, the White Paper on the Re-organisation of Local Government was at last published on 26th. October in a much watered-down form. The threat of Unitary Authorities and the abolition of Borough Councils, at least in , has now vanished. „ Second, the appearance of our Town still leaves much to be desired. There is a real threat of ‘planning blight’ in its centre, running from the Station up the west side of Mount Pleasant Road up to Fiveways. And we have as many ‘Grot Spots’ as ever. „ We have had one very minor success:

12 db / November 2005

13 Top 10 Eyesores • Ritz Building - Cinema Site • Eridge Road (Land behind Petrol Station) • Tunbridge Wells Central Station • Balustrades and Colonnade of Monson Road • Greyhound Publ i c House • 30 Warwick Park • Summerhill House, 73 Inner London Road • 32 Mount Ephraim • Albert Street (opposite RVP Car Park) • RTW Twin Town road signs

• Premises in Quarry Road (next to Barnabas school) • Medway Depot / TWBC Printing Dept.

db / March 2006

14 August 2006 - Chapel Place – Replacement of lamppost

Before After, with Cllr. Melvyn Howell, the Chairman and Daniel Bech

Calverley Street repaved at a cost of £255,000 in 2004, and now ‘allowed’ to be ‘repaired’ with tarmac! (November 2006)

15 SpaFest 2006: a symbolic photo: all screwed up

Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society

„ All of which brings us back full-circle to the Society and its members. „ We are about 400 strong, or is it 400 weak? „ We all love our Town, but do we do enough for it? „ The Society is becoming much more active and its influence is increasing. „ But it requires its members to become more active and to exert their influence as well. It cannot run on the hard work of just a few people. Every member should help, not just for our sakes, but for the good of the Town we love.

16 Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society

„ The Society has historically been wary of being seen to go beyond its franchise. „ We also need to be realistic and keep our ambitions within the reality of modest funds and the level of member support. „ HOWEVER…… „ Many people today do not seem to care who tackles issues as long as someone does (and that normally means someone else). „ But we have got to care, because if we don’t, who will? „ So I make a plea to members to become pro-active in the management of the Society and the issues with which it deals.

RoyalRoyal TunbridgeTunbridge WellsWells CivicCivic SocietySociety ReportReport forfor 20052005 -- 20062006

ThankThank you!you!