Robert Summers1 1922–2012
bs_bs_banner Review of Income and Wealth Series 59, Number 1, March 2013 DOI: 10.1111/roiw.12015 IN MEMORIAM: ROBERT SUMMERS1 1922–2012 Robert Summers was an economist who maintained a balance between theory and applied econometrics. His association with the IARIW and the Review were in the field of international economic comparisons of purchasing power parities, output and incomes. Summers’ contributions are discussed in three periods: his work prior to joining collaborative studies on international comparisons in 1970; his contributions to the United Nations’ International Comparison Program (ICP) through 1980; and the development of his widely used data set, the Penn World Table or PWT. a) Early Career After his army service in WW II, Summers completed his undergraduate work at Reed College and with his oldest brother decided to pursue graduate work in economics. However, neither brother wanted to have an advantage because their middle brother, Paul Samuelson, was already well known in the field. So they took their mother’s maiden name. Summers became a doctoral student at Stanford, attracted by the strong statistical tradition and their economists, especially Kenneth Arrow. He joined Yale as an Instructor, and there met and married Kenneth’s younger sister, Anita Arrow. 1The suggestions of Bettina Aten and Prasada Rao are very much appreciated. © 2013 International Association for Research in Income and Wealth Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main St, Malden, MA, 02148, USA. 169 Review of Income and Wealth, Series 59, Number 1, March 2013 Summer’s dissertation had a substantive focus on the lifetime earnings pro- files of a sample of income earners.
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