THE INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES C. I. T. Campus, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113. ANNUAL REPORT Apr 2003 - Mar 2004 Telegram: MATSCIENCE Fax: +91-44-2254 1586 Telephone: +91-44-2254 2398, 2254 1856, 2254 2588, 2254 1049, 2254 2050 e-mail: offi
[email protected] ii Foreword I am pleased to present the progress made by the Institute during 2003-2004 in its many sub-disciplines and note the distinctive achievements of the members of the Institute. As usual, 2003-2004 was an academically productive year in terms of scientific publications and scientific meetings. The Institute conducted the “Fifth SERC School on the Physics of Disordered Systems”; a two day meeting on “Operator Algebras” and the “third IMSc Update Meeting: Automata and Verification”. The Institute co-sponsored the conference on “Geometry Inspired by Physics”; the “Confer- ence in Analytic Number Theory”; the fifth “International Conference on General Relativity and Cosmology” held at Cochin and the discussion meeting on “Field-theoretic aspects of gravity-IV” held at Pelling, Sikkim. The Institute faculty participated in full strength in the AMS conference in Bangalore. The NBHM Nurture Programme, The Subhashis Nag Memorial Lecture and The Institute Seminar Week have become an annual feature. This year’s Nag Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof. Ashoke Sen from the Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad. The Institute has also participated in several national and international collaborative projects: the project on “Automata and concurrency: Syntactic methods for verification”, the joint project of IMSc, C-DAC and DST to bring out CD-ROMS on “The life and works of Srini- vasa Ramanujan”, the Xth plan project “Indian Lattice Gauge Theory Initiative (ILGTI)”, the “India-based neutrino observatory” project, the DRDO project on “Novel materials for applications in molecular electronics and energy storage devices” the DFG-INSA project on “The spectral theory of Schr¨odinger operators”, and the Indo-US project on “Studies in quantum statistics”.