Town Mayor: Cllr Jeanette Stilts

Councillors: R Ford, M Harvey, M Heard, K Lagan, D Ogg, M Pearlman, S Savage, F Shaughnessy (Deputy Town Mayor), T Shrimpton, P Stilts and C Swain

In attendance:The Town Clerk, The Administrative Assistant, the Sergeant-at-Mace, Cllr Richard Perry (Chairman of Heybridge Parish Council), Mr Neil Fisher (Maldon Drama Group) and one member of the public.

Before the meeting started, members were invited by the Town Mayor to join in a short prayer.

75. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Town Mayor welcomed Cllr Perry, Mr Fisher and the member of the public to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllrs A Hafiz (unwell) and S Nunn (on holiday).

76. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were reminded that they are required to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Pecuniary Interests or Non-Pecuniary Interests which they know they might have in items of business on the agenda. They were reminded that they will need to repeat their declarations at the appropriate point in the meeting and leave the room if required under the Code of Conduct. Unforeseen interests must be declared similarly at the appropriate time.

Cllr S Savage declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 5 (he is the team lead on police issues on the MDC Overview and Scrutiny Committee). Cllr M Heard declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 5 (he is employed as an auditor by Police) and item 9 (he is a member of the local branch of the Royal British Legion).

77. TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES Members considered the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 16th July 2018 Minutes 43-74. It was noted that in the Resolution of item 45, the date should be 4th June 2018 (not 2014). Also, the last sentence of item 63 should read `…put to Finance & General Purposes committee for a recommendation to Full Council’ (not by Full Council).

RESOLVED: that, with the inclusion of the above amendments, the Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 16th July 2018, Minutes 43-74, be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Town Mayor.

78. TOWN MAYOR AND DEPUTY TOWN MAYOR 78.1 Members received details of the Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor’s engagements carried out since the last Town Council meeting. The Town Mayor thanked the Deputy Town Mayor for her support. Cllr Heard said it is important to note the amount of time that is spent carrying out these engagements and also that, through them, Maldon has been represented at events in Burnham-on-Crouch, Roxwell and during the last few weeks.


RESOLVED: that the information be noted.

78.2 The Town Mayor gave a verbal update on plans for the Mayoral Year. An event to commemorate HM Merchant Navy Day is taking place at the quayside on Sunday 9th September 2018 and those Town Councillors who will be attending are requested to take their robes with them to Maldon Little Ship Club on the day. A charity quiz night is being held at the Town Hall on Saturday 22nd September 2018 and a Turkish meal with entertainment at Sark Meze Grill on Wednesday 17th October 2018. A wine tasting evening is being planned.

The Town Mayor took the opportunity to inform councillors that St Giles Ruins was graffitied during the Bank Holiday weekend. This has been reported to the police and also to the MDC Conservation Officer for advice on how best to remove it.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted.

79. UPDATE FROM Cllrs M Heard and S Savage had declared a non-pecuniary interest.

Sergeant Andy Drake had sent his apologies for this meeting and advised that Sergeant Kerri Trickey was due to attend in his place, but she did not and no apologies had been received.1 Cllr Heard reported that he and the Town Clerk attended a meeting with Les Hawkins about the recruitment of Special Community Constables for Maldon, which has now been advertised on the Council’s website, Facebook page and Twitter. It will also appear in the local press.Cllr Savage expressed his disappointment that no apology had been received from the police, proposed that this item be deferred to the Town Council meeting on 8th October 2018 and a letter sent to Essex Police expressing disappointment that no police representative attended. The proposal was seconded and agreed.

RESOLVED: that this item be deferred until the Town Council meeting on 8th October 2018 and a letter sent to Essex Police.

80. CASUAL VACANCY ON THE COUNCIL Members received a written report regarding the casual vacancy on the Town Council. The Town Clerk informed councillors that three applications have now been received and all are able to attend the Council meeting on 4th September 2018. Cllr Swain expressed his concern that this appointment was being rushed and could be deferred until the next Full Council on 8th October 2018. Cllrs were assured that the additional meeting on 4th September 2018 had been convened correctly and that the candidates had confirmed their attendance. It was agreed that this co-option would not be delayed.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted.

81. TOWN CLERK’S REPORT Members received a verbal update from the Town Clerk on matters arising since the last meeting. Attention was drawn to Heritage Weekend in September and HM Merchant Navy Day on Sunday 9th September which is part of this. Wendy Munnion is about to start making the poppy frieze commemorating the end of WW1 and she will be seeking volunteers from the community to contribute to the project.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted.

1 The Town Clerk subsequently received an email from AP/S Kerri Trickey advising that she had been delayed attending to a member of the public with mental health issues in the High Street. This was circulated to councillors for information.


82. MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETINGS Members received the Minutes of the following Committee meetings:

82.1 Minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 6th and 23rd July, and 6th August 2018, Minutes 31-52 inclusive. RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 6th and 23rd July and 6th August 2018 (minutes 31-52 inclusive) be noted. 82.2 Minutes of the Environment Committee meeting held on 7th August 2018, Minutes 193-208 inclusive.

RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Environment Committee meeting held on 7th August 2018 (minutes 193-208 inclusive) be noted.

82.3 Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 13th August 2018, Minutes 31-47 inclusive.

RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 13th August 2018, (minutes 31-47 inclusive) be noted.

83 UPDATE ON WW1 CENTENARY COMMEMORATION ARRANGEMENTS Cllr Heard had declared a non-pecuniary interest.

83.1 Members received a report updating information on the arrangements for commemorative events in Maldon. It was noted that the Town Council has received two wooden solitary soldier silhouettes from council which are to be personalised to Maldon by students from the Plume Academy and displayed in their Remembrance Garden.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted.

83.2 Members received a request from the Maldon Drama Group for support from the Town Council for their WW1 Centenary Commemorations production `Hope Flowers’ which features music, war poems and songs of the Great War. Mr Neil Fisher attended the meeting to explain more about the show. It is a joint production between Maldon Drama Group, Essex Police Choir and Maldon Orchestra and consultation has taken place with RBL Maldon Branch and Maldon Sea Cadets. Cllr Nunn has also been consulted and he supplied a written note for the meeting saying that he is happy for the information he gave to the Drama Group being used and fully supports their grant request. Admission will be free with donations welcome. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that a grant of £800 be awarded. Members were advised how to obtain tickets for the performance.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted and a grant of £800 be awarded to the Maldon Drama Group for their Hope Flowers production.

83.3 The Town Mayor read out comments received from Cllr S Nunn expressing his disappointment at the recent vandalism to the District Council’s WW1 installation in the Promenade Park. The equipment has now been restored and the police informed.

RESOLVED:- that the information be noted.

84 RISK REVIEW 2018 Members received, and were asked to approve, the Council’s Risk Review for 2018. The Finance & General Purposes Committee had identified the need for councillor training on the


Code of Conduct and it was noted that this would be provided by the MDC Monitoring Officer in July 2019, following local elections. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the Risk Review for 2018 be approved and that councillor training on the Code of Conduct should go ahead.

RESOLVED: that the Risk Review for 2018 be approved and that training for Town Councillors on the Code of Conduct be provided by the MDC Monitoring Officer as proposed.

85. ALLOWING COUNCILLORS TO CONTRIBUTE VIEWS Members received a written report explaining why Cllr Nunn had requested that this issue be discussed. The Town Mayor read out further comments from Cllr Nunn. He felt that he was dismissed from raising an issue at a committee meeting. The fact that the Council’s Standing Orders already set out how councillors may contribute to the debate at meetings was discussed. The point was made that the Chairman’s duty is to manage the meeting and ensure everyone is able to speak to encourage a full debate. However, once a decision has been made, there should be no further debate. Cllr Swain suggested that the relevant section of Standing Orders should be amended by adding `it is the responsibility of the chairman to ensure full discussion has taken place’. Cllr Savage concurred with these views, and would like to see Committee and Council Minutes contain more detail, to show the depth of the debate. He proposed that Cllr Swain’s suggestion be discussed by the Standing Orders Group. The proposal was seconded and agreed.

RESOLVED: that an amendment to Standing Orders to clarify the role of a chairman be discussed by the Standing Orders Group for a recommendation to Full Council.

86. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Cllr Swain had attended a Mid Essex Hospital Trust meeting and reported that the Trust’s view is that St Peter’s Hospital is held only as a property asset. Cllr Swain will investigate the implications of this for Maldon residents further.

Cllr Harvey noted that the September issue of Maldon Life magazine includes a full page on Heybridge Parish Council activities which he commended as a way of keeping residents up to date with council activities. He would like to see similar information from MTC in the magazine. The Town Mayor noted that the magazine does include her blog in each issue. Following a discussion, as no councillors felt they could collate the information, the Town Clerk was requested to provide information on Town Council activities to Maldon Life on a monthly basis for a trial period.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted and that the Town Clerk submits information on Town Council activities to Maldon Life.

On behalf of Cllr S Nunn, the Town Mayor advised that the District Council has kindly agreed to organise the formal unveiling of Linda Homes street naming after Ben Cobey. The idea of naming a street after Ben was first muted by John Whittingdale MP and Cllr Nunn has provided background research to help the event come to fruition. Family descendants will be invited, as will Town councillors.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted.

87. REPORTS FROM COUNCILLORS ALSO SERVING AS DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Cllr Shaughnessy who sits on MDC’s Community Services Committee, reported that a group of councillors and officers had visited Promenade Park. The group agreed that the area is in need of attention to tidy it up and improvements to make it more attractive.


Cllr Savage who sits on the Transport Committee, reported on complaints he has submitted to Essex County Council about the poor service provided by the number 31 bus route. Also, he has visited Bradwell Power Station and reported that the deconstruction site is very clean.

Cllr Shrimpton had attended a Traffic Committee meeting and raised the issue of two near- accidents involving police cars which were caused by bends in Washington Road and Wantz Road that restrict the space available for vehicles to manoeuvre at speed. This was raised by the Town Council as a concern when it was proposed to relocate the Police Station to the District Council offices. Essex County Highways will review the situation.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted.

88. MINUTES & REPORTS RECEIVED FROM OTHER ORGANISATIONS Members were advised that the minutes of the following meetings can be sent to members on request: • Maeldune Trust Meeting 26th July 2018 • Executive Committee Meeting of Age Concern 25th July 2018.

RESOLVED: that the information be noted.

89. QUESTIONS FROM THE PRESS OR PUBLIC A member of the public said she had attended tonight’s meeting because she is interested in becoming a Special Constable and had hoped to meet the Essex Police representative. Cllr Heard thanked her for attending and said he is pleased she has expressed an interest. More information on the role can be found on the Essex Police website.

Cllr Richard Perry said he had enjoyed attending the meeting and thanked the Town Mayor for inviting him.


RESOLVED: that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public be excluded from the Meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest.

The members of the public left the meeting.

91. STAFF REPORT Members received a confidential report on a staffing matter. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the proposal in the document be carried out and that this item remain in the private domain.

RESOLVED: that the proposal outlined in the document be carried out and that this item remain in the private domain.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.28pm.

Cllr Jeanette Stilts Town Mayor

Signed:……………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………..