Congressional Record—Senate S1992
S1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2021 physical toll on those individuals, which is Whereas visits and visitors to the national Lexie Hull, Alyssa Jerome, Haley Jones, compounded by long hours and the around- parks of the United States are important Hannah Jump, Ashten Prechtel, Jana Van the-clock nature of the job; economic drivers for the economy, respon- Gytenbeek, Kiana Williams, and Anna Wil- Whereas public safety telecommunications sible for $21,000,000,000 in spending in 2019; son; professionals should be recognized by all lev- Whereas the dedicated employees of the Whereas behind the players is a team of els of government for the lifesaving and pro- National Park Service carry out their mis- staff, without whom the players could not tective nature of their work; sion to protect the units of the national have been successful; Whereas major emergencies, including nat- parks system of the United States so that Whereas the Cardinal displayed confidence ural disasters and the coronavirus disease the vibrant culture, diverse wildlife, and and poise, surviving 2 last-second shots to 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, highlight the priceless resources of these unique places defeat the University of South Carolina dedication of public safety telecommuni- will endure for perpetuity; and Gamecocks and the University of Arizona cations professionals and their important Whereas the people of the United States Wildcats to win the 2021 national champion- work in protecting the public and police, have inherited the remarkable legacy of the
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