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1935 A Glossary of the Variants From Standard French Used in Evangeline Parish. Hosea Phillips Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College

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Recommended Citation Phillips, Hosea, "A Glossary of the Variants From Standard French Used in Evangeline Parish." (1935). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 8203. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses/8203

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/, re i i r r o l 3 , c 345624- ( J I r.J^, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

To the Department of Romance Languages through which th is work was made possible* to Dean James F* Broussard for his aid and encourage­ ment* to Mr* H* A. Maj-r who started the author on thie work* to Mr* W,

A* Pickens who continued the guidance* to Mrs* Judith Major for help and suggestions* to Mr* James A* Mo Mi 11 on for help* the author expresses his sincere appreciation* A STUDY OP LOUISIANA FRENCH IN EVANGELINE PARISH

A bstract

This the sic is the result of an attempted glossary of the var«* iants from Standard French used in Evangeline Parish. It gives first an approaeh to conventional orthography# then a close phonetie trans­ cription# followed by a definition In English. An attempt has been made to get a French equivalent to the meaning of the dialect word.

#here the dialect word had another meaning in Standard French# that vac also included. INTRODUCTION

The object of this thesis i s a glo ssa ry of the French of Evangeline

Parish as it varies from Standard French* in meaning or pronunciation.

The author has lived in Evangeline Parish all his life* For con* firmaticn of the variants found* he interviewed residents of Ville Platte*

Maaoti* Basils* Bdlaire Cove* and other country districts* INTRODUCTION

This glossary doos not pretend to be complete even in its limited scope of compiling variants from Standard French. The writer has not attempted to bring in every varying word but* in several oases* general­ izations with examples (to be found in the glossary) are given* These generalizations are not absolute* nor are they unoonsldered Judgments* for the writer was born and reared in Evangeline Parish* and has made a study of thie French for several years*

Considerations on Pronunciation

I* Consonants

A* Dropping of final consonantst

1. The "r* as in livre* mattre* cardre. dartre.

2* The fll- as in aimable * possible* probable * simple*

3* The H* as in dentists * lists* piste * architects*

B* Changes* 1. The "t* before (')» (y)* becomes (*s >. Ex. j petit i ) * t u (■£ sV ) # tu e r ( t s ^ c_ ) (See p a la ta liz a ­ tio n ) 2* The (/)* H ' ) becomes f/z. )* * dire (Jz.»V ) * dg (dtj ) W& ' )* aulourd 1 hul ( 0 3 urJzAj /)* 3* In words where (f) precedes a (■?)* the (^) becomes (3)* Ex. 1 chaise ( f ) . choes (O ) * chemise

4. In words where (*£) precedes a (3 ) , the (5 ) becomes (J)* **•1 gAiiet ( y yj^)* aauyage (^oi/a.^), 0 orsajge (korf&j) #

5* Vocing of intervocalic palatal sibilant* E** * acht&to at) * aohfttcral 1 1 re) *

6 * The g lid e "d* between nn* and " r 0. Bx *j cochondire (K o C5"c[ ^ j) for coohonnerle* 7* MhF la pronounced in words lilce hachs. haut * honto* hamaio.

Vote a ls o ) for algre and for Sore,

9, Nasal oonsonanta endings -de# -be > -dre, -bre, ~ble, -pie*

Drop endingsf pronounce, the nasal consonant with nasal vowel*

Ex. s -de . monde (rnSn)* bande (b&n), ofeambre (^aM ) -be . -b io boobs (o 5Vi) ensemble {cCs^:^

pondre (|>5n )$ entendre 9. PalatalIzation*

(a) "V + (j« ) Ex* i p itie ( tlens & )

(b> «t» f ) c*S) Ex* » tu e r ( tjy e ) , tue ft) / )

(c) *d”-h (J ) vowel palatalises to (c /3 )* Ex. > Bon Dieu (t^S'djp) di able see (c/ja.bl.15) * (d) The (K) preceded by a fro n t voWel p a la ta liz e s to f )# Ex*: ooeur ) * quemander (t^ , queue (t'j" f)$ suisse ( t^ ,■ 5). (e) The (^) preceded by a front vowel palatalizes to (Jj )* Ex* t Eueule )

II* Vowels

A* Nasalization.

A vowel preceding a nasal is regularly nasal.

Ex. i am ant (a ^ a) # tam lser ( i ize), charoftno (^aurS'J-)

A final vowel following a nasal la regularly nasal. &*• J aaddonner I A Sm «$ * oompagnle ^

B. Changes (/) final In oyllable? (i) (dt.i). capuohon (y) not flnal^ (0) oontpune 7*T >»v^. dur ( d-Jdr) * ooutume (K ictj/* («- )+ "n" ? (?) j»une (5?*)» Iw.launar W ejfAe) (Ce ) > (?) jatin dafunt (=(ef«r), ohacua )

^ ) n o t fin a l in s y lla b le > (c£- ) heursuso ^nroe.*- j (yc ^ 2.), fftauae (f>j OL2. ) (a ) £>) a u tre (? i ), nBtrs (opt) fc>)-f *r*y (o) bordure (bo^rd*^), porter (^nrfe.) frt)-f **r*> £ ) o o u rt (K'ov' ) f lourd ) (£ ) ? ^ ) 1« In imperfect and conditional endings, Ex*t all nig (aile), irals Ore.) 2* In present indicative -*aia endings* Ex* i f a i s (£ ie) 3* In various words, regret ter (*^^«"t*), estomac (es-f5^), erreur ( e ^ r ) (LJ (j) balayer (baAje), flayer (cfelje )

(u/a )h - (j) (£- j ) noyer (ne|e), nettpyer (neieje. ) (u».)+ (K)> (S j ) polgnet (j^ojf), prignee (pJ (u>£j) soigner (s uvCj e) , tsmolgner ('Lc-vviuje.] el) (Uf'a.) v (tv-fi) bolts (bujti), droite (d-ruic/i) &/')+- (u*a )~? f°a.) voir reoevoir (r£Su>a<') (v-) + (uya)> (w e) envoyer ( ocioej e)

III* Prefixes A* Changes (Metathesis, eto ,) 1 * "re* (^^ ) or ( 2^r) re passer (dv^e.) (^rj^^), reculer (e?ir\<\j Le. ) (^.<*k>|\^)

2 * "ee'V (<^^) or (<^5) in certain words, eeoouer (^SKu/e.) (es-Ku/<£), eeeousee (ssku^ ) (^ * ^ 3 ), 3* "de" ( <^ or (ae/) dess cue (c/esu) (scis'u)* debout (c/etu ) (^Lm) domander (a<^>n*4<)» deml )

8 * Dropping 1* (^) accrooher > or ocher, attraper >trapsr ® ^ccffrer > ooffrer* dtendre >tendre, eohaoper >chopper 0* A ddition

1 * {&) dtoandale for soandals* dspdoial for gpdejal

IV* Metathesis

1* 3oo proflaw a,

2 * frSmer (fr£i^e) for farmer ffSblr (frotiV) for fourbir

from! (-^*5*1 } for fourml

V* Assimilation

oiroitjers for oimBtieroi guini lie for gusnillo* GRAMMAR

A, Gender change*

1* Many masculine nouns beginning pi "a” ohange^to feminine. Ex, i sseldent* age* amour, adte. alun, argent* alraanach. 2* O thers poison* a, to f. j medial lie . f , to m.

B, Irregularities in plurals* 1 * - a le fo r aux* Ex*> canals for eanaux. hopitale for hoplt&ux*

Note* We hare oardinau for cardinal as a remade singular from eardinaux*

A rtie le e A* The D e fin ite A rtic le The mute ”e” of ^e Is n°t sounded usually. Bx»! iSL ehsval ), i* ohlen O-j’ j f )•

B. The In d e fin ite A rtic le un (<£ )>(?) Ex, : un gareon &t\s 5~ ) une (/^)> ) Ex* * i£& fin * (£n f » v>)

3ub1eet Pronouns

A, let pers* sing, Je before voiceless consonant. Ex, i le peux ({/>#) B, 2nd pere* sing, tu (ty )l (^s/) (^5l) before a consonant. Ex* t tu veux (tsy ^^) (ts i v f> )

0, 3rd pern* sing* maso 11 > ( 1 ) before a consonant . ^ i v" . D* 3rd pore, sing, fem, elle> (2L ), (€,!&) before a consonant Ex, i e lle va (cLv'a. ) )

It becomes (^-^) before a vowel. Ex. i elle a (

P» 2nd pers* p i. v o u s-au tres (/V'z-:? ~t j (v'lvo'i) E x .: vous-autroe va.

O. 3rd pers* pi* (m. and f.) is regularly eux-autre g~oa sa.)

( e i ^ t jt ) before consonants* Ex, t eux-autreg-ca vlent* etc.

eux-autrcs-lls » ) (ezj-i / ) *e usea rjjth avoir and etrc regularly* Ex* s eux-autre s-11s ont (sont) eux-autres-iIs avaient (dtaient) etc*

eux-autreo-iis Is used with faire* aller only in the present indic­ ativ e* Ex. i eux-autre 9 -1 la font (vont)

Notes This is the only form of pronoun which usee anything but the regular one form of all v^rbe. See verba*

Pronoun Qb.leota Conjunctives Indirect Object

1* No Irregularities In 1st or 2nd* sing* and plural persons* 2* The third person sing* is (J ) or lu (^Y ) Ex,: Marie I 1 donne (Mary gives it (them) to him (her)). Marie lu donne ««»«««« Marie ^ (lu) donne un 1Ivre. 3* The th ir d person pi* is lee ( )e. ) or le u r (lodr)* Ex. i Marie lee (leur) a donnd (m livre),

Disjunctives A* Objest of preposition (de* avec, pour* etc*)

1s t p e rs. slng*>hj 3 (w T ) 1 st* pers* pi* nous-autres (nuzo'i) (v\y^t) ( - n i^ o 'i)

2nd pers. pi* vous-autres ) (vi’z^t)

3rd pers* pi* eux-autres (^> 2 0 ^) B. Indirect Object of Imperative—same as object of preposition*


Except for certain forme noted under gublact pronouns» Cx*( 2 ) , verbfl have usually only one form in each tense* The future la used as a tense only in the negative; otherwise the future idea is expressed by va plus the infinitive.

Pas alone is used for the negative*

A, A u x iliary Verbs

a v o ir (a_u>knj eA t-r * e T> Pres* Ind, QSndl* F u t. P arf. 1 ruto. let sing* < ( o v e . ) O y ; a l l «&&»*•■ (o r y ) ) Imperf* Paat* Indef* Condi* Parf* fe y e ) C^-x) (ejV ) (o rey ) (ovejy) Put* fc -y ) C*JY ) Pres* Sub* (oy a ) P luperf < fcr«.y) (4vej y) ( t j )

B, Regular Vorbs

(^onner 2 * ' O 3. vendre (V^n) P res. Ind* Pres* Ind* ■SWftt . i a k (A 5 r \ ) »ni ) (VSr)

0* Reflexive Verbs Simple tenses are regular* Compound tenses are conjugated with a v o ir, Ex. * Je n1avals lavd*

0* Intransitive Verbs of Motion* Simple tenses are regular* Compound tenses are conjugated with avoir* Ex, s Elle a parti * K, Irregular Verb* We will note only irregularities not noted before, aince the future end conditional tenses hare the same irregularity* we will note only the future after the first verb.

oonnattre devoir e e n tir Future (AP*tsra.) Put, (^ara) Put ( Oondl, (K 3 >\cs^e- )

eoudre allcr Past Part, Ooudu ) Past Part. It 6 ( e t e ) Imperf, ooudait Pres, Ind, (va) Ftit, (KU^jra/)

deeeudre voir ) Pres, Part, (£oQJ ^5 Pres, Ind* (puel ) ree ev o ir Imperf, e_) Put* TSijJara)( ^s^es.’ra ) Flit, (uj^-rav) Pree. 3ub. ( ^ J ) (u/£-j )CV/'Uj2v i )

flnvoverf b o u llld r clo u er Proa, Part, (£***)£) Pree, P a rt, (b'k-J ) Pres* Part# Past, Part, Pre®, Ind, (b iA .j) Proa, Ind, (wlnj ) Pree, Ind, ) Iraperf, (K luje.) Im perf, («STouej,e) Fut, Put, (5^uj £j r3.)

oublier (oi?'l\j^_ ) e ^ e e e o ir h a tr Pree, Part, (obllj*) Pres, ind, (3 -^>1) Pree, Part, (W\jis3T Pres, Ind, (>klij ) Imperf, (asi^r.) Pres, Ind, (k^Ji) Put, (obi vj rl» ) Put# Pre 8 , P e rf. (e-a-£ i )

P, The suffix -aillor is added to meny verbs to add a repetitive idea or a broken set!on.

Ex* * raarohailler, mangeaillor, rSdalller, rnWlailler, dieputailler. G, Consonant * r i r verbs become - a r t in infinitive* Ex,t effort for offrir * oouvert for pouyrirfl ouvort for ouvrlr, souffle rt for pouffrir.

H, We have only the sub junativ© of avoir and etre regularly used* E x ,: Je veux (i* va)(i* ooit lb) (i* I1 ait) Je vou laie n *' "N II faut " * 14

The Numeral

The cardinal numeral develops a linking ( z-) throughout after deux. Ex, t quatre elbees ( ^ w •), pent aqds (SS:*- ^ ^ > ) , honmes fa\\ vm)

The Use of l>e

1, -rong Interop©rsion Ex* i -ai. In ata.ta da an (if y°u were 2, Wrong omission Ex , 3 un aao farina (a saok of flour)

The Us© ^ (Au) 1, Wrong interspersion A, of_b - with parts of the day Ex.: a ce solr (ASuoa*) for £© solr, b o© matin for ee m atin,

B, of _hu - with parts of the day preceded by hlor or domain, hler au oolr for hier solr, hier au matin, domain au solr, domain au matin. A

V* A (et) 3rd person Sing* fern* prut* lief ore consonant. Ex* i X d it. (She says*) Seft elle* ^ 1 * prep«A of. Heed instead of "de* for posse salve. fix .t Le llvre X Jean* (John’ s hook*) v t, — . Heed with nouns of tine* Ex. i X ee solr (Stwi) fox* ee solr* X ee matin (as^*t£) for oe matin. X setts hours {asfee >-) for malntenant. J'iBBER ^b>w «0 v*tr*A 1* to strifes violently} 2 * to hurt. Ex* i 1 * II m*a ahlmd de eoups de f oust s. (He struck me violently with the whip.) 8 * II s’abims la santd# (H eie ruining his health*) 1 ABOtfXHER v .tr* , to detest* Ex* i Je 11 abomine• (1 detest him*) St* Pr.— » to hold in horror* V ABORDBR v * tr.A to bmsp* Ex* i J ’ai abordd le ehar* (I humped the ear*) v S’ABOHDBR £ab©>-de) v*ref*A to oollide* Bx*t Lee ohars so sent abordds* (The oars collided*) St* Pr.— , aborder, to land (as a ship)* s*aborderA to collide (two rihlps at sea)* vAOGXDEBT XMsd«C) n*f*A accident* St* Fr *•*•**, n*m* iXOGCMIOOER feui^ocW v »*p*» to **peirA to mend* St. Fr.— , raeoommoder* v AHRALART (etre) v .in tr., to make one warm? -fc Ex* i Get habit est aehalant* (This coat makes m warm*) * ^ Uj a v*~ ^ I K 1 <| tACHAUf (Etre) v .in tr .i to be warm* Ex*i lie sent aohalls* (They ere warm.) St* Fr.—~ # Etre aoeabld do ohaleur* ^AQHETBR v * tr.A to buy* bribe* Ex* i Aehster I ’homne* ache te r as volx* (To bribe a man* to buy his vote*) ACTE Xk) n*f•» net* St* Fr.~—, fe^r)* n.m. XCTOLOIHE fex]f|u>\-r) a . f . | tug. St, Fr*-—, reeuloirs. A y^JHMSE tfc£u4i~) n»fvf state* St* Fr*«•«»», ardolee. ^ ADOHRAHCB fcdv*Ss) n*f,, eoinoidanee. Perhaps a noun form* on JSlfiiSSSEE* / ADQNNER ( s ') v»rtfl*i 1« to happen, with idea of a ooineidenoe• Ex.« Oa s'e at adennd qtt* on i ^ s i re joint. ( It happened we not eaeii other*) 3 . to fit* Us moroeaux s'adonnent, 3 « to get oolong well together. Loo enfants efadomient. , 4 . to matoh. Leo eon$itei afadonnent. ^ADOUCIR fcdustv) v .tr ., to owooton. Ex. i J 'a l adottel lo oafo. (X sweetened the ooffOe.) St. Pr*— 1 to soften or soothe. ^ADFESSER (ad'r^e) v .t r ., 1 . to eddreee (nall)i 2 * to address (person). Ex.t J'ai adresed la lettre (Jean). (X addressed the letter (John) vADHte adj., skilful, adept. Ex. t II set ad rite* (He Is skilful.) St. Fr«—•, adroit. vmcfe1B fadvwit) adj., skilful. Ex. t II eat adrehte. (He la skilful.) St. Fr.~~»# adroit. APFAXBLIR (if^bViv) v .t r ., to weaken. St. Fr.-•«*• ^ f ^ 1 ^))* 1 APPAXEB n.f., a thing of any kind. Xn a superlative Idem Ex. 1 Ofest plus une affaire. (That's the limit I) J AFF0LI3 fef?lrr) v.tr., to eauoe to besoms oraay. St. F r.--# affoler. ^AFFREUX (tfr^ ) ad j., many or rnueh. Ex. 1 II y await du monde affneux. (There were many people there.) ^AFXSTOLEE fefi'stbl^) r . t r . , to mend, repair. ^ fej) n .f., age. Ex. t Ou eat de la a^me age. Fenir on Ego. (To attain one's majority.) St, F r.*~ , n.m. ‘ AORAPSR v.tr., to take. y ARGUTER fc,bote) v .tr.* to nake sea* one ashamed# to "call him down"* For* haps verb formation on Gorman haunltha. which gave Fr, honte•

/AXL1&R ro petit ire suffix to oortaln words act X* eour(ailler)* to run around# S. amroh(aiUor) * to walk about* 3 . mange (siller)* to nibble a bit* 4 * goutt(ailler)* to nibble a bit, 5 * parl(ailier) * to apeak aimlessly, i / k l HABI£ td)»i likeable* loveable* Note nasalisation of preceding VOSS 1 by and dropping of final * 1" after consonant# ^AXMSR v.tr.i to like* love, /AIR n«f»* air* St, Fr ,«**.# n*m# /AHSR fc'r*) v.tr*# to air* to expose to the air* St, Fr*— *afro* (tfvf), I AJQRDU adv.* today, St* Fr,*—* aujourd'hui (^*Wzfi)* ^AJOUTSIEENT n.f,* addition* St, Fr,* j . addition. Perhaps lnfl* by ajouter* to add,

^ \ LA 1SS X MAIN adv., unhandy, HiL£BTGE& adv.* around* near* Bx.t XI est alentotif* (He is nearby.) Note also change of *u" to "o", ^I^AFA »•*•# Alfalfa, Probably from English* IX LIE UR DS (*|)d*><&) loo, instead of St* Fr, au lieu do. Variants) aieu de au lieur de (oijtSvdA) ALLB ) 3rd pers* stag'* fsm* pron. before vosel* Alls. a. See i* 1* /ALI^R SON1 TI TRAIN fcks^fiivt) v .tr., to go abotx^ one's business regularly, | ^ALLER SUR fc,\esyi} v .tr.* to be on the way) to attain a certain age, Ex.i J ' va sur quar&nto• ( l 911 be forty (within the year).) / V ALLJEURS (a\’)#^r) adv.* elsewhere, St, Fr.-—, ailleurs 0 ^ r ),

/ ALLGBQE fo T j) n.f.* annex* Ex, « Pierre a fait une allonge X sa maleon. St* Fr.— » lengthening-piece. n«f«i artery* rein. St, Fr.««*<.* artbre.

/ALTJfcHE n.f., garter. St. Fr»— , jarretibre. I alun (§2og) n.f.* alum* S t. F r.-—. alun, n.m. / AtfAKOHEH v*tr*, 1. to put a handleon* 2 . to got toot of In dispute* Ex* t 1« J 1*! amanohdle haohe. (X "fixed" him.) 8 , Jo lfai Men araanehs. (I got the boot of him*) l'AMARflER v * tr,, I . to tie ) 8 . to fasten) 3 * to make (a knot), Ex. t X. Jlal amarrd las floolloe. 8 * Jlai amarrd lo oheval. S. J*al amarrd tm noeud. *ansr (St)h& 9 * adj.* bitter* at. rr*«~* (d **£:$. 1 AXIS! plYn’n} n .f ., friend* St,. Fy. o w e 'AMNUNI?ICtf Jofcm^vii&jS') n .f .t ammunition* St* Fr.-~~, munition* ^AUOUR (jtYhot) n*f*, love. St* Fr.*—., n.m. Ex.* Stre on amour area# To bo in loro* St* Pr#— , etre amouroux do. Toolbar on amour area, To fa ll In loro* Tamber amouroux da* To fa ll in loro. /AMXDAI£ (x>m<|el) n .f ., ton ell. St. Fr.**—, anygdalo ( 3 >>rtj

'ANTHRASSE (a/ira5]P‘Several boils or sores in one congested a re a ^ n i hr^yj

{aNTREMENT ip C i^m a ) adv., otherwise* St* Fr.-~-, autrement. tAQ0T (QU.), Auguet* St* Fr*— > (tl)* @U) le i n k cent, pron. y iM (3£e) adv.eoaj*, after* St* Fr*— , apr&a* J AFSRQOIR (3 j&rsu>dT) v.intr*, to perceive, notice. St* Fr.— , aperoevoir. Berh&pa infl* by pact part* apergu* /APPLICANT fc£)»*m*, applicant* St* Fr*-—, petittonnaire •

^APPLIOATICW {S/>2/vas^5^ n*f** application* Sx.t 11 a fait application pour la position* St* Fr**—- * demands, ^APPOUJTEMKNT (& n*f*, appointment*

^APPOINTER pfujfji,*) v.tr*, appoint* St. Fr.—-designer,

Ia FPUZGR (a|>yje.) v«tr*, to lean* St* Fr,— * (^V y^*

Affifcs &Jzyl) 1* on* St* Fr*— , It, Bx*t La clef eat apfftc la porta* 2 * To form the pregreeeive* Bx*« II Jj^^n p rte manger* (Panada)

S* Lika the Eng 11 eh "a f t e r 1* in i XI eat tout le tempo aprfce mol pour je faie ga.

v1QUILOIFS ^KiltoaT') n*f., tu$^ySt* Fr.**—* reeuloire.

* ARBRE (ab) n*m„ tree* St* Fr*— , (9ri>T).

^ARBARQSR (B^arcfe), to look at* St. Fr.— , regarder. Dial** Poitau* norm* ^ABSENT ^ r j a ) n . f . , money* S t. Fr*— ,

/ARISMfTIQUE (a^isYneiitf n.ra.* arithaetio. St* Fr— , arithmdtique•

^ ARLUQUSR (ST'iy/fd) v.intr*, to eneop around* St. Fr.— reluquor, (bo eye, to ogle, to oovet}*

^ARMdHAOl (eft men a hi n .f., almanack* St. Fr*— , almanach (^tfranaY). y ARMISE faTvni z )1^buggy chelter or bam. St, Fr.— , (remioe (ooaohhouee). i f AR&TBR DB v.tr,, ctop. Used in sanae of ceeeer de. Bx«t ArrSte de falre cela* KAHnmzl Ore£e) t*p,, m tl H. t r . * —, Bx.t Arr e te a I J* veux voua parlor.

£ ARRIVES ^ (dr/Vc- ) v.ref., to happen. St* JiV.— , arriver. Bx. i ga peut a*arrivar qufll viondra pa a.

^ARTIFAILLE3 (& t'£ s» fa^) n . f . p i , , tr a a h , meae tru c k .

^ A RE VOIR (^rv'u/ar) loc., good^bya • St, Fr.?**, au revolr.

(/'AflSAPER (RS*f>e) v,n,, to settle tha dust. St. Fr., affalsaer. v/XflSASSIH n.f., aeaaealxtatl on. St. Fr,t—, murderer.

/ ASSAlER fese^e.) to try. St. Fr.— , eeaayer,

^ A3SK0 (R.stk), adj., adr., dry, on dry land. Bx. ■ La tarra aat aesee, fTho earth ie dry.) II aat aaaaa. (Ho la cm dry land.) f ATAGALPA n.m., aim of . Oar. Ind. eatalpa (Read). See also bale pusnt.

/ ATTENDRE v.tr., to hear. St. Fr.-—, entendre.

vATTRAfER v.tr., to bring, to fateh, to go and get. B x .t Attrape~mol men chapeau. St. Fr.*—, appofter.

ATTRAFER OH RBDlfS (crt^Rv.tr,, to eateh cold. St. Fr. e'en* rlO M r. ^ATTRIQOER (3*) (cl^riKe.) v .ref., to bedeck (derog. moaning). Stna attrlqud, to be gaudily dreeaed,

^AORKOIRB (orvMtuaT') n .f., clothefr»pieae, wardrobe. St. Fr.***, arm olre.

^AUSSITE (OSit ), nice, toe. St. Fr.**-, aueel. See le lte * ^ A If? OUR OS (otor44 prep., about. St. Fr. , environ, Bx.t J’al reftt autour de 20 preeenta hier. St. FT., auteur, *tn apace around.*

< k v r m 0 Z) adj., otter. S t. fr, , (oir)- l/ABTEBFOIS (J i f o j ^ ) , fo rm rljr. S t, (Otr*> Autre la uaed alee for equlv, of all In you*all. Bx.t Voua-autre. (Tou a ll.) See Introduction. AYALA9S8 (^Yalv») »*f.# heavy rain. St. Fr.— , torrent descending from mountains.

k^VAW (a Va^*} adj»ifck)~f», greedy, gourmand. Bx.t Oonmi 11 ert ayaw 4 las npa«! St. Fr«v», n.m*, f« » who wante all fox* himself*.

< AY 138H (aYi 2.e.) v.ref., to gat information about* Bit, i Jp vale m’aviaer da pa. St* FT.— , Ha advice”,

^YOXR UR RHBUIfi (9 Yu;a-rg^VK) v.tr., to have a odd. 3i. Fr.— , dire enrunae .

i4 y r i (av'W) April* St. Fr.— , Avrii.

^AIAI ) axel., ouohl or aong refrain a© In Grand Baaila of Mayue L aFleur.

^ BABA (baia) 1. lum#, water; 2. v.tr*, to drink. (XI vent baba da l'eau.) 8 # imp. r drink. (Baba, cherl)

" BABIOHB (iabiMj ) a.f«, atrip of leather, (for discussion see Bead.) Bx.t ddehlrer an bableheo (to tear into shreds).

~ BABILLER (tabiie,) v .tr., to fuew at, aoold. St. Fr.—- , to babble, prattle | grander*

" BABZHE (t»a bir) n . f . , 11 pa. S t. F r.— , *lipe (jf animal a)1' • Bx.t Paira la babina. (To pout, to make a face.)

^ " BABBIOT (t 3 b I'ri p ) n.m* , larg e llp S . Bx.t Fend re du bablnot, falra la bablnot. (To pout.) Alao Son bablnot pend. (Ha la pouting.)

'“'YAGS (baek), v .tr,, to baok. St. Fr.— f reoular. Bx.t J’ai baok la ohar. (X bached the oar.)

' BAGUL (bdKy) n*m., single-tree to whichtrace a are attached.

^ BADJEULER v.intr., to goealp. St. Fr.— , bavarder. See guoula • t^BAD L03JB (ktt-cll?K ) n .f., bad luck. < / iasooii (b a q n ) n.m. , a pea oh which le not understandable. S t ’ Fr. ------J CjnJrj -t/o ^BAaoUUSR ) T«latr«» talk unintelligibly. ^BAILLE X CAVER axave.) n .f ., waahtub* ^BALANCE (b^lSs) a,f., awing* St. Fr*, balaneeire. ^BAUIIHS ) n*f• , tha long whip uaad for tho horsa whan hitched to tha aid typo buggy| a switch. St. Fr.— , whale-bone» ^ BALBINER (ba^r/i^) v .tr ., to whip* i^BAIiBSR (bVl^e.) v .t r ., to awoop. St. F r., balaBjl&er, 0 . F., bailor, a.m. B*it» (taio) n.m., big thick llpa* Soa babinot. Balot haa eame idioms at la forma. fc BALLQTTER (batoie) v .in tr., to ba O.K. Bx.t (7a ballotta. (Everything's O.K.) BAMBOULA (ba bul'a) n.m., uproar. Afrioan bamboula. drum and daaoe to tha drum* ^ BAHACA n.m., panla. ^BAHAIS (bana^) a.m., a amall fallow who triaa to aot big, grown up* ■—BARQPETTB (bakti) n.f*, aldowalk. St. Fr., trottair, m. Bar* t St, Fr. banquatte, a footpath along a bridga or road. ^^BARAQPE n.f., dilapidated vehicle. 1—BARGE UX (bv**b/) adj., boarded. St. Fr., barbu. <—BARB0TBR (b^bot^ v.tr., to do aloppily* St. Fr.— , to dabble, to wade, to paddle. "St-Fv. oto.r- <>r^. j —------" "> ^BARBOE (ba^by) n.f., eatflah, river fiah, eyprees found in Louisiana panda and bayoua. St. Fr.— , a fla t aea fleh of apaeiea Pie ur one eta resembling turbot. Perhaps front Fr. barbua, "bearded", beaause oatfleh haa whickers about its head.—( Read) ‘"'^BARBUHJE (bvrgeVv) n.m., a bargain) a purchase; a trade. , BARGUXHER (ba^ivve) v .tr., to trade) to barter. St, Fr.— (b&t'Jifc)* to bargain, haggle* BARLCT (barrio) n.m., large pocket-knife or derog. term for pocket-knife. The English barlow la a special brand of knife. 1—BAROSSE (bo/tos) n .f., adj., brindla oowj brindie. Bx.t One vaehe baroaae. (A brindla oow.) Hoe baroaae. (A brindla oow.) ad j., llf ip ii* Wi Ff## \ relae© mye. Sx. t On© robe. barr£e* (A atriped dreee.) ,^-BAHRS (karre) ad],, constipated. St* Fr., oonatipd, 1 SARREAOUf (ba^otc) adj*, grilled, barred* St* Fr., & barreaux. Bx.« One fenotro barreautde. (A window.)

^Sarhbh (bac^e.) v*tr*,, to look* St. F r., former $l clef. Ex. t 11 a barrd la porte* (He looked the door.) From the practice of barring do ore with wooden bare before loeke eame into uae. BAS (SB) (b^,) adv., under, downstairs* St. Fr.— , at foot. v lASAltf adj., freckled. Jt* Fr.~, convert de taohee de roueeeuri suntanned. x/BB qIER (beice) v.tr., to kise. St* Fr., be quote rf bdquer (to peek). L"'&A3SI&i9i n .f ., low, swampy place* ,^-BATAXLLS X OAHARD-Dtffl* (boitaj 4.Ka^a,* tn )n, f , , Indian wr. at lin g . ^Mt/tfXDZ ad]., arocs-brai. Bx.t 0a ohsval batardl. This used almost eyn. with oriole* t-'—BATAHDIR v .tr ., to oroee»breed. Ex. t Batardlr deux race a. (8rose-breed two raoee.) St* Fr*«~, to degenerate* u~S£rZ3Sg (W ^is) n .f,, building. St. Fr.—**, foundation construction. *—BAY00 (ba.

‘■^BBkIPICB (Ibehi^is) n.m., benefit, gain. St* F r., bdndfIce. Probably by aseliollatlon in anticipation of H*. ^''''ffMdRXS |te n e ^ /i) n.m., small swallow, and by ext* anyone who eate only a small amount* Boland dlocusses th is under bdnarlg p. 68, 197, 90S* WH£QUXNB tbexfn) n.m*, baoon. Eng*, bason. 0, F ., baeom, bacon. v— BEKDASSER J^to waste one's tim s^ ie mess up, Sx. i 11 a juste berdassd. (He just fooled around, wasting time.) 11 a berdassd mss livres, (H is messed up ay books.) i^BEROB (t^-T's) n .f ., a rooking ohalr. St. F r., bsreeuse. Probably bars* eradla.

BBHDX BSRDA (1>&: y ^2< m.m., great noise, a gathering. St. Fr*, bredi-breda, onomatopoeia suggesting a hasty, alap-dash manner of doing things, u^-SBRLANDER (bsirlS^e) y.iatr., to loaf. St, Fr., flftner. N^inr (fc>0 adj., well. St. Fr., biSm 0. Fr., ben, o.m, u'TOHTOf ( b ^ o ) adv., soon* S t. F r., bientSt. (fc>£ r) n.m., mosquito bar. St. Fr., moustlqualre. 0. P.y*, oradle. t^iBRXBLUiS ( ) n.f.,pi., suspenders. St. Fr., bretelles. Variant ' of bertellee is bndtelloe. J^SSCB (t)l:lrfe^ need. St. F r., besoin. t^CTAII# ) n .f ., inseet. y & tASSB (fc>ei^) adj., numbskull, stupid. St. Fr., bestiasse. JBtTZ (bet) n.f., horse. Ex. i 1. Voilb une belle bSte. Voilh une bSte de sour see (race horse). Bate in Fr. has to be qualified by bSte It quatre plods, to be "four-footed animal.* ^ t t n X fn ,c i§ ) L'lEREB fa.tz^ielcrb) r.lntr., foolish, dull, gullible. Ve have the St. Fr. bSte fc manger du foin, "downright foolish!1 • BETES FAKOUOHES ( k i ^ a t u ( ) n . f . , p i . . Wild anim als. S t. Fp,«*s«i* j bdtes ^ sauvages, shy animals.

^BSTE ROUGE (W tfui-j) n .f., ^edbug^'^St. F r., ohique. ixfigTlSSR (W k'^€) v.n., to joke, p.ay with, idle away one's time. Ex. i XI a bdtlsd eve© lee petite* XI est tout 1' temps apr&s. V. form, an noun bdtlso. u-JNSasgQER V ttr.i to hoodwink, to trick, to pat something over on ecmebedy. St. Fr »*—**, to button*

"" S lB im ( h i k i t n .f.# penis. *1TIRBXqpiN (biVfc/7f £T) n.m., brace and bit* Dor* 0. Fr* vile, brequin, a.m.

^BISQUENOOIN (U 'stf^K w t) 1 *dv#, loo* a t an an g le. S t. F r ., de b la ie .

^BITIS (bi‘ t ) adj., tipsy, drunk.

-~~TMSfQ ( b eto ) adv., seen* 3t. Fr., bientSt.

MJLACK 81B (b^dCJCdRi ) a.m ., a blaok-eyo. St. F r., oeiit poohd. Bsr. Eng. * blaok-eye,

"‘"'BLACKETES ) n.f. pi., blaekeyei peas. (Dor) » Anglicism. Dial * t La

^SLAQUB (kla

^-BhASUBR (b^dqe) v.lntr., to "shoot bull11. Der.i Fr. blaguer, to tell l i e s o r "humbug*»

^^BLAGOEOR ( blfc^oer) n .m .,lo n g w in d s d ta lk * r, . S t. Fr .*-"*# humbug, t a l l - tale teller. ^

(bljft) n.m., a nloksl. Perhaps because of bluish gray color of the n io k e l. Sjt£ p i crab. t-^BLOFPBR (blo^e) v .tr., to fool, to deceive. Ex.* II m’a bleff*. 7. form, on English bluff.

1—BLOJJE (b^K ) n.m*, a blook (wood) j a olty block; a wooden pillar; a bar (of butter).

^ BLOQUSR (bloKe) v.tr*, obetrust, bar. St# Fr., obstruer, barrer, Ex.) 1. fa voiture bloqus la rue. 2. Lee arbres bloquent la vue. St. Fr., bloquier (a marine term) "to block a port" under influence of Eng. as in "blook traffic.*1

t'"k8 (bo) v .tr., to kies. It Is also hB in all forms of verb. j8 i3 i (fcoto ) inter]., Dcmft touohV St. Fr.— , a sore; fair© bobS, to hurt. The meaning might be derived from the fact that it will hurt the child.

U'tihoH (ioWS ) n.m., sandy. St. Fr., bonbon (b^b?)* ^BQGUC ( boK ) *uf»* baokle• St. FT#* bousls.

—BCtfTE (W et) n.f., box* St* Fr., bolts. 0. Fr., boots*

HWEtJFS (tacg*^*) n*m.,pl«, beeves* St# Fr. (ta^)*

^ boflo (boflo) »•»•# buffalo. St. Fr.i buffi®*

6-30ICE (to js) exol., Dog-gone lit Bx. * Bolo®, est-i-po®8ible, non, 1* faudra j* va Xt la boutiqu® ®n®ore! ( Dog-gone i t , 1*11. have t o go to th e sto re ag ain .)

^ io is D’ARO (WaJhi'fO n.m* (twylon pomiferum) (perhaps Fr* bolo and d*are, booauoo early settlers made bows of the tree branches^)

'-"BOIS SB FEB (fc>U)h4ftr) a.m ., dogwood. Perhaps because it 1® oo hard to split or break. *^B0I3 DE FliORK n.m., dogwood. Dor.i Fr. bole and do flbehe. The Indians of the Gulf State® mad® arrow-shafts from it.

B0I3 FGANT (Lioafwio) n.m., Oatalpa Ptoloa. Dor. * so-called booauoo its ' loaves have disagreeable odor.

^'BCtfTAXIilBR (W etajc) v.n., to walk limping. The repetitive suffix -alller added to show that it is not a p© rraanent or grave ecndltien. St. Fr., boiter, to limp.

^ SOIS SB DOLL IE R ^btoadlKol|d n.m., the wooden collar used on horse when " hitohed to wagon or plow. St. Fr., eollisr do b o is .

^ B0I39HS (bcoaz^v) n .f., wooden part of well or trlmaings in wood house (kxunAcxti. St. Fr., boisago, bolssrie.

1—BOMBS ( n.f., boiler or bottle. St. Fr., bouilloir®) bomb®, round* short-neekid bottle.

^SCM GOB UR (tire) adj., kind. St. Fr., bon. Ex. t II eat bon eoeur. (He ie kind.)

TEINT (bS'tt) n.m., heavy gingham. St. Fr.— , fast-color.

^JWRDBb (borc^e)) exol., Dannl n.m. or f., a cursed cm®. St. Fr.— , a house of prostitution.

wBtSaiER ( torJe) v.tr*, to bump into* Sep aborder*

^BOSOOYO (bc?s) n.ra., rough fellow. Good fig. to mean "rough, tough follow 111 boaeorofhsoiifio Nissan "cypress knee*. Oon- nested with Zt. boeop from Germanic bosk, from which we get Fr. bolo, Eng. bush.—(Read).

i/^GSSAD (besaX) n.m., halter for horses. Sp. bozal "muzzle for horses and dogs"! "head stall for a horse". ^ v .tx . *9BS* (as FAX® ®S®)# t® ®at a lo t. iX & m (to t) n.f.# di«t®mp®r. St. Fr.*»bp horse*« feed* ^ BOUOANS (jbuKdh) n«f*# smoke. St. Fr*# fund®.

^-SOtTOAHinftHB (biiKX'fil) n.f.# smokehouse. St. Fr,# bouoan, ROUGHSRIE (bujV/) n.f.# butchering and preparing of hoof or pork. The "bouoherie" i® a groat early Saturday morning event la the life of th® Evangeline * habitant ", On® skilled in this art 1® ®ngaged to k ill. A® oarly a® thro® and four o’clock a.m. thoy are at work. The b®®f i® uoually foiled by a blow m th® bead and i® ianed lately bled • The hog 1® usually only bled. Th® farmer in th® beef but® ha ry 1® u su ally a member o f a so ciety known a® th® beueheri®. He giro® to each member of th® eooibty 5 or 10 pound® o f meat when i t 1® hi® H o u r d® bouehsri®.* The farmer u su a lly Invite® hi® eo-workere and neighbor® for the b o u iU to which i® a thin soup mad® from the kidneys# the spleen# tho heart# and th® p o rta l vein# and the gullade do . In th® perk butchery the farmer usually works all day with help to ■■b* the gratae®, the sausage# end the fromsge do t$to,de oeehon# a portion of which ie usually given to the neighbors.

*—BGOCROHNER (tat(5^^) v .tr.# to me®® up something. St. Fr.**—., to roll up in bundle®.

IOUGOOP (b-uftq) n. or adv.# many# very, St. Frfyi^rftokii), n.

BOUDIN ROUGE ) n.m.# blood pudding. St. Fr.# boudin. "Boudin" or "boudin blano" in Evangeline ms an® th® easing® stuffed with meat and rie®# a® opposed to "boudin rouge" which ha® blood added to the mixture. Fair® 1® boudin# an idiomatic expression# "to pout".

"'BOOMI ^bu,

•^BOOGRE (fc>U

‘ BO0ILLOIRE (bujU)ir) n.f.# boiler of train# or of mill or factory.

—BOtfLfi DOUZB (b u ld u z ) V .tr.# to build os® •

QUIET (W l^ ) n.m.# 1. bullyj 2. term for "negro chap".

BOULVARI (W\v«o~i) n.m.# tumult# great noise. St, Fr.# blouvari.

UMWRASSB fa c e ts )v\ sudden squall# drizsle# downpour. St, Fr,# hour— rasque# n.f.# sudden squall# gust of wind. HB0URBEAU (buro) mm*# ill-tempered, grouchy person, Her. * St# Fr., hour- reau, an ewseufcionor, dr unfeeling brute.

u^OURRXQJDK (blori* n .f., hard-headed woman. St. F r , she-as*. "''^BOURRiqUET ( buri'^c) n.m., a hard-headed man. 3t» Fr.— an a s s 's c e l t ,

t/BQURQUETTE (burujefc) n*f*» wheelbarrow, St. Fr,, brouette.

‘"ficus IER (bu^/e) v.tr. or ref,, to dirty, to botch, to bungle, St. Fr., J bouoiller.

^OaH »•*•# end, St, Fr.*— bu)

^ BOUTS (AB) (obut) down and out, St, Fr,, 1 bout,

""BON BCUTE (b>bu+) adv. loo*, a long time. ^^BOB *TX BOUTS adv. loo,, quite a long time.

~HtfUT DE TEMPS (biuU X ) a w hile, ,^-OHANQER BOUTS POUR BOUTS means change d ire c tio n , e . g ., as re s u lt of c o llis io n ,

‘-'"'boUTBIJSSUE {bu.‘tl £ * j ) n .m ,, b o otlegger,

—■ BRAROHAILLSS (bra^a-J) n .f* ,p i., a pile of branches or twigs, .St, Fr., * branehages, n.m. rpi.

""TBRANGHU ('brafy) n.m,, wild duok with split ta il, native of Louisiana, u su a lly in swamps.

/ / BRa B-OQRPS (!) ^br^sKJV) adv. loo., around the body, St. Fr., fc bras- de-co rp s,

‘"^BRAQjffiSR (braK £) v.lnt., to place, put, St. Fr.**—, to aim, to place in p o sitio n ,

""BIB TELLE (br^^L $ variant of berielle •

^HBRABHE. (b^aUY ) n,m* or f . , negro, mulatto* Her.» brown.

l/xlfRASSER (fcrra^^) v .tr., to do, make. Idiomatic use.


(bfr)7j) n .f,, eggplant, St. Fr., aubergine.

^BfiZBABD (b r i^a ) adj., naughty. St. Fr.— » n.m ,, brigand, thief.

^ — BRIOANDER ( b r i^ A ^ to "cut up", to behave noisily or mischievously. u S t. Fr.— to plunder, rob, peculate,

V-brise-FER (b*"i' 2.;j£:r') n.m., one who breaks everything, St. Fr., brlae-toub, Brleer- to shatter, far, Iron* Therefore, noun form, briae and fer, One who breaks Ire n , ^BRQBASE (tn ro ^ j) »*»*, embroidery. Si* Fr,, brederle*

^maa&QXIW (broKg) n.m*, hoary ehoee, brogue*. St* Fr**—, ), <-RRtffi ( b r a i : )* Ex* « 21 fa it brun. St* Ff*, XI fait noir.

HBt&B&S ( \ y j ^e.) n.f*, a whipping. Dial.* Br.L.

U-SUBSROR (tyb^o) n.m., rubber nipple* St. Fr., biboron*

E f*X SAOfS (X ) lee*, by leap* and bound8j up end down* u—BOTIN (byiT) sum*, furniture* St. Fr.^--, booty.

^ BOCHEUR (b^ ) n»a.| woodcutter. St. Fr., bftcheron*


91 (S2t) 1* imp* re . i t . Ex.i 9a fait ehaud. (It Is warn*) 8. therefore, ao (with "fait*) Ex. t 21 m*a invitd, *s fa I t j * i r a i . (Re in v ite d too, eo I w lU g o .) S . The In d e fin ite * on" , someone. Ex. i 9* dlt qu*il eet aalade. (They «ey he is ill.) 4. what (that whloh) * 0***1 ea je vein. (That1* what X want.) 5 . What? Ex. i 9a, 1 na? (What* a wrong?) S. Qa par example (St g-JZ-ST) exol. MTchl Tohl X knew that would happen!” T. 9a quo fa ir * (ssifto^fc r ) i©e* Why? Bee nquo fa ir* # .

V/CABA1ER (KSibhV^) v .tr., to eolioit rotes* Ex. i II oabale de bonne heure. (lie eoliclt* early*) St. Fr.™ , to plot, to cabal* v^ABARB (VCA^nt) a d j., dented, out of shape. Ex.t 1. On ba**ln eabaof. (A dented pan.) 8. On ohapesu oaband* (A battered hat.) v/OABANER (&2^

J CABRI n.m., goat* St. Fr., ohXrre, goats ™ , small goat. ^XOAOASSRR to talk much, gossip, chatter. St* F r.~ ~ , to quack ( Xlte)» a duck) *

■^OAOHB OAOHE (K ^J k a C) n.f*, mips* St. Fr*, bdeasslne, snipe; — , hide- and- seek. OACfE-OAOFE NIOQhAS (K afK afni Kola) t gander (?), a grant© where a par a on hold ing something In hie hands, passes around to the others who have dosed hands* Ha give© It to one— and the others must guess who has it. The reel plant tries to odneeal the fhet by guessing also* Then he starts passing it out. S t. F r*, o a o h s-n lto u las, s.ro* ^CAFA n.n*, stomach.

43A30D adj., eiokly, puny* 3t. Fr*— , wretched.

'//GXILLE (K aj ) n.f*, fie Id-lark* St* FT*— , quail.

^ O k lU Z (Kaj ) *dj.( • potto*, fraeklod. Ex. t One vaehe oaille. (A spotted cow.) This word is also used referred to spotted clothes—a pejorative "oaille-caille* means "very spotted** St. Fr,| pie, spotted*

-CAILLBTTE (K a^et) n .f.. Usee given to spotted eows* GAILLIR (Kra^iV) v .in tr ., to elabber* Ex*t he lait va salllir. (The milk will clabber.) St* FT*, salller, to slabber*

‘^ a I k OLUC j) n*f«, soft-ehsll turtle* St. Fr*, doallle-molle•

[/ OALSR (K^te-) v .tr., in tr., 1* to inmersej 2* to sink* Ex*t 1* Jfai said le baquet dans le puli* (1 let the bueket down in to th e w ell*) 2, Lee reuse ont said dan© la hoes* (The wheels sank in th e mud*) 3* ee o a le r , to consume* St* Fr*— , to go to the bottom«P water, to draw water (ship) ^QkhlMQ(X (kali mas1*) n.m*, m ail, St* FT,, oolimaqon.

'OfkLXNDA (tChlirwta) n .f., referring to danse j used In this expressions "Dansez, danses Eallnda fondle ta mams td foi* pas/ Oalinda, an African danse*

t0ALTRC3f n.m*, oardboat* St* Fr., carton* .fee eartron. OMtt£K (K3:w«^) . m l , , SUd.pt IS . , 0AMI9QIE (Ka.W*i3l) o.f.,*igb*gean. **• Fr— , .hort nightgown; «moa!e.

^OANOAH Ck8l KK ) iu».t part noiM, uproar. 96. Fr.— , slander, nolaa afar trlflaj lim F t a.m.

■^AHW (K^dzi) n.m., eandjr. 36. Fr.— , adj., eryetelllaed.

''CAHBIA (K ^ 4 ^ n.m., he*4eo. ^CAHSpcir (^ n s?) n.m., dramra (underwear). 96. fr., sal*, on.

S a tm tta a t (K?g f t n«f», jjsAjywBi» 3k * Ff * , «

/OAMGRS ner v.intr*, io gangrene* St. Fr., gangrener.

^ OAR I OANX (kavTiKfri/) o a llf «r tana dueko.

^ GANIQtB ( rfxn\l<) n * f ., (p lay in g ) m art la . Provencal canloo, s.m*

^ GAR0U3IAU (Kar tfy sjf?) n.m. , Calcasieu.

OQtt*ENCER (K^ma'se) v .tr., to gabin. St. Fr.— (hr^Vn^Se. ). u^'CAUNBLi£ (K^^S-l) n. and adj., corral. Bx.t Un (cheval) oannelle. (A sorrel h a ra a.) St. Fr.— , cinnamon.

^^OASfC# (K iris') n .m ., lag (o f tro u a a r). S t. F r,*— * deep tro u s e r flo rae # of earlier time.

^AHGCHES (k^vi^) n.m. * pi. * eane-reede,

L^aAoosnoO (KaiA^i) n.m., eelluloid.

•^OAOCillE (KAujtn) n .f., tu rtle, potato bug* fat woman* St* Fr*, eaouane, loggerhead turtle.

'^OAflE-OAfB flC* ) n .m ., a fellow* a ninny.

-^OAPOT n .m ., c o a t• S t. Fr.— storm o o a t,

/OAPOT CXRf n.m.* rain-coat. St. Fr.* impermeable.

^ARAOOLER v.intr*, to stagger. St. Fr.-*-*, to sway.

M$AROai* n.m., calculation. St. Fr** calcul.

/OARDIRAU (K ^ z(nc) n.m., cardinal. St. Fr., cardinal.

1/GAHBffORO fcevrakro) n.m., buesard. St. Fr,, voutour (noir). y QABSUER 0\SVrje) v .tr., ref 1,, to lerfga. Ex.il« Cargues la chaise contra la raur* (Lean the chair againet the w a ll.) 2. XI s’set cargud contra le mur. (Re leaned against the w all*) QARRI38ER (K^Wse.) 1* to aquara (shoulders)) 2. to open wide*

^QiUQSL (sq ,-A*) dem.pron. f*, that one* St* Fr., eslle-lh.

i/fcARlCLAS n.m., calomel. St. Fr*, calomel.

/ OARREAU n.m*, eerape of oloth after sewing*

^OARTRCU (K^vtf 5) n,m., eardboat. See oaltron.

/ OASBDRSQf (K^s byrtjcj n.m., "goo" fish# or aplodinotus grunnioue. See W* A* Read* houifllana-Frenoh.

(K *J) n«s.» I* eaah (money) t 2* the truth* Ex.) 2» II a prie aa pour du oash* (Re took that to be the truth*}

^OASSMETS (Kfcstei) a»m* * ha to hot* Si. Fr.-*—, a tomahawk) haohette * e»m

l/OASTS I. (HSiH.V't)) a d j., f r a g i l e . Bx.t La vitro eat oaavel* (the glass le fragile*) 3t« Fr., eaeusl. ✓dlTAPLASkE (ka^vbW ) n.m ., poult lee. at. F r,— (JlaA),

/Oa TOHIU.IHQIE (Ka^ijtrK) n.a., idle*. Ex* i l i e ont ( t r a v a |ll e ) non a* (They fixed me*)

y OATBOHISSC n.m*, oateehiam. St* Pr.«— (tele <> 12- '^ ) .

^ 0AT8CT1I3TE ( k a te ^ i s) n.m,, oateohiam* St* Fr.-—*, eateohtst, oateohiaer* See eateehiame,

^ATIOHOUmUS (Vrh) idiom. Ex.» lie ont tson c* (They whipped me.)

'ijATIN (K^tlT) n .f., doll. St. Fr.-— , prostitute; poupde, e.m*

J CEHRLLBR (Sy)e^j <*_) n.m ., Haw-troe. 9t. Pr., aubeplne.

W0HAOOUELUS (i^Vtu>ti) n .f ,, frying pan.

^OHAOTA (ju n it) adj., email, of low breed. Bx«i Un ehaval ohaeta, (A worBol 0 ,, h o ree).

^ CHAIDE (J^j ) n.f*, chair. St. Fr. , ohaiee. t/OHALAKD (falei) n.m., flat okiff. St. Pr*— , flat boat (for merchandise)

v^HAMBOUHOURRA n.m*, 1. uproar) 2. trash* Sp* ohampoura, festive or oonvlval occasion. 'ihftMMtOHNSB * ,ia tr ., to mmy, uUgger.

^OHAOOI ([a wl ) n*m* , raccoon* fee Road.

'CHAR (j^ur ) »,«*, train, auto* Si* Fr*— *, chariot, ©art, wagon*

JSHARRARA (t^rcvY^} »*m., weak coffee.

^GHAROER v.tr#, to look for* St* Fr., eheroher*

^OHARCfSR ) v.tr*, t© look for# Variant of ehareer*

^ OHARSR v.intr., to talk, ohat. St. Fr*, eaueer.

‘^OHARIVARI K ^ iv 'a ir i ) n«m*, th© poi-and-pan c e le b ra tio n when a widow or widower remarria e* 9t* Fr*— , mook muaic, din*

^CHARES TSR ( ( ^ te ) v*tr*, to transport*

^OHARRIER (J^ rje) v.tr*, to ©ariy, to transport.

^ GHASSS PAHS ILLS n.m., sarsaparilla* St* Fr., aal ee pare ill© •

^CHASSIS ) n.m*, window* St* Fr*-**, window-framej fe n e tre .

OHAT IRS ) «*J., n .f., lighi-broim, person with light«*brown hair*

CHAGBRQN (^odrj ) n*m«, pail* St# Fr*— , cauldron*

^ OH&VftS (Jofe. ) T.lntr., to be i l f f l o u l t . Ex*t 9a va chauffer pour finir* (It will be hard to finish*) See eeuarter.

^OHAUSSttl ((o$5) n.m., man1* eoek* 9i# Fr.— , sock worn direr or under a etoekiag.

U$HA07RCR (JoKr<7) n.m*, rafter* St. Fr., chevron.

^ CBfUUNT ) adj*, 1* expeneivei 2* high*, so ller, Sx.t 1* Lee affaires a ont ehdrante* (Things are expensive*} 2* XI est oho rant. (He’s a High-seller.)

t0HSBB03 (jSY'y ) n .f., plow. St. Fr., ohnrruo.

H^gSSER (j^S^) v.tr., intr., to dry. St. Fr., edoher*

^HfOBRRSSR {Je.sf^s) n .f., dryness, drouth. St. Fr., edchereese.

-^CHfraR ( V .tr., to beg, oolleot alma. St. Fr., quo ter.

OBSTIF adj*, I* weak, puny, poor 3 2. bad-teeting. Ex.t 1. Un ohdtif ohav&l. (A skinny, poor, wretched horse.) 2* De la ehdtlf mddeelne* (Bad-tastlng msdioine.) ^CEEVAL SO &XA3US flying adder. Si. Fr., grosee libelittle.

OHXCffiTS n.f., eelfichneec* Si. Fr.» avarice.

CHICOT K iK6) n*»*, eager cane growiiig from preceding year's eiump. St. Fr*—<•, stump.

"Dhico IER (^i KofceJ v.intr., to nibble. Bx. s Le pels son chic ote. (The fieh nibbles .) St. Fr.— , to wrangle over detaile.

X3HISN DENT (ff <*) n.m.» papealum. St. Fr.— , longerooted gramineoue ® graaes from which brooms are made*

H3HXSWAIU jER ^jSm'hje)v?1* to carouse, drink; 2* ohaee women. y OHKRE (/,> /) n.f., . « ...

yOHIQPE {(i K ) n.f., a bite of anything to chew. 3t, a quid.

0HX3Utf} (f/'/fe.) exclamation to make the ealf go away* See tchique.

^OHISSE ( j is ) adj., selfish. St. Fr., avare; ohiehe.

GHOQDEI jLE (^JoA ^xi) n . f . , fry in g pan*

“'0H3U-GHOUf { ju. f u e. ) cry to sears away plga*

’^tfeOOTOULtTTS u .b'Uslpv) n .f., prickly beat. St. Fr., dehaubculture.

^CBOOORAS (f-LLjra) n.m., small blue berries in clusters which the mocking ' birds eat. Order (phytolaeoa daeandra). St. Fr., mbrelle a grappas.

/bHOUPIQJJE %) n.m*, fieh*bowfin. Ind. Ohootaw, ahupik— a judfieh. (R ead).

^HRXSTMISSK (KWsm/i) Christmas* 3t. Fr., Nobl.

^CHUILLE ijy ij-) n*f., peg. 3t. Fr., sheville. Idiom> J'ai reetd avoe la ehuilXe. (I was left holding the saek .) v/OHt39B£E n.f., ohimney or mantelpiece. St. Fr., oheminde.

^ODtrfERlK (S /'m itW ) n . f . , moss, g re a t d iso rd e r, Boo compassion.

yODIITlftRS (S I’vni tytr) n .f., cemetery. St. Fr., cimetifcre*

kilRXER (si-r^ -O n .m ., Cedar b ird , cedar wax wing. 3 t. F r.— , wa*»mek©r, jQ hkVBSt (K lz.rh j> n.f., light. St. Fr., clartd. ^©HSfBR ([

/ OLOS (Klo) n.m*, field# St* Fr., champ#

OOCnoir (Vfo^o) n.m., oork meat* St* Fr*, viande du pore#

(K^ejod-n) n .f., filth# St* Fr*, ooohonnerie.

OOOO (y.©#©) n.m., egg# Si# Fr*, oeuf*

Popular French and la children1 n term we hare 0 0 0 0 * e«m# y ^ . - , COCQDINDB (KoKo<&V) n.m ., 1* turk*y*-aggj ft* head! 3# bottom (coat)* Ex. t 1. Bile set e&ille ooonae eooodinde* (Shefo freckled like a turkey-egg.) 2, Je va* eaeeer ecu eooodinde* (1*11 break hie head#) S* Je va* toucher ton eooodinde* (1*11 opnnk your seat*)

/ OOOODRIE (|to)todri) n«m«, crocodile# St. Fr*, crocodile*

Gtjoons (kt> jc^ ) n*f., vagina* St* Fr*— » woman of ill repute# See goumaville# O -'QOIXTKn (tcuJtYt?) v#tr*, to lean# to propepen* Ex** 1# Jfai oointd la pionce au mur# (I leaned the board against the wall*) 8. J*ai oeintd la porte* (I propped the door open*)

J00\M (ko\e) adv., near* St* FI1*— , prhe*

/ q OUS (\Lo\e ) adj., stuck (figurative). Ex* 1 H ect cold dans ©a chaise* (He*a stuck in his chair*) Idiomt Oolez~tighi (Ko\e \t) ie used in playing marbles when 0 0 0 * 0 marble rolls Into a hole* Opponent cries this to make him hoop knuckles to ground*

^OOLIDOR (ko 1 (d n.m*, corridor* St* Fr*, corridor.

^OOLOFIBlKRIg (k t?\of)? v^) n*f», variation of oourtepoinie (beadsprsad). J OOLTAILuER (ttolfajfl) v.intr#, to fight, struggle, wrestle# St* Pr.~—, b u tte r*

“'OOMBXB' (xSi>?) how many* S t, Fr* (K 5' bj L ).

JKMG& QA ( 52) now. Sc, now that It is as it Is* Ex* t XI m9a invite, a ammo pa je vale alter • (Ills invited ms so I will go*) jbOMME DE FAITE lee., "as wo expected”, "as was predicted”, with the idea that It happened just as though it had happened b efo re, St. Fr*, on effet* / OCMMOEB (It?-3d) n .f., to ll* t.

~COMMIER (Kwa'^e) v.intr., to take communion. St. Fr.# oommunier.

xioM^ICH (kjv^ijp) n*f., communion. St, Fr,, communion.

^OOMPAGNff ((iopXi^) »•*•# company. St. Fr*, Qompagnie»

S GQHPA3SION (RSfesj^) n .f., 1* disorder; 2, difficult preparation, something boring. Sx.i 2* Q^st uno compassion pour eux~autres partir, (IVe a difficult preparation for thorn to leave*) St* Fr— , pity.

'tJOMPRENABLE (K-5fT^^a,t) adj., understandable. St. Fr., comprehensible.

vydGKPFENEURE (k-S'f r ^ f y ) n .f., intelligence, judgment, comprehension. / GGffGBR (fcS^st'V') n.m., cancer. St. Fr., cancer.

‘/CGKGO (RS'go) n.m., adj., 1* negro; 2. water-moocasin; 3. lazy, laay person. s*.. s. U.rt o«gp. ( ) II fait le ecngo.

y0C3EaRfcHB n .f., gangrene. St. Fr., gangrene.

t/GGHOH&NBR (^ n V e ) v.intr., to gangrene. St. Fr., gangrencr. vGdHNAlTIB (\^) v.tr., to know. Ex. 1 II eoimait nager. (Ho can awim.) Ill eennait ea leeon. (Ha knows hie lesson.) St. Fr.,eavoir. u /OOB* X DORIUR DBBOUTE f y 3 1jioT"—i>4 « W t- ) n

l'/OOPAL (|Cof%( ) n.m., sweet gm tree. St. Fr.*—, resin.

^COPHE («?f) n.f., cup. St. Fr., ooupe.

^doQUER v.tr., 1. to deceive in a bargain; 2, to engage in the adi of coitus. Ex.t 1. II m'a eoqud quand j'ai aehetd ?a. (Ha deceived me when I bought that.)

"OORAIL ( \ c o ~ r ) n.m.. enclosure for oattle. Sp,f corral, s.m.

yCORBEAU n.m., negro. St. Fr.— , crow.

j OOROOBJDSR (*-<>>ic,W ^ej v.intr.# to balk (a horse). Sp., coroobear, a.m.

OOKNA (i<,or^a) n.m., Jimaon weed. Asthmatic persons get relief by inhaling fumes of this plant. Oornard. adj., wheezy, may have Influenced. •^OORMAILLER S e ) v .ro fl. or t r . , to fight. Ex,i lit M ooat eemaillds* (th ey fought.) St* F r corner, to gore, stab* pierce. •/CORNOYAU ( K » r ^ o ) n.m* or l»# eld, deoropit person* ✓ CORHBGISR v»tr«, to correct* St. Fr., eorriger* w OOURSE (Eg) {2'Kuvs) a d j ., la heat. ^"-Qofg RQUGB, BLANCHE (\0 Vvn3_. ) cut of m at in ribe of beef* St* Fr. ( ^COTON HAYS n.m., oorneob* ^ GOTCNNIER a.m., sycamore• St, Fr.— , cotton-shrub, eotton worker.

u 'OOOXBQQB (n^ti^PA S DIBB. To l a y nothing. ^QUARTS ) n.f., quirt. St. Fr., Couatte, Idiom: avoir la oouarte sur l'epaule. (To have the "go" urge*) /boUARTSR (kwavVe) v.intr*, to be difficult* Ex.: 9a va 0ouarter pour flxiir. ( I t 's going to be hard to finish.) ^cc chauffer. ^-GOCJCHAS (Ru^i,) a.m., cushaw* OOUGHS COUGHS (vu^-vi*$) n.m., mush. St* Fr., oousoou, or gruau de male* -/(XXJETIE (*t*,vV) n .f ., tre ss. St. F r., trssssi O. Fr. — small tail* -etfXJILLCHNE n.f., fed. St. Fr., couillon, n.m., s.m., by e x t. *tKJ0lA (k *\ e) n.f., gulley. St. Fr*, ruisseau. -^0001*11 v) n .f ., grass snake. St. F r,, oouleuvre. ^^OOOP SB MAIN n.m., helping hand. Word used extensively especially in ootton*pieking tine. Farmers give a "coup de main" to others so the cotton will not be wasted. QQVP OB 30LEIL (u n t^ o k ^ ) n.m*, sunburn.

^900P SB TAPfB (k.ut>tap) n.m., a slap. St. Fr*, une tappe.

- OOUFER (K^p e) v .tr., to cut (as wages). Ex.t eeupsr les gages (out wages).

_ OOURIR LS3 SARgONS (FILLES) (r<\i-rfr} V .tr., to chase after boys (g irls). /GOURTBODILLON (u.trrbujS'} n»B*» courtbouillon, a highly seasoned thin fish •tew (generally catfish) which le eaten with rice, St. Fr .«**, a liquid composed of vinegar wine and spices in which fish i s cooked.

‘-^CQGRQIiNE 98 n.f., speoiee of spiraea hypericlfolie, or bridal wreathe*

COURRAX , A IS {cq*rr e ) v^fttt., condl. of ooudrs. to sew* See Introduction, Verbs,

/ SOtRER LBS TEUX D» U TtTB (**■»■. le-zO ^J'iH U r) V.intr., to 1m extra™ ly high, expensive.

/COUflL (km¥ v) n.m ., denim* St. Fr., coudtil.

^OOVERTS (Kurt;-r-V ) n*f. , a bed cover. St. Fr., oouverture, a blanket. O. Fr., convert, e.m.

*boUVERTURE (kuvct Ts^ ) n .f., roof. St. Fr,» oouverture, a blanket.

ORMUPOHNER ( t i r * f 5 ~*) v.rat., to squat. S t. F r. , to C ling.

^CRAPAUD (kt ^ t ® ) n.m., short man. St. F r , toad.

^ORAPAOD (\ lt^ P o ) n.m., anthrax, mueole-knot, carbuncle, inflamed tumor. St. Fr.-*—*, veterinary termj a hoof disease regarded as can­ cerous.

/ORAQCB (K ra\b ) n.f., crack. St. Fr., fente.

/ GRACJJ* (kYjnc) ad j., cracked, nuts.

'tikkYQA (Krwj^) n.m., pencil. St* Fr.

Ajgg OOUP D9 TCHHERRg (lcri?tfMdro-»vr) loo. Damnation1. J CRFIS fyrr^f) n .f . Ex. i Fa aux crepes! (do to the !)

^BdOPS (kxvo. lO adj., orasy, nuts,

''OHtfVASSK (hr*Vbs ) n.f*, a rut. St. Fr.*~», a crack, cranny, cleft.

v/CftfVATICH (FAIRE LA) s jo') v.intr., to die. St. Fr,, crevalaon, for which erdvatlcn has been subetituted?

v^nfFER (|trrve) v.intr., to. die. St. Fr., mourir* — to buret, to kill. p/cRIATURE (Krihtj fr) n .f,, beautiful young girl. 0. Fr,, criature, a.m.

j CRICHST (xritj e) n.m., cricket. St. Fr,, oriquet. /ORIGNASgE (|KT»j*as) n*f,* head of hair* St. Fr,* chevelure.

./CRIOTE (\c*r\^ ) n .f, * pity » meae, 8 x,t Quelle eriotel (What a pity* meael) / ORIQT& (krhote) n.f,* pity* me as, E x .t Quelle oriotdl (What e pltyt)

^OROBARRE ( kyd b ry ). n.m, * crowbar. Si* Pr.* levier.

^CHOOHETTB (MARCHER X LA) (KvoCs/t*) n .f ., to walk ana~ln*ara. St, Fr.* orocher, le to pdea one* a am Into the armof another,

ytjROCHIR (kyo^V ) v,tr.* te bend* to tw let, 0 , Fr. * eroeher* bend In form o f hook;

x OROISCH (fO'wjRx‘5’) n .f.« ‘d oroesing, intersection. Sx. t La or olson de deux ehemlns* (Intereeetlon of two roade*) St. pr,* eloleon* e.m,

^ OIGWOLB (kyoV-s >1) n .f ,* doughnut* S t, P r,* eroqulgnole,

^OROQUSR (itroite) v*tr.* to break with teeth, St. Pr.* broyer.

v' OUIRS (K^f i y *) v.tr,* to eook, St, Pr,* falre eulre.

— (S + ) adj.* den,* thle* that, X, Ccmtr, of eet. Cot homme (sto'>*)* Cet enfant 2 , Oontr. of eette (before a vowel). Cot* affaire (S+*tes>),

( 5 ^T€ ) a d j.* dem .fem ., th le * t h a t , (s+ -£) femme.

CIM& ($yS^ ) dem.pron.,m.s. St, Pr,* eelul~X&,

OULltBB (k.'v I ^t'r) n,f«* apoon, St, Pr,* ouiXXer.

i/GQ&IXZ (\i^ it^ n,f«* kltehen. St, Fr,* eulelne.

CTFE (^i f ) n.m,* eyprwee, St. Pr,* cypr&a,

^ OTFRI&HB 6 *ifrijV$ n.f..m arch. St. Fr.* oypritre* "a oypreee grove. ■


DALI£ (da!> ) n.f.* gutter (around houee roof), St. Fr,— * flagstone; 0 . Fr,— * gutter. / DAXDINS (dadjh) n.f.* whipping, DARRX&R& (Aarjt/.v) n.m,* adv., behind* after, St. Pr,, derrltre. Id loot i IX eet darrlbro man pour quo faie 9 0 , (Hete “after1* me to do that,) l4 , j ) / BAfHlSR, klB (i •_ > V>") ' DAUBS i , ; ->) n .f,, basf«*tengae dobe* St* Fr.**-, spiced stew* V % SB (d ) prep*, of. Ella. of the (^ ) sound oven before o on sonant. Ex. s ooup depisd

/ DEBAMBOCHBR v.intr*, to engage In debauchery. St* Pr. , banw booher.

/ BflARBER V.tr., to wtl&ek*. flee b a rre r.

■t BEBaocHBR Gteb®^) v .in tr., oeeee working. E x. j XI a debauohd. (He q u it working*) St. Fr.— , to dieeharge from position, to entlee from work. / / D&BOUTS (defeat) adj., standing. St. Pr., debout.

/ DEBRIS («Kb~rj) n.m., inner organs of animals or man* St* Fr.**—*, remains, rubbish; abatis.

,/ SECABOSSSR Q ek*bts?) v .tr., to undent.

\/DtfOAOHER (jteic^e) v .tr., to unearth* Ex.t tifeaehsr las plants. (To unearth plants.) St* Fr., ddterrer. 0. Pr., deeachar, uncover*

/ EtiGARXLLER Gfeit^h i\"t) v .in tr., to move, break up housekeeping* St. Fr.— » leave hurriedly; decampsr*

■./ DEGAUSSER (dejos*’ ) v .tr., to remove soil from plants* St* Fr*, onohausear. / OKOHS33ER (d ef.se), T.tr ., In tr., t o d ry . Ex. t 1. Le soleil a ddohesed loo plants* (The sun dried the p la n ts .) 2* Lee plants vont ddetesser* (The plants will dry up*)

/ RECORDER (de^o-y^e ) v .tr ., to uncord wood* / ^ ■ OECIAXRE (cted^^Ti) n .f., awkwardness. 3t. F r., degalne, awkwardgiant*

/ REGXAlZfE (de) adj., dilapidated; dirty-looking.


/ OEFGEOER (cUf-^S^) v .tr., to burst open* St. Fr*, enfonoer* HCFRI0H8TER S'H ') to t e a r up, Ex. i Sffriehater lee papier s. (to tear up tho papers.) St* Fr.* ddfrioher* to clear up (field).

DtfG0 (Je<^ o ) n.m* y Xtalian~Amerloan.

DEIGQUTE n.f.* dripping of water* 3t* Fr** degoutture*

BIJGRSYER ) v.tr.* to defurnish. St* Fr. * demeubler. Sse grdyer.

/ C^GUINILLSR (ofejiYnj?) adj.* badly droaaad* St* Fr*, deguenllle*

/ DJsJEINER y«^v>v^f n.m., v.intr** breakfast* St* Fr*, ddjeuner*

ItfJOXRTSR v.tr*, to dlalooato (arm)* St. Fr., ddjoindre* dis~ lo q u er.

/ StfLAXBSB* ft £le[Qse) nfm# ^ divorced man* dlvorcde. St. Fr.* delaissd* adj.* abandoned*

nSUftuIlE n.m., dynamite*

{ OILIER JJ?I \€>) v.tr., to dissolve (in water). St* Fr,, delayer. b a ile r .

/ EtfHAHOEAISCH ((eo^rjaz^ n .f., it.hlng. St. P r.

/ BtfHARHER (/e-w^'re) v .tr., to untie* to unknot. St. Fr.* ddraarrer* to unmoor (a ship). Sep amarrer.

- DE BOISE U£ It VlgULOg.f demoiselle or moieelle. mosquito hawk. — - a vleulon Is cue with violliwlike marks on wings.

■ BfiBlBR* feRB (fC>>^^S- y ") adj.* n.m. and f.* last. St. Fr,, dernier* fere. v BtfPARIRR (Tvfavlf) v.intr.* to talk deliriously. St, Fr.<~—• * to beooms ineoherent* inartloulate when droikj delirer.

/ DtfPAT^ (d«pp\v-S) adj.* out of oorts* discouraged.

BtfPEKSSR v .t r .* to consume • Ex. i Ofepenssr le manger. (Oonstsas food.) St, Fr,— * to epend.

BE 94 (isa .) adv.* ego. E x .t Deux ans de pa. (Two years ago.)

1/ DtfHORS (Jvp-y) adv.* outside. St. Fr.* dehors, flee dlors.

X HfPOT yepo) n.m.* depot. St. Fr,— , warehouse| gara*

^DEPOS (d>f>>|) adv. and prop.* since. St. Fr.* depuls. 9RRNXSR £83 DSRHIEB8 (ctarVy*Ae n*m*, ft man of the worst kind*

mmttm m$ nit*$ a prostitute. DtfSERT $lex.cr») n.m*, ©leering in woods. St* F r., ddseFt, wilderness*

£83 F0I3 lo e ., aoafttimSS. Si* Fr*, quelquefoia*

DB33CUS (A«5u) adv*,prep*f undsr. 0t« Fr. ).

BBSS UR $es>fr) &df*» on, upon* St* Pr»# d o tsu e, siw*

B^Tmer v.tr., to damage surface of agate container , S t. Fr., dtam er, overlay with tin* / BtUJA (A| adv., already* St* Fr., d,£. /MVAUWM* ad j., profligate, lloentloua. St. Fr*, devergondl•

/ HfFORER (<1 ev tyy*) v.tr*, to tear up. St. Fr,*—, to devour. / DIFFORMSR fevSo-r^e) v.tr*, to deform* St* Fr*, ddforaer, o* Fr*, dlf* ^ former, t*»m. / \ Pl&ESTXOft j3) digestion* St* Fr*, digestion / 91 MOICST (^i*wo%vvo^) adVft loo*, a s soon as* 2x*t 91 moment j* va arrlver, Jean va partlr* (As seen as X will arrive, John sill leave*) 3t* F r., du moment quo, used in the past or present idea* In Evangeline ftt le used for the future also*

k 9XH9B n.m. or f* Turkey* St. Fr.™., turksy-heni dlndon, turkey- eook*

/ DIOR9 (^i adv., outside* St* Fr*, dehors* O* Fr., dlors, s.m.

DXP0T n.m*, depfet* Seeddpot. 929(MKFTS n«m*, discount* at* Fr*, eseompte* PXSOOKPfBft CAxsK^’46') v .tr* , to dlseount* St* Fr., esoompter* t . DX9SZ pres.ind* and lap* Sayl 0. Fr,, dlser, to tell, may have influenced this form! or analogy with -sef verts. / / BI30UOBR tiz;s«T*5 6 >) or refl., dlagraoa. a t , F r ., dlfgraaior.

DJ8POTAILL2R S v*intr«, to quarrel* St* Fr., disputer.

DIABLE (* 3 ®** ) devil* See Introduction, palatal last ion* / DIABI£SSB d e v il1 e wife, she-devil. "Le dtable bat ea femme pour marier sa fllle aveo un orapaud• * This is said when sun and rain ooraa together* BQDtJJHB ».f.* fa t wmm or no good women* St. Fr*# dodu, adj.* fat# pluapy, Jolly. DQLENTE (d*J*:1 ) n*f», woman who feigns saintliness# ha* horror of small indiscretion** etc. ,

/ BCKKIa (

BOUGEMSHf 4.LtS°'vv^) *df.# slow# slowly* Ex.t 1* XI ost deuoemant* (Ha is slow*) ft; XI ?lent douoorasnt. (He is coming slowly.) / POUDOUX (jU4u) n.m.*pl»* sandy# sweat s. St. Fr*# bonbons# sis. - BCBX BO0QS (c^^cPus) n.m* or f . , child* flattering equiv. to Hsweet thing9 referring to person* / BCdLLSTTS (Jtfji+) adj* a* and f*# puny* Fr. douillet# effeminate# chicicen-hearted• See fluiette*

/ drai O&S (jr*d3^e) n.m.#pl** candy* St* F r., dragde# n.f.* a sugar-coated almond.

/ BiteB ite QBE (lr*to) ad?** as soon as* St* Pr*# die quo* i /BBites i t e ed?«* straight* St* Fr.# droit* Ex.tDr&ts la* (Sight there*)

BRIOAILLE (iyi^a.j ) n.f.* trash* Ex.t J'ai juete des drigailles dans ma maison. (All I hare in er house is trash*)

BBBtqpK (ir^lO n.m*# a drink (usually of whiskey).

SMBS (Jyto^t) sif* *• °* *•» •traight* St. Fr.* drolte* Sg& ditto,

BBOUS (dsn) ad?.* below* under. St. Fr. 0 ^ stA) y p s m 6 5 7 ) ad? • * on* upon. S t. F r. Ca** v)

DORR T. loo. Ex.t Le temps ms dure de p^rtlr. (I’m very anxious to le a v e .) St* Pr*--— # tp last,

DSURTB (4 ^r1“) adj. f.* hard. St. Fr.# dura. BBGURIFIER (?ktAT*iv\e} v.tr*, to fluatraie. St* Fr*, ©bourif for.

^tfBFOTSR (ebryir^) v ,tr.t to spread news* St, Pr,, dbrulter*

^BG a UiS (ei£n\) n.f*, shell* **als« St* Pr*, deallle, scale, v/B cartsr (e Vitr* i to spread apart* Ex.* XI deapte see Jambee* (Ha spreads hie lege apart*) St* Fr*, hoarier, to scatter, separate. k//fQHANGSR (^^oTje) v.tr** to change, Ex.t fehanger de mains* (Change hands.) 3 t , Fr*, changer,

'/JfOHAP® ( s j n ? ) n .f* * a e p lIn te r. St* Fr*, dchard©, •/^CHAFFER («^$fn.) v .tr., to drop. B i.t Je l*ai deheppd* (X dropped it«) 9t* Fr., laleeer tomber. s im iA PPER (a1) (E$*pe) to got away. Ex.t fli tu peux t ’dthapper, viene, (If you can get away, eao e.) St, hr,*—| eeeepe. ^fORAfUiOTS ( n . f , , e h a llo t. at* Pr*, dehalote* / fCHAUCBR (etod€ ) v .tr,, pour hot water cm (tea)* St, Pr•— -* eeour, eeald*

^tO h kT (€kU) n.f*, kindling* St. Fr.— , sliver* eplintor. ^fOOBDlBR (VKfire) v.tr*, to nauseate. a t . Pr, (e**.>e)* sH oo& m (BTRB *• SDR) (^K^>e) have enough. St* Pr.— , be elek at heart, i/fOOFEAO (tK o ? o) n.m*, chip* S t. P r,* oepeau.

t/keORDQf (^ k c-H S ) n .m ., a piece of earded wool.

^00® n.f., rising in earth, f&olng of ellff, shore, St, Pr«, aeeare, ellff* i/fOORRlPIER (* *3 ^ tv >5-^) v .t r * , to take eeab o f f. S t, F r .— , to spunge* le o re h e r.

^kaSfBISSB (eK>e Vis) n.f*, crayfish, St. Pr*, dorevisse, dm Bon Bleu fe k tp b \sA \V ^ t ). a small white crayfish with «musually large plnoers* ^IcohSmsr ^krt'w T v.tr*, to oream. St, Fr., iw im r*

'SQH&MSR (S 1) ^K.rT'-v^*) v .r e f l* , to c le a r one1 e th r o a t,

/fGRISAJST (ek -t \ z-Sr) prep, part,, derirejw riting. Past deaer., derlasais, •to , l/®Dm (ed^x) enooQr; 2, adj., •on tho outs*. B x .t 1, Xleat man ddmi. (H09o my enemy.) 8, On oat ddmi. (We1 re on tho onto*) St* pr*, onnoml*

/BBSam feds u ) adv., under, St* f**t desaoua (clds^)* n/BS 8Q3 adv., on* St, Pr*, dooouo W^sy),

K^) v .tr., to educate. St* FT*, donnar de l'eduoation h* tW XM , ad j,* educated, t/BPPAltf adj., disheveled (as of hair}, St, Fr,-**~, bewildered, wlld~leoking, aghast*

/BOALXR (5*1* ^ir) v.tr., to level, St. Fr,, dgallaer, 0, Fr., dgalir, e.m, i/^SAIR (£«) d I) ad j ,a«, pi, , equal, St* Pr,, Igaux, c/Bailg a d j., attarmod, wild-*looking. St* Fr.**—, haggard*

/gQOtJUffi (S^ivirh) n . f . , hand-exv. St* P r* « ~ , sm all saw w ith s tr a ig h t handle*

/fBRlXBBR ) v.tr,, to shell (seeds or grain), St. Pr,, dgrener,

/BdlUIIDIR v.tr., to enlarge, St, FT,, aggrandir,

'/ftRIffiBR fe) v.tr,, to dishevel, to stand on end,(only of hair),

(®TTr.l#Vv,M^) v .tr,, to break Into email pieces, St, FT,, J d m ie tte r. t/lBffkL&H f v * \ e ) v.tr., to awallow. St. Fr*, avaler. i/BXOQ (£ 3 w ) adv., where. St. FT., oh (X), / BLOWER (S*) (eloje) w^refl., to strengthen, St, Pr., s'Btendxt.

/BMABJHATICN n.f., imagination. St. Fr., Imagination. ^BlIiBINER v.tr., to imagine, St. Fr.* imaginer.

EMBAROATICN (dbdTl<«lSJ t)} any vehicle, St. Fr.~~*, boat. /KMBaRQSBR v*n.* to gut Into (m vehicle). St. Fr.* monte r.

/EMBAUJKR OB v.tr.* to smell strongly of* Si. Fr.*—, to perfume.

^EMBEHSISR v .t r .* to flitter.

v^BRNDIE £>**) \j) prefl. Ind. of olennuyar.

^BMMTER pTb*-V4 v .tr., to dupe* at andon, fool. St. Fr.* emb$ter* to bore* bother.

//ERBBURRBR v.tr., to emear. St. Fr*— * to cover with butter.

(/&HBIB5R \>t) v.tr.* to wet, drench. St. Fr.* imbiber.

'/SMBRASSAXE n .f * , e petting party* St. Fr.-— , an embrace* e hug. i/flrfGHBIt v.tr#* to cut the lamp wick. St, Fr.—-•■* to divide hair late loekfl.

^KB BASSE n. of quantity, much. Bn. i Bn m&sfle do I 1 arg e n t, (Much money.)

^EMELSR 3f (oC'Tbe\e) v.tr,* to get mixed up. St. Fr., meler on — noun.

‘/fillpesTER S"\$ v.intr.* to snell fltrongly* St. Fr.— , infect* taint.

w'/ EMPUtTE (oTe\^^) sum. or f . and adj.* procrastinating, awkward. St. Fr.* emplatre, helpleae.

^BBPOGNER \^) v.tr.* to get held of* to grab, St. Fr. * eapolgner.

^BMPRDITBR & prttjT borrow. St. Fr.* emprunter,

^EHOIEUBE n.f.* anvil. St. Fr.* enolunm.

^SSOOlQMms n.f.* fork in road. St, Fr.— * comer formed by J two walls.

^ EBOCHTRER (M c^tyejv.tr.* to meet, St. Fr., reneontrer.

KBDOBSBR (vdorse) v.tr.* to indorae. St. Fr., endoscer.

EKDOBSSR ^C^osc) v.tr,* to build up rowfl, 3t* Fr., si 11 oner.

SgK 3*3003 adv.* under* St. Fr., deosous.

ENOAffiT h ire d hand.

^ERSAJflf F»F** engaged. S t, F r.» fian c d . / n t u n n p^tuVf) v«lntr.» i t atop amtomlgr* ■^sirosuoatR »* (p

^SHSSHHi f ? ^ — ) adf*# together. St* IV.# inwntU ( )• ^iRAJKA £+£'v1'^5 r»tr»f to tafee something out of a nmaeured eanrtalmer* St* to a»i» first out into# t/BftfAHHCiXR (S'n.nu, funnel* St* Fr** entevmoir.

^CBi I£3 Di:UX adj* l«s#e oo*ae. fix* i Ggwaent ft* ve| enfce~la»»dm*ic* (Hew are ymif Se»ee*}

-IflTBSTIOW f t e ? j o ) n * f.# a tte n tio n . St* «vM a tte n tio n *

•/jSOTttJR OR (ofctto-J J ) prop., a tout * near* Ex*i J9arrive enteur do nisi* (I arrive around noon*) HRPfYBP. ftrweve) v.tr** 1. to eondf ft. to throe. at* Fr** 1. envoyer (S' ) l 8* Jeter* jBioa T5BBS# e n e d ra r. ^^fPRILUvR c) v.tr#* to eeatter* 3t* FT.****# to olaan } dpar- ' p illa r*

^CPftnoB n«f. • pin* St* Fr*» dpingle*

‘^ftrifHlUS ft &AH0S (Ff?'p4l5r'V) n*f** ©sfetjr St. Fr*f apingle aafelaiefT

^tP U S O R M f? f\^ J ) n .f .# peelings* hollo* Sgg £plusher* ^tPUJCSBR (e^jyj* e ) v.tr** t o peel. a t . Fr •*»<»* to remove d irt}doooaer*

(?k £) adv.* when. St* FT*# quart d . ^quARH^J2£ (ejc^r^ >-) n.f.# a equane opening* S t. Fr.* ouvsriure earrde

^(OTIWE (ex.^) n.f*# foam* 9t* Fr*. detme>. gR (> r) ^ofix} by metathesis used instead of «pe in such words ao erftmt rotes* ergarAer* regsrder* ereonA»le* reeem U ei etc*

E r a iu ^ (? T 4 j€) adj.* tired* ripped* ZUQKMAmm t r K ^ ^ e ) v*tr*# to order* St* Fr** ooffltamdor*

^WKW^r (3t>j-y.e) v*tr«, to threw up* St# Fr#„ Pajoter# ^saoottsEH^R fwn*/"'*!)? v#tr*t to feogtn again* a t. pp.* mnmmm*r*

^krcrvoxr ( 3 >5 uo^r- ) v#tr#9 xooeiiro* at* Fr*, rooovolr* ^BRC&rnsR te rjy t^ ) *•»•» to got ooroo* at# Fr*. roefnxior.

^BRakiDOiiK $ r*tr*# to ih > conduct. St* F*»t rooondulvo* ^IRcariAtrat ^YK^s-t-) v*tr*» to rooogniao* 9t* Pr*9 wooomattfO# BRQULCR (3>-/cy|e ) v .tr* , to aovo# to book# st* FF#f fooulor* i/'tmfARGB n*f*, balcnoo of aoomarxt* -r’t* Fr*# rodovaneo* I UBOi &'rA1\y) v«trM ro*oay* St. Pr.|9NtkO« B M aiA t rJ-r e s v.intr** to otmi^htoa* St* Fr#* rodroooor* (e> cc:r)a*f*9 error. St* Pr*9 orrour# n*m* "''IMPAIRS y) v .tp .i to ronateo* st« Fr#, rofnire* BRFU35R fcyj^-sse) ? * tr., roftMMt* St* P^M lOfkoor*

iub »i look. St* Fr*, wgwrt* HfUBAfQART ad jii aotlottlotfto, f&otldlouo* partioal^r, «i»ploiouo* ^IBOARBER £->^v^e) o*tr*f to look at# at* Fr*# rogarder. L*®oaL*R Vitr.i to oorfoit* at* Fr## vogoulor.

^BRMBTEBR ) v*to*# to rogrot. at* Pp., fogpottor* ^R/OXRB ^v^u^Th) v«tr#9 to ooot* st* Pr,* rojoiadresu

^tBRUBVER (»•) £rrl>ue) to ari0 0 again, st* Fr*t relevor.

■^IWirteR J-|e) r.tr.f to anifflo. St. Pp.# reniflor#

• ^ robces (e-ro'5) briara. st* pp., ponooo. t/BBPAG3RR v.t*## to lrea* %• FV*,^p«B40r« ^BRKR n#»a*, root* st^P r.g popoo*

i/ brp.jGRR {fl*) v.mfl*# to root* at* Fr#* on popobop *

BRfHOlIH* fry f Y« y ) r*tr*> to talk again* St* Fr#, roiioondro* ^RRQOIHQtER ^YjUlK*) PtintP** to oot upright* St* Fp.f r© v,tr** to btt like* to get eomething from. Sg, i II rstlen t do son papa* C Il» to Ilk® h is father*) 8* II rstiant* fa do asm p&vs* (80 goto th a t from hlo father* ) ^IRTR0093ER fcytrus^ v.tr** to fold back* St. Fr** retrouoeer* \^»H»ANT n*a** ghost* St* Fr.* revenmt*

8RVKHDHR v ^ y) v .tr ., to voooll* St. Fr,* fsvandre* ^ « lf HER (a>u i r * ) v.intr## to turn bottle* St* fr** toumer* -K8VSHXR ( 3 > iq'>m 7) v»lntr«f to return* to some baste* St* Fr. » r o v e n lr . ‘/^E30ARDALS f?s n.su# ooandal* St* Fr. * soandale* v^SSOOOBR T#tr* f to ehate. St* Fr.* ottttouer. 8300039B B*fM A eteoek, I difffi* St* Fr** aeeouestt* ugSOOBB (rsK ys) »*f,# ensues* St* Fr** ensues ( )• t^SPfOlALa (fS fe sj^ l) adj** spselal* St* Fr,* epdoiel. ^K9Ff0lALB&BN8 (^*3 (°es \ ^ P odo** especially. St* Fr** ttpsoioleasnt; i/ISFStgR (?* f I ? ) v.tr** to spoil* St, Fr** dpelsr. -"ItSflfHBR (Cs f V.tr., to wait. at* Fr** ottondre* */ESQfigLgrnB (csKf shelstsn* St* Fr** equelotto. ^flSESCB (fS~3) n.f** flavoring ext met. St* Fr,— , osesnee# volatile Oil* Sntensicn (?)* perfuse. /gOTAEFZOfS i K-) n*f«* 0 quisle start* St* Fr** eetampie, a snappy danso* song* T* . Lc «-K e a j- > 1 V ^ ^ ^ — i^STATUB y) statue* St* Fr** statue* i/ISTOUAO ( « s t^ b ) etsmash* st* Fr* \/£siaaAO BE HULaTIB (es+o^^nyfat ) n*f** an English etage-pltmk eotas** to fancied rsssnblonss to mulatto stomaoh* i/f t* (q,1r) v*intr,* to bs* a t. Fr** itre* l y M ?«P* used for olid* gens* 8m*« II a dtd* (He vent*) < /gTOU tt^) adj** also* St* Fr** ousel* 8m* 1 ,T1 va t l 9dsols s t man dton* (You go to school end 1 do* too*) ^ttooFFsn {etM r-e) Vltr M to another *(ao evoking). y ^fTRQH ( ^ t r n.m*. « jftOhaee car fool* S t. Pp.****.. #ROiVMit| rubbioh, d irt. ‘^TOKJER («+ v.tr «, to fttuty. st. PF*. dtudler. ^ to x AUTRE9 (jft s % ) Rtfd per*, p i. pron* etibj. Sgg Oraaifsmr. Intros duetlart* ^XPRftS (PAR) (f^rPSpre ) adv. Xoe., pisrpoooly. St. Pf** ftftpffeo#

r X PAOHttt (fak+r i ) n*f., ft faetory* St* Fr.. ualno, fbbrlqun. < PAPA (hfA ) n .f.# fool, not*

X PAIOUQUS (fq k ) a .* ., drtmlam b n ffl. Xf PAIRS KM (fi;)-Ulo) v.intr.. to hurt* pain* St* Fr*. fair* m l. 3oo bobo* r fAZSMDO (fpJoJo ) n.itt*. Oftjm figulir Saturday night demon.

x P iX S Z {f-e-L*) v .t r ,. pree.lnd*. Snd por.pl*. fniro* S t. Fr*. fa itfto . ^ PAM I DIRER v .tr* . oook dinner*

r Pairs t 30UiTR (Kvr^S^P*) v .t r .. oook ouppor. Y PAIRS % OSJSnsR ^ e ) v .tr . t oook bmehfosb. St. fr.. fair* ouiro It dtnor, a to. V PAIRS *A0 NOS DU PftfE* (ft •■■>-) v .tr* . uaho tho elgn of the Croao. St* Fr*. oe oi^ior* V PARS UM Q0ATB DEBT 00UF8 ( fr r- *-■* ) V .tr ., to rate© ft general rwpna. ' PAIRS $m ORAHD (K:rsv.intr,. to ftftt big. grown-up. important. ' PAH® SA ORAIIDE (h n rs^ p * !’) V .intr.; S . ^ . ' PAIRS ROIR v .in tr* . to beoeroo deurk. S t. Pr*. fair* n u lt, X PA ITS (f^Y) p.p.. n*f*. done. nodo. St. Pr*. fait, folio* 0A9 (PAIRMR) v.intr*. to pay attention, to hood,

X PAIRS n a m ( f ^ r f -r i—.) t o protend. St* Pr*. fa Ire la frimo* vpALLB ({*1 ) a*f., area (of bird)* St* Pr*. jabot. 0* P., fail* , pouch, orop. # «l]i» ironloalmMmlng of "fine** X FAR ( ^ y -) M i draeslng* St# Fr** fare©* n*f* ^ FARAUD (f^ro) id]9| V|U4II««|4» n#m#* a fop* enob* X faraodrii n,f,, flat# of being well-draaaad# or having an nice* looking olotps* v FAROS (gk 0 9ESf) ea»l»* P li# I'll be«~4 Fell* that*a strange! X FATRAfl (V * * ^ * ) n*m#* a Haas* a p a t * at* Fr#*«*** a moss* Jumble* X FAIRS (Vv-> v) ad]** av*r«fati£ued» founds rad* y FAULAIT (Vo \ *) impf* of lnpira* verb fallolr* St* Fr** fallait* XFAIW (V<>1)) p.a** fallolr* at* Fr** fallu*

Y fk X It o)« it la naeeeeary* St* Fr** 11 faint* XFgUgft (fe\ e) v.tr** to eracfc. St* Fr** Itlar ( )* >FfRA (f ey>) y *fut** fairs* Fdra used as eonmonly as fsra for fist* of Yerb f a i r s * KFtfRAlLLsa ( ^ t 4\ ) n.m**pl#* scrap of Iron* St# Fr** ffcrrallle* n«f** e*m* * FRflBl/NG (f-r.vVl^) M i pan* basin# St* Fr******* tinned Iron* ( fehh h) n*fB#* fsm* ^t* Fr#* feu^re* y r a m (Ve-r*\) n*m** farry. Y FBUHTBH ( r - t $ v .in tr ., t o f s r r e t about* rutKaaga#

)Cpstl SaUFAGC ( V ^ o i / 2^^) n*m«* akin eruption called "slldflre*# Xfsvs (f tt/} n*f#* pa Pan* St* Fr** five* Pan* Prry*

^ FftFS m Ohoa (f^V d^ Is) n«f** field pa*

" Hfts ©rise (S^-^riz) n*f#* appa# XftVB PL'TTE ( V ^ r 1 ?lV) n*f«* butter Pan ( phase olue lunatua)*

^ r e r i a (felX ) n*m#* okra* Jfg gotrfho flfvis* X FXER (f'jt'.yj ad]** glad, ot« FT*—*» pmuAf content*

Y F1&V& (ORAMD1) n*f«# typhoid* y PIFOLBT (ft V olv) n*m*« spentanemia e robust Ion of gases from t P ground* St# Fr»* feu fclat* Snprstitlouo P llsfsf 1* If you folios It* you win gat loot* 2* If you place a noodle on a pact par It* It sill go through tP aye of tP needle until It outs itself to see* 9* ffprsver it aspare tp fe la «Mnay* t* » P ttn r uppers P a p will be death*

r Wn* B*a I£TQK (f-i K f o') n*nu* hey*wiro* St* Pr#, f i t do la it on* braoo tU fi*

^ ru -st ju*Ai 8 omjE 8 8 u sib m tm (fj \

\ ritliX (f, j o) n#«f9 godchild. St. Fr«# fllleul* \ FXLL3U* ( f ,J D I) n*f*t godchild. St* Fr*f mioule* \FXI# DS FBR ( fiU d ^ :> ) n*m.* barbed wltm* * riLOU ( i \ I m ) alj«, irltky, «lj. St* Fr**—* a#n#, thief* atwal# ^FD^FOIB) ( f if ij - 3 ) ti#n#» the eery depth* St* Fr** fond* X FOVFOKD ( S?' n«m** variation of above* XFI3IS ( f a*a** whiz*# fanejr, puWea air* Sx*i 1* 11 a doo fiono* (Ha hao whimo* Ho ie particular*) 8 * II fait dee flono* (Ho pule on aire* )

K FIOO-FIOO (tjM - f j ia) n*m*» 1* traehj 8 * «oak o off on* F138 AO ( f i z o j ^ . ^ i p m l # St* Fr** fuaoau* ^ FX3X1# Jo, fr> Rim* St* FT** fUoil* *FI*AFLA (tAef W ) or f** a gooolpi v.intr*# to geealp* FLAIRF (S U t#ir#» to waete time* St* fr*—*# to d llly dally* pro* eraotlnate* X FLAJIAIU£R , 'vv^

^ nftdOB (H**-'} ) v«tr*# I* -bo flag! n*m*# 8 * to Hag* St* Fr*# 3U hdler* • |* drapeau* VFIM30B frl&iK.) n*f*a flaok* nt* Fr*# flooon* /riEUms n*f*# pl*» phlegm*. St* Fr* • phlfegmoe*

KflUHSTIS (fjY j ‘Lt ) adj.# ooak* St* Fr** fluette* ollm* elender# thin* { opera# dolioato* weakly* > FUUXICM ( H V Ksa*f*# pneumonia* St* Fr*—*# inflammation! a*g»* 1 J fluxion do poitrlsse* pnouanla#

Y FOFaU*K {{Xf j)) n*f«* foolloh porn on* St. Fr** folio* Y FOLUSftlS ( f*o Jvj J n*m*# fooliChneee* St* Fr*# folio# A: FOB OEM (f5~Se) v .t r ., to t»«k. B x.l La raoho a, m Jteurf. (Iho so* hooted w».) 3 %, Fr.»—>, t o ruab upon.

K FCHD (f D to ]t, doap. 3t« pfofond} ***i n«ot(

X PONDRXEURK 4 r-.jy^ n*f** diegO* A PoeTT'* XHR (fzT' ^ t ) n*ft» baby1e soft epot* y FORQWT (jo v sa) n*ra*» penitentiary* St* Pr** for fat* a oerwiot* galley SlaWO* Y FOR® (X) (■?$:> rs ) loo** oo* Bitt k forw j^ iilt lti« ( 1 «n8 oo tired*) St. Pr** I foroe do* by dint of* A variation l o X foroe quo *

^ FCBDJ0 W8 (foTri^j) tl*n** pi** rubbish* /*fORfBU« n*f*» fortune* St* Pr** fortune (F^r^y^* ^ POCEY frwvt)h.vw .ohip* St* Pr*— (f-^*-)* r o m K (F^+e) v.tr*, to whip* ®b* Fr**-* (F^-"Ve )* v roor ’AFD* 8 (F^jVr) n»«** f*» adj.* rwamaging* v PCSQZkUWft JOB (fo«j~^>)in*»#* Tumble bug* ^ POUXBE (fi»\\n ) n*f*i anteeater. St* FT** bo lotto i — , beeeb-tnarten* weasel*

FOUCTRTB (Fu#Tvt) n*f., eqilirt* ^ 0.\ * 5 + cyn^

X P00l£R (

K POUYKP£Y (? u r fe) n*n*» ttlooroue oere between beef 1 s tooo* St* Fr*— * foct-ret (In Aoop)* Xpoui©OCIE (fu rd ^ ) nibbi^h* ^00 ferdooto* ^ PODTAHT «dj** vexing* " ^ roOTilAXLiJE (FuFrArj ) n*f** trash* oonethlng worthlee©* x POUT RE (PA IRE) (f-%0- f-u t ) v*refl** to go to the dtekene* y rourm tfr»r ) ▼•lrulef* 3 t. Pr.* " ylo. „ JUn~v}.>Xfc . s

X T c m m t m •**•* ##«v* eRbrenely.

v PRAtOf* (prl.J ) adj., «• Of ft* I* ffeoh* 8* OOol* 8a* t I , ° e l « ▼taiido frftfeho* (Preah Boot*) 2* Le teope oat lutohsi (The weather la eeet*) 3t* Pr«i frola* fratohe, XpRAtOHS (p-r t J ) A «fi, a e o o l breeeo, fro ah air* FRAt^HK (PAIRS) f» la irt| to bo eool (of aoather) • Ob* PV»» fftUt fra la*

VPROur. (f>*A) adj., f», oeld* st* ?r** frold* 0 * X PRA13 (f-re) adj., a * , oeld # B i , i U b puff oat Rralii (The eeffee la oeld*) S t* P F** fPOld* N P&i£R (fTr —^ vttr*i to eloao* 3t* Pr** femer. X PVftlfe I’lOUAtiT (\l

>' FROmoR a#m*, ehesso* St* ?r* 'X"FR0H2N ^rS'Vh.SJf XI#tB*, whit# bliadlt 91* FT. (c,>2"vw‘*5#

X FROWsl (fr^>^M) niis«» ant* St* Fr*, faurmi. ^ FROTTOIR (erot^znr) n.nu, washboard. ZvFUSfcLLi- ( ^ ”*4) n .f,, femrds* St. Fr., fbmell®* TO4I K n.m*, fertiliser* St* Fr*, fumiarf^mQWur©.

V Pi&lfiFB t r f ^ j v , y) n.f*, following* at# Fr*— , dunghe&p* ^ W®R v.tr*, to fertilise* sf* Fv / FURXSR (pyv^-e) v«lntr»i to fool around In, to rusraoge* FtJSBAU n*a*, a spool* St* Fr**—, a spindle*

^ FS9BAU (hi[x p )

X OAQHAIT (£^h^vl) «dj*, striped* fix*i La vaeho gas hade. (strtpa) sow*)

X®A®®R (ji£ ^ *) r*tr*, to win* St* Fr**— (<5

x SAXLLM®, K (^t^r; cj) adj., in good hoalth* St* Pr«—>, gey, lively*

A fae*

\ OALfmfl (f^ie-rw) v.tr*, to piano* St* Fr*, galfero, organ*>mnfcing plans 1 at* form*


A SALRra n*f*, 1 * flat, thin, 0 0 m broad| a. the vagina* St* Fr#*—, a hard, flat bis suit 1 a thio^, f l a t oaks*

y OALEAATIS %\ i'w vv(tt) n*m*, a messy mixture* *H# Fr.— , confused d isc o u rse X

A C/U>r>A£SI3 (a.sJ 5 ) n.m., pi*, suspenders* it* Fr*, hrotelles*

X \ o) n«a*, bias taps* St* Fr*— , braid*

/ a^L©JA:R f a t U f e ) v.intr., to run* St* Pr#**— , to g a ll o n eourir* v GAMBILUB f^*l> [j) tt*f## a gas* oniled *800% played with a knlfte. y K garaofisr (

X G ahdsr ^ r4 o ) v.tr** look at* St. Fr** regardar# 0« Fr** guarder* look i

/ x GA (<^a*) JUeokl Xnpar* of gander.

. %- QAKDKZ $ £*eekt Xaper* of garder*

X GAROUD&i-FQitiDG (°}Ar Lvrf n*M.# bannister, ta'eid*»r&lllng« St. Fr** p jn lo » fo u t x y OA!Qb&*J9G8R tt*f»«* iaffe* S t. F r ., gardf 5-r*-«£«r, tig h t Oft0 0 *

/s, GAND* 30!fi IL (^tyjfo \v j) n«o«, atm bonnet*

/ XQAWAi»5:r!fe'?l *W-z.e) v(tr«, to garglo* St* fr** g&rg&rieer# X GARBARor (*vep>^ n*f** throat*

V GAIBOfO^ (*}© 1~ -dJ n*m. , th ro at* 0 * Fr** gargotio*

X Oargob (^vr^j^Jr n.f*, aoaathlng dona only half*way right* X Y OAftaafT.R v*tr** to oook or do eombhing only half-way right*

xT OARIOR n«a«* a atud or boar j aloo applied to yetntg nan*

7 Y GAKLIE V) n*f #* a gallery* poroh* at* Fr** galorle.

< X GAROUttfETfS (^or-h^X -t) n*f«* a th le te 1 a foot*

/ XGAROCJ^R (‘©5e ) v#tr** to throw (rooke)* St. Fr., lanoor*

K 0 A9 B ) n.m*# gaftollne* St* Fr*, oaaonoo* f v K OASOkCiE (^-z-ol ih) n*a«, gasoline. St. FT** oaaonoo*

/ X 0A8PZL (^sp)* ) »•«».# waeto* St* Fr., gaeplHag®.

7 OAUTSR l^obe) v.intr** used only In thlo manner«

So*i 1 * T#ao raentii (Tou lledl) ft* A*ao gouferfl (You llo hookl) / A" GAUDf (^o « le) n*m«* took* / ' GAVAOIKR J e ) v.tr** to ooeto* at. FT., gaaplllor. / " a&omsm n.m., punpkin. at. Fr.* giraument* y 010l&R (3 '3 3^ turn** the gizzard* at* Fr*, gdolor* v aiGUE (jl °)) »•!»! log* Fan* Fr##c &gm>« *h*«k#

K oikoas (^ g a) n#s* or f*, 1 * barred-roek (fewlo)j 2 # groy-cheok cloth*

£g»t 1 . Une gingao* (U»© pawl© gingao*} (a white chieken.) St* Fr*— * ©potted*

^0»XBN®itK8 «*!•# or f*# griping# ©norgtloee* Fam* Fr## gnion-gnion, oluggloh* complaining*

^ GNxaTOTE (> o h?y n*f*» fooliehneeo# tomiEyrot* St* Fr.*H*»# trifle* ' of pitiful quality*

Y m oom 0 ^ > 9 »*f*# * tuap*

^ OOBUKT n*»«* 1* w a t) 8 * glean* St* eietRK»d<»glee,

i OORB o b) n*f*» a largo piooo of flooh out from the body.

A GOB ILLS i j ) n«f*» a gone ployed with o knife# * BOO4* See gambiila. / O0DR0K (

^ OQDRaHHSR ft^ ^ v .tr* # 1 * to emoar with groaee,or solvej 8 * to dirty* St* Fr*f godranner# to plait around*

GOGO 'cjo^ o ) n»s*» bo hind* St. Fr.— # a gullible pertttm*

GX.lFTS (<5 o

0 0 * 8 " f€Tl t •£■£>{) n.m.* okra* Aleo the soup mad© ^lth It# Filet la used* Any dioh with file t ie eel led gorabo*

3&XB0 FIJ^T P fS ^ K [ e ) n«o»i gumbo with the filet#

GffiUS a d j.* ©low* la ay*

OGRE fco'Vv) pp* o f p a r t i r i pro©* port* o f a lte r* Ex. i I. Jo to .manque dipole t l gone* (I mice you einoo you9re gone*) 2 * II out gone aab&tor do la viand©, (*te to going to boy meet*) GOOD LUCK n«m.» good look* >t« Fr,* bonhmir*

OORGOIO ( c / e n r e ©) n*m«* tadpole* 3p»# gorge Jo# grub* m ite, OORLOT fa0y-}o ) n.m.* I* ball of yam or of woolen material taood am orna­ ment© in women 1© pvriUUovorsf 2 * ball© of want© m atter whloh have remained attached to ttie protruding hair© at the rootun duo to improper ol« owing*

oom m (

GOSSB (< p s) n*f** oootion of ootton boll* st* Fr** ©crnee* pod* doom (juo)) dollar*

O0U4BI ouz^l 9 eeil far pig®* oouaeaus&gR ms €) v.intr** grumble# QOO&'&R ^ v » n » i to beeotwi angry* .%♦ Fr •«*■•*# to put eurb ahnln in (Here*)* eoyawouziutR n.f*# vagina* K js^ ^

ORA beau 6 t4\>o ) n*m## a eettm ball# at* Fr#**•«*# the fragment feoain* lug frera sane mad le a l eufeetanes* GRADUER v.intr.# to graduate# St* $>## Stra gradu£# OrUFXSKF.’B (y-r^f jj-i p ) v.tr#* to aer&tah* Bt* Fr*# egretlgaor# OHllHAfiES (y r^ V ^ »*f*# pi#* planting eeede* St# fr** gralne* ORAl£R (<7-7-3 |e ) v«ti>( | to roast# st# JV*| g rille?# GRAMS (cjT*^) n*f## grandaother In oh 11 Aron1 • tana# St# FT*# grand'** abre* GRAHIMH*i&»ffeKg (fy ^ v ^ rp c :} - rurs*# groat grandftattor*

GRA7DXR (j'^AjV) v*tr«# to noko I rgor. St* fr** agrandlr. ORAB3ACS n*f## gm tm r# St# Pr#******# (yy^'^^ry)* ORAHSU&ff ado## plentifully# St# Pr## grandenwmt*

6: '&3R ( T%tm) (U;ysp-$sn.f.# olay# St. Pr## gerre glalse* ora 'ZELT/: I ) n#f*# Itohing* iteh. ♦<*-*-*# iteh. GftAfin n#s# Ex*t Baler eon gratia* (To go eney quickly.) St* Fr*# gratia# scraplnr,o, or burnt part of food# ORATOR (

OR3BOUXU.E (=f^\bu \) a#ra*# I* small XMUoivj $» a helf<*eib» 3* a peat# at. Pr#* gpdfeotiUlo# a simpleton* soull of brain# GR2FFE (^i-i’ p) A * f«t bond# St# a 01av« QRXGltgft fj*2ri)r> e) n#m#» attio # op Upper port of bom# 0# Fr## grennior# e«m# GWL (‘jrf ) »•»•# grill# St# {‘jnj)* ODXUACg fj>\') a#f#9 olioo of seat or ether food# Jb# P'r.WMIHW^ broiled olios■ of saoat# ORILL :ff \e) n.o## 1. unpopped parts of popoetnt 8# oof foe grounds in J the liquid# GR1MZB (^W—.{) rum., a cnrb. 0 . rr«# grdrailltro* «*ra„

0RXKILU1? to t i^ i \ d ) R«a*i oorape* b its of eon® thing# 0« Fp»» grdialllon* u saicOl pis os of something# GRDfCn.n (°ir^ j*) v,tr#, to grit (so teeth)# St# Fr## grinder# 0RXRS1BR v#intr# # so ile. 9R2S CRX ! (^>r i ) n#n## hoodoo# See dandle# 0800BRXE (It^sm ) n#f#» grooosy# at#XV.# dpleerie#

©ROQCfUSSS ftro s m ) n#f## pi## groeeriea# at# Fr*# dploerlsa* GRQQKEH ir.tr#f to gTurable# oaeplrdru ORO0XM# R r#tr## to more#

GHU y y ) n#n## ©orn reel or g rits# Bt# Fr.» grumu m&)& «#«u# roootor. at#Fr«# eeq# OUfciE n#f##eeop# 3t# Fr* •*«■«#, ( j ’5-?)* 0UEU1£ ) n#f## mouth# St# Fr #«•-«.# foot I )• floe Xntreduotlon, aiKUL£# BATTft? »A r#intr## R3«0ip# aoram (Xj ^ I e) a,f„ aauMifttl. J tl touraduatioB, fld«Ulla«Hap. ouEffliaB (^ 2" to gaabl*.

BO&taustm (cjt bl n.ra., grartlar. oonts ad)„ apottad. Kx. i ttoa rate satiii. (A apottad draes.) 8 IPSB fJjj pSe ) n.f., or i.i gjrpajr. G08TIR ( < m ^ ) prop* n«f»«i Augustin ae found In Horn# The oRprooelm Oreo Oust In io uood to signify "big ehefc** Blo odor/ *ehlof MllHASSgA VglntPii to dritukt GHBISAILLSR Vatr«i to poater* to annoy* W1SB (<) ii) n*f** rope*

B BAT (I) (K*j) laterj** Hollo! Hop! St. FT*, —

BAB IT ant iu ^ « ftUMBi 9 t. fr.* fbrainr* payoant #**( inhabl* taut*

■SOB (k*$ ) «rf„a x . at. Fr.— U $). HMHKR *»♦*•.# to atiip. 8 x« t J 1 v* I ’haehor* ( I 'l l whip hi«*) RAICHS (hi*, algre* *~Nd- RAILuGRS n*w*i pi** rage* St* FP*o**"* ) • BATS jfK^i) (BATS* HAT3* RAtT) pros* ind* *tag*f hair* hate* St* J¥** halo* halo* halt ( )* RALAQB (b*t*.^) n*m*A hauling* 3t* Fr. * transport* BAlaAItLBHBHT (h^(^ push and pull* tlAUZLLBR (b J >. \ ^ v •!*•* or rofl** to push and pull* ®t* Fr*# haler ■ \naut«) HALBH SA JAMBB (b*f e £ ^ » ^ M * t r « # t o go ploy Oardo a t oeta® arte* a houoo

RAISE B (b * 'e) v«tp«| to haul* transport# pull* St* Fr ****** to too* Xdioaot Ha lor oon h d t i, (goo fr&te«) Balor eon oorpo* (To go away quietly*) t ffiMMM ( h^hi*) o*tr** to whinny* to neigh* at* Fr*—~ (Vn‘»*r)* (b > $ •*!♦* hating tbi quality of anking on#1® month puokor* 8x»i Loo p lftq ttflln ii to u t Immp»®« (Tb® poroiraman® or® — 8 t« F t*# t o r * # a biting taoto* HARI0OTS RM9E0 (oy \ )C©y * ^ *!*«»• # P®I® b®«U®*

HARICOTS RAINS (^-yA ^°>*^) n«m«# bu»h bonne, at* flr., hurioot, k « u

Harnaqnbr r.intr*# I* to bo RrooooR up* 8* «®U flaoR up# u au ally itaM Ironloaliy* Harrais ( h o ^ * n#a## horno®®* at* Fr*®**.. RARPIORER (haTrfv^Q r.intr*# xofl** push md pull* U»o halaillar# hortohlner*

SARNIA n.® . * trooh# good f o r nothing* St* F r.# ftdoo&bro®.

RARTCHXKBR (h v.tr., or nofl.* push md pull# Jgg halai Her*

RAUT ( b o ) I* adj*# R* n*tn*f I* high up* ®t# h 1*****

RA3AHD ( ^ r ) n*«*# urtooaraon ooourrenoo* oolnol&en®®*

HAUL OORP9 ( h n*n«# ftolo®. Bn*t Fair® haul oorpo. (to got norvouo*}

f€G(JB NOOO ( h ^ 3 ^ ) n*m»# Ogg nogg*

BfLAS (Ivp IO a*a*# nolo®. 9t* fr** bruit* tapago*

afUQRonss ,f) n*f*# pi** piio®*

HftfORriTBS ( 1) n*f#» pi* ®t. Fr** h&norroidoo*

A n n*n*# hook* at* Fr** eabrlolet.

m X LA tfJCB (

HgRBE OOCiUirf (^;>-bKo^t) n*f«# oookl® bur# (Xrnithum Strumarlwa).

FT RBB HOSTS USB ( v .r n .f* * oonolti®® grao® whom loavo® a t aor® tou®h M R up* U ousily fotnd noor bayou® or in otvnmp®. S t. Fr** herb® v lra tttt* ItfRCNUBLLE n.f** bltw~nnrtin. St* Fr. * hlroniaiio*

BBR3BR ( fn ~ r* 0 r#tr*# to horror* at* Fr**-**# ( trs*). RI^R A0 loin ( laut night* at. Fr.# hior ooir* m m m { I-v* o£ r) n * f., tats*# Si* Fr*, humour* HIUBUft n*f#, so** w ith put* St* FT*, ta o u r , body fluid* H0&$ H PULLS f qjj n»flu» 9le«n« at* Pr*«**, n dummy* HQNFS® (SS>rvN) n .f* , honasty* St* Pr., honnitotrf* HON® (bo'*t) n*f*i shams, timidity* St* Pr*, honte (S ^ ), shams* HQRtEUX ( b o ^ j ad]#, bashful, shameful* 3t* Pr,-**, (o f^)* HORS D'MS ad j* loo*, sory Old* lx*t II oat hors d’ftgs. (Ho to ©til tto old*)

BOMff (h^b*-.) omsiamatlan to mk» tho ooo meara or go

8 0 UWU (b u y * ) I* Inpor*, hurryt 8* m*m*, groat noloo* St* ftp.#-#, sailors’ ory whan pulling in riggings* Variation of abovo la horra (ho>*)*

8MBC f i r / ) n d ]* , happy, fortunato* St# Fr*, hsursux* Variation of abovo la hiroux ( \>pt)« nM RM BSf ad]*, fartanataly* St* FT*, hours uoaiwmt. ^ Variation la hlrausoment (»’ ERiXJTIQKJBlt ( v*tr*, to mortgogia* st* Fr*, Hypaihiqusr* Variation of aboro la hympotiquar.(?' P*^\Ke)*


I ( i ) para, pron*, Srd pars*, 1* hoj 8* him* Bn* i 1# Uasd to fora oona* t Z1 va vonir* (Ha w ill com*) S* JF’i ’ai dlt. (I told him*}

101 (\si ) ado*, harm# Ussd Instead of ~Sl for t\m domonstr&tivs Hhle* * Bx*t Qatto nalsan»iol* (This housa.) lO VtB (\<> ft) odr*, hors* St* Fr«, lol* jjgg auaaito. ZBfB (AVOIR) v .in tr ., axpstt, a oust an* Sx*i 11 a Idds da roster* (Ha mounts on remaining* ) tl£ ( \ )) n*f*, pAtsh, doll* Bx*s lie da prunisrs* (Fatah of plum troao*) St* Pr*— *, island ; bosquet. f t ttWMVil IHA« H a !*•» W ( O??* Xht ftmini m i t (v*)# XHOCRUI&JiABrJE (S'P*^*nij> ad j*, nH undartlfindablt* Si* Fr*, into** prdtemalbla* ISfitlSABIiS whlth ««n't be a aid*

HWAKWIN turn*. guyr* WORAT (T^r-a) a d j., proud* happy. Bat*i U « ii Ingret da m plum * (Be i t proud «f (happy ever) hit plate*) BWU33S ) ad]*, in Just* 3t« Fr.* Ixijusta* QBtfmRABLR aAj«| impftfftblii $t» Fr** irreparable, 2BTRQDUXRS ( r h r e ^ ii) v ,trM be introduce. Si* Fr,* prd tenter * SRVBBTIQBffiSR ('tj^^F^ir*, i t invent* it make tip, imJWR (\yy—^ v.intr.* to urinate* at* Fr., tarintr*

I — ------JAQASflER ( J 3 3 v.intr. * it gaeelp* St* Fr*<**~* jabber, ©hatterj bavardar* JAlfOUSRIE (3.3 k 10-\ ) n.f** Jealtuey* St* Fr*, Jeloutit*

JAHBaLAXA (A. ^ i> a \ ^ \^r n*a** 1. t general ^tte or Mature j 2* « dish of rite* greeniittiff, and porto-ribe. at* Fr.*-*, Mature* JiUflBl iuf*, a large etep* JAKKTTB (PAflSRR llt«) v .tr.* to trip* at* F r., dornser ur*» Jaebott t , s.n* ShFMU&n v.intr., i* to talk mmh$ 8 . i t Jabber* St* Fr*. eaneaaer* JAPftP CjAfe) v.intr** to bark* St* Fr **»-**, pap, yelp* jAQtSR v*tr** it tilett (at pin), JaKDIH (^arc*£) n*a«* v tftiab lt garden* at* f r .* Jardin peta&er*

Ja KDLTGE n*m«* vegetables. &t« Fr *•***, cultivation ttf gajetni Idgvnee*

ja OHRTB b4J«i yelloalsh* at. Fr*, JaunStre (3 J ) p r « ii i« l poro**. oufejoot x# l« M « iiw o o l or volood 04«ioon®nt* S**« J #oi (3 ^)* Jo U»UX ^ u j/)* 8 * UnrolMd tafoM voloolooo oonoonant, S«*t Jo g*UK (j??)* JSSfiWT ouf*# noro* 94* Fr** jnsiotit*

JSUDia (sem iss 8 4 «— ) n.f* * im r« JI17RR ^ j ° |^ Vtlalfif to donoo* jig* to mmm oonotontly#

J 0» (^=>b)^J

JO O » J»*> JOLl^aT (joii^jTodj** aueh* at* Fr,-«*** uoryt toouooup* JOROliBR r.ln tr* . to think* at* Fr*««**, juggloi ponoor* oongor* JOQSBft fe^0 |te) v«i to joteo* JOOJUBft (^ K ^ r.in tr.* or refl** 1* to bot S* to poroti* Bi*i l* 11 oot jouquf on hout* (Hofo porotod up thoro*) >• Loo pouloo oo jouquont dans d'arbfo* (Yh# ehleteono poroh In tho troos.) JODQ0OXR n*m*. ohlokon rooot* at* Fr** juoholr*

JU1F ^ i f ) odj** 00If 1 oh* itlngjr* 94. Fr*««** usurers oooro* ohloho* JURY (-$, yvi) n.m** jury* 3t* Fr** loo juvdo* JUQFB3 }*t ( 3 ) S M odv** until* dt* Fr** juotgu'fc* JO S S (3 /^ ) odj** 1* just 1 8 * only! 8* oxaotly* S*,» 1. II (M l* * , ( r n i» t m l f Y St. F r ., Jueta (?Y st). S* XI pom juoto un habit* ( it nooro only on* oooi*) St* Fr** no quo* g* XI oot juoto ton* (Xi to oxnotly right*) jy s w s s r if 1* just* o n lyt 9* oxootly* Em* 1 1* XI rlowftro juotonont domain* (fflo111 0 0 m only iomor- row*) F*B*» Juoto oould to uood tore* 8 * G*oot juotonont go* (Ytot'o juot It*)

E KAYAO (l^yfclO n*m** otoor* at. Fr*— *. fidhlng boats bow on* Kawtcm n »*«.* old ohoo* KAKHA3 $CVY">* n#m#* pod look* 04* Fr.— . itwjtR (KijC*o)r n » f.. spoon* at# Fr*. euiU er. XfiFS (K)c.p ) n.m.» hat. sap. ^ * t easiiueite.

KIIJ'I (il\U\ ) n.ff». ploverf e«nd«*l»rk. St. Fr.. plusler. plwier. A W\ $ k h L. L final never sounded t possible ,’ u) % nimble j affable

LAF06SflHB (^^uJT'r'V) n.m* or f*. used only In axel. Bk*i VollX l&feulartel (There is that meet (bother, *plUrt)) bft® (X) adj. lee.. without a load. St. Fr *«•<*<*. s.m. USUR (X H o u r d e ) lo o * . Instead of. 0 t* P P .. mi lie u do* ytQSI (j^se) v .tr.. ee&se working. 3t* Fr., eeas&r de irav&Uler.

^GWIAPPB ( f r ^ f ) n .f ., lagniapp®. 3gg Read. LAISSBR ()<* 5r) v«tr«i to leave. St. to allow* quitter. LARGS diaper. St. FP.v~,wodlen elelh.

LASOUE8 ( a v o ir l a league trap lo n g u e ), talk tee mush. LAST A BIG ( |

LAfUKFJ* (] e) v.intr. or refl«, to tire. Bx.t 1. II va ae lerguaf. (He111 get tired.) 8. XI eat largud. (He in t i r e d .) S . II e'eet largud. (He got tired.) at. Tr.m~+t to let go. loosen a sail* ee lesser*

U Jm (\'V r^n.f.f a drop, small amount# S r.a 0<»ne«fBoi une lartse de a afet ( a iv e as a drop of eoffee.) US ((is) %i tired. St. Pr. Cl t j # LATSlBitfoR f(b1 ^Tj3 n.m.. pain. St. F r., la ta a ie r . jJUra&ARS edv.. In there, in that. it. i r .

LAV ABO (U y^bo) n.m.. waehetand. St. Pp.***, wewh-tasd femelvt. LATAOE ( U \ / 4 ^ . «♦*»., washing, a t. Pr.. leeoive, f. o. Fr.. lavage. e«ab h* VBUAB ( \ ^ v^ltX * u « .. washwoman. S t. P r* . hianehleeeM so. o* Pr .«**«*, s .* . u tm v m (|p^-.v)ra®lo at. ft*# ttf ( |e ) proa*, ML popo* mo 00+, i t f him. S**« (Look At I t (him)) Si* f»«| lo* UtOim (\vj) n*®*, oartbwora* St. P r,, t a r n do t« m * L6GSII&9 R«f«, pi*, vegetable a* at* Pr*, loguraoB* L£L£T(fo)« ) n*®*, milk in ohlld'o languago* Utom (fe\W ), 3 '^ - • ISHWMABf ()o^--**)SA*m, # noatt day* St. Fr**** (\oC"

Look out (}\aK t ^ ) v.intr., to bo earoful. &t» Pr*# fair © attention* LKKfSRS 1/5^7) n*m», wrongoldo* St* Fr*# omrofo. um »•*•# lottor# LSUHI (*) £ ri n .f ., aocn* St* Fr*# luno (I ^ > * kX CM ) p*p* of H i*, rood* St. Fr«# lu* LI ( \ \ ) him# to him* gx.« Jo n* 11 damr pa* ( 1*11 giro that to him*) St* Fr*# 1ml* LIOIBR (1/ (-€) f * t r „ to llok* St. Fr«# Idohor*

LXOK FLAT C 1 i \ V n#m*# groody»poro

LOR ( |o*y) po9 8 # ftdjt, thli9i Si* Fr## lBUT* LOfrOHKR ( |u £ 0 e.iair#, turn toward the nose* Ra.t Sm Mil geuehe louahe. (His left oye turns toward hia sow#) St# Fr#***, io 0(2ttlAt* LOULGO ( |v* \ u) n«ta#f ineeet (ohlU 'o tom}# LOUFD (I or) adj», heavy# Si* Pr#*-"«tl^v}* S (I'j) para# proa*# eon}* end dlsj## M t para* Bft#i I# XI fa it la dire#(You a t a t ta li hint#)* 8 * O*o«i p a r lu* (It*a for him#) UMfftO ( |y ^ e > j i u ! i fl numeral# number. Si* F r., m alrot Variation la limtfro (| i’


MAS (^ b ) n*a«, s ta rtle # Si# F r., raarbre. MAOAQ0S a«m#, monkey# Si* Fr#, singe*

MA MB PAIR ( ^ 5 ft) n*m», layer of a Oahaf simple little flat oak®. MAOSOT (->sa\£>) n*n«, 1* in^gnifleoxii parson? i 8# peat.

MAOASSf t Mr IS (vnaflvz-?’ ) n.m., *$arage bam* £$t« Fr## grange* snnfonis adj., n.m. and f«, thin* thin person# si# Fr*# oaigm iw t#

UAXUJZ n#f## roeka^f reeking»ehalr. MalaDR&XS fvAlaJhrtTV) adj., elumay* unskillful# Si# Fr#, maladroit# J28 g d ftte # W- .ADRQfcTK vwtij adj., Olumay, artarard# Jit. Fr#, maladroit. Jgg drdbto.

RALHZRUX p y& W ird adj*, unhappy, un$) rtunate. St. Fr., malhsureu*# flsft hirsuK* MM.WKBIK # a d j., w im w r* unfartwmte* n*» I* ., naltamiwux. hureux* MAU£ f a \ \ } *uf*# post-offieej null* St, Fr,«~«# beat or train which tarries mil* MASS fyvioL^) iu f « ) m other, St* Fr*# raaman*

&AXOG (THE! m ) (te^*w)r\H*nui shrub known as Bsryihrinia hsrhaeea#

MA§h«EU4S a»f» * ml as9 dragonfly* St, Fr,* mademoiselle* See demoiselle*

HAHOT5 (vwR-j) n ,f ,# Io n a, S t, Fr#*-**# s tr a it# channel, ttART^R ^ v,tr*# to oak* St* Fr,«»* send* instruct# send far*

HANGSAIU/R f^ ^ s L ^ r.tr* , to nibble,

SACHSR ^ ) v*tr,# to handle* St, Fr,* monte r*

RANlftfS? n ,f ,* id Ion** 1 , kind of* aori dt$ $« a l i t t l e ; 3* a kind of* Bi*i I, J,ai naaHre earl# duller* ( 1 a rt of fbel Uko gdigi) 3* manibre ffelm# (l*ta a little hungry*) 9* 0 *#et mant&re d« shows* (It*a a kind of cabbage.)

Ufa ISA (BE) f™?TK$. v ,tr* # almost* Es,« n a mnnquf de tember, (tie almost fell,) iftt Fr,# prwequa*

MAIM2ER (^ia^K0 v*tr** to long for, Bst, f Je t o manque* ( l %m longing for you*)

HA FSB (^ ^ f) n*f,# a map, St# Fr## oar to gdogr&phiqme,

MAQBBOffOS turn,# stewed e^et oorn*

HAqpsft*&£ <-wTHC^ 6> -r* tr,# 1 * p u ttin g t t over th e oth^r j^uyj £# to h l t i 8 , to seduce; 4, to fools 8 , to get oven wiihj I, to fix him up*

HARAHOOUXH S n#m,* mosquito, St, Fr,* mouotlquft* < 0 ^ u »■ $t*RBE ^7 ")p) n,m*# marble slab# St* Fr, # b ills, ( v ^ {-VA^'!'

MAFOHBR 1 bA OTO(3!f^TO;,(>»«rr^ e J ^ t ) v ,ln tr« # to walk w ith someone with arms about eaeh other*» waist, fl»e eroehetts#

MARDI ©has (Oquhxr )( wn ^ v 4^\ ) v,tr,f to mask end go from house to donee and incidentally (?) receive money# rle®, chicken# or shat have yea*


MARfLIA ex) m alaria* nm m ^^nrCfo) n*m.* I* potato ri mu um& for plantings ft* money* t^ RO *1* b ^T fcr^o^P *tr#* to trannplenfe potato©®* d*-W$H (vK?x'>-j^ v*tr«, in marry* St* Fr** diroueer* utAitiwg&g (w;o GhXhLAi&ft) n»f«« pi** etripe of beef meat plaeed in a lipoid of water end «alt ana waeaainga* MAKQOAXi^R ^ v r ^ ^ ^ - r v ir * # to morlc op* MARmn ( m rtir « r m ) r#intr*# to run away from how* ftt* **«#«## td}«9 «iia#raravey* KARTUr P .* zm m f \ r ^ c^-r> rum., feingfiOher. MAiS (£0} a a n of quantity* e.$Yj£-) «*3** «nan» iU-itemp&rod* 3t* Fr** m vaii e*$et# •»«# j a allow# ohalao* % ■fCKAOT (^ e ^ 5 J adj#* bad# not in eenee of wltt&d# 5x#i ye e'eet un ivdehanb ohomln* (Tteet1 e a bad rood*) St* Pr*— , poor# vrotobod* ■toAILL'- fmCAt^) turn*# nodal* 3t* Fr*— ># n*f* ■QlOim (-^^s'vx) n*f»* aodlolno* 3t« Fr** m£dl*at**mb, m*i nddooiiao* (a rt) of modlolne* ’45ST2HG f**»^rj,n#n## mooting* $t* Fr** aeaomblde# reunion*

tfEXSOB ^ 0 6 *r) odj*# bettor* 3t* Fr** weilleur* odj*# bettor* H . Fr*, nftlUeur* MfLAtLLftA v.tr*# to mix. st* Fr** redler# WLAU S f^ -W s) n*f*# elrupy liquid®* at* Fr*— * ntolaaeee# golden •lrup. S^LXTOH n*n* *lregetable poari ft* big boil or flora* riELQH FRAN^AIS (vvx\5' n*m** muotawlaru !U0 Uf f^D '^lSK JPn.ra,, eantaloupe* reufcnolan* Mf&ftRi: n*f«* grandmother* H. I r#* grand* r&m# ULraiQO^T Jt (wxa VLOT-nf v.tr,* to tie together* hook together* m tm fA alj a*f*f U«» otovy* tlto* tSSfTBRIri; f^C rV i) iuf«| lii| Otery* $b* Fr*# 110110011®** iftfe tho p laeen ta III ooraan *nd ffetmiee in am lw lo*

«SftAH* fn^v?) n*m** woodan ohtngle* St* Pr** .mniml» or ntrraini ot©ve~ vood* Oti&UftB n*f*, oooaifo* &%• Pr## meowo# t&vtm {'Vvxci^v*tr# or refl«# to «eor# st« Fr#§ partnr*

MIAlbR Q.) v.intr*, to moo* Si* Fir** sti&uler*

MiC^AQ ^\\* intrigue*

USB n*m** eat# o&H for eate# ■ ‘■■"■L [f' ' 5 • ^ rV iSOO ^v) n*m*# oot* eell for onto* See mine*

KIStaNt (>A\xeTq to got thin or poor* Bn* t bn oooho « (The ooo got thin*) 3t* fr****# to bo Ktioornble* to live In povortgr* MISEURf f^ v z ^ r) n*f*« measure* St* Fr** noouro* 9oq raeseur* MB®'0 fW zy) n*m*« feee. 3t* fr.~—»# muesile# ooout*

MXTAS3E ( v *n\-V^ ^ n*f*, logginge* "t* Fr*, gufttre* MOICPOB j ^ turn** rem ainder of out finger* or short finger (o f do* famed hand)* St* Pr#****# o tm p of tree or limb* MObETGR fvKb\^ry n*m*t light flane lotto* 3t* Fr****«.# n heavy noli* Mooted wool* m a m (X) (^r’ ^Faoo** about. Sx «j tfldtaio X moment do lo fat re* (X one about to do it*) SSO£OT (DI) (d \^ ^ ^ 5 o eoaii &0« Bx*i 01 moment Je I 'a i vu* (A© aeon aa X aaw him .)

HOH (~vy^) dioj. para* pron*# no or X* fit* Fr** net* noHXSfl n**n# or ad j., meana, mtddlo^ataad* at* fr** mayan# aatfHftf n*f** wotoh* si. Fr** mantra* ’tfHfflRR (wSS)* n*m* or f«* raeeal* eon«»of«o*»,irun» o o rth le as aeamp* st* Fr*# frijwn* oto*

Bx*« Mentor our lo ohat* (Oot on the train*) St* Fr*# mentor on* m m m m ornm f »#»♦# m m thrush* uomm (m mm® u u n m m ) v*tr.* to ropant. ■ORDURE (y^o-Y^j^v) n.f** a k iti* St* Fr*» mormiro* HQR? IVRE t>^o>'\V) «AJ*# it d i drunk* St. Fr#* loro mart.

MOTOJtf (^e>+$S) a #r99 half* at* P r„ raoltid* HOdOHgft r*tr** to otrttai• a t . Fr** frnppor, Sx*t Hottt1u»Ul (H it h i a l ) KOUItiUassft r*tmp«* to drloslo. S i. fr«— .

UOUIl^SR f*** v*lnp** to rain* H* Fr,«— * domipoaf ploutolr*

HoaLdH X tfXts ^^v^^lium *, hand corrwaholler. HOTS D’ARBRS n.f* * wulborry* $t. Pr** racaro, mulborrjr, *SQRg D’gRCHGB (vwjf^evo';) n«f*f blackberry. St. Fr** nuro do ronoo. ■030 fvv^s) a#m** rwioo. St. fr* b ^ i s flU

^OTIQOB (X BAB IKS) ( ^ N z \ \C) »*f** harmonica* St* FT** harmonica X boooho* Vory ofton It to only nuolquo*

V BAA All (r\ci'-rZ£ n.m** komol of nut* St* Fr,— * o^>mothlnR ntoo (to oat)*

HABBUSH ( n ^ e . ) v * t r . , tantalloo* torment* at* Fr*— * to taunt* to doty* HAVXDtER r*n.f to trarol* St. fr** voy©$or. BfBAITS (W£^£>n*f«» Rodnothor* St* Fr.* terrain** HBTTflEH Cv,eVe^ v.tr* » to eloan* St. Fr. * nettoyor. ■BOP (~>T£ ) adj** n* or f** non* newly-bought. St* Fr*«»*il nouvo* BfTSR fvj^jc) r*tr. or reft** to drown* at* Fr,* noyer.

c ^ \ l • i j > J /■<* !' ■ ^111 \' Micnoix ('v^u.a.) n.m** noot*ogg* -mu **- / BXBRAZU.S ) n*m* or f** negro* st# Fr** nX^re, n&greaoo. I9IOXTS »*f** O bump* KiqtE (o^jK) n#m** noot. St* Fr** aid* HOXHAUD (rvwivro) a*m. or f.* negro* at* Fr** noiraud* blaek of oomplontovi* NCMGL& ^ unolt* fit# Fp*i NOqcegsh (yvo \cs^-) v*tr«# to buraPf to kaook on th» hood# HOffm (^vxs^J pooo# odj* and proa## our# ouro# St* Fr *«*«*••# noo# nfibre# SOXMI fno^c.) a #mvt (ImlWliON* St* Fr*«*w» o)* ; HOYSR a « ii| vtlittil (t«Hi) St* Fr*irH* HtW?« PASJ ^ f^ r) d v .» Av$r*horo# nowhere. St# Pr*# rsillo part#

S» RUR part adv* ioo*f nowhore# anywhoro* St* Pr* * mtlle port*

0 OTABUS idj*| evident* St* Pr*# geeebla* QBflft (obejv^r) v*lnir«* to bond* lx*t Lo noreeou do bolo obdlt* (The wood bonds*) OOLJER (obH^ t ) v.tr** to forgot# St* Pr** eubllar*

080F8 (cl C~) a#««* pi*# egge* St* Ft*m * (/)* OTFSRf (oK>) v#tr*# lnf«# to of for* 9t« Fr*# offrir*

OPFIOB (of-(5 ) n.f.# offloo* St* Fr** bureau. OS n*m*t a goooo* St* Fr•«-*»# f* OH ( poro# pros## lot pi*# no* St* Fr*# nouei on (? )* QM A (o*r^ a.) n*f*# etora* hurrloone* St* Fr*# eur&gen# n*n« OROB n.f.# trough* nt« Fr** auge*

Oft ISA (tP 'rj2) n*n## dIII oo * 9t* Fr** orolllor* OKMOZl (o v -^ ^ ^ ^ f* # Oiothoo-prooo* st* Fr*# orraolre* OiUHSLin (*) (ovfeH ) YsXr*)# orphan. St. Pr* C > v - ^

06THBR S9 ((75^* ^ ) v.intr*# orgiM* to dispute* St* Fr*# ebeiiner# to eontrodlet* 0S3AXLL8 (os *o ) n.m.* bono* St* Fr*# oo* 0* Fr*# oeeallte* » moo of bonoo* OS (9 S) n.m*# pi*# bonoo* St* Fr* ( o )* OUAOTER ( ^ S e) v.intr.* ref I.* hldo# pit and otlok* Kn*» 1* II oot oiaoolid* (Ho*o hidden*) 8* 11 oot ounehrf done oo oholoo* (flu lo a tuok in hio oholr.) OCA XL V«fUU«ft i t )# ouanba f r ^ q ) n*m*» Hoodoo* o m U powor#

OQAC^ARQH D»iB* | bttllfPOg * OtIARARQN »•«•* b u llfro g . 00 BIN (Mb?) ioo*> «9# or rather* 8i*fr*# ou* on Han# OOBLIANOS (tvbVvj^O ft«f«» fofgotfulmoo* 3i* Fr*f ouMl* OOBLIOER (ubVc^e.) v«tr*i oblige* St* Fr.* obligor*

OUC yes* 91 1 rr* , «ul« OUIOHAUl OUIOW (u->i \u ) eftolaia&tion to nako ahiehens raoeo# AOs qultta*»qnlttsi

0UX9US (^\SIC\) aaat , whiskey* OUJCOADU adv.* today* at* !> ., aujourd Hud* 008(88 (usfc£) d f« loo* * shore* at* Fr** o&* dboot^oo quo*

0 0 8 s | (Usi) a ifti also* St* Pr#» mtasl* ooraff (u v r.r) 9»tr#« inf.* to opon* St* Fr## ouvrir* OfNBOOAT (pi/}K.*\) »•»** overeoat* 9t* Fr.# pardsasus*


AWAO & *f« i paean# Xdletai Fee dire paoano* (Not to ooy m word* keep silent*) PftBAXUJB Cfa^Aj ) n*f*# foot* 3i* F r* ^-, disorder# out,tar* PAK7 ( p ^ e ) n«nu9 eeetien (oo of fanoo)* St* Fy*t gmneati# PAILUE (p^ n*f •* oorrwohuok* St* Fr*~*# straw* FAIN HSHN7 (p^p^'"r»!|)jfu*fii*# egg»bosst# PALOUfffiB (p^l0VJi ) n*f** elam# heavy# fat person* St* Fy, (fslqycO# slate*

PAHFOMVB ( f ) n«f** eltp p o r* at* F r * , pantouflo* FAFANOffTS (fq^zv b^t) n.ni*# upland plowr.(bertramin longioaudo)*

PAFR (p A p ) n*o** pops* a t . Fr** papa* jjgg mono* pasu (^ a ? ) »•»*• yellow orlolo* (fvr\e S ) lot»i ill dt«ofd*f* K iti Tout IPS affalrso aant par i« « pla**a« (Erorything I s In dliMrd«v») WRO % OOOHdl (P irK ^ meat** pig pin* St* Fr,# Pintle It p*vss,

FANS oof (P*m lot*# fcsoauo*, at, Wp* (fzfcvs K ^ )* PAH* (sp^sL) aijn raady. at, Fr,# prdt, PARS XL ) auth i « at, F r ,* t a t , 8 r » t tk m parslil* affair** (Ump tail* affair*,) (Shiah a t h in g ,) hutor- (bthb pajtoit avko) ( f \ ^ ) r,intr,* to u kin t#» PAR EXFRdS (p ^ e ^ f^ e ) •**, I*®,# purpo*oly, St* Fr*# *J*p*t*, FAR RAPPORT OUR ^ is * ,* b * aau aa, at* Fr*# para* egos* FARTS ms (p, PAa (f^ ) iissd t* sate adjostiras nagatlw* Sx*» Pa* pavd, (ttipavad,) St* Fr,# non patvd, PAS (f at) adv,* n a g ., not, at, Fr,* t* pa*, PASSAffiSH (p ^ ^ e .) n,m,# tram lerf adj,# paaosngor, Bs» t Un ehiup p a ssa g e s, ( P assengertrain ,) st« Fr.«~~# migratory. PATALOK (p*+qlo~) ium,# pants, St* Fr,* pnntalorw PATASSA (fQ+-^s^ n,tn,# paroh or aunfioh, PATATB (f ) adj,* fat or awkward, S x ,i O m m * *11* * * t p a ia te l (Ho* awkward nbe l o l ) PAg flIBH (p^r^O loo*# nothing, at, Fr,# n» rlim,

PATats arox*aI3S ( $ -V^ K 7} n*f,# Irish potato, at. Fr,# pmm do t*rr*« patatb ooucb »,f,# aasstpotato, a t , Fr,# p a t o is . M B (f\v i-r) T*latr«» nN m 1 Ann fcungw. at* n f lt r ,

M S® DB PC0U5 (?%Y4epi<$ n>f>« ftoUi pan*

Radnor (f> 3 0 ^ ^ Bii«f pi*# lW8^« Si* FT# , pOUBlOttfll# PATSAO (ptr-o ) n»n«r mouth* at* Fr#, gueiaia*

PAYS (fe.v ) n*rt** pavwmnt# at* Fr## pevd*

W * ( f t j ) M m payer* Ka*« I* XI eat uni bonus paye# (Ife’e a good payer#} 8* Kiln ••% uni bonne pay»* (Shef« a good payer*) Hte® (AVOIR BO) v « lr« | in have a good t i n t

HCXSRSR v . t T i f l a dumb# S t* Fa* fVUmSs (pelH ) n*f*i iharalftth ®t* Fr* ( f MVe)#

«W TB ( ? ^ t ) n»f** tell* s t* Fr** ball*# JttHDdSAlSS ( f t ’-ndtsaid) a*m«t append le ltle * St* Fr** appendlelte* ftomxcxxiES a*F»* panAant# drop* at* Fr** pcmdeiequi# IVftlS (pCfc,•tf'n.tn#, grandfather. St* Pr.f grwulUp&re* jjea ndiAra* perron (OcxmXR US) ^ m - i V b p 2v^ r*tr»* to run aroundi go etesyehere* s%* perron* etepe (of building)* M R (pext) v*tr«# to eeigh* at* Fr** p e e r* FtffAflD (p e\^ir) n*n«# dandy* squirt# st* Fr****# flreeraekaf • BfiRR lg GAWP (p e V e lK ^ ) v#tr«, to go aeay#

FESSft (OKS 0 0 UPS DS Jj®D) ( peve^eftijH utr## to kiote*

X ftlS lS ( p i H .1 ) loo** perhaps. at* Fr*, flfrRXWER (ffc-Wt^*) r*tn*|*to knead, 2 * to trample* 8* to m»ee in* Kx*t I* XI a pdtrlnd Xe pain* (lb kneaded the breed*) 2* XI a pd trlnd dene la beu»« (He trampled in the mud*) $* XI a pdtrlnd dans nee pmpi^ro* (He messed in ray paper*#) fEUT-fCT® {fy ) edr** perttape# St* Fr# (j° et f v1r)-) #

FX (f l ) •«» then* St* Fr#, pule#

PXAL13H (fj< )\3.) v#intr*, to somplaUi, bietaer* St* Fr#« plalller, to bawl, mold*

FiCAsnS ( fyv4<;Z ) edj** frsekled# PioflMt ( ? \^ ) *•*»* **#■• PMHomtm a. t . , bad llttl* Rlrl.

PIOJSE ({>,' lh f « i P M .

HSIXTB PloofK* ehietetn pox#

GROGSR PXOOT, em ail pox# PZOOflR ?OI»AHTR# ehiotem p«m*

PSSXXB9 8 ( f / C r ^ OXil** o il eeori lx « t 0 *eet piiinrU* (It1® all ever*)

PIER (ax) <5? y*-) to «Usa»(no cow)*

PDfTOKirR (p^e ) v.intr*, to trample# a t# Fr*# pldtlner# Flu (pi I) n#f*# peetle ueed for thrashing rloo in old dope* at# Pr*#s»*r b o o tlng»tr ough* PILL ore A (filb-vt.) v*lntr## to trample on* Sx#i F illate r oar loo flour* • (To m lk m the f loser*#) 9t# Pr»«*#» to plunder* PILOT (p\}o } n#m«» a pile* hoop# at* Fr##pile# PHC8T DOCK n.m*$ boll popper* PBftTJT ENRAOX (y i n*»*, eayenne popper# PBIiRR (flB) (S £ f£ ) v .M f l.i to primp up* PUB ( f i h ) n*f## penis* paTAL" n#f*# guinea (hen# cook)* ®t# Fr#* pintado# PtPXK ) n*f## disease in fools# st# Fr*f pSpU§ s*m* Good in regard to people aloo when they ore down# rXQUS (Jt) (^ ft ic ) odj## straight* otoop# Ex, 1 1 * Aeeis t pique# (sItttng straight*) a# Xsntagne \ pique# (Gteep mountain#) PIOam ( P ) ^ ) n*f#* hoe# 3t* Fr *-#-•* a moddox or pick ax*

PIQUAflT n*n** thorn# at* Fr #-•«»* thorny1 ohardon* # PIQIE B0X3 (f)Kb^% ) n#m«# woodpeeker* at# Fr#* pie* PI4UKR ( f i K-* ) v*tr#» 1* to deceive in 0 bargain! ft# to engage in the not o f ooltuo* 3t# Fr •*«*»» to pie roe* or to touch with the good to make animal go footer* nmnm (fW i) **f#i fining pafty* PIRE Cp,» wed for^gia j|g» PHtO&sm (fir^ f > »ffi» tumble, fall. St. Fr*, euibute.

Pr?Aor® (p iV * J) n*f#, peanut. at* Fr*, eaeeueite* 7 « r l8 ll« i of abeoe in piehetaohe (pi'J + * 5 )*

P is is ( f \5 ) *uf*, footstep, footprint* St* Fr*, plate* jg | Xatroduotion*

PIT If (p^> ) adj., n*m*, little. St* Fr*, petit, e*m*

PITO& (fiv \ Z-) of ]«, apeefeled*

PI? IE II ( P'W) *- ) a*»*, k ill goer* St* Fr*, pluvlar*

PLACE (SB) (s^ f ✓*•*•*!•# to plane oneself (no harm)*

HAIRS (^kt-\) n.f., prairie* St* fr*, prairie*

JPLAQBBitiHB (pkxv,^) n.f., pereiamon* ( HAQlKdlRSR (fk w.-*~ {j*e) n«au, persimmon tree* PLAQUKR (® ) (?Ut<_e-) T .refl., to plaee eelf* St* Fr*, so plcioer*

PLARZBB (? UYi o) n*f», praline* st* Fr«# praline*

PUB SI ( pK ) s iji of no*, raueh* Ex,i Pie In 41 argent* (tftieh money.) p u m (p ir) n#m*, niokel. (st) PUnBEAB ( p l ^ ^ ) n.ra*, m fd le^p m sel* St* F r*, pomrmeu. plotter (f e*tr«, to fold* st. fr*, pi lor*

PIS ( f^ ) n.f*, rain* at. Fr*, alula*

PLUms (p^y^ei) n.«*, feathor-duatar* St* Fr*, epewiesetelre*

Pins (f I j s ) eomp*, ouperl. expr., more, eto* St* Fr* (p 1 ) )* PLU3 OGB (pl/^ /O) used for oluo ^ before n numeral*

POt-ow (fU>2L-2-o ) n.f*, peieen. at* Fr*r*~, n*m. POJim, (pu>Tt) n.f*, a drunk* S x .t 3e fo u tre one p o in ts. (To go on a drunk*)

POI330R Aiyf ( ^ as^ n.m., gar*

POKKUR (foVioL^') n*m*, potor* s a w s w m*tm* t w t i hss^troo* POPQfflB (p of a t ) A « fii 1* vfHPtlilAii tiling* fsonahnasst B* Indlopomtttoii* Bx,t t, la popotto, (I domU lb*l will#) S t, Fr,<*—# oooid&gi otay^t-hoiam,

FOPHE (???«■) n.f«, poppy, St, Pfi, pavot,

FQrsao (yero ) a, a,* v a r t ,

Pom«must *,*,* tattler* tattl*»talo* p o r tr a it (Po-y\Y$ n^9»« pUtura (of any kind)* Bi, Fr,***,* portrait# liteaeii ( of parson),

FOSTILLOn ( f oS + lj 3) n*m* # postman, St, Fr*— # kite-r« avengers fasts ur, FQSfusfi (po^^^-n.f,# poo, st, Fr,# apostumo* fostering tumor,

POff DC KvXE (j> o d ^ ^ ) n,ra,# a ohcuibor, 'dt« Fr*# pot do ehattri* fOPRAH. ( pe-hr^j) turn*, oho at of Horoo, St, fr*# p® it rail,

FOUl£ D*SAU (pts|ci o) n , f , t OOOt,

PCD to loo*# really oo*

POSrai ( p Ppf) jum,# fo o t, S t, Fr,--*-.# baby*

Kxnrnns p*p«# f*# rotted, st, Fr,# pourrie, FQOSSGM ium,# fuss# flro t fOathora of birds* fVUDIB X r,tr,f to start# to bog In, St, Fr,# oofipuonoar X, m m ( p r ^ v ,tr,# to photograph. Ex, t Fairo prendre quolqu'un. (To hare a picture of eemoene made,)

PROOFS (pY°j| ) odj,# almost, St. Fr,# promptt,

PROJ3T ( p - r o ^ e) n , 2n«* story* tale. St* Fr,— *# plant eoats*

PROW AO.u; adj,» probable# probably, £s,«Va^t-il vonlr? Prourablo, (&*a«t proutablo,) (^111 ho oonm? So probably sill,}

W (P>() edd* * than, Jt. Fr## polo# PO ( oontp,# mors# anymore (ohon uoad with » St* Fr. (pltia^p \ J ) • ( f t ) 0 ,f## n ln , Si. Fr.* plain. hjtot (py-t o) *&*.* r*th*r. st. ft.* piutst.


(KJAHTCHer (m r+ ^ ) a.m.* quarter (part or boof). st* Fr** quortiar ( k *v ^ O * qjtJATRK (Xu*? oai>$ (fa m e US3 ) v.intr.* rain the dlotene. &i. Fr#* fl&iro two (iaslr»*v ln ^ M iiM » u f ooupo* qPATRtt*8 (ic^tvvCX^ n.ra.* ono^fourth* out 0*ssr r A (V-i-^^j^) loo., whctt* o %f» n u tta r f Variant* M ti Quv o*#ot y a ^ii1 a 1 act y no (ks« w a)* CM n i ( ic.y-va ), Q u ^ y a a n ( fUj St. Fr.* ({ttUtWi qu’il y a*

39? (*02.) profit* that* of which* of «Hoi» 3t, Fr.* quo* don't.

Q0 B3 BS (vi-l)c) adj.* noun* aoina# a fbw* St. Fr.* qualquo. qfiBQBB Cf!^3£ ([

Q0B3S FOXS ( )

Q0 I ( \c i) nron.* What* qu'osl*ao qua* Sh . t 1. Out ta dial (Shot do you aayf) 8 . II t(a dlt qal? (ft® told you whatt)

(2 0 1 0 98ST C* ! 1 (|C\$? lL) *«*#* ®t* Fr.* qui. 8 k . i Qul o’e s t qu'ft d l t quo j 1 Ira vmo? (*?ho eroid I wonH g o t)

QOILOTO (^il^T) n.f.* troucor®. flty* ouloUo* cgUIQUim ( k.;k > n.f.* child* a tom for chlotam.

QUIfn«Dfjn< (fCiYi^v) n.n** toothpick. St. Fr., out* dmt*

QUITO QUIfTE ( yn V |C i t ) call for ohiokan.

Qpizxti* X \l\-ls r>\) n*f.* kitchen. St. F r.* cultslno. 99xm * {\Cv't<4 Ini# ail**# Permit* Rn*« a lte r* ( l o t m go.) ot. Fr**»~*# to tear* (pi«oo)i'xai**tr« quo fm mi wbyt s t. Fr*# pourquoif


RA301KFR V .tr*# plow. :^t# IF**, lahounor#


RAQATQHa (n n«a* or f,f irtalgaifio&nt ptpon*

RAG!£R \c\ e. ) v.tr*# to whip* to glow a whipping to*

RAOQIff ( ) A«n«i ooroor* Fir** ooin*


RAPAU? fy^ ^ \ ^-) ad]»i oatintod with food* St* Fr ****•# atruok bp a •q u ail*

RAPISTOL&R (-y 4 f \$%\<&_ V*tr*# to aond* 3t. Fr## rafietolor.

RAFROItftB (y4 tyu^d^y) w*intr. # to oooi* St* Fr*# rofroldlr*

RA BETTE ( ^ ^ v ) »*f*# anall gp«n frags two frog* st* Fr** gronouilte*

RABCUfE ( v C j fj)r ».f.# rut* at. Fr*# rairmr©* groooo* RAU£R ( r 4 \e- ) v.lntr.i to go again* at. Fr** alter onooro* rotoumor* RAMARRSR fv£^-t

RAMAS3B OOTcn k-t.'V^’ ) n .f .# Ootton plaiting*

RA?4iS3«R2i (DE OQTO&) f r * y\) n.f*, ootton pioklng*

RRSTEF POUR P>4 '.) v .in tr* # to work as a ten a n t far* Ea.• J* rooto pour £1* Vldrino* ( living and working for s&p* Vldrino*}

RAdSBtlRUftl e .) n*f** mooting. Fit. FT*# aoooobteo*

IBfCHAPPKR (y€ Ca fw*tr.# 1 . to got wall5 £♦ t o oavo from an illnoo© . Bn* 1 1* XX a rtfehapptf# (Kin got woXI*) 8* I I a rdohcuppd ooo dousft ohovaux# (Jfa o^wd hi® two horoos*) RRSTF.R (i)r«s^ taaep on* to eonilnue* Sm«« n ittli 4 fWM Ifti (HP fooepe on doing that*) RAPJSasTsa ( r \ f j z $t

RAUAHoniR ( y s :^ ^ r*tr** to toil* Sw*t n «&*• rneonebd un» affaire quo J#»l pa® mmprtit* (m to ld m oxi affair 1 didnH indeiwt&nd*) 3t* Fr.* reeonter. RAvEAU ('r^~ o ) ti«m** leaves of magnolia (or other tree) brought to to bleaoed m Palm Sunday* **t. Fr#*««** breneh, twig. fUURTJOT f i^ ^ f t.) n.ra«* ehoiier. gossip*

RAJWAUsp (t- ^ v * | u .) v.tr*. or iu» to swallow* Ueed when someone lo nereoue and ho mates® charnoteriotie mammmtm of tho throat*

RA3 (AO RA3 DU) loo.* near# 3t* Fr *<*—*, on a level with*

RAS3XA (r^st* t*) v.refl** oil dawn again* 3t. Fr*, r&eeeoir*

RAfATOUIUE iw f ** * Whipping* 3t* IV •«<*** bod stow*

RAT JOB BOIfl (Y ld V>^4) a*m»* opoemwn* ;’t. Fr*, oarlgue* f*» do lo Louisiana* ^

RAfOLiS (yzi-y o \e) v.tr*. to rofem* ^t. Fr** mtleeer#

RAVET (yai/«J n*iB* * roooh* eookroaeh*

R5B0T ( y ^ ^ y ) w allflow er* S t. F r.***•* ferodh* oo rap®*

RgCPPUD ( t ®^ o ) it*is** hooter of any hind* >i* Fr*«~* portable heater*

RSFAIRK (SB) (VAf*_y-) v*rofl** to got bettor* looking* E*. t L’enfaat oo refait on grand lsefini. (The ohild lo getting better looking no he grows up*) ffiI*'£vgQVF (-rtf—^ ado** really. t>t* Fr*, rdeUement (y e tl^ J i

RBltTIRER fr^ p /yQ.) v.intr** to get woroe* "t* Fr*# e^plror*

BEMPLIB (T*t?\'i'r) v*tr«* to mete the female to the mie* frnoltf.::33ER (r^f*5e ) v*tr** to hill up (plant®)* ddolwuftoer* tie antonym*

RES iAHOfPR (y^^^Kjz) v.tr** to te ll eowe thing In dleofmmoted form* hfjk WBUSR (y ^ ^ u t «-) v*tr** to repair* ot* Fr ,«*-*», renew*

RBRTRBR (y^yd r«tr** tntr** to enter* at* jv ,*«*<** to reenter* ft& X lfcl& n.f.* erysiphslus. at* Fr*# drdsijfcla.

RS3TA»ta aiSil pi** remainder of a mat* S*»t XI a dennd lee reotants aus ehiens* (Hte gave th» ssrap* to tho dago*)

RESTr r X aj v,tr«i to oonilnw®, Rasp on*

5 s* i XI rooto X fairs sola* (Ife keeps on doing that*)

HSU f r y 5 ^ / ) p a st.p a r t . of m a if* to got again* which la used only in tho infinitive*

PRVwm ( ^ ^ 3 p r v & j ) n.f.* revenge* at* Fr** revsnehs.

RHXMATE33S >*zn 4 / 5) n.ra*, rheumatism. St* fr** rhumtloma•

RXBAR ) D i 9 if ribbon* 3b* Fr** rubon*

RI&AHSBLLS ( v o b a ^ o iiI) n*f*f torn strips of olothi dangling strips*

RXFFUBR { p ^ 'f /t ) v . t r . * pass vary oiooo toi grass* Sit i La bell# »fa riffId* (Tho bullet graved me.) St* rr«

ItIZtSTMjL£R v.tr.* to reinstall* 3t. Fr** rllnetallsr.

RXHflTSR vttr„ to re invite* St. Fr** rdiixvitsr.

R IPO F5T O tf'S/>oJ>& n*f*« thing of en&ll value*

RXRK ^ /? ) n.f** wood<*sharlng« Fr*— * sorapor (osdpture).

RXQ0IQUX3 ( /'/ ac'/ a '/ ) n*m*# pi** unoontreliable laughters tho giggles* St* Fr** rlquiqtil# liquor* brandy* RIO (A / ) n*n** pi** a yellowish whits sufcstaneo resettling oust* wrinkled * l i k e tho brain* greasy or fatty* Very delicious* tastes like brain* Found near the heart of hoof*

RO B tt; MATS (T ? b d d w a) i n.f.* oom husk*

R O D tyS') ad)** drunk* St* Fr** s o ftl*

ROHDIff C B * 0 *« round pis so of firs wood* 3t* Fr»* fagot*

ROaiSK {foKt^ ) v*tr»* to strike or whip* St* Fr.— * to a r o q u e t (th e b a l l ) .

ROOOAROU n .m * * n o is e * 3 t . Fr** t a p a g s *

ROULAB ) n.f.* ruts* St* Fr.— rolling (o f e & r r la g e )*

ROUUSR V .tr., to shoat* to fool* to doooive* £*.i XI ta'a rould pour din piastres* (ffo a b a te d me out o f ton dollars*) R9DLQT ik»fii| grub«*wom. ftOOsagT&K (/~z^ste) n»f*i ft Whipping*

ROUT BE /) n«&ii Voftilf forntid* Plf##

RPKAO l ^ y d o ) n«n«» euriain. Fr** rldean* s

SABOT&RS n .f* # 1m eream freewwr* ®t# Pr******* e&hetMMther'e ahep*^

SABOUUC5 (5 ^/>ule.) n*f** 1* a leoburoi a* beating* st* Fr.* remantraneef

3AQ X B0I33GB (sa_K* ku>ai») n.m** drunkard* St* Fr** irrogna*

9A0 X LA IT (5«LKavie_) n*a*» eae&lsy fish * 3eq Read* Loui aiana-Frpnoh *

3A0RER (S^-K^re) v.tr** to threw* to thruet. Sa*t J* 1**1 aaerl (par terra). (I threw him down*)

SAGRBR l£ QAHP (5 a. K-re I K a) v.lntr** to go nway. Jgg fouire la eatnpf pdter le ramp* 3 A BITS ftXTOUOfC (5rtni<(uf) n*m* or f .* a dleeraet or hypoeritieai pa roan* - &ALOFRZ8 (s-aJlo b^i } n #m. t r&ee&l* eeamp* good»for*4iothlsig* 3t* Fr.* walftue*

3AVI* 3AWII ( wj ®aj## bad* domed* ouraed* Kx«i 0* eaml tempe. (Thie darned weather.) 3 A ROUS XL (S bltkoz J.) n*m*» o off In* St* Fr*, eereuetl* 0. Fr** eeroueu*

3AS3A00UA (5 a_sa. n .T .f g re a t noise* oocMotio®^* ®t* Fr* * bru it* tepingp#

3AS3AFRAS9 ( 5 a s ^ r a ) n*a** flawaafraw* St. Fr** e&ee&frne*

SASaSPiARSXU^ ( 5 a . s ) n*f** eareaparllla* 3t* Fr.* oalaaparelUe*

SAT IP IDA (5'a-is'f» n*m.* aefaeotlda* St* Fr** aecMfoetlda*

SAUGtf (5o5e) adj.* drunk* St. Fr.* lore*

9AU00T (f£oKt>) n*ra** mueoadlne* H* Fr** raiein mueeat*

3 AUNBURB [S3ynf>r) n*f«* plolcllng brine* st* Fr** aaitnure*

9AUVBR ( S a v e , ) v.tr* '^.ecoM evu ^e* St. Fr** eauver* e.ra*

SAP ARE (6^vc^v\) n*f»* paeture land* St. Fr ****** earanmh* prairie* SATATOS n»f«i •Hppor* ioaM fwrUr alio®* &i# old »hM

9a?ate (alusr X u$ v«lntr*» to *• "no*®®*. a o ui to 1 e m « ■ sj sj ■ %I0 *8 A m £ «• £ £ ^ A A) ► O ? je «? « r^i, r^i, M ^ 8 «4 » I 2 - ^ : ! | S r - e f i Jl £ S | « <2 - c I . * I I m «» © €« « I „ „ i i & in '* 'S GJ V- t ? c IS o * e i s | i 2 * I • « I a>4 3! «-* *e £ %4 C I £ ?'i. i e » s 1 i « £ I m

T £ 1 4 i > * * 1 &- 1 •S © S «0 o vH fc t i 0 & c e W • ♦ * » • • Cw a - w A 1 £ £ j Vi a w • w 1 i • s ti I? c* * « • ir' 1 a h H H 8 CXi fr ! 1 cn • ■—> e i * . * _

A - V £ •-I Oo 12 a £ to I M • X « ui !T -4 c 1 • • . * £ «-4 £ £ 1 I A 1 § o a cn S § • • • • * * .

SMATTB (svnsct ) ndj.fr annrt.. 3t. Pp.. Intoni&anfc 3QBA e_)*

3oi£EUi^n (s o le ^ ) y#tr* or refl*, t© mm* at# Fr## ©ololll## tieod «il7 tl adj# 30KQM6 (sS 1^) m « « i ft nap# s a ts s ( s 5 ) n j n«f«i par obi© ®# S t, Pr«**«*i ©urn#

SORT IB SB {Sorts ir4&) y# lntr, , to hay© ju*t« St# Fft» vftmlr d©« so u o i ( 5 1 * 5 1 ) &•%! eyebrow, st# Pp„ ©eureil#

S0U0CKJ3R ( 5 «.Kwei) v#tr* # to ©hah©• 3fe, Fr*, Mft9u»r«

30UCWUILLER (5w k«je) y#tr## to ©hake# St* Fr#, eeoaiior#

SOUS ( s u e ) © m l# t o mn^» th© pig© go ©wap#

SOUFFBRT v#tr# or intr,» to ouffbr* at, Fr## ©ouffrlr* So© e ffo rt#

SOONER (Sujai-c:) y#tr# or Intr#, to wish, st# Fr## ©oixhaitor#

Sooi/JD fs^ lar) adj## n#m## drunkard# St* Fr## ivrqgno#

SOULIER ( 5 U ) n% ri. § #»©•» 9t# FT# ( S i x l j e )#

SQORD ST £8JBT# ETIE ( S K r e ^ i) odj## n#«u and t# St# Fr## emard* m o t# ©tto# SOURIS OR^USB (S'UW ^ 4 ) n,ft| bat, St# Fr*, Chauv© ©ouri©* s OUT* NT SB rois adv., often# st# Fr,, aouront# ©©into* fo is#

SFBSD (5 j)/c| ) v#intr## to ©p©«d, St# fr## aller rite#0 0 h fttar.

3PUWQUB n.n,, guy# follow#

SPORT (S^o ‘ t) ad] •# n,m#, funny) (otraag©) Aawp thing to do# Ex, 1 9 © ©*©©t ©pert# (That1© a fanny thing to do#}

8 PR IRS n#ra## ©prlng# st# Fr## foeoort#

8TGM5 (^toV) n#©#* rt«N i hMt*r( st. Fr,, pail*.

3TB AK (5 ieK) n*m,# ot©ak, St# Fr#, bifteok#

STRAP ( ^ - r ^ ) n#m#, ©trap* ®i# Fr#, emirrolo# sod (5y ) n#a## the South# St# Fr#y***£s/^) $CtiB«FL8Clt (Sys ) n#«#f humrsing-bird* Si# fr#* oiaeau# motwhe* Yar&snl af above is )# SDif (5 i|, ) p**t pari. ef w ivifi foil os* st# fr## nulvl* 3UIT < su t) n*ro#* suit# St* Fr## eemplet# SUPPCOTSR (syporbt l) v.tr»i to support# keep up* at# Fr*# sntrstenlr* suspeot ( s y s j^ t * ) turn* or f#* pieayunieh, pariieulttp#<^>* r S0v,j . susssssicfi C ^se5 j ^ ) p ifM ihheritanoe# eusoeeslon* Si* Fr## euseesstini#

T TAG TAG n#ra»# pop aom* TAFIA (U fjA ) n*m*# soak# Insipid eeffee# st* Pr*««*# strong liquor* TATAUT (i^-)o) n#fB## bound# St# Fr#<***# hunters1 t r y Hally*het* TAIkSR vytr« i to whip# ot# Fr#«**«*»#to trim* TAIRTAHOS ( tT i& ^ s ) n*m## tetanus* St# FT#* tdtenos#

TA L'rEUPE (^ 3 .1 ^ -r) ado# loo*# In a minute# a w hile ago# St# Fr## to u t I I 1hours# TALlg ( ^ l ) a#f## tuft# eltrap# St*Fr #<**#** tiller} tsuffle# TAU£R (Ixle) r#intr## to grow in tufts# oltanpe* st# fr.«#*| totlilspi teuffer.

TaL&TER ( i a . l 3**>v€) v*intr*# to walk# st* Fr#**-**# to pursue# follow sloes ly# TAMPGBtlE: c^p^y) n*f## a short# fat woman* st# Fr## tampon# plug# stepper# TAHDU5 ode## while* st# Fr#* tavells quo# Tajik (J:£k ) n«m## tank# st* Fr#* rdaereoir# TABfOT (^cikd< ) loo## as many as# St* Fr#* autant quo#

TA?1T OS VITT^ X K )f“k ) adw# loo## OS well* Bn#• Jfai tent do qultte 1 1* fairs* (1 as well do it#) TAUT 3tf*A as for* st* Fr## qumt X. Ex# • Teat #*•4 lul* ii nfn pas d’eeprlt# (As for him* he has notrain#) TAKER (flg) (t^>ve) ©T IxtiV#, to |» i Urod or borwl with, to tiro or bora* lK«t 1# Jo no aula toad do travailler»araa fa* (X got tirod working with that#) 2# Gala tna tow* (That bore# ie«) t m m t , TAHABUt uring, boring*

Ta b r (ia. jse,) v«tr«, to giro (a kiok, slap}# St* ttr •«*«», ©lap, hit# Ex«t XI a1 a tapd att ooup da plod# (Ha gova m a kiok*)

Tapsr ( ® ) (I tslK) w»9wfl#f atrlko, hit# Sx«t II a,aat tapd ooatra la branahft# (Ha hit hiaioalf against tho branah#) TAQIKT (^AKe_) n*m#t lotah, hook (of door)# 9i. Fr*<*~», b«laying elaat) oroohat#

TA4ET (BATTHS D' KW ) (tiK e) v .tr., to tolk twwh. Ex, i II bat trop da son taqpat# (Ha t&lko too inuoh.) TA3JST, talkative poraon#

TA8 ( U ) a«a# of quantity* odv*, I# touch, 2# vary# Ex#i 1 #11 & tan taa d*argent* (Ha hao nsutoh momy*) t# XI oot malado on too# (Ha la vary ill#) TA33KA0 (ia.So) n*m*, otrlpo of omokad, oaaoonod boof# TATA (i\i? t) interj«, thanko, thank you (child*« toms)*

TATXHER ( l ^ :n€) w#tr«, to fool lightly of# st# Pr., tutor.

TATOftCft ('t^bS'he) v.lntr*, to prooraetinato* 3t. Fvmm~»g fusible, gfopo#

TOUaO (^ j ^ ^ ) adj«p tlpay, drunk* Xdloftt falra tahoo (ff-^jA K ) v»lntr*, to mloo fir© (gun)# 3t* Fr», rator*


TOH/MARZER v.tr# or lntr*, to bag# 9t* Fr., quamndor* V arian t a t aboxa lo tohomander ( e )«,

TOHAkAia3BUR, EUae m z -) n*m# or f « , a m who bago# St* FT#, quofaondaur, aa# Variant lo tohannndaur, oo (fcjav^^0^ )#

TOMS WXUMn v.tr*, lntr#, 1* to !3©ai©r, bother* 2* to fool around# 8x«t 1# II no tohd quail la* (Ho bothers «*»•) t« XI tohdquallla* (H«> fool© nromd ^nd dooa nothing#) to*UK (t5 * ) H .f„ ta l l . a t. F r., queue. TOS’auI TOtiMrt fHttUl (*5 3 *5 3 ^5 3 ) to #«H the eon. agj hoM bt* tonsils ( tjr ) imp©r# v b * tm ig. boro I s t # Fr*. t&on* ( £j ? ) * fORIPsa v.intr*. to abutter. to geoolp*

TCWnORl TG3130B! (-tp K, /X; -tj" / K /gSOlaiiiettflW to Oall tho 00 If* 9iwi ohiqii»« TOnO{ TCSIDI (-ijo ~£f o ) oxelaiaatlcn to mil plga* %o gulppe and oouf* TORCEUH ( tjcrE. r ) n«n>*| heart* St. Fr*. ooour* TOHOrfOOS K) n*a*. ohunk* st# Fr*. traifon#

______i_bl^c-KbW/c) n*»*. t* eertooeu nerloi S# penle* ^ TOIORS t ) (l«fe# pig* 3t* ooohon* TGROUO (FAIRS SON ) v , t r M pout# St* F r*. bcsudor*

TORO (tj y ) n*m*. tho roetuai* St* Fr*. oul*

TOW (AT3SK Torm suh T&TE) v«tr»» have work m&r on®*o head*

TOW:lk (tfy e) V .tr** kin* St# Fr*. tuor.

TOROI D ( fJ ^ /s> log* St* Fr*.

TSACft v.tr*. teach* st* Fr*. eneelgoer#

TEAM (ts» w ) a.*!., teen* St* Fr*. atteloge* T&i/CIKAi’HBJK (* ) (ie}€Ljra.{(L) v.tr*. to telegraph* St# Fr*. tdldgrepMer#

TEMP'S &2 CMSJH (la d fyl) n#rn*. to ! w eather.

T ssm t ( t ^ ^ ) v*tr*. to hong out (a* olothoo)* jjjffit IbitroAuotlon*

T0I2R (i*i O v.tr*. to koop (to »U)« St* Fr*. avoir \ voudro*

TAP (*£aSyb) n*n*. a pooti a s»M l«r# TftmMfiHmz (Le.rl?£~t‘Sin) n .f.. tur pent inn* St# Fr*. tdr^banthinw* , t TSH^AS^af (tem se. ) adj** tired. worn out* st, Fr*. tarraeeer. over** whelm. floor* T8/KHE oaASSB (tt'rgr^s) n.f*. oler ooit# TER S W*5tJF ('tZ 'f »#f*. newly cleared lend# fae (£«-> • « , MMtM .tun. iu» «» VI (is) ) oaplotlvo l^lnAting « or Kx.a I* XI oot 41 waladof (lo ho 1U» now, boll rail) 8. J*mn a 44 do wmlhotirl (Boy, how unlucky I) TILLJN (-i s / p ) n.au, tho tw in tod Bo ad drooo. TXP n«®.» tip . Si* F r., pourbolr. O^'Xtf) R»Bdi tldkat, St. Fr.f billot, XIHAIUjB ) n«f*i I. aoat full of norvoo, hard, w®rthlao«| 8 . $msn» thing (ooooono) worthlooo* f »B (BOBOr 01 ) n.m#, i4fttr. TOW (tsi^c) w .tr., to throw# St. Fr*, lonaor* TWTOM (OS PORTRAITS) ( * - s H w ) n.rs., photographer. St. Fr*, $ lot*- grapho. TX30K f i s '£3) n .» ., a round flrowood, St, Pr#«*#f burning or hmlf^bumwd log#

TUchhirr (^ i^ Me) n.»*, round firewood. at# pohor. TX, TIB a| j #f n# w f 9 | iittlw * St. Fr,, poilt, potlto.

TILLin (is ijtT ) prop, a ., a#, too who aoto map# Vhia iii m illu ilm to on alwoot legendary oharaoter* In tho tlmo o f ray g ro at grand#* mAhor thorn woo a Oraell nan by tho mm a t ModUoi whooo aono hooono fT lt Ion (^si ^ n ) , m talk o d to himwalf and rondo aoooBBAto with hlo ftngaro no though writing in tho air# They all fblt ho woo oraay. ihrhapo ho wool tXUOR n#a», o largo (rod) hondkorohlef or rag whloh negro woman noor ao hoaddroeo.

TOOATl. (^ ok &j) n.ra,, namooako, TODOt fto 4 c ) n#m#, toddy, TOtfrs (t^ n ) n#ro#»ton. St. Fr., tonnoau# TOffTTE (io^t^) n .f ., f in ok. St. Fr.«**», phial, oaroplo bottle* flaeque, flooon. TOP (t^\>) »•»#, top (of oar). ot. Pr., oapole, TOftfR (tor-1*) n .f., nowly cleaved land, i. Pr., totirbe, turf.

TORXVOWI ) n.m., one oho twloto in walking. t o a q c s m ( to r n*l*« derogatory n»s» fo r wenen. Fr#****, fish * basket* r»ll of toM itti foaag ( 6 r ) n.f., hoifer. st# PW, gin&Nt#

Touasa (K iJe) v.lr«i to bo “up* ora hoars© (as Joefcey)# Sx.t O'est JOax *il touch©. (ft Is John who is riding*)

YOUGHSUR, EUSS ^ ) n*m. or f«» ttystls tfe&ters who hoal by to u ch . tour d ; fohok ( ^ o v J o ’^ t j ) a,®,! physical triok. toon D'OHShB (to y ^ j~ ) n.m., furuncle. St# !>., ffcronole. T MJWfATtsas (-/isrn^vis ) R#ni| screwdriver.

TdUfWflSk ^ a_y/ie) ntf»9 a whipping*

TOOHfl n.f., turtledove, st. Fr., tourterelle# tOURfZOOOLX k u \\) n*®., wry***sele, c ric k in nook.

TOUYJUF a ITB ( t / u i v f t t ) alt, loo., altogether. St, Fr., tout % fait#

TOOTB PI US ^>i k ) n.a#, toothpick. 3t, Fr., ©ure«d*nt.

TRAGHIA ) n . a . , tr a s h .

TRACK fk.a#, track# St. Fr., ohonin (do for), (do course}*

TRAJK (ir^ ) n#a#, noise. St. Fr.#-., troini bruit*

TRAXHAILLE ( i r t r ) 2vj ) n .f., dsbrle, trash.

TRAt^ASGB (lyrn^s) n .f., a crowd.

TRaIMPRaXSI ( a l l n SOB •?!) (^ ^ ^ ^ ) v.tr#, to go « s fa way slowly without bothering any one alee.

TRa UR (£ri^) (l LA) loo.. In disorder# Ex.i Lee chose* trainee, (file things in disorder.) TRAZreRIB (fcr^mri ) n .f,, things in disorder. $t* Fr.*-*, delay, TIU1TRUR ( t r e - W r ) n.m., charlatan doctor.

TRAIdfB ( 'LrzXz ) n .f., bunch, band, troup (of ohlldren, etc.)

TRAPPSR ) v.tr., to catch* gap Introduction. TlX A Paus& m n.m., grab-bag.

TKAVAILLANT, K «*dj., fl. m. or f«, hard^worker. &t. Fr., travaiUaur, euse, *•!♦* hooking* Si»i tfr* homele trdpido. (A tw*.pl 0 eed hooking buttkle.)

m iQ B C^T' K) i»a*i triok* St. Fr.* tour* nlohe.

TROXSltgS n.m** a t h i r d . St* Fr** k troths n*a** trot# St. Fr.* tret (^-ro)* TROUVBR % HS01RS (truvw ^ < 4 * V ) ^iw tr.* to find fault*

TRUXLLE ft^ r «4 i j ) n * f.* A SOW. S t. Fr.* tr u ie ( 'tv 'j 1), TRUIU^: ( i j ) n ^f# (Jotiar h la tmUie)* play a gun* fcy knocking a tan with otieke into a hole while opponents try to prevent it* TTmWRXTSR fU i ^ i*U) n#m## typewriter, St. Fr.* daotylegraphe.

9 SB ( indof. art. f n. and f** a* one* 3t. Fr«.«*»* two.

QHXBi* ( ^ i ^ I) n.m.* a eortain person* 0 0 and ee.

? ▼AIU*AIT (V ^ja) »dj** eotartoeua. St. Fr.**** valiant# brave# wall.

• . * 7AL0ZR ( v a lto ^ r ) v#tr» f peeaoea. Sx.t Oat howto vatA atU e dollars. (TH^t mutt has 11*000) st* Pr«t»i to ha worth. TMB? (\Y£ne) adj.* tire d . 9t* Fr«* fatlgud.

TARA (V^^a.) fut* of aller (lra). Hoad only In negative*

▼ASS ) n .f .* re fe rrin g to a per©on# rta m»aart* TA TfEH LJU8AB ( yaA S-^b'A.j loo.* you donH naan itl

TiUTET-7|£ fT (Y a.lt Vj C) n.m** ^Qftfig and oauiitR* Fr. # vamtwiflni#

V/UVITE (VAVi t) turn.* diarrhea. St. FT.* ddrrmgarnont.

VKHXR (Yh i r ) v .irir., to haooma* go. Ex. e II oat venti fan. (BO boonae (want) omajr.)

TESTIB (/ai ) • "m. kvi . Ex.« Avoir plue grand© youx

TOUTO (rcnv) n«a* o* f*# old****# widow. at* fr,* v»uft vouvo.

VI (v 1 ) 9 «at psrl* of yjyt»« vdou.

VIAHBB a BfTB (W t) ».*#* but* (noab)« at. Fr## (viando) du toouf* VMM as oaom (vyavv^K^/J) A9nt| ^ (n*at)* ®t. Fr#, (viand*) du poro#

VIBULO;< (v j /> I d ) violin. 3t* FT.# vlolan.

VJEU* 0X1*908 (VJ / 5 a ^ ? ) n.m., s*aia# or bouholor button.

?IUE (vi I ) tuf. Bsc.i Bn vill*« (To (in) How Orloon*.)

? a * 8 (v e ij) 0 » l 9f stiek tlghtlb* ground in ohooting aeofclo** v afem x (Bros dam son) v.intr.# t* bo tlp * y . VXTABIB (v >^ab) adj.# oapabl* of b*ing Uvftd In* Cs, i Ootto ml*** oot poo vivablo# (o n * oan1* liv* in that houoo.) 0. boambla*

VlfBS (Vl^ ) iuf«, pill food (usually bon* grown).

?1V ISR (Vt vj e ) n.m.# exqr kind of o pond* 3 t. Fr..—**►, fiah pond, fa m e (VWLH) n.f*# oat*. 9t. Fr.# avoiro#

V02R (LuaO v.intr.* ***• % . Fr.«*— (W^a^).

VOIRA (WarA) v.fut«i voir* vorvmli oondl. (ware) for at. Fr. vorrai*.

VOIR l 9cbxi# ft (UJar\0C3 a) v.tr.# tond to*

VOT/tB (Voja 3 ) n.ra.# voyag*. et* FT.*** (Vu;^ * ?> •

VOT'OB C ^jajj) n*®»# load* at. Fr.# oharrotd*. VOTs f/WaA,**) pm *. «ubj* of voir* uoa «

VA&98E ) n«nbi pswidMtft*

SBB (W£-J ) ?**••* ft©!*# f m a (jtrn) »«fM y«»« &*•ft #***. I B Oil I ( ^ K ') n*ia.* Sngltok * parrot# l » s ( j ^ ) «4v.* only. T C T Q B ^ ^ (j €1 K'tavnfl) d l f i » 1* Just* tout# only! ft. ftXftdfcly# Sa«t I* II pott* yinfefcnro&ni «a oapo*. (A* BMue® m^sr a ft* O*0 « i yj h ^ n mt fft Jft to 4iw l0« (That1 a Jtttit nhfti . Z «ft«tftllins r***J

|0 9 0 K) i!♦»•#nft*to*ploftO 4r»0i#

S U|LBS(^^) Qif.i pin »!*«•• &V.I pftlPft do OftiXftft* (A prxiv of olngO.)

218418 a«s«i sine* Pp.* 4tan»

80X8 (iuizO »*# •*» op s o ** (ouokoo). 3 t. F r*, ot*# n .f. ZCfcO (2-0^) run.9 I. a M i*I 8. a fool# a 4wift> «l»»k*

JEIBUX CZJ^) n*n»# pU* ojroo* E x. i tfc» pftiPe 4ft ftyftux. (A p o if of ©yftft.) 98. PP.# yftUlt# SUPPLEMENT ach&te, aeheteral, aia (3-J*- t y 5 pres* ind,, fut. & condl, of aeheter. St. Fr. p-j <£.-t ) etc* allais (3A^. )imperf* aller, St* Fr, ), almanech fel>na,Y\*K ) n.f. St, Fr,— , n.m. amnnt ( Si »w ) n.m., lover* 3t. Fr,— . (siniS:) amidonner (SSnV d 5 n«£)v#tr., starch, St. 'Fr, avant-hler loc*, day before yesterday, St, F r. Bon Dieu (bS'dj ^ ) n.ra., God. St. Fr. (boVlj ^ ) bordure (bor^z^r) n .f,, border* St, Fr. (boireAy-r). capichon ) n.m*, cap* 3t* Fr, capuchon. eaueluche (h»Kly^ ) n.f* St. Fr, (KuklyJ) eharabrs d * ^ ) n,f. St. Fr. (jc^br ) c ha quin eaoh, St. Fr. ohacun charogne ) (fair5y) n.f., earrlon, St* Fr. eheaige ^)TVKl^ ) n .f., shirt. 3t* Fr* chemise (^i>hoi2__) ehoge (^ y ) n.f., thing. St. Fr, chose (J^2- ) coffrer ( Ko^re) v.tr., to cut. St. Fr. Ecaffrer* eonune adj., conmon. 3t. Fr. (tO^yn) eonconbre (KoK5>n) n.a. St. Fr. (KSKjbr) ooeur n.ra., heart. St. Fr. (Kot.r ) corsage (K6*ja^ n.ra., blouse. St. Fr, (K^rset^). court (Kor ) adj., short. St. Fr. (Ku.* ) coutume (K'u±S^h) n .f,, custom. St, Fr, (Kwty vm) croeher (KroJe_ ) v .tr,, to hook. St. Fr. nccrochcr, defunt (4e^£) adj., dead. St. Fr. (4^-^eET) entendre (5 !^* ) v .tr., to hoar. St. i?r. (ot* St* Fr# (^’U-Y)

grande adj.ffem,, tall. St* Fr* (jr*^)

guinllles (Jjhij ) n#f#pl*, trappings# St* Fr. gue&illee# heureux {

hopitals n.f.pi. St. Fr. (oj^'io) n.m*pi#

jeudl Thursday# St. Fr. (3 $*«#()

jeun* ( 3 ^ * ) adj., young. St, Fr# (3^ * 1) lourd ( lov ) adj#, heavy# 3t. Fr. (lur)

p itld (j 51 tfc) n.f#* pity. St* Fr. (|p

poison ( ^ lo ^ z.?) n*f#, poison# St# Fr#, n#m.

polgnde n.f., handshake. St* Fr. (j?uJVp-e)

polgnet (|>S'j'e) n#m#, wrist* St. Fr.

pondre (J^Tn) v.tr#, to lay (egg)# st# Fr, (^oc^r ) rosevolr (PrssLua’} v.tr#, to receive# St# Fr# (fdS^

sauvage n.rc,, savage, wild, Indian# St# Fr# (Srfva.^)

taniser ('fc^lv*'2^) v.tr*, to aiftj also referring of perraon who ‘’waddles*# S t. F r. 2_(rf temolgner ^je) v#tr# or lntr#, to testify# 3t* Fr,

tlens i ) pree# ind. & imper# # tenlr. St. Fr. C^J ^ )

tuer (t^e) ifctr#, to kill* St. Fr# ^,) BIBLIOGRAPHY

Behrens* D* Beitrage aur Franzoel aohsn Wortgesshlohts \md Grammatlk* Hal 1« i Verlag von Max Meaeyer, 1910.

O llfion, 5«f and Griraaux, A* 4 Mew Frenoh-Kngliah and English-French Dictionary. ad. J, MaeLaughlin. 2 vole* Paris* Gamier* 1923.

Ditehy, Jay K. Lee ASadlone Loulalanals ft hour jgg£&&£« Paris* M* bralrie S, Bros* 1932.

Godsfroy, F# Piotlonnalrs df lUnclenne hangup Franqalso. 10 vole* Paris* F. Yleweg* 1885-1902.

Herrap* Standard French and English Dictionary, ad. J. E* Mansion. Maw York* Harraps* 1934,

Read* f. A# Loulaiana-Franoh. Baton Rouge* Louisiana State University Press* 1931*

Rolland* E. Flora PQpulalre dans lour rapport aveo la linguietique st le folklore. 10 vole# Paris* 1896. BIOGRAPHY

Hosea Phillips vas bora in Villo Platts, Evangel ins Pariah, on June IS, 1913. His early education was obtained at the Ville Platte

High School from which ho graduated In 1930.

as received an A* B. degree from Louisiana State (Jhiverslty in

August, 1933. In the fall of the same year he started graduate work in French* He Is now a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts at Louis* iana State University* Approved Major Professor

C ». ( f l f i L . Dean of Graduate School

ng Committee t

S 3