Page 2, Thursday, April 13,2006 News for Southern Colorado County, Texas — The Eagle Lake Headlight MEMBER THE EAGLE LAKE HEADLIGHT Advertising and News Deadline: 5 P.M. Monday Single Copy Price : 50* 2006 (USPS 163-760) Produced and Subscription Rates Second class postage paid P.O. Box 67 - 220 East Main Distributed By: Colorado County (including Lissie & Egypt) $15.50 at Eagle Lake, Texas TU CITY OF EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS 77434-0067 Fayette, Lavaca, Wharton & Austin Counties $17.00 TEXAS PRESS 979-234-5521 • Fax: 979-234-5522 Lynda Beal 'James Sweet Other Texas Residents $18.50 Address Corrections ASSOCIATION email:
[email protected] Carol Cardenas • Doug Beal should be sent to P.O. Box 67 Published Weekly-Every Thursday Outside of Texas; Inside U.S $20.00 Wendi Myers Eagle Lake, Texas 77434-0067 The Eagle Lake Headlight reserves the right to reject, edit or omit editorial content and/or advertisement for any reason in order to conform to the paper's policy. Foreign Rates Available By Request TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION Groups Take Sides On Sharp-Perry Tax Plans Before Session State f Capital AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry pro- sociation of Manufacturers, Texas pressed concern that the proposed bill sion to withdraw from the race and residence in Virginia. duced a list of 23 state trade asso- Association ofRealtors, Texas Credit language for the tax plan leaves room resign from office would not affect Salaries to count toward 65% ciations and other groups signaling Union League, Texas Chemical Coun- for tax rates to creep higher. the state's prosecution of the former The work of Texas public school support for the tax law rewrite he cil, Texas Forest Industries Council, Keffer and other House members U.S.