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The Ledger and Times, January 31, 1963

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NUARY 90, 1989 IIL"LECTED AS A BEST ALL ROUND KENTUCKY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER int ur a gallon say- ime wannt, water is t kiss is practically ince the' water is Largest at the heater and it In wary to drain the Circulation In ines throughouit the God The City you CUR get warm convenience for us- We Lamest disposers is that the Circulation In ,n can be meurited 3 Trust • control panel at The County sink. One push of vsil turn both the the cold water on. United Press International IN OUR 84th YEAR Murry, Ky., Thursday Afternoon, January 31, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXXIV No. 27 sicheduled to stazj. the sygtern's con- and will market Mrs. Lowry Is its regular tran- Don Oliver Director Of Dark Fired, uturs. Play On Visillii By Mayfield Group Air-Cuied Gene Landolt, Mrs. Lillian Lowry, of Murray State College, is directing the 4ilS S Washington cerrent ptay of the Mayfield Civic Th.atre group in Mayfield. Frank Quota Is Same !ry Purpose- Adems of Murray's Adams Shoe Clyde Johnson A Murray College High School Store, is stage manager for the WASHINGTON IllPf - The Ag- LE FRAMES student is one of two Kentucky proauction and a founder of the riculture Department Wednesday .AZING future leaders who are seeing Mayfiekl group. Jean Ryan. son of announced 1963 state acreage al- how et's done on a national level Mrs. Hazel Ryan, and the late kaanents for fire-cured, dark air- Is • Plate Gla• the week in Washington. Jelin Ryan. of Wirral:. has one of cured. Virginia sun-cured cigar- Honors /tiers Win JC • Tub En the leading roles in the show binder and cigar filler and binder -year old Mirrors • Furni• The local student is 17 'lbtacco. Murray The 3-act drama, LUXURY ousfes and Tops Don Oliver, a senior at maet farms. the 1963 acre- OntanE, will open on Thursday For Gene Lendok and Clyde Johnson sward last year. made the pre- College High, vice-president of his age allotments will be about the ESTIMATES caveman*. February 14, at the Tenth received the top -honors last night sentation. school's student council_ and a same as for 1962. the pea, : Guaranteed Street School auditorium in May- at the an-nasal Junior Chamber of Clyde Johnson was presented member of the debating team. acreages for each kind of field. An additional performance small Commerce Bosses Night dinner with the JayCee Key- Man award. for ea 753-5970 Oliver, along with Stephen Kit- is planned fur the following even- tobacco win be reserved which was held at the Soutihside This award goes to the JayCee tablishing allotments for new chen an Ashland, has been mak- ing. February 15. Curtain time for Restaurant. wile has been the most active in ahti for adjusting onequit- ing the rounds of the Capital bath performances is 8:15. farms Dandok, president of the organ- ell the projects and prograrrts of LASS as part of the United States Sen- les. ization this year, received the Dis- the oireanization. Last yea-s win- CO highly en- The department also set Feb. 26 3 Murray ate youth pregram. The &sae are The play shows the tinguished Service A-ward which ner. Dr. Wiliam Pogue, made the antics of a newly-mar- as the- date for referenda to de 6 snaring the week-long experience tertainer:rig goes to the young man in the presentation. weh youngetens froth all the -red couple, tells the poignant ternine grower approval of mar- community, under 36 years of age. - binder was attended by ap- statee. :tory of another older couple, and keting_ quotas for car who has dime the iirreet to serve The dinner JayCees and tells What happens • to two spin- and cigar faller and binder tobac- h-is community. proximate-I", sixty Mattingly, On Monday they were welcom- eters alro are on their first cruise. co. The other lanes af tobacco This award is root limited to their guests. Father ed at the Capitol by 'the Senate 3-ais Charlene Bryant and Mrs. already are under the quota sys- -senor of the St. Leo's Catholic Johnny Kelso (second from left) and Mi elite! Patmer (third from left), both stu- JayCee members, but may be given leadership, heard a talk by pres- Vivian Bomersbach plas the *sin- tem. Church gave the invocation. dents at-Calloway County High School, wen the 4-H and F.F.A. divisions of the to any youtag man who meets the idential press estretary Pierre ster roles. Jean Ryan and Mrs. The 1963 acreage allotmetits requirements. The selection is Prior to tee presentations. In- junior dark-fired tobacco show and sale fir this district held Saturday at May- SaLnger, and visited the Supreme Carole Culpepper are the older made by a panel of citizens at terrl vice-president Jack Bagger- Contest in the 4-H division. field. Kelso also won the tobacco judging Court and the House of Repre- couple, travenn‘g on what they Fire-cured type 21. 9,056 acres; the community. staff and external vice-president sentatives. They spent Tuesday know will -be ,the husband's last fire-cured types 22 -and 23, 33,026 Landok was chosen because of Nat Green reviewed the miliSY pro- in the offices of Kentucky Sen- tri • Mrs Robert Parnell plays the acres; dark air-cured types 35 and jects which the JayCees :sponsor- Highlights Of Farm hanctivities in the church, in the 4 ators Thrugton Morton and John fl hv bride and Alan Smith her 36, 15.820 acres. fire-cured types Junior Chamber of Onnwnerce and ed during the past year. 0. Expanded Schedule Of Night Message Of Today She Ctxw po .er-playing hueband - 22 and 23 - 010 acre; as a member of other public ser- Featured speaker of the even- Kentucky 15316.22 acres; Tenn Vre groups. Oliver described Washington se Mrs. Pat Hart plays the steward- ing was Dan Stewart, a past presi- eesee 17,426.86. Robert Hopkins, who won the And Saturday Classes Offered "a flurry cif activity." Although ess and Noble Weenier the stew- i Dark air-cured type, r and 36 dent of the Kentucky JayCees and WASHINGTON arpn -- iiighdigents his field will be engineering, he ard on the luxury liner, the AN- -- Indiana 40.71, Kentocky 13,- currently a national vice-president. of Presdent. Kennedy's farm noes- said ire would make good use 463.71; Tennessee 2,276.30. • NOW YOU KNOW Stewart pointed out that strug- sage presented tod.ay. DREA DEL SART°. In an effort to improve ila at the college realize there are of the program if he were able gle is the me thing Which decides ,' Feed prains The worldly-wise widow's rote program for a du It education, mane people in our area that to convef to ten fellow student; - mccess. The person who succumbs Kennedy asken Congress to au- is played by Mrs J. R. Young , Murray State College will offer most ••;iverk but still want to the feeling he got irons his meet- By United Press International to life's struggles fails to make a thorize the agriculture secretary Me Youngblood is stage de II 11 ri rral II litpital a much expanded schedule of study: therefore we have expand- ings and talks. "I would like to • The seven wonders of American -nark. he snd, while the rrorreid- to adjust the feed grain program, siagner for the play: night and Saturday classees doting ed our schedule id special cour- get seine of that spent end rub engineering are the Panama Ca- la! who overcomes the obstacles selecting either the 1902 or 1965 the second semester. see. However, unless enough peo it off on members of our student Sir Wrattee was formerly a Census -Adult 84 nal. the Empire State Building. the ts he meets theni becomes an even type of plan . PaymeMs would be government," said. San Francisco- tronger peraon. Several of the special courses pie enroll to justify teaching a tie pariner in the Wells-Wrather Pho- Census - Nursery 14 Hoover Dam. the made to producers who reduce will be of particular interest to course, it wit be cancelled." togiantry Studio Sof Murray Mr Adult Beds 85 Oakland Bay Bridge, the Colorado He urged that young persons peodurtion. The plan atiould be The boys were selected initial- business, civic, and prsofessional Registration for th e epecial and Mrs Youngblood are former Emergency Beds 0 River Aqueduct. the Grand Coulee Irget "security" as prorniaed on voluntary and flexible. If new ly by their school principals be- launch out on their groups, other will be of • meet classes will be from 4-5n0 pm., s-tutients at MurTay State. Patients Admitted: 3 Dam, Wide- 's sewage dis- very side, arid legislation is hot -enacted this year, muse of their shades-rift Fenno& that interest to teachers working on Feb. 4. nooses scheduled on Sat-1 Patients Dismissed 0 posal system, ageveling to Col- *yin putting their faith in the 1984 feed grain program will and participation in ecteiol acti- the show will be ‘,„11 advanced degrees. anfrother will lirdriy will meet for the first ; Tickets for New Citizens 0 lier's Encelopedia, Gown shinty automatically revert to ainiinit- vities. They then competed aga- sin MUSTWfr at the Raven be of ,benef-1 to those who work time Feb 9. Those schedueed at;" ava:lable ad, cares-sic lin-duct-ion sad dia inst 52 ether Kentucky students Adams Shoe Store. Patients 'admitted from Meads" 0 full time but want to begin or agll meet for the ern time Book Shop or thoht- through • test on American gun- g:30 ia. Inv 10 Wed n•sday PER 29b to ountinue _college work • the week beginning real Atit'u311 }sw Prices:" lb• in• Bro (Wiring 1 • Cotton "-- errenent _ elidhent In { TG ChM-"rman Fund announcing She new classes, Pl. Ho asked for two separate fed- Trete Leo Parker. Rt. 2, irk- Pres. H. Dior Unveils New Ralph Woods said, We Courses numbered 600 and a- eral subsidies, one on a two-year After tripe to the State and icy: Mrs Jame.s Compton. Rt. I. stu- bove are open to graduate basis to the cotton trade and the Defense departments and more "Tapered Line" Dover, Team: Magnin Hoy Hooks, DER- Courses numbered talks from Breathitt 49% dents only second directly to growers. They Government officials, Leaden Pend Mrs Charles Thomas Raising Event For I 5010 and abK'C may be taken would cut the domestac market the program will end tomcirrow By ALINE MOSBY Miller and baby- girl. Rt. 2; Mrs. Four Rivers , for graduate credit by those with with a meeting with the iPresi- Press International Jackie Boyd and baby girl Rt. 6; pricea to be competitive wit h United LOUISVILLE, Ky. tTO - Jan. 6 for gubernatorial candidate IA- at lease 57 Niers of college credit dent. - The House of Mn. Cleton Byers. Molene Byers, prices paid by foreign mak. He PARIS lat 31 - Smith Broaclaent Jr. of Ca- -ward T. (Ned) Breathitt - and the neceosary: prerequisites, brought the bust I. 5, Benton: Mrs Robert Mora* 39% recommended that farmers be per- Cherstian Dior ttle will be general chairman of Announcement af Broadberrt's The course may be taken without with a new son and baby boy, Rt 3. Miss Sheri Council Has nhtled to grow cotton above their back in style today fund r.iisirt.;:, rally on April appoironr,ent and the rally was tap-'Gale Thereto!), 1821 Ifarnihon. Miss a $25110 credit. basic latn acreage allotments for spring sinesuette called "the - - meek today: bs- Foster Ockerman. classes will be Jackson, Rt 4. \Vahan 49e The folk-wing export at the word price. In 1963, er !lee." Nellie Je state cattlemen chairman. Proclamation scorned Sledd. Beate Hotel: Mrs Oma - lb offered from 6 to 9 '01 M` Indlor he said the extra planting at ex Designer Marc Bohan P. Called "Bucks for Breathitt," the 3019 Scouts mak- Jackson, Rt 4; Mrs Autry 'nights' Education 628. 641. 860. oort prices-about 8.5 cents under the current Paris fastrtons of Mae rally will he held at Freedom Hail Businens 110. the & igass he Instead, No. 7th; Mrs Clar- !ff V 653. Pry-chology 1811. greeic aunneete_en ing shoulders broader Carroll, 318 CIULtETIN in Lott sville. Ockenrnan said the 161. and French Issued By he de ence Spann, 502 So. 2nd.; Charles Dr. Jarnea C Hart. President of 450. 301, Speech aliowed up-to 20 per cent over the he chose a hoe which, as rally. which will 'begin it 8:00 sil- Itt Herter; Mrs. Holhe NEW YORK CPI - Mayor the Four Rivers Bop Scout Comic] 111. 1963 allotments. scribed it, features -a tapered Miller, 1. p rn (E.S.T.), will be Breathitt', For orig flow- boy, Golden Robert F. Wagner t o d •y pm- reported today that the Clounctl A.grirulture 565 and Industrial Wheat . houette with a ainuous line Letlejelin and baby major fund-raising event during the Ewing Duncan nounced -fillet several iissues in inK ham whicioaerves the Jackoon Purchase Arta 510 will be offered fr"in Ile asked wheat growers to ac- Judge Miller ing from the ihoulders where Pored; Mrs. James tin campaign for the Dernocretie Dexter; Rob- this 5S-day-old newspaper strike area in Kentuckt. Masser County e to 10 on Monday nights. Play- eept a tight control plan for the rounded sleeve -fita_ near the neck- arid baby boy, Rt. 1. nomination for governor. Woodlawn: Mrs. "have been settled." Illinois, and Obion County Tonnes- steal Education 530 and History 1984 crop in a moony referendum line." ert Banks. 308 The rally will be aa gala event giving 311 No 4th. Mae .-- a membership al 605 will be offered from 8 to 9 The alternative, he said, would County Judge Robert 0 Miller Enchannrog the bust and Max Churchill, with leg tame entertainment," Anthony Hal. Coldwater 3919 boys. an increave of 11.8 per on Tuesday eveniroge. History 802 oe unianited production. It would has isoued an official proclamation, the high slender waist, endued ter Mark Oekerman said. Beentlatt will de- ece) lb. 29* the Roni: Mrs. Nellie Cenup, Si. 3, MENARD, ill. WIT - Orville riot during the Year 1902_ There will be offered on Thursday eve- , not be feasible. he said, to get .inalaeng the week of February adding width to the shoulders, liver a major address. Bernard Whrtnell. Ed Hodge who looted a'nnois ef Joe -13 Cub Snout Packs. 54 Boy nings fran 8 to 9. Ar.t. 271 is substitute wheat support plan 4-9 a; 'Farm Bureau Week In Bohan suits unveiled at the crowd- Renton; Mrs. In accepting the post, Broad- ane- ent Mrs. Joaeplh Walk- $1.5 million and dreamed oi gov- Scout Troops. and 12 Explorer scheduled from 6 to 9 on Tues- tatough Congress if the referen- Cad:noway County." Judge Miller's ed grey and white Dee i013 South 11th; bent said. -we plan to make it Junior Alvin Brandon. erning ts. state, was paroltd II 4•If Posts eponeored by 74 Institutions day and Thursday evenings. dum fails. proclamation follows one issued )1,,ttotted jackets with loam Potent :T. Rt. 5; the largest fund-raring rally ever is Todd, Rt. 5; today after years in prison. of the area that are in partnership The foilewing classes will be Dairy by Governor Bert T Combs. which collate showaig the booe.-a .se., Ht. 5; Mrs. Kenneth held for a candidate for any ()t- Rt. 4; Jerry with the local Scout council to offered from 9 14, 12 on Saturday Kennedy recommended pay- was also announced this week. were narrow. Some of them had a Mrs. Ted _ hee in Keetucky. I will appreciate 39e 16th, Mrs. Myrtle provele the &scouting program for morningn: Motors- 502. EraellFh ments for voluntary pnoduiction third back effect, with short easy Coos. 103 No. and look leftward to support from 1. Benton; Miss Linda boys. 202 and 605. Art 022. Phychology cutbacks. Combined with federal [ACM Farm Bureau leaders say jeskets. Edwards. RI. COLUMBUS Ill - The far• Kentuckians in every walk of life." Poplar, ED COMITIenting further en the 090. and Physical Education =*. erne supports. he said, these tho special week's observance In his dresses, super wide arm- ,Ann Bidwell. 715 ond enrol. Commission re- eiroadbent was Preendent Jahn Edu- .rerides with a statewide mem- bud. jected '4-0 Or. Samuel see. Shirp- growth of the Council Dr. Hart Physical Science 110 and would give cooperating farmers holes highlighted the Patients iDismissed from Monday F Kennedy's Kentucky Democratic offered from inure than they now earn He also, bershse effort designed to build revived -eylinder dress- pard's clemency !application to. said that Four Rivers ranked SOIC- cation 421 will be He also 9:30 a. tn. to Wednesday :30 p. m. can; ..en chairman in 1960. a plan under which new strength in the tam area/nee- many prints in day. omd place among councils in the R to 12 On Saturday mornings. suggested es" and showed Mader Sirs-. Ii, Mrs. Chairman of the Than Counts- farmers in federal mak market- non. Leon Chamber is chairman -s. His long dresses DES dates of Kentucky. Ohio, and West Sociology 331. Education 310, and abstract design Mediae' Jones and baby- girl Rt. Democratrc Committee. Broadbent I to ing order areas (veld reduce the of the drive in this county. influence worn with Virginia during 1962. Art 141 will be offered from had a gypsy 2; Mrs. Bill Hine and baby girl, is owner of Broadbent Hybrids, a surplus nulk output without cut- buttoned jackets. Year and reports 490 indicate 4 on Saturday afternoons. In the proetamateon. Judge Mil- very short College Station; William Jeffrey. seed company, land an agriculturs. A ting sales to the bottling milk were pencil thin, but- increased interest in carimlng and ler refers to agriculture as "the His coots Sunset Drive; Gary Smotherman, leader on the state He was press- market.. and with narrow collars cut 39c • advancement programs. Thirty-six -rnent number one industry in Kentucky. toned Rt. 5; Mrs. James Barnett, Rt. 6; dent of the Kentucky State ..1a11 Music DepFert Housing the neck. He also show- Sefosts and Fiepfernrs attained the producing more total Income and away from Mn. Frank Anderson, 301 So 13th; Hoard 11 years and is a past preai He recommended federally in- eider coats, many of rarit of Engle (luring MK. Awards Scholarship errealaseing more pecple than agny el some Mrs. James Vanlayke, Puryear, dent of the Kentucky Farm Bu sured leans for rural housing, huge armholes. a. Aroma! Reconnition Dinner of other," and also to the importance them belted with Tenn.. Miss ('ordia Martin 401 reau Federation ebich he said has not kept pace colors in the Dior the Council wilt be held in Feb- Men Jean Merritt from Camp- of agriculture in Callon-1g County The main No. and; Mrs. Lee Rogers, Booby A former president of the Ken- with mean humeri% gray for day and ruary U. HOC at the Civic Center, bell. Misseure and a oophornore as a basic industry. trie were pale Boy Rogers. .Rt. I. Farmington; tucky Chamber of Commence, be of greens and red. Paducah . Kentucky. at Murray Store College. has The prociarnanon also refers to a wide range Mrs. James Kendall. Rt 2; Mrs. is president of the Between-the showed a lot of white, been awarded a allay dollar seh- Farm Bureau as the "voice of pen- Pohan aim Lola Williams 200 Maple (Expir- Lakes National Recreation Asisocii Shop yellow and rose for olars,hip by the Musk Depart- House, Beauty curatpre- in Kerytucicy and in this using lemon e!) Master Jerry Stone, Rt. Bun. merit of the Murray W•ornena county, and points to the fact that (Vertlag. Herhe Doren Rt. 1. Springville, Broadbent has been a menthe Is Lost In Fire gowns were ankle Weather Club. Miss Merritt, a pianist and more than 1000 rural and farm His hostess Tenni Maner David Catbey, Rt. 2; of the beard of directors of Penny - of linen. He also a student of Russell Terhune. Early This Morning families have joined the organiza- length sheaths Miss Jan - Miller. Ftt. 2, Hazel; rile Cooperative for 18 years. Ho pajama dresses, was selected the award winner - • tion as Calloway County -for the showed some Miss Camlyn Brittian, Rt. 6; Mrs_ is lay leader of the Louisville Cot- show opened, aotivi- Report ' from a field of nine comes:amen A house owned by Hubert Pitt- purpose of speaking and acting for Before the Cleton Byers, Rt 5, BeMon; Mrs. ference of the Methodist Church -and that means who performed in the Recital man of New Concord burned at themselves through organized el- ty was feverish Harold Hopkins, 308 So. 15th; Guy A Trigg County native, Broad- Iniss.A.lonal in the fashioo Hall et the college Stinday. after- 3:00 onloek this morning The fart." . downright hectic Simmans, 429 So. 9th; Shellie Gar- bent earned a bachelor's degree in the gray-and-white ert neon, January 20. house was occupied by Dorothy world - ner, 316 Irian; Mrs. Lucy Miller, agriculture, and a master's degree Avenue Montaigne_ Faculty members of the Music Hendon and datigthter Rachel In Local Farm Bureau President Dior stolen on Dexter, Mrs. Charles Otuland, 1853 from the University of Kentucks. multimillsort-dollar bueineee ,Ilogh Yesterday 32 Department at the college judged,the house was a beauty shop with Billy nitnith says the observance A Ry:ah; Mrs. Harold Beaman and He is a member of the board of whether the millet- Low Yesterday 14 the event Ma's David Glow:ens, a new equipment. of Farm Iiiireau Week heie is a was riding on bate: _boy. 313 So. 8* Ext. Garry trustees of the University- of Kea - Dior employs 715 Today 18 chairman of the Mask Club,' The house was about two Years part of a statewide observance that tun was a Farris, Rt. 5. e lucky and Kentucky Wesleyan Coe persons: in the Paris Precipitat,on .01" stated that the award was made old and construction had begun to has the official sanction of Gover- about 400 ,ege. subsidiary' salons in • Kentucky Lake: 7 a m 354.8; on the basis of musical talent nod enlarge it No one was seriously nor Combs salon and its York and London. four gates open. scholarship. injured in the blaze but the five "In the months and years a- New Rev. Albert Whelchei STUDY JFK DECISION addition to selling hand , Sunset 5:20; sunrise 7:00. roop house and beauty shop was head," says Billy Smith, "farmers In WASILLannaON (on - House original fashions to wealthy ' reited as a total will be faced with new and con made To Show Congo Slides Republicans have begun a TO-day , Most women here, Dior sells models to Western Kentucky - Pa rt 1 y Miss Gail Humphrey Mr. Bruce Fergusoon. age 70 of tiquing complex problems. ede of President Kennedy's sue stores fie reproduction, sells cloudy and colder today Neely New Concord fell while watching • •us now realize that the indi- big en ion of underground nuclear" Position af- to manufacturers -.and Mid Rev Albert Whelchel. returned cloudy and contirued cold eft:Meet Accepts the fire and suffered a broken vidual fanner can no longer ideas test:s. They called Kennedy's de many markets perfumes. gloves, filereet- missionary from the Congo, will Mahe today 2.3-26. ernes semen, ford to need alone. He faces JOHN C. /IMAM of New cie.on "startling " other ready-to-weare atrovi slides from the Southern iner 12-19. Friday overcast with chance Miss Gail Ilimphrey left recent- pnob:ems that he cannot cope with era and Jersey is shown at the Sen- Rep. Gerald Ford, Mich chair Congo in the social hall of the of light snow and little change in ly to aseirme teasshing position NOW YOU KNOW as an individual. We are moving ate Foreign Relations Com- man of the Howse GOP Confer- m to 8 p.m. are CLASS RESCHEDULED First Methodist Church on Fri- ternperattores. on the staff it Bloomfield High into a period when farmers mittee hearing in Washing- once, said Monday the study would orgaingra- day, February 1, at 10 a. m. Temperatures at 5 a. m (an): School in Bloomfield. Misosouei. By United Press International going to need a stronger ton at which his appoint- be conducted by a group of Re 1 are The Homemakers basic sewing The general public is cordially lionieeille 20, %Lexington 20. Lon- Miwi Iliariphrey graduated this ! The term "boollea" derives trent eon than enter before. We ment aa executive director of , ingticans headed by Rep. Craig and has been re-scheduled for mated to attend this program : don 27. Bentlitag Gretan 20. Padu- month from al:litres. State College. the cowboy practice of carrying biilding such a,n (-organization, claw the international Bank fot Calif rank.hg sOP in Tuesday, Felnuary 5th, at 9:30 which is of vital interest with the cah 18, Hopkinsielle 19, Covirrg- She is the daughter of Mr. said objects secretly in the hop of a se want neat and farm family in Reconstruction and Develop- AtoiL., R.E.A. office it was,fighting taking place in the ('ergo her oil the Senate-House ton 9. Huntington, W. Va , 23 and Mrs. Chaales Humphrey of Mura- i wideenrouthed boot, accord•ing to this county to have the opipor- a.m in the ment was approved. at this tar Energy Committee. Evanskille, Ind., 11. ray route one. i Collier's Encylopedia. tunny to jean with us." announced here -today.

a •

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rAGE TWO THE LEDGER 81 TIMES — • MURRAY, KENTUCKY THURSDAY — JANUARY 31, 1963 PM proximately three years' lett in grams to achieve some of the onus, Man must firm up hie own THE LEDGER & TIMES 'De Gaulle concept it a future France be- Russia May desired political reljectives. PUBLISHED by LEDGER & TOMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. Inc., • fore it can be undone by his A change of Soviet foreign Consundation of the Murray Ledger, The Calloway Trmes, and The successor. aid policy could have important Times-Herard, Ocuiber 20, 1928, and the West Kentuckian, January Action Oppesiliesi At consequences in the East-Weet 1, 1941. Was Marne Taper Off On De Gaulle has strong opposition struggle for influence in Asia, JAMES C. WILLIAMS, PUBLISHER at home. It inciudes Jean Mon- AiMea and Laiin America. nom father of the idea far a We reeerve the nein to nejeet any Advertising, Expected umi- Please Letters to the Editor, hioi European community, Foreign Aid Strive To or Public Vcece awns stretch, in our opinion, are not fur the beet on- and Lereet ot mar foz-nier Premier Fterre _Mendes- years they readers. • During the eight When Presidest (barks de Frank. have been in the foreign aid NATIONAL ATIVES: WALLACE rorance's By .R.iDO.N.A H N WITMER CO., 1509 Gaure almost in a SI nig le oen- partners in the Coca- Communists have Medieun Ave., M business, the Tenn.; Time & Lite Bldg., New Yore, N.Y.; tence dumped the Atlantic mon ..darket have laisi piolity Stephenson Bldg., l Mich. alb- The Russians have shown sighs tried to create a favorable 'mese erre arid vetoed Britioh man- ahat De Gaulle's idea of a Eterf spenders" that they any taller off their of themselves as "big Entered at the Poet Ofece, Murray, Kentucky, for tranonoosion as berotup in the Common Market, rope di the future is not their Lempetent, welting workers. idea. grhtly. touted foreign aid pro- and Second Class Matter. me surprise need not 'have been . Though their $7.5 billion in cred- But De Gaulle Beano an great hed the *gm apparently feet; its and Israeli/ is a drop in the SUBSCRIPTION RAMS; By Curler an Murray, per west 20g, per banned ma Ann ground. Whale Soviet bloc commitments month 85e. In Canoway been read a little better. The West bucket co:impaired with the U.S. si aajuanueg cement., per yew, 14_541; ewe- German reaction maw to underdeveloped' countries have %neve, $8.00. be his outlay since World War 13, they In a state of what maght be greatest weaknees The averaged $1 billion annually for German often have obtained some ap- caned 04.111rp•acme) , nes .stistere Modest ag must tee past three years, recent. re- "TM Outslandiks Civic Asset of a Cemmiusity is the ratify the ac- parent propegenda advantages. associates Amok) %rent on ex- cord recently negotiated ports from Ittbscow and elsewhere • Integrity of Us Nemapaper" by Ade- India le a notable eioample. peenne him to do things he never nauer and De have indicated cancellation of Gaulle. The Ger- While the Russians have given intenced to do. mane want Britain stone conmilimenes and a possi- In the Com- India only one-fourth as- much THURSDAY — JANUARY 31, 1963 mon Market. ble tighter rein on future prom- As early ao 1958, De Gaulle as the $4 billion 1.23. assistance, And they have ises. was shossuig dosenchantment with indicated starling- they seem to have won much ly that it Soviet officials have informed NATO. After that came tue de- they roust choose be. credit there for their wort. teimsnation teat France ohouid terrain Paris and Washington tar the Indian government privately hake its own nuclear force. Ha naboasi defenee, it will be W. of their interitaon to withdraw The degree of success or fail- Quotes From Me News inesorotion of inmost unoosentale Ingoon. an offer of electrosal equipment, ure of an aid program is herd to vital to India's power By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL corm Dons on Bre sir cia r) aitO develop- evaluate. But a rundown ol the ment. rourupe and has own ClAlc t,nap 28 countries receivtng Soviet bloc The president it Mali came LONDON — Prune Minister Harold Macmillan, urging of Inc Nest German repumac assistance shows none Sea swung THE SHOT WASN'T FATAL—George W. MacCaulley, 80, mag- his countrymen to face up to the challenge imposed by nave been other ma:opuses along HOG MARKET away from a state visit to Russia to solid support of Ruesia—with nifies • 22 caliber bullet that popped out of his leg the with no new promises ot econom- France's blockade of Britain's entry int.0 the kuropean the way. They are not it recent the exersiMon it Cube — even other day in Springfield, Mass. The thing ls, it was ma- ic assistance he needs an badly. though Soviet officials oay Ramada bedded there 72 years ago. A brother accidentally shot rank, Common Market: Within the quarreling Clanernu- Ni De Gaulle concept of a aireed tO help build 400 -We must rely on our own determination and vigor. Federal State Market Ness nist has Trenoheid Western Europe. there camp, Moscow had reduced capital improvement projects • Is gloomy grim? Service. Thurtedey, Jan. 51, 1063. kn- Commercial • Farm • Residential tuis or Not at all. It is tne lund 01 situation was no peace tor Britain or or Its aid to Red China and has ee 1955. In wnicn we nave always dune brilnantly in the past—and Kentucky Purchase - Area Hag cierrainded quick repayment of old tile Inner] states. Market Report including 9 bur- so we will again." credits. No miner how you look at ao Ile I L announcement when at Receipt. rs* stations. WeOnesday eliesd To Judge • the Communist foreign aid rec- did mime oeerned primarily a totaled 70 heed. Tridey barrows As usual, it is dinficuit to reed ord, the feet remains that of INSURANCE Si MENARD, ill. — Orville E. Hoage, who leaves prison to- queet.on of timing. and gals are 25c 'higtier. A few , the Kremlin's intentione. T h e the 45 countries which have day alter serving more than six years ior stealing irum the On Firm Ground,, No. I 180 to 220 lbs $15.75. 29o. WILSON REAL ESTATE Miamians are net like* to cut emerged from codnotaliern to in- Illinois state treasury: The &eta are never questioned 1, 2, and 3 180 to 230 lbs. $15.25 anct back their lid program drastical- dependence since World War IT, COMPLETE an it averns unlike*. that De to $15.35; 235 to 270 Me $114.00 to INSURANCE COVERAGE -1 want to 'forget. I've had plenty of time in here to Gaulle ly because of the propegandia nsn, LA avvwfwily Communist. will bother to explain-heli- $15.10; 130 to 175 le. $12.50 to think a.ouut it. I nave a wonaerlui lainily vino love me as,x-la inure than effects. On the (other hand, some he airead) nes. 615.00. No. 2 and 3 sower 300 to I lute [nem and I pray that now I can mate amenus iur tne But it elaix• probable Western .observers foresee a pos- that these 600 lbs. • $1125 to $1350. Boers nearladenes and misery'taey nave suffered.- comaderations lent weight to the sible retrenchment for three Tea- an 'weigh,$8.5Q to $11.00. sons:.. lb final dere...eon. BIRTH DEFECTS —Farm and consumer ...goods WI OXFORD, Miss. — Negro student James: Meredith, an- .The European Common Mar- •. failures at home and in the East Murray Lumber Co. Inc. ket already is an ecomenac A1C- ARTHRITIS MI nounealg ne Wousd return to the Ln1versity 01 Illieolostppl Read The Ledger's Eerepean at cede, mid for selfish reaeon alone satellites, causing in- lor antitame seines ter creased prices POLIO OLDEST AND LARGEST LUMBER CO. IN MURRAY its members are not like* to abi•Si- and widespread - Classifieds Many things nave taken place in recent montn.s and 1 doe it even in the face of a major AND see signs mat give me nope tnat I will be able to go to 'upheaval. dligennterlit—Soaring costs of the nuclear EVERY FOOT A SQUARE DEAL • In arms THE SALK lEataxx 111 and mace races, florT2 * 4 late 1114.4sre lainlea" acieouate, ii not meal, condi- -Vs harever its Jr/Mations may n4; 104 East Maple St. th tei•netnies elsewhere •* • a INSTITUTE Tel. 753-3161 eg Liens. be, the United States cannot a aboncron -Europe mancarity There- —Failure of oven:ems aid pro- fore, esen it it tallies 10 years to Al1111•111111=111•111•111111•11111111111111111IF caARLcyrrE, N.0 — Black Muslim leader Malcolm X. bund up an independent Trench informing liegro college stunento tnat the wrute man is on nuclear force, there ts no danger the decline. of a rrulitaro racuurn. la . hi "You don't ever mteirrate with otimetole going downhill: -U there as a hag loser, it will a. be Eintaui and if Britain final* GET aoes BIGGER RETURNS Is enter the Common Market, it will be on any tennis she can Ten get. Years Ago Today .France is at its moment of LEDGER h TIMES FtLE greatest economic strenght. It is growing teeter than West. Ger- FROM many hi mice as fast as either Paul Gtiolson, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, the United States or Firrtain. announced today that he will resign his position as of -Tens is important. Along with Myth lst. GhoLson held today that he will beechen!, at- De Gaulle the greaten arlvoi -9- ---flested--with the new Calloway Manufacturing Company. eat Awe- Frenrotreverraa Clem .11IF 111 1111 Dr. J. L. Tonkin, chiropractic physician, has opened of- ce4lor Konrad .toenauer who is vein:ivied to levee refire less fires at his home at 1605 Miller Avenue. ,The doctor has it. than a year. • been associated with Dr. W. H. Abernathy with offices-at Gaule himseW. with age Aurora for the past two and one-half years. The walling fire sirens tonight will herald the start of the Mother's March on Polio, climaxing the 1953 March of Dimes in. Murray. - Brown Tucker. public relations officer for the local VFW post, said today that reaction from the resolution call:: for a commemorative stamp for Nathan B. Stubblefie.: has thus far en favorable. ADVERTISING .. USE THE ECONOMICAL TELLING POWER digt\iriGtfrj OF THE DAILY

COTTON CLAD Shelby Smith, AmEmrs 23, Albuquerque, N. N., 193 knal " eintig "Maid of Cotton," , RIZ makes a resplendent appearance in

• r Now York as she displays ePi her cotton wardrobe. It's the looOd .111•111 Itedlay...ase a ewe temeer•els- 25th anniversary of the LEDGER Orem* THE WHO'S SMILING1-71,e American & ARTHRMS LOOK Cotton Industry TIMES FOUNDATION Cuban exile magazine 'Bo- Show. This ball gown Ur hemia" published this un- M art'er- Ra ymon d's deco 11ete * READERSHIP usual photo of Cuban Pre- white organdy embroidered mier Mel Castro-- smi 11 n g In silver on an all-over floral Support, March Of Dimes and with no cigar in sight pattern and re-embroidered "Typical" Example Pic was made In December. with Jewels. * PROFESSIONAL KNOW-HOW BRANDON BROS. USED CARS * FOUR EXPERIENCED AD MEN TO Recently a local firm issued, HELP YOU through various media, a special invitation to the public. * CORRECT AND TIMELY AD BEST BUYS BUILDING TOOLS • It asked everyone who caine STUDESAKElt UUtK "COMPACT CAR HEADQUARTERS IN MURRAY" this question: -How did you learn of our invitation?" I '62 PONTIAC '62 BUICK (2) '61 CHEVY, H.T. '60 CORVAIR ( atalina Sedan ee arts Black, 2-Dr. THE MEDIA THAT TELLS 100 per cent replied:1 read it '60 CHEVY, H.T. in the Ledger & '62 CHEVY '61 OLDS '61 PONTIAC 4-Dr., 6-Cyl. Sedan 4-Dr. H.T. With %tr. Catalina IS THE MEDIA THAT SELLS! This ad ran only one '60 BUICK '55 OLDS time. '62 CHEVY '61 Sedan, Sharp 2-Dr. H.T. BUICK 4-Dr. H.T. ( onvertible '57 STUDEB'R , CORVETTE '60 RAMBLER (3) '62 '61 Sedans - Dr . Sedan 4 in floor FORD One Call Does All, When You Call 2-Dr. H.T. '60 OLDS '58 VAUXHALL '62 VW '61 FALCON 4-Dr. H.T. ('heap TODAY'S SPECIAL " BRANDON 1959 CHEVROLE 753-1916 • HAZEL HIGHWAY - ACROSS FROM A & P "NO AD IS TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL" SEE HOWARe BRANDON or VERBLE TAYLOR - P La sa 3-4383 1895

• , • •


• V

INC • .4 .• a 4 ••••••

W 31, 1963 THURSDAY — JANUARY 31, 1963 THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY PA`,- inommol !VC Thorpe, Grange, Nagurski Among First In Hall Of Faille You SAVE 3 Ways at Liberty! OPEN EVERY NIT[ eittg. the. .(a AT... 'TIL 9:00 P11, CANTON, Ohio ILIN — aim strongly opposed players turning * 1. Everyday Low Prices! -1611, aharpe, Red Grange, Brunk.) Nii-. pro but Grange and the Beers gurski and Sammy Baugha- posat- went on a historic 17-day tour bly ahe greatest "dream" back- ckmaxed by a game that drew ok 2. Weekend Specials! For Your Shopping 777, field the game has ever known, 68,000 persona at New York's * t*i A,' were .,among the first 17 immor- . The tour was per-' tals voted into the National Pro- haps the greatest single factor * 3. Slizt-1 Green Stamps! Convenience 41" • fessiunal Football Hall bf Fame .n establishing pro football as a! Hazel Highway today. "big time" sport in the public I Murray, Kentucky mind. . honored' Also for their playing Stars \For 'Bears ability were backs , Naguraki, a 6-foot. 2-anch, 238- S2.00 FREE PURCHASE ON YOUR (Stood) EMLMBER .. . EVEkY WEDNESDAY' NaJahnnya -'McNally and pound' AellaAsnerica tackle-,„arid . _ 'Ernie Nevem. ceotir- , fullback for the University of SWEEPSTAKES CARD — tackles (Pats) Pete Henry and Minnesota, was the penaaniLtia- and end Don ALL DAY FRIDAY!! IS Hut- tiana-of the bane-crushing full-; FREE! DOUBLE STAMP DAY!! son. back from 1930 to 1937 with thel WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES The six efficials named for Bears. He helped to lead the the for helping to guide Bears fo the first official league, 1 Folgers Instant - 10-oz. jar , Hall the Fresh lb. pro sport from its original role aharnpionahip in 1933, and in, All Vegetable Shortening - 3-lb. can COFFEE FRESH PORK as a stepchild of the college 1934 helped power them to 13 1.29 STEAKETTES 69* straight eicttities and a perte. game to its modern popularity Sunsweet - quart jar were farmer NFL Commissioners regular-season record. 79 lb. Baugh, brilliant whip - armed,CRISCO c PRUNE JUICE 450 Cutlets lb 49clminute 'ley. 80, mag- Bert Bell and Joe Carr; George pa :aer from Texas Christian, • STEAKS 9)0 a his leg tha frahas, founder of the Chicago record of a, it was irn- Bin& Curley Lambeau, founder campleted a league 1.706) peaes in 16 yards with the ally shot him. af t'n ; Tim wiGOthDtoCHu AUX Reakkina. His passes gained 3.016 10-Lb.79 Mara. ,,!under of the New York yards—a league mark unti/ .• Fresh Sliced Clarets., and George Preston Mar- Bag was surpassed in 1961 by 13,,taa shall. founder pf the Washington SUGAR PORK lb. 3 c Pittsburgh Redskins. Layne of the Steelers., 1 Sacramento - 303 can STEAK A a.ngle-vOng tailback in his! Morton's Fruit — Apple, Peach, Cherry The 17 — all picked unani- college and early pro d FRUIT COCKTAIL __ 4 for '1 mously by a national board of rnd Fashion Large lb. Baugh aksa was a great tourc , - seleckirs — will be enshrined- in 22-0z. Size $1 Great Northern - 4-1b. bag .rfv7V". and in his later days succesetti.., 2,* a hall now under construction PIES 3 BOLOGNA converted to 'a T-quartenbaek. DRIED BEANS 59* here where the National FoStball Clark, a super star at Colurado Hoop lb. ..- League was founded on Sept. 17, College, ivas a triple threat quer- BRAINS lb. 39c 1920. Five of e 1- ESE 43* , honored men terbaek for the paelasnoath Spar- are deceased—Bell, .Carr, 1 Henry, tans and Detroit Lions train 1931 REELFOOT emonr Mara and Thorpe. to 1938, and une of the greatest The announcement of the -Lb. Ctn. Ith first flea geaerals and drop kickers 4 - —gratin to enter the H'all wai-in the game's history. McNally, LARD 59c • mad by Dick McGann, director who played under t h e name :o. Inc. f the National Profeasioisal Cloverleaf - 8 quart lb ".lahnny Blood." played for five Del Monte - 61-oz. can SREELliced,Frindr1 Football Hall of Fame, who BACON 53 IN Nit corn- teams, including the Packers and DRY M/LK 59* RRAY merited: "These are the mile- Steelers, and is remembered as stone men of pro Chum - tall can football. Their one of the most calorful players E DEAL deeds and dogged faith wrote TUNA 3 it 89c in pro history. the hertory of qiis SALMON 59* a-3161 treat game." Holds Record , NECK BONES lb 15' CHICKEN BREAST _ lb. 59' Meet ,Each Year Nev ers, an All-America at The 1:nerd. of selectors will Stan/Ord, holds the league record DRESSING • Qt. INIMEr merit annually to consider nom- of scoring 40 points in one game matsara. for new Jar 15* LEGS & THIGHS _ 'lb. 49 members, with for the Chicago Cardinals and Miss Lilbertyj Plfi FEET— _ _ — _ _ lb the next meeting scheduled for ranks SALAD with Nagurska as 29= one of the eve of the 1963 NFL cham- the greatest fullbacks of all time. Miss Liberty - 26-oz. pkg pionship game. Ni, w4 number Henry and Hubbard, who played Liquid Half Gallon will be • lb 29' chosen nor will 4 al- at - about 250 pounds each in SALT 10* WHITING FISH lb 15* WINGS ways be necessary for a man their primes, are considered the to be Charmin - 60 count V selected unanimously. greatest defensive tackles of the Thorpe, PUREX 29c Grange. Nagurski and league's early days. NAPKINS I 2 for 21* I. NECKS — — — lb.. / t lb 15' BACKS _ Battgh are perhaps the most fa- Hutson, a 6-1, 180-pounder SALT MEAT mous baclm in football history from Alabama, set a league rec- —and undeubtely NMulri have orclatily catching 489 passes during formed the "dream" backfield to- his career. Teaming with Arnie FAMILY SIZE end 'ens'ern all if they ever had Herber and Cecil Isbell. he gave per( anned as a unit. the Packers- a brilliana pawing 'REELFOOT Ttr,rpe. 6-1 and 206 pounds, . . Hutson ran the 100 yard.> Sugar Cured, alined the Canton Bulldogs '9.6 WES lb astounds and had SO lot reatierk- N 0IL ,1915 and okayed pro faotball able change of pace in the open Smoked Slab • 33t until' BACON he was 594 almost 40 years ofd. field. A famed all-around athlete with Carr was pro football's first the C'aririele Indiercs, Del Monte Pineapple-Grapefruit - 46-oz. he was a czar from 1921 to 1939; Bell set Velveeta 2-1b. box p,Boneless lb. United States decathlon and pen- the NFL on its post-World War BONELESS DRINK 29* MEAT tathlon hen, in. the 1912 Obvnpic 11 course between 1946 and 1959, ISTEW Games. and Habra, Lambeau, Mira and Chef Boy:ar-dee - 18-oz. can lb Grange. the famed -Gal/aping Marshall set altar , wn clubs on CHEESE 89c et SPAGTI. & Meat Balls 4 for '1 99t I I9 Ghost ROAST lb. of the Mini." was persuad- fi.m foundationy and babard over STEW MEAT ed by Hales to turn pr . at the the years for hundreds of im- end of the 1925 college sestoon. provements that contributed to, SWEET SUE N! the time college coaches the gr ai-th of the sport. . • -"r - * aasassraa ejAABY FOOD 25 FRYERS -arawda lb 25= Tenn. Frozen - 11-lb. bag 25-1b. iikon', Best bag U.S.D.A. Choice lb. ; LIMA BEANS 39* U.S.D.A. CHOICE SIRLOIN RIB STEAK 790. Miss Dixie 'FLOUR • $209 U S.D.A. Choice Boneless lb MILK4 3 tall cans 39* STEAK lb. 89c SIRLOIN ROAST 99*. MICHIGAN 1 MAID SOUR PITTED CHERRIES :3°3can 15c STRICTLY FRESH All Brands 3-ib. $1 Yellow Hamburger Solid BISCUITS 3 cans 25* - No 21 can pie OLEO lb. 15c lHunt.s PEACHES 25c FRESH SLICED BEEF or PORK ISouthern Belle Smoked • 'Ci Butt Portion tiaziaii LIBERTY COUPON aieliazaz —LIBERTY COUPON suajahill LIVER lb. 25c H a lb. 49s — lb. 34N(ft" issued, FELT 1,700 FEET—William Goode cornforts wife Carolyrm as SUGAR •_ _ 10-1b. bag special they watch over son Stevie, 5, In Santa Anita Hoirpital, 79* i 100 S&H Green Stamps p where he is recovering from cuts, bruises and exposure HOUSER with this coupon and $5.00 with this coupon and the after falling 1.700 feet down a cliff. Stevie caught on about VtiLLEY ROO feet from the bottom of a canyon, and it Wok his father purchase of one additional and other reacuers more than seven hours to bring him purchases ZEPHYR ced lb. 49= came back to the shale cliffsida BACON BROOM ea- . 99* allEITS,Void after Feb 5, 196-lon -oz pkg U learn 4 1 infitnnyold after vev feat 18 5, 196: RED DELICIOUS - 4-lb. bag IES 5 for '1.00 Azugu IBERTY COUPON mama itrAtiiiiLIBERTY COUPON______read it e Trade Winds - 10-vs. pkg. t 50 S&H Green Stamps 50 50 S&H Green Stamps 50 Apples 39 FISH STICKS 3 for 51.00 with this coupon and the with this coupon and the I purchase of one pound purchase of one 22-oz. bottle . GOLDEN RIPE ne. !LIQUID FLEETWOOD CHIFFON 49* COFFEE lb. 69* (v1'1IMAViVoid after Feb 5. 19(:Irrni after Fe...) 19611717M BANANAS lb- 10c

Comet - 14-oz. can New Premium CLEAN - SPICi & SPAN I TIDE IVORY SOAP IVORY FLAKES SALVO TABLETS MR. CLEANSER Large Bars 12-0z Pkg. DUI • 15-oz. Bottle 2 F.. 33. 23-oz. 55, 3qt 29* 33' 3 0.47 34* Pkg. 41"

• Personal SOAP SOAP LIQUID .10.11 LIQUID IVORY OXYDOL IVORY SNOW LAVA SOAP ' Is an TMAY ZEST YOUR SPEED--Seen through an auto windshield ciao( -IVORY SOAP Regular Regular Bars 12-Os. Bott Detergent Regular Bars innevation at Fat Meade, Md..• military police car with a Fa. calibrated speedometer on top. It is intended to 'enable 3, c),, 37, , is motorists to check speedorneters for accuracy. The idea 4 BARS 29' 3 F°.33 1*"‘ 33* O7587"le 20-".Pkg. 34' - 30' IC 2 FoR 25 burrowed from New Jersey State Police, and is being used at several military Installations.

\ eta

Plat .=MID • PAGE POUR 4 THE LEDGER St TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY THURSDAY — JANUARY 31, 1963 home of Mrs. Z. C. Flux at 7:30 I S's Taffy-Pull Mrs. Burke.10 PL.aza 3-4947 ..a Monday, February 11th The Adulta of St. Leo's Catholic - Church will have a dinner at the Was Great Sauthaide Restaurant at 6:30 p.m. For rteervathins call Mrs. Clyde Johnson, 753-4879. • • • Indoor Sport • The Kiricsey Baptist Chureh Woman's Missionary Society with' BOGUE meet at the church at 7 p.m. By JESSE Gladys McElrath ui Shinancial Editor Circle Meets At Social Calendar NEW YORK tun, —There must be millions of kids in those Unit- Billington Herne • Mrs. W. E. ed States today who never have Thuiliday, Mischke a Mrs. Mahal Ea*photon opened January 31st . Tirade of the MSC .History De_ experienced the gummy: joys of her home for the meeting of the The Woman's Missionari Union! partment as speaker on "What Completes 'Mission a taffy-pull. G.acha McFairath, Curie of the of the Blood River Association To Tell Your 'Children." The ex- Study For WSCS The tally-pull was a winter in- t-- -We:Tiaras- Mihsheitary -Sy-- ch- asl ineethat the Memorial Bap- • ecuttve hoard ;.zneet at 91B door sport. It made a sort of kit- est afe Meinorial Baia Chunch held Church at 10 am. A sack alm. Mrs. W. E. Misichke coawieted chen social event out of the pro- on Tuesday e'. clung at seven- .unch will be served. • • • the spiritual life duction of candy at home. A cer- as. mission iamb' thirty O'CIllek. Group I of the Firet Christian of the Woman's Society of Chris- tain amount of friendly coopera- The Foundational The chairthirs. Billahhhh. Sunday- Sob- Church CaVF will meet at the tian Service of the First Metho- tion was required to convert mo- ( -Dios, et' the—Phot• led the Pre- Baptist• home—of 'Mrs Cullen Phillips at dist Church at the social hall on lahes •aiid oilier ingredients from Church sided over the lama!' r 1 -hem A will images a: the home 2:341 p.m. Wedneaday morning at nine oh • s...a and 'ealky maw into a Mrs. Fraineth B. t Wean'.4 Mil. Mayshel Stalleris, Park. • • • clack. aphaled coil of sweetness which Lane rive at charge of the pr,era-h... LI 720 p.m. II GI the First Chnatian "Dimensions of was then set outside :to cool and • 'Chi-as- tess Group Prayer" was • the harden, wh.le everyone inhale the hen WitheshInga h. the atts4ril•e* 4 Church ,.W2 will meet at the title of the study. Mrs John ADMIRING A HOOKED RUG clisplafed at the annual winter meeting ut the • rriday7 ebruary 1st house washed up. of the regular program choir:nazi. home of MM. Davy Hopkins ht Nance, secretary of miahionary Kentucky Guild of ,Artists and Craftsmen at Lexington are (from left) Guild The Orem Wharf Circle of the aho p m _ . Once soad.fial, the coil could Omens taking part in the do-- educatian, made arrangements for •President Pross, Paul K. Hadley, 'director of the State's Arts and College Presbyterian Church e • • , Lester F. Berea; he cracked 'L cuasiun were Mrs. Larry Win, vvill the study. Highland Handicraft into pieces and presto meet at cCrafts Division; Robert W. Gtay, director of the Southern De Mrs. 0,aftaeld Vance, 31rs. Claude the home.4 Mrs. Alfred Orouggerif the First Chrietan Spocaal music was by aandy. Ntra. H. Guild, Asheville, N. C.; and Mrs. Lundy Adams, director of the Blackey Arts and Landsey at 9:30 a.m. Church CWF villa meet at the Glenn Doren, sol.hat, Bargain Boys Al Miller. and Mrs Biliangten. • • • and the rug was made. Gray lauded the Kentucky devotion Crafts Center id Letcher County where the Ill The prayer calendar hit the home of Mrs. Don Shelton at are's. given by Mrs. Go1- develop Mass production methods, the Rev. Albert Wheichel, Guild for its rapid growth. "It has taken you just a little over two years to clay was read by Mrs. Vance and returned eh° am. pia Curd. hvalebilita of ccafections in vend- Rc massionary from the Congo, • • • what has taken other states 10 to 15 years to do," he said. "You are quite for- one will ing machines everywhere, the bar- In praYer5 with each saaw eadie in the secial Other seations of the study tunate to have had the cooperation of Kentucky State Government in aiding the arts pamicipaung were held. hall of Murray A-werrabla• No. 19 Order gain bulk on candy at the super- Pi ihe First litiethocilist were held on January 16 and tr Church at of the Rainbow for Girls will 18. and crafts program." niarketa, have pushed 'Mhler led the' chiamg 10 • • • the taffy- Ju a.m. The public invited. .meet at the Masonic Hall prayer atter which cielimous re- • • • at 7 pull mostly into the discard, ex- :res.:merit. were served by the • Sit a stunt or a novelty, as Monday, cebruary 4th • • • a source for candy. The Calloway County Genea- MSC Professor • • • Is Author Of • But the. deshe of sweet stuff, flo ogical Society will The Kin. Daughte-s Sunday meet at the the nah an's canly manufacturers Lawson Home Fred Gingles at School Vlass of the Scotts Grove Scene ..•.rne of lir, a repoo, has &en roiling aiong una- 2 p.m. , Baptist Church will meet at the Book, Poe's Literary Battles batei: sales for 1961, the latest Of .11issionary _ .1.44 Ige:ibe ••aaliels • .,41 7hpumm.e,,of Mrs Herman Los-era at year fcr which the U. S. Depart- Auxiliary .1leet meat of Commerce had figures, • • • Dr. San•Y P. Moss. profectsor ati,..aluel reputation was Wat, 11 St- 1.4-3Y °C'Un ter INCh School PTA largely !.re S1.73 billion, a record heat. English at Murray State Collehe, anaped by he literary enenlice es for the meeting if the Masa will meet 34'7 P-Pa- Bach mem- Mith more than 2,000 varieties to attend. The Delta Department of the is the author of a book. aPoe's who tried to discredit him as a s. hary AlixJtiry .1 the ...N.Tth bet' is urged if chub' to choose from, CU119U- • • • Murray Woman's Club will meet Literary Battles," recently pub- critic by diacreeiting hani as a _sant Or e Curnbarlana Pres- The L.,,,ttie 34,,on circle a the in eTs were averaging 17.2 pounds at the club house at 7:30 p.m. lashed by the D U•naversity man. hcici at her h“rne of car* produrtaaa year, and the First H etewes will be Mesdames Press. Dr. aloes has been on the Murray Lc Dr:ve on Wed-' cerhumption graph line had been George Hart, Graves Sledd, A. H. The book, cabled by the asti- State' Since th nent11:. parai?cest ‘1Brown willa t mth7tH'Aure facuita 112:41. lie re- him; alitahtla each year Kopperud. Hugh Oakely, a n d for soy.- The neh pres.cient. Mrs. Nix Mar'agemem' House at 1730 pm. r -the first fulascaie treatment chared ho A. B.. M. A. and Ph. D. en years. 77_ • • • '- Wells Pundom.- of Poe's litehary battles," wee is- degree, he aaa head of the re- Ca cd. p're':ded and also • • An in every mass consumer in- senm The . • sued on Poe's birth a,nniversery, March department and hash-taint Kathleen J:flea Circle of dustry, cumpetition among makert Hi.Ecin' pwtora ''''''''="077the....the First Jan_ 19. eda tor of inc spencer /hew be- Bapriat WEI'S will meet Wednesday, February 6th is hihh. New packaging, new pro- ill of fore corning to Murray. tharca. gave the dev tion from the huThe llettas Lorene • The Cora Graeae Circle 'of the to Was, of) ilect., flow cOnatalitiy throuA the Dr. Muss reports that he spent re the seeind chapter' of Psalms!. Swa!id at 7:15 Pin. C.P.hge Presbyterian Church 'will AcoordiPoe as critic focuaea on three markets, usually the results of major near4 a decade in writing toe , A (ie.:A.: -us' potluck ranch was nteet at the home of Mrs. Cell points. The first it that hatahl reatareh. and preparation. The Annie Poe's attacks, book. A apiciaiist in theateenth- served 6 the rric..m.bers arid Armet.. rang Curie of Peterson at 8 p.m. deapite some otraid the 005 laaees. were century Arneocan aterture. he tie- • Quick .Payoff g S'rU j01 will meet • • • neither sporadic:: us-51=- ML**7-4eS at triherst hBo:r -or cane Infere-At.el in hoes battles and Lisa Smith, e 9t.of1"1M8rsu. saitehal. but untflial carimaigrrs ! For example', &ea critic %%tole in graduate school. . the Nestle Co., • .ha/ran at 720 p.m. The New Hope Methodist Ch- in a war that had the, objectives: , int.. White Plains. N. Y.. put five • , •• • iamb WSCS will meet at the to mash the 'power of the Boston Has book is an expiaLsion of an BEATEN—Beaten and ! Ufiri of war* and market testing :Some of Mrs. • Dave Burkeen at and New York. cliques and to article he had pi:blabbed while at SOLON • PERSONALS Tuen.;:il robbed of an unknown development of a ten-cent y7Februsi. ry 5th 2 pm. estahlish literary conditions favor-i loinois. • M Fisk The illy bar; the. Triple laecker, but Jc.u:e Ludwiek Circle. of • • • iale for -Poe's Literary Battles- is the amount of money after leav- turned a ;me last week after a autharahia. a..wlb pay c14 1".e College •Presbyterian Church neon.' book of Dr. Moss's to he ing • cafe In Waahinhton, v•Ithin three months - whit aat.h the.r daaghter and ft tune the "ahh meet at abg home of Mrs. The Callovaah County Home- SHE CAUGHT SO perch and Tne second is to view Poe's crti- publiahed. Theeftrat, a novel. -lily Rep Harlan Hagen, D Caht., bar went anto the '-fami-ay,'Mr. and • Mrs. Thhabd market paces. B. F. ScheriEus at 1:30 p.m. makers Club Cotumoil Will meet smelt (maybe that's why tioim :n its contemporary aontext 4.tirQente Fail,- we. publosbed in 48, talks on the phone at his • An industry pun- • Statics ard•chtIctren. heat.un• said it • • at the City -Hall at 1 p.m. she didn't give her name) _het to show bow his literary bat- hie& flume following treatment moved Into a spot • Waltzer., arai Paul ' in the Nip of I:thetas-v. La. • • • after chopping through the tles provide a karne for discussing Born in Liverpool, England, Dr. fur minor cut. on his face ten best wiling bars • r-e Searles' faroe:y rcvent:.) ,Bass Le- aittan that time. - saw- The Woman's Saciety of Chris- Lake Erie ice at ihis characterislic critical view and Moss arid has Imlay in to Char and bruises on his hands. , Th The t- -• Bohr m where Mr Starke tian Service of the First Metho- Thursday, February 7th land, 0. The current frigid- Use typical responses he made to c...g0 when he aaa tho years old. Petiod it was under study, is rri.n..- 4 bringing the ice fisher- N htle worked trot :;er- ;he Central dist Church will meet at the The Town and Country Home- tty is h.s literary. tame.s. ile ts martied to the former Rita with affiliate corn- In large schools. I on two 'Chahar. -sf- Chrrat there.. church at 10 am with Dr. M. B. makers Club will meet at the men out The third point is that Poe's Loveil and they aie the parents of hiatmente and tried dawns ef three ctilidren, Laura 13, L'oleeh chomistei and other i conkctn./vs.- 8, and Philip 5. The sweet tooth puts :la, mai,, on international trade: Box Supper Held At Jeans, nuts, sugar, gofers. The McCuistyn Home .re annah the anport items whigh. au int... the Cauldron,, at candy By Couples' Class ,mpanies. Mr. and Min. Bobby lateCtus- A Parent. Magazine conaumer hly tan opened their home fer the alloatd tnaa al per cent of trtifttg cahly purchaser. buy meeting of the Young Married izOiections a Couples Sunday School Claw of grocery stores; 17 per cent in drug the Cherry Corner Baptiet Chur- stores; 4.) per chit in candy - Ch held on Friday evening at -.ores. It alai) found- - that about ane 'in sax -tharay o'clock. males make their This was a box supper with "hitch of the ladies bring a meta in a decorated bah. Mrs. Paul EIGHT YEARS — Bankrupt Scott won the prize far the pret- tycoon Billie Sol Estes looks Lest boa. a bit crestfallen in Tyler. Thee present were Mr. and Tex., after beans refustad a Mrs. Jirimay Rickman. Mr. and new trial on conviction h Mrs. Ronald Adana. Mr. and swindling a farmer. He e • Mrs. RayeRoberte. Mr. and Mrs. sentenced to eight years in Ken Stubblefield, Mrs. Paul Scott, prison, and his attorney

• Mr and Mrs. Gerry Requarth, served notice of appeal to •=m4.11,1#0. and the hasts. the State Court of Criminal The December meetings of the Appeals. Estes Is tree on a Class v.-as a dinner held at the new 85,000 bond. -c id home of Mr. and Mrs. Ftequarth. •!CePtalotATURE NIGHT INA 3-6363 ...„„ 6 P 4? 1. Hui IN it of Murray, Ky.

CUT ON r:arlar llnei this topper has THERE'S A rare to the hurt of Uus raglan 1114“.4(itrS, na trumned in ;:-,rogracn, coat that features a three-button closing. American Designers Using Many Powder Puff Tints

By IUSAN BARDEN .• :Ht.; relers in trained from the .Make-up bar at a southern raftert for a a ;,• • to he of a beauty ichop They are winter vacation and than at :n ,•f r sunshine yellute. eye-shadow home in time for the Easter Como tire :ead re t?7,- trawl, blue crehie ,white and lip- parade. toward there flattering 4,acies.- stick red arid pink. Lightweight Worried And soft., thecit-ce ard sap. Luscious Color. A &hard coat is of flat all gotten Nato the erates have Two of the styles shown— worsted with texture interest p. tore with y wonderful • the elm and the clutch-- and thathmenswear 10,,k thnt poa town. • Count., Tweeds come in these delectable tames., is so popular for VOLUNTARY INTEGRATION--Glorta Adam" (left) stands to 'HEAVY SILK hrail ratline' the collar, closure and pockets nr/LAD Th• rs sound For al" reason they would It is available in black. line with white students waiting to regn-i, u 'aa Tunine I;ni- ruiru eoirlic s with Uvee-quarter ceet,..A1 and grog/chat haea as though they had beat Nab.t radAst4 claukts for weer beige, navy or gray. Of cletch coat vertrity In New Orleans voluntarily admit. Nr-r,roes for the RTHRITIS rA I K first line In Its 129-year history. A total at eight Negro ;Nth-truly educators teaching In the New Orleans ares signed up for ,.• -rah-aeon irtrifIrnt

5. • - • - ' • ceclecti

4 -1 7- a. S


5 -




P'ull LEDGER irk TIMES SUPER RIGHT-FULLY MATUR reat IF IT'S • SPORTS Sport • NEWS WE l'PORTI HAVE IT BEEF STEAK J Center Cut SE BOGUE SiSirloin Porter- mere! Editor ROUND or Cube house II -There must 9. 89, ' _Murray Ends Ten Day Lay-Off or Boneless Of )9. kitis in these Unit- Eagles Of T-Bone y who never have Swiss lb. 1 lb. Is. e gummy. joys of At Jonesboro (Ark.) Saturday Morehead FRESH MUSHROOMS lb I was a winter 1111- Dade a sort of ka- BLADE CUT BEEF The Murray State Tt.....rowst- ,essee next wednesdny. A Jane lt out of the pro- • he Pumpkin SUPER RIGHT 0 IS L.• tirade will end a 10-day At OVC Top Parker Iv at home. A cer- /HY-OM we-game road tri,p Eastern 0 from action StastardaY GO. 45c) Es. Lb v•tht,nnd Morehead Pie Plneapple...... •• • • 39‘ Chuck Roast 55 f friendly coopers- is scheduled over tangle with Arkanoae State at he weekend. The convert sue- Racer, viol by United Pee. letarsetional SMOKE red to )- Jonesboro Ark. Jane let 5 RIBS 7-INCH CUT BEEF 'r ingredients from alay at. home Feb. Morehead's Eagles roosted on In a pre-Chnibmas elikae 16 against Parker let ) 4"; alky mass into a Veotern and Feb. 20 against top of the Ohio Valley Confer- hero., Murray, the Racers trounced Giazed Donuts Pkg. of 12 35c 3 litis Lb 1-I A14 sweetness which 7hatitanooga before ence today, gaming the Perch ritilaaast( 79' State S4-741. but Murray cloono out Lb. 89c Wattle to cool and Coach heir season without a struggle Wednesday aalal • Lothar is expecitiag Feb. 23 at Tennessee 00eanY 'ech, loader Ten- 1-Lb. 190 RIGHT BONELESS BEEF everyone mode the eight when former SHANK game at Jainesborts. "The slIBM'e Starting for nessee Tech bowed to East Ten- Loaf at Murray agahist PORTION.... Lb. ed, the vial could Murray Wee aleCh rieeer then arkansas nee 73-69 at Bread . Lb State Johnson City. the score indicates," he said, wil be "Jim Jets- Rump Roast 89' pieces and preato • "end 'ones (17.1), they have always given Al Varnas (16.1), 31-Qt. Whole, Half or in a, Scutt Schlosser (13.9), That gave Moatehead a 4-1 con- 790 SUPER RIGHT SKINLESS John tough game ui Junetibum." Nam- 14-01- cat (82), and ference r eco rd after Tuesday 1-Lb. Lb. 09, Butt Portion lb sin Boys The Racers have played Gene Pendleton two t ad). night's victory over Eastern Ken- Drink :Z:7, Cans Pkg. Pkg. lion methods, the a their better games of the Weiners( 40c )2 tucky and left Tennessee Tech tonfections in vend- tavesin the last too tants out. with a 5-2 mark and Bast Ten- 10-0z yerywhere, the bar- Their mast recent etturt was a CoffeeSave Lb. nee:he in third place at 4-2. Jar maidy at the super- last-second 58-ese Iota to power- Instarkt 99c KALE 114,(3g CARROTS 2 Bag The only college game in Ken- peahed the taffy- ful Memphis State. Before that Lowes Meet To tucky Wednesday night started 24-Sizio to the discard, ex- tney romped over East TCaDOtAset: olthfashioned 39€ PASCAL CELERY Stalk out like an Louis- it or a novelty, ass 79-58. ville - Western Kentucky Donny- 2: tidy. Much of the credit for the Gm( Beans "A • Lb. Princeton brook, but the Hilktoppers col- , :re of siseet stuff, • Racers' retura to funn after a YELLOW ONIONS • Bag inly manufacturers mid-season lopeed with sax minutes to go 24,592 ese: •Pilt slump must go to . n ro4lisg Doling una- 8o6an1-dLoLouisville trurp rolled to an easy their defensive play. The East Dotson Tonite Ind food hats yr 1961. the latest Tennessee game was the first It was 502-57 with six minutes YOUR t the U. S. Depart- since Laulsursas in which they NORTHERN liereewlary Offer to play as Western had fought c nerce had figures. showed the tough defecate The Murray State Sports Arena CHOICE Only that back from a 42-37 deficit at the lion, a record high. was the feature of their early will be the scene tonight cal the than 2000, end of a wild and wooly first 19 s 49' variettes seasun games. top area cage attractico as highly half. thaose from, C0119U- The itacere, who have now won regarded Lowes meets the touted Then Louisville's John BATHROOM Taging 17.2 pounds 9 games and Rat 6, Reuther 4 have 7 games Bearcats of Princeton Dotson, „„,,, and Don Hawley seized control Potatoesludash."`"1 10 BLagb 69c 1"'"•• 89c =.• 99c ictioa year. and the to play. After the Arkansas Sarth-ranked State Princeton Dotson of both hoards as the Oards TISSUE .... raph line had been • tilt, they wall play • Meddle Ten- has lust but two games this year, scored 38' ...... 5 Lb. MT. 1 NOW ON LW e..oh 20 points while the 1.121- year for so- a decision Apples 59c one 90-86 to Lowes toppees were getting onlo three in the opening game of the sea- •1 Onv ON•-nuonirv mass consumer in the next four minutes. That in- son. The ate-match between the Olitcysos* :Lion among made it 79-60. and Wederre was Radishes Bea Sc pumito j makers*. Sports two powers was moved from the • paekoang. new pro- doomed to its ninth straight de- LYNCI:I.E°N •••,, Lowes floor to the MSC arena Pkor atatitiy throuA the feat with a 2-12 overall record. as interest in the contest mount- t 80 Hy the results of Reuther hod 20 points and NAPKINS... 2 Parade ed. The garnallawas original* set Hawley 19 as the 27' at and preparetion. Cardinals scor- for last Thureclav night but was ed their eighth victory against TIAN' :k ,Payoff poetre.necl until tonight because six defeets. Darr I Carrier of Tumblero of slick roads. - 45' ,By OSCAR Western Peanut 2.°:) FRALEY was high Butter r:P( man in • the Neatle Co., the HULLYlatilaa lait. itt - Golf The contest tonight which vrill game with 22, but the Cards ans. N. V.. put five • • ha, crier/gee draaucae), Jerry get underway at approximately. cut off Bobby Jackson, normally and market teating a tripe 8:30 has been billed as offense LIPTON'S TEA 4c 1-Lb. mourned tent today, from the era Western's top scorer, with only 66 a a ten-cent C tn wnica ft,giisnsouegatera became against offense. Lowe.' attack is 10. Off ; Triple Decker, but COFFEE Can greats In a rich mail, game arm- built around hot-shooting Billy An unuteualli7 busy Thursday A tthin three months Chase Sanborn Chumbler who & pit/ becauise they were -4.loo.r. drew state-wide night schedule is e bar went into listed for Ken- the "I t too an praise last year as a junior. -LB. An e4o) way Lu make tucky towns tonight with Ken- V2 85c induatry puo- a back, eitaazto Dotson's answer to Chunibler moved inc ma), io- tuck-y trying to get beck on the into a spot qu..e.ous pita is in the person cal Dwight Smith. BOX METRECAL--Dietary For Weight Control n an trie proceaa, we winning side in the Southeastern Scott Towels best sealing bars reariieu tee But the bet of stars doesn't end Tle. gigne titan Lie OultUral (l•efererace against Georeia Up sod odd certain hag here. Lowe* boa Jerry Page and 'Wafers '.1,-°:89c A S-OZ. $143 rilWaa unaer LOX Hi LegekleIMI; Morehead playing twit Rolls study, pavid Winn, either of Wt1o,rn can to a small-college toughie, Jack- CANS I ''oh, 2 43' with affiliate corn- be ...... [Soup 3 Co oil Ine record books bear him out, equally as deadly as alum- sonville University; Bellarenine Tea lags ...... "ot 4,sg. 674 89c v zeat.nenta and tried • nc woe sewn once-ueautute cado) pen bier. Dotson on the other hand playing at Pikeville in a return 71.1^,(11" ROLL ucciiatei and other sports urunais as ',elle barazen, Vic a quintet that has been to KIAC warfare after two un- to0a. tioeiria, luny lamer°, Jonnzry nicknamed the "lave iron men." , sweet tooth he- successful excursions into major Caa puts VOA Lie toile) Lowes Ls 16-4 for Handy Cut Rite the Andy VeDAik, cleaner At season co 37c international anal, the liege basketball; Berea at trade; Lomeli gueizo ruzneois eau arid Diateon sparts a 19-2 record, WAX PAPER nub, sugar. a host Georgetown in another KIAC spaces. of outer iterain Its only other lose being to anport stars anteing Lou- contest, Kentucky Wesleyan play- Lb. items whigt- aamay tO the isville Central 70-06. 128-Ft. 29, eituidrona recant 00011.6. Lowes has ing host to Gannon C,oblege, Ceti- Puffin Can 59 at Biscuits candy kit to yvvo IiIDUC MIS Heath by shortening a, IS LIdS cad so one point, Hal- tre invading Transylvania. cacnst- Roll mucu guu,A, eirazigeiy eilougn sack- berd Memorial by five, Tilghman bellsville playing an Magazine consumer exbitatiriti theti a. by three 1.)WA joilea., *no and Fulton City, de- game at Ft. Mat al per cent Knox. and Cumber- of nugot nave turneu tu tad. fending regional champions, by Waldorf er. buy maifections land visiting Howard College ot • 1114.-.‘ 1.• /Alt: loaner 17. The lose Rinso t.Licie* to Ratan Blue • uoU, . J., City was Alabama. CANS - _L:ZIL .32c BATHROOM TISSUE res; 17 per cent in U wvenged *WI oe Lleati DIaLl SttOe. in the laat outing of the Wesleyan per cent in candy wall meet Genrion s flew elianlpLoil.stiip Blue Devils, 64-57. the Ernie: OF 0 Condensed 24-0x. found- that out Pa_ team's first opie Rolls toaMi %1101I IL (apelle .1 all. Gates wiR open at ites Al. 6 o'clock since coach George Hese h re- All ..... Box 35' make 4 their Loose Lit. Yoga with a "B" team game 390 as a 6 signed Wednesday, effective with 49c warmup k'or Jeer), woo loots much ake for the thriller. Admis- the end of the season. Gannon 1-Plrit a 40 a)-eau co a ugi oerra, Led sion is $I for adults and 50 WS6 Liquid Soft Weve cents ameeig the nation's onall aoe CaU,v alg at for students. we age ut eagni. bY college leaders earlier in the TISSUE LUC Lux Lane me flail I illeaflcii Caw 63€ alga seam but hit a slump and last Mabel tie was [eau) to shell IOW Terry, Ed Lopat and Bill Dickey. week Heseh fired four players pi u.e.eitoilaf I Liquid OPint adI114. Trick IShat off the squad and two others 2 R°116 27' I RED HEART S • u•ya, he captained. "One of my beat tricks was drooped out of school. Wisk Detergent, Coo 'area ease to nave 41(t W011taht; pa- hitting a ball while standing on per. abil a SA of ClX111pALL lei.1 pa. one leg," he DOG FOOD reminisced. ,mean know was that Jerry's brother al- pot. to DC CUM /II u.e/A,) baell OUt While standing on t leg and wary etepped out of the gallery ff/r Duly!'e a )ow&er oath oietlily. belting a drive 275 s straight with a glittering "turnip" that India %My )ow pro star, redo down the middle of the P fairway looked valuable but cost about Puffs are 1-LB. White m(4.4.4 ait Cloud N. .- Uellial,d, LIVID COI- "Then I'd ask Tor someone in the 80 cots in Whoeleale iota." 6: -ad iege reasta." -- 89 gallery to loan me c a watch, tee "It murdered latigked BATHROOM TISSUE FACIAL TISSUES mere uear Naples, from ahere up CANS the bail on it with a little bit Jerry as he teed up a ball on' a FeliliaalMS Calflv, 1 S 1.)4.,..! 1.• die Ufle of sand, stand on one leg-and gold bag laying beside the tee and ,311 NIGHT Of 5 1.11‘1116.) 6 UI Al Wtt,51 J.11 %Nike after asking for extreme quiet standing on one leg again split Wele eaueaflely ROLL 63-6363 strict. would smart that watch into a the fairway with a screamer with- 27 'Inc C II • wale piuuu to caddy three billion pieces." COUR T out eV00 dristurtring the wooden PACK "4005 • IOC IJ Ceille a I oesiu anti ( What the pop-eyed 3 gallery 0PFK didn't 2 Pog take auwe 2 !*7 RANK mama cent, lie 9-LIVES /1 I • 'Away .toey n t ceuuy • tuita Leroy of are 1.4 or ro years oat Prices In This Ad Effective Thru Saturday, Feb. 2 &out teen they expect live or six Read The Ledger's Classifieds CAT FOOD Tay, Ky. tosasta. LI tdry could Small meet the /HI CHAT ATIANT1C PACIFK TEA COMPANY. NC, r4pic wino ul peup,e arausei god COKES too mi. ..414:1e Si De Lea. J aa le and Y• 6-0Z. iPro At 16 7-UP CANS 6- Bot. Jerry was a pro by the tune he ( tn. eas to, tdtLl n firm. juo as 27c private pi og e.,,vitat icor poysical 29s cuituriat, berearr asoraduen. "it was toe stailosi pro NO any- body over tise, lie gun., k.f1 re- Scott Scotkins Scotties Blue Bonnet Duncan Hines trvePect, 'reielousgsi tne flours wet en i tire oho Decease Metal- Tissue Napkins i Margarine Cake Mixos (teLl iske(t 2 <7'1 29c IA tee et) at b a. m. Pkgs. i Whipped1-Lb. . Deluxe 1-Lb. :but tine joo wd., is snapo he 4 Fi.u. 35C ctn. 30'4 All 214-01. 379 • adueo. -Met, adoten wittier/ carry ail 53* 2 ef 5. 2 :Tv 49c ,,,,.y. 2e1 Flavors Box ▪ four bags eau sprint amen the - laireay treach- aneaa of at, øi us. F HILL Atli', ing toe green, heti atop ltie nags CLIP, anti uci pugoups arra leg nenoe use tai we caresL op. Ali I hair to do ITS FREE! 19-0z. Bp.x. of was goven nim a ley' lesvom now FREEI ona Men." SlkIL Volpe h as glvezi a heel of les- FREE WITH THIS COUPON AND $1.10 sone to a host people since MORE IN PURCHASES • those early days, u wince he woo OR (Except Cicaret'e,. and Tobacco) was one of the first trick shot Sa„ S artists, me Wee Ail he a Detergent fits peals, Sail c-• v- • - Otoson, the limner women s tennis CROP. a new winter ei Coupon Good (-TIP claampion who. he 4retlicts will he fadagluing nalr oti bald Bat fthansa sp- Thursday, Friday Saturday - Jan. 31-Feb 1-9 U.,..S. wornehe 'golf etiampien with- plies glue to the dude pal Of in ahicairci. µ7:41- r - er filar years; 14 Sullevan, came- ' preparing to put on a crop of ellikeerfl--I dilits16uddi ilea Joey E•ts• -1• 'rel ' , her - ,•••*ir- '',• - 1

• • • 'I. •

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• • oemn. - .....imapstewolkaboseedr.e.:.- 41.1150.100/4.1 T...JUIONOMM.

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4 s • • las

• PAUL .81T THE LEDGER & TIMRS — MURRAY, KENTUCKY THURSDAY — JANUARY 31, 1963 hile." 'Morton Ueges He added: "Niuw 4 think we need some kind of fonum—an advisory com- mittee, provided it is heat.* Committee weighted Be with members of Con- gress, iz order to avoid the troll- .10rganized tile the Democrats got into." Morton said he thought a Re- • publican advisory group of 30 : 35 members, including governors WASHINGTON TP11 — Senate perhaps selected on a regional GOP. Campaign Chairman Thru-, basis, would be advisable. sbon B. Marton urged RcPublis cans Monday to follow the Dem- ocrats' example of Sett* ng ILP a national advisory committees-but one "heavily weighted" with con- gressional talent. The 4.1101110 "4 -m` * Kentucky senator said in ". an interviev.... thet he thought sfr,"st4.. • , 40", . - the p GOP National Committee should consider having a paid chairman. ---- Morton emphasized that he thinks Rep. William R-N.Y., who is serving without party salary. is "dtle a very good job" and should stay on through the 1964 natiorral convention. _ Morton, a former GOP rational chairman. recalled that he once By A SITE—Restdents of Vegas, N.M.—Nug Mexico, that is-- WINS HER BET — Getting GOOD SLATING DAM opposed creation of GOP advisory .40 are enjoying good skating at the Gantries River dam these days, and that's a ways south. ready to collect her $150 conetrattees. bet, Mrs. Lavtna Radabaugh, "I aid then that I thought 47, Wayne, Mich., housewife, the idea merited study, might have done it before now 'Mere have been estimates that but thSffl takes down some of her food FIFTEEN NEW BOOKMOBILES like the four shown have been purchased and it was too soon after except for their "n thy MO- Red the 1080 supplies from her country delivered to Libraries. Struggle Now China will have' a election Kentucky counties this year by the State Department of and the presence id the U. S. 7bh population of, one to try et," Morton mid. cleep freeze." She bet the billion And if ▪ Kentucky now has a total of 100 Bookmobiles—the nation's largest fleet of "You can't force such things, Clare, Mich., Chamber of Fleet, travellirT libraries. With a cargo of 2,000 books, each new Fiookmobile retire. !she can cure her food and trans- and I envoned a possible pow- Commerce that she could sents Believed But their attack on India portation er struggle resulting an investment of about $13,000. Kentucky's Bookmobile program started To indi- I problems, then the So- if it was spend eight days In a camp tried. rolling in 1953. The newer Bookmobiles have an auxiliary heating unit cated mounting self-corifidence. vie( Union That is why I stayed on living oft the land and what might well beware. plenty of as national ch airman for a she could carry In—and did. headspace to encourage brow .ing. Most schools and communitie:, in I . Be Real Thing - the 100 counties are visited twice monthly.

The growing dispute between Nftiscovi. and Peking gives rise to reavria-4# 7 63r> another line of 644 speculation eri-4too / per- haps riot as wild .5- as n first might 'VW 'Vita - appear. : r • -I a A couple of• years ago when the quarrel was first corning into the, open warnings .were sounded that this might not be a quarrel at all, but rather an elaborately BARONE con- ;- l& •—• LEAN MEATY trived Cierrounist trap designed T I • .to lull the Western world in prep- aration for another major move by wurld commuman. That theory now' generally- has been dropped and the dispute ac- PORK by Ike cepted as a mayor struggle for REELFOOT SMOKED - 6-8 Lb. Average leadership between Soviet Pre Ar•.*N mier Nikita nrushchry and Red" Chinese Leader Mao Tsesting ; CHOPS who have diacusered there can- be lb no such thing as co-equal MOIL 29 6 CENTER ball PICNICS diet ators. • CUTS 39e lb Now to carry it forward an- LEAN GROUND other step and to speculate that the quarrel Is more than one of ideoloci- and an interpretatioh of 4 HAMBURGER Marxism-Leninism - $1.00 lye Soviet Territory . FIRST 39c Th:: one would saisider the ( I_ Ts lb poissibihty that there is in • 10-Lb. Moscow a growing ausPerioe that "iL4c7.1 POTATO ES Bag 39c their Red Chinese adhes hase ter- . sese ritorial ambitions extending be- yond merely Southeast. Asia but , Texas Fresh Red - 6-oz. cello bag akio against vast reaches of So- viet territory. as weft Nabiseo 1-1h. bag These assuki be territories once L..4,.I CARROTS _ _ RADISHES —.4m— 5C held by the Chinese Lb 3 but lost over Pkg. WA, the years beginning with the OREO.CREMEST — 9C Oscan War of 1840 When the Eu- Field's All-Meat, Sliced ' Red ropean powers began carving up Tube imperial t'hina Buster Nut - 51 4-442. pkg. Ripe TOMATO 10c Such a theory. aouW place in BOLOGNA lb- 39*. a nes light the hundreck, of thou- sands of soldier-farmers Red CASHEW-ETTES - - Morrell All-Meat • China has been pours-Ng into her - 39` Big Brother wild Western territories and Khru- l'kg 17-oz. shches•s haste an opening up the DEL WIENERS "1 . 49' Jie 15c MONTE CALIF. CLING CHERRIES - No. 21 can Sosiet Union's virgin lands in the east Chestnut Sliced It would he explain Chinese Field's Pure Dale's Pure - 20-oz. gTs determination to retain its hold on PEACHES 'BACON - - 49 Ladakh again India claims 29c sail - 4-1b. ctn. 49 APPLE it would mark as strictly LARD- C JELLY _ 4 Ser_nporary Chinese bonier agree Palace Sliced nients with Burma. Nepal. Paki -- PARAMOUNT DILL - Quart 1 Lb. Duncan Hines - White, Yellow, Devil's Food Big Brother Fri n 6-oz. can tan and Outer Pkg. • Mongolia BACON _ 39 Peruse Chinese/Nap ORANGEJU1t There thoughts come into bein•: CAKE MLX - -3 Box, • $1 _ __ 2 Fo.- 45` • Small Pork as resuh of perusing A map puh- PICKLES listied 35c by the India News. an or- gan of the Indian Government In- RIBS lb 2W formation Services. AUSTEX. WITH The map is said to have bees BEANS - No. 3.00 can rot"Quarters MARGARINE 29t pubhshed in. a Chinese texthres: in 1954 at about the same tins- that Indian Premier Nehru Ws- fide of Ill. - White or Yellow - 17-07- can Del Monte Sweet - 17-oz. can signing with Red China las' fn.. CHILI 29c principles of co-existence It pre A surnably is one of the maps which CORN -229 PEAS --- _ _2 (:) 39° first, aroused Indian ALVIC1 OT, I of sTARKIST EIGHT CHI NK - 61-0z. Chine-se designs against their Can ow:. - mingning PARKER COUPON PARKER COUPON firmyrrnt borders. lryri/n4rirti rwrognrit Included in the area, claimed by China were huge segments of CHOICE FULLY THIS COUPON IS THIS COUPON IS the present-dry TUNA Soviet republics 3 89c WORTH I Os WORTH 3. TO YOU! : "el Kazakhastan. MATURE BEEP Kirghrzia and Save -341. On 10-ox, Tankoitan in the west aid in the CUT ANY THICKNESS * Save 10e On, • Jar of e1, Vladivostok. Sakti ali PI Ri 3-Lb. Can and all al northern Siberia INSTANT FOLGERS „ Population Nears Billion CRISCO Aloe 'whaled sere BLEACH (suter Mon- 35c COFFEE gotta, Nepal. Sikkim. Bhutan,- the T- t Special 69e whole .cor Burma, the whole at I Special 99.* Malaya and Singspose. Thailand KING PHARR SWEET - Large 2i can Pr iee North and South Viet Nam, Lao Price' and Carn:xidia. Formosa a: With This Coupon North, and South Korea With This Coupon otatoes rfityrnerry Expires railhons 19c )1-yrrh,'•rnint; Expires Feb. 2, 1963 ilyerrtrty'r Feb.. 2, 1963 Altogether the BONES square males encompassed make 110 • paltry the thousands thus far STOKELY Deal Pack American Ace - I/.1-1b. seized_ front India PING (PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT) ii GLASS FREE The Red Chine-, are corranitted 0 to the sonques. Formosa and TREND - - --2 3W TEA 39 'S DRINK 29c 991 1 ()PFN FRIDAY • BIRTH DEFECTS & SAT. a. NIGHT TIE 8:00 ARTHRITIS BIG BROTHER - Pint It$1S 411 • • 0014*4 POLIO PARKER'SFOOD ANO • THE SALK Mayonnaise 29c . MARKET . INSTITUTE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT:,- .5 TO LIMIT QUANTITIES . •




County Court Cleeii and made a host of friends that CARD OF THANKS Calloway County, Kentucky might be numbered by the Zonal By Dewey Ragsdale, D.C. offerings and Other deeds Oi wish to extend my heartfelt kindness shown when she passed thanks and appreciaenn for the In accordance with Kentucky away on January 13, 1963. She acts of kindness, messages of 'Statutes, Sections 25.195 and 25.- leaves to mourn her death her sympathy, the food that was sent 200: Notice is hereby given that husband, one daughter and one to my home and the beautiful A repert of final settlernere of • son who will forever cell her fkwers received from my friends, accounts was on January 26th,1 blessed, and a hoist of other rela- neighbors and relatives during 1963 filed by Erin Mentgurnery tives and friends. the illness and death of my Executrix vs Ruth Montgomery, , WWIP Written by her Mother-in-law husband F. B. (Diektie) McDaniel. Decd., and that the same has Mrs. Amanda White Especially I want to' thank the been the Callo-way County Court and approved by the Calloway doctors and nurses, Bro. Chiles FOR RENT County Court and ordered . FOR SALE ,WAMTED TO NCI71(1 ordered filed to lie over for ex- filed and Bro. Thurman, the Singers._" 4 $ U Y to Ile over 41******iisoi's - captions. Any person desiring to ifor eicceptions. Any and the J. H. Church.11 Funral , SEVEN ROOMS person BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT: file any exception thereto will do desiring to file any ex- MARC Home. upstairs. Gas heat Call 753-5860. GOOD USED SPANISH,TYPE PARTS FOR ALL ELECTRIC ception thereto wall Shampoo bowl, booth unit. Also; so on or" before Februray E5rth do so on or lyelarder fib ofa f2c guitar. Call 753-365/1. tie shavers at Lindsey's Jewelers, before Feb. 25th May God bless each of you, hydraulic chair. Practically Dowd 1063 or be forever barred. 1963 or be for- 121c ever barred. DIMES NICE (MODERN BRICK HOME Phone 435-4261. Withness my hand this 28th day Mrs. Lillie McDaniel • Witness ney hand this 28th day DEPatC7111•AIMiffera for rent near college. Call 753- PUit.. DCLIe ELECTRIC IS NOW Equip- cif Jan. 1963, SALK IalarMITie of Jan. 1963. ltp 4557. f2c 1963 FORD. CALL PL 3-1737, ped with high amperage trans- By D. W Shoemaker By D. W. after •4:00 p.m. or see at 509 former to thaw out your water County Court er Shoemaker WILL TAKE CARE OF _Elderly County Count Clerk Cheretnot Price $125. • Cc pipes. For any type electrical Calloway Co ty, Kentucky SERVICES OF FEkED man or woman in my home. Dial Calloway County, Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle work see Dill Electric, located at By Dewey Ragsdale, 15.C. Kentucky CROSSWORD PUZZLE 753-1268. f2c By Dewey Ragsdale,. D.C. TUNING AND Murray Drive-1n Theatre entran- ACROSS 15- l'arent- PIANO REPAIR. GOOD PRACTICING PIAN 0. In PET ce. Phone 753-2930, accordance with Kentucky • teacher or- OHM MR1011 M Harold Bone, telephone 753-3938. Can be seen 1611 Ryan Ave. or WANT TO BICY fteirtly clean 14c FOR EASY, QUICK CARPET 1- Brewer's ganization L I Statutes, Sections 25.195 and 25.- IMO BOOM 2 f2c plume 753-3871. tic rags, Leer & Time. cleaning rent Blue Lustre Electric yeast (abbr ommummem LOOKING FOR CLEAN, WELL- 200: Notice is hereby given that a I'll i6best 111- Lunged for - - Shampooer only $1 per point Sty-Chastities MEIN MUMMIN cared for trailers at a reasonable report of final settlement of day. Crass ac- Furniture, 9- Niinur item 2.2. Climbing WOMU mono price? We invite you to compare counts was on January 28th 1963 12c II • Blemiehes plant moon All 13- Pronoun 24 -Caudal quality, prices and filed -by Aileen 200020 NM0000 fair dealings. Fromke, Execu- ItOr-.{ AND ROLL Dance to he ii • lin tun appendages 13 on the lot, new trix, -vs. Erick 16-S5-Mbol for 26-Caustie 001109 39M0 10' vrides Fromke, Dec'd., 1it'.1 at Ameriean Le-ion Hall, tellurium substance and that the HOU MEMO MOMSI coming. As low aeS 10 per cent same has been ap- Meotreed, S__urday nIght. start 800 17-P1spen 28- Before OBBEIM 00/000 hitsed and down. Matthews proved by the 11-1 used 31 -Tree. of Trailer Sales, Calloway County p. m. 2-2-P ge-fneesa birch family QOM 000M02021 Libraries. Highway 45, Mayfield. CH 7-0066. Court and ordered filed ba I' 21-Part of foot 32- African UMWE MOHO DUO t fleet of over for 33- FAiliality ground UM2A OMMO MR0 mancl:i5c exiceptions. Arry person 24-Gull-ilk. IN MEMORY OF bird squirrel I. die repre• desiring to file any -exception 25-Shore birds 33 CI WANTED: 500 BARRELS Yellow thereto MRS. PORTER WHITE 21-A pprnaches art of plant nn started will do so on or before 29-,Ilearn 35- Brazilian 41-Concoct 46-Hindu ear corn delivered. Paying $6.50. nee Sadie Nell Outland 42-Heraldry: cs militia unit Feb. 25th 1963 or be forever .1u- Inlet estuary 4 Cbllenvay Cte.inty Soil I .wish to use this means to 31- Append 37-Young buy grafted 49- Mounta:H iunitieiiia Improve- barred. 31-Liquefies 39-ic,yenly 45- Baker's ial,i,r , ment Asseeration. Dial express My deep appreciation of product 51 -Note of seals .'ie 759-2924. Withness my hand this 28th day 35 - Entree it' I tfc oi Jan. 1963, Sadie'ias we all called her. She 36-Guido'. high was the .10IC By D. W. daughter of good Chris- - lat es I 2 3 • :::::::::$.:40kj.11117 1 2 I Shoemaker P.- Total WtL DO IRONING OR HOUSE tian parents and grew up in a •UUR.400 44.:0.1!:titiki= County Court Clerk 41-Pair ell wrik and Christian 9 10 117 keep children. See or Calloway environment. Early in 43- Posed for County, Kentucky portrait write Mrs. Clyde life she professed faith in IChriet 1113 :,:ri Evitts, Route By Dewey Ragsdale, D.C. Nol• of sal. 111 Ele I, Murray. 119.. as her personal Saviour and uni- it-wise ted 47- Parent 17 with the First Baptist Church, (culling In accordance with 'Kentucky Murray, Kentucky. 43- Matz •" In accordance with Kentucky 21 22 :::: 111 e'4et$ 2:f Statutes, Sections 25.195 and 25.- She was the mother of five 511- More sapid Statutes, Sections 25.195 and 25.- 52-Cook siOWly X8.4 200: Notice is herisby given children, three of them preceding 53- Verve retk, 25 II ni:27 28 200.: Notice hereby given that a report of final settlement of ac- her in death. She always looked report of final settlement of ac- DOWN :WPM counts Was on January 28th 1963 to the best interest of her family 1:;.• ta :;Ck; 3° counts' was on January 28th 1963 I -Improve Aidk.•:11111 t...”.!..v...... -bed by Wells Ovelbey, Executor, ----a good mother and a true wife. f,.....S 31 filed by Erie Keys, Executrix. vs 2-Near vs. Grover Cunningham, Deed., She was never quite the same st,V Alice Keys, Decd,, and that the 3 - Ethiopian and . that the -same has- been after the Sudden death of her title srnie has been approved by the 4-Rodents itil Mail 0111 Elia Cons'ocCOpPet tub-1g are readied tut the $1.8 million research appr.ved by the Calloway Ckunty. last little boy. Not long after the .:44.Ai it4,4adias Calloway County Court and ord- 5- Folar disk. Michigan for study of the structure of heavy Court and ordered to lie over for death- of her -baby she developed Illinia eyclutron,bting tai lt st-thet University of ered filed tO lie over for exicep-1 6- Vehicle ••• • • • T..- .,nette field of the cyclotron. The AEC ia foot- exceptions. Any person desiring tio a dreaded disease which she 44 ;VAn.1I 46 'al47 atomic nude, tl•r• •• tions. Any person desiring to file 1 7-Note of scale 01 ter npeeition in 1964. _ file any exception thereto will do could never overcome. .A.1though amm :56..s. any exception thereto will do so! 8-Goes in so ten or before - February 15th everything -was done for her re- 9-Plate on or before Feb. 29th 1963 or i 1953 . r be forever barred_ covery, she never got well and 10-Jumps be forever. barred. ail • Withnees my hand this 26th day wps a constant sufferer the rest 11-Strict 111 Withnese coy hand this 28th dayl at Jan. 1963. of her life. 12-Obsers ed Distr. by United reetare inc. of Jan. 1963. • By D. W. Shoemaker She lived her liff ih Murray L9Fb By D. W. Shoemakei • , A New 'Thriller County Court Clerk 'I Calloway County, Kentucky - l&A'\KE tecUVE fEE-1!A 7,;:! AM)t-tE j5i-tok abiAT 5.4g SAID BY EDNA...SHERRY By Dewey Ragsdale, D.C., A TERRiBLE THE ONY , P.m lb. Dodd. Merl• On sowl, 0.1.0,6•4 WO Mdaa ••••-r. DY•416•4.11W [La P tr•••,•• ANAAL YOU'VE EvEk YOU COULD CALL REPRESENT- RANCHER.. BEEN AROUND K5NaLIPV elERE ATIVE OF TAE ANAAL. In accordance with Kentucky KIN60.11/0 1.00 Statutes, Sections 25.195 and 25.- -200: Notice is hereby given that a

54 report of final settlement of ac- • counts wee on January 28th 1963 39c isMAPTEI ride tronk at it that way." 1, "Get me the Sul', PeOe" I, alled by Aubrey Ahart, Ex, vs. 1/14 ililtAltc4ER .i.av3 "%YAM '• No auto-- • a sw-ino.sietee wise . Alpha Ahart, Decei.. and /hat Milner-trey oetore Carlo The fludsm looks Ake p.r.vtei .- the . se,rge'Slit On. d'tt:s at t:. the same has been approved by • ard waited a rno- And itidk what it's skit:1g us umithson Dacia :is ":‘ • Or ,- door rie:,.: until nis ovathi,•g was oack. caring Itnit crate. With Lynn of tne• be: 1. 1. NANCY he FJP•lia 41614•11111allp• more even He took the gun hum expense accounts of twelve Justice speaking from his rocket, unbolted and on- lousy dollars a day. Whore. Farm. Send an itiabete. to, it the door and retreated' your so-called Scotch thrift. fast as you can and •••-: tie few feet to the railing Mac?" , There s been a shooti HM\M--LV YES --- AND AUNT FRITZI a. i., •s the narrew. hall In poet- "Marty, so fnr we're st.imped. "On the double. t: I- LET'S STOP AT I SEE tlea. with the ;pm trained on Every lead tiler, on us when we I He hunt up ana %A IS VERY tyI-OUSE FOR A YOU net calk•cb. rim it down. We've got to try to the senbing FUSSY ABOUT 10c "tvnnee' Come and get It." t anything promising-" "Ambulance 11 no r 7:re. itt e, GLASS OF MILK HAVE I ME WALKING the door opened Carlo ap- i "Promising!" Marty snorted. few minutes. Finn to in • ANEW • p_eirett glanced at Nick and "A ten-year-old pick-lip truck let's try to stop. this 0 ON IT '1 As he stooped for the registration that you dug out Got any rag.: of Ither(A RUG tray he st,.ke lightly. 'of Albany-- She ran Into ric; r• •ni a 1 15c 441.,,ICO NOW "Mole out to Nicolo Arches-' was back Mein ot!). with a rnAltre d's taktug care of zo, don't for'!" handful if go, -7 ,,; or, I-k' sta d up. th- grin still "Venn, for 1952. And nothing lingerie, Marty pa - ea it ia:.: ti on nis face Then lie , since." around the Wod.11:1 and cat.ipr.d lurgorl; tilting the tray at an -Re could have given up driv- a hand on it to keep it la toneo a -- e, and neaved It against mg." He knew better than to mov,• N.• ."He could be dead, too. Then the wounded man He squatted At the same instant Ronny' where are on the floor beside Car,o lust Sh : I ,n eln;ted out from behind itn,:s gave his rare s'ow gran AS Ross came up and in ined • CAT took the ilairs. three at "Seeeng America fira, l7•Ci- them Marty said: , 0- r .1 a e. and lore open the tront allv Putnam County and Xiilow "Heil be ad rn-711., miss Now Far in in psi-ocular." while we're welting. give ue a 1•7It 1, admit ¶ -dly off guard • • • • few facts Teu said kidnaiyirs"- AERIE AN - SLAT! try %Bebe-, ve. Swim siee- figui ed C irlo as still in the driveway of V.'il- -Yes. rhat man downstairs cool at ye. nevet t hot'aha it NO"'low Farm, the two agents end areener one. Garry, held ilf in" tee reflex, ot a man wilt, to:inwed Ronny into the nrrise .ip on the rund two ditys ago. --I'D RATHER BE enact always liseet a dangerour. Nick's crumpled oody in the they tilt Carlo with a wrench DEAD THAN WITHOUT 29c downstairs hall was the first and tied me up and brought us 'IOU, MV FABULOUS As Conn h:vd pred.etcd, the agto that met their eyes As here." - FIFI' hot trout) on the tray did 'in 111:tit v v...rit toward it. inny ' ''INhat's your name?" Ross a. deed scrild Wm, hut his tie;er: ehorie his arm. protesting. put in. • on the trigger tightsnes1 and "No no! Upstairs." "Veronica Sheldon- " Her 4 the gun roared pint as C:iri,i etwel till, ner1,14;ig at month Mimed down bitterly dropped the tray nnd crounned "Yes- Sheldon Steel, Sheldon 39° to 'tackle. Nick nrc Tranroortation, Sheldon 011, sens,-11 tbe "W'Iveti MT" , and hacked upto the ra.i:Ing to "One ot, the kirinrupere Sheldon Foundation. That's why rtriiInt get room to Wyk, evi n v. r • 't?..ra • i'orne. on!" ;May pieked on me. They knew he sr:lerged the tripe behind them, peered.1 *vas good for Million denar There was another :ass •: c!oner. ' Ira/Uwe ' noise ex Nick's henee feanio' ,"11-e. Merty. take a ionic "They talked in front of struelt the re.'big- fee e0 swi,v1 Mee 1 reeo entre you." asked Rosa skeptically cracked reel eteltitee- r Al.ljer and deed as a "No. We were Inched in those whole wanton ot th tnitestrade, herring." two rooms.- She pointed "But gave and N-k hurtle,' down the -6mm fin!" er:ed 11,inny there's a not-air register in • sarinewell. In trie upstairs nrti. very in ;t.y arid (bagged Malty Carkes room and when It's Carlo bolded like a Wet nests 'toss-a ii the stairs. 'open, you can near everything paper and lay Mill. .In the uppn hall. Car!o lay from the Mem beneath,' °inside. screaming at the top •:till. nut his shallow noisy "Go on. What else did., you of net irings, Ronny Caen,: down breathing .1 roelaimed that he hear"- P L. the naiad. directly into the path was still ri!ive. Re had worn "They were running away to of nn once-Ming car. ' no coat--so that he woule be Mexico tomorrow- on 'the three The driver stood on the unhampered .in his attack will o'clock bus. Carlo said, because brakes and stopped within three the tray and Ms white shirt ••• nobody'd be criminals MOSCCIeS READ^r, A4-i THINK 'KY „fect ot her. The two men Reared provided a sharp contrast to would take anything as slow as out ot the car and rushed to the slowly spreading crimson BELOW THEM EDDI E ? CAME OFF NICE, • bus. They were in Mune kind ))) her side. The screrim!ng rontln- spot on tits right breast. A thin of trouble with the taw.' CL_C4J DS P.r-- SHOOT!! EDDIE - • Lied. One ot them toek tier by line of • the same eel:Cr red ,N EppIr for • "Where's this Harry?" the arms and shook her until trickled tram the side of his • "He'::, gone to collect the ran- the hysteria, died out of her. mouth. Ronny .dropred to her, mom. That left only Nick here. then he said: knees beside him. Alr so when Carlo heard they were miss. what's wrong?" "Carlo! Carlo, darling-" aft% -39 going to shoot us and bury un, "Carlo! He s hurt- shot - I Marty, suddenly businesslike he decided to throw (he dinner kagev- nelp him-" and efficient, pulled her to her tray at Nick and- -" She brnse • & 'SAT. "Where is hee feet < down. sobbing. "He risked rils A Couple ot hours earlier, "Where's the phone?" 8:00 life so I could go free. Carlo, lertow- Agents McGill Ross and Martin "1 don't darling, don't die!" ) LyTh were heading nerthekcim He !eft tier and thing open New York en • Drive- Lrf-Serf door anti' door, hls eye travel- • 44 Cal Maros was doing the.drIv y wound each room '110ne• e r e streaming ET ant 'old the grunibling. In the thied room tie exemined doss n her leathery cheeks. "I kav we're nuts to go N:'- k's berlreom. lie found the •h.' had seen Nick's broken LET," RIGHT /- on : I goose chase like this." phone When rfe rtftd he opera- body in the lot% or hall . . ." _ VITIES "it s a pleasant day for a tor, he said; the story continues Monday.



, ark

PAGE EIGHT THE LEDGER at TIMES — MURRAY,. KENTUCKY THURSDAY - Books, Books, Books From — JANUARY 31, 1963 The Local Puoiplic Library CHUCK WAGON •

by Jear Blankenship Christian Anderson _ Regional Award • and _ 6taff Member . also .. rf the noted. Newberry - The , Januar) ,hiprnent of'books '.Y -ard. _. fr.m the Department of Libraries 'Fur adults: The Civil War, . at Frankfort has :rrived. been . Harr). H-arisen. author. Hire is placed on the shelves of your the curnplete, fully documented . library, and is now reeic• ,.t.o-S- -f.-,i'- h of the Civil War.. This , your reading plea, Naturally,_;,fascnating are. reconstruction a t - .1 there 1- a w:de FIELD'S PORK re 1-A.t....i of WADI- -* is to answer the „jaueslions Ar• to better : suit the' testes--of ,. atlutppened, and :why," oar- patrons. ; A - sirripLlrig, of ..tStal, -.Refuge in Avalon—U you have - seatalzori- might •erieludea -par I-hes-beer wondered why • the rich and lintle folk: SAUSAGE Let's be Indians. ly,,. , Or-Att..Dent m a.n of Jerusalem Peg* , . Parrish. This is an• -action : leapardizerl his life 70 and career BRIGHTEN beck. giving _ ch.Sletren VA:lathing • to for the body of Jesus. WINTER to do •rat MENUS! !lays when they may , read Margeurite Steedenan's in not be - 2lbs able to play outside. Di- rriguing book about .I...aeph rectal& of f c r - malt:ng costumes. .Ar•rnedlea• _ . igssaaataa ,,,,,,„,.* e 4.k. are '•''r•! yea3 ..:1 3s,triiirsis -161-iiiiii 'of the pre Ffrzted . Til'.s s*/ book could be h etehovae wit*- Mrs, John F. hestsful to Cub Scout or Br.wnie Kennedy' If you didn't see the BMA BUTT 29c leaders. abo. ,..0,tv::'in preductkm. visit with Mender: lb has written , ttr through the pages of many this ROAST delightful lica kis for young l''velY book Photographs • people. n d the hatesa of which is ••..'sjoatue taken from the The ',incline Mill. original This book was' Imw• Spare the 184"2 Ribs w.r.ner .4 29Fb the Hans •-' .r :g a 1"h4aY party for Toppy -- -rer son' Bacon A navel ne ritild 34;g, Ground Beef 24Vb - hissed t -r. the 1.-asok FORK ntertatn _How to NORTH NEWS Children with Magic,4a;gilt) . •he d Picnics Great_ Merlini. - - 29Fb Chestnut By AVM .ft. D. Kew' , The manetary is*H01.1-, Bacon value of tbase or HALF 44;g, CATned Hams 3i $239 _ • :18 books is TaSior MoPr"Y approximately $530. I FIELD'S it '''(!'sis tr*-eire but we are - 1-Lb Pkg int: in Hertry Coonty- sure the vohie of NO CHARGE Hospital. ; happy hours Mrs. R. D Key. the Murray- Mrs. (arm Orr. Graves SLAB CAN OF County Library will BACON Mrs Wdrren Sykes. c 'rife SLICING 2 Mrs- Douglas . t' much mompaiMEMPilalaismaggazaamtww:wWISMat 9CI b Vandyke. Mr more. Bring the whole I WEINERS KRAUT FREE! and Mrs Oiimnn • -arM41NM/r 49c P* b.-oks. booin• for t h as -4MMININIMIIIEL- - -hal! saerit Toe-'day wilt \las .- sal, *inter Wiz M•yrris and take home books, .-sf'erneon v stars hours,' --er s M- --,r ". )!-. Maria J k nk- MONDAY ii- .7! Iti,-111% 31 - aril PT). Vadeit. -r-• vat a St-5 Warren Sykes lad * THRU Abaft. 8 visited the R D Keys AM Thies- TORE Ii .HOURS day. Jr." now- to SATURDAY ttits_ _ .111111a1111111111111111151111111111111rier Mrs.. Oman Pa•chall visited Mrs BUCHANAN .01111111311.111111011111:111e,Voll11111WW111111111111ba, Cooper NEWS Jones Friday gterrition, .. __,--L....and---Mese-Petireyer -- -- a . T - . •s vilerlfi '- — ' sta„d ed Mr. and "- PEACHES Sirs Oman Paschall . Osage — — No 21.1W ,Monctay night. - I 17-8 AJICE 416- oz. a Mr and Keith Jackson siert 3W Mr Pt"ItE L_UID Field's - Ctn. 127.1 Mrs George Jenkins and Saturday with Mr arid 4 -Lb. AIit9 Mrs.'Toen- C COCOA He stle itol Half Poor!' Je• Iran!" ii.,*•re in _Paris '.1% Walker and family- 29c 'CORN Masfleld Ta — 10 C a Herbert Alton in,.ted Mr. and TONIATfNES vaden moved fm„..:11:s. Geo I3 Strained Atlay lack_ an Thursday aft C PEANUT rBUTTEil Nipples :71:: eac He ^:t ;I to the errea•ri. Mr liABY an I sirs. Mail Wallace FOOD (i.r. ii 25c k-me 0: his son v. .ted ...—aimiaw ..aumeiresior azon10110101111mmilimr.ama Bro. Vaden. Mr. 'and Mrs_ Jackson Sun- Mr viega,_ed and litrs •Gt-!--iitore Mr, Bush's Mr Mrs Glynn- Or- !In are very Can Good aA'. a: this Bane_ - Sale Fri.‘"trY Mr. aivi Mrs Eugene Chaney and Chartes f -Butch" Paschall nil. were Sund:y viarters of Mrs PORK ed the Air Force & .BEANS and-left Naahviile GladY" Safi:Ian and Mr. _ 'Thursday morning and Mrs- by plane for Max Wall-aee- Teica• _where Bru he will be stationed and Mrs Torn Brann and ?OW - farn:ly BLACICE`J:p yi.ited Tonicity Walker and - PEAS _ • Mr •and Mrs Charles Paschall.1 ---n11). a while Sunday es.erang %Itch. Judy and (Th 3r'ene and Mr.: idd Ty 13' and Mr and Mrs i azieer F - eel Gal...more • has moved to Nash- TIJNi CEEENS-- were waa****- :•le -,, — 3 cf Mr and .. •••••)Ir "ile ''' row err-nl°).ed. Mrs F.dd Mirer r -r of Hazel, Tues- . Mrs littera _ A,tiail dry ntright..- - , -- t..,,,lreeluT.-„an. -and It la . v., ek a-.ah -Mr 0All Mr and s!rs ('errs' 1.4-i1 Wilfoc viat- rid Mrs- Earl Min's' I •-ct Mr and rare neinmg sake 2 Mr- Tom Wilson in .*f Mrs lEr on Mr and Mrs. Pury-ear ..r. 3 - t Saturd31- . ry Hinson arc also with *leen 1 Mr and Mrs PINTO :Fred Gailitnore th we'-'1( -BEANS, . ins -lied Mr and sirs Charles-Pas-. is ) chali -.these-ore cans Friday . a/armee:an i - ' •- -- tict.aalt al.- following a . (lane ecaia ;Tem.... 4,, Nir,, mg. hr..Mr. -. JtaackClaude -"Illia 4al- i Hope site will soon'NAVY 1 —' i d-el Ws'r- be BEANS s,..., heeme in Jones Mill ab:e to he hack hone! Mr. .. , ). „,..„ Fannie ()Zen.. a.s:ar of Mr l....rn- II. ...._ C,"r • 4irr heep virile Mrs NORTHERN to have a Lamb is in the Hos- EF k S b -tar !:1 Jones Mill pik 14"e - -re . hack Thes ol Par.s form let* J7' . et:y sent to Fk se•ieral our c.ostet rigiber hers. h.- _ full 1 e.irried 59 aco Mrs Beim end chil- home from General Mos- dren a- s:tat ss *en h m in the sper:ng ether a we 1- treatment Her *ten ol : o it out Vi• • r Max. ounds and faintly a SP APHETTI_ Mr lilireass _ and Mrs Oman Paerh311 are with them this week UNt11111111tUMN21611.11•11111W&M.2firlflibrimawiiisairw t d Mr and 4rs air. Browraes' ) Joe 25 HsrlITIC; Saturcisy mks Mrs Grylon Morris stated Fin- P - l.reah Mrs Oman ely is Paschall. Mr the Hoscital with Taylor and Mrs Gaylon PING 192MY JOHNSON'S Hores Morris Mr and 16 oz 29 --NEE - Mr HoYley is slowly an- Mrs. Rakoh `PONG 46-oz. piny:rec. Gal:more. and Marri• ' he:teals v.s.ted Crrio Mrs Ella Morris Poyd was in Parts Fri S :nix). afterroor THIS COUPON IS day to se -Dr Prichall PORK WORTH -wah a Adolphus Paschall & SNACK: 12-oz. cold and Ane:: BEANS::2/28' can • 0)$ 'IN) W.aker :.-dszted Taylar 110'W) YOU I,;•=1,7, •:".ay (' .oir in Rudolph key anti a co)d the SPECIAL Mr •i4, after:: . WHEN YOU and Mr. Ralaih qallimore JLIVIIG CRACKERS Sunshine 1-ib. box J 'Y and Mrs "dynri PIES 25 A 10 OI'NCI.: Orr vlsrte.ti Etro Mr -- 12/3W JAR 11F and Ws Bill) rren S7.'ets. Nance and INSTANT PRICE Saturday night ' irisiteri.Str FE IA;ER'S Mr and and Mrs Mrs rharlie Olive of 1 COFFLE . -rib Sunda* ' FIG BARS Flavor-Kist 1-lb Miii;ShMALLOW(RKE:Itit- — Clip this coupon, and 18 present with yourpurchase TOMATO SOUP Campbell., 10 2 of a 10 ounce jar of 5, INSTANT 1.01A zhIt'.14.... pool. DOG FOOD Jo Ho — — ean COFFEE: 1 si591 1)O( FOOD maiie lb )rIrsIvIflI '" --- .'"---•'^'-'41Z21wRiixonari •-••... '•"044IIIMMIIMr7..a.atr.sar MUER Ii _ ‘-•- at 311111sm recariras taser- raimas...7 21/4FiiniSv'EFr • Or El 16-1 • rt KEEP HEALTHY I I GRAPES LB. UMA BEA'NS 10c eCCOLX Frosty BANANAS LB. a t X A-res 10c • ea RED or 1 5 T COr"rosts4'1.1 Ar.1" 5 POTATO S WHITE 10 KIRI)AEA E TV 39c$ TI HF DINNERS TOMATOES IPS NOT THE COLD. IES1 THE DAMPNESS. that 15.-se two brothers Ike da y Swim in the. Muekva Troitse-Lykovo, River at near Muss-ow, says the Soviet news agency Tam la sending along this photo. Note the alu-Cad people 49c 1 watching la the background. OH"FINE FOODS FOR SONFINE FOLKS" 10c

