Page 19 / Irish Echo / MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2014 / Page 20 NEW YORK - NEW BELFAST CONFERENCE Loretta is our choice in any year By Ray O’Hanlon As Loretta told the Irish Times in an interview a few
[email protected] years ago, she was already in her 40s when she met the two great loves of her life. oretta is the seventh in the fifth. That is to say that Loretta The first was Wall Street magnate Lewis Glucksman, Brennan Glucksman is the seventh person to hold the title who was then head of Lehman Brothers investment LofIrishEchoIrishAmericanoftheYear,andshewillbeduly bank. honored at the fifth New York/New Belfast conference this And it was Lewis who introduced her to the second week. great love: Ireland. But Loretta is oh-so-much more than the numbers, Loretta Brennan was the Irish American. Lewis more than even the tens of millions of dollars raised for Glucksman’s family roots were in Hungary. But he had / Irish EchoIrish / MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2014 causes / during her tenure as chair of the American served on a U.S. Navy submarine during World War II Ireland Fund. and had spent his shore leave in Ireland. She is a woman for all seasons, an Irish American of “He knew Ireland like the back of his hand,” Brennan the Year in any year, a friend of Ireland and the Irish of Glucksman told the Times in that interview. America in innumerable ways. “He loved the writers, visited all their homes. He Brennan Glucksman is the second woman to win the called these journeys his pilgrimages.” Person of the Year accolade since it was revived in 2007.