Pathfinder Clean Energy (PACE) Ltd, 122 Caraway, Cllr Julie Neesam 2 Cayenne Court, Ward SE1 2PP By email: 15/09/2020

Dear Cllr Neesam,

Proposed Burgate solar farm - Fields off Spixworth Road

I am writing to let you know that Pathfinder Clean Energy (PACE) will shortly be bringing forward a proposal for a solar farm with battery energy storage on Fields off Spixworth Road, , NR10 3BX.

Facilities like these enable this country’s low carbon and renewable energy strategy. As you may know, the Government has committed to a target of “​ net zero carbon emissions” ​and a transition away from fossil fuels for energy supply. Increasingly, renewable energy facilities provide the backbone of this new approach and solar farms such as that proposed at Burgate are vital in enabling this.

Due to current restrictions we are not able to hold a public event, but this week we have launched a project website and notified residents in the local area. This contains details of our proposals, but in summary:

● It will generate enough renewable energy to power over 6,200 homes a year. ● The batteries are similar to those used in phones and laptops and help reduce risks of power cuts by storing and then releasing energy at times of high demand. ● Once operational, there will be almost no traffic. Construction traffic will be routed from the south, away from Newton St Faith, and , to minimise disturbance. ● Solar farms take up a very small proportion of the land they occupy, leaving huge scope for biodiversity enhancements and continued agriculture. ● The site is already well screened, but new trees and hedges will be planted to minimise visibility from homes and footpaths.

Several sites were considered in the area before the Spixworth Road site was selected as the most appropriate location. The area has capacity to connect a development to the local electricity grid and the proposed fields will have limited visual or heritage impacts. They can be well screened and present significant opportunities for biodiversity.

Website:​ w​ Address: Pathfinder Clean Energy (PACE) Ltd, 122 Caraway, 2 Cayenne Court, Email: ​[email protected] London, SE1 2PP UK Company Number: ​ 10550249 Telephone: ​+44 020 7127 4542 UK VAT Number:​ 276 2558 74 Page 2 of 4

The solar panels, batteries and other equipment are kept low to the ground and will be surrounded by existing and new trees and hedgerows to minimise visibility from homes and footpaths. Visibility of the solar panels from nearby homes and settlements will be very limited.

It will not be necessary to remove any trees or hedges, and the land beneath the panels will be available for grazing livestock and biodiversity improvements. Construction traffic will access the site from Spixworth Road and traffic is not expected to need to pass through Newton St Faith, Hainford and Frettenham.

Ecological surveys have informed the choice of location and will ensure that no sensitive habitats are affected. Solar farms bring considerable biodiversity benefits and a biodiversity plan and management scheme will include skylark plots, new trees, wet woodland and hedgerows.

The reduction in intensive farming will remove the need for chemical fertilisers and pesticides, which will allow the land to rejuvenate naturally and leave its quality improved once the solar farm is removed. The proposed development has a likely lifespan of 40 years, and the site will be fully restored at the end of the project’s life.

The proposals will include solar photovoltaic panels measuring up to 3m high at their tips, associated infrastructure including inverters and transformers, and surrounded by a 2m high post and wire fence. An example is shown above.

It will have a capacity of up to 15MW, which will be distributed to homes and businesses via a connection on-site to the local electricity grid. This is enough to power around 6,200 homes each year.

It will also include a single battery container so that excess energy can be stored and distributed to the grid at times of high demand, thereby helping to reduce the risk of power cuts. The container will be around 2.75m high. The batteries will use similar technology to mobile phone and laptop batteries, and do not contain hazardous materials. The project will be constructed to all UK and European safety standards.

We have commissioned a comprehensive set of surveys to help determine the site area and layout, so that impacts on residents can be minimised, and to identify opportunities for improving the proposals. These include:

● Landscape and visual impact assessment – this has helped us determine the maximum height of the development, the position of equipment, and where we should plant new trees and hedgerows to minimise visibility into the site. ● Heritage and archaeology assessment – these have considered listed buildings and other designated heritage features in the area, as well as the potential for archaeological features below the ground. ● Preliminary ecological appraisal, accompanied by a survey of skylarks – we have used this to identify wildlife habitats on or around the site, and how the solar farm can benefit biodiversity. Following the preliminary appraisal, we surveyed whether skylarks were using the site. We have included skylark plots within the scheme to encourage this species. ● Construction traffic assessment and management plan – this has confirmed the most suitable route for construction traffic in order to avoid nearby villages. Page 3 of 4

● Flood risk and drainage survey – we used this to identify any parts of the site that might be at risk of flooding. As a result, no solar panels have been placed in the western fields and instead will instead be managed as wet woodland and for biodiversity. ● Analysis of agricultural land grade – this has indicated that the land is not of high quality.

More information can be found on our project website (​​) and includes a feedback form.

Members of the project team will be very happy to speak with you, either by phone or video call if we cannot meet in person. Please email me or call on 07742 352406. We will also be contacting the Parish Councils, neighbouring Ward Councillors, and directing members of the public to our website.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Robert Shaw Pathfinder Clean Energy (PACE) Ltd Page 4 of 4