It is fully understood that this may not be a suitable or acceptable method of holding a meeting for all Councillors or members of the public but during the implementation of the COVID - 19 restrictions the Government has looked at alternative options of holding a meeting rather than face to face. We are currently not able to meet face to face. Minutes of a Meeting of Sutton Maddock Parish Council held on Thursday 9th July 2020 at 7.30 pm via virtual means as outlined above. Present: Cllr. Mrs Ann Hill Cllr. H Attwood Cllr. Mrs Adelle Evason Cllr. Ron Hotchkiss Cllr. Ms Deb Ford Cllr. Max Speke Cllr. Chris Walker

Also present: Anne Wilson - Parish Clerk

01/2020 Apologies for absence There were no Councillors absent.

02/2020 Declarations of Interest. RESOLVED to note that there were no declarations of interest under consideration on this agenda in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 s32 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.

3. Public Question Time and Participation No members of the public were present.

04/2020 Chairman’s Announcements The Chairman had no announcements in relation to parish matters or the agenda.

05/2020 Minutes RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 12th March 2020. The Chairman asked that the Clerks expenses be listed on the minutes as they cover a long-time span.

06/2020 Updates on items from the meeting on Thursday 12th March 2020

RESOLVED that Members noted and discussed the updates on the following matters:

• Any updates on Renew

Lengthy discussion was held about Renew and their lack of consideration about the situation about the moving of their business away from the parish. There was video and photo evidence of the company which had been sent to Council. The Chairman expressed concern that Righton and Grindle Parish Council had had a response to their letter. Members noted that Graham Manton had denied everything and when Ian Kilby had visited the site, he was surprised at how much was left on the site and how much was still there which needed moving. Renew had been given until the end of September to move everything off site. Members noted that Renew had had enforcement action on the site overturned.

Members agreed that they would write to Shropshire Council and say the following:

i) That the Parish Council are disappointed with lack of contact by Renew with the Parish Council – they have been in contact with other local Councils ii) Express displeasure that we are now in the situation we are iii) Why haven’t Shropshire Council prosecuted Renew as they have not kept to the date of moving off the site? iv) That the Council was very displeased with the situation Renew is in and the Council hope that something will be done if they are not cleared off by September v) The Parish Council have no confidence that Renew are going to meet the September date and there need to be monthly meetings held by Shropshire Council with the Parish Council also present to check on the progress of the removal of goods from the site vi) An update report be given by Shropshire Council to the Parish Council for their September meeting

• Signage outside Apley Farm on the road verge and Sutton Maddock Roundabout

Although the Clerk had sent detailed information about the location of the signage Shropshire Council had spoken about was across the road from the location the Parish Council had written about. The Clerk would write back and reiterate the correct location.

• Glamping pods in Sutton Wood

Although there were no glamping pods erected at the current time the location is still advertised on Airbnb. It was agreed that Members would keep an eye out on the situation

• Private Road notice

This was still in situ as it was too difficult for Councillors to remove. The Clerk would contact Shropshire Council again about removing the notice

• Flooding along the A442 and by Sutton Maddock Village Hall

Although Shropshire Council were carrying out road repairs this road still flooded, and it was agreed that this would be pointed out again

• Any update on Brockton Crossroads

There was no update, but Members noted that there had been another accident the week of the meeting

• Planning at Haven Ménage

This application had now been passed.

Members raised the matter of the lights at New Bungalow as these too had no permission to be on. The Clerk would contact Shropshire Council about lights at New Bungalow.

• Any other available update

The Clerk had had contact from Town Council about possible building where the garages are in Brick Kiln Lane. It was pointed out that there was a path down the side of garage which no one know who owns it. The Chairman said that she had heard nothing since someone was on the site last year. The Clerk would endeavour to find out more and would also contact Cllr. Wood to ask him what he knows about any proposals for housing on the site.

07/2020 Finance

i) Accounts for Payment

RESOLVED to agree the following payments:

• Clerks salary 139.57 • HMRC 98.80 • Internal Audit - Vanessa Voysey £60 • Came and Company Insurance £218 (paid by the Parish Clerk due to the short time scale and to be re-imbursed to her)

ii) Bank Reconciliation

RESOLVED to note the bank reconciliation as at 18th May 2020:

As at 9th April 2020 5275.58 Plus Income 2617.00 Sub-total 7892.58 Less Expenditure 249.17 As at 18th May 2020 Total 7643.41 i) End of Year Accounts 2019/2020

Members RESOLVED to:

• Confirm the accounting statements for the year ending 31st March 2020 • Note the Internal Auditors Report and any actions arising from it • Agree the Annual Governance Statement – the Chairman read each statement out line by line and Members confirmed or otherwise the report • Confirm the AGAR – the Annual Return

08/2020 Planning

8.1 Planning Applications

RESOLVED that Members made the following comment:

20/02670/FUL 7 Sutton Maddock Shifnal Erection of two storey extension to the side and rear

Cllr. Mrs Adelle Evason declared a prejudicial interest in at this application at this point in the meeting and did not speak or vote on the application

RESOLVED that the Parish Council have no objection to this application.

8.2 Applications considered in between meetings:

RESOLVED to note that the following application was discussed in between meetings

• 5 Sutton Maddock Shifnal 20/01852/LBC and 20/01851/FUL RESOLVED that Sutton Maddock Parish Council supported the applications

See below under granted for details of the applications

• 20/1676/P3MPA Haverhills Farm Lower Haven Hills Shifnal Application for prior approval Under Part3, Class R of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) () Order 2015 for the proposed change of use of an agricultural building to storage and distribution

8.3 Decisions

i) RESOLVED that Members noted the following applications had been granted:

20/1676/P3MPA Haverhills Farm Lower Haven Hills Shifnal Application for prior approval Under Part3, Class R of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the proposed change of use of an agricultural building to storage and distribution

20/01852/LBC 5 Sutton Maddock Shifnal Works to facilitate the installation of two replacement windows and one door to front elevation and one window to rear elevation: installation of vehicular access gates

20/01851/FUL 5 Sutton Maddock Shifnal Formation of vehicular access to include dropped kerb and installation of access gates; installation of two replacement windows and one door to front elevation and one window to rear elevation

ii) RESOLVED to note that there were no applications refused.

09/2020 Policy Documents

RESOLVED that Members discussed and agreed the following documents, making amendments and adaptations to suit the Parish Council

• Standing Orders • Financial Regulations

Members noted that everything in bold is mandatory.

10/2020 Shropshire Council

There were no matters for consideration.

11/2020 Any new matters relating to the parish not included elsewhere on the agenda

Members were invited to raise any matter brought to their attention in the parish;

• Speed Cameras

The Clerk was asked to contact Rod Laker from the safer roads team and ask him to join the September Zoom Parish Council meeting to discuss the ongoing concerns about speeding in the parish.

• Village Hall

The Clerk would ask Angela from the Village Hall to join the September Parish Council to facilitate conversation about the fuds form the sale of Norton Village Hall.

12/2020 Date of next meeting

RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Sutton Maddock Parish Council is scheduled to be held on Thursday 3rd September 2020.

This will need to be via virtual means unless the COVID-19 restrictions on how Parish Councils hold meetings is lifted.

Signed ………………………………………………. Date ………………………………
