From Insight to Action: Analytics from Both Sides of the Brain Vaz Balasingham Director of Solutions Consulting [email protected] Insight to Action – from Both Sides of the Brain

• Both Sides of the Brain Value • Fast & Slow • Insight to Action • Visual Analytics Grow Revenue • Numerical Algorithms • Insight Execution Reduce • Wrap-Up / Questions Risk • Come see the demos

Increase Productivity ROI

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. 2 Fun Problem from Kahneman

“A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?”

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Themes: Thinking Fast and Slow… from Both Sides of the Brain

System 1: System 2: Association Monitor & Engine Control

What you see Lazy is all there is Controller

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Themes: Thinking Fast and Slow… from Both Sides of the Brain

System 2: System 1: Monitor & Association Control Engine


© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Themes: Insight without Action has Little Value

Event $$$$

Data Ready for Analysis $$$

Analysis Completed

Business $$ Value Decision Made

$ Action Taken


© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. People & Reporting & Processes Dashboards

Streaming APIs Analytics

Data & Data Systems Visualizations The TIBCO Insight Platform

Insights EVENTS Actions The TIBCO Insight Platform





MODEL The TIBCO Insight Platform





MODEL The TIBCO Insight Platform





MONITOR The TIBCO Insight Platform





MONITOR The TIBCO Insight Platform

Insights MODEL Actions The TIBCO Insight Platform

TIBCO Spotfire Matlab TIBCO Streambase

Insights MODEL Actions

TIBCO Live Datamart #1. Smart Visual Analytics

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. #1. Smart Visual Analytics

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Spotfire : Visual Analytics Spotfire

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Spotfire : Graphs Spotfire

Venn Sankey


Donut Chord


© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Enhanced Data Connectivity Spotfire

Connect Seamlessly with your Data Sources

• Hassle-free connectivity to your data sources • Database drivers included with Spotfire software download Recommendations Spotfire

Jump Start Your Analysis

• Visualization recommendations based on your selected data • Build one visualization – or entire dashboard – in just a couple of clicks • Data previews accelerate discovery & insights • Powered by Spotfire Analytics Recommendation Engine™ Data Source View Spotfire

Visual Overview of data table sources & operations

Gain a better understanding of the data you’re trying to visualize.

Speed up visualization design. Data Panel Spotfire

Key Information At Your Fingertips

• See all dimensions and measure available to visualize.

• Expanded view gives extra insights without going to other screens.

• Change data type, category, sort order all without dropping what you’re doing.

• Data filters built-in.

• Views based on type of data in column. Annotations Spotfire

Add Commentary To Your Analysis

• Overlay annotations on any part of your analysis.

• Select size, color, and font to match the look and feel of the rest of your visualizations. Collaboration Spotfire

Connect Your Data To The Conversation

• Have conversations about specific issues and insights found in your data.

• Save your views and discoveries on each message in the conversation. TIBCO GeoAnalytics

WHAT IS IT? FOR WHOM MATURITY CURVE STEP • Analysts Diagnose (foundation for ¡ High-accuracy, global base maps designed for data • Data Scientist Predict & Optimize) exploration & location analytics • Business Users ¡ Visualize, explore, analyze data in the context of location ¡ Modern, interactive and easy map navigation ¡ Mash-in new data sources quickly and provide accurate enterprise geo-coding ¡ Use multi-layered analysis to understand geographic correlations in data and expand understanding

QUICK DETAILS A rich foundation for location analytics ¡ Automatic, offline geo-coding ¡ Combine multiple layers of data on a same map ¡ Import & save geographic files for future use ¡ Cloud based base map always available, always up-to-date ¡ Drill-down to a deeper level of detail

#2. Numerical Models

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Insight to Action : the Model

Spotfire Streambase

PMML H2O - PMML (CRAN) - POJO - R2PMML (JPMML) - Model object - KNIME PMML MODEL - SAS PMML - … many R Model Object - *.rds Matlab Model Object - *.RData - MDS - *.mdl (TERR) - PMML

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Algorithms: Rules, & Optimization

• Declarative & Heuristic Rules • SPC and Anomaly Detection • Machine Learning • Supervised • Unsupervised • Gradient Boosting Machines • Random Forests • Deep Learning • Optimization • Linear & Quadratic Programming • Genetic Algorithms • Process optimization • Capacity constraints

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Machine Learning Machine Learning finds predictive models in data without being told where to look • Supervised – Solve known problems: y=f(X) • Build a model that predicts a condition (failure, success, ..) • What factors are driving customer network issues? • Decision Trees, Random Forests, Gradient Boosting Machines, Deep Learning • Unsupervised – Identify new patterns, Detect anomalies X only • Are there new patterns or failure modes emerging? • Clustering, Principle Components, Deep Learning Autoencoder • Optimization – Support Decision-making • Find best solution even when there are constraints on the process • What is the optimum allocation of resources for equipment maintenance? • Genetic Algorithm, Linear/Quadratic Programming

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Anomaly Detection

Sensor Data / Anomaly Detection Existence of known anomaly ? What if we don’t have this ?

Unsupervised – no y variable Can still model ! J • SPC and Western Electric Rules (ESP) • Single class Support Vector Machine • Principal Components: PC Score • Deep Learning: Auto encoding

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Model: Gradient Boosting Machine Model: Gradient Boosting Machine

• Boosting Process • Sample the data: fit a tree: recursive partitioning • Drop the observations down the tree • Re-sample the data; up-weighting the observations that weren’t fitted well in previous model • Save all the trees and average them • Excellent fit + prediction

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Reference Diagram

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Increasing Capacity and Resilience

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Spotfire & Matlab Demo

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Spotfire Platform – Complete

© Copyright 2000-2014 TIBCO Software Inc. 41 How does Spotfire Consume Data?

In- SQL In-Database On-Demand MDX101 Memory 0 Leave data in DB Dynamically Load data 011 Dynamically load and swap data in from source 0 discard data to and out of in to memory visualize memory. SOURCES DATA Event Data Active Spread- Flat Hadoop & Analytical XML Cubes Streams Spaces RDBMS sheets Files Big Data DWs e.g. stores Exadata

© Copyright 2000-2013 TIBCO Software Inc. 42 #3. Streaming Analytics Streambase

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Issues with Traditional Data Processing

• Data collected from multiple sources and periodically placed in Act a persistent store. • Analytical processes are executed against the stored data

Analyze • Introduces too much “decision latency” • Responses are delivered “after- the-fact”. Store • Decisions are made on old and stale data. • Maximum value is lost. The New Era: Fast Data Processing

• Events are analyzed and processed in real-time as they arrive. Act Store • Decisions are timely, contextual, and based on fresh data. • Decision latency is eliminated, resulting in Analyze • Superior Customer Experience • Operational Excellence • Instant Awareness and Timely Decisions

© Copyright 2000-2015 TIBCO Software Inc. Anomaly Detection: Data Flow Streambase

Spotfire Transactions “Featurize” Matlab Dashboards * 1 row / Data transaction detail Prepare Data for * 1 row / group Anomaly Detection Modeling (Matlab, TERR) Models (TERR, Matlab)

DATA Spotfire/Matlab AT REST Anomaly Detection Anomaly Detection Streambase Models (TERR, Matlab) Model Real Time - Autoencoder * Rdata object Scoring - Gradient Boosting Machine

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Streaming Analytics with Streambase Streambase

Business Continuous Strategy Spotfire Visualization Connection

Analytics designed by data scientists Data Infrastructure Automated Action

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Streaming Analytics Streambase

Analytics designed by data scientists

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Streaming Analytics : Equipment Monitoring Streambase

Load Reference Output to BPM Data to be used in Publish and Expose Clean Systems, Web Rules/Alerts, Data to Whole Services, Databases, Cleaning, or and anywhere else! Anywhere else Organization Continuously Build Features and Publish

Continuously Publish Summary Statistics Publish Raw Events to for Analysis another StreamBase Workflow or other Applications

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. StreamBase Adapters and Connectivity Streambase Financial Databases IoT: Integration Messages

OSI-PI Kafka


MQTT Rabbit MQ

Big Data Social Compute

API’s C++, , .NET, JavaScript, Python Messaging TIBCO RV & EMS, JMS, MQ Series, RMDS, Solace, Tervela, Wombat General Purpose Adapters FIX, STAMP, JDBC, ActiveSpaces, POP3, IRC, HTTP, SMTP, IM, XML, RSS

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Streambase & Matlab Demo

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc. Insight Platform Demo

© Copyright 2000-2016 TIBCO Software Inc.

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• Spotfire micro site • • People & Reporting & Processes Dashboards

Streaming APIs Analytics

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