Rygg = 8 mm THE STATE OWNERSHIP REPORT 2011 OWNERSHIP REPORT THE STATE THE STATE OWNERSHIP REPORT 2011 Ministry of Trade and Industry P.O. Box 8014 Dep NO-0030 Oslo Temporary office address Akersgata 13, 0158 Oslo (at Innovation Norway) Phone: (+47) 22 24 90 90 Fax: (+47) 22 24 01 30 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.regjeringen.no/nhd www.eierberetningen.no K-0721 E Contents The Norwegian State Ownership Report 2011 comprises 52 companies in which the ministries administer the State’s direct ownership interests. The report covers the companies where the State as owner mainly has commercial objectives and the most important companies with sectoral policy objectives. PAGE PAGE PAGE Foreword by the Minister 3 Companies with commercial Petoro AS 86 If you have a smart phone with QR software The State Ownership Report 2011 4 and other specific, defined objectives Simula Research Laboratory AS 87 The Year 2011 for the State as a shareholder 6 Eksporfinans ASA 61 SIVA SF 88 simply scan this QR code, Return and values 12 Electronic Chart Centre AS 62 Statnett SF 89 and you will be taken directly to www.regjeringen.no/nhd Key figures describing financial developments 18 Kommunalbanken AS 63 Statskog SF 90 where there is more information. Other key figures 24 NSB AS 64 UNINETT AS 91 External articles 32 Posten Norge AS 65 University Centre in Svalbard AS 92 The State’s administration of its ownership 38 Statkraft SF 66 AS Vinmonopolet 93 There are also QR codes that will take you to the companies’ websites Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani AS 67 in the presentation of the companies.