Agenda Item 12 Report NPA19/20-14 Appendix 2 69
Agenda Item 12 Report NPA19/20-14 Appendix 2 Size of Internal Lead / Priority Programme Project Title Description Lead Partner Contact Other Partners involved Project contact C/P Protect and enhance the natural beauty and Deliver Landscape Enhancement projects for Truleigh Hill, work with local Landowners, local residents and 1.1 character of the SDNP and minimise negative Truleigh Hill Landscape Project. communities and stakeholders to develop an action plan and prevent C SDNPA N/A community groups, YHA, Telecom Chris Fairbrother infrastructure impacts further loss of landscape character. Companies, National Trust, EON. Follow on work from the recent pilot project to develop expertise and Defra, UK Space Agency, Space for Protect and enhance the natural beauty and capacity in the use of Satellite date and imagery. Use of remote sensing to Smarter Government Programme, 1.1 character of the SDNP and minimise negative Monitoring the South Downs from Space. C SDNPA N/A Chris Fairbrother assess landscape change over time and monitor the impacts of changes and Sussex LNP, Sussex Wildlife Trust, infrastructure impacts trends in land-use on Landscape Character within the National Park. Norfolk Estate Protect and enhance the natural beauty and Schemes of undergrounding overhead powerlines funded through OFGEN UK Power Networks, SSE, Parish UK Power 1.1 character of the SDNP and minimise negative Undergrounding overhead power cables at :- Malling Hill, Adur Valley, Piddinghoe, Littlington, Charleston Manor, C Councils, Charleston Trust, Firle
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