Core Strategy & Development Management Policies
Bassetlaw District Local Development Framework CORE STRATEGY & DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT POLICIES DPD DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT POLICIES DPD CORE STRATEGY & CORE STRATEGY Adopted December 2011 Bassetlaw Core Strategy & Development Management Policies DPD Foreword The Core Strategy, with its Development Control policies and Proposals Map, was adopted by Bassetlaw District Council on 22 December 2011. It identifies the settlements to which new development will be directed and the amount of new housing and employment land that will be provided in these areas up to 2028. Most significantly, it has a fundamental role to play in delivering the Council’s long-term vision for sustainable growth in the District. This aims to see Bassetlaw address a number of regeneration challenges to enhance its reputation as a fine place to live and to work. A huge number of people have contributed to the development of the Core Strategy and their input has been invaluable in shaping its content. The Planning Inspector who led the independent examination of the Core Strategy also recognised the efforts to which the Council has gone to engage the local community, noting in his Report that, ‘the Council’s approach to participation has been thorough and comprehensive, reflects the emerging concept of ‘localism,’ and is to be commended’. I believe that this Plan provides a firm basis for the delivery of new development, which will address the needs of our local communities in a sustainable manner; securing high-quality new houses and economic growth while protecting and enhancing the natural and historic environment of which Basstlaw’s residents are justifiably proud. Cllr David Pressley Portfolio Holder for Community Prosperity i Bassetlaw Core Strategy & Development Management Policies DPD This page is left intentionally blank.
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