Blazing fast distributed graph query processing: 100x faster than Sungpack Hong, Research Director Vasileios Trigonakis, Principal Member of Technical Staff Tomas Faltin, Research Assistant

Oracle Labs 2019/9/17 Safe Harbor

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, timing, and pricing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products may change and remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation.

Statements in this presentation relating to Oracle’s future plans, expectations, beliefs, intentions and prospects are “forward-looking statements” and are subject to material risks and uncertainties. A detailed discussion of these factors and other risks that affect our business is contained in Oracle’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, including our most recent reports on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q under the heading “Risk Factors.” These filings are available on the SEC’s website or on Oracle’s website at All information in this presentation is current as of September 2019 and Oracle undertakes no duty to update any statement in light of new information or future events. Abstract

• A key challenge in graph querying and pattern matching is processing increasingly large graphs and queries that don’t fit in a single machine’s memory. This session presents Oracle Labs’ novel technology PGX.D/Async, which can be used with Oracle Spatial and Graph to perform blazing-fast scalable distributed pattern matching for property graphs. In the session’s first part, developers will learn PGQL, a SQL-like graph , and the secret behind how top performance is achieved with asynchronous almost-depth-first traversal, allowing for high parallelism and precise control over memory consumption. The second part illustrates a performance analysis showing how PGX.D/Async performs 100x as fast as Spark and handles cases that Spark cannot.

*Please note that this session discusses research and development efforts, not shipping product features. Oracle’s Safe Harbor provisions apply to the contents of this presentation. Contents

Graph Data Model and Graph Query Distributed Graph Processing | Research & Development Asynchronous Traversal on Distributed Graphs Performance Comparison Graph Data Model

• Representing your data as Graph • Data entities as vertices • Relationships as edges • Vertices/Edges can have attributes, or properties

• Graph model explicitly captures relationship between data entities Label: customer ID: 9981910 Name: John ZipCode: 92004 Graph Data Model: Benefits

Powerful data analytics for business insight Visualization and interactive data browsing Easy query and fast navigation of complex data

Come to other graph talks at OOW and Code One ! Graph Query: Example Find all instances of a given pattern in the data graph

:worksAt{1831} startDate = ’09/01/2015’ 100 :Person :Company name = ‘Amber’ 777 name = ‘Oracle’ age = 25 :friendOf{1173} Zip = ‘94065’ Query: Find all people who are

:friendOf {2513} known to friends of ‘Amber’. since = ’08/01/2014’ 300 :Person :Person :knows{2200} 200 name = ‘Heather’ name = ‘Paul’ age = 27 age = 30

SELECT, v3.age FROM myGraph MATCH (v1:Person) –[:friendOf]-> (v2:Person) –[:knows]-> (v3:Person) WHERE = ‘Amber’

7 PGQL – Property

Familiar SQL-like syntax Example query: SELECT .. FROM .. WHERE .. SELECT AS friend_of_friend GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. FROM friendGraph Graph pattern matching MATCH (p1:Person) -/:friend_of{2}/-> Define a high-level pattern and match all (p2:Person) the instances in the data graph GROUP BY .. Recursive path expressions ORDER BY .. E.g. can I reach from vertex A to vertex B via any number of edges? LIMIT ..

PGQL has been input to ongoing OFFSET .. standardization efforts i.e. SQL extension for property graph PGQL compared to SQL

Graph query is intuitive and WITH temp(device_id, device_name) AS ( -- Anchor member: SQL succinct SELECT device_id, name FROM Devices WHERE name = 'Regulator, HVMV_B‘ UNION ALL Query: Find all the devices that -- Recursive member: are (transitively) connected to SELECT Devices.device_id, HVMV8 FROM temp, Devices, Connections conn1, Connections conn2, Connectors WHERE temp.device_id = conn1.to_device_id AND conn1.from_connector_id = Connectors.connector_id AND Connectors.connector_id = conn2.from_connector_id PATH connects_to AS (from) <- (connector) -> (to) AND conn2.to_device_id = Devices.device_id SELECT AND temp.device_id != Devices.device_id) MATCH (x:Device) -/:connects_to*/-> (y:Device) CYCLE device_id SET cycle TO 1 DEFAULT 0 WHERE = 'Regulator, HVMV_8' SELECT DISTINCT device_name AND x <> y FROM temp PGQL WHERE cycle = 0 AND device_name <> 'Regulator, HVMV_B' Execution of Graph Query

SELECT, v3.age FROM myGraph • Since Graph query is functionally MATCH (v1:Person) –[:friendOf]-> (v2:Person) – [:knows]-> (v3:Person) equivalent to SQL, we can execute graph WHERE = ‘Amber’ and ( = query by translating it into SQL  Each edge traversal corresponds to

Person Person Person joining of edge and vertex table(s) FriendOf FriendOf Table Table Table FriendOf Table Table  Can end up with a lot of joins Table Execution of Graph Query

SELECT, v3.age FROM myGraph • Alternative is using graph index MATCH (v1:Person) –[:friendOf]-> (v2:Person) – [:knows]-> (v3:Person)  Vertices has list of edges WHERE = ‘Amber’ and ( =  An edge directly points to corresponding neighbor vertex Dave Carol Amber Beth “London “London Doe “NY” ”  Allows to iterate graph ” “Austin”

• Graph index typically builds in-memory Elli Gary “Austin” Amber “NY” Jackson “Seattle” Research Area Distributed Graph Processing

System and Bulk-Synchronous Execution for Algorithm [SC 2015] Distributed Execution For Large Graphs

PGX.D: Distributed Runtime of PGX PGX Client Client Command • Capable of loading large graphs in- (Java Shell) memory

• The graph is partitioned and loaded REST into multiple machines (HTTP) • Graph algorithms are run in a PGX Core API distributed way using remote communication PGX.D HTTP Server … Internal Commands Goal to support the same API as PGX IPC • Currently supports a subset PGX.D PGX.D PGX.D • A PGX Client can connect to PGX.D in (Leader) (Follower #1) (Follower #2) …. the same way as to a PGX.SM server

InfiniBand Key Challenges For Distributed Graph Algorithms

Expensive communication

Skewed, hot Load imbalance vertices across machines Problem: Expensive Communication Solution: PGX.D Execution Model • Relaxed bulk-synchronous execution • Allows one-sided reading of remote data in a single iteration • Applies local and remote write requests immediately • Supports both PUSH and PULL patterns Superstep i PULL PUSH Request handler Request Data races handled by algorithms PULL Response Perform Superstep i + 1 Problem: Load Imbalance Across Machines Solution: Partitioning with Edge-Chunking Vertex chunking Edge chunking ~Same # of vertices per machine ~Same # of edges per machine Machine 0 Machine 1 Machine 0 Machine 1

Problem: Iteration imbalance graph Machine 0 has more edges = Pagerank more work than Machine 1

1 6 17 Problem: Skewed, Hot Vertices Solution: Replication of High-Degree Vertices

• High-degree vertices cause imbalance and remote traffic Machine 0 Machine 1 Twitter graph, Pagerank v

• Ghost vertices • Replicate high-degree vertices, split edges • Synchronize their properties between supersteps Machine 0 Machine 1 v v Algorithm: PGX.D vs. (GraphX)

PGX (Distributed) GraphX (Spark) PGX (Single Node) • Graph algorithm performance 1000 • Comparison against Spark (GraphX) • Graph: Twitter, 1.4 Billion edges 100

Several orders of 10 magnitude difference in performance Relative Performance Performance Relative

1 2 4 8 16 32 Number of Machines

Hardware: Intel() Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v4 @ 2.20GHz - 256 RAM Network: Infiniband (40Gbps)

1 8 Algorithm: PGX.D Weak-Scaling Fail to execute after 60 machines Experiments • Increasing number of machines with 90B 80B proportionally increasing graph size 1000.0

(number of edges) 70B

• Measure execution time of algorithm 60B (pagerank_exact) 100.0 50B • Show the execution time does not grow 40B

Comparisons 30B 10.0

• Apache Spark (Graph X) Edges) of (# Size Graph Execution Time (secs) Execution 20B


• Machines: X5-2 or similar grade 1.0 B Network: Infiniband 54 Gbps 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 128 • Number of Machines • Graph Data: Generated by BTERonH (UPC ERO) Graph Size PGX.D Spark Algorithm: PGX.D Strong-Scaling Experiments • Increasing number of machines with 10000 fixed graph

• Measure execution time of algorithm 1000 (pagerank_exact)

Comparisons 100 Apache Spark (Graph X) • PGX 10 Spark Execution Time (sec) Execution 1 • Machines: X5-2 or similar grade 0.1 • Network: Infiniband 54 Gbps 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 • Graph Data: Twitter Graph – 1.4 Billion Edges Number of Machines Distributed Graph Processing

Query Processing with Asynchronous Traversal [GRADES 2017] Executing Distributed Graph Queries

• How to do this? What are the options?

• (Option 1) Translate query to SQL We know how to do distributed joins • (Option 2) Use bulk-synchronous graph engine We already have this one Emulate graph traversing with bulk-synch computation

• .. Both options come with some challenges Explosion of Partial Solutions Twitter graph SELECT COUNT(*) MATCH (a) +------+ | COUNT(*) | +------+ 0 hops | 41,652,230 | Number of (partial) solutions can grow +------+ very large, after a few hops of matching SELECT COUNT(*) MATCH (a)->() +------+  Problem for both Distributed Join and | COUNT(*) | +------+ 1 hop Bulk-synch engine | 1,468,365,182 |  Cannot hold all (partial) solutions +------+ SELECT COUNT(*) MATCH (a)->()->() in-memory +------+ | COUNT(*) | +------+ 2 hops | 9,324,563,362,739 | +------+ Our Approach: Asynchronous Distributed Graph Traversal SELECT, v3.age FROM myGraph MATCH (v1:Person) –[:friendOf]-> (v2:Person) –[:knows]-> (v3:Person) WHERE = ‘Amber’ and ( = • Implement specialized graph traversal on distributed setting NY NY Beth Dave • Built on message Amber Carol “NY” “London” Doe “London” passing “Austin”

Austin • Context is carried over Elli during traversal Gary “Austin” Amber “NY” Austin Jackson (For projection + “Seattle” cross constrains) Traversal Engine Design Match vertex 1. Asynchronous communication • No supersteps, no blocking Produce Follow output next edge • A matching step that requires remote data next stage exists stage next is sent to the remote machine; and last stage the worker continues with other local work  Workers do not block due to remote communication local remote edge edge buffer has space buffer DFT Buffer in next stage message 2. Depth-first traversal (DFT) e.g., a->b buffer full • Eager fine-grained completion of matches OK flow control • Allows for flow control Try send  Control memory / network consumption message Pick up flow control disallows other work

Confidential – Oracle Internal Query Planning: Logical and Physical

PGQL query distributed distributed plan query plan execution SELECT a, Stage 0plan: (a) MATCH (a: id < 17) hop: neighbor match filter : id < 17 (a)-[]->(b), (a->b: a.type = b.type) hop : out nghbr: b (a)-[]->(c) (a->b: a.type = b.type) capture: a.type WHERE hop: inspection step out ctx: +a id(a) < 17, (a->c: b.type != c.type) (b~>a) Stage 1: (b) a.type = b.type, filter : a.type = b.type b.type != c.type hop: neighbor match hop : inspection: a (a->c: b.type != c.type) capture: b.type a out ctx: hop: output Stage 2: (a) b c hop : out nghbr: c Stage 3: (c) filter : b.type != c.type hop : output

Confidential – Oracle Internal Design Outcome

1. Fully in-memory regardless of graph or query size Can push output to a storage medium and support terabyte-sized results 2. Controllable size of intermediate results Control memory consumption, network traffic, machine load 3. Guaranteed query termination Via incremental termination protocol 4. Solution modifiers (GROUP BY, ORDER BY)  Table operators

PGX.D/Async PGXFrame (pattern matching) (relational operations) Incremental Termination Protocol Tracking per-machine completion of each stage Send COMPLETED messages to detect termination

Termination condition: machine M, stage k 1. Have received COMPLETED messages No more incoming messages for stage k-1 from all other machines for this stage can arrive 2. Have processed all received messages for stage k No more work for that stage (special case: stage 0)  Send COMPLETED to other machines

Confidential – Oracle Internal Optimization: Almost DFS Traversal Match vertex DFT does not parallelize well on • Produce queries with “narrow” start output Follow next edge

E.g. LDBC Q23: 1 country, 10 cities, 3351 persons exists stage next last stage SELECT COUNT(msg) AS messageCount, … MATCH local remote (person:person)<-(msg:post|comment)->(dst:country), edge edge

(person)->(city:city)-[:isPartOf]->(homeCountry:country) has space buffer WHERE DFT Buffer in = 'Egypt' AND homeCountry <> dst if enough message localDFT work buffer full BFT OK flow control • Combine DFS with BFS traversal otherwise • Take the best of both worlds Try send message  Control memory/network consumption (DFT) Pick up flow control disallows  Improve performance/parallelization (BFT) other work • (Asynchronous communication remains) Performance Comparison

Query Processing with Asynchronous Traversal LDBC SNB Benchmark

• Standardized benchmark with social network workloads • Synthetic datasets of different scales • Distributions and correlations similar to real social networks

• Business intelligence (BI) queries • The most complex queries testing larger part of the graph • Require extensive optimization across all the layers of the system (not only graph traversal) • We re-wrote some queries for our experiments • Sub-queries, regular path queries and having clause LDBC – Example of BI Queries

Q8 SELECT, COUNT(DISTINCT comment) AS count MATCH (m:post|comment)-[:hasTag]->(tag:tag), (m:post|comment)<-[:replyOf]-(comment:comment)-[:hasTag]->(relatedTag:tag) WHERE = 'Genghis_Khan' GROUP BY ORDER BY count DESC, Q15 SELECT id(person), COUNT(*) AS count MATCH (country:country)<-[:isPartOf]-(:city)<-[:isLocatedIn]-(person:person), (country)<-[:isPartOf]-(:city)<-[:isLocatedIn]-(friend:person), (person)-[:knows]-(friend) WHERE = 'Burma' GROUP BY person ORDER BY id(person) Comparison to Apache Spark

• GraphFrames: Graph Query from Apache Spark • Distributed in-memory data processing engine • Support graph pattern query (motif) • Translate graph pattern matching into relational operators (i.e. Joins) Comparing PGX to Open-Source Engines

missing feature Result mistmatch 10000 PGX.D PGX.SM GraphFrames MonetDB PostgreSQL 1000




0.1 Latency (s, log scale) log (s, Latency 0.01 Q2 Q4 Q6 Q8 Q11 Q12 Q14 Q15 Q17 Q20 Q23 Q24 TOTAL

LDBC 100 Social Graph (283M vertices, 1.78B edges) and Queries PGX.D and GraphFrames on 8 machines Comparing PGX to Open-Source Engines

cancel after 8 hours hang, out of memory

PGX.D GraphFrames Neo4j MonetDB PostgreSQL 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 Latency (s, log scale) (s, Latency Q1a Q1b Q2a Q2b Q1a Q1b Q2a Q2b Q1a Q1b Q2a Q2b Q1a Q1b Q2a Q2b Livejournal Random 1B Twitter Webgraph-UK # Matches 52M 5.9B 106 10B 500B 9.3T 645B 1.2T

Various graphs of increasing size. Q1: (v1)->(v2)->(v1), Q2: (v1)->(v2)->(v3) PGX.D and GraphFrames with 8 machines with 756GB each Query

# Machines 2 4 8 16 80 73.7 70 60

50 44.8 sec) 40 37.5 30 28.9 19.8 18.4 15.4 20 15.1 13.4 Latency ( Latency 10.8 10.4 10.2 8.9 8.6 8.3 8.3 8.2 7.8 6.4 6.1 5.9 5.6 5.5 5.2 5.0 4.3 3.9

10 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.4 0 Q2 Q4 Q6 Q8 Q11 Q12 Q14 Q15 Q17 Q20 Q23 Q24

LDBC 100 Social Graph (283M vertices, 1.78B edges) and Queries PGX.D from 1 to 16 machines Memory Consumption Control

Comparison against full BFS (bulk-synchronous)

aDFT memory usage BFT memory usage aDFT execution time BFT execution time 1000 10000 Usage Usage . 1000 8 * 768GB = 6TB is not enough 100 100 10 1 (GB, log scale) (GB, Machine Machine Mem

- 0.1 Latency (s, scale)logLatency Per 10 0.01 6 * 60 = 360GB 1-hop 2-hop 3-hop 4-hop 5-hop 6-hop cycles cycles cycles cycles cycles cycles

Matching cycles, Google web graph (875K vertices and 5.1M edges), 8 machines 38

Graph Technology in Oracle

As individual products As part of applications or As Cloud service (in Oracle Spatial and solutions preparation) Graph FCC Studio for FSGBU Oracle Graph Cloud Service Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph

Oracle Database Oracle Big Data Spatial and Spatial and Graph Graph

Distributed In-memory Graph Query not part of product yet. (Working towards it) Graph at OOW and Code One 2019 View this list at Sessions

Date/Time Title Location Tuesday, Sept. 17

8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Using Graph Analytics for New Insights [TUT4328] Moscone South - Room 204

11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. New Tools for the Fight Against Financial Crime [CON6222] Moscone West - Room 3004

Using Graph Analysis and Fraud Detection in the Fintech Industry 12:30 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Moscone South - Room 152C [Paysafe customer session] Blazing-Fast Distributed Graph Query Processing: 100x as Fast as 12:30 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Moscone South - Room 307 Spark [DEV3712]

Introducing Oracle Graph Cloud: Automating Graph Analysis 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Moscone South - Room 159B [TRN4754] Towards Speech to Text for Arabic dialect on OCI [DEV 3862] 6:00 p.m – 6:45 p.m. Moscone South - Room 313 (Lab’s talk) Graph at OOW and Code One 2019 View this list at Sessions Date/Time Title Location Wednesday, Sept. 18 Achieve Automated Zero-Trust Security for SaaS Applications on Moscone South (Esplanade 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Infrastructure [PRO5360] (brief mention) Ballroom)

10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Graph and Analytics: How To Use Them [TRN4755] Moscone South - Room 152C

Setting Up Modern Anti-Money-Laundering Solutions to Service 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Moscone West - Room 3004 Wholesale [CON6223]

11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Demystifying Graph Analytics for the Nonexpert [CON5503] Moscone South - Room 156B

Traversing and Querying Graphs with PGQL and with 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Moscone South - Room 202 Oracle Spatial and Graph [DEV4084] Meet the Experts At the Code One Groundbreakers Hub, Moscone South Level 1 Wednesday, Sept. 18

1:30 pm - 2:20 pm and Analysis Lounge C, Code One Groundbreakers Hub, 2:30 pm - 3:20 pm Graph Cloud Service: Automating Graph Analysis Moscone South level 1 Summary

• Graph Model and Graph Query • Distributed graph query processing with Asynchronous traversal • Significant performance improvements over open-source solutions • With low memory consumption • Technology from Oracle Labs • Working towards productization*

*Currently not included in shipping product - Safe Harbor terms apply

4 1 Safe Harbor

The preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, timing, and pricing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products may change and remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation.

Statements in this presentation relating to Oracle’s future plans, expectations, beliefs, intentions and prospects are “forward-looking statements” and are subject to material risks and uncertainties. A detailed discussion of these factors and other risks that affect our business is contained in Oracle’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, including our most recent reports on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q under the heading “Risk Factors.” These filings are available on the SEC’s website or on Oracle’s website at All information in this presentation is current as of September 2019 and Oracle undertakes no duty to update any statement in light of new information or future events.