After 200 years, woman to join Supreme Court By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS After the vote, Mrs. O'Conner ap to aspire and achieve in a manner never Stewart on the high court. Several other senators said they believ peared on the steps of the Capitol with before even dreamed about in human Only a few senators were on the floor ed Mrs. O'Connor's history as a state WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate, Senate leaders and Vice President history." Monday during four hours of debate set legislator and state judge would make her George Bush. ending an all-male tradition nearly two M rs. O'Connor's confirmation aside for the nomination, and there was more likely to play a restraining role on centuries old, unanimously confirmed Grinning jubilantly, she said she was represents a major political victory amid effusive praise from liberals and conser the Supreme Court, which has been Sandra Day O'Connor as an associate overjoyed by the depth of Senate support growing opposition to the president's vatives of both parties. criticized by conservatives for tackling justice of the Supreme Court on Monday. for her nomination. economic, diplomatic and military pro Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., issues like abortion and busing for Mrs. O'Connor, a 51-year-old Arizona "My hope is that after I've been across grams. said the inability of groups like the Moral desegregation • the street and worked for awhile that state appeals judge, will be sworn in Fri In three days of testimony before the Majority and other anti-abortion groups A graduate of Stanford University they'll all feel glad for the wonderful vote day in time to join the court for the open Senate Judiciary Committee, Mrs. to block the nomination demonstrated Law School, she worked as a state pro they gave me today," she said. ing of its 1981-82 term on October 5. O'Connor said she finds abortion per that single issue politics "has no place" in secutor in Arizona before serving terms President Reagan said in a statement The vote ws 99-0, with only Sen. Max sonally offensive, but declined to give her the confirmation process for a high court in both houses of the state legislature. that the confirmation of his nominee Baucus, D-Mont., who was attending an constitutional view of whether a woman justice. A former majority leader of the "symbolizes the richness of opportunity economic conference in his home state, has a legal right to end a pregnancy. He said the confirmation for Mrs. Arizona Senate, O'Connor served as a that stil abides in America—opportunity missing from the tally. He had supported Abortion was the only issue on which O'Connor marks "a significant victory state trial court judge and was later nam that permits persons of any sex, age or Mrs. O'Connor in earlier committee ac any oppositon developed surrounding for the cause of equal rights," in part ed by Gov. Bruce Babbitt to the Arizona race, from every section and walk of life. tion. Reagan's choice to replace retiring Potter because she is a woman. Court of Appeals. cteilftfarrpus Volume 67 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Tuesday, September 22, 1981 No. 18 Professors chosen as College Fellows By GILES HUDSON prepared in 1978 by a faculty committcc Stall Writer chaired by Marshall Terry, professor of English. Four professors have been selected to "The basic idea is that there is a group work as fellows for the Council on of faculty at the heart of the academic General Education of the Dedman Col policy-making proccss," Deschner said. lege, President L. Donald Shields an Reddien said he is looking forward to nounced last week. serving as a fellow. Council members will serve for three "Being a mathematician. I am par years and will oversee planning, teaching ticularly interested in the science and and evaluating the college curriculum. technology aspect of the core," Reddien Professors selected include John W. said. Deschner, professor of theology; Michael The four professors are part of a group E. McGill, professor of organizational of 10 fellows appointed for staggered behavior and administration; Annamarie terms to represent their own schools and Carr, associate professor of art history; disciplines and the whole university. and George Reddien, professor of Completing their terms are Jeremy mathematics. Adams, professor of history; Richard Shields said the four fellows appointed Gunst, professor of statistics; Michael are distinguished members of the faculty Wooten, associate professor of organiza and will be committed to undergraduate tion behavior; and Mary Vernon, education. assoicate professor of art history. "Each brings unique talents and sen The remaining members include sitivities to the council," Shields said. Charles J..Helfert, associate professor of "Together with the seven incumbent theater; Lonnie D. KJiever, professor of by photo adHor Kan Homing This Bud's for the birds Council members, the new fellows will religous studies; John Lewis, assoicate Greek Week Taste Bud Olympics. Later in contribute significantly to the advancc of professor of English; Robert O. Polly wanna beer? Obviously this Polly McAllister, assoicate professor of the week, The Daily Campus will feature a institutional and educational excellence did, and so did many of her friends who at SMU." biology; Bijan Mohraz, professor of civil flew over to Glencoe Park, Friday, for the photo essay on the Olympics. Deschner said the original idea for a engineering; and Ben Wallace, professor fellows program came from a report of anthropology. God, mother, country philosophy characterizes Schlafly By MARK MILLER conservative but rather as an individual Schlafly says that she is opposed to "1 support the right of our society to Schlafly said she does not sec the arguing for her beliefs. abortion because she believes it is make reasonable differences between Equal Rights Amendment passing. The Stall Writer "I don't even put labels on people," she murder. Human life begins at the mo men and women," she said. "I support principle reason it won't, she said, is By dressing in her red. white, and blue said in an interview in which she discuss ment conception, she said, and a con the exemption of all women from the because the feminists advocating the outfit as she did for Thursday night's ed issues which she feels are important. stitutional amendment is necessary to draft. I support the laws which exempt ERA would not compromise on the debate on abortion, Phyllis Schlafly il Nor does she affiliate herself with the stop future abortions. women from military combat duty. I language of the amendment and lustrates her God, mother and country Moral Majority, even though that group The only exception should be if a think there are different roles for men Americans will not accept anything that ideology better than by merely giving is working toward the same goals she is in woman's life is endanger because of the and women in the military." would remove laws protecting women's speeches. Schlafly exudes a self- areas such as outlawing abortion. fetus she is carrying. Schlafly said she "You"II find that the girls will be offer rights. confidence which helps explain the at In response to Sen. Barry Goldwaier's would not make an exception for an un red the jobs." Schlafly said. "I know She said if she could change the ERA traction her supporters feel for her. attack on the Moral Mojority's stand on married, preganant 12 year-old. many instances where the girls coming she would not prohibit certain tex- She says she believes in the American abortiom. Schlafly said."If he out of college are getting J2.000 more d incriminatory laws such as the draft. Dream and some people point to her life (Goldwater I had not abandoned his life than the boys coming out of the college " There's no way to change it now, ab as a case example. Schlafly worked to put time pro-abortion stand, he would not be Analysis Schlafly said that she favors the recent solutely no way. We're stuck with it on a herself through college and law school, in in the Senate today." Supreme Court decision excluding vote it up, vote it down basis," she said. which she specialized in constitutional Schlafly said in Goidwater's last elec "Parents, you made a terrible mistake women from draft registration. Schlafly said she didn't object to hav law. Schlafly attended a private institu tion his margin of victory was extremely in letting that child out of your Schlafly also said that she supports the ing a woman on the Supreme Court, but tion and does not feel she should have to narrow and he owed his victory to a last surveillance," Schlafly said. The girl's laws which say that a husband must sup she doesn't necessarily want Sandra pay taxes to help support someone else's minute change to supporting the pro-life going to go through a very traumatic ex port his wife. O'Connor. "All of those sex-discnminatory laws education. cause. perience. I don't think we help the girl's "Yes. I think it is fine to have a woman Schalfiy maintains that she is the real "He (GoMwater) can afford to kick health by having her go through a more would be wiped out by ERA." on the Supreme Court," Schlafly said " representative of American women, not around the people who elected him, traumatic experience which is an abor She said that a recent Supreme Court But personally, I care more about the the feminists. which he did." Schlafly said."And he had tion." decision excluding military pensions ideology than if it's a man or a woman.
FOOTBALL COACHING RECORDS Overall Coaching Records 2 Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) Coaching Records 5 Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) Coaching Records 15 Division II Coaching Records 26 Division III Coaching Records 37 Coaching Honors 50 OVERALL COACHING RECORDS *Active coach. ^Records adjusted by NCAA Committee on Coach (Alma Mater) Infractions. (Colleges Coached, Tenure) Yrs. W L T Pct. Note: Ties computed as half won and half lost. Includes bowl 25. Henry A. Kean (Fisk 1920) 23 165 33 9 .819 (Kentucky St. 1931-42, Tennessee St. and playoff games. 44-54) 26. *Joe Fincham (Ohio 1988) 21 191 43 0 .816 - (Wittenberg 1996-2016) WINNINGEST COACHES ALL TIME 27. Jock Sutherland (Pittsburgh 1918) 20 144 28 14 .812 (Lafayette 1919-23, Pittsburgh 24-38) By Percentage 28. *Mike Sirianni (Mount Union 1994) 14 128 30 0 .810 This list includes all coaches with at least 10 seasons at four- (Wash. & Jeff. 2003-16) year NCAA colleges regardless of division. 29. Ron Schipper (Hope 1952) 36 287 67 3 .808 (Central [IA] 1961-96) Coach (Alma Mater) 30. Bob Devaney (Alma 1939) 16 136 30 7 .806 (Colleges Coached, Tenure) Yrs. W L T Pct. (Wyoming 1957-61, Nebraska 62-72) 1. Larry Kehres (Mount Union 1971) 27 332 24 3 .929 31. Chuck Broyles (Pittsburg St. 1970) 20 198 47 2 .806 (Mount Union 1986-2012) (Pittsburg St. 1990-2009) 2. Knute Rockne (Notre Dame 1914) 13 105 12 5 .881 32. Biggie Munn (Minnesota 1932) 10 71 16 3 .806 (Notre Dame 1918-30) (Albright 1935-36, Syracuse 46, Michigan 3.
PATRIOTS HOST RAVENS IN WILD CARD PLAYOFF GAME MEDIA SCHEDULE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (10-6) vs. BALTIMORE RAVENS (9-7) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 Sunday, Jan. 10, 2010 ¹ Gillette Stadium (68,756) ¹ 1:00 p.m. EDT 10:50 -11:10 a.m. Bill Belichick Press Conference The 2009 AFC East Champion New England Patriots will host the Baltimore Ravens in 11:10 -11:55 a.m. Open Locker Room a Wild Card playoff matchup this Sunday. The Patriots have won 11 consecutive 11:10-11:20 p.m. Tom Brady Availability home playoff games and have not lost at home in the playoffs since Dec. 31, 1978. 11:30 a.m. Ray Lewis Conf. Calls The Patriots closed out the 2009 regular-season home schedule with a perfect 8-0 1:05 p.m. Practice Availability record at Gillette Stadium. The first three times the Patriots went undefeated at TBA John Harbaugh Conf. Call home in the regular-season (2003, 2004 and 2007) they advanced to the Super THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 Bowl. 11:10 -11:55 p.m. Open Locker Room HOME SWEET HOME Approx. 1:00 p.m. Practice Availability The Patriots are 11-1 at home in the playoffs in their history and own an 11-game FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 home winning streak in postseason play. Eleven of the franchise’s 12 home playoff 11:30 a.m. Practice Availability games have taken place since Robert Kraft purchased the team 16 years ago. 1:15 -2:00 p.m. Open Locker Room PATRIOTS AT HOME IN THE PLAYOFFS (11-1) 2:00-2:15 p.m.
Football League, Rejected a Ited Future As Reasons
State golf tournaments Page 2 Lining up for Buckner Page3 Wisconsin State Journal Tuesday, July 27,1987, Section 2 • Letters to sports editor Page 4 With Wright out, Jaworski might be in By Tom Oates make some adjustment in their offer cooled when they acquired David becomes quite evident that the posi- to us," Schaeffer said Monday. Woodley from Pittsburgh on June 30 tion we've taken is most reasonable. Sports reporter Schaeffer termed the contract for a lOth-round draft pick. They re- But they're fixed at a point that is not Packer notes, NFL notes on Page 2 proposals "quite far apart," and said newed their interest last Tuesday, acceptable to us." It looks more and more like start- no date has been set for additional however, saying they did so because Schaeffer doesn't think the re- ing quarterback Randy Wright will talks. He said it would take at least it was apparent that Wright would not building Packers will sign Jaworski not be signed by the time the Green one full day of negotiations to reach be in camp on time. for more than they would sign Wright. Bay Packers officially open training an agreement. Jaworski, who has unsuccessfully He cited Jaworski's age — he's 10 camp Wednesday. Wright started every game last shopped his services around the Na- years older than Wright — and lim- It also looks more and more like season and made $185,000 in base sal- tional Football League, rejected a ited future as reasons. long-time Philadelphia Eagle quar- ary.
Level II Judiciary Board Hears Drunk Driving and Fraternity Cases
Volume 67 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Tuesday, January 26, 1982 Education major gone, Dress rehearsal but training still given department admitted three more students By KERI MEEKS than it did in the fall of '80—despite the Contributing Writer confusion and misunderstanding which SMU's education department will no was taking place, he said This was the longer exist after this semester, but result of the growing demand for rumors that teacher training will also teachers in Texas, he said, noting that disappear from campus are not true, said jobs will be much more available in the Dr. Jack Roberts, director of the SMIJ next few years than they were in the tcacher preparation program 1970s, when a nationwide surplus of "There's been a lot of confusion and teachers existed. misunderstanding and it's been very dif Roberts said the changes will not affect ficult for us to communicate effectively the number of students at SMI! prcpar to students, faculty and others what ing to be teachers. He experts to have as changes are taking place." he said "A lot many or more than the department docs of people have incorrectly assumed that now, he said the education department is being phased Approximately 100 students will com out and that is not the ease " plctc the program this year and another Roberts said a major in education is no 250 are in progress, he said longer offered at SMU. Students must The number of students studying now major in another subject, in addition education has declined not just at SMU.
THE HISTORY of SMU FOOTBALL 1910S on the Morning of Sept
OUTLOOK PLAYERS COACHES OPPONENTS REVIEW RECORDS HISTORY MEDIA THE HISTORY OF SMU FOOTBALL 1910s On the morning of Sept. 14, 1915, coach Ray Morrison held his first practice, thus marking the birth of the SMU football program. Morrison came to the school in June of 1915 when he became the coach of the University’s football, basketball, baseball and track teams, as well as an instructor of mathematics. A former All-Southern quarterback at Vanderbilt, Morrison immediately installed the passing game at SMU. A local sportswriter nicknamed the team “the Parsons” because the squad was composed primarily of theology students. SMU was a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Athletic Association, which ruled that neither graduate nor transfer students were eligible to play. Therefore, the first SMU team consisted entirely of freshmen. The Mustangs played their first game Oct. 10, 1915, dropping a 43-0 decision to TCU in Fort Worth. SMU bounced back in its next game, its first at home, to defeat Hendrix College, 13-2. Morrison came to be known as “the father of the forward pass” because of his use of the passing game on first and second downs instead of as a last resort. • During the 1915 season, the Mustangs posted a record of 2-5 and scored just three touchdowns while giving up 131 Ownby Stadium was built in 1926 points. SMU recorded the first shutout in school history with a 7-0 victory over Dallas University that year. • SMU finished the 1916 season 0-8-2 and suffered its worst 1920s 1930s loss ever, a 146-3 drubbing by Rice.
1982 Air Force Falcons DEFENSE RET RET KR PR 8 wins 5 losses Y 0 Dennis Moore 11-51 23* Mike Kirby 11-64 19* Points Allowed26 / g NOTES: Derek Foster 52-56 14 Tom Stanbury 65-66 20 Scott Thomas 61-62 8 Mike Hoolihan 63-64 6 John Kershner 65-66 2 A 1- / 0 Cleveland McCray B 1 / 0 Chuck Petersen C 2 / 0 Greg Zolninger D 1 / 0 Dwan Wilson DB DB DB DB 0 / 0 Greg Pshsniak 0 / 0 Jeff Rouser 0 / 0 Dick Clark 0 / 0 A.J. Scott E 1 / 0 Shawn Smith F 1 / 1- Tom Stanbury LB LB 0 / 0 Don Smith 0 / 0 Don Smith 1 / 1- 1 / 2- 1 / 0 1 / 0 1- / 0 G Charlie Heath H Chris Funk I Bob Avila J Konda Sullivan µ K Carl Dieudonne DE DT NG DT DE 1- / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 Steve Rafferty Steve Kelly Larry Nicklas Mark Jackson Jeff Hays 1 / 2- 2- / 2 1 / 2- 1 / 2 1 / 2 TA GA CE GB TB Dave Uzzell Dave Schreck Tony Rino µ Richard Smith Scott Wachenheim T G C G T 1 / 1 1- / 1 1- / 1 1- / 1 1 / 1 John Weigand Don Oberdieck Don Oberdieck Don Oberdieck John Weigand R CMP X Y Q OU R EA 2 / 2- Mike Kirby 20* QB 2 / 2 Marty Louthan E 1 7 18 A*† EB 1 / 2 Vic Bortka -- WR QB TE 2- / 1 Dennis Moore 21 1 / 2 Von Cameron F 0 0 20 AAAA 1 / 1 Greg Egan (10) 1 / 1 Tom Coleman 15 0 / 1 Jeff Huff (30) IN OU R IN OU R FB 2 / 2 John Kershner B* C* -- EC 2- / 1 Derek Foster AA AAA 3 FB RB 2- / 1 Jody Simmons A AA 10 PU Punter AVG COF RET BLK 0 / 1 Marcus Greenwood C D -- Jeff Kubiak 43 C B A IN OU R Rushers Receivers SB 2 / 1 Mike Brown AAA AAAA 17 J.
PATRIOTS KICKOFF PRESEASON AGAINST SAINTS MEDIA SCHEDULE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS vs. NEW ORLEANS SAINTS MONDAY, AUGUST 9 Thursday, August 12, 2010 ¹ Gillette Stadium (68,756) ¹ 7:30 p.m. EDT 9:30 a.m. Coach Belichick Press Conf. The Patriots open the preseason at home against the defending Super Bowl 10:00—11:15 a.m. Practice (Walkthrough) Champion New Orleans Saints. The Patriots will conduct joint practice sessions with 11:15 – 12:00 p.m. Player Media Availability New Orleans on Tuesday and Wednesday. It will mark the first time the Patriots will 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.. Practice conduct a joint practice session since working with the New York Giants in 2001. BROADCAST INFORMATION TUESDAY, AUGUST 10 TELEVISION: This week’s game will be broadcast by the Patriots Preseason 8:15 a.m. Nick Caserio Press Conf. Television Network and can be seen in every New England state as well as Eastern 9:00 - 1100 a.m. Joint Practice with Saints Canada, Alaska and Hawaii. The network's flagship station is WBZ-TV Channel 4 in 11:00 – 11:45 a.m. Player Media Availability Boston. Veteran CBS broadcaster Don Criqui provides play-by-play and is joined by 3:45 – 5:30 p.m.. Joint Practice with Saints three-time NFL Pro Bowler and CBS analyst Randy Cross. PATRIOTS PRESEASON TELEVISION NETWORK WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11 Massachusetts Connecticut 8:15 a.m. Coach Belichick Press Conf. Boston, Mass. WBZ-TV Ch. 4 Hartford, Conn. WCTX-TV Channel 59 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Joint Practice with Saints Springfield, Mass.
Broncos' Emmanuel Sanders Sheds Walking Boot After Achilles Surgery
LOOK: Broncos’ Emmanuel Sanders sheds walking boot after Achilles surgery By Kyle Fredrickson Denver Post Feb. 6, 2019 If Emmanuel Sanders’ dance moves are any indication, he’s reached an important milestone in his injury rehabilitation this offseason. Sanders, a ninth-year Broncos’ wide receiver who tore his Achilles during practice in December, posted a video Monday to Instagram of himself hopping out of a black Mercedes-Benz SUV — without a walking boot — before a quick celebratory jig. His caption read: “Slight limp but I’m finally out of the boot.” Two months have passed between Sanders’ injury and the post, but a long journey remains for him to be able to play. Former NFL team doctor David Chao told The Denver Post in December: “Recovery is not like a light switch, more of a slow sunrise. Some have returned as early as six months but may not have been 100 percent. Nine months is a good target but to really be explosive (it) could be longer and closer to a year. This is why I expect (Sanders) likely will not be ready or 100 percent for start of (the 2019) season.” However, Sanders expressed little doubt in December he’ll return to being the same playmaker he showcased in 12 games last season with a team-leading 71 receptions for 868 yards. He also accounted for six total touchdowns (four receiving, one rushing and one passing). “I’ll definitely for sure be ready for Week 1,” Sanders said in December. “This is a six-month injury. I heal fast.” Never-before-told stories about Pat Bowlen from those who know him best — his children By Mike Klis 9 News Feb.
UNLV Football Programs UNLV Athletics 10-6-1973 UNLV "Rebels" vs Northeast Louisiana "Indians" University of Nevada, Las Vegas Follow this and additional works at: Part of the American Popular Culture Commons, Civic and Community Engagement Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons Repository Citation University of Nevada, Las Vegas (1973). UNLV "Rebels" vs Northeast Louisiana "Indians". 1-30. Available at: This Pamphlet is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by Digital Scholarship@UNLV with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this Pamphlet in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s) directly, unless additional rights are indicated by a Creative Commons license in the record and/or on the work itself. This Pamphlet has been accepted for inclusion in UNLV Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Scholarship@UNLV. For more information, please contact :z: =........... CD= I» ...•• en -Ul ...... ,..... = en-· -·I» = I»- =-= -·I» =en UNLY FOOTBALL GENERAL INFORMATION TONIGHT'S GAME UNLV vs NORTHEAST LOUISIANA By Dominic Clark RON MEYER UN LV Sports Information Director OLLIE K ELLER UNLV Coach NLU Coach Things don't get any easier for the UN LV football team as the Rebels host a tremendously t ough Northeast Louisiana team tonight. UNLV is 3-1 following last Saturday's narrow 7-3 loss t o Utah State while t he Indians come in with a 1-0-2 record after just beating the 13th ranked Northwestern State (La.) University, 16-1 3.
BUSINESS T. HAWAII Court Grants New Trial for Von Bulow
zo - MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, Sept. 29, 1984 BUSINESS Carter adjusts to life Woman’s future rests Farmers face Docs form malpractice insurance firm out of the White House with probate court economic crisis page 5 ... page 10 By Margaret Jackson current malpractice insurance," he Gillies said Friday the costs of ing to spiral the ranks of the company ... page 20 United Press International said. “The final precipitating factor malpractice insurance have been would swell. "In a matter of three In B rief was the sudden increase in the price of “phenomenal just within the past few years ... at least 75 percent of HARTFORD — The first doctor- malpractice for insurance." years. A premium for an anesthesiolo physicians in Connecticut will be Pizza store to open owned malpractice insurance com Sadowski is president of the Connec gist is $30,000 or more." insured by this company," he Domino Pizza, a national pizza delivery chain, pany in the state reflects a major ticut State Medical Society, the group He said he approved of the new predicted. will open its first Manchester store at 290 Main St. national trend toward physicans pro which hopes to garner substantial insurance company. "If in fact it can viding their own protection, one of savings for its members by organizing result in a cost saving and provide the John T, Dorsett, president of the on Thursday company's founders said Friday. the Wallingford-based company necessary protection for them, yes it is California-based American Insurance Ribbon-cutting ceremonies are scheduled for Services company which handled the 12: ,30
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2019-20 Bowl Schedule ..................................................................................................................2-3 The Bowl Experience .......................................................................................................................4-5 The Football Bowl Association What is the FBA? ...............................................................................................................................6-7 Bowl Games: Where Everybody Wins .........................................................................8-9 The Regular Season Wins ...........................................................................................10-11 Communities Win .........................................................................................................12-13 The Fans Win ...................................................................................................................14-15 Institutions Win ..............................................................................................................16-17 Most Importantly: Student-Athletes Win .............................................................18-19 FBA Executive Director Wright Waters .......................................................................................20 FBA Executive Committee ..............................................................................................................21 NCAA Bowl Eligibility Policies .......................................................................................................22