Parish Magazine - St Anne’s, Syston

NOVEMBER 2020 40p

Photo: Liza Fry, October 2020



Role Name Telephone, Email & Address 0117 9672724 Vicar The Rev. [email protected] & Acting Jeremy Andrew The Vicarage, Church Avenue, , Churchwarden BS30 5JJ Hon. The Rev. 0117 9561551 Curate Jillianne Norman 74 Blackhorse Road, , Lay Minister 0117 9405086 Leslie Willcox & Treasurer 29 Neville Road, Kingswood Lay 0117 9679478 John Sibley Minister 94 Cock Road, Kingswood 0117 956 5331 Church Bells Mervyn Gibbs 8 Shepherds Close, Staple Hill, BS16 5LE 0117 937 2692 Church Hall Bookings, [email protected] Magazine Editor, Pam Gardner 1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield, PCC Secretary BS16 9LT Safeguarding Officer Deb Denny 0117 957 4443 (Children) Safeguarding Officer Catherine Bendrey 0117 961 0933 (Vunerable Adults) Churchwarden Vacant

Church Flowers Vacant

Group Committee  Rev. Jeremy Andrew (Chair)  Roger Newman St Anne’s (Acting Church Warden) Parochial  Edgar Webb  Catherine Bendrey (Safeguarding) Church  Leslie Willcox  Deb Denny (Safeguarding) Council (Treasurer)  Pam Gardner (Secretary) (PCC)  Paul Woolcock  Mervyn Gibbs  Rev. Jeremy Andrew (Chair)  Jessica Maggs  Pam Gardner (Secretary)  Julie Maggs Fete Committee  Carole Grover  Pam & Steve Sweet  Fiona Hill  Jenny Weston



Page Page St Anne’s Contacts 2 Syston Snippets 7 Benefice Letter 4-5 Church Service Details 8 C of E / Diocese News 5-6 Poetry Page 9 Remembrance Sunday 6 Adverts 10-16


The deadline for articles for the December Parish Magazine is Friday 20th November. email: [email protected] Telephone: 0117 937 2692 Address: 1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield, BS16 9LT

E U General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The PCCs of this Benefice hold password protected information on electoral rolls and in other PCC authorised records which includes names, postal and email addresses and phone numbers. This is held under 'legitimate interest' and we will not release your information to any third party without your permission. Should you wish all or any of the information relating to yourself to be removed from our records please notify your PCC Secretary by post or email.

Syston PCC Secretary: Pam Gardner email: [email protected] Telephone: 0117 937 2692 Address: 1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield, BS16 9LT

Magazine Printing and Delivery Please note - Parish magazines will not be printed and delivered until the advice from the Church of changes. Some studies suggest Coronavirus can live on paper and cardboard surfaces for up to 24 hours, and so any paper delivery represents a transmission risk. Local hand-deliveries also mean that delivery volunteers will touch gates and letterboxes and may come into close proximity with those who may be shielding. For these reasons, parishes have been encouraged to look to digital communication and telephone calls to keep in touch. Do please forward this magazine to others that may enjoy it. The magazine is also available online at:



Where do we go from here? As you read this, we will be not too far away from Advent and Christmas, and then of course the end of a year which has been for all of us like nothing we have ever experienced before. Along of course with the understandable questions “how has this pandemic happened, and why?” And the almost inevitable “where does God figure in all of this?” People often ask me about the God of Old Testament, seeing him as angry and vengeful as he watched people rejecting him and then punished them severely for breaking the covenant they had together. And more than one person has said to me that this pandemic is the wrath of God, nature biting back for the way we’ve treated His gift of Creation. But even in the Old Testament we see that God never abandoned his people-he always relented and brought them back into the fold. And in the New Testament of course we see the vulnerability of God-the helpless child dependant on human care and love. The young itinerant Rabbi relying on the help and hospitality of others. A man who cries inconsolably at the death of a friend; and a man who finally, abandoned by everyone, went humiliated, afraid and alone to torture and death. A man buried in a borrowed grave. Yet it was in this extreme helplessness and vulnerability that he defeated, on our behalf, a greater enemy than we face today. And if you want to talk of the wrath, or the anger, of God, just look at the way Rabbi Jonathan Sacks described it in a conversation with Steve Chalke; “it is perhaps better, and far more accurate to understand God’s anger as his anguish-a dimension of his love, but never an emotion in opposition to it.” God grieves and suffers with us, because He IS love and his love is redemptive, not vindictive. He stands with us through every time of trial and sorrow and is close to those in anguish. As St Augustine said, ‘God is closer to us than we are to ourselves’. And in a world that sometimes threatens to overwhelm us it’s important that we don’t lose sight of the things we know as we try to get to grips with questions we can’t answer. I find a great deal of comfort today in some words that Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians- “do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your petitions to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (ch4: v6-7) And we have been here before, haven’t we? The world has seen plagues, two major world wars, a Spanish flu pandemic, and now this. And once

4 again the determination to overcome has surfaced. 2000 years ago faith in Christ empowered ordinary people to do extraordinary things, and if there has been any kind of upside to this pandemic, perhaps it’s been in the way that we’ve also seen ordinary people do extraordinary things. Captain Tom. Frank Mills, a 6 years old with Spina Bifida walking 10 metres a day to raise money for the NHS. The dedication of those caring for the sick and vulnerable. The selflessness that’s come to the fore in our benefice and our communities as people look out for each other. All signs of hope that God will bring peace and calm to his troubled world- that as he so often does He will bring good out of evil. There is much talk of when we will “get back to normal”, but there is also a definite groundswell of opinion that the “old normal” is not fit for purpose. So as we look towards Advent let’s keep our focus on those things we know. We know that our Carol Service and Christmas services won’t be the same this year, but in our hearts we will still welcome the Christ child as we have done in years past; we will still give thanks for the gift of salvation to a broken world. Christ calmed storms, cast out demons and healed the sick, and he was called Immanuel- “Christ with us.” And that’s something else we know- He is with us now and has been for always. His part is-and has always been- to save. Ours is to trust. Richard Humphrey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHURCH OF ENGLAND & DIOCESE OF BRISTOL NEWS

New app launched to encourage young people to explore the Bible in new ways.

A new app has been launched that aims to encourage more young people to read the Bible. The LecDeck app provides users with a Bible passage, thought-provoking questions, a quote and a prayer focus. These are all based on the Lectionary – the cycle of biblical readings that runs year to year – and are designed to help young people engage with God’s word.

This follows the successful launch of LecDeck in October 2019, originally as a pack of 52 cards used by families and youth leaders to explore the Bible. Dan Jones, creator of LecDeck and Youth & Children’s Adviser for the Diocese of Bristol, said:


“It’s been amazing to see The LecDeck establish itself as a versatile resource for both youth leaders and families alike. The positive feedback has inspired the writing team to make the Year B edition of the LecDeck more accessible, and we are so excited to announce the development of the LecDeck App for Android and Apple iOS formats. “The LecDeck App offers young people and youth leaders age-appropriate devotions that they can follow on their mobiles. Our hope is that the App will attract and encourage more young people to read the Bible and help them grow in their relationship with God."

The Church of England follows a three-year cycle that dictates which Bible passages are focused on each week. Years A and B are currently available on the app and year C will be added in 2021. The app is available for a one-off payment of £5.99 for both Android and Apple iOS formats. Years A and B are included on the app and Year C will be added in 2021. Original packs of the LecDeck for Year A and Year B are still available and cost £8.00 each (free P+P in the UK). To purchase the LecDeck cards please follow this link to the Bath and Wells Diocese website: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8TH NOVEMBER 2020

In recent years Remembrance Sunday has been a fairly quiet occasion at St Anne’s with, larger services and parades taking place at bigger churches and memorials locally.

David and Zillah Savage kindly put a memorial out on a bench in the churchyard though each year as a timely reminder for all of us.

The memorial is from the British Legion’s "There But Not There" collection and was given to us by Siston Parish Council in 2018.

David and Zillah have affectionately named the soldier, Henry Ernest, after David's Grandfather who was in 3rd Battle of The Somme, and died later from lung cancer due to gas poisoning.



Who’s been sleeping in our shed?

As we were unable to have a fete this year, no one has been in the storage shed for a while, so Jeremy got a big surprise when he found this huge wasp next in there last week!

As you can see from Jeremy’s photos, it’s now been removed by a professional and in a few days time Jeremy will go back in the shed and tidy things up again!



Sunday 1st November: No Morning Service 6.30pm All Saints Day at St Anne’s Evening Prayer Sunday 8th November: 10.30am No Evening Service Remembrance Sunday Morning Prayer at St Anne’s Sunday 15th November: No Family Worship 6.30pm The Second Sunday Before Advent at St Anne’s Holy Communion Sunday 22nd November: 10.30am No Evening Service Christ the King Morning Prayer at St Anne’s Sunday 29th November: 10.30am No Evening Service The First Sunday of Advent Morning Prayer at St Anne’s

Sunday 6th December No Morning Service 6.30pm The Second Sunday of Advent at St Anne’s Evening Prayer Sunday 13th December 10.30am No Evening Service The Third Sunday of Advent Holy Communion at St Anne’s Sunday 20th December No Family Worship 6.30pm The Fourth Sunday of Advent at St Anne’s Nine Lessons & Carols Thursday 24th December No Morning Service 11.30pm Christmas Eve at St Anne’s Midnight Mass Sunday 27th December 10.30am No Evening Service The First Sunday of Christmas Morning Prayer at St Anne’s

Please note: Services may sometimes be subject to change.

For those who are unable to attend church or those who enjoy our services online, for the foreseeable future the links will still be available at: . St Anne’s page on the Church of England’s A Church Near You oneoff/?event_selection=allyou Just click ‘Show All Events’, find the date of the service would like to watch and click on ‘More about this event’ . St Anne’s Syston Facebook Page




by Elsie N. Brady

How silently they tumble down And come to rest upon the ground To lay a carpet, rich and rare, Beneath the trees without a care, Content to sleep, their work well done, Colors gleaming in the sun.

At other times, they wildly fly Until they nearly reach the sky. Twisting, turning through the air Till all the trees stand stark and bare. Exhausted, drop to earth below

To wait, like children, for the snow.



SISTON PARISH COUNCIL [email protected] Serving at the Heart of the Community

Chairman Andrew Stacey 12 Mitchell Walk, 0117 960 3553 , BS30 5XY Councillors Alan Bryant Deanery Lodge, 7 Deanery Road, 0117 983 3028 Kingswood, BS15 9JA. Jon Gadsden 12 Charles Avenue, 07900 352753 Warmley, BS30 5JJ Pippa Gibbs 30 London Road, 0750 393 6005 Warmley, BS30 5JH James Hackett Cherry Orchard Farm, 0758 862 2372 Goose Green, Siston Hill, BS30 5LT Johnathan Maytham 30 London Road, 0797 107 3731 Warmley, BS30 5JH Gloria Smith 22 Lawrence Close, 0117 9475948 Kingswood, BS15 4AH Vacancy


Clerk to Siston Parish Council Ellen Kenny [email protected] 0794 685 8048

Full Council Meetings:

Day: Third Thursday of every month Time: 7.30pm Venue: Warmley Community Centre All members of the public are welcome to attend and talk directly to Councillors for up to 5 minutes about any matter of interest or concern.




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High quality alpaca products and pedigree alpacas for sale.

Alpaca socks and other knitted items. Knitting wool, and orders taken for knitting. Fleeces for hand spinning & neck fleece for felting.


Cowleaze Farm, Siston, Mangotsfield, Bristol, BS16 9LT

Telephone: 0117 937 2763 email: [email protected]



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Internal plastering and painting work undertaken

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OLDLAND HOUSE THE MELANIE HOLLEY VETERINARY SCHOOL OF DANCE SURGERY Stephen Pullan Classes in Ballet, Tap and Jazz. BVSc MRCVS A small and caring school.

103 High Street, Common, Please contact Miss Melanie Bristol, BS30 9TJ Tel:07801 074583 email: Telephone: 0117 932 3100 [email protected] (24 hours) Qualified and registered teacher of The British Ballet Organization (BBO)

MUSIC with MUMMY (or Daddy, or Granny or somebody else important) A lively approach to music for children aged three and under.

For details of your nearest class call 0117 9574443

Visit our web site at


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Telephone: 0117 957 1483 Mobile: 0798 910 1096 email: [email protected]



Luxury Hand Made Chocolates Wedding Favours, Corporate Gifts Chocolate Making Workshops Children’s Chocolate Parties Talks and Demonstrations

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(Props: Pat & Chris Patch)

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Telephone: 0117 967 4740 Telephone: 0117 937 2398


Philip Webb


Bags or Loads

Collection or Delivery

Mobile: 0797 368 9165 Telephone: 0117 937 2528


Hay and straw for sale.

Competitive prices – please telephone for a quote 07890398327

We also sell free range eggs, and potatoes in season.


Available for hire – perfect for children’s and family parties.

Skittle alley and equipment available for hire too!

To book or enquire about availability or facilities call Pam Gardner on: 0117 937 2692 or email: [email protected]