Einstein Metrics,

Harmonic Forms, &

Symplectic Four-

Claude LeBrun Stony Brook University

Sardegna, 2014/9/20

1 Definition. A Riemannian metric h is said to be Einstein if it has constant — i.e.

2 Definition. A Riemannian metric h is said to be Einstein if it has constant Ricci curvature— i.e. r = λh for some constant λ ∈ R.

3 Definition. A Riemannian metric h is said to be Einstein if it has constant Ricci curvature— i.e. r = λh for some constant λ ∈ R.

“. . . the greatest blunder of my life!” — A. Einstein, to G. Gamow

4 Definition. A Riemannian metric h is said to be Einstein if it has constant Ricci curvature— i.e. r = λh for some constant λ ∈ R.

5 Definition. A Riemannian metric h is said to be Einstein if it has constant Ricci curvature— i.e. r = λh for some constant λ ∈ R.

As punishment . . .

6 Definition. A Riemannian metric h is said to be Einstein if it has constant Ricci curvature— i.e. r = λh for some constant λ ∈ R.

λ called Einstein constant.

7 Definition. A Riemannian metric h is said to be Einstein if it has constant Ricci curvature— i.e. r = λh for some constant λ ∈ R.

λ called Einstein constant.

Has same sign as the j ij s = rj = R ij.

8 Definition. A Riemannian metric h is said to be Einstein if it has constant Ricci curvature— i.e. r = λh for some constant λ ∈ R.

λ called Einstein constant.

Has same sign as the scalar curvature j ij s = rj = R ij.

volg(Bε(p)) ε2 4 n = 1 − s + O(ε ) cnε 6(n+2)

...... ε...... r ......

9 Geometrization Problem:

10 Geometrization Problem:

Given a smooth compact Mn, can one

11 Geometrization Problem:

Given a smooth compact manifold Mn, can one decompose M in Einstein and collapsed pieces?

12 Geometrization Problem:

Given a smooth compact manifold Mn, can one decompose M in Einstein and collapsed pieces?

When n =3, answer is “Yes.”

13 Geometrization Problem:

Given a smooth compact manifold Mn, can one decompose M in Einstein and collapsed pieces?

When n =3, answer is “Yes.”

Proof by Ricci flow. Perelman et al.

14 Geometrization Problem:

Given a smooth compact manifold Mn, can one decompose M in Einstein and collapsed pieces?

When n =3, answer is “Yes.”

Proof by Ricci flow. Perelman et al.

Perhaps reasonable in other dimensions?

15 Recognition Problem:

16 Recognition Problem:

Suppose Mn admits Einstein metric h.

17 Recognition Problem:

Suppose Mn admits Einstein metric h.

What, if anything, does h then tell us about M?

18 Recognition Problem:

Suppose Mn admits Einstein metric h.

What, if anything, does h then tell us about M?

Can we recognize M by looking at h?

19 Recognition Problem:

Suppose Mn admits Einstein metric h.

What, if anything, does h then tell us about M?

Can we recognize M by looking at h?

When n =3, h has constant sectional curvature!

20 Recognition Problem:

Suppose Mn admits Einstein metric h.

What, if anything, does h then tell us about M?

Can we recognize M by looking at h?

When n =3, h has constant sectional curvature!

3 3 3 So M has universal cover S , R , H ...

21 Recognition Problem:

Suppose Mn admits Einstein metric h.

What, if anything, does h then tell us about M?

Can we recognize M by looking at h?

When n =3, h has constant sectional curvature!

3 3 3 So M has universal cover S , R , H ...

But when n ≥ 5, situation seems hopeless.

22 Recognition Problem:

Suppose Mn admits Einstein metric h.

What, if anything, does h then tell us about M?

Can we recognize M by looking at h?

When n =3, h has constant sectional curvature!

3 3 3 So M has universal cover S , R , H ...

But when n ≥ 5, situation seems hopeless.

{Einstein metrics on Sn}/∼ is highly disconnected.

23 Recognition Problem:

Suppose Mn admits Einstein metric h.

What, if anything, does h then tell us about M?

Can we recognize M by looking at h?

When n =3, h has constant sectional curvature!

3 3 3 So M has universal cover S , R , H ...

But when n ≥ 5, situation seems hopeless.

{Einstein metrics on Sn}/∼ is highly disconnected.

When n ≥ 4, situation is more encouraging. . .

24 Moduli Spaces of Einstein metrics

25 Moduli Spaces of Einstein metrics

+ E (M) = {Einstein h}/(Diffeos × R )

26 Moduli Spaces of Einstein metrics

+ E (M) = {Einstein h}/(Diffeos × R )

Known to be connected for certain4-manifolds:

27 Moduli Spaces of Einstein metrics

+ E (M) = {Einstein h}/(Diffeos × R )

Known to be connected for certain4-manifolds:

4 4 M = T ,K 3, H /Γ, CH2/Γ.

28 Moduli Spaces of Einstein metrics

+ E (M) = {Einstein h}/(Diffeos × R )

Known to be connected for certain4-manifolds:

4 4 M = T ,K 3, H /Γ, CH2/Γ.

Berger, Hitchin, Besson-Courtois-Gallot, L.

29 Moduli Spaces of Einstein metrics

+ E (M) = {Einstein h}/(Diffeos × R )

Known to be connected for certain4-manifolds:

4 4 M = T ,K 3, H /Γ, CH2/Γ.

Berger, Hitchin, Besson-Courtois-Gallot, L.

30 Moduli Spaces of Einstein metrics

+ E (M) = {Einstein h}/(Diffeos × R )

Known to be connected for certain4-manifolds:

4 4 M = T ,K 3, H /Γ, CH2/Γ.

Berger, Hitchin, Besson-Courtois-Gallot,L.

31 Moduli Spaces of Einstein metrics

+ E (M) = {Einstein h}/(Diffeos × R )

Known to be connected for certain4-manifolds:

4 4 M = T ,K 3, H /Γ, CH2/Γ.

Berger, Hitchin, Besson-Courtois-Gallot, L.

32 Four Dimensions is Exceptional

33 Four Dimensions is Exceptional

When n =4, Einstein metrics are genuinely non- trivial: not typically spaces of constant curvature.

34 Four Dimensions is Exceptional

When n =4, Einstein metrics are genuinely non- trivial: not typically spaces of constant curvature.

There are beautiful and subtle global obstructions to the existence of Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds.

35 Four Dimensions is Exceptional

When n =4, Einstein metrics are genuinely non- trivial: not typically spaces of constant curvature.

There are beautiful and subtle global obstructions to the existence of Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds.

But might allow for geometrization of4-manifolds by decomposition into Einstein and collapsed pieces.

36 Four Dimensions is Exceptional

When n =4, Einstein metrics are genuinely non- trivial: not typically spaces of constant curvature.

There are beautiful and subtle global obstructions to the existence of Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds.

But might allow for geometrization of4-manifolds by decomposition into Einstein and collapsed pieces.

One key question:

37 Four Dimensions is Exceptional

When n =4, Einstein metrics are genuinely non- trivial: not typically spaces of constant curvature.

There are beautiful and subtle global obstructions to the existence of Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds.

But might allow for geometrization of4-manifolds by decomposition into Einstein and collapsed pieces.

One key question:

Does enough rigidity really hold in dimension four to make this a genuine geometrization?

38 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

39 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

40 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

K¨ahlergeometry is a rich source of examples.

41 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

K¨ahlergeometry is a rich source of examples.

If M admits a K¨ahlermetric, it of course admits a symplectic form ω.

42 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

K¨ahlergeometry is a rich source of examples.

If M admits a K¨ahlermetric, it of course admits a symplectic form ω.

On such manifolds, Seiberg-Witten theory mimics K¨ahlergeometry when treating non-K¨ahlermetrics.

43 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

K¨ahlergeometry is a rich source of examples.

If M admits a K¨ahlermetric, it of course admits a symplectic form ω.

On such manifolds, Seiberg-Witten theory mimics K¨ahlergeometry when treating non-K¨ahlermetrics.

Some Suggestive Questions. If (M4, ω) is a symplectic 4-manifold, when does M4 admit an Einstein metric h (unrelated to ω)? What if we also require λ ≥ 0?

44 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

K¨ahlergeometry is a rich source of examples.

If M admits a K¨ahlermetric, it of course admits a symplectic form ω.

On such manifolds, Seiberg-Witten theory mimics K¨ahlergeometry when treating non-K¨ahlermetrics.

Some Suggestive Questions. If (M4,ω ) is a symplectic 4-manifold, when does M4 admit an Einstein metric h (unrelated to ω)? What if we also require λ ≥ 0?

45 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

K¨ahlergeometry is a rich source of examples.

If M admits a K¨ahlermetric, it of course admits a symplectic form ω.

On such manifolds, Seiberg-Witten theory mimics K¨ahlergeometry when treating non-K¨ahlermetrics.

Some Suggestive Questions. If (M4,ω ) is a symplectic 4-manifold, when does M4 admit an Einstein metric h (unrelated to ω)? What if we also require λ ≥ 0?

46 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

K¨ahlergeometry is a rich source of examples.

If M admits a K¨ahlermetric, it of course admits a symplectic form ω.

On such manifolds, Seiberg-Witten theory mimics K¨ahlergeometry when treating non-K¨ahlermetrics.

Some Suggestive Questions. If (M4,ω ) is a symplectic 4-manifold, when does M4 admit an Einstein metric h (unrelated to ω)? What if we also require λ ≥ 0?

47 Symplectic 4-manifolds:

A laboratory for exploring Einstein metrics.

K¨ahlergeometry is a rich source of examples.

If M admits a K¨ahlermetric, it of course admits a symplectic form ω.

On such manifolds, Seiberg-Witten theory mimics K¨ahlergeometry when treating non-K¨ahlermetrics.

Some Suggestive Questions. If (M4,ω ) is a symplectic 4-manifold, when does M4 admit an Einstein metric h (unrelated to ω)? What if we also require λ ≥ 0?

48 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if

49 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if

50 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if

51 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if

52 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if

53 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if

54 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  CP #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8,  2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

55 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

56 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S  K3 diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

57 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3 diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

58 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

59 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

60 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

61 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

62 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

63 Conventions:

CP2 = reverse oriented CP2.

64 Conventions:

CP2 = reverse oriented CP2.

Connected sum#:


65 Conventions:

CP2 = reverse oriented CP2.

Connected sum#:


66 Conventions:

CP2 = reverse oriented CP2.

Connected sum#:


67 Conventions:

CP2 = reverse oriented CP2.

Connected sum#:


68 Conventions:

CP2 = reverse oriented CP2.

Connected sum#:


69 Conventions:

CP2 = reverse oriented CP2.

Connected sum#:


70 Conventions:

CP2 = reverse oriented CP2.

Connected sum#:


71 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

72 Theorem (L ’09). Suppose that M is a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold which admits a symplectic structure ω. Then M also admits an Einstein metric h with λ ≥ 0 if and only if  #k , 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, CP2 CP2  2 2 S × S ,  K3, diff  M ≈ K3/Z2,  T 4,  T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,T 4/ ,  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6  4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4). Del Pezzo surfaces, , Enriques surface, Abelian surface, Hyper-elliptic surfaces.

73 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

74 Definitive list . . .

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

75 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

76 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

77 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

78 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line:

79 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler.

80 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. Moduli space E (M)= {Einstein metrics}/Diffeomorphisms

81 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. + Moduli space E (M) = {Einstein h}/(Diffeos×R )

82 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. Moduli space E (M) completely understood.

83 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. Moduli space E (M) connected!

84 But we understand some cases better than others!

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. Moduli space E (M) connected!

85 Above the line:

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. Moduli space E (M) connected!

86 Above the line: Know an Einstein metric on each manifold.

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. Moduli space E (M) connected!

87 Above the line: Moduli space E (M) =6 ∅. Is it connected?

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. Moduli space E (M) connected!

88 Above the line: Moduli space E (M) =6 ∅. But is it connected?

CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8, S2 × S2, K3, M === K3/Z2, T 4, 4 4 4 4 T /Z2,T /Z3,T /Z4,T /Z6, 4 4 4 T /(Z2 ⊕ Z2),T /(Z3 ⊕ Z3), or T /(Z2 ⊕ Z4).

Below the line: Every Einstein metric is Ricci-flat K¨ahler. Moduli space E (M) connected!

89 Objective of this lecture:

90 Objective of this lecture:

Describe modest recent progress on this issue.

91 Objective of this lecture:

Describe modest recent progress on this issue.

For M a Del Pezzo surface, will define explicit open

92 Objective of this lecture:

Describe modest recent progress on this issue.

For M a Del Pezzo surface, will define explicit open

U ⊂ {Riemannian metrics on M}

93 Objective of this lecture:

Describe modest recent progress on this issue.

For M a Del Pezzo surface, will define explicit open

U ⊂ {Riemannian metrics on M} such that

94 Objective of this lecture:

Describe modest recent progress on this issue.

For M a Del Pezzo surface, will define explicit open

U ⊂ {Riemannian metrics on M} such that

• Every known Einstein metric belongs to U ;

95 Objective of this lecture:

Describe modest recent progress on this issue.

For M a Del Pezzo surface, will define explicit open

U ⊂ {Riemannian metrics on M} such that

• Every known Einstein metric belongs to U ;

• These form a connected family, mod diffeos; and

96 Objective of this lecture:

Describe modest recent progress on this issue.

For M a Del Pezzo surface, will define explicit open

U ⊂ {Riemannian metrics on M} such that

• Every known Einstein metric belongs to U ;

• These form a connected family, mod diffeos; and

• No other Einstein metrics belong to U !

97 Formulation will depend on. . .

98 Special character of dimension 4:

99 Special character of dimension 4:

The Lie group SO(4) is not simple:

100 Special character of dimension 4:

The Lie group SO(4) is not simple:

so(4) ∼= so(3) ⊕ so(3).

101 Special character of dimension 4:

The Lie group SO(4) is not simple:

so(4) ∼= so(3) ⊕ so(3). On oriented (M4,g ),= ⇒

102 Special character of dimension 4:

The Lie group SO(4) is not simple:

so(4) ∼= so(3) ⊕ so(3). On oriented (M4,g ),= ⇒ Λ2 =Λ + ⊕ Λ−

103 Special character of dimension 4:

The Lie group SO(4) is not simple:

so(4) ∼= so(3) ⊕ so(3). On oriented (M4,g ),= ⇒ Λ2 =Λ + ⊕ Λ− whereΛ ± are (±1)-eigenspaces of ? :Λ 2 → Λ2,

104 Special character of dimension 4:

The Lie group SO(4) is not simple:

so(4) ∼= so(3) ⊕ so(3). On oriented (M4,g ),= ⇒ Λ2 =Λ + ⊕ Λ− whereΛ ± are (±1)-eigenspaces of ? :Λ 2 → Λ2, ?2 = 1.

Λ+ self-dual 2-forms. Λ− anti-self-dual 2-forms.

105 Riemann curvature of g R :Λ 2 → Λ2

106 Riemann curvature of g R :Λ 2 → Λ2 splits into 4 irreducible pieces:

107 Riemann curvature of g R :Λ 2 → Λ2 splits into 4 irreducible pieces: Λ+∗ Λ−∗

+ s Λ W + + 12 ˚r

− s Λ ˚r W − + 12

108 Riemann curvature of g R :Λ 2 → Λ2 splits into 4 irreducible pieces: Λ+∗ Λ−∗

+ s Λ W + + 12 ˚r

− s Λ ˚r W − + 12 where s = scalar curvature ˚r = trace-free Ricci curvature W + = self-dual Weyl curvature (conformally invariant) W − = anti-self-dual Weyl curvature

109 Riemann curvature of g R :Λ 2 → Λ2 splits into 4 irreducible pieces: Λ+∗ Λ−∗

+ s Λ W + + 12 ˚r

− s Λ ˚r W − + 12 where s = scalar curvature ˚r = trace-free Ricci curvature W + = self-dual Weyl curvature (conformally invariant) 00 W − = anti-self-dual Weyl curvature

110 4 Smooth compact M has invariants b±(M), defined in terms of intersection pairing

111 4 Smooth compact M has invariants b±(M), defined in terms of intersection pairing

2 2 H (M, R) × H (M, R) −→ R Z ([ϕ] , [ψ]) 7−→ ϕ ∧ ψ M

112 4 Smooth compact M has invariants b±(M), defined in terms of intersection pairing

2 2 H (M, R) × H (M, R) −→ R Z ([ϕ] , [ψ]) 7−→ ϕ ∧ ψ M Diagonalize:

113 4 Smooth compact M has invariants b±(M), defined in terms of intersection pairing

2 2 H (M, R) × H (M, R) −→ R Z ([ϕ] , [ψ]) 7−→ ϕ ∧ ψ M Diagonalize:

  +1  ...     +1     | {z }  .  b+(M)       −1   ..   b−(M) .   −1

114 4 Smooth compact M has invariants b±(M), defined in terms of intersection pairing

2 2 H (M, R) × H (M, R) −→ R Z ([ϕ] , [ψ]) 7−→ ϕ ∧ ψ M Diagonalize:

  +1  ...     +1     | {z }  .  b+(M)       −1   ..   b−(M) .   −1

115 Hodge theory:

2 2 H (M, R) = {ϕ ∈ Γ(Λ ) | dϕ = 0, d ?ϕ = 0}.

116 Hodge theory:

2 2 H (M, R) = {ϕ ∈ Γ(Λ ) | dϕ = 0, d ?ϕ = 0}. Since ? is involution of RHS,= ⇒

2 + − H (M, R) = Hg ⊕H g ,

117 Hodge theory:

2 2 H (M, R) = {ϕ ∈ Γ(Λ ) | dϕ = 0, d ?ϕ = 0}. Since ? is involution of RHS,= ⇒

2 + − H (M, R) = Hg ⊕H g , where

± ± Hg = {ϕ ∈ Γ(Λ ) | dϕ = 0} self-dual & anti-self-dual harmonic forms.

118 Hodge theory:

2 2 H (M, R) = {ϕ ∈ Γ(Λ ) | dϕ = 0, d ?ϕ = 0}. Since ? is involution of RHS,= ⇒

2 + − H (M, R) = Hg ⊕H g , where

± ± Hg = {ϕ ∈ Γ(Λ ) | dϕ = 0} self-dual & anti-self-dual harmonic forms. Then

± b±(M) = dimHg .

119 ...... + ...... H ...... g ...... − ...... H . . . . g ......

2 {a | a · a = 0} ⊂H (M, R)

120 ...... + ...... H ...... g ...... − ...... H ...... g ......

2 {a | a · a = 0} ⊂ H (M, R)

121 ...... + ...... H ...... 0 ...... g ...... − ...... H ...... 0 ...... g ......

2 {a | a · a = 0} ⊂ H (M, R)

122 ...... + ...... H ...... g ...... − ...... H ...... g ......

± b±(M) = dimHg .

123 ...... + ...... H ...... 0 ...... g ...... − ...... H ...... 0 ...... g ......

± b±(M) = dimHg .

124 ...... + ...... H ...... g ...... − ...... H ...... g ......

± b±(M) = dimHg .

125 ...... + ...... H ...... g ...... − ...... H . . . . g ......

± b±(M) = dimHg .

126 More Technical Question. When does a com- pact complex surface (M4,J ) admit an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian, in the sense that

127 More Technical Question. When does a com- pact complex surface (M4,J ) admit an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian, in the sense that h(·, ·) = h(J·,J ·)?

128 More Technical Question. When does a com- pact complex surface (M4,J ) admit an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian, in the sense that h(·, ·) = h(J·,J ·)?

K¨ahler if the 2-form ω = h(J·, ·) is closed: dω = 0. But we do not assume this!

129 More Technical Question. When does a com- pact complex surface (M4,J ) admit an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian, in the sense that h(·, ·) = h(J·,J ·)?

130 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.”

131 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω].

132 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

133 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

Aubin, Yau, Siu, Tian... K¨ahlercase.

134 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

Aubin, Yau, Siu, Tian... K¨ahlercase.

Chen-L-Weber (2008),L (2012): non-K¨ahlercase.

135 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

Aubin, Yau, Siu, Tian... K¨ahlercase.

Chen-L-Weber (2008),L (2012): non-K¨ahlercase. Only two metrics arise in non-K¨ahlercase!

136 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

Key Point. Metrics are actually conformally K¨ahler.

137 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

Key Point. Metrics are actually conformally K¨ahler.

138 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

Key Point. Metrics are actually conformally K¨ahler.

h = s−2g

139 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

Key Point. Metrics are actually conformally K¨ahler.

Strictly 4-dimensional phenomenon!

140 Theorem. A compact complex surface (M4,J ) admits an Einstein metric h which is Hermitian 4 with respect to J ⇐⇒ c1(M ,J ) “has a sign.” More precisely, ∃ such h with Einstein constant λ ⇐⇒ there is a K¨ahlerform ω such that 4 c1(M ,J ) = λ[ω]. Moreover, this metric is unique, up to isometry, if λ =6 0 .

Key Point. Metrics are actually conformally K¨ahler.

Strictly 4-dimensional phenomenon!

“Riemannian Goldberg-Sachs Theorem.”

141 So, which complex surfaces admit

142 So, which complex surfaces admit

Einstein Hermitian metrics with λ > 0?

143 Del Pezzo surfaces:

144 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω].

145 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

146 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

147 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

148 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

149 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

...... •...... •• ...... 2 ...... CP ......

150 Blowing up:

151 Blowing up: If N is a complex surface, may replace p ∈ N with CP1 to obtain blow-up

...... M ......

...... N . r ......

152 Blowing up: If N is a complex surface, may replace p ∈ N with CP1 to obtain blow-up

...... M ......

...... N . r ......

153 Blowing up: If N is a complex surface, may replace p ∈ N with CP1 to obtain blow-up

...... M ......

...... N . r ......

154 Blowing up: If N is a complex surface, may replace p ∈ N with CP1 to obtain blow-up M ≈ N#CP2 in which added CP1 has normal bundle O(−1).

...... M ......

...... N . r ......

155 156 Blowing up: If N is a complex surface, may replace p ∈ N with CP1 to obtain blow-up M ≈ N#CP2 in which added CP1 has normal bundle O(−1).

...... M ......

...... N . r ......

157 158 Blowing up: If N is a complex surface, may replace p ∈ N with CP1 to obtain blow-up M ≈ N#CP2 in which added CP1 has normal bundle O(−1).

...... M ......

...... N . r ......

159 160 Blowing up: If N is a complex surface, may replace p ∈ N with CP1 to obtain blow-up M ≈ N#CP2 in which added CP1 has normal bundle O(−1).

...... M ......

...... N . r ......

161 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

...... •...... •• ...... 2 ...... CP ......

162 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

...... •...... •• ...... 2 ...... CP ......

No3 on a line, no 5 on conic, no 8 on nodal cubic.

163 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

...... •• ...... •...... •• ...... 2 ...... CP ...... • ......

No3 on a line, no6 on conic, no 8 on nodal cubic.

164 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

...... •...... •...... • ...... • ...... • ...... • ...... • ...... • ...... 2 ...... CP ......

No3 on a line, no6 on conic, no8 on nodal cubic.

165 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

166 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

For each topological type:

167 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

For each topological type:

Moduli space of such (M4,J ) is connected.

168 Del Pezzo surfaces:

4 (M ,J ) for which c1 is a K¨ahlerclass [ω]. Shorthand: “c1 > 0.”

Blow-up of CP2 at k distinct points,0 ≤ k ≤ 8, in general position, or CP1 × CP1.

For each topological type:

Moduli space of such (M4,J ) is connected.

Just a point if b2(M) ≤ 5.

169 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

170 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

171 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

172 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

173 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

174 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

175 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

Definition. Let M be smooth 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h on M is of symplectic type if associated SD harmonic ω is nowhere zero.

176 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

Definition. Let M be smooth 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h on M is of symplectic type if associated SD harmonic ω is nowhere zero.

177 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

Definition. Let M be smooth 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h on M is of symplectic type if associated SD harmonic ω is nowhere zero.

178 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

Definition. Let M be smooth 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h on M is of symplectic type if associated SD harmonic ω is nowhere zero.

179 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

Definition. Let M be smooth 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h on M is of symplectic type if associated SD harmonic ω is nowhere zero.

180 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

Definition. Let M be smooth 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h on M is of symplectic type if associated SD harmonic ω is nowhere zero.

• open condition;

181 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

Definition. Let M be smooth 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h on M is of symplectic type if associated SD harmonic ω is nowhere zero.

• open condition; • conformally invariant; and

182 Every del Pezzo surface has b+ = 1. ⇐⇒

Up to scale, ∀ h, ∃! self-dual harmonic 2-form ω:

dω = 0,?ω = ω.

Such a form defines a symplectic structure, except at points where ω = 0.

Definition. Let M be smooth 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h on M is of symplectic type if associated SD harmonic ω is nowhere zero.

• open condition; • conformally invariant; and • holds in K¨ahler case.

183 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

184 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

185 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

186 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

187 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0

188 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

189 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

Notice that

190 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

Notice that • =⇒ ω is symplectic form.

191 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

Notice that • =⇒ ω is symplectic form.

• =⇒ W+ is everywhere non-zero.

192 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

193 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.


194 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.


• recall that W+ is trace-free; so

195 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.


• recall that W+ is trace-free; so • wherever W+ non-zero, has positive directions.

196 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

197 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

Thus, we are really just demanding that

198 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

Thus, we are really just demanding that • ω =6 0 everywhere;

199 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

Thus, we are really just demanding that • ω =6 0 everywhere; • W+ =6 everywhere; and

200 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

Thus, we are really just demanding that • ω =6 0 everywhere; • W+ =6 everywhere; and • W+ and ω are everywhere roughly aligned.

201 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

202 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

• open condition;

203 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

• open condition; • conformally invariant; and

204 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

• open condition; • conformally invariant; and • holds for (almost) K¨ahler metrics with s> 0.

205 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

• open condition; • conformally invariant; and • holds for (almost) K¨ahler metrics with s> 0.

 s  −12 s K¨ahler= ⇒ W + =  −12  s 6

206 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

• open condition; • conformally invariant; and • holds for (almost) K¨ahler metrics with s> 0.

207 Definition. Let M be smooth compact 4-manifold with b+(M) =1 . We will say that a Riemannian metric h is of positive symplectic type if Weyl curvature and SD harmonic form ω satisfy

W+(ω,ω ) > 0 at every point of M.

• open condition; • conformally invariant; and • holds for (almost) K¨ahler metrics with s> 0.

208 Theorem A. Let (M, h) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J).

209 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J).

210 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J).

211 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J).

212 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

213 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

In other words, h is known, and is either

214 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

In other words, h is known, and is either

• K¨ahler-Einstein, with λ> 0; or

215 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

In other words, h is known, and is either

• K¨ahler-Einstein, with λ> 0; or

• Page metric on CP2#CP2; or

216 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

In other words, h is known, and is either

• K¨ahler-Einstein, with λ> 0; or

• Page metric on CP2#CP2; or

• CLW metric on CP2#2CP2.

217 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

In other words, h is known, and is either

• K¨ahler-Einstein, with λ> 0; or

• Page metric on CP2#CP2; or

• CLW metric on CP2#2CP2.

Conversely, all these are of positive symplectic type.

218 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

219 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set considered as smooth compact oriented4-manifold,

220 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

221 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

222 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

+ E (M) = {Einstein h on M}/(Diffeos × R )

223 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

+ E (M) = {Einstein h on M}/(Diffeos × R ) + + E ω (M) = {Einstein h with W (ω,ω ) > 0}/∼

224 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

+ E (M) = {Einstein h on M}/(Diffeos × R ) + + E ω (M) = {Einstein h with W (ω,ω ) > 0}/∼

+ Corollary. E ω (M) is connected. Moreover, if + b2(M) ≤ 5, then Eω (M) = {point}.

225 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

+ E (M) = {Einstein h on M}/(Diffeos × R ) + + E ω (M) = {Einstein h with W (ω,ω ) > 0}/∼

+ Corollary. E ω (M) is connected. Moreover, if + b2(M) ≤ 5, then Eω (M) = {point}.

226 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

+ E (M) = {Einstein h on M}/(Diffeos × R ) + + E ω (M) = {Einstein h with W (ω,ω ) > 0}/∼

+ Corollary. E ω (M) is connected. Moreover, if + b2(M) ≤ 5, then E ω (M) = {point}.

227 For M4 a Del Pezzo surface, set

+ E (M) = {Einstein h on M}/(Diffeos × R ) + + E ω (M) = {Einstein h with W (ω,ω ) > 0}/∼

+ Corollary. E ω (M) is connected. Moreover, if + b2(M) ≤ 5, then E ω (M) = {point}.

+ Corollary. E ω (M) is exactly one connected com- ponent of E (M).

228 Method of Proof.

229 Key Observation:

230 Key Observation:

By second Bianchi identity,

231 Key Observation:

By second Bianchi identity, h Einstein= ⇒ δW + = (δW )+ = 0.

232 Key Observation:

By second Bianchi identity, h Einstein= ⇒ δW + = (δW )+ = 0.

1 (δW ) := −∇ W a = −∇ r + h ∇ s bcd a bcd [c d]b 6 b[c d]

233 Key Observation:

By second Bianchi identity, h Einstein= ⇒ δW + = (δW )+ = 0.

1 (δW ) := −∇ W a = −∇ r + h ∇ s bcd a bcd [c d]b 6 b[c d]

Our strategy:

234 Key Observation:

By second Bianchi identity, h Einstein= ⇒ δW + = (δW )+ = 0.

1 (δW ) := −∇ W a = −∇ r + h ∇ s bcd a bcd [c d]b 6 b[c d]

Our strategy: study weaker equation

235 Key Observation:

By second Bianchi identity, h Einstein= ⇒ δW + = (δW )+ = 0.

1 (δW ) := −∇ W a = −∇ r + h ∇ s bcd a bcd [c d]b 6 b[c d]

Our strategy: study weaker equation

δW + = 0

236 Key Observation:

By second Bianchi identity, h Einstein= ⇒ δW + = (δW )+ = 0.

1 (δW ) := −∇ W a = −∇ r + h ∇ s bcd a bcd [c d]b 6 b[c d]

Our strategy: study weaker equation

δW + = 0 as proxy for Einstein equation.

237 Now suppose that ω =6 0 everywhere.

238 Now suppose that ω =6 0 everywhere. √ Rescale h to obtain g with |ω| ≡ 2:

239 Now suppose that ω =6 0 everywhere. √ Rescale h to obtain g with |ω| ≡ 2: 1 g = √ |ω|h. 2

240 Now suppose that ω =6 0 everywhere. √ Rescale h to obtain g with |ω| ≡ 2: 1 g = √ |ω|h. 2

This g is almost-K¨ahler:

241 Now suppose that ω =6 0 everywhere. √ Rescale h to obtain g with |ω| ≡ 2: 1 g = √ |ω|h. 2

This g is almost-K¨ahler: related to symplectic form ω by

242 Now suppose that ω =6 0 everywhere. √ Rescale h to obtain g with |ω| ≡ 2: 1 g = √ |ω|h. 2

This g is almost-K¨ahler: related to symplectic form ω by

g = ω(·,J ·)

243 Now suppose that ω =6 0 everywhere. √ Rescale h to obtain g with |ω| ≡ 2: 1 g = √ |ω|h. 2

This g is almost-K¨ahler: related to symplectic form ω by

g = ω(·,J ·) for some g-preserving almost-complex structure J.

244 Weitzenb¨ock for harmonic self-dual 2-form ω:

245 Weitzenb¨ock for harmonic self-dual 2-form ω: s 0 = ∇∗∇ω − 2W +(ω, ·) + ω 3

246 Weitzenb¨ock for harmonic self-dual 2-form ω: s 0 = ∇∗∇ω − 2W +(ω, ·) + ω 3 Taking inner product with ω:

247 Weitzenb¨ock for harmonic self-dual 2-form ω: s 0 = ∇∗∇ω − 2W +(ω, ·) + ω 3 Taking inner product with ω:

1 s 0 = ∆|ω|2 + |∇ω|2 − 2W +(ω,ω ) + |ω|2 2 3

248 Weitzenb¨ock for harmonic self-dual 2-form ω: s 0 = ∇∗∇ω − 2W +(ω, ·) + ω 3 Taking inner product with ω:

1 s 0 = ∆|ω|2 + |∇ω|2 − 2W +(ω,ω ) + |ω|2 2 3

In almost-K¨ahlercase, |ω|2 ≡ 2, so

249 Weitzenb¨ock for harmonic self-dual 2-form ω: s 0 = ∇∗∇ω − 2W +(ω, ·) + ω 3 Taking inner product with ω:

1 s 0 = ∆|ω|2 + |∇ω|2 − 2W +(ω,ω ) + |ω|2 2 3

In almost-K¨ahlercase, |ω|2 ≡ 2, so

1 s |∇ω|2 = W +(ω,ω ) − 2 3

250 Weitzenb¨ock for harmonic self-dual 2-form ω: s 0 = ∇∗∇ω − 2W +(ω, ·) + ω 3 Taking inner product with ω:

1 s 0 = ∆|ω|2 + |∇ω|2 − 2W +(ω,ω ) + |ω|2 2 3

In almost-K¨ahlercase, |ω|2 ≡ 2, so

1 s |∇ω|2 = W +(ω,ω ) − 2 3

s W +(ω,ω ) ≥ 3

251 Equation δW + = 0? not conformally invariant!

252 Equation δW + = 0 not conformally invariant!

253 Equation δW + = 0 not conformally invariant!

If h = f2g satisfies

254 Equation δW + = 0 not conformally invariant!

If h = f2g satisfies

δW + = 0

255 Equation δW + = 0 not conformally invariant!

If h = f2g satisfies

δW + = 0 then g instead satisfies

256 Equation δW + = 0 not conformally invariant!

If h = f2g satisfies

δW + = 0 then g instead satisfies

δ(fW +) = 0

257 Equation δW + = 0 not conformally invariant!

If h = f2g satisfies

δW + = 0 then g instead satisfies

δ(fW +) = 0 which in turn implies the Weitzenb¨ock formula

258 Equation δW + = 0 not conformally invariant!

If h = f2g satisfies

δW + = 0 then g instead satisfies

δ(fW +) = 0 which in turn implies the Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2

259 Equation δW + = 0 not conformally invariant!

If h = f2g satisfies

δW + = 0 then g instead satisfies

δ(fW +) = 0 which in turn implies the Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 for fW + ∈ End(Λ+).

260 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2

261 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity

262 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity

263 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity

264 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity hW +, ∇∗∇(ω⊗ω)i = [W +(ω,ω )]2+4|W +(ω)|2−sW +(ω,ω ) .

265 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity hW +, ∇∗∇(ω⊗ω)i = [W +(ω,ω )]2+4|W +(ω)|2−sW +(ω,ω ) .

This yields

266 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity hW +, ∇∗∇(ω⊗ω)i = [W +(ω,ω )]2+4|W +(ω)|2−sW +(ω,ω ) .

This yields

Z   0 = −sW +(ω,ω ) + 8|W +|2 − 4|W +(ω)⊥|2 f dµ, M

267 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity hW +, ∇∗∇(ω⊗ω)i = [W +(ω,ω )]2+4|W +(ω)|2−sW +(ω,ω ) .

This yields

Z   0 = −sW +(ω,ω ) + 8|W +|2 − 4|W +(ω)⊥|2 f dµ, M where W +(ω)⊥ = projection of W +(ω, ·) to ω⊥.

268 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity hW +, ∇∗∇(ω⊗ω)i = [W +(ω,ω )]2+4|W +(ω)|2−sW +(ω,ω ) .

This yields

Z   0 = −sW +(ω,ω ) + 8|W +|2 − 4|W +(ω)⊥|2 f dµ M

269 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity hW +, ∇∗∇(ω⊗ω)i = [W +(ω,ω )]2+4|W +(ω)|2−sW +(ω,ω ) .

This yields

Z  2  0 ≥ −sW +(ω,ω ) + 3 W +(ω,ω ) f dµ M

270 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity hW +, ∇∗∇(ω⊗ω)i = [W +(ω,ω )]2+4|W +(ω)|2−sW +(ω,ω ) .

This yields

Z  s  0 ≥ 3 W +(ω,ω ) W +(ω,ω ) − f dµ M 3

271 Now take inner product of Weitzenb¨ock formula

s 0 = ∇∗∇(fW +) + fW + − 6fW + ◦ W + + 2f|W +|2I 2 with 2ω ⊗ ω and integrate by parts, using identity hW +, ∇∗∇(ω⊗ω)i = [W +(ω,ω )]2+4|W +(ω)|2−sW +(ω,ω ) .

This yields

Z  1  0 ≥ 3 W +(ω,ω ) |∇ω|2 f dµ M 2

272 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4, g, ω) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f > 0, then

273 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f > 0, then

274 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f > 0, then

275 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then

276 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

277 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4, g, ω) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω, ω) > 0. If

278 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω, ω) > 0. If

279 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If

280 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0

281 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s > 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

282 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s > 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

283 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s> 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

284 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s> 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

285 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s> 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

 s  −12 s K¨ahler= ⇒ W + =  −12  s 6

286 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s> 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

287 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s> 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

Conversely, any K¨ahler(M4,g,ω ) with s> 0 sat- isfies W +(ω,ω ) > 0, and f = c/s solves

288 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s> 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

Conversely, any K¨ahler(M4,g,ω ) with s> 0 sat- isfies W +(ω,ω ) > 0, and f = c/s solves

289 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s> 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

Conversely, any K¨ahler(M4,g,ω ) with s> 0 sat- isfies W +(ω,ω ) > 0, and f = c/s solves ∇(fW +) = 0= ⇒ δ(fW +) = 0.

290 Proposition. If compact almost-K¨ahler (M4,g,ω ) satisfies δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then Z 0 ≥ W +(ω,ω )|∇ω|2f dµ M

Corollary. Let (M4,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahlermanifold with W +(ω,ω ) > 0. If δ(fW +) = 0 for some f> 0, then g is a K¨ahlermetric with scalar curvature s> 0. Moreover, f = c/s for some constant c > 0.

Conversely, any K¨ahler(M4,g,ω ) with s> 0 sat- isfies W +(ω,ω ) > 0, and f = c/s solves ∇(fW +) = 0= ⇒ δ(fW +) = 0.

291 Theorem. Let (M, h) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω, ω) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

292 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω, ω) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

293 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω, ω) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

294 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω, ω) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

295 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω, ω) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

296 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

297 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

298 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

299 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

300 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s > 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

301 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

302 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

303 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

304 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

305 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

306 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

307 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω, ω) > 0.

308 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω,ω ) > 0.

309 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω,ω ) > 0.

Remark. If such metrics exist, b+(M) =1.

310 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω,ω ) > 0.

311 Theorem. Let (M,h ) be a compact oriented Rie- mannian 4-manifold with δW + = 0. If W +(ω,ω ) > 0 for some self-dual harmonic 2-form ω, then h = s−2g for a unique K¨ahlermetric g of scalar curvature s> 0. Conversely, for any K¨ahlermetric g of positive scalar curvature, the conformally related metric h = s−2g satisfies δW + = 0 and W +(ω,ω ) > 0.

Theorem A follows by restricting to Einstein case.

312 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

313 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

+ Corollary. E ω (M) is connected. Moreover, if + b2(M) ≤ 5, then E ω (M) = {point}.

314 Theorem A. Let (M,h ) be a smooth compact 4-dimensional Einstein manifold. If h is of posi- tive symplectic type, then it’s a conformally K¨ahler, Einstein metric on a Del Pezzo surface (M,J ).

+ Corollary. E ω (M) is connected. Moreover, if + b2(M) ≤ 5, then E ω (M) = {point}.

+ Corollary. E ω (M) is exactly one connected com- ponent of E (M).

315 Application to Almost-K¨ahlerGeometry:

316 Theorem. Let (M, g, ω) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with

317 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with

318 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with

319 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0, δW + = 0. Then (M, g, ω) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

320 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0,δW + = 0. Then (M, g, ω) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

321 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0,δW + = 0. Then (M,g,ω ) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

322 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0,δW + = 0. Then (M,g,ω ) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

323 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0,δW + = 0. Then (M,g,ω ) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

324 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0,δW + = 0. Then (M,g,ω ) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

In particular, gives a new proof of the following:

325 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0,δW + = 0. Then (M,g,ω ) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

In particular, gives a new proof of the following:

Corollary (Sekigawa). Every compact almost-K¨ahler Einstein 4-manifold with non-negative Einstein constant is K¨ahler-Einstein.

326 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0,δW + = 0. Then (M,g,ω ) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

In particular, gives a new proof of the following:

Corollary (Sekigawa). Every compact almost-K¨ahler Einstein 4-manifold with non-negative Einstein constant is K¨ahler-Einstein.

(Special case of “Goldberg conjecture.”)

327 Theorem. Let (M,g,ω ) be a compact almost- K¨ahler 4-manifold with s ≥ 0,δW + = 0. Then (M,g,ω ) is a constant-scalar-curvature K¨ahler (“cscK”) manifold.

In particular, gives a new proof of the following:

Corollary (Sekigawa). Every compact almost-K¨ahler Einstein 4-manifold with non-negative Einstein constant is K¨ahler-Einstein.

Helped motivate the discovery of Theorem A...

328 Tanti auguri, Stefano!

329 Tanti auguri, Stefano!

E grazie agli organizzatori

330 Tanti auguri, Stefano!

E grazie agli organizzatori per un convegno cos`ıbello!