Thursday, December 1, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). Pledge of At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests allegiance. and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Communications. Communications Civil From the Human Resources Department of the Executive Office for service lists. Administration and Finance (see Section 25 of Chapter 31 of the Gen - eral Laws) submitting a listing of civil service eligible lists that have been revoked by the Personnel Administrator as of October 1, 2016 and November 1, 2016; Lowell From the Lowell Regional Transit Authority (see Section 8(g) of Regional Transit. Chapter 161B of the General Laws) submitting its annual report for the fiscal year 2016, including financial statements, required supplemen - tary information and supplementary information; and Metrowest From the Metrowest Regional Transit Authority (see Section 8(g) of Regional Transit. Chapter 161B of the General Laws) submitting its annual report for the fiscal year 2016, including audited financial statements; Severally were placed on file.

Report. Foreclosed A report of the Office of the Attorney General (under Section 4 of homeowners. Chapter 141 of the Acts of 2015) detailing efforts made by said office to provide notification of the effects of said law to foreclosed upon homeowners and those facing foreclosure, was placed on file.

Petitions. Petitions severally were presented and referred as follows: North By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, Reading,— water. House, No. 4743) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and Bruce E. Tarr (by vote of the town) that the town of North Reading be authorized to receive water from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. To the com - mittee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. Framingham,— By Mr. Walsh of Framingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, precincts. No. 4744) of Chris Walsh and others (by vote of the town) that the town of Framingham be authorized to reduce the number of town meeting members elected in each precinct from twelve to nine; and Framingham,— By the same member, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4745) quorum. of Chris Walsh and others (by vote of the town) relative to a town meeting quorum in the town of Framingham; Severally to the committee on Municipalities and Regional Government. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016. 1739

By Miss Gregoire of Marlborough, a petition (accompanied by bill, Marlborough,— civil House, No. 4746) of Danielle W. Gregoire, James B. Eldridge and service. Carmine L. Gentile (with the approval of the mayor and city council) that the city of Marlborough be authorized to exempt certain positions from the civil service law; and By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, North Reading,— House, No. 4747) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and Bruce E. Tarr (by vote of civil the town) that the town of North Reading be authorized to exempt the service. positions of police chief and police officer from the civil service law; Severally to the committee on Public Service. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Reports of Committees. By Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules and the com - mittees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently, that Joint Rule 12 be suspended on the following petitions: Joint petition (accompanied by bill) of Paul Brodeur and Jason M. Ruth Derfler,— Lewis for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Ruth Derfler, an sick leave. employee of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; and Petition (accompanied by bill) of Angelo M. Scaccia for legislation Francisco Melendez,— to establish a sick leave bank for Francisco Melendez, an employee of sick leave. the Department of Youth Services; Severally to the committee on Public Service. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Ms. Provost of Somer- ville, the reports were considered forthwith. Joint Rule 12 then was sus - pended, in each instance. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, Henry Clodius,— on a joint petition, a Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Henry Clodius, sick leave. an employee of the Department of Correction (House, No. 4732). Read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Enise Pierre,— Scheduling, that the House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Enise sick leave. Pierre, an employee of the Department of Public Health (House, No. 4735) be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading. Subsequently under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Heroux of Attleboro, the bill (having been reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correcting drawn) was read a third time. 1740 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Enise Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis Pierre,— sick leave. of Danvers moved to amend it by striking out section 2; and by inserting before the enacting clause the following emergency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is forthwith to establish a sick leave bank for a cer - tain employee of the department of public health, therefore it is hereby declared an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.”. The amendments were adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4735, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, that the following bills be scheduled for consideration by the House: The Senate Bill designating the commission on postpartum depres - commission. sion as the Ellen Story Commission on Postpartum Depression (Senate, No. 2458); and House bills Alicia Establishing a sick leave bank for Alicia Harmon, an employee of Harmon,— sick leave. the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission State Wide Head Injury Program (SHIP) (House, No. 4730); and Dek Lee,— Establishing a sick leave bank for Dek Lee, an employee of the sick leave. Executive Office of Health and Human Services (House, No. 4736); Under suspension of Rule 7A, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bills were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

Quinc y,— By Mr. O’Day of West Boylston, for the committee on Municipalities redevelopment. and Regional Government, on a petition, a Bill facilitating urban rede - velopment in the city of Quincy (House, No. 4739) [Local Approval Received]. Read; and referred, under Rule 33, to the committee on Ways and Means.

Easton,— By Mr. O’Day of West Boylston, for the committee on Municipali - bylaws. ties and Regional Government, on a joint petition, a Bill ratifying cer - tain bylaws in the town of Easton (House, No. 4738) [Local Approval Received]. Robert E. By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, Hackett,— sick leave. on a joint petition, a Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Robert E. Hackett, an employee of the Department of Revenue (House, No. 4740). Severally read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Orders of the Day. Schools,— The Senate amendment of the House Bill protecting the rights of collective bargaining. custodial and other non-teaching employees of school districts (House, No. 2319), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was adopted, in concurrence.

Littleton,— The Senate amendment of the House Bill authorizing the town of liquor license. Littleton to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016. 1741 bev erages not to be drunk on premises (House, No. 4453), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was adopted, in concurrence.

The Senate Bill repealing the supplemental reserve fund in the city Third reading of Pittsfield (Senate, No. 2412), reported by the committee on Bills in bill. the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence.

The House Bill validating the actions taken at the annual town elec - Id. tion held in the town of Blandford (printed in House, No. 4449), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The Senate amendment of the House Bill authorizing the disclosure of Caregivers,— medical medical information to certain designated caregivers (House, No. 3911, information. amended), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was considered. Mr. Speliotis of Danvers then moved that the House concur with the Senate in its amendment (in section 1 striking out the words “, assisted living facility, group home,”, as amended by the House) with further amendments in section 2 of the bill, in lines 80 and 81, by striking out the words “promulgate regulations” (as amended by the House) and inserting in place thereof the words “issue guidance to hospitals”; by striking out section 3 of the bill (as inserted by amendment by the House) and inserting in place thereof the following section: “SECTION 3. Section 1 shall take effect upon the issuance of the guidance to hospitals as required by section 2, or 8 months after the effec - tive date of section 2, whichever occurs first.”; and by striking out the emergency preamble (inserted by amendment by the House). The further amendments were adopted. The House then concurred with the Senate in its amendment, as amended. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the further amendments.

The Senate Bill designating a certain intersection in the town of Michael O. Maher Plainville as the Special Police Officer Michael O. Maher Memorial Memorial Intersection (Senate, No. 2165), reported by the committee on Bills in Intersection. the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, in concur - rence, Mr. Dooley of Norfolk moved to amend it in line 3, and also in line 4, by striking out the word “Michael” and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the word “Mike”; and by striking out the title and inserting in place thereof the following title: “An Act designating a cer - tain intersection in the town of Plainville as the Special Police Officer Mike O. Maher Memorial Intersection.”. The amendments were adopted; and the bill (Senate, No. 2165, amended) was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the amendments. 1742 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Engrossed Bills. Engrossed bills Bills Relative to amphibious sight-seeing vehicle safety (see Senate, enacted. No. 2473) (which originated in the Senate); and Protecting the rights of custodial and other non-teaching employees of school districts (see House, No. 2319, amended) (which originated in the House); Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Next Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet sitting. on Monday next at eleven o’clock A.M.

Mr. Smizik of Brookline then moved that when the House adjourns today, it do so as a mark of respect to the memory of Eleanor Myerson, a member of the House from Brookline from 1983 to 1990, inclusive; and the motion prevailed. Accordingly, at a quarter before twelve o’clock noon, on motion of Mr. Barrows of Mansfield (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the follow - ing Monday at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. DAY, MONTH 00, 2013. 1743 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Monday, December 5, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests Pledge of and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance allegiance. to the flag. Silent Prayer. At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato) and Representatives Barber Sergeant Major and of Somerville and Garballey of Arlington, the members, guests and Secret Service employees stood in a moment of silent tribute to the memory of Special Officer Bernardino Sergeant Major Bernardino Stabile of Medford. Bernie, as he was affec - Stabile. tionately known, was a United States Marine and a member of the Secret Service of the United States. Bernie’s World War II service in the Pacific brought him to the Marshal Islands, Saipan and Iwo Jima. He also saw action in the Korean War, served two tours in Vietnam and served in the Dominican Republic. In the Secret Service he climbed to the rank of “Special Officer”. He was often referred to as being a “True Legend” of the Marine Corps and the Secret Service. Bernie and his late wife Evelyn, who passed away 4 years ago, had been married for 60 years. Resolutions. The following resolutions (filed with the Clerk) were referred, under Rule 85, to the committee on Rules: Resolutions (filed by Messrs. Muratore of Plymouth, Calter of Constance Kingston and Hunt of Sandwich) congratulating Constance DiLego on DiLego. her retirement; and Resolutions (filed by Ms. Peisch of Wellesley) honoring Benjamin Benjamin David Lussier on receiving the Eagle Award of the Boy Scouts of Lussier. America; Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules, reported, in each instance, that the resolutions ought to be adopted. Under suspension of the rules, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Tucker of Salem, the reso - lutions (reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) were considered forthwith; and they were adopted.

Petitions. Petitions severally were presented and referred as follows: By Mr. Mark of Peru, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, Leyden,— civil No. 4748) of Paul W. Mark (by vote of the town) that the town of service. Leyden be authorized to continue the employment of Daniel J. Galvis, chief of the police department of said town; and 1744 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Wayland,— By Ms. Peisch of Wellesley, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, civil service. No. 4749) of Alice Hanlon Peisch, Carmine L. Gentile and Richard J. Ross (by vote of the town) that the town of Wayland be authorized to exempt all police personnel from the civil service law; Severally to the committee on Public Service. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Petitions severally were presented and referred as follows: Presidential By Mr. Dooley of Norfolk, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) electors. of and others relative to the procedures for choosing presidential electors. Marie By Mr. Miceli of Wilmington, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) Visco,— sick leave. of James R. Miceli for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Marie Visco, an employee of the Department of Public Health. Severally, under Rule 24, to the committee on Rules.

Papers from the Senate. Uniform The House Bill correcting a procedural omission regarding actions Probate Code,— against certain decedents under the Uniform Probate Court (House, procedural No. 1194) (its title having been changed by the Senate committee on omission. Bills in the Third Reading), came from the Senate passed to be engrossed, in concurrence, with an amendment in section 1, in line 6, striking out the word “may” and inserting in place thereof the words “shall only”. The amendment was referred, under Rule 35, to the com - mittee on Bills in the Third Reading.

Petitions were referred, in concurrence, under suspension of Joint Rule 12, as follows: Lisa Petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2509) of Jennifer L. Epp y,— sick leave. Flanagan and Stephan Hay for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Lisa Eppy, an employee of the Department of Children and Families; and Kristine Petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2510) of Jennifer L. Schneider,— sick leave. Flanagan for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Kristine Schneider, an employee of the Department of Transitional Assistance; Severally to the committee on Public Service.

Reports of a Committee. By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, that the following House bills be scheduled for considera - tion by the House: Salem,— Authorizing the city of Salem to grant one additional license for liquor license. the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises (House, No. 4718) [Local Approval Received]; and Easton,— Ratifying certain bylaws in the town of Easton (House, No. 4738) by-laws. [Local Approval Received]; Under suspension of Rule 7A, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, the bills were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading. MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2016. 1745

Engrossed Bills. Engrossed bills Repealing the Supplemental Reserve Fund in the city of Pittsfield Bills (see Senate, No. 2412) (which originated in the Senate); enacted. Authorizing the disclosure of medical information to certain desig - nated caregivers (see House, No. 3911, amended); and Authorizing the town of Littleton to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on premises (see House, No. 4453, amended); (Which severally originated in the House); Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

Orders of the Day. The House Bill authorizing the retirement board of the city of Cambridge,— creditable Cambridge to grant creditable service to Kenneth T. Mui, Andrew service. Topouzoglou, Steven DeMarco, and Anthony Cacciola (House, No. 3288) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it lines 3 and 4, after the figures “2005”, and also in line 5, after the figures “1993”, by inserting, in each instance, the word “, inclusive”; and in lines 8 to 13, inclusive, by striking out the sentence contained in those lines and inserting in place thereof the following sentence: “Before the date that a retiree’s retire - ment allowance becomes effective in the case of Kenneth T. Mui, Andrew Topouzoglou, Steven DeMarco, or Anthony Cacciola, the rel - evant retiree shall pay into the annuity savings fund of the retirement system of the city, in 1 sum or installments, upon such terms and con - ditions as the board may prescribe, an amount equal to that which would have been withheld as regular deductions from the retiree’s reg - ular compensation for such service, plus interest.”. The amendments were adopted; and the bill (House, No. 3288, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Philippe Fauche, Philippe Fauche,— an employee of the Department of Mental Health (House, No. 3721), sick leave. reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following: “Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department of mental health shall establish a sick leave bank for Philippe Fauche, an employee of the department. Any employee of the department may voluntarily contribute 1 or more sick, personal or vaca - tion days to the sick leave bank for use by Philippe Fauche. If Philippe Fauche terminates employment with the department or requests to dis - solve the sick leave bank, any remaining time in the sick leave bank 1746 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Philippe shall be transferred to the extended illness leave bank. Sick leave bank Fauche,— sick leave. days shall not be used for absences unrelated to the illness or disability that necessitated the establishment of the sick leave bank as determined by the department.”; and by inserting before the enacting clause the following emergency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to establish forthwith a sick leave bank for a cer - tain employee of the department of mental health, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preser - vation of the public convenience.”. The amendments were adopted; and the bill (House, No. 3721, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Concord,— The House Bill establishing a senior means-tested property tax tax exemption. exemption in the town of Concord (House, No. 4473) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it, in section 5, in line 50, by inserting after the word “town” the words “, or else they shall not”; and by striking out section 8 and inserting in place thereof the following section: “SECTION 8. This act shall expire after 3 years of implementation of the exemption.”. The amendments were adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4473, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Alicia The House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Alicia Harmon, an Harmon,— sick leave. employee of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (House, No. 4730) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by inserting before the enacting clause the following emergency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to establish forthwith a sick leave bank for a cer - tain employee of the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission, there - fore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4730, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Next Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet sitting. on Thursday next at eleven o’clock A.M.

At a fourteen minutes after eleven o’clock A.M., on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following Thursday at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. DAY, MONTH 00, 2013. 1747 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Thursday, December 8, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Garballey of Arlington in the Chair (hav - ing been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). At the request of the Chair (Mr. Garballey), the members, guests Pledge of and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance allegiance. to the flag. Communication from His Excellency the Governor. A communication from His Excellency the Governor (pursuant to Executive Section 9C of Chapter 29 of the General Laws) relative to reductions Branch,— budget in certain Executive Branch accounts to address a projected budget reductions. shortfall in fiscal year 2017, was spread upon the records of the House; and sent to the Senate for its information. Resolutions. The following resolutions (filed with the Clerk) were referred, under Rule 85, to the committee on Rules: Resolutions (filed by Mr. Kaufman of Lexington and other mem - METCO. bers of the House) congratulating the Metropolitan Council for Educa - tional Opportunity (METCO), Inc. on its fifty years of service to the students of the Commonwealth; Resolutions (filed by Mr. Koczera of New Bedford) congratulating Louann Louann Jenkins on her retirement from the Acushnet Police Depart - Jenkins. ment; and Resolutions (filed by Mr. Sánchez of Boston) honoring the accom - Eddie plishments and contributions of Eddie Palmieri to Salsa and Latin Jazz Palmieri. in America; Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules, reported, in each instance, that the resolutions ought to be adopted. Under suspension of the rules, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Smizik of Brookline, the resolutions (reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) were considered forthwith; and they were adopted. Communication. A communication from the Department of Public Health (see Sec - Mortality tion 2 of Chapter 111 of the General Laws) submitting the annual report data and summarizing mortality data and statistics for the calendar year 2014, statistics. was placed on file. Special Report. A report of the Special Commission on Substance Abuse Misuse Pain and Pain Treatment established (under Section 58 of Chapter 52 of the treatments and Acts of 2016) to study the incorporation of safe and effective pain prescribing treatment and prescribing practices into the professional training of practices. students, except veterinarian students, that may prescribe controlled substances, was placed on file. 1748 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Petitions. Petitions severally were presented and referred as follows: Medford,— By Representative Donato of Medford and Senator Jehlen, a joint liquor licenses. petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4752) of Paul J. Donato, Patricia D. Jehlen and others (with the approval of the mayor and city council) that the city of Medford be authorized to increase the number of licenses for the sale of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises in the city of Medford from twenty five to forty; and Reading,— By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, liquor licenses. House, No. 4753) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., Jason M. Lewis and James J. Dwyer (by vote of the town) that the town of Reading be authorized to issue additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages and for the sale of wines and malt beverages; Severally to the committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Papers from the Senate. Bolton,— The House Bill providing for recall elections in the town of Bolton recall elections. (House, No. 4602), came from the Senate passed to be engrossed, in concurrence, with an amendment in section 2, in lines 22 and 23, strik - ing out the sentence contained in those lines and inserting in place thereof the following sentence: “Within 24 hours of receipt, the town clerk shall submit the petition to the board of registrars of voters of the town and the board of registrars shall immediately certify the number of signatures.”. The amendment was referred, under Rule 35, to the committee on Bills in the Third Reading.

Lynn A petition of Marc R. Pacheco and Patricia A. Haddad for legisla - Frith,— sick leave. tion to establish a sick leave bank for Lynn Frith, an employee of the Department of Mental Health, came from the Senate referred, under suspension of Joint Rule 12, to the committee on Public Service. The House then concurred with the Senate in the suspension of said rule; and the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2514) was referred, in concurrence, to the committee on Public Service.

Reports of Committees. By Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules and the com - mittees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently, that Joint Rule 12 be suspended on the following petitions: Lucy Petition (accompanied by bill) of José F. Tosado for legislation to Martinez,— sick leave. establish a sick leave bank for Lucy A. Martinez, an employee of the Trial Court. To the committee on the Judiciary. Marie Petition (accompanied by bill) of James R. Miceli for legislation to Visco,— sick leave. establish a sick leave bank for Marie Visco, an employee of the Department of Public Health. To the committee on Public Service. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Smizik of Brook - line, the reports were considered forthwith. Joint Rule 12 then was sus - pended, in each instance. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2016. 1749

By Mr. Schmid of Westport, for the committee on Environment, Sharon,— Natural Resources and Agriculture, on a joint petition, a Bill authoriz - MWRA. ing the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority to provide service to a parcel of land in the town of Sharon (House, No. 4733). Read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Smizik of Brook - line, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, that the following bills be scheduled for consideration by the House: The Senate Bill relative to the charter of the town of Abington (Senate, Abington,— No. 2496, amended) [Local Approval Received]; and charter. The House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Robert E. Hackett, Robert Hackett,— an employee of the Department of Revenue (House, No. 4740); sick leave. Under suspension of Rule 7A, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Smizik of Brookline, the bills were read a second time forth - with; and they were ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, Ruth Derfler,— on a joint petition, a Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Ruth Derfler, sick leave. an employee of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Educa - tion (House, No. 4750). By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill Francisco Melendez,— establishing a sick leave bank for Francisco Melendez, an employee of sick leave. the Department of Youth Services (House, No. 4751). Severally read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Engrossed Bills. Engrossed bills Relative to special police officers in the city known as the town of Bills Weymouth (see House, No. 4527); and enacted. Designating a certain bridge in the town of Freetown as the Senator Joan M. Menard overpass (see House, No. 4628, changed and amended); (Which severally originated in the House); Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

Orders of the Day. The Senate Bill relative to municipal contracts in the city of Somer - Third reading ville (Senate, No. 2225), reported by the committee on Bills in the bill. Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. 1750 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Third The House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Henry Clodius, an reading bill. employee of the Department of Correction (House, No. 4732), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Everett,— The House Bill authorizing the city of Everett to establish a linkage linkage fund. fee revolving fund (House, No. 3828), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by substitution of a bill with the same title (House, No. 4754), which was read. The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Next Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet sitting. on Monday next at eleven o’clock A.M.

At ten minutes after eleven o’clock A.M., on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Garballey of Arlington being in the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following Monday at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. DAY, MONTH 00, 2013. 1751 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Monday, December 12, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. McMurtry of Dedham in the Chair (hav - ing been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). At the request of the Chair (Mr. McMurtry), the members, guests Pledge of and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance allegiance. to the flag.

Message from the Governor — Veto. A message from His Excellency the Governor returning with his Schools,— collective objections thereto in writing the engrossed Bill protecting the rights of bargaining. custodial and other non-teaching employees of school districts [see House, No. 2319, amended] (for message, see House, No. 4755), was filed in the Office of the Clerk on Friday, December 8. The message was read; and, under House Rule 12, it was placed in the Orders of the Day for the next sitting.

Message from the Governor. A message from His Excellency the Governor (under the provisions Becket,— annual of Section 8 of Article LXXXIX of the Amendments to the Constitu - town tion) recommending legislation relative to validating the results of election. the annual town election held in the town of Becket on May 16, 2015 (House, No. 4756), was filed in the office of the Clerk on Friday, December 8. The message was read; and it was referred, under Rule 30, with the accompanying draft of a bill, to the committee on Election Laws. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Appointment of the Minority Leader. The Minority Leader announced that (under Section 14 of Chap - Nuclear decommissioning ter 188 of the Acts of 2016) he had appointed Richard P. Grassie, citizen President and CEO of Prism Security, Inc., to serve as his designee advisors. on the nuclear decommissioning citizens’ advisory panel.

Resolutions. Resolutions (filed with the Clerk by Mr. Miceli of Wilmington and Civil Air other members of the House) celebrating the commemoration of the Patrol. seventy-fifth anniversary of the Civil Air Patrol, were referred under Rule 85, to the committee on Rules. Mr. Galvin of Canton, for said committee, reported that the resolu - tions ought to be adopted. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus, the resolutions (reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) were considered forthwith; and they were adopted. 1752 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Communication. Six-year A communication from the Advisory Committee Studying the learning plans. Development and Implementation of Six-Year Career Plans (see Chap - ter 449 of the Acts of 2014) submitting recommendations for individ - ual learning plans, was placed on file.

Petitions. West Representative O’Day of West Boylston and Senator Chandler pre - Boylston,— town clerk. sented a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4761) of James J. O’Day and Harriette L. Chandler (by vote of the town) that the town of West Boylston be authorized to appoint the town clerk of said town; and the same was referred to the committee on Municipalities and Regional Government. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Kirsten Mr. Roy of Franklin presented a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) Parisi,— sick leave. of Jeffrey N. Roy, Richard J. Ross and Karen E. Spilka for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Kirsten Parisi, an employee of the Commission for the Blind; and the same was referred, under Rule 24, to the committee on Rules. Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules and the commit - tees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently, then reported recommending that Joint Rule 12 be suspended. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. McGonagle of Everett, the report was con - sidered forthwith. Joint Rule 12 was suspended; and the petition (accompanied by bill) was referred to the committee on Public Service. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Petitions severally were presented and referred as follows: Leah By Ms. Farley-Bouvier of Pittsfield, a petition (subject to Joint Reed,— sick leave. Rule 12) of Tricia Farley-Bouvier for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Leah Reed, an employee of the Department of Develop - mental Services. Ronald By Mr. Vega of Holyoke, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Friel,— sick leave. for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Ronald Friel, an employee of the Department of Disability Services. Severally, under Rule 24, to the committee on Rules.

Papers from the Senate. Prescription The House Bill relative to prescription eye drops (House, No. 4195, eye care. amended), came from the Senate passed to be engrossed, in concur - rence, with amendments striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text contained in Senate document num - bered 2512; and by striking out the title and inserting in place thereof the following title: “An Act relative to eye care”. The amendments were referred, under Rule 35, to the committee on Bills in the Third Reading.

Westwood,— The House Bill relative to the assessment of local property taxes in property taxes. the town of Westwood (House, No. 4573), came from the Senate passed to be engrossed, in concurrence, with an amendment in section 1, in lines 4 to 21, inclusive, striking out the three paragraphs contained in MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2016. 1753 those lines. The amendment was referred, under Rule 35, to the com - mittee on Bills in the Third Reading.

A Bill relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages at farmers’ markets Farmers’ markets,— (Senate, No. 2513) (on Senate bill No. 138, changed), passed to be liquor. engrossed by the Senate, was read; and it was referred, under Rule 33, to the committee on Ways and Means.

A Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Nereida Prats, an employee Nereida Prats,— of the Department of Developmental Services (Senate, No. 2506, sick leave. amended by inserting before the enacting clause the following emer - gency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to establish forthwith a sick leave bank for a cer - tain employee of the department of developmental services, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immedi - ate preservation of the public convenience.”) (on a petition), passed to be engrossed by the Senate, was read; and it was referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Reports of Committees. By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Francisco Melendez,— Scheduling, that the House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Fran - sick leave. cisco Melendez, an employee of the Department of Youth Services (House, No. 4751), be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. McGonagle of Everett, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading.

By Ms. Benson of Lunenburg, for the committee on Consumer Pro - Salem,— liquor tection and Professional Licensure, on House, No. 4737, a Bill autho - licenses. rizing the city of Salem to convert certain seasonal liquor licenses to annual licenses and grant additional licenses for the sale of all alco - holic beverages to be drunk on the premises (House, No. 4757) [Local Approval Received]. Read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the com - mittee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Emergency Measure. The engrossed Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Jennifer Gay, Jennifer Ga y,— an employee of the Department of Developmental Services (see House, sick leave. No. 4366, amended), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 3 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Subsequently, the Senate having concurred in adoption of the emer - Bill gency preamble, the bill (which originated in the House) was passed enacted. to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. 1754 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Engrossed Bill. Bill The engrossed Bill relative to municipal contracts in the city of enacted. Somerville (see Senate, No. 2225) (which originated in the Senate), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was passed to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. Orders of the Day. Third The House Bill providing for certain sewer services by the Massa - reading bill. chusetts Water Resources Authority (House, No. 4733) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Salisbur y,— The Senate Bill authorizing assessment of sewer betterments and sewer privilege fees in the town of Salisbury (Senate, No. 2481), reported by betterment. the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, in concur - rence, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it in section 3, in line 1, by striking out the word “Said” (as published) and inserting in place thereof the following: “Notwithstanding chapter 83 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (Senate, No. 2481, amended) was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. Sent to the Senate for con - currence in the amendment.

Insurance The House Bill relative to continuing education of insurance producers producers,— (House, No. 821), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Read - education. ing to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by substitution of a bill with the same title (House, No. 4760), which was read. The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Timothy The House Bill authorizing Timothy King to purchase creditable King,— service from the Barnstable county retirement board (House, No. 4580), retirement. reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it, in line 1 by striking out the word “any” and inserting in place thereof the following: “section 3 of chapter 71 of the acts of 1996, or any other”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4580, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Michael The House Bill authorizing Michael Locke to purchase creditable Locke,— service from the Barnstable county retirement board (House, No. 4581), retirement. reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2016. 1755

Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it in line 1 by striking out the word “any” and inserting in place thereof the following: “section 3 of chapter 71 of the acts of 1996, or any other”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4581, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet Next on Thursday next at eleven o’clock A.M. sitting.

At a eighteen minutes after eleven o’clock A.M., on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. McMurtry of Dedham being in the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following Thursday at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. 1756 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Thursday, December 15, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). Pledge of At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests allegiance. and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Silent Tribute. The Speaker being in the Chair,— Elizabeth At the request of Messrs. Golden of Lowell and Mom of Lowell, the Nangle. members, guests and employees stood in a moment of silent tribute to the memory of Elizabeth M. Nangle, mother of Representative David M. Nangle of Lowell. Elizabeth was communicant of St. Margaret Church, a member of the Blessed Virgin Sodality and a lifelong resident of the Highlands. As the matriarch of her family, Elizabeth led a vibrant life and truly enjoyed the time she spent with her family, especially her grandchil - dren and great-grandchildren. She is survived by her three sons William and his wife Lois, Joseph and his wife Judy and David and his longtime companion Donna Rig - noli; two daughters Elizabeth M. McKiernan and her husband Thomas and Susan M. Langathianos and her husband Thomas; 14 grandchil - dren; 11 great-grandchildren; three sisters; two sisters-in-law and many nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews. She was also the mother of the late John J. Nangle, grandmother of the late Matthew C. Nangle and sister of the late State Senator Daniel P. Leahy.

Guests of the House. Burncoat The noon recess having terminated,— The Speaker declared a brief High School Choir. recess, and introduced the Burncoat High School Choir of Worcester. Led by choir director, Dave Twiss, the choir performed the National Anthem and Christmas songs. They were the guests of Mr. O’Day of West Boylston.

Bristol County During the session, the Speaker declared a brief recess, and intro - Agricultural High School’s duced the Bristol County Agricultural High School’s Veterinary Science Veterinary Team, winners of the 2016 National Championship held at the 89th Science Team. annual Future Farmers of America National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. They were the guests of Representatives Haddad of Somerset, Barrows of Mansfield, Howitt of Seekonk, D’Emilia of Bridgewater and Poirier of North Attleborough.

Resolutions. Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair,— THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2016. 1757

The following resolutions (filed with the Clerk) were referred, under Rule 85, to the committee on Rules: Resolutions (filed by Representatives Poirier of North Attlebor - Evan ough, Barrows of Mansfield and Kafka of Stoughton) congratulating Gillogl y. Evan Gillogly on receiving the Eagle Award of the Boy Scouts of America; Resolutions (filed by Mr. Arciero of Westford) commemorating the Chabad of 2016 celebration of Chanukah by Chabad of Nashoba Valley; and Nashoba Valle y. Resolutions (filed by Mr. Arciero of Westford) congratulating Wendy Wendy Perry on the occasion of her sixtieth birthday; Perr y. Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules, reported, in each instance, that the resolutions ought to be adopted. Under suspension of the rules, in each instance, on motion of Mr. González of Springfield, the resolutions (reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) were considered forthwith; and they were adopted.

Communication. A communication from the Division of Energy Resources of the Division of Energy Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (under the pro - Resources,— visions of section 12 of Chapter 25A of the General Laws) submitting regulations. amendments to 225 CMR 2.00, Energy Audit and Energy Conservation Improvement Program, 225 CMR 3.00, Alternative Energy Property Program, and 225 CMR 11.00, regarding oversight and coordination of the electric ratepayer funded energy efficiency activities (House, No. 4762), was referred to the committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Petitions. Representative Farley-Bouvier of Pittsfield and Senator Downing Pittsfield,— school bus presented a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4763) of drivers. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Benjamin B. Downing and Paul W. Mark (with the approval of the mayor and city council) that the city of Pittsfield be authorized to provide post-employment benefits for school bus drivers in said city; and the same was referred to the committee on Public Service. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

A joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4764) of Timothy Nantucket,— water R. Madden and Daniel A. Wolf (by vote of the town) relative to the suppl y. water supply in the town of Nantucket (having been returned by the State Secretary, under the provisions of Chapter 3 of the General Laws with memoranda relative thereto) was referred, under Rule 24, to the committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Papers from the Senate. A petition of Barbara L’Italien (by vote of the town) for legisla - Andover,— mitigation tion to create a municipal services facility mitigation fund for the fund. town of Andover, came from the Senate referred, under suspension of Joint Rule 7B, to the committee on Municipalities and Regional Government. 1758 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Andover,— The House then concurred with the Senate in the suspension of said mitigation fund. rule; and the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2511) was referred, in concurrence, to the committee on Municipalities and Regional Government.

Pelham,— A petition of Anne M. Gobi, Susannah M. Whipps Lee, Eric P. William E. Pula Lesser, Ellen Story and others for legislation to designate a certain boat fishing area. launch area in the town of Pelham as the William E. Pula fishing area, came from the Senate referred, under suspension of Joint Rule 12, to the committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. The House then concurred with the Senate in the suspension of said rule; and the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2516) was referred, in concurrence, to the committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture.

Reports of Committees. By Mr. Galvin of Canton for the committee on Rules and the com - mittees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently, that Joint Rule 12 be suspended on the following petitions: Leah Petition (accompanied by bill) of Tricia Farley-Bouvier for legisla - Reed,— sick leave. tion to establish a sick leave bank for Leah Reed, an employee of the Department of Developmental Services; and Ronald Petition (accompanied by bill) of Aaron Vega for legislation to Friel,— sick leave. establish a sick leave bank for Ronald Friel, an employee of the Department of Disability Services; Severally to the committee on Public Service. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, the reports were considered forthwith. Joint Rule 12 then was sus - pended, in each instance. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, that the following bills be scheduled for consideration by the House: Nereida The Senate Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Nereida Prats, an Prats,— sick leave. employee of the Department of Developmental Services (Senate, No. 2506, amended); and House bills Ruth Establishing a sick leave bank for Ruth Derfler, an employee of the Defler,— sick leave. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (House, No. 4750); and Salem,— Authorizing the city of Salem to convert certain seasonal liquor liquor licenses. licenses to annual licenses and grant additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises (House, No. 4757) [Local Approval Received]; Under suspension of Rule 7A, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, the bills severally were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, that the following bills ought to pass: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2016. 1759

Authorizing the board of directors of Metacomet Emergency Com - Metacomet,— munications Center to accept chapter 32B of the General Laws (Senate, dispatch No. 1928); and center. Facilitating urban redevelopment in the city of Quincy (House, Quinc y,— No. 4739) [Local Approval Received]. redevelopment. Severally referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported, in each instance, that the matters be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, the bills severally were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, Self-storage,— that the Bill relative to self-storage insurance (Senate, No. 2233, insurance. amended), ought to pass with an amendment striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text contained in House document numbered 4765. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House, with the amend - ment pending. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, the bill was read a second time forthwith. The amendment recommended by the committee on Ways and Means then was adopted; and the bill (Senate, No. 2233, amended) was ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, Real estate,— that the Bill providing consumers with equal protection for all real estate appraisals. appraisals (Senate, No. 2377), ought to pass with an amendment striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text con - tained in House document numbered 4766. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration of the House, with the amendment pending. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, the bill was read a second time forthwith. The amendment recommended by the committee on Ways and Means then was adopted; and the bill (Senate, No. 2377, amended) was ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, Status of that the Bill establishing an Eastern Regional Commission on the Women,— Status of Women and Girls (House, No. 3463, changed), ought to pass commission. with an amendment substituting therefor a bill with the same title (House, No. 4767). Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration of the House, with the amendment pending. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, the bill was read a second time forthwith. The amendment recommended by the committee on Ways and Means then was adopted; and the substituted bill was ordered to a third reading. 1760 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

South Boston,— By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, helipad. that the Bill establishing a commission to investigate the need and fea - sibility of a helipad in the South Boston section of the city of Boston (House, No. 4725), ought to pass with amendments in section 2, in line 20, by striking out the following: “December 31, 2016” and insert - ing in place thereof the following: “March 1, 2017”; and in line 25 by striking out the following: “January 15” and inserting in place thereof the following: “April 1”. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration of the House, with the amendments pending. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, the bill was read a second time forthwith. The amendments recommended by the committee on Ways and Means then were adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4725, amended) was ordered to a third reading.

Framingham,— By Mr. O’Day of West Boylston, for the committee on Municipali - town government. ties and Regional Government, on a petition, a Bill to amend Section 3, Chapter 143 of the Acts of 1949, an act establishing in the town of Framingham representative town government by limited town meeting (House, No. 4744) [Local Approval Received]. Id. By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill to amend Section 6, Chapter 143 of the Acts of 1949, an act establish - ing in the town of Framingham representative town government by limited town meeting (House, No. 4745) [Local Approval Received]. Severally read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Congo By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, conflict minerals,— that the Resolve examining Commonwealth procurement policies relative stud y. to Congo conflict minerals (Senate, No. 2463), ought to pass. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Engrossed Bills. Engrossed bills Bills Designating a certain intersection in the town of Plainville as the enacted. Special Police Officer Michael O. Maher Memorial Intersection (see Senate, No. 2165, amended) (which originated in the Senate); Designating a certain intersection in the town of Pembroke as the James “Tiny” Brown Memorial Square (see House, No. 4701); and Authorizing the town of Reading to establish a means-tested senior citizen property tax exemption (see House, No. 4703); (Which severally originated in the House); Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2016. 1761

Orders of the Day. The Senate amendment of the House Bill relative to the assessment Westwood,— of local property taxes in the town of Westwood (House, No. 4573), property reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly taxes. drawn, was adopted, in concurrence.

The Senate amendment of the House Bill providing for recall elec - Bolton,— recall tions in the town of Bolton (House, No. 4602), reported by the commit - elections. tee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was adopted, in concurrence.

The Senate Bill designating the commission on postpartum depres - Third reading sion as the Ellen Story Commission on Postpartum Depression (Senate, bill. No. 2458), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence.

House bills Authorizing the city of Salem to grant an additional license for the Third reading sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises (House, bills. No. 4718) (its title having been changed the committee on Bills in the Third Reading); Establishing a sick leave bank for Dek Lee, an employee of the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (House, No. 4736); and Establishing a sick leave bank for Francisco Melendez, an employee of the Department of Youth Services (House, No. 4751); Severally reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, were read a third time; and they were passed to be engrossed. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Recess. At twenty-two minutes before twelve o’clock noon, on motion of Recess. Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House recessed until the hour of one o’clock P.M.; and at eight min - utes after one o’clock. The House was called to order with the Speaker in the Chair. Valedictory Addresses. The following members, who were not returning for the 2017-2018 Valedictory Legislative Session, then addressed the House regarding their depar - Addresses. ture from service in the House of Representatives: Representatives Fox of Boston, Sannicandro of Ashland, Timilty of Milton, Swan of Springfield, Toomey of Cambridge, Fernandes of Milford, Mannal of Barnstable and Story of Amherst.

Distinguished Guests of the House. During the valedictory addresses, the Speaker introduced Senators Senators, former members, Dorcena-Forry and Rush; former Representatives Michael A. Costello, members-elect Michael E. Festa, John D. Keenan, Steven M. Walsh and Martha M. and guests. 1762 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Senators, Walz; Representatives-elect William J. Driscoll of Milton and former members, members-elect Solomon Israel Goldstein-Rose of Amherst; and Norfolk County Clerk and guests. of Courts Walter F. Timilty, Sr. and Marsha Timilty, the father and mother of Representative Timilty of Milton, who were in attendance for the farewell addresses of the members.

Order. Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair,— On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Next Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet sitting. on Monday next at eleven o’clock A.M.

At two minutes before four o’clock P.M., on motion of Mr. Jones of North Reading (Mr. Donato of Medford being the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following Monday at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. DAY, MONTH 00, 2013. 1763 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Monday, December 19, 2016. Met at six minutes after eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Ses - sion, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests and Pledge of employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. allegiance.

Resolutions. The following resolutions (filed with the Clerk) were referred, under Rule 85, to the committee on Rules: Resolutions (filed by Mr. Hill of Ipswich) congratulating Ronald P. Ronald Giovannacci on his retirement; Giovannacci. Resolutions (filed by Mrs. Poirier of North Attleborough) congratu - Sean lating Sean Derek Echeverri on receiving the Eagle Scout Award of the Echeverri. Boy Scouts of America; Resolutions (filed by Mrs. Poirier of North Attleborough) congratu - James lating James Will Hope on receiving the Eagle Scout Award of the Hope. Boy Scouts of America; Resolutions (filed by Mrs. Poirier of North Attleborough) congratu - Adam lating Adam George Mirza on receiving the Eagle Scout Award of the Mirza. Boy Scouts of America; and Resolutions (filed by Mrs. Poirier of North Attleborough) congratu - Kevin lating Kevin Smith on receiving the Eagle Scout Award of the Boy Smith. Scouts of America; Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules, reported, in each instance, that the resolutions ought to be adopted. Under suspension of the rules, in each instance, on motion of Ms. Farley-Bouvier of Pitts - field, the resolutions (reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) were considered forthwith; and they were adopted. Communications. Communications From the Commission Against Discrimination (see Section 4(a) of Gender Chapter 134 of the Acts of 2016) submitting revised gender identity identit y. guidance of said commission; From the Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation Technology (Mass Ventures) (see Section 6 of Chapter 40G of the General Laws) development. submitting the financial statements for fiscal years ended on June 30, 2016 and 2015; From the Special Commission on Utility and Municipal Coordination Municipal utility (see Section 61 of Chapter 259 of the Acts of 2014) submitting its final coordination. report; and From the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (see Section 5 of Chap - Clean Energy ter 23J of the General Laws) submitting the 2016 annual report (accom - Center. panied by financial statements for fiscal year ended June 30, 2016); Severally were placed on file. 1764 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Annual Report. MB TA,— The second annual report of the MBTA Fiscal and Management control board. Control Board (under Section 207 of Chapter 46 of the Acts of 2015) for fiscal year 2016, was placed on file.

Petition. Worcester,— Mr. O’Day of West Boylston presented a petition (subject to Joint economic development. Rule 12) of James J. O’Day and Harriette L. Chandler relative to authorizing the transfer of certain parcels of land in the city of Worces - ter to promote economic development; and the same was referred, under Rule 24, to the committee on Rules.

Paper from the Senate. Snowmobile A Bill establishing a snowmobile educational safety program (Senate, educational safety No. 2515) (on Senate bill No. 1955), passed to be engrossed by the program. Senate, was read; and it was referred, under Rule 33, to the committee on Ways and Means.

Reports of Committees. Pittsfield,— By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, benefits. on a joint petition, a Bill providing for post-employment benefits for school bus drivers in the city of Pittsfield (House, No. 4763) [Local Approval Received]. Read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the com - mittee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Ms. Farley-Bouvier of Pittsfield, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading. Subsequently under suspension of the rules, on further motion of the same member, the bill (having been reported by the committee on Bills in the Reading to be correctly drawn) was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

West Boylston,— By Mr. O’Day of West Boylston, for the committee on Municipalities town clerk. and Regional Government, on a joint petition, a Bill establishing an appointed town clerk in the town of West Boylston (House, No. 4761) [Local Approval Received]; and New Bedford By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, Police. on a joint petition, a Bill relative to the New Bedford Police Association (House, No. 4734); Three Rivers By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill Fire District. authorizing the Three Rivers Fire District to continue the employment of Michael Matthieu (House, No. 4741); Marlborough,— By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill civil service. exempting certain positions in the city of Marlborough from the civil service law (House, No. 4746) [Local Approval Received]; North Reading,— By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill civil service. exempting the police chief position and all police officer positions of MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2016. 1765 the town of North Reading from the civil service law (House, No. 4747) [Local Approval Received]; By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill Leyden,— Daniel authorizing the town of Leyden to continue employment of police Galvis. chief Daniel J. Galvis (House, No. 4748) [Local Approval Received]; By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill Wayland,— exempting all police personnel in the town of Wayland police depart - civil service. ment from the provisions of the civil service law (House, No. 4749) [Local Approval Received]; and By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill Marie Visco,— creating a sick leave bank for Marie Visco (House, No. 4759); sick leave. Severally read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported, in each instance, that the matters be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of the rules, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Cabral of New Bedford, the bills severally were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, that the following House bills be scheduled for considera - tion by the House: To amend Section 3, Chapter 143 of the Acts of 1949, an act estab - Framingham,— town lishing in the town of Framingham representative town government by meeting. limited town meeting (House, No. 4744) [Local Approval Received]; and To amend Section 6, Chapter 143 of the Acts of 1949, an act estab - Id. lishing in the town of Framingham representative town government by limited town meeting (House, No. 4745) [Local Approval Received]; Under suspension of Rule 7A, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bills were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

Emergency Measures. The engrossed Bill designating a certain intersection under the control Bridgewater,— of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation in the city known as Bryan K. McSheffrey the town of Bridgewater (see House, No. 4607), having been certified by corner. the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was consid - ered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 4 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Subsequently, the Senate having concurred in adoption of the emer - Bill gency preamble, the bill (which originated in the House) was passed enacted. to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

The engrossed Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Enise Pierre, Enise Pierre,— an employee of the Department of Public Health (see House, No. 4735, sick leave. amended), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly 1766 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Enise prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on Pierre,— sick leave. adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 5 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Bill Subsequently, the Senate having concurred in adoption of the emer - enacted. gency preamble, the bill (which originated in the House) was passed to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. Engrossed Bill. Engrossed bills Bills Designating the commission on postpartum depression as the Ellen enacted. Story Commission on Postpartum Depression (see Senate, No. 2458) (which originated in the Senate); Relative to firefighters in the town of Concord (see House, No. 3878); Relative to the assessment of local property taxes in the town of Westwood (see House, No. 4573, amended); Providing for recall elections in the town of Bolton (see House, No. 4602, amended); and Exempting the position of deputy superintendent of police in the city of Lowell from the civil service law (see House, No. 4714); (Which severally originated in the House); Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. Orders of the Day. House bills Third Relative to the recall of elected officials in the town of Norwell reading (House, No. 4646); bills. Ratifying certain by-laws in the town of Easton (House, No. 4738) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading); and Facilitating urban redevelopment in the city of Quincy (House, No. 4739); Severally reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, were read a third time; and they were passed to be engrossed. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence. Recess. Recess. At two minutes before twelve o’clock noon, on motion of Mr. Rush - ing of Boston (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House recessed subject to the call of the Chair; and at one o’clock P.M., the House was called to order with Mr. Donato in the Chair. Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Next Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet sitting. on Thursday next at eleven o’clock A.M. MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2016. 1767

At two minutes after one o’clock P.M., on motion of Mr. Jones of North Reading (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following Thursday at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. 1768 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Thursday, December 22, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). Pledge of At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests allegiance. and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Resolutions. Robert Resolutions (filed with the Clerk by Mr. Brodeur of Melrose) con - Brodeur. gratulating Robert Andrew Brodeur on receiving the Eagle Award of the Boy Scouts of America, were referred under Rule 85, to the com - mittee on Rules. Mr. Galvin of Canton, for said committee, reported that the resolu - tions ought to be adopted. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Tucker of Salem, the resolutions (reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) were considered forthwith; and they were adopted.

Communications. Communications Commonwealth From the Capital Debt Affordability Committee of the Executive debt. Office for Administration and Finance (see Section 60B(f) of Chap - ter 29 of the General Laws) submitting the committee’s estimate of the total amount of new Commonwealth debt that may be prudently autho - rized for the next fiscal year; Norfolk From the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds (under Section 2KKK Count y,— technology of Chapter 29 of the General Laws) submitting its plan for expenditure fund. of technological improvements from the County Registers Technologi - cal Fund [copies of said report forwarded to the committee on Ways and Means and committee on Post Audit and Oversight]; and Veterans’ From the Department of Veterans’ Services (see Section 16(b) of homes. Chapter 141 of the Acts of 2016) submitting the report on the status of the Commonwealth’s soldiers’ homes [copies had been forwarded to the joint committees on Housing, Public Health, and Veterans and Federal Affairs]. Severally were placed on file.

Petitions. Deborah Mr. Ryan of Boston presented a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) McNamara,— sick leave. of Daniel J. Ryan and others for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Deborah McNamara, an employee of the Department of Con - servation and Recreation; and the same was referred, under Rule 24, to the committee on Rules. Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules and the commit - tees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently, then reported THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2016. 1769 recommending that Joint Rule 12 be suspended. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. O’Day of West Boylston, the report was considered forthwith. Joint Rule 12 was suspended; and the petition (accompanied by bill) was referred to the committee on Public Service. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Mr. Walsh of Framingham presented a petition (subject to Joint Iqbal Shahzad,— Rule 12) of Chris Walsh for legislation to establish a sick leave bank sick leave. for Iqbal Shahzad, an employee of the Department of Public Health; and the same was referred, under Rule 24, to the committee on Rules.

Papers from the Senate. Petitions were referred, in concurrence, under suspension of Joint Rule 12, as follows: Petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2519) of Michael D. Brady Shalonda Hall,— and Michelle M. DuBois for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for sick leave. Shalonda Hall, an employee of the Department of Public Health. Petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2518) of Ryan C. Fattman Paul Daggett,— and Kevin J. Kuros for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Paula sick leave. Daggett, an employee of the Department of Correction. Severally to the committee on the Public Service.

The following notice was received from the Clerk of the Senate, to wit:— December 22, 2016. Honorable Robert A. DeLeo Speaker of the House of Representatives Room 356 State House Boston, MA 02133 Dear Mr. Speaker: I have the honor to inform you that the Honorable Stanley C. Rosenberg, President of the Senate, has announced the following appointments: Stephanie S. Lovell, Esq. (pursuant to Chapter 4 of the Resolves of Integrity in 2016) to the Task Force on Integrity in State and Local Government; government. Nina Kimball (pursuant to Section 66 of Chapter 3 of the General Status of Laws) to the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women; and women. Jonjy Anath (pursuant to Section 68 of Chapter 3 of the Acts of Asian American 2006) to the Asian American Commission; and Commission. That the Honorable Bruce E. Tarr, Senate Minority Leader, has Pancreatic cancer announced the appointment (pursuant to Section 78 of Chapter 119 of commission. the Acts of 2015) of Mr. Doug Shotford of Gloucester to the Special Commission to make an investigation and study of pancreatic cancer. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM F. WELCH, Clerk of the Senate. 1770 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Reports of Committees. Worcester,— By Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules and the com - land. mittees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently, that Joint Rule 12 be suspended on the petition of James J. O’Day and Harriette L. Chandler relative to authorizing the transfer of certain parcels of land in the city of Worcester to promote economic development. Under suspen - sion of the rules, on motion of Mr. O’Day of West Boylston, the report was considered forthwith. Joint Rule 12 was suspended; and the petition (accompanied by bill) was referred to the committee on State Adminis - tration and Regulatory Oversight. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Medford,— By Ms. Benson of Lunenburg, for the committee on Consumer Pro - liquor licenses. tection and Professional Licensure, on House, No. 4752, a Bill increas - ing the number of licenses for the sale of wines and malt beverages in the city of Medford from twenty five to forty (House, No. 4769) [Local Approval Received]; and Reading,— By the same member, for the same committee, on House, No. 4753, liquor licenses. a Bill authorizing the town of Reading to grant licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages (House, No. 4770) [Local Approval Received]; Becket,— By Mr. Mahoney of Worcester, for the committee on Election Laws, town election. on a message from His Excellency the Governor, a Bill validating the results of the annual town election held in the town of Becket on May 16, 2015 (printed in House, No. 4756); North By Mr. Schmid of Westport, for the committee on Environment, Nat - Reading,— water. ural Resources and Agriculture, on a joint petition, a Bill authorizing the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority to supply water to the town of North Reading (House, No. 4743) [Local Approval Received]; and Kirsten By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, Parisi,— sick leave. on a petition, a Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Kirsten Parisi, an employee of the Commission for the Blind (House, No. 4768); Severally read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported, in each instance, that the matters be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of the rules, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bills severally were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

Congo By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and conflict minerals. Scheduling, that the Senate Resolve examining Commonwealth procure - ment policies relative to Congo conflict minerals (Senate, No. 2463), be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Rushing of Boston, the resolve was read a second time. Pending the question on ordering the resolve to a third reading, Mr. Jones of North Reading moved to amend it in line 23 by striking out the word “February” and inserting in place thereof the word “July”. The amendment was adopted; and the resolve (Senate, No. 2463, amended) was ordered to a third reading. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2016. 1771

Subsequently under suspension of the rules, on further motion of Mr. Rushing of Boston, the resolve (reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the resolve to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by inserting after the title the following emergency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this resolve would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to establish forthwith an examination of commonwealth procurement policies relative to Congo conflict miner - als, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.”. The amendment was adopted; and the resolve (Senate, No. 2364, amended) was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the amendments.

By Mr. Straus of Mattapoisett, for the committee on Transportation, Lynnfield,— on a petition, a Bill relative to train culverts in the town of Lynnfield culverts. (House, No. 4742, changed in line 7 by striking out the word “and” and inserting in place thereof the word “an”, and in line 8 by striking out the following: “31A” and inserting in place thereof the following: “3I”) [Local Approval Received]. Read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

By Mr. Kocot of Northampton, for the committee on State Adminis - Worcester,— tration and Regulatory Oversight, on a petition, a Bill authorizing the land. transfer of certain parcels of land in the city of Worcester to promote economic development (House, No. 4774). Read; and referred, under Rule 33, to the committee on Ways and Means.

Emergency Measure. The engrossed establishing a sick leave bank for Cecile Ferrie an Cecile Ferrie,— employee of the Department of Correction (see House, No. 4249, sick leave. amended), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 2 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Engrossed Bills. Engrossed bills Authorizing assessment of sewer betterments and privilege fees in Bills the town of Salisbury (see Senate, No. 2481, amended) (which origi - enacted. nated in the Senate); Increasing certain snow removal penalties in the city of Boston (see House, No. 3326, amended); Authorizing the town of Sharon to abate certain real property taxes (House, No. 4339); and Facilitating urban redevelopment in the city of Quincy (see House, No. 4739); (Which severally originated in the House); 1772 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

Orders of the Day. Boston,— The Senate amendment of the House Bill authorizing the lease or land. other disposition of certain parcels of land in the city of Boston (House, No. 4468), was considered. The committee on Bills in the Third Reading reported recommend - ing the House non-concur with the Senate in its amendment; and the report was accepted. The House then non-concurred with the Senate in its amendment. The bill then was sent to the Senate for its action.

New Bedford,— The Senate amendment of the House Bill authorizing the city of liquor license. New Bedford to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises (House, No. 4306, amended), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was considered. Pending the question on adoption of the amendment, in concur - rence, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved that the House concur with the Senate in its amendment with a further amendment by striking out sub - section (c) (inserted by amendment by the Senate) as follows: “(c) The licensing authority shall not approve the transfer of the license granted pursuant to this act to any other location, but it may grant the license to a new applicant at the same location if the applicant files with the licensing authority a letter from the department of rev - enue and a letter from the department of unemployment assistance indicating that the license is in good standing with those departments and that all applicable taxes, fees and contributions have been paid.” and inserting in place thereof the following subsection: “(c) Once issued, the licensing authority shall not approve the trans - fer of the license granted pursuant to this act to any other person, part - nership, corporation, limited liability company, organization or other entit y. The licensee shall obtain approval from the licensing authority in order to transfer the license to a new location, which may only be in the area between Elm street and Walnut street that is between County street and route 18 in the city of New Bedford.”. The further amend - ment was adopted. The House then concurred with the Senate in its amendment, as amended. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the further amendment.

Third The Senate Bill relative to performance of work on hydrants and reading bill. certain components of fire protection sprinkler systems (Senate, No. 2124) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2016. 1773

House bills Authorizing the city of Woburn to grant additional licenses for the Third reading sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises (House, bills. No. 4708) (its title having been changed the committee on Bills in the Third Reading); Relative to the New Bedford Police Association (House, No. 4734); Exempting all police officer positions within the police department of the town of North Reading from the civil service law (House, No. 4747) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading); and Establishing an appointed town clerk in the town of West Boylston (House, No. 4761); Severally reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, were read a third time; and they were passed to be engrossed. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The House Bill relative to the Nantucket Islands Land Bank Act Third reading (House, No. 4315) (its title having been changed by the committee on bill amended. Bills in the Third Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. The committee on Bills in the Third Reading reported recommend - ing that the bill be amended by substitution of a bill with the same title (House, No. 4775), which was read. The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The House Bill relative to the contributions of certain employees in Kingston,— employee the town of Kingston (House, No. 4712). Reported by the committee benefits. on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by striking out section 1 and inserting in place thereof the following section: “SECTION 1. Notwithstanding the definition of ‘employee’ in sec - tion 2 of chapter 32B of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, part-time elected officials of the town of Kingston who receive stipends by vote of the town at an annual or special town meeting under section 108 of chapter 41 of the General Laws shall not be eligible for participation in the town’s contributory insurance plan, in this act referred to as the plan.”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4712, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Robert Hackett, an Robert Hackett,— employee of the Department of Revenue (House, No. 4740) (its title sick leave. having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. 1774 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Robert Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis Hackett,— sick leave. of Danvers moved to amend it in line 6 by striking out the words “depart - ment paid” and inserting in place thereof the words “extended illness”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4740, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Wayland,— The House Bill exempting all police personnel in the town of Way - civil service. land police department from the provisions of the civil service law (House, No. 4749) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend by striking out sections 1 and 2 and inserting in place thereof the following two sections: “SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, all police officers in the police department of the town of Wayland shall be exempt from chapter 31 of the General Laws. SECTION 2. Section 1 shall not impair the civil service status of any person holding a position as a police officer in the police depart - ment of the town of Wayland on the effective date of this act, except for the purpose of promotion.”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4749, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Salem,— The House Bill authorizing the city of Salem to convert certain sea - liquor licenses. sonal liquor licenses to annual licenses and grant additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises (House, No. 4757), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by substitution of a Bill authorizing the city of Salem to convert 1 seasonal license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises to an annual license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises and to grant 2 addi - tional licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises (House, No. 4776), which was read. The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Recess. Recess. At twenty-six minutes before twelve o’clock noon, on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House recessed subject to the call of the Chair; and at nineteen minutes after one o ’clock P.M., the House was called to order with Mr. Donato in the Chair. Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Next Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet sitting. on Tuesday next at eleven o’clock A.M. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2016. 1775

At twenty-four minutes before four [sic] o’clock P.M., on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following Tuesday at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. 1776 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). Pledge of At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests allegiance. and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Communications. Communications Hospitals,— From the Department of Public Health (under sections 67A and 67C high risk infants. of Chapter 111 of the General Laws) submitting a report on the status of premature and high risk infants and programs for the prevention, care, and follow-up of premature and other designated high risk infants and establishing criteria for services to be provided, entitled: “Preterm Hospital Discharge and Quality Improvement”; Naloxone From the Department of Public Health (under item 4512-0204 con - distribution programs. tained in Section 2 of Chapter 133 of the Acts of 2016) submitting a report on the purchase, administration and training of first-responder and bystander naloxone distribution programs, entitled: “First Respon der Naloxone Grants and Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution”; and Early From the Department of Public Health (under item 4513-1020 con - intervention respite tained in Section 2 of Chapter 133 of the Acts of 2016) submitting a services. report on the total number of units of service purchased and the total expenditures for the units of service paid by the department, the Exec - utive Office of Health and Human Services and third party payers for certain early intervention services, entitled: “Early Intervention Respite Services FY16 Expenditures and Referrals Approved by Month”; Severally were placed on file.

Papers from the Senate. Municipal The House Bill providing for employment contracts for appointed officers. municipal assessors, treasurers and collectors (House, No. 1832) (its title having been changed by the Senate committee on Bills in the Third Reading), came from the Senate passed to be engrossed, in con - currence, with an amendment striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text contained in Senate document numbered 2521. The amendment was referred, under Rule 35, to the committee on Bills in the Third Reading.

Deerfield,— The House Bill authorizing the town of Deerfield to continue the Gary Sibilia and employment of police officers Gary Sibilia and David Gendron (House, David No. 4263, amended), came from the Senate passed to be engrossed, in Gendron. concurrence, with an amendment in section 1, in line 4, inserting after the word “duties” the words “, whichever occurs first”. The amendment TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2016. 1777 was referred, under Rule 35, to the committee on Bills in the Third Reading.

The House Bill exempting officers in the town of Grafton Police Grafton police,— Department from the civil service law (House, No. 4603) (its title hav - civil ing been changed by the Senate committee on Bills in the Third Read - service. ing), came from the Senate passed to be engrossed, in concurrence, with an amendment in section 1, in lines 2 and 3, striking out the fol - lowing: “previously subject to chapter 31 of the General Laws”. The amendment was referred, under Rule 35, to the committee on Bills in the Third Reading.

A Bill relative to risk management and own risk and solvency assess - Risk management ment (Senate, No. 2517) (on Senate bill No. 2276), passed to be and solvency engrossed by the Senate, was read; and it was referred, under Rule 33, to assessment. the committee on Ways and Means.

Bills Relative to the provision of group health insurance benefits in the Athol,— town of Athol (Senate, No. 1967) (on a petition) [Local Approval benefits. Received]; Establishing an arts, culture and tourism promotion fund in the city New Bedford,— of New Bedford (Senate, No. 2500, amended in section 1, in line 18, tourism. by striking out the words “in the city’s tourism and marketing depart - ment”) (on a petition) [Local Approval Received]; and Establishing a sick leave bank for Kristine Schneider, an employee Kristine Schneider,— of the Department of Transitional Assistance (Senate, No. 2510, sick leave. amended by inserting before the enacting clause the following emer - gency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to establish forthwith a sick leave bank for a cer - tain employee of the department of transitional assistance, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immedi - ate preservation of the public convenience.”) (on a petition); Severally passed to be engrossed by the Senate, were read; and they were referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Reports of Committees. By Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the committee on Rules and the commit - Iqbal Shahzad,— tees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently, that Joint Rule 12 sick leave. be suspended on the petition of Chris Walsh for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Iqbal Shahzad, an employee of the Department of Public Health. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. McGon - agle of Everett, the report was considered forthwith. Joint Rule 12 was suspended; and the petition (accompanied by bill) was referred to the committee on Public Service. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, on Deborah McNamara,— a petition, a Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Deborah McNamara, an sick leave. employee of the Department of Conservation and Recreation (House, 1778 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Deborah No. 4772). Read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steer - McNamara,— sick leave. ing, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading. Subsequently under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. O’Day of West Boylston, the bill (having been reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Leah By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, Reed,— sick leave. on a petition, a Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Leah Reed, an employee of the Department of Developmental Services (House, No. 4771); and Ronald By the same member, for the same committee, on a petition, a Bill Friel,— sick leave. establishing a sick leave bank for Ronald Friel (House, No. 4773); Severally read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported, in each instance, that the matters be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of the rules, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bills severally were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

Worcester,— By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and land. Means, that the House Bill authorizing the transfer of certain parcels of land in the city of Worcester to promote economic development (House, No. 4774), ought to pass. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading. Subsequently under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. O’Day of West Boylston, the bill (having been reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, that the following bills ought to pass: Senate bills Disabled,— Updating terminology and investigative practices related to the pro - protection. tection of persons with a disability (Senate, No. 2168); and Life Relative to principle-based reserving for life insurance (Senate, insurance. No. 2450); and House bills Early support. Strengthening early support and education (House, No. 98); Women,— Establishing a Hampshire-Franklin Commission on the Status of commission. Women (House, No. 1867); and TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2016. 1779

Providing for provisional licensure for speech-language pathologists Speech- language (House, No. 3879); pathologists. Severally referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, reported recommending that the matters be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bills severally were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Lynnfield,— Scheduling, that the House Bill relative to train culverts in the town of culverts. Lynnfield (House, No. 4742, changed), be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, that the following bills ought to pass: To protect access to confidential healthcare (Senate, No. 2138, Healthcare. amended); and Relative to insurance coverage for craniofacial disorders (House, Craniofacial No. 4206); disorders. Severally referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Orders of the Day. The Senate amendment of the House Bill correcting a procedural Uniform Probate omission regarding actions against certain decedents under the Uniform Court,— Probate Court (House, No. 1194), reported by the committee on Bills in decedents. the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was adopted, in concurrence.

The Senate Bill relative to self-storage insurance (Senate, No. 2233, Third reading amended), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to bill. be correctly drawn, was read a third time; and it was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the amendment previously adopted by the House.

House bills Relative to the position of appointed collector in the town of North - Third reading field (House, No. 4583); bills. Establishing a recreation tax in the town of Charlemont (House, No. 4700) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading); Exempting certain positions in the city of Marlborough from the civil service law (House, No. 4746); Establishing a sick leave bank for Ruth Derfler, an employee of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (House, No. 4750); and 1780 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Third Validating the results of the annual town election held in the town reading bills. of Becket on May 16, 2015 (printed in House, No. 4756); Severally reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, were read a third time; and they were passed to be engrossed. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Northfield,— The House Bill relative to the treasurer of the town of Northfield treasurer. (House, No. 4526), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it in section 2, in lines 15, 16 and 17, by striking out the sentence contained in those lines. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4526, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

North Reading,— The House Bill authorizing the Massachusetts Water Resources water suppl y. Author ity to supply water to the town of North Reading (House, No. 4743), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by striking out section 3; and by inserting before the enacting clause the following emergency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to authorize the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority to supply water, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health.”. The amendments were adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4743, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concur - rence.

Kirsten The House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Kirsten Parisi, an Parisi,— sick leave. employee of the Commission for the Blind (House, No. 4768), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speli - otis of Danvers moved to amend it by inserting before the enacting clause the following emergency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to establish forthwith a sick leave bank for a cer - tain employee of the commission for the blind, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preser - vation of the public convenience.”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4768, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Emergency Measures. Irene The engrossed Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Irene Carr, Carr,— sick leave. an employee of the Division of Professional Licensure (see House, No. 4556), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2016. 1781 prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 5 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Subsequently, the Senate having concurred in adoption of the emer - Bill gency preamble, the bill (which originated in the House) was passed enacted. to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

The engrossed Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Henry Clodius, Henry Clodius,— an employee of the Department of Correction (see House, No. 4732), sick leave. having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emer - gency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 5 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Subsequently, the Senate having concurred in adoption of the emer - Bill gency preamble, the bill (which originated in the House) was passed enacted. to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

The engrossed Bill authorizing the transfer of certain parcels of land Worcester,— in the city of Worcester to promote economic development (see House, land. No. 4774), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 3 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Subsequently, the Senate having concurred in adoption of the emer - Bill gency preamble, the bill (which originated in the House) was passed enacted. to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

The engrossed Resolve examining Commonwealth procurement Congo conflict policies relative to Congo conflict minerals (see Senate, No. 2463, minerals. amended), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 5 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Subsequently, the Senate having concurred in adoption of the emer - Resolve gency preamble, the resolve (which originated in the Senate) was passed. passed; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. 1782 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Engrossed Bills. Bill The engrossed Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Cecile Ferrie enacted. an employee of the Department of Correction (see House, No. 4249, amended) (which originated in the House), in respect to which the Senate had concurred in adoption of the emergency preamble, was passed to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

Engrossed bills Bills Relative to performance of work on hydrants and certain compo - enacted. nents of fire protection sprinkler systems (see Senate, No. 2124) (which originated in the Senate); Correcting a procedural omission regarding actions against certain decedents under the Uniform Probate Court (see House, No. 1194, amended); Further regulating the interest rate on sewer assessments in the town of Stoughton (see House, No. 3561); Amending the charter of the town of Nantucket relative to news- paper publication of town meeting warrants (see House, No. 4318); Providing that future members of the police force in the town of Sharon shall be exempt from the civil service law (see House, No. 4338); Authorizing the town of Plymouth to establish an environmental affairs fund (see House, No. 4375); Authorizing the lease or other disposition of certain parcels of land in the city of Boston (see House, No. 4468); Establishing an appointed highway superintendent in the town of Plympton (see House, No. 4531); Authorizing the town of Tisbury to convert certain licenses for the sale of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises to licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises (see House, No. 4594); and Providing for post-employment benefits for school bus drivers in the city of Pittsfield (see House, No. 4763); (Which severally originated in the House); Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

Recess. At five minutes after twelve o’clock noon, on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House recessed subject to the call of the Chair; and at eighteen minutes before three o’clock P.M., the House was called to order with Mr. Donato in the Chair. Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Next Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet sitting. tomorrow at eleven o’clock A.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2016. 1783

At five minutes before three o’clock P.M., on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following day at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. 1784 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). Pledge of At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests allegiance. and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Resolutions. Ryan Resolutions (filed with the Clerk by Mr. Roy of Franklin) congratu - Lawton. lating Ryan Lawton on receiving the Eagle Award of the Boy Scouts of America, were referred under Rule 85, to the committee on Rules. Mr. Galvin of Canton, for said committee, reported that the resolu - tions ought to be adopted. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. McGonagle of Everett, the resolutions (reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn) were considered forthwith; and they were adopted.

Annual Report. Clean The annual report of the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust (under Water Trust. Section 17 of Chapter 29C of the General Laws) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016 [copies of the report were forwarded to the Speaker and the House committee on Ways and Means], was sent to the Senate for its information.

Papers from the Senate. Marijuana,— The House Bill further regulating the cultivation of marijuana and cultivation and sale. marihuana (House, No. 4326) (its title having been changed by the Senate committee on Bills in the Third Reading), came from the Sen - ate passed to be engrossed, in concurrence, with amendments striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text contained in Senate document numbered 2524; and inserting before the enacting clause the following emergency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to ensure the safe implementation of marijuana legalization, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health.”. The amendments were referred, under Rule 35, to the committee on Bills in the Third Reading. Said committee then reported that the amend - ments were correctly drawn; and they were adopted, in concurrence.

Westfield The House Bill designating the Westfield division of the District courthouse. Court of Western Hampden as the John M. Greaney Courthouse (House, No. 1642) (its title having been changed by the Senate commit - tee on Bills in the Third Reading), came from the Senate passed to be WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2016. 1785 engrossed, in concurrence, with an amendment striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following: “SECTION 1. Notwithstanding the physical location of the West - field division of the district court of western Hampden, the Westfield division of the district court of western Hampden shall be designated and known as the John M. Greaney district court in honor of John M. Greaney, who served as associate justice of the supreme judicial court and as chief justice of the appeals court. The division of capital asset management and maintenance shall erect and maintain a suitable marker bearing that designation in compliance with the standards of the division and as may be authorized pursuant to a lease agreement for the Westfield division of the district court of western Hampden. SECTION 2. Nothing in this act shall be construed to be a taking of an interest in the real property leased by the commonwealth for the operation of the Westfield division of the district court of western Hampden.”. The amendment was referred, under Rule 35, to the committee on Bills in the Third Reading.

Report of a Committee. By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Athol,— Scheduling, that the Senate Bill relative to the provision of group health benefits. insurance benefits in the town of Athol (Senate, No. 1967) [Local Approval Received], be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading. Emergency Measure. The engrossed Bill further regulating the cultivation of marijuana Marijuana,— cultivation and marihuana (see House, No. 4326, amended), having been certified and sale. by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 3 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Subsequently, the Senate having concurred in adoption of the emer - Bill gency preamble, the bill (which originated in the House) was passed enacted. to be enacted; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. Engrossed Bills. Engrossed bills Amending the charter of the city known as the town of Greenfield Bills (see House, No. 4003); enacted. Establishing a senior means-tested property tax exemption in the town of Concord (see House, No. 4473, amended); Concerning long-term homeowners in the city of Boston (see House, No. 4571); Authorizing Timothy King to purchase creditable service from the Barnstable county retirement board (see House, No. 4580, amended); 1786 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Bills Authorizing Michael Locke to purchase creditable service from the enacted. Barnstable county retirement board (see House, No. 4581, amended); and Authorizing the city of Everett to establish a linkage fee revolving fund (see House, No. 4754); (Which severally originated in the House); Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

Orders of the Day. Automated The Senate further amendments to the House amendment of the external defibrillators. Senate Bill requiring automated external defibrillators in schools (Senate, No. 2449, amended), were considered. The committee on Bills in the Third Reading reported recommend - ing the House non-concur with the Senate in its further amendments; and the report was accepted. The House then non-concurred with the Senate in its further amend - ments. The bill then was sent to the Senate for its action.

Secondary The Senate amendment of the House Bill regulating secondary metals metals dealings. dealings (House, No. 3806, amended), was considered. The committee on Bills in the Third Reading reported recommend - ing the House non-concur with the Senate in its amendment; and the report was accepted. The House then non-concurred with the Senate in its amendment. The bill then was sent to the Senate for its action.

House bills Third Authorizing the Three Rivers Fire District to continue the employ - reading bills. ment of Michael Matthieu (House, No. 4741); Relative to train culverts in the town of Lynnfield (House, No. 4742, changed); and Authorizing the town of Reading to grant licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages (House, No. 4770); Severally reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, were read a third time; and they were passed to be engrossed. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Third reading The House Bill making changes to certain references in the banking bill amended. laws of the Commonwealth (House, No. 4721), was read a third time. The committee on Bills in the Third Reading reported recommend - ing that the bill be amended by substitution of a Bill relative to banking law (House, No. 4778), which was read. The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Hawle y,— The Senate Bill providing for recall elections in the town of Hawley elections. (Senate, No. 2322, amended), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2016. 1787

Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it in section 2, in line 8, by inserting after the word “signatures” the words “by the registrar of voters”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (Senate, No. 2322, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the amendment.

The House Bill reconciling inconsistent statutory audit schedules Audit (House, No. 4720), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third schedules. Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by striking out section 9. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4720, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. Recess. At ten minutes after twelve o’clock noon, on motion of Mr. Wong of Recess. Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House recessed subject to the call of the Chair; and at one minute before one o’clock P.M., the House was called to order with Mr. Donato in the Chair. Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet Next tomorrow at eleven o’clock A.M. sitting.

At eleven minutes after one o’clock P.M., on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following day at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session. 1788 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE.

Thursday, December 29, 2016. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). Pledge of At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests allegiance. and employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Guest of the House. Daniel At the beginning of the session, the Chair (Mr. Donato of Medford), Ro y. declared a brief recess and introduced Daniel Roy of Weymouth. He was accompanied by his mother, Mary Roy. At the invitation of the Chair, Daniel led the members, guests and employees in the reciting of the pledge of allegiance to the flag. They were the guests of Mr. Murphy of Weymouth. Communication. Gender A communication from the Commissioner of the Division of Insur - equity working ance (see Section 173 of Chapter 133 of the Acts of 2016) submitting group,— a status report on behalf of the Working Group on Gender Equity in report status. Disability Policies indicating that said working group will not be able to file its report by the reporting deadline of December 31, 2016, was placed on file. Monthly Report. Unemployment A monthly report of the Department of Unemployment Assistance Insurance Trust Fund,— (under Section 14F of Chapter 151A of the General Laws) relative to December, the condition of the Commonwealth’s Unemployment Insurance Trust 2016. Fund for December, 2016, was placed on file.

Papers from the Senate. Bills Shalonda Hall,— Establishing a sick leave bank for Shalonda Hall, an employee of sick leave. the Department of Public Health (Senate, No. 2519) (on a petition); Frederick Further regulating the establishment of Peace Day and establishing Douglass. February 20 as Frederick Douglass Day (Senate, No. 2525) (on Senate bill No. 1655); and Westhampton,— Authorizing the town of Westhampton to grant a license for the sale liquor licenses. of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises (Senate, No. 2526) (on Senate bill No. 2413) [Local Approval Received]; Severally passed to be engrossed by the Senate, were read; and they were referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matters be scheduled for consideration by the House. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2016. 1789

Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bills severally were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

Reports of Committees. By Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, that the following Senate bills be scheduled for considera - tion by the House: Establishing an arts, culture and tourism promotion fund in the city of New New Bedford (Senate, No. 2500, amended) [Local Approval Received]; Bedford. and Establishing a sick leave bank for Kristine Schneider, an employee of Kristine Schneider,— the Department of Transitional Assistance (Senate, No. 2510, amended); sick leave. Under suspension of Rule 7A, in each instance, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bills severally were read a second time forthwith; and they were ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, Risk that the Bill relative to risk management and own risk and solvency management. assessment (Senate, No. 2517), ought to pass. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, Employee that the Bill to further define standards of employee safety (Senate, safet y. No. 2190, amended), ought to pass with an amendment striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text contained in House document numbered 4779. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith. The amendment recommended by the committee on Ways and Means then was adopted; and the bill (Senate, No. 2190, amended) was ordered to a third reading.

By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, Recycling. that the Bill relative to recycling (Senate, No. 2389), ought to pass with an amendment striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text contained in House document numbered 4780. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration of the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith. 1790 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Recycling. The amendment recommended by the committee on Ways and Means then was adopted; and the bill (Senate, No. 2389, amended) was ordered to a third reading.

Education By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, collaboratives. that the Bill relative to education collaboratives (House, No. 457), ought to pass with an amendment substituting therefor a bill with the same title (House, No. 4782). Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steer - ing, Policy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration of the House. Under suspension of Rule 7A, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith. The amendment recommended by the committee on Ways and Means then was adopted; and the substituted bill was ordered to a third reading.

Iqbal By Mr. Murphy of Weymouth, for the committee on Public Service, Shahzad,— sick leave. on a petition, a Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Iqbal Shahzad, an employee of the Department of Public Health (House, No. 4777). Read; and referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Pol - icy and Scheduling. Mr. Nangle of Lowell, for said committee, then reported recom - mending that the matter be scheduled for consideration by the House. Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, the bill was read a second time forthwith; and it was ordered to a third reading.

Zero emission By Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill, for the committee on Ways and Means, vehicles. that the Bill promoting zero emission vehicle adoption (Senate, No. 2505), ought to pass with an amendment striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text contained in House document numbered 4781. Referred, under Rule 7A, to the committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

Orders of the Day. John M. The Senate amendment of the House Bill designating the Westfield Greaney Courthouse. division of the District Court of western Hampden as the John M. Greaney Courthouse (House, No. 1642), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was adopted, in concurrence.

Gary The Senate amendment of the House Bill authorizing the town of Sibilia and David Deerfield to continue the employment of police officers Gary Sibilia Gendron. and David Gendron (House, No. 4263, amended), reported by the com - mittee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was adopted, in concurrence.

Grafton,— The Senate amendment of the House Bill exempting officers in the civil service. town of Grafton Police Department from the civil service law (House, No. 4603), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, were adopted, in concurrence. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2016. 1791

Senate bills Relative to the appointment of assistant city clerks in the city of Third reading Gardner (Senate, No. 2002); and bills. Authorizing the town of Spencer to issue certain bonds for terms of 30 years (Senate, No. 2300, amended); Severally reported by the committee on Bills in the Third reading to be correctly drawn, were read a third time; and they were passed to be engrossed, in concurrence.

House bills Relative to membership in regional transit authorities (House, Id. No. 3028); and Establishing a sick leave bank for Ronald Friel, an employee of the Department of Developmental Services (House, No. 4773) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading); Severally reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, were read a third time; and they were passed to be engrossed. Severally sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The Senate Bill relative to serving wine in private clubs (Senate, Private clubs,— No. 2244, amended), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third wine. Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, in concur - rence, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following: “The third paragraph of section 12 of chapter 138 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following 5 sentences:— A member of a club licensed under this section may bring wine to be consumed on the premises with a meal purchased at the club, unless the club objects, which it may do at its sole discretion. At all times the club shall control the handling, serving and dispensing of wine in accordance with this chapter and may refuse to pour wine for any patron for any or for no reason, regardless of whether bottles are opened or unopened. Unopened bottles shall be returned to the patron who shall remove them from the premises at the conclusion of the event, and open bottles shall be returned and resealed in accordance with regulations promulgated by the commission and transported in a manner authorized in section 24I of chapter 90 when carried in a motor vehicle, as defined in section 1 of said chapter 90. The club shall set and charge a reasonable corkage fee, which shall be added to the mem - ber’s meal expense. Such fee shall be set at no less than $30 and shall be applied to each bottle of wine that is opened.”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (Senate, No. 2244, amended) was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the amendment.

The Senate Bill directing the commissioner of Capital Asset Man - Salem Redevelopment agement and Maintenance to convey a certain parcel of land to the Authorit y. Salem Redevelopment Authority (printed as House, No. 2837, amended) (its title having been changed by the committee on Bills in the Third 1792 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Salem Reading), reported by said committee to be correctly drawn, was Redevelopment Authorit y. read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, in concur - rence, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it in section 1, in line 8, by inserting after the word “respectively.” (as published) the following two sentences: “Upon conveyance of the property herein and as a con - dition thereof, the Salem Redevelopment Authority shall simultane - ously create a condominium estate, or other real estate holding interest determined to be satisfactory by the secretary of the commonwealth, and transfer ownership thereof to the commonwealth under the care, custody and control of the secretary of the commonwealth. Said condo - minium estate or other real estate holding interest, determined satisfac - tory by the secretary of the commonwealth, shall consist of the superior courthouse library, the 3 court rooms and the clerk’s office comprising of approximately 18,000 to 20,000 square feet of space for the Essex south registry of deeds, in exchange for which the secretary of the commonwealth shall make annual payments to the Salem Rede - velopment Authority or their designee, in an amount determined annu - ally at the discretion of the secretary to be commensurate with the cost of constructing or leasing said space.”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (printed as House, No. 2837, amended) was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the amendment.

Falmouth,— The House Bill relative to the retirement benefits of retired police John Busb y. officer John R. Busby, Jr. of the Falmouth police department (House, No. 4476), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it in section 1, in line 4, by inserting after the words “equal to” the following: “80 per cent of”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4476, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Greenfield,— The House Bill relative to the board of registrars of voters in the voters. city known as the town of Greenfield (House, No. 4697), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by substitution of a bill with the same title (House, No. 4783), which was read. The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Greenfield,— The House Bill relative to referendum procedures in the city known referendum. as the town of Greenfield (House, No. 4698), reported by the commit - tee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by substitution of a bill with the same title (House, No. 4784), which was read. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2016. 1793

The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The House Bill relative to initiative petitions in the city known as Greenfield,— initiative the town of Greenfield (House, No. 4699), reported by the committee petitions. on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by substitution of a bill with the same title (House, No. 4785), which was read. The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The House Bill increasing the number of licenses for the sale of Medford,— liquor wines and malt beverages in the city of Medford from twenty five to licenses. forty (House, No. 4769), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by substitution of a Bill authorizing the city of Medford to grant 15 additional licenses for the sale of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises (House, No. 4786), which was read. The amendment was adopted; and the substituted bill was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The House Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Leah Reed, an Leah Reed,— employee of the Department of Developmental Services (House, sick leave. No. 4771), reported by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading to be correctly drawn, was read a third time. Pending the question on passing the bill to be engrossed, Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moved to amend it by inserting before the enacting clause the following emergency preamble: “Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to establish forthwith a sick leave bank for a cer - tain employee of the department of developmental services, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immedi - ate preservation of the public convenience.”. The amendment was adopted; and the bill (House, No. 4771, amended) was passed to be engrossed. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Emergency Measures. The engrossed Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Ruth Derfler, Ruth Der fler,— an employee of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Educa - sick leave. tion (see House, No. 4750), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the ques - tion being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 3 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence. 1794 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,

Kirsten The engrossed Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Kirsten Parisi, Parisi,— sick leave. an employee of the Commission for the Blind (see House, No. 4768, amended), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 3 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Deborah The engrossed Bill establishing a sick leave bank for Deborah McNamara,— sick leave. McNamara, an employee of the Department of Conservation and Recreation (see House, No. 4772), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was considered, the question being on adopting the emergency preamble. A separate vote was taken, as required by the provisions of Article XLVIII (as amended by Article LXVII) of the Amendments to the Constitution; and the preamble was adopted, by a vote of 3 to 0. Sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Engrossed Bills and Resolve. Engrossed bills Bills Relative to the appointment of assistant city clerks in the city of enacted. Gardner (see Senate, No. 2002); Authorizing the town of Spencer to issue certain bonds for terms of 30 years (see Senate, No. 2300, amended); Providing for recall elections in the town of Hawley (see Senate, No. 2322, amended); (Which severally originated in the Senate); Designating the Westfield division of the District Court of Western Hampden as the John M. Greaney Courthouse (see House, No. 1642, amended); Authorizing the town of Deerfield to continue the employment of police officers Gary Sibilia and David Gendron (House, No. 4263, amended); Authorizing the city of New Bedford to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises (see House, No. 4306, amended); and Exempting officers in the town of Grafton Police Department from the civil service law (see House, No. 4603, amended); (Which severally originated in the House); Severally having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, were passed to be enacted; and they were signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate.

Resolve The engrossed Resolve establishing a special commission to pre - passed. serve Polish heritage in the Pioneer Valley (see House, No. 4562, amended) (which originated in the House), having been certified by the Clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage, was passed; and it was signed by the acting Speaker and sent to the Senate. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2016. 1795

Recess. At fourteen minutes before twelve o’clock noon, on motion of Recess. Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House recessed subject to the call of the Chair; and at thirteen minutes before three o’clock P.M., the House was called to order with Mr. Donato in the Chair. Order. On motion of Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop,— Ordered , That when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet Next on Tuesday next at eleven o’clock A.M. sitting.

At eighteen minutes after three o’clock P.M., on motion of Mr. Wong of Saugus (Mr. Donato of Medford being the Chair), the House adjourned, to meet the following Tuesday at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session.